“Snow in May: Lake District skiers ‘giddy’ in unseasonal weather” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-57011369
Ah em , anyone for ‘Global Warming’ ?
Didn’t someone on Al Beeb predict that our children would never see snow in Britain again ?
“Giddy” I should say so .
Did you hear Sarah Montague on TWatO? I could hardly believe my ears!
There was a section about the cold weather (April was the coldest in the UK since 1922, for instance; plus heavy snow in Inverness today). She even asked some Met Office bloke if there was “something big” going on, i.e. a shift to cooler weather! He quickly kicked that into the long grass, saying that the general temperature trend was still upwards, but that high pressure caused certain weather systems to get set over the UK sometimes.
Still, by BBC standards, this was almost “Global Warming Denial”.
I managed a couple minutes of the 6pm BBC1 news. Arriving late I heard a female reporter explain that the French fishermen didn’t really mean to blockade Jersey, it was only a show of their unhappiness and it was now for the EC to sort out. It couldn’t have been plainer that the BBC were on the poor fishermen’s side. I switched off.
Brillo – on twitter – goes even further and comments about the BBC being on the enemy side ( again ) .
The BBC version of ‘ neutrality ‘ really means presenting the enemy case with maximum sympathy .
Meanwhile on C4 news -Cathy Newman was swooning over some french politician and giggling like a girl over his ‘charm ‘ as he explained that because the French have ‘always ‘ fished British waters – this should continue .
Just discovered that not only has wee Krankie gerrymandered her vote by allowing school children to vote , but she has also given the vote to REFUGEES!!!!!
Naturally, the ability to be given huge free handouts as well as a right to remain has…..errrr……incentivised the refugees to vote in a certain way.
Yes, the future of the UK is in part to be determined by the votes of non UK refugees with no history of paying tax or any allegiance to the country.
Coming home from work a short time ago and had the world service on on Radio 4 it was a business programme and from what I could make out the two guests were from America.They were discussing China and how some companies and people were becoming to big and powerful there and what the Chinese government were doing to curb their influence.They briefly mentioned the US and what they were doing or had done.
One of the guests said something like ‘to Trumps credit he did implement some good things I know the BBC never give him any credit’ to which the presenter said ‘to be fair we did give him a lot of airtime’ to which the guest quickly replied ‘yeah but what was the sentiment of all that airtime’ Presenter ‘lets not discuss that and move onto the next subject’
It gladdens the heart when you hear their bias is called out live on air but I expect that’ll be the last that we hear from that particular guest!
I’ve been out of the news loop recently so I had a quick look at the BBC web page just now. Due to its total absence, I am presuming that the UK had a good result re the Jersey fishermen’s protest.
Outrageous both her and the timing which are actual tactics . This is a clear deployment of pro snp propaganda via bbc . Dont bother denying it. Stevie Wonder can see it
Who in Wales called for 16 year olds to get the vote ? Not the people but the lefty politicians. It should never have been allowed.
Lessons to be learned.
In a ‘shock’ by-election result, the Conservatives have won the Hartlepool seat by a massive majority of 45,328 votes. The seat, formerly held by some sort of non-descript Labour bloke, had been seen as a touchstone in British politics, and that the ‘new’ opposition party – the BBC-Dominion Party, had tried to take the seat at every opportunity by every means possible using their TV tax revenue.
It was only at 5.30am today, that the corridors on the BBC-D HQ in W1AA had been left empty of several thousand bottles of Moet, purchased just before the Brexit decision a couple of years ago! It will now be destroyed under the dangerous vaccines act, and taken to a warehouse only known to one or two auto-cue readers who are not still in bed after a hard night’s sh^$$%ng.
In a ‘zonk’ interview, the BBC-D’s spokestrans, Guradian Mancurianansturmer, said MsZZ was shocked at the way that normal citizens had decided not to give them their vote, even though they had offered free iPads, iPhones and passports, plus innumerable benefits in the form of money, to everyone registered on the town’s Electoral List of 47,087 voters, maintained on an Amstrad 464 by a subsidiary, Dominion-Biden Hunterprises Inc. Ltd. MsZZ said that the figures they were going to declare had been tampered with and that they were going to ask Offvote to investigate on Monday morning, after croissants and a pint of latte.
The Labour candidate, Ms Phyllis Narg-Bumley, and John Under-Major and Alibongo Campbell, looked ashen-faced when they realised that the coalition they wanted with BBC-D would not now go ahead, and that they might just as well go back to their non-jobs in the rates department.
Laura Kronenberg was unavailable for comment.
(BBC-D is a nationally-funded organisation, paid for by the TV Tax. They could even be a registered charity, but they won’t go into that, during this sad day for all of them).
A very good day to listen or watch the BBC . Such shocks often give us more fuel of BBC bias .
All the MSM ‘Westminster trivia ‘ counts for nothing – and hopefully it is an indication of the reducing influence of the BBC in keeping people voting for its own socialist party .
Just a shame that the tories are so red …
By the way – it could be a good day for some ‘look at those squirrels ‘ type stories in an attempt for the poor old BBC to continue its disconnected denial.
Just two little cuttings from the morning newspapers that caught my eye among the rest of the codswallop.
ITV are promoting their up coming show Masked Dancer in the Sun.
I met one of those in the street just the other day. Walking along a narrow pavement, in the relatively fresh clean air, a masked individual coming the other way performed a smart pirouette around a lamp post, just so as not to pass too closely. Luckily I’m not the sort to easily take offence. Although the implication was clearly that I was some kind of Plague Mary… or Virus Violet, perhaps?
On the subject of masked TV performers I was greatly heartned to read this in the FT: ‘Lineker fights demand for £5m in taxes. The TV sports star is embroiled in a £4.9m dispute with HMRC, which has accused him of being a “disguised employee”
“Conservatives steal Hartlepool from Labour: Was it down to Racism?”
BBC Panorama Special. Produced in conjunction with The Guardian and featuring interviews with the Duke and Duchess of Netflix from their palatial California home. Tonight, tomorrow, the day after, on BBC1, BBC2, BBC News 24, Cbeebies etc.
BBC comedy –
Robinson having a chat with the poor Labour Party sap put up to ‘talk to the media ‘. The irony – Robinson accusing his own Party rep of ‘not listening to voters ‘ or ‘voters are wrong ‘..( eg about brexit ) – I was replacing the word ‘voter “ with ‘licence payer ‘’….
He crowned it by saying that Labour is now the party of university graduates and Twitter users . LOL OMG – as I understand they say ….
…… I’m waiting for the dreadful koonsberg to pipe up …if the PM has a sense of humour he will do a covid briefing today and wait for the sneers ….
At last I ve understood. The reason why Blair wanted 50% of young folk to go to something he insisted on calling universities was so that Labour stood a chance of winning elections.
Can anyone tell me as I don’t have a licence and don’t watch the BBC are there any deliciously glum BBC hacks on view. Oh and I suppose we had better all stand by for the inevitable demand to “Lower the voting age.” As the are all these Marxist indoctrinated youngsters going to waste.
Can’t remember whether it was on here or a TCW Thread, taffman, that someone wrote of a young relative who hated the Conservatives (and would vote Labour) because ‘everyone at yooni hates the Conservatives’. She was asked about policies of the Labour candidate but could not name any.
Our chum was embarrassed to hear his neighbour’s daughter gabbling on, and so was her dad, I think!
I suppose these kids are taught to hate, but hate only the right sort of things good for a prosperous country, and not hate vegan-gender nutters and odd-shaped mental lightweights with big ideas on being tozzers!
So… facts… aujourd huey… what is Marianna addressing…?
Well, herself, obvs…
Here's more on how I've became the BBC's conspiracy agony aunt, as much as its Specialist disinformation and social media reporter – and what it's like investigating the impact of harmful online conspiracies on real lives. https://t.co/15qTrSaJJEhttps://t.co/Xa1I2Pr9Pp
I explain to @MartineBBC what happens next – the board says Facebook has 6 months to make a decision about Trump’s ban, Trump’s new blog – which can be shared on sites where he's banned – is live, and some hardcore supporters who also believe in QAnon now rely mainly on Telegram.
Between the Belgian farmer accidentally moving the border with France and this, things in Europe are getting weird. (Or maybe Mercury is retrograde) https://t.co/x9qLIg4LpW
Looking at #Hartlepool and other results coming in striking similarities with 2020 US presidential election: Conservatives and Republicans becoming the party of the blue-collar working class (and the super wealthy); Labour and Democrats, the urban, educated middle class
Jeez – I didn’t know Sopel was a mind reader and knew so much about Hartlepool . You’d think – wouldn’t you – that he’d stick to his brief of being the false presidents ‘ biggest fan ?
Just clicked that and read some of the comments which came up.
What a nasty, spiteful set of complaining schoolboys they are. And they clearly think they are the clever ones while everyone who voted Tory is just stupid.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to discard the real world so flippantly.
Well, some good news on this bright and beautiful May morning.
Labour have been given a damned good thrashing across Britain in the latest local elections.
Of course there will be exceptions…
Very sadly Londonistan, will stay Labour. They’ll stomp home in the stab capital of Britain. The one thing Labour’s runt mayor has achieved, despite lockdown, is record numbers of murders. It’s really quite incredible, with the streets all but empty, how he managed this amazing feat.
I’m afraid the writing is on the wall for our once proud capital city. If you’re old fashioned and English you might have difficulty in deciphering the message, but it’s there all the same. It’s sprayed on numerous grimy walls that are already smothered with inarticulate and gaudy graffiti…and probably boasts a BLM, “anti racist” motif.
Sadly, the situation in Londonistan is now irreversible.
A combination of demographics, immigration, birth rates, far-wokeism and election fraud mean we will be saddled with the likes of the incompetent Sad-dick Khan’t forevermore.
Vlad – that is very true – adopting third world fraud will secure big cities where EU citizens and coloured folk live will nail it for the socialists –
The best the tories can do is write them off and cut funding and ‘public service ‘ jobs as much as possible and redeploy to former Labour parts .
I really wanted mandelson to explain what good he did as MP for Hartlepool – apart from personal enrichment .
By the way – toady – earlier – promised a chat with Winnie Mandela – sorry – Diane abbot … but sadly that never happened .
Today the BBC will hang onto any Labour gain live a life jacket on the titanic …
BREAKING: Commenting on the loss of Hartlepool a Labour spokesman has said "We didn't want their racist votes anyway" and went on "We're going to keep focused on pronouns and auditing statues, success will follow" pic.twitter.com/wJ57evOOYB
TOADY Watch #1 – Blaming it on Brexit when they should blame it on Blair and the BBC
Hartlepool going Conservative has brought an array of Labour Party people onto the R4 airwaves. Not least, Laura Kuenssberg who waffled her way through a load of nonsense instead of saying “Sorry, my fault, I shouldn’t have tried to help Labour with that ‘Tory Sleaze Campaign’. I resign.”
Prior to that Peter Mandelson, former Hartlepool MP (Lab) tried to blame it on Corbyn and Covid. Maybe Jezza should have tried to catch it for the sympathy vote? The real problem Labour has is that Tony Blair, and to a lesser extent Gordon Brown, have left Labour with a toxicity that will be hard to overcome. In Keir Starmer, the Labour Party elected as leader a ‘Blair-alike’ but unlike Tony Blair, Starmer had no real strategy for his Party.
Before Mandelson was interviewed, John McDonnell was allowed to stick his head in the BBC R4 TOADY Studio Fire Bucket full of sand, “Sorry about the dog-ends, John” and try to deflect blame away from Corbyn and himself for the December 2019 defeat. He tried to claim that it was Left:Right infighting in the Labour Party over Corbyn’s leadership and not his policies that cost Labour the 2019 General Election.
Meanwhile, as cover for his colleague ‘Part-time’, Nick Robinson was happy to blame Brexit for Labour’s loss. Something that JustRemainIn Webb had put him up to, perhaps?
I haven’t listened to the Today programme for ages but thought it a good day to return. 8.50 and nearly an hour has gone by without a minute spent on why the Conservatives won Hartlepool only why Labour lost. Laura did say Boris has had a rocky 3 weeks. Whose fault was that, Laura? She has said that results for Labour may be better in Trafford. That result isn’t due to 3pm today. Does she know something? I will look out for that result.
Wow – I’ve listened to 2 hours of toady . I conclude that there is no ‘doubt ‘ in the mind of `Robinson that his approach to representing the lefty metro woke world is the right way . He is able to disconnect from Labour when it suits .
The Justin Webb character sounds as bored and distracted as ever – maybe he was thinking about his next £20 k private gig …
A critic in the DT wrote about listening to ‘toady ‘ being a ‘chore ‘ now – something I thought a long time ago and so now avoid for probably 99% of the time .
I’m hoping that if things go well for the red tories ( no choice ) across this weekend then the PM might take on more some outfits like the BBC … but that’s maybe a naive hope .
The BBC will be looking forward to a strong turn out for the SNP to distract from Labour troubles and get a good constitution crisis going – a souped up version of ‘squirrels ‘ …
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories will this weekend be celebrating their victory at Hartlepool and other places, and yet they will be incapable of analysing the ‘win’ and learning anything from it.
Firstly the Tories didn’t win, Labour lost for a number of reasons.
One of these which the Tories might realise but are too cowardly to do anything about is the lack of Pakistani Muslims able to defraud democracy with the postal vote system.
The Tories are always the losers when it comes to postal voting fraud and a competent party would address this, but the Tories are not competent and have no courage, so there is zero will to change the system.
Labour has not just abandoned the White working classd, it has made them their enemy! You cannot have a position which declares you are working to eliminate racism and racists (what ever that means) and then declare all white people are racist because there is only one way that ends – the elimination of White people! We have seen in London Labour activists openly running courses paid for by the Tory government on the problem of ‘Whiteness’
Then there’s all the insane wokery in the party, and the people don’t like it, in fact they absolutely reject it! And again this is not an area with a high BAME population for Labour to represent.
The problem is that as Labour move not further Left but more into Woke insane anti White race hate, the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are going to follow, because they are incapable of learning the lessons the electorate is teaching them.
Thoughtful-Very interesting. The BBC has moved to north
to try and implant their wokeness in the North of England
away from the ” Metropolitan Elite” in London. BUT
London politics is not controlled by the Metropolitan elite
it is controlled by demographics. And where as in the North
of England the indigenous population are still in a big
majority they can vote and control whom they want
to represent them. And the Labour party know where
the few places are where their bread is buttered.
Keir Starmer is just a figurehead for a rabble rousing odd
assortment of BLM activists , Marxists and Anarchists.
The likes of Dianne Abbot and David Lammy and the rest
have the support of their majority ethnic voters and why
shouldn’t they?
But the real world in the UK still doesn’t exist of over a
50% ethnic mix as we now see on the adverts. It could
well be a kind of racism . But quite a few indigenous voters
are sick to death about being “educated” by the media , in
particular the BBC. And Sky with their continual anti racism
sound bites.
The great majority of the indigenous folk of the UK aren’t
in the least interested in the likes of Laura Kuennsberg
mocking and sneering at Boris Johnson over where he gets
the money to pay for his wallpaper. They with others
on the BBC such as the munchkin woman who mock the
presence of the Union Jack and picture of the Queen in
a government ministers office. They respect a government
through hard work have finally got to grips with the
pandemic . Whilst many such as the ” Vichy” government in
France have not.
Interesting – particularly the point about the Tories being unable to learn what the electorate is teaching them .
Perhaps it is a matter of ‘belief ‘? What – if anything – do Tories believe ? I fear the answer is ‘not much ‘ apart from doing whatever it takes to get re elected .
So they allow the State to expand – institutions to be subverted by woke Marxists – frightened of doing anything which is ‘tough’ and happy to rack up the national debt to Corbyn levels .
For us the difficulty is finding a viable alternative ( and it’s no good just shouting out ‘Brexit party ‘ when this would split the vote ).
Latest in a long line of free advertising, ie stories to help friends of BBC employees sell stuff??
Mexican doctor, supposedly, has a canvas laptop backpack made in Britain that’s impossible to covid clean,
Contacts manufacturer for help.
“Sarah’s bag company is a microbusiness that she runs herself from Manchester. ”
Case closed..
BBC Rip off Britain, interviewing a chap who had his account closed by Facebook.
One of the old ladies who present the program actually said “We have spoken to Facebook and they tell us they are going to re-activeate your account, does that make you pleased?”
Now I realise that the BBC are omnipotent but this surely brings in elements of Personal Privacy or does data protection not apply to the BBC?
Certain demographics in the US, such as African Americans, Evangelicals and Republicans, are more hesitant about the Covid vaccine than others.
This is how some people are reaching out. https://bbc.in/3emoJvZ
And seem unerring in getting the BBC.
Unless The BBC has them on speed dial. Except the Republicans. Unless of color, which is clearly impossible.
A BBC favourite is on Saturday Kitchen tomorrow. Yes it’s Nish Kumar.
Given the debacle over the recent Nagga appearance this should be interesting. As usual he gets a choice of Heaven or Hell as a meal choice. I doubt that he will choose a bread roll as hell, that would show some self awareness.
Still i shall be voting hell tomorrow morning, whatever he picks.
Poor Huw Edwards, evidently still deeply affected by the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh, finds it difficult to keep the tears back as he deals manfully with the aberrant and unrepresentative results from around the country.
As a strictly impartial political commentator, he obviously cannot allow personal opinions to colour his professional presentation, although some relief was offered during his chat with John McDonnell on BBC2.
Not wanting to spoil the depth of John’s knowledge and his skilled delivery by petty interruptions, Huw allowed him free rein for accusations, libels, slurs, contradictions and spite, all in the name of the BBC’s world renowned impartiality.
Well done Huw, you are a legend!
Following hard on the above, Huw’s chat with Kirsty Warlock took things to a new level of absurdity with his assessment of Mark Drakeford (Labour) as a ‘slightly staid’ (I hope you won’t mind that description Mark) but worthy politician. A different form of charisma to Boris, apparently, but yet one to resonate with the Welsh electorate.
Strangely, Huw seems to have missed all the on-the-street evaluations of Mr Drakeford’s political abilities – although most remain confident of his abilities in organising an eisteddfod.
I don’t know who she is (other than that she is aged 25), and don’t want to know, either. She is, apparently, a BBC manufactured deity who “fact-checks” everything.
Me neither – although I have gleaned from her fan club here that she is 24 – polishes up quite well – wears tight sweaters – thinks a lot of her self and is something like a ‘ resident fact checker for the BBC’ – she also seems to enjoy abuse – probably of the ‘self ‘ type too ….
I still think she d make the ideal BBC footy pundit having never played the mans’ game nor managed a club …
She is a vacuous waste of space! i e a perfect beeboid. Probably has some worthless degree that impresses her mates and gets paid an over inflated salary just like her over inflated value of herself. Queen of selfies but no substance. A non job.
Hmmmm….. it felt as though the Beeboids couldn’t move in Broadcasting House over the past few days without tripping over the Labour higher hierarchy; Starmer, Reeves, Nandy, Dodds, Rayner, et al.
So, which of these has appeared on the big media news programmmes I have heard this morning to explain away the fiasco that was the Hartlepool by-election ?…..why, none other than Steve Reed (who ?) Shadow Communities and Local Government Secretary, was to be the fall guy, because none of the other bravehearts of the Labour Party wanted to be associated with the leadership of the party efforts in these elections.
Now, it’s obvious that Labour will try to point out that his role was the most important one , what with all the local elections, but, at the time of his being interviewed by the BBC this morning, for instance, hardly any of the local government results had been declared – and it was well known that the by-election result would be one of the earliest results to arrive.
Cowards, one and all, leaving a man to take the flak who is 17th on the list of Labour Party Shadow Cabinet members on Labour’s own website, and not those who were never off the media over the previous few days – so these brave souls could not be pulled up over their pre-election statements.
And, of course, hardly knowing the guy, the BBC went very gently with him, more so than normally with the Labour Party representatives. For instance, no repeatedly asking the question again and again “Does Starmer now have to resign ?”, as they would likely have done to any Conservative minister about Johnson, had Labour won the seat with a stonking majority.
Richard – I think the likes of angie and Nando will be busily ringing round to see how much support theyll get when Starmer decides he d be better off in the Lords sniping from the edge …
I’d join the Labour Party just to vote for Angie ( see Corbyn )…
– and yes – I know it’s just a choice of coke or Pepsi but the Tories are a bit less preachy about Race …
The Labour party have proved that their far left communist/marxist/wokeist policies are not to the taste of the electorate.
I also suspect the sight of the ‘Dear Leader’ Der Starmer down on one knee was abhorrent to many many decent people and would have made up minds…
But where does this leave the country with the Tories, the party that appears to be now ‘red’ & ‘green’ in nature and effectively ‘new labour’ ? Their own wokeist nature, failure to stop the illegal’s, pandering to our friends in the EU, non stop lockdowns etc means life under Doris is far from rosy.
The only good I took from this morning was listening to Beeboids digging holes with members of their print wing the Grauniad as they tried to dissect the issues and reasons.
I suspect Kunnsberg is downing her sorrows as well. Oh dear. How Sad for them.
The likes of the truly horrible lib dems and greens are nowhere to be seen but somewhere theyll win a council and be proclaiming the New World has come .
The sheer size of the tory vote in hartlepool must really be worrying labour . But they – like the BBC have tied themselves to metro woke and couldnt give a damn about ordinary whitee like me .
I ll repeat – please red tories – just one or two decisions of the Right …
… some wag om twitter said boris can tile the number 10 bathroom now …
Hartlepool opted 70% for Brexit at the referendum and Labour still forced a failed Remainer candidate on voters. Frankly insulting! The party deserves every single thumping it gets and it certainly deserves Jess Phillips. #HartlepoolByElection
New Providence Wharf ; cladding fire spread a bit
but they did have high enough ladders
and evacuation worked.
LBC tweet
Thankfully, the New Providence Wharf fire is all out and under control.
Looks like the flat where the fire started has been destroyed – windows and balcony doors blown out.
Damage goes a few floors up.
This could have been so much worse.
Once the ladder was in position
the fire was out in 45 seconds
That makes it look like the fire blew up on floor
but that the spread up the open balconies to the two floors above a just a bit above superficial.
taffmanMar 3, 16:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What happened to “Stop the boats and crush the gangs”? Anything on the BBC News ? Zilch. Does our ‘PM’…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “As of December 2024, France’s debt was €3.3 trillion, which is about 112.32% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).…
Fedup2Mar 3, 16:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news -cost of UK and other European failed states increasing as markets figure how much the Marxists will touch…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Foreign Secretary announces £20 million in additional funding while visiting the Adré on the Chad-Sudan border. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sudan-must-not-be-forgotten-david-lammy-announces-political-and-humanitarian-action-to-address-catastrophe-in-sudan
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I know believe – thankyou! “MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE Trailer (1986) Stephen King Horror” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH39mKBrrP4
moggiemooMar 3, 15:58 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “…You see, is it just me or does that headline imply some automotive murderous intent on the part of the…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 15:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 650 MPS and 800 Lords grab guns and march off to Ukraine to defend the UK against the Russians. [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4Ik35WLMgaiYjSjfor_Do5VtJQ60lVyFJJQ&s[/img]…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 15:53 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Hi Eddy I simply can’t stop going back to watch this – It’s wonderful!
MarkyMarkMar 3, 15:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Ramadan: how to fuel exercise while fasting” https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/articles/ramadan_exercise_fasting “How to drive and keep on the roads during …. “
Makes you proud . 48 clusters of the ‘Indian variant’ ‘linked to transport ‘ found in Blighty – the benefits of importing the third world comes home .
“Snow in May: Lake District skiers ‘giddy’ in unseasonal weather”
Ah em , anyone for ‘Global Warming’ ?
Didn’t someone on Al Beeb predict that our children would never see snow in Britain again ?
“Giddy” I should say so .
Did you hear Sarah Montague on TWatO? I could hardly believe my ears!
There was a section about the cold weather (April was the coldest in the UK since 1922, for instance; plus heavy snow in Inverness today). She even asked some Met Office bloke if there was “something big” going on, i.e. a shift to cooler weather! He quickly kicked that into the long grass, saying that the general temperature trend was still upwards, but that high pressure caused certain weather systems to get set over the UK sometimes.
Still, by BBC standards, this was almost “Global Warming Denial”.
Credit to ‘Monty’ for daring to ask.
I managed a couple minutes of the 6pm BBC1 news. Arriving late I heard a female reporter explain that the French fishermen didn’t really mean to blockade Jersey, it was only a show of their unhappiness and it was now for the EC to sort out. It couldn’t have been plainer that the BBC were on the poor fishermen’s side. I switched off.
Brillo – on twitter – goes even further and comments about the BBC being on the enemy side ( again ) .
The BBC version of ‘ neutrality ‘ really means presenting the enemy case with maximum sympathy .
Meanwhile on C4 news -Cathy Newman was swooning over some french politician and giggling like a girl over his ‘charm ‘ as he explained that because the French have ‘always ‘ fished British waters – this should continue .
So what she is saying is…. the British media don’t support Britain?
Old jug ears still doesnt want to contribute to the costs of the refugees he so loves
and the BBC avoiding NI Ers
For those looking for 2 minutes of entertainment Dominic Frisby has done a new tune – suitable for current times .
Its on twitter and i have no idea of how to put it here – so youll need twitter to view it …
Is it this one Fedup2?
Dob – ha ha yes that’s it … a voice just ready to be silenced and designated ‘unapproved ‘..
Does that contain a call for open borders?!!!!
Labour breaking election laws, surprise surprise.
Will the BBC report this? (Rhetorical question – ‘course not.)
Here’s what the BBC would have to say:
‘With out providing any evidence, Vlad falsely claims Labour broke election laws’.
And then ignore your videos.
Just discovered that not only has wee Krankie gerrymandered her vote by allowing school children to vote , but she has also given the vote to REFUGEES!!!!!
Naturally, the ability to be given huge free handouts as well as a right to remain has…..errrr……incentivised the refugees to vote in a certain way.
Yes, the future of the UK is in part to be determined by the votes of non UK refugees with no history of paying tax or any allegiance to the country.
Same in Wales! Kids and foreigners.
Hartlepool was won by Joe Biden .
They haven’t started counting yet …..
Full figures – turnout 101%
Biden won 102% .
Spoilt ballots – 0
And another shock revelation – HMS Uber has returned to blighty duty bringing military age African men to Britain for invasion purposes …
“Welsh election 2021: Queues as polls close for Welsh Parliament vote”
Extra numbers due to kids getting the vote at 16.
Coming home from work a short time ago and had the world service on on Radio 4 it was a business programme and from what I could make out the two guests were from America.They were discussing China and how some companies and people were becoming to big and powerful there and what the Chinese government were doing to curb their influence.They briefly mentioned the US and what they were doing or had done.
One of the guests said something like ‘to Trumps credit he did implement some good things I know the BBC never give him any credit’ to which the presenter said ‘to be fair we did give him a lot of airtime’ to which the guest quickly replied ‘yeah but what was the sentiment of all that airtime’ Presenter ‘lets not discuss that and move onto the next subject’
It gladdens the heart when you hear their bias is called out live on air but I expect that’ll be the last that we hear from that particular guest!
Classic bbc SOP.
‘To be fair’ in their bubble heads is equal airtime slating those they don’t like and boosting their BFFs.
And if challenged, ‘move on’.
I’ve been out of the news loop recently so I had a quick look at the BBC web page just now. Due to its total absence, I am presuming that the UK had a good result re the Jersey fishermen’s protest.
BBC Stirring News
Mistrust and inequality may explain why vaccine take-up is lower in the black community, campaigners have said.
Covid: Black leaders fear racist past feeds mistrust in vaccine
That ‘may’ doing a lot of heavy lifting there, Rach.
But no matter, job done.
Home is where the heart is.
Bet the BBC in England are soooooo jelly…..
Who in Wales called for 16 year olds to get the vote ? Not the people but the lefty politicians. It should never have been allowed.
Lessons to be learned.
Let lefties in and they promptly change the rules to ensure they can’t be got out.
Oddly not noticed by bbc ‘analysts’.
Were those children Welsh?
In a ‘shock’ by-election result, the Conservatives have won the Hartlepool seat by a massive majority of 45,328 votes. The seat, formerly held by some sort of non-descript Labour bloke, had been seen as a touchstone in British politics, and that the ‘new’ opposition party – the BBC-Dominion Party, had tried to take the seat at every opportunity by every means possible using their TV tax revenue.
It was only at 5.30am today, that the corridors on the BBC-D HQ in W1AA had been left empty of several thousand bottles of Moet, purchased just before the Brexit decision a couple of years ago! It will now be destroyed under the dangerous vaccines act, and taken to a warehouse only known to one or two auto-cue readers who are not still in bed after a hard night’s sh^$$%ng.
In a ‘zonk’ interview, the BBC-D’s spokestrans, Guradian Mancurianansturmer, said MsZZ was shocked at the way that normal citizens had decided not to give them their vote, even though they had offered free iPads, iPhones and passports, plus innumerable benefits in the form of money, to everyone registered on the town’s Electoral List of 47,087 voters, maintained on an Amstrad 464 by a subsidiary, Dominion-Biden Hunterprises Inc. Ltd. MsZZ said that the figures they were going to declare had been tampered with and that they were going to ask Offvote to investigate on Monday morning, after croissants and a pint of latte.
The Labour candidate, Ms Phyllis Narg-Bumley, and John Under-Major and Alibongo Campbell, looked ashen-faced when they realised that the coalition they wanted with BBC-D would not now go ahead, and that they might just as well go back to their non-jobs in the rates department.
Laura Kronenberg was unavailable for comment.
(BBC-D is a nationally-funded organisation, paid for by the TV Tax. They could even be a registered charity, but they won’t go into that, during this sad day for all of them).
A very good day to listen or watch the BBC . Such shocks often give us more fuel of BBC bias .
All the MSM ‘Westminster trivia ‘ counts for nothing – and hopefully it is an indication of the reducing influence of the BBC in keeping people voting for its own socialist party .
Just a shame that the tories are so red …
By the way – it could be a good day for some ‘look at those squirrels ‘ type stories in an attempt for the poor old BBC to continue its disconnected denial.
So what will be the response
1 it’s ok they are only thick northerners
2 they were brexiters so are racists – no loss
3 Labour needs a ‘northern’ leader – like Angie
4 the BBC is so Right Wing
5 that Laura koonsberg did us no favours
The mask slips
Just two little cuttings from the morning newspapers that caught my eye among the rest of the codswallop.
ITV are promoting their up coming show Masked Dancer in the Sun.
I met one of those in the street just the other day. Walking along a narrow pavement, in the relatively fresh clean air, a masked individual coming the other way performed a smart pirouette around a lamp post, just so as not to pass too closely. Luckily I’m not the sort to easily take offence. Although the implication was clearly that I was some kind of Plague Mary… or Virus Violet, perhaps?
On the subject of masked TV performers I was greatly heartned to read this in the FT: ‘Lineker fights demand for £5m in taxes. The TV sports star is embroiled in a £4.9m dispute with HMRC, which has accused him of being a “disguised employee”
“Conservatives steal Hartlepool from Labour: Was it down to Racism?”
BBC Panorama Special. Produced in conjunction with The Guardian and featuring interviews with the Duke and Duchess of Netflix from their palatial California home. Tonight, tomorrow, the day after, on BBC1, BBC2, BBC News 24, Cbeebies etc.
Well, d’uh. Of course it was.
From hanging chads to…
One for pols, and media, who fall back on sowing discord via isms to stay in power.
With a bonus side order on lowering brainpower to ‘get them young’ level… or below even the Dawn Lammy gutter beloved of BBC RT merchants.
Don’t speak too soon Ian….I am sure the BBC will find a way to bring racism into it….those damn white folk just don’t know what is best for them…
BBC Radio 4
Women and words: why BBC photo editor choice matters.
Ha ha Nagging munch hippy and the BBC are in some sort of Woke Wake this Morning after the Hartlepool result.
BBC comedy –
Robinson having a chat with the poor Labour Party sap put up to ‘talk to the media ‘. The irony – Robinson accusing his own Party rep of ‘not listening to voters ‘ or ‘voters are wrong ‘..( eg about brexit ) – I was replacing the word ‘voter “ with ‘licence payer ‘’….
He crowned it by saying that Labour is now the party of university graduates and Twitter users . LOL OMG – as I understand they say ….
…… I’m waiting for the dreadful koonsberg to pipe up …if the PM has a sense of humour he will do a covid briefing today and wait for the sneers ….
At last I ve understood. The reason why Blair wanted 50% of young folk to go to something he insisted on calling universities was so that Labour stood a chance of winning elections.
Oh yes, and their parent(s) paid of course – no more grants for really bright kids, no help, just another tick off the unemployable list!
These same kids won’t probably pay the TV tax in the future either, so where that leaves the awful BBBC is a question I can’t be arzed to answer!
Can anyone tell me as I don’t have a licence and don’t watch the BBC are there any deliciously glum BBC hacks on view. Oh and I suppose we had better all stand by for the inevitable demand to “Lower the voting age.” As the are all these Marxist indoctrinated youngsters going to waste.
Exactly why Labour were pushing for all kids to go to ‘yoonie’ despite their ability. Ideal places for indoctrination.
Can’t remember whether it was on here or a TCW Thread, taffman, that someone wrote of a young relative who hated the Conservatives (and would vote Labour) because ‘everyone at yooni hates the Conservatives’. She was asked about policies of the Labour candidate but could not name any.
Just a hate driven vote.
It was here, Snuffy in the last set of posts!
Our chum was embarrassed to hear his neighbour’s daughter gabbling on, and so was her dad, I think!
I suppose these kids are taught to hate, but hate only the right sort of things good for a prosperous country, and not hate vegan-gender nutters and odd-shaped mental lightweights with big ideas on being tozzers!
So… facts… aujourd huey… what is Marianna addressing…?
Well, herself, obvs…
And, a bbc staple….
Will be surprised if she does not stay very USA, maybe racism focussed, for a while.
Surprised she isn’t being groomed to be a footy pundit by now – but perhaps the wrong colour …
What a loathsome creature, and so pleased with herself!
Katty RTs this.
“Full steam ahead! Mostly peaceful Weird speed!”
Oh, Jon, Jon, Jon… educated Jon…
What a conceited POS that man is.
Jeez – I didn’t know Sopel was a mind reader and knew so much about Hartlepool . You’d think – wouldn’t you – that he’d stick to his brief of being the false presidents ‘ biggest fan ?
Translation: only thickoes and the filthy rich capitalist scum vote Conservative (or Republican).
Clever people like us at the BBC support Labour (or Dems).
Just clicked that and read some of the comments which came up.
What a nasty, spiteful set of complaining schoolboys they are. And they clearly think they are the clever ones while everyone who voted Tory is just stupid.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to discard the real world so flippantly.
Well, some good news on this bright and beautiful May morning.
Labour have been given a damned good thrashing across Britain in the latest local elections.
Of course there will be exceptions…
Very sadly Londonistan, will stay Labour. They’ll stomp home in the stab capital of Britain. The one thing Labour’s runt mayor has achieved, despite lockdown, is record numbers of murders. It’s really quite incredible, with the streets all but empty, how he managed this amazing feat.
I’m afraid the writing is on the wall for our once proud capital city. If you’re old fashioned and English you might have difficulty in deciphering the message, but it’s there all the same. It’s sprayed on numerous grimy walls that are already smothered with inarticulate and gaudy graffiti…and probably boasts a BLM, “anti racist” motif.
I’m so glad I’m out of it…
Sadly, the situation in Londonistan is now irreversible.
A combination of demographics, immigration, birth rates, far-wokeism and election fraud mean we will be saddled with the likes of the incompetent Sad-dick Khan’t forevermore.
Coming to a town near you soon.
Vlad – that is very true – adopting third world fraud will secure big cities where EU citizens and coloured folk live will nail it for the socialists –
The best the tories can do is write them off and cut funding and ‘public service ‘ jobs as much as possible and redeploy to former Labour parts .
I really wanted mandelson to explain what good he did as MP for Hartlepool – apart from personal enrichment .
By the way – toady – earlier – promised a chat with Winnie Mandela – sorry – Diane abbot … but sadly that never happened .
Today the BBC will hang onto any Labour gain live a life jacket on the titanic …
LOL … however … spot on !!!
TOADY Watch #1 – Blaming it on Brexit when they should blame it on Blair and the BBC
Hartlepool going Conservative has brought an array of Labour Party people onto the R4 airwaves. Not least, Laura Kuenssberg who waffled her way through a load of nonsense instead of saying “Sorry, my fault, I shouldn’t have tried to help Labour with that ‘Tory Sleaze Campaign’. I resign.”
Prior to that Peter Mandelson, former Hartlepool MP (Lab) tried to blame it on Corbyn and Covid. Maybe Jezza should have tried to catch it for the sympathy vote? The real problem Labour has is that Tony Blair, and to a lesser extent Gordon Brown, have left Labour with a toxicity that will be hard to overcome. In Keir Starmer, the Labour Party elected as leader a ‘Blair-alike’ but unlike Tony Blair, Starmer had no real strategy for his Party.
Before Mandelson was interviewed, John McDonnell was allowed to stick his head in the BBC R4 TOADY Studio Fire Bucket full of sand, “Sorry about the dog-ends, John” and try to deflect blame away from Corbyn and himself for the December 2019 defeat. He tried to claim that it was Left:Right infighting in the Labour Party over Corbyn’s leadership and not his policies that cost Labour the 2019 General Election.
Meanwhile, as cover for his colleague ‘Part-time’, Nick Robinson was happy to blame Brexit for Labour’s loss. Something that JustRemainIn Webb had put him up to, perhaps?
I wonder . . . …..
I haven’t listened to the Today programme for ages but thought it a good day to return. 8.50 and nearly an hour has gone by without a minute spent on why the Conservatives won Hartlepool only why Labour lost. Laura did say Boris has had a rocky 3 weeks. Whose fault was that, Laura? She has said that results for Labour may be better in Trafford. That result isn’t due to 3pm today. Does she know something? I will look out for that result.
Wow – I’ve listened to 2 hours of toady . I conclude that there is no ‘doubt ‘ in the mind of `Robinson that his approach to representing the lefty metro woke world is the right way . He is able to disconnect from Labour when it suits .
The Justin Webb character sounds as bored and distracted as ever – maybe he was thinking about his next £20 k private gig …
A critic in the DT wrote about listening to ‘toady ‘ being a ‘chore ‘ now – something I thought a long time ago and so now avoid for probably 99% of the time .
I’m hoping that if things go well for the red tories ( no choice ) across this weekend then the PM might take on more some outfits like the BBC … but that’s maybe a naive hope .
The BBC will be looking forward to a strong turn out for the SNP to distract from Labour troubles and get a good constitution crisis going – a souped up version of ‘squirrels ‘ …
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories will this weekend be celebrating their victory at Hartlepool and other places, and yet they will be incapable of analysing the ‘win’ and learning anything from it.
Firstly the Tories didn’t win, Labour lost for a number of reasons.
One of these which the Tories might realise but are too cowardly to do anything about is the lack of Pakistani Muslims able to defraud democracy with the postal vote system.
The Tories are always the losers when it comes to postal voting fraud and a competent party would address this, but the Tories are not competent and have no courage, so there is zero will to change the system.
Labour has not just abandoned the White working classd, it has made them their enemy! You cannot have a position which declares you are working to eliminate racism and racists (what ever that means) and then declare all white people are racist because there is only one way that ends – the elimination of White people! We have seen in London Labour activists openly running courses paid for by the Tory government on the problem of ‘Whiteness’
Then there’s all the insane wokery in the party, and the people don’t like it, in fact they absolutely reject it! And again this is not an area with a high BAME population for Labour to represent.
The problem is that as Labour move not further Left but more into Woke insane anti White race hate, the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are going to follow, because they are incapable of learning the lessons the electorate is teaching them.
Thoughtful-Very interesting. The BBC has moved to north
to try and implant their wokeness in the North of England
away from the ” Metropolitan Elite” in London. BUT
London politics is not controlled by the Metropolitan elite
it is controlled by demographics. And where as in the North
of England the indigenous population are still in a big
majority they can vote and control whom they want
to represent them. And the Labour party know where
the few places are where their bread is buttered.
Keir Starmer is just a figurehead for a rabble rousing odd
assortment of BLM activists , Marxists and Anarchists.
The likes of Dianne Abbot and David Lammy and the rest
have the support of their majority ethnic voters and why
shouldn’t they?
But the real world in the UK still doesn’t exist of over a
50% ethnic mix as we now see on the adverts. It could
well be a kind of racism . But quite a few indigenous voters
are sick to death about being “educated” by the media , in
particular the BBC. And Sky with their continual anti racism
sound bites.
The great majority of the indigenous folk of the UK aren’t
in the least interested in the likes of Laura Kuennsberg
mocking and sneering at Boris Johnson over where he gets
the money to pay for his wallpaper. They with others
on the BBC such as the munchkin woman who mock the
presence of the Union Jack and picture of the Queen in
a government ministers office. They respect a government
through hard work have finally got to grips with the
pandemic . Whilst many such as the ” Vichy” government in
France have not.
Interesting – particularly the point about the Tories being unable to learn what the electorate is teaching them .
Perhaps it is a matter of ‘belief ‘? What – if anything – do Tories believe ? I fear the answer is ‘not much ‘ apart from doing whatever it takes to get re elected .
So they allow the State to expand – institutions to be subverted by woke Marxists – frightened of doing anything which is ‘tough’ and happy to rack up the national debt to Corbyn levels .
For us the difficulty is finding a viable alternative ( and it’s no good just shouting out ‘Brexit party ‘ when this would split the vote ).
Taking an invention from idea to the marketplace
Latest in a long line of free advertising, ie stories to help friends of BBC employees sell stuff??
Mexican doctor, supposedly, has a canvas laptop backpack made in Britain that’s impossible to covid clean,
Contacts manufacturer for help.
“Sarah’s bag company is a microbusiness that she runs herself from Manchester. ”
Case closed..
BBC Rip off Britain, interviewing a chap who had his account closed by Facebook.
One of the old ladies who present the program actually said “We have spoken to Facebook and they tell us they are going to re-activeate your account, does that make you pleased?”
Now I realise that the BBC are omnipotent but this surely brings in elements of Personal Privacy or does data protection not apply to the BBC?
Maybe they could have a word on behalf of Donald?
BBC News
Certain demographics in the US, such as African Americans, Evangelicals and Republicans, are more hesitant about the Covid vaccine than others.
This is how some people are reaching out.
And seem unerring in getting the BBC.
Unless The BBC has them on speed dial. Except the Republicans. Unless of color, which is clearly impossible.
A BBC favourite is on Saturday Kitchen tomorrow. Yes it’s Nish Kumar.
Given the debacle over the recent Nagga appearance this should be interesting. As usual he gets a choice of Heaven or Hell as a meal choice. I doubt that he will choose a bread roll as hell, that would show some self awareness.
Still i shall be voting hell tomorrow morning, whatever he picks.
Who ???
Poor Huw Edwards, evidently still deeply affected by the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh, finds it difficult to keep the tears back as he deals manfully with the aberrant and unrepresentative results from around the country.
As a strictly impartial political commentator, he obviously cannot allow personal opinions to colour his professional presentation, although some relief was offered during his chat with John McDonnell on BBC2.
Not wanting to spoil the depth of John’s knowledge and his skilled delivery by petty interruptions, Huw allowed him free rein for accusations, libels, slurs, contradictions and spite, all in the name of the BBC’s world renowned impartiality.
Well done Huw, you are a legend!
Following hard on the above, Huw’s chat with Kirsty Warlock took things to a new level of absurdity with his assessment of Mark Drakeford (Labour) as a ‘slightly staid’ (I hope you won’t mind that description Mark) but worthy politician. A different form of charisma to Boris, apparently, but yet one to resonate with the Welsh electorate.
Strangely, Huw seems to have missed all the on-the-street evaluations of Mr Drakeford’s political abilities – although most remain confident of his abilities in organising an eisteddfod.
Mark Drakeford is a babe-magnet.
I keep seeing posts on here about somebody called marianna spring.
Am I the only one who has never heard of her.
Is she on a tv or radio station somewhere?
I don’t know who she is (other than that she is aged 25), and don’t want to know, either. She is, apparently, a BBC manufactured deity who “fact-checks” everything.
Me neither – although I have gleaned from her fan club here that she is 24 – polishes up quite well – wears tight sweaters – thinks a lot of her self and is something like a ‘ resident fact checker for the BBC’ – she also seems to enjoy abuse – probably of the ‘self ‘ type too ….
I still think she d make the ideal BBC footy pundit having never played the mans’ game nor managed a club …
She is a vacuous waste of space! i e a perfect beeboid. Probably has some worthless degree that impresses her mates and gets paid an over inflated salary just like her over inflated value of herself. Queen of selfies but no substance. A non job.
Hmmmm….. it felt as though the Beeboids couldn’t move in Broadcasting House over the past few days without tripping over the Labour higher hierarchy; Starmer, Reeves, Nandy, Dodds, Rayner, et al.
So, which of these has appeared on the big media news programmmes I have heard this morning to explain away the fiasco that was the Hartlepool by-election ?…..why, none other than Steve Reed (who ?) Shadow Communities and Local Government Secretary, was to be the fall guy, because none of the other bravehearts of the Labour Party wanted to be associated with the leadership of the party efforts in these elections.
Now, it’s obvious that Labour will try to point out that his role was the most important one , what with all the local elections, but, at the time of his being interviewed by the BBC this morning, for instance, hardly any of the local government results had been declared – and it was well known that the by-election result would be one of the earliest results to arrive.
Cowards, one and all, leaving a man to take the flak who is 17th on the list of Labour Party Shadow Cabinet members on Labour’s own website, and not those who were never off the media over the previous few days – so these brave souls could not be pulled up over their pre-election statements.
And, of course, hardly knowing the guy, the BBC went very gently with him, more so than normally with the Labour Party representatives. For instance, no repeatedly asking the question again and again “Does Starmer now have to resign ?”, as they would likely have done to any Conservative minister about Johnson, had Labour won the seat with a stonking majority.
Impartial, BBC ? Yeah, right.
Richard – I think the likes of angie and Nando will be busily ringing round to see how much support theyll get when Starmer decides he d be better off in the Lords sniping from the edge …
I’d join the Labour Party just to vote for Angie ( see Corbyn )…
– and yes – I know it’s just a choice of coke or Pepsi but the Tories are a bit less preachy about Race …
Fed, an interesting morning.
The Labour party have proved that their far left communist/marxist/wokeist policies are not to the taste of the electorate.
I also suspect the sight of the ‘Dear Leader’ Der Starmer down on one knee was abhorrent to many many decent people and would have made up minds…
But where does this leave the country with the Tories, the party that appears to be now ‘red’ & ‘green’ in nature and effectively ‘new labour’ ? Their own wokeist nature, failure to stop the illegal’s, pandering to our friends in the EU, non stop lockdowns etc means life under Doris is far from rosy.
The only good I took from this morning was listening to Beeboids digging holes with members of their print wing the Grauniad as they tried to dissect the issues and reasons.
I suspect Kunnsberg is downing her sorrows as well. Oh dear. How Sad for them.
The likes of the truly horrible lib dems and greens are nowhere to be seen but somewhere theyll win a council and be proclaiming the New World has come .
The sheer size of the tory vote in hartlepool must really be worrying labour . But they – like the BBC have tied themselves to metro woke and couldnt give a damn about ordinary whitee like me .
I ll repeat – please red tories – just one or two decisions of the Right …
… some wag om twitter said boris can tile the number 10 bathroom now …
Greens – 358.
Libdems – 349.
Surely these people should return to their constituencies and prepare for government…
Jess Phillips is trending
Angela rayner is trending too
LBC have a video
‘Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner have not been ferocious enough in taking on this hard-right Tory Government’
Former Labour MP @LauraPidcock tells @NickFerrariLBC
the party must return to the “magnificent manifesto of 2019.”
New Providence Wharf ; cladding fire spread a bit
but they did have high enough ladders
and evacuation worked.
LBC tweet
Thankfully, the New Providence Wharf fire is all out and under control.
Looks like the flat where the fire started has been destroyed – windows and balcony doors blown out.
Damage goes a few floors up.
This could have been so much worse.
Once the ladder was in position
the fire was out in 45 seconds
That makes it look like the fire blew up on floor
but that the spread up the open balconies to the two floors above a just a bit above superficial.
London borough of Newham istan or tower hamlets …mmm?
Cause of fire – returning officer burning Tory voting papers ….
Hello medialand, the UK is not London
Why didn’t our media report this American good sense?
FLORIDA is to fine any business or school £3,500 if it requires a so-called ‘vaccine passport
Why doesn’t the Labour Party just rename itself .
New Labour , Old Labour , NOT Labour .
Word is that Any Burnham is doing well in Manchester.
Perhaps the BBC will fix it so he can be their Labour Leader
No no -it’s Jess and Angie as the ‘dream team ‘….
From the. Mail – plod issues picture of ‘local man’ wanted in connection with PCSo murder – they are still searching for his dinghy ….