The Far Left Anti British Biased BBC is getting its’ narrative back on track . They will make sure the election results are forgotten as soon as possible – apart from the Scottish ones. So will it be a return the favourite of the BBC – Westminster trivia – which the elections proved to have no affect – or go to the BBC comfort zone of rubbishing the UK as usual?
Start the week 10th May 2021
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Smart-Meters : Dumb MP’s
Tory MP flew 8,000 miles to watch PR demo on CO2 saving
The photo is PR trickery, cos a wind turbine does NOT represent Costa Rica’s electricity grid
cos actually it’s 95% hydro-electric dams.
Almost all countries with low fossil fuel grids, have almost all hydro or all nuclear electric grids.
Are you allowed to fly to Costa Rica ?
.. of course not’s not on the green list.
There’s a lot of that massaging of facts about.
Totally agree.
As a Costa Rica fan, I enjoyed visiting the rain forests and cloud forests and the mountains.
The 10 inches of rain per month for the 6 month rainy season in the capital is exceeded up in the hills. Hills? The pacific highway goes up to about 11000 feet.
So……..errr……..they have a bit of an advantage. Mountains. Rain. Ideal for hydroelectric. They’ve used it for years.
Flat and dry in the South East of England. Errrrrr not so much.
A headline in a daily national at the moment is ‘Totally Lost “- I wondered before looke closer whether is was the Labour Party or the Minke Whale in the Thames or both ….
,…the article was about the whale …. I’m waiting for a ‘crowdfunding ‘ site to be set up to buy it something ….
The BBC are cock-a-hoop to have their man Khan back as mayor, groan.
In some quarters there’s even talk of him one day running for PM.
Personally I hope he does, as this will teach him, and the world, that what goes down well in certain communities in Londonistan isn’t quite so popular in the rest of the country.
I think he might struggle to get the voters out in Rotherham, Rochdale, Huddersfield, Newcastle, Bradford, Telford, Oxford, Aylesbury, etc etc.
thanks for the laugh.. saddick as PM….if that ever happened we would know that everything we fear has come true…if anyone thinks Boris has been promoted beyond his competence Sadick was there a long time ago.
BBC R4 today seem to have just spoken to Labour people..anyone would think they had a good result 🙂
defund asap
“French soldiers warn of civil war in new letter”
Are the French waking up ? Is this good news for Le Pen?
The lying BBC tried to play down a similar letter last month, as a fringe, far-right phenomenon.
Now numbers are growing it’ll be harder to hide…
“A new open letter has been published in France warning of the threat of civil war and claiming to have more than 130,000 signatures from the public.
The message, published in a right-wing magazine, accuses the French government of granting “concessions” to Islamism.
“It is about the survival of our country,” said the text, said to be issued anonymously by soldiers and appealing for public support.”
Yes, and, er, yes!
The elections were not good for For Britain. I would have voted for them if there had been a local candidate because they are the only party willing to call out Islam. Here Anne Marie Waters talks about the latest letter from the French military between 29:40 and 43:00. At 38:20 she references information allegedly received from a bBC whistleblower regarding reporting on France. She can’t confirm the truth of this but it says that the British media have been handed a D-notice (gagging order) preventing them from reporting on inflammatory incidents such as the injury or death of protesters. The words France or French are not to be mentioned on the main page of the bBC news website, and reporting on the ‘yellow jackets’ is to be avoided. The government is treating it as a national security threat to all European governments and articles have been pre-written portraying any violence as perpetrated by the ‘far right’ or fuelled by Russian ‘fake news’ etc. These will be used if they are forced to break the D-notice in the event of incidents such as a large number of civilian deaths or mass police defections.
If true, it is serious.
From all parties f the liberal consensus, which has been in place in the UK for at least thirty years , it make sense to try to stop news that the French people are rebelling against their government and against the Muslim invaders. The UK is about the same distance down the Islamification track as France but we are much more docile than the French who believe in making their views heard and felt on the streets. The last thing any UK government wants no matter which party they are from is to see all the unease and resentment of the indigenous population about Islamification focused by what is going on across the channel. The liberal elite ignored and then played down the mass rape gangs , they ridiculously keep up the pretence that Islam is the ROP. They know that the British people don’t welcome Islam but have been kept quiet for decades. They don’t want reports from France stirring things up.
I wonder what GB News would make of this? Brillo has always been strong on condemning terror but weak on blaming it on the ROP . He has also been weak on mass immigration. I suspect he and GB News would toe the line and keep quiet about the greatest threat to our country that there is.
Brillo is better than most, but he still wants to keep his head on his shoulders, so you won’t hear a peep out of him. Violence, and the threat of violence, works.
You can check what ‘D’ notices are in place on the Gov.UK web-site.
Doesn’t that rather defeat the object, a bit like Andrew Marr’s superinjunction?
the bBc and in particular , this scottish operation are stone cold guilty of meddling in these latest elections by allowing Krankie a daily briefing on TV.
This follows a culture of SNP appeasement and enablement by bBC Scotland.
The failure of devolution is the second issue.
Why are devolved measures not being routinely measured by the UK Government?
On any form of measurement it would show how badly the SNP have managed Scotland, s affairs to the extent that they should be returned to UK control. e.g. Education but you could extend that to almost anything.
What gets measured gets done.
That would enable a totally different picture of the SNP performance to be highlighted against a set of measurements.
It would also harness the SNP to delivery and divert them from this constant referendum garbage.
It might just lead us to conclude that devolution is a costly mistake and has been totally hijacked by a gang of noisy rebels.
4pm R4 ..Race is the issue again
Racial passing : eg when ethnic non-whites with light skin decide to pass as whites.
In 1947 the civil rights activist Walter White claimed that every year in America, 12-thousand black people disappeared this way. He the black president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People had blonde hair and blue eyes which meant he was able to investigate lynching in the Deep South, while passing in plain sight.
Gary Younge explores stories of racial passing through the prism of one of his favourite books, Passing, by Nella Larsen in 1929
It tells the story of two friends; both African-American though one ‘passes’ for white.
Guest ; Bliss Broyard, raised in Connecticut
On her father’s deathbed she learned he was in fact a black man who had been passing as white for most of his life.
With Bliss Broyard, Anthony Ekundayo Lennon, Georgina Lawton and Professor Jennifer DeVere Brody.
GY “Race was INVENTED as a form of social control”
Really ? it’s in the bible and probably in older books as well.
Then talks of American woman that passed herself as black, so she could look after her own children inside the segregationist law.
Then Irish Lennon parents who gave birth to 3 boys who both looked like their white father, but at the same time had mixed race skin.
Dunno why the guest has given himself a Yoruba name : Ekundayo .
Ah working as a theatre director, people shouted he was passing himself off as non-white
However the DNA test seemed to prove hedis a third Nigerian.
Guest : Georgina Lawton only later found she wasn’t white like her family, but the result of her mother’s one-night stand. Previously she had believed he came from a throwback gene.
Next prog at 4:30pm is about the black religion : Voodoo
That should please the BBC watching zombies.
“He the black president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People had blonde hair and blue eyes”
What a nonsensical statement! If he had blonde hair and blue eyes, then he wasn’t ‘black’ was he?
I guess, I just don’t get the American definition of ‘black’… Ms Markle has a white father. If she visited Africa she’d be classed as ‘white’. It’s the Emperor’s New Clothes all over again.
The American definition of ‘black’ seems such a vague term that if you’ve got a slight tan you can claim you’re a victim (when it suits). See also, Obama, President, Kamala, Acting President…
This whole ‘racist’ business just dates back to the antebellum slave owning days of the US deep south anyway, when it was about defining who was owner, and who was owned. Must have been plenty with close kin on both sides of that particular fence, and can’t always have been easy deciding where the fence posts needed hammering in, but we won’t mention that, hey?
“What a nonsensical statement! If he had blonde hair and blue eyes, then he wasn’t ‘black’ was he?”
Once saw such when in Saudi Arabia. All the black features but sporting blue eyes and blonde hair.
‘Once saw such when in Saudi Arabia. All the black features but sporting blue eyes and blonde hair.’
Yes, I’m sure, G. I’ve seen ‘Indians’ with blue eyes and blonde hair, and ‘Indians’ with African features and hair, but Indian colouring (they stand out more than you might imagine), in Northern India too, but they are all mixed race – whether the mixing was one generation back, or hundreds.
My point is, how can someone of such clearly mixed race claim to be ‘black’? And I do say that being of acknowledged mixed race myself, I’d never claim to be other than ‘white’ (as I am clearly mostly white), but my sisters are as ‘black’ as Meghan Markle.
It does throw the whole notion of two tier, black and white into perspective, and proves the ridiculousness of the current BLM nonsense and MSM going on and on about ‘first people of colour’, for me anyway.
The BBC is more obsessed by race than the Nationalist Party in South Africa was.
“Lampedusa: More than 1,000 migrants arrive on Italian island”
Coming this way ?
Bo Jo & Pristick better get the ‘Border Farce Taxi Service’ and the 4 Star hotels ready before they fill up with staycation bookings .
“Zero Covid deaths for England, Scotland and NI”
Despite all the ‘Beach Landings’ at Dover?
I wonder if the Government will enlist the aid of small boat owners around the south and east coast the way they did for Dunkirk?
“Police officer Sgt Lee Cocking ‘forced’ into car sex while on duty”
Aptly named?
OT, but politics via adviser, ratings, focus groups and what you think whoever you are talking to at that minute is what they want to hear is really… like really… working gangbusters.
A Bacon sarnie might finish Labour altogether.
Note the child has a knife and fork, but not Surkeer.
Gunning for the Monbiot vote.
He’ll be running naked across the moors bringing down a buck next.
In slow motion?!
I don’t listen much or watch as no longer pay ..but on R4 all I hear whenever I switch on is something to do with Race, Ramadan, Men bad, women good
But front runner at moment is – what else can we say to place Boris and conservatives in a poor light, whilst ignoring anything bad about Labour…you might think they could discuss the shit@ situation into which Sad Kahn has got London ..
Bias just oozes out of their pores..
When will Boris pick his balls up and defund them..?
Praise indeed, albeit faint.
What?! Tell me he isn’t permanent!
PM briefing – some idiot journo asked about the need for photo ID for voting – legislation in the Queens Speach Tuesday . Then the BBC found a Liberal Democrat to blame the PM for those who have died from covid . This was the lot who didn’t want a UK vaccination plan – they wanted the failed EU one ….
No mention of that by the BBC droid of course …
Who, or what the BBC ‘finds’, or not, seldom surprises…
Apart from maxincony and his chums, are there any readers of this site of the opinion that the BBC is impartial ?
Am I amusing you ?
Only if you subscribe to the idea that al beeb is impartial Fedup2 😎
If you notice, even Maxi never claims the BBC is impartial, he just comes on to have a pop.
They have to know this will soon be their undoing.
Not if the BBC can keep it off their news bulletins and hide it under Regions on their webshite.
I sense it’s time to take a look again at the Prison Demographics. Just to confirm my predictions you understand.
‘Labour’s chance will come when Johnson’s bogus promises start to crumble’
A headline from the Guardian, and before even looking I just knew who had written such immense and wise prose.
But on a note of caution Polly, try to avoid word associations like ‘crumble’. They could have unfortunate connotations where you are concerned.
Presumably Polly got her bike and lady from Krankie?
Promises , what promises ?………………..
The Tories always keep their promises , don’t they ?
Be a shame if any took out JezBo’s operation.
Happy time for the Israeli Air Force -boommm
PM briefing – deep disappointment – no journo asked whether the PM was going to tile the bathroom and who would pay ….
…we need to know …
Does anyone know if Steven Bray, the Mad ‘Taff’ Hatter , who waved the Blue Rag shouting “Stop Brexit” outside Parliament had his ‘non-EU’ Covid jab yet ? More importantly, has he got a real job or has he gone to live in France?
Sunday Bray tweeted
“Happy Anniversary – Europe Day! Forever European”
Must be still on the Soros payroll…
Just catching up on the scale of the atrocity on kids in Kabul.
The BBC home page has… “ ‘It’s been great to wear trousers again’”
Taffman – so one mentioned that he was shouting about something last week – it might have been the number 10 decorations … fortunately this time he has been ignored ..
8pm R4 Race again
– Barnie Choudhury on 2001 northern race riots
The worst rioting Britain had seen for generations.
violence over a six-week period in the summer of 2001 in Oldham, Burnley and Bradford, saw communities split along racial lines. Hundreds of police officers were injured and repair costs ran into the millions.
Over three episodes
– how northern communities had become so devastatingly segregated
– why a workable plan to transform race relations in the UK got sidelined
Breaking news from the BBC: oil and water do not mix.
I see that at the close of the day the £1 = €1.1628.
9pm Mark Miodownik the green activist professor
in his series about repairing home items instead of throwing them away.
“he tries replacing his broken mobile phone screen and dead battery”
Louis Rossman is a good follow on Right to Repair on tech…
I wonder if he gets a name check? – doubt it as BBC is wall to wall Apple fanboys…
Apple’s overpriced stuff is made so that it can’t be repaired, it’s a feature, not a bug.
Diverse employer ?
7:30pm Panorama topic, CountyLines drug dealing
10pm BBC2 Steph McGovern comparing HIGNFY
7:30pm C4 Royal Family For Hire
“Antony Barnett goes undercover to see what some of the Queen’s family might be prepared to do for money, including offers of privileged access to Kensington Palace and Vladimir Putin”
AFAIK everyone told him to eff off except 88 yo Prince Michael
Prince Michael does not get any public money. They offered him $200,000 for a speech, what would he say to that, no thanks? Hillary Clinton would try to up it to half a million.
Just read this article by Dan Wotton of the Daily Mail and compare it to the one I wrote and posted here immediately after the Hartlepool election because it seems he’s virtually lifted what I said back then off the page and dropped it into his own longer article.
I know the sites posters get plagerised but really !
I haven’t watched the BBC1 The One Show for ages but I did tonight.
Mixed race presenters (black male/white female) – tick!
An outdoor interviews with the public had 2 couples the first was a mixed race couple (black male, white female of course) – tick!
Some piece about migrants coming to UK ended with both presenters saying “can you imagine the desperation they must be in to risk coming to the UK?” to spin it to appear they are not coming for free stuff – tick!
Some piece about mental illness – tick!
[Note to self: don’t watch it ever again]
There are times when I do hanker for the days of Bernard Manning and Love Thy Neighbour.
I have lots of them downloaded from the days of ‘The Box’.
Love Thy Neighbour is actually racist against whites – namely Eddie who is shown to be a racist, arrogant whitey. And also far-Left – right down to the hypocrisy of a ‘stop racialism’ sticker in his car. The black guy wins every time.
And in ‘Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club, Bernard Manning is an absolute gent to all the guests – including any of colour. His comedy was just reflecting the acceptable standards of humour for the time. He did it to make money, not through any conscious racism. It was only later that the woke hypocrite fascists decided to retrospectively apply modern rules and destroy him.
I have just been watching the old ‘Up Pompeii’ which would have wimmin like Jo Brand screaming between slices of pizza as Frankie Howerd calls them ‘Silly old cow’ or ‘Silly old bag’, but every episode makes me laugh out loud at some point. Something I haven’t done for any new comedy for years now.
John, it’s interesting that you confirm my mum’s view of ‘Love Thy Neighbour’. She thought it was anti-white and wouldn’t have the programme on, so I’m not sure I ever got to watch it! I agree that ‘Up Pompeii’ was great and that British comedy is pretty much dead.
I often think it was traditional British humour that gave us immunity to extreme and loony ideologies. Once the far-left elite who run our media lost their sense of the absurd, society became fatally vulnerable to the Woke-vid virus. We now live in an endless Monty Python sketch – only you’re not allowed to laugh.
We giggled when we saw John Cleese (or Ronnie Barker or Sid James) in frilly frocks. We’re now supposed to pretend a bloke who identifies as a woman actually is.
My Woke-vid solution is to put the BBC (and the other channels, which aren’t much better) under lockdown and force them to watch non-stop ‘Carry on, Cleo’, the Two Ronnies, Bernard Manning, ‘It ain’t half hot, Mum’ etc. Oh, all right, I doubt if it would cure, them, but as least it would annoy them.
Just imagine all the fake group-think offence this would cause.
Does ocean acidification alter fish behavior? Fraud allegations create a sea of doubt.
By Martin EnserinkMay. 6, 2021 , 2:00 PM
More acidic oceans ‘will affect all sea life’
By Roger Harrabin
BBC environment analyst
Published23 October 2017
Another one for Marianna to dissect if she can stop posting selfie’s for a while…
Maybe Marianna can go to the trench off the Philippines that carries her name. No, she doesn’t do deep stuff!
tee Hee!
Marianna does whatever her middle-aged, completely left-wing, ‘metropolitan elite’ BBC manager tells her to.
They think using her face will make the woke message sink into their target audience : the young and gullible. They gave up on anyone over 30 after their methods backfired over Brexit.
It’s yet another underhand physchological method of social conditioning.
We need a better definition of hugging.
Over to the experts.
My definition is walking in the opposite direction !
Mishal must be livid.
The bbc seems poor at connecting dots when connected dots do not suit the bbc.
The Tories have already had to backtrack on this asinine plan because not everyone has photo ID, and personation is a very tiny part of voter fraud.
They are proposing to do nothing to inconvenience the real voting fraudsters who use postal voting to comit their crime.
What Tories ? Do we have Tories any more?
Useful idiots like Screaming Lord Andrew Adonis can always point to the low level of convictions for personation to make a case for not requiring photo ID.
Leftoid gibbering baboons like him used to make the same (non) case about benefit fraud whilst neglecting to point out that registration generally involved a short interview with a sympathetic, nay accommodating, doctor. Only when claimants started to be referred for follow up did many ‘claimants’ recover, miraculously.
Adonis is also a fervent supporter of more benefit-claiming immigrants from the EUSSR, of course, as if the 4.6 million and counting of the 3.2 million who were said to be here on Brexit day were not enough.
Statistics can tell you a lot …or sfa.
Same is true here
“India Covid: Dozens of bodies wash up on banks of Ganges river”
Is Al Beeb racist, what Covid ?
Canada : Pastor Artur Pawlowski case
11:20pm RebelNews puts up a video with the lawyer
“The judge just signed the release from detention”
11:35pm RebelNews say the detention centre guards are quibbling and refusing to accept the papers from the judge
OK so the Pastor was released after 2hours 40 mins of stalling
that’s 1am UK time.
Shortly before the head of the jail came out and tried to get the journos to wait “down at the end of the street, cos this is private property”
the Rebel journo had received legal advice to stand his ground as the front on the jail counts as public property and is on a public highway anyway. The video shows that journos stayed their ground and interviewed the Pawlowski’s 15 feet in front jail entrance.
Keeane was also their filming so there are now 2 non-lefty news orgs to keep account
This is his video
One context, it is credible that the reason they dragged Pawlowski across the highway on arrest, was that first he cooperated by getting out of the car, but then did a standing protest.
‘Alongside its religious importance are national claims – Israel in effect annexed East Jerusalem and considers the entire city its capital, though this is not recognised by most other countries.
Palestinians claim the eastern half as the capital of a hoped-for state of their own.’
Easy to see whose side the BBC are on.
Always have been, re Jeremy Bowen.
Callum Wheeler charged with Kent PCSO murder
Well, everyone knows who did it right down to name and address and nobody in the whole UK media has any description of him whatsoever. Very strange.
My search brought up a twitter feed. It had a list of comments including one reply which said ‘With a name like Callum Wheeler? Seems fairly unlikely, but then I’m sure you know that’. But no previous tweet to match.
Are twitter actively policing these stories and removing any which even suggest the offender is not white ?. It’s extreme censorship if they are – but it would not surprise me at all.
I know for sure the BBC have reached that level. The ‘likely to cause offence’ or ‘off topic’ are used for anything off the agenda.
seems the south africans know
In my searching, I saw something which said that man they originally wanted was no longer a suspect.
Even if the guy is white, the bigger picture here is how screwed up ‘journalism’ is these days. Every clue points to some top-level control of what they publish because it’s impossible they all decide the same thing simultaneously. Just like when they all started saying ‘without evidence’ or ‘falsely saying that’ about Trump and the election rigging – even though there clearly is unanswered evidence.
But how does it happen ?. This is the mystery to me which actually threatens the whole of Western civilisation as we know it.
Seems to be a man, who is 21.
Get it right Beeboids.
Used to be part of the Kent coalfields, ask Scargill!
Spelling errors due to:
a) seriously damaged education system
b) English as a second or third language
c) defective recruitment policies
d) all of the above
.. and the rest.
If you complain to the BBC about their spelling you will get a standard reply, “Editors have the difficult task of deciding what correctly and incorrectly spelled words to include. We believe we got it right in this case”.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Snowdon rather than the correct Snowdown as well.
Sure was part of the Kent coalfields…I vividly recall playing against the Snowdown Colliery rugby side…their players were Welsh to a man.
Oh yes, Peter!
They weren’t the most sporting side ever, and we never really took to that fixture!
I would have been there between 1966 – 1972, so we may well have played against each other…
Car insurance: 170,000 claims linked to ‘crash for cash’ gangs
‘It said the main hotspots were the B25, B34 and B8 postcode areas of Birmingham, and the BD7 and BD3 areas of Bradford.’
I wonder what extremely relevant fact is deliberately being omitted about what those two areas have in common. Perhaps a basis for a Panorama investigation. Which would be the first of it’s kind.
Apologies, I have also added this story here. Seems we have both come to the same conclusion .
BBC BS groupies are next level.
They know impartiality, trust and transparency when the bbc tells them they see it.
One for the BBC to… Um… decide is not newsworthy?
I stand corrected.
Mishal needs to fly over and interview this lass ASAP.
Phew, at last… the bbc Moaning Emole…
Jerusalem violence escalates
The UK, US and EU joined calls for calm after spiralling unrest led to Palestinian militants firing rockets toward Jerusalem and Israel responding with air strikes against militant targets in the Gaza Strip. Palestinian health officials say 22 people, including children, have died in the strikes. Israel’s military says at least three members of Gaza’s ruling Hamas group are among the dead. It comes after violent confrontations between Israeli police and Palestinians angry about restrictions on access to a compound housing both the al-Aqsa mosque – the third holiest site in Islam – and Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount. A humanitarian group says more than 700 Palestinians have been injured in clashes.
Had an iffy curry the other night leading to a night of unrest.
So naturally fired explosive ordnance next door in hope of taking out a kid.
As you do.
Then sent a #prasnews release to the BBC for copy and paste.
Sometimes Karma just gets someone and it’s very very funny. This time an Iranian who sets himself on fire after burning an Israeli flag.
That surely is the will of Allah and that man shouldn’t run off to extinguish himself.
The Clan Burak is bereft.
Looks scripted
“The re-elected Prime Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon has told..”
the BAME presenter says smoothly as she looks straight into the autocue
Sorely missed. Never heard of him. Though JezBo must be a fan.
Maybe he was worried about poorly targeted rockets?
Neil must have been reading Guido again.
He is right though, Labour go unchallenged on Al Beeb. I still rage at Toady’s complete acceptance of Blair’s ‘Babes’/Boobies’ daily assertions/lies on behalf of the Blair/Brown hydra that Labour were reducing the national debt. Anyfool could look at the figures and check that it was a lie, but then and now they just accepted it. Pretty normal for Al Beeb, unless as Pandy Marr does they make up false statistics of their own.
One of the ‘babes’ was Mr Yvette Cooper-Bollux, husband of one Ed of that ilk. I think I can date Al Beeb’s addiction to transgenderism to then.
Enough said
Very very obviously pushed by Blair himself who tried to get back in during Brexit.
He must live a little bubble of people like Adonis if he doesn’t realise just how universally despised he is.
Just who does this tw@t think he is to make such a statement about legislation from an elected government ?. The Lords really does need some serious reform. It’s stuffed with liberals who would never be there if the people had a say.
I notice that both in Britain and America, leftists claim it is “voter suppression” to ask voters do identify themselves. Why is this? Anyone who is a legal resident of this country has no trouble getting ID. Could it be the “legal” part they have a problem with?
BBC News
As social media giants grapple with the anti-vaccine movement, the BBC spoke to everyday citizens battling conspiracy theories in their spare time.
The volunteers using ‘honeypot’ groups to fight anti-vax propaganda
Who the bbc ‘meets’ and how they come to meet them is intriguing.
Especially if flagged as ‘everyday citizens’.
Out of work builder/trainee psychologist running honeypot groups to re-educate anti-vaxxers.
Such altruism, such bow locks, and our Marianna loves it!
I’m glad I’m not on any social media.
See… news as it is done.
One is told.
One has to hand it to Boris, we may have been subjected to an awful lot of dreadful political soundbite sloganeering lately, but he’s finally nailed it with this one: ‘“It’s up to all of us to exercise common sense”‘ (Telegraph) – I must say, it comes as an enormous relief to realise that expensive fancy education of his didn’t go completely to waste.
A little bit of the ‘common’ earlier on might have saved us an awful lot of trouble. I’m no fan of State restrictions to our freedoms associated with lockdowns but I can well understand the reasoning behind quarantines. I heard a whisper that Taiwan has had just twelve covid deaths. How so? They slammed the door shut on China at the very first news of the Wuhan Flu. Of course if your government doesn’t have the stomach for border controls you’ll find yourself locked down internally seemingly interminably. And I’m not sure there’s comparative evidence that internal lockdowns have made a jot of difference to pandemic outcomes other than buggering economies and causing knock on health problems.
But what do I know about the virus? Given that many people are symptomless I don’t even know if I’ve had it. I was thinking about buying an antibody test. Apparently you pick your thumb and squeeze some blood into a vial. But you know how vial talk goes down around here.
Perhaps we’re at last catching on to what quarantine and border control mean: ‘Wembley’s chances of hosting the Champions League final were fading yesterday after the Government and UEFA failed to reach an agreement on 2,000 VIPs, media and staff being allowed to attend without quarantine‘ (Telegraph) – UEFA there exposing the depths of their love for the people’s game of football.
Which brings us neatly from common sense to the common people. You know, the ones that became a bit of a joke to our metroplitan liberal elites and were the subject of that song by Jarvis Cocker of the band Pulp.
He was a perceptive chap singing about some posh girlfriend who wanted to slum it with him: “I wanna live like common people, I wanna do whatever common people do”
You’d have to be blind not to see the modern Labour Party’s existential problem with the working classes: ‘Party should stop “patronising, nostalgic” attitude to working classes, Blunkett tells ‘i’‘ – he should know, as I recall he had an affair with a posh girlfriend. Who knows what he saw in her?
The archetypal metropolitan mouthpiece the Guardian is on a similar track: ‘Rayner: Labour has talked down to voters for too long‘ – look who’s talking Guardianistas.
Looks as though Sir Keir is now stuck with his bluff down to earth northern lass: ‘Advantage Rayner. Labour’s deputy leader gets key new role after power struggle with Starmer‘ (‘i’) – after you’ve gone down on one knee (for BLM) with a girl it’s really not very gentlemanly for a knight of the realm to give her the elbow.
In further pop news – no, not David Blunkett’s DNA results – that’s old news… this is favourites hereabouts Little Mix, who are up the duff: ‘Shout Out to my Ex-pecting: Perrie with dad-to-be Alex ‘ as pictured on the cover of freebie rag the Metro; ‘and (inset) Jade with Andre. Baby on the way for second Little Mixer‘ (photo credit to Instagram) – who says the newspaper industry is doomed?
There’s a classic example of our media telling the story backwards in the Times this morning as they report, a la BBC: ‘…a day of unrest in which at least 20 people died when Israeli jets bombarded Gaza. Hamas had earlier launched a barrage of missiles at targets in Israel‘
Time’s Arrow was a novel by Martin Amis in which he told the story of the Holocaust backwards. It is a rather good book and the Times and BBC journos should read it.
Indeed but that is only one edi… oh…
BBC News
The Israeli military has launched air strikes against militant targets in the Gaza Strip after Palestinian militants fired rockets toward Jerusalem.
Palestinian health officials in Gaza said 22 people, including children, had died in the strikes.
So much rearranged, or left unsaid.
Mishal still sticking pins in models of Israeli schools?
Here’s my amateur effort at telling it backwards, in the style of the BBC: “Israel executes German bureaucrat, Eichmann…”
You get the idea.
Harassment from ruthless racist Churchill drove German patriot to suicide. …in a bunker.
Oh my. Mishal has been well and truly stuffed. She was interviewing a member of the Golden Globe about the dropping of the event next year by a TV company has no black members.
Was he shocked by this?
He said shocked no. They have known for twenty years that there were no black members. He deals with publicists every day for 15 years and not one of them is black. He went on to say this is just political and the publicists agree, off the record of course.
The biggest laugh is that the person talking is a Palestinian, working for BBC Arabic in the US.
Michael introduced the next item.
Less amusing was Mischal Hussein’s harranguing interview of an Isrraeli government minister who had the temerity to argue against the Palestinians firing rockets from Gaza. How dare they?
It was pure vitriol. Quite unlike her gentle cosy chats with her chums.
My admiration for the Israeli was high. He managed not to say ‘f*** off you anti-semitic c***’.
At 0840 Mischal delivers the counter ‘interview’ with a Palestinian spokesman. She asked four questions. All delivered gently, with no interruptions. The first was ‘you witnessed the attacks, what did you see?’. Not too difficult. She might as well have asked him about his allotment.
The contrast with her attitude to the Israeli an hour earlier could not have been greater.
Here we talk of nothing else.
Shocked, I tell you… shocked!
This is so sweet.
Partita loyalty, knight-styly.
They always have to get in something about their religion and how holier than thou they are, but if she is so observant why isn’t she wearing a Hijab?
On GMB : John Bercow tells @campbellclaret and @susannareid100 that he thought Sadiq Khan was ‘the best candidate for Mayor of London
Metropolitan Liberal Elites ruling over us
and we pay
There’s a video of the meeting of the bitter ‘we hate Boris’ association
Strange isn’t it ?’hate figures ‘ like Bercow and Campbell now make a living from the hatred people feel for them . Both will be making a fortune on the after dinner game sometime as well as in pantomime – and both have ‘mental issues ‘….
What they did must not be forgotten .
Here’s the clip of Bercow saying he voted for Sadiq
It got ratioed if you count negative-quote tweets, which your should.