We turned on Toady on Sunday.
Within 10 seconds we heard the words ‘same sex relationship’.
What are the chances of that?
On the BBC, very high.
Immediately after there was a story on the benefits of arranged marriages for British Asians. One benefit for them was the ability to arrange for yet another open door immigrant from Pakistan.
Then after a short story with Mr Motivator it was on to the charity slot about poor children in Jaipur, India.
In their intellectual, moral, and social protected bunker in central London, the BBC have absolutely no understanding whatever of the society of compulsory licence fee payers that fraudulently keep them in business.
A few hundred white wallahs on the top floor issuing edicts, supported by thousands of sepoys in the cubicle gardens on the ground being kept happy fulfilling said edicts about back home.
Then one day in the entrance foyer an errant hog roast with bubbly and….
: “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”
The epitome of lazy journalism. *
Does faith form part of your fitness regime? Is exercise linked to your emotional and spiritual health? We'll be joined by an unlikely theologian of the body @MrMotivator.
The prog also promoted special Catholics they found, who maintain the bible does not condemn homosexuality.
And promoted their new report.
“We hear from @KOCharamsa who was involved in the report.
The former theology professor was once an official of the Vatican’s powerful theological watchdog, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He has since come out as gay“
Another prog item
“Could some mosques in the UK do more to accommodate women during #ramadan ?
Julie Siddiqi tells us about her experience after she was barred from prayers
and @IbrahimMogra says it’s time for more women to have an active role in running their mosque.”
It’s a good advert for the way BBC
– selects top staff
– who often complain they’re poorly paid
– yet are able to top up their salaries, by writing books,
whose profits are enhanced by PR on the BBC platform promoting them
And the way the BBC claims to be impartial
Yet the books in question all have great benefit to only one political side : The U S Democrat Party.
……not to mention the £10 k a pop for after-dinner speaking and hosting corporate events.
Nice work if you can get it.
The amazing thing is that after all that hard work grafting tirelessly away doing the day job to collect their £300,000 per year, I’m amazed they have any energy left for speeches, and book-writing.
Looks as though it’s ladies’ day in the national press today.
Plus a couple of Labour’s monumental mistakes.
On the cover of the Sunday Telegraph we venture north of the border and meet the tartan-masked: ‘Sturgeon falls short…‘ – win, lose or draw, her precious absolute majority, we were always going to be subjected to an absolute haranguing over constitutional issues – ‘cos that’s what butters our metropolitan media’s neeps – forget the bread and butter issues.
Devolution was Labour’s monumental mistake number one. If you have an annoying wee kid trespassing into your garden shrieking and yelling and generally making a nuisance – you either tell him to clear off or you ignore him. The very last thing you want to do is to gift him a big expensive bouncy castle (call it the Scots Parliament) for him to play about on. Next thing you know there’ll be him – plus a dozen of his mates out there bouncing and shouting for all they’re worth; and chances are you’ll be the one effectively evicted from your home.
The female celebs, of a certain age, are out in force this weekend. Davina McCall in the Telegraph wants to tell us: ‘How I got my sex life back in my fifties‘ meanwhile Jane Seymour in the Mail on Sunday explains: ‘How I get hair like this at 70‘
The Tories’ pin up girl – our minister for strong conservative-sounding yet ultimately hollow statements – Priti Patel, is on the frontpage of the Express, pictured with one of her very wriest of wry smirks: ‘“We are coming after the criminals”‘ – that’s yer job, luv. That’s the mandate. Now get a shift on.
The Sunday Mirror is doing a promotion about football kits for kids. Of course we are presented with a little girl modelling the kit.
I’m not convinced most little girls naturally cleave toward outdoor team sports but I’m old enough to recall the Scottish coming-of-age romantic comedy movie Gregory’s Girl – which chimed with a sort of male fantasy.
The Sunday People has a young woman who probably doesn’t enjoy sports, the outdoors or socialising: ‘Corrie goth girl Mollie: My big secret‘ – it’s likely a hate crime these days but I’ve a joke about goths – how many goths does it take to change a light bulb? None, they’d rather sit in the dark. As the proverbial stand ups say apologetically – I’m here most days of the week, that is unless people take my humour the wrong way and feign outrage and offence.
‘You’ve had some bad luck, missus!‘ – no, we’re not onto Angela Rayner just yet. This is the Daily Star cover story: ‘If you think you’ve been having a hard time of it, spare a thought for Bradford gran Paula Smith. The 50-year-old reckons she has been abducted by alien beings 52 times‘
It’s a shame but due to constraints of time and space we won’t probe into that one any further.
Raising the brow slightly higher (as Mr Spock used to do as he would say “fascinating”) we have the Telegraph promoting: ‘Emily Beecham stars in tonight’s BBC 1 costume drama The Pursuit of Love. Based on the 1945 novel by Nancy Mitford‘
Co-staring is Lily James who pops up in the Express: ‘From the Pursuit of Love to Pammy. Star’s amazing transformation: See page 3‘
By all means call me immature, but I still can’t help but smirk like Priti Patel, at the mere mention of page 3.
Cold shower time…
Labour’s second monumental miscalculation was to go all in anti-Brexit, doggedly attempting to reverse the biggest popular vote on a single issue in our history. This mistaken policy starkly exposed their already existential split from the working classes. And so it was that they selected an arch Remainer as their Hartlepool candidate.
In the Sunday Mirror we have: ‘Starmer sacks Rayner in election melt down‘
For reasons of YouTube pushing clip suggestions on me (blame the algorithm) I found myself dipping into the Corbyn-leaning Novara media election preamble and post mortem being greatly amused at little Owen Jones’s pre-election collywobbles and by Aaron Bastani’s post facto 10 minute rant against Starmer for the sacking of Rayner as Labour’s campaign chief.
The two had knelt together for BLM and one wonders whether Sir Keir would now like to photoshop that one in a Stalinesque rewriting of photo history. Our Aaron made no mention of that nonesense but banged on for ages about Angie’s northerness, proletarian credentials, closeness to the unions etc etc. He just couldn’t understand why Keir would sack her as campaign boss. Briefly, at the close of his diatribe, he referred in passing to it having been a terrible campaign.
Political commentator Femi Oluwole argues that Labour should demand proportional representation to be introduced in the UK and for the 'fundamentally undemocratic' first past the post system to be abolished.@_NatashaDevon | @Femi_Sorrypic.twitter.com/QCqGtv3Ihz
The beauty of FPTP, is that with PR Labour would have been in power since 1964, forming coalitions with the Liberals, the Lib Dems, the Greens, the Communists. We could never get rid of them as the Conservatives never get over 50%.
This country with Labour in power all that time, would make Greece look like a model of fiscal probity, Cuba look like a democracy. The country wouldhave gone backwards.
Under FPTP we occasionally have to endure a Labour Government wrecking the economy but we can get rid of them at the ballot box. Yes, I know the Conservatives have adopted many Labour idiot-policies but they are still a hell of a lot better than a permanent Labour run coalition.
Femi’s missing a trick here. Why stop at PR ‘to get progressive values back on centre stage’? Labour could adopt a policy of referendums on each issue – then ignore or reverse those votes they don’t like.
AISI, the provisional Sunday wing of the Guardian, the Observer newspaper, is missing – again – from the BBC web-site and Papers Blog. Have they done something to offend the BBC? Refused to allow JustRemainIn Webb space for a column? Turned down June Sarpong as a regular contributor?
Blair organised devolution for Scotland and Wales. He expected there would be perpetual Labour governments there. Which is why he wanted them.
And so it has proved in Wales.
But in Scotland he was badly mis-advised.
Meanwhile nearly all of the mayoralties are by definition in large urban conurbations. They are largely safe Labour. I mean, given where we are now, if they are still safe Labour then what is the scenario whereby they would not be?
So what we have are extra built-in power bases for Labour.
Put in place as I recall by the Tories.
I picked up somewhere, (can’t remember where but it may have been Daniel Hannan) that Bliar was following the EU’s plan to devolve sections of the UK when it was totally integrated within the EU and then Brussels would deal with the devolved Governments directly, ignoring Westminster. All a part of their Big Plan. Bliar has a lot to answer for.
Sluff, couple of exceptions to that: London and Birmingham/Wolverhampton. I noticed that on the 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. News on R4 they mentioned Sadiq Khan’s successful bid to be re-elected Mayor of London but did not mention his reduced majority.
Does she actually do anything of substance. How the hell does some know nothing actually determine what is disinformation. I guess in her book its anything anti BBC. She really is a waste of space.
I don’t think you can distinguish the individual from the organisation . In whatever form – the BBC needs to know that there is dissent .
Personally I am amazed that the dissent is so mild – such as the level of comments on this site . The anger people are experiencing from the 24/7 onslaught of ‘approved ‘ thought and social engineering deserves far more by way of dissent . It’s a war .
Quick snapshot a moment ago of Al Beeb’s election coverage page headlines…
‘Sadiq Khan was re-elected as London mayor with 55.2% of the vote. Labour also won mayoral elections in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Greater Manchester, Liverpool City Region, and West of England. The Conservatives made significant gains of councils across England, adding 12 councils and an extra 239 councillors to their overall tally by the end of Saturday. On Friday, the Conservatives also won the Hartlepool by-election.’
Claiming no personal credit, but do you think that Al Beeb might just peep at sites like this occasionally and realise they have been royally rumbled?
Latest version reads…
‘ The Conservatives have made significant gains of councils across England, adding 12 councils and an extra 239 councillors to their overall tally by the end of Saturday. Labour has lost overall control of 8 councils, including Durham County Council. The party fared better in the mayoral races, however, as Sadiq Khan was re-elected as London mayor with 55.2% of the vote, and Andy Burnham won a second term as Mayor of Greater Manchester in a landslide victory. Labour also won mayoral elections in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Liverpool City Region, and West of England. Elsewhere, on Friday, the Conservatives also won the Hartlepool by-election.’
They still leave the more significant result to the end, of course.
Come the Monday following the elections and Al Beeb has changed its header paragraph to this…
‘The Conservatives have made significant gains across England, adding 13 councils and an extra 236 councillors to their overall tally by Sunday. Labour has lost control of eight councils, including Durham County Council. The party fared better in the mayoral races, as Sadiq Khan was re-elected as London mayor, Andy Burnham won a second term as Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Tracy Brabin becomes West Yorkshire’s first elected mayor. Labour also won mayoral elections in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Liverpool City Region, and West of England.’
The major Tory win unmentioned and more lines about the few Labour wins.
WTF you would think that Labour done good….or if you looked deeper you would see that Al Beeb are slanting the news the way they want it to be seen, as usual, rather than in a balanced way.
Usual Andrew Marr Show. Constant interruption of Tory MP Michael Gove but let Labour MP John McDonnell talk freely.
Coming up is Nicola Sturgeon. Andrew will most likely have a throne for her to sit on and a plate of chocolate biscuits. She will have freedom to bang on about Scottish independence for 2 consecutive weeks in a row with not one interruption from Marr.
“Story is more than 1 year old
It’s dated Jan 2020”
No its not.
Time to get your eyes tested. I read (and copy beneath) –
“The pubs, restaurants and businesses in Wales with a zero food hygiene rating
Twenty businesses in the food and drink industry in Wales have been awarded zero food hygiene ratings by local councils
ByJohn CooperSenior Reporter
04:00, 9 MAY 2021”
Clearly you did not open up the link and look. Shameful.
@G Sorry, calm down I did open the link
and somehow as I scanned down the page ended up on their old story from last year.
So they must do the same story every year.
The list does indeed include a lot of Indian restaurants which are usually actually Bangladeshi,
but there were a few Italian and Chinese names as well
Just a note here to make sure everyone is up to speed with Labour party goings on.
Angela Rayner has been sacked as campaigns chief and it’s hardly surprising given the woeful performance, but also because people in the labour party claim quite believably she was next to useless!
She has not been sacked as deputy leader which is an elected position and Starmer has already said she will be offered another post.
A rumour is circulating on Twitter about a relationship between Starmer and his political advisor Jenny Chapman or Baroness Chapman of Darlington who lost her red wall seat at the last election. It is said that the arch remainer selected as candidate for Hartlepool was her doing.
Meanwhile Starmers wife has reportedly banned Chapman from visiting the family home and it probably doesn’t take too much imagination to conclude what these rumours are about.
The source for this is Tim Shipmans Twitter feed. Shipman is political editor for the Sunday Times. This may all have come to light as a result of allies of Angela Rayner briefing against him.
Wow ! those are two words together I thought I would never hear….. Starmer and Relationship !!! Should’ve gone to Specsavers springs to mind. I really don’t want the image of him under the sheets…..
Photo shows
– anti-zionist Labour MP Richard Burgon fronting a Labour Palestine demo
– Eddie Izzard in a dress, fronting a labour campaign rally
– wacky Labour Muslim MP fronting a BLM rally
– Keir Starmer doing the Taking The Knee PR stunt photo in his office
I don’t know anything about French Planning Law but, I suspect the French scenario couldn’t happen in the UK. The churches in the UK will be subject to UK Planning Law and the invaders know that a disused church will be easily converted to islam on the basis of a, “Change of Use”. Simples: No hassle.
When I lived in South western France G, now eleven years ago, the Muslims who lived in my town had not be given permission to build a Mosque and had to use an ordinary house, which appeared to suit. The local French people did not go out of their way to mix with the Muslims, however because of France’s long connection with North Africa/Algeria et al, they had had Muslims living amonsgt them for many years. Knowing how complicated planning can be in France from the experience my wife and I had building a house-and we spoke good French, but even so it was very complicated and frustrating.Nevertheless I am very surprised that a Mosque can be erected in 15 days-cannot believe the French I once knew would ever have tolerated such an event. I loved living in France for many reasons so it saddens me to see such harm being driven against it by the present government led by one who will run with the Hares and hunt with hounds-Macron perhaps at one stage thought he might be captain of Europe-what a thought!
But you haven’t mentioned who is paying for all these Mosques? Again it’s the usual bribers of Western politicians the oil rich Arabs.
As we have heard even on these pages, it is better that the Arabs pay our politicians than the taxpayer, and presumably the people who think this way also think that the price of that, the Islamisation of the West is well worth the ha’penny ever 20 years they save in tax !
“‘One Mosque Is Erected Every 15 Days in France, While One Christian Building Is Destroyed At the Same Pace’”
Pure coincidence, I’m sure.
Oh, and by the way: the fire at Notre Dame was an ACCIDENT, you hear me? An accident. We know this because the French authorities told us so, a few minutes after the fire started and before there’d been any sort of investigation.
An accident like all those other churches being accidentally destroyed every 15 days.
Marr interviews Michael Gove. Tons about a Scottish referendum, even a mention of Boris’s alleged “pile ‘em high” blather.
But not a mention of the English election results, Hartlepool or French fishermen. Watch Marr and you’d think the Tories had just had a truly woeful week. Us thick northerners know better, Andrew.
Ed-You shouldn’t expect anything else from Marr. He used
to try and sale the Trotskyist Socialist Worker outside
Kings Cross station in London. A leopard such as him doesn’t
change his spots. It’s about the only reason that the BBC
allow a white middle aged man to present a political programme.
Who would have thought, in the times when the Beatles and Stones were topping the charts, that in about 50 years time a white Anglo Saxon couldn’t get into double percentage figures in the election of Mayor of London.
Fox got 1.5% and Berry got 7% (Highest percentages for male and female wasps)
Although difficult to quantify in any significant detail, the BBC’s favourite UK areas both gave 16 year-olds the vote, and both gave hope and a great deal of grist to the Edwards/Wark coalition mill. This has to be rather more than a coincidence, and yet that fact has been given very, very little coverage. So little as to be non-existent.
What a shame that the BBC has only the vaguest, most fleeting, concept of shame.
‘Yeh Tory voters are most uneducated’
contrasts with the fact a lot of SNP and Welsh labour voters
haven’t finished their education and are still under the thumb of the brainwashing lefty teachers.
Though we don’t know how many and many bright kids will have voted against them, having broke themselves free of the brainwashing.
TalkRadio now The late DS Derek Ridgewell “fitted up countless people in the 1970s for crimes they had not committed, while he was himself involved in stealing more than £1m – the equivalent of £4m today – in goods that the British Transport Police had access to.”
The new book “Rot At The Core” —co-author Graham Satchwell
Focuses on the Oval 4, the black lads he fitted up on a whim in 1972
Knowing the track record of the woke snowflakes I suppose the BBC tried to get the dead plod exhumed to interview . I wonder what the public benefit of a dead case from 1972 is -a part from ‘compensation ‘ for some of its favourites ….?
“A ‘long way to go’ until social distancing ends
Andrew Pollard” (55)
The BBC might look up to him as a health expert, but to me he looks like a washed up alcoholic with an aversion to vegetables
“Philippines Covid surge throws country into disarray
And with one of the longest and hardest lockdowns in the world, a crippling recession has forced thousands on to the streets in search of food”
Sounds like its the lockdowns doing the damage here..
Will the bbc ever admit it
Statement from Khalid Mahmood worth reading. So is the the piece about Bristol Labour branch committee has resigned en masse after Labour London imposed two candidates on them pushing out the locals ones, who then both promptly lost to the Greens !
What on earth would the BBC do without ‘The Pipple’o’Scawlun’?
For a government, let alone one under constant media attack, to sweep away decades of entrenched Labour loyalty and to do so mid-term is a massive achievement, and yet you would never begin to guess it.
Thanks to a handful of predictable metropolitan mayoral results and without Welsh heartlands, bolstered by some brainwashed children, the picture is dire. And without the SNP, even these results must pale into insignificance, but the BBC have their caviar to savour from Ms Sturgeon.
They really ought to bung her a fair slice of Lineker’s unearned income – because she’s worth it.
Please delete this comment if it is deemed irrelevant to Bias in the BBC, but there is so much talk of social media alternatives with lots of conservative critics moving from Twitter and FB to other sites. So in a sense it might be relevant to see what is going on.
From WIMKIN – alternative to FB and all.
Parler and Gab Hacked; Parler Sells Out to Big Tech While Claiming to “Fight Big Tech Tyranny”
Did you know Parler and Gab were hacked? Don’t worry if you didn’t. Most people don’t. Sadly, nor do most people know that this led to several people’s arrests for their perceived roles at the Capitol on 1/6/21. If you don’t believe us, simply Google or DuckDuckGo “80tb Parler.” You’ll be astounded and most likely frightened of the results.
Parler was hacked back in January where some 80 terabytes of user metadata was “scraped” by a single female hacker. This is because of Parler’s atrocious security. This hacker was able to scrape metadata and GPS locations and provided such to the Federal Government which led to dozens of arrests of any user’s that their stolen GPS locations showed them within the Capitol confines. Furthermore, anyone that submitted a live video this day from their homes had their home address GPS coordinates leaked. This is internet security 101 – One, do not have GPS location on your platform, and Two, if you do have such, you delete the metadata after the posts are deleted or removed. Parler failed its users in epic fashion. On top of this, where did all of the ID photos and user information go? Our bet is to AWS (Amazon Web Services), Parler’s then server company. After all, fired CEO and founder John Matze IS an ex-AWS employee.
Parler is and always has been flat out deceitful. Parler has billionaire and millionaire backers yet they did not, and do not have their own datacenter. Why on earth would this company require a front and back scan of your government or state ID along with a selfie just to do something as basic as send a private message on their service? Their citizen verification process was a complete joke that millions fell for and that may have cost them terribly.
I followed the link to the Wales Online story re bad restaurants. Skimming down the page was an advertisement for “CBD gummie bear sweets”.
CBD is basically the dangerous drug cannabis in oil form. Can’t these lunatics put together the obvious danger to children in this headlong rush to total madness?
The fact that this ad from a nutty Canadian company was allowed on a Welsh regional website demonstrates the level of lunacy that has infected UK media.
It is clear that this “product” is in fact purposely aimed at children and I can only deduce that it is designed to ensnare them into ever stronger products once the Canadian idiot government legalise the whole thing. I believe that there are loads of rich people with shares in these despicable enterprises.
The link above says “We’ve counted 90% of votes and the graph on this page will no longer be updated.” and Sadiq Khan was actually on 40% with Shaun Bailey on 35%.
So the website stopped updating with 10% of the votes to go but somehow Khan went from 40% of the votes when 90% were counted to the official 55.2% of the votes when 100% was counted.
Guest Who – I saw the nice chat that the Huw had with Lucy Powell – I think – by the end of maybe 5 easy minutes – they were exchanging jollies about the backdrops to be seen during their nice chats .
I watched – on and off – as much of their election coverage as I could take – every so often a beeboid dropped a ‘we ‘ when referring to the huge and numerous victories of their Labour Party ….
As for the full on SNP propaganda arm – avoided . ….
Thx – checking to see if anyone noticed …. Lucy Powell is one of those Labour MPs who wants the internet totally regulated in order that only ‘approved ‘ expression is allowed – for the safety of the community – you understand . …. I think she tried a private members ‘ bill last year but got beaten by the girl who wants to make abortion compulsory …
6pm Countryfile : “Cranborne Chase, South England inland
Matt Baker and Ellie Harrison uncover the wonders,
and Steve Brown goes stargazing in the UK’s first designated dark sky reserve.”
– Mazes : Matt unravels a puzzling piece of the area’s past as he explores a 900-year-old mediaeval ‘miz maze’ hidden in the woods,
before crossing the Chase to help tend to Britain’s biggest modern day maze on the Longleat Estate.
– the UK’s only ‘supercluster’ of farmers working together to encourage wildlife on their land.
– She also heads to the River Ebble to disccover what makes this chalk stream so special and how it’s helping to give rural teenagers a sense of purpose.
– Steve Brown is in for some special stargazing in the Chase – the UK’s first designated dark sky reserve.
– Tom Heap investigates plans to launch a new space race from the heart of our countryside – but at what cost to the environment?
And Adam Henson has a nervous wait on his hands as his rare-breed
Dark skies are very ‘big ‘ for me . I grew up with orange London skies making my cheap telescope pretty useless . There are secret bits of blighty where it really does have zero light and if you have never seen the completely dark sky on a clear night – you must see it …
Quite. On a clear night…the Milky Way is spectacular here. Out here at the top of the island….Ramsey is 6 miles away…and Douglas 20 miles away on the other side of the mountain…..so perfectly black skies
I do see a few odd things. Waves of light occasionally cross the northern sky….which I put down to the Northern Lights.
A few years ago…..at about midnight on a cold, completely clear night…..the whole of the northern sky flashed.
And a few years ago….I was gazing steadily at stars…..when one went out….
As a Londoner – I’m a bit surprised that the vote for the Emir has fallen . After all he has presiding over the closure of most useful roads around the capital and has kept a healthy murder rate going even during lockdowns …..
On that subject – the killings are back to a healthy 1 every 2 days now with complementary stabbings keeping the A and E staff from practicing their hilarious video dance moves whilst on overtime …
As predicted the BBC has found a Tory victim of some ‘historic ‘ wrong doing – this one was going to be the ‘PCC ( waste of space ) for Wiltshire – the vote starts tomorrow but he has withdrawn ….
Why they bother with ‘crime commissioners ‘ is beyond me – but i suppose it’s a gift for some party doner.
BBC will be dripping out obscure Tory councillors who ‘vented ‘ on Twitter at 0200 after some Islamic terrorist attack . … standard Marxist playbook ….
Sixty , mostly school girls are slaughtered by followers
of the religion of peace in Kabul . However the BBC considers
that clashes in Jerusalem between Israeli police and
protesting Palestinians where nobody has been killed is
a more newsworthy story.
Of course we know what’s that all about. The BBC must not
find fault with the religion of peace under any circumstances !!
“First they came for the wild places, destroying them with wind turbines, and we did nothing;
….. then they came for our foreign holidays, and we did nothing;
…. then they came for our cars, and we did nothing;
…. then they came for our central heating boilers, and we did nothing;
…. then they came for our meat, and we did nothing;
…then they came for our pets…”
Not the beeb, but the Yankee version, showing on UK TV today.
Trumps American Carnage.
Trumps incitement of division, violence and ultimately insurrection, throughout his term.
“Frontline (the producers) investigates Trump’s siege of his enemies, the media and even the leaders of his own party, who for years ignored the warning signals of what was to come”
Trump must be the only President of the US whose personal wealth declined whilst he was in office, one can only assume that Biden won’t suffer the same fate. He certainly wouldn’t have a programme denigrating him when the time comes.
Folks – I’m going to put up the New thread now – I get the feeling we will witness abnormally large buckets of BBC bias in the next couple of days … wonder what the BBC will do if there isn’t a Labour Party by the end of the week . ?
9:50pm PBS America ..a totally unbiased prog about Trump “Trump’s American Carnage.
A look at how President Trump stoked division, violence and insurrection throughout his Presidency”
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
We turned on Toady on Sunday.
Within 10 seconds we heard the words ‘same sex relationship’.
What are the chances of that?
On the BBC, very high.
Immediately after there was a story on the benefits of arranged marriages for British Asians. One benefit for them was the ability to arrange for yet another open door immigrant from Pakistan.
Then after a short story with Mr Motivator it was on to the charity slot about poor children in Jaipur, India.
In their intellectual, moral, and social protected bunker in central London, the BBC have absolutely no understanding whatever of the society of compulsory licence fee payers that fraudulently keep them in business.
The composition of the BBC defies comprehension.
A few hundred white wallahs on the top floor issuing edicts, supported by thousands of sepoys in the cubicle gardens on the ground being kept happy fulfilling said edicts about back home.
Then one day in the entrance foyer an errant hog roast with bubbly and….
I had rather be a punkah-wallah in the house of the Lord, than to dwell in tents of ungodliness.
: “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”
The epitome of lazy journalism. *
* Still I might open with question sentences, myself.
What about the “But who?” or “But what?” headlines? They are everywhere these days.
The prog also promoted special Catholics they found, who maintain the bible does not condemn homosexuality.
And promoted their new report.
“We hear from @KOCharamsa who was involved in the report.
The former theology professor was once an official of the Vatican’s powerful theological watchdog, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
He has since come out as gay“
Another prog item
“Could some mosques in the UK do more to accommodate women during #ramadan ?
Julie Siddiqi tells us about her experience after she was barred from prayers
and @IbrahimMogra says it’s time for more women to have an active role in running their mosque.”
Meanwhile bbc na na bs are back to selling each other’s books.
It’s a good advert for the way BBC
– selects top staff
– who often complain they’re poorly paid
– yet are able to top up their salaries, by writing books,
whose profits are enhanced by PR on the BBC platform promoting them
And the way the BBC claims to be impartial
Yet the books in question all have great benefit to only one political side : The U S Democrat Party.
……not to mention the £10 k a pop for after-dinner speaking and hosting corporate events.
Nice work if you can get it.
The amazing thing is that after all that hard work grafting tirelessly away doing the day job to collect their £300,000 per year, I’m amazed they have any energy left for speeches, and book-writing.
They never do the book writing in BBC time, in BBC offices, using BBC resources…/sarc
Just waiting for Emily to weigh in.
Or the dog.
Looks as though it’s ladies’ day in the national press today.
Plus a couple of Labour’s monumental mistakes.
On the cover of the Sunday Telegraph we venture north of the border and meet the tartan-masked: ‘Sturgeon falls short…‘ – win, lose or draw, her precious absolute majority, we were always going to be subjected to an absolute haranguing over constitutional issues – ‘cos that’s what butters our metropolitan media’s neeps – forget the bread and butter issues.
Devolution was Labour’s monumental mistake number one. If you have an annoying wee kid trespassing into your garden shrieking and yelling and generally making a nuisance – you either tell him to clear off or you ignore him. The very last thing you want to do is to gift him a big expensive bouncy castle (call it the Scots Parliament) for him to play about on. Next thing you know there’ll be him – plus a dozen of his mates out there bouncing and shouting for all they’re worth; and chances are you’ll be the one effectively evicted from your home.
The female celebs, of a certain age, are out in force this weekend. Davina McCall in the Telegraph wants to tell us: ‘How I got my sex life back in my fifties‘ meanwhile Jane Seymour in the Mail on Sunday explains: ‘How I get hair like this at 70‘
The Tories’ pin up girl – our minister for strong conservative-sounding yet ultimately hollow statements – Priti Patel, is on the frontpage of the Express, pictured with one of her very wriest of wry smirks: ‘“We are coming after the criminals”‘ – that’s yer job, luv. That’s the mandate. Now get a shift on.
The Sunday Mirror is doing a promotion about football kits for kids. Of course we are presented with a little girl modelling the kit.
I’m not convinced most little girls naturally cleave toward outdoor team sports but I’m old enough to recall the Scottish coming-of-age romantic comedy movie Gregory’s Girl – which chimed with a sort of male fantasy.
The Sunday People has a young woman who probably doesn’t enjoy sports, the outdoors or socialising: ‘Corrie goth girl Mollie: My big secret‘ – it’s likely a hate crime these days but I’ve a joke about goths – how many goths does it take to change a light bulb? None, they’d rather sit in the dark. As the proverbial stand ups say apologetically – I’m here most days of the week, that is unless people take my humour the wrong way and feign outrage and offence.
‘You’ve had some bad luck, missus!‘ – no, we’re not onto Angela Rayner just yet. This is the Daily Star cover story: ‘If you think you’ve been having a hard time of it, spare a thought for Bradford gran Paula Smith. The 50-year-old reckons she has been abducted by alien beings 52 times‘
It’s a shame but due to constraints of time and space we won’t probe into that one any further.
Raising the brow slightly higher (as Mr Spock used to do as he would say “fascinating”) we have the Telegraph promoting: ‘Emily Beecham stars in tonight’s BBC 1 costume drama The Pursuit of Love. Based on the 1945 novel by Nancy Mitford‘
Co-staring is Lily James who pops up in the Express: ‘From the Pursuit of Love to Pammy. Star’s amazing transformation: See page 3‘
By all means call me immature, but I still can’t help but smirk like Priti Patel, at the mere mention of page 3.
Cold shower time…
Labour’s second monumental miscalculation was to go all in anti-Brexit, doggedly attempting to reverse the biggest popular vote on a single issue in our history. This mistaken policy starkly exposed their already existential split from the working classes. And so it was that they selected an arch Remainer as their Hartlepool candidate.
In the Sunday Mirror we have: ‘Starmer sacks Rayner in election melt down‘
For reasons of YouTube pushing clip suggestions on me (blame the algorithm) I found myself dipping into the Corbyn-leaning Novara media election preamble and post mortem being greatly amused at little Owen Jones’s pre-election collywobbles and by Aaron Bastani’s post facto 10 minute rant against Starmer for the sacking of Rayner as Labour’s campaign chief.
The two had knelt together for BLM and one wonders whether Sir Keir would now like to photoshop that one in a Stalinesque rewriting of photo history. Our Aaron made no mention of that nonesense but banged on for ages about Angie’s northerness, proletarian credentials, closeness to the unions etc etc. He just couldn’t understand why Keir would sack her as campaign boss. Briefly, at the close of his diatribe, he referred in passing to it having been a terrible campaign.
Boys’ day at LBC.
Femi and a curiously less unattractive David Lammy.
If only Labour had been in power for 12 years
… then it could’ve introduced PR.
They like FPTP cos the system is rigged.
The beauty of FPTP, is that with PR Labour would have been in power since 1964, forming coalitions with the Liberals, the Lib Dems, the Greens, the Communists. We could never get rid of them as the Conservatives never get over 50%.
This country with Labour in power all that time, would make Greece look like a model of fiscal probity, Cuba look like a democracy. The country wouldhave gone backwards.
Under FPTP we occasionally have to endure a Labour Government wrecking the economy but we can get rid of them at the ballot box. Yes, I know the Conservatives have adopted many Labour idiot-policies but they are still a hell of a lot better than a permanent Labour run coalition.
Femi’s missing a trick here. Why stop at PR ‘to get progressive values back on centre stage’? Labour could adopt a policy of referendums on each issue – then ignore or reverse those votes they don’t like.
‘Our’ Angie’s northerness didn’t save her, her campaign or her party though, did it.
AISI, the provisional Sunday wing of the Guardian, the Observer newspaper, is missing – again – from the BBC web-site and Papers Blog. Have they done something to offend the BBC? Refused to allow JustRemainIn Webb space for a column? Turned down June Sarpong as a regular contributor?
Blair organised devolution for Scotland and Wales. He expected there would be perpetual Labour governments there. Which is why he wanted them.
And so it has proved in Wales.
But in Scotland he was badly mis-advised.
Meanwhile nearly all of the mayoralties are by definition in large urban conurbations. They are largely safe Labour. I mean, given where we are now, if they are still safe Labour then what is the scenario whereby they would not be?
So what we have are extra built-in power bases for Labour.
Put in place as I recall by the Tories.
But..but..but will Manchesterford do when Bandy Urban gets to be leader of the BBC’s political wing?
The odds are fading again, (33/10) but Starkers must be wondering what to do next!
The fun starts when Citzen Khan gets a better price than 14/1!
Starkers gets his direct orders about what to do from abroad somewhere. Methinks someone like office boy Mandy delivers them in a brown paper package.
I picked up somewhere, (can’t remember where but it may have been Daniel Hannan) that Bliar was following the EU’s plan to devolve sections of the UK when it was totally integrated within the EU and then Brussels would deal with the devolved Governments directly, ignoring Westminster. All a part of their Big Plan. Bliar has a lot to answer for.
Yes, and England was to be broken up into regions, thus eliminating it as a discrete country altogether.
Sluff, couple of exceptions to that: London and Birmingham/Wolverhampton. I noticed that on the 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. News on R4 they mentioned Sadiq Khan’s successful bid to be re-elected Mayor of London but did not mention his reduced majority.
Meanwhile, speaking of self promo…
Does she actually do anything of substance. How the hell does some know nothing actually determine what is disinformation. I guess in her book its anything anti BBC. She really is a waste of space.
Never forget she is NOT a single person.
But a brand representing a BBC team effort.
If you abuse her personally then that ends up benefitting their campaign.
I don’t think you can distinguish the individual from the organisation . In whatever form – the BBC needs to know that there is dissent .
Personally I am amazed that the dissent is so mild – such as the level of comments on this site . The anger people are experiencing from the 24/7 onslaught of ‘approved ‘ thought and social engineering deserves far more by way of dissent . It’s a war .
Can she not change that bloody brown roll neck jumper? It’s so last year and the one before that!
Gosh, she is repulsive!
‘ongoing fight against disinformation’ in modern journalism
or more accurately
ongoing fight against ‘disinformation in modern journalism’.
Is ‘specialist’ Marianna (age 25 and a bit) a rung above ‘expert’?
It’s ok everybody…
All is well in the Labour Party according to the BBC,Khan won the e!ection in London
Quick snapshot a moment ago of Al Beeb’s election coverage page headlines…
‘Sadiq Khan was re-elected as London mayor with 55.2% of the vote. Labour also won mayoral elections in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Greater Manchester, Liverpool City Region, and West of England. The Conservatives made significant gains of councils across England, adding 12 councils and an extra 239 councillors to their overall tally by the end of Saturday. On Friday, the Conservatives also won the Hartlepool by-election.’
Claiming no personal credit, but do you think that Al Beeb might just peep at sites like this occasionally and realise they have been royally rumbled?
Latest version reads…
‘ The Conservatives have made significant gains of councils across England, adding 12 councils and an extra 239 councillors to their overall tally by the end of Saturday. Labour has lost overall control of 8 councils, including Durham County Council. The party fared better in the mayoral races, however, as Sadiq Khan was re-elected as London mayor with 55.2% of the vote, and Andy Burnham won a second term as Mayor of Greater Manchester in a landslide victory. Labour also won mayoral elections in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Liverpool City Region, and West of England. Elsewhere, on Friday, the Conservatives also won the Hartlepool by-election.’
They still leave the more significant result to the end, of course.
Come the Monday following the elections and Al Beeb has changed its header paragraph to this…
‘The Conservatives have made significant gains across England, adding 13 councils and an extra 236 councillors to their overall tally by Sunday. Labour has lost control of eight councils, including Durham County Council. The party fared better in the mayoral races, as Sadiq Khan was re-elected as London mayor, Andy Burnham won a second term as Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Tracy Brabin becomes West Yorkshire’s first elected mayor. Labour also won mayoral elections in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Liverpool City Region, and West of England.’
The major Tory win unmentioned and more lines about the few Labour wins.
WTF you would think that Labour done good….or if you looked deeper you would see that Al Beeb are slanting the news the way they want it to be seen, as usual, rather than in a balanced way.
An article by B.B. Dade correctly describing the bBC as evil.
He should join this group.
Usual Andrew Marr Show. Constant interruption of Tory MP Michael Gove but let Labour MP John McDonnell talk freely.
Coming up is Nicola Sturgeon. Andrew will most likely have a throne for her to sit on and a plate of chocolate biscuits. She will have freedom to bang on about Scottish independence for 2 consecutive weeks in a row with not one interruption from Marr.
Yes Tabs. As usual Marr trots out his pet monkey Sturgeon full of the usual anti-tory/anti English bile. She really is a vile wee hag.
I think you’ve got that ass about face – Marr is the jug-eared monkey and Krankie oiling him up with her engineer’s rag.
Pandy Marr more likely to offer his face for her to sit on; it is commonly called ‘queening’.
“The pubs, restaurants and businesses in Wales with a zero food hygiene rating”
Shame they don’t give a name or photograph of the ‘owners’. Don’t we just know ?
Culturally vibrant?
Story is more than 1 year old
It’s dated Jan 2020
“Story is more than 1 year old
It’s dated Jan 2020”
No its not.
Time to get your eyes tested. I read (and copy beneath) –
“The pubs, restaurants and businesses in Wales with a zero food hygiene rating
Twenty businesses in the food and drink industry in Wales have been awarded zero food hygiene ratings by local councils
ByJohn CooperSenior Reporter
04:00, 9 MAY 2021”
Clearly you did not open up the link and look. Shameful.
@G Sorry, calm down I did open the link
and somehow as I scanned down the page ended up on their old story from last year.
So they must do the same story every year.
The list does indeed include a lot of Indian restaurants which are usually actually Bangladeshi,
but there were a few Italian and Chinese names as well
Jan 2020
April 2019
Dec 2018
Just a note here to make sure everyone is up to speed with Labour party goings on.
Angela Rayner has been sacked as campaigns chief and it’s hardly surprising given the woeful performance, but also because people in the labour party claim quite believably she was next to useless!
She has not been sacked as deputy leader which is an elected position and Starmer has already said she will be offered another post.
A rumour is circulating on Twitter about a relationship between Starmer and his political advisor Jenny Chapman or Baroness Chapman of Darlington who lost her red wall seat at the last election. It is said that the arch remainer selected as candidate for Hartlepool was her doing.
Meanwhile Starmers wife has reportedly banned Chapman from visiting the family home and it probably doesn’t take too much imagination to conclude what these rumours are about.
The source for this is Tim Shipmans Twitter feed. Shipman is political editor for the Sunday Times. This may all have come to light as a result of allies of Angela Rayner briefing against him.
This cannot hint at the possibility of sleaze in the holier-than-thou-you-me-whoever else Labour Party, can it?
Heavens to Bestsy Boothroyd!
“she was next to useless!”
Next to useless? Was that when she was taking the knee next to Sirkeer?
Wow ! those are two words together I thought I would never hear….. Starmer and Relationship !!! Should’ve gone to Specsavers springs to mind. I really don’t want the image of him under the sheets…..
Why Labour lost
Photo shows
– anti-zionist Labour MP Richard Burgon fronting a Labour Palestine demo
– Eddie Izzard in a dress, fronting a labour campaign rally
– wacky Labour Muslim MP fronting a BLM rally
– Keir Starmer doing the Taking The Knee PR stunt photo in his office
“‘One Mosque Is Erected Every 15 Days in France, While One Christian Building Is Destroyed At the Same Pace’”
Are the General’s right or the Globalist Dandy, Macron?
I don’t know anything about French Planning Law but, I suspect the French scenario couldn’t happen in the UK. The churches in the UK will be subject to UK Planning Law and the invaders know that a disused church will be easily converted to islam on the basis of a, “Change of Use”. Simples: No hassle.
When I lived in South western France G, now eleven years ago, the Muslims who lived in my town had not be given permission to build a Mosque and had to use an ordinary house, which appeared to suit. The local French people did not go out of their way to mix with the Muslims, however because of France’s long connection with North Africa/Algeria et al, they had had Muslims living amonsgt them for many years. Knowing how complicated planning can be in France from the experience my wife and I had building a house-and we spoke good French, but even so it was very complicated and frustrating.Nevertheless I am very surprised that a Mosque can be erected in 15 days-cannot believe the French I once knew would ever have tolerated such an event. I loved living in France for many reasons so it saddens me to see such harm being driven against it by the present government led by one who will run with the Hares and hunt with hounds-Macron perhaps at one stage thought he might be captain of Europe-what a thought!
No mosques, or Muslims anywhere near me, thankfully, at the moment.
Local churches are still intact, too.
Macron will never be captain of anything – he thinks he’s Jupiter, but in reality he is merely a stupid little boy.
But you haven’t mentioned who is paying for all these Mosques? Again it’s the usual bribers of Western politicians the oil rich Arabs.
As we have heard even on these pages, it is better that the Arabs pay our politicians than the taxpayer, and presumably the people who think this way also think that the price of that, the Islamisation of the West is well worth the ha’penny ever 20 years they save in tax !
“‘One Mosque Is Erected Every 15 Days in France, While One Christian Building Is Destroyed At the Same Pace’”
Pure coincidence, I’m sure.
Oh, and by the way: the fire at Notre Dame was an ACCIDENT, you hear me? An accident. We know this because the French authorities told us so, a few minutes after the fire started and before there’d been any sort of investigation.
An accident like all those other churches being accidentally destroyed every 15 days.
Marr interviews Michael Gove. Tons about a Scottish referendum, even a mention of Boris’s alleged “pile ‘em high” blather.
But not a mention of the English election results, Hartlepool or French fishermen. Watch Marr and you’d think the Tories had just had a truly woeful week. Us thick northerners know better, Andrew.
Ed-You shouldn’t expect anything else from Marr. He used
to try and sale the Trotskyist Socialist Worker outside
Kings Cross station in London. A leopard such as him doesn’t
change his spots. It’s about the only reason that the BBC
allow a white middle aged man to present a political programme.
Who would have thought, in the times when the Beatles and Stones were topping the charts, that in about 50 years time a white Anglo Saxon couldn’t get into double percentage figures in the election of Mayor of London.
Fox got 1.5% and Berry got 7% (Highest percentages for male and female wasps)
That’s enrichment for you.
Although difficult to quantify in any significant detail, the BBC’s favourite UK areas both gave 16 year-olds the vote, and both gave hope and a great deal of grist to the Edwards/Wark coalition mill. This has to be rather more than a coincidence, and yet that fact has been given very, very little coverage. So little as to be non-existent.
What a shame that the BBC has only the vaguest, most fleeting, concept of shame.
‘Yeh Tory voters are most uneducated’
contrasts with the fact a lot of SNP and Welsh labour voters
haven’t finished their education and are still under the thumb of the brainwashing lefty teachers.
Though we don’t know how many and many bright kids will have voted against them, having broke themselves free of the brainwashing.
TalkRadio now The late DS Derek Ridgewell “fitted up countless people in the 1970s for crimes they had not committed, while he was himself involved in stealing more than £1m – the equivalent of £4m today – in goods that the British Transport Police had access to.”
The new book “Rot At The Core” —co-author Graham Satchwell
Focuses on the Oval 4, the black lads he fitted up on a whim in 1972
Knowing the track record of the woke snowflakes I suppose the BBC tried to get the dead plod exhumed to interview . I wonder what the public benefit of a dead case from 1972 is -a part from ‘compensation ‘ for some of its favourites ….?
“Hugging to soon be allowed again, Gove signals.”
I suppose you’ll get talked to like this by a government if you let them
“A ‘long way to go’ until social distancing ends
Andrew Pollard” (55)
The BBC might look up to him as a health expert, but to me he looks like a washed up alcoholic with an aversion to vegetables
“Philippines Covid surge throws country into disarray
And with one of the longest and hardest lockdowns in the world, a crippling recession has forced thousands on to the streets in search of food”
Sounds like its the lockdowns doing the damage here..
Will the bbc ever admit it
Interesting news about Belfield and Al Beeb on this site……………….
“Elections 2021: Sir Keir Starmer set to reshuffle Labour’s top team”
Deck chairs and Titanic comes to mind.
Not what the beeboid wanted to hear
Statement from Khalid Mahmood worth reading. So is the the piece about Bristol Labour branch committee has resigned en masse after Labour London imposed two candidates on them pushing out the locals ones, who then both promptly lost to the Greens !
What on earth would the BBC do without ‘The Pipple’o’Scawlun’?
For a government, let alone one under constant media attack, to sweep away decades of entrenched Labour loyalty and to do so mid-term is a massive achievement, and yet you would never begin to guess it.
Thanks to a handful of predictable metropolitan mayoral results and without Welsh heartlands, bolstered by some brainwashed children, the picture is dire. And without the SNP, even these results must pale into insignificance, but the BBC have their caviar to savour from Ms Sturgeon.
They really ought to bung her a fair slice of Lineker’s unearned income – because she’s worth it.
Please delete this comment if it is deemed irrelevant to Bias in the BBC, but there is so much talk of social media alternatives with lots of conservative critics moving from Twitter and FB to other sites. So in a sense it might be relevant to see what is going on.
From WIMKIN – alternative to FB and all.
Parler and Gab Hacked; Parler Sells Out to Big Tech While Claiming to “Fight Big Tech Tyranny”
Did you know Parler and Gab were hacked? Don’t worry if you didn’t. Most people don’t. Sadly, nor do most people know that this led to several people’s arrests for their perceived roles at the Capitol on 1/6/21. If you don’t believe us, simply Google or DuckDuckGo “80tb Parler.” You’ll be astounded and most likely frightened of the results.
Parler was hacked back in January where some 80 terabytes of user metadata was “scraped” by a single female hacker. This is because of Parler’s atrocious security. This hacker was able to scrape metadata and GPS locations and provided such to the Federal Government which led to dozens of arrests of any user’s that their stolen GPS locations showed them within the Capitol confines. Furthermore, anyone that submitted a live video this day from their homes had their home address GPS coordinates leaked. This is internet security 101 – One, do not have GPS location on your platform, and Two, if you do have such, you delete the metadata after the posts are deleted or removed. Parler failed its users in epic fashion. On top of this, where did all of the ID photos and user information go? Our bet is to AWS (Amazon Web Services), Parler’s then server company. After all, fired CEO and founder John Matze IS an ex-AWS employee.
Parler is and always has been flat out deceitful. Parler has billionaire and millionaire backers yet they did not, and do not have their own datacenter. Why on earth would this company require a front and back scan of your government or state ID along with a selfie just to do something as basic as send a private message on their service? Their citizen verification process was a complete joke that millions fell for and that may have cost them terribly.
I followed the link to the Wales Online story re bad restaurants. Skimming down the page was an advertisement for “CBD gummie bear sweets”.
CBD is basically the dangerous drug cannabis in oil form. Can’t these lunatics put together the obvious danger to children in this headlong rush to total madness?
The fact that this ad from a nutty Canadian company was allowed on a Welsh regional website demonstrates the level of lunacy that has infected UK media.
It is clear that this “product” is in fact purposely aimed at children and I can only deduce that it is designed to ensnare them into ever stronger products once the Canadian idiot government legalise the whole thing. I believe that there are loads of rich people with shares in these despicable enterprises.
I must say well done to Sadiq Khan getting so many extra votes in the last few hours of counting!
When I looked at the live count data last night about 7pm he was leading on about 48% and the Tory candidate on about 45% of the votes.
The 5 or 6 remaining boroughs were all on about 98% of the count completed.
Amazing how those last 2% of votes from 5 boroughs pushed his lead from 48% to 55%.
Perhaps Marianna Spring could investigate the chances of that happening.
Well well – the Biden playbook – and if what you say is true – will never be reported – will never be investigated …..
This was the website I was monitoring
It is worse than I stated above.
The link above says “We’ve counted 90% of votes and the graph on this page will no longer be updated.” and Sadiq Khan was actually on 40% with Shaun Bailey on 35%.
So the website stopped updating with 10% of the votes to go but somehow Khan went from 40% of the votes when 90% were counted to the official 55.2% of the votes when 100% was counted.
@Tabs isn’t the new tally one that includes second preference votes ?
Had Sadiq cleared 50% in the first tally , they wouldn’t have tallied the second preferences
You are correct. No need for Marianna Spring to investigate!
Upset? The bbc seems to have opted to pretend it never happened.
Guest Who – I saw the nice chat that the Huw had with Lucy Powell – I think – by the end of maybe 5 easy minutes – they were exchanging jollies about the backdrops to be seen during their nice chats .
I watched – on and off – as much of their election coverage as I could take – every so often a beeboid dropped a ‘we ‘ when referring to the huge and numerous victories of their Labour Party ….
As for the full on SNP propaganda arm – avoided . ….
nice chat ?
Thx – checking to see if anyone noticed …. Lucy Powell is one of those Labour MPs who wants the internet totally regulated in order that only ‘approved ‘ expression is allowed – for the safety of the community – you understand . …. I think she tried a private members ‘ bill last year but got beaten by the girl who wants to make abortion compulsory …
6pm Countryfile : “Cranborne Chase, South England inland
Matt Baker and Ellie Harrison uncover the wonders,
and Steve Brown goes stargazing in the UK’s first designated dark sky reserve.”
– Mazes : Matt unravels a puzzling piece of the area’s past as he explores a 900-year-old mediaeval ‘miz maze’ hidden in the woods,
before crossing the Chase to help tend to Britain’s biggest modern day maze on the Longleat Estate.
– the UK’s only ‘supercluster’ of farmers working together to encourage wildlife on their land.
– She also heads to the River Ebble to disccover what makes this chalk stream so special and how it’s helping to give rural teenagers a sense of purpose.
– Steve Brown is in for some special stargazing in the Chase – the UK’s first designated dark sky reserve.
– Tom Heap investigates plans to launch a new space race from the heart of our countryside
– but at what cost to the environment?
And Adam Henson has a nervous wait on his hands as his rare-breed
I know it’s not the U.K….but IoM has special star gazing laid back benches at various sites across the island.
Dark skies are very ‘big ‘ for me . I grew up with orange London skies making my cheap telescope pretty useless . There are secret bits of blighty where it really does have zero light and if you have never seen the completely dark sky on a clear night – you must see it …
Tracking satellites is fun too …
Quite. On a clear night…the Milky Way is spectacular here. Out here at the top of the island….Ramsey is 6 miles away…and Douglas 20 miles away on the other side of the mountain…..so perfectly black skies
I do see a few odd things. Waves of light occasionally cross the northern sky….which I put down to the Northern Lights.
A few years ago…..at about midnight on a cold, completely clear night…..the whole of the northern sky flashed.
And a few years ago….I was gazing steadily at stars…..when one went out….
Here in Shropshire we have 4 Dark Sky sites …
Dobyns – Shropshire is one of those ‘secrets’ I was referring too – love it .
As a Londoner – I’m a bit surprised that the vote for the Emir has fallen . After all he has presiding over the closure of most useful roads around the capital and has kept a healthy murder rate going even during lockdowns …..
On that subject – the killings are back to a healthy 1 every 2 days now with complementary stabbings keeping the A and E staff from practicing their hilarious video dance moves whilst on overtime …
There’s a thing.
Shy retiring woman of no obvious expertise sends pr as news release on wibble to the cubicle gardens and…
Once the royals engage in politics – fair game – I see another family member won’t be wearing uniform anytime soon – except – maybe for a ‘fee’….
As predicted the BBC has found a Tory victim of some ‘historic ‘ wrong doing – this one was going to be the ‘PCC ( waste of space ) for Wiltshire – the vote starts tomorrow but he has withdrawn ….
Why they bother with ‘crime commissioners ‘ is beyond me – but i suppose it’s a gift for some party doner.
Drink driving offence 30 years ago…Harsh..
BBC will be dripping out obscure Tory councillors who ‘vented ‘ on Twitter at 0200 after some Islamic terrorist attack . … standard Marxist playbook ….
It was a gift by Cameron to his beloved Labour party.
Sixty , mostly school girls are slaughtered by followers
of the religion of peace in Kabul . However the BBC considers
that clashes in Jerusalem between Israeli police and
protesting Palestinians where nobody has been killed is
a more newsworthy story.
Of course we know what’s that all about. The BBC must not
find fault with the religion of peace under any circumstances !!
And, conversely, malign Israel whenever possible.
From MarkHodgson commenting on the Green Gestapo
“First they came for the wild places, destroying them with wind turbines, and we did nothing;
….. then they came for our foreign holidays, and we did nothing;
…. then they came for our cars, and we did nothing;
…. then they came for our central heating boilers, and we did nothing;
…. then they came for our meat, and we did nothing;
…then they came for our pets…”
Buy puppy futures .( warning – the cost of puppies can go up and down ) …
Busy day for HMS Uber …
Starmer is yet to appoint any frontbench posts despite a whole day closeted with aides but Deborah Mattinson, a pollster for Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, has been appointed as his new strategy director.
Island – in fairness to Starmer – he hasn’t exactly got a deep well of Labour ‘talent ‘ to draw from – a lot with the entitled ‘chip ‘ though ….
Not the beeb, but the Yankee version, showing on UK TV today.
Trumps American Carnage.
Trumps incitement of division, violence and ultimately insurrection, throughout his term.
“Frontline (the producers) investigates Trump’s siege of his enemies, the media and even the leaders of his own party, who for years ignored the warning signals of what was to come”
Trump must be the only President of the US whose personal wealth declined whilst he was in office, one can only assume that Biden won’t suffer the same fate. He certainly wouldn’t have a programme denigrating him when the time comes.
The sort of reporting I expect from the BBC (and… oh, so rarely these days get…!)
The team that put together the item linked below on Manchester Plod deserve high praise imho. (Aired at 5pm today)
– mind you… the BBC web site was wholly reticent about who put the program together and further information….
– anybody’d think they want to draw a line under it…
Things rapidly descended into the usual putrid morass of dire victimhood bingo in the next slot….
Ghastly Tracy Brabin has been elected mayor of West Yorkshire.
This means there will be a by-election.
Folks – I’m going to put up the New thread now – I get the feeling we will witness abnormally large buckets of BBC bias in the next couple of days … wonder what the BBC will do if there isn’t a Labour Party by the end of the week . ?
9:50pm PBS America ..a totally unbiased prog about Trump
“Trump’s American Carnage.
A look at how President Trump stoked division, violence and insurrection throughout his Presidency”
The PBS promo tweets turn up the propaganda to 11.
Stew -you might need to ‘repost’ as yours went on at the same moment I put the new thread up…sorry
No I deliberately put it here cos it’s an incidental Sunday prog.
It’s a bit strange they haven’t noticed the new thread yet.
Ah Richard just has
When you look at the PBS crew …
poor souls don’t know what to do with themselves when DJT isn’t POTUS.
– that said, the same goes for much of the lefty “liberal” crew – if they haven’t got a juju doll they’re rudderless….
– or something 🙂
From the BBC website – made me laugh out loud ‘-( I only saw the header )