I got the popcorn out to watch a PM from the past getting pulled over the coals by a series of sneering MPs . I bet a lot of politicians of all types were watching this to learn how not to get caught feathering their nests – which I submit is a primary drive to become a politician in the first place .
The BBC is smelling blood with Mr Cameron and must be desperate to link his drive for money to the current government .
The likes of Major and Blair must be sitting – and worrying a bit in case their private arrangements are looked at in detail …
A pointless read about some unknown (to me) celebrity who once slagged off another unknown (to me) celebrity.
The caption for the last photo says, “Stodden rose to fame aged 16, when they married the actor Doug Hutchison”. Why is the BBC trying to write this with neutral gender when a quote from Stodden refers to herself as ‘she?
29 men charged with sexual exploitation and rape of 13-year-old girl in Bradford and Calderdale
Police have charged a group of 29 men in connection with the sexual exploitation of a girl over a seven-year period in West Yorkshire.
Asad Ali, 37, of Brighouse, is charged with two counts of rape
Ajmal Aziz, 39 of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape and attempted rape
Mohammed Jangier, 44, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Asif, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Harris Ahmed Butt, 37, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault
Taukeer Butt, 36, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Muitasim Khan, 40, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Hamza, 47, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohsin Mir, 40, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Javid Mir, 38, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Haroon Saddique, 37, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Zahir Iqbal, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sarfraz Rabnawaz, 35, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Wajid Addalat, 43, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sajid Addalat, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Nazim Hussain, 43, of Bradford, is charged with conspiracy to rape
Nadeem Saddiqque, 43, of Sheffield, is charged with rape
Saquab Hussain, 43, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sadakat Ali, 48, of Bradford, is charged with rape
Ziarab Mohammed, 48, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Imran Raja Yasin, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Zulfiqar Ali, 40, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Malik Abid Qadeer, 64, of Halifax, is charged with five counts of rape
Kamran Amin, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Mohammed Akhtar, 51, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Ali Zulfiqar, 38, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Shafiq Ali Rafiq, 40, of Dewsbury, is charged with two counts of rape
Amir Shaban, 45, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sakeb Nazir, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Meanwhile the BBC have found enough space to report on the protest against deporting an illegal immigrant in Scotland.. It’s right there on the home page!
Developments from the Political show trial of Derek Chauvin, the judge in the case has decided there are aggravating factors in the case which will allow him to triple the term he hands down to Chauvin. What could have been a 10 year sentence although more likely a 12.5 year one will now be a possible 40 year sentence which will be more like 30 years as the maximum possible without an automatic appeal for it being too harsh.
Meanwhile the lawyers for Tau Thao have submitted court papers requesting a MOTION FOR SANCTIONS FOR PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT STEMMING FROM WITNESS COERCION
The witness in question was the coronor who was coerced into changing his testimony by Minnesota state prosecutors.
Dr Baker stated the preliminary findings “revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation”
Dr. Mitchell called Dr. “Baker first to let him know that he was going to be critical of Baker’s findings”. Id. “In this conversation, Mitchell said, you don’t want to be the medical examiner who tells everyone they didn’t see what they saw. You don’t want to be the smartestperson in the room and be wrong.Said there was a way to articulate the cause and manner of death that ensures you are telling the truth about what you are observing and via all of the investigation. Mitchell said neck compression has to be in the diagnosis.”
Dr. Mitchell has set the stage that he will threaten the trade and professional reputation of any physician who suggests that Mr. Floyd’s death could be labeled as “undetermined”. See Exhibit 5 (stating that an opinionthat Mr. Floyd’s death was undetermined “is outside the standard practice and conventions…” and “[t]his stated opinion raises significant concerns for his previous practice and management”.). Dr. Mitchell also penned that “If forensic pathologists can offer such baseless opinions without penalty, then the entire criminal justice system is at risk”.
There is obviously much much more and there are claims that evidence which has been known of and referred to has not been made available to the defence.
It’s explosive stuff because if as it appears the state has pressured an expert witness into saying something which they knew to be wrong the entire US justice system is at risk and the convicion of Chauvin wrong, and politically motivated.
While Cameron squirms over how many times he used the Greensill private jet, I understand that No 10 has managed to get the county court judgement against the PM struck out
The long march through the institutions reaches the AMA in the US. The American Medical Association embraces critical race theory. I think the Anychess is on the same wavelength
G.W.F., certainly one of the London Yoonis is convinced that the Covid virus is racist and only affects some PoC but, strangely, not Chinese or south-east or eastern Asians. They keep trying – with the BBC’s enthusiastic help – to keep reporting this racist virus in journals like the Lancet.
BBC North America correspondent @LarryMadowo leaves to join CNN as correspondent in Nairobi. CNN said: "Larry is an experienced journalist whose expertise across politics, business, entertainment and hard news stories will play into our diverse coverage of East Africa and beyond" https://t.co/8zc29nhZ6m
"“Our job is to hold power to account. And I think we should do that politely"💥 This is the Jon Sopel who had his head so far up Blair's arse that "Tony" had to buy an extra large shirt collar? "Jon Soap".
Nice summary from a sneering Martine airhead on BBC news about mr Cameron using a private jet to go to his third home Near Newquay .
Well I hope Mr Cameron has more than 3 homes – after all his inept treatment of Brexit helped get us out of the ReichEU .
Maybe stick up a statue so that the emir gets his committee to pull it down
Our, and BBC Nanana BS’ loss, is the lucky country’s gain…
So January 6th and the storming of the Capitol ends up being a moment of further radicalisation for the Republican Party rather than a moment to repudiate Donald Trump. Liz Cheney's ouster another pivotal event for the American conservative movement. Trump and Trumpism dominant.
For a correspondent who is supposed to report on the USA, this pompous left wing oaf might just once try and actually understand the USA. Then he might appreciate why people voted for Trump. If he were any sort of journalist, he would realise that sneering at people he does not like does not constitute journalism. But what does he care? The BBC salary gets paid every month.
3pm R4 Clare Balding’s walking show
Main guest the founder of Black Girls Hike
… she accidentally talked about black privilege
‘we started out London walk last year in Covid times,
we had more than 100 people, so well over the limit,
but we got away with it cos everyone though we were a BLM march’
Any women of colour fronting R4 shows today ?
3pm Rhiane Fatinikun of Black Girls Hike
3:27pm Seema Jaswal ( TV Sports presenter)
charity for India’s most vulnerable children (India has lots of billionaires)
3:30pm Jhumpa Lahiri Bangladeshi/American author who to her credit writes in Italian
4pm Chloe Zhao on her film Nomadland (show included white men too !)
8pm Amanda Khozi Mukwashi The Chief Executive of Christian Aid, is the preacher at a service for Ascension Day
Chief Superintendent Mark Sutherland, Police Scotland, said:
“In order to protect the safety, public health and well-being of all people involved in the detention and subsequent protest in Kenmure Street, Pollokshields, today, Police Scotland has, following a suitable risk assessment, taken the operational decision to release the men detained by UK Immigration Enforcement back into their community meantime.
Radio 4 news at 6 pm was not great on this. A local man complained at the insensitivity of doing the enforcement at Eid! It looks like another case of brown-skinned ‘Asians’ causing trouble to defend one of their own, irrespective of the rights and wrongs of the case; St Urgeon was standing ready to offer assistance!
Stewgreen above has noticed lots of BAME coverage by the BBC today.
But strangely sometimes the BBC manages to have no coverage at all.
No, not another northern town paedo scandal.
The first item on BBC 1 6 pm TV news was the high level of Indian variant covid in Bolton and Blackburn.
Mmm. Indian. Bolton. Blackburn. What could the link possibly be?
Strangely the BBC have no idea at all, other than the the case rates are very high in the under 25s!!!!! FFS.
The coverage shows an enormous number of white people with almost no BAME at all.
Isn’t that amazing?
Or alternatively an utter travesty of the glaringly obvious reality from the biased BBC, for whom, as we well know, BAME can do no wrong.
Yes, and here is the BBC report on the unexplained rise in cases in Bolton – or how to write a story without mentioning the bleedin’ obvious: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57094274
Any other race based programming ?
9pn BBC1 “Race, Pop & Power” doco by Leigh-Anne Pinnock
It’s already been on BBC3 and the BBC gave it away on YouTube to international viewers.
11am R4 The 2001 summer of race riots in northern England
9pm BBC2 Anita Rani says a Kenyan immigrant suffered
11am R4 The 2001 summer of race riots in northern England
… The prog said the National Front had been in the Oldham area a few week before.
but the prog didn’t say why.
It then said that had triggered “Indian”* youths to start gathering milk bottles to make petrol bombs
* They said Indian, but meant Muslim , cos that is the word the prog sometimes used.
The prog said that day a pregnant Muslim woman had racist words shouted at her
and that triggered the youths into the action of petrol bombing pubs.
I can tell you catagorically none of that is true. There had been some simmering tension for a while, but then the SWP arrived and began agitating big time.
The Spark came when some pregnant Pakistani Womans kids stole a White womans kids bike, they went round with some family to get it back. It was in the hall when they called round but she wouldn’t give it back and called the Police, oh and a few Paki relations for support. One of the white kids threw a brick through the window.
The Police arrested the group and on determining who it was who threw the brick released the others down the road.
The Paki relatives have run after the Police van saw this, put two & two together and made five, and assumed all had been released by a racially biased Police force. They went back to the community and the riots spread from there.
Details for the Anita Rani show
Darryl, an author whose family came to the UK as part of the post-war wave of migration from former British colonies.
Darryl was born in Kenya to Goan parents, who had moved from India to East Africa as citizens of the British Empire.
But when Kenya declared independence from Britain in 1963, families like Darryl’s came under increased discrimination from the government.
His parents made the difficult decision to move yet again, this time to Britain
– but the welcome was not warm
The line reads that the “parents” moved to East Africa “as citizens of the British Empire”. So Garry’s question is quite reasonable.
It could be that they left Goa before Indian independence and became British that way. Or it could be something to do with the fact that many Goans used to work on the P&0 liners.
Sorry don’t know the real answer.
A Metropolitan Police officer who pretended to stop and search drug dealers so he could steal their money has been jailed for eight years.
Kashif Mahmood seized hundreds of thousands of pounds for an organised crime gang controlled from Dubai.
The gang received information about when money was on the move so that Mahmood could intercept it – in uniform – using police cars.
While the racist BBC uncritically embrace Critical Race Theory (CRT) and slavishly bend the knee to its proponents, this angry black mother ain’t having none of it.
“CRT is not an honest dialogue, it is a tactic used by Hitler and the KKK… it is racist… abusive… discriminates against one’s colour… political advertisement to divide our children and belittle them… with racist theories…”
And that’s just the first 30 seconds!
This is the same CRT that was rightly banned by Trump and stupidly re-introduced by mush-brained Biden and his leftist, virtue signalling puppet masters.
The clip is from, once again, Sky News Aus, and is the sort of thing the BBC would never show. Let’s hope the forthcoming GB News has more courage.
Local BBC news “It’s Eid here we are the Scunthorpe mosque”
… That’s the third time in 3.5 weeks
.. Other times were to do with vaccination PR event, and becoming a vaccination centre.
3 minute report “Happy Eid Mubarak , Thankyou NHS”
To celebrate the holy month of Ramadan, here is a list (probably incomplete) of islamic terror attacks in the last 30 days.
Total: 207 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 1055 people were killed and 1707 injured.
Celebrate THAT, BBC.
PS. If you find the list annoyingly long, please refer any complaints to al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Indonesian Mujahedeen Council, Taliban, Sipah Sahaba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Hizbul Mujahideen or any of the dozens of other groups responsible. I’m sure they will be sympathetic to your inconvenience, as will the families of the dead and mutilated victims.
You might also want to copy in Sadiq Khan, The Muslim Council of Britain, and the BBC.
2021.05.13 Israel Sderot 1 7 A 5-year-old boy succumbs to injuries following an Hamas rocket attack.
2021.05.12 Kenya Mandera 2 0 Two guards at a cell phone tower are picked off by al-Shabaab.
2021.05.12 Kenya Wajir 1 0 Islamic extremists use an RPG to kill a police reservist.
2021.05.12 Israel Lod 2 0 A 7-year-old girl and a woman are taken out by an Hamas rocket.
2021.05.12 Iraq Balga 1 0 An Islamic State sniper shoots a 45-year-old Kurd.
2021.05.12 Israel Lod 2 1 A father and his teenage daughter are put down by an Hamas rocket.
2021.05.11 Indonesia Kalimago 4 0 Mujahideen behead one farmer and butcher three others.
2021.05.11 Israel Ashkelon 2 5 Two women, ages 60 and 80, are killed when a Hamas rocket hits their home.
2021.05.11 Israel Tel Aviv 1 8 A 50-year-old woman is killed when her apartment building is hit by an Hamas rocket.
2021.05.10 France Bordeaux 0 1 A policewoman is stabbed by another woman shouting praises to Allah.
2021.05.10 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 1 0 An off-duty cop is gunned down at a city square.
2021.05.10 DRC Kilia 6 0 Five villagers and a female peacekeeper are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.10 Afghanistan Zabul 11 28 Eleven passengers on a bus, including women and children, are eliminated by fundamentalist bombers.
2021.05.09 Iraq Karbala 1 0 The life of a young activist is cut short by Shiite militia.
2021.05.09 Iraq Jalisiyah 2 2 Two Shiites are exterminated by the Islamic State.
2021.05.09 Afghanistan Kabul 2 9 Taliban shrapnel claims the lives of two people on a minibus.
2021.05.09 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a passing van, killing a passenger.
2021.05.09 Nigeria Mgbakwu 1 1 A woman is beaten to death by Fulani terrorists.
2021.05.09 Somalia Mogadishu 6 6 A Shahid suicide bomber sends six other souls to Allah.
2021.05.08 Iraq Rutba 2 1 Two shepherds are captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2021.05.08 Nigeria Awka 2 0 Two villagers are murdered by Muslim militants.
2021.05.08 Afghanistan Tiran Kot 4 0 A Taliban disguised as a police officer opens fire on a checkpoint, killing four.
2021.05.08 Iraq Kofa 1 0 A man is pulled out of his car by holy warriors and executed in front of his family.
2021.05.08 Afghanistan Kabul 85 147 Bombs targeting a Shiite girls’ school bring down over eighty students and staff.
2021.05.07 Mali Hombori 3 6 Three local soldiers in a supply convoy are put down by Islam activists.
2021.05.07 Nigeria Abuja 1 0 A police officer is stabbed to death by Shiite radicals.
2021.05.07 Pakistan Panga Khan 1 0 Extremists hack a woman to death in her home with an axe.
2021.05.07 Burkina Faso Tin-Akoff 20 20 Jihadists are suspected of machine-gunning some twenty villagers.
2021.05.06 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A former Treasury Department employee is assassinated.
2021.05.06 Iraq al-Khalis 2 0 A teacher at a secular school is stabbed to death in his home along with his wife.
2021.05.06 Maldives Male 0 4 The Islamic State attempts to assassinate the former president with a car bomb.
2021.05.05 Nigeria Shadadi 8 4 Muslim gunmen storm into a town and kill eight innocents.
2021.05.05 Iraq Dibis 1 2 One Iraqi is killed by the Islamic State.
2021.05.05 Pakistan Zhob 4 6 Islamic militants are suspected of crossing the border and killing four guards.
2021.05.05 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 An ISIS attack on an oil field claims the life of a guard.
2021.05.05 Somalia Khada 3 1 A woman is among the casualties of an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2021.05.05 Iraq Juwayda 2 1 Mujahideen kill two Iraqis with a cluster bomb.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Khost 1 17 A mid-city bomb blast takes out a commuter.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Kalakan 1 3 Islamists bomb a minibus carrying medical workers, killing one.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Khwaja Omari 6 0 Six locals are liquidated by the Taliban.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 5 4 Sunni radicals attack a minibus and nearby police station, killing five.
2021.05.04 Syria Jdaidet Kahit 2 0 Two passengers in a passing car are ripped to pieces with heavy weapons fire.
2021.05.04 Pakistan Tarkhoo 2 2 A routine security patrol is hit with a roadside blast that kills two members.
2021.05.04 Niger Tillabery 15 4 Islamic terrorists massacre fifteen border guards.
2021.05.04 Cameroon Tumshe 5 7 Jihadists plant a landmine that kills five civilians returning from a market.
2021.05.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 The Taliban target and kill a health official with a roadside bomb.
2021.05.04 Afghanistan Paktika 1 0 A popular police officer is exterminated by Jihadis.
2021.05.04 Iraq Maysan 2 1 Two local police gunned down by Sharia proponents.
2021.05.04 Iran Ahwaz 1 0 A 20-year-old man is beheaded by his cousins for being gay.
2021.05.04 DRC Mangina 1 3 ADF Islamists shoot one person dead during a raid.
2021.05.04 DRC Rwenzori 4 3 Mines planted by the ADF claim four lives.
2021.05.04 France Mérignac 1 0 A woman is honor-killed by her strict husband, who shoots her in the street and then burns her alive.
2021.05.03 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three guards at a bazaar are purged by the Taliban.
2021.05.03 Nigeria Ajiri 30 0 A second Boko Haram raid in as many days leaves thirty more dead.
2021.05.03 Afghanistan Jar Khoshk 9 19 Nine Afghans lose their lives to an attack by Sunni extremists.
2021.05.03 Burkina Faso Hantoukoura 30 20 Children are among thirty villagers shot and burned alive by Islamic militia.
2021.05.03 Nigeria Gwer West 15 0 Fifteen villagers are massacred by Muslim militants in a pre-dawn attack.
2021.05.03 Nigeria Naka-Agagbe 2 0 Two commuters are murdered by Muslim terrorists along a road.
2021.05.03 Kenya Ishakani 2 0 Two people are eliminated by an al-Shabaab landmine.
2021.05.03 Afghanistan Farah 0 21 Young children are among the casualties of a Religion of Peace bombing at a school.
2021.05.02 Israel Kfar Tapuah 1 2 Students waiting for a bus are shot in a drive-by.
2021.05.02 Nigeria Ajiri 13 9 A half-dozen civilians are among thirteen killed by Boko Haram.
2021.05.02 Afghanistan Bala Buluk 22 4 Twenty-two Afghans are blown to bits by Sunni bombers.
2021.05.02 Afghanistan Farsi 8 4 Two Taliban car bombs claim eight souls.
2021.05.02 Niger Tahoua 16 6 Sixteen local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Jihadists.
2021.05.02 Afghanistan Rustaq 1 2 Hardliners assassinate a politician with a bomb.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Gardez 1 0 The Taliban murder a man inside his home.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Qalat City 3 2 A Taliban attack leaves three dead and two wounded.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Warduj 8 6 Eight locals are purged by the Taliban.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Lashkargah 1 0 A child loses her life during an attack by Sunni radicals.
2021.05.01 Iraq Alton Kubre 7 2 Seven Kurds are murdered by the Islamic State.
2021.05.01 Iraq Akashat 3 2 Two ISIS bomb blasts claim three lives.
2021.05.01 Iraq al-Qaim 2 0 Two Iraqis are liquidated by ISIS shrapnel.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A university lecturer is gunned down by extremists.
2021.05.01 DRC Beni 19 10 At least nineteen people are slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.01 DRC Beni 1 0 An anti-extremist imam is assassinated by extremists.
2021.05.01 Syria Hasakah 1 0 A motorcycle rider is picked off by ISIS snipers.
2021.05.01 Egypt al-Amal 3 0 Three family members are brutally killed in their own home by the Islamic State.
2021.04.30 Iraq Tarmiya 4 2 An attack at an agricultural area leaves four dead.
2021.04.30 Afghanistan Shirzad 4 0 Three women and a child are pulled into pieces by a Taliban mortar.
2021.04.30 Iraq Daquq 3 2 Three local police officers loses their lives to an automatic weapons attack by ISIS.
2021.04.30 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 27 60 A Religion of Peace suicide bombing at a guesthouse kills twenty-seven, including high school students.
2021.04.29 Iraq Hawija 2 1 Two Iraqis are sent to Allah by the Islamic State.
2021.04.29 Nigeria Imandeakpu 5 4 A late-night attack on a village by Muslim militants results in five dead residents.
2021.04.29 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 The Islamic State claims two lives with a roadside bomb.
2021.04.29 Afghanistan Khinjan 7 0 Seven family members are purged by Muslim terrorists.
2021.04.29 DRC Kyaninga 6 0 Six villagers are purged by ADF Islamists.
2021.04.28 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 The relative of a journalist is gunned down by hardliners.
2021.04.28 Somalia Mogadishu 11 3 An early-morning blast outside a prison leaves eleven dead.
2021.04.28 Pakistan Qilla Abdullah 1 8 Tehreek-e-Taliban is suspected of a bomb blast that leaves one dead.
2021.04.28 Somalia Afgoye 3 7 Three people are blown sky high by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2021.04.28 Yemen Alrko 2 0 A Shahid suicide bomber exterminates two children.
2021.04.28 Pakistan Nowshera 5 0 Three woman are among five honor killed by conservative relatives.
2021.04.28 Philippines Datu Saudi Ampatuan 2 6 Two women are killed when a Bangsamoro bomb goes off early.
2021.04.28 Syria al-Sour 2 2 An ISIS motorcycle bomb takes out two passersby.
2021.04.27 Nigeria Makurdi 10 9 Muslim militants murder ten innocents at a displaced persons camp, including a child.
2021.04.27 Iraq Rashad 4 5 Four sappers are aerated by a bomb left by Islamists.
2021.04.27 Afghanistan Dehrawood 3 0 Three locals lose their lives to a pernicious attack by the Taliban.
2021.04.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two security personnel are ambushed and killed by a group fighting for Sharia.
2021.04.27 Nigeria Jebbu Miango 1 1 One person is killed when Muslim militants attack an orphanage.
2021.04.26 Syria Beaver Ridge, WV 1 0 A truck driver is killed by ISIS gunfire.
2021.04.26 Burkina Faso Arly National Park 4 2 Two Spanish journalists and an Irish wildlife conservationist are among four captured and executed.
2021.04.26 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Muslim kidnappers kill two more students.
2021.04.26 Burkina Faso Seytenga 18 1 Eighteen villagers are massacred by armed Jihadists.
2021.04.26 Afghanistan Lalpoor 5 0 Radical Sunnis shoot five people to death.
2021.04.26 Chad Lake Chad 12 6 Jihadists ambush and kill a dozen local soldiers.
2021.04.26 Afghanistan Kunar 0 21 Sixteen children are among the casualties of a Taliban rocket attack.
2021.04.26 Iraq Mosul 2 9 Separate Mujahid bombings leave two dead.
2021.04.25 Iraq Khali 1 1 Terrorists fire on a man and his son, killing the 3-year-old.
2021.04.25 Thailand Raman 1 1 Muslim terrorists kill a policeman with a pipe-bomb.
2021.04.25 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 7 3 The Taliban ambush vehicles along the highway and kill seven copper mine guards.
2021.04.25 Afghanistan Maiwand 5 4 A suicide car bomber takes out five Afghans.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Manini 1 4 Muslim gunmen attack a church, killing a doctor.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Mainok 31 43 At least thirty-one are killed when Sharia advocates fire rockets into town and storm a nearby base.
2021.04.25 Iraq Khanaqin 1 2 A village head is assassinated by the Islamic State.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Miango 1 1 A 21-year-old is killed in an attack that also injures his younger brother.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Jwanshak 1 0 A man is dragged from his home and executed by Muslim militants.
2021.04.24 Nigeria Yogbo-Mbayev 3 0 Three locals are cut down by militant Muslims.
2021.04.24 Nigeria Ajikama 9 0 Fulani terrorist murder nine villagers, including a pregnant woman and a 3-year-old.
2021.04.24 Yemen Marib 26 0 A judge is among two dozen killed in a 2-day assault by Ansar Allah.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A 25-year-old woman is shot dead by fundamentalists.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A tribal elder is picked off by Taliban snipers.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A government maintenance worker is gunned down.
2021.04.24 DRC Makundi 2 0 Two Congolese lose their lives to ADF Islamists.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Extremists assassinated a university professor.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Logar 3 0 Three Afghans are laid out by a Taliban nail-bomb.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Bangi 7 0 Seven locals are taken out by a Sunni drone.
2021.04.24 Thailand Sai Buri 3 0 Muslim ‘insurgents’ stage a barbaric attack on a family, killing three members.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 3 Fundamentalists plant a bomb that claims three civilians.
2021.04.24 Nigeria Guma 5 20 Muslim militants murder five residents in a series of attacks.
2021.04.23 Nigeria Geidam 11 0 Two homes are blown up by Jihadists, along with eleven residents.
2021.04.23 Afghanistan Engil 1 0 Radicals shoot a woman to death.
2021.04.23 Iraq Abbara 3 8 A pair of Mujahid attacks takes three lives.
2021.04.23 Nigeria Tse-Gborigyo 7 6 Seven villagers are massacred by Muslim ‘militia’.
2021.04.23 Afghanistan Qabristan 4 3 Four civilians are eliminated by Taliban bombers.
2021.04.23 Syria Golan 2 1 Two children are killed by a bomb being transported in a car.
2021.04.23 Afghanistan Riskhvor 1 0 A government employee is murdered on her way home from work.
2021.04.23 France Paris 1 0 A mother-of-2 is stabbed twice in the throat by an Allah-praising Tunisian migrant.
2021.04.23 Nigeria Yobe 4 0 Two Christians are hunted down and killed, along with two other school teachers.
2021.04.22 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Three members are executed for ‘betraying’ an Islamic organization.
2021.04.22 Nigeria Vom 6 2 A half-dozen innocents are killed by Fulani mercenaries.
2021.04.22 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 1 2 A young man is murdered in his home in front of his family.
2021.04.22 Nigeria Kwanan Bature 3 0 The bodies of two women are among three students found murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.04.22 Somalia Banadir 4 4 A group fighting for Sharia sends mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing four.
2021.04.22 Burkina Faso Sahel 5 3 Five local soldiers are murdered by religious extremists.
2021.04.22 Syria Markada 2 0 Two employees at a gas station are shot to death by ISIS.
2021.04.21 Pakistan Quetta 5 12 The Taliban claims a suicide bombing at a luxury hotel that leaves five dead.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Dawlatyar 4 0 Three students are among four Shiites murdered by fundamentalists.
2021.04.21 Iraq al-Dibs 1 0 A child is blown to bits by ISIS explosives.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Balkh 8 6 Eight Afghan are laid out by gun-wielding Sunni radicals.
2021.04.21 Nigeria Guma 6 0 Six villager elders are slaughtered by Muslim terrorists.
2021.04.21 Nigeria Makurdi 2 0 Two residents are ‘butchered’ by Fulani.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Parwan 1 2 A statistician is murdered in front of his family by the Taliban.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Khairkhan 2 0 A father and son are assassinated by Holy Warriors.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Baghlan-e-Markazi 2 2 A woman is among two blown up by Jihadists.
2021.04.21 Bangladesh Chittagong 0 25 A mob of ‘religious fanatics’ attack a Hindu village.
2021.04.21 Syria Hazima 3 1 Three sappers are cut down by the Islamic State.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 9 One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2021.04.20 Iraq Barawhili 1 0 Holy Warriors fell a 15-year-old shepherd with a bomb.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Ghorian 3 14 Three people are sent to Allah by a suicide car bomber.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 The Taliban kill a sports journalist by attaching a bomb to his car.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two people are shot to death during a terror attack on a vehicle.
2021.04.20 Somalia Darusalem 1 3 A local official is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2021.04.20 Iraq Mount Hamrin 2 0 Two Iraqis are brought low by an ISIS nail bomb.
2021.04.20 Nigeria Kaduna 1 20 Muslim terrorists infiltrate a university and kill a staffer.
2021.04.20 Iraq Abbasi 1 0 A farmer is ‘executed’ in his own home by Islamists.
2021.04.20 Nigeria Daffo 1 0 A Christian man is hacked to death with machetes on his own porch.
2021.04.19 Afghanistan Sarha-e-Mohammad Ja 8 2 Eight police officers are killed in two attacks by religious radicals.
2021.04.19 Afghanistan Kabul 35 0 Thirty-five more civilians are reported dead in attacks over the past week.
2021.04.19 Nigeria Dikwa 12 0 Boko Haram claims to have killed a dozen locals in an attack on a town.
2021.04.19 Syria Hasakah 1 2 A truck driver is killed by ISIS.
2021.04.19 Iraq Kanaan 1 2 An Islamic State bomb blast claims one life.
2021.04.19 Iraq Mutassim 1 0 Islamists execute a man at his home in front of his family.
2021.04.18 Afghanistan Fabrica Qand 2 6 A pernicious attack by the Taliban on a township leaves two dead.
2021.04.18 Afghanistan Badghis 3 0 Three local cops are killed in an ‘insider’ attack by the Taliban.
2021.04.18 Afghanistan Sar-e-Pul 1 0 A female athlete is murdered by extremists.
2021.04.17 Afghanistan Taluqan 4 5 An early morning attack by fundamentalists leaves four dead.
2021.04.17 Nigeria Mbamondu 8 5 A family is among eight butchered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.04.17 Pakistan Makeen 4 0 Four cops manning a checkpoint are wiped out by Islamists.
2021.04.17 Somalia Gololay 1 3 al-Shabaab claims a bombing that leaves one dead.
2021.04.17 Niger Gaigorou 19 6 Nineteen innocents are massacred by Islamic extremists.
2021.04.17 Afghanistan Layakht 2 1 Two civilians are leveled by a Taliban blast.
2021.04.16 Pakistan Lahore 4 280 Four more police are reported dead in violent rioting by hardliners.
2021.04.16 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Two captured tribesmen are executed by the Islamic State.
2021.04.16 Yemen Marib 6 0 At least a half-dozen others are killed in a series of Ansar Allah attacks.
2021.04.16 Nigeria Ngomari 3 1 Boko Haram stage a sudden attack on a security base, killing three personnel.
2021.04.16 Nigeria Kamuya 5 4 The lives of five Nigerians are cut short by Boko Haram.
2021.04.16 Afghanistan Zinda Jan 3 8 Three policemen are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2021.04.16 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A civilian is obliterated by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.04.16 Syria Palmyra 2 0 Two civilians are blown up by an ISIS landmine.
2021.04.15 Syria Nawa 2 2 An ISIS attack on a truck leaves two dead.
2021.04.15 Nigeria Wereng 6 2 Militant Muslims ride into a village and blow away six residents.
2021.04.15 Egypt Bir El-Abd 1 0 A 62-year-old Christian man is executed after being held by ISIS for three months.
2021.04.15 Iraq Sadr City 5 21 A car bomb goes off outside a furniture mart, killing five bystanders.
2021.04.15 Pakistan Laghar 1 0 A man is shot dead by terrorists while walking home.
2021.04.15 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 4 0 A family of four is exterminated by Jihadi bombers.
2021.04.15 Afghanistan Mir Bacha Kot 2 1 Two men are killed by the Taliban, including one trying to negotiate peace.
2021.04.15 Afghanistan Garziwan 6 3 A half-dozen Afghans are disassembled by the Taliban.
2021.04.15 Nigeria Rafinkada 3 0 A woman is among three farmers killed by Fulani terrorists.
2021.04.14 Pakistan Lahore 2 520 Several days of rioting by hardliners, angered over Muhammad cartoons, leaves two dead policemen and hundreds injured.
2021.04.14 Burkina Faso Gorgadji 8 0 At least eight people lose their lives to a Jihadi ambush.
2021.04.14 Cameroon Gouzoudou 3 0 Three villagers are laid out by Boko Haram gunmen.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Kocha-e-Bukhari 7 2 Seven locals are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.04.14 Nigeria Damasak 8 12 Another eight residents are killed in a fourth attack on the same town by Boko Haram.
2021.04.14 Somalia Balad 17 4 Seventeen innocents on a minibus are delivered to Allah by al-Shabaab bombers.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 0 Three police are murdered in an insider attack by a religious extremist.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Muqur 5 10 Five Afghan security are killed in two attacks on checkpoints.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Holand 10 0 Ten locals are reportedly killed in a Taliban shooting and bombing attack.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Taighe Taimur 1 0 A 12-year-old purged by Jihadi bombers.
2021.04.13 Iraq Zanjili 1 0 A young man is shot dead by suspected Islamic State.
2021.04.13 Nigeria Damasak 18 21 At least eighteen are killed when Islamists roll into a town and shoot sporadically.
2021.04.13 Afghanistan Farah 3 24 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber claims a child and two others.
2021.04.13 Afghanistan Daha-e-Ghori 5 4 Religious radicals open fire on a police checkpoint, killing five.
2021.04.13 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A Shiite dies from injuries suffered during a targeted bombing for ‘being a polytheist’.
2021.04.13 Philippines Cotabato 3 0 A family of three is exterminated by suspected Bangsamoro Islamists.
Don’t forget : it takes 2 sides to have a war.
They know they cannot do anything about the Muslim threat. It’s based on deep-rooted psychology and brain washing. It’s here to stay.
Their only option to stop the conflict escalating is to a) suppress reporting of what they do and b) suppress any reaction to what they do. At all costs. That’s what we are seeing here.
Great if you’re the government. Not so great for the actual population who suffer from all the laws they make so they can silence you. Free speech is gone.
Just ask Tommy Robinson.
So the county court injunction for ‘defamation’ which landed Boris with a £535 bill was taken out by ‘an eccentric loner’ (vegan nutter) (allegedly) who has previously filed similar complaints against Marks & Spencer, public institutions and other such august bodies. She also copied in the Queen on several of her cases.
Any basic research might have uncovered the sad old biddy’s track record but no doubt Hislop and his Private Eye team preferred to snigger with pride at their discovery before, naturally, the BBC picked up on the story.
Looks like they’ll have to re-write the HIGNFY script or the old girl will slap a hefty one on.
Does make you wonder how much the PM will take from the BBC before he gets a ‘culture secretary ‘ willing to fix the BBC .
He has about 24 months to start to deal with the BBC before the election bites – in the run up to the charter renewal in 2027…..
Priti, take note and take action now while we have time.
Once you send them back the message will get back to the illegals and they will stop coming eg. Australia. Simples
“Wales election: New health and education ministers in reshuffle” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-57070300
In a nutshell, health and education in Wales is a mess. That’s what you get when the same ‘nutters’ get elected in.
“Mr Blair led the Labour Party to victory in 1997 and won a further two elections in 2001 and 2005 before stepping down in 2007, handing over to Gordon Brown.”
“Police release men from immigration van blocking Glasgow street”
“Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who is also the MSP for the area, said she disagreed fundamentally with Home Office immigration policy.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-57100259
Now is the time to dump our illegals on to Wee Crankie Land ?
“Breaking” : Transgender teen Andi shares his journey
Discover the story behind a viral video as Andi comes out, graduates high school and celebrates life as a trans teen.
For one full year, Andi Bernabe granted the BBC access to the most formative moments of his life.
To find out what happened when Andi went to college and why he still hasn’t changed his legal name, watch the full documentary on BBC Reel. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-57102694
Not the BBC – but I was looking for more details of the corrupt paki plod and his gang in my local paper – they all ‘live ‘ in east London .
Anyway – I found another vibrant story which seemed to minor for the National papers –
STARTS ‘A rapist who targeted and attacked five lone women over an 11-day period has been found guilty of his crimes.
Abdallah Baballah carried out the attacks in July 2019, preying on woman who were making their way home during the early hours of the morning.ENDS
Obviously there are more details of these rapes in the article – but it shows how stuff which would have been treated very prominently once – barely get reported now ….
OMG BBCnews has showed great Boris Derangement Syndrome over the County court debt judgement against Boris.
.. They got this too good to be true story, that there was a proper defamation court judgement against Boris and they ran with it,
… pausing just a few micro-seconds to say ‘well it might be prank or something’,
… but their confirmation-bias is so strong, to them any bad story about Bris, just has to be true so they quickly went charging on ..banging on about bailiffs etc.
BBC stealth edits are a pain in the ass https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57087274
originally had the title around 12:10pm Wednesday
“County court judgement against Boris Johnson, record shows”
FFS the “too wow to be true” rule is very simple
You can’t make grand claims without grand evidence.
Of course you do see often quite a few people on mainly lefty forums,
.. that don’t don’t understand it and run off doing “2+2=5”
but the BBC is a £5bn corporation with “professional journalists”
Lots of mad lefties followed the BBC line
– the first tweet was by a @ChrisTheDJ Transatlantic tech journalist at 12:13pm
– Steve Bray and gang piled in from 1:30 PM · Wednesday May 12
And the nomination for Confirmation-Bias Nutter of the Week
9 tweet bonkers thread from the top BBC correspondent
banging on about bailiffs
.. seemingly unaware that firstly a claim needs to be bigger than £600 for bailiffs to ne used.
So assuming this is not some utterly bizarre mix-up, mistake, prank (which would be a waste of a court's time and therefore an offence) this is what would happen if the PM did not clear the debt:
The bigger point is given the amount of paper they send you did he ever allow it to get this far? It smacks of disorganisation and chaos. Yes he’s a busy man but he has people to look after these things for him.
Unless of course that weaselly Dominic Cummings got hold of those papers !
@Thoughtful no it doesn’t
The online info is not his real legal name
nor is it his real address, cos he lives at 11 Downing Street
With a little imagination is is possible to get a court order sent to someone’s real address and for them not to notice
(I scrubbed the how to .. in case some nutter implements it)
Anyway we know the civil servants are often malicious, so might play games even if it did get through.
I have no clue who they were trying to deport in Glasgow but if the police give in to mob rule and politicians openly defy the law then it’s a very slippery slope. All for a few headlines and a bit of U.K. bashing. Absolutely childish politics which will have repercussions.
— DavidWilson34 🏴 (@Wilson34David) May 13, 2021
Having spent hours trying to get Home Office to abandon their operation, without success, I am pleased Police Scot intervened on public safety & health grounds to release individuals involved.
But let me be clear, the Hostile Environment created by UK Govt is not welcome here. pic.twitter.com/fNUcBvmHei
Than second tweet, the one from Rene quotes Streatham Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy
but that doesn’t show up, cos she blocked Rene
An incredible show of community and solidarity from the people of Glasgow.
Shame on immigration enforcement officials for targeting an area with a large Muslim community during Eid #Pollokshields #RefugeesWelcome
Clapping hands sign
The tweet has a video of hundreds of mainly immigrants blocking the police vans.
Thank you very much Stephen! Really happy to hear that – v kind.
Very lucky to do a job I love, and the most important part of it is investigating the stories of those harmed by online conspiracies who get in touch. https://t.co/jBzd6FZ8oZ
The Border Farce/Police try to detain two Indians in Glasgow. A local mob, mainly it appears idealistic students, is formed and the authorities back off and release them.
The media interview one of the men. He speaks broken English, then reverts to Punjabi.
But it turns out he has been in the UK for TEN years.
Would anyone like to offer a public apology to taxpayers for this typical appalling ineptitude of the government for protecting our borders and taxpayers.
The Sun : BEEB BLASTED Sir James Dyson blasts BBC for ‘shamefully twisting’ coverage of texts with Boris Johnson
BEEB bosses were last night blasted for “shamefully twisting” their coverage of the PM’s texts with Sir James Dyson to “suit their political narrative”.
The multi-millionaire lashed out after the BBC were forced to issue a grovelling apology to him last night for wrongly calling him a “prominent Conservative supporter”.
The corporation quietly put out a correction and clarification accepting that the businessman is not in fact a Boris backer.
It came after the Beeb published a string of text messages….
… looking for the apology, I find it buried in ‘Corrections and Clarifications’ where nobody will see it.
Journalists who balatantly lie like this should be sacked from an ‘impartial and unbiased’ publically funded organisation such as the BBC.
They disgust me.
Boris will not do anything. His only concern is what happens to Boris when he leaves office.
How’s wind “power“ done this month? If the Net Zero lunatics get their way and get rid of gas, no battery will cover this shortfall. pic.twitter.com/gy0s0pyXa7
So, the Indian variant could now be the catalyst in holding back the roadmap on 21st June. Well, if anything is likely to start a backlash against our friends from the sub-continent, it will be this ; preventing the rest of the population who have abided by the rules, taken their 1 or 2 injections, and likely to be deprived of a freedom that’s to be put on the back burner because a community is against having the jab and wont wear masks, will not go down well.
If unrest kicks off, I don’t think being accused of racism will cut the mustard.
The BBC prides itself on its ability to obfuscate and deceive. An example can be found on its website today (surely ‘examples can be found on its website everyday’? – Editor). Captioned ‘Covid in Bolton: What’s causing the spike?, it then says precisely nothing about what is causing the spike associated with the so-called Indian variant, helpfully stating ‘No one knows for sure how this spike in infections started.’ Really? Here’s a wild guess:
1. Infections began rising rapidly in India a couple of months ago, setting alarm bells ringing.
2. Flights from India continued unabated. And they are still coming – flights from Bombay (7:15am) and Delhi (7:30am) have arrived at T2 Heathrow this morning.
3. The government did not act quickly to stop travel from India. This was because it was negotiating a trade deal with India and Boris Johnson was scheduled to visit India to discuss it with the Indian Prime Minister.
4. Infected individuals travelling from India brought the variant back with them, infecting other people.
5. Bolton has a large migrant population from the Indian sub-continent. This will include infected people who have recently flown to the UK.
6. Vaccine levels amongst certain communities are lower than amongst the wider population, resulting in a more rapid spread due to lower immunity levels.
How much can we really believe of what is being pushed out by the media on this isuue? How much credit can we be expected to give -now- to a discredited bunch of scientists whose masters want to subjugate the populace-deprevation is a worse or can be a far deadlier killer than any virus/disease. Apart from all that, this nation cannot and absolutley cannot, halt its recovery, as it is we are running on petrol fumes only! With three quarters of the population now having had this strange vaccine, what need is there for more over vigilence. Unnecessary panick is the name of the game for this government bunch, with a dose of fear thrown out to the already very compliant public. OK Brissles I’ve said enough.
Something I’ve noticed for a while is how much respect the BBC have started giving politicians on the left and how they have an increasingly sneering tone for those on the right.
So – entirely at random – I thought I search the BBC site for the very latest references to Boris and Biden.
‘Families received the letter from Boris Johnson on Thursday morning.’
‘President Joe Biden has hailed a “great day for America”‘
Why not ‘Prime Minister Boris Johnson’ ???.
It’s this kind of subtle bias which occurs a thousand times a day which bias checkers should be looking at – not just distilling the contents of what is reported for check-boxes.
ps. Sleepy Joe should have thanked Trump’s administration for all the groundwork they did to make it possible. According to the BBC, Joe did it all.
And as if that wasn’t enough good news for one day, the LGBT-BBC regales us on its Home page with the tale of Transgender teen Andi who shares his journey.
Good God – is it my eyes or are the BBC referring to this non-gender person as ‘they’ ???.
Absolute idiotic madness.
The real reason I went to check was to see if they/them/it/whatisit was elected by the people. As expected, the answer is no : the other councillors elected him purely on political/transgender grounds. Because it is a him.
Good to see they have the interests of the people they are supposed to represent as their top priority. I didn’t check, but I will bet my house they are all far-Left. As Pol-Pot said, the agenda trumps everything else.
Mental illness or taking the piss. And that’s just those that voted for him.
The demise of the human race – much more worrying than so called climate change.
The Amazon founder bought the Washington Post in 2013 for $250m – about half the cost of his new superyacht, which is almost as big as the Great Pyramid of Giza.
See… facts. Oodles of them, Sir. I am intrigued by the notion of a sea going vessel shaped like a pyramid.
That’s a bit of a change, yesterday she was blaming Mysogeny but couldn’t adequately explain why so many women hate her just as much and how that was mysogeny.
Welcome to @elliecostelloTV, our South East reporter. Ellie comes from Essex and completed her two degrees in Southampton and London before joining BBC News for several years. Expect to hear a lot from her on GB News as she finds out what really matters to people in her region. pic.twitter.com/ZL53u9m9M0
I wish GB News well, but signs are that Neil is recruiting talent from the same swamp as all the other broadcasters. Will they have a distinctive voice, like, say, Sky News Aus or Fox on a good day?
Neil’s in a bind: if they’re radically different they’ll be labelled rightwing or far right and discredited by such as the BBC who are just waiting to pounce.
I think we are being naive to believe that Brillo news will be much different from the current ‘approved thought ‘ lot – unless – of course – OFCOM is reshaped .
I’d hope it’s a strategy aimed at appearing ‘woke ‘ at the outset but moving to a more sane model once the Gaurduanistas have had their rant . But no doubt vermin like Crace and the fact finder girl on BBC will keep an ‘eye ‘…
Yes, it’s not obvious whether a truly independent voice can survive in the corporate, OFCOM-regulated swamp. For now, such voices are mainly on YouTube, constantly in fear of being censored or shut down, or smaller independent platforms.
Not sure what her degrees are in, but she’s clearly a serious journalist, not afraid to tackle the big issues: “BBC journalist who brings in her own toast from home slams corporation canteen after being asked to pay £1 to spread butter and peanut butter on it.”
She also penned a hard-hitting article titled: ‘I avoid kissing as my peanut allergy could kill me’.
I detect a theme – perhaps one of her degrees was in Peanut Studies?
Be a shame if a credulous Malay moppet trained in a false flag op strolled in on JezBo ‘interviewing’ a high ranking old Pally ‘community leader’ on his motivations, whilst recuperating from lipo at a spa hospital in Singapore.
Health issues have been making all the news this past year or so. You may have noticed. How is our fabulous NHS doing these days? Did we save it? Did we protect it sufficiently… from our… sickness? We sure clapped it. Now even our pop stars suggest it should get payrises.
Anecdotally, all is not so good. I hear a 94-year-old granny with a tumor on her leg was told by her GP to take a mobile phone picture of the problem and text it in. My little nephew broke his little finger – photograph it and text it in, his parents were told.
You can’t really blame the doctors. Would you want to be face to face with diseased, smelly, potentially time-wasting people day in day out? Why bother with so much frontline stuff when the NHS can provide you a stable healthy monthly income and you can instead get invloved with all the latest innovations in remote working tech and all those lucrative new pharmaceutical developements. Or, if you’re on a lower paygrade, there’s always TikTok as a distraction.
The problem is that our nationalised health service is not customer driven. I’ll qualify that. The service doesn’t respond to what patients desire. The customer is the government. Then perhaps it responds to what the political paymaster dictates – well, up to a point. With a large and powerful workforce, empowered by public goodwill, the payroll vote tends to get their way.
So how is Britain’s great socialistic post-war flagship doing?
‘England NHS waiting list hits record 5m‘ (FT)
But we still love it, right? We’re happy to wait patiently and act under what they used to term “doctor’s orders” ?
‘Climbdown over NHS online and phone triage‘ (Telegraph) ‘Patients win right to see GP face to face following screening system backlash‘ – so there are indeed murmurings of discontent. We’ll see how that goes.
‘Indian variant won’t stop reopening, says PM‘ (Telegraph) – That’ll be the India Variant of the mustn’t call it China Flu.
Our left-leaning press, and our hysterical press (which covers most of it) would beg to differ with the optimistic PM: ‘Concerns rise over virus variant‘ (FT); ‘Race to stop Indian strain cases more than double inside a week‘ (Times); ‘Vaccine surge for under-30s possible in new hotspots‘ (‘i’); ‘Covid: new Indian variant fears‘ (Daily Mail)
Thank goodness there’s some light (and bitter?) relief in the Star: ‘124 pints and a packet of crisps, please‘ – apparently, according to economists, that’s how much we each would need to drink in order to save ‘our beleaguered… (be-lagered?) pub industry‘ – Gulp! Cheers. The Star helpfully supplies a ‘handy wallchart‘ to track progress. I personally might have given it a go but it turns out there’s a very long waiting list for a pub table. When I did get an appointment the barmaid took so much time doing the admin that it took ages to order a drink. A somewhat uncanny similar customer service to what we find these days in our NHS.
I guess it’s only a matter of time before our fire service demand a mobile phone pic of your house ablaze before firing up their engines.
I would have suggested the cops may soon require a mobile phone pic of a stabbing before they set off in the squad car. But I reckon the youngsters in our vibrant cities have that covered already.
I learned of yet another friend who never stopped working normally (home improvements) all through the covids only yesterday. He kept that quiet in case he got clobbered by the thought police!
All those furloughed jobs made life a misery for so many citizens who needed public services, a doctor on call and of course, a decent information service which was seriously lacking where the awful BBC was concerned.
Our village set up a local info service and everyone was looked after, without the need to clap every blasted litter-picker. I wish GBNews had been around at the start of all this, several fatcats would have been poked in the arse very, very quickly.
The BBC is guilty of making so many false accusations, causing panic where none existed, and making vulnerable citizens more worried than they needed to be. Sod the lot of them.
vladMar 4, 10:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Muslim Teacher Says Muslims MUST CONTROL THE WEST in 50 Years!” With Starmer, Khan and the BBC all rooting for…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 2014 – Crimea – net zero action 2022 – Donesk – net zero action 2025 – Coalition of the willing…
JohnCMar 4, 10:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I suspect the EU have arranged this to bring the UK back closer to the EU in everybodies eyes. I…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 09:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelensky blew it. Trump was right, he has no cards. he was bluffing. Now Ukraine will pay the price.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘The world wants more Britain’: David Lammy on Trump, tariffs, Gaza and the Chagos Islands The foreign secretary’s diplomatic skills…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A big hint is it won’t be the middle classes who send their youth to the slaughter, it’ll be those…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I’m begging everyone please stop showing this, every time I see it I start laughing and at my age it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The art of doing something to achieve nothing … Digital advertising launches today in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to…
I got the popcorn out to watch a PM from the past getting pulled over the coals by a series of sneering MPs . I bet a lot of politicians of all types were watching this to learn how not to get caught feathering their nests – which I submit is a primary drive to become a politician in the first place .
The BBC is smelling blood with Mr Cameron and must be desperate to link his drive for money to the current government .
The likes of Major and Blair must be sitting – and worrying a bit in case their private arrangements are looked at in detail …
Chrissy Teigen sorry for bullying Courtney Stodden on Twitter
A pointless read about some unknown (to me) celebrity who once slagged off another unknown (to me) celebrity.
The caption for the last photo says, “Stodden rose to fame aged 16, when they married the actor Doug Hutchison”. Why is the BBC trying to write this with neutral gender when a quote from Stodden refers to herself as ‘she?
It must mean there were more than one of them.
Hey BBC, somethings cracking off in Yorkshire….
In a tiny report way down the page the Independent report…
29 men charged with sexual exploitation and rape of 13-year-old girl in Bradford and Calderdale
Police have charged a group of 29 men in connection with the sexual exploitation of a girl over a seven-year period in West Yorkshire.
Asad Ali, 37, of Brighouse, is charged with two counts of rape
Ajmal Aziz, 39 of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape and attempted rape
Mohammed Jangier, 44, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Asif, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Harris Ahmed Butt, 37, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault
Taukeer Butt, 36, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Muitasim Khan, 40, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohammed Hamza, 47, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Mohsin Mir, 40, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
Javid Mir, 38, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Haroon Saddique, 37, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Zahir Iqbal, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sarfraz Rabnawaz, 35, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Wajid Addalat, 43, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sajid Addalat, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Nazim Hussain, 43, of Bradford, is charged with conspiracy to rape
Nadeem Saddiqque, 43, of Sheffield, is charged with rape
Saquab Hussain, 43, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Sadakat Ali, 48, of Bradford, is charged with rape
Ziarab Mohammed, 48, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Imran Raja Yasin, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Zulfiqar Ali, 40, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Malik Abid Qadeer, 64, of Halifax, is charged with five counts of rape
Kamran Amin, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Mohammed Akhtar, 51, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Ali Zulfiqar, 38, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Shafiq Ali Rafiq, 40, of Dewsbury, is charged with two counts of rape
Amir Shaban, 45, of Halifax, is charged with rape
Sakeb Nazir, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
Meanwhile the BBC have found enough space to report on the protest against deporting an illegal immigrant in Scotland.. It’s right there on the home page!
Developments from the Political show trial of Derek Chauvin, the judge in the case has decided there are aggravating factors in the case which will allow him to triple the term he hands down to Chauvin. What could have been a 10 year sentence although more likely a 12.5 year one will now be a possible 40 year sentence which will be more like 30 years as the maximum possible without an automatic appeal for it being too harsh.
Meanwhile the lawyers for Tau Thao have submitted court papers requesting a MOTION FOR SANCTIONS FOR PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT STEMMING FROM WITNESS COERCION
The witness in question was the coronor who was coerced into changing his testimony by Minnesota state prosecutors.
Dr Baker stated the preliminary findings “revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation”
Dr. Mitchell called Dr. “Baker first to let him know that he was going to be critical of Baker’s findings”. Id. “In this conversation, Mitchell said, you don’t want to be the medical examiner who tells everyone they didn’t see what they saw. You don’t want to be the smartestperson in the room and be wrong.Said there was a way to articulate the cause and manner of death that ensures you are telling the truth about what you are observing and via all of the investigation. Mitchell said neck compression has to be in the diagnosis.”
Dr. Mitchell has set the stage that he will threaten the trade and professional reputation of any physician who suggests that Mr. Floyd’s death could be labeled as “undetermined”. See Exhibit 5 (stating that an opinionthat Mr. Floyd’s death was undetermined “is outside the standard practice and conventions…” and “[t]his stated opinion raises significant concerns for his previous practice and management”.). Dr. Mitchell also penned that “If forensic pathologists can offer such baseless opinions without penalty, then the entire criminal justice system is at risk”.
There is obviously much much more and there are claims that evidence which has been known of and referred to has not been made available to the defence.
It’s explosive stuff because if as it appears the state has pressured an expert witness into saying something which they knew to be wrong the entire US justice system is at risk and the convicion of Chauvin wrong, and politically motivated.
All that we need to know is what next the BBC’s finest fact checkers will ‘unearth’ next.
Laura takes it well.
Lass should have stuck to dissing Trump.
The long march through the institutions reaches the AMA in the US. The American Medical Association embraces critical race theory. I think the Anychess is on the same wavelength
G.W.F., certainly one of the London Yoonis is convinced that the Covid virus is racist and only affects some PoC but, strangely, not Chinese or south-east or eastern Asians. They keep trying – with the BBC’s enthusiastic help – to keep reporting this racist virus in journals like the Lancet.
Soaring career path.
Who is leaving CNN to join the BBC ? Couldn’t they just sell the BBC to CNN?
Referred to earlier.
Nice summary from a sneering Martine airhead on BBC news about mr Cameron using a private jet to go to his third home Near Newquay .
Well I hope Mr Cameron has more than 3 homes – after all his inept treatment of Brexit helped get us out of the ReichEU .
Maybe stick up a statue so that the emir gets his committee to pull it down
Our, and BBC Nanana BS’ loss, is the lucky country’s gain…
For a correspondent who is supposed to report on the USA, this pompous left wing oaf might just once try and actually understand the USA. Then he might appreciate why people voted for Trump. If he were any sort of journalist, he would realise that sneering at people he does not like does not constitute journalism. But what does he care? The BBC salary gets paid every month.
3pm R4 Clare Balding’s walking show
Main guest the founder of Black Girls Hike
… she accidentally talked about black privilege
‘we started out London walk last year in Covid times,
we had more than 100 people, so well over the limit,
but we got away with it cos everyone though we were a BLM march’
Any women of colour fronting R4 shows today ?
3pm Rhiane Fatinikun of Black Girls Hike
3:27pm Seema Jaswal ( TV Sports presenter)
charity for India’s most vulnerable children (India has lots of billionaires)
3:30pm Jhumpa Lahiri Bangladeshi/American author who to her credit writes in Italian
4pm Chloe Zhao on her film Nomadland (show included white men too !)
8pm Amanda Khozi Mukwashi The Chief Executive of Christian Aid, is the preacher at a service for Ascension Day
BBC News
Protesters surrounded a Home Office immigration enforcement vehicle with chants of “let our neighbours go”.
Bet there is context missing.
Chief Superintendent Mark Sutherland, Police Scotland, said:
“In order to protect the safety, public health and well-being of all people involved in the detention and subsequent protest in Kenmure Street, Pollokshields, today, Police Scotland has, following a suitable risk assessment, taken the operational decision
to release the men detained by UK Immigration Enforcement back into their community meantime.
Radio 4 news at 6 pm was not great on this. A local man complained at the insensitivity of doing the enforcement at Eid! It looks like another case of brown-skinned ‘Asians’ causing trouble to defend one of their own, irrespective of the rights and wrongs of the case; St Urgeon was standing ready to offer assistance!
Apologies if this has already been covered …
Something al beeb and the rest of the MSM will either not cover or bury on page 89 …
Stewgreen above has noticed lots of BAME coverage by the BBC today.
But strangely sometimes the BBC manages to have no coverage at all.
No, not another northern town paedo scandal.
The first item on BBC 1 6 pm TV news was the high level of Indian variant covid in Bolton and Blackburn.
Mmm. Indian. Bolton. Blackburn. What could the link possibly be?
Strangely the BBC have no idea at all, other than the the case rates are very high in the under 25s!!!!! FFS.
The coverage shows an enormous number of white people with almost no BAME at all.
Isn’t that amazing?
Or alternatively an utter travesty of the glaringly obvious reality from the biased BBC, for whom, as we well know, BAME can do no wrong.
Disgusting, fake news.
Yes, and here is the BBC report on the unexplained rise in cases in Bolton – or how to write a story without mentioning the bleedin’ obvious:
Any other race based programming ?
9pn BBC1 “Race, Pop & Power” doco by Leigh-Anne Pinnock
It’s already been on BBC3 and the BBC gave it away on YouTube to international viewers.
11am R4 The 2001 summer of race riots in northern England
9pm BBC2 Anita Rani says a Kenyan immigrant suffered
Details for BBC1 prog
Details of Radio4 prog
11am R4 The 2001 summer of race riots in northern England
… The prog said the National Front had been in the Oldham area a few week before.
but the prog didn’t say why.
It then said that had triggered “Indian”* youths to start gathering milk bottles to make petrol bombs
* They said Indian, but meant Muslim , cos that is the word the prog sometimes used.
The prog said that day a pregnant Muslim woman had racist words shouted at her
and that triggered the youths into the action of petrol bombing pubs.
I can tell you catagorically none of that is true. There had been some simmering tension for a while, but then the SWP arrived and began agitating big time.
The Spark came when some pregnant Pakistani Womans kids stole a White womans kids bike, they went round with some family to get it back. It was in the hall when they called round but she wouldn’t give it back and called the Police, oh and a few Paki relations for support. One of the white kids threw a brick through the window.
The Police arrested the group and on determining who it was who threw the brick released the others down the road.
The Paki relatives have run after the Police van saw this, put two & two together and made five, and assumed all had been released by a racially biased Police force. They went back to the community and the riots spread from there.
The rest is history.
Details for the Anita Rani show
Darryl, an author whose family came to the UK as part of the post-war wave of migration from former British colonies.
Darryl was born in Kenya to Goan parents, who had moved from India to East Africa as citizens of the British Empire.
But when Kenya declared independence from Britain in 1963, families like Darryl’s came under increased discrimination from the government.
His parents made the difficult decision to move yet again, this time to Britain
– but the welcome was not warm
Goa was Portuguese…..so how would that make them citizens of the British Empire?
whispers ….. cos they moved to Kenya (which was in the British Empire).. and Darryl was born after they settled there.
The line reads that the “parents” moved to East Africa “as citizens of the British Empire”. So Garry’s question is quite reasonable.
It could be that they left Goa before Indian independence and became British that way. Or it could be something to do with the fact that many Goans used to work on the P&0 liners.
Sorry don’t know the real answer.
In other words, they might have moved into British India first.
My point really is about the writers ineptitude.
Yet more diversity and multiculturalism to celebrate.
A Metropolitan Police officer who pretended to stop and search drug dealers so he could steal their money has been jailed for eight years.
Kashif Mahmood seized hundreds of thousands of pounds for an organised crime gang controlled from Dubai.
The gang received information about when money was on the move so that Mahmood could intercept it – in uniform – using police cars.
So that’s what they mean by multicultural ‘enrichment’. Now I get it.
Eight years ? Too soft – make it 20 …. Eight means 4 … or less – 20 means 10 … or less ….
Hang him.
While the racist BBC uncritically embrace Critical Race Theory (CRT) and slavishly bend the knee to its proponents, this angry black mother ain’t having none of it.
“CRT is not an honest dialogue, it is a tactic used by Hitler and the KKK… it is racist… abusive… discriminates against one’s colour… political advertisement to divide our children and belittle them… with racist theories…”
And that’s just the first 30 seconds!
This is the same CRT that was rightly banned by Trump and stupidly re-introduced by mush-brained Biden and his leftist, virtue signalling puppet masters.
The clip is from, once again, Sky News Aus, and is the sort of thing the BBC would never show. Let’s hope the forthcoming GB News has more courage.
Local BBC news “It’s Eid here we are the Scunthorpe mosque”
… That’s the third time in 3.5 weeks
.. Other times were to do with vaccination PR event, and becoming a vaccination centre.
3 minute report “Happy Eid Mubarak , Thankyou NHS”
To celebrate the holy month of Ramadan, here is a list (probably incomplete) of islamic terror attacks in the last 30 days.
Total: 207 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 1055 people were killed and 1707 injured.
Celebrate THAT, BBC.
PS. If you find the list annoyingly long, please refer any complaints to al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Indonesian Mujahedeen Council, Taliban, Sipah Sahaba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Hizbul Mujahideen or any of the dozens of other groups responsible. I’m sure they will be sympathetic to your inconvenience, as will the families of the dead and mutilated victims.
You might also want to copy in Sadiq Khan, The Muslim Council of Britain, and the BBC.
2021.05.13 Israel Sderot 1 7 A 5-year-old boy succumbs to injuries following an Hamas rocket attack.
2021.05.12 Kenya Mandera 2 0 Two guards at a cell phone tower are picked off by al-Shabaab.
2021.05.12 Kenya Wajir 1 0 Islamic extremists use an RPG to kill a police reservist.
2021.05.12 Israel Lod 2 0 A 7-year-old girl and a woman are taken out by an Hamas rocket.
2021.05.12 Iraq Balga 1 0 An Islamic State sniper shoots a 45-year-old Kurd.
2021.05.12 Israel Lod 2 1 A father and his teenage daughter are put down by an Hamas rocket.
2021.05.11 Indonesia Kalimago 4 0 Mujahideen behead one farmer and butcher three others.
2021.05.11 Israel Ashkelon 2 5 Two women, ages 60 and 80, are killed when a Hamas rocket hits their home.
2021.05.11 Israel Tel Aviv 1 8 A 50-year-old woman is killed when her apartment building is hit by an Hamas rocket.
2021.05.10 France Bordeaux 0 1 A policewoman is stabbed by another woman shouting praises to Allah.
2021.05.10 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 1 0 An off-duty cop is gunned down at a city square.
2021.05.10 DRC Kilia 6 0 Five villagers and a female peacekeeper are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.10 Afghanistan Zabul 11 28 Eleven passengers on a bus, including women and children, are eliminated by fundamentalist bombers.
2021.05.09 Iraq Karbala 1 0 The life of a young activist is cut short by Shiite militia.
2021.05.09 Iraq Jalisiyah 2 2 Two Shiites are exterminated by the Islamic State.
2021.05.09 Afghanistan Kabul 2 9 Taliban shrapnel claims the lives of two people on a minibus.
2021.05.09 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a passing van, killing a passenger.
2021.05.09 Nigeria Mgbakwu 1 1 A woman is beaten to death by Fulani terrorists.
2021.05.09 Somalia Mogadishu 6 6 A Shahid suicide bomber sends six other souls to Allah.
2021.05.08 Iraq Rutba 2 1 Two shepherds are captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2021.05.08 Nigeria Awka 2 0 Two villagers are murdered by Muslim militants.
2021.05.08 Afghanistan Tiran Kot 4 0 A Taliban disguised as a police officer opens fire on a checkpoint, killing four.
2021.05.08 Iraq Kofa 1 0 A man is pulled out of his car by holy warriors and executed in front of his family.
2021.05.08 Afghanistan Kabul 85 147 Bombs targeting a Shiite girls’ school bring down over eighty students and staff.
2021.05.07 Mali Hombori 3 6 Three local soldiers in a supply convoy are put down by Islam activists.
2021.05.07 Nigeria Abuja 1 0 A police officer is stabbed to death by Shiite radicals.
2021.05.07 Pakistan Panga Khan 1 0 Extremists hack a woman to death in her home with an axe.
2021.05.07 Burkina Faso Tin-Akoff 20 20 Jihadists are suspected of machine-gunning some twenty villagers.
2021.05.06 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A former Treasury Department employee is assassinated.
2021.05.06 Iraq al-Khalis 2 0 A teacher at a secular school is stabbed to death in his home along with his wife.
2021.05.06 Maldives Male 0 4 The Islamic State attempts to assassinate the former president with a car bomb.
2021.05.05 Nigeria Shadadi 8 4 Muslim gunmen storm into a town and kill eight innocents.
2021.05.05 Iraq Dibis 1 2 One Iraqi is killed by the Islamic State.
2021.05.05 Pakistan Zhob 4 6 Islamic militants are suspected of crossing the border and killing four guards.
2021.05.05 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 An ISIS attack on an oil field claims the life of a guard.
2021.05.05 Somalia Khada 3 1 A woman is among the casualties of an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2021.05.05 Iraq Juwayda 2 1 Mujahideen kill two Iraqis with a cluster bomb.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Khost 1 17 A mid-city bomb blast takes out a commuter.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Kalakan 1 3 Islamists bomb a minibus carrying medical workers, killing one.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Khwaja Omari 6 0 Six locals are liquidated by the Taliban.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 5 4 Sunni radicals attack a minibus and nearby police station, killing five.
2021.05.04 Syria Jdaidet Kahit 2 0 Two passengers in a passing car are ripped to pieces with heavy weapons fire.
2021.05.04 Pakistan Tarkhoo 2 2 A routine security patrol is hit with a roadside blast that kills two members.
2021.05.04 Niger Tillabery 15 4 Islamic terrorists massacre fifteen border guards.
2021.05.04 Cameroon Tumshe 5 7 Jihadists plant a landmine that kills five civilians returning from a market.
2021.05.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 The Taliban target and kill a health official with a roadside bomb.
2021.05.04 Afghanistan Paktika 1 0 A popular police officer is exterminated by Jihadis.
2021.05.04 Iraq Maysan 2 1 Two local police gunned down by Sharia proponents.
2021.05.04 Iran Ahwaz 1 0 A 20-year-old man is beheaded by his cousins for being gay.
2021.05.04 DRC Mangina 1 3 ADF Islamists shoot one person dead during a raid.
2021.05.04 DRC Rwenzori 4 3 Mines planted by the ADF claim four lives.
2021.05.04 France Mérignac 1 0 A woman is honor-killed by her strict husband, who shoots her in the street and then burns her alive.
2021.05.03 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three guards at a bazaar are purged by the Taliban.
2021.05.03 Nigeria Ajiri 30 0 A second Boko Haram raid in as many days leaves thirty more dead.
2021.05.03 Afghanistan Jar Khoshk 9 19 Nine Afghans lose their lives to an attack by Sunni extremists.
2021.05.03 Burkina Faso Hantoukoura 30 20 Children are among thirty villagers shot and burned alive by Islamic militia.
2021.05.03 Nigeria Gwer West 15 0 Fifteen villagers are massacred by Muslim militants in a pre-dawn attack.
2021.05.03 Nigeria Naka-Agagbe 2 0 Two commuters are murdered by Muslim terrorists along a road.
2021.05.03 Kenya Ishakani 2 0 Two people are eliminated by an al-Shabaab landmine.
2021.05.03 Afghanistan Farah 0 21 Young children are among the casualties of a Religion of Peace bombing at a school.
2021.05.02 Israel Kfar Tapuah 1 2 Students waiting for a bus are shot in a drive-by.
2021.05.02 Nigeria Ajiri 13 9 A half-dozen civilians are among thirteen killed by Boko Haram.
2021.05.02 Afghanistan Bala Buluk 22 4 Twenty-two Afghans are blown to bits by Sunni bombers.
2021.05.02 Afghanistan Farsi 8 4 Two Taliban car bombs claim eight souls.
2021.05.02 Niger Tahoua 16 6 Sixteen local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Jihadists.
2021.05.02 Afghanistan Rustaq 1 2 Hardliners assassinate a politician with a bomb.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Gardez 1 0 The Taliban murder a man inside his home.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Qalat City 3 2 A Taliban attack leaves three dead and two wounded.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Warduj 8 6 Eight locals are purged by the Taliban.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Lashkargah 1 0 A child loses her life during an attack by Sunni radicals.
2021.05.01 Iraq Alton Kubre 7 2 Seven Kurds are murdered by the Islamic State.
2021.05.01 Iraq Akashat 3 2 Two ISIS bomb blasts claim three lives.
2021.05.01 Iraq al-Qaim 2 0 Two Iraqis are liquidated by ISIS shrapnel.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A university lecturer is gunned down by extremists.
2021.05.01 DRC Beni 19 10 At least nineteen people are slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.01 DRC Beni 1 0 An anti-extremist imam is assassinated by extremists.
2021.05.01 Syria Hasakah 1 0 A motorcycle rider is picked off by ISIS snipers.
2021.05.01 Egypt al-Amal 3 0 Three family members are brutally killed in their own home by the Islamic State.
2021.04.30 Iraq Tarmiya 4 2 An attack at an agricultural area leaves four dead.
2021.04.30 Afghanistan Shirzad 4 0 Three women and a child are pulled into pieces by a Taliban mortar.
2021.04.30 Iraq Daquq 3 2 Three local police officers loses their lives to an automatic weapons attack by ISIS.
2021.04.30 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 27 60 A Religion of Peace suicide bombing at a guesthouse kills twenty-seven, including high school students.
2021.04.29 Iraq Hawija 2 1 Two Iraqis are sent to Allah by the Islamic State.
2021.04.29 Nigeria Imandeakpu 5 4 A late-night attack on a village by Muslim militants results in five dead residents.
2021.04.29 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 The Islamic State claims two lives with a roadside bomb.
2021.04.29 Afghanistan Khinjan 7 0 Seven family members are purged by Muslim terrorists.
2021.04.29 DRC Kyaninga 6 0 Six villagers are purged by ADF Islamists.
2021.04.28 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 The relative of a journalist is gunned down by hardliners.
2021.04.28 Somalia Mogadishu 11 3 An early-morning blast outside a prison leaves eleven dead.
2021.04.28 Pakistan Qilla Abdullah 1 8 Tehreek-e-Taliban is suspected of a bomb blast that leaves one dead.
2021.04.28 Somalia Afgoye 3 7 Three people are blown sky high by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2021.04.28 Yemen Alrko 2 0 A Shahid suicide bomber exterminates two children.
2021.04.28 Pakistan Nowshera 5 0 Three woman are among five honor killed by conservative relatives.
2021.04.28 Philippines Datu Saudi Ampatuan 2 6 Two women are killed when a Bangsamoro bomb goes off early.
2021.04.28 Syria al-Sour 2 2 An ISIS motorcycle bomb takes out two passersby.
2021.04.27 Nigeria Makurdi 10 9 Muslim militants murder ten innocents at a displaced persons camp, including a child.
2021.04.27 Iraq Rashad 4 5 Four sappers are aerated by a bomb left by Islamists.
2021.04.27 Afghanistan Dehrawood 3 0 Three locals lose their lives to a pernicious attack by the Taliban.
2021.04.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two security personnel are ambushed and killed by a group fighting for Sharia.
2021.04.27 Nigeria Jebbu Miango 1 1 One person is killed when Muslim militants attack an orphanage.
2021.04.26 Syria Beaver Ridge, WV 1 0 A truck driver is killed by ISIS gunfire.
2021.04.26 Burkina Faso Arly National Park 4 2 Two Spanish journalists and an Irish wildlife conservationist are among four captured and executed.
2021.04.26 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Muslim kidnappers kill two more students.
2021.04.26 Burkina Faso Seytenga 18 1 Eighteen villagers are massacred by armed Jihadists.
2021.04.26 Afghanistan Lalpoor 5 0 Radical Sunnis shoot five people to death.
2021.04.26 Chad Lake Chad 12 6 Jihadists ambush and kill a dozen local soldiers.
2021.04.26 Afghanistan Kunar 0 21 Sixteen children are among the casualties of a Taliban rocket attack.
2021.04.26 Iraq Mosul 2 9 Separate Mujahid bombings leave two dead.
2021.04.25 Iraq Khali 1 1 Terrorists fire on a man and his son, killing the 3-year-old.
2021.04.25 Thailand Raman 1 1 Muslim terrorists kill a policeman with a pipe-bomb.
2021.04.25 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 7 3 The Taliban ambush vehicles along the highway and kill seven copper mine guards.
2021.04.25 Afghanistan Maiwand 5 4 A suicide car bomber takes out five Afghans.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Manini 1 4 Muslim gunmen attack a church, killing a doctor.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Mainok 31 43 At least thirty-one are killed when Sharia advocates fire rockets into town and storm a nearby base.
2021.04.25 Iraq Khanaqin 1 2 A village head is assassinated by the Islamic State.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Miango 1 1 A 21-year-old is killed in an attack that also injures his younger brother.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Jwanshak 1 0 A man is dragged from his home and executed by Muslim militants.
2021.04.24 Nigeria Yogbo-Mbayev 3 0 Three locals are cut down by militant Muslims.
2021.04.24 Nigeria Ajikama 9 0 Fulani terrorist murder nine villagers, including a pregnant woman and a 3-year-old.
2021.04.24 Yemen Marib 26 0 A judge is among two dozen killed in a 2-day assault by Ansar Allah.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A 25-year-old woman is shot dead by fundamentalists.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A tribal elder is picked off by Taliban snipers.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A government maintenance worker is gunned down.
2021.04.24 DRC Makundi 2 0 Two Congolese lose their lives to ADF Islamists.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Extremists assassinated a university professor.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Logar 3 0 Three Afghans are laid out by a Taliban nail-bomb.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Bangi 7 0 Seven locals are taken out by a Sunni drone.
2021.04.24 Thailand Sai Buri 3 0 Muslim ‘insurgents’ stage a barbaric attack on a family, killing three members.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 3 Fundamentalists plant a bomb that claims three civilians.
2021.04.24 Nigeria Guma 5 20 Muslim militants murder five residents in a series of attacks.
2021.04.23 Nigeria Geidam 11 0 Two homes are blown up by Jihadists, along with eleven residents.
2021.04.23 Afghanistan Engil 1 0 Radicals shoot a woman to death.
2021.04.23 Iraq Abbara 3 8 A pair of Mujahid attacks takes three lives.
2021.04.23 Nigeria Tse-Gborigyo 7 6 Seven villagers are massacred by Muslim ‘militia’.
2021.04.23 Afghanistan Qabristan 4 3 Four civilians are eliminated by Taliban bombers.
2021.04.23 Syria Golan 2 1 Two children are killed by a bomb being transported in a car.
2021.04.23 Afghanistan Riskhvor 1 0 A government employee is murdered on her way home from work.
2021.04.23 France Paris 1 0 A mother-of-2 is stabbed twice in the throat by an Allah-praising Tunisian migrant.
2021.04.23 Nigeria Yobe 4 0 Two Christians are hunted down and killed, along with two other school teachers.
2021.04.22 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Three members are executed for ‘betraying’ an Islamic organization.
2021.04.22 Nigeria Vom 6 2 A half-dozen innocents are killed by Fulani mercenaries.
2021.04.22 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 1 2 A young man is murdered in his home in front of his family.
2021.04.22 Nigeria Kwanan Bature 3 0 The bodies of two women are among three students found murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.04.22 Somalia Banadir 4 4 A group fighting for Sharia sends mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing four.
2021.04.22 Burkina Faso Sahel 5 3 Five local soldiers are murdered by religious extremists.
2021.04.22 Syria Markada 2 0 Two employees at a gas station are shot to death by ISIS.
2021.04.21 Pakistan Quetta 5 12 The Taliban claims a suicide bombing at a luxury hotel that leaves five dead.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Dawlatyar 4 0 Three students are among four Shiites murdered by fundamentalists.
2021.04.21 Iraq al-Dibs 1 0 A child is blown to bits by ISIS explosives.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Balkh 8 6 Eight Afghan are laid out by gun-wielding Sunni radicals.
2021.04.21 Nigeria Guma 6 0 Six villager elders are slaughtered by Muslim terrorists.
2021.04.21 Nigeria Makurdi 2 0 Two residents are ‘butchered’ by Fulani.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Parwan 1 2 A statistician is murdered in front of his family by the Taliban.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Khairkhan 2 0 A father and son are assassinated by Holy Warriors.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Baghlan-e-Markazi 2 2 A woman is among two blown up by Jihadists.
2021.04.21 Bangladesh Chittagong 0 25 A mob of ‘religious fanatics’ attack a Hindu village.
2021.04.21 Syria Hazima 3 1 Three sappers are cut down by the Islamic State.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 9 One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2021.04.20 Iraq Barawhili 1 0 Holy Warriors fell a 15-year-old shepherd with a bomb.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Ghorian 3 14 Three people are sent to Allah by a suicide car bomber.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 The Taliban kill a sports journalist by attaching a bomb to his car.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two people are shot to death during a terror attack on a vehicle.
2021.04.20 Somalia Darusalem 1 3 A local official is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2021.04.20 Iraq Mount Hamrin 2 0 Two Iraqis are brought low by an ISIS nail bomb.
2021.04.20 Nigeria Kaduna 1 20 Muslim terrorists infiltrate a university and kill a staffer.
2021.04.20 Iraq Abbasi 1 0 A farmer is ‘executed’ in his own home by Islamists.
2021.04.20 Nigeria Daffo 1 0 A Christian man is hacked to death with machetes on his own porch.
2021.04.19 Afghanistan Sarha-e-Mohammad Ja 8 2 Eight police officers are killed in two attacks by religious radicals.
2021.04.19 Afghanistan Kabul 35 0 Thirty-five more civilians are reported dead in attacks over the past week.
2021.04.19 Nigeria Dikwa 12 0 Boko Haram claims to have killed a dozen locals in an attack on a town.
2021.04.19 Syria Hasakah 1 2 A truck driver is killed by ISIS.
2021.04.19 Iraq Kanaan 1 2 An Islamic State bomb blast claims one life.
2021.04.19 Iraq Mutassim 1 0 Islamists execute a man at his home in front of his family.
2021.04.18 Afghanistan Fabrica Qand 2 6 A pernicious attack by the Taliban on a township leaves two dead.
2021.04.18 Afghanistan Badghis 3 0 Three local cops are killed in an ‘insider’ attack by the Taliban.
2021.04.18 Afghanistan Sar-e-Pul 1 0 A female athlete is murdered by extremists.
2021.04.17 Afghanistan Taluqan 4 5 An early morning attack by fundamentalists leaves four dead.
2021.04.17 Nigeria Mbamondu 8 5 A family is among eight butchered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.04.17 Pakistan Makeen 4 0 Four cops manning a checkpoint are wiped out by Islamists.
2021.04.17 Somalia Gololay 1 3 al-Shabaab claims a bombing that leaves one dead.
2021.04.17 Niger Gaigorou 19 6 Nineteen innocents are massacred by Islamic extremists.
2021.04.17 Afghanistan Layakht 2 1 Two civilians are leveled by a Taliban blast.
2021.04.16 Pakistan Lahore 4 280 Four more police are reported dead in violent rioting by hardliners.
2021.04.16 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Two captured tribesmen are executed by the Islamic State.
2021.04.16 Yemen Marib 6 0 At least a half-dozen others are killed in a series of Ansar Allah attacks.
2021.04.16 Nigeria Ngomari 3 1 Boko Haram stage a sudden attack on a security base, killing three personnel.
2021.04.16 Nigeria Kamuya 5 4 The lives of five Nigerians are cut short by Boko Haram.
2021.04.16 Afghanistan Zinda Jan 3 8 Three policemen are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2021.04.16 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A civilian is obliterated by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.04.16 Syria Palmyra 2 0 Two civilians are blown up by an ISIS landmine.
2021.04.15 Syria Nawa 2 2 An ISIS attack on a truck leaves two dead.
2021.04.15 Nigeria Wereng 6 2 Militant Muslims ride into a village and blow away six residents.
2021.04.15 Egypt Bir El-Abd 1 0 A 62-year-old Christian man is executed after being held by ISIS for three months.
2021.04.15 Iraq Sadr City 5 21 A car bomb goes off outside a furniture mart, killing five bystanders.
2021.04.15 Pakistan Laghar 1 0 A man is shot dead by terrorists while walking home.
2021.04.15 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 4 0 A family of four is exterminated by Jihadi bombers.
2021.04.15 Afghanistan Mir Bacha Kot 2 1 Two men are killed by the Taliban, including one trying to negotiate peace.
2021.04.15 Afghanistan Garziwan 6 3 A half-dozen Afghans are disassembled by the Taliban.
2021.04.15 Nigeria Rafinkada 3 0 A woman is among three farmers killed by Fulani terrorists.
2021.04.14 Pakistan Lahore 2 520 Several days of rioting by hardliners, angered over Muhammad cartoons, leaves two dead policemen and hundreds injured.
2021.04.14 Burkina Faso Gorgadji 8 0 At least eight people lose their lives to a Jihadi ambush.
2021.04.14 Cameroon Gouzoudou 3 0 Three villagers are laid out by Boko Haram gunmen.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Kocha-e-Bukhari 7 2 Seven locals are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.04.14 Nigeria Damasak 8 12 Another eight residents are killed in a fourth attack on the same town by Boko Haram.
2021.04.14 Somalia Balad 17 4 Seventeen innocents on a minibus are delivered to Allah by al-Shabaab bombers.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 0 Three police are murdered in an insider attack by a religious extremist.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Muqur 5 10 Five Afghan security are killed in two attacks on checkpoints.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Holand 10 0 Ten locals are reportedly killed in a Taliban shooting and bombing attack.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Taighe Taimur 1 0 A 12-year-old purged by Jihadi bombers.
2021.04.13 Iraq Zanjili 1 0 A young man is shot dead by suspected Islamic State.
2021.04.13 Nigeria Damasak 18 21 At least eighteen are killed when Islamists roll into a town and shoot sporadically.
2021.04.13 Afghanistan Farah 3 24 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber claims a child and two others.
2021.04.13 Afghanistan Daha-e-Ghori 5 4 Religious radicals open fire on a police checkpoint, killing five.
2021.04.13 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A Shiite dies from injuries suffered during a targeted bombing for ‘being a polytheist’.
2021.04.13 Philippines Cotabato 3 0 A family of three is exterminated by suspected Bangsamoro Islamists.
Apologies: the list seemed manageably long on a computer screen, but I’ve just seen it’s REALLY long on a smartphone.
Surely Vlad, it’s White Supremacy that’s the real threat 🤔…….isn’t that what we are told !!
Absolutely. Over the same period, white supremacist attacks were: 0 attacks in 0 countries, with 0 killed and 0 injured.
They must be stopped!
Don’t forget : it takes 2 sides to have a war.
They know they cannot do anything about the Muslim threat. It’s based on deep-rooted psychology and brain washing. It’s here to stay.
Their only option to stop the conflict escalating is to a) suppress reporting of what they do and b) suppress any reaction to what they do. At all costs. That’s what we are seeing here.
Great if you’re the government. Not so great for the actual population who suffer from all the laws they make so they can silence you. Free speech is gone.
Just ask Tommy Robinson.
So the county court injunction for ‘defamation’ which landed Boris with a £535 bill was taken out by ‘an eccentric loner’ (vegan nutter) (allegedly) who has previously filed similar complaints against Marks & Spencer, public institutions and other such august bodies. She also copied in the Queen on several of her cases.
Any basic research might have uncovered the sad old biddy’s track record but no doubt Hislop and his Private Eye team preferred to snigger with pride at their discovery before, naturally, the BBC picked up on the story.
Looks like they’ll have to re-write the HIGNFY script or the old girl will slap a hefty one on.
Does make you wonder how much the PM will take from the BBC before he gets a ‘culture secretary ‘ willing to fix the BBC .
He has about 24 months to start to deal with the BBC before the election bites – in the run up to the charter renewal in 2027…..
And only just over an hour to wait before the fullsome and detailed explanation and apology in the News at Ten. Over to you Huw.
“Covid-19: Indian variant Covid cases found in Nuneaton”
Squeaky bum time.
Time for Bo Jo to move the goal posts – again ?
“Elisabetta Belloni: Italy appoints first female spy chief”
Someone better give her the ‘heads up’ about the invasion of
Priti, take note and take action now while we have time.
Once you send them back the message will get back to the illegals and they will stop coming eg. Australia. Simples
“Wales election: New health and education ministers in reshuffle”
In a nutshell, health and education in Wales is a mess. That’s what you get when the same ‘nutters’ get elected in.
“Alastair Campbell to interview Tony Blair at Hay Festival”
Laural & Hardy “Another Fine Mess” comes to mind.
Promises to be a tough interview!
So, Tony, would you like some uninterrupted air-time to tell the world what a great PM you were?
“Mr Blair led the Labour Party to victory in 1997 and won a further two elections in 2001 and 2005 before stepping down in 2007, handing over to Gordon Brown.”
“Police release men from immigration van blocking Glasgow street”
“Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who is also the MSP for the area, said she disagreed fundamentally with Home Office immigration policy.”
Now is the time to dump our illegals on to Wee Crankie Land ?
How did we get to this level of Idiocracy? The general public now prefer virtue signalling rather than law and order.
8:10pm BBC4 All Creatures Great and Small is suddenly back
“Breaking” : Transgender teen Andi shares his journey
Discover the story behind a viral video as Andi comes out, graduates high school and celebrates life as a trans teen.
For one full year, Andi Bernabe granted the BBC access to the most formative moments of his life.
To find out what happened when Andi went to college and why he still hasn’t changed his legal name, watch the full documentary on BBC Reel.
Not the BBC – but I was looking for more details of the corrupt paki plod and his gang in my local paper – they all ‘live ‘ in east London .
Anyway – I found another vibrant story which seemed to minor for the National papers –
STARTS ‘A rapist who targeted and attacked five lone women over an 11-day period has been found guilty of his crimes.
Abdallah Baballah carried out the attacks in July 2019, preying on woman who were making their way home during the early hours of the morning.ENDS
Obviously there are more details of these rapes in the article – but it shows how stuff which would have been treated very prominently once – barely get reported now ….
OMG BBCnews has showed great Boris Derangement Syndrome over the County court debt judgement against Boris.
.. They got this too good to be true story, that there was a proper defamation court judgement against Boris and they ran with it,
… pausing just a few micro-seconds to say ‘well it might be prank or something’,
… but their confirmation-bias is so strong, to them any bad story about Bris, just has to be true so they quickly went charging on ..banging on about bailiffs etc.
BBC stealth edits are a pain in the ass
originally had the title around 12:10pm Wednesday
“County court judgement against Boris Johnson, record shows”
By 4:10pm they’d changed it to
“No 10 seeks to cancel county court debt judgement against Boris Johnson”
That was part of the incredible 9 stages of edits
by 4:36pm they added
” That could include the judgment having been issued in error“
BBCNews’ video tweet 12:56pm Wednesday
FFS the “too wow to be true” rule is very simple
You can’t make grand claims without grand evidence.
Of course you do see often quite a few people on mainly lefty forums,
.. that don’t don’t understand it and run off doing “2+2=5”
but the BBC is a £5bn corporation with “professional journalists”
Lots of mad lefties followed the BBC line
– the first tweet was by a @ChrisTheDJ Transatlantic tech journalist at 12:13pm
– Steve Bray and gang piled in from 1:30 PM · Wednesday May 12
And the nomination for Confirmation-Bias Nutter of the Week
9 tweet bonkers thread from the top BBC correspondent
banging on about bailiffs
.. seemingly unaware that firstly a claim needs to be bigger than £600 for bailiffs to ne used.
The bigger point is given the amount of paper they send you did he ever allow it to get this far? It smacks of disorganisation and chaos. Yes he’s a busy man but he has people to look after these things for him.
Unless of course that weaselly Dominic Cummings got hold of those papers !
@Thoughtful no it doesn’t
The online info is not his real legal name
nor is it his real address, cos he lives at 11 Downing Street
With a little imagination is is possible to get a court order sent to someone’s real address and for them not to notice
(I scrubbed the how to .. in case some nutter implements it)
Anyway we know the civil servants are often malicious, so might play games even if it did get through.
Interesting times.
Interesting folk in the headlines.
Blimey. Do you have Pick n’ Mix laws now?
Than second tweet, the one from Rene quotes Streatham Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy
but that doesn’t show up, cos she blocked Rene
The tweet has a video of hundreds of mainly immigrants blocking the police vans.
Ms. Spring ‘liked’ this thread of Mr. Goodhall’s.
A fascinating insight into the BBC mindset.
A good advert for the SNP. Extra votes for wee Crankie ?
The Border Farce/Police try to detain two Indians in Glasgow. A local mob, mainly it appears idealistic students, is formed and the authorities back off and release them.
The media interview one of the men. He speaks broken English, then reverts to Punjabi.
But it turns out he has been in the UK for TEN years.
Would anyone like to offer a public apology to taxpayers for this typical appalling ineptitude of the government for protecting our borders and taxpayers.
Import 3rd world, you get 3rd world.
The Boris defamation story. Part way down Guardian political correspondent Peter Walker’s thread
Much as I am against quoting the new lefty-Daily Express fake-green newspaper
own by the Daily Mirror group (Reach plc)
“Let the people decide”.
You pay if you want . I am not paying . Simples.
The Sun : BEEB BLASTED Sir James Dyson blasts BBC for ‘shamefully twisting’ coverage of texts with Boris Johnson
BEEB bosses were last night blasted for “shamefully twisting” their coverage of the PM’s texts with Sir James Dyson to “suit their political narrative”.
The multi-millionaire lashed out after the BBC were forced to issue a grovelling apology to him last night for wrongly calling him a “prominent Conservative supporter”.
The corporation quietly put out a correction and clarification accepting that the businessman is not in fact a Boris backer.
It came after the Beeb published a string of text messages….
… looking for the apology, I find it buried in ‘Corrections and Clarifications’ where nobody will see it.
Journalists who balatantly lie like this should be sacked from an ‘impartial and unbiased’ publically funded organisation such as the BBC.
They disgust me.
Boris will not do anything. His only concern is what happens to Boris when he leaves office.
Peston has been hyping a story about an Italian au pair
… I don’t know about it, but wouldn’t take any dramatic story at face value
Teacher who thought money making scheme was credible
cos she trusts the BBC and it seemed to be endorsed them
… lost £9,000 to scammers
She said: “It has affected me massively. I wish I could have that time back – go in a time machine and not make those couple of clicks.”
No problem, love. Elon Musk will be working on time machines once he has finished with Space X and Hyperloop systems.
Boris’s green dram
So, the Indian variant could now be the catalyst in holding back the roadmap on 21st June. Well, if anything is likely to start a backlash against our friends from the sub-continent, it will be this ; preventing the rest of the population who have abided by the rules, taken their 1 or 2 injections, and likely to be deprived of a freedom that’s to be put on the back burner because a community is against having the jab and wont wear masks, will not go down well.
If unrest kicks off, I don’t think being accused of racism will cut the mustard.
Wait until Krankie sends her Justice Sec to ‘help’.
Wrong kind of rockets on the line?
One day a politico media establishment run by folk who have important their native diversity from where they still call home will end badly.
Import mob rule. Get ruled by mob rulers.
The BBC prides itself on its ability to obfuscate and deceive. An example can be found on its website today (surely ‘examples can be found on its website everyday’? – Editor). Captioned ‘Covid in Bolton: What’s causing the spike?, it then says precisely nothing about what is causing the spike associated with the so-called Indian variant, helpfully stating ‘No one knows for sure how this spike in infections started.’ Really? Here’s a wild guess:
1. Infections began rising rapidly in India a couple of months ago, setting alarm bells ringing.
2. Flights from India continued unabated. And they are still coming – flights from Bombay (7:15am) and Delhi (7:30am) have arrived at T2 Heathrow this morning.
3. The government did not act quickly to stop travel from India. This was because it was negotiating a trade deal with India and Boris Johnson was scheduled to visit India to discuss it with the Indian Prime Minister.
4. Infected individuals travelling from India brought the variant back with them, infecting other people.
5. Bolton has a large migrant population from the Indian sub-continent. This will include infected people who have recently flown to the UK.
6. Vaccine levels amongst certain communities are lower than amongst the wider population, resulting in a more rapid spread due to lower immunity levels.
I know, crazy idea, isn’t it? Real tin hat stuff.
How much can we really believe of what is being pushed out by the media on this isuue? How much credit can we be expected to give -now- to a discredited bunch of scientists whose masters want to subjugate the populace-deprevation is a worse or can be a far deadlier killer than any virus/disease. Apart from all that, this nation cannot and absolutley cannot, halt its recovery, as it is we are running on petrol fumes only! With three quarters of the population now having had this strange vaccine, what need is there for more over vigilence. Unnecessary panick is the name of the game for this government bunch, with a dose of fear thrown out to the already very compliant public. OK Brissles I’ve said enough.
Something I’ve noticed for a while is how much respect the BBC have started giving politicians on the left and how they have an increasingly sneering tone for those on the right.
So – entirely at random – I thought I search the BBC site for the very latest references to Boris and Biden.
‘Families received the letter from Boris Johnson on Thursday morning.’
‘President Joe Biden has hailed a “great day for America”‘
Why not ‘Prime Minister Boris Johnson’ ???.
It’s this kind of subtle bias which occurs a thousand times a day which bias checkers should be looking at – not just distilling the contents of what is reported for check-boxes.
ps. Sleepy Joe should have thanked Trump’s administration for all the groundwork they did to make it possible. According to the BBC, Joe did it all.
So much to be grateful for on Planet BBC:
Wales elects its first non-binary mayor, who identifies as ‘genderqueer’ or ‘agender’.
And as if that wasn’t enough good news for one day, the LGBT-BBC regales us on its Home page with the tale of Transgender teen Andi who shares his journey.
My cup runneth over.
Good God – is it my eyes or are the BBC referring to this non-gender person as ‘they’ ???.
Absolute idiotic madness.
The real reason I went to check was to see if they/them/it/whatisit was elected by the people. As expected, the answer is no : the other councillors elected him purely on political/transgender grounds. Because it is a him.
Good to see they have the interests of the people they are supposed to represent as their top priority. I didn’t check, but I will bet my house they are all far-Left. As Pol-Pot said, the agenda trumps everything else.
No such thing . Simples.
Mental illness or taking the piss. And that’s just those that voted for him.
The demise of the human race – much more worrying than so called climate change.
Suicide by stupidity and Right-spite.
‘A man live by a sewer.
And by a sewer he died.
And at the coroners inquest,
They called it sewer-cide.
Sorry. I’ll get my coat.
Indeed, ‘they’ is de rigueur for those of a trans disposition.
Otherwise it’s a microaggression, perhaps even a hate crime, and the beeb is always achingly PC.
BBC editorial driving desired responses.
BBC News
The Amazon founder bought the Washington Post in 2013 for $250m – about half the cost of his new superyacht, which is almost as big as the Great Pyramid of Giza.
See… facts. Oodles of them, Sir. I am intrigued by the notion of a sea going vessel shaped like a pyramid.
Wait until the BBC Little Mix editorial team see this one.
Assuming Lurch has not already RTd it.
Hilarious: DeGenerate was outed as a workplace bully who created a ‘toxic work atmosphere’, and still she manages to blame Trump!
Who will the liberals blame for everything now that he’s gone?
That’s a bit of a change, yesterday she was blaming Mysogeny but couldn’t adequately explain why so many women hate her just as much and how that was mysogeny.
Previously BBC.
#backendofbusism fortunately exempted in media. Peroxide preferred.
Brillo headhunting a ‘specialist disinformation selfie taker’ yet?
Wait until Dawn and Di kick off.
I wish GB News well, but signs are that Neil is recruiting talent from the same swamp as all the other broadcasters. Will they have a distinctive voice, like, say, Sky News Aus or Fox on a good day?
Neil’s in a bind: if they’re radically different they’ll be labelled rightwing or far right and discredited by such as the BBC who are just waiting to pounce.
If not, will it be the same old same old?
I think we are being naive to believe that Brillo news will be much different from the current ‘approved thought ‘ lot – unless – of course – OFCOM is reshaped .
I’d hope it’s a strategy aimed at appearing ‘woke ‘ at the outset but moving to a more sane model once the Gaurduanistas have had their rant . But no doubt vermin like Crace and the fact finder girl on BBC will keep an ‘eye ‘…
Yes, it’s not obvious whether a truly independent voice can survive in the corporate, OFCOM-regulated swamp. For now, such voices are mainly on YouTube, constantly in fear of being censored or shut down, or smaller independent platforms.
Two degrees in what pray?
Not sure what her degrees are in, but she’s clearly a serious journalist, not afraid to tackle the big issues: “BBC journalist who brings in her own toast from home slams corporation canteen after being asked to pay £1 to spread butter and peanut butter on it.”
She also penned a hard-hitting article titled: ‘I avoid kissing as my peanut allergy could kill me’.
I detect a theme – perhaps one of her degrees was in Peanut Studies?
Good luck, Andrew.
(I hope that’s not what he intends to pay her.)
The bbc Moaning Emole, editted but pretty much still in context…
“ Israeli military has intensified its assault, as Palestinian militants continue to fire rockets into Israel.”
Quaint phrasing.
Be a shame if a credulous Malay moppet trained in a false flag op strolled in on JezBo ‘interviewing’ a high ranking old Pally ‘community leader’ on his motivations, whilst recuperating from lipo at a spa hospital in Singapore.
Less collateral too.
‘into Israel’ should be ‘at civilians’
Outrageous bias by the BBC as usual.
Health issues have been making all the news this past year or so. You may have noticed. How is our fabulous NHS doing these days? Did we save it? Did we protect it sufficiently… from our… sickness? We sure clapped it. Now even our pop stars suggest it should get payrises.
Anecdotally, all is not so good. I hear a 94-year-old granny with a tumor on her leg was told by her GP to take a mobile phone picture of the problem and text it in. My little nephew broke his little finger – photograph it and text it in, his parents were told.
You can’t really blame the doctors. Would you want to be face to face with diseased, smelly, potentially time-wasting people day in day out? Why bother with so much frontline stuff when the NHS can provide you a stable healthy monthly income and you can instead get invloved with all the latest innovations in remote working tech and all those lucrative new pharmaceutical developements. Or, if you’re on a lower paygrade, there’s always TikTok as a distraction.
The problem is that our nationalised health service is not customer driven. I’ll qualify that. The service doesn’t respond to what patients desire. The customer is the government. Then perhaps it responds to what the political paymaster dictates – well, up to a point. With a large and powerful workforce, empowered by public goodwill, the payroll vote tends to get their way.
So how is Britain’s great socialistic post-war flagship doing?
‘England NHS waiting list hits record 5m‘ (FT)
But we still love it, right? We’re happy to wait patiently and act under what they used to term “doctor’s orders” ?
‘Climbdown over NHS online and phone triage‘ (Telegraph) ‘Patients win right to see GP face to face following screening system backlash‘ – so there are indeed murmurings of discontent. We’ll see how that goes.
‘Indian variant won’t stop reopening, says PM‘ (Telegraph) – That’ll be the India Variant of the mustn’t call it China Flu.
Our left-leaning press, and our hysterical press (which covers most of it) would beg to differ with the optimistic PM: ‘Concerns rise over virus variant‘ (FT); ‘Race to stop Indian strain cases more than double inside a week‘ (Times); ‘Vaccine surge for under-30s possible in new hotspots‘ (‘i’); ‘Covid: new Indian variant fears‘ (Daily Mail)
Thank goodness there’s some light (and bitter?) relief in the Star: ‘124 pints and a packet of crisps, please‘ – apparently, according to economists, that’s how much we each would need to drink in order to save ‘our beleaguered… (be-lagered?) pub industry‘ – Gulp! Cheers. The Star helpfully supplies a ‘handy wallchart‘ to track progress. I personally might have given it a go but it turns out there’s a very long waiting list for a pub table. When I did get an appointment the barmaid took so much time doing the admin that it took ages to order a drink. A somewhat uncanny similar customer service to what we find these days in our NHS.
I guess it’s only a matter of time before our fire service demand a mobile phone pic of your house ablaze before firing up their engines.
I would have suggested the cops may soon require a mobile phone pic of a stabbing before they set off in the squad car. But I reckon the youngsters in our vibrant cities have that covered already.
“Sorry, we can’t come today. The man who usually lifts us into the cab is off on paternity leave with his boyfriend.”
You should listen to popmaster or Paul O’Grady.
Every third male caller mentions his husband.
The newspaper front pages have disappeared from the BBC News section of the web-site very early today.
Things like those mentioned above must have distracted some highly paid workers at the BBC.
I learned of yet another friend who never stopped working normally (home improvements) all through the covids only yesterday. He kept that quiet in case he got clobbered by the thought police!
All those furloughed jobs made life a misery for so many citizens who needed public services, a doctor on call and of course, a decent information service which was seriously lacking where the awful BBC was concerned.
Our village set up a local info service and everyone was looked after, without the need to clap every blasted litter-picker. I wish GBNews had been around at the start of all this, several fatcats would have been poked in the arse very, very quickly.
The BBC is guilty of making so many false accusations, causing panic where none existed, and making vulnerable citizens more worried than they needed to be. Sod the lot of them.