‘Sopes’ does that thing he does… analysis. Apparently.
Boris and Biden- a marriage made in heaven? No, but both men will be determined to forge a close working relationship. My blog…. https://t.co/LGtph7dHKD
In my opinion this “McCarthyism” cancel culture being
adopted by the anarchist Marxist and liberal bigoted
university tutors and students has got to be turned on them !
They need to read the riot act regarding their futures. As
for the lecturers they have been allowed to fester since
the late 1960’S when Marxism could not win at the
ballot box so gradual indoctrination was drip fed to
students, where many have finished up in top jobs at
institutions such as the BBC. And indoctrinated students
became the lecturers of today.
Those pulling down photos of the queen should have this
marked down on their applications for any further advances.
As should those wanting to tearing down statues.
Employers in the future should know whatever
degrees these scumbags have got, their past behaviour and
actions should be reviewed before being employed.
If its good enough for 18 year old budding cricketers to be
cancelled for comments made. It’s good enough for these
feral lecturers and students to be cancelled as well!
There may well be a ‘fire-break in all this, Fos, as when studes get whatever ‘vegan gender’ studies ‘degree’ their mum pays for, there’s always a time when nobody is really interested in the bollocks they spout, so they have no income and can’t get benefits.
So they rely on mummy (and daddy if he hasn’t pissed off) to fund them, and that is a crucial time in their lives, when it dawns on them that all the tosh they’ve taken in with all the booze, fags and stuff, doesn’t really do much for any sort of real money!
That is a key moment in the stude’s life, but being such an idiot since leaving school for three years, and now actually facing penury, a sort of rationality has to take place, as they can’t run to their ‘tutors’ any more, so have to actually work.
I don’t know what a ‘tutor’ or whatever it’s called, earns, but assuming it’s well over the average for normal working citizens, they have a cushy life on the whole, and never have to justify what they’ve turned out from their fat colleges.
So according to Sopel, Biden’s warnings (threats?) on Northern Ireland are NOT outrageous meddling in the UK’s affairs, but a sign that ‘he cares about what’s going on in the world’. So that’s all right then.
Oh, and he’s saving Western liberal democracy too. And all that on his first day.
What’s he going to do the rest of the week?
ITV local news “gay sex questions dropped for blood donors”
Now they are promoting the rewilding at Doddington Hall as it switches from grain farming to beef farming
“this will help with the Climate Emergency
..Climate Emergency…. “
9pm BBC2 David Olusoga with prog about toppling of the Bristol statue
…. Looks like a first anniversary celebration
The black slaves were victims of both black and white enslavers
The white slaves traded through Bristol were victims of the Viking enslavers.
Which victims and enslavers will Olusoga mention ?
You'll have to wait & see, but I can see that you've just written about a slave trader without mentioning his victims, just as his statue & the whole Colston cult never mentioned his victims, or his religious bigotry that excluded children of other denominations from his charity.
I haven’t watched the BBC1 The One Show for about a month because it is so awful but I thought I’d try it again. Within 2 minutes they said, “now we have 2 very talented guests…” who turned out to be black.
Yesterday I was in Suffolk visiting Sutton Hoo where great
archaeological discoveries from the 6th and 7th century
were discovered in 1938. The very good film ” The Dig” relates the
We went back to our B+B next to the tidal estuary of the river
Debden. My god is this a beautiful neck of the woods , so to speak, using an oxymoron metaphor.
My wife and myself just got back in time to watch “Look East”
after the 6PM news on the BBC. It was like watching something
from a different planet ,compared to our Londonistan
programme in the capitol.
We saw indigenous Suffolk folk presenting and reporting the news !!
The police and the Toreeees were not slagged off.. We were
not told how we must understand why Black gangs don’t care
about BLM. To be honest we were amazed that BIG BROTHER
from the Diversity Dept at BBC headquarters allows this
lack of” positive discrimination.” I almost feel that I would like
to live in East Anglia .But then I suppose I would have to
support either Ipswich or Norwich and getting through
Colchester on the A12 is bit of a nightmare.
Foscari – please dont talk about East Anglia – it is a top secret area of blighty . You must never support the scummers – that is a norfolk word for ipswich …
Really ? and guess who Radio Lincolnshire opened new bulletins with this afternoon at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm in a very contrived headline ?
“As the Euros draw ever closer, one of the COUNTRY’S best loved poets Benjamin Zephaniah (is he ?)
has told us,
that he’s been shocked that fans are booing
the players who take the knee before a match
‘I’m a black man born/raised in Britain … we are one people’
He lives here in Spalding, and has used his work in the past, to promote EQUALITY and DIVERSITY”
‘I was shocked that the fans were booing the black players
I thought do ALL you people not like me ?’
(doh, they weren’t booing blacks,
they were booing supporting BLM, The imported American Marxist POLITICAL campaign and its division)
Now a minor headline,
a man has been jailed for 2 years after arranging to have sex with a girl he thought was a 13 year old
but it was a police sting
the 54 yo admitted the crime and put on the sex offenders list for life”
The only black celeb in Lincolnshire
Almost the only black person in lincolnshire : Benjamin Zephaniah
BTW from Zephaniah’s bio about his days in gangs
\\ He became so good at picking pockets that he saw it as an “art”//
In the Humberside region of the BBC we have Tim Iredale as the political correspondent. He is as far Left as they come. He also has the delightful habit of placing his camera low, so that he appears to be sneering at the right wing viewers or right wing politicians.
The BBC Highlighting “English” Heritage`s new campaign about how insignificant people who may have been slightly Black were allegedly of relevance to the history of England.
“The African figures forgotten by England’s cultural past”
Edward de Bono has died . He was a Rhodes Scholar- therefore applying the doctrine on de colonisation I suppose his existence should be expunged , ….a fine thinker – and some generous obituaries around …I’ve tried to think laterally in my time …
James Beeland Rogers Jr. is an American investor and financial commentator based in Singapore. Rogers is the Chairman of Beeland Interests, Inc. He was the co-founder of the Quantum Fund and Soros Fund Management. He was also the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index
Thoughtful, interesting video – took eight minutes to say the same thing over and over again without offering any real solution. We are repeating the same mistakes as in 2007-2009 in the UK, US and, to an extent, Europe all over again but doing it in a Pandemic. This time the Chinese may be joining in with those economic mistakes. BBC carried news this week of inflation hitting a recent high in China: 13%.
“Napier Barracks: Opposition MPs call for Priti Patel to resign” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-57432760
She should resign for endangering the people of Great Britain by allowing the invasion of our country by unknown, illegal aliens foisted on us as a punishment imposed upon us by the European Union .
Regarding GB News, I previously posted that there could be problems with Freeview coverage. Apparently the max. coverage for this channel will be around the 66% mark. There are also long term funding issues. What it does show is the massive, publicly funded, advantage the BBC has with first dibs on coverage rights (followed by 2,3,4 and 5) under the auspices of “public service”. Obviously this has been used as a Trojan Horse by these channels to push their neo-liberal agenda to the limit. It is an extremely disturbing issue, particularly as the regulator, along with all other regulators in this country seem to be in business to give their their respective “clients” as easy a ride as possible.
Maybe I’m missing something here but I don’t have a TV licence so won’t be able to legally watch GB News live. I don’t think that I will therefore be able to subscribe to it, unless there is a YouTube channel which isn’t a live stream and which will be free. So as far as I’m aware I can’t really support GB News financially unless I buy a TV licence again, which isn’t going to happen. There must be a few hundred thousand others like me, if not a couple of million, which is a serious amount of lost potential revenue for any business starting out.
I would of thought that many of those who have cancelled their licences over the past few years have done so mainly because of the blatantly biased BBC News coverage and have been crying out for something like GB News. How do they watch it?
I don’t think they can legally without also having to finance the bBbc. Can they?
“UK to donate more than 100m surplus vaccine doses, says PM” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57436535
I was always of the opinion that we were funding a WHS , yes that’s a World Health Service.
Its absolutely disgusting that, at the same time there are millions of people in Great Britain waiting for life saving operations. That’s People that paid into our NHS all their lives …………… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57419504
“G7: UK and US in complete harmony over Northern Ireland – Boris Johnson” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57433296
Its time that Boris stood up for Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
If the European Empire want a border let them run it . I can foresee the Irish Republic being the next country to leave .
Simples .
Where’s that apology that you owe me, maxi. You claimed recently that you have posted it, but you are not telling the truth. How we on here give any credibility to your posts as you are obviously a fraud?
The Southern Irish are shitting themselves behind the scenes because they know that their economy is built on sand. Their parochial posturing is simply pride before a fall.
Both ‘I’m Irish’ Biden and the similarly unethical EU want to impose standardised corporation tax rates across their markets. Success for either would be disastrous for Ireland. The manufactured beef about sausages is a poorly-played porkie, have a quick glance over this link.
There’s a lot in this but just look at some of the figures and at how reliant the Irish economy is on American multinational firms, especially Apple. The only thing keeping these firms in the South is the low corporation tax rate of 12.5%, less than half that of their German and French masters. How much longer do you think Merkel and Macron will allow this? The EU have lost one cash cow in the UK, money must be found somewhere to make up the shortfall and the suckers in the South have been getting too much American money for themselves for too long.
The Irish have no real industry, their housing market is going to implode again, immigrant and gang crime is at epidemic proportions and their cost of living, including medical bills as there is no NHS, is much higher than ours. I agree that the Republic could be the next country to leave but they’ll be a basket case when they do, and although they might well be having a laugh at the expense of the Brits at the moment, especially us in the North, he who laughs last….
And the duplicitous deceitful dullards deserve all they get.
“Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: UN aid chief says there is famine” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-57432280
There is always a famine in Ethiopia .
How many global charity Chief Execs., are going to make ‘big bucks’ out of this campaign ?
TCW : “That the man was probably from a town where the vile crimes of these rape gangs were going on unhindered
didn’t cross our minds.
From the ivory tower of SW1, his inarticulacy rendered him unworthy of listening to.”
“The government remains under pressure for failing to supply enough PPE.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52378491
So , was there ever a shortage of PPE in 2020?
\\Boris Johnson has described the US President Joe Biden as a “breath of fresh air” after they met on the eve of the G7 summit in Cornwall.// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57433296
Bojo certainly needs replacing, but by Mogg???!!! How many immigrants do you want coming in?
He needs replacing by a conservative who is not only pro-Brexit but will relish tackling PC loonies, be prepared to chop the BBC and send the invaders back to the dungfest they came from. The Conservative Party MP who will do this is there, waiting in the wings, is …is …wait for it….
Sorry chaps, I’ll need some assistance on that last bit.
Who pays for all travel and hotel stays involved? It’s completely unnecessary and a waste of money. The studio could be anywhere. It’s a studio. @newswatchbbc Use local correspondents.
How would Prince feel about his unreleased music being made public after his death?
His sound engineer, Susan Rogers, tells #Newsnight he "was proud of everything he did" and just because he didn't release a song in his lifetime, it didn't mean he thought it was unworthy 👇 pic.twitter.com/6gNPAgMXL6
A first in my career. @POTUS comes and sits down at table in a bar next to me and orders a drink. Am trying to act nonchalant #G7pic.twitter.com/XQecXWIfJL
Thanks for finding my Oct 2003 report on Concorde’s last transatlantic flight. Concorde flew 10 miles in the time it took to pour a glass of champagne. This version somehow lost my last line: our shrinking world just got a little bigger… still true. Concorde was fantastic https://t.co/NCyAKrB5Wx
There are few instances I’d feel compelled to give up my dinner table… I suppose this is an exception. Welcome to Cornwall @POTUS 🇺🇸🇬🇧 #G7Cornwallpic.twitter.com/vrktEKk3PK
— Morgan Gisholt Minard (@mgisholtminard) June 10, 2021
Did Dr Jill thank the girl or even acknowledge her, or is she just too busy watching Creepy Joe’s wandering hands? Although lucky-for-her Ms Gisholt Minard seems a little too tall, and old, to sniff.
No, the Faux Dr is probably just an entitled arrogant cow like the rest of her ilk.
Per White House pooler @anitakumar01, Joe Biden gave British PM Boris Johnson a custom American-made touring bicycle and helmet during their meeting today.
BBC Framing Today may have blundered, big time, this morning. #1
The BBC on Farming Today (R4 5.45 a.m.) like to ‘frame’ the narrative that ‘we deplorables’ were stupid to Vote Leave in the EU Referendum five years ago this month. On the programme this morning they highlighted the problems of food exporters dealing with extra paperwork and veterinary checks to export to the EU.
However, highlighting the wasteful bureaucracy of the EU and the opportunities it presents for fraud (think horsemeat instead of beef in EU lasange) rather underlines the wisdom of voting to get out of that unnecessary burden.
I think he’s actually a shelf-stacker in a 24-hour garage with too much time on his hands during the quiet night shifts, posting here during breaks from writing his Pratchett-style fantasy novel and serving microwave burgers through a hatch.
Does the quality of his posts really suggest that he has a position of any real influence or reponsibility?
#wefiles from Triggly Wiggly in the Moaning Emole. Who is keen on ‘appears’.
Why we may have to wait longer for Freedom Day
It is often said that vaccination has broken the link between infections and hospitalisations – and if people are not getting seriously sick, then it does not matter if infection levels rise. But at this stage it appears to have weakened it rather than broken it. Admissions have already started rising, albeit not as fast as they did in September, the last time infections were rising at this rate.
The rate of hospitalisations appears to be less than half of what it was then, although there are only a few days of data to draw on so scientists cannot be certain. This is one of the reasons why they are asking ministers for more time to monitor the data.
Thirty seven years after Michael Buerk’s landmark BBC report brought the horrors of famine in Ethiopia into living rooms, UN analysis says 350,000 people in the country’s north are living in “severe crisis”. While the UN stops short of labelling it a famine, its humanitarian chief, Mark Lowcock, says: “There is famine now. This is going to get a lot worse.” The effects of seven months of fighting between Nobel Peace Prize-winner Abiy Ahmed’s government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front have left people on the verge of starvation. One man in the isolated district of Qafta Humera tells us their crops and livestock have been looted*. “Nobody has given us any aid,” he says. “Almost everyone is on the verge of death. The situation is perilous.”
*By whom? White slavers?
Or these mostly peaceful Nobel and non noble fighters of color?
BBC Framing Today may have blundered, big time, this morning. #2
BBC’s Farming Today is as ‘right on’ as any BBC Dept in supporting the Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Emergency as any in the Corporation despite farmers taking a rather more sanguine and knowledgeable view of the subject. However, the Beeb blundered big time on Farming Today as far as the Globally Warmed Veganites are concerned. They took a look at pig farming in Wales.
It’s only a small part of Welsh meat production, bemoaned Caz Graham. I immediately thought ‘You ought to know why that is, Caz’. But no. The Beeb are so caught up with the Veganites and AGW/CC/C-E that they do not realise that land has to be suitable for what you farm from that land. Much of Wales is at many degrees to the horizontal, where sheep and cows can be farmed but no crops (for pig feed) can be grown and pigs can be easily housed. Pigs and pig farmers prefer places like Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Norfolk for pork production.
That’s not to say you cannot keep a pig or two on a hill farm; just that you cannot achieve economies of scale on land that is not suited to the product. And it’s difficult or well-nigh impossible to grow vegan crops on a hill farm, BBC, without drastic alteration to the landscape.
Aah, but Welsh farmers are clever. They would let the pig chase them one way round the hill, then they would reverse direction and confront the pig with a sharp knife. The pig would try to run away round the hill in the opposite direction and would fall and end up rolling down the hill. Whereupon the sharp knife would do its work. Eeeek.
Ilhan Omar: US congresswoman defends ‘offensive’ Israel remark https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57436573
This story is offensive on just about every level – but most of all is the attempt by the BBC to smear some of her disgrace on Trump.
This is Trump:
‘When he was asked on Fox News about his “respect” for Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom the host called “a killer”.
“There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers,” Mr Trump responded. “Well, you think our country is so innocent?”
I know for a fact this is correct. The rules of engagement are so restrictive in places like Syria, they do many things to get around them. It levels the playing field. And much of what Putin says is common sense. He is just ruthless when he implements his solution. But he sorted ISIS out for us by doing what had to be done.
However the BBC are trying to equate this to that awful woman saying:
“we have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the US, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban”.
Shame on you BBC.
Wanted to hear the ‘news’ on R5Floyd last night, and all they blathered on about was fooball – all blasted night!
I wanted to learn about the enormous wisdom of a bloke from the US who arrived in Dublin a day or so ago; how we may have to ban Irish sausages with derivatives, stop aliens from landing in Kent every day and lots of other stuff, but no; it was blasted fooball – wall to wall!
Figuring out the special relationship – gone west – our leaders are not our heroes
‘Oh baby, what a love-in!‘ – that’s the Daily Mail headline caption to the somewhat twee photo op for the Boris-Biden families on some security secluded west country beach in Cornwall yesterday. The Mail, unusually, makes the BBC’s top spot in their press frontpages line up.
So what do we make of it, what might be the significance for the UK-US special relationship? Our various national newspaper titles will each have their varied take, which we will give the most cursory survey, but based simply on the dramatis personae what’s our observation?
Well, if one didn’t know better from these fakey family holiday pics one would match Boris and Mrs Biden as the couple (I call Jill Biden, Mrs, although one is given to understand that – perhaps due to the current pandemic – the First Lady prefers her title Dr – she has a non-medical doctorate in education by the way – although Dr Jill Biden sounds great, right?)
It’s ageist of me, I know, but Carrie looks like Boris and Jill’s daughter and little Wilfred – the only member of the grouping still in a nappy – an arse nappy – would be the grandchild. Which would make Joe the great grandaddy. Which sounds about right.
Once the rest of the G7 get into the mix there’ll be the added complication of all sorts of batty old aunts and peculiar uncles we don’t like to mention.
There may be few obligations in life so arduous as having to summon enthusiasm for someone elses’ holiday snaps but the Mail gushes approval in a courageous effort: ‘Summit special reports see pages 2-9‘ – slow news day?
‘Boris Johnson hailed Joe Biden as “a breath of fresh air” last night as the two men met in Cornwall‘ – it’s cringeworthy, but I suppose talk is cheap and if that butters up the old geezer, then I shan’t complain.
Not so the Guardian: ‘Bitter stand off over Brexit sours the start of G7 summit‘ – I guess you pays your money and you takes your pick. Or, where the Guardian is concerned, if you’re one of the few who happen to be reading it, you probably reads it free thanks to the many dozens of BBC in-house subscription copies.
The Gruan goes on to feature the opinions of the President Macron on their frontpage at some length. One doubts a genuine interest in Irish affairs particularly motivates the Frenchman – recently slapped in the face by a man – traditionally the prelude to a formal duel at dawn with seconds, but a lightening swift: ‘Four months for man who attacked French president‘ (BBC) was handed down. Perhaps the revelation that the provocateur was: ‘A medieval combat enthusiast‘ dissuaded the diminutive Macron from accepting the challenge? These days our leaders are not our heroes.
‘PM ponders four-week delay before end of curbs‘ – says the Telegraph, making Boris sound less like his purported hero Winston Churchill and more like Winnie the Pooh.
““Oh, bother,” said Pooh, as, try as he might, he failed to escape from the honey pot stuck on his head, and pondered what he might try next?“
As a student of sub subbing, this thread is illuminating.
That’s not actually what he said. He said that he had seen no evidence that healthcare workers died from lack of PPE. I guess the RCNs best response would be to show him the evidence- if there is any.
Only last week a story surfaced about a US activist employed by RCN to push a marxist agenda in the organisation.
RCN is a left-wing saturated political organisation and has very little to do with health care. It needs to be investigated and dismantled. The public have a right for totally unbiased health-centred care that we all pay for by force.
TOADY Watch #1 – ‘Part-time’ turns up for work at the BBC!
A big headline moment, especially after my post yesterday. I guess she doesn’t want Nick Robinson stealing the limelight at the G7. Mind you, ‘Part-time’ is eclipsed by the BBC’s Economics Editor, Faisal Islam, who makes you wonder whether he actually does any work at the BBC at all. Whatsoever.
Now that I have typed that he will probably turn up later today or tomorrow on the Cornwall jolly with Nick and and ‘Part-time’.
PS: ‘Part-time’ didn’t add anything much to our knowledge of the G7 event for the air time consumed. The BBC could be a much more efficient operation if it slimmed down a lot.
I was a bit groggy until i heard robinson asking vacinees the question
“You do want to save billions of lives around the world by giving away vaccines dont you ?”
To which the reply was “ no – there are too many people in the world and a lot need to die – vote green”
BBC policy is to stop all UK vaccinations – let the unvaccinated get covid – maybe die
– but feel good about vaccinating bongo bongo land
Back to call comrade robinson – then he nailed a shady government minister to a cross over the traitor England Team . What a c word ( character ) that person is .
Listening to Robinson – I wonder if he is a fascist – I’m not too sure of the definition – but his absolute certainty that his belief is the only way – the complete denial of an alternative view or values – does that fit ?
Even worse are red Tory ministers who submit to him – as the pompous half wit CCHQ put up this morning . Does any politician of the red centre ever take them on ?
I only listened to Today whilst I took a short car journey and heard the end of the Robinson interview the Minister – it was obviously a ‘when did you stop beating your wife’ moment. The minister was damned whatever he said. But Robinson finishing off with ‘well shall we go now and ask the Prime Minister what he things about kneeling’ was behaving like a spoilt child. It was hardly a Humphries interview.
Deborah – yes – seems like evolution where only politicians without any backbone rise to ministerial level . When you watch ‘yes minister ‘/ ‘the thick of it ‘ there is too much truth there…
……nut nut is going to be plagues with ‘kneeling ‘ questions ..
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
‘Sopes’ does that thing he does… analysis. Apparently.
Now Katty is off…
Might run this one by Marianna, on a factual basis.
Daily Mail
BREAKING NEWS: Biden and Jill meet Boris and Carrie: Talks begin after UK conservatives called president ‘senile’
Have to say the sub excelled in that one.
To be fair, I’d blow off Part Time too.
Surely he could have found American Booty to ignore?
Was that Laura Koonseberg repeating the words ‘Inky by, inky by’?
Inky by -inky by is
1 the code of the day for launching an attack on the chinese
2 a sort of thai fish dish
3 the ‘safe words’ to use to escape terrorist threats
4 an obscure term of welcome only to be used in cornwall
( could ‘ inky by’ be laura s bedtime nick name for boris )
Those ‘journalists’
Utter scum
Scum Scrum
They need lapel badges to match.
Scotland will not be ‘taking the knee’ (unlike England) at the upcoming footy games.
Well done the jocks.
That will be fun when they meet next week – particularly if there are players from the same clubs …
In my opinion this “McCarthyism” cancel culture being
adopted by the anarchist Marxist and liberal bigoted
university tutors and students has got to be turned on them !
They need to read the riot act regarding their futures. As
for the lecturers they have been allowed to fester since
the late 1960’S when Marxism could not win at the
ballot box so gradual indoctrination was drip fed to
students, where many have finished up in top jobs at
institutions such as the BBC. And indoctrinated students
became the lecturers of today.
Those pulling down photos of the queen should have this
marked down on their applications for any further advances.
As should those wanting to tearing down statues.
Employers in the future should know whatever
degrees these scumbags have got, their past behaviour and
actions should be reviewed before being employed.
If its good enough for 18 year old budding cricketers to be
cancelled for comments made. It’s good enough for these
feral lecturers and students to be cancelled as well!
There may well be a ‘fire-break in all this, Fos, as when studes get whatever ‘vegan gender’ studies ‘degree’ their mum pays for, there’s always a time when nobody is really interested in the bollocks they spout, so they have no income and can’t get benefits.
So they rely on mummy (and daddy if he hasn’t pissed off) to fund them, and that is a crucial time in their lives, when it dawns on them that all the tosh they’ve taken in with all the booze, fags and stuff, doesn’t really do much for any sort of real money!
That is a key moment in the stude’s life, but being such an idiot since leaving school for three years, and now actually facing penury, a sort of rationality has to take place, as they can’t run to their ‘tutors’ any more, so have to actually work.
I don’t know what a ‘tutor’ or whatever it’s called, earns, but assuming it’s well over the average for normal working citizens, they have a cushy life on the whole, and never have to justify what they’ve turned out from their fat colleges.
Great idea Fos.
So according to Sopel, Biden’s warnings (threats?) on Northern Ireland are NOT outrageous meddling in the UK’s affairs, but a sign that ‘he cares about what’s going on in the world’. So that’s all right then.
Oh, and he’s saving Western liberal democracy too. And all that on his first day.
What’s he going to do the rest of the week?
ITV local news “gay sex questions dropped for blood donors”
Now they are promoting the rewilding at Doddington Hall as it switches from grain farming to beef farming
“this will help with the Climate Emergency
..Climate Emergency…. “
9pm BBC2 David Olusoga with prog about toppling of the Bristol statue
…. Looks like a first anniversary celebration
The black slaves were victims of both black and white enslavers
The white slaves traded through Bristol were victims of the Viking enslavers.
Which victims and enslavers will Olusoga mention ?
Notice how Jill is always holding Biden’s hand? The BBC want you to think its marital affection – in fact she’s keeping him upright.
It’s possible she also has a kind of morse code going on: “If you’re asked a question, one squeeze means Yes, 2 means No.
3 means you’re way out of your depth, just smile or say C’mon man.”
I haven’t watched the BBC1 The One Show for about a month because it is so awful but I thought I’d try it again. Within 2 minutes they said, “now we have 2 very talented guests…” who turned out to be black.
So boring and predictable.
Yesterday I was in Suffolk visiting Sutton Hoo where great
archaeological discoveries from the 6th and 7th century
were discovered in 1938. The very good film ” The Dig” relates the
We went back to our B+B next to the tidal estuary of the river
Debden. My god is this a beautiful neck of the woods , so to speak, using an oxymoron metaphor.
My wife and myself just got back in time to watch “Look East”
after the 6PM news on the BBC. It was like watching something
from a different planet ,compared to our Londonistan
programme in the capitol.
We saw indigenous Suffolk folk presenting and reporting the news !!
The police and the Toreeees were not slagged off.. We were
not told how we must understand why Black gangs don’t care
about BLM. To be honest we were amazed that BIG BROTHER
from the Diversity Dept at BBC headquarters allows this
lack of” positive discrimination.” I almost feel that I would like
to live in East Anglia .But then I suppose I would have to
support either Ipswich or Norwich and getting through
Colchester on the A12 is bit of a nightmare.
Foscari – please dont talk about East Anglia – it is a top secret area of blighty . You must never support the scummers – that is a norfolk word for ipswich …
Really ? and guess who Radio Lincolnshire opened new bulletins with this afternoon at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm in a very contrived headline ?
“As the Euros draw ever closer, one of the COUNTRY’S best loved poets Benjamin Zephaniah (is he ?)
has told us,
that he’s been shocked that fans are booing
the players who take the knee before a match
‘I’m a black man born/raised in Britain … we are one people’
He lives here in Spalding, and has used his work in the past, to promote EQUALITY and DIVERSITY”
‘I was shocked that the fans were booing the black players
I thought do ALL you people not like me ?’
(doh, they weren’t booing blacks,
they were booing supporting BLM, The imported American Marxist POLITICAL campaign and its division)
Now a minor headline,
a man has been jailed for 2 years after arranging to have sex with a girl he thought was a 13 year old
but it was a police sting
the 54 yo admitted the crime and put on the sex offenders list for life”
The only black celeb in Lincolnshire
Almost the only black person in lincolnshire : Benjamin Zephaniah
BTW from Zephaniah’s bio about his days in gangs
\\ He became so good at picking pockets that he saw it as an “art”//
Btw. ‘Capital’ not ‘capitol’…..that’s the building in Washington DC.
In the Humberside region of the BBC we have Tim Iredale as the political correspondent. He is as far Left as they come. He also has the delightful habit of placing his camera low, so that he appears to be sneering at the right wing viewers or right wing politicians.
Definate touch of “ what have the romans done for us ? “
About it …
The BBC Highlighting “English” Heritage`s new campaign about how insignificant people who may have been slightly Black were allegedly of relevance to the history of England.
“The African figures forgotten by England’s cultural past”
BBC is a bit late again
we mentioned it on JUNE 6, 2021 AT 3:03 PM
English Heritage’ box ticking campaign
Edward de Bono has died . He was a Rhodes Scholar- therefore applying the doctrine on de colonisation I suppose his existence should be expunged , ….a fine thinker – and some generous obituaries around …I’ve tried to think laterally in my time …
One of the greatest influences on me as a child
with hi promotion of lateral thinking
and not taking things at face value.
Worth a watch about what’s coming not a very long time from now.
James Beeland Rogers Jr. is an American investor and financial commentator based in Singapore. Rogers is the Chairman of Beeland Interests, Inc. He was the co-founder of the Quantum Fund and Soros Fund Management. He was also the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index
Soros he aint as far as politics go.
DJT had real trouble identifying the moles and opposition in his staff
Doris has no exzcuse
Thoughtful, interesting video – took eight minutes to say the same thing over and over again without offering any real solution. We are repeating the same mistakes as in 2007-2009 in the UK, US and, to an extent, Europe all over again but doing it in a Pandemic. This time the Chinese may be joining in with those economic mistakes. BBC carried news this week of inflation hitting a recent high in China: 13%.
Bumpy days ahead!
TalkRadioTV are now tweeting their news videos
is it the same as the woke BBC ?
Gala Bingo advert
Black female hairdresser cuts black man’s afro hair, whilst looking into her phone
.. he ends up with a swan sculpture .
‘sluff this will be the meme you mentioned over the weekend
“Napier Barracks: Opposition MPs call for Priti Patel to resign”
She should resign for endangering the people of Great Britain by allowing the invasion of our country by unknown, illegal aliens foisted on us as a punishment imposed upon us by the European Union .
Regarding GB News, I previously posted that there could be problems with Freeview coverage. Apparently the max. coverage for this channel will be around the 66% mark. There are also long term funding issues. What it does show is the massive, publicly funded, advantage the BBC has with first dibs on coverage rights (followed by 2,3,4 and 5) under the auspices of “public service”. Obviously this has been used as a Trojan Horse by these channels to push their neo-liberal agenda to the limit. It is an extremely disturbing issue, particularly as the regulator, along with all other regulators in this country seem to be in business to give their their respective “clients” as easy a ride as possible.
Maybe I’m missing something here but I don’t have a TV licence so won’t be able to legally watch GB News live. I don’t think that I will therefore be able to subscribe to it, unless there is a YouTube channel which isn’t a live stream and which will be free. So as far as I’m aware I can’t really support GB News financially unless I buy a TV licence again, which isn’t going to happen. There must be a few hundred thousand others like me, if not a couple of million, which is a serious amount of lost potential revenue for any business starting out.
I would of thought that many of those who have cancelled their licences over the past few years have done so mainly because of the blatantly biased BBC News coverage and have been crying out for something like GB News. How do they watch it?
I don’t think they can legally without also having to finance the bBbc. Can they?
Watch it on catch up ? Its not a live broadcast then .
No Telly Tax needed.
Yeah I know, I just think that the formats that they’re offering will deny them access to a lot of income which they’ll need.
Imagine the number of complaints and legal challenges being cooked up already.
“UK to donate more than 100m surplus vaccine doses, says PM”
I was always of the opinion that we were funding a WHS , yes that’s a World Health Service.
Its absolutely disgusting that, at the same time there are millions of people in Great Britain waiting for life saving operations. That’s People that paid into our NHS all their lives ……………
“(Prince) Harry to sue BBC.” Well, there’s a headline. That’ll be a win-win then!
“G7: UK and US in complete harmony over Northern Ireland – Boris Johnson”
Its time that Boris stood up for Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
If the European Empire want a border let them run it . I can foresee the Irish Republic being the next country to leave .
Simples .
“I can foresee the Irish Republic being the next country to leave .”
Latest poll, 19-25 March 2021:
Ireland should remain a member of the EU?
84% – Agree
9% – Disagree
7% – Don’t Know
Polls, like you are often wrong. And just who ran that poll you silly old troll you?
Have you paid your Telly Tax yet ?
Where’s that apology that you owe me, maxi. You claimed recently that you have posted it, but you are not telling the truth. How we on here give any credibility to your posts as you are obviously a fraud?
“…but you are not telling the truth”
Shame on you, Up2snuff. Doesn’t that big book of yours have something to say about; ‘bearing false witness’?
That big book of yours. The authentic attitude of the BBC towards Christianity, from the horse’s mouth!
The Southern Irish are shitting themselves behind the scenes because they know that their economy is built on sand. Their parochial posturing is simply pride before a fall.
Both ‘I’m Irish’ Biden and the similarly unethical EU want to impose standardised corporation tax rates across their markets. Success for either would be disastrous for Ireland. The manufactured beef about sausages is a poorly-played porkie, have a quick glance over this link.
There’s a lot in this but just look at some of the figures and at how reliant the Irish economy is on American multinational firms, especially Apple. The only thing keeping these firms in the South is the low corporation tax rate of 12.5%, less than half that of their German and French masters. How much longer do you think Merkel and Macron will allow this? The EU have lost one cash cow in the UK, money must be found somewhere to make up the shortfall and the suckers in the South have been getting too much American money for themselves for too long.
The Irish have no real industry, their housing market is going to implode again, immigrant and gang crime is at epidemic proportions and their cost of living, including medical bills as there is no NHS, is much higher than ours. I agree that the Republic could be the next country to leave but they’ll be a basket case when they do, and although they might well be having a laugh at the expense of the Brits at the moment, especially us in the North, he who laughs last….
And the duplicitous deceitful dullards deserve all they get.
Now would be a good time to scrap the CTA.
Spot On !
Watch out watch out maxincony is about .
He is the pro Al Beeb troll that does not pay his telly tax.
“Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: UN aid chief says there is famine”
There is always a famine in Ethiopia .
How many global charity Chief Execs., are going to make ‘big bucks’ out of this campaign ?
TCW : “That the man was probably from a town where the vile crimes of these rape gangs were going on unhindered
didn’t cross our minds.
From the ivory tower of SW1, his inarticulacy rendered him unworthy of listening to.”
“The government remains under pressure for failing to supply enough PPE.”
So , was there ever a shortage of PPE in 2020?
\\Boris Johnson has described the US President Joe Biden as a “breath of fresh air” after they met on the eve of the G7 summit in Cornwall.//
When will Jacob Rees-Mogg be replacing BoJo?
Bojo certainly needs replacing, but by Mogg???!!! How many immigrants do you want coming in?
He needs replacing by a conservative who is not only pro-Brexit but will relish tackling PC loonies, be prepared to chop the BBC and send the invaders back to the dungfest they came from. The Conservative Party MP who will do this is there, waiting in the wings, is …is …wait for it….
Sorry chaps, I’ll need some assistance on that last bit.
Let me help you ……Mr Farage.
Oh , I forgot the Liberal, wet , Tories hate him, and he’s retired.
One of those Red Wall chaps would do a better job than any of the old guard.
BBC have helicoptered in some number crunchers.
Also BBC.
The answer is, again, tvl payers.
A lot less than Jon Sopel, and the rest, will generate following Biden to areas of the world that already have other bBbc churnalists there?
That, and her being played by RuPaul.
‘Those are the audiences that need to be served’
Plus money.
Have they acknowledged that this is a rehash of the 1998 Nike World Cup ad featuring the Brazilian Ronaldo/Rivaldo/Roberto Carlos side?
Or has it actually just been recoloured, you know, like one of those old Pathe films, using a bBbc-approved palette?
And why is there an Irish fan having a kip under his flag, they didn’t qualify. Did Roy Greenslade bring his crayons?
The BBC are delighted to repeat Boris’ claim that Biden is ‘like a breath of fresh air’. (After you know who.)
Translation: back to business as usual in the Swamp: Globalist, internationalist and woke.
BBC subbing is very bbc.
Sopes likely needed a change of undies after.
I wonder what he was on?
Pour away, Jez.
Did Dr Jill thank the girl or even acknowledge her, or is she just too busy watching Creepy Joe’s wandering hands? Although lucky-for-her Ms Gisholt Minard seems a little too tall, and old, to sniff.
No, the Faux Dr is probably just an entitled arrogant cow like the rest of her ilk.
Lurch gets the custom made helmet story.
Impressive, even for the bbc.
Cry freedom.
Lovely photo.
As is the second one, of the type of people in Bolton who are the “real cause of the problem”…
Does the “Hyde Park machete”, this summer’s picnic must-have apparently, fit snugly in its own wee compartment in her bag?
What a fantastic ‘own goal’ by the BBC ! Brilliant, couldn’t stop laughing ! The answer is in the picture !
BBC Framing Today may have blundered, big time, this morning. #1
The BBC on Farming Today (R4 5.45 a.m.) like to ‘frame’ the narrative that ‘we deplorables’ were stupid to Vote Leave in the EU Referendum five years ago this month. On the programme this morning they highlighted the problems of food exporters dealing with extra paperwork and veterinary checks to export to the EU.
However, highlighting the wasteful bureaucracy of the EU and the opportunities it presents for fraud (think horsemeat instead of beef in EU lasange) rather underlines the wisdom of voting to get out of that unnecessary burden.
What do you think, maxi?
Maxi is more than one person, he is the frontman for a group or team.
I think he’s actually a shelf-stacker in a 24-hour garage with too much time on his hands during the quiet night shifts, posting here during breaks from writing his Pratchett-style fantasy novel and serving microwave burgers through a hatch.
Does the quality of his posts really suggest that he has a position of any real influence or reponsibility?
Seems bizarre at best.
Still, the reactions are fun.
#wefiles from Triggly Wiggly in the Moaning Emole. Who is keen on ‘appears’.
Why we may have to wait longer for Freedom Day
It is often said that vaccination has broken the link between infections and hospitalisations – and if people are not getting seriously sick, then it does not matter if infection levels rise. But at this stage it appears to have weakened it rather than broken it. Admissions have already started rising, albeit not as fast as they did in September, the last time infections were rising at this rate.
The rate of hospitalisations appears to be less than half of what it was then, although there are only a few days of data to draw on so scientists cannot be certain. This is one of the reasons why they are asking ministers for more time to monitor the data.
Read full analysis >
Nick Triggle
Health correspondent
BBC Moaning Emole small print*
UN aid chief says there is famine in Ethiopia
Thirty seven years after Michael Buerk’s landmark BBC report brought the horrors of famine in Ethiopia into living rooms, UN analysis says 350,000 people in the country’s north are living in “severe crisis”. While the UN stops short of labelling it a famine, its humanitarian chief, Mark Lowcock, says: “There is famine now. This is going to get a lot worse.” The effects of seven months of fighting between Nobel Peace Prize-winner Abiy Ahmed’s government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front have left people on the verge of starvation. One man in the isolated district of Qafta Humera tells us their crops and livestock have been looted*. “Nobody has given us any aid,” he says. “Almost everyone is on the verge of death. The situation is perilous.”
*By whom? White slavers?
Or these mostly peaceful Nobel and non noble fighters of color?
BBC Framing Today may have blundered, big time, this morning. #2
BBC’s Farming Today is as ‘right on’ as any BBC Dept in supporting the Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Emergency as any in the Corporation despite farmers taking a rather more sanguine and knowledgeable view of the subject. However, the Beeb blundered big time on Farming Today as far as the Globally Warmed Veganites are concerned. They took a look at pig farming in Wales.
It’s only a small part of Welsh meat production, bemoaned Caz Graham. I immediately thought ‘You ought to know why that is, Caz’. But no. The Beeb are so caught up with the Veganites and AGW/CC/C-E that they do not realise that land has to be suitable for what you farm from that land. Much of Wales is at many degrees to the horizontal, where sheep and cows can be farmed but no crops (for pig feed) can be grown and pigs can be easily housed. Pigs and pig farmers prefer places like Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Norfolk for pork production.
That’s not to say you cannot keep a pig or two on a hill farm; just that you cannot achieve economies of scale on land that is not suited to the product. And it’s difficult or well-nigh impossible to grow vegan crops on a hill farm, BBC, without drastic alteration to the landscape.
Very much a BBC Farming Today ‘duher’ moment.
“Pigs and pig farmers prefer places like Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Norfolk for pork production.”
Not sure that the pigs get to choose, if they knew what was coming to them they might prefer to outrun a farmer on a Welsh hillside!
Aah, but Welsh farmers are clever. They would let the pig chase them one way round the hill, then they would reverse direction and confront the pig with a sharp knife. The pig would try to run away round the hill in the opposite direction and would fall and end up rolling down the hill. Whereupon the sharp knife would do its work. Eeeek.
Ilhan Omar: US congresswoman defends ‘offensive’ Israel remark
This story is offensive on just about every level – but most of all is the attempt by the BBC to smear some of her disgrace on Trump.
This is Trump:
‘When he was asked on Fox News about his “respect” for Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom the host called “a killer”.
“There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers,” Mr Trump responded. “Well, you think our country is so innocent?”
I know for a fact this is correct. The rules of engagement are so restrictive in places like Syria, they do many things to get around them. It levels the playing field. And much of what Putin says is common sense. He is just ruthless when he implements his solution. But he sorted ISIS out for us by doing what had to be done.
However the BBC are trying to equate this to that awful woman saying:
“we have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the US, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban”.
Shame on you BBC.
Wanted to hear the ‘news’ on R5Floyd last night, and all they blathered on about was fooball – all blasted night!
I wanted to learn about the enormous wisdom of a bloke from the US who arrived in Dublin a day or so ago; how we may have to ban Irish sausages with derivatives, stop aliens from landing in Kent every day and lots of other stuff, but no; it was blasted fooball – wall to wall!
Is there a match on anywhere?
Scrobs, you sound a bit like Alan Partridge, back when Coogan was briefly funny.
Partridge, confidently greeting his new-home builders,
” Morning guys, see the match? ”
Builder replies cheerily, “Which one?”
Partridge, quickly turning away, “Dunno”.
Partridge = Funny
Coogan = Complete ego driven tw@t.
Figuring out the special relationship – gone west – our leaders are not our heroes
‘Oh baby, what a love-in!‘ – that’s the Daily Mail headline caption to the somewhat twee photo op for the Boris-Biden families on some security secluded west country beach in Cornwall yesterday. The Mail, unusually, makes the BBC’s top spot in their press frontpages line up.
So what do we make of it, what might be the significance for the UK-US special relationship? Our various national newspaper titles will each have their varied take, which we will give the most cursory survey, but based simply on the dramatis personae what’s our observation?
Well, if one didn’t know better from these fakey family holiday pics one would match Boris and Mrs Biden as the couple (I call Jill Biden, Mrs, although one is given to understand that – perhaps due to the current pandemic – the First Lady prefers her title Dr – she has a non-medical doctorate in education by the way – although Dr Jill Biden sounds great, right?)
It’s ageist of me, I know, but Carrie looks like Boris and Jill’s daughter and little Wilfred – the only member of the grouping still in a nappy – an arse nappy – would be the grandchild. Which would make Joe the great grandaddy. Which sounds about right.
Once the rest of the G7 get into the mix there’ll be the added complication of all sorts of batty old aunts and peculiar uncles we don’t like to mention.
There may be few obligations in life so arduous as having to summon enthusiasm for someone elses’ holiday snaps but the Mail gushes approval in a courageous effort: ‘Summit special reports see pages 2-9‘ – slow news day?
‘Boris Johnson hailed Joe Biden as “a breath of fresh air” last night as the two men met in Cornwall‘ – it’s cringeworthy, but I suppose talk is cheap and if that butters up the old geezer, then I shan’t complain.
Not so the Guardian: ‘Bitter stand off over Brexit sours the start of G7 summit‘ – I guess you pays your money and you takes your pick. Or, where the Guardian is concerned, if you’re one of the few who happen to be reading it, you probably reads it free thanks to the many dozens of BBC in-house subscription copies.
The Gruan goes on to feature the opinions of the President Macron on their frontpage at some length. One doubts a genuine interest in Irish affairs particularly motivates the Frenchman – recently slapped in the face by a man – traditionally the prelude to a formal duel at dawn with seconds, but a lightening swift: ‘Four months for man who attacked French president‘ (BBC) was handed down. Perhaps the revelation that the provocateur was: ‘A medieval combat enthusiast‘ dissuaded the diminutive Macron from accepting the challenge? These days our leaders are not our heroes.
‘PM ponders four-week delay before end of curbs‘ – says the Telegraph, making Boris sound less like his purported hero Winston Churchill and more like Winnie the Pooh.
““Oh, bother,” said Pooh, as, try as he might, he failed to escape from the honey pot stuck on his head, and pondered what he might try next?“
The Torygraph is missing from the BBC Blog, AISI: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-57436753
I wonder why?
Unwelcome news?
As a student of sub subbing, this thread is illuminating.
Only last week a story surfaced about a US activist employed by RCN to push a marxist agenda in the organisation.
RCN is a left-wing saturated political organisation and has very little to do with health care. It needs to be investigated and dismantled. The public have a right for totally unbiased health-centred care that we all pay for by force.
TOADY Watch #1 – ‘Part-time’ turns up for work at the BBC!
A big headline moment, especially after my post yesterday. I guess she doesn’t want Nick Robinson stealing the limelight at the G7. Mind you, ‘Part-time’ is eclipsed by the BBC’s Economics Editor, Faisal Islam, who makes you wonder whether he actually does any work at the BBC at all. Whatsoever.
Now that I have typed that he will probably turn up later today or tomorrow on the Cornwall jolly with Nick and and ‘Part-time’.
PS: ‘Part-time’ didn’t add anything much to our knowledge of the G7 event for the air time consumed. The BBC could be a much more efficient operation if it slimmed down a lot.
I was a bit groggy until i heard robinson asking vacinees the question
“You do want to save billions of lives around the world by giving away vaccines dont you ?”
To which the reply was “ no – there are too many people in the world and a lot need to die – vote green”
BBC policy is to stop all UK vaccinations – let the unvaccinated get covid – maybe die
– but feel good about vaccinating bongo bongo land
Back to call comrade robinson – then he nailed a shady government minister to a cross over the traitor England Team . What a c word ( character ) that person is .
Fed, you beat me to it – have just posted on Gordon’s Grandstanding.
Listening to Robinson – I wonder if he is a fascist – I’m not too sure of the definition – but his absolute certainty that his belief is the only way – the complete denial of an alternative view or values – does that fit ?
Even worse are red Tory ministers who submit to him – as the pompous half wit CCHQ put up this morning . Does any politician of the red centre ever take them on ?
I only listened to Today whilst I took a short car journey and heard the end of the Robinson interview the Minister – it was obviously a ‘when did you stop beating your wife’ moment. The minister was damned whatever he said. But Robinson finishing off with ‘well shall we go now and ask the Prime Minister what he things about kneeling’ was behaving like a spoilt child. It was hardly a Humphries interview.
Deborah – yes – seems like evolution where only politicians without any backbone rise to ministerial level . When you watch ‘yes minister ‘/ ‘the thick of it ‘ there is too much truth there…
……nut nut is going to be plagues with ‘kneeling ‘ questions ..