The Far Left Anti British Biased BBC is getting its’ narrative back on track . They will make sure the election results are forgotten as soon as possible – apart from the Scottish ones. So will it be a return the favourite of the BBC – Westminster trivia – which the elections proved to have no affect – or go to the BBC comfort zone of rubbishing the UK as usual?
Start the week 10th May 2021
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Open Goal ?
Back of the net !
I’ve found out how to enjoy BBC so called radio comedies .
Turn the sound off .
They seem to be on the radio in the kitchen at teatime…..
Dear me. Personality free people delivering humourless lines.
Nibor, Garry Lavin
Al Beeb don’t do comedy .
Not intentionally.
..only accidentally.
Don’t forget everyone it’s all about Auntie BBC
Auntie White
Auntie Male
Auntie Christian
Auntie Heterosexual
Auntie British
Auntie English
Auntie Royalty
Auntie Trump
Auntie Democracy
Auntie Working Class
Auntie Northern
So keep to the rhetoric and let’s stick to our agenda. We are doing a great job, what was once a topic discussed by a few on sites like this is now common place. The bias and hypocrisy is there for all to see its only a matter of time till the BBC in its current guise is gone.
Keep spreading the word my friends keep spreading the message.
Protect our culture and heritage defund the Auntie British BBC.!!
Blimey. Where have you been?
Good to have you back Sir!
Halifax,good to have you back. I have been so worried for you and have been asking about you every time I was near the top of a new posting. Now look after yourself.
Hi Gary.
Had COVID but better now…..thanks for asking.
Hell Halifax – it’s so good to hear from you . We were…. Worried…
Well done Halifax. Relieved to hear (strongly) from you again.
Btw, I’d really like to know what you would say to those who insist the Chinese infection is ‘no more than a case of ‘flu’ being statistically categorised (by them) as ‘the same’ and no more prevalent?
If your reaction is “F.R.Off”, I for one will understand the strength of feeling………..
Hi G
I suffered but the only thing I can compare it with was a bad chill. I had no respiratory issues just massive fever and all I could smell was silicone !! Taste has gone and still nowhere near pre covid. So I guess I’m lucky that it didn’t affect my lungs I was very ill sleeping 20 hours a day and I did end up in hossy albeit I was kicked out for not being COVID enough !
REPEAT – ‘coz I reckon it’s worth it…
They get it right occasionally….
The sort of reporting I expect from the BBC (and… oh, so rarely these days get…!)
The team that put together the item linked below on Manchester Plod deserve high praise imho. (Aired at 5pm today)
– mind you… the BBC web shite was *wholly reticent* about who put the program together and any further information…. I wanted to email them congrats and a thank-you….
– anybody’d think they want to draw a line under it…?
Things rapidly descended into the usual putrid morass of dire victimhood bingo in the next slot….
No I actually listened
The girlfriend came out as absolutely amazing from barmaid to decorating course to suddenly switching to a Masters in law.
The cops and the the system came across as incompetent
..but there is an elephant in the room
The shot guy was sitting in a stolen car being a getaway driver at the time he was shot.
Yes it was a screwup,cos the intelligence given to the firearms officer falsely said the driver was armed
And that’s the second point.
The firearms officer is not some street thug
it’s some guy whose spent his career doing the hard job of trying to deal with armed criminals
.. he could have taken an easier option in life but didn’t.
The girlfriend changed her surname to remember the shot boyfriend so now she’s Gail Hadfield Grainger
She’s not working as a lawyer but now runs a Legal Consultancy,
She put up a celebration tweet at the Cauvin verdict
One question is, they’d already been through one trial together, where the boyfriend and she was found innocent, but surely she knew he was involved in some crime, maybe she was too ?
That’s what the cops thought.
Seems the cops were frustrated about going by the book, so try to falsely convict on one crime , cos they were absolutely certain perps had committed another crime but the conviction process was being thwarted.
Here’s the BBC prog maker’s tweet
“The firearms officer is not some street thug”
In my experience plod gun cops are a *very* mixed bag.
Some proper clowns are on the payroll – PC Ian Terry paid for that in Manchester.
as did Keith Tilbury in Thames Valley.
Several years ago I had an armed vehicle stop at the end of my street involving 5 or 6 armed officers – it was an utterly insane place to stop a vehicle (loads of very close hard cover and escape routes) – I saw several officers with sub machine guns who didn’t seem to know which was the business end and had (extremely) ill fitted ballistic head protection and flapping body protection = a Police Academy style shambles.
There absolutely *are* responsible, committed people doing a hard job – but it’s all too easy to believe that there are also incompetent, excitable clowns escaping the consequences of their actions and poisonous or plain idiot bigwigs who want to “maintain public confidence”
‘All from the same cut of cloth’.
9pm Since the TV guide raved about the 9pm BBC 1 drama, I thought I’d give it a chance.
It’s a 1945 Nancy Mitford novel about 2 beautiful aristocratic 16 year olds
..9:15 lesbian connotations they are in the bath together ..right up the BBC’s street
9:20pm It’s gone all Bridgerton with the cad neighbour suddenly turning up with an unreal entourage : among them a black woman showing her breasts who he suddenly kisses on the mouth, then there is a black guy dressed as an aristocrat.
..The music was New Order
… a couple of scenes later music is Dylan
It’s all too ridiculous to waste my time on.
It’s what Nancy would have wanted, as they must have been saying.
The BBC have some helpful questions..
The SNP has secured another victory in the Scottish parliament. How many elections have they now won in a row?
The mayoral race in West Yorkshire has been won by Labour’s Tracy Brabin. Before entering politics, which soap opera did she star in?
The Welsh Senedd confirmed its election result on Saturday. How many seats make up the parliament?
Sadiq Khan has been named Mayor of London for a second time. But what is the name of the YouTuber who also stood in the London mayoral election?
The fall-out is still being felt from the Hartlepool by-election, won by Conservative candidate Jill Mortimer – how big was her majority? (we will let you answer to the nearest thousand…)
Tip…. Question 5 (The last one) is the most significant….
Grasping at straws or what? The Harlepool one is the only one with the previso of “fall-out”
Someone mentioned on the last thread that the bBbc have ignored the fact that sixth-formers in Scotland and Wales being given the vote may have affected their election results.
I don’t know whether giving them the vote increased turnout there or not but just look at some of the figures, from the bBbc, for voter turnout in the Mayoral elections in England. The Mayoral elections that the bBbc are granting so much gleeful coverage to simply because Labour have done well.
The Tooting Tosser, Little Man Khant, will perch atop his London midden like a little brown banty cock crowing about how popular he is and about the size of his mandate. 59% of Londonistan’s registered voters couldn’t even be arsed voting nevermind voting for him. He may have received 55%/ 1.2 million votes but in reality he was re-elected as Mayor of London with the support of around 22% of the 6.1 million eligible voters.
41% turnout. The Labour strongholds of Liverpool and Salford, supposed pits of political passion, 30% and 28% voter turnout respectively. Bambi Burnham, the Manchester Messiah, the saviour-in-waiting of the Labour movement, is apparently so popular and full of charisma that only 36% of those who could vote in his election race could be bothered to. Less than 25% of those eligible voted for him, 470 thousand from just over 2 million.
I wonder when the bBbc are going to notice the obvious and growing apathy shown towards our politicians by people right across the country and ask why?
While they’re at it they might discover why those same people don’t give a shit about the bBbc anymore either.
“Election 2021: Mark Drakeford to form Welsh Labour government alone”
Who the hell voted for him ? He’s Wales’ Sadiq Khan.
Ah, but he’s such a babe-magnet.
Aniseed Dodds replaced as shadow chancellor by Rachel Reeve – the next Leader of the Labour Party – if there is one …
“the next Leader of the Labour Party”
How about T. Blair or A. Adonis ?
taffman, I could see a J McDonnell throwing his hat into the ring.
As you note, we’ve already seen one A Adonis suggest the next leader need not be an MP
“The cruelly named Andrew Adonis” (Douglas Murray)
Blair is probably more hated within Labour than the general population . Adonis is just a joke the MSM go to when they can’t find anyone remotely Sane to provide a sound bite- a bit like the alibi strangely brown one they dig up for paper reviews – a coloured version of Toynbee ….
OK how then , about Alistair Campbell?
Champion, Jones and McDonnell… the BBC ‘analysis’ will be a hoot.
Him and Champion presenting Newsnight.
For the lolz.
And in comparison to BS and Lewis, improved impartiality.
I switched to Dave Channel a BBC owned channel with adverts
The prog in an old repeat of the Comedy standup Live at the Apollo
..the female expat American comic is doing her skit “My daughter is a Tory !” which she says her British daughter comes home from school and says “In my country, the immigrants are coming in and stealing our jobs”
I think you will find it’s a bit more complicated than that.
Early evening and 10pm BBC1 news Roger Harrabin has been explaining how and who we can hug once the government says we can. He was treating us like 5 year olds.
Halifax, I will have to give you a virtual hug now you have returned.
Harrabin being sneerily patronising ?
no, tell me it ain’t so!
Obviously deploying his Public ‘Elf training from Cambridge – I’ve been quite surprised he hasn’t had more Covid bylines, as he fancies himself as a public ‘elf expert.
Harrabin is The Minister of Drainage in the BBBC-Dominion Party, which came a poor second in Hartlepool!
Actually, he’s the Shadow minister, which is why nobody gives a s**t about what he spouts!
“Wendy’s: Burger giant plans return to the UK after 20 years”
Dare I say it, despite Brexit?
Our colonial masters from Islington, are phasing out meat eating, for the common man.
She’ll fit right in at the bBbc.
Cusack. Yet another one from that long line of overrated Oirish luvvies, an entitled and indulged gobshite, stereotypical in her individuality, nothing without nepotism.
An Irish person who hates Britain and her institutions? Surely not.
They’ll hold their nose and take the money though.
Have we lost Roland Deschain? I thought he posted well thought and well written comments. He was the first to warn us that Scots nationalism was not going away any time soon. I would appreciate hearing his take on the current mood in Scotland and how the Union should deal with it. We need our contributors who actually live there to fill us in with the real news.
I follow Mayhar Tousi , Belfield and others but was very sceptical of their claims before elections that Sturgeon was toast. I felt they did not understand the strength of fanatical, suicidal nationalism.
“I follow Mayhar Tousi”. For me, his offerings come over as, ‘clickbait’: His headlines rarely match the facts.
BTW, I anybody following Alexander Mercouris (half the Duran team)? For years that team has provided good info on World affairs. He declared he is, “British” but recently he is clearly slipping toward being a voice on behalf of Communism and their supporters. Shame, but I would be interested in understanding his transformation from being British to calling that country’s efforts, “Mickey Mouse” and lauding Russia and China.
The Duran is an excellent site, and both Alex and Alexander are pretty switched on (although Mercouris does say “absolutely” rather a lot..). Both, I believe are Greek. Their individual channels are good, too.
Mercouris, is very pro-Russia – and rightly so, in my opinion. He is also of the opinion that the Chinese, despite their sinister intentions, have their heads on the right way around, unlike much of the West – especially the USA, UK and the EU, who could no longer organise a piss-up in a brewery – Mercouris is aware of that, and says so.
Confess I don’t know anything about Duran site Old Goat, or indeed Mercouris but I am inclined to agree with him in the case of the Chinese-like them or not they do have the heads the right way around, and are watching the West with ever incresing incredulity. Our politics and our politicians are a mixed bag of wet soap, or chickens frightened by the fox-wonder who he is?
When Mercouris discusses anything I happen to know something about, I have found his analysis excellent, so I am inclined to trust him.
Brawl and stabbing in Selfridges !.
No description of the people who did it which might have been useful considering the police are asking for witnesses.
We are told it was reported on twitter, but strangely we don’t get any link from the BBC for this one.
Here’s why:
Shamelessy biased and racist double standards from the people who only have ethics when it suits them. Exactly what we expect from the Left these days. The anti-Right agenda is everything.
I read that a son of a famous media dynasty of color was involved too.
But this is unconfirmed in the MSM at least.
Such pricks. Who the hell goes shopping with a ski mask on? Mind you….everybody is masked these days apparently. It’s an open season for miscreants.
Labour reshuffle: Anneliese Dodds out in Starmer’s post-election reshuffle
Anneliese Dodds (shadow chancellor) will now become the Labour Party’s chair – replacing deputy leader Angela Rayner, who Sir Keir fired from the role on Saturday.
Ms Rayner will instead replace Rachel Reeves in shadowing Michael Gove at the Cabinet Office, as Ms Reeves is promoted to the shadow chancellor role.
The Labour leader said he had faith in his “refreshed and renewed team”.
WTF?. He just moved 3 women around. How is that ‘refreshed and renewed’ ??.
This is what Wiki tells us about the new ‘shadow chancellor’:
‘Reeves’ parliamentary credit card was stopped at the start of 2015, owing to a debt of £4,033.63, which she subsequently repaid. In 2018, she claimed £188,686 in expenses, of which £149,514 was in staffing costs and £22,089 in office costs, £30,422 more than the average parliamentary claim of £158,264.’
What a Grade-A Turkey ‘Sir Kier’ (as he must always be addressed on the BBC now to promote respect) has turned out to be.
Meghan: ‘Generation of economic gain wiped out’
More pearls of wisdom from Me-again speaking about COVID:
“Women and especially women of colour have seen a generation of economic gain wiped out”.
Jesus H Christ. The more I hear these pathetic ‘poor little victim’ whines from this shallow, virtue-signalling narcissist, the more I think what a complete dunce Harry is.
I wonder how much longer he can put up with her. I reckon a year or maybe two as he doesn’t have anywhere else to go now. He will be an object of ridicule when he finally returns to the UK.
Sophie Scholl: Student who resisted Hitler and inspires Germany
‘The siblings, ultimately unable to reconcile their own liberal leanings with the politics of the Third Reich, and noticing the way in which Jewish acquaintances and artists were treated, began to view the regime through increasingly critical eyes.’
It struck me that this is exactly what is happening in the USA and here today except the divide is now along political grounds instead of race.
The Left are going after people simply due to their political beliefs. The Capitol inquisition and the crusade against Trump are the most visible, but it’s happening at every level with ‘cancel culture’ and the bias of the BBC.
How many people have been ruined now without any trial or right to any defence simply because the Left didn’t like them ?. And even worse, they go after anyone who dares to question it.
Fascists by every definition of the word except the one they have changed it to in order to prevent it applying to them.
The Moaning Emole engages political obsessives (no doubt).
By Nafeesa Shan
Labour reshuffle after turbulent election results
After a turbulent few days for Labour following the elections, the reshuffle has finally happened. The party lost its long-held Hartlepool parliamentary seat to the Conservatives and Labour is no longer in control of eight councils. They had faired better in mayoral races, securing the positions in many regions. But the overall poor performance has spurred changes to leader Sir Keir Starmer’s top team.
Shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds was sacked in the shake-up and will become the Labour Party’s chairwoman – replacing deputy leader Angela Rayner, who was fired from the role over the weekend. She will shadow Michael Gove at the Cabinet Office, taking over from Rachel Reeves who becomes the new shadow chancellor. Following the announcement, Sir Keir said the new shadow cabinet was the right one to take on the challenge, adding he had faith in his “refreshed and renewed team”. These last few days have been an important political test for the Labour leader, says our political editor Laura Kuenssberg. You can read more on her analysis further down.
Messy reshuffle knocks Sir Keir Starmer’s authority
Was it worth it? Reshuffles are moments when leaders have a chance to assert their authority – to show they are in charge. Even the most ardent political obsessive would acknowledge (probably) that opposition reshuffles are not necessarily noticed by the public.
But they matter to the mood and atmosphere of parties and Parliament. And for a party to win favour with voters over time, it needs to show the public trusted and favourite faces, to give the impression of an organisation ready for government – a group of people who we can all imagine in charge. Sir Keir Starmer’s first reshuffle, however, has been a very messy affair.
Read full article >
Laura Kuenssberg
BBC political editor
Fare enough, Naffy.
No other parties were involved.
Interesting that Hilary benn and evette Cooper testicles was being mentioned as front bench returnees . Perhaps their traitorous past has stuck to them …?
I only mention this because the destruction of Labour will further show how the BBC operates …
Guest Who – “Fare enough, Naffy.” I do hope that is a sarc/ response to the dreadful spelling (“…faired better…). BBC standards getting worse I fear
QT is set to be a hoot.
Toady watch
Fascinating . Robinson has a chat with Sir Tom Hunter – a rich industrialist – nice chat . But sir Tom sez no referendum because Scotland faces a lot of ‘emergencies ‘- he listed half a dozen or more …. These ‘emergencies ‘are in the ‘inbox ‘ of the ‘new ‘ First Minister .
Big frown – and no follow up. What new First minister ? And surely the SNP has been presiding over these ‘emergencies ‘?
Not a proper interview – but a nice chat .
Now the sport – the bbc is really pushing wimmins’ football which strikes me as a kind of virtual game which very very few people are interested in or ever will be . But it fits the social engineering project of the ‘broadcaster ‘.
The BBC just doesn’t get it..
Why is it a good result for Labour in Wales…Labour just managed to hold onto its vote, Conservatives +5.
Why is the result good for the SNP..+1 Conservatives N/C, Desire for independence according to the vote split, slightly in favour of staying in the Union.
Why was it good for Khan in London, reduced vote, Conservatives increased vote.
Manchester Mayor…result for Labour was never in doubt,same as Sheffield,Tories never had a chance.
Listening to Radio 5 Live you would believe it was a great election for the SNP and Labour, completely delusional
Even now the BBC thinks all is ok for there beloved Labour and even now they believe we the eclectrate are thick as sh-t and have no idea and no opinion.
You have to say it’s staggering and alarming ….I just don’t get it
I think the liberal elite Woke wankers know that their attempts to convert the non believers isn’t going too well. Despite a decade of filling our screens and airwaves with Woke propaganda the voters in over half the country are rejecting Labour and its anti British values. So rather than report this they continue to pretend that all is well and that Labour is doing OK. After all they don’t want to reveal that their brainwashing can and has been easily resisted by millions of ex Labour voters.
Call the Midwife last night.
Homosexual storyline. Check.
Black Afro Caribbean storyline. Check.
Down’s syndrome character. Check.
Dr. Turner character preaching caring socialism. Check.
But…….his son is at a boarding school !!!!!!
So it’s do as I say, not as I do.
How very BBC.
On Toady, Nadine Dorries was repeatedly asked by Sarah Smith to reveal details about social care reform.
The Queen’s Speech is tomorrow so Dorries held to her argument to wait for the speech.
This was not good enough for Smith who kept banging on as if expecting a detailed answer.
What a cretinous interview(er).
PS she was just as bad with Gordon Brown, who to his credit is a Unionist and rightly imo advocates asking wee Krankie some proper questions, about such things as the Scottish currency post independence.
Smith just does not listen to any answers given, far more interested in pursuing her gotcha strategy.
It was around this time that Adam Fleming – Chief Political guy came on with ‘toenails’ to discuss Labour’s poor showing plus Sir Kneeler’s slow motion re-shuffle where, basically, Angela Rayner told him where she would like to be shuffled to.
Anyway while bemoaning Labour’s position he asked the question ‘what are we going to do about it ?’
WE, who’s WE Adam ?
Aren’t you supposed to be impartial Adam ?
Methinks your Freudian slip is showing…………..
That’s actually quite scary and Orwellian when you really think about it.
Indeed Sluff, I was never a supporter of Brown, however in what he was saying today made more sense than many have so far taken the trouble to say. It is important as Brown points out that the Scots are made fully aware by Sturgeon of what it will mean to Scotland to become an independent country from the Union. A country with only 5.1 million people and I don’t at present think the Scots fully appreciate such a circumstance. My wife is a Scot and a proud one, however is furious to think that the likes of a marxist/communist influence (SNP) could drag Scotland away from the present United Kingdom. Her father and his brothers fought in the thick of the second world war, but they fought alongside men and women from all four nations, the fought for the United Kingdom.
Free care for the elderly; no prescription charges et al.
Stop their Barnett Formula immediately and call it a, ‘test run’.
“Listen up everybody your BIG BROTHER from
the BBC diversity department has a directive for
you. The collateral damage in Kabul is to be hidden
away now. I want the demonstrations against the
Zionist scum in Jerusalem to be our main foreign news.”
” But BIG BROTHER is the slaughter of 60 mostly
schoolgirls a much bigger feature?” ” NO!!! They wern’t
the kind of Muslims that we support at the BBC. And just
remember where the BBC stands when it comes to the
Zionist’s !!!”
BBC on social media is wall to wall about a march in Jerusalem that sounds entirely peaceful but looks set to not be so due outside factors that are traditionally less ‘peaceful’.
However if their worst hopes for #heatoverlight can be inspired it will doubtless be the wrong kind of people on the street at fault. Or, better yet, inanimate murderous objects.
Some hints here. But still vague on where the violence comes from.
So indeed what influence did the BBC have in bringing about the re-election of that follower of the teachings of Islam back as Mayor of London-telling us that Islam rules our capital city? Just so very glad I don’t have to go near London-can’t belive I once lived there!
I’m a bit of a boxing fan so was interested in the big fight in Texas at the weekend.
We’ll quickly gloss over the result, but…
It was an indoor arena, where they had 73,000 people and only the officials were wearing masks.
Meanwhile in vaccinated Blighty, if I want a pint I’ve got to stand shivering outside, sheltering under a flapping umbrella.
‘ why we need more black working class period drama’
Sorry if this was flagged yesterday, if it was I missed it. Yet more propaganda claiming London used to be full of blacks before windrush.
” Although it’s commonly thought that black immigrants mostly arrived in Britain after the war, you could have met people from Africa in London streets in Shakespeare’s day.”
Yet again trying to peddle the completely false narrative of blacks being common in the UK before windrush. Check out the excellent ‘ history debunked’ YouTube channel to see the truth about this falsehood.
The BBC project to brainwash the young with false history continues apace.
Born in 1947 I was drug up in Deptford/Lewisham before moving ‘out/up’ to Forest’ill when I married in 1970. Until I was about 15, a rare black face was a stop and stare moment, I’m ashamed to say now.
Recall being rather chuffed strolling around more obscure global locations and copping some looks for being unusually configured.
Except Castro St. That was unnerving.
My unnerving experience was out into some rural Muslim villages in the far South of Thailand when I helpd a volunteer group.
The people there stared at you like you were a piece of dogsh!t.
I walk around rural Thailand and quite regularly I notice people stare at me for a moment.
It’s because they are not used to seeing someone as tall and as white as me. I might feel a bit conspicuous but I don’t feel offended and I’m quite certain they don’t feel ashamed. It’s entirely normal.
I fear you care too much about what the liberal anti-white racist virtue-signallers tell you.
Don’t be ashamed-I was about eight (1950) when walking back home from town with my Grandmother I saw for the first time a black man on the other side of the road-my Grandmother took my hand and said, ‘don’t stare dear.’ My action was quite understandable in the circumstances of that period. I still continue to stare at times, irrespective of the BBC’s supposed overwhelming numbers of Black coloured skinned people, entering now in every conceivable corner of Britain and British life so shown through all advertising, TV, and films. Its not a world I know or really care to know at present.
The secondary school my daughters attend has about 1400 pupils. There are less than 10 black kids, including those who are mixed race, across the entire school and probably less than 30 in total who might be considered non-white if you include Chinese and a few who have a Filipino parent. There are only 3 that I know of who are obviously Muslim. My eldest daughter’s year, nearly 200 pupils, has no non-white children in it at all.
Growing up the only blacks I knew of were the mixed-race children of American GIs or British soldiers, their fathers long gone. The only Asians were doctors or Chinese restaurant owners. This remained the same from the 70s right through to about 10 years ago and even now the presence of blacks in NI is low, 0.2% of the population in 2011, less than 4000 people. It will be higher now, but most will be mixed-race. There are no black communities.
There are vast swathes of Britain like here, where the presence of someone black still draws a second look, with many of those the children of local girls returning home from living and working in one of the mainland Britain’s urban areas either pregnant or with a kid in tow.
They already tried this with Cheddar man. A totally made up “original British man” with black skin with blue eyes!
Wasn’t that ‘Lymeswold’, Tabs?
Fabulous cheese, entirely British, and ‘dropped’ all of a sudden! I never did know why, but assume that it was too British to compete with the Fench slop etc.
Luckily, living in Kent opens up marvellous opportunities for fabulous local cheeses, and long may it continue!
It’s a well-known fact that the BBC spends £3,000,120 on Roquefort butties to go with their champagne/corridor lifestyle!
“black skin with blue eyes” – obviously a Cornishman.
Nobody is questioning whether black people have been here for decades, it’s the proportions the BBC lie to use about.
One of the latest Father Brown’s had an upper-class ball which had at least 5 blacks as part of the gentry. And they were of course central to the storyline.
If you were in London in 1616, you might have come across Pocahontas and a dozen other Powhatans (i.e. about the same number as there were black people in Elizabethan London). Don’t see the BBC or the other usual suspects clamouring for the rewriting of history to reflect Britain’s Native American/Red Indian/Powhatan background, though.
No Ian, they care nothing for our real history-could not believe it when I saw that a Black Woman was to play Ann Bolyn! Hells bells, what do they BBC take us for? Couldn’t be more obvious in what the Powers that be’ want the coloured people to belive-it is just utterly stupid if such propaganda is expected to win votes-Educated coloured people would be in their right to chastise such irresponsibility.
Currently they have a story on U.K. construction illustrated by a lady who looks like Whoopi Goldberg in hard hat and hi vis.
Surprised the van in shot is not a blue Sprinter.
One has to give some credit where credit is due. The giveaway Metro headlines the Labour party woes with: ‘Starmageddon. So can Sir Keir recover from poll bashing?‘ – a pun worthy of a tabloid football report, I think you’ll agree, but at least the right question is being asked.
Elsewhere our media is giving us a lot of what no one really asked for.
The ‘i’ newspaper this morning takes the notion of uncalled for delivery to its readers of a non-requested offering to quite some extreme: ‘TV’s muslim girl punk band‘ – neither muslim, non-muslim nor agnostic, I’d venture, was really calling out for a diversity makeover of the Sex Pistols or of The Damned… Jenny Ramadan and Sadiq Vicious? Captain Madrassa and the Ramadamned?
Have a go at the puns yourselves… I’ll punt The Burka Eye-Slits, The Shiites (obviously) Adnan and the Ants… Kapow Wow Wow… but I’ll leave the retro vintage boom box gags there for now.
The Guardian isn’t your natural go to source for sports reporting, however, their frontpage highlights the minority interest (Barclays Bank sponsored) FA Women’s Superleague. Just the other week we didn’t approve big corporates imposing made up new superleagues onto our traditional game.
‘Prime Minister will confirm a return to indoor socialising and dining from 17 May‘ (Telegraph) – how on earth did we ever get to the point where we allowed government to legislate such things? What’s to stop future governments enacting such extreme measures in response to future real or supposed crises?
We’re looking at Chinese Communist health policies for a Chinese Communist future perhaps?
The Telegraph appropriately carries a report titled: ‘The sweet sound of leather on bamboo‘ – seems the dubiously funded Cambridge University – likely in a research counter blow to Oxford’s jab successes – has been working on an upgrade to our traditional cricket bats. How might this new demand for bamboo impact the Panda population?
The FT will likely run the data.
The FT includes a quaint little feature it terms Datawatch. Seems the globalist pink paper this morning is fretting about the practicality of electric cars and all those used batteries possibly pilling up in that plastic bin receptacle in our supermarket lobbies: ‘Please recycle. Projected quantity of spent lithium-ion batteries. The soaring number of used batteries due to a projected surge in demand for electric vehicles and energy storage will present a massive need for recycling as lithium and mineral supply chains become strained‘ – sounds as though the common man may end up cycling rather than re-cycling in the brave new world of the battery vehicle.
To put that into futuristic terms we can all understand, consider a situation where Captain Kirk’s fabulous USS Enterprise was just a pile of immovable junk without its dilithium crystals and unfortunately the Klingons have already bought up all the mineral rights in the galaxy.
Covered under ‘the burn’ neatly.
All down to dodgy virtual parenting, apparently.
May I say how much I appreciate these perceptive summaries, and the trouble you must have taken to compile them.
New Zealand: At least four injured in supermarket stabbing
Paragraph 4 mentions suggests “there was no indication it was a domestic terror event”.
Paragraph 5 mentions the 2019 “white supremacist” attack.
Classic BBC biased reporting. Ignore the possible inconvient truth of a Islamic attack and instead mention an older white supremacist attack instead. This is text book BBC of trying to control the narrative rather than report the news.
Edit: In the twitter link the BBC included in the article, someone has tweeted “Maybe the tools we have in our society for mental health does not work.”. MSM brainwashing works on some people then.
Whoever did it, random stabbing in a supermarket is a different ball game to as pre-planned shooting against a specific target. You don’t get more up-close and personal or bloody than that : you can see into their eyes as your knife sinks in. It takes real hate.
It’s classic BBC word association to put far-right/white supremacists into any such article so the reader will subconsciously put the blame on them. All part of their drip-drip-drip social programming.
We will find out who did it soon – but at the moment it has the classic signs of a Muslim attack. They know for sure who the attacker is and as they have arrested him, no need to keep the identity secret. If he is white, we are usually told immediately – even when they are only suspects.
It’s the dishonesty the Left think their agenda makes OK. Stalin thought similarly.
AFP : critically injuring three, in a rampage authorities said was “random” and not terror-related
Then article goes straight in
“The most recent mass-casualty attack in New Zealand was the Christchurch mosques shootings in March 2019, when a white supremacist gunman murdered 51 Muslim worshippers and severely injured another 40.”
That is so similar to the BBC article, they must have the same base.
The BBC article is so sparse, it looks like it was grabbed straight off the wires.
When this ABC News article first loads (on the Chrome browser at least) it shows a video frame of a suspect being arrested then it gets quickly refreshed into a video about President Biden instead.
You have to be quick and take a screen shot of that image. It does show a tall man in cuffs being led away by police and his skin colour is a few shades darker than the 2 coppers holding him.
I wouldn’t say he is black… more middle eastern skin colour – or “Asian” as the BBC like to call them.
This report from abc says that the supermarket also said “there were concerns about escalating violence towards its employees in recent months” so perhaps not so ‘random’?
A lovely propaganda piece by James Naughtie – who is still alive – chatting to kidults who want Scotland to be independent so that it can make its own decisions – like giving decision making to the ReichEU.
Being a wealthy retired lefty – the BBC keeps digging Naughtie up to deliver the narrative – for his production company fee of course.
The realisation that the SNP failed to get enough votes for a referendum again is not sinking in yet . Maybe the real strength on the SNP is in campaigning for a Referendum as opposed to winning one .
I haven’t seen a voting record for individual vote for independence as opposed to parties against .
I think the total number of votes against was more than for independence – but as an Englishman – I don’t actually care …
It’s a population the size of about 25 London boroughs ….
9am R4 appears to be about how big pharma’s pushing of opioids in the US has led to distrust and therefore vaccine hesitancy there.
with Amol Rajan
Never mind the diversity, feel the intensity.
Dan clearly loving the fish eye lens.
‘We don’t actually believe in anything but we are going to come up with some policies that we can sell to mug voters to get their votes – number one – reduce the voting age to 10 and give all illegals in the UK a vote – or two “ .
“…and in the interim we are going to continue to lie about our opponents’ policies, intentions and opinions on social media and our own media channels, the Guardian and the BBC.’
0:20-0:22 – To “speak to people with a different cultural .. er .. outlook in life”
How about deporting people with a different (incompatible) cultural outlook.
Examples of a ‘different cultural .. outlook’ from Robert Spencer:
This time it’s Hunter’s Bar Junior School
The British are busy throwing away their freedom with both hands. If there are any free people among historians of the future, they’ll see Tony Blair and David Cameron and Theresa May and Boris Johnson and the rest as the criminals they are, leading their country to ruin for their short-term political gain.
Kier Starmer rearranging his cabinet will prove to be about as effective as the captain of the Titanic rearranging the deckchairs.
The BBC can praise Sir Kier to the rafters. They can call him “forensic”, they can regurgitate nonsense about curtains, carpets and John Lewis. It doesn’t wash. They’re done for.
Labour are sunk.
Man the lifeboats…
It used to be so simple when manning the lifeboats. Women and children first. By the time they have worked out the order of preferred personal pronouns there will be no one left.
I’m afraid you don’t quite understand the basis of feminism gb.
‘Women and children first’ is a perk and hence they will keep it.
Their sole aim is to take the perks away from men.
Not so genuine feminists.
Please excuse my naivety but I just wonder what percentage
of the English population care about Scotland becoming
independent. It would most probably mean that we
would never have a Labour government. We the
tax payers in England ” contribute” to Scotland . So
maybe if the majority of Scots what their independence
so be it. And they can be in a permanent state of intoxication
in celebration.
I would care if it meant that Krankie accepted none of the UK debt, or tried to charge us rent for the Faslane sub base, both having been mooted.
‘Intoxicated’ – is that the effect you get from the crack or weed which is part of the diet up there? I would have thought both were downers rendering stupefaction rather than intoxicating.
Fun fact: In Scotland there were 1264 drug related deaths in 2019 (30% up on 2017 deaths) and a total 7661 Covid deaths but Krankie never ever mentions the drug deaths.
I think it’s just The Queen . The English don’t really get mentioned when Scots independence is concerned . But we English will be dictating the arrangements for their independence if they are stupid or young enough to go for it .
Passports – visas – currency – residency control – tariffs – the lot – and no Barnett formula …
And they can have their BBC and stick a S in it .
That’s one of those questions nobody dare ask the public what they think.
There seems to be a lot of those these days.
Let them leave. In 5 or 10 years (after the SNP have squandered away the EU grants and the country sinks towards the abyss) they will beg to come back and we can get rid of the Barnett formula.
Maybe we can add a clause that any coming to the UK must not be the sour faced complainers we have grown to know and love.
It has yet to be proven that the majority of adult Scots want independence. Remember there are 16 year olds and foreigners voting. My NZer friend had a vote in Scotland at the time of the election because he was on a temporary work project in Inverness for god’s sake. For a massive constitutional change like that it should be at least a 60% majority for change. It was the clown David Cameron who let himself get fooled into accepting every stupid condition that the Nats put forward for the referendum, that brought about this situation.
Anyway Foscari, to answer your question, I for one would not be happy to see Scotland secede from the Union. It would not be good for England, for Britain or for the world. You don’t strengthen the centre by meekly giving up extremities.
The Union must be fought for. The rest of Britain owes it to the loyal Scots who comprise at least half of the population. If they can stay loyal under the pressures they’re under then it us up to the rest of us to stoutly support them.
We would need a wall to keep the invaders invited by the Scotch from driving down to England. Otherwise let them go.
Scotland doesn’t contribute much to the Labour vote these days.
It would be good to get all those Scotch MPs out of Parliament, however. They are a waste of space.
I like the union, but as an English person would also quite like an English parliament, English national museums, etc – like they have (no more, no less) and wonder if the UK deprives my country of those things all other European countries have.
Mixed feelings therefore about the UK.
Partner a Scot btw.
“United we stand divided we fall”.
Great Britain became Great when we had one border, that border ?
The sea !
Wake up Scotland , England, Ireland and Wales. With a strong leader we can be Great again.
Unfortunately we have a liberal leader at present. Its only the Tories that can address that problem now.
Well said Taffman. I am so glad to read that I was getting a bit lonely.
(I’m beginning to wonder which part of England the English would be prepared to stand up for against loony separatists.)
It could be that if the UK survives it will be due to the British stalwarts of Wales, Scotland and NI. Perhaps a future Britain should relocate its capital city to Wales or Scotland?
While I have been known to blast the Scots and the Welsh on certain subjects, which are always rugby associated, I feel a bit sad that some of their people want to dislike the English for whatever reason! If it’s historical, get over it, if not, then presumably it’s political. The BBC enjoy stirring up hatred where it’s totally uneccessary, but that’s the nature of a leftie crowd, making up stories where none exist.
I had four great years working for a Scottish company. They were very hard task-masters, took no prisoners with their clients, and paid me extremely well – because I wanted to be like them as good engineers. Their knowledge of their business was outstanding, and I lerned a lot from them! I never heard any anti-English sentiments of the type which the BBC try to rustle up.
As for Wales; I spent several years there in my younger years, and was accepted immediately, made lots of friends, and I have always preserved a passion for the Welsh traditions.
If broadcasters like the BBC keep on banging our three nations together to see what plops out, it’s a very short-sighted observation, as I’d much rather be chums with all the Welsh and Scots. They are a divisive bunch there in W1AA, trying to make up a ‘story’ where none exists, or making matters worse, when conciliation is yearned for by normal citizens.
Like the BBC’s fantasy about a coffee coloured nation, I never really thought about any of these issues until they started banging on and stirring up trouble, if not by fake reporting then by smug and slimy innuendo to try and prove me to be a ‘racist’. I’m not.
The BBC is turning more and more into a super-smug, elitist, unpleasant bunch of racial protagonists, and are really pissing me off far too much these days.
It was James V1 of Scotland became James 1st of England for goodness sake.
I love Scotland and their traditions too, but for me the bbc is despicable in its double standards – continually defending and praising Scots culture, whilst denuding or denying England’s.
Joe Ligon: America’s ‘longest juvenile lifer’ on 68 years in prison
What I don’t understand is how – after reading the BBC article – any judge in the world could have found him guilty.
What a decent, caring, honourable and honest man he appears to be.
If you needed any more evidence of the Globalist’s power grab this article in the Guardian is revealing.
The salient info is…
“Up to 25,000 nurses are training to become activists to help Britain’s nursing union force Boris Johnson to improve his “pitiful” 1% NHS pay offer.
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) hopes the move will help it achieve a turnout of 50% in the strike ballot it has pledged to call if ministers continue to resist calls for a bigger increase.
It has enlisted a renowned expert in healthcare campaigning to teach 25,000 frontline NHS nurses how to become effective advocates. Jane McAlevey has helped nurses in the United States to unionise and win better terms and conditions for 25 years.”
The key point being that Jane McAlevy is described as a senior policy fellow at the University of California’s centre for labour research and education.
So why is a foreign entity being encouraged by the RCN to meddle in the affairs of a UK publicly funded nationalised institution?
This could be described as as an attack on UK democracy and collusion with foreign hostile sabotage.
I fully expect the BBC to give it’s wholehearted support
Not too sure about “Globalists”. Seems more like the outbreak of Marxism’s Critical Theory rather. All part of the, now ubiquitous, Dick Turpin robbing mentality: “Stand and Deliver”. China’s influence no doubt.
A doodlle from the weekend
Trots in the SWP back independence.
The BBC aren’t reporting this yet, but a document has emerged from China discussing weaponising coronaviruses.
oops….. Sky New Australia
I wish they’d de-brand Sky News UK and hoist their flag as MSNBCUK or Comcast International
Tweets by SharriMarkson
Covid is almost over and the BBC is returning to normal judging by the ‘Most Read’ articles.
Usually the top ten Most Read are all covid related but right now there is:
1x Anti Tory article
3x covid articles
1x stranded whale article
5x social justice articles about mental health, money etc
Once the 3 covid articles get replaced with articles about LGBT, BLM or Extinction Rebillion then the UK has officially returned to normal.
The PM is doing a briefing at 1700 Monday – will Laura or beff ask about payments for number 10 decoration? The public needs to know – screw the life saving vaccine program or people being able to behave like humans again – who paid ?
You have to admire the sheer dogged determination of the socialists in the BBC. Wallpaper turned into damp squib, so they are now trying holiday expenses. No wonder their preferred political party is in seemingly terminal decline. I almost feel sorry for them
Maybe prison sentences count as holidays for MPs, London!
Salaries still being paid, as will expenses for the ‘office’ and the ‘assistants’.
Expenses for visiters may even be in the offing – I expect so.
As above…
Tea leaves to be included in the offence.
Actually, it is a rather slow news day, and this was all I could find:
“… Peter Jones, lead author of the TV Licensing Blog, made the FOI request, which found 58 phones, 52 laptops, 20 pieces of camera equipment and one computer had been stolen from the BBC between January 2018 and May 2021.
In total 132 items were stolen within the three year period, with the value of all items totaling £101,836.
This amounts to the sum of more than 640 annual TV licences.”
Peter Jones continues: “This is further evidence, as if any were needed, of the BBC’s systemic inability to protect the financial interests of the TV licence fee payer.
“There really never has been a better time for people to cancel their BBC TV licences and adopt one of the many legal alternative methods of viewing.””
I suppose £100,000+ doesn’t mean much to someone who earns 10 times that … when oh when will the TV licence be removed?
I note that Boris is now under investigation for his New Year holiday as well as his wall paper. The head of the Parliamentary Standards Commission , a woman called Stone, has announced. It seems remarkably like the never ending attempts in the US by the Democrats and the MSM , plus sections of the Republican Party , to have President Trump removed. If one attempt fails just dream up another ‘scandal ‘ and talk about it endlessly . Keep this up year after year. Hopefully the British public will ignore the holiday in the same way as they did the wall paper and with each failed ‘scandal’ their trust in the MSM will sink further.
The sad thing is this woman , who is an ex social worker !? , was appointed in 2018 when the Tories , well useless May, were in power. When will the Tories learn that when you achieve power you must try and get rid of the left from your nstitutions and wherever possible appoint someone from the right to any position which becomes vacant.
Another prime example of political stupidity is allowing an avowed Marxist, a member of the Communist Party, to be the lead behavioural scientist in Sage and basically set the agenda. Whoever could think that Susan Michie would not take advantage of a crisis to facilitate the further leftwards movement as espoused by the Frankfurt school. It does make me wonder what we have running our country. “Liberal” civil servants, so-called Conservatives (just more Liberals and Globalists) and Notting Hill Dinner Parties seem to control us!
Painfully true popeye.
How odd that horses wear blinkers for a reason while politicians see them as a fashion statement.
Double – I don’t get it – an 80 plus majority and just not using it . They might as well wait for the Labour scrap to really get going and put necessary legislation / change through to the lefty quangos ….
The coming bi election will be another indicator for the country … can you imagine the reception the leading Labour rabble are going to get when they visit that constituency?
Not a happy thing to have to post, but perhaps readers might cast their minds back to something which was said by people opposed to Mass Migration, Population repacement.
The left screamed and howled emitted its usual meangless isms and false faubias, and claimed this was the product of the fevered paranoid right wing mindet.
Alas that people didn’t run this harder because it is actually true and being run by that bastion of Leftist idiocy the United Nations.
We are already way past the initial proposals of the UN report:
“Scenario I, which is the medium variant of the 1998 United Nations projections, assumes a total of 1.2 million net migrants between 1995 and 2050. From 1995 to 2025, 40,000 persons would enter Britain annually and none after 2025.”
Despite hours of BBC coverage, even Krankie knows that with a 50/50 split the chances of a definitive ‘yes’ vote for independence are remote. Unfortunately, credit where it’s due, she is canny enough to know and banking on the fact that Boris and the Establishment will be prepared to throw truly vile amounts of money over Hadrian’s Wall in increasingly desperate attempts to fend off what will continue to be puffed as the inevitable.
And if that inevitable becomes reality, the EU will do all in its power to ensure Scotland flourishes at England’s expense.
So whichever way the haggis bounces, we lose out – unless there is a UK-wide referendum on devolution, as there should have been when Blair hatched his EU-sponsored plan.
Pray for the equally inevitable euro collapse, or civil war in Spain over Catalonia. Or in France as taff rightly observes.
“French soldiers warn of civil war in new letter”
Are the French waking up ? Is this good news for Le Pen?