The current PM is due to announce any changes to restrictions due to take place on 21 June . How will the BBC respond ? And how will the first week of GBNews be received ? How soon will OFCOM put it on the woke naughty step?
Start the Week 14 June 2021
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Nice bit of news management from the BBC putting out the bashir2 report on a Monday afternoon when footy – heat and lockdowns occupy the public attention .
The current DG was interviewed by comrade mark easton . By the sound of it the DG wants to ‘purify ‘ the internet history of BBC reporters ….. I bet a lot of tweets from years back have already gone mate …
I wonder if there’s a BBC cleaner tasked with mopping up after each of Easton’s ‘sincerity oozings’?
Apparently the BBC can find no evidence…heard that before…thst Bashir was re-employed to keep him quiet..
They got it about right..
Let’s hope GBN helps with their defunding
SkyNews : ‘No evidence’ Martin Bashir was rehired by BBC in cover-up over Princess Diana interview
McQuarrie report ‘Recruitment process was fair’
‘recruiters didn’t know about the Diana subterfuge’
There won’t be any “evidence” will there? It’s hardly as if there will be a memo saying “hire Bashir or he’ll spill the beans”. It’s all done by a nod and a wink. That’s why these “enquiries” are usually rubbish.
“Covid vaccination: All adults in Wales offered first jab”
Dr Richardson, however, she was worried about low vaccination rates among some ethnic minority communities and deprived communities.
“We are doing a lot of engagement trying to understand why some people are not taking up the offer,” Dr Gill Richardson told BBC Radio Wales.
“We know there are pockets, particularly in some of ethnic minority and our most deprived communities.”
At least someone has finally said it .
Time to dish out the yellow stars to the unvaccinated?
“Covid: Lockdown easing in England to be delayed by four weeks”
IMHO BoJo has lost a lot of Tory voters, supporters and businessmen.
Sadly there are is no political opposition from other than within the Conservative Party.
We have no government now other than SAGE.
taffman, Bojo is now hoist fully. He said the right thing, consistently until now: “Data, not dates.” And now he has proved himself incapable of correctly understanding and interpreting the data and has settled for “Dates, not data.”
Of course his opponents in the media and politics will now say “You can’t trust Bojo.” and “He’s a liar and has always been a liar” and “Bojo is unreliable – what do you expect?”. I wonder who will the first?
A Remainer MP?
The BBC?
The Daily Star?
The Guardian?
The Daily Mirror?
Jess Philips MP?
My money is on the Daily Star.
TOADY Watch #1 – But I thought the BBC didn’t like Bibi?
The BBC cannot seem to make their minds up. They have consistently hated Bibi Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel for five years or so – about as long as they have hated Donald Trump – but not as constantly and vehemently as for Trump.
Now, Israel has a new Prime Minister: Naftali Bennett. How do the BBC describe him? Right wing. Nationalist. Populist. Yes, all three.
He obviously is not the last of those because the Party he leads, the Yamina Party, could not win a majority at the past four General Elections! Nationalist? Er, do you mean ‘patriotic’ BBC? When is a Prime Minister – even of a miniscule majority Coalition Government – not patriotic, not in favour of the nation he leads and represents? Right wing? Well, I guess everyone who does not subscribe fully to the Socialist/Leftist/Communist/Marxist/Leninist liberal BBC view will always be ‘Right Wing’.
Oops, please correct the above to TOADY Watch #2. Serves me right for cutting and pasting. BBC take note.
Naftali Bennett, wasn’t she head of the Green Party? I hope Israel knows what it doing.
BBC and ITV local news both delayed until 7pm cos of Boris Waffle and football
The Sweeney is on ITV4 .. you slags
In case you missed it, on BBC news the lovely Laura K continues to grow her hair which now reaches slightly below her shoulders.
Meanwhile rates of the disease will increase for a bit longer.
10:55pm – 11:25pm BBC1 Do Black Lives Still Matter?
Following the death of George Floyd and the surge in the Black Lives Matter movement,
big brands made pledges to address diversity and racial inequalities across their businesses.
Grime artist Saskilla speaks to black influencers about being flavour of the month for some brands.
He speaks to insiders from a number of companies,
including household brands,
and looks at social media accounts before, during
and after the BLM protests.
Followed by
RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under
11:55pm – 12:50am
When can black people stop wearing face masks or face coverings? The BBC asks.
When Getty Images no longer supplies the BBC?
5 faces are featured in the article
None are white females
The only white male is the BBC reporter.
Bottom of the page BBC advert box
Best of BBC Sounds
– A chat with Peaky Blinders’ Sam Claflin
– Bimini’s loud and proud playlist! (drag queen)
– Gemma rather tubby Collin’s advice on secret relationships.
– How to feed a footballer (black footballer pictured of course)
9pm BBC2 Peter Taylor: Ireland After Partition
to mark the centenary of the partition of Ireland in 1921,
award-winning reporter Peter Taylor revisits the films he has made over the past 50 years to reflect on the controversial issue of a united Ireland.
from the early days when he took a Hull bus driver and his wife to Belfast,
and a group of Catholic and Protestant children to Wales,
to his revelatory interviews with MI6 officers and others involved in the secret talks between the British government and the IRA that eventually led to peace.
10:45pm Single mother and immigrant Sonia works in sheltered accommodation.
When a resident makes an official complaint against her, she must continue to face each one of them without bias.
BBC4 basically all art or photography
Channel4 basically all NHS tonight
8:30pm “Busy NHS doctors Preeti and Sanjeev struggle with their children’s multiple meal demands.”
The Times CatchUp recommendation is Anne Bolyen they get to use another black face pic
6:40pm Sherlock Holmes : women in Green : Talking Pictures
Football news.
Scotland 0 Czech 2.
And now over to wee Krankie
‘This is what you get when the Tories in London refuse to give Scotland even more money to waste……..errr I mean spend on essential services’
To give Boris his due.
He’s chaired the G7.
Dashed straight over to Brussels for a NATO meeting.
Then back to London for the covid delay briefing.
Meanwhile…earning 2-3 times more.
On the BBC1 news, Fiona ‘undertaker’ Bruce does her gravelly voiced head-shaking routine as she reads the autocue.
And Laura ‘part time Kuennsberg has drifted back to a studio in Westminster in time to hypocritically look down her nose and sneer at Boris’s lockdown release delay.
As work rates per earnings ratios go, the difference is stark.
Sluff – no one made him take the job
I didnt detect any apology from nut nut for allowing thousands of infected indians into the UK – and i dont think any MSM would think of asking would they?
Civil liberties are as disposable as toilet paper or PPE kit now . And notice how the medical mafia couldnt give a damn about freedom or quality of life .
Pay peanuts, get monkeys.
I don’t profess to know how to get capable people into the right political positions, but if you pay them a third of what a University vice chancellor or BBC news editor gets, or about the same as a local council services director, I can’t help feeling a lot of good candidates will rule themselves out.
In contrast, ordinary MPs, many of whom have no qualities other than long tongues, get a pretty good deal and would struggle to get £80k in any other situation.
Remuneration committees feathering each others ‘ nests – like ‘ independent’ committees declaring what politicians’ pay should be –
As for Johnson – a dodgy journalist who had the connections to switch to politics .
Just a shame that when we need someone who does detail we have a generalist with no attention span beyond that of Mr Toad ….
And the alternative ‘ detail ‘ man – starmer – has the public appeal of a bashir …
Well, I still think our PM is underpaid. And I’ve realised his flat refurb and wallpaper expenditure is comparable with the amount spent per flat on the Grenfell Tower upgrade pre-fire. For which the publicity and general level of ire is…..rather different. Appalling hypocrisy from the leftoids.
That said, credit where due, Fedup. Your description of BoJo is the most amusing and chillingly, succinctly accurate I’ve read in a long time.
Do you really think that our PM would perform better if he was paid more ?
They get the big money when they leave politics. Who would willingly pay £100k for a speech from Theresa May? It’s a form of legalised corruption.
I expect that you have all noticed that there is a lot of media censorship going on right now, particularly more so with the BBC.
What are they afraid of ?
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
The Government, Al Beeb and the MSM have been rumbled .
now where have I heard a similar phrase before
15 months and the f**g (sorry guys and girls) NHS still aint ready
According to the medical stuff I get…thats my field…the staff in NHS are all traumatised all so exhausted they need the Govt to give more than the paltry 1bn extra…WTF
I know lots of these people and they aint any of the above…most have done bugger all..esp GPs
Black graph peaks at 3,000 and averages to about 2,000 hospital admissions/day
for 180 days = 360,000 people
Green line peaks at 1,300 and averages to about 1,000 hospital admission/day
for 180 days = 180,000 people
How would reality play out ?
Depends on some variables
– How firmly the borders are closed
– weather
– changes in virus
– advances in treatment/detection
Theoretically a super new variant could develop abroad
say undetectable in women, and deadly to men etc
If it flooded in it would be a big deal.
Likewise you can’t assume no advances in treatments.
Off topic I know, but has anyone seen the latest Ancestry ad on the gogglebox? Yes they’ve found an ex serviceman who appears to be a West Indian, and yes I know that there were West Indians in the RAF during the 2WW, but there were a sight more white fellers.
Ive dipped into the new TV station -which i think shoud be renamed ‘ GBAdverts’ with awkward talking heads filling in gaps between adverts for small electricity companies – very woke too …
@Ancestry tend to put their adverts on their Youtube channel but most of it is US stuff.
Ancestry already had withdraw an advert which featured a black slavegirl being rescued by her white lover.
Christ, the whingers are in full whinge mode again. Jesus, by the time they’ve finished moaning the next 4 weeks will be over. A make up artist for weddings has been interviewed … “we dunno woz goin’ on, this is my career and wot I’ve trained for…..” . Is she deaf or just thick ? I’ve never had a problem understanding ‘woz going on’ for the past 18 months, so those that want ‘clarity’ are too dim to “get it”.
4 weeks ?? 3 weeks became 16months so whats 4 weeks about to become ?
And you think in 4 weeks it’s gonna be any different?
I bet you still pay the licence fee too in the hope the bbc will reform…
Dont be sarcastic, oh, and you’d lose your bet !
What an ludicrous post…
We all know from your previous posts that you’re alright, Jack.
You just want to walk your bloody dog. Great, if that rocks your boat, but…
I know this comes as a shock, but some of us have businesses that need some sense of being able to plan. We can’t do this while Mr Blobby keeps changing his mind. It’s impossible. But don’t you worry, you can still take Fido to the park.
On top of that some of us actually want to be free. Remember freedom?
Probably not…
Does Mr Blobby get his orders from China?
Well its beginning to look like it.
Ok, when its starts getting personal on here, I’m off, you win. Insult me all you like, but honestly ? referring to a ‘bloody dog ‘ ?
Apologies BRISSLES, I didn’t mean to make it personal.
And I’m sure he’s a lovely dog…
However, I am heartily sick of the never ending excuses. This has gone on and on and on. I went for a cycle today, negotiating a dual (duel) carriageway and a busy town centre. I’m far more at risk of popping my clogs while out on my bike, than copping it from the Chinese flu.
The truth is, I didn’t realise just how much liberty meant to me…
Until they took it away.
I hold Mr Blobby in no particular regard and his dangerous wife a good deal less, but faced with the sort of decisions he has been presented with, what are the alternatives?
For just one example, what do you think would have happened if India had been placed on the red list when, with hindsight, that was an obvious decision?
The whole shadow cabinet would have been on both knees with accusations of Tory racism filling the BBC and the twittersphere while the Bolton & Batley BLM Branch was swamped with donations from Soros, Bezos and Gates.
We need somebody tough and resilient in charge.
Boris believes these brain-dead lockdowns are popular, so he blathers, dithers and continues with them.
Mrs Thatcher would never in a million years have taken the course of action this pathetic lump has.
She didn’t worry too much about being popular, she worried about doing what she thought was right.
If Boris had been in charge at the time of the Falklands the bloody fleet would still be in Portsmouth, fretting about the prevailing wind, lack of lifeboats and telling us, “Well, it’s looking good for next week.”
The man is a bloody wimp.
John Barnes on GBN
says people should be talking about stabbing instead of gestures
but if some player wants to take or not take the knee
The black presenter woman sat on the recent Sewell racism report panel
Barnes said white knife crime has been cleaned up in Scotland
so why not fix it for black kids too ?
At the end he clearly saying booing is bad
cos ‘the players say it’s not about the political movement of defunding the police so we should just believe them”
I don’t think barnsee is the sharpest tool in the box – or even outside the area …
Did I hear right, Fed, that yesterday there were seven shootings in London? Seven shootings in London! In the UK!
To be honest – a couple of writers on Twitter used to keep a running commentary of serious stuff – norman Brennan was one of them ( he used to pop up as a tame ex plod on TV ) but a lot of the have given up .
Personally I’m fascinated that the mayhem which occurs on a regular basis after schools turn out is allowed to carry on .
I’ve said it before here – in Londonistan the most dangerous time is around 4pm now – not the traditional pub turning out time – taking into account fewer pubs and differing hours .
No one seems concerned about the list of stabbed coloured teen boys ….
They are more concerned trying to find a bit of state racism against a promising colouredfootballer ..
For those who take the view that the weather plays a big element in street crime – your stat is a gift –
The animals can’t take English hot weather
Most of these players are as thick as mince. I don’t need to be told what to think by a woke teenage millionaire.
Bristles. As bad a comment as the scum troll.
People’s livelihoods have been destroyed because of the clown Prince bozo and his team of behavioural scientists. Freedoms have been taken by this ‘government’ never to be returned. they have lied and lied for over a year aided and abetted by the MSM and BBC.
If you want to cower behind your sofa then fine. No one is stopping you. Just don’t expect my help when they come for you.
Deaf and thick. Yup.
Actually sums up those like yourself that think this is about a virus.
You clearly cant read either, at least get my name right. lol !
I bet there are still a few posters on this site that continue to pay the telly tax.
I think it is about a virus. Its just a question of when we as a society agree we have to just go with it. Maybe waiting for more vaccines will indeed prevent need for further lockdown.
But sure, this can’t go on indefinitely.
Mildly testy, but American Booty still erring on the forgiving.
Has any aspect of his trip here not caused him deep inconvenience?
It’s ‘unusual ‘ for sopel to say anything negative about the false president . The delay was obviously to get him medicated and rehearsed in what to say ‘ not say .
The false president must have had less public exposure to live – unscripted – questions from his own MSM than an politician in modern times – and got away with it in the same way he stayed in the bunker throughout the campaign .
I would use the latter as evidence of the electoral theft – which no MSM will investigate ….
I am amazed that the American voter didn’t react more strongly to the theft – unless of course – it wasn’t reported so it never happened ….
This is the reason I find Twatter so utterly pathetic and causing the ills of this world – a professional journalist believing anyone is remotely bloody interested in him griping about the state of his chair. Pity they didn’t make them all stand around waiting.
A real journalist would want to know the reason for the delay. Did Sleepy Joe need his afternoon nap, or are the monkey gland injections not working?
“Channel crossings: Claim Border Force picked up migrants in French waters”
So does anyone know what the latest on this story is other than the Head of Border Farce gets a mention in the honours list ?
“Queen’s Honours List
Paul Michael Lincoln OBE. Director General, Border Force, Home Office”…………………..
If true, what for ?
For providing a first class cross-channel taxi service to invaders.
Queen’s Honours List
Aka an appalling undeserved extra pat on the back for overpaid, entitled, public sector workers for doing the job they are well-paid and very well pensioned to do.
Plus a small number of people who really have done something exceptional, who usually get minor awards.
I attended an investiture once. Among all the civil servants getting gongs for turning up for work there was one to a butcher ‘for services to the meat industry’. There was an audible noise of guffaws and patronising indignation from the entitled attendees that such a person should get something.
“UK and Australia agree broad terms of trade deal”
Another nail in the coffin of the ‘rejoiners’?
Canada truck-attack suspect charged with terrorism
As I always do when I see the word ‘terrorism’, I have been reading this to keep watch how the BBC cover it.
Straight away we see language we NEVER see in Islamic attacks.
‘They have not yet said what evidence led to the belief that the murders were motivated by hate.’
How many times have they described Islamic attacks as motivated by hate ?. I’ll tell you : none. They never go near motivation. ‘Hate’ is a BBC keyword reserved to be used only against the Right.
‘Saboor Khan, a long-time friend of the family, told the Globe and Mail newspaper that adding the terrorism charge was “the right thing to do”.’. WTF ?. They quote a personal Muslim friend to confirm he should be charged with terrorism ?.
‘It is the third time terrorist activity charges have been laid in the past year after attacks in Ontario’. With the quite deliberate omission of the motive behind the other two. One was an ‘incel’ weirdo, but the other was a Muslim (Saad Akhtar ) who walked up close behind a woman completely at random and smashed her skull in with a hammer in the name of ISIS. That’s not in a car : it’s up close with blood and brains spattering you. You can’t hate more than that. THAT is terrorism. And should have been mentioned as a possible motivating factor.
Yet despite my efforts with google, I can find no coverage of that one by the BBC.
Just like Finsbury park, this is a hate crime. Not terrorism by any definition I can find. Yet the other article about ISIS in Africa doesn’t use the word ‘terror’ even once. Instead they say:
‘taken on a more global jihadist dimension, with attacks increasingly being claimed in the name of the Islamic State (IS) group.’. That almost sounds respectable.
But the Muslims must be appeased as must BLM. No matter what they do. Their only value to the Left are as weapons to use against the Right.
It’s these double standards and gross hypocrisy – particularly by the BBC – which disgust me so much.
I wouldn’t trust reporting from Canada MSM as far as I could throw it. The telly and newspapers are on the Trudeau woke payroll – BIG TIME – and the lefty-liberals are playing Canadian police like a fiddle too.
I’m not saying this perp wasn’t a nasty nutter – but the Canadian authorities have a such a pisspoor record of owning up to failings and are so suicidality woke that the excuses and misdirection abound that getting to the real story seems to regularly be obstructed. Look at the Nova Scotia mass shooting last year – the man was known by cops to have had illegal, unlicensed guns (5 years in clink for each item) – and was a known, aggressive nutter.
Terrorism is surely about putting the public in a state of terror, i.e. something bad might happen again.
When the Germans sent over V-2 rockets which blew up houses before people heard them coming, when the IRA put bombs in litter bins, that was terror.
A ‘lone wolf’ who gets caught or killed can hardly induce terror as the threat they represented no longer exists.
There is however a breed of ‘lone wolf’ who follows a supremacist cult that has been going on for 1400 years, a cult supported by some two billion plus throughout the world. But don’t worry about them, they are ‘mostly peaceful’ but have some have ‘mental issues’ that causes them to kill at random. Nothing ‘terrible’ about them!
Some things for Marianna to consider:
Isn’t it strange how Covid-19 is supposed to be a global pandemic yet is like Schrödinger’s cat, sometimes global and sometimes local?
Follow the US media pre-2021 and Covid was all Donald Trump’s fault; follow the UK media and it was all down to Boris, yet esentially every country in the world was doing the same thing, as if it was global.
Get down to the detail though and some places masks work, some places they don’t, some places the virus can’t jump two metres, other places it’s only one. How is it that in a small country like the UK we have four different sets of rules? If it truly was global then surely the UK government should be the only body setting the rules?
And what rules! Protest against the lockdown and get locked up; protest against an American criminal being restrained using an approved procedure, that’s fine!
A friend is hoping to be getting married soon, beats me how anyone can understand the rules relating to that now; beats me how anyone managed to make them up! Did you know that the loudness of the music is critical to the spread of the virus and that sitting down to eat is safer than standing? (Wouldn’t one think that all those flat surfaces only half a metre away from one’s face could be a bit risky?). Only six at a table, a card table or a banqueting hall table?
Protect the elderly! So they fly in some old duffer without quarantine, mix him with strangers, then dump him onto our favourite old lady!
Stuff and nonsense! All lies and they can’t even be bothered to stick to the same story.
It is peculiar, Jim, it appears to have scrambled some people’s brains, especially those of our Prime Minister.
There is an uncomfortable feeling lurking behind, if not on, one of my shoulders that we are not dealing with a natural virus but a biological weapon. I guess in that situation – if it were really true – leaders could not tell their populations the truth, because everyone would be demanding war against China.
The key thing to watch for now will be the arrival of a new Covid ‘variant’ in the West in about two to four weeks time.
Meanwhile China Joe (or Beijing Biden as some know him) is still trying to restore his tattered reputation with the help of the BBC:
“There is an uncomfortable feeling lurking behind, if not on, one of my shoulders that we are not dealing with a natural virus but a biological weapon.”
A biological weapon developed with money from a US bureaucrat’s budget, sent abroad, because it was ‘too dangerous’ and illegal to do the work in the USA?
“Please let me finish. So you don’t want to go to Hoboken, New Jersey, or to Fairfax, Virginia, to be studying the Bat-Human interface that might lead to an outbreak, so you go to China”. – Dr. Fauci (Interviewed in Australia)
Questions that the BBC doesn’t ask:
The ‘visual beauty’ of bricked-up windows
Andy Billman has photographed dozens of bricked-up windows across London for a series that examines how light and air in architecture affects wellbeing.
Window tax was introduced in England and Wales, in 1696, and Scotland, in 1748.
The lack of light and ventilation is thought to have greatly affected people’s health and wellbeing and allowed epidemics to quickly spread.
Window tax was finally repealed in 1851, following pressure from doctors and campaigners.
Why, 170 years later, are these windows still bricked up?
I’ve always found it fascinating…but never considered getting in a lather about it…..
The Window Tax was an early analogue to today’s TV license – you had to pay for the privilege of seeing the outside world. And equally unjust and regressive.
Apparently it’s where the phrase “daylight robbery” comes from.
A bit like Mr Burns blocking the sunlight so he could sell it to people.
USA – the Democrat DoJ are getting squeaky bottom about election audits…. more stuff the fawning creeps at BBC America will roundly ignore.
OT, but accidentally opened a twitter thread promoted by Subway Ghana. It was quite funny.
Did anyone pay any attention to the second Bashir report yesterday ? ( I don’t mean here ) … the cozy – in house – informal meeting – method for recruiting Bashir after leaving America in disgrace … and he got the religious’ gig – a sick joke .
Strange how the public – which put their saint diana on a divine pedestal – has paid scant attention to the saga of a BBC journalist – who if not indirectly caused her death in a french tunnel – at least put up the false signposts directing her there .
BBC off the hook … look squirrels .
I can’t think of the word to describe it – but the emotion I experienced watching the BBC build up to the Scotland match yesterday versus the actual embarrassing outcome – was a joy .
For some reason the BBC could find no English Welsh or NI pundit to talk about Scotland – nor indeed a coloured one . Contrast that with England matches – you’d be lucky to find a white Englishman to talk about his ( false ) national team at all – instead a series of underachieving coloured yappers there for their colour or gender and little else .
The over thing about the coverage of the Scotland game – the dangers of hype – and that nationalism the BBC promotes when it approves of a place – like the socialist republic in the North or – indeed- the Irish Republic .
When hype meets reality – it’s a pleasure.
The coming England Scotland game will have the BBC in full hype mode – whipping up antagonism between Scotland and England as usual – and whether possible giving the SNP a look in to pump their propaganda .
It would be poetic if either team is mainly responsible for knocking the other one out – but it land up as a draw…
I’m imagining a draw, meaning Scotland go out in the first round on goal difference, England go out in the 2nd round on a penalty shootout. Tends to be the way with these things.
The wife: “WTH? You guys havn’t qualified for this cup since 1998?!”
Me: No no no, that’s the World Cup you’re thinking of. We haven’t qualified for this tournament since 1996
Scotland have not been very good this century and it doesn’t make things easier now that Yugoslavia enter half a dozen teams, At least there’s just one German entry…
Calvin – there used to be a ‘tradition ‘ of the Scots fans wanting to take Wembley home with them . I kind of this that might have passed now – as far as I’m concerned once they took down those twin towers it wasn’t – isn’t – Wembley any more …
I depicted that on the back of a joke banknote many years ago:
Actually a rich seam this morning.
At least Miranda was not culturally appropriating the tux of the white oppre… er, oh.
When narratives go…. Awry.
So…. Insufficiently dark dark people was not a key factor?
Lennnnnnny! and Juuuuuuuune!
Good job that those people who want to watch more dark-skinned Latino and Latina lead characters have plenty of access to TV channels showing novelas mexicanas in the United States, eh?
“Covid: Lockdown easing in England delayed to 19 July”
Just in time for the Parliamentary recess of 21 July ?
I see that the wages of unskilled workers have risen substantially since Brexit owing to the lack of cheap labour of EU nationals who went home.
Well it’s obviously the universal law of supply and demand in action and entirely predictable. Of course the liberal left have been telling us for decades that this law didn’t apply and that there was no evidence that having millions of unskilled migrants from the EU or from the Third World drove down the wages of unskilled Brits. It was obviously a lie and this proves it. Once again the policy of successive governments of both parties can be demonstrated to have been against the best interests of the British people. Yet they still want to import more cheap Labour from across the world . At least EU nationals didn’t try to kill us. Unlike the RoPers, or force us onto our knees like the Blacks.
I think you’ll find the third world Muslims are more interested in defrauding whitee than working ….once they get their people into housing and benefits offices they are as minted as the Nigerians …
Tucker Carlson – defund the cops etc. – the consequences
The 911 call -“ your call is important to us but because of covid our staff may be unable to answer you directly “ ….
GBAdvertising / News – needs someone of the calibre of Tucker Carlson on their channel . …
A 10 minute 42 second gem . Thanks for posting …I guess that is the difference between a country with protected free speech and one which has no – or little – free speech …
I feel part of the problem we have (and we do…) is careerism and “jobsworthiness”. The front of camera folk are also clearly obsessed with appearances and status.
Carlson is something of an ideologue – but instead of the pragmatism to preach ratio being 20:80 – in Carlson’s case it looks to be 80:20 ++ as in it’s a target rich environment where stpidity, bad faith and bad behaviour present from all over the political spectrum.
Carlson also DGAF as he’s made enough to comfortably retire by most people’s measure – he does what he does because he cares and he’s pretty fearless and also unafraid to admit to shortcomings in the process – fallible even.
I wish we had Carlson on GBTV.
ah…. Feck-You-Tube decided on censorship “to protect the cheeeldren” then… cvnts
Tomo – I’m glad I watched it when it was ‘fresh’ – the only character on British TV who does anything like a ‘piece to camera ‘ is – of course – Brillo – but Brillo is driven by a mix of a huge ego and the need for a huge bank balance .
So Brillo will be tame – unless his ego is bruised -by someone like nut nut …
I don’t watch much BBC1 news but remember before the delta variant reached our shores the BBC news was full of what was happening in India. Haven’t a clue what is happening there now. Maybe I missed it. It used to be Brazil. Haven’t a clue what is now happening there now either. We will just have to wait to see which country the BBC picks on next.
Meanwhile I am trying very hard with GB News. Michelle Dewberry and Dan Wooten seem to fit our viewing patten. Michelle seems a bit amateur and Dan doesn’t seem very comfortable. I think part of the problem with the latter is his autocue is the wrong distance away. Let’s hope it gets better as I really want it to succeed.
Which delta is that? The Ganges, I suppose.
I have tried three times to watch GBNews this morning. Alas, until the sound matches the lips I will have to switch it off.
As they have all night of repeats to get the studio working correctly I cannot understand why it is taking so long.
As someone who worked in broadcast television many years ago I believe the problem is not in the studio but due to the cheap over subscripbed multiplex service they are using on Freeview.
To save costs they have opted to use low bitrate MPEG2 transmission. You can get away with that for the jewelry channels with pretty much static video but it doesn’t work for GB News when they have a lot of movement in the backgrounds. Depending on what else is being carried on the multiplex and which other channels have priority it looks like GB News MPEG2 packets are such a low transmission priority fighting for bandwidth that the lip sync is struggling. Without getting too technical the lip sync is most likely correct but the video isn’t being updated fast enough.
Mr AsISeeIt got shot of his TV licence some time ago (for political reasons) so couldn’t even be tempted to subject himself to another performance by Boris Johnson, the clownish frontman of our ruling cabal, and his latest demand that we: ‘Bow to the inevitable: PM during TV address last night‘ – as the quiescent media, typified by the government lackey freebie – funded by generous State advertising – giveaway Metro puts it today.
Fresh on the heels of a severe admonition from the Speaker of the House of Commons, for his continuing bad habit of making announcements at the convenience of the likes of Laura Kuenssberg, rather than for the scrutiny of our elected MPs, one assumes Boris’s latest dictat was at least scripted.
Although the unscientific rhetoric continues to flow. Having told us the vaccine gives more “more legs” we now find it’s “time to ease off the accelorator” – subtle linguistic hints the G7 have secretly agreed to ban the private motor car?
His bumbling buffoonish efforts at performance given extempore previously gifted to us the glorious glimpse of a future utopia built-back-better in a gender neutral more feminine way. As Humpty-Dumpty once put it – words can mean whatever he might choose them to mean.
I’m sure that sexy talk did warm the cockles of the heart of globalist ponce and chap who likes to top up his tan from a tin of boot polish Justin Trudeau. He prefers to say peoplekind rather than mankind and likely felt like breaking into a quick rendition of “The sun shines east, the sun shines west, I know where the sun shines best…Mammy, My little mammy” – watch out for that tune at the next Olympics – it’s the new Canadian national anthem. Well, they changed their union jack flag for a kid’s picture of a leaf, so anything is possible. In what sport will the modern Canucks win a gold medal? I speculate the Tokyo iteration of the modern olympiad could introduce the locally-inspired event of national hari-kari.
‘Biden gaffe at G-7 summit sparks laughter from world leaders‘ (New York Post) – he didn’t, did he? – Even in his new presidential incontinence pants – that puts a whole new meaning to the phrase PeePeeE supplies.
“Come off it, man! Don’t forget to introduce the South African President” interupted Sleepy Joe – in so many words – as Boris burbled his way through the introductions at the latterday Camelot roundtable meeting in Cornwall. The great panjandrums held their breath (in Biden’s case perhaps his vaguely Werther’s Original flavoured fresh breath) just in case the 46th President of the US of A’s next line might be: “He’s a black, you know” – and that could set off Justin again with “Swanee ! How I love ya, how I love ya ! My dear ol’ Swanee”
‘After mentioning how the visiting dignitaries had brought “some pretty spectacular weather with them,” Johnson introduced Indian President Narendra Modi‘ – whilst we’re bigging him up thanks also for the Indian virus varient which his countrymen and their Pakistani neighbours delivered as a present to the UK prior to his arrival.
My opt out from broadcast corporate TV also means I missed the launch of GB News: ‘Soviet-era sets, glitches galore… but at last! TV news to revoke the woke‘ – says the Daily Mail. Well, at least it would make a change from the usual Soviet-era views on the BBC.
They do say if it weren’t for face masks and the mainstream media we wouldn’t even know there was a pandemic – which makes you stop and think.
Roll on 21st June and the sight of Andrew Lloyd Webber clapped in irons and led away to the gulag for the audacious crime of opening one his shows.
As the chuckaway Metro tells us weddings, the euros and Wimbledon are strange exceptions the virus will avoid. Really.
No applause for Andrew Lloyd-Webber! He thinks the unvaccinated are as bad as drunk drivers.
The Mail is carrying yet another headline story about Shamima Begum who Boris is assisting to come back to the UK using taxpayers money to do so.
This time, what the DM decribes as a journalist Andrew Drury is there shilling on her behalf, however the Mail has a short memory because it interviewed Drury back in 2016 where he said
“I’m just an ordinary guy, I’m not a journalist, and I just show that the majority of Muslims are just like us.”
So he claims he isn’t a journalist, and admits he is shilliing on behalf of Muslims!
His twitter feed shows he has been working with some of the most left wing biased media in the world, such as CNN and ABC, and he has of course been featured on the BBC as well.
Some strange people around, no wonder the West is in such a mess these days.
Yet another coordinated establishment campaign.
I think the ‘return ‘ question will be asked until they get the answer they want . Then she becomes a ‘role model ‘ for for ‘reformed Muslim terrorist ‘ ice dancing – foot commentary – baking – daytime yap show … a book deal…
One thing that we might see the West copying from Islam is the Fatwa.
Yes but what can she do on the Repair Shop? Field strip a Kalashnikov?
My Daily Telegraph subscription runs out next week . I’ve been paying £4 a month. They now want full prices£13 a month – but as an offer they’ve dropped it to £6.99 a month .
I’ve told them what I think – but had no reply . Very hard to get hold of – strange for a newspaper ….
Any way today the DT has done a ‘minute by minute ‘ piece on the Manchester bomb …. It gives you loads of facts about ‘missed opportunities ‘. My favourite is the 2 plod who went for a 2 hour kebab break which should have been 50 minutes – thus missing the Islamic terrorist mass murderer on his way to the concert .
Mind you – judging by the abilities of current plod they’d probably helped him carry his heavy rucksack .
I couldn’t look at the DT piece as it is too painful . And what does it achieve ? It left out the bit that the reason the security services didn’t act on the bomber was because there are so many of these Muslim creatures plotting death to the kaffir …
But there’s ‘nice ‘ video tracking said Muslim terrorist to where he murdered 22 children … who don’t really count do they ?
If you really wish to continue reading the DT, don’t accept that offer, which is only an interim one. I really did not wish to continue, so I kept saying no, and eventually they offered me the online DT at 75p a month, at which point I thought, What the hell, I might as well have it.
I haven’t heard a dickey bird from DT – I really could care less now . It goes against my principle to pay for news but I thought I’d try it – I won’t miss it if I don’t get a more reasonable offer – 75p sounds ok – 74 p is better .
New from Crimebodge a 24 minute video saying that the prosecution and one year in jail of a York student for a Youtube rant against the London Bridge terrorists, was a complete sham and that continues to the present day after his release.
A very painful listen . Did he have legal advice ? Why did he say anything to plod ? Surely he’d have been astute enough to know they wanted him ‘dead’… he was lucky to survive prison …..
Avoid Facebook …. …
As Douglas Murray points out, the authorities are very good at coming down hard on the secondary effects of terrorism; useless at addressing the primary causes of it.
it would seem there is no legal advice/support for whitee , they are all too busy queuing up to defend actual murdering terrorists, how much time effort and money has been spent trying to get begum back into the country
The Goon Show this morning was ‘Queen Anne’s Rain’. (R4E 8 a.m., repeats at noon and 7 p.m..
I noticed that in the opening interlude it contained a reference to the BBC ‘doing something’ that is remarkably up-to-date, very contemporary, re Bashirgate and other such BBC scandals. The Goon Show cast was obviously not afraid to bite the hand that fed them lots of money (Seagoon voice) “and brandy! Quick lads, round the back” [Grams FX: Stampeding feet.]
Ordinarily one should not mock the afflicted. But when the afflicted is the leader of the Free World, and is about to go head to head with Putin, one of the toughest, sharpest players on the world scene, the former’s state of mental health is extremely relevant.
As the BBC continues to hide the truth, someone has to point out that Jumblin’ Joe is just not up to it.
Here he is confusing Libya with Syria and generally losing the plot, despite the fact that all he has to do is read from his crib sheet. Even that he gets wrong.
All I can think about when I watch Biden stumble like that is the BBC wetting their panties and questioning whether Trump was fit to be president when he was cautious going down a ramp.
It’s just incredible that all the MSM are completely ignoring it.
It has become the pattern over the past five years that the liberal MSM simply don’t report on issues that detract from the liberal Woke narrative but do report , exaggerate and if necessary fabricate stories , which help the narrative.
I am hoping that GB News will report in similar fashion to Sky Australia. Of course Sky Australia is owned by Murdoch but Sky GB is owned by some fully Woke outfit in the US and it certainly shows. The contrast between what were once stablemates shows how the Wokists are influencing the news agenda across the world. If I were Murdoch I would want SKY GB to change its name ASAP.
I’ve noticed a few times that Biden seems to stare into space a lot when he’s stuck for words almost like he’s reading an autocue. I wonder if he has someone feeding him everything to say into an earpiece and he simply freezes up while he’s listening.
Did you see the size of the autocue they were using for Joe at many of the near unattended rallies in the run up to the election ?
He was pathetic in the Democratic selection TV debates – and perhaps more pertinent there was a discernable, obvious deterioration in his speed of reaction and relevance of his answers as time progressed – even when it was obvious the questions were teed up and he’d rehearsed the answers.
It didn’t go unnoticed by the other candidates – but most of them dutifully played their parts …. and those that didn’t were cast out.
Unfortunately the Left always defend this as a speech impediment followed by the accusation of attacking the ‘disabled’.
It isn’t true though, a speech impediment is very different to dementia or confusion and I don’t hear a speech defect here.
vlad, JohnC, Doublethinker, tomo, Thoughtful –
Good points. This refusal to mention Biden’s mental condition is a complete farce. In my view it is the continuation of the media policy of refusing to examine the truth about Biden and the US election.
The BBC and the MSM in general, if they were acting according to their own lights, should be behaving very differently. Let me make my case and remind you of some facts about the US presidential election.
1. Trump got 74 million votes, beating the record for a sitting president. Still, Biden won the election.
2. Trump was ahead of Biden in terms of voter enthusiasm. Still, Biden won the election.
3. Biden got fewer votes in 2020 in every urban county than Hillary did in 2016. Still, Biden won the election.
4. Democrats performed poorly in local house and state legislative seats. Still, Biden won the election.
5. The New York Times identified 27 House seats as too close to call. The Republicans won all 27. Still, Biden won the election.
6. Twenty “bellwether” counties have predicted the presidential winner for the last 40 years with 100% accuracy. Trump won 19 of them. Still, Biden won the election.
7. Ohio and Florida have predicted the winner for the last 60 years. Trump won these states. Still, Biden won the election.
8. If an incumbent president’s own party gains seats in the House, it has almost always resulted in his own reelection. The Republicans gained seats. Still, Biden won the election.
Now the very interesting thing to notice about all this is that Biden’s victory is EXTRAORDINARY. It is the most astonishing election outcome. Yet, even more interestingly, the media don’t want to talk about it. The BBC don’t want to devote hours of analysis to how Biden achieved possibly the greatest political victory in history.
I say it is the greatest political victory in history because all the indicators listed above seem to point inescapably to the conclusion that there was generally no enthusiasm for Biden or his party.
A closer examination though shows Biden did have an overwhelming appeal but – bizarrely – only in the metropolitan areas of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Why were voters enamoured of Biden in such huge numbers in these relatively small areas of the country? And what was suddenly so attractive about this political journeyman, this colourless character clearly suffering from cognitive decline?
If the BBC believes that claims of election fraud are “baseless” then surely there is an incredible story of political triumph here that demands their analysis and celebration? Even if the answer is not the voters’ love of Biden but their hatred of Trump, this is still an unprecedented political phenomenon that the BBC would normally feel obliged, not to say love, to investigate in depth.
But such an investigation would have to involve an examination of the voting records. Which no-one has been able to do. Which is worthy of an investigation in itself.
So in my view they have to pretend that Biden is not a dotard in order to keep on pretending that claims about election fraud are baseless. Because once you acknowledge that Biden is senile and talking gibberish, the next question you ask is how on earth did people vote for him. And then they would have to investigate not only the possibility of election fraud but the media’s complicity in it and their silence ever since.
I’ve been thinking that the press secretary has been looking like a worried woman – she’s slipped from view a bit.
You’d think that they’d put her out front to blather a bit when Joey boy is over 2 hours late for a long scheduled NATO press conference with all the correspondents dutifully socially distance chaired and masked with their queued, pre-submitted questions – when several days ago they dumped Boris into what resembled a flock of hungry seagulls….
Why bother, let them sit there and sweat for hours. Their reports will be full of praise for him.
Might as well not hold it at all then – turning up to scoop up sprinkled jewels of insight and wisdom could’ve been replaced with a free bar and an email shot?
– free booze usually guarantees favorable coverage.
Yes, like his election rallies, not held because the votes were fixed. Not even worth wasting free booze on them. The reports will praise him. Just as they will shower praise on Biden putting Putin back in his box….ho ho.
They should make electric car/bus/lorry – chassis/roof/sides out of solar panels.
iirc that’s been tried
The arithmetic ain’t good….
Using “standard panel” Dimensions :
Power :Panels :Area : Weekly @10% capacity factor :”Tesla Miles (345Wh/mile)”
3kW 12 19.2 m² 2.1kWh 6
4kW 16 25.6 m² 2.8kWh 8
5kW 20 32 m² 3.5kWh 10
6kW 24 38.4 m² 4.2kWh 12
I suppose they could fit a windmill
Listening to Hall being questioned. You can take the man out of the BBC but you can’t take the BBC out of the BBC. Arrogance , obfuscation, deceitfulness , conceitment and down right lies. I expect he will next turn up working for the EU, he has all the qualities.
He already does Mouse.
I watched some GB news for the first time today and I have to say it was like a breath of fresh air. Finally we have some debate on the topics which are absolutely off-limits to the BBC.
I’m in two minds whether Piers Morgan would be a good addition to the team. What I saw was reasonable people arguing different sides of common sense. He might be good for headlines and publicity, but the little I’ve seen of him in recent years have all been him forcing his opinion on whoever was unlucky enough to be in front of him. He seemed to be good at making his point with lots of shouting but not good for a debate. I may be wrong as I have only overhead him on ‘Good Morning’ which usually had a shrieking woman whose argument is totally emotional somewhere nearby and is a million miles from serious news.
Good news from Brigadoon…………Krankie ( aka Gnasher) has not be seen following the Scotland defeat to the Czech republic.
Over to England now to keep her in her box………..and shut that bBC up
It would be a dereliction not to record the bBC self investigation into the re hiring of Bashir. Their conclusion and reoporting of it could only have been betterd had it been delivered by stanley Unwin…..or Saddam, s PR spokesman.
ONE for FEDUp……………following Scotland defeat a classic headline in one of todays papers
“Schick as a parrot”
Trubble – I really laughed at the mad lob – mainly because of the attitude of the BBC 3rd rate pundits as much as seeing Scotland lose …. Definitely one for the England haters – hell of a list …. 😎
While the traitors at the BBC continue to brown-nose the Imbecile from Washington, the reality is that under Trump we had an Anglophile ally (extraordinarily, given the amount of abuse he got from these shores) who would have fast tracked post-Brexit trade deals, whereas with Bumbling Joe we have a pro-EU lap dog who is proving very lukewarm on trade deals so as not to offend his pals in Europe, and no doubt to maintain leverage over Britain on Northern Ireland and other issues.
So much for your ‘breath of fresh air’, Boris!
Framers up in arms over Australia deal…..
NFU president Minette Batters has warned farmers would struggle if the wrong deal is struck….Obviously the BBC are keen to put the Farmers case so the BBC Show the rather delightful head of the Farmers Union Minette Batters (im 64) stood with what looks like a Harvest thanks giving on a tractor. It just so happens that the 60k tractor holding £2.50 worth of veg wasn’t made in the UK its a Massey Ferguson…….its downright veg hypocrisy
I tried to get my Landy insured through the NFU but they wouldn’t do it because it had a Londonistan post code – just saying ….
TWATo and Lady HawHaw, aka Sarah Montague, sneering in the way only Al Beeb can, about the UK-Aus trade deal.
Get your act together fast, GB News!!
And Darshini? dumb bitch going on about animal welfare standards. They haven’t confessed yet that Aus has an agreement with the EUSSR. Surely they should confess that if it’s ok for the EU, it’s ok for us…but they won’t!
Lady HawHaw trying to urge MP’s to vote it down.