VivaFrei last night explained about the defamation case Project Veritas brought against the NYTimes
The NYtime political reporter wrote an article saying Veritas voter fraud reporting was a campaign of deliberate disinformation.
FACT : CHECKING websites cited the NYT report.
… but now in their legal defence the NYT said
#1 the reporter was only giving opinion
then a contradiction
#2 that she is a serious reporter who only deals in facts
The judge threw out NYT’s plea for the legal case to be dismissed.
I guess now they will use the Michael Mann tactic, of spinning the court case out over decades.
The BBC still have absolutely no idea why rates of Indian variant coronavirus are rocketing in Bolton.
But they do report that leaflets in Hindi and Gujurati are being sent out.
Perhaps the BBC could interview Inspector Clouseau about it all.
“Indian variant: Second jabs could be brought forward to tackle rise”
What about the ethnics that do not want to get vaccinated ?
Toady tells me earlier (‘scientist’ to verify) that the “Indian Variant” is rapidly spreading all round the country.
I was under the impression that returnees, certainly from Third-World Countries, had to isolate for 10/14 days? How were these infected people allowed in to the country?
I guess the answer may be found in the expression: “Third World”.
“In recent years, the term has come to define countries that have high poverty rates, economic instability and lack basic human necessities like access to water, shelter or food for its citizens. These countries are often underdeveloped, and in addition to widespread poverty, they also have high mortality rates.”
Always was and always will be, “Third World”. I’d like to add that the “Third World” often contains a recalcitrant population where many are racked with superstitions and backward religious inclinations/practices.
Come and live in the UK where we will tolerate and savour behaviour such as this. We will call it “welcome diversity” Indeed, you can transform the UK into a Third World Country over time due to your irresponsible way of life. Then where can you run to get away from your, Third World………………
I wonder why true Brits from all those years ago, gave their First World expertise to other countries, who then kicked us out and made a total bollocks of the place, like what happened in Rhodesia and now South Africa.
The £1 million question on the BBC is why is there a
Chinese virus spike in Bolton , Bradford and other
locations and in the north west of England and certain
locations such as Brent in London? I have no idea why this
Indian strain is prevalent in these areas . Just as much as
I have know idea why places such as Rochdale and a
plethora of other towns have grooming and rape gangs.
I suppose that when there are outbreaks , and old folk
start to die again in care homes .The BBC will ask how was it
But we live in a world now especially in countries such as
ours where it is politically incorrect to ask certain questions
such as why are staff who have not been vaccinated are
allowed to work in care homes. Why flights from the Indian
sub continent were allowed to land in the UK for two weeks
after the explosion of covid 19 cases ?
The BBC are being their usual self – head in sand when it comes to things that don’t fit their narrative – I am sure it will all be painted as racism and poverty 🙂 Nothing to do with responsibility.
I also note it is okay for BBC to call it the Indian variant, although I suspect ( no facts) it should really be called the Muslim variant.. ( I work around Bolton so can tell you who isn’t wearing masks in large groups) funny how they decried Trump for calling it the Chinese Virus..
“Covid: Biden hails ‘great day’ as he sheds mask in Oval Office”
Is the USA ahead of us in opening up ? I always thought that we were ahead of the rest of the world with the vaccine?
3pm today, Alex Belfield says he will name the policeman who smashed in his door on the excuse that someone inside the BBC had reported that Belfield had made a bomb threat against the BBC , which of course he hadn’t.
Belfield appeared to ask how come the lefties have ruined Britain with their nasty and bullying attitude
I think that is cos the lefties see themselves as victims.
Thus in such a state, when you engage them they see everything you say as an attempt to score points against them.
so they see even minor comments as a personal attack on them .
I’ve seen it many times, I almost never throw abuse at them
but they lash out and bully.
I think is something Shakespeare mentions in his play athe Tempest
that the demons are most often in men’s minds.
I always try to argue the point .. not the person.
try to stick with argument, and don’t make personal attacks on the actual person
cos for one thing I don’t know if they malicious or dumb. They might be a paid PR person, or just an autistic kid etc. I don’t know.
I’d rather just wind them up – ( yes I know it’s easy and fun ) – as an example the cut and paste troll here is quite think skinned at 2 in the morning but it might be lonely and had a skinful – but definitely not a ‘thinker ‘… which suggests it might well work for the BBC …
@Fed No, I’m not interested in being mean to people
sure at school we made the teachers cry but that’s a kids thing.
when it comes to internet I usually have no idea about the other person’s life, experiences and motivations.
.. They might be mad or bad or have some magic insight, I am unaware of
.. all I can do is tackle the topic.
From their replies I sometimes think, they go off into private whispering discussions and build up untrue fantasies about they think we are thinking.
Belfield must be holding on to some videos for days
He just put out a video saying XR founder was arrested yesterday
.. actually she was arrested on Tuesday AFAIK
I’ve just read on Twitter that someone called ‘elvis – sorry – Ellie Costello – is leaving BBC news – is that the one going to Brillo TV ? I’m really asking cos I’m bored – please don’t bother answering …
Ah yes – Friday – with added Palestinian flags and a forthcoming ‘terror attack ‘ where the BBC doesn’t describe who did it or which religion of peace they kill in the name of . ..
( disclaimer – I have no knowledge of any coming attack but have read the Islamic terrorist ‘play book ‘ )
Might as well line up the ‘thoughts and prayers and ‘lessons will be learnt and ignored ‘ahead of time …
The Israeli’s should let themselves be attacked with
rockets from Gaza to appease the likes of the BBC and
their Middle East correspondents such as Yolande Knell,
Jeremy Bowen, Orla Guerin and the rest . They should
offer not to defend themselves.
The Israeli’s and the Jews are responsible for all of the
ills of the world . And don’t we know it from our national broadcaster. Did any of you hear about the indiscriminate
bombing Of Duhuk in Iraqi Kurdistan by Turkey a couple
of weeks ago? Or what’s still going on in Syria , but is now
being swept under the carpet? Yemen? and the slaughters
going on
” Gays for Palestine solidarity marches” Do me a favour. If
they marched in Gaza they would be thrown off the highest
roofs. The only safe place for them in the Middle East would be Israel !!
The BBC including bonkers Bowen have been emphasisng Gazan civilian casualties but they never say this. Hamas has fired at least 1800 rockets at Israel in the past week. Some 30% of Hamas’s rockets misfire and fall inside Gaza. That’s around 540 rockets landing in a densely populated area. So you can imagine how many Gaza civilians Hamas terrorists have killed?
Despite the name of the ‘eccentric loner’ who brought the ‘defamation’ case against Boris being public knowledge, together with the fact that she has a long record of similar and persistent accusations involving many individuals and organisatons, Marks&Spencer among them, along with pleas to the Queen to intercede on her behalf, the BBC and others of that ilk can’t seem to find time and space to set the record straight.
Beltane – yes I saw the piece in the mail on line about the fruithoop – I thought – surely just out of journalism – the BBC would follow up for an account of stuff they have so eagerly reported ?
Also – can legal action be taken against her for some form of ‘ malicious prosecution ‘ – ? It would be fitting for her to be bankrupted out of her alpaca farm but if you play with fire – get burnt ….
Although on reflection she did us a favour by showing how eager the BBC to publish anything – anything – they think will harm the image of the PM – they ve already forgotten about the election results last week…
Tracking bbc activism, domestic occupancy and actual public sentiment might be interesting.
Prediction — Chiswick, where I live, which has become the focus of a huge battle between people who are against safe cycling and those who want calmer and safer roads, will top the charts when our excellent local schemes are made permanent.
Guest who – I am currently in Walthamstow – which has bits of woke gentrification which love talking about push bike lanes and nasty motorist- people hate what the socialist republicans running the place have done to the roads – which are either closed or jammed .
I’m guessing Vine has never been to E17 – I can’t blame him as it has turned into a third world dump .
Yep, as a coop bank and insurance customer for many many years I have been bombarded and sickened by their woke messages of late. They seem to have been convinced by their yoof marketing people that they are no longer in the business of selling stuff but selling propaganda.
Hence I switched car insurance yesterday to the AA and a lot cheaper into the bargain, now I’m hunting for a new bank that is a bank and just wants to do business with me instead of trying to tell me what to think and who are not a Marxist globalist cell.
“More than five million EU citizens living in the UK have applied for settled status, nearly double the number thought to be residents before the EU referendum, official figures revealed on Thursday.
The Home Office data showed 4.9 million of the 5.4 million had already been granted settled status, of which 4.88 million were living in England. This compares with the three million that were estimated to have been in the UK at the time of the vote on Brexit in 2016.
It came as the Home Office launched a new information campaign urging EU citizens living in the UK to apply for the settlement scheme as soon as possible, before the deadline of June 30.
But senior Tory MPs said it raised questions about the quality of government data on the numbers of migrants in Britain, which is critical for Whitehall departments, councils, health trusts and schools to plan the appropriate level of services to meet local demand.”
Absobloodylutely amazing. Too true it raises questions, let alone about illegal immigrant numbers, but I don’t suppose BoJo or UnPriti will do anything about it.
Meanwhile France and Spain continue to persecute UK citizens in defiance of THEIR treaty obligations.
And they beg us to come visit!!
AFAIK that is not new news
Our local BBC reported that about Hull, 2 months ago
“The amount of applications for EU settled status made from Hull is 63 per cent higher than the amount estimated to be living in the city.
The ONS shows 24,500 applications for EU settled status by bloc citizens living in Hull.
vs roughly 15,000 EU citizens previously estimated to be in the city as of 2020.”
I am amazed that the BBC does not try and get more revenue
and even cancel the need for a TV license
by allowing
advertising. In this day and age I feel that there is something
wrong with me and that I must be racist because my wife is of the same Caucasian ethnicity as I am. I can imagine BIG BROTHER from the diversity dept, with tears of joy in its eyes( right pronoun?) if
current day advertising was allowed on the BBC
I listened to a bit of BBC Radio 4 in the car about 11am today. Load of liberals talking utter nonsense about how we should change society and not imprison anyone.
Usual leftie crap such as, “13% of the UK population is BAME but 50% of the prison population is BAME because of racism”.
Some other liberal suggested that giving criminals a proper job and an income to support their family would stop crime. She couldn’t see outside of her bubble to see that criminal activities make you a lot richer than working 9 to 5.
All these idiots got to spout their twisted thoughts with no challenges or interruptions. Typical BBC endorsed social engineering that would end in disaster for everyone.
These short clips prove nothing about Biden; they could be taken from any politician’s speech. I could have shown how Wittgenstein had brain meltdowns when delivering his groundbreaking lectures.
There is something serious and dangerous in the current US administration and its not reduced to a man stuttering
“ladies and gentlemen” line
.. someone writes provocative complaint letter to newspaper about train announcement
.. newspaper publishes it cos stirring is a cheap way of filling space
.. rail company PR dept responds in a woke way
… ‘ooh our bad, we’ll be more inclusive now’
Trains are thing used by a small minority in the UK
Most people in this country hardly ever use trains
cos the first thing is they’d need to do is get in a car to get to the train station 6, 10, 15 miles away
same at the other end
and then there are few choices of destination
and then prices are so high, driving is cheaper , especially when that means you lose far less working hours.
It’s annoying to think that we northerners pay tax to build grand transport projects in London, we never use.
Absolutely agree – as a souther B stard
I am amazed and shocked at how bad bus and train connections are outside the londonistan
I know this is heresy- but i think londonistan should have funding reduced in favour of forgotten bits of blighty- particulary the former Red wall places .
And if any one asks “why? “ i just say crossrail and the emir .
In the West Country nearest
Train station is 19 miles away and guess what no direct bus for most of the day. So car it is !
We have no public transport. I know of a village near Darlington in NE has no bus service at all.
I live in the wilds, north of Ramsey. They stopped the regular buses to Ramsey a couple of years ago. Now we have to phone up for the minibus to come out and pick a few people up.
And it’s free to the likes of me.
Excellent news – the BBC is reporting that the UK isn’t sending vaccines to India – made possible by arrivals from the subcontinent who have been good enough to bring the new virus with them !
Outstanding work third worlders – and no one questioning why you were travelling at all ! Meanwhile the rest of us are being told not to go overseas on pain of a Fixed Penalty –
The BBC must be hoping subcontinent flights are banned so that the can run endless ‘hardship ‘ interviews with British passport holders in somewhereistan….preferably -of course- NHS staff…….
Canada’s equivalent of the BBC, brought a court case against Conservatives during an election, that clearly helped the let opposition
Now 1.5 years later the CBC has lost it.
CBC was supposed to cover the Conservative Party fairly during the election.
Instead, CBC was launching a failed lawsuit against the party. Today, CBC lost that lawsuit. They should apologize for launching it & reveal the legal bills they charged taxpayers.
All it was was a 30 second advert with clips of lefty politicians saying idiotic things on the news
Of course it was fair use.
A few days ago I read that Little Mix (millionaire) artiste boo-hoo-ing in the Sun, It was the stupidest piece imaginable, full of contradictions. One moment she was complaining about having been chosen above her talent, for her skin colour as the token black; the next about being discriminated against, without any facts or evidence. Just ‘feelings’. She ‘felt’ invisible, she ‘felt’ fans ignored her…
Just a mishmash of bogus victimhood and snowflakery.
But such is the level of mawkish sentimentality among our brainwashed yoof, no doubt she’ll get lashings of sympathy.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Taking down what they have just ‘bigged-up’ (apols for da yoofspeak)
I’m amazed at how many times the BBC do all they can to promote women, the causes and campaigns of the militants of the female sex and then they go and present women as weak and feeble! It is truly amazing. (bear in mind the top centre image on the BBC Home Page may get changed. Currently it displays four young women taking selfies or looking at the back of a smartphone in front of a black painted wall. It carries the text ‘After a year of being quiet, socialising is exhausting’
2:15pm R4 Friday black drama series
.. Seems to be a black guy meeting his drug dealer in a station carpark
seeing themselves as middle class man vs small-criminal class man.
Yes, Stew, something like that. I switched off after about ten minutes as it was starting to drag as a monologue. I guess a fraction of a second after that, it turned into a slightly more exciting two-hander. But maybe not.
I was expecting another episode of GF Newman’s ‘The Corrupted’ but apparently this final series is an eight-parter. Black Crime vs. White Crime.
Provisional BBC news on wireless R4 telling me Doris is going to speak to the nation at 5pm.
Get ready for more lockdown folks. Thanks to;
A) the incompetence of Doris and HMG in not closing borders.
B) The communist run SAGE shrilling for more control, and the blonde idiot allowing them to have their way.
C) Ethnik communities in Bradford, Bolton, parts of London not following the rules or giving a stuff about the land they live in.
Question is, are you going to fall for it again people?
Remember he told you:
Flatten the curve, squash the sombrero, save the NHS, protective the vulnerable, wear a mask, social distance, the vaccine is the answer, save Christmas….
How much more of the bull are you going to fall for?
It the numbers are correct – 600 000 vaccinations in the last day – but have they shut down all flights from the subcontinent yet ?
( no and never will)
Fed, I think they did some time ago but ….
…. the UK waited until the last minute …..
… and I’m not sure how carefully people quarantined ….
…. and we know that some people have been cheating – thanks to a BBC ‘expose’ on You and Yours – travelling to Turkey and then trying to sneak back into the UK.
Now things are bad in Turkey and the Grand Prix has been cancelled and the footie final moved.
The question that I have not heard asked by the BBC is: could the Indian mutation have occurred quite naturally in the UK without any outside influence? It is theoretically possible.
The BBC are really going big on in-depth analysis of the Indian covid rates in Bolton and Blackburn.
Let’s see the results of their investigative journalism.
What does their website say?
‘No one knows for sure how this spike in infections started’..
Weird. Such lack of information does not usually stop them speculating.
Anyone would think they are keeping quiet in order to avoid accusations of racism.
In a few minutes time we may discover from Boris that our appreciation of multiculturalism is so great that our release from the imprisonment of covid is to be postponed…………
Feeling enriched enough?
Lets say it……. the Indian variant has been brought to the UK by those travelling from…. India, and as the I/Variant hotspots are Bolton, Blackburn, Bedford and Luton , lets say it again, towns with a large population of …… Indians. Curry anyone ???
Sly Views can’t help having a small dig at Brexit in this piece, but nevertheless it is a reasonably comprehensive description of the government’s incompetence in this matter and the factors behind it.
7:30pm BBC2 Lemn Sissay is guest on Inside Culture
@wmarybeard will probably make it about race and empire
Other guests black architect David Adjaye (who sounded oK nt racebaity), writer Elif Shafak,
artists Edmund de Waal (white) and Cornelia Parker,
, and actor Jane Horrocks.
The intimate, revealing new book from the LBC presenter and award winning author, @mrjamesob. After all, what's the point in having a mind if you're not willing to change it?
We used to holiday all round the Roseland peninsular down there. Then it became west London and Cotswolds by the sea.
Seems like us plebs are being herded into the less salubrious parts of the U.K. ……
It’s only a matter of time before south Somerset has access gates!
Look we don’t want plebby types who haven’t got production companies in nice bits of Blighty – leave them to give their money to those ‘charities ‘ we do gigs for – and get a generous fee …
Yes. No litter. Low crime. Safe schools.
However, living costs are a lot higher and the ferry is extortionate. You can go stir crazy.
There are a lot of council estates and a lot of poor people.
We came here for work……but now it’s time to return home.
Now home is too expensive.
The polarisation of society into areas has been going on for decades. There are wealthy people….but you never see them. I’m always shocked by all the new cars everywhere in the U.K.
stay on IOM mate, the UK mainland is not what you remember it as.
the new yoof generation will pounce on any misword/step you make. (not to put you off in any way)
“Covid: Second vaccine doses to be sped up over variant concerns”
It can be sped up as much as the government wants but if the effnics don’t want it ……………….
Pity they didn’t off vaccination getting off the airplanes from the third world innit ?
Meanwhile – trouble in the Middle East – they must be due to put the blame on the True President by now as they’ve been giving ga ga joe Biden the normal free pass …which really is unbelievable ….except for it being woke 2021 ….
… and meanwhile – I hope Edwin Poots is on the political shows over the weekend. – that will be popcorn central …
I’d like to know why the UK is nothing but a racist cess-pit for questioning the arrival of hordes of relatives from Asia during the pandemic while her holy of holy saint-ess Jacinda in NZ bolts every door to NZ without a whimper of protest?
And they did things properly on Taiwan, too digg, a complete and early ban on travel. Population 24,000,000 approx., Covid infections 1,200 approx., deaths 12.
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
moggiemooMar 4, 12:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 You should also start adding UK Terror ‘can’t find to watch’ List.
GMar 4, 12:32 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC – “A German Man”. A German man can be a naturalised German ex Arab…….. Just saying.
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 12:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wimmin to have to pay a £10k stud fee. Well they can do it with horses, can’t they? Any…
tomoMar 4, 12:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We should see *who* curated that list of “inspirational mums” – and they should be confronted on their choices. [img][/img]…
OT, but Ben at Full Fact has sent me this:
Voter ID and the Queen’s Speech: what you need to know
Ben appears unaware that anything headed ‘fact’ is now likely laughable, especially if captioned as what Ben thinks I need to know.
Get bent, Ben.
VivaFrei last night explained about the defamation case Project Veritas brought against the NYTimes
The NYtime political reporter wrote an article saying Veritas voter fraud reporting was a campaign of deliberate disinformation.
FACT : CHECKING websites cited the NYT report.
… but now in their legal defence the NYT said
#1 the reporter was only giving opinion
then a contradiction
#2 that she is a serious reporter who only deals in facts
The judge threw out NYT’s plea for the legal case to be dismissed.
I guess now they will use the Michael Mann tactic, of spinning the court case out over decades.
The BBC still have absolutely no idea why rates of Indian variant coronavirus are rocketing in Bolton.
But they do report that leaflets in Hindi and Gujurati are being sent out.
Perhaps the BBC could interview Inspector Clouseau about it all.
“Indian variant: Second jabs could be brought forward to tackle rise”
What about the ethnics that do not want to get vaccinated ?
And what sort of ID will they take anyway, Taff!
We were asked explicitly to bring a licence or passport (don’t have one), but lots of suspects in these ghettos won’t have anything like that…
Toady tells me earlier (‘scientist’ to verify) that the “Indian Variant” is rapidly spreading all round the country.
I was under the impression that returnees, certainly from Third-World Countries, had to isolate for 10/14 days? How were these infected people allowed in to the country?
I guess the answer may be found in the expression: “Third World”.
“In recent years, the term has come to define countries that have high poverty rates, economic instability and lack basic human necessities like access to water, shelter or food for its citizens. These countries are often underdeveloped, and in addition to widespread poverty, they also have high mortality rates.”
Always was and always will be, “Third World”. I’d like to add that the “Third World” often contains a recalcitrant population where many are racked with superstitions and backward religious inclinations/practices.
Come and live in the UK where we will tolerate and savour behaviour such as this. We will call it “welcome diversity” Indeed, you can transform the UK into a Third World Country over time due to your irresponsible way of life. Then where can you run to get away from your, Third World………………
I wonder why true Brits from all those years ago, gave their First World expertise to other countries, who then kicked us out and made a total bollocks of the place, like what happened in Rhodesia and now South Africa.
Coming in via a third country they will only have to self isolate, and who is keeping track?
Our authorities are pathetic
The £1 million question on the BBC is why is there a
Chinese virus spike in Bolton , Bradford and other
locations and in the north west of England and certain
locations such as Brent in London? I have no idea why this
Indian strain is prevalent in these areas . Just as much as
I have know idea why places such as Rochdale and a
plethora of other towns have grooming and rape gangs.
I suppose that when there are outbreaks , and old folk
start to die again in care homes .The BBC will ask how was it
But we live in a world now especially in countries such as
ours where it is politically incorrect to ask certain questions
such as why are staff who have not been vaccinated are
allowed to work in care homes. Why flights from the Indian
sub continent were allowed to land in the UK for two weeks
after the explosion of covid 19 cases ?
The BBC are being their usual self – head in sand when it comes to things that don’t fit their narrative – I am sure it will all be painted as racism and poverty 🙂 Nothing to do with responsibility.
I also note it is okay for BBC to call it the Indian variant, although I suspect ( no facts) it should really be called the Muslim variant.. ( I work around Bolton so can tell you who isn’t wearing masks in large groups) funny how they decried Trump for calling it the Chinese Virus..
Defund asap…
“Covid: Biden hails ‘great day’ as he sheds mask in Oval Office”
Is the USA ahead of us in opening up ? I always thought that we were ahead of the rest of the world with the vaccine?
3pm today, Alex Belfield says he will name the policeman who smashed in his door on the excuse that someone inside the BBC had reported that Belfield had made a bomb threat against the BBC , which of course he hadn’t.
Belfield appeared to ask how come the lefties have ruined Britain with their nasty and bullying attitude
I think that is cos the lefties see themselves as victims.
Thus in such a state, when you engage them they see everything you say as an attempt to score points against them.
so they see even minor comments as a personal attack on them .
I’ve seen it many times, I almost never throw abuse at them
but they lash out and bully.
I think is something Shakespeare mentions in his play athe Tempest
that the demons are most often in men’s minds.
I always try to argue the point .. not the person.
try to stick with argument, and don’t make personal attacks on the actual person
cos for one thing I don’t know if they malicious or dumb. They might be a paid PR person, or just an autistic kid etc. I don’t know.
So impressed with your advice I’ve copied and pasted it, verbatim, in Word for future reference.
I’d rather just wind them up – ( yes I know it’s easy and fun ) – as an example the cut and paste troll here is quite think skinned at 2 in the morning but it might be lonely and had a skinful – but definitely not a ‘thinker ‘… which suggests it might well work for the BBC …
@Fed No, I’m not interested in being mean to people
sure at school we made the teachers cry but that’s a kids thing.
when it comes to internet I usually have no idea about the other person’s life, experiences and motivations.
.. They might be mad or bad or have some magic insight, I am unaware of
.. all I can do is tackle the topic.
From their replies I sometimes think, they go off into private whispering discussions and build up untrue fantasies about they think we are thinking.
Belfield must be holding on to some videos for days
He just put out a video saying XR founder was arrested yesterday
.. actually she was arrested on Tuesday AFAIK
Gail must be thrilled.
It was the top result she quoted from Alinsky in her original briefing video in 2018.
“If you can get arrested… all the better. That is worth media coverage everywhere”.
BBC top of list. She likely has Matt, Rog and Justin on speed dial.
I think Youtube often hold posted content back deliberately – I’ve noticed that with other contributors.
I’ve just read on Twitter that someone called ‘elvis – sorry – Ellie Costello – is leaving BBC news – is that the one going to Brillo TV ? I’m really asking cos I’m bored – please don’t bother answering …
Ah yes – Friday – with added Palestinian flags and a forthcoming ‘terror attack ‘ where the BBC doesn’t describe who did it or which religion of peace they kill in the name of . ..
( disclaimer – I have no knowledge of any coming attack but have read the Islamic terrorist ‘play book ‘ )
Might as well line up the ‘thoughts and prayers and ‘lessons will be learnt and ignored ‘ahead of time …
The Israeli’s should let themselves be attacked with
rockets from Gaza to appease the likes of the BBC and
their Middle East correspondents such as Yolande Knell,
Jeremy Bowen, Orla Guerin and the rest . They should
offer not to defend themselves.
The Israeli’s and the Jews are responsible for all of the
ills of the world . And don’t we know it from our national broadcaster. Did any of you hear about the indiscriminate
bombing Of Duhuk in Iraqi Kurdistan by Turkey a couple
of weeks ago? Or what’s still going on in Syria , but is now
being swept under the carpet? Yemen? and the slaughters
going on
” Gays for Palestine solidarity marches” Do me a favour. If
they marched in Gaza they would be thrown off the highest
roofs. The only safe place for them in the Middle East would be Israel !!
A key point.
The bbc must be struggling with so much in the media what, why, when, where, how infirmament.
They are struggling on timeline semantics, perps, victims, the lot.
I asked a social media pyscho to list who was being targeted, how and why… so they flew off the handle like Mike Wendling at a performance review.
And no mention of the Hamas charter which calls for the death of EVERY Jew not Just in Israel but around the world.
If anything history has taught the Jewish people they must look after themselves and not rely on others.
The BBC including bonkers Bowen have been emphasisng Gazan civilian casualties but they never say this. Hamas has fired at least 1800 rockets at Israel in the past week. Some 30% of Hamas’s rockets misfire and fall inside Gaza. That’s around 540 rockets landing in a densely populated area. So you can imagine how many Gaza civilians Hamas terrorists have killed?
See example here
Despite the name of the ‘eccentric loner’ who brought the ‘defamation’ case against Boris being public knowledge, together with the fact that she has a long record of similar and persistent accusations involving many individuals and organisatons, Marks&Spencer among them, along with pleas to the Queen to intercede on her behalf, the BBC and others of that ilk can’t seem to find time and space to set the record straight.
Would that be in the interests of impartiality?
Beltane – yes I saw the piece in the mail on line about the fruithoop – I thought – surely just out of journalism – the BBC would follow up for an account of stuff they have so eagerly reported ?
Also – can legal action be taken against her for some form of ‘ malicious prosecution ‘ – ? It would be fitting for her to be bankrupted out of her alpaca farm but if you play with fire – get burnt ….
Although on reflection she did us a favour by showing how eager the BBC to publish anything – anything – they think will harm the image of the PM – they ve already forgotten about the election results last week…
Tracking bbc activism, domestic occupancy and actual public sentiment might be interesting.
Guest who – I am currently in Walthamstow – which has bits of woke gentrification which love talking about push bike lanes and nasty motorist- people hate what the socialist republicans running the place have done to the roads – which are either closed or jammed .
I’m guessing Vine has never been to E17 – I can’t blame him as it has turned into a third world dump .
They will be slaughtering sheep on the quiet streets soon!
In other words.
Extremely well paid media personality argues against paying fuel taxes which go to support public transport.
#SystematicRacism #Everydayracism #InvertedRacism
If today’s Coop email about charity giving has 5 photos
clearly showing the photos of 13 people
how may are white males ?
#1 1 black female
#2 females : 2 white, 2 Asian, 2 black
#3 2 Asian males, 1 Asian female
#4 2 white females
#5 1 black female
Yep, as a coop bank and insurance customer for many many years I have been bombarded and sickened by their woke messages of late. They seem to have been convinced by their yoof marketing people that they are no longer in the business of selling stuff but selling propaganda.
Hence I switched car insurance yesterday to the AA and a lot cheaper into the bargain, now I’m hunting for a new bank that is a bank and just wants to do business with me instead of trying to tell me what to think and who are not a Marxist globalist cell.
I can’t find anything about this on Al Beeb yet…should I hold my breath?
“More than five million EU citizens living in the UK have applied for settled status, nearly double the number thought to be residents before the EU referendum, official figures revealed on Thursday.
The Home Office data showed 4.9 million of the 5.4 million had already been granted settled status, of which 4.88 million were living in England. This compares with the three million that were estimated to have been in the UK at the time of the vote on Brexit in 2016.
It came as the Home Office launched a new information campaign urging EU citizens living in the UK to apply for the settlement scheme as soon as possible, before the deadline of June 30.
But senior Tory MPs said it raised questions about the quality of government data on the numbers of migrants in Britain, which is critical for Whitehall departments, councils, health trusts and schools to plan the appropriate level of services to meet local demand.”
Absobloodylutely amazing. Too true it raises questions, let alone about illegal immigrant numbers, but I don’t suppose BoJo or UnPriti will do anything about it.
Meanwhile France and Spain continue to persecute UK citizens in defiance of THEIR treaty obligations.
And they beg us to come visit!!
AFAIK that is not new news
Our local BBC reported that about Hull, 2 months ago
“The amount of applications for EU settled status made from Hull is 63 per cent higher than the amount estimated to be living in the city.
The ONS shows 24,500 applications for EU settled status by bloc citizens living in Hull.
vs roughly 15,000 EU citizens previously estimated to be in the city as of 2020.”
Telegraph one year ago Apr 20, 2020
“The number of EU citizens in the UK has been massively underestimated by the Home Office by up to 55 per cent, according to figures for applications to the EU settlement scheme.”
BBC : 21 August 2019
EU migration to UK ‘underestimated’ by ONS
I remember when we were told only about 13,000 would come.
I am amazed that the BBC does not try and get more revenue
and even cancel the need for a TV license
by allowing
advertising. In this day and age I feel that there is something
wrong with me and that I must be racist because my wife is of the same Caucasian ethnicity as I am. I can imagine BIG BROTHER from the diversity dept, with tears of joy in its eyes( right pronoun?) if
current day advertising was allowed on the BBC
The BBC1 The One Show already does advertising. They happily plug any new book, DVD etc from their fellow BBC staff.
BBCs Richard Osman was interviewed on BBC The One Show yesterday to promote his new book. What was the chance of that happening at random?
Richard Osman’s got a book out?? Why has he never mentioned it?
BBC already own a commercial UK network of about 6 channels
YesterdayChannel, DramaChannel etc.
I listened to a bit of BBC Radio 4 in the car about 11am today. Load of liberals talking utter nonsense about how we should change society and not imprison anyone.
Usual leftie crap such as, “13% of the UK population is BAME but 50% of the prison population is BAME because of racism”.
Some other liberal suggested that giving criminals a proper job and an income to support their family would stop crime. She couldn’t see outside of her bubble to see that criminal activities make you a lot richer than working 9 to 5.
All these idiots got to spout their twisted thoughts with no challenges or interruptions. Typical BBC endorsed social engineering that would end in disaster for everyone.
Frankly the BBC NA BS remake of Dad’s Army is a bit pants.
That’s just some BS …12 second edited clip
It wouldn’t prove anything whether it was Biden or Trump speaking
These short clips prove nothing about Biden; they could be taken from any politician’s speech. I could have shown how Wittgenstein had brain meltdowns when delivering his groundbreaking lectures.
There is something serious and dangerous in the current US administration and its not reduced to a man stuttering
Hell they voted for him !( actually we know they didn’t )… poor old boy …
How many times did the BBC so called ‘comedy’ shows take the piss out of George W Bush and his vice president Dan Quayle ?
If this had been a Republican they would have been blasting it on every single show.
Caption: Can someone fetch me another pair of binoculars?
These seem to be bolted down somehow.
If only someone in the Biden family was a highly paid expert on gas pipelines
… Oh hang on Hunter Biden can’t help the US, he’s under contract to the Chinese or something.
“ladies and gentlemen” line
.. someone writes provocative complaint letter to newspaper about train announcement
.. newspaper publishes it cos stirring is a cheap way of filling space
.. rail company PR dept responds in a woke way
… ‘ooh our bad, we’ll be more inclusive now’
yawn yawn yawn
The rail company is LNER.
Other rail companies are available (sort of).
Trains are thing used by a small minority in the UK
Most people in this country hardly ever use trains
cos the first thing is they’d need to do is get in a car to get to the train station 6, 10, 15 miles away
same at the other end
and then there are few choices of destination
and then prices are so high, driving is cheaper , especially when that means you lose far less working hours.
It’s annoying to think that we northerners pay tax to build grand transport projects in London, we never use.
Absolutely agree – as a souther B stard
I am amazed and shocked at how bad bus and train connections are outside the londonistan
I know this is heresy- but i think londonistan should have funding reduced in favour of forgotten bits of blighty- particulary the former Red wall places .
And if any one asks “why? “ i just say crossrail and the emir .
In the West Country nearest
Train station is 19 miles away and guess what no direct bus for most of the day. So car it is !
We have no public transport. I know of a village near Darlington in NE has no bus service at all.
I live in the wilds, north of Ramsey. They stopped the regular buses to Ramsey a couple of years ago. Now we have to phone up for the minibus to come out and pick a few people up.
And it’s free to the likes of me.
Excellent news – the BBC is reporting that the UK isn’t sending vaccines to India – made possible by arrivals from the subcontinent who have been good enough to bring the new virus with them !
Outstanding work third worlders – and no one questioning why you were travelling at all ! Meanwhile the rest of us are being told not to go overseas on pain of a Fixed Penalty –
The BBC must be hoping subcontinent flights are banned so that the can run endless ‘hardship ‘ interviews with British passport holders in somewhereistan….preferably -of course- NHS staff…….
Canada’s equivalent of the BBC, brought a court case against Conservatives during an election, that clearly helped the let opposition
Now 1.5 years later the CBC has lost it.
CBC was supposed to cover the Conservative Party fairly during the election.
Instead, CBC was launching a failed lawsuit against the party. Today, CBC lost that lawsuit. They should apologize for launching it & reveal the legal bills they charged taxpayers.
All it was was a 30 second advert with clips of lefty politicians saying idiotic things on the news
Of course it was fair use.
Anyone watch last nights BBC1 race doco ?
Belfield was not impressed
A few days ago I read that Little Mix (millionaire) artiste boo-hoo-ing in the Sun, It was the stupidest piece imaginable, full of contradictions. One moment she was complaining about having been chosen above her talent, for her skin colour as the token black; the next about being discriminated against, without any facts or evidence. Just ‘feelings’. She ‘felt’ invisible, she ‘felt’ fans ignored her…
Just a mishmash of bogus victimhood and snowflakery.
But such is the level of mawkish sentimentality among our brainwashed yoof, no doubt she’ll get lashings of sympathy.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Taking down what they have just ‘bigged-up’ (apols for da yoofspeak)
I’m amazed at how many times the BBC do all they can to promote women, the causes and campaigns of the militants of the female sex and then they go and present women as weak and feeble! It is truly amazing. (bear in mind the top centre image on the BBC Home Page may get changed. Currently it displays four young women taking selfies or looking at the back of a smartphone in front of a black painted wall. It carries the text ‘After a year of being quiet, socialising is exhausting’
It is one of those ‘You just have to laugh’ moments.
2:15pm R4 Friday black drama series
.. Seems to be a black guy meeting his drug dealer in a station carpark
seeing themselves as middle class man vs small-criminal class man.
Yes, Stew, something like that. I switched off after about ten minutes as it was starting to drag as a monologue. I guess a fraction of a second after that, it turned into a slightly more exciting two-hander. But maybe not.
I was expecting another episode of GF Newman’s ‘The Corrupted’ but apparently this final series is an eight-parter. Black Crime vs. White Crime.
Hey ho. There you go.
Provisional BBC news on wireless R4 telling me Doris is going to speak to the nation at 5pm.
Get ready for more lockdown folks. Thanks to;
A) the incompetence of Doris and HMG in not closing borders.
B) The communist run SAGE shrilling for more control, and the blonde idiot allowing them to have their way.
C) Ethnik communities in Bradford, Bolton, parts of London not following the rules or giving a stuff about the land they live in.
Question is, are you going to fall for it again people?
Remember he told you:
Flatten the curve, squash the sombrero, save the NHS, protective the vulnerable, wear a mask, social distance, the vaccine is the answer, save Christmas….
How much more of the bull are you going to fall for?
It the numbers are correct – 600 000 vaccinations in the last day – but have they shut down all flights from the subcontinent yet ?
( no and never will)
Fed, I think they did some time ago but ….
…. the UK waited until the last minute …..
… and I’m not sure how carefully people quarantined ….
…. and we know that some people have been cheating – thanks to a BBC ‘expose’ on You and Yours – travelling to Turkey and then trying to sneak back into the UK.
Now things are bad in Turkey and the Grand Prix has been cancelled and the footie final moved.
The question that I have not heard asked by the BBC is: could the Indian mutation have occurred quite naturally in the UK without any outside influence? It is theoretically possible.
The IoM has completely closed the border twice now and eliminated the virus…..why would any country not do?!
We couldn’t believe how the U.K. still allowed international flights. Now they’ve done it again. Bonkers.
The BBC are really going big on in-depth analysis of the Indian covid rates in Bolton and Blackburn.
Let’s see the results of their investigative journalism.
What does their website say?
‘No one knows for sure how this spike in infections started’..
Weird. Such lack of information does not usually stop them speculating.
Anyone would think they are keeping quiet in order to avoid accusations of racism.
In a few minutes time we may discover from Boris that our appreciation of multiculturalism is so great that our release from the imprisonment of covid is to be postponed…………
Feeling enriched enough?
Lets say it……. the Indian variant has been brought to the UK by those travelling from…. India, and as the I/Variant hotspots are Bolton, Blackburn, Bedford and Luton , lets say it again, towns with a large population of …… Indians. Curry anyone ???
We have borders that work like a sieve.
Thanks to Human Rights laws.
Sly Views can’t help having a small dig at Brexit in this piece, but nevertheless it is a reasonably comprehensive description of the government’s incompetence in this matter and the factors behind it.
That’s will certainly, definitely never ever ever be acknowledged by the BBC Brissles!
7:30pm BBC2 Lemn Sissay is guest on Inside Culture
@wmarybeard will probably make it about race and empire
Other guests black architect David Adjaye (who sounded oK nt racebaity), writer Elif Shafak,
artists Edmund de Waal (white) and Cornelia Parker,
, and actor Jane Horrocks.
OF COURSE it’ll be all about race, and racism.
Why else would the BBC cover it?
Just look at their piece about it on their webshite.
Perhaps Mary Beard would care to remember PC Keith Blakelock’s murder, slaughter in 1985?
BBC1 comedy panel shows etc. and Alan Partidge
9pm Romesh chairs HIGNFY
ITV fills 2 hours by repeating the recent remake of Van der Valk
Looks like Martin Bashir has gone the same way as Sweeney ? Was he pushed ?
Just shunted my way via twitter promoted.
Then… this.
They really need to look at their algorithms.
P-p-p-pick up a Penguin.
Then p-p-p-put it down again quick, esp. if it’s JamesOB.
Dawn French has sold her rather nice Corwall beachfront Mansion for a reported £3 million.
Thanks to the uinique way the BBC is funded she was able to afford this enormous property, and to run it too!
We used to holiday all round the Roseland peninsular down there. Then it became west London and Cotswolds by the sea.
Seems like us plebs are being herded into the less salubrious parts of the U.K. ……
It’s only a matter of time before south Somerset has access gates!
Look we don’t want plebby types who haven’t got production companies in nice bits of Blighty – leave them to give their money to those ‘charities ‘ we do gigs for – and get a generous fee …
Garry: “Seems like us plebs are being herded into the less salubrious parts of the U.K. …… ”
In the Isle of Man?
Shirley Knott.
Yeah, I know it probably rains a lot and when the wind really blows you can lean against it but it must still have its upsides.
Yes. No litter. Low crime. Safe schools.
However, living costs are a lot higher and the ferry is extortionate. You can go stir crazy.
There are a lot of council estates and a lot of poor people.
We came here for work……but now it’s time to return home.
Now home is too expensive.
The polarisation of society into areas has been going on for decades. There are wealthy people….but you never see them. I’m always shocked by all the new cars everywhere in the U.K.
It’s not Jersey.
Hi Garry
Douglas from Douglas – Scot by birth.
been back to the UK lately?
stay on IOM mate, the UK mainland is not what you remember it as.
the new yoof generation will pounce on any misword/step you make. (not to put you off in any way)
“Covid: Second vaccine doses to be sped up over variant concerns”
It can be sped up as much as the government wants but if the effnics don’t want it ……………….
Pity they didn’t off vaccination getting off the airplanes from the third world innit ?
Meanwhile – trouble in the Middle East – they must be due to put the blame on the True President by now as they’ve been giving ga ga joe Biden the normal free pass …which really is unbelievable ….except for it being woke 2021 ….
… and meanwhile – I hope Edwin Poots is on the political shows over the weekend. – that will be popcorn central …
I’d like to know why the UK is nothing but a racist cess-pit for questioning the arrival of hordes of relatives from Asia during the pandemic while her holy of holy saint-ess Jacinda in NZ bolts every door to NZ without a whimper of protest?
Two-faced snakes!
And they did things properly on Taiwan, too digg, a complete and early ban on travel. Population 24,000,000 approx., Covid infections 1,200 approx., deaths 12.
Lockdowns can work – if you do them right.
All this stuff about being beastly to Indian subcontinentals for wanting to share their covid variant with us.
We just aren’t multicultural enough. Readers, you need more.
Try this.
Or this.
Makes me so proud to be………..errrr……living in……….errrr…..Britain?????
We are hitting the magic 500 comment number for this excellent thread – so it’s time for the new one ….