The current PM is due to announce any changes to restrictions due to take place on 21 June . How will the BBC respond ? And how will the first week of GBNews be received ? How soon will OFCOM put it on the woke naughty step?
Start the Week 14 June 2021
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BBC R4 talking about the Trade deals with the antipodes. The lady interviewer announced that they like to buy Mr Kippling cakes while the UK will be taking loads more lamb and thereby crushing the UK farming industry via zero import tariffs rather than the existing 5%.
Her closing comment was along the lines of, so the Australians and New Zealanders will be able to buy cheap cakes from us while our farmers will lose their farms…..
Appalling simplistic juvenile bias and hatred on display as usual from the BBC.
It’s a continuation of their war against Brexit, that they’ll never accept.
If a 5% tariff was all that was stopping this deluge of Australian meat I would be very surprised. Beef and lamb is very expensive I find, a mere 5% would easily be swallowed up in the general overheads. I suspect that the sheer cost of shipping the meat 12,000 miles is a more significant factor.
Yes and she didn’t of course mention how Companies like JCB, Our Aero Industry, our machine tools industry etc. etc. etc will benefit shipping heavy equipment over there for instance. I am just amazed how the BBC can’t grasp that the overwhelming majority of normal folk in this Country see straight through their partisan griping and childish peeved sneering.
whisky /beer as well
“I hear that without sufficient dark-skinned Afro-Latino representation, the work feels extractive of the community we wanted so much to represent with pride and joy.”
they got rid of whitee and its still not black enough
It doesn’t matter how woke you are, it will never be enough. You’d think people would have realised that by now.
I heard a little bit of Radio 5 Live this morning.
Interviewer said, “now you believe in continuing the lockdown don’t you?”
Woman, “yes I do and we should all continue to wear masks”.
A few minutes later the Interviewer asks the next guest, “now you agree with the first guest don’t you?”
Next guest, “yes i do”.
Thank God for GB News is all I can say.
I like GB News, but they have to sort out their sound levels, I can barely hear a thing.
Yes Rob
I have contacted them to make that point. No good having interesting guests if you cant hear them. Same with outside broadcast..teething problems hopefully
A piece of video on the mail site showing a beeboid from newsnight getting the ‘treatment ‘…and running for the protection of number 10 during a Whitehall demo .
Maybe said beeboid should realise wearing a lanyard with BBC on it isn’t going to go well with a large number of British people now …..or ever … reap and sow comes to mind – right trolls ?
“Ex-BBC boss Tony Hall: Wrong not to sack Bashir after Diana interview”
Have they left out “lessons to be learned”?
Will it be covered on GB News ? I hope so.
Could this be the tip of the iceberg?
You know how they say living in interesting times can be a curse ?
Well what will be the outcome of a false president meeting another one ? ( but it is putin )
If there is a one to one ( with translators) will putin see for himself how la la biden is ?
( if he isnt aware already ) ?
And the consequences ? Russia trying it on in europe again to see if it is all hot air ? Up goes the oil price
The BBC is laying into its’ favourite police chief again because of another inquiry about corruption in the Met and the freemasons .
Is this an obvious diversion from Bashir or lockdown blues ?
I suspect it might be wise for them to avoid the Freemasons issue….
Apologies if someone has already posted this before. I just heard about it.
Looks like the BBC are not popular!
Wrong sort of radicalisation Owen?
Online radicalisation? These must be the “right wing” terrorists we have been warned about. Fancy shouting at a Beeboid in the street. The sheer temerity of these people!
It would be cruel to gloat.
Owen is disturbed. Well, we knew that.
But he’s disturbed by the wrong people doing the radicalising.
Translation: hey, that’s OUR job!
Ah, that long awaited day when ‘BBC journalist’ is a dirty word and a shameful occupation.
Grow up Jones FFS, Uni was years ago!
I’ll just phone *Julian Assange* and ask him to come round, so we can talk about, how a BBC journalist has been SHOUTED AT in the street.
… for some reason I haven’t seen Assange around recently
TWatO Watch #1 – BBC: on the attack
The UK announces a Trade Deal with Australia. The BBC go into full pro-EU, anti-Brexit-mode as Sarah talks to Liz Trust. Yes, the Montacutie actually calls her that. The deal is rubbish. The deal will lead to a decline in standards. The deal will disadvantage British farmers who will face a competition from Australian beef and lamb, despite the distance & shipping costs and despite the fact that mad environmentalists – supported by the BBC – want us to stop eating beef and lamb.
Minette Batters, NFU President, is brought on to have the last word in battering deals over slices of beef and lamb. Can you have lamb en-croute, fish & chip shop-stylee as it were?
Snuffy says: “Wot about our fish?”
TWatO Watch #2 – BBC: on the defensive – well, footie is all the go at moment
I can imagine some Biased-BBC regulars here going very red or purple in the face, hearing Lord Hall’s excuses before the House of Commons Select Committee. The former Director-General of the BBC said of the BashirScandal , in effect, “It wasn’t me, it wasn’t us, it was him wot dun it. I just trusted people. Nuffink to do wiv me, Guv, honest.”
They are lucky to be able to put the blame on the dead Steve Hewlett – when they need to .
Good news: The Swiss people have rejected the CO2 law in the referendum on Sunday, with 51.6% of voters saying no to the proposed carbon taxes.
That is the plebs are never normally allowed to vote on green issues.
There is a BBC story
That is very similar to the margin of victory in the brexit referendum. I hope that does not mean the Swiss establishment will treat the outcome with the same level of contempt.
Expect the people to be told to revote
…. until they make the RIGHT decision.
1) Europe returns to burning coal because of a shortage of natural gas
Bloomberg, 15 June 2021
2) Climate hypocrites united: US and Japan block G7 deal on coal
Politico, 13 June 2021
more in the Newsletter
Radio4 4:30pm A Good Read
Jason Watkins & *Yasmin Alibhai-Brown*
The actor and the journalist share favourite books with us
YAB chose The Awakening by Mary Chopin.
which is a novel about a sexually frustrated woman.
3 tweets ago
Watkins was retweeting the Save The BBC PR woman
“All part of our 43p a day licence fee. Because we’re worth it. ”
with a link to her petition which has 3,481 signatures
The useless BBC helpfully offer us ‘Three things to watch as Joe Biden meets Vladimir Putin’.
I would suggest 3 of my own:
1) Can Biden stand up?
2) Does he know where he is?
3) Does he know who Putin is?
And here’s a bonus one:
4) Why is Putin laughing uncontrollably?
I understand that the Met corruption inquiry directly criticised ms dick – she has form for swerving responsibility and resigning so I guess it will happen again .
At least she can’t be accused of being a Freemason – or are they letting non men in now ?
The Commissioner appears to lead a charmed service life, Fed.
And will Biden wear his IRA dark glasses again – and an earpiece to remind him who he is …
It’s like watching a society die before your eyes. At this rate, Los Angeles will be like Mogadishu within a few years.
I bet Nancy Pelosi’s ice cream safes are well protected
Mental I hope they all get mugged!
That NewsNight guy getting some interference on the street has prompted Gannet Media Inc. of McClean, VA (AKA NewsQuest UK) to punt this drivel with closed comments across 200+ UK local rags.
Where was his £700 a day minder?
Not nice, but trying to make out this is on par with Don McCullin is laughable.
The entire MSM seems to think this is their I’m with Floyd moment.
Of course Springster is trying to snag some hugs too.
Meanwhile, in the good corner.
I used to find a sneaky chilled perry refreshing.
Now they can go do something Nordic.
Bunter writes.
No idea what he is on about.
Guest re your post @6.41 p.m. – Bulmers?
We can expect the Met to pull out all the stops on this one, and come down hard on the protestors.
Next, Beebophobia will be added to the long list of hate crimes.
Isn’t that fantastic ?
They must also appreciate that if they report the news rather than direct the news they might not get kicked-back so much!
Some people disagree with you BBC. You give them no other way to express it so this will be how they have to do it.
There is only so long you can keep poking people in the eye before they slap you!
Suck it up!
It seems some journalists are more equal than others.
Which is worse – being called a few names in a crowd or being targeted by the full force of the state?
only in the beebs fantasy land of absurdity would they fail to recognise someones claims to be a citizen journalist
but accept someone with a penis being a woman because they say so
“being called a few names…”
Meanwhile, on BiasedBBC:
“Labour and media traitors piano wired at every lamp post. Simples”
“It’s probably a good thing, for the Remainers, that I’m not in charge because not only would be leaving the EU tonight, there would be public hangings of a large number of them as part of the celebrations.”
“The lying traitors actually employed by the BBC deserve a lot worse than hostility. If there is any justice they will all be hanging next to MPs.”
“My ‘Unconscious Bias Training’ would involve training people on biasedbbc to bash BBC employees on the head until they lose consciousness.”
6pm BBC1 news and the number of vaccinations is given in numbers and as a proportion of the population. But the latter depends on knowing how many people there are in the U.K. a few years ago I read that the U.K. supermarkets estimate the U.K. population as 80 million which is rather more than the official figure. It could mean rather more people running around unvaccinated than we might realise.
As I was tying this the BBC news had someone on explaining that the symptoms of the delta variant have changed compared to earlier ones. There is more runny noses, sneezing and sore throats. It sounds more like a common cold or hay fever. I still don’t think I want it.
mutations that spread faster tend to have less severe symptoms and outcomes, the virus itself wants to live
When they opened the M1 for the first time is was heralded as a major advance for motorists… until the hard shoulders filled up with steaming. boiling old cars that couldn’t cut the pace and fell to bits.
I expect a repeat of this with EV’s
Who says the BBC don’t do comedy anymore? Well they do not but fortunately every now and then an exception pops up. On BBC Radio 4 at 6.30 p.m. ‘Ed Reardon’s Week’ provided plenty of laughs and it had a topicality that many regulars on here will appreciate.
Andrew Nickolds and Christopher Douglas must have a lot of fun writing it. Highly recommended. If you missed it, listen on catch up on Radio iPlayer or whatever it is called now, BBC Noises or BBC Snapping Twigs or BBC Rustling Crisp Packets – yes, that must be it …. whatevvah.
On Radio 4Extra it is repeated next Tuesday at 7.30 a.m., 5.30 and 10 p.m..
You want BBC comedy? Watch the newsreaders try to keep a straight face as they tell us Biden will ‘talk tough’ to Putin.
Comedy Gold.
Don’t worry, he won’t even remember his name or who the hell he is.
Reading the Daily Mail online, I saw a report that said scientists wanted the publics help in curtailing an influx of Asian Hornets, in the Southern counties. Are the being brought in by the Asians in their RIBs from France, or are they being imported on airlines flying in from Asia. We have easy answers to both questions, 1 stop the influx of illegals and 2 stop the flights. Easy.
Found this on Facebook.
It’s a copy and paste job.
I’ve sent it in to the email address and got an automated reply saying “thanks, we will reply within seven days etc”
Maybe some of you might also want to let them know by copying this and sending it to the email address.
To whom it may concern.
Advertising your product is a means to get people to buy it, blocking that from people because of their ‘supposed’ political belief because they watch a certain national television station has to be the most stupid and discriminatory attempt at marketing propaganda ever made. Who are you to judge people you do not even know ?
Discrimination takes many forms but taking the stand you have is amount to the hate speech that you seem to be blaming the channel for. Myself and others will be telling the local pubs that sell your product we will no longer frequent them all the while you take this blinkered view that people who do not buy into the modern ‘Woke Culture’ are somehow beneath buying your product and you are causing more divide than your imagination seems to be coming up with.
“A drink for Everyone” so your motto says . . . Really ?
Best regards
I don’t agree with boycotts, cos it hurts the innocent workers
However I do now have two tubs of Ben & Jerry’s in the freezer
cos at the end of this stock period local shops around here have been selling it off at an 80% discount £1/tub instead of £5.
their workers loss is some other workers gain
@Kaiser it’s not always a zero sum gain
Say if we boycott our regular newspaper
we might not buy a newspaper at all
Save the money and spend it abroad etc.
Ben and Jerry’s were early adopters of the woke shit. I for one would be happy to see them wound up.
If I recall this brand of ice cream is now owned by a large food manufacturer – the false woke hippy thing chimes with some thicko s
I remember when ex New Yorkers Ben and Jerry started in a converted gas station in Burlington, Vermont.
City hippie types moved up there…..and started the microbrewery craze and artisan everything. All of which turned into big business.
Very useful in advising what not to buy under any circumstances thanks!
StewGreen, the real question here is how many of these companies have ACTUALLY pulled adverts from opposed to saying they would not advertise on GBN?
Lost revenue currently versus lost potential business
Interesting to see how the Left are going after the advertisers. Same mentality of how they went after Res Mogg’s children.
Ethically barren scum.
And Yorkshire Tea plus PG tips – y’know, the one where they always had chimps dressed up as ‘humans’…
Don’t go to Sainsbury’s either after they decided to instruct me on how to obey their ‘ethics’.
Any more to add to the list?
I understand that they were also anti-Brexit.
EG – complaint submitted .
Watching brillo chat to a chap from the jewish chronicle- the rise in anti semitism in londonistan .
The cause ? Mystery – but apparently connected to israel – palestine – no mention at all of the real cause – islam … GBNews being careful not to give cause to OFCOM
I notice sound is still playing up …
Will GB News interview Anne Marie Walters, candidate in Bateley and Speen with strong views on Islam?
“Watching brillo chat to a chap from the jewish chronicle- the rise in anti semitism in londonistan. The cause ? Mystery…”
Did Taki Theodoracopulos come up in the conversation at all? I guess not. Apart from a regular column in “brillo’s” Spectator magazine, he also has his own website. Here’s a sample for you…
I post here because I am of the opinion that Al Beeb is blatantly biased, it also robs from the poor to give to the rich.
What motivates you and your chums to troll this site ?
I can answer that one:
Spite. The hard left have it in abundance. It’s one of their defining qualities.
Obviously Maxi hasn`t read that piece he refers us to . A summary would be Black Lives Matter folk become anti semitic .
“What about Taki?” gets the discussion no further. The question in, are GBTV tying their own hands in just the same way as the BBC?
Watching the Brillo show on Brillo TV – still poor presentation – microphones that don’t work – Brillo going on about his mate from the BBC getting a taste of what people think of the BBC …. Apparently journos deserve to be allowed to there thing –
Others might say they deserve what they get …
Technical problems aside I thought that the pieces on Aussie trade and anti semitism were something that you wouldn’t hear on the MSM . the end piece about the increase in jobs was treated much more positively than the BBC would ever have done. The bit about stonewall was begging for some harder questioning . The National Trust bit promised much but I felt punches were pulled. In every piece those that were interviewed were given the freedom to speak at length without interruption. In fact I wonder if there were too few questions put to those interviewed , over compensation perhaps for the constant interruptions of centre right interviewees by the MSM.
Despite these reservations GBN is certainly off to a promising start. But it is unlikely to stray far from a centr right position due to pressure from Ofcom. Don’t expect too much.
BBC 4 tonight
Black South Africa Special
I suppose it’s a black majority country
Mandela doco, SA photos,
doco Miriam Makeba singer and civil rights activist
Cuck-erberg Swedish cider for cucks
Why does everyone that pretends to be “inclusive” start excluding anyone they disagree with?
You expect the intolerant bigots on the left to try and cancel something like @GBNEWS
it’s what they do.
What you don’t expect is cowards at Ikea, Kopparberg, Grolsch, Nivea and the OU to cave in to bullying.
Go Woke, Go broke.
then Ayaan Hirsi Ali
All I can say is that if GB news wanted any better publicity for what they are trying to do the stupid actions of these Companies could not be more helpful to them.
Get the message folks!
“Why does everyone that pretends to be “inclusive” start excluding anyone they disagree with?”
Oh, wow. Imagine someone posting that on a website dedicated to canceling a media organisation they personally disagree with…
Imagine someone cancelling you for trolling this website without highlighting any example of Al Beeb’s blatant bias.
By the way, have you or your chums paid the telly tax yet ?
We aren’t campaigning to cancel the BBC maxi, we are campaigning to stop it being funded by compulsary tax.
Once it goes subscription and we can choose to pay it, sites like this will disappear. As will funding for people like you.
But you knew that already.
“We aren’t campaigning to cancel the BBC maxi, we are campaigning to stop it being funded by compulsary tax. Once it goes subscription and we can choose to pay it, sites like this will disappear.”
I wasn’t aware that there was a compulsory tax to pay for the BBC in Thailand. But yeah, whatever you say, John.
There you go again.
Avoiding any issue which doesn’t suit you.
You really need to grow up.
“There you go again.
Avoiding any issue which doesn’t suit you.”
What’s it like living in Thailand, John? I’m thinking of going there on holiday for a few weeks (maybe longer). Is there a language barrier, or do most people speak good enough English?
Hope you’re mum is proud of what you have become maxi.
What goes on in your head to make you happy to be an internet forum troll ?.
Don’t you have any self-respect at all ?.
I really do pity you and the miserable life you must lead.
“Hope you’re mum is proud of what you have become maxi.”
Huh? No need for that; it was a genuine question, John. But ok, never mind.
maxincony asks many questions but answers very few.
Maxi, I hope find a girly boy to your liking.
Is that comment about anything at all? I can’t see a reason for writing it.
StewGreen, (June 15, 2021)
“You expect the intolerant bigots on the left to try and cancel something like @GBNEWS
it’s what they do.”
StewGreen, (May 3, 2021)
“Todays new all black adverts…”
Fallacy of false equivalence, there Maxi.
There is nothing “bigoted” about pointing out disproportion in the number of black or white faces media choose to portray.
Or say London people vs the rest of the country etc.
People are pointing out
It’s not what you order from Kooperberg that counts
It’s what *Tim Martin* orders from Kooperberg
He’s the one that probably order 3 million bottles/week
I really hope he gives them the boot, would be a delicious irony!
“It’s what *Tim Martin* orders from Kooperberg
He’s the one that probably order 3 million bottles/week”
“Wetherspoon boss removes European wines and beers from pubs; 23 Jan, 2019”
Wetherspoon’s founder and chairman Tim Martin added: “ Kopparberg is extremely popular in our pubs and I know that our customers will welcome the fact that one of its ciders is now available on draught.
Kopparberg Swedish cider will continue to be sold, but only because the company plan to switch production to the UK.
Wrong again maxi
Maxi’s gotcha was #FakeNews
Kooparberg drinks are in Wetherspoons
\\ UK-made Kopparberg now on draught – J D Wetherspoon
Kopparberg draught cider is Swedish and is produced in the UK.
Wetherspoon’s founder and chairman Tim Martin added: “ Kopparberg is extremely popular in our pubs and I know that our customers will welcome the fact that one of its ciders is now available on draught.//
The fact that Maxi doesn’t know that
shows that readers can be safe from bumping into him in a Wetherspoons pub.
Apologies for the duplication I was already typing before @Davylars posted.
Not directly the BBC – but all those euro footy teams which don’t kneel down . Do they have no,social conscience? Do they not care about coloured folk ?
How did the woke sickness from america only land in the UK and not these more same countries ?
Nivea is owned by Beiersdorf AG. It is the only one of their products I recognise as marketed in the UK. I’ve purchased their suncream in the past. Never again. Boycott all companies that deny free speech!
Strangely I’m sure that adverts for Nivea appeared on tonight’s GBN show. Also I thought it odd that a Starbucks and Taylor’s of Harrogate, both Woke , the difference between them being that Taylor produce real coffee and Starbucks produce undrinkable . twice used dish washer , advertised on the channel. For the record I stopped buying Taylor’s of visiting their cafe/ restaurants when they declared their support for BLM.
I did some design work for Nivea a while back when it was owned by Smith & Nephew in Birmingham. They had originally been given the Nivea brand as part of the war reparations but then being good World cititzens the UK decided to hand it back to Biersdorf AG. So once again the ordinary British “Joe” comes under the jackboot I guess!
We are just too friggin nice!
Time to learn how to be mr nasty.
I would guess that Biersdorf are very very pro EU (Germany) so would explain quite a lot.
The ultimate power is in our wallets and purses so let them know what you think.
What do Oxfam do with your charity donation money ?
Oxfam GB is looking for a Campaigner to lead public mobilization activities with European partners in the run up to the UN Climate Conference in November.
FFS £31K=£40K for 18 hours pw !
That’s equivalent to £90K for a 40 hour week
“Israel strikes in Gaza after incendiary balloons”
It looks like Hamas are asking for a hammering again?
Are you and your chums at Al Beeb enjoying the new GB News channel?
I’d love GB News if I could actually hear it. The sound system is appalling.
Surely it can’t be beyond the wit of man to get some half way decent microphones?
This is the news channel most of us have been waiting for. It’s really rattled the wokerati. You can see it in the poisonous comments in The Guardian and Independent. Already their viewing figures are beating both the BBC and Sky. We’re all desperate for a different point of view.
Come on chaps, let’s not blow it…
Putin to Biden
>>> оживление (translation – “zing!”)
After all the accusations by the Democrats, has anyone at all been charged with insurrection yet ?. And if not, why is nobody asking questions ?. Perhaps GB news will bring it up : nobody else will.
And why is the identity of the officer who exercised a ‘shoot-on-sight’ rule of engagement against Babitt being kept secret ?. Just as the cause of death for Sicknick was. And how can someone being shot in the Capitol be found innocent through ‘insufficient evidence’ ?. That place was loaded with witnesses and CCTVC.
‘Insufficient evidence’ is how Thai politicians use corruption to avoid being convicted for corruption. The USA under the Democrats is no different.
I see Wikipedia still pushing the story that Sicknick was hit with a fire extinguisher and killed by the protestors right up until a short last sentence which gives the actual reason he died.
‘Sicknick became the fifth private citizen to “lie in honor” at Capitol Rotunda”, a “sacred tribute that’s typically reserved for dead American political leaders”.’ For dying of natural causes unrelated to anything. What an absolute farce the USA has become.
Everywhere has been contaminated by the Left and their lies now.
‘Israel strikes in Gaza after arson balloon launched’.
What ? I thought. Launching strikes because of a single balloon ?.
Clicked the article to find out how Israel could be so callous – and discover the main article (which has an anti-Israel tone throughout) has ‘balloons’. There were dozens of them.
Once again ‘error in favour of the house’.
“Covid vaccine to be required for England care home staff”
Horse and stable door ?
The BBC had a spokesman for the false president on `toady this morning to talk about the meeting with Putin . His name is Jon Sopel .
It’s curious that he shares a name with the BBC Washington correspondent.
Anyway mr Sopel reported that there is to be no joint press conference between the 2.
How could there be? A ga ga false president and the head of the KGB> – it would be a slaughter .
But can you imagine the meeting between the two ? Putin will open the file and show Biden the dirt he has on his party and family .
The Putin will tell him what to do and what Russia wants …and Biden will nod .