I copied my post from the last page as Fed started the new page at the same time as I posted it.
I see we’ve been down.
Thanks to Debunker on itbbcb for putting the info on their page because I thought it may have been my end which was off as it was last time when somehow my restrictions were altered.
When I checked them they were ok so I guessed the fault was with the server end.
I wonder if it would be possible to have a message instead of the blank screen or the ‘server not responding’ message because I remember something was on the page when the domains changed about a month ago.
Something like ‘we know it’s down and we are working on it
TWatO Watch #1 – Blame it on the Brexit, not the Boogey.
I have great respect for Professor John Curtice and consider him to be a fair and neutral commentator on politics – unlike some – on BBC R4. I do disagree when he says the Conservative Party’s Hartlepool success was down to Brexit. He obviously has just overlooked the divided nature of the Labour Party which is an uncharacteristic mistake for him.
After Jeremy Corbyn resigned the Labour leadership, following the big defeat in the December 2019 General Election there were some who were saying it was the leftist direction of Labour that lost them votes. They need a more centrist leader like Blair and Brown. This was the BBC’s view, promoted by, among others, ‘Part-time’.
Labour elected a Blair-alike; an affluent, central London, metropolitan lawyer with a similar bouffant hairstyle but – unlike Tony Blair – one covering a head devoid of policies and plans to win an election. Sir Keir spent the first few months of his time in office explaining his ‘working class’ background and credentials and his love of donkeys. Not working on policies or election plans.
Unfortunately his leadership has been donkey-like, just following where the Conservtives have led.
I would suggest it is the Blairicity of Labour that makes them less and less attractive to voters in Hartlepool and elsewhere in the former ‘Labour heartlands’. Guess who the BBC have been rolling out in recent weeks at regular intervals as a reminder to voters everywhere in the UK?
Up2, I think the Conservative success is probably that they delivered Brexit and they delivered the vaccines – and probably more due to the latter than the former. Even on the large estates around me where people are not interested in politics, they know about the vaccine and know that the EU is way behind.
I have seen the most convoluted calculations on the BBC to show that the results are not nearly as good for the Tories, as Rita Chakrabati will call them, as would appear. Last night there was some calculation where they took the percentage of the vote for the 2017 council elections , and multiplied up and compared it to this time (seriously it was something like that), then the conservative share of the vote had dropped. Huw was over the moon with the Wrexham result (in Wales) and Laura had been sucking lemons.
Guido had a clip of Sir Keir being asked by the BBC if he was going to reshuffle his top teams and his response just seem weird as he gave a well practiced response (so obviously practiced) that didn’t answer the question. He was then asked a second time with the request for ‘yes or no’ and he gave the same long winded response. It was the very same clip used by the BBC on their 6pm news headline. Obviously it was rehearsed and the BBC used whichever came out better.
And Sophie Rayworth wore black for the 6pm news and Laura had her black coat on. I presume this was chance.
Debs, you could be right on that. It was interesting that Labour intially attacked the vaccines thing; cash going to big Pharma ‘Tory mates’, excessively optimistic target – and they were helped in that attack by parts of the MSM not least the BBC – never mind the people, never mind the Lockdown hardships, ‘we wanna play politics!’. That doesn’t go down well with voters.
And Fed, that’s where you are right in describing Starmer as ‘Beige’ or colourless, despite the (ageing) Bambi look. He was just playing politics, a default setting for him. No plan, no strategy, just playing. Maybe that’s why the CPS had some failures on his watch?
I wouldn’t be surprised if he ‘falls on his sword’ this weekend.
Up2- in the last strand i described Starmer as ‘beige ‘ and like ‘water’ – no taste or colour…
…. Whether people like it or not – simple messages – straight talking – wins. Real people dont want to hear or worry about sleaze .
The likes of the BBC can never understand that . And their political party – labour – is so busy kneeling that they would never get it either .
A single result would tell them – but tomorrow its gone .
Saw it myself the other day straight after an advert for Britbox with a similar couple!
I’d genuinely like to know what is behind this phenomenon of mixed race couples and families? Is it because companies don’t want to be accused of racism but they also want to appeal to white people and with adverts only being short and there isn’t usually many people in them we end up with so many mixed couples or are the agencies deliberately doing it to sell an ideology rather than a product I expect it’s the later as I also expect that ad agencies have been taken over by right-on leftie types who just love that sort of thing.
A very close friend said exactly the same thing (almost word for word) only this week, and he was once art director of one of the biggest ad companies, and took the job several years after he officially retired as the same chap in another national agency!
Nicely spotted!
(Just for info, we haven’t watched ITV for several years, so know nothing about their ads, but every online ad or leaflet I get shows a mixed marriage of sorts, and we live in a village where there’s only one – temporary)!
…and on R5Greta, they use 20 seconds to advertise their own stuff after every news bulletin on the hour. Not interested.
Flicking through my weekly tv magazine, nearly all of the ‘new’ dramas and movies, contain mainly people of colour in the lead. Um, makes me wonder that they’ve clearly been acting for a few years to learn their trade, sooooo if they weren’t thought good enough to take lead roles then, its pretty obvious why they are being picked now.
Despite the constant barrage of colour bombing in ads and various forms of entertainment, it won’t change peoples thoughts. (oh, and am I the only one who thinks that all US judges and Chiefs of Police are black ?)
Advertising agencies fall under OFCOM broadcasting ethics via the ASA division just like the BBC. OFCOM and therefore the ASA are woke lefty through and through. Add to that the fact that agencies creative, copywriting and production teams are most likely to be staffed with recent lefty arts urban-centric UNI people and you can see why they run with this crap.
I thought it was just me being a racist for not knowing a single mixed race couple in real life, when in adland they seem to form about 90% of all couples.
Expect there is quite a lot of misery @BBCNews today and amongst so many journalists that all their biased attacks and insinuations on @BorisJohnson did not work. Criticism is one thing but their derisory nasty tone has been rejected by the public. Time to end the licence fee!
Kate is a shining light these days, I wish I’d had a longer chat when I met her all those years ago…
BTW, did the BBC ever mention Bliar or the others who tarted up No10 in the past? Or the ridiculous little speaker man Bunkow, who spent thousands on flock wallpaper, and probably several more on kicksteps in his various kitchens and WCs…
Islington based MP has got away with an electoral crime,
Recently Labour Councillor, Chaudhary Mohammed Iqbal was jailed for 17 months after committing the exact same crime as MP Nichols – lying about his address on his nomination papers to help win his seat.
Yet when police investigated Islington-based Labour MP Charlotte Nichols after she was proven to have lied about her place of residence at the time of applying to be a Parliamentary candidate for Warrington North, they spun out the investigation, claiming Covid was delaying them.
Actually she lived long term in Islington, yet being a daughter of TUC president Ged Nichols she was gifted the ‘safe’ seat of Warrington North as the MP was retiring, so on election papers she gave her address as that of a top Warrington councillor.
She didn’t sleep there, rather she submitted a Warrington AirBnB receipt into he election expenses.
Anyone looking forward to reading the cut and paste of the nocturnal troll ? I think there might be a period of silence / mourning ….
… the BBC desperate – desperate – for the SNP to get the numbers to ‘demand ‘ another referendum to get the right answer this time …
A solid border after EU membership – the Euro – complete independence as an EU substate ? What’s not to like ….
It’s a wonder it took this long for the latest self promo.
Still wondering whether I’m the BBC’s specialist disinformation reporter or just the sitting at laptops correspondent.
Report on honey trap Facebook groups – and questioning social media sites and governments on their approach to harmful anti-vax conspiracies online very soon! pic.twitter.com/eGjnKrggyg
Springster also liked this one from a fellow bbc peroxide victim.
Probably the nicest pictures from an election count I've ever seen! And trust me, have spent many hours of my life watching through these kinds of pictures… https://t.co/uurBdGp4rz
A Labour front bencher has resigned saying Labour has more in common with Californian high society than people in Hartlepool . There is to be a reshuffle – which is good fun as leading remainers return to the front bench – traitor Benn being one of them ….
Labour carrying on the self killing …
@Fedup2 I had a quiet chuckle this morning when I was browsing channels and happened upon a BBC lady interviewing a tame knobhead who was explaining to those of us less knowledgable why Labour lost their seat in Hartlepool. He explained that the less educated and poorer people had abandoned Labour and are voting for the Tories. he actually said that! It seems like the message will never get through!
Mike – did you catch the name ? Sometimes when these characters spout that kind on Islington crap they are worth a wiki – and predict the ‘career path ‘ – 3rd rate degree at 3rd rate university – charity / council job – Labour councillor – Labour MP – the standard Labour career path …
If that’s true Labour is stuffed. If they cannot count on the uneducated and the poor, they will have to ramp up the postal voting in “diverse” areas like never before.
During the EU referendum campaign I received a Guradian-related thing on Facebook that suggested that, if I was still on the fence about my vote (which I was), I could consider the intended votes of a list of demographics.
In the list was education (with/without degree), and affluence, as well as other things such as age, location in the country (north/south) and technical aptitude.
You can guess which ones had a tick in the remain column and which had the tick in the leave column.
And this was supposed to persuade you.
Utterly, chillingly, dismissive, and revoltingly snobbish.
Urgent supplies of printer ink may be needed overnight to swing the votes back in Sid Khan’s favour after Shaun Bailey opened up a shock 5% lead.
Luckily a nice wodge of 29k was found by late Fri afternoon to put things back the way they should be, but with a final result not expected until late Saturday pm a few overlooked ballot boxes or some bundles of late postings might still come in handy.
None of the above was mentioned on the prestigious BBC News at 10, but then events in Scotland and Wales, providing some crumbs of comfort must be given priority.
In the interests of impartiality.
Election Chickens coming home to roost and the BBC are stunned. This site alone has been trying to warn them. You cannot keep insulting and demeaning the british public who are NOT Islington nutters.
The BBC is making out that the green list countries one is
allowed to go to is very conservative. But believe me, and
I do not work for the Portuguese Tourist Dept, Portugal
is a terrific country to visit.
G- It’s much cheaper than Spain. The beeches are amongst
the best in Europe , if not the world. The Portuguese are
very friendly folk . And the Carnival in Loule near to
Faro in the Algarve is only second to Rio. And I have
been to both. The Portuguese water dogs, the return of
the lynx to the countryside. Zoo marine one of the best
theme parks in Europe and highly educational in central
Algarve. Visiting the dolphin pods just off shore. Chicken
Piri Piri. The delights are endless. But don’t tell anybody
how wonderful the winter sunshine is as well.
You can tell when the BBC are having a schoolboy tantrum because they put irrelevant digs into the main headline:
‘Labour loses seats to Boris Johnsons party but leader Sir Kier Starmer promises a fightback’.
They are like children.
I am ashamed to say that I am welsh…. I can’t believe that my country-people have voted in the shower of excrement that they have and chosen dead man walking.
It appears that the Celts aren’t as smart as some think they are if it is west or north of England 😩
At least my English compatriots are holding the socialists at bay 👍🏻
@TT No shame in being Welsh! But I take your point. It beggars belief that the rudderless shower known collectively as the Labour Party could win any seats, let alone dominate the Senedd.
Me too. I find it very strange as most of my compatriots are fed up to the teeth with Labour and the Welsh assembly. Getting the 16 year olds to vote swung it ! Rule Britannia!
At age 16, you can’t drive, or drink in a pub.
Presumably because your judgement is not considered safe.
But you can vote.
A little inconsistent, or alternatively a clear case of rigging the vote.
I have always liked the argument that if you pay tax, you should be able to vote. However, most 16-year-olds don’t pay tax.
You can join the army at 16 but you won’t be sent into a combat zone until you are 18. I think the army have got this right.
You’ve got to draw the line somewhere and there will always appear to be anomalies but I think 18 is the right age for just about everything.
But at 16 you are more inclined to accept what is being told – without question so, voting at 16 is an ideal way of, ‘getting them young’ by keeping the propaganda message simple at the outset.
The Royal Marines loved getting them at 16 because, assuming they got through the training (>70% don’t), ‘you can almost bet upon getting them for 30 years’. Insert ‘Labour’ or ‘Democrat’ and see what you get.
Look no further than Wales. Berate the labourites mid term for this and that. Even shake their heads in the process but, when the time comes to vote: “Generations of us have voted Labour so, if I’m not sure about other parties, I’ll vote labour by default”
When I was 16 I said I supported communism and thought everyone should have a homeless person living with them if they had the room.
By my 20s I was left-wing but realised that forcing strangers into people’s homes was of course ludicrous.
You need time to live and learn, even if just a bit.
Michelle Obama: Black parents have ‘fear in our hearts’ https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-57034638
Someone should tell these two virtue-signalling, racist hypocrites that their children are FAR more likely to be attacked/murdered by other black people than they are the Police and ask them why they aren’t demanding something be done about that.
And if the police do stop them, if they do what they are told they will be fine.
This entire topic stinks to high heaven. And the BBC love it.
They disgust me.
So they should. If things eventually ‘kick off’ in the US and a day of reckoning arrives, the black population should fear what follows. Being, 13.4% of the population compared to 60.1% for whites, certainly should give rise to fear. And, best of all, the black criminals are pushing the envelope day after day.
Stormy Daniels: US election officials drop Trump hush money probe https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57029342
Don’t bother with the story. It’s the usual ‘Trump is guilty’ laced with spite story.
The point I want to record is that yet again the BBC link to Twitter. And if you check the other tweets of the author, she is a pro-Democrat activist.
But they don’t link to what Trump had to say about it.
Get rid.
From that story:
“To conclude that a payment, made 13 days before Election Day to hush up a suddenly newsworthy 10-year-old story, was not campaign-related, without so much as conducting an investigation, defies reality,” they wrote in a letter.
I would say the following is much nearer the truth:
“To conclude that a 10-year old story which suddenly becomes newsworthy 13 days before Election Day was not campaign-related defies reality”
But the BBC don’t go anywhere near that suggestion. They are as dirty as the rest of the MSM. Just ask Cliff Richard.
The ‘smart and cheeky’ Aboriginal boy teaching Australia a lesson https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-56544429
Another totally lop-sided agenda-loaded piece of tripe using the ‘pull your heart-strings’ trick and a young child from the BBC.
The BBC tell me how wonderful this boy with a ‘healing gift’ is. If you look for the very few parts of that story which are actual facts, you find:
‘… Dujuan’s mum, Megan. She was expelled from school at 14’
His dad left his mother when he was a few years old. She was a teenage parent.
When his report card arrives he gets very upset. He has the lowest grade – E – for every subject. ‘he gets angry and smashes a window; he is sent home and risks being suspended. He also starts skipping school’
Dujuan’s family move him to a different primary school, one that offers a bilingual curriculum. But he skips classes here too, and his late-night adventures on the streets of Alice Springs continue.
He’s picked up by the police several times, and gets formal warnings that if he’s found causing a nuisance again he’ll be sent to juvenile detention, or taken into care.
Finally, after stealing a teacher’s car keys and throwing them on the school roof, Dujuan is expelled.
And we end with:
“I was born a little Aboriginal kid,” he tells Maya. “That means that I had a memory about Aboriginals. I just felt something, a memory. History. In my blood it runs.”
If you went to school a bit more Dujuan, you might realise we all know that is just a lie. Probably written by the journalist.
And it’s all white-peoples fault is it BBC ?. Sounds like the kid is the same kind of brat we have plenty of in the UK now. But as he’s not white, he gets special treatment and is portrayed 100% as a victim.
They want to show this to children in schools. Get the mental conditioning started. Reminds me of the Muslim children being forced to learn the Koran before they even understand what it is about.
BBC, you are racists. And how on earth do you twist this to say ‘he is teaching Australia a lesson’ ?.
If you’d bothered to listen to R5Greta last night, you’d have thought that the Scots were already part of the EU after successfully ‘suing’ Boris for ‘obstructing’ a referendum!
It was headline news that the SNP were going to romp home, but a reality check with normal, rational, online information services says otherwise – except that the vote may be close – as it was always going to be!
Boris-bashing by the awful BBBC starts in earnest this evening, at the moment, it’s just waving a paper hankie around in his face!
A handful of little snippets from the national press that caught the eye this morning.
The holiday green list is something of a mixed bag as revealed in the ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Surge in bookings as Portugal, Israel, Gibralta, Iceland and Brunei will be quarantine-free‘
The Sun has: ‘2 free tickets to Legoland‘ – which I think is on the all-clear list.
The Daily Star – tongue-in-cheekily – points out another approved destination: ‘This year I shall mostly be going all-inclusive to the Falklands‘ – a reference there to that old BBC comedy sketch show The Fast Show. One feels compelled to add the Falklands may well be great for penguins but the climate is not exactly Scorchio.
From that mixed bag to Janet Street-Porter in the ‘i’ who – like our government – is in proscriptive mood: ‘Time to ban plastic bags‘ – how about toothy, gobby old ones?
The Guardian are upset that their side underperformed in this week’s elections: ‘Labour in turmoil after Tories inflict huge defeats‘ – watch out for all the up coming BBC debates on the theme where do we… we mean… where do Labour… go from here?
The Guardian meanwhile does find something to celebrate in its own anniversary: ‘The 200 moments that made the Guardian‘ – if you should want a hint as to the cause of the popular demise of the Left look no further than today’s moment in the Guardian. You guessed it… it’s yet another attempt to create a moment of racism: ‘Rugby star Maro Itoje “I walked into my local supermarket. Someone asked me what time I was starting my shift. Which was ridiculous”‘ – not exactly a lynching then? I wonder whether someone thought to phone the police for this hate crime? Notice the way this story is demeaning to supermarket workers?
What are our celebrity chefs up to? Raymond Blanc is in the ‘i’ serving up: ‘My favourite recipes I cook at home‘ – sensing there I think this is no time to be in the restaurant business.
Further down market in the Sun: ‘Chef Jamie Oliver turned detective to find his stolen tractor after accusing cops of failing to investigate properly‘ – yep, the police don’t seem to be interested in actual crime these days.
Late last year Mario Itoje, who seems a thoroughly “devisive” character and is reportedly one of rugby’s highest earners, signed a contract with Roc Nation management company and although he was relatively high-profile prior to that, mainly because he is black, it really now does seem to be all about Mario as far as the bBbc’s interest in English rugby goes.
Of course Roc Nation are responsible for Rashford feeding the nation because Britain is racist, Tyrone Mings ending racism in football because it’s racist, Romelu Lukaku winning Serie A for Inter Milan despite Italy being racist and Itoje is now making sure that every child in Britain has a computer for homework because not having one is racist. Note how much media coverage, especially through the bBbc, these chancers seem to get.
Funnily and strangely enough Kevin de Bruyne is also managed by Roc Nation but doesn’t, despite probably being the best player in Britain at the minute, get quite so much attention.
Re your last point ASI, and in no way condoning our inept police, finding a bright red tractor left in the middle of a nearby field does not require especially demanding detective work.
Make the rich pay for the crisis – as they say in East Sussex. Reasons to be cheerful: Boris is a bit of a crook and the stench of corruption will out. Brexit is a great mistake that will burn a hole in UK treasure. And ex-Tory Southern England doesn't like the Blue Fang Gang. https://t.co/HbeG7ysndV
Wow – grief does strange things to people . Woke lefties like Sweeney will be frozen in denial . The Westminster bubble will chase each other over dodgy contracts and reshuffles .
But real people will look at what is actually done – and whether things improve for them – and roll their eyes at kow towing at various race and sex pressure groups .
I’m sure sweeney expresses what all BBC staff feel – and sooner or later there will be a Teesside / Hartlepool level reckoning too with the BBC .
By the way – the bbc is saying Labour is planning to move its HQ out of London . Would anyone care to guess where it will be based ?
Continued thanks for your efforts on behalf of the British people against the Hard Left, Hard Muslim,
white hating, Beeboids.
“Woke lefties like Sweeney will be frozen in denial .”
I hope not, I would throw him in the Thames, attached to the massed ranks of the Labour Party, with the “Green” fatties from the “Lib Dems” added to ensure negative bouyancy.
Saloon – thank you – it makes me angry that the woke have gained control of so much of British life – and how hard it is to reverse it .
There are so many targets – the BBC – – civil service – education – the quangos -the Lords . It will take a Cummings mk 2 to take them on but would need to be even more clever at getting past the traps placed by the media and civil service .
“Well, they could hardly head straight for the bbc, per usual.”
Reminds me of hearing that the Syrian “Refugees” living in a Council House in my village were seen in the midst of domestic violence. The husband beating sh*t out of his wife. No one called the police fearing the ‘Racist’ backlash.
Yes, that’s the logical and instinctive thing to do but we no longer live in logical times where a balanced unbiased system of the Rule of Law applies.
Whilst the Tories congratulate themselves on Hartlepool, what’s happening with migration? Seems there has been a slow and progressive volte face back to completely open borders/anything goes.
Even for the bbc, the Moaning Emole is a bigger joke than usual.
Here’s some concluding ‘analysis’ from an impartial reporter.
Some lessons so far from the elections
This isn’t a general election, where everything can change, where voters’ choices can shift the course of the whole UK in a moment of decision. But the scale of these votes means our politicians are being given much more than a flavour of the public’s opinions right now.
It shouldn’t be forgotten that many contests are yet to conclude – hand sanitiser, screens and social distancing have slowed the pace. Much may yet emerge, but there are some observations worth making.
Just In Time for Mothers Day: “Mothers” Replaced by Ugly Orwellian Neologism “Birthing People”
Because you can’t say that women give birth.
Some women who give birth are really “men,” and these men want to be centered!
And if you don’t know what “centering” means — they mean that normies are currently “centered.” When we speak of a mother, we naturally think of a woman.
The horror for the likes of koonsberg / Beff being unable to understand that the ordinary English people are willing to break the habit of voting for anything red and choosing blue .
I really really hope the people in Hartlepool are rewarded with real improvements to their lives rather than being abused across the years by the likes of the disgusting mandelson .
Birmingham Labour Khalid Mahmood quits Labour frontbench with this broadside – the first Labour MP to fully touch on the depths of Keir Starmer’s problems
Loyalist after loyalist have been on Sky News today resisting a serious attempt at diagnosis of the problem. Now: pic.twitter.com/BU0rJepX90
Sometimes the BBC behaviour is as predictable as it is annoying. We have the dreadful story of the murdered pcso (In Kent I think) and the police action in attempting to solve the case. The council elections and Hartlepool have been pushing for prominence over the last few days. Fair enough I guess, news is news. Now the police have issued a picture of a person they would like to speak to. Not a suspect, but I suppose he would be termed a “Person of interest”. Appearance? I’ll give you a clue, I’m sure he still has the seaweed in his straggly beard. Within a couple of hours – into a sidebar without a picture, A few hours later – not on the main news page, relegated to “England”. This morning, further “demoted” to “Regions”. I’m going to remember this and use it as a fine example of the BBC values. The newsroom conversation probably went “Quick! Have you seen this picture? Get this off the front page asap! File it under Norwegian / NTDWI / lessons will be learned”. I imagine similar shuffles have taken place on the TV and Radio.
Their other trick is to put such stories on the front page at midnight then slip them off into the ‘regional’ pages just before everyone gets up.
That’s how you beat the bias checkers.
Here’s a nice juxtaposition to show how totally out of touch are the BBC.
From the Times- the TV listings for next Thursday.
BBC1 9 pm………Leigh Anne Pinnock recounts her experiences of racism and colourism as a black woman in the UK………..
Not to your taste? Let’s try BBC2.
BBC2 9 pm……..a migrant to 1960s Britain searches for the teachers who helped him to overcome childhood racism.
I’m sure you will be able to count the ratings in literally handfuls of viewers.
Meanwhile, the good people of working class Hartlepool have elected a new Tory MP by 7000 votes.
Labour have nothing to offer working people any more, being as they are now a ragbag of students who have contributed little in the way of tax, and out of touch, middle class metropolitan intellectual wokes. So say a number of commentators.
Thus, as the programme listings show, completely undistinguishable from the BBC.
Last night during the BBC’s election programme Huw Edwards discussing the outcome of the election with a fellow BBC correspondent and the best way forward for Labour..
.. conversation went like this, not what Labour can do but ” what can WE do, how can WE improve, do WE need to change, how can WE get the message across.!!!!
I doubt it was a slip of the tongue. Huw Edwards is very probably one of the type of Welshman who has a deep seated hatred of the English.
The BBC and the rest of the wealthy urban left wing elite just don’t understand what Hartlepool and the, hopefully, terminal decline in the Labour Party’s fortunes, is all about. English people aren’t going to go on forever supporting a party and an elite which is constantly telling them what dreadful racists they are, and what wicked imperialists they have been.
The BBC still believes it’s all about Brexit and vaccines. Remember Emily Thornberry and her sneering because one of her constituents flew a flag of St. George? That epitomises the left’s attitude to the people of this country.
Londoner – I also noticed that the bbc put the traitor ex commons speaker on its failed QT programme ( some one put a 50 second rant on the Twitter ) – I thought – now that is a public service .
Putting a turd like him on reminds people of what the last parliament tried to do to subvert the brexit vote .
As a proud Welshman who served in an English regiment who spent all his working life working in England I can promise you I have no hatred for the English. But sadly you are right, there is a small fraction who despise all that is English..
Oops, I need to correct myself, when it comes to Rugby, we all hate the English…
I’m a bit vexed – on Friday night a Labour shadow minister called Khalid Mahmood resigned from his job . Having listened to Toady this morning – there was silence on this – no mention – no interview ….
….was Mahmoud ordered to ‘shut up ‘ ? Or was the BBC busily trying to ignore more bad news . Maybe they’d have to notice if Mr Mahmoud ‘crossed the floor ‘….
Apols to Fed, but BBC Champion makes pitch for tenure on the Vine Show as an independent expert.
I'm sorry man, but I have had ENUFF of London slander from pricks. Highest rate of child poverty out of any English region, and all we hear from Labour MPs is talk about woke metropolitan elites? Fuck off.
Al-Aqsa mosque: Dozens hurt in Jerusalem clashes https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-57034237
Always enlightening to read the BBC reports about Israel then used google to find out what really happened.
This report reads like the Israeli have just waded in to the Palestinians and ‘ fired rubber bullets and stun grenades as Palestinians threw stones and bottles.’. What nasty people !.
But when you search the web, you find out some things which happened to cause it. Like the fact they were searching for a drive-by gunman who murdered an Israeli.
And how some of the bottles they are throwing are full of petrol.
Every report of violence I came across in my research was the same : the Palestinians attack then Israel responds. Then Israel get the blame. I wonder what people expect Israel to do when children are strapped into bomb-vests and sent to check-points or someone on the street suddenly gets a knife out and tries to kill as many civilians as possible before they get stopped.
What puzzles me the most is why the BBC do it. Muslims consider Lefties to be the same low-status infidels as they do everyone else.
The Conservatives have an 80 seat majority. They promised to make not paying for a TV licence no longer a criminal offence!!The BBC is like the Labour Party – a middle class,woke,London run organisation out of touch with decent working class people – Action needed @johnredwoodhttps://t.co/EgLO7aflrX
BBC Breakfast concentrating on the essentials with Wales and Scotland dominating – especially Wales, much to the surprise of a great many Welsh, if not the sofa supremos.
No awkward questions asking why Labour has done so badly, no mention of EU vaccination duplicity, nothing on the problems with immigrant communities, no investigation of the reasons behind Tory success – except for not especially Useful Eustace being warned about ‘Making sure the sleazy Tories keep all the big money promises which obviously swung the Hartlepool voters from the true path.’
As observed earlier by JohnC, they are children – and, just like children, spiteful.
As you can tell by my name I’m Welsh and live in Mid Wales..
If this country was run by a raving lunatic, if it was on its knees, if there was rioting in the streets, if there was food shortages, if Adolf Hitler was running Labour, certain people would still vote Labour.
Somebody once said, ” stick a Labour roussette on the arse of a donkey and Labour supporters will still vote for it”
TOADY Watch #1 – Never mind the democracy, when are you going to respect it?
Is the question Nick Robinson should have asked John Swinney of the SNP. John was asked about the fading prospect of a new IndyRef for Scotland now that it seems the National Socialists have a mountain to climb in winning an overall majority for the Holyrood Parliament.
Swinney kept stating that the PM should respect democracy and allow the SNP a second go at a Referendum.
John Swinney is obviously a bit dim, not the sharpist twig in the Perthshire forest. ‘Once in a generation vote’ (IndyRef1) and ‘UK wide EU Referendum’ are just two pieces of democracy that Mr Swinney does not respect. In addition, how can you vote in IndyRef2 and immediately try to join the EU and put your nation under the diktat of Brussels instead of Westminster.
They never talk about what kind of post independence ‘deal ‘ there will be for the 7 million Scots ? What currency ? When they will apply to join the ReichEU ? How much will they need to pay the EU each year ?Who will pay for the border ? Who will pay for the nuc bases to be moved south ?
I’m sure they have worked out where the money will come from to pay for the Scottish benefits system without English taxpayers cash ….
On a rainy day – or if you are a Derby supporter facing relegation at 1420 – go read some of the comments in ‘the guardian ‘ – will cheer you up bigly – I think the Samaritans will be busy ….
Yes, Fed, the Beeboids always seem to miss a trick on Sturgeon’s desire to take Scotland into the EU? I wonder why?
To join, you have to have your own currency, you have to shadow the Euro for a period and you have to demonstrate fiscal responsibility (which includes low inflation) for a similar period. In addition, you have to sign up to the Human Rights agenda of the EU.
All of those could be a wee stumbling block for Sturgeon.
One very much undesirable side effect for us if the scotch ever do join the eu would be the scotland England border.
With free travel in all the eu countries there’s nothing to stop the hordes of ‘asylum seekers’ currently milling about all over the eu from travelling to Scotland and simply walking into England as there will be no effective border.
If they are willing to cross the channel in dinghies then a stroll over Hadrian’s Wall is nothing.
Make no mistake, the snp and other virtue signalling parties wouldn’t hesitate to offer mass immigration to the huge number of those ‘fleeing’ from persecution (in France for example) and then they would all drift down into the land of milk and benefits for all the free stuff.
EG, that’s right but hasn’t the Wee Nippy said that she wants lots of ‘asylum seekers’ in her asylum? She may well have to have Scots Regiment soldiers with rifles and fixed bayonets on the Scottish side of the border to keep skilled Scots of a certain age with experience and qualifications inside an independent Scotland and to stop them moving south for better jobs or any job, come to that.
In my on-going search for words the Left are redefining in order to be able to use them against the Right, I decided to check up on what they have done with ‘Islamophobia’.
Lets start with ‘phobia’ :
‘An anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are present for more than six months.’
So you would think you can insert ‘Islam’ where appropriate and there you have it.
Now let’s see what they have done to Islamophobia. Wikipedia is always the best place to check as they can change it more easily there:
‘Islamophobia is the fear of, hatred of, or prejudice against the religion of Islam or Muslims in general’
Since when in the entire history of the world did ‘phobia’ mean ‘hatred of’ or ‘predjudice against’ ?.
They have literally redefined the meaning so it fits the label they want to throw at people. And they wonder why the rest of us laugh at what totally transparent, shameless hypocrites they are.
BBC Says It Has Flagged Multiple Accounts Sharing Trump Statements to Twitter
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has taken it upon itself to flag multiple Twitter accounts sharing Donald Trump statements, according to its own reporting.
TOADY Watch #2 – a correction needed but none will be forthcoming from a Beeboid
A railwayman was interviewed about the small Hitachi disaster htting Simon Jack’s opportunity to travel on GWR or LNER – they do love to travel long distance, these Beeboids do – west or northward, either to go home or for a visit somewhere. The railwayman kept talking about customers and vehicles and obviously did not make a lot of sense to Nick Robinson. Why did Nick not correct this ‘woke’ engineer?
Passengers travel on trains, locomotives or traction units pulling carriages, they are not customers in vehicles.
Up2 did you catch the snippet around 7.50 when they commented on the story? Simon Jack mentioned the cracks in the ‘suspension units’ of the rolling stock. Knobinson, not listening or understanding finish off by mentioning the problem with cracks on the rails. Bellend.
Probably had a producer screaming at him in the background for daring to mention the problem wasn’t caused by it being too hot and melting the rails!
Ah. I thought it might have been the monocoque 6mm aluminium carriages….perched on steel bogies…that might have been the problem. They will be prone to stress metal fatigue, just like aircraft.
Unlike old fashioned wooden framed carriages on chassis and bogies.
…made at the Hitachi factory in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham.
…designed to be electric, but engines were also fitted with diesel power because of delays with railway electrification.”
AFAIK mostly foreign components assembled in Britain
However that factory has a new welding shop , so less will do some of its own components now,
So whilst the rump of a Labour Party and lefty traitors across the land cry into their lattes and use the provisional BBC to show all and sundry their true nature, the bigger question is will Boris with his 80seat majority and vindication of ‘Tory’ values across this land now start enacting some proper conservative policies? Sadly I for one think not.
He needs to be careful. It won’t be long before current supporters and generally ambivalent vote casters see through the red tories and place an X against a different option.
When the bbbc (and, to be fair, all the other tv and radio stations) get these out of touch politicians on such as Adonis or all libdems and they blather on about rejoining the eu (when we realise our great mistake of leaving) it reminds me of these instances you used to hear about some lone Japanese Soldier, who doesn’t know what’s happened, on an Island somewhere still fighting WW2
TOADY Watch #3 – Finish the week (as you started it) and mean to go on and on and on . . …….
If I recall correctly, TOADY had an item in the first hour on Tuesday (day after the Bank Holiday) knocking Donald Trump. They were back on the same gig dissing the Donald (there, Snuffy can do Yoofspeak) this morning.
This is because, like the rest of the MSN, they are aware of the very real possibility of him returning, if not later this year (when the November 3rd election is annulled), then in 2024 when he may well run (and win, again…).
OG, we’ve heard all about ‘Long Covid’ thanks to the BBC, who seem to find pretty women to have their photograph taken with it for the BBC web-site. Isn’t it strange, they haven’t mentioned that they are themselves suffering from ‘Long Trump Derangement Syndrome’.
If election fraud is proved, the left and the BBC will pull out all the stops to prove that the audit has been debunked (That’s a favourite power word).
In that they will be joined by the rest of the EU, who mistakenly thought that Biden will come on their side in the squabble they picked with Pres Putin.
Well, Biden does not know one day from another. He has been spanked by Pres Putin, and by the PRC. And the US military has yet to come out. Tucker Carlson will I’m sure let us know.
Here’s a book the woke, treacherous BBC won’t be covering anytime soon: PREY, by the heroic Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
“Author and human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali has criticised European governments for not cracking down on violence against women from the high volume of men migrating from “Muslim-majority countries.”
“European women who we thought they were emancipated, public spaces were safe for women, we’re seeing them adapt in the way that Muslim women and immigrant women have adapted,” she told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.”
Once again, Sky News Aus goes where the cowardly BBC fears to tread.
”History is going backwards’ as violence against European women rises’
More then 12 years ago, the horror of Muslim gangs was known but suppressed by the MSM. I wrote of Hirsi then
Hirsi Ali, like so many feminists, is quite literally stumped how to respond to the Koranically sanctioned aggressive Muslim male and masculine behaviour. Hirsi Ali is a secularist, and does not realise or pretends to not realise, the source of our civilisation
And here is Laurence Auster
I have pointed out many times, based on her own words (see this, this, this, this, this, and this), that the Somali-Dutch Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali, now ensconced at the “conservative” American Enterprise Institute, is no friend of the West—unless we define the West as radical liberalism. She is openly hostile to Christianity, which she lumps with Islam as a generic “theocracy” that threatens liberty, and she has indicated repeatedly that she wants to ban conservative and Christian political parties, including immigration restriction parties, in Europe, leaving Europe powerless and voiceless before the Islamic invasion. I’ve also criticized Robert Spencer, who is a Catholic and calls himself a conservative, for uncritically embracing and approving this enemy of Christianity, whom he calls his “hero.”* I’ve criticized the mainstream conservative Islam critics who fatuously believe that the defense of the West against radical Islam requires such “allies” as Ali, an attitude that implies that we lack the ability and the moral legitimacy to defend ourselves.
Ali has removed any doubt about her poisonous hostility toward Christianity in an interview published yesterday at the British website Metro, in which this question and answer appeared:
METRO: Do you see any positive sides to Islam?
HIRSI ALI: That’s like asking if I see positive sides to Nazism, communism, Catholicism. Of course Islam preaches generosity and kindness and taking care of the poor and elderly and so on – but these values aren’t limited to Islam. If you weigh what is provided in terms of kindness and humanity against the evil that can come from a society built on radical Islam, you will see that liberals must stand up to this like they’ve stood up to other ideologies.
Ali equates Catholicism with Nazism and Communism. What more is there to be said? How will the “conservative” Islam critics go on justifying their support for her? But of course, they won’t have to answer that question, because who in the mainstream will pose it to them? Not anyone on the left, because the left likes attacks on Christianity. And not anyone on the “right,” because no one in the mainstream “right” ever asks a serious critical question of another “conservative.” Wouldn’t be, uh, prudent.
Paul Belien at The Brussels Journal is a kindred spirit to VFR, noting with some bemusement that Hirsi Ali, the Somalian immigrant, Dutch Parliamentarian, and crusader for women’s and homosexual rights, has been named European of the Year by the Reader’s Digest. While Belien respects Ali for her advocacy of reforming Islam and her courage in the face of continual death threats from Muslims in the Netherlands, he draws a line when she attacks religion in general. Like me, Belien understands that many Western secularists see the fight against Islam as an opportunity to advance their own agenda, which is not just to protect Western society from Muslim oppression, but to suppress all religions, particularly Christianity. This is something Belien won’t stand for, even if the person doing it is a brave individual like Hirsi Ali (and even if Ali’s main focus remains combatting Islam, not combatting Christianity).
Hirsi is the still the same. She is a feminst secularist and views Western civilisation as a means to rescue Muslim women .
She will fail even in that, as Muslim women are the real hard core of Jihadi Islam. View the evidence.
In the mean time she wishes harm to all religions, and thus to the core of Western civilisation – its Art muslim, literature, engineering core and science – Christianity..
I didn’t know her anti-Christian views. As far as I know, she doesn’t spend much time expressing them, instead concentrating on exposing the threat of Islam in talks, interviews, articles and books.
Whatever her views on Christianity, she is leading a heroic resistance to the religion of terrorism and misogyny, for which she is viciously attacked by muslims of course, and also by Western ‘liberals’, leftists, and even feminists.
In the mean time she wishes harm to all religions, and thus to the core of Western civilisation – its Art music, literature, engineering core and science – that is Christianity.
Where would our music be without Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, without the source of their Christian inspiration. Ditto literature and the physical sciences. Did the above happen anywhere else in the sustained manner as it did in Europe?
Hirsi Ali views the West as a place where she and fellow Muslim women from the Muslim world can find their refuge, nothing else. Therefore she sees the migration of Muslim men to Europe as a threat.
She sees Western nations as simply a safe place. Not realising where and how that safe place came about.
NCBBC- You say ‘ Where would our music be without Bach, Beethoven, Mozart’. I completely agree, and the BBC is in charge of Radio3, at one time considered to be the world’s finest minority broadcasting station.
Sadly that is no longer the case as the woke agenda that permeates the rest of the corporation is destroying that as well.
I’ve listened to Radio3 since the 1980s, but my enjoyment of it has been spoilt as they now seem far more concerned about a composer’s gender and skin colour than whether they produced great music. When they discover a previously unknown African-American female composer they behave as if they’ve hit the jackpot. I wonder if anyone else has noticed the same.
Looks like there will be jiggery pokery in the Londonistan Mayoral election
I suggest tuning in to Pakistan TV where the result is likely to be announced there before the count has finished here
karen 🌸 An Actual Democrat
Mayoral election.
Candidates have been told the target is for an 8.30pm declaration of the new mayor – but a decision will be made at around 4pm today on whether to switch to a Sunday announcement if counting falls behind schedule
I wish people would stop pretending there is a huge choice between Labour & Conservative. (Liberal/Green)
They are all controlled by elite woke Islington socialists anyway
This country is nowhere near a proper democracy.
Same in Scotland : elite woke city socialists lairding it over the rest of the public.
Looks like the Biden delay is operating in the Skotch elections.
𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵y TractorFlag of United KingdomFlag of Scotland
I find it hard to believe today’s voting intention is 100% legit! Leaving ballots for 11 hours uncounted is suspect. If my safe Tory area turns yellow then I will definitely know something isn’t right.
5:21 PM · May 7, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
One lesson from the election is that, despite relentless cradle-to-grave indoctrination by the likes of the BBC, the Great British public remains conservative with a small ‘c’ (and often with a capital C).
This should come as no surprise. After all, every day there is a huge nationwide survey on the public’s views. It’s called “The Press”, where right-leaning papers massively outsell left-leaning titles. The message is clear: given a level playing field and free choice (such as does not exist in the broadcast media) the public leans to the right.
(In the broadcast media, thanks largely to the distorting effect of the massively funded BBC, that choice does not exist.)
How much longer must we put up with the biased, woke, liberal-left propaganda pumped out by the out-of-touch, unrepresentative BBC?
G.W.F.Mar 3, 19:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ramadamalinglong at Windsor Castle. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po
atlas_shruggedMar 3, 19:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The 24 year-old afgee was the Munich car driver rammer – it could be his twin brother I guess.
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 X misinformation prize winner – claim that the car which killed at least 2 people was driven by an afgee…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Richard – always on the pulse – I think withdrawing from NATO completely would be extreme – but certainly cutting…
Richard PinderMar 3, 18:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Trump will probably say: (1) We will withdraw from and stop funding the NATO Military Command Structure and bureaucracy, but…
MarcoMar 3, 18:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so are Europe ,the loons in parliament are deluded and I am…
Zut alors.
I copied my post from the last page as Fed started the new page at the same time as I posted it.
I see we’ve been down.
Thanks to Debunker on itbbcb for putting the info on their page because I thought it may have been my end which was off as it was last time when somehow my restrictions were altered.
When I checked them they were ok so I guessed the fault was with the server end.
I wonder if it would be possible to have a message instead of the blank screen or the ‘server not responding’ message because I remember something was on the page when the domains changed about a month ago.
Something like ‘we know it’s down and we are working on it
You can always use the following site, it’s really useful:
TWatO Watch #1 – Blame it on the Brexit, not the Boogey.
I have great respect for Professor John Curtice and consider him to be a fair and neutral commentator on politics – unlike some – on BBC R4. I do disagree when he says the Conservative Party’s Hartlepool success was down to Brexit. He obviously has just overlooked the divided nature of the Labour Party which is an uncharacteristic mistake for him.
After Jeremy Corbyn resigned the Labour leadership, following the big defeat in the December 2019 General Election there were some who were saying it was the leftist direction of Labour that lost them votes. They need a more centrist leader like Blair and Brown. This was the BBC’s view, promoted by, among others, ‘Part-time’.
Labour elected a Blair-alike; an affluent, central London, metropolitan lawyer with a similar bouffant hairstyle but – unlike Tony Blair – one covering a head devoid of policies and plans to win an election. Sir Keir spent the first few months of his time in office explaining his ‘working class’ background and credentials and his love of donkeys. Not working on policies or election plans.
Unfortunately his leadership has been donkey-like, just following where the Conservtives have led.
I would suggest it is the Blairicity of Labour that makes them less and less attractive to voters in Hartlepool and elsewhere in the former ‘Labour heartlands’. Guess who the BBC have been rolling out in recent weeks at regular intervals as a reminder to voters everywhere in the UK?
Yes, you got it right: Tony Blair
Up2, I think the Conservative success is probably that they delivered Brexit and they delivered the vaccines – and probably more due to the latter than the former. Even on the large estates around me where people are not interested in politics, they know about the vaccine and know that the EU is way behind.
I have seen the most convoluted calculations on the BBC to show that the results are not nearly as good for the Tories, as Rita Chakrabati will call them, as would appear. Last night there was some calculation where they took the percentage of the vote for the 2017 council elections , and multiplied up and compared it to this time (seriously it was something like that), then the conservative share of the vote had dropped. Huw was over the moon with the Wrexham result (in Wales) and Laura had been sucking lemons.
Guido had a clip of Sir Keir being asked by the BBC if he was going to reshuffle his top teams and his response just seem weird as he gave a well practiced response (so obviously practiced) that didn’t answer the question. He was then asked a second time with the request for ‘yes or no’ and he gave the same long winded response. It was the very same clip used by the BBC on their 6pm news headline. Obviously it was rehearsed and the BBC used whichever came out better.
And Sophie Rayworth wore black for the 6pm news and Laura had her black coat on. I presume this was chance.
Debs, you could be right on that. It was interesting that Labour intially attacked the vaccines thing; cash going to big Pharma ‘Tory mates’, excessively optimistic target – and they were helped in that attack by parts of the MSM not least the BBC – never mind the people, never mind the Lockdown hardships, ‘we wanna play politics!’. That doesn’t go down well with voters.
And Fed, that’s where you are right in describing Starmer as ‘Beige’ or colourless, despite the (ageing) Bambi look. He was just playing politics, a default setting for him. No plan, no strategy, just playing. Maybe that’s why the CPS had some failures on his watch?
I wouldn’t be surprised if he ‘falls on his sword’ this weekend.
Up2- in the last strand i described Starmer as ‘beige ‘ and like ‘water’ – no taste or colour…
…. Whether people like it or not – simple messages – straight talking – wins. Real people dont want to hear or worry about sleaze .
The likes of the BBC can never understand that . And their political party – labour – is so busy kneeling that they would never get it either .
A single result would tell them – but tomorrow its gone .
new Aldi advert : guess the make up of the family whose beach is a sand quarry.
.. slight twist away from the usual
Saw it myself the other day straight after an advert for Britbox with a similar couple!
I’d genuinely like to know what is behind this phenomenon of mixed race couples and families? Is it because companies don’t want to be accused of racism but they also want to appeal to white people and with adverts only being short and there isn’t usually many people in them we end up with so many mixed couples or are the agencies deliberately doing it to sell an ideology rather than a product I expect it’s the later as I also expect that ad agencies have been taken over by right-on leftie types who just love that sort of thing.
It is the latter, Nods – you’re absolutely right!
A very close friend said exactly the same thing (almost word for word) only this week, and he was once art director of one of the biggest ad companies, and took the job several years after he officially retired as the same chap in another national agency!
Nicely spotted!
(Just for info, we haven’t watched ITV for several years, so know nothing about their ads, but every online ad or leaflet I get shows a mixed marriage of sorts, and we live in a village where there’s only one – temporary)!
…and on R5Greta, they use 20 seconds to advertise their own stuff after every news bulletin on the hour. Not interested.
Flicking through my weekly tv magazine, nearly all of the ‘new’ dramas and movies, contain mainly people of colour in the lead. Um, makes me wonder that they’ve clearly been acting for a few years to learn their trade, sooooo if they weren’t thought good enough to take lead roles then, its pretty obvious why they are being picked now.
Despite the constant barrage of colour bombing in ads and various forms of entertainment, it won’t change peoples thoughts. (oh, and am I the only one who thinks that all US judges and Chiefs of Police are black ?)
Shame it all blew up in ITV’s face when they had to withdraw “Viewpoint”, the cop drama starring Noel Clarke following the “allegations”.
Advertising agencies fall under OFCOM broadcasting ethics via the ASA division just like the BBC. OFCOM and therefore the ASA are woke lefty through and through. Add to that the fact that agencies creative, copywriting and production teams are most likely to be staffed with recent lefty arts urban-centric UNI people and you can see why they run with this crap.
I thought it was just me being a racist for not knowing a single mixed race couple in real life, when in adland they seem to form about 90% of all couples.
real world vs BBC/Guardianland
Too true, Stew!
Kate is a shining light these days, I wish I’d had a longer chat when I met her all those years ago…
BTW, did the BBC ever mention Bliar or the others who tarted up No10 in the past? Or the ridiculous little speaker man Bunkow, who spent thousands on flock wallpaper, and probably several more on kicksteps in his various kitchens and WCs…
Interesting fake photo on the front of the Guardian this morning. Did you spot it?
The fantastic Kate Hoey.
Islington based MP has got away with an electoral crime,
Recently Labour Councillor, Chaudhary Mohammed Iqbal was jailed for 17 months after committing the exact same crime as MP Nichols – lying about his address on his nomination papers to help win his seat.
Yet when police investigated Islington-based Labour MP Charlotte Nichols after she was proven to have lied about her place of residence at the time of applying to be a Parliamentary candidate for Warrington North, they spun out the investigation, claiming Covid was delaying them.
Actually she lived long term in Islington, yet being a daughter of TUC president Ged Nichols she was gifted the ‘safe’ seat of Warrington North as the MP was retiring, so on election papers she gave her address as that of a top Warrington councillor.
She didn’t sleep there, rather she submitted a Warrington AirBnB receipt into he election expenses.
Police then applied to judge to extend the legal deadline.
Yet their request was shockingly rejected by a Judge at Warrington Magistrates Court.
Police then gave an excuse, they’d be given legal advice, that “an appeal would be unsuccessful”.
Anyone looking forward to reading the cut and paste of the nocturnal troll ? I think there might be a period of silence / mourning ….
… the BBC desperate – desperate – for the SNP to get the numbers to ‘demand ‘ another referendum to get the right answer this time …
A solid border after EU membership – the Euro – complete independence as an EU substate ? What’s not to like ….
This site needs CAPTCHAs to prevent these invaders!
Ha good meme
A reboot of one famously Instagrammed by Donald Trump Junior on about Sept 14th 2020
It’s a wonder it took this long for the latest self promo.
Springster liked this one.
If by ‘cool’ one means looking like an Armenian mob boss’ mother in law, ok.
Kirsty has had so much work done, I didn’t recognise her. But when she spoke……her voice gave her away.
Ah yes, the inimitable Kirsty Squawk.
Bit of a pet rock person, apparently.
At first look I thought maybe as she’s lost a lot of weight she kept some mic spit/wind muffles just in case she was feeling a bit peckish.
That patterened wallpaper has been used countless times over the election period.
Subliminal red beats grey/blue every time! The orange is for greens with hearing problems…
Yes…nice coat. Imperial governor look.
She looks like the admiral of the world’s strangest navy.
Springster also liked this one from a fellow bbc peroxide victim.
Gosh, isn’t she repulsive! (I may have said this before.)
A Labour front bencher has resigned saying Labour has more in common with Californian high society than people in Hartlepool . There is to be a reshuffle – which is good fun as leading remainers return to the front bench – traitor Benn being one of them ….
Labour carrying on the self killing …
@Fedup2 I had a quiet chuckle this morning when I was browsing channels and happened upon a BBC lady interviewing a tame knobhead who was explaining to those of us less knowledgable why Labour lost their seat in Hartlepool. He explained that the less educated and poorer people had abandoned Labour and are voting for the Tories. he actually said that! It seems like the message will never get through!
Clearly a dedicated Americast listener.
Mike – did you catch the name ? Sometimes when these characters spout that kind on Islington crap they are worth a wiki – and predict the ‘career path ‘ – 3rd rate degree at 3rd rate university – charity / council job – Labour councillor – Labour MP – the standard Labour career path …
If that’s true Labour is stuffed. If they cannot count on the uneducated and the poor, they will have to ramp up the postal voting in “diverse” areas like never before.
During the EU referendum campaign I received a Guradian-related thing on Facebook that suggested that, if I was still on the fence about my vote (which I was), I could consider the intended votes of a list of demographics.
In the list was education (with/without degree), and affluence, as well as other things such as age, location in the country (north/south) and technical aptitude.
You can guess which ones had a tick in the remain column and which had the tick in the leave column.
And this was supposed to persuade you.
Utterly, chillingly, dismissive, and revoltingly snobbish.
Urgent supplies of printer ink may be needed overnight to swing the votes back in Sid Khan’s favour after Shaun Bailey opened up a shock 5% lead.
Luckily a nice wodge of 29k was found by late Fri afternoon to put things back the way they should be, but with a final result not expected until late Saturday pm a few overlooked ballot boxes or some bundles of late postings might still come in handy.
None of the above was mentioned on the prestigious BBC News at 10, but then events in Scotland and Wales, providing some crumbs of comfort must be given priority.
In the interests of impartiality.
Postal vote turn out in Londonistan very high …. I bet ….
“Postal vote turnout”, forsooth!
Election Chickens coming home to roost and the BBC are stunned. This site alone has been trying to warn them. You cannot keep insulting and demeaning the british public who are NOT Islington nutters.
Go woke, go broke!
I am delighted!
Quite so. It’s funny about the left, they are wrong about everything…..and yet remain doggedly certain that theirs is The Way…..
The BBC is making out that the green list countries one is
allowed to go to is very conservative. But believe me, and
I do not work for the Portuguese Tourist Dept, Portugal
is a terrific country to visit.
Yes, fond memories of a few days in the Azores preparing a 45 footer for the trip to Vilamoura sextant at the ready.
G- It’s much cheaper than Spain. The beeches are amongst
the best in Europe , if not the world. The Portuguese are
very friendly folk . And the Carnival in Loule near to
Faro in the Algarve is only second to Rio. And I have
been to both. The Portuguese water dogs, the return of
the lynx to the countryside. Zoo marine one of the best
theme parks in Europe and highly educational in central
Algarve. Visiting the dolphin pods just off shore. Chicken
Piri Piri. The delights are endless. But don’t tell anybody
how wonderful the winter sunshine is as well.
Portugal is our oldest ally. Why give money to Spain?
You can tell when the BBC are having a schoolboy tantrum because they put irrelevant digs into the main headline:
‘Labour loses seats to Boris Johnsons party but leader Sir Kier Starmer promises a fightback’.
They are like children.
I am ashamed to say that I am welsh…. I can’t believe that my country-people have voted in the shower of excrement that they have and chosen dead man walking.
It appears that the Celts aren’t as smart as some think they are if it is west or north of England 😩
At least my English compatriots are holding the socialists at bay 👍🏻
Rule Britannia 🇬🇧
@TT No shame in being Welsh! But I take your point. It beggars belief that the rudderless shower known collectively as the Labour Party could win any seats, let alone dominate the Senedd.
Historically Labour and it will continue to be. That’s the nature of the residual effects of the coal mining/steel works era.
Wales saved us in the referendum.
Me too. I find it very strange as most of my compatriots are fed up to the teeth with Labour and the Welsh assembly. Getting the 16 year olds to vote swung it ! Rule Britannia!
At age 16, you can’t drive, or drink in a pub.
Presumably because your judgement is not considered safe.
But you can vote.
A little inconsistent, or alternatively a clear case of rigging the vote.
I have always liked the argument that if you pay tax, you should be able to vote. However, most 16-year-olds don’t pay tax.
You can join the army at 16 but you won’t be sent into a combat zone until you are 18. I think the army have got this right.
You’ve got to draw the line somewhere and there will always appear to be anomalies but I think 18 is the right age for just about everything.
Devil’s advocate
Kids pay tax when they buy sweets.
But at 16 you are more inclined to accept what is being told – without question so, voting at 16 is an ideal way of, ‘getting them young’ by keeping the propaganda message simple at the outset.
The Royal Marines loved getting them at 16 because, assuming they got through the training (>70% don’t), ‘you can almost bet upon getting them for 30 years’. Insert ‘Labour’ or ‘Democrat’ and see what you get.
Look no further than Wales. Berate the labourites mid term for this and that. Even shake their heads in the process but, when the time comes to vote: “Generations of us have voted Labour so, if I’m not sure about other parties, I’ll vote labour by default”
When I was 16 I said I supported communism and thought everyone should have a homeless person living with them if they had the room.
By my 20s I was left-wing but realised that forcing strangers into people’s homes was of course ludicrous.
You need time to live and learn, even if just a bit.
Michelle Obama: Black parents have ‘fear in our hearts’
Someone should tell these two virtue-signalling, racist hypocrites that their children are FAR more likely to be attacked/murdered by other black people than they are the Police and ask them why they aren’t demanding something be done about that.
And if the police do stop them, if they do what they are told they will be fine.
This entire topic stinks to high heaven. And the BBC love it.
They disgust me.
“Black parents have ‘fear in our hearts’”
So they should. If things eventually ‘kick off’ in the US and a day of reckoning arrives, the black population should fear what follows. Being, 13.4% of the population compared to 60.1% for whites, certainly should give rise to fear. And, best of all, the black criminals are pushing the envelope day after day.
Tips for any black American stopped by the police:
Don’t take an overdose of fentanyl;
Don’t run away with a gun in your hand;
Don’t escape from custody and try to drive away;
Don’t escape from an officer and reach into your car for a knife.
That was easy wasn’t it?
Stormy Daniels: US election officials drop Trump hush money probe
Don’t bother with the story. It’s the usual ‘Trump is guilty’ laced with spite story.
The point I want to record is that yet again the BBC link to Twitter. And if you check the other tweets of the author, she is a pro-Democrat activist.
But they don’t link to what Trump had to say about it.
Get rid.
From that story:
“To conclude that a payment, made 13 days before Election Day to hush up a suddenly newsworthy 10-year-old story, was not campaign-related, without so much as conducting an investigation, defies reality,” they wrote in a letter.
I would say the following is much nearer the truth:
“To conclude that a 10-year old story which suddenly becomes newsworthy 13 days before Election Day was not campaign-related defies reality”
But the BBC don’t go anywhere near that suggestion. They are as dirty as the rest of the MSM. Just ask Cliff Richard.
The ‘smart and cheeky’ Aboriginal boy teaching Australia a lesson
Another totally lop-sided agenda-loaded piece of tripe using the ‘pull your heart-strings’ trick and a young child from the BBC.
The BBC tell me how wonderful this boy with a ‘healing gift’ is. If you look for the very few parts of that story which are actual facts, you find:
‘… Dujuan’s mum, Megan. She was expelled from school at 14’
His dad left his mother when he was a few years old. She was a teenage parent.
When his report card arrives he gets very upset. He has the lowest grade – E – for every subject. ‘he gets angry and smashes a window; he is sent home and risks being suspended. He also starts skipping school’
Dujuan’s family move him to a different primary school, one that offers a bilingual curriculum. But he skips classes here too, and his late-night adventures on the streets of Alice Springs continue.
He’s picked up by the police several times, and gets formal warnings that if he’s found causing a nuisance again he’ll be sent to juvenile detention, or taken into care.
Finally, after stealing a teacher’s car keys and throwing them on the school roof, Dujuan is expelled.
And we end with:
“I was born a little Aboriginal kid,” he tells Maya. “That means that I had a memory about Aboriginals. I just felt something, a memory. History. In my blood it runs.”
If you went to school a bit more Dujuan, you might realise we all know that is just a lie. Probably written by the journalist.
And it’s all white-peoples fault is it BBC ?. Sounds like the kid is the same kind of brat we have plenty of in the UK now. But as he’s not white, he gets special treatment and is portrayed 100% as a victim.
They want to show this to children in schools. Get the mental conditioning started. Reminds me of the Muslim children being forced to learn the Koran before they even understand what it is about.
BBC, you are racists. And how on earth do you twist this to say ‘he is teaching Australia a lesson’ ?.
If you’d bothered to listen to R5Greta last night, you’d have thought that the Scots were already part of the EU after successfully ‘suing’ Boris for ‘obstructing’ a referendum!
It was headline news that the SNP were going to romp home, but a reality check with normal, rational, online information services says otherwise – except that the vote may be close – as it was always going to be!
Boris-bashing by the awful BBBC starts in earnest this evening, at the moment, it’s just waving a paper hankie around in his face!
Luckily, here, Wendy’s cracked team here is prepped to ensure only correct belief prevails.
A handful of little snippets from the national press that caught the eye this morning.
The holiday green list is something of a mixed bag as revealed in the ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Surge in bookings as Portugal, Israel, Gibralta, Iceland and Brunei will be quarantine-free‘
The Sun has: ‘2 free tickets to Legoland‘ – which I think is on the all-clear list.
The Daily Star – tongue-in-cheekily – points out another approved destination: ‘This year I shall mostly be going all-inclusive to the Falklands‘ – a reference there to that old BBC comedy sketch show The Fast Show. One feels compelled to add the Falklands may well be great for penguins but the climate is not exactly Scorchio.
From that mixed bag to Janet Street-Porter in the ‘i’ who – like our government – is in proscriptive mood: ‘Time to ban plastic bags‘ – how about toothy, gobby old ones?
The Guardian are upset that their side underperformed in this week’s elections: ‘Labour in turmoil after Tories inflict huge defeats‘ – watch out for all the up coming BBC debates on the theme where do we… we mean… where do Labour… go from here?
The Guardian meanwhile does find something to celebrate in its own anniversary: ‘The 200 moments that made the Guardian‘ – if you should want a hint as to the cause of the popular demise of the Left look no further than today’s moment in the Guardian. You guessed it… it’s yet another attempt to create a moment of racism: ‘Rugby star Maro Itoje “I walked into my local supermarket. Someone asked me what time I was starting my shift. Which was ridiculous”‘ – not exactly a lynching then? I wonder whether someone thought to phone the police for this hate crime? Notice the way this story is demeaning to supermarket workers?
What are our celebrity chefs up to? Raymond Blanc is in the ‘i’ serving up: ‘My favourite recipes I cook at home‘ – sensing there I think this is no time to be in the restaurant business.
Further down market in the Sun: ‘Chef Jamie Oliver turned detective to find his stolen tractor after accusing cops of failing to investigate properly‘ – yep, the police don’t seem to be interested in actual crime these days.
Late last year Mario Itoje, who seems a thoroughly “devisive” character and is reportedly one of rugby’s highest earners, signed a contract with Roc Nation management company and although he was relatively high-profile prior to that, mainly because he is black, it really now does seem to be all about Mario as far as the bBbc’s interest in English rugby goes.
Of course Roc Nation are responsible for Rashford feeding the nation because Britain is racist, Tyrone Mings ending racism in football because it’s racist, Romelu Lukaku winning Serie A for Inter Milan despite Italy being racist and Itoje is now making sure that every child in Britain has a computer for homework because not having one is racist. Note how much media coverage, especially through the bBbc, these chancers seem to get.
Funnily and strangely enough Kevin de Bruyne is also managed by Roc Nation but doesn’t, despite probably being the best player in Britain at the minute, get quite so much attention.
Maro is a top player. England would be lost at that position without him.
Re your last point ASI, and in no way condoning our inept police, finding a bright red tractor left in the middle of a nearby field does not require especially demanding detective work.
The brain cells in Beebworld explained.
Wow – grief does strange things to people . Woke lefties like Sweeney will be frozen in denial . The Westminster bubble will chase each other over dodgy contracts and reshuffles .
But real people will look at what is actually done – and whether things improve for them – and roll their eyes at kow towing at various race and sex pressure groups .
I’m sure sweeney expresses what all BBC staff feel – and sooner or later there will be a Teesside / Hartlepool level reckoning too with the BBC .
By the way – the bbc is saying Labour is planning to move its HQ out of London . Would anyone care to guess where it will be based ?
My guess is Brussels .
Continued thanks for your efforts on behalf of the British people against the Hard Left, Hard Muslim,
white hating, Beeboids.
“Woke lefties like Sweeney will be frozen in denial .”
I hope not, I would throw him in the Thames, attached to the massed ranks of the Labour Party, with the “Green” fatties from the “Lib Dems” added to ensure negative bouyancy.
Saloon – thank you – it makes me angry that the woke have gained control of so much of British life – and how hard it is to reverse it .
There are so many targets – the BBC – – civil service – education – the quangos -the Lords . It will take a Cummings mk 2 to take them on but would need to be even more clever at getting past the traps placed by the media and civil service .
I’ve lived in and known East Sussex for years, and have never, ever heard that sort of tosh.
Stupid man – check Hastings results and see what a tozzer you are!
Still, any beeboid dosh is better than telling the truth.
As ever, the bbc unerringly knows what the public wants.
Has Rosen been struck silent? Well, it’s an ill wind.
Well, they could hardly head straight for the bbc, per usual.
“Well, they could hardly head straight for the bbc, per usual.”
Reminds me of hearing that the Syrian “Refugees” living in a Council House in my village were seen in the midst of domestic violence. The husband beating sh*t out of his wife. No one called the police fearing the ‘Racist’ backlash.
Well they should have.
Yes, that’s the logical and instinctive thing to do but we no longer live in logical times where a balanced unbiased system of the Rule of Law applies.
BBC News is perplexed.
A spate of deaths has reignited a debate about domestic violence in a country praised for gender equality.
Safe Sweden faces up to wave of women’s killings
Maybe Mishal can advise Maddy the best way to solve this is to ignore the facts and change the propaganda title to ‘mostly safe’?
Interestingly the photo ed choices seem very non-dfs in nature.
Whilst the Tories congratulate themselves on Hartlepool, what’s happening with migration? Seems there has been a slow and progressive volte face back to completely open borders/anything goes.
Tories, not my vote for the future.
Wait until a rib complement washes up on shore after a sinking.
Even for the bbc, the Moaning Emole is a bigger joke than usual.
Here’s some concluding ‘analysis’ from an impartial reporter.
Some lessons so far from the elections
This isn’t a general election, where everything can change, where voters’ choices can shift the course of the whole UK in a moment of decision. But the scale of these votes means our politicians are being given much more than a flavour of the public’s opinions right now.
It shouldn’t be forgotten that many contests are yet to conclude – hand sanitiser, screens and social distancing have slowed the pace. Much may yet emerge, but there are some observations worth making.
Read full analysis >
Laura Kuenssberg
BBC political editor
This… is why she gets the big bucks?
I think you are being unfair to our part-time Laura.
Just how much output do you expect from her in the two hours a day she ‘works’?
Interestingly Katty, the BBC NA BS equivalent, has actually tweeted rather than an RT.
Seems she is joining Springster as deciding American fake news is more of an issue than anything causing woe to the narrative here.
Lurch is showing how Antifa are really just cute.
So now we know: Lurcher and the BBC defend the violent, terrorist, far-left, Marxist revolutionary group.
What a surprise!
Just In Time for Mothers Day: “Mothers” Replaced by Ugly Orwellian Neologism “Birthing People”
Because you can’t say that women give birth.
Some women who give birth are really “men,” and these men want to be centered!
And if you don’t know what “centering” means — they mean that normies are currently “centered.” When we speak of a mother, we naturally think of a woman.
Scroll down for some education to May 6 around 03:08 PM
The horror for the likes of koonsberg / Beff being unable to understand that the ordinary English people are willing to break the habit of voting for anything red and choosing blue .
I really really hope the people in Hartlepool are rewarded with real improvements to their lives rather than being abused across the years by the likes of the disgusting mandelson .
Birmingham Labour Khalid Mahmood
FakeNews : his pinned tweet proves he left the front bench weeks ago
True news : he criticises London Labour
“I’m told by @khalid4PB that he left the Labour front bench four weeks ago, and it wasn’t related to the issues he raises today”
his free article
Sometimes the BBC behaviour is as predictable as it is annoying. We have the dreadful story of the murdered pcso (In Kent I think) and the police action in attempting to solve the case. The council elections and Hartlepool have been pushing for prominence over the last few days. Fair enough I guess, news is news. Now the police have issued a picture of a person they would like to speak to. Not a suspect, but I suppose he would be termed a “Person of interest”. Appearance? I’ll give you a clue, I’m sure he still has the seaweed in his straggly beard. Within a couple of hours – into a sidebar without a picture, A few hours later – not on the main news page, relegated to “England”. This morning, further “demoted” to “Regions”. I’m going to remember this and use it as a fine example of the BBC values. The newsroom conversation probably went “Quick! Have you seen this picture? Get this off the front page asap! File it under Norwegian / NTDWI / lessons will be learned”. I imagine similar shuffles have taken place on the TV and Radio.
Their other trick is to put such stories on the front page at midnight then slip them off into the ‘regional’ pages just before everyone gets up.
That’s how you beat the bias checkers.
“Person of interest” – is that like “a variant of concern” (TM)?
Here’s a nice juxtaposition to show how totally out of touch are the BBC.
From the Times- the TV listings for next Thursday.
BBC1 9 pm………Leigh Anne Pinnock recounts her experiences of racism and colourism as a black woman in the UK………..
Not to your taste? Let’s try BBC2.
BBC2 9 pm……..a migrant to 1960s Britain searches for the teachers who helped him to overcome childhood racism.
I’m sure you will be able to count the ratings in literally handfuls of viewers.
Meanwhile, the good people of working class Hartlepool have elected a new Tory MP by 7000 votes.
Labour have nothing to offer working people any more, being as they are now a ragbag of students who have contributed little in the way of tax, and out of touch, middle class metropolitan intellectual wokes. So say a number of commentators.
Thus, as the programme listings show, completely undistinguishable from the BBC.
Sluff – just couldn’t make it up.
Small point but for me,interesting…
Last night during the BBC’s election programme Huw Edwards discussing the outcome of the election with a fellow BBC correspondent and the best way forward for Labour..
.. conversation went like this, not what Labour can do but ” what can WE do, how can WE improve, do WE need to change, how can WE get the message across.!!!!
Slip of the tounge I suppose..??
I doubt it was a slip of the tongue. Huw Edwards is very probably one of the type of Welshman who has a deep seated hatred of the English.
The BBC and the rest of the wealthy urban left wing elite just don’t understand what Hartlepool and the, hopefully, terminal decline in the Labour Party’s fortunes, is all about. English people aren’t going to go on forever supporting a party and an elite which is constantly telling them what dreadful racists they are, and what wicked imperialists they have been.
The BBC still believes it’s all about Brexit and vaccines. Remember Emily Thornberry and her sneering because one of her constituents flew a flag of St. George? That epitomises the left’s attitude to the people of this country.
Londoner – I also noticed that the bbc put the traitor ex commons speaker on its failed QT programme ( some one put a 50 second rant on the Twitter ) – I thought – now that is a public service .
Putting a turd like him on reminds people of what the last parliament tried to do to subvert the brexit vote .
I won’t even use his name .
As a proud Welshman who served in an English regiment who spent all his working life working in England I can promise you I have no hatred for the English. But sadly you are right, there is a small fraction who despise all that is English..
Oops, I need to correct myself, when it comes to Rugby, we all hate the English…
I’m a bit vexed – on Friday night a Labour shadow minister called Khalid Mahmood resigned from his job . Having listened to Toady this morning – there was silence on this – no mention – no interview ….
….was Mahmoud ordered to ‘shut up ‘ ? Or was the BBC busily trying to ignore more bad news . Maybe they’d have to notice if Mr Mahmoud ‘crossed the floor ‘….
Apols to Fed, but BBC Champion makes pitch for tenure on the Vine Show as an independent expert.
…….and what nationality are the parents of said children, and do they have two in attendance?
Al-Aqsa mosque: Dozens hurt in Jerusalem clashes
Always enlightening to read the BBC reports about Israel then used google to find out what really happened.
This report reads like the Israeli have just waded in to the Palestinians and ‘ fired rubber bullets and stun grenades as Palestinians threw stones and bottles.’. What nasty people !.
But when you search the web, you find out some things which happened to cause it. Like the fact they were searching for a drive-by gunman who murdered an Israeli.
And how some of the bottles they are throwing are full of petrol.
Every report of violence I came across in my research was the same : the Palestinians attack then Israel responds. Then Israel get the blame. I wonder what people expect Israel to do when children are strapped into bomb-vests and sent to check-points or someone on the street suddenly gets a knife out and tries to kill as many civilians as possible before they get stopped.
What puzzles me the most is why the BBC do it. Muslims consider Lefties to be the same low-status infidels as they do everyone else.
Kate Hoey again
The BBC is not like the Labour Party. The BBC is the Labour Party. I believe the phrase is ‘zero degrees of separation’.
BBC Breakfast concentrating on the essentials with Wales and Scotland dominating – especially Wales, much to the surprise of a great many Welsh, if not the sofa supremos.
No awkward questions asking why Labour has done so badly, no mention of EU vaccination duplicity, nothing on the problems with immigrant communities, no investigation of the reasons behind Tory success – except for not especially Useful Eustace being warned about ‘Making sure the sleazy Tories keep all the big money promises which obviously swung the Hartlepool voters from the true path.’
As observed earlier by JohnC, they are children – and, just like children, spiteful.
As you can tell by my name I’m Welsh and live in Mid Wales..
If this country was run by a raving lunatic, if it was on its knees, if there was rioting in the streets, if there was food shortages, if Adolf Hitler was running Labour, certain people would still vote Labour.
Somebody once said, ” stick a Labour roussette on the arse of a donkey and Labour supporters will still vote for it”
TOADY Watch #1 – Never mind the democracy, when are you going to respect it?
Is the question Nick Robinson should have asked John Swinney of the SNP. John was asked about the fading prospect of a new IndyRef for Scotland now that it seems the National Socialists have a mountain to climb in winning an overall majority for the Holyrood Parliament.
Swinney kept stating that the PM should respect democracy and allow the SNP a second go at a Referendum.
John Swinney is obviously a bit dim, not the sharpist twig in the Perthshire forest. ‘Once in a generation vote’ (IndyRef1) and ‘UK wide EU Referendum’ are just two pieces of democracy that Mr Swinney does not respect. In addition, how can you vote in IndyRef2 and immediately try to join the EU and put your nation under the diktat of Brussels instead of Westminster.
They never talk about what kind of post independence ‘deal ‘ there will be for the 7 million Scots ? What currency ? When they will apply to join the ReichEU ? How much will they need to pay the EU each year ?Who will pay for the border ? Who will pay for the nuc bases to be moved south ?
I’m sure they have worked out where the money will come from to pay for the Scottish benefits system without English taxpayers cash ….
On a rainy day – or if you are a Derby supporter facing relegation at 1420 – go read some of the comments in ‘the guardian ‘ – will cheer you up bigly – I think the Samaritans will be busy ….
Yes, Fed, the Beeboids always seem to miss a trick on Sturgeon’s desire to take Scotland into the EU? I wonder why?
To join, you have to have your own currency, you have to shadow the Euro for a period and you have to demonstrate fiscal responsibility (which includes low inflation) for a similar period. In addition, you have to sign up to the Human Rights agenda of the EU.
All of those could be a wee stumbling block for Sturgeon.
One very much undesirable side effect for us if the scotch ever do join the eu would be the scotland England border.
With free travel in all the eu countries there’s nothing to stop the hordes of ‘asylum seekers’ currently milling about all over the eu from travelling to Scotland and simply walking into England as there will be no effective border.
If they are willing to cross the channel in dinghies then a stroll over Hadrian’s Wall is nothing.
Make no mistake, the snp and other virtue signalling parties wouldn’t hesitate to offer mass immigration to the huge number of those ‘fleeing’ from persecution (in France for example) and then they would all drift down into the land of milk and benefits for all the free stuff.
EG, that’s right but hasn’t the Wee Nippy said that she wants lots of ‘asylum seekers’ in her asylum? She may well have to have Scots Regiment soldiers with rifles and fixed bayonets on the Scottish side of the border to keep skilled Scots of a certain age with experience and qualifications inside an independent Scotland and to stop them moving south for better jobs or any job, come to that.
There will have to be a solid border with Scotland in the EU .
They could always get a quote for the fence from President Trump!
Don’t ask mr biden though, as his quotes are written by others …
In my on-going search for words the Left are redefining in order to be able to use them against the Right, I decided to check up on what they have done with ‘Islamophobia’.
Lets start with ‘phobia’ :
‘An anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are present for more than six months.’
So you would think you can insert ‘Islam’ where appropriate and there you have it.
Now let’s see what they have done to Islamophobia. Wikipedia is always the best place to check as they can change it more easily there:
‘Islamophobia is the fear of, hatred of, or prejudice against the religion of Islam or Muslims in general’
Since when in the entire history of the world did ‘phobia’ mean ‘hatred of’ or ‘predjudice against’ ?.
They have literally redefined the meaning so it fits the label they want to throw at people. And they wonder why the rest of us laugh at what totally transparent, shameless hypocrites they are.
BBC Says It Has Flagged Multiple Accounts Sharing Trump Statements to Twitter
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has taken it upon itself to flag multiple Twitter accounts sharing Donald Trump statements, according to its own reporting.
Is this what License payers are paying for? The BBC has become just another arm of the far left Democrats, and the corrupt MSM in America.
It looks like a Marianna wannabee in San Francisco.
Meanwhile at Disney, the execs are imbibing Critical Race Theory in all things.
Daffy is convinced that Disney/MGM has been systemically Racist/Specist. He believes that Bugs the Rabbit was of Privilege.
Daffy has always felt that he has been subject to systemic racism and specism in Hollywood.
All Black Duck Lives matter.
The pond from which the BBC booking team fishes is as unique as the corporation.
That said, a look at the runners and riders from which to choose slick’s successor is hilarious.
BBC Radio for has ‘experts’, in stats, apparently.
Crunching the numbers for Long Covid
From the stats experts at More or Less, on BBC Sounds
TOADY Watch #2 – a correction needed but none will be forthcoming from a Beeboid
A railwayman was interviewed about the small Hitachi disaster htting Simon Jack’s opportunity to travel on GWR or LNER – they do love to travel long distance, these Beeboids do – west or northward, either to go home or for a visit somewhere. The railwayman kept talking about customers and vehicles and obviously did not make a lot of sense to Nick Robinson. Why did Nick not correct this ‘woke’ engineer?
Passengers travel on trains, locomotives or traction units pulling carriages, they are not customers in vehicles.
Up2 did you catch the snippet around 7.50 when they commented on the story? Simon Jack mentioned the cracks in the ‘suspension units’ of the rolling stock. Knobinson, not listening or understanding finish off by mentioning the problem with cracks on the rails. Bellend.
Probably had a producer screaming at him in the background for daring to mention the problem wasn’t caused by it being too hot and melting the rails!
The West, that pesky Global Warming, just when you don’t want it!
Ah. I thought it might have been the monocoque 6mm aluminium carriages….perched on steel bogies…that might have been the problem. They will be prone to stress metal fatigue, just like aircraft.
Unlike old fashioned wooden framed carriages on chassis and bogies.
If only the locos and carriages had been built in Derby . . . . ….. 😉
…made at the Hitachi factory in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham.
…designed to be electric, but engines were also fitted with diesel power because of delays with railway electrification.”
AFAIK mostly foreign components assembled in Britain
However that factory has a new welding shop , so less will do some of its own components now,
So whilst the rump of a Labour Party and lefty traitors across the land cry into their lattes and use the provisional BBC to show all and sundry their true nature, the bigger question is will Boris with his 80seat majority and vindication of ‘Tory’ values across this land now start enacting some proper conservative policies? Sadly I for one think not.
He needs to be careful. It won’t be long before current supporters and generally ambivalent vote casters see through the red tories and place an X against a different option.
Far from it.
BoJo is a closset lefty guided by Carrie Symonds. He has made it clear that there will be no stop to illegal migration – mainly Muslim.
Or us getting taxed to poverty, to sustain the UN goal of sustainability of privileged life styles of UN and sundry politicians.
When the bbbc (and, to be fair, all the other tv and radio stations) get these out of touch politicians on such as Adonis or all libdems and they blather on about rejoining the eu (when we realise our great mistake of leaving) it reminds me of these instances you used to hear about some lone Japanese Soldier, who doesn’t know what’s happened, on an Island somewhere still fighting WW2
TOADY Watch #3 – Finish the week (as you started it) and mean to go on and on and on . . …….
If I recall correctly, TOADY had an item in the first hour on Tuesday (day after the Bank Holiday) knocking Donald Trump. They were back on the same gig dissing the Donald (there, Snuffy can do Yoofspeak) this morning.
Deplorable, BBC, deplorable.
This is because, like the rest of the MSN, they are aware of the very real possibility of him returning, if not later this year (when the November 3rd election is annulled), then in 2024 when he may well run (and win, again…).
OG, we’ve heard all about ‘Long Covid’ thanks to the BBC, who seem to find pretty women to have their photograph taken with it for the BBC web-site. Isn’t it strange, they haven’t mentioned that they are themselves suffering from ‘Long Trump Derangement Syndrome’.
If election fraud is proved, the left and the BBC will pull out all the stops to prove that the audit has been debunked (That’s a favourite power word).
In that they will be joined by the rest of the EU, who mistakenly thought that Biden will come on their side in the squabble they picked with Pres Putin.
Well, Biden does not know one day from another. He has been spanked by Pres Putin, and by the PRC. And the US military has yet to come out. Tucker Carlson will I’m sure let us know.
Here’s a book the woke, treacherous BBC won’t be covering anytime soon: PREY, by the heroic Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
“Author and human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali has criticised European governments for not cracking down on violence against women from the high volume of men migrating from “Muslim-majority countries.”
“European women who we thought they were emancipated, public spaces were safe for women, we’re seeing them adapt in the way that Muslim women and immigrant women have adapted,” she told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.”
Once again, Sky News Aus goes where the cowardly BBC fears to tread.
”History is going backwards’ as violence against European women rises’
More then 12 years ago, the horror of Muslim gangs was known but suppressed by the MSM. I wrote of Hirsi then
Hirsi Ali, like so many feminists, is quite literally stumped how to respond to the Koranically sanctioned aggressive Muslim male and masculine behaviour. Hirsi Ali is a secularist, and does not realise or pretends to not realise, the source of our civilisation
And here is Laurence Auster
I have pointed out many times, based on her own words (see this, this, this, this, this, and this), that the Somali-Dutch Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali, now ensconced at the “conservative” American Enterprise Institute, is no friend of the West—unless we define the West as radical liberalism. She is openly hostile to Christianity, which she lumps with Islam as a generic “theocracy” that threatens liberty, and she has indicated repeatedly that she wants to ban conservative and Christian political parties, including immigration restriction parties, in Europe, leaving Europe powerless and voiceless before the Islamic invasion. I’ve also criticized Robert Spencer, who is a Catholic and calls himself a conservative, for uncritically embracing and approving this enemy of Christianity, whom he calls his “hero.”* I’ve criticized the mainstream conservative Islam critics who fatuously believe that the defense of the West against radical Islam requires such “allies” as Ali, an attitude that implies that we lack the ability and the moral legitimacy to defend ourselves.
Ali has removed any doubt about her poisonous hostility toward Christianity in an interview published yesterday at the British website Metro, in which this question and answer appeared:
METRO: Do you see any positive sides to Islam?
HIRSI ALI: That’s like asking if I see positive sides to Nazism, communism, Catholicism. Of course Islam preaches generosity and kindness and taking care of the poor and elderly and so on – but these values aren’t limited to Islam. If you weigh what is provided in terms of kindness and humanity against the evil that can come from a society built on radical Islam, you will see that liberals must stand up to this like they’ve stood up to other ideologies.
Ali equates Catholicism with Nazism and Communism. What more is there to be said? How will the “conservative” Islam critics go on justifying their support for her? But of course, they won’t have to answer that question, because who in the mainstream will pose it to them? Not anyone on the left, because the left likes attacks on Christianity. And not anyone on the “right,” because no one in the mainstream “right” ever asks a serious critical question of another “conservative.” Wouldn’t be, uh, prudent.
And From The Brussels Journal from 2006
Paul Belien at The Brussels Journal is a kindred spirit to VFR, noting with some bemusement that Hirsi Ali, the Somalian immigrant, Dutch Parliamentarian, and crusader for women’s and homosexual rights, has been named European of the Year by the Reader’s Digest. While Belien respects Ali for her advocacy of reforming Islam and her courage in the face of continual death threats from Muslims in the Netherlands, he draws a line when she attacks religion in general. Like me, Belien understands that many Western secularists see the fight against Islam as an opportunity to advance their own agenda, which is not just to protect Western society from Muslim oppression, but to suppress all religions, particularly Christianity. This is something Belien won’t stand for, even if the person doing it is a brave individual like Hirsi Ali (and even if Ali’s main focus remains combatting Islam, not combatting Christianity).
Hirsi is the still the same. She is a feminst secularist and views Western civilisation as a means to rescue Muslim women .
She will fail even in that, as Muslim women are the real hard core of Jihadi Islam. View the evidence.
In the mean time she wishes harm to all religions, and thus to the core of Western civilisation – its Art muslim, literature, engineering core and science – Christianity..
I didn’t know her anti-Christian views. As far as I know, she doesn’t spend much time expressing them, instead concentrating on exposing the threat of Islam in talks, interviews, articles and books.
Whatever her views on Christianity, she is leading a heroic resistance to the religion of terrorism and misogyny, for which she is viciously attacked by muslims of course, and also by Western ‘liberals’, leftists, and even feminists.
For that she deserves respect and support.
Correction in the previous post
In the mean time she wishes harm to all religions, and thus to the core of Western civilisation – its Art music, literature, engineering core and science – that is Christianity.
Where would our music be without Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, without the source of their Christian inspiration. Ditto literature and the physical sciences. Did the above happen anywhere else in the sustained manner as it did in Europe?
Hirsi Ali views the West as a place where she and fellow Muslim women from the Muslim world can find their refuge, nothing else. Therefore she sees the migration of Muslim men to Europe as a threat.
She sees Western nations as simply a safe place. Not realising where and how that safe place came about.
We are at war. We cannot be too picky about our allies. Like the Soviet Union in WW2. Churchill held his nose and pretended to like them.
Very true Vlad.
NCBBC- You say ‘ Where would our music be without Bach, Beethoven, Mozart’. I completely agree, and the BBC is in charge of Radio3, at one time considered to be the world’s finest minority broadcasting station.
Sadly that is no longer the case as the woke agenda that permeates the rest of the corporation is destroying that as well.
I’ve listened to Radio3 since the 1980s, but my enjoyment of it has been spoilt as they now seem far more concerned about a composer’s gender and skin colour than whether they produced great music. When they discover a previously unknown African-American female composer they behave as if they’ve hit the jackpot. I wonder if anyone else has noticed the same.
Looks like there will be jiggery pokery in the Londonistan Mayoral election
I suggest tuning in to Pakistan TV where the result is likely to be announced there before the count has finished here
karen 🌸 An Actual Democrat
Mayoral election.
Candidates have been told the target is for an 8.30pm declaration of the new mayor – but a decision will be made at around 4pm today on whether to switch to a Sunday announcement if counting falls behind schedule
I wish people would stop pretending there is a huge choice between Labour & Conservative. (Liberal/Green)
They are all controlled by elite woke Islington socialists anyway
This country is nowhere near a proper democracy.
Same in Scotland : elite woke city socialists lairding it over the rest of the public.
Looks like the Biden delay is operating in the Skotch elections.
𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵y TractorFlag of United KingdomFlag of Scotland
I find it hard to believe today’s voting intention is 100% legit! Leaving ballots for 11 hours uncounted is suspect. If my safe Tory area turns yellow then I will definitely know something isn’t right.
5:21 PM · May 7, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
One lesson from the election is that, despite relentless cradle-to-grave indoctrination by the likes of the BBC, the Great British public remains conservative with a small ‘c’ (and often with a capital C).
This should come as no surprise. After all, every day there is a huge nationwide survey on the public’s views. It’s called “The Press”, where right-leaning papers massively outsell left-leaning titles. The message is clear: given a level playing field and free choice (such as does not exist in the broadcast media) the public leans to the right.
(In the broadcast media, thanks largely to the distorting effect of the massively funded BBC, that choice does not exist.)
How much longer must we put up with the biased, woke, liberal-left propaganda pumped out by the out-of-touch, unrepresentative BBC?
Defund the BBC.