Fortunately for those of us who see the BBC as a monster the Bashir Affair is continuing to fester. However there is little sign of the current government being willing to do anything about it at all – even with the outright condemnation of the future King . But public pressure is building . It won’t take much to force reform or better still – destruction.
Start the Week Thread 24 May 2021
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No sensible thought given by the media and in particular the BBC on the question of Electric cars-
UK motorways to get 1,800 new car charging points
UK energy market regulator Ofgem has announced plans to invest £300m ($435.1m) in more than 200 low-carbon projects to aid the nation’s push towards net-zero emissions. The new infrastructure investments will include 1,800 new ultra-rapid charging points at motorway service areas, which would triple the current network. Another 1,750 charge points will be built in towns and cities.
Look you idiots (Ofgem)never mind the motroways, just consider the difficulties motorists will have who live in small terraced houses as in all major cities, in plugging their vehicles into their houses-wiring trailing all over the shop, never mind those that live in High rise apartments. AND where do they think the electrification is coming from to make the supply? As said it cannot be relied upon to come from Wind Farms (monstrocities) or solar panels, so from where? Fosil fuels is and will be the only way close and maybe then only enough, to bring this great propaganda exercise to be actually possible. Close connections within the Electric Indusrty working with the National Grid informs us Government at present are in cloud cookoo land. The costing will be eye watering.
Apple, Google, Microsoft, Tesla and Dell sued over child-mined cobalt from Africa. … The complaint accuses the tech giants of “knowingly benefiting from and aiding and abetting the cruel and brutal use of young children in Democratic Republic of Congo (‘DRC’) to mine cobalt.”17 Dec 2019
OK so thia has done the rounds many times as a diesel / petrol generator charging an electric car which has run out of power. The greenies are cock a hoop that it is in fact another battery bank fast charging the electric car, it doesn’t appear to have entered into their tiny minds that someone where a generator has had to produce the electricity to charge it in the first place !
Thoughtful, there may be an opening here for an entrepreneur to make a mint. A fleet of diesel gennies running up and down the motorways to top up batteries of leccy cars that don’t go.
But what’s this?
“Children tell of neglect, filth and fear in US asylum camps”
I thought evil Trump was the cause of all the suffering of migrants at the border. But now it seems there are MORE children and adults suffering, and conditions in camps have deteriorated under Saint Biden.
In fact, his confused open-door policies have made things worse by sucking in huge numbers of migrants, and especially unaccompanied children.
To find the clues, you have to read to the end of the long article (past the propaganda section on: How Biden differs from Trump on migration):
“Many children are travelling to meet family, spurred on by a widespread rumour that Mr Biden has taken massive strides to welcome immigrants, and reverse the immigration crackdown of his predecessor.
Republican Beth Van Duyne, the congressional representative for Texas, said Mr Biden’s policy of allowing children to cross the border alone was to blame for the crisis.
“The administration are absolutely incentivising the separation of families,” she said.”
Yes, children are suffering so Biden and the Dems can virtue signal and get the migrant votes.
Let them all go free – to China with it’s empty cities?
“Today, China has more than 50 underpopulated ghost cities. These cities, designed for millions to live in, are today populated by only a few thousand residents in each.3 May 2019”
There is nothing wrong in what Biden has done here. He laid his cards on the table and told US voters he was going to allow record numbers of migrants into the USA and they enthusiastically voted for it.
He told them he was going to help Iran gain a nuclear weapon and they all thought that was going to be a great idea too.
His approval rating is over 50% so what he is doing is being enjoyed by the majority of the people of the USA, who lets face it are pretty dim and believe the lies the media feed them !
What Defunding the Police Really Means
July 6, 2020
We know that police don’t keep us safe — and as long as we continue to pump money into our corrupt criminal justice system at the expense of housing, health, and education investments — we will never be truly safe.
That’s why we are calling to #DefundPolice and #InvestInCommunities — and in our new video, Black Lives Matter Managing Director Kailee Scales helps break down just how it works.
When the BLM activist Sasha Johnson was shot, I wonder if they would have wanted a little MORE funding for the police?
BLM site removes page on ‘nuclear family structure’ amid NFL vet’s criticism
By Joshua Rhett MillerSeptember 24, 2020
It may be ‘perfectly legal’ now but wait until HMRC decide they should have done something about it 20 years ago…
BBC’s Jeremy Vine made daughter Martha a company shareholder to lower tax bill
Must be minted.
Be funny if she joins a commune, gives it all away and sticks Jez in a council home.
That claim does seem a bit strange
I paid income tax at 17 and that had nothing to do with my parents
Maybe the law has changed.
I wonder if there are capital gains tax advantages not just income taxes, never mind death taxes.
Like most BBC outings, BBC Reimagining seems distinctly unidirectional.
Reimagine WanKanda as white?
.Impossible Marky-just impossible
Reimagine saints MLK, Mandela, George Floyd as white?
The biggest insult the BBC et al has or could ever throw at the indig Brits is to play Ann Bolyn as Black-if of course this black woman is supposed to represent Ann Bolyn?. Even any coloured person knowing ( who HenryV111 was and the number of wives he had, which every school child knows, and appears to be the only part of English History they do know) will know that not one his wives was a Black female.
The upcoming Anne Boleyn series is from Channel 5, co-financed by Sony Pictures Television.
I hadn’t realised that star Jodie Turner-Smith, though British born, is actually American.
In a related further example of blackwashing, she’s also in Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse, in which black actor Michael B. Jordan stars as a character previously played by white guys Willem Dafoe and Liev Schreiber. Turner-Smith plays a SEAL Team leader.
As far as I can determine, there has never been an actual female Navy SEAL!
I hope these actors are happy getting paid for this crap.
(Edit: tarien, I just realised you wrote “BBC et al,” apologies.)
No prob TrickCyclist- suppose by now we shouldn’t be surprised at whatever the BBC and other such throw at us-although to say I am pi….ss…ed off with whole dam bunch would be an understatement. Difficult to find anything worth watching unless its a repeat and most of those I have seen umpteen times. Like the TV, so goes the country just now. Assuming Western civilisation still exists in a few decades time, historians will look back at these extraordinary times with utter bafflement. I’m baffled already !
Have to be really careful watching the nuances of the MSM reporting on one of their favourites taking a head shot .
Obviously a drive bye shooting in south London is no news now – and nor is a coloured on coloured gang shooting – .
So the shooting of this lady becomes a ‘non story ‘ no ‘outrage ‘ local news at most …
…it’s as though the BBC doesn’t want to report on stuff which goes against whitee being bad the coloured folk …
A small contextual reminder, as bbc block books Lammy, Abbott, etc to eulogise this poor parent.
For those too busy to watch, the caption runs:
Marxist Activist Sasha Johnson
This PLO viper is abusing a Black Man
She is a Racist Thug.
It looks like the original Tweet has been removed or access restricted. It showed Johnson yelling at a black man.
And, so, the farce rekindles.
If this really is a genuine tweet from the gormless Diane Abbott (and it certainly seems to be) then there really should be questions asked about her right to represent her constituents in parliament.
What a stupid, inflammatory and ill informed thing to come our with. BLM supporters aren’t the brightest berries on the bush in the first place, it wouldn’t take much to stir them up.
If there are demonstrations (riots) and “largely peaceful protests” (lots of police hospitalised, but none actually killed) this will be down to her and all the other poisonous race hustlers.
No doubt the BBC will be giving her a tough grilling about this stupid and incendiary tweet.
Or, there again, maybe not…
I take it the party was ‘ largely peaceful ‘ !
TROUBLED SON Diane Abbott’s son chased her with scissors and bit cop during NINE attacks on medics and cops
Holly Christodoulou
23 Apr 2020, 12:38Updated: 23 Apr 2020, 13:53
DIANE Abbott’s son chased her with scissors and bit a cop in one of nine vicious attacks on emergency workers.
The farce never stopped.
BBC News worries about the length of time until Hamas can next break a ceasefire.
US sanctions on Iran have made already serious economic problems in the country worse – as recent long queues for chicken have shown.
“Queues for chicken”
What are the chickens queuing for? The pelican crossing to change, so they can cross the road?
From the BBC website:
Seems innocent enough, yet no mention by the BBC that Matt Zarb-Cousin was Jeremy Corbyn’s spokesperson.
“The BBC is to review its editorial practices and investigate how journalist Martin Bashir was rehired, after the inquiry into his interview with Diana, Princess of Wales”.
Lessons will be learnt.
Rehired as an “ethics reporter” FFS !
The review will be led by Nicholas Serota , former chairperson of the Tate Modern, the epitome of the liberal left arty farty brigade establishment toff. No doubt he is great chums with many senior folk at the BBC. We all know, everyone in the country knows, that he will find things are massively better than they were when the Bashir deception took place and then make some piffling recommendations for further improvement.
It will just be a confirmatory review that the BBC is basically marvellous , desperately needed by the country and only barbarians would wish to see it damaged.
There Serota i’ve written your summary conclusion in 5 minutes . Save yourself some time and copy it down.We don’t need your review, or you , or the BBC. No matter what you write I’m not paying for this leftist cess pit any longer.
Yep, my guess is that the end result will be a statement along the lines of “Mr Bashir fell short of the high standards we at the BBC set ourselves and we will continue to work hard to ensure that we can be trusted with your money whether you like it or not!”
How it works.
Mr Bashir failed to maintain the abysmally low standards we set for him.
Paedo Paul Farrell jailed for life
“Former Great Ormond Street Hospital porter admitted 69 offences against 8 victims, totalling at least 500 instances of abuse over a period of 35 years.”
Nothing to do with the hospital
rather he befriended families and groomed them
getting to act as a babysitter in order to abuse their children at addresses across the capital.
He had a “deep-seated fixation with sexual activity with very young boys”
Three of the 8 were brothers
The report doesn’t say how many families were involved, but it sounds like he was acting an an unrelated uncle. And it’s typical in cases that there are more victims than are mentioned in court.
R4 Trailer comes on, it’s for a podcast only show
called Sneakernomics, with @DJAce from Radio1Xtra (BBC black station)
Quiz : name a BBC department that has not promoted this show ?
The Twitter list .. even includes Laura Phillips the woman heading the Save The BBC campaign (that is definitely independent of the BBC).
Did a slave make your sneakers? The answer is: probably
Prada, Hermes, and Louis Vuitton fared poorly on a new report about forced labor. Meanwhile Adidas, Lululemon, and Gap had the most slavery-free supply chains.
The last Radio4 trailer I heard was for Descendants
“How close is each of our lives to the legacy of British slavery?
And who does that mean we are connected to?”
.. A seven part series starting on Friday
According to theories like Six Degrees of Separation – or just simple genetics – we are ALL in some way related to people directly or indirectly involved in slavery.
I therefore demand that the entire white population of this racist country be incarcerated or packed off to Australia forthwith, and the keys be handed over to Abbopotamus and Lamey, so they can raise living standards to African levels.
I am confident the BBC will back this appeal.
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
Shush, that’s Wrongthink, and it’s a crime.
Slavery before Islam
Slavery was common in pre-Islamic times and accepted by many ancient legal systems and it continued under Islam.
Slaves were owned in all Islamic societies, both sedentary and nomadic, ranging from Arabia in the centre to North Africa in the west and to what is now Pakistan and Indonesia in the east. Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities’ energies.
Encyclopaedia Britannica – Slavery
It’s worse than that: Mohammed himself owned, traded and had sex with slaves, which today would be called rape as they had no choice.
“Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader. He captured slaves in battle; he had sex with his slaves; and he instructed his men to do the same. The Quran actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves (4) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (zero).”
Are you sitting down securely?
I feel a bit sorry for Martin Bashir!
Actually, i’m lying.
But in all the mayhem we do need to consider the freedom of the press. For every Bashir there is a Gilligan. He was forced out of the BBC during the ‘Dodgy Dossier’ era because he was inaccurate on a few technicalities and the Labour government ( note that – Labour (Blair, Campbell, Mandelson) instructed the BBC to take action. Gilligan may have got his commas and semicolons in the wrong places but was he wrong on the substance? Not in my book.The Sun may have inaccurately reported that someone ate Freddie Starr’s hamster but they also exposed the MOD for denying that friendly fire accidents in Iraq had killed British pilots, for which the surviving relatives were very grateful.
No, the focus needs to be on the BBC as a rotten institution. The News of the World was closed down after the phone hacking. If it had survived, its readership could have closed it down by the simple expedient of not buying it. Ditto in another situation ITV. But where is the sanction against the BBC, when its income is guaranteed and it thinks itself untouchable?
We’ve got to allow for journalists to get it wrong sometimes in order to allow them to get it right when they uncover things that our lords and masters don’t want us to see or know. If the latter means a bit of subterfuge, then within reason I’m OK with that.
The institutional failings of the BBC over time (Bashir, Gilligan, Blue Peter, Savile, Cliff Richard, Bashir’s re-hiring, left wing bias) – that’s what we’ve got to nail.
From the disgruntled mutterings I hear around my friends and acquaintances many of them are getting peed off with the BBC “placing” an ethnic anchor or expert on virtually every program. It doesn’t seem to matter whether its antiques, gardening, house renovation or buying, holidays, sport, you name it, it’s now almost 100% certain that you will find the key broadcast face is ethnic.
Frothe reaction and comments I hear this is working totally counter-productive to their aims with the vast majority just giving up watching rather than be force-fed this narrative.
I don’t know exactly what the ethnic breakdown in the UK is currently but it sure isn’t represented accurately on TV any more.
Possibly the BBC see this as their noble part in “The Great Replacement” but in real life it’s becoming “The Great Switch Off”
I see it as the equivalent of the “Teachers Pet” syndrome whereby a teacher would promote a chosen pupil to the fore at every opportunity if they felt that the kid needed admiration from their peers. The end result was always the same, that poor kid became instead intensely disliked by all the other kids who saw themselves as short-changed and shut out.
I hope that you remind everyone who switches off to cancel their direct debit and refuse to pay the License Fee . The BBC can only abuse you by using your money . Don’t pay and they will be brought to their knees very quickly.
It probably does represent a true reflection of the diversity…….in London.
Once, swinging London was the place to go, now a third world shithole and getting more thirdworldy every day (white flight and immigration/asylum seekers)
As I don’t want to get shot or stabbed and I speak English I will avoid it like the plague (or Chinese flu)
She and Jez Vile should get a private room.
Corbyn says NO!
Unless the person directly told her she’s not asthmatic, Sangita has somehow had access to private medical information. Either by wheedling out of the local staff or by some other means. Typical BBC running roughshod over other people’s data.
Nads work for bbc monitoring?
Why are they all bailing to Oz?
Can’t be the weather.
“world’s best journalists”
BBC News at Six
BBC One and BBC News Channel, Wednesday 30 October 2019
The programme included a report about the release of a study from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), which found that by 2029 Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal would leave the UK £70bn worse off than if it had remained in the EU.
When introducing this report the newsreader misspoke, inaccurately referring to how the NIESR forecast that the deal would “…leave the UK 70 billion pounds a year worse off”.
We apologise for this error.
Isn’t that the institute which is/was headed by that expert social scientist and statistician who advised Bliar that we should expect 15k EE immigrants after their accession to the EU, and our coffers, in 2004?
You know, that expert statistician Jonathan Portes? It also omitted to say that the £70 billion total loss was from the previous, inaccurate forecasts. Would you expect the full story fromAl Beeb or just the li(n)e they want to push?
Why are they all bailing to Oz?
Maybe they’ve seen the writing on the wall for the BBC.
Sorry Australia, our gain is your loss. The beeboid will now pollute your airways with her BBC-acquired lies and propaganda.
Diane Abbott seems to have information about the motives for the shooting which she ought to offer to the police.
Diane Abbott MP
· 5h
Black activist #SashaJohnson in hospital in critical condition after sustaining a gunshot wound to the head. Nobody should have to potentially pay with their life because they stood up for racial justice #BlackLivesMatter
TROUBLED SON Diane Abbott’s son chased her with scissors and bit cop during NINE attacks on medics and cops
Holly Christodoulou
23 Apr 2020, 12:38Updated: 23 Apr 2020, 13:53
The BLM official response to the shooting of the BLM Activist reported in The Guardian is revealing…
A spokesperson for Black Lives Matter UK said: “BLMUK expresses our shock and solidarity over the shooting of Sasha Johnson. A young mother and fearless political campaigner who was at the forefront of many BLM protests last summer. We are saddened to hear that she is fighting for her life after a critical wound and following numerous death threats.”
The spokesperson added: “We hope and pray that she will pull through this and those who threatened her life are held accountable.”
Read this and it is clear that they are trying to imply a targeted killing, both paragraphs above refer in conclusion to “death threats” and “….threatened her life”.
So we can assume that they are not really interested in discovering and catching the real gunman but instead want to go after anyone they can accuse of such threats, thus this is not about justice for the wounded woman and the apprehension of the murderer but an opportunity to rile up BLM supporters, hence a political motivation.
The Police have confirmed there have been no credible death threats, so BLM are actually lying about this, in order to stir up racial hatred.
I think when it comes out she’s been shot by another Black they will revert to the US message (paraphrased)
” the incident was a moment to say that casual gun fights are just the norm and not a cause for police interference at all.
BLM said that “Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving guns for eons. We do not need police to address these situations.”
Her take was that anyone who calls police to the scene of a drive by shooting is the one that needs help, and she means that “sincerely.” For BLM, police being called to a gun fight is nothing but white supremacy.
And you get this, as though it’s perfectly normal for blacks to settle minor scores by random drive-by shooting…
“ Imarn Ayton, who met Sasha Johnson during the Black Lives Matter protests last year, said that from information she had been told: “There was a rival gang that may have heard about someone being in that party that they didn’t feel quite comfortable with or trusted and so they resorted to driving past and shooting into the garden, and one of those shots obviously hit Sasha Johnson.
“But I don’t believe she was the intended victim.”
That’s all right then!
Abigails Pistol Party.
I see that Max Moseley son of British Union of Fascists leader Sir Oswald Moseley has died.
The BBC gives a single sentence to his fathers part, and so does the Daily Mail, but neither wants to talk about his involvement with the Corbyn supporting Labour Momentum movement to which Moseley allegedly donated £30 000 and nor do they want to talk about the peculiar similarlity the Corbyn Manifesto had to the original Fascist Manifesto of 1908.
Wonder why?
Nor that after a short time as a Tory, Mosley rose so far up Labour ranks that he was considered PM material.
‘He was considered a potential Labour Prime Minister but resigned because of discord with the Government’s unemployment policies.’
And stood against Chamberlain…
‘At the 1924 general election he stood in Birmingham Ladywood against future Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, coming within 100 votes of beating him.’
And still Liebor would claim that Toryism is fascism, rather than fascism and far-left beliefs being two cheeks of the same arse.
I just watched the news on the BBC News channel and they spent more time discussing Max Moseley’s session with 5 prostitutes.
Typical BBC, his 81 years on the planet as head of the FIA and as a barrister and the BBC go on about a sex session he had.
The repulsive Abbopotamus sinks to new lows, even by her standards:
*Black activist #SashaJohnson in hospital in critical condition after sustaining a gunshot wound to the head. Nobody should have to potentially pay with their life because they stood up for racial justice”
Just like the foul Floyd she will be made a martyr and fools will protest about her death being due to her politics. The whole lot of em can go to hell.
If Abbott has knowledge of who shot her and why, should she not take this important information to the Police.
Because it appears to have been an accident. You know, the sort of random accident that takes place every day
…in certain commyunities.
Are Eastenders racist thugs ?
A former EastEnders actor is to stand trial charged with assault and racially aggravated harassment.
Denies the four charges.
Katie Jarvis, who played Hayley Slater in the soap from 2018 to 2019
The 29-year-old, is charged with racially aggravated harassment,
common assault and two counts of assault by beating.
Re incident in Southend in Essex on July 31 last year.
Outside a cafe : The black table the refused to give her the empty chair and she kicked off
“Video footage shows her fighting with a group of black women after shouting “f*** Black Lives Matter” and calling one of them a “f***ing black c***”
Late morning, July 7, 2008, and motorsport tycoon Max Mosley is undergoing cross-examination at the Royal Courts of Justice. Mr Mosley, the youngest son of the British Union of Fascists leader Sir Oswald Mosley, has brought a breach of privacy action against the News of the World.
Three months earlier, the newspaper had published a front page account and online video footage of a sadomasochistic orgy in which the multi-millionaire had taken part with five prostitutes.
The newspaper claimed the orgy had a ‘Nazi’ or ‘concentration camp’ theme. Because of the Mosley family history, the report was in the public interest, it argued. The Nazi allegations were denied by Mr Mosley.
This… is HUGE.
Get ready for a BBC Naaaaaaa BS RT fest.
Still on feet.
She’s running away ?
6 months of doing nothing but post selfies of how wonderful she is.
Simon Jack went to Hull for the BBC news to look at the levelling up that the government wants to take to the north. He highlighted that salaries in Hull average only 2/3rds of incomes in the south east. He didn’t mention house prices. In Hull a very nice modern 4 bedroom detached can easily be bought for £240,000-£300,000 with double garage. In north west London you cannot buy a 1 bedroom flat for that. Then comes the cost of commuting. Until very recently a commute into Hull to work in a car could take 20 minutes, any longer would be by choice. However the Labour Council has managed to level that with the southeast at a stroke. The main artery road has been coned off to a single carriageway and so many roads dug up that they achieved last week the best ever gridlock.
Levelling up isn’t as simplistic as the BBC and Simon Jack liked to present. I assume they will use other criteria before an election to show it hadn’t happened.
Socialists hate individuality. The collective is the thing.
Because of our useless government and Boris’s stupid focus on cycling the socialists are now empowered to fulfil their destiny and penalise the private car user. Never mind it has been the safest way to travel for the last 15 months.
PS perhaps Mr Jack on his day ‘up north’ would care to consider the quality of life benefits in being close to the Yorkshire Wolds, Yorkshire Coast, and places like Beverley. Note to Mr Jack, they are also ‘up north’.
I once worked in a local government, not local council but district council in Hull and surrounding area. One of my bosses once worked for Hull City Council Environmental Department at the time of the slum clearance in the 60’s and 70’s. He was called to the Guildhall to be told by a local Labour Councillor that the demolition gang were pulling down the wrong side of Spyvee Street. He took the drawing from his hands, turned it through 180 degrees and said ” Now there pulling down the right side”
Labour: The politics of envy.
Gets my vote.
By sheer coincidence, next tweet.
Guest Who – Excellent. The BBC is getting hammered in Parliament like never before.
They are all blowhards, but it’s Macbeths soliloquy, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Or as Rotten said – ‘for idiots, by idiots, celebrating ignorance’
Al Beeb ain’t going anywhere. If the Telly Tax gets scrapped the “Tory” government will fund the outfit by the increasing income tax or VAT. It should be funded by subscription or just closed down, not reformed.
How bad has Al Beeb got to be before it is shut down ?
The BBC Have Your Say HYS
is now BBC-DHYS …. Don’t Have Your Say
Last week they changed the title to “Your Coronavirus Stories”
but the last time they posted one was 4 days ago.
The BBC are creaming themselves with the shooting of BLM activist Sacha Johnson. The BBC are going overboard with commentary about how marvellous she is. They are treating her with a reverence not even afforded to the Royal Family, rather than as a race-baiting, divisive, marxist.
But that said…….
She was shot in the head !!!!!!
At a party in the early hours.
But apparently she was not the intended target.
So that’s all right then !!!!
Suspicions are over gangs, drug-related causes, and poverty. All suggested by a fellow BLM traveller, among others, and almost used to justify the situation.
The coverage of this incident is truly as appalling as the wholly, unambiguously appalling event itself. No excuses.
Oh dear, even the execrable Guardian (not to be confused with excretable, though it’s that as well) realises Harry’s self-pitying woke moanings to the ghastly Oprah are a royal pile of ordure.
It gives his snivelling whinge-athon a mere 2 stars, I suspect out of pity.
Harry, son, when even the Guardian thinks you’re cr*p, it’s time to quit.
“The Me You Can’t See review – Oprah, Harry and the perils of A-list activism”
BBC1 The One Show just now. The male presenter asked Nicky Campbell, “you had your second vaccine today. How are you feeling?”
Campbell replies, “You know there is a great sense of community, communal feeling and solidarity. They are kind of really happy places – the vaccine centres. Everyone is up for, it the volunteers are fantasic, so I’m feeling great.”
There you go, the vaccine makes you feel all kind of socialist.
I wonder if she modelled her look on Wolfie from citizen Smith ?
It’s the fusion Che Guevara / Black Panther look, de rigueur for any pretentious Marxist revolutionary stuck in the 60’s.
I suspect the BBC would like adopt is as the in-house uniform.
Paramilitary caterers’ outfit.
No surprise that she is anti capitalist, anti Jewish, anti police and anti British.
Mrs Voter is watching a bbc programme at the moment “Between the Covers” a book programme. 1 bame women, David Baddiel, 1 American woman and Phil Davis an English actor. Well the bame lady was talking about “The Woman with a Louding Voice”. A story of a West Indian woman. The bame woman had done the audible book version, so pushing her part, the strangest thing was she speaks in a normal speaking voice, but when reading part of the book as she had done for the speaking book, she put on the broadest West Indian accent. FFS
Sounds unmissable. Yawn.
Trump was right again.
Told you so.
G.W.F.MAY 24, 2021 AT 12:32 PM
“Aye, eh bah gum, retired miner gives up coal fires to save the world. Background music – pit band as like as not.
A Government/BBC exclusive”
I thought it was remake of ‘Capstick Comes Home’.
Thanks. It brought tears to my eyes.
9pm Great British Photography Challenge” on BBCFour
33% non-white … ie double the national average
An odd side–effect of covid is the light it has shone on the reality of the relationship between Government and Woke Central. Never has so much skin been shed by this snake-like creature in order to comply with the Government’s mixture of scare tactics and half-truths. It shows how difficult it will be to rid ourselves of this monstrosity when it is such a useful tool for those in power. However, opposition is growing and the fight goes on. Previous comments on this thread mention contributors ‘ good humour. I can only add that I find peoples’ restraint on these pages quite commendable.
Here’s another story the BBC seem inexplicably to have missed.
The man on the right stopped on the side of a road to give a couple a lift after they’d had a blowout.
After driving them to a garage and back, the couple thanked him by beating him almost to death.
A small quarrel in faraway Missouri, you might say. Yet somehow if the races had been reversed, I doubt the BBC would have found it too small or too faraway to give it front-page prominence.
Especially as the victim was Jewish and the BBC is very keen to expose antisemitism – right?
Small coda to the story: the aggressor, though caught in flagrante by the police, was released on bail and, being from another state, will doubtless never return to face trial.
The thing about this is that I see countless news stories like this come up on my phone news feed and so many of them have a picture of the black guy who did it.
Then I check the BBC and discover they do everything in their power to cover it up.
They are worse than the Nazis. They have no conscience and no real sense of right and wrong. It’s ALL about the agenda. They don’t care how many die. Like all great socialists.
Precisely, and that’s the point of my posting the story: to illustrate the BBC bias and cover up of stories they deem embarrassing, that go against their narrative. There are hundreds like that every day.
Boris’s #GreenTaliban, demand extortion money
Excellent news – the will be a new ‘boiler force ‘ linked to track and tracie to find illegal boilers …. Bit like the nazis forcing everyone to hand in their radios …
Patrick Moore is pointing out “green” isn’t a science word
…. it’s a PR word
so it’s reckless use by #BiasedBBC/MSM should be called out
Polly and Di.
Dream team for conservatives.
She would, wouldn’t she.
Silly tart.
The Sasha Johnson story is absolute gold to highlight just how racist and hypocritical the BLM movement is.
I saw it being explained away as ‘Every group has some rotten apples’. Seems to me that at least half of that particular barrel is rotten.
But of course the media won’t go near it. Just imagine the outrage from uber-racist Lammy if a white person had shot her.
BLM site removes page on ‘nuclear family structure’ amid NFL vet’s criticism
By Joshua Rhett MillerSeptember 24, 2020
MP Lee Anderson is excellent.
But the reply from John Whittingdale sounds much too mild for my liking: ‘Well I would say (…) that one of the great challenges the BBC faces is to reconnect with the people that he represents.’
That sounds like cosmetic PR talk. Politician-speak. Corporate image stuff.
I would say that one of the great challenges the BBC faces is to stop being a bunch of smug, corrupt, dishonest, leftist, supercilious, woke, unpatriotic, patronising, far-liberal, antisemitic, Marxist, globalist, EU-loving, climate-obsessed, anti-Christian, pro-islamic, Trump-hating, lying, militantly feminist / trans / gay, anti-family, anti-Western, Common-Purpose, anti-British, Labour-biased, PC, SJW, propagandist, woke activist w*nkers.
For a start.
Shame really – MPs don’t pay for their licences for their many homes because we do .
And it’s a shame that a wet lefty like whittingdale presides over BBC control . I wonder what his nickname is ? Reminds me of an old school C of E vicar .
Just finished my rounds and the temperature gauge is indicating 7 Deg C.
I don’t think this is normal for the last week in May.
Will they pin this on Global Warming?
No, that one is climate change.
It adapts to any possible situation. Bottom line is ‘more funding needed’.
‘more funding needed’.
Its the poor who will have to pay and will be hit the hardest .
Deliberately understated at the end of the invoice as ‘Green tax’.
And stand by for massive stealth tax introduction after COVID.
Though all you will notice is how the prices of things seem to keep slowly and relentlessly going up.
Did the Muslim Broadcasting Corporation report the violent night-time attack on the home of (relatively) progressive islamic scholar Mufti Abu Layth by pro-Palestinian thugs – in the process terrorising his wife and child?
If they did, there’s certainly no mention of it on their webshite.
Ah, the religion of peace.
Today’s mole…
The BBC, and a Union, send out a questionnaire.
Sexual harassment in the classroom
Teachers say they do not feel equipped to deal with peer-on-peer sexual abuse because they have had no training. Almost one-in-three said they had witnessed peer-on-peer sexual harassment or abuse, in response to a questionnaire sent to 1,500 teachers by the BBC’s File on 4 and the NASUWT union. Almost one in 10 said they saw it on a weekly basis. But many say they are unsure of how to deliver elements of a new sex-and-relationships curriculum. Children’s Minister Vicky Ford says Ofsted will review whether schools are getting enough training and support and that third-party training could be provided.
This reminds one of the nurses that needed retraining that dehydrated patients should be provided water.
Now, to be fair, the ever changing woke rules must complicate matters as stuff that needs common sense gets dragged into a wibble soup of new levels of meddling.
Also in the mole, a BBC Khan also investigates…
How sport joined the fight against racism
Has anything changed in the year since George Floyd died and sport started protesting? In the world of football, racism is as rife as ever. Fans may not have been in stadiums for most of the past year, but players have regularly been sent horrific abuse on social media.
Recently, it has felt like there have been weeks on end where every single day a different player has been racially abused online. While we can’t yet know what its impact will be, some sport is slowly getting back to normal after the Covid-19 pandemic. But maybe normal isn’t what we need.
Read full analysis >
Miriam Walker-Khan
BBC Sport
Pure, unadulterated, BBC #wefiles.
On a morning when the Daily Star remarks: ‘You took your time, lads… BBC launch probe just 25 years too late‘ – referring of course to the BBC Diana interview scandal, we’re also reminded that not everything in the media moves at such glacial pace.
Take for instance the liberal media attitude to Dominic Cummings. Not so long ago, when it suited the anti-Boris, anti-Brexit broadcast media, the man was portrayed as a bald-faced liar when subjected to a prosecutorial harranging from TV’s finest covid compliant journos.
Now that the liberal media have the odd ball baldie’s scalp, suddenly it seems his every utterance is to be taken as gospel:
‘Ousted No 10 advisor Dominic Cummings expected to reveal turbulance at the heart of Government when he gives evidence about Covid-19 to Parliament tomorrow‘ (‘i’) – the newspaper, an abbreviated former sister title to the Independent regarded, for no apparent reason, as a “quality” paper, today resorts to a cartoonish portrayal of Mr Cummings worthy of – and no doubt inspired by Have I Got News For You – on their frontpage.
I’m sure in Islington and in W1A they’ll be laughing their arses off:
‘Government mounts rearguard action in attempt to limit damage from new allegations‘
One is reminded of the ner, ner, ner-ner-ner politics of Sir Keir Starmer’s photo op perusing wallpaper in a pre-elections sarky shout out to the HIGNFY audience that either backfired with, or was ignored by, the everyday voters.
The cartoon villains are also out in force in the popular press: ‘Sex orgy Max dead‘ (Daily Star) – he was just minding his own business when these lady stormtroopers stormed in; ‘Mosely, tycoon who waged war on free Press, dead at 81‘ (Daily Mail) – so did Hugh Grant and Steve Coogan.
Little Mix aren’t proper cartoon villains but the Sun tells us some villain has burgled one of them: ‘Little Mix Leigh-Anne robbed of £40k ring… from her mansion… £4.5m Surrey home‘ – she’s the black one who complains of racial discrimination holding her back: ‘Little Mix star Leigh-Anne talks racism, colourism and privilege‘ (Independent)
‘The bejewelled goldband… was a gift from footballer fiancé Andre Gray‘ – he’s the black footballer who complains of racial discrimination: ‘Andre Gray: “It’s not just about George Floyd – we are still stereotyped and judged by police here”‘ (Observer)
No news as yet as to the ethnicity of the robbers.
In further black and white news Emma Stone is on the frontpage of the Mirror as female cartoon baddy Cruella de Vil – sporting a black leather outfit that might have tickled Max Mosely’s fancy.
The Guardian gets a bump to top spot in the BBC’s online press lineup and deploys a quote from the cops which sounds suspiciously like promoting a line for the defence when the shooting of the BLM girl eventually comes to trial: ‘An “unintended victim”: prayers for shot activist‘
‘Police do not, at this stage, believe she was targeted‘ – blimey, that must make her about the 100th black mistaken identity, wrong place wrong time, caught in the crossfire, victim in London killings in this last couple of years. Black Lives Matters should get their fingers out and look into it.
The Daily Mirror asks: ‘One year on from George Floyd… has UK changed?‘ – yeah, black people have murdered some more black people.
‘Little Mix Leigh-Anne robbed of £40k ring… from her mansion… £4.5m Surrey home‘ – she’s the black one who complains of racial discrimination holding her back: ‘Little Mix star Leigh-Anne talks racism, colourism and privilege‘
Ah yes, but if it wasn’t for the systemic racism affecting every aspect of British society (excluding the BBC), she might have had a £50k ring to be stolen from a £5 Surrey million home.
It wasn’t just a ring, it was a “bejewelled goldband”.
Anyone want to be bored to tears at this time of day? Just spend a few minutes listening to Whittingdale waffle and widdle to some bloke on a ‘podcast’ and realise that absolutely nothing will ever happen after the Boris third-form ink-monitors’ day out in Blackpool and the whole issue will be forgotten in a few days.
(p.s., Any other descriptions beginning with ‘W’ can apply).
Might be worth getting Jon and BBC Nooooope BS to fact check this, if not their efforts in ‘analysis’ at the time. Especially as Springster is on break again at a foot spa.
Speaking of Wendy’s Funnies…
Maybe another renaming exercise will help, GW/AGW/CC/GW/Harrabin Histories style? Maybe… from ‘Disinformation Unit’ to ‘Unit 451’ (one for students of military bug warfare and sci fi there) of the Ministry of Propaganda, W1A 1AA.
Speaking of postcodes from hell, seems the BBC is going full ‘Nightmare in Bush House’ too to drive the paranoia dial past 12.
A HOPE not hate campaign has resulted in 84 racist, extremist, and Holocaust denial books being removed from the websites of WHSmith and Foyles.