If there’s one thing that now clarifies the electoral situation above all the rest it’s that the contributors to this site are far, far more representative of the electorate and its hopes, dreams and wishes than the BBC and its Guardian fans will ever be.
Its present distorted and deeply biased structure is an affront to democracy, despite the continuous and absurd claims of impartiality. The fact that Rayner, McDonnell, Mandelson, Nandy, Pidcock and similar stars have been invited to share their grief and venom with us all morning, to the near total exclusion of other opinions simply confirms the fact.
How they will re-schedule tonight to allow Alistair Campbell two hours of uninterrupted analysis is a problem that only the producers can solve.
A recurrent theme being frequently aired already by the way is: ‘covid restrictions impacted on voting…..’
Yea, right.
Beltane – because of the current doctrine of ‘ approved thought ‘ even a beeboid who realises they are a long way away from the view and voting of the majority – they cannot express it due to the danger of being identified as ‘ suspect’ .
If the thought of a solid england / scotland border causes a bit of sanity in the scots vote then the focus will go to friend crankie as well as starmer .
More pop corn
Interesting final point Belatine. I assume the ‘Covid restrictions’ are the same ones that the acolytes of the provisional BBC shrilled long and hard for….
If true (which I very much doubt tbh) then they helped sow the wind and now they reap the whirlwind…
4:30pm R4 Feedback
The Editor of Woman’s Hour talks about how her new presenters are bedding in
– also the decision to extend the programme to a whole hour at the expense of the daily 15 minute drama.
– One of the BBC’s journalists gives an insight into reporting from India as the pandemic overwhelms the country’s health services.
The Archers : The white family’s christening just got abandoned as the husband snatches the baby away from his alcoholic wife, after she dropped the baby ..(and he caught her)
How detached from the British people are the MSM and the Labour Party. The Kneeler is being attacked from the left and right of his party, I suppose the BBC would claim that he must be getting it just about right, but both wings are claiming that he hasn’t made sure that the electorate nderstand what Labour stands for! Just the opposite is true , the electorate know only too well what Labour stands for, BLM, EU, Wokism , and on and on. Unless and until Labour ditches all of those things it will never get back into power. But of course it never can do that because all of its members totally believe in those things which a majority of the rest of us do not.
Come on now. People like that bend with the wind. If it benefits them…..they’ll sniff the prevailing wind and eventually modify their views accordingly.
Because I had tuned the radio this morning to listen to the Today programme and hadn’t changed it back, I switched on this afternoon to hear Gardeners’ Question Time. Hadn’t heard that for ages either. Well I think there had been a question answered but then we went onto a segment about how to build a raised bed. I had thought the point of the programme had been to answer questions…but hey ho.
But it was amazing what I learned. We were told the ideal height for a bed is…whatever it was. But then, excitement, I was told if you don’t like bending down or if you are a wheelchair user, you could have the bed at a different height. Well knock me down with a feather.
The whole segment was delivered by a man and woman talking as delivering a lesson to 6 year olds. I had thought the average ago of a Gardeners’ QT listener would have been over retirement age. I switched off and came here for a rant.
GQT are now advertising ‘no mow May’ asking gardeners to leave their lawnmowers in the shed for the Merry month of May… in order to encourage wild flowers, insects etc in the long grass.
Huh. There’s nothing new under the sun.
The local authority in my neck of the woods have been practicing this approach regards the verges and green spaces here for years. Most summer months are ‘no mow’ as far as they are concerned.
2 foot wide by 15 feet long used to provide breaks between pavement and parking/roads in an suburban environment. Hardly an environment that a ground nesting species would be found in. Hedges maybe…
Anyway the local cat population would soon see to any Avians brave enough to try.
The lack of verge mowing is down to lack of ‘Tory funding’ whatever that is…
Deborah, I used to listen to GQT most weeks (usually the Sunday repeat) but I find it less enjoyable during the Pandemic and also with Clucky Cathston as compere. She hasn’t quite got the same ‘touch’ that her predecessors had. Could be things will improve when they are back in front of an audience.
I loathe GQT but it always seems to be on when I am driving and need distraction. Imagine my relief when I switched on once, to hear a recording of the Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower of London. An interesting historical programme! The presenter took over: “The Tower of London…scene of…etc, etc. And now we present a special edition of Gardeners’ Question Time from the Tower…” Aaaaaargh! At once I drove into a tree to take my mind off it.
Just checked the Jockstan election results. Early days yet but it may turn out that Krankies’ wee Skotch bairns might be edging the SNP to an outright victory.
BBC election coverage – me thinks Kirsty Wark could get a job as media manager for the SNP – unless of course – her production company is already employed by the SNP .
Interesting reports about the continuing accusations over sexual misconduct by BBC luvvie Noel Clarke on the set of Doctor Who, which became a vehicle for the promotion of male homosexuality with director Russel T Davies employing overtly gay actors, and the double standards at play in the BBC.
The usual Horrible Maya Forstater type women who claim a man merely being in the same room as them makes them scared, are claiming that the very presence of Clarke on the Doctor Who set made them feel uncomfortable, and of course being from a special Leftie victim group they have to be believed.
But it’s not the same story for the wimmin when the openly Gay actor luvvies were doing far worse, because their massive timidity wasn’t triggered.
How about this accusation:
A recently resurfaced video from 2015 shows Clarke making jokes about Barrowman exposing his penis ‘every five seconds’ and ‘hitting it on everything’.
Sources told the newspaper they did not believe Barrowman’s behaviour to be sexually predatory and described it as misjudged ‘larking about’ and ‘joking’.
Barrowman told the Guardian his ‘high-spirited behaviour’ was ‘only ever intended in good humour to entertain colleagues on set and backstage.
‘With the benefit of hindsight, I understand that upset may have been caused by my exuberant behaviour and I have apologised for this previously,’ he said.
So hetrosexual man such as Clarke does far less than this and the wimmin all sqweam the sky is falling, gay man whips his penis out every 5 seconds and starts slapping it on the furniture and it’s “exuberant behaviour”.
Do that in public of course and you would be quickly locked up!
There are of course enormous double standared here. Wimmin are beomming more & more frightened of everything and we are told some are now so incapable of functioning in society that even a man looking at them can make them feel as if they have been the subject of a serious sexual assault. And of course there is always the media and sympathetic ears to reinforce this gross stupidity.
On the other hand the Gay man doing far worse is himself the member of the victim group, and anyone daring to complain would have been labelled homofauxbik and probably sacked.
This is the delusion and the contradiction of identity politics.
I am also left reminded of Noel Cowards famous line “Certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs.”
BBC Breaking news…..Hartlepool parliamentary election result to be investigated. The completely impartial Electoral Commission is investigating the loss of 4 sealed ballot boxes containing 7,000 labour votes that have inexplicably gone astray in transit from the printers in the Hartlepool Peterborough ward. “This is outrageous, and just more evidence of Tory sleaze..” says new Electoral Commission investigator Fiona Onasanya from behind the steering wheel in the passenger seat of her car.
Not much of an ethnic presence in Hartlepool, hence there seems to have been little in the way of postal voting fraud which is common in other areas – especially those constituencies heavily populated by those from far beyond these shores.
Interesting turn of phrase within BBBC “analysis” of election results so far – ‘ They could also be the spark that reignites the civil war between the centre-left and the very left within Labour,’ So is the very left lefter than the far left or not quite as left? Presumably we can look forward to descriptions of the very right in due course as and when they run out of a supply of ‘far rights’ to bandy about
I guess they think that any attack on any pork related keywords will gain them the affection and support of that section of society they worship who have this view built-in as it were!
The BBC’S mistake was not moving north to Salford in the
belief they were going to be near folk whom they
thought were similar to them with their political views
They should of gone even further north, to Scotland to
get into bed with those who thought like them on a
number of important issues . Such as Brexit and left wing
ideology. 99% of them would of been in their element.
Thanks to Debunker on itbbcb for putting the info on their page because I thought it may have been my end which was off as it was last time when somehow my restrictions were altered.
When I checked them they were ok so I guessed the fault was with the server end.
I wonder if it would be possible to have a message instead of the blank screen or the ‘server not responding’ message because I remember something was on the page when the domains changed about a month ago.
Something like ‘we know it’s down and we are working on it’
I’m only the moderator – I have no idea who owns this – who pays for it or anything .. I’m just the cleaner …I knew as much about the failure again as you do – I don’t even get a personal email . In fact I might give up the moderating – I find my treatment quite Rude really
That has crossed my mind . There is no clarity about ownership – for all we know the BBC might just be paying the invoices and using the comments for cheap free feedback .
I have no direct comms with anyone with management responsibility and would be cheesed off if a defamation suit ever turned up because of some ripe comment . ….
So if you are reading this – owner – perhaps you’d care to tell us stuff
I really don’t know – I’ve never had comms with him – I ‘reached out ‘ once but didn’t get anywhere – I don’t think he reads the site much and dips in once in a while …. I don’t think this is high profile enough for him . There is someone called rufus but I don’t know who or what that is either …
atlas_shruggedMar 3, 19:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The 24 year-old afgee was the Munich car driver rammer – it could be his twin brother I guess.
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 X misinformation prize winner – claim that the car which killed at least 2 people was driven by an afgee…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Richard – always on the pulse – I think withdrawing from NATO completely would be extreme – but certainly cutting…
Richard PinderMar 3, 18:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Trump will probably say: (1) We will withdraw from and stop funding the NATO Military Command Structure and bureaucracy, but…
MarcoMar 3, 18:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so are Europe ,the loons in parliament are deluded and I am…
Mrs KittyMar 3, 17:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I struggled through season 1 with him and Mr Kitty asked me if I wanted him to record season 2,…
If there’s one thing that now clarifies the electoral situation above all the rest it’s that the contributors to this site are far, far more representative of the electorate and its hopes, dreams and wishes than the BBC and its Guardian fans will ever be.
Its present distorted and deeply biased structure is an affront to democracy, despite the continuous and absurd claims of impartiality. The fact that Rayner, McDonnell, Mandelson, Nandy, Pidcock and similar stars have been invited to share their grief and venom with us all morning, to the near total exclusion of other opinions simply confirms the fact.
How they will re-schedule tonight to allow Alistair Campbell two hours of uninterrupted analysis is a problem that only the producers can solve.
A recurrent theme being frequently aired already by the way is: ‘covid restrictions impacted on voting…..’
Yea, right.
Beltane – because of the current doctrine of ‘ approved thought ‘ even a beeboid who realises they are a long way away from the view and voting of the majority – they cannot express it due to the danger of being identified as ‘ suspect’ .
If the thought of a solid england / scotland border causes a bit of sanity in the scots vote then the focus will go to friend crankie as well as starmer .
More pop corn
Interesting final point Belatine. I assume the ‘Covid restrictions’ are the same ones that the acolytes of the provisional BBC shrilled long and hard for….
If true (which I very much doubt tbh) then they helped sow the wind and now they reap the whirlwind…
Oh dear. How sad for them. Never mind.
2:15pm R4 The Friday black drama series is about to start
All 3 episodes are nly 28 mins
not the normal 45 mins.
4:30pm R4 Feedback
The Editor of Woman’s Hour talks about how her new presenters are bedding in
– also the decision to extend the programme to a whole hour at the expense of the daily 15 minute drama.
– One of the BBC’s journalists gives an insight into reporting from India as the pandemic overwhelms the country’s health services.
The Archers : The white family’s christening just got abandoned as the husband snatches the baby away from his alcoholic wife, after she dropped the baby ..(and he caught her)
9pm Another effing hour of Alastair Campbell, former Labour spin doctor ( a repeat from February)
“9pm Another
effinghour of Alastair Campbell effing, former Labour spin doctor ( a repeat from February)”There, Stew, fixed that for you.
Sorry Stew, I was trying to be ironic, not prescient!
How detached from the British people are the MSM and the Labour Party. The Kneeler is being attacked from the left and right of his party, I suppose the BBC would claim that he must be getting it just about right, but both wings are claiming that he hasn’t made sure that the electorate nderstand what Labour stands for! Just the opposite is true , the electorate know only too well what Labour stands for, BLM, EU, Wokism , and on and on. Unless and until Labour ditches all of those things it will never get back into power. But of course it never can do that because all of its members totally believe in those things which a majority of the rest of us do not.
Come on now. People like that bend with the wind. If it benefits them…..they’ll sniff the prevailing wind and eventually modify their views accordingly.
“Noel Clarke: BBC shocked by allegations of harassment on Doctor Who set”
Anyone else shocked?
You nasty, cynical, racists!
But ian – do we need to go back in time and ask whether he tried it on with Dr Who ? ( yawn )
Looking at the BBCNews tweet
BBC “shocked” to hear allegations by several women that Jimmy Saville sexually harassed them on BBC premises.
Because I had tuned the radio this morning to listen to the Today programme and hadn’t changed it back, I switched on this afternoon to hear Gardeners’ Question Time. Hadn’t heard that for ages either. Well I think there had been a question answered but then we went onto a segment about how to build a raised bed. I had thought the point of the programme had been to answer questions…but hey ho.
But it was amazing what I learned. We were told the ideal height for a bed is…whatever it was. But then, excitement, I was told if you don’t like bending down or if you are a wheelchair user, you could have the bed at a different height. Well knock me down with a feather.
The whole segment was delivered by a man and woman talking as delivering a lesson to 6 year olds. I had thought the average ago of a Gardeners’ QT listener would have been over retirement age. I switched off and came here for a rant.
GQT are now advertising ‘no mow May’ asking gardeners to leave their lawnmowers in the shed for the Merry month of May… in order to encourage wild flowers, insects etc in the long grass.
Huh. There’s nothing new under the sun.
The local authority in my neck of the woods have been practicing this approach regards the verges and green spaces here for years. Most summer months are ‘no mow’ as far as they are concerned.
You can’t mow land where there might be ground nesting birds.
I mean best leave it until after nesting season if poss.
Really, but No.
2 foot wide by 15 feet long used to provide breaks between pavement and parking/roads in an suburban environment. Hardly an environment that a ground nesting species would be found in. Hedges maybe…
Anyway the local cat population would soon see to any Avians brave enough to try.
The lack of verge mowing is down to lack of ‘Tory funding’ whatever that is…
Deborah, I used to listen to GQT most weeks (usually the Sunday repeat) but I find it less enjoyable during the Pandemic and also with Clucky Cathston as compere. She hasn’t quite got the same ‘touch’ that her predecessors had. Could be things will improve when they are back in front of an audience.
Here’s a question about GQT .
What politician has been made fun of inGQT , is it ;
A) a Labour politician
B) a LibDim politician
C) a Green politician
D) a Democrat politician
E) Donald Trump
The No Mow in May campaign page
I loathe GQT but it always seems to be on when I am driving and need distraction. Imagine my relief when I switched on once, to hear a recording of the Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower of London. An interesting historical programme! The presenter took over: “The Tower of London…scene of…etc, etc. And now we present a special edition of Gardeners’ Question Time from the Tower…” Aaaaaargh! At once I drove into a tree to take my mind off it.
Just checked the Jockstan election results. Early days yet but it may turn out that Krankies’ wee Skotch bairns might be edging the SNP to an outright victory.
Lyrics from ‘Frozen’…. copyright Disney I think,
Let them go, let them go…..
West – if they go – it has to be complete independence – and not continuing to live off of mug English taxpayers and Shetland islanders’ oil ….
Personally – if the majority is 51% – good riddance
If they do go, the Shetlanders might stay.
BBC election coverage – me thinks Kirsty Wark could get a job as media manager for the SNP – unless of course – her production company is already employed by the SNP .
Interesting reports about the continuing accusations over sexual misconduct by BBC luvvie Noel Clarke on the set of Doctor Who, which became a vehicle for the promotion of male homosexuality with director Russel T Davies employing overtly gay actors, and the double standards at play in the BBC.
The usual Horrible Maya Forstater type women who claim a man merely being in the same room as them makes them scared, are claiming that the very presence of Clarke on the Doctor Who set made them feel uncomfortable, and of course being from a special Leftie victim group they have to be believed.
But it’s not the same story for the wimmin when the openly Gay actor luvvies were doing far worse, because their massive timidity wasn’t triggered.
How about this accusation:
A recently resurfaced video from 2015 shows Clarke making jokes about Barrowman exposing his penis ‘every five seconds’ and ‘hitting it on everything’.
Sources told the newspaper they did not believe Barrowman’s behaviour to be sexually predatory and described it as misjudged ‘larking about’ and ‘joking’.
Barrowman told the Guardian his ‘high-spirited behaviour’ was ‘only ever intended in good humour to entertain colleagues on set and backstage.
‘With the benefit of hindsight, I understand that upset may have been caused by my exuberant behaviour and I have apologised for this previously,’ he said.
So hetrosexual man such as Clarke does far less than this and the wimmin all sqweam the sky is falling, gay man whips his penis out every 5 seconds and starts slapping it on the furniture and it’s “exuberant behaviour”.
Do that in public of course and you would be quickly locked up!
There are of course enormous double standared here. Wimmin are beomming more & more frightened of everything and we are told some are now so incapable of functioning in society that even a man looking at them can make them feel as if they have been the subject of a serious sexual assault. And of course there is always the media and sympathetic ears to reinforce this gross stupidity.
On the other hand the Gay man doing far worse is himself the member of the victim group, and anyone daring to complain would have been labelled homofauxbik and probably sacked.
This is the delusion and the contradiction of identity politics.
I am also left reminded of Noel Cowards famous line “Certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs.”
BBC Breaking news…..Hartlepool parliamentary election result to be investigated. The completely impartial Electoral Commission is investigating the loss of 4 sealed ballot boxes containing 7,000 labour votes that have inexplicably gone astray in transit from the printers in the Hartlepool Peterborough ward. “This is outrageous, and just more evidence of Tory sleaze..” says new Electoral Commission investigator Fiona Onasanya from behind the steering wheel in the passenger seat of her car.
Not much of an ethnic presence in Hartlepool, hence there seems to have been little in the way of postal voting fraud which is common in other areas – especially those constituencies heavily populated by those from far beyond these shores.
From the BBC website.
Now where in the UK would you think the top place for Furlough fraud might be? Any guesses?
Two people have been arrested over a suspected £3.4m furlough scheme fraud.
The man, 35, and woman, 36, from Bradford, were also interviewed in relation to a suspected multi-million-pound tax fraud, officials said.
I’m sure bBBC readers guessed correctly and first time.
Interesting turn of phrase within BBBC “analysis” of election results so far – ‘ They could also be the spark that reignites the civil war between the centre-left and the very left within Labour,’ So is the very left lefter than the far left or not quite as left? Presumably we can look forward to descriptions of the very right in due course as and when they run out of a supply of ‘far rights’ to bandy about
BBC favoured term of the day
“ pork barrel politics ‘
This is defined as a political party promising to improve the lives of people in places forgotten by Labour
– and – it seems – delivering …
The BBC doesnt like “pork” or gammon – as theyd prefer to call it .
I guess they think that any attack on any pork related keywords will gain them the affection and support of that section of society they worship who have this view built-in as it were!
The BBC’S mistake was not moving north to Salford in the
belief they were going to be near folk whom they
thought were similar to them with their political views
They should of gone even further north, to Scotland to
get into bed with those who thought like them on a
number of important issues . Such as Brexit and left wing
ideology. 99% of them would of been in their element.
I think you are talking about parts of Glasgow and Edinburgh
… rather than Scotland.
Let’s have a look at the BBC Radio4 Facebook posts
.. a lot of woke agenda pushing.
(The embed only shows up if you are logged into Facebook0
I guessed this crappy IT website failed again . Must be prepared for the day it doesn’t come back .
I’m putting up the weekend thread now
Language was not foremost in the thinking behind this picture.
I see we’ve been down.
Thanks to Debunker on itbbcb for putting the info on their page because I thought it may have been my end which was off as it was last time when somehow my restrictions were altered.
When I checked them they were ok so I guessed the fault was with the server end.
I wonder if it would be possible to have a message instead of the blank screen or the ‘server not responding’ message because I remember something was on the page when the domains changed about a month ago.
Something like ‘we know it’s down and we are working on it’
I’m only the moderator – I have no idea who owns this – who pays for it or anything .. I’m just the cleaner …I knew as much about the failure again as you do – I don’t even get a personal email . In fact I might give up the moderating – I find my treatment quite Rude really
You have no idea who owns this??? Could it be the BBC????
I’m out of here!!
That has crossed my mind . There is no clarity about ownership – for all we know the BBC might just be paying the invoices and using the comments for cheap free feedback .
I have no direct comms with anyone with management responsibility and would be cheesed off if a defamation suit ever turned up because of some ripe comment . ….
So if you are reading this – owner – perhaps you’d care to tell us stuff
Isn’t it David Vance?
I really don’t know – I’ve never had comms with him – I ‘reached out ‘ once but didn’t get anywhere – I don’t think he reads the site much and dips in once in a while …. I don’t think this is high profile enough for him . There is someone called rufus but I don’t know who or what that is either …
It was David Vance who ran it when it was a blog with a message board.
He then turned it into a proper website with its own url.
testing from shawbits.co.uk

Neither of those images show up for me
as if third party embedding is not allowed.