Fortunately for those of us who see the BBC as a monster the Bashir Affair is continuing to fester. However there is little sign of the current government being willing to do anything about it at all – even with the outright condemnation of the future King . But public pressure is building . It won’t take much to force reform or better still – destruction.
Start the Week Thread 24 May 2021
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How could anyone be bored to death when there are so many comments on this and other anti BBC sites?
I was ‘ in the air ‘ most of monday so am catching up
I saw that the culture minister has said the BBC must reflect British values or lose the licence fee.
I can imagine hoards of layers of BBC managers trying to work out what he means. Maybe it sounds better in pidgin
Somebody in the BBC is going to be giving a shed load of money to a consultant mate
( bashir and hall partners LPP?) to explain “british”…
Explanations of ‘British’ from the BBC?
Uh huh.
The remake starring Lammy and Abbott will be to die for.
Trust nobody.
Ha ha ha, Fed – glad to see you on solid ground again anyway!
This whole crowd in Downing Street keep saying the same thing, i.e., ‘we must do something etc etc etc…’, but they never actually do anything about the problem with so many issues like illegal immigration and of course the awful BBC’s deceit, hypcrisy, and general poor quality.
It’s all ‘talk the talk’ and very little else!
Travelling from heathrow is … interesting . They dont even do a temperature test before getting on the plane .
I think that is … strange because if you go to church or the dentist or an apple shop they test you.
But you do have to fill in a form …
OT, but maybe… the MSM heading straight for Abbott, YAB, Lammy, Butler and a half dozen others from the pooled brain commentary gutter is actually designed to keep Labour out for ever?
Or just help mates sell books? Like American Booty, Lurch, Nick and Katty do in a circle of jerks Stateside?
Also Sky.
‘The difference’ promoted by the media since then has really worked so well, has it not?
But look how high the support remains among Dems – despite everything BLM have done, and everything we now know about them. Unbelievable. They deserve their imbecilic President.
I saw this, and the interviewer Stephen (?) did tell Lammy that our government had already done that ! Lammy says a lot of long words to sound intelligent, but he didn’t actually say anything. But he did admit that the BAME in this country only amount to 4% of the population. (hard to believe when watching the Ads)
On their website, the BBC choose an interesting video clip for their very sympathetic story on Sasha Johnson of BLM.
In it she sounds (almost) moderate, (almost) reasonable; and keen to educate children on black history – which, by a strange coincidence, is a BBC priority as well. (Type ‘black history’ in their search box and you’ll get literally hundreds of BBC videos. Oh, and Christ was black, by the way.)
Nothing about Johnson calling to defund the police, who are as bad as the KKK; or capitalism being evil and inseparable from racism; or Marxist ideology; or the need for black militias and revolution.
Just educating the children – who could argue with that?
BBC Revisionism continues apace.
The forthcoming Ceebeebies special hosted by Nish on the Maid of Peckham will doubtless see a whole new generation re-educated.
Vlad, contrast the baying calls for justice and the incarceration of the killer over the Floyd death by the BBC and the hordes of the oppressed and their reaction to this death.
Where are the mobs in the streets, the placards, the T-Shirts, the light shows on walls, the looting and carnage?
Speaks volumes!
Here she is in her true light:
What’s clear to me from the video is that she has been coached in how to talk to the audience. However, she’s a bit thick and cannot carry it off so it sounds like the script it is.
She has definitely been chosen for the part due to her backgound and looks. It’s all an act for the camera.
I tend to think she looks like she’s been rooting around in the dressing up box, with the Michael Crawford beret and Rambo joggers – but what’s with the fingerless half gloves ????
Global warmin’, innit. Not.
Them’s Bus Conductor gloves.
Oh !!! – dare I say she could have got’em off her dad ?
No, Christ was blacked, not black. He wouldn’t work a 37 hour week.
BBC’s version of ‘When Harry Met Nadia’ is set to be a smash.
The twist is they are to be played by themselves, not people nothing like them, so they can avoid stresses and publicity.
To have PTSD which stands for Post traumatic stress disorder, you first have to have suffered a life threatening traumatic incident. Whittome who is the typical upper middle class out of touch bleeding heart privately educated White woman has nothing in her history to indicate any kind of incident which might lead to such a condition.
However given the fragile nature of these snowflakes dropping a boiled sweet out of its wrapper onto the floor probably counts as a traumatic incident to them!
There is a line where anyone below it who whines and feels sorry for themselves should be told to get a grip and sort themselves out before they disappear into a pool of self-pity.
Not to confuse that with people with real mental health problems of course.
The Left – in their constant search for victims to satisfy their feelings of moral superiority – have lowered that line to the point every weak person thinks they are a victim and deserve lots of attention.
Your middle sentence is the key.
Which is why this whole ‘story’ bears sympathetic but diligent investigation, as opposed to a BBC #prasnews cut and paste.
Post Ginger Whinger, the whole exposing scrambled brains to the world has been exploited by the cynical using the thick.
Meghan with Harry and, clearly, Labour with this poor mite. The only winners being the media and… those who gain from such exposure.
The damage to the tools used is irrelevant to both.
Now Harry was handed a dodgy deck. Skilfully then propelled from necessary obscurity by an ambitious publicity houndess.
Nadia was, and is, a grown up with free will and choices.
Clearly ambitious, committed, passionate and deranged, but box of rocks thick, with added frogs on sanity.
Yet… she was chosen by old, cynical men in smoky rooms to front da yoof vote. And eagerly embraced in that role by every broadcast show that could get her in the green room unprepared.
Like AOC, a few trained parrot phrases, nice camera angle and carefully chosen non questions… bingo! Narrative served all round.
Both love(d) seeing themselves on screen, and the adoration of the idiot box addicts they are surrounded by.
Then… reality strikes.
Actual voters or, worse… constituents! People with issues MPs are meant to address. No sound bite glory on Vile or twitter shares.
Being ‘attacked’ (nasty words) can be weathered. Just dig out Ghandi’s greatest bon mots, chug a glass of the people’s fizz, get Marianna’s people to tell your people to hug her people… sorted.
But laughing stock? Constantly. Every moment a brain-disconnected trap opens… tricker to bear.
Especially when cynical superiors and supporters, especially in the media, sense a whiff of more harm than good.
Like Greta, when the publicity fades, the addiction withdrawal kicks in.
And the only thing left is to go mental publicly and hope the groupies can run irony free interference if any actual questions get asked the media won’t.
TOADY Watch #1 – a chance to not ask questions
As a fellow contributor to this site pointed out yesterday, it is strange how the BBC are happy to describe the Belorusian Election last year as ‘stolen’ but do not apply that descriptor to last year’s US Election. It is also strange that all those highly educated, highly paid journalists and presenters at the BBC cannot ask a basic question about Roman Protasevich.
It is extremely curious why someone, who I assume is an intelligent individual and who is a stated opponent of President Alexander Lukashenko, took a commercial flight, putting himself in the hands of others, overflying the country he did not wish to return to and in which he claims he would be at mortal risk. It just does not add up – there’s a bit of a whiff about this and it is not emanating from Belorusia.
I think it was me – the phraseology struck me – I think it was –
‘Widely believed to have stolen the election ‘ ….
Which is a term not used about the false US president – whose name I cannot recall- something I have in common with him …
I think the theft of the US election with the complicity of the MSM will have a long term effect on the legitimacy of all elections .
I still don’t know if any MSM outlet which even questioned some of those ‘strange ‘ voting outcomes . That in itself should ring alarm bells because there is always at least one contrarian – but not that time .
I predicted Joe would be gone in June …..
Sasha Johnson: Black Lives Matter activist shot by group of men
‘A prominent Black Lives Matter activist was shot by a group of four black men at a party in south London, police say.’
How unfortunate for the BBC that the police made such a statement. They would never have reported it otherwise.
And it seems all our comments about the BBC withholding certain facts and downplaying a story because the crime was done by black people whave turned out to be absolutely correct. Again.
And where is the outrage ?. Will she be getting a gold coffin and state funeral ?. How disappointed all the BLM supporting hypocrites will be about this.
If only the racist police had done a bit more racist stopping and searching, they might have found the gun and prevented the shooting.
But the likes of Khan, Lammy and Abbott won’t let them.
Which is part of the exquisite irony of it. I wonder if she will recover enough to finally understand why stop and search targeted so many blacks.
Four black men dressed in black dun it.
This sentence in the report caught my eye.
“There was a rival gang that may have heard about someone being in that party that they didn’t feel quite comfortable with or trusted and so they resorted to driving past and shooting into the garden, and one of those shots obviously hit Sasha Johnson.”
Well I don’t feel comfortable around many people, but I don’t drive past and shoot in their gardens.
”’M’Lud, my client pleads for leniency as he did not feel comfortable with people at the party”’
Maybe they were playing the wrong kind of rap.
How many fingers can you get in a hand-gun trigger guard?
They expect normal, intelligent, people to believe that?
Pull the other one – the one that isn’t a trigger.
Driveby doesn’t seem plausible
.. cos that would have involved a hail of bullets aimed at the target gang
not a single shot
And the certainty that it was 4 black men makes it seem they got close to Sasha
.. Of course it could be 4 white med blacked up… unlikely
Yes, this has all the marks of a false flag operation.
Labour pushing the BLM narrative today
I respected George more than I respect Lammy.
So George zero and Lammy sub-zero, you mean?
George was just George. A low-life criminal. The rest is just what the Left have made him.
Lammy is that special kind of low-life who will use anyone and anything for his own gain. No scruples and no ethics whatsoever. And he’s so thick, it’s totally obvious.
Why doesn’t Lammy say he looks a bit like Sasha Johnson and it could have been him instead of her? Same skin colour as the victim but it’s the wrong skin colour of the murderer.
James Abbott-Thompson was found to have suffered drug-induced psychosis at his mother’s home before being sectioned under the mental health act
Officers who attended Diane Abbott’s £1.2mn home found signs of crystal meth use in Abbott-Thompson’s room
In court yesterday he was handed an indefinite hospital order and banned from entering the Foreign Office after attacking police officers there
PUBLISHED: 22:00, 29 July 2020 | UPDATED: 22:59, 29 July 2020
Perhaps his Ma should consult a psychiatrist. She certainly seems to suffer from some sort of psychosis, IMO.
So is Lammy saying he indulges in armed house invasion and fentanyl?
If Surkeer had a party albatross, he’d look like Dave in every tv studio.
If David Lammy ever feels like taking three times the lethal dose of fentanyl, he will end up just like George Floyd, choking to death on the fluid in his lungs. It still won’t be murder.
Radio 5 Live with Nick Campbell about 09:05am had a telephone interview with a covid scared hysterical woman who was given 5 minutes to keep repeating herself saying, “I haven’t seen anyone apart from my mother and a friend… I was planning to see a friend in Newcastle but I don’t know what to do… the governement guidance isn’t clear… is it guidance or law I don’t know what to do…. I haven’t seen anyone apart from my mother and a friend… I was planning to see a friend in Newcastle but I don’t know what to do…”
On and on she went repeating herself getting nowhere. She is probably a bit mental but as it was a box ticked for a bit of Tory bashing she was allowed on a live BBC broadcast.
She will probably be on You and Yours, aka the Whinge about Tories Hour, later today.
Certainly her name is on a Post-It on Springster’s PC for when she gets back from the streets break of taking all those selfies.
5 Live Drive
BBC Radio 5 Live, Monday 21 December 2020
During an item about Covid-19 admissions in Northern Ireland, we said hospitals are “admitting four to five hundred Covid patients a day,” and when challenged we said this was correct because it was the figure given by the Northern Ireland Health Minister to a Covid-19 committee at Stormont.
In fact the challenge was correct. The Minister, Robin Swann, had told the committee that there were between 400 and 500 Covid patients being treated at that time.
3 months to issue a simple apology
that thy had mistaken an ongoing tally for the daily tally !
If a correction is not prompt then it’s not doing a job
This is just the same as lying., they knew it was not true, but sat on it .
BBC News Channel, Friday 23 July 2020
We referred to George Floyd’s death as occurring during an encounter with white police officers. The officer who knelt on his neck is white, but two of the other three involved are not.
Trust them.
Just looking down the list, it seems they have a lot more ‘errors’ to apologise for in favour of their agenda than there are against it.
I’m sure the BBC will be bitterly disappointed that the shooters weren’t white.
They could have could have had their very own home-grown George Floyd martyr, and months of Burning, Looting and Murdering, which they would have milked to the last drop with endless articles and news bulletins pouring petrol on the flames. They would have blamed the Tories (not Khan of course) and tried to use it to bring down the government.
Poor BBC.
It should of course be used as a justification to campaign for a huge clampdown on black gangs along with all the stop-and-search which goes with it.
But instead the BBC will do what they always do: just clinically report what happened and not go anywhere near why. Same as every terrorist attack for years now.
Thoughtful MAY 25, 2021 AT 9:05 AM
“…Whittome who is the typical upper middle class out of touch bleeding heart privately educated White woman has nothing in her history to indicate any kind of incident which might lead to such a condition…”
Daughter of a Punjabi father and Anglo-Indian mother…?
Did I miss a bit of sarcasm there?
Sorry, gotta go, the police are kicking my front door in.
Kamala and Meghan know what it is like to be thought of as white when in fact you see Naomi Campbell in the mirror.
At risk of counter come 3am, I sense… #CCBGB
Ps: Love that ‘you’, Timmeh!
Alex Belfield (whistleblower) is having none of it.
Shades of Pollard, Smiffy?
Not Balen?
BBC Interview BBC about failings of BBC and say it’s going to be all right as the BBC change ….
“He said that a total of 589 alleged victims of abuse had come forward in the inquiry, of whom 450 alleged abuse by Savile. Of the alleged victims, 82% were female and 80% were children or young people. There were 31 allegations of rape by Savile across seven police force areas.”
How have we reached the stage where kids of 11 and 12 are now self declaring at having ‘mental’ issues ??? as seen on news stories yesterday.
Like this ‘trans gender’ business, our kids seem to be brain washed into being something they probably aren’t.
Who on this site can honestly say when as a kid that they didn’t even consider or know anyone who thought about wanting to be the opposite sex ? or even knew what ‘mental’ issues was all about ? I was too occupied in being a child – playing / getting into trouble / doing homework and getting giggly about boys at that age. I believe this constant barrage of ‘information’ is feeding into the neurosis of parents which then feeds down to kids who then believe they have ‘issues’.
I was unusual as a child, as at age 13 my mother did have a ‘nervous breakdown’ and was carted off to a mental health unit for a while, after which she was then on a cocktail of old fashioned drugs no longer used. It certainly didn’t affect me or my brothers, we just carried on with life ! Yes we got the tummy quivers before a school exam and that was about it.
Yet now we have a generation of kids who cant cope / have anxiety attacks / and seem to be aware of it at 13 for God’s sake !
Mine at around 4 found Mum’s wigs and found it hilarious parading around as Cousin It.
Mid teens I needed advice from the BBC on how I talked to them about not charging on bikes at each other with wooden poles even if they had boxing gloves on.
Was it provided? No. Trauma? No.
I simply advised them what would happen, and when the gloves fell off as predicted with consequences told them so.
Brissles, I think it is evil. Pure evil. The Global Warming/Climate Change thing is getting adults worried – or so said adults tell us – but with children it is terrifying them and giving them all sorts of mental health problems. Ginge & Whinge are quite good illustrations of that.
Brissles – as a boy who never grew up I was happily blissfully ignorant of the sexual practices the kids now seem to be told about at a earlier and earlier age .
But I’m a strong believer in ‘goes around comes around ‘ – but of course when you are living in the present it is hard to see a change for the better .
“In court yesterday he was handed an indefinite hospital order and banned from entering the Foreign Office after attacking police officers there”
Diane Abbott’s son had crystal meth delivered to her home when she was Shadow Home Secretary, a court heard yesterday.
The diplomat is then said to have chased her around her £1.2million home with scissors, claiming he had a gun in his dressing gown pocket.
James Abbott-Thompson was high on a cocktail of drugs when he started ‘threatening his mother with violence’. He then went on a drug-induced rampage, attacking nine police officers, doctors, nurses and security guards at various hospitals.
His skin must be white. Bet he watches vids of Trump rallies.
“I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task.”
Orwell’s resignation letter from the BBC 24.9.43
Fascinating mindset piece in the Gaeudian by the Toynbee. It refers to ‘the BBCs enemies ‘. Yet it doesn’t consider why the BBC should have enemies . It doesn’t ask if the BBC does anything wrong .
But then Toynbee isn’t really a ‘reflector ‘ – she just spouts the stuff which keeps we’re column going and the guest of the BBC .
Between the line she and her type are sounding anxious about the future of their BBC . And so they should be . if Brillo TV is as attractive to viewers ( and advertisers ) as many – including me – reckon it will be – then the BBC will have more naval gazing to do – despite being blind to reality .
Covid: Eight Indian variant areas should avoid indoor gatherings
Maybe there needs to be new traffic signs
‘warning virus ahead “
……and plod pulls you over to do a PRC test ….
I was hoping that Bashirgate would lead to urgent calls to unmask the entirety of the upper echelon of bBC senior management during this period. There must be a significant network at play which accounts for the decayed state this nation al organ now finds itself.
Surely Brexit revealed the way this bBC network used every political show and news output to heavily stack the “deck” in favour of remain?
However, when Dimbelby slumped in his chair with the now infamous word “We,re Out” that same 17.4 million people
can now reflect on the imposition of an unwanted Licence Fee
used to richly reward an organisation which no longer reflects their views.
Scores of Jimmy Savile’s victims describe abuse at Stoke Mandeville
This article is more than 6 years old
Inquiry hears how ‘revered’ celebrity raped and abused hospital patients and staff with impunity, in one case in front of a TV crew
One woman described how she was raped aged 12 by the late DJ after being admitted to Stoke Mandeville to have her tonsils out. Even though the encounter took place in January 1977, the woman had a vivid recollection of the hospital ward smelling of vomit and faeces. Savile, she said, smelled strongly of cigars and body odour.
She remembered being approached by a white-haired porter, wearing a gold medallion and a white coat, as she walked to the television room one evening after her surgery.
The man, who she did not recognise at the time because her family did not watch television, escorted her into the room and when they were alone he pounced, raping his young victim and walking off as if nothing had happened.
BBC … impartical .. towards rapists
What a total load of B****x !
UK finance sector in top 10 for carbon emissions
If the UK’s biggest banks and investors were a country, they’d rank 9th in the world for the carbon emissions they’re responsible for.
That’s the striking conclusion of a new analysis by Greenpeace and WWF.
No fact checking here, the BBC just print the activism article as the truth.
Nobody emits carbon. We all consist of it in part, along with much else around us. I assume they mean CO2, which they demonise without good reason, and which helps keep us all alive. It doesn’t change the climate. But we know all this, as do they.
I see the BBC and it’s home guard The Guardian have gone into full diversion attack mode.
A flood of attacks on Boris and the Conservatives. Especially racist accusations dredging up the letterbox quote etc,.
I am sure everyone on this site knows exactly what their nasty game is and why they are doing it while under investigation for what in my opinion is basically corruption if not actual crime.
BBC criticised for banning white job applicants for trainee role Kate Buck Friday 19 Jan 2018 5:17 pm
Read more:
Apologies if this link has been posted here previously. I don’t recollect a song and dance being made about this young white man’s arrest (directly comparable to that of George Floyd’s) on the BBC, or on any other outlet, let alone any consequential wholescale demonstrations or rioting.
PM’s burka comments gave impression of insensitivity – report
Published29 minutes ago
– – – – – –
Non-Muslim girls in Lincolnshire are being asked to wear a hijab for a day to raise awareness of discrimination. Ghada Mohamed said she came up with the idea in response to a number of incidents where girls wearing hijabs were subjected to abuse.4 Aug 2019
– – – – – BLM — BLM ALERT —- BLM —-
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
Great idea, now how about muslim girls wearing a bikini for a day.
How many moslems are there in Lincolnshire?
I was doing a job at Immingham Dock and fancied a bacon sarnie. Went into town saw a greasy spoon, asked for a bacon sarnie, given said sarnie, walked out. Tasted sarnie, f***ing awful. Saw a dockyard matey mentioned the taste, he told me I’d gone to the wrong shop. As it was a Muslim shop they didn’t touch bacon, it was reconstituted turkey fried. Learnt a lesson that day.
Sensitive little souls our bearded friends.
While committing industrial scale child abuse (grooming they call it) or blowing up children at pop concerts, hacking off peoples heads in London or just generally being extremely cruel they seem to get very upset at the slightest thing.
Saying a woman looked a bit like a letterbox and they have all the virtue signallers rushing out to say how terrible this is.
Where were/are those speaking for the hundreds of thousands who have been and are still being seriously abused.
Strange to say it but be thankful for covid.
Today, the news is filled with darkies grievances. Lawrence again, this Sasha girl, the ever present Floyd and this knee business.
Covid news makes a welcome break from this incessant crap.
Covid news makes a welcome break from this incessant crap.
Yes. An interview with Yoo Pim on Covid is a guarantee of five minutes free from BBC race baiting – unless he is reporting on how nurses of colour work harder that white nurses.
covid passport, social credit scores
this from TCW today doesnt seem quite that ridiculous
Written in 1965 Prague and first published in Czechoslovakia in 1967, the novel opens with Ludvik Jahn looking back on the joke that changed his life in the early 1950s. Ludvik was a dashing, witty, and popular student who supported the Party. Like most of his friends, he was an enthusiastic supporter of the still-fresh Communist regime in post-World War II Czechoslovakia. In a playful mood, he writes a postcard to a girl in his class during their summer break. Since Ludvik believes she takes her enchantment with the new regime too seriously, having just sent him an enthusiastic letter about “optimistic young people filled through and through with the healthy spirit” of Marxism, he replies on the postcard, “Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!” His colleagues and fellow young-party leaders did not see the humour in the sentiment expressed in the postcard. Ludvik finds himself expelled from the party and college and drafted to a part of the Czech military where alleged subversives form work brigades and spend the next few years working in mines.
The stock in the Middle Ages were a form of public policing. If the people didn’t think someone sent there had done anything wrong they would look after them, feed them shelter them etc, but if they did think serious wrongdoing had been comitted woe betide the criminal as they would make their displeasure very well known.
What is twitter pushing at me now ?
The internal Labour row over anti-Semitism has dragged on for several years. Here’s a guide to what’s been going on.
Anti-Semitism was generally not regarded as a big problem in the Labour Party before Jeremy Corbyn’s election as leader in September 2015.
Radio4 switch-on bingo
I switch on Radio4 and a guy is celebrating a mass gay-kiss protest in July 1972.
The prog is about to be about senses
but this item has been shoehorned in on the premise that a kiss is a sensory thing.
Still it’s not like the BBC pushes these things at you frequently, is it ?
Oh hang on, this same account is not just one of the 3 items in this Radio4 show,
it actually has its own show on the World Service
which is on twice today and once tomorrow too.
Rwanda was originally colonised by Germany at the end of the nineteenth century. These first
missionaries and colonisers brought with them their obsession with the classification of human kind
according to their race and origin. This Western Pseudo-Science was influenced by the work of
Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. Western settlers saw themselves as culturally superior
to the savages they had discovered and were eager to document these three new found races.
The Twa made up 1% of the population, the Tutsis approximately 15% and the Hutus over 80% of
the population.
Click to access Racism-in-Rwanda.pdf
A cut and paste from the DT from Robin Aitkin – normally has finger on pulse –
There’s a rather depressing sense of deja vu about the Martin Bashir scandal. After all, we have been here before in previous BBC disasters. The holding pattern goes like this: first we get the shock revelations followed by grovelling apologies from the Corporation’s top brass; then we get the “lessons will be learned” pabulum; everyone, including government ministers, chorus in unison “this must never, ever happen again”.
And then, slowly the outrage subsides, the news cycle moves on, and the BBC reverts to its deeply held conviction that it is, in fact, a shining city on the hill, created to enlighten the huddled masses. And gradually everything goes back to how it was.
What I have described above is what happened in the Jimmy Savile scandal and then, subsequently, in the disastrous episode where Newsnight managed seriously to libel Lord MacAlpine, a former Tory Party treasurer, by falsely accusing him of abusing little boys in a children’s home. In both these instances the Corporation promised to make changes in “governance” and “oversight” so that such enormities could be prevented in the future. Which is exactly what is being said now; yesterday the Board of the BBC promised an overhaul of the institution’s culture so that catastrophes like the Bashir saga can never happen again.
Forgive me for raising a dissenting, sceptical voice: I don’t think this is anything like enough. In my view the BBC has now forfeited its right to have a say in how it will be regulated in the future. This is an organisation with recidivist tendencies; why should anyone trust it now to correct deep-seated flaws when it has so obviously failed before?
To understand how and why things have gone so wrong at the BBC we have to look at its history. The BBC was originally created as an institution which would always be independent of government. That was done for very good reasons: there was a clear understanding that the BBC could not be under the political control of the government of the day. So independence was written into the foundation constitution and that raised an immediate question; if the BBC was to be independent of government who should oversee it?
The Trust lasted just 10 years and was itself replaced in 2017 by the BBC Board – a body which, supposedly, would be tougher and more independent than its predecessors. And in that same year the BBC was placed under the scrutiny of the communications regulator Ofcom – a move which, at the time, was supposed to herald the advent of a new era of – you guessed it – “tougher and more independent” regulation.
And here’s a funny thing about Ofcom; if you look at its record it has, since its inception, shown itself to be remarkably tolerant of the sort of biases of which, back in 2002 , I complained to the old BBC governors. As it happens I am myself party to a long-running complaint to Ofcom about the BBC’s outrageous and quite obvious bias against the Leave side in the Brexit debate. Without wearying you with the details of what is still an ongoing action, suffice it to say that Ofcom has used every excuse so far to avoid arriving at a judgement. Their chosen strategy seems to be to spin-out the process as long as possible (well over a year now) in the hope that eventually we will just give up.
This is not terribly surprising when you look at the personnel who run Ofcom; a strikingly high number of them are themselves ex-BBC. In fact the person who virtually designed Ofcom, Tim Suter, walked straight into his job at the regulator when he left the Corporation.
This is the same Tim Suter who was the BBC’s managing director of current affairs and who carried out the initial investigation into Bashir’s interview with Princess Diana. His verdict on Bashir’s actions were unequivocal; they were, he said “absolutely straight and fair”! Mr Suter resigned from Ofcom last week when the details of what really happened were laid bare by Lord Dyson.
What does this potted history tell us? To me it shows very clearly that neither the Governors, nor the Trust, nor Ofcom is up to the job of controlling the BBC; each of them failed to be tough-minded enough to challenge the BBC’s arrogant assumption of its own inherent virtue. Which means that throughout most of its history the BBC has been accountable to no-one. It has been allowed to mark its own homework with the result that misdemeanours great and small have passed unchecked and unpunished.
What is the answer to this puzzle? Going back to first principles the BBC’s independence from government is absolutely essential: no one wants it to become just another state broadcaster pumping out the line dictated by whoever was in government. But it must no be allowed , any longer, to get away with the distortion of news values which have so disfigured it in recent years; its failure to treat Eurosceptics fairly, its adoption of the ‘woke’ agenda, the way it ‘took the knee’ for BLM – these are all things that a proper regulator would have identified and forced the BBC to correct.
The former BBC director-general Lord Grade thinks the answer is for a new, devolved, editorial board to be created. This body of experienced journalists would directly oversee the BBC’s journalistic output. This might work: if it was tough-minded and courageous it could take on the BBC and confront its elitist assumptions. For it to make a difference it would have to be prepared to challenge the BBC’s entrenched world view; in other words it would have to be sensitive to the semi-Marxist ideology which underpins so much of the Corporation’s journalism.
And yet, and yet. Tinkering with governance structures at the BBC has so far yielded nothing. The BBC has sailed serenely on, going its own way regardless of the formal architecture imposed on the institution; to all intents and purposes it has been unaccountable. The three iterations listed above have made no discernible difference – would another “oversight” board change anything? Perhaps – but only if the BBC is wholeheartedly committed to change and shows it by delivering real diversity.
Diversity, that is, which is not only about the colour of your skin, or who you choose to sleep with, but which is also about political beliefs and opinions. As of now the BBC is the “citadel of woke”; it treats with contempt conservative beliefs; it seems to harbour something near hatred for the history of the country it supposedly serves.
If some of this grotesque imbalance can be remedied by hiring new personnel and if, in addition, a new way of monitoring its journalism is adopted there is a chance the BBC can be saved from itself. Without that it is difficult to see how trust in the organisation can ever be restored. ENDS
One of the things charitably left out of the ‘BBC outrage ‘ scandals – is that whenever they happen there is never a senior BBC manager to be found … and I don’t include the current new DG in this … they hide from accountability but take the money .
As I’ve mentioned before – it would be interesting to see a sort of bubble map of the membership of OFCOM across the years in relationship to BBC employment – whether directly or indirectly – by family linkage .
I suspect it is mainly the same swamp from which mates recruit mates with the necessary skills of looking the other way .
A similar system must apply to that joke called the ‘executive complaints board ‘ of the BBC which only says ‘no’ ….
There is a need to attack across all fronts to eliminate the BBC . One of the ‘comments ‘ on the Toynbee rubbish in the guardian today is ‘how admired the BBC is ‘overseas’’ – well you can have the thing and pay for it because it doesn’t serve the British who pay for it at all . Maybe the weather from
meat – e – o
The BBC cannot be “reformed”. We just have to stop paying them.
I have already done so, what about the rest?
#MeToo – I stopped over a year ago and should have done so long before that.
ITBB again tempted out.
JezBo will be reduced to locating a teddy bear soon.
“NI Protocol: Brussels must use common sense approach”
We should have gone WTO.
They are running a HYS “Comments”
“Man died 16 hours after 999 call for ambulance in Llandegla”
Why the Welsh Assembly and their ‘Trusts’ should be scrapped?
‘works in community activism’: sounds kinda warm and cuddly, doesn’t it?
‘and community support’: even better!
‘and got a first’: girl’s a genius too!
‘in social care’: give her a sainthood, now! And a statue next week!
Ruskin College is IN Oxford but not part of Oxford Uni, although it is linked to it.
Ruskin’s degrees are awarded…drum roll….by the prestigious Open University. Tokens are accepted from Dorset Cereals as well as other providers.
In 1986, Winnie Mandela, then-wife of the imprisoned Nelson Mandela, stated, “With our boxes of matches, and our necklaces, we shall liberate this country”, which was widely seen as an explicit endorsement of necklacing.
“Community Activism”, “Community Support” … just like a young Barry Soweto a/k/a The Kenyan Cowboy or is that the Lyin’ African
Shome mishtake, shurely? It should be Soetoro.
All day the BBC headline has been: “Sasha Johnson: Black Lives Matter activist shot by group of men”.
Now, call me pedantic, but I can’t help feeling there’s an important adjective missing there. A very important adjective given the circumstances.
(And which, under different circumstances, would have been blazoned across the page.)
vlad – that important missing adjective tells us WHY NO lesson has been learnt by the BBC from Bashirgate: in the service of propaganda as per usual, DECEIT will continue to be employed liberally…
It’s the Bashir way, it seems, now part of the BBC DNA? Deceit is instinctive and comes natural…
PS I should have thought forging bank accounts, for whatever purpose (especially leading someone to self-destruct), is a clear CRIMINAL offence?
I can’t help thinking about the parenting issue here. Mum at a party at 3am.
Hope the children were safe at home, probably watching a DVD of the film Zulu with dad.
“PM’s burka comments gave impression of insensitivity – report”
Hasn’t this offensive and suppressive garment been banned in most of Europe?
This is an example of the ascending elite pushing it. Backed by the media they can exercise control over the Prime Minister and his gutless party.
And this is why, despite having no fondness for the Chinese authorities, I fully understand why they are stamping on the Yooghars. Because within a generation the Chinese would be subjected to allah akibar.
“The prime minister ordered a report in 2019 into how the party handles discrimination allegations.”
More importantly, isn’t it time the prime minister ordered a report into the mass and industrial rape and grooming that has been inflicted upon the children of Great Britain in the last thirty years ?
What springs to mind Vlad is ” All animals are equal but some
are more equal than others”. Or put another way
BLM unless its Black on Black when it comes to mattering.
Conclusion: cops tend to be trigger-happy with everyone.
At least partly because they never know who might have a gun, so they’re on edge.
“306 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2020.”
“56,034 assaults against law enforcement officers in 2019, resulting in 17,188 injuries.”
I’d be nervous too.
(Whether it’s healthy to have such large numbers of guns in circulation is a separate discussion.)
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
“BBC to publish report on Bashir rehiring next week”
The people of this nation need and deserve a full Judicial Inquiry not a report by the perpetrators.
What is more, the Queen and the people of Great Britain deserve a strong leader.
IMHO, Tory voters have been betrayed.
“Savile’s Radio 1 producer Ted Beston acted as a “provider” of young women for Savile at least once, and “must have realised” some of the girls were under-age – although he denies this – and should have reported it”
On Monday afternoon a vigil was held in Ruskin Park, close to King’s College Hospital, where Ms Johnson is being treated.
During the event well-wishers played African drums and prayed for the 27-year-old to pull through.
Were the shooters on ‘bass’?
African drums? That should finish her off.
Both men used their fame and positions of celebrity to engage in “monstrous behaviour”
The culture of the BBC enabled Savile and Hall’s offending to go undetected for decades
Some members of BBC staff were aware of Savile’s inappropriate sexual conduct
Those who were aware of specific complaints about Savile should have reported them to line managers. .None did so. None did so.None did so.None did so.None did so.None did so.None did so.None did so.None did so.
There is no evidence the BBC as a corporate body was aware of Savile’s conduct
Those who were aware of specific complaints about Savile should have reported them to line managers. None did so
Then of course the is the Ranzen defence…
The BBC seemed more concerned about its reputation than the need to protect young girls
BBC will change …
“Many BBC staff working with Hall were aware he was engaging in sexual conduct on the premises. However, they were not aware this involved under-age girls”
Er, is it black interview day today ? Had both news channels on in the background, and notice there has been a never ending line of BAME interviews – whether its the shooting in sarf London, the ‘confusion’ (or not ) on the mixed messages on continued lockdown (or not) in mainly muslim areas of Britain – but no one dare say that, and endless bloody references to George Floyd. Oh and just now on Sky there was a black guy just discussing a letter he had written to his son – WTF ?????
QVC here I come for some sanity and bedding !!!! 🙂
In his devastating new book The Madness of Crowds, Douglas Murray examines the twenty-first century’s most divisive issues: sexuality, gender, technology and race. He reveals the astonishing new culture wars playing out in our workplaces, universities, schools and homes in the names of social justice, identity politics and ‘intersectionality’.
We are living through a postmodern era in which the grand narratives of religion and political ideology have collapsed. In their place have emerged a crusading desire to right perceived wrongs and a weaponization of identity, both accelerated by the new forms of social and news media. Narrow sets of interests now dominate the agenda as society becomes more and more tribal – and, as Murray shows, the casualties are mounting.
Readers of all political persuasions cannot afford to ignore Murray’s masterfully argued and fiercely provocative book, in which he seeks to inject some sense into the discussion around this generation’s most complicated issues. He ends with an impassioned call for free speech, shared common values and sanity in an age of mass hysteria.
Er, is it black interview day today ?
No. It’s black interview day every day.