Only a little patience PG and you would have seen England featured at last. You would also have been elated to watch Steve Rotherham (no relation) the newly elected mayor of Liverpool, explaining how the deeply knowledgeable and politically adroit citizens used their votes to ensure that the Labour party stayed at the helm of this shining example of socialist moral skills.
See? Who says there’s no balance in BBC coverage.
Without even looking today, we know the BBC will support the EU (micro invasion of Jersey) by French Fishermen. Even in France the big news is reported as being by ‘French Fisherman’. You know the story, and its still ongoing — for now. But whilst we wait for the next broadside on French claims to the Channel Islands are quite clear…
Except at the BBC, they are not Fisherman at all but: ‘Fisherfolk’ according to Fiona Bruce on the BBC QT!
Rotherham : looks like Labour will just have an overall majority
even though the Tories have come from nowhere.
lefty Labour’s Steve Rotheram hails his Liverpool mayoral re-election
as “massive vote of confidence in the power of devolution and the work I’ve done so far”
The current BBC Election special is a classic example of ignoring the elephant. Kicking off with Wales, then Scollun at length followed by Liverpool, Bristol and now West Mids. All with the theme of Labour or SNP success, bucking the trend, rising above the common herd, etc etc. As I write Huw is puffing Mark Drakeford and his ‘remarkable performance for Labour’ as icing on the cake.
With luck that jumbo is building up a gigantic fart, followed by several barrow-loads of steaming shite to bring a true level of balance back to the presentation.
Shocking shocking news that the corrupt democrats in the USA are now going after the expert witnesses in the Derek Chauvin trial which will have a chilling effect on anyone accused being able to have a fair trial when all of the experts are going to mindful of the consequences of their giving expert opinion the left don’t like.
BBC don’t do science
April 13th they put out a story pushing their Global Warming alarmist agenda, re extreme weather events.
(weather !)
They chose to hype up hurricanes
90 mins later the Professor who’s the editor of the oldest meteorology journal in world criticised them “Please get the science correct, @bbcweather “
Unfortunately, storms that form tornadoes don't occur by the so-called "clash of air masses". We've highlighted this before. Please get the science correct, @bbcweather.
— Eloquent Science (Prof. David Schultz) (@EloquentScience) April 13, 2021
Has anyone heard the bbbc mention the child vote and how it has helped the snp.
I would think that without the junior vote the snp would have fared much worse.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think Wales has also let the bairns vote which suits the left.
It’s all very well saying when they grow up and mature a bit they will understand more but they will be replaced by more kids having learned the alphabet and doing sums and so be judged able to vote and we all know which way the children will vote.
Is it correct that immigrants have been allowed to vote as well?
Can only see them voting one way.
Will they now start complaining that 14 year olds should be able to vote (then 12…..10. and so on)
How about a vote for a foetus. It’s their human right.
I also think that pets should have the vote.
Three of my dogs joined Labour and voted strategically in the leadership election for Corbyn. Best £12 ever spent.
In 2016 taffland voted for Brexit .
At the time most of the kids in Wales were ‘remainers’ thanks to our education system.
The sixteen year-olds are the remans of the ‘remainers’
In a few years they will grow up and realise their mistake.
Dipping into the BBC coverage of the elections – for some reason the BBC has left 2 production companies as the ‘anchors ‘ namely Kirstie and Huw – both of whom look knackered.
I’ve been dipping in and out due to the footy but in the last hour ? They interviewed Lucy Powell – Labour – a green Scot and the Welsh nationalist windbag – I don’t think there was anyone of the ‘right ‘ at all ….
The Beeboids put the comment by the resigned Labour front bencher ‘Mahmoud ‘ his comment about Labour being a woke metro Twitter Party -out of touch with former Labour voters ….
. I think that comment has hurt the BBC because they recognise themselves and realise it is the truth .
BTW on a technical note
It seems people can now share images from BBC websites by right clicking to copy the image address.
Previously if a BBC image was on the server, embedding here was generally blocked
@JimS that is not true, some other people said the same pics did not show up for them either.
#2 There was a separate issue where I think you/someone posted images from a image sharing site
.. And they worked for you but not for me & other people
perhaps something to do with a that you were logged into your image account.
Those image failures happened not just on my PC but also on my tablet/phone on Android.
I have not changed anything at my end, yet when @Thoughtful posted that photo of the “Canterbury man” the police were seeking it showed up on all my devices.
#3 It is possible that ichef images did USED to work here some time before 2018
Here is our original discussion
where your image didn’t show up for me on any devices.
So I posted it again so everyone could see it …and you shouted at me.
Sorry, I don’t want to bicker it’s boring.
Sometimes ichef uses a special kind of X : × not x
That first small × is a slightly different kind of X to that final small x
..maybe an Apple characterset
doesn’t work in my browsers
Owen Jones yet again on the BBC News channel at 15:19 today. He is joined by a Ash Sakar lookalike.
Usual rant…
“blah blah Tories only won by spending money in Labour areas”
“Labour need a policy to tax the rich”
Why is this annoying idiot always on the TV telling us what Labour need to do? He reputation of backing the losing horse everytime shows he is out of touch (like the BBC) on every issue in the country.
Owen doesn’t officially speak for Labour but his association with Labour is enough to turn voters away from voting Labour.
Jones is like the ‘black knight ‘ in the monty python film ‘it’s only a flesh wound ‘…. And blame voters for voting for someone who is going to do some good – how selfish …
The BBC seems compelled to overpay its pet presenters. Gary Lineker is back in the frame for avoiding paying his tax.
Gary Lineker embroiled in £4.9million tax battle with HMRC over freelance earnings
TV STAR Gary Lineker is being pursued by HM Revenue and Customs for £4.9 million in tax the Government agency claims it is owed.
Why are we not surprised each time the BBC luvvies get found out? They seem ‘surprised’, ‘offended’ that they get found out. After all, most of them are lucky to work 3 days a week.. Pocket a fat pension, do a bit or private work, claim to be ‘freelance’ and rely totally on the BBC!
News extra: I found this is identical to news dated 2016. The BBC never learn nor do its dim presenters.
Over 100 were found not to be paying what is owed as back tax. All claiming to be ‘independent’. As you do at the BBC.
All these tax dodging TV presenters are well inside IR35 and should have their PAYE taken from their pay packet.
The IR35 rules are clear. If you have to work inside a office/studio and work regular hours that your employer dictates then you are a normal employee and should be paying PAYE tax.
The BBC prefer the contractor status rather than employee as they don’t have to pay employers National Insurance contributions.
Typical champagne socialists the lot of them.”
The Outfit that robs from the poor to give to the rich .
Now that the Tories have had a good showing in the elections, will Bo Jo do something to ease the lives of those that bore the brunt of lockdown and abolish the Telly Tax ?
In England the temperature has been recorded in what is known as the Central England Temperature ever since 1650
Currently the CET for May is 7.0 an anomaly of -2.9C and it is colder than March was! April was also colder than March an event rarely seen.
It’s not just localised to England those as most of Northern Europe is in the same boat with below average temperatures.
It’s rather strange and it might be expected that other areas would be benefitting from displaced warmth, but they’re not. I wonder when the media will begin to take it seriously instead of the trivialised snow in May, what’s happened to Spring type of pieces.
In addition, believe that the CET is now adjusted by the ‘experts’. Strangely, there is only one type of adjustment that is ever made and that is to increase the recorded temp since 2000 and reduce it prior to that.
The BBC Election special grinds on, puffing and promoting Scotch and Welsh successes and gains – without once mentioning that in both ‘governments’ 16 year-olds have been franchised, allowing their entirely predictable ignorance, susceptibility and frailty to influence results.
Quite staggering, during a supposedly impartial discussion, but yet entirely in keeping with the BBC position on informative political programs.
And now over to Leila Moran who tells us that the LibDems are readying themselves to take over from Labour as the alternative choice for the next government. (See also identical quotes from, in no particular order:
Leila is such a good advert for not voting for the liberals – scatty and mad as a frog – wonder what the liberals are for now – apart from being given disproportionate airtime ….
What will the Labour Party and their media supporters (all tv and radio stations) make of this Starmageddon event when the shouting dies down.
You can be sure it will not be the real reasons which all of us on here know but they (Labour/bbbc etc) will come out with some kind of politicspeak about lessons being learned and it will be carry on regardless.
In Boris’s case (wallpaper etc) Carrie on regardless.
Good title for a film in there somewhere.
Fill in your own blank.
Carrie on ………………
(Pity Babs is gone as she could have been the title character)
One landmark at a time, one conquest at a time, our public spaces are being occupied, the cowed people of this once proud nation are being gradually habituated and groomed (pun intended), like the proverbial frogs in slowly boiling water, for the great day of the Caliphate.
And the BBC cheers them on, delighted.
“Hassen Rasool is a muezzin and has performed the Islamic call to prayer in some of the UK’s most iconic spaces including the Royal Albert Hall, the gardens of Westminster Abbey and on national TV. He’ll tell us about the art of the Adhan, how he feels performing it.”
The BBC SNP channel has someone called Alan Little as the cheer leader for Kirstie . Have a referendum and win? What then ?have a referendum and lose . What then ?
Their BBC doesn’t go near these grown up questions .
Nor do they factor in 50 million English taxpayers and their views . Same with Wales – 4 million people – good luck with that independence ….
BBC has now ‘rebalanced ‘its’ narrative . Its moved on from Labour and has now embraced victory through the SNP and wales nationalists .
Normality is resumed . Next its get back to number 10 decorating… and or a new tory councillor with a dodgy tweet from 10 years ago . …. Standard propaganda book
So – who gets to do the Marr Peston Gigs on Sunday ? Will Starmer have his alibi sorted out ? Or will he send a minion ?
And in a moment of pure childishness, as Huw signs off round the studio we reach Rita Chuckingbutty and her reactive wall – which just happens to show all the Labour gains….
Its funny isnt it? Once you learn the language of propaganda the BBC uses – such incidents are easily noticed .
Bit like the adverts with coloured male and blond female pairing .
Disgraceful picture. He really is a gormless looking turd.
No potential leader of this country should ever be pictured on his/her/its knees unless it in front of her majesty and especialy not for some neo Marxist racist cause.
For this reason alone this creature should be banned from any office.
Looks like the voters have him sussed, thankfully.
Have been subject to a BBC programme called ‘ celebrity mastermind ‘ x4 – 3 wimmin and a queer type – one of the wimmin didnt speak English …. Played ‘ spot the woke questions’ … almost as soul destroying as watching Kirstie and Huw pleasuring themdselves over the SNP .
Talking of quiz show participants time for a quick contestant update on BBC1’s I Can See Your Voice.
Week 1 Lee and his husband John
Week 2 two black women
Week 3 Indian man and woman
Week 4 two black men
This week A slightly brown brother and sister.I was wondering if they had overdone it with the fake tans but when they said they’d like to go to St Vincent in the Caribbean to see where their great-great grandparents came from It confirmed it…still no white heterosexual pairings to feature after five weeks!
Just watching Formula one qualifying on Channel 4, Bernies boy,
Lewis just made his 100th pole position. Being interviewed, I wondered why he was talking ‘gangsta’ missing g’s off words and no ‘th’ just v like 100v. Know what I mean? As a follow up to the above, Channel 4 ran a puff piece about him you know, his first pole, 50 poles, breaking the record number of poles, on every one he spoke the Queens English, now as an advocate for black lives matter, as if, there he is coming across like a Windrush incomer.
Sad news – Angie Rayner has been sacked as Chairman of the Labour Party ( who knew ?) – good news – she is still Deputy Leader of said Labour Party .
Good news coming Sunday is that the inept shadow chancellor – aniseed Dodds is to be replaced by a remainer traitor such as comrade Benn or Mrs Evette Cooper Testicles … popcorn!
Elsewhere Lawrence Fox might have got the Emir another 4 years in Londonistan …..
Harry – I disagree – Angie and the gobby brummie girl who can’t afford a printer would be the dream Labour team – to finally finish the socialists off ….
… Angie – apparently – was responsible for putting a remainer Labour candidate into 70% Brexit voting Hartlepool …. Thick as do do thankfully .
Apparantly the enormous success of the newly elected Democrats continues – well according to Biden that is.
Under Trump the predicted job numbers for this month was 978 000 new jobs and 5.8% unemployment, the actual figures are just 266 000 job and 6.1% unemployment.
Unsurprisingly sleepy Joe hails this as a success and claims they are on the right track, and that this is ‘progress’, although progress towards what remains unclear.
And there is worse news for the US economy as a report stated the US debbt to GDP ratio is now worse than Greece was before its economic collapse.
I’m sure I don’t need to remind you of the civil unrest which happened in Greece following the debt restructuring, Bidens ludicrous spending plans will add another $2.3 trillion of debt to the already colossal total.
No one rally can tell where the tipping point might be when an economy moves from being solvent to collapse but the consequences of that happening to the worlds largest economy would be disastrous.
Yes and this time they will be catastrophic. China will almost certainly emerge as the great world power and America will be greatly reduced in stature. It’s not if anymore it’s when, and with this set of Democrats in power it’s likely to be sooner rather than later.
Surely the arithmetic should take the number(s) of unemployed claimed and weekly/monthly subtract the number of ‘unemployed’ migrants coming across the Southern Border? For the sake of accuracy you understand………..
Re Biden : Greg Swenson 8:30am ‘Biden’s Covid furlough scheme is so generous that are same time companies are crying out for workers, but the workers are staying home on welfare.’
He went further alleging a grand conspiracy,
that it’s a deliberate tactic to close small businesses so big biz can take over.
The whole of the BBC could be decamped to Glasgow and let them pay the BBC astronomical wage bill. Maybe we could then get a neutral TV franchise to take up from where the BBC should have been.
Looks like Sturgeon is ‘one sandwich short of a picnic’, so no cigar.
If they do go for independence, what currency? The Euro ? What defence ? Will they try to rejoin the EU ?
Will MOD move all their bases out ? Fisheries protection?
Didn’t they benefit from the ‘Brexit Vaccine’ because we were out of the EU ?
A lot of questions .
Sturgeon really doesn’t appear to know what economic realities are. She believes she will not have to shoulder any of the debts run up by Scottish banks in the banking crisis, and none of the debts for covid, or in fact for anything. She is so nuts that she honestly believes Scotland would leave the Union debt free.
She is then proposing a period of some years in which Scotland would continue to use Sterling as their currency, similar to Panama using the US Dollar, but this gives another issue in that she cannot borrow money in the same way a soverign country can by printing it, such as Boris done recently.
So how is she going to run a country in which she can spend money like water and save it at the same time, plus allow in millions of migrants, and blame everything wrong on the English.
“Labour’s response to the Covid pandemic helped the party retain power after it won the most seats in the Welsh elections, Mark Drakeford has said.”
What response ? A circuit breaker that did not work.
Apart from that, he just followed Bo Jo more or less to be different.
“Yeh why are Brexiteers so anti a second Scottish referendum ?”
well it’s the “once in a generation” principle
… if Scotland can get another referendum despite terms of last referendum
… then rejoiners will be able to claim the same thing about Brexit
…. and we will get another referendum to rejoin the EU…
On top of that I think the situation is different
I think Brexit leaving a customs agreement is OK on a 50% vote
but full Independence ref should be more certain
If 60% voted for it, then that is fair enough, maybe 55%
Anyways it’s way too early to talk of Indeyref2
a lot of things to plan before that
Maybe Boris might work out some more concessions
Or get Shetland it’s own devolution first taking all its oil wealth with it.
A 2 year old BBC tweet
Does it look like an impartial programme to you ?
Evidence of wrongdoing within Trump’s inner circle seems to be mounting as the Mueller investigation heads into its last six months – but is it enough to remove him from office? This week we ask – What would it take to impeach @realDonaldTrump?
Only @BBCNews cld provide us with such comprehensive, informative UK #ElectionResults2021 coverage. We’re so lucky to have it+dedicated, tireless professionals @huwbbc@KirstyWark correspondents+behind scene teams. All at 43p a day. Because we’re worth it.
I have seen large chunks of the news today (but not all so I may have missed some) on BBC and Sky. Their interviewees (and both were similar) went something along the lines of SNP, Labour, SNP, Labour, Labour supporters, SNP, Labour, Green, SNP….
The only interviews of Conservatives I saw was Boris in the morning at Hartlepool where he was grilled by Beth Riby, Kirsty Dork haranguing the Conservative leader in Scotland, and later, just as I turned onto a channel, him being attacked again. In fact I saw more Andy Burnham (no difficult questions of course) than Conservatives.
No. No bias of course. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.
First Dogs Beat. Heartbreaking. @MichelleObama announced today their 12 year old Portuguese Water Dog, “Bo” died after a battle with cancer. This is my photo of “Bo” during one of his many WH walks. Loved by many. A good boy.
Predominately red then a little blue than a whole lot of green, mushy, faded stuff!
We had a set of bedsheets like that once, but I kept spilling red wine over them, so they’re now used for painting sheets!
(A ‘nerd’ reminds anybody who bothers to listen – Hartlepool won by Conservatives on 15,529 votes, Labour got 8,589, but the high spot of the election, apart from the usual loonies, was Greens 358, and Libdems 344. Wow! That really is a positive result for the right-hand bottom part of the wallpaper)!
And both blokes seem to have bought their suits after a fire sale!
If I heard correctly, among all the independents, one of them got 2900 votes.
Quite a result for whoever it was. A proper journalist might ask a few questions………
Saturday night BBC1 news. The whole news has been about Scotland and Wales and how brilliant the SNP and Labour have done in the election. The only thing we have learned about England is that Labour has done better (than what wasn’t said) in the Mayoral elections. The BBC1 news hasn’t reported on numbers of councillors, only number of councils, presumably because it doesn’t sound as bad.
Although I retired from property some years ago, the new idea of commuters just popping up for a couple of days, then working from home for the rest of the week is attractive to employers, and is a disaster waiting to happen for large office investors. It is also a shoe-in for all sorts of planning issues when these vacant offices are turned into accomodation!
So in dumps like Tower Hamlets, Haringey etc, the planning officers will be king, and open to all sorts of suggestions… (Is Docklands planning still ‘controlled’ by TH)?
Just as an aside, the friend who posted here about London Transport is spot on too! Reduced revenue will create a huge deficit for Khan, so presumably he’ll try and screw Boris for even more money!
Beeb (that the Nats want to shut) at 10pm opens with Nat "triumph". They didn't get an overall majority. They haven't made any progress. Why on earth does the BBC management allow this rubbish?
Welsh election 2021: First woman of colour elected to Welsh Parliament
Not interested in the story – but yet again, the BBC link to twitter comments of a Left-Wing activist.
It’s getting ridiculous. They are using Twitter to bypass the bias checkers.
Angela Rayner is one of the Labour Party’s most authentic communicators, and with a northern accent. Not totally clear tonight how her sacking helps win back the red wall.
Fascinating . I don’t know who Paul brand is as I don’t watch ITV at all – but I guess he is a swamp kidult looking for a move to the BBC .
If he cannot see that just having a scum thicko like angie as a Labour leader makes them look like hateful rabble – then he is either thick of so lefty or both that he is not worth mentioning .
I hope Jess and Angie let their views be widely known via their BBC because it will damage both – and maybe wake the conservatives up to the fact they have an 82 majority ….
Vile ever has issues with troublesome priests… look out.
It shouldn't need saying, but I'm absolutely not suggesting any member of any particular website did the tulips. But unfortunately what the local anti-cycling brigade have done is create the kind of atmosphere where someone might feel it's okay to do it. This post is an example.
The BBC is now happily back on the Scottish independence gig . Using words like ‘historic ‘ – when the result is not ‘historic ‘ at all – but might be ‘historic ‘ – in time .
Seems like Marxism in the BBC trumps the existence of the BBC at all – because after a successful Scottish independence campaign the reason for one UK broadcaster must be questioned because there would be no ‘UK’ any more .
The BBC propaganda project is like a ‘reverse brexit ‘. There is no ‘project fear’ – there is no mention of a downside . There is no mention of what the real consequences for Scotland or England would truly be .
The mindset seems to be that term used by remainers and the EU about ‘cherry picking ‘ and ‘have cake and eat it ‘. There is no warning that a peed off English nation might land up not too fond on the hateful EU foreign country in the North .
As an aside – I think if there is a referendum the ‘remain ‘ vote would win again as the consequences of ‘ independence ‘ becomes clearer and there is a realisation that the numbers don’t add up .
Fedup2, I think you are right. If there is a straight Yes/No then on Thursday’s vote, and despite relentless one-sided SNP propaganda for over a year, the unionist parties still polled just more than the “independence” parties.
However, I find it amusing in a way that the Scottish National Socialists will be coalescing with the Green fascists. Hmmm…the National Socialists in bed with fascists. Wasn’t it ever thus!
Demon – the last bit I wrote about the numbers not adding up might not matter much to the die hard haters of the English AKA Westminster .
However the cut in subsidies such as the Barnett Formula would cut the benefits budget . As I was thinking about this I concluded that the Queen would warn Mr Nut Nut to do whatever is necessary to keep her Union together … including throwing even more money and ‘freedoms ‘ at them .
Whether the next monarch has the same attitude it a different matter .
That’s assuming that the SNP fix the vote by adding over 10 year olds and various foreigners to the voting pool …. In order to get the 51% majority.
I hope there is a referendum – and I hope it is soon . So much fuss over 3 million national socialists .
7:45am Jolly report about the new fashion of travelling to Pakistan
and working with your parents to do ARRANGED MARRIAGE
Imagine if there was a white British sect that travelled Arkansas to seek marriage partners for their children who are exclusively WHITE and CHRISTIAN
would they not be called white supremacists, racists etc ?
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Critical minerals are needed for the production of hi-tech products, such as for the electrification of transport, manufacture of mobile…
JohnCMar 3, 22:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Hot on the heels of the front page ‘Illegal Afghan women in Pakistan fear deportation’ exclusive, the BBC have another…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wwfc Yes – im overseas and looking forward to Ash Wednesday and lent – but not sure what to try…
wwfcMar 3, 21:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There is only one true church and that’s the catholic church have yourself a great ash wednesday a peaceful lent…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Looks like he prefers Islam than the ;church ‘ he is supposed to be the head of ( but let’s…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Recent Islamic attacks in Germany – 5 kiIIed, 200 injured in Magdeburg 2 kiIIed, 28 injured in Mannheim 1 kiIIed,…
Man arrested re murder of PCSO in Kent .
Will he be a ‘local man’? A Norwegian ? Mental issues ?
A dinghy user ?…..
broadchurch script ?
Police “British national from Canterbury”
‘no further info will be released’
So wait 48 hours for the charging and naming I guess.
The Police release a photo of a suspect and the BBC did publish it
Whether he is the arrested man remains to be seen
Yes @Thoughtful it is well possible that he is the arrested man,
but the BBC report doesn’t call him a “suspect”
Police appealed to a man in an image they released to come forward.
… seen in a “very relevant” location the following day, near to where her body was found”
I guess . If it wasn’t the actual perp, it could be someone he sent to say : pick up a dropped glove, or retrieve a dumped weapon etc..
TWATo today leading on Krankie’s push for independence and financial Armageddon, then the Labour Party taking half of Taffland’s seats.
Only a little patience PG and you would have seen England featured at last. You would also have been elated to watch Steve Rotherham (no relation) the newly elected mayor of Liverpool, explaining how the deeply knowledgeable and politically adroit citizens used their votes to ensure that the Labour party stayed at the helm of this shining example of socialist moral skills.
See? Who says there’s no balance in BBC coverage.
Does that mean they’ve already counted the postal votes?
Without even looking today, we know the BBC will support the EU (micro invasion of Jersey) by French Fishermen. Even in France the big news is reported as being by ‘French Fisherman’. You know the story, and its still ongoing — for now. But whilst we wait for the next broadside on French claims to the Channel Islands are quite clear…
Except at the BBC, they are not Fisherman at all but:
‘Fisherfolk’ according to Fiona Bruce on the BBC QT!
Rotherham : looks like Labour will just have an overall majority
even though the Tories have come from nowhere.
lefty Labour’s Steve Rotheram hails his Liverpool mayoral re-election
as “massive vote of confidence in the power of devolution and the work I’ve done so far”
14:45pm R4 drama Government gives large PPE contract
to Union Jax, a “an ironic-patriotic novelty souvenir and confectionery” company.
… lefty comedy again
I wrote a longer comment a few days ago.
The current BBC Election special is a classic example of ignoring the elephant. Kicking off with Wales, then Scollun at length followed by Liverpool, Bristol and now West Mids. All with the theme of Labour or SNP success, bucking the trend, rising above the common herd, etc etc. As I write Huw is puffing Mark Drakeford and his ‘remarkable performance for Labour’ as icing on the cake.
With luck that jumbo is building up a gigantic fart, followed by several barrow-loads of steaming shite to bring a true level of balance back to the presentation.
Shocking shocking news that the corrupt democrats in the USA are now going after the expert witnesses in the Derek Chauvin trial which will have a chilling effect on anyone accused being able to have a fair trial when all of the experts are going to mindful of the consequences of their giving expert opinion the left don’t like.
Yes, for all the talk of healing and re-uniting the nation, the ‘nice’, ‘conciliatory’ Dems are actually viciously vindictive.
They’re also after Chauvin again, this time for kneeling on a suspect during an arrest 4 years ago.
BBC don’t do science
April 13th they put out a story pushing their Global Warming alarmist agenda, re extreme weather events.
(weather !)
They chose to hype up hurricanes
90 mins later the Professor who’s the editor of the oldest meteorology journal in world criticised them
“Please get the science correct, @bbcweather “
The BBC ignored him and using their using the “Second bite of the cherry” PR trick
they also promoted the same video on May1st
Paul H has an article
Has anyone heard the bbbc mention the child vote and how it has helped the snp.
I would think that without the junior vote the snp would have fared much worse.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think Wales has also let the bairns vote which suits the left.
It’s all very well saying when they grow up and mature a bit they will understand more but they will be replaced by more kids having learned the alphabet and doing sums and so be judged able to vote and we all know which way the children will vote.
Is it correct that immigrants have been allowed to vote as well?
Can only see them voting one way.
Will they now start complaining that 14 year olds should be able to vote (then 12…..10. and so on)
How about a vote for a foetus. It’s their human right.
Emmanuel Goldstein
I also think that pets should have the vote.
Three of my dogs joined Labour and voted strategically in the leadership election for Corbyn. Best £12 ever spent.
Woof woof woof!
“Welsh election results 2021: What’s the secret behind Labour’s success?”
Its no “secret”, they just gave the kids the vote.
In 2016 taffland voted for Brexit .
At the time most of the kids in Wales were ‘remainers’ thanks to our education system.
The sixteen year-olds are the remans of the ‘remainers’
In a few years they will grow up and realise their mistake.
I heard a spokesman for the Scots Nazis say that asylum seekers were also allowed to vote!
Dipping into the BBC coverage of the elections – for some reason the BBC has left 2 production companies as the ‘anchors ‘ namely Kirstie and Huw – both of whom look knackered.
I’ve been dipping in and out due to the footy but in the last hour ? They interviewed Lucy Powell – Labour – a green Scot and the Welsh nationalist windbag – I don’t think there was anyone of the ‘right ‘ at all ….
The Beeboids put the comment by the resigned Labour front bencher ‘Mahmoud ‘ his comment about Labour being a woke metro Twitter Party -out of touch with former Labour voters ….
. I think that comment has hurt the BBC because they recognise themselves and realise it is the truth .
BTW on a technical note
It seems people can now share images from BBC websites by right clicking to copy the image address.
Previously if a BBC image was on the server, embedding here was generally blocked
Stew I think that becaue we have changed domains, they will block us again, after all, its what they do!
No, a ‘technical problem’ only experienced by Mr. Green, who didn’t believe it when others ‘managed’ to post images here and he couldn’t.
The ability to post a link does not an expert make.
@JimS that is not true, some other people said the same pics did not show up for them either.
#2 There was a separate issue where I think you/someone posted images from a image sharing site
.. And they worked for you but not for me & other people
perhaps something to do with a that you were logged into your image account.
Those image failures happened not just on my PC but also on my tablet/phone on Android.
I have not changed anything at my end, yet when @Thoughtful posted that photo of the “Canterbury man” the police were seeking it showed up on all my devices.
#3 It is possible that ichef images did USED to work here some time before 2018
Here is our original discussion
where your image didn’t show up for me on any devices.
So I posted it again so everyone could see it …and you shouted at me.
Sorry, I don’t want to bicker it’s boring.
Sometimes ichef uses a special kind of X : × not x
That first small × is a slightly different kind of X to that final small x
..maybe an Apple characterset
doesn’t work in my browsers
but if I change it to a normal small x it does×360/p08xwjfc.jpg
Owen Jones yet again on the BBC News channel at 15:19 today. He is joined by a Ash Sakar lookalike.
Usual rant…
“blah blah Tories only won by spending money in Labour areas”
“Labour need a policy to tax the rich”
Why is this annoying idiot always on the TV telling us what Labour need to do? He reputation of backing the losing horse everytime shows he is out of touch (like the BBC) on every issue in the country.
Owen doesn’t officially speak for Labour but his association with Labour is enough to turn voters away from voting Labour.
Jones is like the ‘black knight ‘ in the monty python film ‘it’s only a flesh wound ‘…. And blame voters for voting for someone who is going to do some good – how selfish …
The BBC seems compelled to overpay its pet presenters. Gary Lineker is back in the frame for avoiding paying his tax.
Gary Lineker embroiled in £4.9million tax battle with HMRC over freelance earnings
TV STAR Gary Lineker is being pursued by HM Revenue and Customs for £4.9 million in tax the Government agency claims it is owed.
Why are we not surprised each time the BBC luvvies get found out? They seem ‘surprised’, ‘offended’ that they get found out. After all, most of them are lucky to work 3 days a week.. Pocket a fat pension, do a bit or private work, claim to be ‘freelance’ and rely totally on the BBC!
News extra: I found this is identical to news dated 2016. The BBC never learn nor do its dim presenters.
Over 100 were found not to be paying what is owed as back tax. All claiming to be ‘independent’. As you do at the BBC.
All these tax dodging TV presenters are well inside IR35 and should have their PAYE taken from their pay packet.
The IR35 rules are clear. If you have to work inside a office/studio and work regular hours that your employer dictates then you are a normal employee and should be paying PAYE tax.
The BBC prefer the contractor status rather than employee as they don’t have to pay employers National Insurance contributions.
Typical champagne socialists the lot of them.
Typical champagne socialists the lot of them.”
The Outfit that robs from the poor to give to the rich .
Now that the Tories have had a good showing in the elections, will Bo Jo do something to ease the lives of those that bore the brunt of lockdown and abolish the Telly Tax ?
In England the temperature has been recorded in what is known as the Central England Temperature ever since 1650
Currently the CET for May is 7.0 an anomaly of -2.9C and it is colder than March was! April was also colder than March an event rarely seen.
It’s not just localised to England those as most of Northern Europe is in the same boat with below average temperatures.
It’s rather strange and it might be expected that other areas would be benefitting from displaced warmth, but they’re not. I wonder when the media will begin to take it seriously instead of the trivialised snow in May, what’s happened to Spring type of pieces.
In addition, believe that the CET is now adjusted by the ‘experts’. Strangely, there is only one type of adjustment that is ever made and that is to increase the recorded temp since 2000 and reduce it prior to that.
The BBC Election special grinds on, puffing and promoting Scotch and Welsh successes and gains – without once mentioning that in both ‘governments’ 16 year-olds have been franchised, allowing their entirely predictable ignorance, susceptibility and frailty to influence results.
Quite staggering, during a supposedly impartial discussion, but yet entirely in keeping with the BBC position on informative political programs.
And now over to Leila Moran who tells us that the LibDems are readying themselves to take over from Labour as the alternative choice for the next government. (See also identical quotes from, in no particular order:
Leila is such a good advert for not voting for the liberals – scatty and mad as a frog – wonder what the liberals are for now – apart from being given disproportionate airtime ….
And now for Andy Burnham’s tearful schmaltz, straight from the heart and aimed straight at Starmer’s job.
Gem follows gem.
I suspect he thinks he is the king of the northwest.
Burnham v the Muslim in the play offs …
Breaking : forecast is SNP won’t achieve overall majority
So it will be a Green Orange government
.. ie not so sweet, bitter in fact.
What will the Labour Party and their media supporters (all tv and radio stations) make of this Starmageddon event when the shouting dies down.
You can be sure it will not be the real reasons which all of us on here know but they (Labour/bbbc etc) will come out with some kind of politicspeak about lessons being learned and it will be carry on regardless.
In Boris’s case (wallpaper etc) Carrie on regardless.
Good title for a film in there somewhere.
Fill in your own blank.
Carrie on ………………
(Pity Babs is gone as she could have been the title character)
Tee hee. Ooer missus!
Disgraceful double standards. Christians are arrested for reading from the bible in public because it is ‘offensive’.
One landmark at a time, one conquest at a time, our public spaces are being occupied, the cowed people of this once proud nation are being gradually habituated and groomed (pun intended), like the proverbial frogs in slowly boiling water, for the great day of the Caliphate.
And the BBC cheers them on, delighted.
“Hassen Rasool is a muezzin and has performed the Islamic call to prayer in some of the UK’s most iconic spaces including the Royal Albert Hall, the gardens of Westminster Abbey and on national TV. He’ll tell us about the art of the Adhan, how he feels performing it.”
Bad language alert.
Wow 2 minutes 15 seconds of ginger hate – fantastic ….
( that was a party political broadcast on behalf of the brave heart party ) ….
Yes – hate based politics …
Great! I do hope that reaches some of the wee kiddies who voted for the wee krankie!
The BBC SNP channel has someone called Alan Little as the cheer leader for Kirstie . Have a referendum and win? What then ?have a referendum and lose . What then ?
Their BBC doesn’t go near these grown up questions .
Nor do they factor in 50 million English taxpayers and their views . Same with Wales – 4 million people – good luck with that independence ….
Do you notice that the BBC no longer publishes the daily vaccination number s – they really don’t like good news …….
A very goebels tactic – on the VE Day … maybe the BBC commemorates the Russian VE Day tomorrow ?
BBC has now ‘rebalanced ‘its’ narrative . Its moved on from Labour and has now embraced victory through the SNP and wales nationalists .
Normality is resumed . Next its get back to number 10 decorating… and or a new tory councillor with a dodgy tweet from 10 years ago . …. Standard propaganda book
So – who gets to do the Marr Peston Gigs on Sunday ? Will Starmer have his alibi sorted out ? Or will he send a minion ?
How is it that Scots Nationalists, welsh nats , irish terrorist nats are ok by the BBC but English nats are evil Far Right bad people ?
Fedup2 – Simple answer there: the BBC, as we all know, is completely run by lefties, and left wing thought in this country is driven by Anglophobia.
Scots, Welsh, Irish, and anyone else you care to mention = good people.
English = bad people.
And in a moment of pure childishness, as Huw signs off round the studio we reach Rita Chuckingbutty and her reactive wall – which just happens to show all the Labour gains….
Pathetic. Truly and intrinsically pathetic.
Its funny isnt it? Once you learn the language of propaganda the BBC uses – such incidents are easily noticed .
Bit like the adverts with coloured male and blond female pairing .
I wonder if the good people of Hartlepool and elsewhere had this image in mind as they voted?
Perhaps ‘get woke, go broke’ applies to politics as well.
Disgraceful picture. He really is a gormless looking turd.
No potential leader of this country should ever be pictured on his/her/its knees unless it in front of her majesty and especialy not for some neo Marxist racist cause.
For this reason alone this creature should be banned from any office.
Looks like the voters have him sussed, thankfully.
Have been subject to a BBC programme called ‘ celebrity mastermind ‘ x4 – 3 wimmin and a queer type – one of the wimmin didnt speak English …. Played ‘ spot the woke questions’ … almost as soul destroying as watching Kirstie and Huw pleasuring themdselves over the SNP .
Talking of quiz show participants time for a quick contestant update on BBC1’s I Can See Your Voice.
Week 1 Lee and his husband John
Week 2 two black women
Week 3 Indian man and woman
Week 4 two black men
This week A slightly brown brother and sister.I was wondering if they had overdone it with the fake tans but when they said they’d like to go to St Vincent in the Caribbean to see where their great-great grandparents came from It confirmed it…still no white heterosexual pairings to feature after five weeks!
Just watching Formula one qualifying on Channel 4, Bernies boy,
Lewis just made his 100th pole position. Being interviewed, I wondered why he was talking ‘gangsta’ missing g’s off words and no ‘th’ just v like 100v. Know what I mean? As a follow up to the above, Channel 4 ran a puff piece about him you know, his first pole, 50 poles, breaking the record number of poles, on every one he spoke the Queens English, now as an advocate for black lives matter, as if, there he is coming across like a Windrush incomer.
Sad news – Angie Rayner has been sacked as Chairman of the Labour Party ( who knew ?) – good news – she is still Deputy Leader of said Labour Party .
Good news coming Sunday is that the inept shadow chancellor – aniseed Dodds is to be replaced by a remainer traitor such as comrade Benn or Mrs Evette Cooper Testicles … popcorn!
Elsewhere Lawrence Fox might have got the Emir another 4 years in Londonistan …..
Best news of the week.
Angela “scum” Rayner gone.
Kier needs to oust a few more.
Hope she takes her own advice after Boris did the same when the dullard said, “Get Over It”.
I am going to crack open a beer to celebrate.
Get woke, go broke, Part 2: The curse of wokeism strikes again!
Harry – I disagree – Angie and the gobby brummie girl who can’t afford a printer would be the dream Labour team – to finally finish the socialists off ….
… Angie – apparently – was responsible for putting a remainer Labour candidate into 70% Brexit voting Hartlepool …. Thick as do do thankfully .
That hard wood mahogany table behind them is less dense than that pair of cretins.
Apparantly the enormous success of the newly elected Democrats continues – well according to Biden that is.
Under Trump the predicted job numbers for this month was 978 000 new jobs and 5.8% unemployment, the actual figures are just 266 000 job and 6.1% unemployment.
Unsurprisingly sleepy Joe hails this as a success and claims they are on the right track, and that this is ‘progress’, although progress towards what remains unclear.
And there is worse news for the US economy as a report stated the US debbt to GDP ratio is now worse than Greece was before its economic collapse.
I’m sure I don’t need to remind you of the civil unrest which happened in Greece following the debt restructuring, Bidens ludicrous spending plans will add another $2.3 trillion of debt to the already colossal total.
No one rally can tell where the tipping point might be when an economy moves from being solvent to collapse but the consequences of that happening to the worlds largest economy would be disastrous.
My American friends tell me their property bubble has to burst soon. Will there be repercussions around the world?
Yes and this time they will be catastrophic. China will almost certainly emerge as the great world power and America will be greatly reduced in stature. It’s not if anymore it’s when, and with this set of Democrats in power it’s likely to be sooner rather than later.
There needs to be a reset…but not the way those globalists think.
The speculators and companies that have made fortunes on all the funny money from ‘stimulus’ need to be shaken up and the rigged system reformed.
Surely the arithmetic should take the number(s) of unemployed claimed and weekly/monthly subtract the number of ‘unemployed’ migrants coming across the Southern Border? For the sake of accuracy you understand………..
Re Biden : Greg Swenson 8:30am ‘Biden’s Covid furlough scheme is so generous that are same time companies are crying out for workers, but the workers are staying home on welfare.’
He went further alleging a grand conspiracy,
that it’s a deliberate tactic to close small businesses so big biz can take over.
Here is one for Al Beeb and maxincony : should the canny Scots be daft to vote for independence would they still have to pay the Telly Tax ?
We do here on IoM…..maybe they would arrange the same.
The whole of the BBC could be decamped to Glasgow and let them pay the BBC astronomical wage bill. Maybe we could then get a neutral TV franchise to take up from where the BBC should have been.
Perhaps we should follow France’s example and divert all our dinghy invaders up to Crankie Land where she would make them most ‘welcome’?
Looks like Sturgeon is ‘one sandwich short of a picnic’, so no cigar.
If they do go for independence, what currency? The Euro ? What defence ? Will they try to rejoin the EU ?
Will MOD move all their bases out ? Fisheries protection?
Didn’t they benefit from the ‘Brexit Vaccine’ because we were out of the EU ?
A lot of questions .
Sturgeon really doesn’t appear to know what economic realities are. She believes she will not have to shoulder any of the debts run up by Scottish banks in the banking crisis, and none of the debts for covid, or in fact for anything. She is so nuts that she honestly believes Scotland would leave the Union debt free.
She is then proposing a period of some years in which Scotland would continue to use Sterling as their currency, similar to Panama using the US Dollar, but this gives another issue in that she cannot borrow money in the same way a soverign country can by printing it, such as Boris done recently.
So how is she going to run a country in which she can spend money like water and save it at the same time, plus allow in millions of migrants, and blame everything wrong on the English.
Hell of a lot. All of the U.K. should vote…..on terms that suit the remaining U.K.
Tonight’s TV
Not much on
9pm BBC Muhammad Ali doco
“10 photos defining his life”
followed by second Muhammad Ali doco
10pm When We Were Kings : the battle with George Forman
“Labour’s response to the Covid pandemic helped the party retain power after it won the most seats in the Welsh elections, Mark Drakeford has said.”
What response ? A circuit breaker that did not work.
Apart from that, he just followed Bo Jo more or less to be different.
“Yeh why are Brexiteers so anti a second Scottish referendum ?”
well it’s the “once in a generation” principle
… if Scotland can get another referendum despite terms of last referendum
… then rejoiners will be able to claim the same thing about Brexit
…. and we will get another referendum to rejoin the EU…
On top of that I think the situation is different
I think Brexit leaving a customs agreement is OK on a 50% vote
but full Independence ref should be more certain
If 60% voted for it, then that is fair enough, maybe 55%
Anyways it’s way too early to talk of Indeyref2
a lot of things to plan before that
Maybe Boris might work out some more concessions
Or get Shetland it’s own devolution first taking all its oil wealth with it.
I see a “man” has been arrested in connection with the murder of community support officer Julia James.
The BBC keep saying he is a “British national”.
So, if I understand BBC code correctly, he is a recent black immigrant rather than Muslim.
I saw his photograph. For a moment I thought he resembled a British friend of mine, Henry Jack Higgins. But then I could be wrong.
As I posted here before “Ask not what Al Beeb is telling us, but what it is not telling us ?
This is the man the police were looking for.
I remember him! He used to hunt with the Old Surrey and Burstow. British as they come!
A 2 year old BBC tweet
Does it look like an impartial programme to you ?
Harry Redknapp in EastEnders, and five other surprise celebrity TV cameos
Guess who else is featured….Donald J Trump. Yes, Al Beeb still have TDS. An excuse to bring up the ‘Trump made lewd comments’ story.
If they say so.
Kirsty looking like a Babushka dragged through a hedge backwards by a T-34 may seem dreamy to Huw…
Laura does not work for the bbc.
This is clearly true.
I saw a bit of Wark haranguing, not interviewing, the Conservative leader in Scotland. It should have come with an SNP PPB warning.
At least she’s being honest, they’re only worth 43p a day.
Follow the link to the Petition. Unfortunately there’s no date to when the Petition started but, “3748” signatures a few moments ago!!!
It would be good to check back periodically to assess the numbers of signatories, if any.
Judging by the comments, well over a year ago and the “Petition” is still open. Just over 3K in perhaps more than a year. So, so good!
I have seen large chunks of the news today (but not all so I may have missed some) on BBC and Sky. Their interviewees (and both were similar) went something along the lines of SNP, Labour, SNP, Labour, Labour supporters, SNP, Labour, Green, SNP….
The only interviews of Conservatives I saw was Boris in the morning at Hartlepool where he was grilled by Beth Riby, Kirsty Dork haranguing the Conservative leader in Scotland, and later, just as I turned onto a channel, him being attacked again. In fact I saw more Andy Burnham (no difficult questions of course) than Conservatives.
No. No bias of course. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.
Loss of a pet is sad, but inevitable.
The entire US MSM appears to have been hit particularly hard.
The photo of some rando bloke walking said pooch for Mrs. touching if telling.
Hope he didn’t bite anyone.
Is that the tranny Michelle walking the dog?
Be funny if it was not so dire.
Meanwhile, impartially, in Welsh…
Apart from 16 year old voters… must be….Derek Nimmo…
Garry Lavin
Also foreign residents were allowed to vote.
There’s that blasted wallpaper again!
Predominately red then a little blue than a whole lot of green, mushy, faded stuff!
We had a set of bedsheets like that once, but I kept spilling red wine over them, so they’re now used for painting sheets!
(A ‘nerd’ reminds anybody who bothers to listen – Hartlepool won by Conservatives on 15,529 votes, Labour got 8,589, but the high spot of the election, apart from the usual loonies, was Greens 358, and Libdems 344. Wow! That really is a positive result for the right-hand bottom part of the wallpaper)!
And both blokes seem to have bought their suits after a fire sale!
If I heard correctly, among all the independents, one of them got 2900 votes.
Quite a result for whoever it was. A proper journalist might ask a few questions………
Saturday night BBC1 news. The whole news has been about Scotland and Wales and how brilliant the SNP and Labour have done in the election. The only thing we have learned about England is that Labour has done better (than what wasn’t said) in the Mayoral elections. The BBC1 news hasn’t reported on numbers of councillors, only number of councils, presumably because it doesn’t sound as bad.
So County Durham, home of the Miners Gala went went well for Labour then?
I wonder if the BBC will ever ask…
“What is the secret behind Labour’s success in… Tower Hamlets?”
Probably not…
Sleaze in the Labour Party? Move along, nothing to see here
“The secret”?
Sadiq wins with 55%
Really it is 35% but of course extra votes came from somewhere…
Clearly voter fraud and now we will have the BBC celebrating
People of London will reap what they sow.
More cycle lanes more stabbings etc etc ………..
And plenty of empty office property, Taff!
Although I retired from property some years ago, the new idea of commuters just popping up for a couple of days, then working from home for the rest of the week is attractive to employers, and is a disaster waiting to happen for large office investors. It is also a shoe-in for all sorts of planning issues when these vacant offices are turned into accomodation!
So in dumps like Tower Hamlets, Haringey etc, the planning officers will be king, and open to all sorts of suggestions… (Is Docklands planning still ‘controlled’ by TH)?
Just as an aside, the friend who posted here about London Transport is spot on too! Reduced revenue will create a huge deficit for Khan, so presumably he’ll try and screw Boris for even more money!
Because it’s in their nature, Iain.
In response.
Welsh election 2021: First woman of colour elected to Welsh Parliament
Not interested in the story – but yet again, the BBC link to twitter comments of a Left-Wing activist.
It’s getting ridiculous. They are using Twitter to bypass the bias checkers.
Not BBC, but senior media gobs do intrigue.
Fick Ange? Co-kneeler? Wiv ear buds and an ey-oop accent that is just sooooo darling?
Fascinating . I don’t know who Paul brand is as I don’t watch ITV at all – but I guess he is a swamp kidult looking for a move to the BBC .
If he cannot see that just having a scum thicko like angie as a Labour leader makes them look like hateful rabble – then he is either thick of so lefty or both that he is not worth mentioning .
I hope Jess and Angie let their views be widely known via their BBC because it will damage both – and maybe wake the conservatives up to the fact they have an 82 majority ….
Vile ever has issues with troublesome priests… look out.
Top bit of that graphic is cut off on my screen
It says “Anyone who dislikes Jeremy Vine is welcome to contribute to ” our campaign “OneChiswick”
Apparently those words are creating a toxic atmosphere
that leads to nutters cutting off someones garden flowers.
There is only so much people can take .
Haven’t seen her on the bbc lately.
The BBC is now happily back on the Scottish independence gig . Using words like ‘historic ‘ – when the result is not ‘historic ‘ at all – but might be ‘historic ‘ – in time .
Seems like Marxism in the BBC trumps the existence of the BBC at all – because after a successful Scottish independence campaign the reason for one UK broadcaster must be questioned because there would be no ‘UK’ any more .
The BBC propaganda project is like a ‘reverse brexit ‘. There is no ‘project fear’ – there is no mention of a downside . There is no mention of what the real consequences for Scotland or England would truly be .
The mindset seems to be that term used by remainers and the EU about ‘cherry picking ‘ and ‘have cake and eat it ‘. There is no warning that a peed off English nation might land up not too fond on the hateful EU foreign country in the North .
As an aside – I think if there is a referendum the ‘remain ‘ vote would win again as the consequences of ‘ independence ‘ becomes clearer and there is a realisation that the numbers don’t add up .
Fedup2, I think you are right. If there is a straight Yes/No then on Thursday’s vote, and despite relentless one-sided SNP propaganda for over a year, the unionist parties still polled just more than the “independence” parties.
However, I find it amusing in a way that the Scottish National Socialists will be coalescing with the Green fascists. Hmmm…the National Socialists in bed with fascists. Wasn’t it ever thus!
Demon – the last bit I wrote about the numbers not adding up might not matter much to the die hard haters of the English AKA Westminster .
However the cut in subsidies such as the Barnett Formula would cut the benefits budget . As I was thinking about this I concluded that the Queen would warn Mr Nut Nut to do whatever is necessary to keep her Union together … including throwing even more money and ‘freedoms ‘ at them .
Whether the next monarch has the same attitude it a different matter .
That’s assuming that the SNP fix the vote by adding over 10 year olds and various foreigners to the voting pool …. In order to get the 51% majority.
I hope there is a referendum – and I hope it is soon . So much fuss over 3 million national socialists .
@ Demon.
Are you implying that the Scottish National Socialists are not fascists?
Like Angela, only thicker.
Should go for Dep Shaddo Leader.
7:45am Jolly report about the new fashion of travelling to Pakistan
and working with your parents to do ARRANGED MARRIAGE
Imagine if there was a white British sect that travelled Arkansas to seek marriage partners for their children who are exclusively WHITE and CHRISTIAN
would they not be called white supremacists, racists etc ?
“Report on arranged marriage,
ignored the plight of Pakistani girls taken to the UK by Asian British men.
They have no English, may be illiterate in their own language & end up powerless, defenseless & invisible”
In Arkansas, how old would they need to be these days?