The Far Left Anti British Biased BBC is getting its’ narrative back on track . They will make sure the election results are forgotten as soon as possible – apart from the Scottish ones. So will it be a return the favourite of the BBC – Westminster trivia – which the elections proved to have no affect – or go to the BBC comfort zone of rubbishing the UK as usual?
Start the week 10th May 2021
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Already posted, but a reminder that Christmas comes earlier and earlier each year.
At W1A at least.
Not a bbc headline.
Funny how Karma gets someone, an Iranian in this case who sets himself on fire while burning the Israeli Flag
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.
Instant Karma’s gonna get you…
After the appalling bias of Mischal Hussein on Toady with the contrast in her treatment of Israeli versus Palestinian spokespeople ( see previous posts) she rounded it off with an ‘interview’ of the new West Yorkshire mayor, whose claim to fame is that she replaced St Jo of Cox as the MP for Batley.
To say the ‘interview’ was friendly would be an understatement, just a series of soft ball questions and answers which were uninterrupted.
Bias at its most obvious and unremitting..
Curse those Jews protecting themselves!
9:30am R4: Marcus asks (BAME guest) Kriti why she thinks A.I. often has in-built gender and race biases
, and hears how she is tackling this by inviting more people from varied backgrounds into the design process
9am R4 Marine biologist, Helen Scales campaigns
” Do we need to choose between green and blue?
Or is there a third way that protects both the planet and all the riches in our oceans?
Metals such as copper, manganese and cobalt are in high demand in the manufacture of mobile phones and renewable energy technologies, such as batteries for electric cars, wind turbines and solar panels.
Deep sea mining companies argue that we will need these metals to create a carbon Net Zero economy.
Meantime, the World Wildlife Fund is pushing for a moratorium on deep sea mining. And several companies agree:
.. she warns of the environmental devastation that could be caused if plans to mine the metals on the bottom of the ocean were to be allowed to go ahead
From the BBC. Crash for Cash
Any guesses as to what these two areas have in common?
The BBC fails to make any connection. Surprise, surprise.
The bBC were willing to follow the earlier Yandell family’s “crash for cash” swindle in Wales so presumably they will be just as keen to follow up on the predominantly Birmingham and Bradford 2019-20 fraudsters.
Or perhaps not.
@Sage to be fair past BBC stories on Cash for Crash have mentioned ethnic-South Asians quite a lot
like on 5 Live investigates
Though if things were equal 85% of scammers would be white.
June 2019 “3 Coventry men” … Mohammed Azam, 47, Husnain Ahmed, 22, and Sufyan Lone, 24
10 September 2018
Serial Birmingham ‘crash for cash’ fraudster jailed
Asif Javed, 25,
The URL is truncated, here’s the full one:
Perhaps ‘South Asian’ should be qualified. There don’t seem to be many Punjabi Sikhs, Goan Christians, Gujarati Hindus or Sri Lankan Buddhists involved in this particular example of ‘enrichment culture’. Just the usual suspects.
‘…very well respected in the Bangladeshi community’ pled his brief.
FFS it’s his second conviction for fraud. If Bangladeshis are happy to laud crooks, presumably the types who flash stolen cash, I want no more of them here.
The BBC is happy to run with the shadow cabinet message that’ all in Labour is lovely and it’s the same faces around the table ‘ ….. Lisa nando should do stand up talking about the government failing to get people ‘proper jobs ‘…
. Me thinks the reason the people of Hartlepool voted for coke instead of Pepsi is because they were dumped for decades by self important Labour metro MPs like mandelson …
At least we are back on familiar ground with the stuff about who paid for the PMs holiday – which is now being investigated ….
I hope Labour goes big on this in a dumb attempt to distract from its very serious and hopefully fatal problems ….
Where is the investigation into the expenses and ‘gifts’ – trips and hotels etc. – of MPs of all colours, and top civil servants, who made innumerable unauthorised trips to Europe post-referendum for the express purpose of conniving, colluding and ingratiating themselves with EU officials in an attempt to overturn the vote and seek self-benefit in the form of international positions and filthy lucre?
The TikTok vegan chicken hack that costs 50p
A vegetarian crispy fried seitan banh mi-style sandwich, with a fried egg, spinach, carrot and Sriracha sauce.
Remove the egg to make it vegan. I would never have guessed….
It also contains minerals including iron and magnesium, but it’s low in fibre, so you need to ensure you’re eating plenty of fibre sources, as many of us don’t eat enough of this vital nutrient.Patronising bbc
Surely as a responsible dog owner they should be put in an appropriate bag and disposed of?
Yes, eggs are not vegan
Yesterday my lunch : 2 sandwiches made with lamb breast that cost me 16p
Family dinner : 4 chicken breasts, cost 88p
Today’s sandwich : cheese/pickle sandwich cost 18p
Family dinner : 250g of whiting fish, cost 59p
.. I know where the supermarket bargain shelf is.
Totally off piste here, but every morning I do like to tune in to Ian King Live on Sky – keeps me abreast of the business goings on and is quite informative.
What has struck me, is that without exception, all those that are being interviewed either start or end with “thanks for having me on Ian”. I’m thinking, are those in high finance just more polite than others ? Just an observation.
Another annoying habit from the US.
They are just used to having other people on.
Frankly, Stevie Wonder could.
I`ve received another threatogram from TV licensing ( red envelope ) dated April 2021 !
The usual wording , but I thought for a laugh and to break with tradition of eighteen years I might tell them I dont need a licence .
Going to their web page , there was more about their policies and redacted PDF pages about not paying the licence . eventually I worked out you can click on and go to another page where they want your e mail account and telephone number .
This just looks like those scammers from India who ring you up to want to know everything they can about you before they say they`ll leave you alone once they`ve got the information about you .
I just leave people alone , most people just leave everyone else alone , its only oddballs who want information about strangers they`ve never met who assess whether they`ll leave them alone .
Needless to say , I didnt give my name , email address , phone number etc to TV licensing .
So i guess it`s back to the status quo and another tree will be felled to make paper for their futile quest to intimidate .
Life is full of coincidences. The government is buoyed with success in health, economy and ballot box, so both BBC and ITV think it must be time to reintroduce little Jonny Bercow, for balance.
In just the same way as Krankie, because they think he’s a clever little chap doesn’t actually mean the public agree. And that problem stems from the fact that they think the public all read the Guardian and went to uni. The rest don’t count.
Just cos 97% of Guardianlalaland & journos think magic windfarm batteries exist
that doesn’t make it true
The $100m South Australia huge battery farm would power the grid for 3 mins
when actually the wind could be down for an entire week.
The weather in Kent must be bucking the trend. The young ‘local man’ accused of murdering PCSO Julia James has gained a very healthy tan – remarkably similar to that of the person police were so ‘keen to talk to’ recently.
Breaking : Reuters
British climate activist Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of the Extinction Rebellion group,
was arrested at home on Tuesday
for conspiracy to cause criminal damage .. and fraud
after her group attacked banks such as HSBC (HSBA.L) and Barclays
“Queen’s Speech 2021”
“The speech referenced new legislation to overhaul the UK’s post-Brexit asylum system and discourage migrants from crossing the English Channel”
20 years too late.
How many criminals has Priti sent back so far ??????
Stand by for the ‘summer invasion’. Man the ‘interceptors’ and repel “discourage” boarders . Ha ha.
I presume that, importantly, the new legislation will make provision for exiting the ECHR and withdrawing from the UN Migration Compact…………………..
If not, the country is no further forward and, as you say, stand by for the ‘summer invasion’ with the support of the ‘Royal Marine’ czar assuming he’s not already jacked in the job when he recognised he would have no chance swimming in the pond of Wesminster reptiles.
The SNP Hitler and the IRA
SNP link with Nazis. And BBC supports them
”This is the party whose leader (from 1961-1969), Arthur Donaldson, had plotted to set up a puppet Nazi government in Scotland during the Second World War. A senior MI5 officer believed Donaldson was planning to follow the lead of Vidkun Quisling, who led a Nazi puppet government in Norway.
“The government would leave the country and England’s position would be absolutely hopeless, as poverty and famine would be their only reward for declaring war on Germany. Scotland, on the other hand, has great possibilities,” Mr Donaldson was recorded as saying.
Any sensible country would have hanged the bastard. The SNP is national socialist to its core.
Looks like the BBC is going to full anti Britain after some nonsense coroners ‘inquest ( IRA propaganda operation) over the killing of some people in NI in 1971 . 1971 . 49 years ago.
Meanwhile terrorists get a free pass .
Global warming ? The rain is smashing down outside
just like the majority of days this May.
There’s no “global warming” any more Stew, it’s the “climate emergency” now. They had to change the terminology because people had noticed that there is no warming.
College Green banners
Morning BBC/Labour activist meeting
..,“So we’ll do the interviewing at ground level
and then you guys move in the back of shot with your banners
Mr Bray I’ll put a microphone near you so viewers can her you shouting”
Someone tweeted “I turned on BBC news at one for the first time in a couple of years.
Steve ‘Trigger’ Bray stood there with a little sidekick (she was dressed in EU gear) holding a banner saying ‘get the Tories out’.
Does the dole office know he’s not actively seeking work?
Strange, isn’t it, that all the local by-laws and restrictions apply for Anna Soubry’s critics but never for this egotistical vacuous waste of time and space.
Surely some enterprising farmer could temper Mr Bray’s delivery with the contents of a passing slurry tanker on full bore?
I am sure that top one used to be on Startrek.
There,s a good old saying up here in Brigadoon ” get you retaliation in first”… mostly heard in the world of football I should say.
Nonetheless it would serve the UK Govt. well to embrace that modus operandi…….particularly in dealing with an organ like the SNP who’s, mo is to “deal with facts later”
A good start would be to pressurise the IRA supporting bBc to curtail its Scottish loss making operation.
That would remove a key stage where “Gnasher” struts her stuff.
On the UK front I would use the new Procurement Bill to draw up 2 separate baselines for the bBC
1)Entertainment Division
2) news, politics , environment and world affairs
separate them out, Cost, headcounts etc etc.
That could be the forerunner to repositioning the bBC funding model.
It would also serve to deflect this media organ from its current fascination with wallpaper and foreign holidays.
More from ITBB
@Charlie commented yesterday
Did anyone else hear Jeremy Vine interview Jeremy Corbyn this lunchtime?
It was two old chums having a gentle chat and love-in over lunch.
Calling it sycophantic admiration doesn’t do it justice.
Holding politicians to account is clearly only for ‘Tories’ in Vine’s book.
Today was the queens speech, and the Daily Mail is claiming that the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are going to war over woke culture, nothing however could be further from the truth.
In the world of gesture politics this should go down as a perfect example of a government making a lot of noise whilst doing absolutely nothing effective what so ever.
The Conservatives opened a new front in their war on ‘cancel culture’ today, unveiling a new law forcing universities to protect freedom of speech.
This refers to no platforming, and the numbers involved are so tiny as to be insignificant. They will have the option to sue whoever cancelled them for ‘compensation’ but as we all know only Russian Oligarchs and oil rich Arabs can afford to use the British courts, so that’s a non starter too.
This legislation is never or so very rarely ever be used it might as never as well been brought before parliament for debate. If they have really wanted to do something effective all they needed to do was to ensrine freedom of speech into law, and that would have covered all options.
Up here in Scarborough it is hideously white and covid infections are low, especially variants, especially the Indian variant.
Meanwhile…….Andy Burnham is aking for everyone over the age of 16 to get the jab. Why? Because in Bolton, Indian variant covid is going through the roof. Weird. I thought we were not supposed to travel overseas and Indian subcontinent is on the red list.
Just another example of the enrichment we get from open door mass immigration and its knock-on cultural benefits.
Local news : item #3 “Lincoln Pride has been cancelled”
Local ITV news : Sheffield : the Grenfell problem, flat owners live in fear
and in the meantime have massive costs cos they have to pay for the firewatch and cladding removal.
… The prog item must have been made last week
cos it fails to mention the tower fire in London a few days ago.
The 10 min item just ended with a 5 mins from a Grenfell activist.
Then right at the end they quickly added on 20 seconds about the May 7th fire.
The BBC IRA 6pm news spent the first 7 minutes on republican propaganda and bad mouthing our paras doing their job in 1971 Northern Ireland …..
…. This was judged to be more important than the Queens Speech . Maybe the BBC wants terrorism to restart in Northern Ireland – judging by admissions from a top journalist recently that they were Republican spies – would not be surprised if there are a few floating around the BBC .
It was heroic Guardian columnist Roy Greenslade who did a fair bit of floating around the BBC, all the while nursing his secret admiration for the IRA.
As you suggest Feds, I very much doubt he was alone.
They’d be senior in the BBC now ……
The truly sickening thing is that the BBC must be creaming themselves with delight that the fruition of this 50-year old event is so perfectly timed as to nullify the Queen’s speech, Covid relaxation and election success.
No one, least of all those reporting today, could possibly begin to imagine the stress, mayhem and murder taking place at that time in such an environment. If troops are being shot at they will shoot back and innocents will suffer – even if ‘innocent’ stretches the definition.
Anywhere else in the world those involved will have moved on, but there’s just too much mileage for the Irish, reveling in their misery – especially with Friendly Joe across the water on their side.
As for the judiciary, the level of traitorous infiltration within what was once the envy of the world, with a system copied on every continent, beggars belief. But believe it we must with examples provided so often.
“…our paras doing their job… ”
Their job was to kill innocent British citizens?
Where’s that apology that you owe me, maxi?
Why do you never post about the BBC?
Why do you only ever snipe at another poster?
We regulars can check on ourselves, we don’t need you with your ‘drive by snipings’.
“Where’s that apology that you owe me, maxi?”
I’ve replied to your request several times already.
“Why do you never post about the BBC?”
I just commented on Fed’s post which was, I believe, about the BBC.
“Why do you only ever snipe at another poster?”
My comment was about what Fed said, not him personally.
“We regulars can check on ourselves, we don’t need you with your ‘drive by snipings’.”
“Can” but all too often “don’t”.
Maxi – ha ha – I left that one for you – I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist it …..if terrorists operate within a civilian population there will be casualties – I’m surprised a lot more British Citizens were not killed by security forces across those decades .
Not much I’d said about the soldiers killed and maimed – and their families – who suffered because of IRA terrorist murderers and their supporters – who have got a free pass from the State they hate so much .
And maxi – personally I would not have you on this site but as moderator I have to listen to the views of other users . The reason I would ban you from this site is because you never – never – defend your BBC – or engage in any discussion of it .
You’d rather snipe from a far – like an IRA terrorist – and run away like a coward across the border and safety .
“…if terrorists operate within a civilian population there will be casualties”
“Will be”? There didn’t have to be; that’s the whole point.
maxincony , why are you trolling , there is no Full Moon ?
Have you paid your Telly Tax yet ?
Yes, that’s “the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.” Its the outfit that you defend and support .
I didn’t realise you are an expert on counter terrorist operations – particularly the approach taken in the 1970s – and I notice you don’t refer to the IRA – I guess you must be a sympathiser – hence being so supportive your BBC – which is also happy to ignore their murdering activities
It would be really good if you went away now . I certainly won’t be engaging with you again and don’t be surprised if non BBC comments land in the trash .
To my knowledge he has never posted any example of Al Beeb’s bias.
“I didn’t realise you are an expert on counter terrorist operations – particularly the approach taken in the 1970s”
Never claimed to be, but I’m pretty sure the evil, scum, IRA terrorists (happy now?) trotted out the exact same justification for killing innocents as you just have.
Sorry if that upsets you.
Same as ISIS eh maxi ?.
Go read up on the IRA and the things they did before you compare them to those soldiers. Start with the torture and the kneecappings. You have no concept of what ‘evil’ actually is do you ?.
You truly are pathetic. Are you a student ?.
btw: Most people don’t need telling – but ‘liking’ your own post immediately after writing it is ethically wrong.
“Go read up on the IRA and the things they did before you compare them to those soldiers.”
I didn’t compare the IRA to those soldiers.
By implying the IRA use the same excuse for their murders, you are also implying the things they did are of similar weight.
This judgement is not proof by any standard whatsoever. It is one persons judgement based on their perception of probability. And after 50 years of campaigning by people like yourself, how balanced do you think that might be by now ?. It’s all about giving them what they want to make it go away. And what they want is what comes next : compensation.
I can provide you plenty of graphic links to what the IRA did in cold blood if you want to see what you are arguing against from your armchair.
“you never – never – defend your BBC – or engage in any discussion of it”
That’s not actually true though is it. How is replying to posts here about the BBC not engaging in the discussion?
Tonight’s TV
11:45pm actual TV , Welsh drag star Ellis Lloyd Jones
10.45pm Make-up star
8pm BBC2 Jewellery star
9pm NHS doco about Covid wards etc
8pm ITV Brit awards
7pm BBC2 Rick Stein in Berlin
7:30pm ITV Ainsley Harriott in the med
8pm C4 Celebrity Bake Off
BBC4 TV for oldies
Yes Mininiste, Manor Born, WW2 spy docos
7:45pm R4 Arts Show
“the death of George Floyd
Travon Free, and Martin Desmond Roe came together to create a response to this traumatic event”
– Rhianna Dhillon talks about the racism controversy at the Golden Globes Awards
-. Games journalist Louise Blain reviews and discusses the appeal of the genre as a whole.
– PR for the BBC World Service musical U.Me:
The Musical, the BBC created to give music theatre jobs to luvvies
“The Musical, the BBC created to give music theatre jobs to luvvies”
Shocking. Next they’ll be creating drama series to give jobs to actors…
On Saturday the Elaine Paige show had a long item promoting the new BBC musical
and she stated that the main reason it had been created was to give work to the luvvies in musical theatreland.
Al Beeb has been a ‘job creation scheme’ for years .
“…and she stated that the main reason it had been created was to give work to the luvvies in musical theatreland.”
No she didn’t. Why do you lie? What she said was:
“The BBC has commissioned a new original musical staged for radio and podcast that reflects our altered pandemic life; while also bringing employment to the arts community.”
Here it is:
Go take a look at where the money is being spent.
As expected, it’s a black girl and a Japanese-American guy.
Nothing against them personally – but considering the ethnic makeup of the UK and the odds of those two being the best of everyone who applied, the BBC are absolutely racist. There are a white girl and/or a white guy who didn’t get the part just because of the colour of their skin.
Make sure to read all the pretentious artistic waffel and twaddle of the guy who wrote it before watching the rehersal video. I nearly laughed out loud : what complete turn-the-handle-and-copy-the-rest rubbish. It hurt my ears.
It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate:
in recruitment and selection – this includes arrangements for deciding who should be offered employment; which employment is offered; or by refusing or deliberately omitting to offer a person employment
Much more traumatic was the Sheriff being quizzed about it who nearly broke into tears as he informed the press he had to leave and go to the house of a black family whose young daughter had just been shot in the head in a drive-by shooting.
But the press weren’t interested in that story.
Vile is again getting in Femi.
For his expertise.
At least Champion is good at something.
Local BBC news : Tackling Climate Change in the Yorkshire wolds
The local environment reporter seems like an activist nutter
so he’ll hype up any green project.
Here they are using drone to work out where there are spaces in hedges where the can plant trees.
OK over the next 50 or 100 years those trees might take a tonne of CO2, then what ?
if you burn the trees then the CO2 is back in the air
8pm R4 doco .. UK companies using shell companies
in the Philippines to avoid paying full tax on their workers.
You mean similar to the BBC’s own shell company trickery, they are in trouble for.
“You mean similar to the BBC’s own shell company trickery, they are in trouble for.”
The BBC is using shell companies? I’ve not heard of this before; do you have any more details?
Even someone as woefully ignorant as you must have read about these one man companies set up by Al Beeb’s ‘talent’ to enable them both to avoid NHI and IT by taking remuneration in the form of dividends.
Go away and educate yourself.
maxicony, your ability to be pedantic, willfully Ignorant, and to turn a blind eye is stunning, a thing of brilliance trying to escape a black hole
Left-wing spite is a powerful motivator.
“maxicony, your ability to be pedantic, willfully Ignorant, and to turn a blind eye is stunning, a thing of brilliance trying to escape a black hole”
Any further information about “the BBC’s own shell company trickery”?
Never watch the abysmal One Show, but read in a recent article that after a long period of having various ‘presenters’ sit alongside the annoying Alex Jones, there are going to be 2 permanent fixtures.
I laughed out loud, reading that the past temporary ‘presenters’ were a mixture of ex soap stars / reality contestants, who had segued their way into presenting, so did not have a journalistic background. THEN it transpires the 2 new permanents are a footballer – some bloke called Jermain, and a member of a boy band – another bloke called Ronan !!!!
I bet neither of ’em have even heard of the word ‘shorthand’ !!!
I have to admit…I’ve presented a piece on that show….
Apologies if this has been commented on earlier, but flipping through the (Mirror-owned) rag, the Express, I found this…
A no-mark Labour MP writing to Davie of Al Beeb (will he take that as his title, do you think?) to complain that BoJo uttered untrue claims…and Al Beeb allowed him to do so and didn’t question him!
I hope every time Kneeler Starmbannfuehrer or his gobby sidekicks lie, just about every time they open their toothy gobs, Tory MP’s complain direct to the top man and release their complaints to the press.
The sheer brass balls of Labour.
Al Beeb in its favorite place
Sex and Covid: What are the rules?
Also noticed that there is no article re the arrest of a man for the murder of Julia James, on the iPad web page. Consigned to the history dustbin already?
Not BBC but I tried watching The Brits. Managed less than a minute as some over the top gay was singing “it’s a sin” by the Pet Shop (who are also gay) whilst gay Elton John played the piano.
Is the Brits about the music anymore?
The BBC is sum of its spare parts. An independent Media company totally supported by the mandatory TV license.
This is what makes the BBC unique. Public monopoly claiming to be impartial. BBC Commercial Holdings comprises three principal businesses. From the BBC Report and Accounts. (2019)
BBC Studios is the production and distribution business. It was created following the April 2018 merger of what was then known as BBC Studios (the commercial production arm of the BBC for factual, factual entertainment, events, entertainment, music and scripted and digital programmes), and BBC Worldwide (which oversaw the global distribution and exploitation of BBC IP through content sales, channels, international production and ancillaries). The merged business now creates, invests, develops, produces, commercialises and distributes content which sits at the heart of the BBC schedule, as well as across multiple platforms around the world, delivering better value back to the licence fee payer through support for programme funding and cash dividends BBC Global News is the operator of the BBC’s international 24-hour TV channel BBC World News and, both of which are funded by advertising and sponsorship, as well as revenue from pay TV operators carrying the channel. BBC Studioworks provides TV studio facilities, equipment, crew and post-production services from its locations in the south east of the UK.
Information supplied by the BBC. All of them private limited companies (avoiding FOI enquirers made to the BBC)
Click to access commercial-holdings-annual-report-2019-20.pdf
Something sticky for the children: Edited by Jimmy Saville esq.
Finally, we know from Newsround how important a topic the environment is for children. Every year we seek to weave sustainability themes into our output, this time including two new series: Planet Defenders, made by the BBC Natural History Unit, is hosted by a range of new wildlife presenters; and Show Me The Honey is a unique format in which families get to look after a hive of bees. In addition we will be supporting a new campaign called ‘The Regenerators’ (see Formal Learning below).
About the BBC. Annual plan 2021/2022
>> So more of the same misinformation on climate change hysteria aimed at children we have come to expect from the worlds largest distributor of misinformation under the cloak of ‘British’ in name only. Rebadged robin reliant with UN Venezuelan headlights fueled by CO3 predictions of impending crisis of doom. Distributed by Teachers on CBBC with glee. Why watch anything else?
Worth paying for? Even if you don’t, they will make sure you pay in other ways. You don’t even need a TV set.
Here is a little game for your amusement.
Given below are two items from the BBC news website. One is genuine and the other is fictional. Let’s see if you can guess which one is which.
Story One:
‘I’m ashamed my father was a BLM rioter’
“Over the past five years, Jay Savory became more concerned as her father became immersed in far-left protest actions. Then she saw the picture of him in handcuffs outside a police station in Portland (Oregon) in November last year.
Duncan Savory declined to be interviewed by the BBC.
He is one of hundreds of BLM protesters who stormed the police station six months ago. We look at how many people have been arrested, and ask what punishment they might face.”
Story Two:
‘I’m ashamed my father was a Capitol Hill rioter’
“Over the past five years, Robyn Sweet became more concerned as her father became immersed in far-right conspiracy theories. Then she saw the picture of him in handcuffs inside the US Capitol building on 6 January.
Douglas Sweet declined to be interviewed by the BBC.
He is one of hundreds of pro-Trump protesters who stormed the US Capitol four months ago. We look at how many people have been arrested, and ask what punishment they might face.”
Mustapha – apologies – I put up the new thread as you published your ‘quiz ‘ – perhaps it needs to be carried over to the midweek one …. Cheers Fedup
Bias readers and posters, Take heart !
Al Beeb’s propaganda and bias is not working .
Take the 2016 Brexit Vote , The 2019 General Election Vote and now the recent vote. The major opposition party, Labour got totally stuffed .
You mean the elections where the BBC’s other Islington Socialist party won
The one that keeps spending money like crazy
and has crazy scheme whereby the government bans the efficient use of energy and insists less efficient wind/solar should be used instead
ultimately that’s a wealth reduction scheme for the public
and then the other half of people’s money disappears down the plughole due to the hyperbolic property prices
which in turn are partly created by the party’s open border policy.
As a victim of that……..I can safely say…..dead right.