GBNews officially launches at 2000 on Sunday 13th June . Expectations are high – as is prejudice . Unlike the far Left Anti UK BBC it deserves a fair shake . The enemies of free speech and diversity of opinion will have the OFCOM complaint line number on ‘speed dial “. Good Luck GBNews – you are really going to need it .
Weekend Thread 12 June 2021
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The BBC is saying that GBNews will not have access to the ‘pooled ‘ film on big occasions – the BBC says it is only an informal courtesy arrangement between the big boys .
Isn’t it nice to see the BBC enabling people to be fully informed ? Lucky it is not commercial eh? Good luck to GBNews – I m out of the country so can’t see it for a while .
Frankly getting footage from journalists rather than BBC staff likely serves the public better.
Citizen journalism, how about more of that?
Live feed
progs start at 8pm
Thank you stew i shall be watching
Many thanks, Stew!
Just signed up, and hope they don’t ask for any money later, as we’ve just had to get a plumber in…
What a great schedule they have! I only recognise AN and Dan W, but am looking forward to hearing/watching ‘Dewbs’ and the others!
What a great day this is turning out to be!
I suspect that the audience that matters to GBN will be more interested in content than pictures and be happy not to be paying the BBC for its footage.
Out of the country? I hope you can get back in.
G7 leaders face biggest climate change decisions in history – David Attenborough
David Attenborough is like listening to Heart FM. He keeps repeating himself every hour.
About 4 years ago we had “7 years to save the planet” now he is saying “[humans could be] on the verge of destabilising the entire planet”.
Perhaps he and Prince Harry could fly to the G7 summit in a private plane to tell us this latest message in person.
Radio : There was an item about cults
and then came the 8am news
‘The big holy man David Attenborough will speak to the G7 about the need for Climate action’
… hello that is cultish, not science
Then the clips
Local Radio had a woman from the NGO Tearfund
‘fossil fuels are unholy and the UK has already declared it will not allow loans to fossil fuelpower stations in developing countries, and she said it should encourage other G7 countries to act similarly’
On Radio 2 the clip was Harrabin, and he said the G7 had already agreed none of them should allow such loans
… except if the plants have Carbon Capture
(which is a fantasy cos so far it is miles from economically viable)
He also said countries would be offered a $1.4bn bribe to give up using coal.
Bottomline : you could get a situation where a country is using an old coal or oil power station which is fairly dirty and inefficient , and it could have its own natural gas
so would be in a position to build a gas power plant which would be way more efficient and clean and demonstrate a say 30% CO2 saving.
but the western countries would not allow it on the premise that gas is a fossil fuel.
Instead the country would be forced into building Mickey Power from solar/wind projects
A process that involves increasing todays CO2
cos the CO2 footprint of such plants is built into their manufacture and construction phase.
masses more steel and concrete compared to gas power plants.
9am Radio Lincolnshire news didn’t have the Attenborough item
instead they led with The Euros, Danish player
and then taking the knee, booing
with a clip of a UKIP supporter saying many like him boo because of the destructive political values of BLM
Quite right, Stew. No-one in the Attenborough/Environmental lobby has so far spotted the CO2 blooper in their demands that perfectly serviceable (mostly) gas boilers be scrapped in the UK in the next ten years, 24,000,000+ of them(!), to be replaced with hydrogen boilers or heat pumps!
The environmentalists are barking mad.
How high will that pile of scrapped boilers reach?
And where will they put them?
Roughly where they chucked all the fridges a few years ago, I suspect, Up2!
Quite a lot of CO2 will be used to break that little lot up, but there again, the snowflakes of today, who don’t understand the implications of such a mindless policy, will have to suck up the costs themselves in the future, that’s if they have jobs which require “vegan-gender studies ‘degrees'”.
(Wanders off, whistling ‘Two little trans had two normal Grans…’)
Oh, you mean like redundant Microsoft computers, stuffed into a filthy, marine oil burning ship (an old one, as old as possible) and taken to West Africa?
Ooops! Pardon my cynicism.
Blimey, I’d forgotten about them!
Just shows how addled one can be after a bottle of claret…
So the picture of the G7 attendees has two EU clinkers stubbornly stuck on the end.
The EU is just wrong. It is a round peg in a square hole.
The great majority of folk in the UK don’t care about many
of the issues the anarchist Marxist left are pushing in their
culture wars. We don’t care about the cost of Boris Johnson’s
wallpaper. We don’t care that much even about the transgender
issue . There are so few of that sexual persuasion , unless you
worry about most of them working for the BBC.
What does concern US is a type of McCarthyism which has
began to envelop the country.
With McCarthyism it was having ,even in the past an
association with communism. Today in both the UK and USA
it is about being WHITE !! We are still a greatly majority of
around 80% indigenous North West European Kingdom
with a Caucasian features, mainly we are WHITE.
But the anarchist Marxists including the BBC in their cultural
war against us , think that we should be ashamed of it. We
should not tolerate this. How dare the BBC think that we are
scum because of our skin colour. How dare presenters such
as Gary Lineker say that we are racists because we disapprove
of footballers going down on their knees in subjugation to
the BLM anarchist Marxist organization. How dare the ECB
make Ollie Robinson ,like something out of North Korea beg
for forgiveness over some stupid crass tweets made 10 years
earlier when he was a teenager. Then ban him. Whilst in the
House of Commons there are MP’S who have made anti -semitic
quotes and tweets over the years. I haven’t seen them sent to
the Chiltern Hundreds!!
We the great majority in the UK i are getting sick to death
with these cultural wars instigated by the left ,including their
media stooges the BBC. ENOUGH is ENOUGH !!!
Sausages from Toulouse
If this is the National Health Service, take me back to the leeches
‘Will we ever be free?‘ – that Sunday Express headline plea could serve to front either one of two major broadsheet stories this morning: ‘Fear that restrictions could be in place until spring‘ – is how the Sunday Telegraph headlines their top story that warns of the: ‘risk of keeping covid-19 restrictions in place until spring‘ – that’ll be spring 2022. Making this over-stretched spring about the most infinitely elastic date in the official calendar.
Alternatively there’s the fear Britain may never be free of the EU: ‘Macron triggers Johnson’s fury by claiming Northern Ireland is not part of UK‘ (Telegraph)
On covid restrictions we’re supposed to be guided by the science. Or so they keep telling us. But The PM is prone to some peculiarly unscientific language: ‘he said he wanted to give vaccination “extra legs” in “the race between between vaccines and the lockdown“‘ (Telegraph) – write that explanation in your epidemiology dissertation and the examining prof is likely to give you a D-minus with the additional red biro comment “Poppycock”
I’m not sure the suggestion that these jabs give us extra legs is a wise expression in a climate where some believe the vaccine could be gene-altering and messing with the DNA of our children. I’m happy with just my god-given two legs, thank you all the same. Did Boris clear this phrase with his scientific experts? Or perhaps… are our leaders trolling us from the elite ivory tower heights of the G7?
What’s the point in being emperors of the globe, masters of the universe, if you can’t play simon says with the plebs, like Woody Allen’s dictator in the comedy Bananas [1971] where El Presidente’s rules demand: “From this day on, the official language of San Marcos will be Swedish. Silence! In addition to that, all citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour. Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check”
There was also something in the script about all children under the age of 16 being considered to be 16 but we’d best move swiftly on…
The notion of medical experts taking the piss – and I’m not referring to the everyday collection urine samples here – and for no particular reason other than light relief – the present covid restriction scenario reminds me of the scene in the movie Carry On Doctor [1967] where hospital staff play a joke on the malingering and awkward patient played by Frankie Howerd. “If this is the National Health Service, take me back to the leeches” – revenge is taken on Howerd as he is left alone for a long while in his private room in a delicate predicament, mid-medical procedure. Prompting the comment when the door is opened to reveal his embarrassment: “Come, Come Matron, surely you’ve seen a temperature taken like this before?” “Yes. But never with a daffodil!”
Ah, just lie back, relax, and think of Wales.
Such euphemism-laden old-fashioned British ribaldry was perhaps winning a tussle with the Oxford classicist leanings pervading the brain of Boris Johnson when he: ‘attempted to explain his frustration with the Northern Ireland protocol by asking Mr Macron what he would do if sausages from Toulouse could not be moved to Paris‘ (Telegraph) – one can only imagine what might have got lost in translation there.
The daffodil scene was with Wilfred Hyde-White and Hattie Jacques in Carry On Nurse (1959).
The later Carry On Doctor has Frankie Howerd saying to a nurse, “Oh no you don’t! I saw that film!” when she approaches him with one.
Sorry, I’m a nerd, movie trivia is what I do.
Long live the Carry Ons. If the past is another country, then by what’s preached today Kenneth Williams and the rest of them must have been filming in a different universe.
Well remembered, sir.
Thank you for your consistently excellent daily posts, IMHO you’re one of the highlights here.
“Extra legs” – oo-er! There has been little publicity given to the third ear that some people have been developing after their “vaccination”.
‘David Olusoga shouts about tearing down statues,
yet despite being Nigerian doesn’t call for the tearing down of the Efunroye Tinubu statue’
Madame Tinubu: Merchant and Kingmaker
Webb says he will release another statue video later today.
No, no, no, you can’t fool me. I know a great sportsperson when I see one.
Not sure, to be honest, if it’s Venus or Serena though.
Follow-up video : Wilberforce and Lincoln must fall!
“When the mobs in London last year defaced the statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square, they did not notice one standing nearby of a man who genuinely was a racist of the worst kind.
…. Lincoln, Abraham”
Webb supplied references
He went on to point out that Wilberforce was similarly racist, believing American slavery was wrong, but not believing black people deserved equality.
With that video YouTube is forces this this Sheffield Polytechnic advert at me at the start
“policing by algorithm can cause some groups to be disproportionately targeted by police
… We have produced new software
which has been endorsed by the National Police Chiefs council”
Fat Lady Nugee, Emily Thornberry to you, currently having her cake and eating it with regard to food checks between the UK and the UK, or mainland UK to NI. Fatty suggests we need a phytosanitary agreement with the EU as even the USA has. She means we should follow EU rules, of course, but does the US follow EU rules in its phytosanitary agreement? She suggests that the real reason BoJo won’t follow EU rules is because he wants to reduce food standards down the line. Normal totally unfounded Labour scare stories, of course.
The dopey bint is now on Marr pushing the same line. She’s getting stroppy now because EVEN Marr pointed out that accepting EU rules dynamically would prevent us doing trade deals elsewhere.
To answer your question, I recall what someone said on R4 – who really knew America – when the Chlorinated Chicken thing first made headlines.
Something to the effect “In America they a set of Laws bound into a large book by the Food & Drug Administration. Everyone has to comply with these laws or they risk being sued. They don’t have the cases of food poisoning or corrupted lasagne and pate that we have in the UK and Europe.”
Sally Nugent on BBC Breakfast was joking about “How did the G7 leaders find a hotel in Cornwall? They must have booked early. Believe me, I have tried and it’s all booked up.”.
A few minutes later the Andrew Marr Show starts and he is live in Cornwall with Laura Kuenssberg and others.
Sally Nugent wasn’t joking. It really is booked up down there but with 100’s of BBC staff. I hate to think what would happen if the TV license fee was abolished. Pointless TV broadcasts with large CO2 footprints like this might have to stop.
Yes, Tabs, the BBC are determined to add as much CO2 into the atmosphere as possible, as quickly as possible, despite the fact that they believe without question that it causes Global Warming and Climate Change and a Climate Emergency on top as icing. Sorry, China Joe, I should have written frosting for the Americans.
Even Soapy, I understand, has trailed all the way over from the US to ask Beijing Biden’s Bag Carrier what he thinks of Cornwall and David Attenborough and meeting that other one, the old one, with a handbag.
I even heard on R4 a possible BBC newbie – yet another polictical correspondent commenting on the Cornwall jolly – at least the name was unfamiliar to me. BBC cast of thousands causing chaos in Cornwall and cluttering the atmosphere with CO2.
It’s the mental pollution that worries me most.
vlad, 🙂 that’s a good one. You are right to be worried. It seems the UK has gone from 0 to Brainless in under 60 years!
Perhaps the BBC would like to feature that on Top Gear sometime: the best possible 0 to Brainless time on a drag strip. I won’t be watching, anyway, but suggest it as an idea.
Maybe rename those two strips of tarmac in Northamptonshire ‘santa plod’?
I have no interest in the football Euro competition as my country , England, is not represented. This afternoon I believe that Croatia is playing an outfit called Knee Benders United.
I listened to the BBC Radio4 news at 7 a.m. this morning and here is the news summary:
1. Footie
2. Attenborough
3. Lockdown end delayed
“Data not dates”“Dates! Ignore the data.”Not necessarily in that order.
I have since decided to have a BBC audio free day – no more listening for me – no more W1A noise. 🙂
If the BBC is as good as it says and thinks it is, why is it so concerned and worried about the imminent emergence of GB News ?
We hand over to our ‘special’ BBC Correspondent reporter maxincony for his view …………..
I’m sure the Woke world is worried about GBN because if it lifts even corner of the carefully woven veil of distortion , lies and suppression that the MSN has created over the past decades and the ordinary folks get an inkling of the truth the whole Woke edifice May collapse into a heap of rubble and there will be little that the Wokists can do to stop it. The stakes are high.
Just hope GBN lives up to our expectations and doesnt do a Boris
“G7 to agree tough measures on burning coal to tackle climate change”
Are they really getting “tough” on China or will our woke PM get “tough” on the poor people of Great Britain who can ill afford it?
Joe Biden has told his military that ‘climate change’ is their greatest threat.
Logically he will be scrapping all those fuel-hungry tanks and jet aircraft.
I expect he will announce a new Constitution class fleet soon, once they have fitted out the Marines with solar-powered hair dryers and the Air Force with maternity flight suits.
Did you not realise they already have maternity flight suits?
Fitted out, as in everyone who needs one has got one, and rolls out first, as in we have only just started.
The people of Great Britain voted heavily in favour for a Tory Government in the last election to get Brexit Done, A Tory Government to get rid of the TV Telly Tax. A Tory Government to end mass immigration and secure our borders. A Tory Government to defend our heritage, culture and traditions .
We now get a woke ‘tail wagging the dog’, that says one thing and does another.
I certainly voted Tory to get Brexit done and the License Fee abolished. I didn’t expect much to be done about migration or Islamification even though they are the biggest threat to our country. In the UK there isn’t the political will to even talk about them in an honest way let alone tackle them . But in some countries in the EU there are strong main stream parties who are prepared to not just talk but take action. Vox in Spain, MLP, Salvini, Denmark, Poland, Hungary and the rest of the Visegrad group.There is some hope that they can push back against the tide of invaders but they will need to gain much more influence and power in Brussels first.
Voting Leave May seem to contradict this point re push back about a Islamification and mass migration but in my view the UK would havecertainly opposed any such push back and so removing the UK from the EU helps the cause. If the opponents of Islamification and mass migration ever achieve their aims then I would vote to rejoin the EU or its successor body.
The BBC confirm they’re the underhand scum we’ve long suspected.
Telegraph – ‘BBC accused of attempting to shut out GB News at 11th-hour’
‘The BBC has been accused of an eleventh-hour “ambush” intended to “damage” Sunday’s launch of the right-leaning television network GB News.
The corporation is alleged to have been pushing to bar GB News from accessing footage of public events via a “pooling” system run by the country’s three main broadcasters.
The move would leave the new channel unable to broadcast many major events where there is only space for one camera.
A GB News spokesman said: “This is an ambush by the BBC designed to damage the launch of GB News and protect their dominance of UK news broadcasting. We will fight it. And our launch continues.”
On the plus side, it means they’re frit.
I knew I recognised the tall bald man with a beard at the G7 and had a feeling he was to do with the EU. I have had to search and search to find out who he is. He is Charles Michel, President of the EU. Is it because he is white Male and stale that he isn’t named? Or are the BBC, Guardian et al, being coy because the EU, not being a country, is being over represented having 2 leaders there.
Unelected leaders at that.
Justin Rowlatt, BBC Chief environment correspondent, has written a nonsense piece, “Why it’s the end of the road for petrol stations”,
(the picture editor having found a black hand to hold a petrol pump nozzle, naturally!).
Rowlatt expects us all to be using electric cars that will charge overnight using those electric cables that just happen to be conveniently situated underground already.
My understanding is that some of those rich, early-adopters of the technology have found that their richer, earlier-adopting neighbours have already used up the capacity of the existing supply cables, so what happens there?
As many here suspect I doubt if the BBC correspondents ever go near any of the ‘diverse’ parts of England where their favoured ‘brown-eyed boys’ live. If the did they might have noticed that family fleets of seven or more cars are not uncommon, how will that lot be catered for?
I can see the BBC headline now: “Is the UK’s electricity system institutionally racist?” – Pakistani-heritage families unable to charge their e-cars.
And where do you start with the travelling community Jim?
They don’t police them now, how the hell do they think they’re going to impose any of this bs on them?
In my neck of the woods there has been a spate of charging cables being stolen…..probably by the same lot of Gypsies that have taken overhead power cables !
Will that community be going green with electric Transit vans and Tipper trucks ?
If you haven’t listened to the Archers lately you might be surprised.
The five minutes I could bear this morning about those lovely countryfolk in a sleepy English village managed to include, alcoholism, crack-cocaine, live-audio copulation, lesbianism and that was all in the 5 minutes before I hit the off switch.
Who is writing this stuff and more importantly what are they trying to achieve?
It might well be an everyday story of BBC folk but it’s certainly not an everyday story of countryfolk.
digg, I used to enjoy The Archers when I was eight years old. Mind you, Walter Gabriel was still alive then.
“Oh dar, oh dar o dar!”
Yes, it’s me, Tom Forrest!
I do not expect great things from GB News. For example, will they question why additional fencing has been put up at Dover to hinder independent filming? At the point of arrival the ‘migrants’ are illegal. The public are therefore being prevented from seeing a government body complicit in crime by ‘taking delivery.’ Perhaps the preferred inhabitants are given out pre-filled applications for asylum to sign on the high seas? To my knowledge not one MP of any hue has voiced concern about the secrecy and cover up. At best all we get is general moaning about people traffickers/smugglers. Nothing about deals with the French which enable French warships to accompany the dinghies well into our waters.
I expect the much heralded GB news has been bought and sold before it has even started.
I expect that it will be like an even softer Talk Radio – asking the right questions when it is impossible to avoid them but never joining up the dots.
To be honest with the BBC and LBC dominating the airwaves and the Tories and Labour parties now both wanting the same things, communism, but with big corporations in charge rather than “parties”.
“technocommunism” maybe?
Even a slightly moderate left wing viewpoint can now be represented as “right” leaning.
The Overton window hasn’t shifted to the left -it has been utterly smashed and rebuilt so far left it is almost out of sight
FA now trying to re-educate MP’s?
Ezra comments on the Canada’s treatment of the Muslim murders
– Last month a non-white guy in Vancouver
did a stabbing spree apparently targetting women
killing one
there was no media circus
The perp happened to be non-white
– Last Sunday Sunday 6 June 2021 in London, Ontario Nathaniel Veltman, the 20-yr-old man, was bowling along in traffic
he mounted the pavement killing four members of a Muslim family
.. despite family photos used now, they weren’t in Muslim clothing or in front of a mosque etc.
.. When arrested he did appear to be wearing a stab vest, as if he had prepared to attack some one
– The police have only charged him with murders, not any hate crime, nor terrorism.
Yet Trudeau immediately pronounced it as terrorism and spoke of the far-right and Proud Boys
he may have secret info, but there is no public info calling it terrorism
So Trudeau is being prejudicial.
– Canada has been rigorously enforcing rules against large funerals on Covid grounds yet suddenly the rules were dropped for this mega funeral.
– At the funeral a top local Imam said of course the attack is linked to Jerusalem if he believed the perp’s Dutch name was Jewish ,which it isn’t
Meaty bit :
If this guy is wrong I want him to resign and donate his pension to charity
‘We will have a substantial third wave’
SAGE expert says
UK is 39th in new cases/million in last 7 days
(rising trend upto 7,000 cases after a lull of 2,000 cases/day in April/May )
UK is 116th in deaths/million in last 7 days at 0.9
Stew, I wonder if Boris has the wit, the nous, to lift up the piece of paper the SAGE scientist has left, craftily placed, over the deaths column?
Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be anyone keeping score on whose predictions are right or wrong .
It’s a bit like those project fear 1 characters spouting doom every day as recorded on this site .
No one says ‘I got it wrong ‘
No one says ‘I wasn’t reliable last time so why rely now ?’
No one says ‘I m sorry – relying on unfounded predictions from
me is just dump but I do this for money ‘
This applies to medics – journos – politicians – and the end of the world merchants – who might get it right just once
The use of a well thought out catchphrase – ‘Black lives matter’ – which nobody can really disagree with and to hide the underlying Marxist agenda, is a clever piece of PR. The way to understand this is to consider the following analogy:
It is 1929. Despite high expectations, the Nazi party has polled badly in the elections to the Reichstag. Party chiefs and big wigs analyze matters and decide the problem is that the public associate them with thuggery, violence and intimidation. Goebbels comes up with an idea: “Let’s change our name from National Socialist German Workers Party to ‘Puppies Are Cute’. Who could possibly disagree with that statement?” Adolf is not so sure: “But what about our policies – building a greater Germany, getting rid of our opponents, revenge on our historic enemies?”. “We don’t talk about that” replies Joey, “We just repeat the mantra that ‘Puppies Are Cute’, as anyone who disagrees with that is clearly an uncaring monster.”
Think of this whenever the phrase Black Lives Matter is used and explain the analogy to other people.
Interesting observation from one of Guido’s contributers.
A propos vaccinations, Pfizer has promised to sell theirs at cost price……… but only to ‘developing nations’, it apparently adds in the small print.
Pfizer sells to developed nations at full profit.
Question – when developed nations donate vaccine doses to developing nations – i.e. what all the ‘bleeding hearts’ want us to do…. do they get a major rebate from Prizer ‘cos they have bought them at full price and full profit to Pfizer before donating them to a ‘cost-price customer’ ?
Bets, anyone ?
I guess we should follow the money to see who Pfizer is poromoting/sponsoring.
Imagine asking the question ‘at what level would the NHS now be overwhelmed by covid patients ? What percentage are surviving in and out of hospital ?
The rationale for lockdowns was ‘save the NHS ‘ – but that no longer applies ? So what now ? How long do lock downs have to be ?
I think the stress on mental health is now more serious than summer covid . If the public don’t comply with the new lockdowns – then they’ll have to invent another threat ….
Wondering what the Springster thinks of this …
Am I hearing the news on Radio 4 right now correctly? It seems just a liturgy of hate against Donald Trump . News ?! More like BBC types can’t stand democracy over technocracy.
Nibor, another week of Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Brenda from Bristol: “What? Oh no, not another one!”
Last week was bad enough, especially the big BBC lie – that “under President Trump America withdrew from the world” – despite a bunch of BBC journalists following his every move on Trump’s successful tour of the Far East. Then there were his peace initiatives in the Middle East, not to mention taking out a terrorist as well as an Air Force runway in Syria.
Since we’re near the kickoff of England Vs Croatia, can I ask everyone here what the flag situation is like in their area?
I took a meandering walk to the shops this morning and passed a St. George flag hanging from a bedroom window. Yep, one single, solitary, lonely England flag.
Okay, not a representative sample, but during previous tournaments round my way there’s been enough flags to make Emily Thornberry sneer like. . . well, like Emily Thornberry.
Well done Gareth, you’ve really got the country behind you
Well done Gary Lineker, Ian Wright and the whole bloody BBC for promoting this crap.
Not a single one where I live. BUT BUT BUT perhaps there’s a nationwide shortage ! all our flags could be stuck in a container ship somewhere, or held up at some foreign port, as I haven’t even seen the normal displays of England paraphernalia in the supermarkets.
Saw one on Friday. On a white van. Did a double take as it was as rare as hens teeth.
I normally fly one, no fan of football but because I am a free, white, tax playing Englishman.
I don’t have one flying today, it’s place taken by my County flag.
Also, there is no shortage, I order two England and one county flag a fortnight ago and they arrived in 3 days. All made in China.
Still England lost the Cricket, well done NZ. Now to hope Croatia perform in the sunshine.
Go woke go broke ECB and FA.
West – yes – hope they lose – really do – we won’t be hearing the booing though … and you get some not normal people at wemberley for National games …
Fed, will Nick Robinson be at Wembley?
I note that last week he seemed to have taken over from Mark Mardell as the BBC’s Chief Sneerleader. Nick’s filler programme for the hour 1-2pm on Radio4 ‘Small Island or Global Britain?’ – ‘Nick Robinson considers our place in the world in the run up to the G7 summit in Cornwall.’ – featured so many sneers that I had to turn the radio off in protest. I also forgot to listen to two episodes.
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
I think the ‘audience ‘ at Wembley were all party members – scared to be the first one to stop clapping at the right time – all being monitored for dissent and instant reprisals by the camp guards in luminous jackets .
There was no booing . There will be no booing . Same way as no one protests against the eternal lock down.
As for Robinson – so full of himself – so certain he is right and everyone else is wrong – he’d have done well in the national socialist party in the 1930s – might have landed up running a camp .
By the way – notice how Lord Hall – Robinson’s previous Fueher – managed to avoid any comment about Bashir …
Pleased about the cricket. A team that does not have the guts to speak up for a team mate deserve to lose.
And to think that Fred Bloggs, who bowled a googly at the bloke who was shagging his wife, deserved a ‘nasty one’!
Baah goom! Cricket’s never the same these days…
Just had the red arrows fly over my property by the boys and girls of the RAF. Amazing 30 million a pop for each aircraft without factoring training/servicing etc.
All that money and high tech hardware and we and we cant stop even one bloody illegal from crossing the channel.
Maybe it would be nice to re-route them to Dover to give the illegals a welcoming display. Led by a female muslim, pilot in full Niqab – as long as she is qualified all will be well.
Yes, it could work. Instead of the “Diamond” and the “Big Nine” they could fly new formations like the “Crescent” and the “Scimitar” to make the invaders feel at home.
And maybe throw in a ‘missing man’-type manoeuvre where a plane detaches, and call it the “Beheaded Infidel.”
Perhaps one manoeuvre called the Paradise formation – all flying in a “Person” shaped configuration and at the touch of a button the whole formation splits into nine different sections and reforms ten thousand feet above in “paradise” where jihadi gets his reward for blowing various assorted kaffir kids by getting a pick of the virgin goats and his his toes tickled with feathers dipped in scented oils from forbidden fruits.
They are TMK1 Hawks don’t think they are very expensive and at least 25 years old. For all those eco loons cheering the colour is made by mixing dye with diesel then injecting it into the engine exhaust so it turns into a cloud the same as you see on a motorway when a diesel car explodes……
What ho, Halifax. How are you doing? Hope you are not finding the heat too taxing in your post-Covid state. Good wishes to you for a strong recovery in a good summer.
Thank you Up2 I’m fine now and enjoying the carbon induced weather !!
Oh the invaders could be stopped very quickly, cheaply and easily but the method used would be seen as inhumane . The West would rather be eaten alive by the invaders than cause unnecessary pain and suffering to them.
Funny watching the characters wearing England shirts – imposters – Wembley about as dead as it can be – the BBC commentators pretending football is ‘normal ‘ now …
Damded BBC have blocked the grand finale of the Red Arrows display
Some people on Twitter have been complaining about RAF Luton …they don’t get it ..
Apart from the daft badge….is there another joke I’m not seeing?…..
If they’re that dim it’d only be fair that they suffered a fatal seizure of outrage, leaving a bit more Oxygen for the rest of us.
Just thinking about the G7 summit.
Yes, it’s a show. Yes, not a lot comes out of it.
But it is in this country, so just for once you might think the national statist broadcaster could muster up something positive to say.
But no. The biased leftoid BBC is its usual anti-British, undermining, sneering, patronising, seditious, s***-stirring self. And its part-time reporter is well down to her usual standard.
Never to be reported on al beeb …
Rigged as hell.
Seem to remember bbc raving about Biden’s 11 point lead before the election. Wishful thinking?
BBC headline
G7 summit: Leaders pledge climate action but disappoint activists
In other words the BBC is disappointed. Their pet Prime Minister will have to wear his naughty hat
Partially good news
But the thing is when you cave into activists, they jut demand more
Bori’ policies are pretty much what XR demanded 3 years ago
but they keep moving the goal posts.
7pm Countryfile : County Down
– dairy farming Lilburn family and their quest to *diversify*.
– John Craven launches the thirtieth Countryfile Photographic Competition. (how rigged will it be this time ?)
– Matt jumps into a tractor to help cut grass to feed the cows, and he discovers how ‘zero grazing’ works.
– Anita helps check the calves’ health with a cattle nutritionist, before seeing how the farm’s milk is being turned into ice cream
– Adam rare breeds science,
– Charlotte Smith investigates a ‘shadow pandemic’ of rural domestic violence
… Will she mention violence from travellers and hare coursing gangs ?
Seems he will be interviewing a woman who say he i both a victim of domestic violence and a widow by suicide.
G7 pledge a billion vaccines to sit in African ware houses until they rot.
Buys a nice Lear, though.
The Sun Showbiz
“Countryfile’s Julia Bradbury dons bikini as she soaks up sun on her ‘staycation’
Countryfile host Julia Bradbury poses in just a bikini as she soaks up the sun on her ‘staycation’
WATCHDOG presenter Julia Bradbury commanded attention as she slipped into a teeny black bikini to get her tan on. The 48-year-old, ..”
Wow how did they get a photo of her in her “teeny black bikini” ?
…. and does her PR agent know ?
Toss up between ‘reveals’ and ‘opens up’?
The #prasnews machine never sleeps.
Hell hath no fury like an activist disappointed.
Her twitter bio is very… BBC, too.
Sopes is likely in love.
Some questions do not need asking.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Oh no, her Majesty does not!
‘Queen meets Joe Biden at Windsor Castle’
What you should have written Becky Morton, is: ‘Her Majesty the Queen grants President and Mrs Biden an audience at Windsor Castle.’
Vile BBC.
Watching the start of GB News. Here goes let’s see who the advertisers are. I hope it becomes my regular go to channel. Good Luck to all at GB News !!
Hello halifax
I hope you are well and its good to hear from you .
I , too , have watched the streamed GBNews – seems to be working very well . The new app is an easy download .
Stay well .
This is only 20 mins long so please listen to Anne Marie Waters the only party leader willing to publicly speak the truth about Islamic threats/ violence/corruption and its enablement predominantly, but not exclusively, by the Labour party.
The Islamisation of Batley
At time of writing, GB News having sound problems. I suspect a BBC saboteur posing as a technician.
15 minutes in on GB news this is definitely not your Sky or BBC programming its more EMERGANCY BROADCAST SYSTEM already had a faulty mic and its out of sync (or is it my telly) But it’s just what we need its raw unpolished and appears genuine !!!
Like Live TV, news bunny, topless darts or a dwarf on a trampoline reading the weather.
Freeview ch 878 FYI.
Harry – it reminds me of the 1980s – and the start of breakfast TV … Frost? Selina ? frank bough …?
Not your TV,. They seem to have fixed it now.
Yes – it needs to be a bit raw .
I was musing about the first one to leave to spill the beans ( to the BBC ) about what a nasty bunch they all are – bullying – sexist – harrassment – you know – the usual thing .
I will be happy to be totally wrong .
The King of Scotland, Sterling is on GB News. I’ve always rather liked him.
(Also known as Neil Oliver)
Oh dear, an ad. It’s Kellogs
Seems they’re going to be far more ‘listening’ than beeb, and venture onto territory beeb avoid. And they don’t want to be ‘Londoncentric’. That would be nice.