More race on R4
4pm “Blackface and minstrelsy – Laurie Taylor explores a troubled history”
Then a trailer for 1. “Gangster” The Story of Paul Massey.
Not only the rise a fall of Salford’s Mr Big but it also maps the highs and low of Salford and Manchester.
4:30pm Media Show presented now by Mobeen Azhar (BBCasianNetwork presenter)
he claims the media fell for the Boris balloon gimmick
Laurie Taylor “At its most basic level, ‘blackface’ is the application of any prosthetic to imitate the complexion of another race.
In theory, it’s a performance available to all, yet ‘whiteface’ is relatively unknown.
Laurie Taylor talks to Ayanna Thompson, Regents Professor of English at Arizona State University, about the painful history of ‘blackface’,
an ancient European theatrical device that the Europeans brought with them to America.
What connects it to Blackface minstrelsy, a specific comedic performance tradition rooted in slavery, and why does this racist practice endure today?
Also, Christine Grandy, Associate Professor in History at the University of Lincoln, discusses the origins of the British Black and White Minstrel Show, a prime time, BBC variety programme which lasted for 20 years, from 1958-1978.
She uncovers a little known history in which broadcasters, the press, and audience members collectively argued that the show had nothing to do with race whilst the complaints and anger of Black people were dismissed.
“anger” ?.. I suppose the show was on my Grandma’s TV, but can’t remember ever watching it. We knew of US black people on TV like Eddie Murphy, Richie Pryor and slave dramas like Roots
but I’d never seen a black person until we went to Buckingham Palace and American black guy asked my dad to take a picture of him and hi family in front of the palace.
“A Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill will place new legal duties on students’ unions and universities in England to ensure free speech on campus”
As we depart from lockdown do your bit and fight back. Call the Wokees out in the shops, offices, clubs and pubs, wherever you encounter them. Start using non-pc words. Confront them, challenge them and bring freedom of speech back to the level that our forefathers secured for us .
Rule Britannia !
Taffman, that’s right on the button, it’s high time for the common man to kick back at this clawing away at the right to have your own opinion. The tactics are straight from the manuals of previous would-be dictators in Germany and Russia, stifle any opinion that goes against your grand plan and even make that opinion a crime.
This is the Western Worlds most pressing issue otherwise we will all end up being controlled by a raft of self-appointed rulers.
“So that it may become dominant over all other systems, however much the mushrikeen may be averse to it” (Al-Qur’an 9:33, 61:09)
Why did Blair push for more kids to go to ‘yoonie’ instead of finding a job? There lies the answer – indoctrination by ‘lefty’ tutors and lecturers reminiscent of the Maoist cultural revolution . Communism by the back door.
Kids that start a real job instead after leaving school , mix with adults with differing political views and ideals . Freedom of thought and freedom of speech.
The left-wing media are reporting on the emergency unfolding in the USA over “gas” or gasoline shortages causing huge queues at petrol pumps.
They are trying to blame it on a cyber attack on private fuel suppliers when we all know only too well it’s down to Biden’s trashing of the fossil fuel industry and along with it the economy of the USA.
There is only so long before their lies are revealed and the whole pile of dishonest crap crashes down.
Meanwhile the BBC are providing a minute-by-minute body count on the total number of dead Palestinians who are actually dying because they won’t stop trying to murder Israel citizens.
Sir James Dyson apology\ – Various outlets, Wednesday 21 April 2021
We accept that Sir James Dyson is not a prominent Conservative supporter as was stated in some of our coverage of his text messages with the Prime Minister.
The James Dyson Foundation made a charitable gift to support the Wiltshire Engineering Festival for school children.
We accept that this does not signal affiliation to any political party and we would like to put the record straight.
Sir James also raised concerns about the accuracy of other aspects of our reporting.
We wish to make clear that Sir James contacted Number 10 in response to the Prime Minister’s direct request to him for assistance in relation to the urgent need for ventilators and incurred costs of £20m which his company voluntarily absorbed in trying to assist in the national emergency.
His text messages to the Prime Minister were also later sent to officials.
We are sorry that these facts were not always reflected in our coverage, and we apologise for not doing so.
Dated 26/04/2021
Various outlets, Wednesday 21 April 2021
In our coverage of texts he had sent to the Prime Minister we referred in various outlets to Sir James Dyson as a prominent Conservative supporter or said he backed the Conservatives.
Naturally the BBC will publish the name of the person who lied about this – the fact checker will tell us – and what their punishment it .
Meanwhile plane loads of BBC war tourists will be arriving in Israel to tell us the ‘truth ‘…. Methinks myrie and Orla leading the with that fergal character doing the ‘dead Palestinian children ‘ gig ….
Not easy to find is it? On purpose. No wonder people can’t find it.
From the Home page, go to Contact the BBC, then Complaints, then Corrections and Clarifications.
8:30pm Repeat celebrating the national day of Bangladesh
That was only just broadcast 7 weeks ago “The Birth of Bangladesh
Bangladesh was born fifty years ago.
Qasa Alom with a special programme to mark that date.
.. My cousin was teased by Pakistanis, who said he smelled of fish.”
The liberation war of 1971 was really nasty. The fighting only ended when India came in on the side of Bangladesh, by when millions had been forced to flee.
“It’s such a massive story, the birth of the *seventh most populous nation in the world*, my origin country, a place we hardly ever hear about. Even in my own community, my generation seems to know absolutely nothing about the war, the refugees, the genocide. “
BBC The home of diversity
Sunday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Monday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Tuesday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Wednesday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Wednesday BBC1 9pm drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Thursday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Asad Ali, 37, of Brighouse, is charged with two counts of rape
Ajmal Aziz, 39 of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape and attempted rape
Mohammed Jangier, 44, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Asif, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Harris Ahmed Butt, 37, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault
Taukeer Butt, 36, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Muitasim Khan, 40, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Hamza, 47, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohsin Mir, 40, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Javid Mir, 38, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Haroon Saddique, 37, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Zahir Iqbal, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sarfraz Rabnawaz, 35, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Wajid Addalat, 43, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sajid Addalat, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Nazim Hussain, 43, of Bradford, is charged with conspiracy to rape
Nadeem Saddiqque, 43, of Sheffield, is charged with rape
Saquab Hussain, 43, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sadakat Ali, 48, of Bradford, is charged with rape
Ziarab Mohammed, 48, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Imran Raja Yasin, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Zulfiqar Ali, 40, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Malik Abid Qadeer, 64, of Halifax, is charged with five counts of rape
Kamran Amin, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Mohammed Akhtar, 51, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Ali Zulfiqar, 38, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Shafiq Ali Rafiq, 40, of Dewsbury, is charged with two counts of rape
Amir Shaban, 45, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sakeb Nazir, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Vlad -I am astonished that BIG BROTHERfrom the diversity dept
of the BBC allowed this child rape and exploitation to be
covered on the BBC website . Any of these men could of become
mayors of their towns if they would of stood for election.
At 2am UK time it had slipped to the ‘England’ sub-page needing a further click to see and now it has disappeared into regions where you will never find it.
Just had the misfortune to catch a bit of the BBC 6 o’clock News and instantly got two blatant examples of their bias. Their reporter in Gaza stated that the Hamas missiles were in retaliation for Israeli attacks though I’m fairly certain that they started it. Then there was a distressed citizen bewailing the attacks which killed innocent civilians and asked why they were targeted, as opposed, I assume, to the super-accurate hundreds of Hamas rockets fired daily into Israel aimed, no doubt, at purely military targets.
That was followed by a report on the latest Covid outbreak in the North West which was given a variant number and compared to the Kent variant.
Why wasn’t it called the Indian variant, for that what it was? We can’t have our ethnics tarred with something nasty, can we?
I also saw the BBC 6pm News. I noted that when the newsreader referred to Ramadamalinglong she spoke of the ‘Holy month of Ramadam’.
Thank you BBC for reminding us how to respect the heathens
The BBC is a cowardly, traitorous organisation that will happily give air time to ANYBODY who will mock England and it’s traditions. The British public who are, by and large, a people who can have a laugh at their own expense.
I challenge the BBC to mock Islam.
Well? I’m waiting Auntie.
My Twitter feed isn’t working. Can someone forward me Keir’s Tweet condemning Hamas violence against Israel and its firing of rockets into civilian areas?
I’m giving Bojo two fingers now, after all our hard work following lockdown removal of civil liberties and these knuckleheads let a load of Indians in carrying their ‘new variant of concern’
Strange that the red tories seem not to react to clear and damaging falsehoods – paricularly in relation to a named individual .
I dont suppose the lefty ‘ electoral commission ‘ will be looking at the conduct of the BBC before an election .
The PM has apologised for shootings in NI which happened when he was 7 …. It seems that the IRA are not apologised with the way the apology was delivered . Perhaps the troll on this site could draft a ‘pro formae ‘ for the next one the IRA want an apology for ….. shouldn’t be too difficult since the troll is so good at cut and pasting ….
In all the time I’ve been subjected to CNN while travelling ( since its founding in 1980) none of those words is immediately associated with what I’ve seen and heard.
Every person of authority (justice, police, politicians, councillors, social workers, home office, ..etc) who failed this girl should be held to extreme account.
I expect the following to soon disappear from BBC News.
Twenty-nine men have been charged in connection with the sexual exploitation and rape of a girl over a seven-year period in West Yorkshire.
The offences are said to have taken place in and around Calderdale and Bradford between 2003 and 2010 when the victim was aged between 13 and 20.
The men are due to appear at Bradford Magistrates’ Court on 7 and 9 July.
Eight other suspects arrested during the West Yorkshire Police investigation have been released without charge.
More stories from across Yorkshire
Those charged are:
Asad Ali, 37, of Brighouse, is charged with two counts of rape
Ajmal Aziz, 39 of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape and attempted rape
Mohammed Jangier, 44, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Asif, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Harris Ahmed Butt, 37, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault
Taukeer Butt, 36, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Muitasim Khan, 40, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Hamza, 47, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohsin Mir, 40, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Javid Mir, 38, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Haroon Saddique, 37, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Zahir Iqbal, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sarfraz Rabnawaz, 35, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Wajid Addalat, 43, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sajid Addalat, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Nazim Hussain, 43, of Bradford, is charged with conspiracy to rape
Nadeem Saddiqque, 43, of Sheffield, is charged with rape
Saquab Hussain, 43, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sadakat Ali, 48, of Bradford, is charged with rape
Ziarab Mohammed, 48, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Imran Raja Yasin, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Zulfiqar Ali, 40, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Malik Abid Qadeer, 64, of Halifax, is charged with five counts of rape
Kamran Amin, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Mohammed Akhtar, 51, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Ali Zulfiqar, 38, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Shafiq Ali Rafiq, 40, of Dewsbury, is charged with two counts of rape
Amir Shaban, 45, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sakeb Nazir, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
How dare the authorities try to brush these atrocities under the carpet! Despicable and disgusting. I will not detail how I think they should be punished.
Note how the picture the BBC use to illustrate this story is the back end of a police car. Not relevant in the slightest.
Same as they do when reporting on looters.
Both avoid showing us the embarassing truth.
I’ll keep an eye on the story to see if it disappears from the front page before breakfast.
Alistair Heath writing in the DT this morning claims that multiculturalism and integration have worked much better in the UK than in France and consequently we don’t have the same tensions nor do we need the ban on immigration proposed by M Barnier.
He seems to forget the never ending stream of convicted Muslims and of course all their young victims. He forgets Lee Rigby , the Manchester bombings , the recent intimidation at Batley Grammar school and all the long list of Muslim atrocities. Like 99% of the UK commentariat he is deluded if he thinks we are better placed than France on this. In fact I think we are in a much worse place because in France MLP will certainly get at least 33% of the presidential vote next year, hopefully more than that, but in the UK we have no politician prepared to face down Islamisation.
My one reservation about Brexit was that if MLP and Salvini are elected and join the Visegrad group then the EU May begin to defend itself from invasion and we won’t be part of it.
#1 “Richard Burgon MP Today at 7:00 PM ·
Socialist Campaign Group – Rally for Socialism
With: Jeremy Corbyn MP▪️John McDonnell MP▪️ Diane Abbott MP▪️Richard Burgon MP ▪️Rebe… See More
#2 COVID coincidences coverup (conspiracy theory video I guess)
Here is an article from the Guardian archieves dated 1997 in which it details several left wing figures who supported the Eugenics movement in some quite shocking ways, beliefs and suggestions.
How about a government colour coded pass which only allowed you to procreate with others who had a similarly coded pass?
Or how eerily precient this New Statesman quote is.
“Statesman agreed, explaining in July 1931: “The legitimate claims of eugenics are not inherently incompatible with the outlook of the collectivist movement. On the contrary, they would be expected to find their most intransigent opponents amongst those who cling to the individualistic views of parenthood and family economics.” The bottom line is bleak but clear. Eugenics, the art and science of breeding better men, is not just the historical problem of Germany and now Scandinavia, nor even of the jackbooted right. It took root right here in Britain – pushed and argued by the left. Indeed, contempt for ordinary people and outright racism were two of the defining creeds of British socialism.”
And there you have it from the Guardian itself “contempt for ordinary people and outright racism were two of the defining creeds of British socialism.”
But perhaps even more extraordinary is the admission that Hitlers Nazis were Socialist.
“For years, leftists, historians and everyone else have drawn a veil over Adolf Hitler’s naming of his creed National Socialism. It has been dismissed as a perverse PR trick of the Fuhrer’s, as if Nazism and socialism represented opposite faiths. The same view has infused the left’s understanding of the genocides committed in the name of communism, whether by Stalin or Pol Pot, as if those men were merely betraying the otherwise noble theory whose cause they proclaimed. But the early history of British socialism tells a different story. It suggests that socialism – with its unshakable faith in science, central planning and the cool wisdom of the rational elite – contained the seeds of the atrocities that were to come later.”
There are lots of famous names in this piece, and it really is a recognition of the evils Socialism wrought on the world in the first half of the twentieth century, how strange it is that today they have revisionised all this out of all knowledge.
They absolutely were socialists and might have been the first example where the Left started redefining words so they can’t be used as labels against them.
I see lots of similarities between the Left (particularly the Democrats in the USA) and what Hitler did to silence opposition. It’s the same nasty, underhand and spiteful way they go after their enemies using any dirty trick they can think of.
“Covid: Lessons to be learned from spring 2022 public inquiry – PM”
The go to and get out words of politicians , “Lessons to be learned”.
Today with @MarthaKearney and @bbcnickrobinson – An Israeli mother and a Palestinian mother on their fears as violence continues; efforts to bring down hospital waiting lists in England; and listeners' Mass Observation diaries. #R4Today
Rockets pound Israel after Hamas commanders killed
The violence between Israel and Palestine continues to escalate. Hundreds of air strikes and rocket attacks have been carried out so far. And now dozens of rockets have been launched at Israel after Israeli air strikes killed senior Hamas commanders and demolished a multi-storey building in Gaza. The United Nations is warning of a “full-scale war” as the fighting shows no sign of abating. The death toll is rising – at least 65 people, including 14 children, have been killed in Gaza and seven in Israel. The latest pounding from rockets has resulted in several locations being hit in southern Israel, according to reports.
“Nothing can justify an Arab mob assaulting Jews, and nothing can justify a Jewish mob assaulting Arabs,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video statement, as reported by the Times of Israel. He said the attacks amounted to “anarchy” and was planning to send in military forces to help police maintain order in cities ruptured by violence. How did Israel and Palestine reach this point? We’ve had a look at the reasons behind the conflict.
If the BBC is ‘having a look’, and JezBo is sharing a selfie at the airport… turn away now.
So…. his ‘assessment’ is based on what his colleagues, presumably not the ones smoking, tell him and the ‘claims’ of his hosts… having arrived overnight?
It simply beggars belief that the BBC continues to parrot out the ’65 Palestinian deaths including 14 children and 7 Israelis’ as though, just as Goebbels advised, repetition of a lie creates truth.
There can be no substantiated figures for deaths in the current mayhem, let alone that 14 are ‘innocent children’. The figures are actually emotive fake news and to their shame and our expectation, our world renowned news service continues to undermine what is left of its own credibility.
“When somebody is not following international human rights… using war weapons on innocent civillians, [they should be told] ‘Enough, we are not going to fund that’ and we’re going to fight back against racism and oppression.”
Congresswoman Rashida Tliab says that funding to Israel from the US should cease as a result of the current conflict.
At least one of the dramatic tower-block collapses looked very much like demolition charges, exploding simultaneously from around the base, rather than the impact of guided missiles which must strike at an angle – and which other buildings in the vicinity would prevent at street level.
Bowen: “Any one who raises a hand against them [Israel]” – carefully chosen words! It doesn’t quite convey the notion of showering Israel with rockets.
PM ‘apologises for events in Ballymurphy’ in 1971
Fifty years ago British soldiers are sent in to defeat the enemy and our ‘Churchillian’ Prime Minister becomes an apologist.
Uyghur imams targeted in China’s Xinjiang crackdown
‘Many of the detained clerics faced broad charges like “propagating extremism”, “gathering a crowd to disturb social order”, and “inciting separatism”.’
‘According to testimony from relatives, the real crimes behind these charges are often things like preaching, convening prayer groups, or simply acting as an imam.’
You couldn’t get more vague if you tried. ‘Many’ ?. ‘Often’ ?.
Hands up those who believe the relatives.
Lesson #1: A Muslim will never side with a non-Muslim against another Muslim. No matter what.
If someone went into the extremely rare HYS opened for the WHO covid story and posted ‘When will the BBC start accusing HAMAS of committing war crimes by specifically targetting civilians’, how long do you think it would take them to delete it ?.
Less then 5 minutes I reckon.
It’s amazing how often the top rated comments are ‘This comment was deleted because it broke the house rules’.
BBC Young Reporter: ‘I witnessed transphobia towards my mum’
Nothing against the lad and his ‘mum’, but what I absolutely disgaree with is that people like this are the ones being taken on by the national, tax-payer funded state news organisation and given a soapbox to preach their own unbalanced view of the world.
Courts could punish paedophiles on intent not harm
Not defending peodophiles, but the concept of someone deciding what they think someone elses intent was then punishing them as if they actually did it is a bit scary.
Next on the list will be ‘Far-right terrorists’ being sentenced as if they actually murdered people (Which we are constantly being warned about even though virtually all the actual attacks are by Muslims who they never mention).
Next would be arresting all Trump supporters for insurrection.
Then what ?. Where does this rabbit hole end ?.
Totally agree. We are slipping down a dark road here. Police have already been checking people’s thinking during hate crime investigations. This would be another step down that road . The whole concept of justice is being undermined by the politicians, courts and the police.
Little Mix’s Leigh-Anne has been making a documentary about her experience of being the only black member of her group and has been speaking to fellow musicians about racism in the music industry.
You are right, the group IS racist Leigh-Anne.
Your band is 33% black in a population where it is only 10%.
‘Leigh-Anne also touches on colourism – when a lighter-skinned person is favoured over a darker-skinned person due to the shade of their skin.’
What a typically left-wing racist thing to say. Why doesn’t it apply both ways ?.
I would say ‘colourism’ is far more common in the opposite direction these days. But as usual the left have defined it so it only works in their ‘labelling’ favour.
What absolute idiots.
Someone show them the videos of ISIS throwing gays off a building.
It’s not the throwing they should take note of : it’s the baying mob at the bottom throwing the rocks. They are not being forced.
"Keir Starmer has provided new leadership… but we all have a collective responsibility to show exactly what we stand for"@bbcnickrobinson asks shadow business secretary Ed Miliband how has Labour Party changed since he stepped down as leader
Guest who
I described this ‘act’ yesterday as pretty fair stand up comedy by BBC standards. Q. ‘What does keir stand for ?’ A absolutely nothing …. But the rest of the party are just woke loons who hate the voter mugs ….”
The question to ask is not, “what does Sir Keir stand for?” (me neither) but rather, “what does Sir Keir kneel for?” We all know the answer to that, and it’s not BLT sandwiches.
Sometimes we see a news story and notice how the associated details give us a form of state of the nation snapshot.
Or in this case the sad state of the nation.
‘Karadzic will get extra protection after transfer to British jail‘ (Times) – there’s a name to conjure a wave of nostalgia for the days when I still watched BBC TV news and Yugoslavia was still a thing. Night after night the BBC, who love to prioritise foreign affairs, would bang on about the Serbian warlord – I think he was named Caravan Rabbithutch – I wasn’t especially interested, as you can tell.
Well, if you are going to pretend to be the world’s policeman – former Labour Foreign Secretary Robin Cook (there’s one for the teenagers) used to call it an ethical foreign policy – that means you’ll have to pay a certain amount of expense.
‘…the former Sebian president and war criminal, is being transferred to a UK prison where he will get extra security to protect him against revenge attacks by Muslim inmates‘ – perhaps that will benefit G4S profits? – I’m tempted here to assume the tone of outrage associated with Oscar Wild’s Lady Bracknell as played by Maggie Smith when she was told something about handbags and exclaim: “Attacks by Muslim inmates! In OUR prisons!”
How did we ever get ourselves involved in that Yugoslav mess? Oh, that’s right, the EU made a hash of it and the Americans had to come over and sort it out.
Luckily the Israelis know how to look after themselves: ‘We attack until there is “complete quiet” – Israel‘ – the Guardian there quoting what I believe they intend to be criticism of Israel.
Former editor of the Sun Kelvin MacKenzie, as a guest on Newsnight, once taunted those pompous correspondents on the BBC and Channel 4 over their obsessive love for what he termed “foreign bang bang” to the exclusion of important local news.
There’s no escaping the fact, for all our modern egalitarianism, Britain is a society built on and shot through with class distinctions which determine our alternate world views.
The Daily Express, something of a wannabe middle class paper, today asks: ‘How posh are you?‘ meanwhile the Daily Star is content to live without pretention as it offers: ‘The best crisp sarnies in the world‘
In a fresh flair up of wallpaper wars…
The Daily Mail invites former make-over king Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen to question: ‘Were YOU potty enough to fall for FARROW & BALL?‘ whilst the Telegraph sounds almost as aghast as Lady Bracknell: ‘Oh no, has Farrow and Ball jumped the Dead Salmon?‘
I’m going to call the posh Telegraph out here. They are clearly referencing the modern American showbiz expression jumped the shark which originates with that popular teenage comedy show Happy Days with Henry Winkler as Fonzie (a break out character in case you were wondering) where as the script writers ran out of ideas they had the diminuative jewish actor playing a fashionable italian heart throb go water skiing and jump a shark. I guess if the Telegraph want to use that idiom they may.
Read this next headline and tell me the left-liberal ‘i’ newspaper isn’t rather distressed and disappointed that lockdown might possibly be coming to an end: ‘Fears for end of lockdown after varient cases triple‘
Nostalgia is always in fashion. The Sun, Express and Mirror all feature Madeleine McCann stories. Less said soonest not sued.
All the usuals are present today. Your racism – if you want it – is there in the ‘i’ newspaper’s arts section: ‘Underground Railroad – a story that has to be told‘ – and they don’t mean HS2.
I though for a moment the Guardian carried today’s female celeb angst feature: ‘Fear mistrust and paranoia‘ – turns out it’s just a hit job by the chinless wonder civil servants on Priti Patel’s Home Office. For my public sector readers the Home Office in case you’ve forgotten is the government department dealing with home affairs, not the spare bedroom, conservatory or cupboard under the stairs, where you’ve been zooming into your diversity conferences these last fourteen months.
For your female celeb journo angst turn instead to the Times: ‘I’m a woman. Hear my rage‘ says Deborah Ross. And yes, it’s not just me making male chauvinist assumptions here, it really is the time of the month: ‘Harness that menopausal rage: punch holes in the wall for open-plan living‘ – I’m not sure whether we’re on wimmin’s issues here or whether we’re back on the interior decor?
Really truly unprecidented news from America this morning. It’s a letter from 120 senior retired generals and Admirals criticising Biden and his loons, and calling into question the validity of the US election.
Of course these are the retired officers, as the serving ones cannot sign these letters without risk of losing their positions, but I think the sheer hate corruption and rotteness at the heart of Bidens government will not be able to stop themselves taking reprisals against these brave men.
Biden has not been in power for many weeks and already he is causing chaos in the country, a country which expert analysists have predicted would descend into civil war if they do not stop the polarisation. This has not dettered the loons one little bit and they appear to welcome the prospect, and as we know from history, nothing kills like Socialism kills!
The letter by the US generals makes some very significant points about the current state of America.
The BBC are ignoring it of course. If they do get round to reporting it, it’ll be to dismiss it as they did the French officers’ letter, which they dismissed as by some fringe malcontents, completely ignoring the huge approval rating it got in opinion surveys.
Sounds like the BBC is supporting the forming of “the Islamic state of Palestine ‘…… meanwhile anyone know what’s going on in those third world bits of Blighty such as Bolton – on – variant …?
What a surprise.
Even the BBC, if sheepishly, had to mention the Bolton indian variant flare up is down to returning people prior to the red list imposition.
Quite why anyone at all was travelling between Bolton and the indian sub continent was not of course addressed.
Enrichment takes many forms, and covid variants is just one of the latest examples.
A slight concern is that by reducing the vibrancy of certain voting patterns the government also reduces the less vibrant voting of the elderly, computer-hesitant, and infirm.
Let’s hope Boris has done the Maths on this.
What they actually need to sort out is postal voting, which I get automatically having requested it once, for the 2010 GE. How many of these float round the system and are filled in …errrr……in non-optimal ways?
I somehow think that the BBC will not report on those constituencies with the highest turn out of postal votes and what party is elected – nor postal voting in university towns…..but i think we could guess.
Fedup2, if postal voting is banned, what would you recommend for someone who is perfectly compos mentis but, due to their particular circumstances, cannot get out of their residence?
How do you explain to them that they are being disenfranchised?
And as with BBC exemptions what was allowed for good reason (source protection) gets pushed and abused for no good reason (BBC not keen on anyone knowing).
There were several; all legitimate… military, incapacity, etc. Provable and allowed for.
Somehow it got extended to not being able to read or write or indeed comprehend anything beyond ‘Imam says hand over’.
I dont know – maybe some sort of amazon personal visit with a GP certificate thing – — but voter ID must come in because every fraudulent vote is a crime – and at the moment the State is looking the other way .
These words will greatly upset this country’s chief producer of News or think they are and yet have they not asked questions to this report.
‘The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis-The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detecting the SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin.
Exactly one year later however on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. While the WHO does not deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they nonetheless recommend “Re-testing” (which everybody knows is an impossibility). The World Health Organization (WHO) tacitly admits one year later that ALL PCR tests conducted at a 35 cycle amplification threshold (Ct) or higher are INVALID. But that is what they recommended in January 2020, in consultation with the virology team at Charité Hospital in Berlin.
This is not an issue of “Weak Positives” and “Risk of False Positive Increases”. What is at stake is a “Flawed Methodology” which leads to invalid estimates.
What this admission of the WHO confirms is that the estimate of covid positive from a PCR test (with an amplification threshold of 35 cycles or higher) is invalid. In which case, the WHO recommends retesting: “a new specimen should be taken and retested…”.
The WHO calls for “Retesting”, which is tantamount to “We Screwed Up”.
Above an amplification cycle of 35 or higher, the test will not detect fragments of the virus. Therefore, the official “covid numbers” are meaningless.
It follows that there is no scientific basis for confirming the existence of a pandemic.
Which in turn means that the lockdown / economic measures which have resulted in social panic, mass poverty and unemployment (allegedly to curtail the spread of the virus) have no justification whatsoever.
Not only a terrible waste of money but of time-think we have been led up the garden path. Not word from the BBC however.
For anoraks – on the lefty UK Press Gazette site today is an interview with Jon sopel who explains that whilst US journos were biased against the True President he and the BBC were not . Could have fooled me Jon.
Apparently it is boring now …
I’m fed up of hearing his name – amazing what publicity you can get for your new book if you work for the BBC.
I went to check reviews of his last book expecting it to be panned – but it scored very highly. Slightly off balance, I checked some actual review comments.
They were all Lefties. One bloke even complained that Sopel had used his ‘BBC non-bias’ to point out a couple of faults with Biden after he had lambasted Trump. He thought Biden didn’t deserve any criticism.
At this point I realised why it scored so highy. Only the extreme Left read it.
I can’t wait to find out how many actually get charged with insurrection.
Then I can’t wait to throw it back into their lying faces every chance I get.
I know I’ve been banging on about the poverty pittance of a salary that the British Prime Minister receives, but this morning I am gobsmacked to find out it’s so derisory that even the first minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon is paid more !
The first minister of Wales is paid only slightly less at £147,983
None of these numpties has anywhere close to the responsibilities of the British PM with no economic, taxation, defence foreign policy, or thank God any finger on a nuclear button which could end human life on this planet.
More than two million people across the UK are living without at least one essential piece of furniture or major household appliance, according to the End Furniture Poverty campaign.
I tried donating an old sofa to a charity that provides furnature for “people in desparate need”.
The charity insisted I take the sofa to them and if it is more than 2 years old or a “bit tatty” they will reject it and I will have to take it away again. I gave it away on FreeCycle instead.
Similar to the food banks not accepting fresh vegtables unless it has been processed to death an now in a Pot Noodle plastic pot.
… I used to live with a lady who had OCD and had cans regimented according to the sell by date in days and months whereas I was dealing in decades … didn’t last !
I bet those 2 million have all got a wide screen tele though.
How times change. Despite getting married in 1979 it was 18 years later before I had a washing machine !!! – (the launderette made a fortune from me) but I never considered for a second that I lived ‘in poverty’. My parents were married for almost 30 years before they had a fridge or telephone !
Oh, and somehow I’ve reached 72 without feeling incomplete because I’ve never had a dishwasher.
Interesting – I understand that jo conburn is Jewish and a practicing Jew . I guess her love of the BBC outweighs her dislike of Israel – in accordance with BBC narrative .
If I was running Israel I don’t think Palestine territories would be high in lists of places to help out with vaccines they way they are carrying on …
London with sadick as mayor celebrates ramalamadingdong
As Eid celebrations around the world begin – Trafalgar Square shines bright – offering us all a moment to reflect on the values of peace, charity, and compassion that epitomise #Ramadan.
Article on BBC lunchtime news about the HS2 tunnel under the Chiltern hills.
They find a concrete slab engineer to interview.
Must’ve found the only female Concrete slab engineer in the world, but also just happened to be a foreigner.
Just to remind us how essential immigrants are I guess….
While the treasonous BBC are very keen to tell us all about the ‘horrors’ of the Israeli counter measures against islamic terrorists, they’re strangely quiet about the activities of radical islamists much closer to home.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali has no such compunction:
“A few months ago, William Shawcross was asked by the government to lead an independent review into its anti-terrorism strategy, Prevent, and to ‘consider the UK’s strategy for protecting people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism’. Ever since his appointment was announced, Shawcross has been attacked by an array of activists who want to minimise any scrutiny of Islamist organisations. The campaign against him has been vicious but it has also been deeply instructive.
The opposition has been so intense that it has led some to believe that the UK Muslim ‘community’ is outraged by the independent review. There is a significant difference, however, between Muslims and Islamists. Shawcross is an exceptionally talented man whom I know well. His career of service is a distinguished one (…)
He has a reputation for fairness and fearlessness; he is an excellent choice.
But if I could give him one piece of advice, it would be this. The scope of his review should be expanded to look at the individual networks of Islamist groups which are technically separate but in practice hunt as a pack. Their approach forms the basis of what is known in Islamic culture as ‘dawa’. The campaign against Shawcross is in fact a good illustration of the Islamist dawa programme, which is why it badly needs his scrutiny. To solve any problem, you must first recognise it. Nearly 16 years after the 7/7 attacks in London, it is striking how many policymakers struggle to see the true face — and nature — of the jihadi menace.”
"A recipe for tyranny and oppression…and that’s why I oppose the scheme. If I’m obliged to have one by the emanations of the state, I will grind it up and eat it on my cornflakes”
Ive argued here before that politicians are politicians first and human beings second . The labour MP – one Kate Green described covid as a ‘good crisis for Labour ‘ -presumably she calculated that more tory voters would die than labour .
Very much the mentality of Remainers wishing older people would die as they were more likely to be brexiters .
I’m surprised the BBC reported this and showed photos of the criminals who are:
Kashif Mahmood
Shazad Khan
Shabaz Khan
Moshin Khan
Maria Shah
Ioan Gherghel
Is the BBC Diversity Protection Director on holiday? How else did this web article get to go live?
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Today Katie ‘cor’ razzle – the media person at the BBC – tells us that the MP culture committee is…
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ukraine The msm seems surprised that president trump is pulling the plug on Ukraine . I don’t get that -…
Fedup2Mar 4, 06:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Tomo – I’ve been watching Cruz and Hawley and Kennedy regularly eviserserating federal judicial candidates put forward by Biden for…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sadly John, I think that it may be that those two groups have only a single standard, a glazed far-left…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Perfect example of a single-hammer roof structure, with obloid grunches, nibbled flangelets, perpendicular willy-braces, teeteekay phnarghs, decorated scrabsterites, knotted wanquers, plonkette tenants,…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Morning Fed! Back in the eighties, I was working with a construction company and discovered rich pickings, building for the…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
More race on R4
4pm “Blackface and minstrelsy – Laurie Taylor explores a troubled history”
Then a trailer for
1. “Gangster” The Story of Paul Massey.
Not only the rise a fall of Salford’s Mr Big but it also maps the highs and low of Salford and Manchester.
4:30pm Media Show presented now by Mobeen Azhar (BBCasianNetwork presenter)
he claims the media fell for the Boris balloon gimmick
Laurie Taylor “At its most basic level, ‘blackface’ is the application of any prosthetic to imitate the complexion of another race.
In theory, it’s a performance available to all, yet ‘whiteface’ is relatively unknown.
Laurie Taylor talks to Ayanna Thompson, Regents Professor of English at Arizona State University, about the painful history of ‘blackface’,
an ancient European theatrical device that the Europeans brought with them to America.
What connects it to Blackface minstrelsy, a specific comedic performance tradition rooted in slavery, and why does this racist practice endure today?
Also, Christine Grandy, Associate Professor in History at the University of Lincoln, discusses the origins of the British Black and White Minstrel Show, a prime time, BBC variety programme which lasted for 20 years, from 1958-1978.
She uncovers a little known history in which broadcasters, the press, and audience members collectively argued that the show had nothing to do with race whilst the complaints and anger of Black people were dismissed.
“anger” ?.. I suppose the show was on my Grandma’s TV, but can’t remember ever watching it. We knew of US black people on TV like Eddie Murphy, Richie Pryor and slave dramas like Roots
but I’d never seen a black person until we went to Buckingham Palace and American black guy asked my dad to take a picture of him and hi family in front of the palace.
“A Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill will place new legal duties on students’ unions and universities in England to ensure free speech on campus”
As we depart from lockdown do your bit and fight back. Call the Wokees out in the shops, offices, clubs and pubs, wherever you encounter them. Start using non-pc words. Confront them, challenge them and bring freedom of speech back to the level that our forefathers secured for us .
Rule Britannia !
Taffman, that’s right on the button, it’s high time for the common man to kick back at this clawing away at the right to have your own opinion. The tactics are straight from the manuals of previous would-be dictators in Germany and Russia, stifle any opinion that goes against your grand plan and even make that opinion a crime.
This is the Western Worlds most pressing issue otherwise we will all end up being controlled by a raft of self-appointed rulers.
“So that it may become dominant over all other systems, however much the mushrikeen may be averse to it” (Al-Qur’an 9:33, 61:09)
Why did Blair push for more kids to go to ‘yoonie’ instead of finding a job? There lies the answer – indoctrination by ‘lefty’ tutors and lecturers reminiscent of the Maoist cultural revolution . Communism by the back door.
Kids that start a real job instead after leaving school , mix with adults with differing political views and ideals . Freedom of thought and freedom of speech.
The left-wing media are reporting on the emergency unfolding in the USA over “gas” or gasoline shortages causing huge queues at petrol pumps.
They are trying to blame it on a cyber attack on private fuel suppliers when we all know only too well it’s down to Biden’s trashing of the fossil fuel industry and along with it the economy of the USA.
There is only so long before their lies are revealed and the whole pile of dishonest crap crashes down.
Meanwhile the BBC are providing a minute-by-minute body count on the total number of dead Palestinians who are actually dying because they won’t stop trying to murder Israel citizens.
“ We are sorry that these facts were not always reflected in our coverage, and we apologise for not doing so.”
That famous BBC objective impartiality funded by coercion…
What’s Marianna up to I wonder?
From BBC editorial?
The comments on order-order are pointing out that there is no sign of the apology to James Dyson on the bBC website.
Actually the corrections page already had a correction then today that was boosted by an apology.
Dated 12/05/21
Dated 26/04/2021
Naturally the BBC will publish the name of the person who lied about this – the fact checker will tell us – and what their punishment it .
Meanwhile plane loads of BBC war tourists will be arriving in Israel to tell us the ‘truth ‘…. Methinks myrie and Orla leading the with that fergal character doing the ‘dead Palestinian children ‘ gig ….
Not easy to find is it? On purpose. No wonder people can’t find it.
From the Home page, go to Contact the BBC, then Complaints, then Corrections and Clarifications.
8:30pm Repeat celebrating the national day of Bangladesh
That was only just broadcast 7 weeks ago
“The Birth of Bangladesh
Bangladesh was born fifty years ago.
Qasa Alom with a special programme to mark that date.
.. My cousin was teased by Pakistanis, who said he smelled of fish.”
The liberation war of 1971 was really nasty. The fighting only ended when India came in on the side of Bangladesh, by when millions had been forced to flee.
“It’s such a massive story, the birth of the *seventh most populous nation in the world*, my origin country, a place we hardly ever hear about. Even in my own community, my generation seems to know absolutely nothing about the war, the refugees, the genocide. “
7th it’s not, it’s 8th
China, India, United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil,
Nigeria 206m , Bangladesh 165m , Russia 146m and Mexico 129m.
BBC The home of diversity
Sunday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Monday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Tuesday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Wednesday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Wednesday BBC1 9pm drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Thursday R4 drama. lead actor Toby Jones
Fancy that – the bBC have given the names of 29 ‘men’ charged with rape of a girl over a seven-year period.
All seem Muslim names
6 are called Mohammed
You mean these?
Asad Ali, 37, of Brighouse, is charged with two counts of rape
Ajmal Aziz, 39 of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape and attempted rape
Mohammed Jangier, 44, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Asif, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Harris Ahmed Butt, 37, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault
Taukeer Butt, 36, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Muitasim Khan, 40, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Hamza, 47, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohsin Mir, 40, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Javid Mir, 38, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Haroon Saddique, 37, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Zahir Iqbal, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sarfraz Rabnawaz, 35, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Wajid Addalat, 43, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sajid Addalat, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Nazim Hussain, 43, of Bradford, is charged with conspiracy to rape
Nadeem Saddiqque, 43, of Sheffield, is charged with rape
Saquab Hussain, 43, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sadakat Ali, 48, of Bradford, is charged with rape
Ziarab Mohammed, 48, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Imran Raja Yasin, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Zulfiqar Ali, 40, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Malik Abid Qadeer, 64, of Halifax, is charged with five counts of rape
Kamran Amin, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Mohammed Akhtar, 51, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Ali Zulfiqar, 38, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Shafiq Ali Rafiq, 40, of Dewsbury, is charged with two counts of rape
Amir Shaban, 45, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sakeb Nazir, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Vlad -I am astonished that BIG BROTHERfrom the diversity dept
of the BBC allowed this child rape and exploitation to be
covered on the BBC website . Any of these men could of become
mayors of their towns if they would of stood for election.
I’m sure the culprit will be duly sacked.
And the report is safely hidden away in Regions.
A bacon sandwich in the wrong place would be on the Home page.
At 2am UK time it had slipped to the ‘England’ sub-page needing a further click to see and now it has disappeared into regions where you will never find it.
Bbc News
“We should all give a massive, massive round of applause and give Boris [Johnson] a message that we all support a fair pay rise for our frontline.”
Someone at an awards show.
Local ITV news : scare story about nitrites in meat.
I think it’s a myth that natural is best and prefer food without dangerous mould or bacteria.
Charity shops?
Bet she’s got a mobile though, probably top of the range.
Just had the misfortune to catch a bit of the BBC 6 o’clock News and instantly got two blatant examples of their bias. Their reporter in Gaza stated that the Hamas missiles were in retaliation for Israeli attacks though I’m fairly certain that they started it. Then there was a distressed citizen bewailing the attacks which killed innocent civilians and asked why they were targeted, as opposed, I assume, to the super-accurate hundreds of Hamas rockets fired daily into Israel aimed, no doubt, at purely military targets.
That was followed by a report on the latest Covid outbreak in the North West which was given a variant number and compared to the Kent variant.
Why wasn’t it called the Indian variant, for that what it was? We can’t have our ethnics tarred with something nasty, can we?
I also saw the BBC 6pm News. I noted that when the newsreader referred to Ramadamalinglong she spoke of the ‘Holy month of Ramadam’.
Thank you BBC for reminding us how to respect the heathens
Yes the BBC is truly infested .
The BBC is a cowardly, traitorous organisation that will happily give air time to ANYBODY who will mock England and it’s traditions. The British public who are, by and large, a people who can have a laugh at their own expense.
I challenge the BBC to mock Islam.
Well? I’m waiting Auntie.
Feeling angry tonight!
I’m giving Bojo two fingers now, after all our hard work following lockdown removal of civil liberties and these knuckleheads let a load of Indians in carrying their ‘new variant of concern’
Odd that the BBC ran three items defaming Boris in the 2 weeks leading up to the recent elections. hell of a coincidence.
Strange that the red tories seem not to react to clear and damaging falsehoods – paricularly in relation to a named individual .
I dont suppose the lefty ‘ electoral commission ‘ will be looking at the conduct of the BBC before an election .
The PM has apologised for shootings in NI which happened when he was 7 …. It seems that the IRA are not apologised with the way the apology was delivered . Perhaps the troll on this site could draft a ‘pro formae ‘ for the next one the IRA want an apology for ….. shouldn’t be too difficult since the troll is so good at cut and pasting ….
Wait for it … (deep breaths)
I always play this song at Ramadam
“Vibrant” is the new code word for “Pakistani”.
CNN – studiously neutral team ?
In all the time I’ve been subjected to CNN while travelling ( since its founding in 1980) none of those words is immediately associated with what I’ve seen and heard.
Every person of authority (justice, police, politicians, councillors, social workers, home office, ..etc) who failed this girl should be held to extreme account.
I expect the following to soon disappear from BBC News.
Twenty-nine men have been charged in connection with the sexual exploitation and rape of a girl over a seven-year period in West Yorkshire.
The offences are said to have taken place in and around Calderdale and Bradford between 2003 and 2010 when the victim was aged between 13 and 20.
The men are due to appear at Bradford Magistrates’ Court on 7 and 9 July.
Eight other suspects arrested during the West Yorkshire Police investigation have been released without charge.
More stories from across Yorkshire
Those charged are:
Asad Ali, 37, of Brighouse, is charged with two counts of rape
Ajmal Aziz, 39 of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape and attempted rape
Mohammed Jangier, 44, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Asif, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Harris Ahmed Butt, 37, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault
Taukeer Butt, 36, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Muitasim Khan, 40, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Hamza, 47, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohsin Mir, 40, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Javid Mir, 38, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Haroon Saddique, 37, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Zahir Iqbal, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sarfraz Rabnawaz, 35, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Wajid Addalat, 43, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sajid Addalat, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Nazim Hussain, 43, of Bradford, is charged with conspiracy to rape
Nadeem Saddiqque, 43, of Sheffield, is charged with rape
Saquab Hussain, 43, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sadakat Ali, 48, of Bradford, is charged with rape
Ziarab Mohammed, 48, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Imran Raja Yasin, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Zulfiqar Ali, 40, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Malik Abid Qadeer, 64, of Halifax, is charged with five counts of rape
Kamran Amin, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Mohammed Akhtar, 51, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Ali Zulfiqar, 38, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Shafiq Ali Rafiq, 40, of Dewsbury, is charged with two counts of rape
Amir Shaban, 45, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sakeb Nazir, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Feeling angry tonight!
How dare the authorities try to brush these atrocities under the carpet! Despicable and disgusting. I will not detail how I think they should be punished.
I wonder what the common link is between these rape gangs?!?
Note how the picture the BBC use to illustrate this story is the back end of a police car. Not relevant in the slightest.
Same as they do when reporting on looters.
Both avoid showing us the embarassing truth.
I’ll keep an eye on the story to see if it disappears from the front page before breakfast.
2am UK time and the story has slipped from the ‘UK’ page onto the ‘England’ sub-page.
Next stop ‘Regions’.
Alistair Heath writing in the DT this morning claims that multiculturalism and integration have worked much better in the UK than in France and consequently we don’t have the same tensions nor do we need the ban on immigration proposed by M Barnier.
He seems to forget the never ending stream of convicted Muslims and of course all their young victims. He forgets Lee Rigby , the Manchester bombings , the recent intimidation at Batley Grammar school and all the long list of Muslim atrocities. Like 99% of the UK commentariat he is deluded if he thinks we are better placed than France on this. In fact I think we are in a much worse place because in France MLP will certainly get at least 33% of the presidential vote next year, hopefully more than that, but in the UK we have no politician prepared to face down Islamisation.
My one reservation about Brexit was that if MLP and Salvini are elected and join the Visegrad group then the EU May begin to defend itself from invasion and we won’t be part of it.
so what videos are Facebook pushing at me ?
#1 “Richard Burgon MP Today at 7:00 PM ·
Socialist Campaign Group – Rally for Socialism
With: Jeremy Corbyn MP▪️John McDonnell MP▪️ Diane Abbott MP▪️Richard Burgon MP ▪️Rebe… See More
#2 COVID coincidences coverup (conspiracy theory video I guess)
Here is an article from the Guardian archieves dated 1997 in which it details several left wing figures who supported the Eugenics movement in some quite shocking ways, beliefs and suggestions.
How about a government colour coded pass which only allowed you to procreate with others who had a similarly coded pass?
Or how eerily precient this New Statesman quote is.
“Statesman agreed, explaining in July 1931: “The legitimate claims of eugenics are not inherently incompatible with the outlook of the collectivist movement. On the contrary, they would be expected to find their most intransigent opponents amongst those who cling to the individualistic views of parenthood and family economics.” The bottom line is bleak but clear. Eugenics, the art and science of breeding better men, is not just the historical problem of Germany and now Scandinavia, nor even of the jackbooted right. It took root right here in Britain – pushed and argued by the left. Indeed, contempt for ordinary people and outright racism were two of the defining creeds of British socialism.”
And there you have it from the Guardian itself “contempt for ordinary people and outright racism were two of the defining creeds of British socialism.”
But perhaps even more extraordinary is the admission that Hitlers Nazis were Socialist.
“For years, leftists, historians and everyone else have drawn a veil over Adolf Hitler’s naming of his creed National Socialism. It has been dismissed as a perverse PR trick of the Fuhrer’s, as if Nazism and socialism represented opposite faiths. The same view has infused the left’s understanding of the genocides committed in the name of communism, whether by Stalin or Pol Pot, as if those men were merely betraying the otherwise noble theory whose cause they proclaimed. But the early history of British socialism tells a different story. It suggests that socialism – with its unshakable faith in science, central planning and the cool wisdom of the rational elite – contained the seeds of the atrocities that were to come later.”
There are lots of famous names in this piece, and it really is a recognition of the evils Socialism wrought on the world in the first half of the twentieth century, how strange it is that today they have revisionised all this out of all knowledge.
They absolutely were socialists and might have been the first example where the Left started redefining words so they can’t be used as labels against them.
I see lots of similarities between the Left (particularly the Democrats in the USA) and what Hitler did to silence opposition. It’s the same nasty, underhand and spiteful way they go after their enemies using any dirty trick they can think of.
BBC Radio 4
Is drag mainstream now?
With Elie Diamond and Drag Race UK winner Lawrence Chaney!
Subscribe to Tricky on BBC Sounds
With £5b of public funds in tiresome constant support, they need to ask?
Drag hunting must be more fun than drag racing.
“Covid: Lessons to be learned from spring 2022 public inquiry – PM”
The go to and get out words of politicians , “Lessons to be learned”.
“Israel-Gaza: Rockets pound Israel after militants killed”
Is Israel the only democracy in the Middle East ?
If so, which nation does Al Beeb support?
Interesting cross platform claim continues.
Seems the whole thing started when Israel killed ‘militants’ for no reason.
Is bbc editorial being personally guided by Corbyn via Mishal?
Yup… the ‘mole continues the trend.
Rockets pound Israel after Hamas commanders killed
The violence between Israel and Palestine continues to escalate. Hundreds of air strikes and rocket attacks have been carried out so far. And now dozens of rockets have been launched at Israel after Israeli air strikes killed senior Hamas commanders and demolished a multi-storey building in Gaza. The United Nations is warning of a “full-scale war” as the fighting shows no sign of abating. The death toll is rising – at least 65 people, including 14 children, have been killed in Gaza and seven in Israel. The latest pounding from rockets has resulted in several locations being hit in southern Israel, according to reports.
“Nothing can justify an Arab mob assaulting Jews, and nothing can justify a Jewish mob assaulting Arabs,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video statement, as reported by the Times of Israel. He said the attacks amounted to “anarchy” and was planning to send in military forces to help police maintain order in cities ruptured by violence. How did Israel and Palestine reach this point? We’ve had a look at the reasons behind the conflict.
If the BBC is ‘having a look’, and JezBo is sharing a selfie at the airport… turn away now.
So…. his ‘assessment’ is based on what his colleagues, presumably not the ones smoking, tell him and the ‘claims’ of his hosts… having arrived overnight?
Greta will be impressed.
Didn’t mention the war crimes by Hamas deliberately targetting civilians then.
Maybe still being briefed on what to say, having just arrived.
BBC professional, impartial journalism at its finest.
Hope he took his Dyson hairdryer for that post shotgun to the Kevlar helmet styling look.
It simply beggars belief that the BBC continues to parrot out the ’65 Palestinian deaths including 14 children and 7 Israelis’ as though, just as Goebbels advised, repetition of a lie creates truth.
There can be no substantiated figures for deaths in the current mayhem, let alone that 14 are ‘innocent children’. The figures are actually emotive fake news and to their shame and our expectation, our world renowned news service continues to undermine what is left of its own credibility.
BREAKING: BBC Gaza staff give Jez secret dossier.
Using all his on the ground experience garnered over the… hours… Jez decides likely best to text Ms. Sultana for comment.
In response, BBC shares Rashida chatting with BS.
“When somebody is not following international human rights… using war weapons on innocent civillians, [they should be told] ‘Enough, we are not going to fund that’ and we’re going to fight back against racism and oppression.”
Congresswoman Rashida Tliab says that funding to Israel from the US should cease as a result of the current conflict.
BBC Newsnight
At least one of the dramatic tower-block collapses looked very much like demolition charges, exploding simultaneously from around the base, rather than the impact of guided missiles which must strike at an angle – and which other buildings in the vicinity would prevent at street level.
Bowen: “Any one who raises a hand against them [Israel]” – carefully chosen words! It doesn’t quite convey the notion of showering Israel with rockets.
PM ‘apologises for events in Ballymurphy’ in 1971
Fifty years ago British soldiers are sent in to defeat the enemy and our ‘Churchillian’ Prime Minister becomes an apologist.
Uyghur imams targeted in China’s Xinjiang crackdown
‘Many of the detained clerics faced broad charges like “propagating extremism”, “gathering a crowd to disturb social order”, and “inciting separatism”.’
‘According to testimony from relatives, the real crimes behind these charges are often things like preaching, convening prayer groups, or simply acting as an imam.’
You couldn’t get more vague if you tried. ‘Many’ ?. ‘Often’ ?.
Hands up those who believe the relatives.
Lesson #1: A Muslim will never side with a non-Muslim against another Muslim. No matter what.
If someone went into the extremely rare HYS opened for the WHO covid story and posted ‘When will the BBC start accusing HAMAS of committing war crimes by specifically targetting civilians’, how long do you think it would take them to delete it ?.
Less then 5 minutes I reckon.
It’s amazing how often the top rated comments are ‘This comment was deleted because it broke the house rules’.
BBC Young Reporter: ‘I witnessed transphobia towards my mum’
Nothing against the lad and his ‘mum’, but what I absolutely disgaree with is that people like this are the ones being taken on by the national, tax-payer funded state news organisation and given a soapbox to preach their own unbalanced view of the world.
Courts could punish paedophiles on intent not harm
Not defending peodophiles, but the concept of someone deciding what they think someone elses intent was then punishing them as if they actually did it is a bit scary.
Next on the list will be ‘Far-right terrorists’ being sentenced as if they actually murdered people (Which we are constantly being warned about even though virtually all the actual attacks are by Muslims who they never mention).
Next would be arresting all Trump supporters for insurrection.
Then what ?. Where does this rabbit hole end ?.
Totally agree. We are slipping down a dark road here. Police have already been checking people’s thinking during hate crime investigations. This would be another step down that road . The whole concept of justice is being undermined by the politicians, courts and the police.
“Where does this rabbit hole end ?” I don’t think it does.
BBC Race Bait News from Three IQ
Little Mix’s Leigh-Anne has been making a documentary about her experience of being the only black member of her group and has been speaking to fellow musicians about racism in the music industry.
Little Mix’s Leigh-Anne Pinnock: ‘I felt so overlooked and it was down to my colour’
It is of course an utter scandal how the black performance community continues to be overlooked.
Next: Bridgerton criticised for not being 100% trans.
Chips with that ?
You are right, the group IS racist Leigh-Anne.
Your band is 33% black in a population where it is only 10%.
‘Leigh-Anne also touches on colourism – when a lighter-skinned person is favoured over a darker-skinned person due to the shade of their skin.’
What a typically left-wing racist thing to say. Why doesn’t it apply both ways ?.
I would say ‘colourism’ is far more common in the opposite direction these days. But as usual the left have defined it so it only works in their ‘labelling’ favour.
Meanwhile on the roof of W1A and down in the foyer, the mopeds rev up as they tie the ropes around the saddles…
What absolute idiots.
Someone show them the videos of ISIS throwing gays off a building.
It’s not the throwing they should take note of : it’s the baying mob at the bottom throwing the rocks. They are not being forced.
Yep, nearest tall building and bye-bye queers, but thanks for the support.
Seems they get ‘celebrated’ by firing scag loads of rockets.
Plus other slaughters are often available.
And, so… it begins….
Slight strategic shift to… ‘trust us in the copy’.
BBC News
Israel and the Palestinians have been at loggerheads for decades, but why?
Jerusalem violence: The Israeli-Palestinian situation explained In ways to work up the core BBc riot prone.
Looks like wee Krankie has lowered the voting age even further.
What’s next Sperm and Eggs voting ? …..lots of stained voting slips then !
Monica Lewinski as WH Erectorial Integrity Editor for BBC Dominion BS?
The bias is in the choice of picture: cute and cuddly kids with ice cream. (The BBC loves kids, ask Jimmy.)
The subliminal propaganda never stops.
Toenails hides behind #questionasaheadline propaganda
In contrast, Ed is quoted….
Guest who
I described this ‘act’ yesterday as pretty fair stand up comedy by BBC standards. Q. ‘What does keir stand for ?’ A absolutely nothing …. But the rest of the party are just woke loons who hate the voter mugs ….”
The question to ask is not, “what does Sir Keir stand for?” (me neither) but rather, “what does Sir Keir kneel for?” We all know the answer to that, and it’s not BLT sandwiches.
His appeal to the BBC is explained.
Given bbc taxi, helicopter and Greta interview flights use, the tvl is no longer acceptable for climate reasons…
Sometimes we see a news story and notice how the associated details give us a form of state of the nation snapshot.
Or in this case the sad state of the nation.
‘Karadzic will get extra protection after transfer to British jail‘ (Times) – there’s a name to conjure a wave of nostalgia for the days when I still watched BBC TV news and Yugoslavia was still a thing. Night after night the BBC, who love to prioritise foreign affairs, would bang on about the Serbian warlord – I think he was named Caravan Rabbithutch – I wasn’t especially interested, as you can tell.
Well, if you are going to pretend to be the world’s policeman – former Labour Foreign Secretary Robin Cook (there’s one for the teenagers) used to call it an ethical foreign policy – that means you’ll have to pay a certain amount of expense.
‘…the former Sebian president and war criminal, is being transferred to a UK prison where he will get extra security to protect him against revenge attacks by Muslim inmates‘ – perhaps that will benefit G4S profits? – I’m tempted here to assume the tone of outrage associated with Oscar Wild’s Lady Bracknell as played by Maggie Smith when she was told something about handbags and exclaim: “Attacks by Muslim inmates! In OUR prisons!”
How did we ever get ourselves involved in that Yugoslav mess? Oh, that’s right, the EU made a hash of it and the Americans had to come over and sort it out.
Luckily the Israelis know how to look after themselves: ‘We attack until there is “complete quiet” – Israel‘ – the Guardian there quoting what I believe they intend to be criticism of Israel.
Former editor of the Sun Kelvin MacKenzie, as a guest on Newsnight, once taunted those pompous correspondents on the BBC and Channel 4 over their obsessive love for what he termed “foreign bang bang” to the exclusion of important local news.
There’s no escaping the fact, for all our modern egalitarianism, Britain is a society built on and shot through with class distinctions which determine our alternate world views.
The Daily Express, something of a wannabe middle class paper, today asks: ‘How posh are you?‘ meanwhile the Daily Star is content to live without pretention as it offers: ‘The best crisp sarnies in the world‘
In a fresh flair up of wallpaper wars…
The Daily Mail invites former make-over king Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen to question: ‘Were YOU potty enough to fall for FARROW & BALL?‘ whilst the Telegraph sounds almost as aghast as Lady Bracknell: ‘Oh no, has Farrow and Ball jumped the Dead Salmon?‘
I’m going to call the posh Telegraph out here. They are clearly referencing the modern American showbiz expression jumped the shark which originates with that popular teenage comedy show Happy Days with Henry Winkler as Fonzie (a break out character in case you were wondering) where as the script writers ran out of ideas they had the diminuative jewish actor playing a fashionable italian heart throb go water skiing and jump a shark. I guess if the Telegraph want to use that idiom they may.
Read this next headline and tell me the left-liberal ‘i’ newspaper isn’t rather distressed and disappointed that lockdown might possibly be coming to an end: ‘Fears for end of lockdown after varient cases triple‘
Nostalgia is always in fashion. The Sun, Express and Mirror all feature Madeleine McCann stories. Less said soonest not sued.
All the usuals are present today. Your racism – if you want it – is there in the ‘i’ newspaper’s arts section: ‘Underground Railroad – a story that has to be told‘ – and they don’t mean HS2.
I though for a moment the Guardian carried today’s female celeb angst feature: ‘Fear mistrust and paranoia‘ – turns out it’s just a hit job by the chinless wonder civil servants on Priti Patel’s Home Office. For my public sector readers the Home Office in case you’ve forgotten is the government department dealing with home affairs, not the spare bedroom, conservatory or cupboard under the stairs, where you’ve been zooming into your diversity conferences these last fourteen months.
For your female celeb journo angst turn instead to the Times: ‘I’m a woman. Hear my rage‘ says Deborah Ross. And yes, it’s not just me making male chauvinist assumptions here, it really is the time of the month: ‘Harness that menopausal rage: punch holes in the wall for open-plan living‘ – I’m not sure whether we’re on wimmin’s issues here or whether we’re back on the interior decor?
Really truly unprecidented news from America this morning. It’s a letter from 120 senior retired generals and Admirals criticising Biden and his loons, and calling into question the validity of the US election.
Of course these are the retired officers, as the serving ones cannot sign these letters without risk of losing their positions, but I think the sheer hate corruption and rotteness at the heart of Bidens government will not be able to stop themselves taking reprisals against these brave men.
Biden has not been in power for many weeks and already he is causing chaos in the country, a country which expert analysists have predicted would descend into civil war if they do not stop the polarisation. This has not dettered the loons one little bit and they appear to welcome the prospect, and as we know from history, nothing kills like Socialism kills!
First the Frogs. Now the Yanks?
How far behind can our military high command be? As it were?
The letter by the US generals makes some very significant points about the current state of America.
The BBC are ignoring it of course. If they do get round to reporting it, it’ll be to dismiss it as they did the French officers’ letter, which they dismissed as by some fringe malcontents, completely ignoring the huge approval rating it got in opinion surveys.
Sounds like the BBC is supporting the forming of “the Islamic state of Palestine ‘…… meanwhile anyone know what’s going on in those third world bits of Blighty such as Bolton – on – variant …?
What a surprise.
Even the BBC, if sheepishly, had to mention the Bolton indian variant flare up is down to returning people prior to the red list imposition.
Quite why anyone at all was travelling between Bolton and the indian sub continent was not of course addressed.
Enrichment takes many forms, and covid variants is just one of the latest examples.
Votes are being won for the Left.
Looks like Newsnight has their new political editor at last.
A slight concern is that by reducing the vibrancy of certain voting patterns the government also reduces the less vibrant voting of the elderly, computer-hesitant, and infirm.
Let’s hope Boris has done the Maths on this.
What they actually need to sort out is postal voting, which I get automatically having requested it once, for the 2010 GE. How many of these float round the system and are filled in …errrr……in non-optimal ways?
Sluff, re: the postal ballot, to vote in US elections I have to reapply for a postal ballot for each and every election.
I somehow think that the BBC will not report on those constituencies with the highest turn out of postal votes and what party is elected – nor postal voting in university towns…..but i think we could guess.
Personally id ban postal voting
Fedup2, if postal voting is banned, what would you recommend for someone who is perfectly compos mentis but, due to their particular circumstances, cannot get out of their residence?
How do you explain to them that they are being disenfranchised?
As with everything, there are exemptions.
And as with BBC exemptions what was allowed for good reason (source protection) gets pushed and abused for no good reason (BBC not keen on anyone knowing).
There were several; all legitimate… military, incapacity, etc. Provable and allowed for.
Somehow it got extended to not being able to read or write or indeed comprehend anything beyond ‘Imam says hand over’.
I dont know – maybe some sort of amazon personal visit with a GP certificate thing – — but voter ID must come in because every fraudulent vote is a crime – and at the moment the State is looking the other way .
I’m normally well away from the ballot box when I’m working . If I get disenfranchised some third worlders would still have a victory .
And I’m not the only one . There are about 340000 lorry drivers – who mostly vote the right way .
OT, but Springster has a rival. 🤩
Good to see the scourge of #backendofbusism still entrenched in the media industry.
One is sure to get in front of camera all criteria not covered in training fulfilled.
The comments are… as expected.
Soon there will be a Support Group of Peroxide.
Good job that’s not in a mirror,,,oh, it is. And why the red trouser suite? shirley blue would be more appropriate or a neutral colour.
BBC News
Women around the world have been asking online if early, heavy or painful periods might be an unlisted reaction to the Covid jab.
Covid vaccine: Period changes could be a harmless side effect
“What’s that you say, Skippy? Could?”
Best of all the BBC has an FB warning.
These words will greatly upset this country’s chief producer of News or think they are and yet have they not asked questions to this report.
‘The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis-The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detecting the SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin.
Exactly one year later however on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. While the WHO does not deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they nonetheless recommend “Re-testing” (which everybody knows is an impossibility). The World Health Organization (WHO) tacitly admits one year later that ALL PCR tests conducted at a 35 cycle amplification threshold (Ct) or higher are INVALID. But that is what they recommended in January 2020, in consultation with the virology team at Charité Hospital in Berlin.
This is not an issue of “Weak Positives” and “Risk of False Positive Increases”. What is at stake is a “Flawed Methodology” which leads to invalid estimates.
What this admission of the WHO confirms is that the estimate of covid positive from a PCR test (with an amplification threshold of 35 cycles or higher) is invalid. In which case, the WHO recommends retesting: “a new specimen should be taken and retested…”.
The WHO calls for “Retesting”, which is tantamount to “We Screwed Up”.
Above an amplification cycle of 35 or higher, the test will not detect fragments of the virus. Therefore, the official “covid numbers” are meaningless.
It follows that there is no scientific basis for confirming the existence of a pandemic.
Which in turn means that the lockdown / economic measures which have resulted in social panic, mass poverty and unemployment (allegedly to curtail the spread of the virus) have no justification whatsoever.
Not only a terrible waste of money but of time-think we have been led up the garden path. Not word from the BBC however.
It must be tricky for the government to decide the road map if happy indians are busily spreading an imported varient.
If they lock down it will be racist
If they dont lockdown it will be pandering to the ethnics
Easy evidence of quiet bias
BBC website headline ‘MP quits post over something …’
Main story
Labour MP quits post over something …
Apparently its the PPS to Starmer caught interfering in some labour harrassment nonsense …
Private grief and more socialist disorder so helpful
For anoraks – on the lefty UK Press Gazette site today is an interview with Jon sopel who explains that whilst US journos were biased against the True President he and the BBC were not . Could have fooled me Jon.
Apparently it is boring now …
When anyone of the left gets ‘bored’ it means they know they are unable to answer.
Next in sequence is a blocking.
Then a banning.
Guest – i think its because they got their boy into the oval – who is too far gone to do press conferences or answer any unscripted question .
There must be a lot of neck aches in washington as they all look the other way .
Might be a real shock if something really bad comes along …
I’m fed up of hearing his name – amazing what publicity you can get for your new book if you work for the BBC.
I went to check reviews of his last book expecting it to be panned – but it scored very highly. Slightly off balance, I checked some actual review comments.
They were all Lefties. One bloke even complained that Sopel had used his ‘BBC non-bias’ to point out a couple of faults with Biden after he had lambasted Trump. He thought Biden didn’t deserve any criticism.
At this point I realised why it scored so highy. Only the extreme Left read it.
Jon can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
So according to our Jon, reacting to election fraud is the real outrage, not the actual fraud.
Incredible. Just incredible.
I can’t wait to find out how many actually get charged with insurrection.
Then I can’t wait to throw it back into their lying faces every chance I get.
Speaking of which…
Once this reaches the W1A top floor they might decide a tour of Asia is required.
Slight change in tone.
Historic, no doubt, if one form the #sowhat files.
Have to say the Eyetie honey trap dept likely better of with Ms. Loren still.
Approved by Putin .
I know I’ve been banging on about the poverty pittance of a salary that the British Prime Minister receives, but this morning I am gobsmacked to find out it’s so derisory that even the first minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon is paid more !
The first minister of Wales is paid only slightly less at £147,983
None of these numpties has anywhere close to the responsibilities of the British PM with no economic, taxation, defence foreign policy, or thank God any finger on a nuclear button which could end human life on this planet.
Yes – i agree – cut all of their pay .
BBC News
More than two million people across the UK are living without at least one essential piece of furniture or major household appliance, according to the End Furniture Poverty campaign.
The BBC ‘reports’, from production to edit.
Claire nifty on the harp too?
Mr. Merle clearly off checking decent mobile plans for Mrs. Merle’s iPhone.
Or is he one more missing aspect from that spacious apartment?
I tried donating an old sofa to a charity that provides furnature for “people in desparate need”.
The charity insisted I take the sofa to them and if it is more than 2 years old or a “bit tatty” they will reject it and I will have to take it away again. I gave it away on FreeCycle instead.
Similar to the food banks not accepting fresh vegtables unless it has been processed to death an now in a Pot Noodle plastic pot.
In the North east, food banks are chucking away food near its ‘best before’ date. It is totally fine and edible.
It’s after the the ‘use by’ date that can be dangerous
But I guess the champagne luvvy socialists that run these places don’t know the difference….
I guess my yoghurts from 2009 won’t do it then
… I used to live with a lady who had OCD and had cans regimented according to the sell by date in days and months whereas I was dealing in decades … didn’t last !
I bet those 2 million have all got a wide screen tele though.
How times change. Despite getting married in 1979 it was 18 years later before I had a washing machine !!! – (the launderette made a fortune from me) but I never considered for a second that I lived ‘in poverty’. My parents were married for almost 30 years before they had a fridge or telephone !
Oh, and somehow I’ve reached 72 without feeling incomplete because I’ve never had a dishwasher.
I’ve got a dishwasher – but she’s out at work at the moment …..( this could be a fib )
Hush your mouth !!!!!
Melanie Phillips comes right out with a statement accusing the BBC of libel .
Interesting – I understand that jo conburn is Jewish and a practicing Jew . I guess her love of the BBC outweighs her dislike of Israel – in accordance with BBC narrative .
If I was running Israel I don’t think Palestine territories would be high in lists of places to help out with vaccines they way they are carrying on …
London with sadick as mayor celebrates ramalamadingdong
“the values of peace, charity, and compassion that epitomise #Ramadan.”
He conveniently forgets to mention that the number of terror attacks by the Religion of Terror and Violence actually increases during Ramadan.
I guess all that fasting makes you grumpy.
Poor choice of colour: should be blood red……………
The politicians and Mayors greet ramadamalinglong but forget that today is Ascension Day for the UK’s minority and insignificant religion.
Article on BBC lunchtime news about the HS2 tunnel under the Chiltern hills.
They find a concrete slab engineer to interview.
Must’ve found the only female Concrete slab engineer in the world, but also just happened to be a foreigner.
Just to remind us how essential immigrants are I guess….
Tick, tick, was she a lesbian by any chance? Tick.
While the treasonous BBC are very keen to tell us all about the ‘horrors’ of the Israeli counter measures against islamic terrorists, they’re strangely quiet about the activities of radical islamists much closer to home.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali has no such compunction:
“A few months ago, William Shawcross was asked by the government to lead an independent review into its anti-terrorism strategy, Prevent, and to ‘consider the UK’s strategy for protecting people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism’. Ever since his appointment was announced, Shawcross has been attacked by an array of activists who want to minimise any scrutiny of Islamist organisations. The campaign against him has been vicious but it has also been deeply instructive.
The opposition has been so intense that it has led some to believe that the UK Muslim ‘community’ is outraged by the independent review. There is a significant difference, however, between Muslims and Islamists. Shawcross is an exceptionally talented man whom I know well. His career of service is a distinguished one (…)
He has a reputation for fairness and fearlessness; he is an excellent choice.
But if I could give him one piece of advice, it would be this. The scope of his review should be expanded to look at the individual networks of Islamist groups which are technically separate but in practice hunt as a pack. Their approach forms the basis of what is known in Islamic culture as ‘dawa’. The campaign against Shawcross is in fact a good illustration of the Islamist dawa programme, which is why it badly needs his scrutiny. To solve any problem, you must first recognise it. Nearly 16 years after the 7/7 attacks in London, it is striking how many policymakers struggle to see the true face — and nature — of the jihadi menace.”
Rest of article in The Spectator:
Ive argued here before that politicians are politicians first and human beings second . The labour MP – one Kate Green described covid as a ‘good crisis for Labour ‘ -presumably she calculated that more tory voters would die than labour .
Very much the mentality of Remainers wishing older people would die as they were more likely to be brexiters .
Not that far from putting people in ‘camps ‘
There are also media producers.
Of all the medical ‘experts’ out there, what first attracted this first cousin to the bookers in the cubicle gardens?
One for Wendy’s team to not check?
Jez is on the scene of course, but as is known from the past, the MSM appears to see, hear or smell no rockets, even form outside their hotels.
Police officer who stole drug dealers’ cash jailed
I’m surprised the BBC reported this and showed photos of the criminals who are:
Kashif Mahmood
Shazad Khan
Shabaz Khan
Moshin Khan
Maria Shah
Ioan Gherghel
Is the BBC Diversity Protection Director on holiday? How else did this web article get to go live?
‘Police to reflect the communities they serve ‘ which applies to dishonest third world practices …