GBNews officially launches at 2000 on Sunday 13th June . Expectations are high – as is prejudice . Unlike the far Left Anti UK BBC it deserves a fair shake . The enemies of free speech and diversity of opinion will have the OFCOM complaint line number on ‘speed dial “. Good Luck GBNews – you are really going to need it .
Weekend Thread 12 June 2021
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Well, there’s a first time for everything, as someone once said.
It might have been Joe Biden.
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
Actually there is also a seperate
– Euro 2020 thread started 8pm Friday
Before that was the Midweek thread
– page 4 started 8am Friday
Gordon Brown has written to the present Prime Minister encouraging him to embrace the term ‘taking the knee
– page 3 started 3pm Thursday
– G7 ..BBC staffers fawning over Biden
– Marianna putting up tweets saying ‘Don’t I look pretty ?’
then claiming victimhood and harassment, when she gets trollish replies
Beltane – nicely done . Now that we know that the 21 June freedom day isn’t going to happen because the Government failed to stop Indians from coming to the UK with the shiny new variant – what will be the reaction?
Will the BBC support it ?
Will the BBC blame the government for failing border control ?
Will the BBC say -enough is enough
Will the BBC report the effect further close downs will mean ?
Will the government re impose a lock down to slow down the spread of the Indian variant it allowed into the UK ?
‘Will the BBC support it?’
Depends on Guardian deadlines. First edition deliveries around 4am – will anyone be available to bring the Breakfast team up to speed?
Anyone who did not see the 21/06 date being abandoned needs to pay more attention … and watch for the July date to be pushed back.
I note that a very SAGE medico-scientist has suggested that masks and social distancing may need to go on forever.
A very generous reference, describing her as a ‘medico-scientist’. The person in question in Professor Susan Michie – aka ‘Stalin’s Nanny’ – a wealthy, lifelong member of the Communist Party, who is a behavourial psychologist. Looking at the people involved with the misnamed SAGE – psychologists, sociologists and Excel jockeys – the acronym possibly means ‘Socialist And Globalist Extremists’.
The BBC will respond with the most ridiculous headlines like this:
‘Covid: Unvaccinated most at risk from Delta variant’
Does this mean they are not ‘most at risk’ for the other types ?.
The BBC’s target audience are most definitely the lower IQ part of the population. Those who think for themselves are those who think the BBC sho go.
Our government is looking for any excuse to not give up power they seized. The Indian variant is just an excuse.
Meanwhile Boris Johnson said that his first face-to-face talk with U.S. President Joe Biden was a “breath of fresh air”, over joint plans regarding climate change and NATO.
As I predicted. The covid-19 in America at least, was all about ousting Pres Trump from office. Then the Democrats, who are extreme socialists, can get on with world government using Climate Change as the vehicle.
In many measures Boris Johnson is no longer a conservative.
1. He is for Open borders
2. He is paying into the EU all that they ask
3. British waters are open to EU fisheries.
4. No Nation first politician would agree to let the UN control its nation’s policy on Energy use. Boris does.
Its no surprise that the EU is all for Climate Change policy. Its a socialist enterprise.
Spingster liked this. She is becoming the new Sweeney!
The POTUK looks lovely in her red dress.
I wonder if she caught a cold or something.
She looks a little horse.
Two men with ‘baseless’ claims to leadership?
Specially the one who does not know where he is, and is wondering why he is sleeping in the White House.
Got a mention though. All good.
If you shout that you are a BIG VICTIM then you are distracting attention from the REAL VICTIMS
..people who actually experience events which damage their lives in the long term.
If Marianna Spring goes touting for business and she does then it is inevitable that the ‘problem’ will get worse, especially as the definition of abuse gets ever-wider.
Marianna Spring is the equivalent of a war correspondent wearing a fluorescent jacket, embedded with an armoured brigade, claiming to be bringing ‘peace’ in her reporting. “Oh look at me! But don’t fire as I am the peaceful (truthful) one amongst a pack of warmongerers (liars)”.
As to ‘conspiracy theories’, what is the purpose of G7, Davos etc. but for governments and leaders to conspire with each other? Anyone who has every had any close involvement with a story that has become ‘news’ knows that it will be mis-reported, albeit unitentionally, so why should they believe all the other stories?
G7 actually put out a video where leaders were pointless elbow bumping.
Socially distanced greeting has been practiced in Yorkshire for years.
On seeing someone you know you slightly raise your head
and sometimes use the all purpose word “alright ?”
Or “Now then.”
Reminds of the BBC go to guy on political health matters.
This would be her as a leader who made me proud.
And yet we still have TV interviewers like Laura K, Cathy Newman….
OK the original James Woods tweet has been deleted so doesn’t show up
He put out the video again
and then in the replies someone pointed out
that after the “socially distancing” photo had been done
Macron walked with arm around Biden
Its a sign that Bodysnatchers use.
My builders merchant always says goodbye with a ‘No worries’!
It’s then that I start worrying what on earth he’s sold me, and whether it will fit/work/fall apart…
Still, it’s better than asking someone if they’d like a drink, and they say ‘Yeah, go on then’!
Tragic in many ways. But not as much as the angle adopted by the sub.
Sounds like the accused is the real victim in this case…
Simon Webb has some background to this particular example of ‘enrichment’.
The Muslim man who made a pact with evil djinn “genies” to deliver him winning lottery tickets
if he did the right bad things, like killing people
Danyal Hussein?
Who would have thunk.
Bugger. Not even a box to sit on now.
Lucky there are plenty of small Chinese.
Are they good for sitting on?
Sangita another BBC cubicle garden hire destined for greatness like that lovely young lady from* BBC Monitoring?
* The ‘more Nazi than Hitler’ BBC Palestinian reporter
left their employment two days ago.
I wonder how much time the awful BBC will give to attempt to belittle GBNews?
I suspect that quite a lot of the TV tax will be spent on trying to counter the truth which Neill and co will deliver, and it’ll take quite a clever/cheating crowd there in fat W1A to do this! Are they up to it?
‘Good luck’ with that little conundrum lefties…
I reckon the BBC will ignore it as much as possible – particularly if viewing figures increase or if GBnews gets a ‘scoop’ which cannot be ignored .
Even if large numbers go to GBnews the BBC will know it still as its ‘ comfort blanket of solid taxpayers ‘ cash each year –
And a government without any political belief and happy to say ‘ yes’ to any wokery which comes along .
“And a government without any political belief and happy to say ‘ yes’ to any wokery which comes along .”
That might change when the next GE appears on the horizon! Until then, it’s about three more years of a failing BBC.
But you’re right Fed, any positive ‘ratings’ (done by Dominion?), will be squealed from the rooftops in W1A. Robinson, Maitless etc., will be even more insufferable.
Scrob – I miswrote – I meant positive ratings for GBNews – and what that means is an upward curve after the initial enthusiasm wears off ….
It is inevitable that viewing figures for the BBC will continue to decline – if this is accompanied by the loss of licence income then that looks good for a ‘reassessment ‘running up to the Charter negotiations in a few years …
Maybe the BBC is like one of those country sized icebergs that breaks off the pole every once in a while and drifts along gradually disappearing … ( no offence to icebergs )
Let’s hope the charter issue becomes a major element of the next GE.
De-criminalising the funding would be a start, but there will be the usual hand-wringing by the BBC, who have the ‘goods’ on MPs, but GBNews might be making all the difference by then – and they’ll also have the lowdown on all those MPs shagging above their weight.
The fraud of Climate Change policy is the probably the most life changing policy that the EU, Britain and now the USA have all of us signed up to. Will GB news reveal the truth of Climate Change so called science.
Nice one, NCBBC!
I don’t expect Greta will be invited on to tell GBNews anything!
We may even get the proper news about the failure of all these climate scares so beloved by unqualified Beeboids.
I agree that this government won’t take the lead or the hint that a sizeable proportion of the public have had enough of the BBC and no longer support it being funded out of public money. This being the case those who no longer wish to support the BBC must simply refuse to pay the License Fee. I firmly believe that once the number of refusnicks reaches a few hundred thousand many more will quickly join and the BBC will be brought to its knees. I am sure that even this TINO Government would not agree to paying for the BBC out of general taxation. Voluntary subscription would be the only way forward for the BBC.
Out of interest what proportion of site users still pay the LF?
Undewhelmed by the heroics of our NHS and an end to teenage romance. We play tippy tappy whilst China goes route one.
There’s a stark contrast between the rules our elite make for themselves and the rules they make for us plebs apparent in these two Telegraph stories and it doesn’t sit well with this reader:
‘June 21 unlocking called off. Four-week delay expected, with masks and distancing to continue‘ (not to mention the holiday travel bans) – beside: ‘The great and the good in the garden of Eden‘ referring to the G7 and their various hangers on who have jetted into a Cornwall previously, for security reasons, cleared for miles around of any trace of the hoi polloi.
But one shouldn’t moan too much about the exotic elite in their gilded cage – they have provided plenty of bread and circuses for us. Bread in the form of furlough benefits and circuses…? Well the weekend papers are full of it…
‘At last… Euros kick off‘ (Daily Mirror) All due solemn and sacred knee-taking rites will be observed. The football will of course be largely virtual. For the fans. Not virtual for the players and UEFA officials, who are, of course, exempt from travel and quarrantine restrictions, how could it work otherwise – as the much missed recently, presumably resting his pencils, cartoonist Matt quips in the Telegraph: ‘Sage advises England team to play on Zoom‘
There will be token numbers of spectators allowed into the stadia for matches – and so as to compensate for the sad lack of an audience the Sun carries: ‘Call for fans to make more noise‘
The Sun further carries the slogan: ‘Don’t let covid beat England!‘ – didn’t it already beat us?
Seems we’re dishing out the consolation medals: ‘Gongs for NHS heroes‘ (Daily Star)
An NHS, mind you, that is apparently so heroic that we’re extending lockdown again in fear and trepidation yet again of it getting somehow overwhelmed with sick people.
The Guardian uncharacteristically alludes to fun: ‘Euro 2020. The fun kicks off‘ – this being the Guardian naturally the fun immediately has to make way for the politics: ‘PM has failed England over football race row – Starmer‘
Meanwhile as we are warned in the Telegraph of : ‘no green light for larger weddings‘ – due to lockdown – in the Times we learn: ‘Marriages under 18 will be outlawed‘ – this referring to the ages of the couple rather the number of guests. My understanding was that such marriages were permitted so long as the intended were over the age of consent and had parental permission. I guess we can’t trust that parental judgement these days? Something has obviously changed culturally. This is confirmed by the Guardian: ‘Minimum age to be raised from 16 amid fears that young people have been coerced into child marriage‘
Although presumably for proponents of lowering the voting age there’s no chance of teenagers being coerced into their political views?
The Times unsurprisingly is a tad more forceful than the Gruan in its frontpage report, alluding to the: ‘attempt to combat forced unions‘
Backbencher Sajid Javid is fronting the legislation and cites concern about Bangladesh citing British laws as their excuse for lowering their local rule from 18 down to 16. Then there’s: ‘Arranged teenage marriages are also known to be exploited by foreign nationals as a way of obtaining British citizenship‘ Which all seems to be a tentative tippy-tappy (to borrow a football term for dull slow cautious tactics) way of suggesting it might be the habits of our fast growing south asian populations that are the main concern here.
China of course, as is their habit in health matters – of which we are more than happy to mimic – goes route one: ‘Uyghur mosques being destroyed in Xinjiang‘ (Telegraph)
Interesting times.
Especially how Springster is going to fact check the G7 group hug as Macron burrows so far up Sleepy’s colon he might find Sopes.
AsIseeit: An NHS, mind you, that is apparently so heroic that we’re extending lockdown again in fear and trepidation yet again of it getting somehow overwhelmed with sick people
A NHS so heroic that it was kept safe from Covid. Its like keeping the armed services safe from harm while the country is invaded by aliens. Even that is not far from the truth now.
We plebs couldn’t get to hospital, or acquire medication from pharmacies that might have helped. So it is that we have one of the highest covid mortality rate in the world.
I have had a quick look at Al Beeb’s website at the honours list but can’t find Nigel Farage there ?
The Tory establishment must hate him for ‘dragging them kicking and screaming’ to BREXIT. Hats off to Nigel I say. He’s the man that Al Beeb loves to hate.
Taffman – I’m generally not a supporter of ‘honours ‘ but there are exceptions . They should have been very rarely given out .
Obviously PMs favour the House of Lords as a potential post job resting place as well as a weapon to use to get ones’ way with resistant opponents .
I bet a lot of the ‘great ‘ planning their peerage looked with horror when Bercov didn’t get one ( yet ).
There is no doubt that The Queen is a great enthusiast for Raheem Sterling but she has never heard of Nigel Farage .
Farage is responsible for saving thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of lives here in GB.
If it wasn’t for him we would probably still be in the eu and consequently have only about a third or so of the vaccinations done.
Today our rulers can ignore him but in history he will go down as one of the greats (unless it’s written in Arabic which is likely if we Carrie on as we are doing)
I don’t think Nigel Farage is a big fan of the House of Lords?
Remember their anti British Independence stance?
We need to be reminded of that house of shambles by reviewing the video footage of their Pro European Empire debates there .
If an upper chamber still needs to exist – striped of the made up traditions and false status – then it would need characters like farage to truly hold the commons to account rather than what happens now .
If you ever dive in to the parliament channel – not much of value is said in that chamber – the best thing are the committees but they could be done without the Lords nonsense …
I am wasting words really as it will never change apart from getting bigger through corrupt patronage – there s even a Russian in there ….lucky putin eh?
Farage has always said he would not accept a lordship
cos he believes the House should be abolished.
Good points. Unfortunately we are still in the EU as far as the fraud Climate Change is concerned.
Tel got in on the BEeb Getty image action?
A post Katrina cartoon will resonate in the streets of Wigan.
Surprised she isn’t blond …
What a lovely mixed race over-50’s couple.
I wonder how many of those the entire audience here combined actually know in real life.
I’ll start with mine : none.
‘Coffee coloured people by the score ‘ – paste that troll
It seems it’s not just the UK that has so many inter racial couples it’s the same in the US according to their illegitimate President who has also noticed this phenomenon.
‘I challenge you to watch one station for two hours I don’t know how many adverts you’ll see maybe eight to five adverts (I think he means 85) two to three out of five will have mixed race couples in them that’s not by accident they’re selling soap man’
Challenge accepted Joe and yes it’s three out of five and with two more adverts appearing this week it’s getting nearer to four out of five Ryobi power tools and Persil I think it was but may have been another brand I was too busy laughing to notice what they were supposed to be actually selling.
But there you have it folks it’s not by accident but by design.
I thought it was 2 blokes !
Hmmmm, clearly the pic of Biden has got in the way.
“21 June: End of England’s Covid lockdown could be delayed by one month”…
Its kick the can time again.
IMHO Bo Jo is employing behavioural phycologists in his Covid team.
Once more the government is not listening. People are fed up with this charade. They want an end to this lockdown , along with the end of the Telly Tax and an end to deliberate, open door, immigration .
I repeat, they are not listening to the people that gave them such a huge majority.
We need Reform!
OT but has anyone explained why Ursula vdL and Charles Michel are at the G7 summit?
Luton stabbing: Two teenagers arrested over 16-year-old’s death
Yet another young life ended at the end of a blade by barbaric sub-humans.
At least is seems no white people were involved in the murder of Humza Hussain because the focus of the story is the sadness of the family and ethnicity of the arrested persons is not mentioned.
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner Festus Akinbusoye (a Nigerian) said it was a “shocking, awful incident”. How profound of him.
We can only watch the almost daily occurance of of these stories from afar and wonder what the f*ck went wrong.
If you import the third world , you get the third world.
All thanks to our successive, pseudo Conservative and Liberal governments of the past.
Apart from Al Beeb, who in Great Britain was asked or consulted on the importation of the third world into our country ?
The ‘Do Gooders’ that did no good for the people of Great Britain . Our The Home Secretary is still letting them in.
We have a saying in software engineering which goes:
Q. How does a project get to be 18 months late ?.
A. One day at a time.
Meaning of course it happens after many small steps you hardly notice.
Same thing here.
I always said that a project without a completion date never gets completed, i.e. the end goal has to be defined.
Do our politicians know what the end goal is for their multicultural project? How do they envisage a state of harmony being created?
So far it is going the way of many a failed industrial project, suppress the voices of those pointing out that a policy isn’t working whilst doubling-down on that same policy as if somehow it will come right all by itself.
Humza Hussain’s funeral is at 4pm today.
What went wrong ? – that’s easy – a solution – that’s tricky .
But from my criminology studies – temperature rises plus young males can shorten tempers and lives . Drink more water- dehydration increases irritability …
When certain groups are doing all the stabbings, targetting those groups for stop-and-search is met by a barrage of ‘Racists’ shouts from the looney left supported by the BBC.
The blood is on their hands.
Luton May15th huge Palestinian supporting demo
– same day 4 white lads took a beating
Some ridiculous claims that a crowd of 30 piled out of a mosque and hit them for no reason at all
More credible stories that they kicked Palestinian supporting cars and shouted abuse … got a kicking in return from demonstrators.
I can’t check cos it appears to be offline.
May28th local synagogue states that in light of another Palestinian demo, the police have warned Jews to stay out of the area.
The absence of consultation / approval – will forever undermine integration of particular groups – the wind rush nonsense does the West Indians no favours – Muslim terrorists / paedo gangs / fraud will never help the Islamics either …
At the same time the nation is held in Lockdown because of the few ethnics that refuse to have a vaccine.
We do not need a crystal ball to foresee yet another lockdown at the end of July ad infinitum. Boris is wrecking the nation.
I think that a lot of Tory voters are going to migrate to UKIP or the Reform Party …………
Disagree – whether you support a further Right British party it will only split the Right and let in Muslim Labour MPs
We’d be better off if Boris had a smaller majority
and there were some UKIP/Reform MPs in the House
You are quite right, Stew. But to get that you would need Proportional Representation! Shock Horror!!! Hand out the smelling salts.
Despite the success of the Brexit Party and Ukip in the EU elections which used a proportional system, the majority of right leaning Brits don’t seem to make the connection or would rather go on using the partial democratic system that has clearly failed since 1901.
The gist of it is “Yes, while we like to have more parties to choose from we can on no account consider a system which would give us more parties to choose from, old chap”
I feel that a rushed vaccine that has not been tested, should never have been forced on us by threats of Covid passports for travel, or even go to the pub.
America was a different matter. They had to somehow oust Pres Trump from office.
Meanwhile, Sopes swims past the upper intestine in hope of getting closer still.
I think the reason why the 3% are so quick to kill each other is in their genes.
In the jungle just about everything is trying to kill or eat you and you need to have very quick aggressive responses to be able to stay alive.
The 3% have a very quick response, an instinctive fight or flight, otherwise they would not have been able to successfully exist.
This is all good for them there where they come from and they have developed fast and strong bodies as part of their evolvement. That’s why they are so good at athletics and sports.
However, bring them into a civilised environment and their hair trigger aggressive responses lead them into the confrontations with others, especially other 3%’ers, which quickly becomes a dangerous situation.
This is not a criticism of them. In their environment they are supreme. Put any of us in there and we wouldn’t last 5 minutes.
It is a criticism of those who want to impose diversity on us.
Taking something out of its natural environment is a bad thing which usually leads to mass deaths (red/grey squirrels or mink killing our water voles for example) or a takeover by the stronger or most ruthless (Australian Aboriginals and American Indians for example)
Any attempt at imposing diversity on an unwilling host must be done at a snails pace. For instance, to successfully integrate into uk it should not be about 15-18% or whatever the % is. If we had maybe 0.2% they would be integrated much better and with little or no problems.
It’s all happening too fast.
They hit 3.5% I am so popping that in my twitter name just to mess with the other lot.
@Emmanuel watch where you are going with lawbreaking is in the genes
Yes there must be a testosterone link
Simon Webb does say that black men have higher testosterone in general
but low testosterone people are women
white males commit much more crime than white women
People will start arguing ALL men need to have their testosterone reduced.
I think the fooboll stuff has started…
I even think I saw some of the gentlemen players kneeling down at some stage (1.33)…
And they’re still wearing silly shorts.
Yes, good luck to GB News. My concern is that the BBC, as well as the other networks and Ofcom, have defined the parameters of what is acceptable public discourse so narrowly as to exclude any really original, independent voices. Step outside those restrictive parameters and you will be labelled as reactionary, far-right, bigoted, xenophobic, jingoistic, Little Englander, racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic, transphobic or the 1001 other isms and phobics the Left have in their arsenal.
Neil will always be looking over his shoulder. He will naturally want to defend his reputation as a serious journalist and may feel obliged to over-compensate in the opposite direction; to put clear blue water between his news network and those horrible right-wingers.
Already GB News is being sneeringly compared to Fox News, and already Neil is bending over backwards to reject the comparison.
We shall see.
I think that your fears are well founded and if GBN doesn’t conform to Ofcom rulings then it will lose its License and be shut down. We need to remember this when we, as I’m sure we will , feel frustrated when we think that GBN is taking a rather conformist liberal left line on some issues.
We can’t expect GBN to change the UK news landscape on its own. However, it should be able to loosen the grip that the liberal left have on the MSM in the UK and hopefully to persuade another million or two folks that the BBC is so biased that it is simply leftist propaganda and not worth paying for , which will in turn create more space for other centre right news and current affairs outlets. Even this TINO Government could help this growth of ‘news diversity’ by simply appointing Dacre as the head of Ofcom who is likely to be much more favourable to centre comment than any of the liberal left placemen have ever been.
If only we did have a ‘Fox News’ at least then we would have choice. G B news is our last hope of news that is not from the viewpoint of BLM, Extinction Rebellion , the PC brigade and every minority that exists. I have a terrible feeling that we are going to be disappointed though.
If we could get Tucker Carlson there would be no shortage of watchers. Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens would be a dream ticket.
A friend has informed me that the Honours list has been debased even further ………. that painter of chair legs and little else, the host of Repair Shop, Jay Blades has been given a f…….g MBE ! WHAT an insult to those really skilled people who are the real stars. My God he can’t even speak properly “woz dat for den”. He ingratiated himself enough to get a job on Money for Nothing, and even Sarah Moore has more (!) crafting talent in her little finger than that idiot has.
Laughingly he has been given it for Services to CRAFT !!! FFS what is that all about ? I suppose someone at the BBC pushed him for it, – he joins that other recipient, the rubbish baker who tells us how to make Yorkshire puddings, Nadya Hussein.
I need to calm down.
Wait until he paints a plank. A short one.
Or two.
Sopes waiting ‘til when they give them to exceptional members,
Ha ha. Dear me.
Surprise surprise, an effnik.
If Jay got the honour for services to craft, it should have gone to Will. He is really skilled, fills the same box for the box checker, but speaks as though he was brought up proper, which is presumably why he didn’t get it.
I’m off to lay in some brown shoe polish. (I don’t mean Polish.)
Wait til he gets his knighthood ( never heard of him )
Anyway – from our own correspondent – the BBC sent a droid called Gabriel Gabby Gatehouse to slag of QAnon – and so he did 10/10 .
Don’t talk about the theft of an election – talk about the response to it . I didn’t realise i am a supporter of QAnon- but I’m a believer that the election was stolen – and that there was a huge conspiracy – planned or otherwise – involving the MSM – federal agencies – foreign powers – local counters – liberal judges – you name it – all desperate to make sure President Trump got only one term –
And they didn’t need a grassy knoll to kill him …
2024 – it looks like the end of the lockdown is being delayed again .furlough has been extended until 2025. No one can remember the job they used to do . Any service has been curtailed because of covid . The population is either dying from vitamin D deficiency or committing mass suicide after running out of anti depressants .
The extension of social distancing – to 5 metres is starting to pay off – as is the need for everyone to year a full protective suit at all times .
There is concern – though – that the latest variant is causing more danger – since we run out of the Greek alphabet we are now using Cyrillic …
I think this is going to go till 2024, or till its safe that Pres Tump will never be in the White House.
Anti-Macron rioters trashed government offices earlier today, in a re-run of similar activity over the pond a while ago.
Not significant enough for the BBC to regard as news. Apparently.
Maybe Manny asked Sopes not to go there during the group hug?
It was important for the world economy to rebuild in a “more equal and… in a more gender-neutral and perhaps a more feminine way” – Boris Johnson
Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny. – Aristotle
Sounds like Boris wasn’t paying too much attention when he studied Classics at Balliol College.
I see that beach shot and think of the Abyss Extended Version end scene, my cut.
Nut nut strikes again ….
I think he swallowed a diver (although he did spit him back out)
I too was amused by this completely nonsensical statement. Does any one apart from princess nut nut know what it means?
Contradictory at best..gender neutral but more feminine…
I have lost all respect for Boris …a shell of a man..
That was an extraordinarily bumbling performance by BJ. Was he perhaps drunk? That might excuse it. Or did he simply not care what he said? It was actually quite Biden-like – perhaps he was tactfully making Biden feel at home.
Totally unsurprised to witness the BBC, Guardian, Independent all in their happy place because the strutting French President is trying to turn G7 into a brexit bitch.
And I thought it was all about environment etc. etc,
This is what makes my blood boil about the Left.
No official dare say anything negative about Gypsies because they will be accused of racism by the Left who have designated them ‘victims’. It doesn’t matter one bit if it is absolutely true. The BBC will never report anything like this.
These scum should have been forcibly ejected from the site within an hour of arrival.
“Cricket match abandoned after travellers turn up at Hull field
Travellers arrived at The Hull and East Riding Sports Club unexpectedly” ..after being moved on from other children’s park
… situation still not resolved and Humber police keeping a distance before second night.
A couple of years ago they were running rampage in the city.
The response of the Chief Constable was to threaten people saying bad things about them on social media with hate crime.
They are vile people who know exactly what the rules are and what the police cannot do.
And when the “travellers” went, having apparently “understood” the situation, some idiot involved said “We wish them well on their journey”.
David Vance on the everlasting lockdown.
He says 42 people have died with the Delta variant, of which 23 were unvaccinated. Of the remaining 19 vaccinated, 12 were double vaccinated.
Its essentially 50-50. So getting vaccinated or not, the chance of death was virtually 50%.
And for this the government shut down the economy, and put the NHS in quarantine when it was most needed.
NCBBC, what do you mean, the chance of death was virtually 50%?
The chance of dying from covid, even at its height, was nothing like 50%. You had something like 99% chance of survival. Even the most vulnerable and elderly usually recovered.
Perhaps I’ve misunderstood your post…
Of the 42 who died of the delta variant roughly half were vaccinated, I think that was what was meant by 50:50.
Of course all of the 42 died. For this sample the vaccine seems to have been ineffective as one was just as likely to die with or without the vaccine.
Forty-two isn’t a very big number to base public policy on. (Are they still playing the dying with or dying of game?). I would like to see someone uses a Covid-type test for measles, what’s the betting than most schoolchildren would test positive for that?
No wonder they don’t trust their own vaccine, which they clearly don’t.
Do we know whether these 42 were ill already from other things, or in high-risk groups?
Good point Jeff.
I was taking up this –“David Vance on the everlasting lockdown.
He says 42 people have died with the Delta variant, of which 23 were unvaccinated. Of the remaining 19 vaccinated, 12 were double vaccinated”.
Its the Indian variant that is being used for extending restrictions. In any case the numbers are too small to justify continuing restrictions.
Thanks for clarifying. One of the good things oi this blog since its inception, is polite debate.
The 42 two who died would not have been NORMAL people
they would have been as usual people who are already nearly dead from cancer or something already.
In such a state their immune systems are probably weak anyway
meaning little difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
When fit vaccinated people breathe the virus
their immune system has a better chance of not letting the virus get a grip
thus they never start producing much virus themselves
thus the spread ends at them
… ie some level of herd immunity for the rest of us.
One thing not much explained or talked about is whether the “vaccine” interferes with our own efficient immune system. If it does, most of us would be better off without the “vaccine”, provided the medicines were made available to treat us if we should catch the disease.
I see Raheem got an MBE for his work in promoting inter racial harmony or summat. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Presumably I don’t know him. He certainly looked like an unpleasant race-baiter on the field at times, and very full of himself? So what did he do, exactly, to be awarded honours?
The already greatly devalued honours awards
fall even further?
Raheem has earned his MBE through generosity. On numerous occasions his ability to unselfishly pass the ball to the opposing side, or lose possession in a spirit of true magnanimity, has marked him out for due acknowledgement of his efforts towards racial harmony and as a powerful means of atonement for colonial excesses in the past.
Beltane – you are completely wrong – he got it because of his swimming ability – particularly diving ….
Said he got his inspiration from vardy
Fed- You are right. I had forgotten all about the young Raheem’s career as a diver. Of course, we now know that that was all about a bunch of racists, depriving him of a chance of scoring without any interference from defenders, and racist referees who did not always realise what a good diver he was and award him that vital free kick he so richly deserved.
It should be noted that there are many black players who do not take advantage…
Fewer MBE’s there, then.
Vardy. Whose inspiration was Michael Owen?
I assume it was Raheem on the Today programme on Saturday morning. It must have been somebody else who wrote his words and it sounded as if he was reading them. It honestly sounded like a 7 year old who needed extra reading practice and was close to incoherent. It certainly didn’t add anything to why he was receiving an honour.
All honours were instantly rubbished when Clegg got knighted.
So what did he do, exactly, to be awarded honours? It isn’t what he did, it’s what he is.
On the Midweek thread yesterday there was a discussion about actor Riz Ahmed moaning about the depiction of muslims in films. I posted the following:
‘International Guerillas (1990) was apparently a big home-grown hit in Pakistan. You know, the one where Salman Rushdie is a white-suited villain who gets killed at the end by a bolt of lightning sent by Allah.’
Well, that was how I remembered it from 30 years ago – of course, I should’ve looked it up on YouTube, the reality is even more ridiculous.
Hard to decide which is funnier, the muslim attitudes or the hilariously inept film-making (2 mins 29 secs):
A superstitious and savage religion, coming here soon.
The ridiculous video is funny : the message it contains is absolutely not.
A level of brainwashing the BBC can only dream about.
I wonder if they ever ask themselves why Allah never sends that lightning to help ISIS or any of the other myriad of followers fighting religion based wars.
Probably a coincidence – surely nobody would be mad enough to further wreck the economy just to keep Polly, Skier and Southgate happy – but if the Covid restrictions are extended for another month, won’t that mean all the Eurochamp matches at Wembley and elsewhere will be played in front of vastly reduced crowds?
And won’t that mean the entirely predictable storm of boos will be vastly reduced too?
Some would see that as a price worth paying, what with riots being so expensive these days. Just ask the French. – Informing the World about the EU’s vindictive ‘Northern Ireland Protocol’
(aided and abetted by the usual suspects)
Above links to Part 3 of 5
Part 1
Part 2
Parts 4 & 5 to come.
Not al beeb …
An interesting look at dealing with the “woke”
Thanks Dobyns
Great article.
Let’s hope we can see more of this fightback
Not al beeb … but it is an interesting look at dealing with the “woke”
One of the classics this morning on the Today programme, they invited two people one but both were cheering for the same side. One was Sylvi Berman (sp?) who was French Ambassador to the UK and Peter Rickets, former UK ambassador in Paris. The view of Peter Ricketts was that the British Government ‘rammed the agreement through Parliament in 2019’. It was perfectly obvious that the two ‘guests’ were in complete agreement and that agreement was that the people of the UK were wrong to vote Brexit.
Of course as we watch another embarrassing England batting collapse – currently 71-6 – we’ll never know if Ollie Robinson might have made a difference, or James Anderson’s concentration was unaffected by the shame of saying Broad’s haircut was like a 15-year old lesbian’s, or that another un-named team member was depressed by the publication of his teen-aged tweet.
At least all those who dug so deep to find ten-year old immature musings can be proud of their work. Without them, who in the ECB would ever know that professional cricketers deserve to lose their jobs, no longer play for their country and, to be frank, spend the rest of their lives in humiliation and regret. Serve them right, eh?
The ECB having announced an in-depth sweep of historic tweets throughout the whole team will, no doubt, have helped no end to focus their attention and raise spirits, concentration and togetherness.
It’s why they call it ‘Test Cricket’.
Tonight’s Telly
BBC1 Mindless gameshow night
BBC2 8pm Trooping of the Colour : Queens Birthday Parade
then from 9pm Phil Collins night
Channel4 Royal Famlies
7pm The Windsors
8pm Crippled Kaiser
9pm Grace Kelly
8pm Princess Anne her 7 loves
BBC4 Has a Portillo repeat
10:45pm doco on corporal punishment
I thought there were some new channels
but seems all it is is Sony Channels being renamed
– Great! TV
= Great! Movies
– Great! Classic Movies !
A little plug for GB News from Andrew Neil, and a dig at the BBC and its unique funding. (“Not fit for purpose”.)
Interestingly, he outlines his vision for GB News, and what will distinguish it from the existing ‘centre-left’ stable of broadcasters.
(Some might say pigsty rather than stable.)
Mrs Voter was watching a recording of Trooping the Colour, that took place today. She records it so that she can fast forward the parts where whiny Huw Edwards is flapping his gums. Anyway, the outrunner today was a bame bint called Sunila Shah, daughter of Indian immigrants, used to present Newsround 10 years ago. They sent her round the stables to interview the horses, (I made that up) what she knew about ceremonial duties could have been written on the back of a stamp. Huw mentioned that there were 3 Fijians on parade today, out of close on 500 officers and men of the Scots guards and other guards regiments. Guess what, yes you’re right, every time the camera panned the formations they found a black face.Thats 3 in 500 bodies, must be magnetic or something.
Voter – you are such a wag . If only there was software to delete Huw from the commenting – in fact any BBC type doing their woke wok noises …
Meanwhile at 1926 linaker and the crew return sounding grim when there’s a footy match about to kick off …. Wonder if anyone will get a red card ?
Lineker, along with Patrick Viera, Cek Fabregas and Ian Wright. Two bames, a Spaniard and a jug eared crisp salesman.
All the TV channels are the same, I’m afraid; tiresomely predictable.
It doesn’t matter what I’m watching…Gardeners’ World… A Year in the Life of Kew Gardens… or even something about farming in the lake district, they’ll instinctively home in on people from the “BAME community.”
I’m a member of Kew Gardens and I can vouch that very few “minorities” are ever there. A few Chinese maybe, but certainly not many blacks. The series on Channel 5 about Kew Gardens would suggest that over half the attendees are Africans or West Indians. It’s complete bollocks.
The only time I’ve been on telly was at the Cenotaph. I attend every year and on one occasion was standing next to an elderly West Indian chap. Later a mate of mine told me, “Oi Jeff, I saw you on the telly last Sunday…You were standing next to the old black geezer…”
Apart from those employed as ambassadors, I can count the number of BAME attendees on the fingers of one hand. This bloke was almost unique, but the Beeb found him. They must scan the crowds and when they find one it’s like their birthdays, Christmas and a lottery win all rolled onto one.
The quickest way out of minority London is to visit historic houses or gardens. (Eltham Palace is a good one.)
For any one who is a footy type – the Denmark Finland game was suspended because Christian Ericsson collapsed and was carted off to hospital just before half time . The feeling was that it was either fatal or very serious .
The BBC cut away from it .
Now – at 1915 – it’s been announced he survived and they are going to restart at 2000 London time …. Surprisingly the BBC on TV hasn’t returned to the game yet – which on radio – sound quite something ….. missed a trick BBC big style
Just an update at 1919 – BBC news is still doom and gloom from London when the players are warming up ! As though the BBC TV doesn’t know it !
I believe that all players have been vaccinated.
Myocardial conditions have been reported via VAERS and NHS yellow card as the leading side effect in the under 40’s age bracket, as well as a 10 fold increase in the US and Israel.
Will the question be asked?
Update – the footy match resumes – ironically taking a knee to thank God Christian Ericsson has survived might have been of value ….
Belgian players mindlessly ‘take the knee’, like all the other subjects around the world. The Russian team doesn’t.
Was neutral, but will now support Russia for this one.
I can remember a time, not so long ago, when the mindlessness was all on the Russian (Soviet) side. That didn’t end well. Wonder how long it will take all the knee takers worldwide to wake up?
The interesting one is prem players who kneel down when playing in the prem – but dont do it in their national team .
How does that work ? ..
He feels freer under Southgate
.. than under his own manager.
The Times today has an advert from LinkedIn which is a full page letter to Southgate, which says
‘it doesn’t matter if England win or lose, Southgate has proved himself honourable’.
I’m not a great fan of soccer but one one game has stuck with me down the years and it is sad to think that taking the knee being compulsory will prevent one of these teams from ever playing again
If you watch the video closely you can see Vardy still dives in the box .. ..ha ha
Google buys photographer’s shot of seagull eating a chip
A slow news day so the BBC show a photo of a seagull currently being used in a Google ad campaign.
Twats at the BBC have reversed the 2nd photo and not realised. The fact the seagull is facing the wrong way compared to the first photo and the word ‘Google’ is mirrored isn’t picked up by any of the 22,000 BBC staff with a £4.5b a year budget.
@Tabs I disagree
and I can see how the story arose cos it started on our local news.
“Local woman gets photo contract with Google” is local news
And anyway this BBC article is basically cutNpaste from the woman’s own facebook.
She’s announced the contract and then taken a selfie of herself in front of the billboard.
Remember when the black Labour MP took a photo of police stopping her not-so-black driver the image also came out reversed as if that’s what iphone’s do.
Either the BBC reversed it or they got the photo already reversed but either way don’t you think the BBC’s 22,000 staff and £4.5b budget could find a way to flip the photo?
So that when Marianna is presented with a similar image by her phone as when she looks at herself in a hand mirror these phones flip the image side-to-side.
Unfortunately everyone else gets to suffer the same effect.
(It is all about Marianna, isn’t it?)
Sajid Javid tweeted his Times article
It’s clearly aimed at Pakistanis doing forced marriages on under 18s to get men from Pakistan British residency.
However it means kids who do have sex can’t do it inside marriage until 18, so will impact some other communities.
So we change British law for everybody because of child abusing Pakistani males.
Which Javid absolutely avoids telling us.
Tail wagging the dog.
Nicola Sturgeon needs 16 year-olds to vote for her Independence referendum. Can’t see her supporting it.
Meanwhile a “father of 3” is shot dead in Minneapolis (the gent has a posthumous cameo in the linked vid) – and the protesters turn out to loot the local mobile phone shops.
I hadn’t realised that the area around George Floyd Square had claimed other lives in the last year – unremarked by the usual suspects…
… and another young life ended after being stabbed multiple times.
Hayes stabbing: Boy, 15, charged with Jalan Woods-Bell’s murder
… and another murder where no details of anyone involved are given. And the BBC make sure they only show us pictures of the police vehicles. No residents.
As usual, a little research shows us what they are hiding.
Reminds of when the looting starts in the USA : they go out of their way to avoid showing us who are doing the looting.
One for Wendy’s unit?
This is what BLM mean to me.
What happened to my link ?.
Maybe from here:
A bbc ‘accused of’ ironically.
When the going gets competitive, the unique get on the phone to their mates.
There are those who still pay for this. Apparently.
‘He now spends Sundays recreating meals for himself and his husband Graham.’
What a heartwarming story by the British Broadcasting Corporation about two everyday, average English guys.
I wonder if they half-fill their cups with tepid coffee and add 3 tablespoons of salt to the meal.
Maxi and producer fly cattle? Who knew?
“His husband.” Do we have to read this?
But then… a true gem…
If this does not get all the girls in the cubicle gardens aflutter….
Here’s one they could do with in towns oop North.
One for Spingster to advise Sopes upon?
Being precision is a BBC watchword ‘n all.
R5fooboll comment (last), about GBNews in their ‘news’ during the night.
You could easily hear the sneer and middle finger from the very junior and rather poor autocue reader. Already there were ‘denials’ mentioned about similarities with Fox, which is a laughable statement to make! Do the BBC deny that there are similarities between them and every other Yank station except for Fox?
Is Brillo on during the night BTW?