“Brexit: UK gives EU ambassador full diplomatic status”
“The Foreign Office had resisted the idea, arguing the EU should not be treated like an independent nation.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57002735
Since when was the EU a separate nation.
Has Bo Jo bottled it , again ?
“Omar Benguit, now in prison for 20yrs.
12 witnesses say they were pressurised & five admit to lying in court ”
Injustice does happen, but BBC helps some causes more than others. https://thejusticegap.com/omar-benguit-a
9pm BBC4 “The 1951 Festival of Britain: A Brave New World”
I wonder what is the BBC take ?
Oh this is the 70th anniversary
so they are simply repeating the 60th anniversary prog.
A history prof tweeted this
3 May 1951. King George VI opened the Festival of Britain on London’s South Bank.
The exhibition celebrated the achievements of the UK throughout history and played host to 8.5 million visitors during the summer.
It also saw the opening of the newly-built Royal Festival Hall
Watched this.
There was a remarkable amount of Caribbean calypso music featured.
I had never realised this was a main feature of the exhibition.
Thank goodness we have the impartial BBC to put us straight on these matters,
MSM is running two anti plod anti white – coloured as victim stories at the moment – one is the loopy coloured ex villa footballer and the other is a loopy 17 year old who was on the receiving and of a now – ex plod – and his ‘baton ‘…
Apparently the cctv and body camera – if released – will pour petrol on the race industry fire ….
…. As I’ve written here before – the MSM BBC – C4 – is desperate for an ‘American ‘type incident here …. Marxist divide and rule in action .
The MSM doesn’t ask why so many coloured folk are loopy ( or in the parlance have ‘mental issues ‘ – is it cultural ? – inherited ? Physiological – Chemical ?)….
Thursday will bring a bit of quiet but then braveheart will be in full flood on Friday ( another divide and rule job ) with the overall strategy of getting the nuclear boats further south ….
The financial demands of the SNP if they win another referendum will be ‘interesting ‘ – and I think they might discover that the English will not be muggedc.
As Karl Marx urged: before you gain control of a country it is necessary to destroy the forces of law and order.
Unfortunately I think the SNP will find the English will be mugged again, so desperate are they to maintain the Union. Don’t misunderstand me, I’d like to see the Union survive, but not at any price.
What fun it would be if there was a second Scottish independence referendum and all of the UK was allowed to vote.
I think wee Krankie is missing a trick.
Londoner – it is strange that whenever the BBC talk about Scotland – England never gets a mention . There is a difference between ‘Westminster ‘ which I always interpret as ‘England ‘ when the SNP uses the term – and ‘the English ‘ ( not describing what I mean too well ) .
It’s as though the SNP hate England and the English so much that they cannot use the words . ( see Gordon brown for more )
Fedup2 – I think it’s correct that the SNP do hate the English, and they’ve had to persuade many Scots, who otherwise didn’t, to do the same, purely for political purposes. People can be very gullible.
I also don’t think it’s any accident that the SNP is a left wing party. Most left wing thought in the UK (including in England) is driven by Anglophobia, even among left wing English people.
And the Welsh Nationalists .
We have a saying in taffland ………
Patriots are people who love their country while “Nationalists” are people that hate other countries.
Living in an SNP constituency, I see it up close and real.
The anti-English hatred is very very deep. It is dressed up as ‘Toaries’ or ‘Boris Johnson’, but make no mistake, it’s anyone English.
There’s a tweet doing the round just now of a hotelier in this area who is posting the messages of cancellation from English customers to his business as they are concerned at the messaging of the SNP.
It is vile, and like 1930’s Germany, I can see rational and sensible people caught up in Krankie’s hate.
If they get a majority today, the next 5 years are going to be hell.
‘Britons stay in Turkey to avoid UK lockdown ‘ says BBC . Maybe they think that ‘Britons ‘ returning from the third world – Pakistan India Bangladesh stopping off in Turkey to get round lock down costs is a good thing …..
TWatO Watch #1 – er, ‘is ‘e puttin’ the frightners on? I’ll ‘ave to ‘ave a word wiv Spiny Norman ….
Slightly sinister segment in the programme this lunchtime: Sarah interviewed (but didn’t ask any real questions) of WHO’s Dr Nabarro. I felt at the time that it was sinister and I – and the rest of the UK – was being threatened. On reflection, I think that impression was correct.
Making light of it, one could be a bit ‘Pythonesque’ with a touch of the Eric Idles. However, Dr Nabarro was really making it clear that coming out of Lockdown on 21st June is not guaranteed and even if we do, future Lockdowns are inevitable as Covid isn’t over yet for the UK and the world. He also made some dark hints about the nature of the viruses facing the world, but needless to say, Supine Sarah was not asking any questions.
I would take a bit of convincing, after today on Radio 4, that China is not currently in a state of undeclared war against the rest of the world.
If ever a BBC so-called ‘Journalist’ or ‘Presenter’ has been derelect in their duty it is this day, 5 May 2021, with Martha Kearney on TOADY and Sarah Montague on TWatO.
Certainly it is ideal for China to commit acts of war without being able to be directly blamed for it .
And if they fixed it for Biden ( the computer side ) then any evidence will be gone now .
I m a pessimist so I wont be surprised if a new bio hazard comes along – after the enemy has seen how well the current one has worked .
Nature may also have a say in affairs
Elsewhere -blighty sends gunboats to Jersey – and – presumably – generators for 100k people …
Fed: “I m a pessimist so I wont be surprised if a new bio hazard comes along” – that is effectively what Nabarro said. What we are dealing with now is not Covid, or at least is not a novel coronavirus.
I thought all that SARS-Cov-2 thing last year was a bit strange. Maybe someone in Wuhan thought it might be a good idea to try mixing the contents of two test tubes together ….. and see what comes out?
If it is a virus, they mutate. They always do, it’s their job.
Here’s an odd one.
There is a much repeated trailer on the BBC for a new series ‘The pursuit of Love’.
The music for the trailer is Bryan Ferry’s 1974 cover version of ‘the In Crowd’.
Now the excellent original was the 1964 ‘Motown-like’ version by Dobie Gray. A black American.
And then in 1965 a super cool piano jazz version by the Ramsey Lewis trio was issued which was a big crossover hit reaching the upper echelons of Billboard. Another black American.
Could the production team not have known of these versions?
The odd thing is to have chosen them would not have been the usual BBC pro-BAME tickbox approach but simply to choose excellence irrespective of BAME status.
But the BBC didn’t choose them.
Maybe excellence in its own right by BAME isn’t sufficiently acceptable in BBCland.
Being seen to be promoting the agenda is what really counts.
I complained to the BBC about their lack of coverage of the London protests on Saturday 24th April.
I have finally got a reply from the BBC:
Dear Annoyed
Thank you for contacting the BBC about our coverage of the Unite for Freedom protest, which took place on Saturday 24th April.
Many marches and protests take place in cities around the UK and unfortunately BBC News is unable to cover all protests that take place. Stories are chosen due to their editorial merit, for instance, if it’s breaking news or an update to a recent news story.
However, BBC News did cover this story, on our evening television bulletins and on our news website:
Please note that we have also covered other anti-lockdown protests previously.
We have shared your concerns with the BBC News team.
Kind regards,
BBC Complaints Team
The web link the BBC provided is from the day after and focuses on the ‘attacks on the police’. The BBC are so arrogant they never admit they are wrong.
“UK sends Royal Navy to patrol Jersey port amid fishing row” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57003069
Why weren’t they deployed to stop the illegal English Channel ‘dinghy invasion’.
The Conservative MPs and their Home Secretary have betrayed the good people of Great Britain.
I suspect we will see this resulting in terrorist attacks?
A Royal Navy vessel was draughted in the early hours of this morning to patrol waters around Jersey amid growing concerns of a possible blockade by French boats. Another one is expected later and both vessels will “monitor the situation”, No 10 said, as tensions build over post-Brexit fishing rights. French fishermen say there have been difficulties obtaining licences since they started being issued last week – meaning they can’t operate in British waters. Under an agreement with the EU, French boat operators must show a history of fishing in the area to receive a licence for Jersey’s waters. So far 41 permits have been granted by the Jersey government to vessels equipped with technology that allows them to be located.
The French government claims the list of approved ships came with further demands that “were not arranged or discussed, and which we were not notified about”. France has since threatened to cut off electricity to the island, and fishermen who claim their rights are being unfairly restricted are due to protest at Jersey’s port of St Helier later. “Any blockade” by French boats would be “completely unjustified”, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said. Our political correspondent Jessica Parker says this row has been brewing for months and it is a very real demonstration of how some of those post-Brexit arrangements are still being worked out in practice.
Nafeesa from da cubicle gardens not perhaps that great wiv English? We all make typos but maybe a mass email deserves a bit of oversight?
And Jessica is either a close relative to Lord Adonis or dating Femi.
When I see the mention of ‘claims’ by the BBC, this tends to mean stuff either not checked or not going to be by Marianna. Surely a matter of record?
I don’t care if maxi is about – let him suck on this……
Repair Shop went woke tonight.
A young man and his mum came in with a small 30 year old teddy for a bit of refurbishing. The young man then started to say what Harry the teddy meant to him. Then we got the full monty – teddy Harry was his ‘comforter’ as he transitioned from female to male, there followed more info about his various operations and how he was ‘feeling’ and what it meant. At one point I thought “oh do shut up ” I want to watch objects being repaired, not a publicity advert for successful transgendering !!! Even the poor stuffed toy ladies looked vaguely embarrassed, but no doubt the BBC thought it a good story to push the woke agenda.
I managed two of that program and couldn’t stick it.
They all start crying when some stranger tells them something about their mother who died not long ago.
One had a signature of her father on a rocking horse and they cried at the end (on camera) because they managed to restore it while keeping the signature intact under the saddle. Even though it had probably been kicking around the shop for a month or two already.
Such a shame : it could have been an interesting program but as usual the BBC luvvies just couldn’t leave it alone.
Brissles, you had me worried there! I honestly expected to find they’d added appendages to the bear, to assist the owner in a female-to-male transition. I was getting visions of the craft workers sewing on bits of curly fur fabric and pink rubber tubing.
I wonder if the programme will inspire a toy manufacturer to produce a range called Transgender Ted – complete with plastic packs of clip-on bits and pieces. Perhaps this is the future of toys? No more dolls with clear gender, just a do-it-yourself job where you can decide from day whether you want Ken or Barbie.
I sometimes watch the programme and I saw last night’s. Just before Harry (iirc) started his confession Al Beeb showed a photo of a quite beautiful little girl who was Harry in his birth gender (did I get the pronouns right?). I started to say to my wife that we are going to hear that Harry is transgendered, and lo and behold, we did.
The bear-stuffing duo, who I generally cannot stand, looked genuinely aghast, not embarrassed IMO.
Peter, I confess when I saw the photo the transgender business never crossed my mind ! – thought it was his sister ! (My mind still thinks of normal things.)
I gave up on Repair Shop after a couple of series as woke set in and the emphasis changed from how to repair an object to emphasis on its ‘backstory’. A friend had assured me that it has been returning to showing more about the repairs but it sounds as though it has floated off again. I won’t return.
Facebook’s Trump ban upheld by Oversight Board for now https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-56985583
The BBC article treats this board like it is some kind of independent Supreme Court whose judgement is unimpeachable.
It was set up by Facebook and Facebook selects the members !!!.
What utter, utter BS.
Covid ‘hate crimes’ against Asian Americans on rise https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56218684
An NO mention from the disgraceful BBC about the fact that black people are the ones doing it and the only time the word ‘racist was used was for the ‘Trump supporter’. Whereas we always get the word ‘black’ when black people are the victims just as we only get the word ‘Muslim’ when they are the victims.
I decided to research each one with google:
1) 84 year old Thai murdered after being pushed to the ground by black man.
2) Oakland 91-year old senior shoved to the ground by black man.
3) 89 year old woman set on fire in Brooklyn. CCTV shows 2 13 year old black boys.
4) Filipino slashed across face in New Yorl subway by black man.
5) Two Asian women stabbed at San Francisco by black man.
At this point I could not be bothered to check any more.
Reading the list, we find the ONLY ‘identification’ of any attacker was an Asian family which was ‘berated with racist slurs by a Trump-supporting tech executive’. Not quite slashed across the face or set on fire is it ?.
Are you there maxi ?.
Lets hear you defend these disgusting agenda based double standards and hypocrisy from the BBC without just resorting to generalised schoolboy spite as you usually do.
You are disgusting people. Go get yourself some ethics.
apparently according libtards when blacks do this to asians its because of trump and white supremacy … I would like to say im joking but unfortunately im not
the logic seems to be blacks who dont believe a word trump says , suddenly get all trumpian and believe the one statement “it comes from chyna” is a call to arms
.. and according to what the Guardian told me, the reason we should not point out it is racist black doing the attacking is that you can’t fight racism with racism.
Ironic because that is EXACTLY what they do.
The BBC regularly post something a bit odd like this:
Covid: Reused nose swab scam busted in Indonesia airport https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-56990253
‘Up to 9,000 passengers at an airport in Medan may have been tested with the reused swab sticks, say police.’
‘the scam – estimated to be around 1.8bn rupiah (£89,700; $124,800) – was used to fund the construction of a lavish house for one of the suspects.’
On amazon, 100 sticks costs $27. I expect 9,000 direct from the manufacturer would be half that.
So total saved (without washing and repackaging costs) would be 90 packs or about $1,215. And still only $2,500 if they bought them from Amazon !.
Is there some anti-Indonesia agenda I am unaware of ?. Or is it clickbait written by another 3/10 BBC journalist ?.
An addendum to Coulter’s Law (Popeye’s Law maybe?)
“When a stabber/stabbing victim in London is not described by his/her occupation (student/plumber/shop assistant etc), they are on benefits”. The BBC seems to stick rigidly to this.
The latest victim in Brent Cross has no such description but, not unusually, is pictured sitting at the wheel of a BMW.
Awaiting the Facebook picture with pistol and banknotes now!
There is a local ‘corner shop of uncertain function’ operator who parks his brand new BMW M3 with illegal blacked out windows in the car park opposite his distribution centre.
The access is actually an exit, and all cars parked in herringbone face out accordingly.
His car faces in, and snags the first slot, and is there all day with no parking sticker.
It might be all, including the wardens, are aware this medical specialist of faith is best left to his own devices.
“UK sends Royal Navy to patrol Jersey amid fishing row with France”
Which side will Al Beeb take?
What next ? The warships are not going to be able to do anything .
Your move Boris.
The polls are open on what has been dubbed “Super Thursday” for the bumper set of elections taking place today. It’s the biggest set of votes since the last general election in 2019 and you’ll most likely be one of up to 48 million people eligible to vote in Britain. Elections are taking place for the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Senedd, and 143 councils and 13 mayors in England. Voters in England and Wales will also choose 39 chief and crime commissioners, while the make-up of the London Assembly is to be decided. And a Westminster by-election is also taking place in Hartlepool. Polling stations are open until 22:00 BST, with results expected over several days.
You might be wondering why there are so many elections, it’s because many were postponed last year due to the pandemic. With restrictions still in place, voting might be a bit different with strict protocols to ensure everyone’s safety. Take a look at this to find out what you can expect at the polling station. There might be queues so wrap up warm because the weather’s forecasted to be chilly with scattered showers and heavy rain in some parts of the UK – and try to remember to take a pen or pencil with you for hygiene reasons (some pencils should be available in the polling station, for anyone who forgets).
We only have PCs to elect. Local shire radio featured an interview.
Central casting from a 70s sitcom could not have bettered it.
Wet Tory incumbent who has done zippy
Incoherent angry Asian Labour
Ditzy Lib Dem wimmin
Col. Mustard for something or other
Hard to muster the energy to elect an overpaid sinecure idiot.
As I write bundles of Labour votes are being put together in a back room of the counting centre in Hartlepool to ‘make up the numbers ‘ …..
……having always been repelled by the Blair / mandelson regime I’ve been wondering if mandelson – such a loved mp in Hartlepool – has turned up during the campaign – or whether he is busy with a young Brazilian ‘friend ‘….
Low turn out me thinks-passed our polling station at 8.45am not a car in the car park and noone in a queue. We sahall no doubt have a detailed report from the BBC for the next two days.
And speaking of a Mole bumper crop… yes, raciiiiism!
Either Rach from the cubicle gardens unhealthy Dept. has located them, or ‘leaders of color’ have located her to produce this tripe based on the kind of ‘belief’ (#bbcquotes) over sensible analysis that sees a Beeboid in Complaints accelerated to Director before you can say ‘got it about right’.
Black leaders blame lower vaccine take-up on racism
Barely a month into England’s coronavirus vaccine programme, a stark inequality began to reveal itself. Black people were less likely than any other group, and half as likely as white people, to have had the jab. By April, 64% of black over-50s had been vaccinated compared with 93% of white people of the same age.
The reasons for this are complex. Unethical medical treatment in the past, ongoing discrimination and personal experiences of insensitive treatment by the NHS are all believed to play a part. But doctors, researchers and campaigners who spoke to the BBC said they feared black communities were being blamed.
It’s fascinating to observe the BBC on a day of elections suddenly take seriously their rules on electioneering.
See this statement from the BBC’s online round up of press frontpages: ‘Some of the newspapers have not been included because the BBC is not allowed to report on any of the election campaigns on polling day‘
That’s quite an admission. So the Licence Fee funded BBC is acknowledging it’s a bit different to the rest of the corporate media who can pick and choose their politics. 364 days a year it’s OK for the BBC to run anything their news editors want but suddenly on one day of the year they have to beware of treading on egg shells.
Our news round up today is therefore sparce fare indeed – but with the odd rare truffle nevertheless.
A student of history can’t help but notice the tendency of insecure governments to enjoy provoking a little military skirmish in order to deflect from domestic woes. Preferably at minor cost. Afterall that’s what the west regularly blames Putin of doing. The Argentinian junta tried to play the game but met their match in Margaret Thatcher who, due to her genuine patriotic resolve, ended up reaping the electoral benefits.
So it is that Boris suddenly discovers we still have a couple of little ships and sends them off to Jersey, making a big splash in the Tory press out of all proportion to their displacement.
‘Boris sends gunboats to defend Jersey. PM: Protest “would be completely unjustified“‘ (Express) – there’s an uncanny equivalence here between the softly softly policing of BLM protests and the come down hard policing of anti-Lockdown protests, with Border Force open door to Channel dinghies and sudden tough stance on French fishermen.
Looks a lot like picking and choosing.
‘Resolute: Mr Johnson at the G7 Summit yesterday‘ (Daily Mail) – and if that isn’t electioneering, you can call me Violet.
Do you know what the BBC will achieve with their illogical election day disclaimer and their posting online the Express and Mail frontpages? They will provoke Lefties into calling the BBC right-wing and will justify the BBC’s otherwise 364-day-a-year Leftism.
For followers of Little Mix we have the exclusive news: ‘We don’t mix anymore‘ (Sun) – is this lockdown compliant social distancing from our diminuitive pop minxes, we wonder? By the way, where did this fabulous term social distancing come from and how did it so suddenly emerge so uniformly across the western world? It takes quite a lot of time, pre-planning and media effort to industrially manufacture and launch a pop group these days and yet social distancing appeared internationally almost – seemingly – organically. Just wondering, that’s all. Anyway, Little Mix have fallen out with one another. Artistic differences, no doubt.
Appropriately the Left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper has: ‘Four pages of puzzles every day‘
The ‘i’ seems to confirm our suspicions: ‘Nearly half of NHS hospitals breach health and safety rules on virus containment‘
I think many of us reliased the slogan Protect the NHS was a bit of a one way affair. Meanwhile the ‘i’ offers: ‘Marriage clinic how to stay loved up after you’ve been locked down‘
By the way, don’t call me Violet. I’m known as vile to my friends hereabouts.
A golden toady moment . I thought I’d listen on a day when they can’t do politics .
So at 0839 Robinson is chatting to an NHS hero in charge of an ITU – the chap made the terrible mistake of saying that medics wanted to work in the ITU and more were asking to join .
Oh dear – Robinson spluttered and quickly dived in to change the subject – In the BBC world ITUs must be understrain , understaffed and under funded . To say anything else is heresy .
By the way – the ITU chap was a head honcho of NHS ITUs .. ouch …..
Meanwhile people with an unglamorous medical ailment might be waiting a while ( not mentioned in this nice chat )…
AISI, basically it is the BBC acting as censor. It is filtering the front pages of the print press. This ought to be a resignation matter for the D-G; even better a reason for the PM to sack him.
The most peculiar thing is that although we are not allowed to see the front pages, the caption and Blog writer(s) refer to the missing newspapers.
It seems to be becoming ever easier to spot the BBC’s selective amnesia when it comes to them wheeling on ‘independent experts’ who are nothing of the kind. Alastair Campbell being particularly prominent.
Big pharma, despite getting the world out of the pandemic with its vaccine production capabilities, is now being urged by global wokes to give away its technology knowhow and patent protection to ….well, everyone. China will be delighted. Think of the espionage costs they will save. And no doubt all manner of third world tin pot dictatorships will be delighted at having means to vaccinate……..well, their favoured buddies for one thing. Not sure the quality control would be up to much, but we’ll pass on that.
To justify this proposal they wheeled out Helen Clark, former NZ PM. Justremainin was suitably reverential.
And surprise, surprise. He forgot to mention she was a socialist, leader of her country’s Labour Party, an advocate of nuclear disarmament, who later become head of the United Nations Development Programme, for which she was proposed by, among others, Gordon Brown.
So not exactly independent. More like a bitter and twisted anti-business socialist that the likes of Corbyn would rather appreciate.
SpaceX Starship prototype makes clean landing https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-57004604
As a software engineer who has worked on rockets and military airplanes, the Starship project by SpaceX gives me goosebumps to watch. It’s a magnificent achievement. Soon we will be at the ‘Flash Gordon’ rocketry stage.
But every single time, the personal dislike the BBC has for Musk makes them try to pour cold water on it.
This time, they delight in making sure we are told of all the previous failures and also that it had a small fire at the base after it landed. The only flaw in a perfect flight.
But not only that, one of their 3 pictures is chosen to show us that small fire – complete with caption in case you missed it in the main story.
This is the problem with the BBC. The staff think it belongs to them and they have no issues at all about using it’s reach for their own petty political agenda.
How long will it be before someone does something about it ?. It seems Boris does not want to get involved with anything which might affect the future of ‘brand Boris’ after misleading us all so badly.
Given the issues I had getting my Jet-X to go up, anywhere, like a North Korean test missile, I agree.
Mr. Musk does seem variably odd, but what he inspires folk to achieve is breathtaking.
As is what the BBC can do with £100,000,000 of TVL extorted funds and shrug off.
For now.
The Local Democracy ‘reporters’ at BBC Shire radio usually get a near 100% #CCBGB response to any efforts on XR, BLM, Antifa or… still, some odd event in Minneapolis, Far West Shropshire.
Assuming anyone even reacts, which to them is likely more damaging.
The comments are a good read. I particularly liked this one:
‘The BBC is not of the traditional Right or Left; it is Leftist; a poisonous combination of intersectional identity politics, postmodernism and a metropolitan socialist utopianism. The reason both those on the Right and the Left complain about the BBC is because it is in fact, biased against both of them, as part of its agenda to promote socially destructive Leftist ideology.’
By someone much better with words than me.
The REAL reason the politicians won’t get rid of the BBC is hidden in the middle:
‘The BBC’s huge role in exporting British values is often overlooked.’
Because of the vast amount of public money they have received, they have a presence in every part of the world and can project British political interests under the facade of being unbiased.
BBC in a tricky situation on the Jersey blockade . It will want to take the French/ EU side but has to defend the threat to turn the juice off .
I guess it will stay silent today in order not to put further fire into brexiters who might be more inclined to go out and vote for Brexit again . …..
‘Our French friends ‘ as used religiously by British politicians has a more than hollow ring to it . With a bit of luck thecReuchEu Helga will invoke some ‘article ‘ again like she did with Northern Ireland and damage the EU even more ….
BBC – look squirrels – now the weather with tamas
shiftyour knackered
Meantime – will the SNP blame a failure to get a clear independence vote on chilly weather?
I guess that the arrival of 2 French gunboats off Jersey means that there are 2 fewer navettes to transport illegal immigrants from France’s hallowed shores to the hellish England.
I wonder what experience of polling stations posters hereabouts have witnessed?
I was greeted this morning by an affable local council employee who inquired as to my health. I was asked whether I might have any relevant symptoms?
[I was tempted to report a possibly terminal case of conservatism – but decided to keep my council, as it were]
There was me thinking it might be difficult to access health services at present. And now we have an entire new slew of council clerks apparently imbued with medical diagnostic responsibilities.
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. The local barman and barmaid are now checking on my identity as their right, whilst private landlords and small employers have been acting in lieu of immigration officials for some time already.
It’s fascinating to watch the State so easily co-opt citizens voluntarily into its bureaucracy of control. They seem to like it.
We have voted today but only PC. Saw friends outside and as we chatted (socially distanced of course) there was a steady stream of voters into the village hall. We took our own pencils much to the relief of the people behind the desk and plastic ‘glass’. Apparently they had pencils but would have to sanitize them if we had used them. But we had a cheery ‘hello’ and exchanged a few words. If only it had been an election worth voting in. If I could have voted to get both Khan and the fish woman out it would have been a lot more enjoyable.
For me, its the same venue where I received my second Covid jab. So, I asked if this is where I come for my third Covid………….
I followed that by telling them I expected to be surrounded by children. (Wales)………….
I read somewhere recently, it could have on this site,the very prescient remark that , ‘ in the early stages of the post democratic society that we are living in it doesn’t matter how many people vote or even who they vote for, what matters is who is counting the votes’.
Double – yes that was me . Once the counting procedure is subverted only one brand will stay in power . I bet a lot of players in so called democracies around the planet have bought the Biden playbook .
Ironically I think one of the few reasons the UK system hasn’t wholekt gone by now is because it is ‘low tech ‘ – I assumed the Brexit vote would be fixed by the ‘great and good ‘ but then they couldn’t over come the simple X system – maybe they are getting there…
Double – no apology needed . Without mandatory identification – the ending of postal voting – and proper investigation of voting fraud we are sinking .
The levels of corruption allowed by the self serving political class is – amazing – really . An MP with more than one job ? Wtf ? How are they representing their constituency – and this applies to any ‘Party’. …. As for the Lords – well…
And a political driven ‘electoral commission ‘ just adds to it …
Even though I know full well how we all love the BBC ! I trust you good people will not mind my relating a story off point I heard today by, those chaps attending our local council tip. The men that work at this tip are a decent helful lot generally, however and this you may not believe or comprehend, these men working at the tip have had to sign a contract in which it was stated that they were not repeat not to help people who come to unload their rubbish. Yes I know ludicrous, nevertheless one council tip worker call him A, went to help an elderly lady who was wanting to off load some ralatively small pieces-two chairs and a small wooden table-having done so a much younger man nearby was noted to say to A, ‘that if you help her, you must help me’, A took no notice. Later A was reprimanded by a council official-apparently this younger man had reported the incident of A helping this elderly lady. Apart from that nasty swab making the report, what have we come to in this once decent reasonably compassionate country, when a person let alone elderly can’t be helped. I just can’t be bothered to vote knowing the tripe being pushed at us.
Tarien, because in the last 25 years we have spawned a generation of sh…ts, who think its ok to ‘cancel’ anything they don’t like, have no concept of good manners, ‘mature’ at a much later age (like 40), and whose level of intelligence hasn’t risen beyond infants school. Ask anyone under 30 who was the last American President to be assassinated, and you’ll see what I mean.
Oh yes Brissles I see absolutely what you mean. Personally the subjugation and control of the European Union over the past 45 years has had much to do with what this nation is now-how compliant the nation has become following the oppressive Scientific consensus; so suspect. Unless using the NHS N95 masks especially designed for hospital work, the present direction that masks which have but the lowest percentage of protection, are of little value but irrespective must be worn for all those working in retail, shops, bars, et al are from the specialist articles I have read, will not stop particle transmission. I see people wearing a mask out in the fresh air wearing a mask! Daft-There you have it compliance/subjugation, enslavement. Very concerned as to where all this is leading-what about you?
Well, I believe that if this generation continue down the path of being unwilling to debate, being bombastic and dogmatic in their opinions, then in less than 50 years time their own children could be living under a dystopian regime that they have created by their actions now. Let them reap what they sow. I comfort myself that I have lived in the best of times, so they can get on with it.
Yes Brissles, I am of the same opinion and certainly consider that like you I lived at a great time-50s 60’s and early 70’s when newly married- I was born in Middlesex then because of my father’s business moved to the centre of the West End, what a place to be in those times, but by heck not now. Could talk about those times but won’t too depressing. Had to pass through London in 2019 and truly was shocked-people of all sorts tearing all around me-the tube was horrendous-sorry, boring you.
T. Not boring at all. There are few places where one can talk to ‘like minded’, and this is one of them. I too get depressed, but its seeing those pop groups and film stars I grew up with, looking so bloody old !!! lol !
Think young, think sexy, never say die-so stand up straight, chest out, chin in, best foot forward and just mind the step! Age? I won’t give it an inch-get behind me satan. Keep smiling. Seriously we do live in very confusing and indeed somewhat dangerous times. The power of money is holding the whip hand.
T: Your mention of the tube reminds me of this evocative film of the tube and how it used to be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Y3KfJs6T0
I hope the link works. Don’t know if links can be posted on here. It’s powerful nostalgic stuff. In addition to the tube, it has striking images of street scenes, people and events. You may not want to watch it if you think you would find potent images and sense of the past overwhelming.
“Microwaving the White House: Enemies Are Now Sonic Attacking Americans from American Soil”
This could account for the (Far) leftists behaviour:
(NB raises the observation: no graduations on the “Far Right” scale whereas, “Far Left” is really “Marxism” &/or “Communism” on that side. Needs a more accurate definition for the right hand side)
It is a long time since I have missed voting in an election. But this time I lack the evidence on which to base my vote. I cannot work out which is the best or worse company of developers behind the respective Lab, Lib, Con local parties.
“Can I take a selfie at the polling station?”
The local XR group are encouraging people to walk or cycle to the polling station and take a picture of yourself outside with how you got there.
It’s times like this I wish I had an actual account on twitter and I’d and be able to reply ‘And don’t forget to wrap up warm as it’s bl00dy chilly out there! And if you’re in the Highlands might be worth taking a snow shovel with you’
Fed up- I voted for Lawrence Fox for mayor as well. Apparently
the certain ethnic groups who wont take the jab, is because
of racism according to the BBC.
They need somebody like Stormzy to convince them,
by rapping to them, that the vacc jab is better for them
than smack. It wont make them high. But Reezer and
Lisa won’t die from the Chinese diseaser.
“About 60 French and Jersey boats are blocking the island’s St Helier port, with a freight vessel unable to leave.” And two paragraphs further “HMS Severn, which has previously been used to shadow Russian navy warships off the English coast, can be seen from the port, sitting off about a mile from the French boats.” At this point the reference to the Jersey boats has disappeared.
So why has the BBC said “About 60 French and Jersey boats are blocking the island’s St Helier port” I can’t find any Jersey boats, and why would Jersey boats blockade their own harbour, especially after France threatened to cut off power to Jersey and has blocked imports from Jersey?
I can’t find any other reference to Jersey boats blockading Jersey anywhere. My only conclusion is that the BBC is trying to give the impression that Jersey sides with France against the UK, while simultaneously having to report on France’s threats to Jersey.
I could be wrong that Jersey boats are blockading Jersey, and if anybody can find a reference I want to read it. Either that or the BBC is straightforward lying at a time when military ships are involved against UK interests.
A piece about Trumps ban from Facebook and Twitter just been on BBC News.Apparently he was banned from Twitter the day after the ‘deadly riot’ at the Capitol for seeming to endorse it.And in reply to Facebooks ban they briefly showed a couple of replies from him but instead of saying he replied the reporter said ‘he lashed out’.
I’ve noticed that the BBC when reporting on Trump and people on the right they often say they ‘lashed out’ or ‘attacked’ but when reporting on leftists they say ‘replied’ or criticized’
Just more evidence of bias and trying to make out that those on the right are violent thugs!
TWATo today. Lady Brooke aka Miss Shouty aka Sarah Montague talking over the head of the Jersey fishermen’s association and the Jersey European Affairs spokesman.
I think the point Shouty wanted to drown out was that for more than 20 years the Jersey folk were asking for accurate records of the Froggy catch in their (Jersey) waters. It would seem that the sketchy (ie lying, understated) records they did deign to keep were sufficient to provide only the number of licences graciously granted by Jersey.
We have known for years that French, Spanish, Dutch you name it, fisher pirates have plundered our waters. Only now are the French found out, and because it is to their disadvantage, they are screaming.
Miss Shouty aka aka seemed very much on the French side, but then would you expect anything else from Al Beeb?
The way things are now the UK government will pay ‘compensation ‘ to the French for them to remove their trawlers from British waters and stealing British fish .
Can anyone tell me if the two French navy water taxis are in UK territorial waters in their mission to ‘save lives at sea’?
If they are, why can our Border Force/RN vessels not enter French waters to head off the illegals hell bent on getting to the UK and in so doing risking their lives, and generously return them to Frogland?
After all…..France has got a huge chunk of the Atlantic to go at! Oops sorry……there’s a lot of fish over the continental shelf in the Channel. Well tough, that’s just geography.
I wonder if she ll get to the airport without having an ‘accident ‘. ?
Never a shortage of woke journos …
It’s just such a shame that so many politicians / interviewees buckle and are subservient to BBC types – to see it being dished out – even as mildly as this is exceptional .
I’d be sitting their with all the details of her earnings ….
TWatO Watch #1 – be careful of the impression you leave people with, BBC
AISI has refered above to the incongruity of the BBC Blog, the Front Pages (of the print press) having six titles missing for the spurious reason that elections are taking place today. Yet the BBC chooses to include two titles that show the PM being ‘robust’ with the French and the Blog writer makes reference to it. Therefore, the independent minded person might claim the BBC have favoured the present Government and its political Party, The Conservative Party.
TWatO chose to cover the same news item at length. They even had a BBC reporter – I think – on one of the French fishing vessels blockading, for a short time, the port of St Helier.
I admit to being biased against the BBC but I was left with a distinct impression that the TWatO was on the side of the French and not on the side of the people of Jersey.
TWatO Watch #2 – once again, be careful of the impression you leave people with, BBC
Another item on TWatO this lunchtime was about the move by ISIS westward into Africa and the Sahel countries. Taking part was Frank Gardner, who commented – in his role as BBC Security Correspondent – after some contributions by a South African brother of a victim of ISIS in Mozambique and a female French (I assume due to French name) academic who spoke immaculate English.
Before I add my impression, here is an extract of an article by Neville Hodgkinson on the Conservative Woman web-site today:
“But a new book, Covid-19 and the Global Predators – We Are the Prey, by Peter and Ginger Breggin, is forcing me to think again. It makes the case that we are indeed victims of a conspiracy – not so much a well-thought-out plot as powerful interests coming together in such a way as to exploit a belief shared by millions.
This belief holds that we live in such an inter-related world that it no longer makes sense to try to protect national boundaries, either physically or ideologically, and that East and West must come together, through the application of scientific understanding, to secure a better future.”
That is the impression that I was left with after Frank Gardner had finished and the programme moved on to another item. The BBC are very much lobbyists for a denationalised, border-less world. Which is strange when they also lobby on behalf of a National Socialist Party in Scotland; a Party whose leader was forced to admit recently that independence would mean a hard border between Scotland and England & Wales.
‘Six women have been killed in just five weeks in Sweden, reigniting debates about domestic violence in a country usually praised for its gender equality. The deaths span three regions and three generations, but in almost all cases there has been a common thread: the arrest of a man they had had a close relationship with.’
‘The teenager [18-year-old daughter Emma-Louise Jansson, who’s out shopping in Flemingsberg] says the recent killings have amplified wider worries about women’s safety in the area, where she rarely goes out alone. “I am not so safe… Because there’s so [many] people that kill around here.”‘
But how is it that domestic violence is so scary for you when you are out in public? Domestic violence can’t be done by strangers.
‘In 2020, 16,461 assault cases were reported against women in a close relationship in Sweden. That is a 15.4% rise on the 2019 figure of 14,261, reported by the National Council for Crime Prevention.’
One tends not to have a close relationship with strangers. So I think we have to question the conflation of the two issues of domestic violence and women’s fear of men outside of the home.
Or, maybe there’s another aspect to the debate we only reach halfway through the BBC report?
‘One major political sticking point is whether the recent violence should be connected to Sweden’s recent wave of immigration.’
Take a deep breath….
John Mortimer’s creation Rumpole of the Bailey described standing advocate in court for the defence in a rape trial as like walking out into a winter snow storm. One can’t help but feel for the BBC journo braving the icy cold of an article on Swedish recent immigration and its effects on the numbers of offences against women.
‘In a televised party leader debate last week, the leader of the nationalist Sweden Democrats Jimmie Akesson called for a crackdown on what he described as “imported values” that sanction violence against women.’
‘”People who live here, they don’t want to accept like Swedish laws,” says one 25-year-old woman who asks not to be named.’
‘Sweden’s Gender Equality Minister Marta Stenevi says that Sweden does have a problem with so-called “honour crimes”, which are committed to protect or defend the supposed reputation of a family or extended community. But she believes labelling violence towards women as an “immigrant issue” is “really, really diminishing the problem”, describing violence against women as “deeply, deeply rooted” throughout Swedish society. ‘
OK, I think the BBC played that one with a reasonably straight bat.
‘Jenny Westerstrand at Roks believes that at least some of the latest violence may be connected to the pandemic.’
Blaming it on the virus was worth a punt, I suppose.
I’ve long been of the view that there is a natural order of things. Humans can try and shift the various ‘lines’ in the sand as much as they want but, inevitably, as the pendulum, the issues will eventually swing back to a level commensurate with human development and maturity. It’s just uncomfortable when positioned in one or other extremes before ‘normalising’ again. Trouble is, right now, too many extremes are being forced against what’s natural and I have no idea how the situation can be remedied.
I know where that pic came from. Phillip was shadowboxing, Rigsby walked in without warning, tripped over Vienna the cat and got KO’d by accident. I’m pretty sure Ms Jones brought him back to life.
New features in the election. Bring yer own pencils is one. Another is taking a photo of your ballot paper.
Something we have learnt from US elections.
6pm tv news – dismal news for the BBC – a 7% growth in the UK economy – it was looking forward to widespread unemployment – riots on the streets – and plenty of blame aimed at the enemy – the red Tories and brexiters …
….meanwhile – signs of Brexit denial continues – the BBC doesn’t seem to want to admit that the French no longer have unrestricted right to steal British fish …. I for one look forward to mass unemployment of French fishermen – that’s what Brexit means ….
And as might be expected the BBC takes the French side on its news report. What else would you expect ! ‘ devastated livelihoods’ of French boats but no mention of what the EU taking our fish since we joined the EU did to what used to be the British fishing fleet. We can decide if we want to instigate new conservation measures in our waters if we want to. They will have to just get used to it.
Elsewhere I read that the French were given licences according to what they declared they had fished before. Apparently in the past when it suited them to, they declared they fished much less than they actually did ! Their tall tales ‘ oh no, I hardly caught any fish in your waters dont worry’ over previous years have come home to roost ! A bit like self employed people dodging income tax previously then trying to claim furlough and finding they get less as they paid less tax than they actually owed when it suited them to !
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 X misinformation prize winner – claim that the car which killed at least 2 people was driven by an afgee…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Richard – always on the pulse – I think withdrawing from NATO completely would be extreme – but certainly cutting…
Richard PinderMar 3, 18:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Trump will probably say: (1) We will withdraw from and stop funding the NATO Military Command Structure and bureaucracy, but…
MarcoMar 3, 18:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so are Europe ,the loons in parliament are deluded and I am…
Mrs KittyMar 3, 17:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I struggled through season 1 with him and Mr Kitty asked me if I wanted him to record season 2,…
tomoMar 3, 17:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I re-watched some of the Oval Office stuff – high as a kite, involuntarily sniffling – seen it before….
Fedup2Mar 3, 17:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Just think – if the US pulls out of NATO those RAF bases they lease can become the third /…
“Brexit: UK gives EU ambassador full diplomatic status”
“The Foreign Office had resisted the idea, arguing the EU should not be treated like an independent nation.”
Since when was the EU a separate nation.
Has Bo Jo bottled it , again ?
BBC PR bragging they have been nominated for awards from oneworldmedia.org.uk
Probably funded by BBC and Soros anyway.
The thread has about 8 awards
10:45 BBC1 “Alibi For Omar” BBC3 doco
“Omar Benguit, now in prison for 20yrs.
12 witnesses say they were pressurised & five admit to lying in court ”
Injustice does happen, but BBC helps some causes more than others.
‘Pressurised’? ‘Pressured’, surely. Never let grammar get in the way of promoting the agenda. Shoddy, lazy and ignorant.
9pm BBC2 The Britney doco
9pm BBC4 “The 1951 Festival of Britain: A Brave New World”
I wonder what is the BBC take ?
Oh this is the 70th anniversary
so they are simply repeating the 60th anniversary prog.
A history prof tweeted this
3 May 1951. King George VI opened the Festival of Britain on London’s South Bank.
The exhibition celebrated the achievements of the UK throughout history and played host to 8.5 million visitors during the summer.
It also saw the opening of the newly-built Royal Festival Hall
Watched this.
There was a remarkable amount of Caribbean calypso music featured.
I had never realised this was a main feature of the exhibition.
Thank goodness we have the impartial BBC to put us straight on these matters,
MSM is running two anti plod anti white – coloured as victim stories at the moment – one is the loopy coloured ex villa footballer and the other is a loopy 17 year old who was on the receiving and of a now – ex plod – and his ‘baton ‘…
Apparently the cctv and body camera – if released – will pour petrol on the race industry fire ….
…. As I’ve written here before – the MSM BBC – C4 – is desperate for an ‘American ‘type incident here …. Marxist divide and rule in action .
The MSM doesn’t ask why so many coloured folk are loopy ( or in the parlance have ‘mental issues ‘ – is it cultural ? – inherited ? Physiological – Chemical ?)….
Thursday will bring a bit of quiet but then braveheart will be in full flood on Friday ( another divide and rule job ) with the overall strategy of getting the nuclear boats further south ….
The financial demands of the SNP if they win another referendum will be ‘interesting ‘ – and I think they might discover that the English will not be muggedc.
As Karl Marx urged: before you gain control of a country it is necessary to destroy the forces of law and order.
Unfortunately I think the SNP will find the English will be mugged again, so desperate are they to maintain the Union. Don’t misunderstand me, I’d like to see the Union survive, but not at any price.
What fun it would be if there was a second Scottish independence referendum and all of the UK was allowed to vote.
I think wee Krankie is missing a trick.
Londoner – it is strange that whenever the BBC talk about Scotland – England never gets a mention . There is a difference between ‘Westminster ‘ which I always interpret as ‘England ‘ when the SNP uses the term – and ‘the English ‘ ( not describing what I mean too well ) .
It’s as though the SNP hate England and the English so much that they cannot use the words . ( see Gordon brown for more )
Fedup2 – I think it’s correct that the SNP do hate the English, and they’ve had to persuade many Scots, who otherwise didn’t, to do the same, purely for political purposes. People can be very gullible.
I also don’t think it’s any accident that the SNP is a left wing party. Most left wing thought in the UK (including in England) is driven by Anglophobia, even among left wing English people.
And the Welsh Nationalists .
We have a saying in taffland ………
Patriots are people who love their country while “Nationalists” are people that hate other countries.
Living in an SNP constituency, I see it up close and real.
The anti-English hatred is very very deep. It is dressed up as ‘Toaries’ or ‘Boris Johnson’, but make no mistake, it’s anyone English.
There’s a tweet doing the round just now of a hotelier in this area who is posting the messages of cancellation from English customers to his business as they are concerned at the messaging of the SNP.
It is vile, and like 1930’s Germany, I can see rational and sensible people caught up in Krankie’s hate.
If they get a majority today, the next 5 years are going to be hell.
‘Britons stay in Turkey to avoid UK lockdown ‘ says BBC . Maybe they think that ‘Britons ‘ returning from the third world – Pakistan India Bangladesh stopping off in Turkey to get round lock down costs is a good thing …..
TWatO Watch #1 – er, ‘is ‘e puttin’ the frightners on? I’ll ‘ave to ‘ave a word wiv Spiny Norman ….
Slightly sinister segment in the programme this lunchtime: Sarah interviewed (but didn’t ask any real questions) of WHO’s Dr Nabarro. I felt at the time that it was sinister and I – and the rest of the UK – was being threatened. On reflection, I think that impression was correct.
Making light of it, one could be a bit ‘Pythonesque’ with a touch of the Eric Idles. However, Dr Nabarro was really making it clear that coming out of Lockdown on 21st June is not guaranteed and even if we do, future Lockdowns are inevitable as Covid isn’t over yet for the UK and the world. He also made some dark hints about the nature of the viruses facing the world, but needless to say, Supine Sarah was not asking any questions.
I would take a bit of convincing, after today on Radio 4, that China is not currently in a state of undeclared war against the rest of the world.
If ever a BBC so-called ‘Journalist’ or ‘Presenter’ has been derelect in their duty it is this day, 5 May 2021, with Martha Kearney on TOADY and Sarah Montague on TWatO.
Certainly it is ideal for China to commit acts of war without being able to be directly blamed for it .
And if they fixed it for Biden ( the computer side ) then any evidence will be gone now .
I m a pessimist so I wont be surprised if a new bio hazard comes along – after the enemy has seen how well the current one has worked .
Nature may also have a say in affairs
Elsewhere -blighty sends gunboats to Jersey – and – presumably – generators for 100k people …
What is it about the French ?
Fed: “I m a pessimist so I wont be surprised if a new bio hazard comes along” – that is effectively what Nabarro said. What we are dealing with now is not Covid, or at least is not a novel coronavirus.
I thought all that SARS-Cov-2 thing last year was a bit strange. Maybe someone in Wuhan thought it might be a good idea to try mixing the contents of two test tubes together ….. and see what comes out?
If it is a virus, they mutate. They always do, it’s their job.
Here’s an odd one.
There is a much repeated trailer on the BBC for a new series ‘The pursuit of Love’.
The music for the trailer is Bryan Ferry’s 1974 cover version of ‘the In Crowd’.
Now the excellent original was the 1964 ‘Motown-like’ version by Dobie Gray. A black American.
And then in 1965 a super cool piano jazz version by the Ramsey Lewis trio was issued which was a big crossover hit reaching the upper echelons of Billboard. Another black American.
Could the production team not have known of these versions?
The odd thing is to have chosen them would not have been the usual BBC pro-BAME tickbox approach but simply to choose excellence irrespective of BAME status.
But the BBC didn’t choose them.
Maybe excellence in its own right by BAME isn’t sufficiently acceptable in BBCland.
Being seen to be promoting the agenda is what really counts.
I complained to the BBC about their lack of coverage of the London protests on Saturday 24th April.
I have finally got a reply from the BBC:
Dear Annoyed
Thank you for contacting the BBC about our coverage of the Unite for Freedom protest, which took place on Saturday 24th April.
Many marches and protests take place in cities around the UK and unfortunately BBC News is unable to cover all protests that take place. Stories are chosen due to their editorial merit, for instance, if it’s breaking news or an update to a recent news story.
However, BBC News did cover this story, on our evening television bulletins and on our news website:
Please note that we have also covered other anti-lockdown protests previously.
We have shared your concerns with the BBC News team.
Kind regards,
BBC Complaints Team
The web link the BBC provided is from the day after and focuses on the ‘attacks on the police’. The BBC are so arrogant they never admit they are wrong.
Telling it often enough may be losing steam.
Truth and freedom, from the Beeb. That Timmy Davie really is a c**k.
The WestWyvern
What Tory MP fixed it to get him in that job?
Great Britain would be a much better country if those people that hated it just left.
“UK sends Royal Navy to patrol Jersey port amid fishing row”
Why weren’t they deployed to stop the illegal English Channel ‘dinghy invasion’.
The Conservative MPs and their Home Secretary have betrayed the good people of Great Britain.
I suspect we will see this resulting in terrorist attacks?
Provisional BBC radio 5 news ran the RN patrol as the headline.
They ran a sound bite from a resident fisherman on Jersey called LeMeseuirer who was on the side of the French.
Well they would, wouldn’t they. The BBC. As anti British they come.
The usless cowardly tories, really really should defund these bastards.
BBC Moaning Emole in complement.
By Nafeesa Shan
Royal Navy patrols Jersey amid fishing row
Story detail
A Royal Navy vessel was draughted in the early hours of this morning to patrol waters around Jersey amid growing concerns of a possible blockade by French boats. Another one is expected later and both vessels will “monitor the situation”, No 10 said, as tensions build over post-Brexit fishing rights. French fishermen say there have been difficulties obtaining licences since they started being issued last week – meaning they can’t operate in British waters. Under an agreement with the EU, French boat operators must show a history of fishing in the area to receive a licence for Jersey’s waters. So far 41 permits have been granted by the Jersey government to vessels equipped with technology that allows them to be located.
The French government claims the list of approved ships came with further demands that “were not arranged or discussed, and which we were not notified about”. France has since threatened to cut off electricity to the island, and fishermen who claim their rights are being unfairly restricted are due to protest at Jersey’s port of St Helier later. “Any blockade” by French boats would be “completely unjustified”, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said. Our political correspondent Jessica Parker says this row has been brewing for months and it is a very real demonstration of how some of those post-Brexit arrangements are still being worked out in practice.
Nafeesa from da cubicle gardens not perhaps that great wiv English? We all make typos but maybe a mass email deserves a bit of oversight?
And Jessica is either a close relative to Lord Adonis or dating Femi.
When I see the mention of ‘claims’ by the BBC, this tends to mean stuff either not checked or not going to be by Marianna. Surely a matter of record?
“So far 41 permits have been granted by the Jersey government to vessels equipped with technology that allows them to be located.”
I say, withdraw those 41 and let them fight it out amongst themselves!
Not BBC, but this Mail headline was… very media.
BREAKING NEWS: ‘This is like an invasion’: Now Macron sends military boat racing towards Jersey for stand-off with Royal Navy
Troll Patrol report – look out, look, maxincony is about.
Why should we worry about a Lefty who writes like a spiteful schoolboy ?. I feel a bit sorry for him and the miserable world he lives in.
I don’t care if maxi is about – let him suck on this……
Repair Shop went woke tonight.
A young man and his mum came in with a small 30 year old teddy for a bit of refurbishing. The young man then started to say what Harry the teddy meant to him. Then we got the full monty – teddy Harry was his ‘comforter’ as he transitioned from female to male, there followed more info about his various operations and how he was ‘feeling’ and what it meant. At one point I thought “oh do shut up ” I want to watch objects being repaired, not a publicity advert for successful transgendering !!! Even the poor stuffed toy ladies looked vaguely embarrassed, but no doubt the BBC thought it a good story to push the woke agenda.
I managed two of that program and couldn’t stick it.
They all start crying when some stranger tells them something about their mother who died not long ago.
One had a signature of her father on a rocking horse and they cried at the end (on camera) because they managed to restore it while keeping the signature intact under the saddle. Even though it had probably been kicking around the shop for a month or two already.
Such a shame : it could have been an interesting program but as usual the BBC luvvies just couldn’t leave it alone.
Brissles, you had me worried there! I honestly expected to find they’d added appendages to the bear, to assist the owner in a female-to-male transition. I was getting visions of the craft workers sewing on bits of curly fur fabric and pink rubber tubing.
I wonder if the programme will inspire a toy manufacturer to produce a range called Transgender Ted – complete with plastic packs of clip-on bits and pieces. Perhaps this is the future of toys? No more dolls with clear gender, just a do-it-yourself job where you can decide from day whether you want Ken or Barbie.
Helena (good to hear from you again) – I wouldn’t mind betting those type of toys are in production as we speak. !
“Anatomically correct.”
I sometimes watch the programme and I saw last night’s. Just before Harry (iirc) started his confession Al Beeb showed a photo of a quite beautiful little girl who was Harry in his birth gender (did I get the pronouns right?). I started to say to my wife that we are going to hear that Harry is transgendered, and lo and behold, we did.
The bear-stuffing duo, who I generally cannot stand, looked genuinely aghast, not embarrassed IMO.
Peter, I confess when I saw the photo the transgender business never crossed my mind ! – thought it was his sister ! (My mind still thinks of normal things.)
I gave up on Repair Shop after a couple of series as woke set in and the emphasis changed from how to repair an object to emphasis on its ‘backstory’. A friend had assured me that it has been returning to showing more about the repairs but it sounds as though it has floated off again. I won’t return.
“… the emphasis changed from how to repair an object to emphasis on its ‘backstory’.”
Or should that perhaps be ‘Blackstory’?
Facebook’s Trump ban upheld by Oversight Board for now
The BBC article treats this board like it is some kind of independent Supreme Court whose judgement is unimpeachable.
It was set up by Facebook and Facebook selects the members !!!.
What utter, utter BS.
So, like the ECU?
And if actually bumped to the Joe six packed SC, OFCOM.
Covid ‘hate crimes’ against Asian Americans on rise
An NO mention from the disgraceful BBC about the fact that black people are the ones doing it and the only time the word ‘racist was used was for the ‘Trump supporter’. Whereas we always get the word ‘black’ when black people are the victims just as we only get the word ‘Muslim’ when they are the victims.
I decided to research each one with google:
1) 84 year old Thai murdered after being pushed to the ground by black man.
2) Oakland 91-year old senior shoved to the ground by black man.
3) 89 year old woman set on fire in Brooklyn. CCTV shows 2 13 year old black boys.
4) Filipino slashed across face in New Yorl subway by black man.
5) Two Asian women stabbed at San Francisco by black man.
At this point I could not be bothered to check any more.
Reading the list, we find the ONLY ‘identification’ of any attacker was an Asian family which was ‘berated with racist slurs by a Trump-supporting tech executive’. Not quite slashed across the face or set on fire is it ?.
Are you there maxi ?.
Lets hear you defend these disgusting agenda based double standards and hypocrisy from the BBC without just resorting to generalised schoolboy spite as you usually do.
You are disgusting people. Go get yourself some ethics.
apparently according libtards when blacks do this to asians its because of trump and white supremacy … I would like to say im joking but unfortunately im not
the logic seems to be blacks who dont believe a word trump says , suddenly get all trumpian and believe the one statement “it comes from chyna” is a call to arms
.. and according to what the Guardian told me, the reason we should not point out it is racist black doing the attacking is that you can’t fight racism with racism.
Ironic because that is EXACTLY what they do.
The BBC regularly post something a bit odd like this:
Covid: Reused nose swab scam busted in Indonesia airport
‘Up to 9,000 passengers at an airport in Medan may have been tested with the reused swab sticks, say police.’
‘the scam – estimated to be around 1.8bn rupiah (£89,700; $124,800) – was used to fund the construction of a lavish house for one of the suspects.’
On amazon, 100 sticks costs $27. I expect 9,000 direct from the manufacturer would be half that.
So total saved (without washing and repackaging costs) would be 90 packs or about $1,215. And still only $2,500 if they bought them from Amazon !.
Is there some anti-Indonesia agenda I am unaware of ?. Or is it clickbait written by another 3/10 BBC journalist ?.
Where did JonDon row to in his canoe?
Still, if those swabs were washed in your average Jakartan tributary they would likely dissolve.
Indonesia : where they take pictures of plastic waste to justify new greenery laws and charges here.
An addendum to Coulter’s Law (Popeye’s Law maybe?)
“When a stabber/stabbing victim in London is not described by his/her occupation (student/plumber/shop assistant etc), they are on benefits”. The BBC seems to stick rigidly to this.
The latest victim in Brent Cross has no such description but, not unusually, is pictured sitting at the wheel of a BMW.
Awaiting the Facebook picture with pistol and banknotes now!
There is a local ‘corner shop of uncertain function’ operator who parks his brand new BMW M3 with illegal blacked out windows in the car park opposite his distribution centre.
The access is actually an exit, and all cars parked in herringbone face out accordingly.
His car faces in, and snags the first slot, and is there all day with no parking sticker.
It might be all, including the wardens, are aware this medical specialist of faith is best left to his own devices.
“UK sends Royal Navy to patrol Jersey amid fishing row with France”
Which side will Al Beeb take?
What next ? The warships are not going to be able to do anything .
Your move Boris.
Also in the Mole.
Polls open for bumper set of elections
The polls are open on what has been dubbed “Super Thursday” for the bumper set of elections taking place today. It’s the biggest set of votes since the last general election in 2019 and you’ll most likely be one of up to 48 million people eligible to vote in Britain. Elections are taking place for the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Senedd, and 143 councils and 13 mayors in England. Voters in England and Wales will also choose 39 chief and crime commissioners, while the make-up of the London Assembly is to be decided. And a Westminster by-election is also taking place in Hartlepool. Polling stations are open until 22:00 BST, with results expected over several days.
You might be wondering why there are so many elections, it’s because many were postponed last year due to the pandemic. With restrictions still in place, voting might be a bit different with strict protocols to ensure everyone’s safety. Take a look at this to find out what you can expect at the polling station. There might be queues so wrap up warm because the weather’s forecasted to be chilly with scattered showers and heavy rain in some parts of the UK – and try to remember to take a pen or pencil with you for hygiene reasons (some pencils should be available in the polling station, for anyone who forgets).
We only have PCs to elect. Local shire radio featured an interview.
Central casting from a 70s sitcom could not have bettered it.
Wet Tory incumbent who has done zippy
Incoherent angry Asian Labour
Ditzy Lib Dem wimmin
Col. Mustard for something or other
Hard to muster the energy to elect an overpaid sinecure idiot.
As I write bundles of Labour votes are being put together in a back room of the counting centre in Hartlepool to ‘make up the numbers ‘ …..
……having always been repelled by the Blair / mandelson regime I’ve been wondering if mandelson – such a loved mp in Hartlepool – has turned up during the campaign – or whether he is busy with a young Brazilian ‘friend ‘….
Low turn out me thinks-passed our polling station at 8.45am not a car in the car park and noone in a queue. We sahall no doubt have a detailed report from the BBC for the next two days.
And speaking of a Mole bumper crop… yes, raciiiiism!
Either Rach from the cubicle gardens unhealthy Dept. has located them, or ‘leaders of color’ have located her to produce this tripe based on the kind of ‘belief’ (#bbcquotes) over sensible analysis that sees a Beeboid in Complaints accelerated to Director before you can say ‘got it about right’.
Black leaders blame lower vaccine take-up on racism
Barely a month into England’s coronavirus vaccine programme, a stark inequality began to reveal itself. Black people were less likely than any other group, and half as likely as white people, to have had the jab. By April, 64% of black over-50s had been vaccinated compared with 93% of white people of the same age.
The reasons for this are complex. Unethical medical treatment in the past, ongoing discrimination and personal experiences of insensitive treatment by the NHS are all believed to play a part. But doctors, researchers and campaigners who spoke to the BBC said they feared black communities were being blamed.
Read full story >
Rachel Schraer
BBC health reporter
Rules is rules
It’s fascinating to observe the BBC on a day of elections suddenly take seriously their rules on electioneering.
See this statement from the BBC’s online round up of press frontpages: ‘Some of the newspapers have not been included because the BBC is not allowed to report on any of the election campaigns on polling day‘
That’s quite an admission. So the Licence Fee funded BBC is acknowledging it’s a bit different to the rest of the corporate media who can pick and choose their politics. 364 days a year it’s OK for the BBC to run anything their news editors want but suddenly on one day of the year they have to beware of treading on egg shells.
Our news round up today is therefore sparce fare indeed – but with the odd rare truffle nevertheless.
A student of history can’t help but notice the tendency of insecure governments to enjoy provoking a little military skirmish in order to deflect from domestic woes. Preferably at minor cost. Afterall that’s what the west regularly blames Putin of doing. The Argentinian junta tried to play the game but met their match in Margaret Thatcher who, due to her genuine patriotic resolve, ended up reaping the electoral benefits.
So it is that Boris suddenly discovers we still have a couple of little ships and sends them off to Jersey, making a big splash in the Tory press out of all proportion to their displacement.
‘Boris sends gunboats to defend Jersey. PM: Protest “would be completely unjustified“‘ (Express) – there’s an uncanny equivalence here between the softly softly policing of BLM protests and the come down hard policing of anti-Lockdown protests, with Border Force open door to Channel dinghies and sudden tough stance on French fishermen.
Looks a lot like picking and choosing.
‘Resolute: Mr Johnson at the G7 Summit yesterday‘ (Daily Mail) – and if that isn’t electioneering, you can call me Violet.
Do you know what the BBC will achieve with their illogical election day disclaimer and their posting online the Express and Mail frontpages? They will provoke Lefties into calling the BBC right-wing and will justify the BBC’s otherwise 364-day-a-year Leftism.
For followers of Little Mix we have the exclusive news: ‘We don’t mix anymore‘ (Sun) – is this lockdown compliant social distancing from our diminuitive pop minxes, we wonder? By the way, where did this fabulous term social distancing come from and how did it so suddenly emerge so uniformly across the western world? It takes quite a lot of time, pre-planning and media effort to industrially manufacture and launch a pop group these days and yet social distancing appeared internationally almost – seemingly – organically. Just wondering, that’s all. Anyway, Little Mix have fallen out with one another. Artistic differences, no doubt.
Appropriately the Left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper has: ‘Four pages of puzzles every day‘
The ‘i’ seems to confirm our suspicions: ‘Nearly half of NHS hospitals breach health and safety rules on virus containment‘
I think many of us reliased the slogan Protect the NHS was a bit of a one way affair. Meanwhile the ‘i’ offers: ‘Marriage clinic how to stay loved up after you’ve been locked down‘
By the way, don’t call me Violet. I’m known as vile to my friends hereabouts.
A golden toady moment . I thought I’d listen on a day when they can’t do politics .
So at 0839 Robinson is chatting to an NHS hero in charge of an ITU – the chap made the terrible mistake of saying that medics wanted to work in the ITU and more were asking to join .
Oh dear – Robinson spluttered and quickly dived in to change the subject – In the BBC world ITUs must be understrain , understaffed and under funded . To say anything else is heresy .
By the way – the ITU chap was a head honcho of NHS ITUs .. ouch …..
Meanwhile people with an unglamorous medical ailment might be waiting a while ( not mentioned in this nice chat )…
Well put Violet. Yes where did the term ‘social distancing,’ come from?
AISI, basically it is the BBC acting as censor. It is filtering the front pages of the print press. This ought to be a resignation matter for the D-G; even better a reason for the PM to sack him.
The most peculiar thing is that although we are not allowed to see the front pages, the caption and Blog writer(s) refer to the missing newspapers.
How stupid and contradictory is that?
It seems to be becoming ever easier to spot the BBC’s selective amnesia when it comes to them wheeling on ‘independent experts’ who are nothing of the kind. Alastair Campbell being particularly prominent.
Big pharma, despite getting the world out of the pandemic with its vaccine production capabilities, is now being urged by global wokes to give away its technology knowhow and patent protection to ….well, everyone. China will be delighted. Think of the espionage costs they will save. And no doubt all manner of third world tin pot dictatorships will be delighted at having means to vaccinate……..well, their favoured buddies for one thing. Not sure the quality control would be up to much, but we’ll pass on that.
To justify this proposal they wheeled out Helen Clark, former NZ PM. Justremainin was suitably reverential.
And surprise, surprise. He forgot to mention she was a socialist, leader of her country’s Labour Party, an advocate of nuclear disarmament, who later become head of the United Nations Development Programme, for which she was proposed by, among others, Gordon Brown.
So not exactly independent. More like a bitter and twisted anti-business socialist that the likes of Corbyn would rather appreciate.
As clearly do the BBC.
SpaceX Starship prototype makes clean landing
As a software engineer who has worked on rockets and military airplanes, the Starship project by SpaceX gives me goosebumps to watch. It’s a magnificent achievement. Soon we will be at the ‘Flash Gordon’ rocketry stage.
But every single time, the personal dislike the BBC has for Musk makes them try to pour cold water on it.
This time, they delight in making sure we are told of all the previous failures and also that it had a small fire at the base after it landed. The only flaw in a perfect flight.
But not only that, one of their 3 pictures is chosen to show us that small fire – complete with caption in case you missed it in the main story.
This is the problem with the BBC. The staff think it belongs to them and they have no issues at all about using it’s reach for their own petty political agenda.
How long will it be before someone does something about it ?. It seems Boris does not want to get involved with anything which might affect the future of ‘brand Boris’ after misleading us all so badly.
Given the issues I had getting my Jet-X to go up, anywhere, like a North Korean test missile, I agree.
Mr. Musk does seem variably odd, but what he inspires folk to achieve is breathtaking.
As is what the BBC can do with £100,000,000 of TVL extorted funds and shrug off.
For now.
The Local Democracy ‘reporters’ at BBC Shire radio usually get a near 100% #CCBGB response to any efforts on XR, BLM, Antifa or… still, some odd event in Minneapolis, Far West Shropshire.
Assuming anyone even reacts, which to them is likely more damaging.
I have seen more likes on a Spring tweet.
Whatever Huw is smoking is the good stuff.
The comments are a good read. I particularly liked this one:
‘The BBC is not of the traditional Right or Left; it is Leftist; a poisonous combination of intersectional identity politics, postmodernism and a metropolitan socialist utopianism. The reason both those on the Right and the Left complain about the BBC is because it is in fact, biased against both of them, as part of its agenda to promote socially destructive Leftist ideology.’
By someone much better with words than me.
The REAL reason the politicians won’t get rid of the BBC is hidden in the middle:
‘The BBC’s huge role in exporting British values is often overlooked.’
Because of the vast amount of public money they have received, they have a presence in every part of the world and can project British political interests under the facade of being unbiased.
Rog, Matt and Justin in the BBC suites?
BBC in a tricky situation on the Jersey blockade . It will want to take the French/ EU side but has to defend the threat to turn the juice off .
I guess it will stay silent today in order not to put further fire into brexiters who might be more inclined to go out and vote for Brexit again . …..
‘Our French friends ‘ as used religiously by British politicians has a more than hollow ring to it . With a bit of luck thecReuchEu Helga will invoke some ‘article ‘ again like she did with Northern Ireland and damage the EU even more ….
BBC – look squirrels – now the weather with tamas
shiftyour knackered
Meantime – will the SNP blame a failure to get a clear independence vote on chilly weather?
I guess that the arrival of 2 French gunboats off Jersey means that there are 2 fewer navettes to transport illegal immigrants from France’s hallowed shores to the hellish England.
Ah well!
I wonder what experience of polling stations posters hereabouts have witnessed?
I was greeted this morning by an affable local council employee who inquired as to my health. I was asked whether I might have any relevant symptoms?
[I was tempted to report a possibly terminal case of conservatism – but decided to keep my council, as it were]
There was me thinking it might be difficult to access health services at present. And now we have an entire new slew of council clerks apparently imbued with medical diagnostic responsibilities.
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. The local barman and barmaid are now checking on my identity as their right, whilst private landlords and small employers have been acting in lieu of immigration officials for some time already.
It’s fascinating to watch the State so easily co-opt citizens voluntarily into its bureaucracy of control. They seem to like it.
We have voted today but only PC. Saw friends outside and as we chatted (socially distanced of course) there was a steady stream of voters into the village hall. We took our own pencils much to the relief of the people behind the desk and plastic ‘glass’. Apparently they had pencils but would have to sanitize them if we had used them. But we had a cheery ‘hello’ and exchanged a few words. If only it had been an election worth voting in. If I could have voted to get both Khan and the fish woman out it would have been a lot more enjoyable.
For me, its the same venue where I received my second Covid jab. So, I asked if this is where I come for my third Covid………….
I followed that by telling them I expected to be surrounded by children. (Wales)………….
It’s fascinating to watch the State so easily co-opt citizens voluntarily into its bureaucracy of control. They seem to like it.
Worked well enough in East Germany…
“I received an email, from Suck Here and the Kneelers, today, exhorting The Islamic Labour Movement to
Vote, vote. vote, vote. vote, vote. vote, vote. vote, vote. vote, vote. vote, vote. vote, vote. vote, vote.
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Not really.
I did receive an email from Richard Tice this morning, exhorting me to “Vote, vote, vote”.
I later received an email from another party member noting the possible unwisdom of the hortatory missive from our leader.
“If we win this election by two votes Ofcom will declare the result null and void, due to multiple voting.
The Labour Party have brigades of multiple voters to support the anti British candidates they have flown in from darkest Africa.
Joe Biden and the Demos had divisions of imports multi-voting and it is Saint Donald who is silenced.”
I read somewhere recently, it could have on this site,the very prescient remark that , ‘ in the early stages of the post democratic society that we are living in it doesn’t matter how many people vote or even who they vote for, what matters is who is counting the votes’.
Double – yes that was me . Once the counting procedure is subverted only one brand will stay in power . I bet a lot of players in so called democracies around the planet have bought the Biden playbook .
Ironically I think one of the few reasons the UK system hasn’t wholekt gone by now is because it is ‘low tech ‘ – I assumed the Brexit vote would be fixed by the ‘great and good ‘ but then they couldn’t over come the simple X system – maybe they are getting there…
… postal voting helps along the way of course .
Apologies for not remembering and crediting you with the remark that is so very true.
Double – no apology needed . Without mandatory identification – the ending of postal voting – and proper investigation of voting fraud we are sinking .
The levels of corruption allowed by the self serving political class is – amazing – really . An MP with more than one job ? Wtf ? How are they representing their constituency – and this applies to any ‘Party’. …. As for the Lords – well…
And a political driven ‘electoral commission ‘ just adds to it …
I’ve had facebook flash a vote advertisements at me today urging me to go vote for Labour.
None from anyone else. Not even the Russians.
That ad was from the Russians.
Even though I know full well how we all love the BBC ! I trust you good people will not mind my relating a story off point I heard today by, those chaps attending our local council tip. The men that work at this tip are a decent helful lot generally, however and this you may not believe or comprehend, these men working at the tip have had to sign a contract in which it was stated that they were not repeat not to help people who come to unload their rubbish. Yes I know ludicrous, nevertheless one council tip worker call him A, went to help an elderly lady who was wanting to off load some ralatively small pieces-two chairs and a small wooden table-having done so a much younger man nearby was noted to say to A, ‘that if you help her, you must help me’, A took no notice. Later A was reprimanded by a council official-apparently this younger man had reported the incident of A helping this elderly lady. Apart from that nasty swab making the report, what have we come to in this once decent reasonably compassionate country, when a person let alone elderly can’t be helped. I just can’t be bothered to vote knowing the tripe being pushed at us.
Tarien, because in the last 25 years we have spawned a generation of sh…ts, who think its ok to ‘cancel’ anything they don’t like, have no concept of good manners, ‘mature’ at a much later age (like 40), and whose level of intelligence hasn’t risen beyond infants school. Ask anyone under 30 who was the last American President to be assassinated, and you’ll see what I mean.
Oh yes Brissles I see absolutely what you mean. Personally the subjugation and control of the European Union over the past 45 years has had much to do with what this nation is now-how compliant the nation has become following the oppressive Scientific consensus; so suspect. Unless using the NHS N95 masks especially designed for hospital work, the present direction that masks which have but the lowest percentage of protection, are of little value but irrespective must be worn for all those working in retail, shops, bars, et al are from the specialist articles I have read, will not stop particle transmission. I see people wearing a mask out in the fresh air wearing a mask! Daft-There you have it compliance/subjugation, enslavement. Very concerned as to where all this is leading-what about you?
Where do I think this will lead ?
Well, I believe that if this generation continue down the path of being unwilling to debate, being bombastic and dogmatic in their opinions, then in less than 50 years time their own children could be living under a dystopian regime that they have created by their actions now. Let them reap what they sow. I comfort myself that I have lived in the best of times, so they can get on with it.
Yes Brissles, I am of the same opinion and certainly consider that like you I lived at a great time-50s 60’s and early 70’s when newly married- I was born in Middlesex then because of my father’s business moved to the centre of the West End, what a place to be in those times, but by heck not now. Could talk about those times but won’t too depressing. Had to pass through London in 2019 and truly was shocked-people of all sorts tearing all around me-the tube was horrendous-sorry, boring you.
T. Not boring at all. There are few places where one can talk to ‘like minded’, and this is one of them. I too get depressed, but its seeing those pop groups and film stars I grew up with, looking so bloody old !!! lol !
Think young, think sexy, never say die-so stand up straight, chest out, chin in, best foot forward and just mind the step! Age? I won’t give it an inch-get behind me satan. Keep smiling. Seriously we do live in very confusing and indeed somewhat dangerous times. The power of money is holding the whip hand.
T: Your mention of the tube reminds me of this evocative film of the tube and how it used to be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Y3KfJs6T0
I hope the link works. Don’t know if links can be posted on here. It’s powerful nostalgic stuff. In addition to the tube, it has striking images of street scenes, people and events. You may not want to watch it if you think you would find potent images and sense of the past overwhelming.
“Microwaving the White House: Enemies Are Now Sonic Attacking Americans from American Soil”
This could account for the (Far) leftists behaviour:
(NB raises the observation: no graduations on the “Far Right” scale whereas, “Far Left” is really “Marxism” &/or “Communism” on that side. Needs a more accurate definition for the right hand side)
“Can I take a selfie at the polling station?” is currently on the BBC News website homepage.
How much further can the dumbing down go?
Omg lol
It is a long time since I have missed voting in an election. But this time I lack the evidence on which to base my vote. I cannot work out which is the best or worse company of developers behind the respective Lab, Lib, Con local parties.
Lawrence Fox came to the local socialist high street and was greeted with ‘Tory scum ‘- wrong on both counts . Got my vote .
I’m still vexed as to where they got English Speakers – but they must have bussed them in from Highbury and Islington on the Vicky – 5 stops ..
“Can I take a selfie at the polling station?”
The local XR group are encouraging people to walk or cycle to the polling station and take a picture of yourself outside with how you got there.
It’s times like this I wish I had an actual account on twitter and I’d and be able to reply ‘And don’t forget to wrap up warm as it’s bl00dy chilly out there! And if you’re in the Highlands might be worth taking a snow shovel with you’
Fed up- I voted for Lawrence Fox for mayor as well. Apparently
the certain ethnic groups who wont take the jab, is because
of racism according to the BBC.
They need somebody like Stormzy to convince them,
by rapping to them, that the vacc jab is better for them
than smack. It wont make them high. But Reezer and
Lisa won’t die from the Chinese diseaser.
Reading on the BBC website about the Jersey blockade
“About 60 French and Jersey boats are blocking the island’s St Helier port, with a freight vessel unable to leave.” And two paragraphs further “HMS Severn, which has previously been used to shadow Russian navy warships off the English coast, can be seen from the port, sitting off about a mile from the French boats.” At this point the reference to the Jersey boats has disappeared.
I used the GPS system at https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-2.127/centery:49.170/zoom:12 to look at the vessels blockading the port and they are all French.
So why has the BBC said “About 60 French and Jersey boats are blocking the island’s St Helier port” I can’t find any Jersey boats, and why would Jersey boats blockade their own harbour, especially after France threatened to cut off power to Jersey and has blocked imports from Jersey?
I can’t find any other reference to Jersey boats blockading Jersey anywhere. My only conclusion is that the BBC is trying to give the impression that Jersey sides with France against the UK, while simultaneously having to report on France’s threats to Jersey.
BJ has just given the BBC £8m to fight fake news at the same time the BBC seems to be publishing fake news about Jersey boats blockading Jersey.
I could be wrong that Jersey boats are blockading Jersey, and if anybody can find a reference I want to read it. Either that or the BBC is straightforward lying at a time when military ships are involved against UK interests.
Storm on the way ? Shades of Armada …
Time to “Drum them up the channel as we drumm’d them long ago”
A piece about Trumps ban from Facebook and Twitter just been on BBC News.Apparently he was banned from Twitter the day after the ‘deadly riot’ at the Capitol for seeming to endorse it.And in reply to Facebooks ban they briefly showed a couple of replies from him but instead of saying he replied the reporter said ‘he lashed out’.
I’ve noticed that the BBC when reporting on Trump and people on the right they often say they ‘lashed out’ or ‘attacked’ but when reporting on leftists they say ‘replied’ or criticized’
Just more evidence of bias and trying to make out that those on the right are violent thugs!
TWATo today. Lady Brooke aka Miss Shouty aka Sarah Montague talking over the head of the Jersey fishermen’s association and the Jersey European Affairs spokesman.
I think the point Shouty wanted to drown out was that for more than 20 years the Jersey folk were asking for accurate records of the Froggy catch in their (Jersey) waters. It would seem that the sketchy (ie lying, understated) records they did deign to keep were sufficient to provide only the number of licences graciously granted by Jersey.
We have known for years that French, Spanish, Dutch you name it, fisher pirates have plundered our waters. Only now are the French found out, and because it is to their disadvantage, they are screaming.
Miss Shouty aka aka seemed very much on the French side, but then would you expect anything else from Al Beeb?
They are traitorous filth!!
The way things are now the UK government will pay ‘compensation ‘ to the French for them to remove their trawlers from British waters and stealing British fish .
Can anyone tell me if the two French navy water taxis are in UK territorial waters in their mission to ‘save lives at sea’?
If they are, why can our Border Force/RN vessels not enter French waters to head off the illegals hell bent on getting to the UK and in so doing risking their lives, and generously return them to Frogland?
After all…..France has got a huge chunk of the Atlantic to go at! Oops sorry……there’s a lot of fish over the continental shelf in the Channel. Well tough, that’s just geography.
I am feeling bad.
Two wrongs never make a right.
The guy is a scumbag.
But the BBC getting served was a rare pleasure.
“We’re not here to talk about…”
And for once you are not in control.
Guess she is checking in with Helga and Marianna to the beastly responses clinic too.
I wonder if she ll get to the airport without having an ‘accident ‘. ?
Never a shortage of woke journos …
It’s just such a shame that so many politicians / interviewees buckle and are subservient to BBC types – to see it being dished out – even as mildly as this is exceptional .
I’d be sitting their with all the details of her earnings ….
TWatO Watch #1 – be careful of the impression you leave people with, BBC
AISI has refered above to the incongruity of the BBC Blog, the Front Pages (of the print press) having six titles missing for the spurious reason that elections are taking place today. Yet the BBC chooses to include two titles that show the PM being ‘robust’ with the French and the Blog writer makes reference to it. Therefore, the independent minded person might claim the BBC have favoured the present Government and its political Party, The Conservative Party.
TWatO chose to cover the same news item at length. They even had a BBC reporter – I think – on one of the French fishing vessels blockading, for a short time, the port of St Helier.
I admit to being biased against the BBC but I was left with a distinct impression that the TWatO was on the side of the French and not on the side of the people of Jersey.
TWatO Watch #2 – once again, be careful of the impression you leave people with, BBC
Another item on TWatO this lunchtime was about the move by ISIS westward into Africa and the Sahel countries. Taking part was Frank Gardner, who commented – in his role as BBC Security Correspondent – after some contributions by a South African brother of a victim of ISIS in Mozambique and a female French (I assume due to French name) academic who spoke immaculate English.
Before I add my impression, here is an extract of an article by Neville Hodgkinson on the Conservative Woman web-site today:
“But a new book, Covid-19 and the Global Predators – We Are the Prey, by Peter and Ginger Breggin, is forcing me to think again. It makes the case that we are indeed victims of a conspiracy – not so much a well-thought-out plot as powerful interests coming together in such a way as to exploit a belief shared by millions.
This belief holds that we live in such an inter-related world that it no longer makes sense to try to protect national boundaries, either physically or ideologically, and that East and West must come together, through the application of scientific understanding, to secure a better future.”
That is the impression that I was left with after Frank Gardner had finished and the programme moved on to another item. The BBC are very much lobbyists for a denationalised, border-less world. Which is strange when they also lobby on behalf of a National Socialist Party in Scotland; a Party whose leader was forced to admit recently that independence would mean a hard border between Scotland and England & Wales.
Safe Sweden faces up to wave of women’s killings
By Maddy Savage
BBC News Flemingsberg, Sweden
14 hours ago
Here’s some odd non sequiturs from our BBC:
‘Six women have been killed in just five weeks in Sweden, reigniting debates about domestic violence in a country usually praised for its gender equality. The deaths span three regions and three generations, but in almost all cases there has been a common thread: the arrest of a man they had had a close relationship with.’
‘The teenager [18-year-old daughter Emma-Louise Jansson, who’s out shopping in Flemingsberg] says the recent killings have amplified wider worries about women’s safety in the area, where she rarely goes out alone. “I am not so safe… Because there’s so [many] people that kill around here.”‘
But how is it that domestic violence is so scary for you when you are out in public? Domestic violence can’t be done by strangers.
‘In 2020, 16,461 assault cases were reported against women in a close relationship in Sweden. That is a 15.4% rise on the 2019 figure of 14,261, reported by the National Council for Crime Prevention.’
One tends not to have a close relationship with strangers. So I think we have to question the conflation of the two issues of domestic violence and women’s fear of men outside of the home.
Or, maybe there’s another aspect to the debate we only reach halfway through the BBC report?
‘One major political sticking point is whether the recent violence should be connected to Sweden’s recent wave of immigration.’
Take a deep breath….
John Mortimer’s creation Rumpole of the Bailey described standing advocate in court for the defence in a rape trial as like walking out into a winter snow storm. One can’t help but feel for the BBC journo braving the icy cold of an article on Swedish recent immigration and its effects on the numbers of offences against women.
‘In a televised party leader debate last week, the leader of the nationalist Sweden Democrats Jimmie Akesson called for a crackdown on what he described as “imported values” that sanction violence against women.’
‘”People who live here, they don’t want to accept like Swedish laws,” says one 25-year-old woman who asks not to be named.’
‘Sweden’s Gender Equality Minister Marta Stenevi says that Sweden does have a problem with so-called “honour crimes”, which are committed to protect or defend the supposed reputation of a family or extended community. But she believes labelling violence towards women as an “immigrant issue” is “really, really diminishing the problem”, describing violence against women as “deeply, deeply rooted” throughout Swedish society. ‘
OK, I think the BBC played that one with a reasonably straight bat.
‘Jenny Westerstrand at Roks believes that at least some of the latest violence may be connected to the pandemic.’
Blaming it on the virus was worth a punt, I suppose.
I’ve long been of the view that there is a natural order of things. Humans can try and shift the various ‘lines’ in the sand as much as they want but, inevitably, as the pendulum, the issues will eventually swing back to a level commensurate with human development and maturity. It’s just uncomfortable when positioned in one or other extremes before ‘normalising’ again. Trouble is, right now, too many extremes are being forced against what’s natural and I have no idea how the situation can be remedied.
Obviously they are bound to start blaming Bergmann for making ‘The Virgin Spring’.
Of enormous interest to literally handfuls of voters today.
I know where that pic came from. Phillip was shadowboxing, Rigsby walked in without warning, tripped over Vienna the cat and got KO’d by accident. I’m pretty sure Ms Jones brought him back to life.
Where CNN goes, BBC NA BS shall surely follow…
French boat rams British boat. Does this mean war?
New features in the election. Bring yer own pencils is one. Another is taking a photo of your ballot paper.
Something we have learnt from US elections.
6pm tv news – dismal news for the BBC – a 7% growth in the UK economy – it was looking forward to widespread unemployment – riots on the streets – and plenty of blame aimed at the enemy – the red Tories and brexiters …
….meanwhile – signs of Brexit denial continues – the BBC doesn’t seem to want to admit that the French no longer have unrestricted right to steal British fish …. I for one look forward to mass unemployment of French fishermen – that’s what Brexit means ….
And as might be expected the BBC takes the French side on its news report. What else would you expect ! ‘ devastated livelihoods’ of French boats but no mention of what the EU taking our fish since we joined the EU did to what used to be the British fishing fleet. We can decide if we want to instigate new conservation measures in our waters if we want to. They will have to just get used to it.
Elsewhere I read that the French were given licences according to what they declared they had fished before. Apparently in the past when it suited them to, they declared they fished much less than they actually did ! Their tall tales ‘ oh no, I hardly caught any fish in your waters dont worry’ over previous years have come home to roost ! A bit like self employed people dodging income tax previously then trying to claim furlough and finding they get less as they paid less tax than they actually owed when it suited them to !
They spell St Helier with two ells on the prestigious BBC News at Six. Clearly this inclusive employer doesn’t discriminate against illiterates.
screenshot of BBC spelling it “St Hellier”
For the BBC, Jersey is other people.
And, now, Hartlepool.
Eventually the BBC might realise they seem on the wrong side an awful lot.
Like JezBo.