My inbox continues to be flooded by medics, activists, journalists and politicians targeted with abuse online that's misogynistic, as well as racist, homophobic and ableist.
I'm investigating – including the ecosystems coordinating it. DM me or email.
Dear Marianna ,
Here is a little maxim or ditty my mum taught me when I was a little boy, “Sticks and stones may break my bones………. “.
It has stood me in good stead all my life .
You need to attend the University of Life for a number of years as you are only a little girl trying to be a ‘big girl’.
Yours ,
Why do I get the feeling Marianna is only interested in people at one end of the political spectrum, and not those viciously trolled for holding the wrong, non-woke views?
For example journalist Christina Lamb who was viciously and systematically attacked and threatened by the woke Left for ONE LINE about Prince Philip:
“… an often crotchety figure, offending people with gaffes about slitty eyes, even if secretly we rather enjoyed them.”
For that, she got cancelled, de-platformed, threatened and abused for weeks. They literally tried to destroy her, her career, her family.
Wokeism may sound like a bit of a harmless joke, but make no mistake: it’s lethal.
‘Nothing could prepare me for the online war: Christina Lamb on being attacked by the trolls
One sentence was all it took. After social media took objection to her dispatch from the royal funeral, the foreign correspondent and her family have suffered a campaign of abuse, bullying and death threats’
“EE to reintroduce Europe roaming charges in January”
Why ? Because they can.
Hit them where it hurts and change your operator. I see that the Europhile Rejoiners are hitting the ‘Comments’ section.
What a surprise, the BBC has opened a HYS on the topic and the remainers are piling in.
If it costs a mobile operator to provide ‘roaming’ in Europe and they are forced to do it, it must be obvious that the operator will factor the costs into its charges elsewhere, i.e. those who don’t travel to Europe will have been paying for those that do.
Taffman is right, if it hurts, change operator, let the market decide.
For some time I have been very suspicious about the way Al Beeb runs HYS. They are only run on certain topics. Some going badly appear to be ‘pulled’ quite soon. Are some ‘up ticks’ generated by Al Beeb thus weighting the hits in favour of biased topics ?
Imagine if your fave ‘Cooking Meth with Floyd’ episode also had the line ‘during the beating his health deteriorated’.
A well-known Palestinian critic of the Palestinian Authority has died in police custody in Hebron, sparking angry condemnation from leading figures in the West Bank and beyond.
I’ve never seen the defence of Officer Chauvin, but i imagine it went something like this:
We got a report of counterfeit banknotes, a search revealed suspect had long rap sheet, possibly armed and dangerous.
Suspect resisted arrest and behaved wildly, possibly on drugs.
Subdued suspect with standard knee-to-neck method, as taught at training.
Suspect complained about not breathing, as they often do.
Waited for back-up and ambulance.
Suspect died, possibly of drug overdose, asphyxiation, or combination.
Murder means intent to kill. There was no intent to kill, just to subdue.
Chauvin was charged of:
third-degree murder,
second-degree manslaughter.
Common-sense should tell us that someone can only be killed once and that the only valid purpose of multiple charges like this is to create a set of nets i.e. if we can’t catch him on the first we will get him on the second or third.
It is like being prosecuted for exceeding 30, 40, 50 , 60 and 70mph speed limits when alleged to be doing 71mph and then totting up the penalties.
What is missing from the charge sheet is any suggestions of a racial motivation, which apparently is the reason why M&S want to sell more black knickers.
The thing is none of the above imply intent to kill. They are all about where someone died as a consequence of his actions.
But the BBC can now throw the label ‘murderer’ at him and the casual reader will think he killed him on purpose in cold blood.
One of their standard, dirty tricks to intentionally mislead.
“Royal Academy apologises to artist Jess de Wahls in transphobia” row…………
Its high time our PM and government took the lead in calling time on the ‘woke joke brigade’.
We need some leadership to expose these ignorant people that are trying to change the English Language .
Why is Al Beeb reluctant to show this article on their front page? Over to our special ‘woke joke’ correspondent at Al Beeb ……………
O/T, I was watching Countdown yesterday, and after shouting at Rachel Rileyski to shut up and just pull out letters and numbers, I realised she could be muted, relief. Anyway someone came out with the word ecotage, that’s right sabotage for ecological reasons. Got to be the Oxford dictionary!
Big day for me today. I first reported for the BBC in Zimbabwe in 1990. Today I’m saying good bye. @BBCWorld has been a fantastic place to call home, which is why it took me so long to leave! Now it’s time for something new and I hope you’ll come and find me @ozy
Have you read that the government ‘underestimated’ the number of eu citizens here by at least 2 million.
The number who have applied to stay is 2 million more than the number the government told us were here.
I bet there must be 100’s of thousands more under the radar as well.
It makes you wonder what the true number of immigrants is.
Nobody believes anything the government says anyway.
Supermarkets and waste companies already cater for tens of millions more than the population which the government tells us is about 66 million or so.
The funny thing I read in the article (in Breitbart London) was that somebody said the government should sort this out and get the real number or people would not trust the governments figures.
On another subject.
It may be distasteful to mention but if we have lost 127,000+ mainly oldies due to coronavirus (government figures) then that means paying about a £billion a year less in pensions.
Together with other payments and health costs there must be substantial savings made.
If the number of deaths is about the same as most other years this saving will not be made so is this 127,000+ number false accounting.
I’ve not heard anyone mention this on tv but it could show that covid is being used to scare and control if the total number of deaths isn’t much different.
I know it’s not a nice topic but I would like to hear it discussed.
6:06pm ITV local news COP26 #PRasNews
Claims that various flooding on Henry Ward’s farm at Short Ferry*, Lincolnshire
are part of .. “more extreme weather caused by Global Warming”
* (Short Ferry is a strange name, I bet it never had flooded before ../sarc
He’s the son of the PR savvy Andrew @Wheat_Daddy)
Second strand ‘we can produce more food with less resources
– young Kate Adams NFU spoke
“we must have more eco farming”
… report from vertical farm
– report from John Grant a Hallam Uni Cli Activist Scientist
Looks like magic home hydroponics at his home garden
Presenter “race to prevent looming Climate Crisis”
Third strand : Climate Stripes graph .. that was also promoted the other day
“What we can all do in the months leading up COP26”
“Here look today at one place in the Arctic circle it’s 33C”
…. WeatherIsNotClimate but #ItsOKWhenWeDoIt
Next item : BAME less successful with IVF
33% success white, 25% Asian
Black people “even less !” … then eventually admit they ask for help 2 years later than whites
Next item : “The fear of coming out gay, a new podcast has been made”
Final Item : Asian reporter doing a national item about a Prince Philip Museum.
BBC local news : Item #3 Brexit after 5 years
The focus is the farm doom angle
farmer who says harvest worker situation are not the same, “less Polish are coming back”
Then says he’s started a Dutch operation to get around EU red tape.
( I think he’s a flower farmer)
Next ethnic-Polish employment agency woman
“The positive is the the diversity projects in Boston, and people coming together”
I can guess the viewer comments
“Of course I don’t regret voting for Brexit”
Royal TV
8pm Channel-5 Kensington Palaces doco
“It prepares for visitors even as it undergoes the most intense renovation it has seen in modern times – from preserving clothing worn by Princess Diana to ..”
9pm ITV Princess Diana special
would-be 60th birthday
8:30pm BBC Would I Lie to You?
24 Jun 2021 – 8:30pm – 9:00pm
“This week’s guests joining Lee Mack and David Mitchell
are Jo Brand, Simon Day, Kiri Pritchard-McClean and Henning Wehn.”
Brillo interviewing Roger Hallem – the founder of Extinction Rebelion -20 minutes .
By the end i felt sorry for those who believe in human climate change. Mt Hallem is a wack job . One of those eccentrics blighty produces every once in a while . A poor mans ‘ jim lovelock
But no gotcha – i fair crack of the whip – and i cant wait for the conventional broadcasters to copy GBN
"We're responsible for less than one percent of emissions. But you never mention China which is responsible for 27% of global emissions. Why do you never mention China?"
Andrew Neil questions Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion.
Oh it’s so overdue to give these self-appointed crazies the old heave-oh. I cannot understand why any corpus-mentis news editor can’t see what absolute bloody jokes they really are.
Absolutely excellent. The guy had an answer to that question carefully pre-rehearsed and it was still total bullsh1t.
So the reason for our billions is ‘every good conservative has honour’ and ‘we all know protesting against the Chinese won’t work’.
This really shows up the BBC farce for what it is.
Gang of ‘men’ who tracked down a woman in a safe house trying to avoid a forced marriage to a ‘man’ who turned out to still be in the UK and dealing drugs.
A truly shocking story and they should all be deported along with their families for their actions.
‘After the arrests, it was uncovered that Haroon Ilyas was in the midst of being investigated by detectives for a slew of child abuse offences, with evidence dating back some two decades.’
What an amazing coincidence. No doubt the case was low priority to avoid alienating others of his faith and the staff used to police ‘hate crimes’ for the same reason.
I can’t even find that story on the unbiased BBC.
But the richest pickings for the boss class are related to climate.
This opens a veritable cornucopia of bossiness.
Local politicians in the West Midlands think you should stay at home even post-pandemic to help with their “accelerated pathway” to cut carbon dioxide emissions.
This morning the government’s Climate Change Committee said
we should be eating 20% less meat and dairy produce by 2030,
35% less by 2050.
Vegans are urging that it should be 100% less.
The Committee is also keen you should continue working from home.
And it wants to slap new taxes on flying, waste and other industries.
Along with various agencies it’s also limbering up to tell you to rip out your gas boiler.
And the Environment Bill currently going through parliament could require households to Use four separate bins — one each for glass, metal, plastic, and paper and card.
Plus a further three for garden waste, food waste and non-recyclables.
We can now see that there are some seriously mentally damaged people out there. Sadly the push to appear and agree with woke in every area has given them an aura of respectability and faux credibility.
The only thing that will halt this totally wacky races madness is when it starts to hit people’s life-styles and comfort.
It will crash and burn when people realise what their bonkers schemes really mean.
Latest Halifax Ad features every ethnic group they can cram in. White older males actually do get a included at the end but only via a plaque on a bench celebrating their death.
I am really, really beginning to despise and hate the stomach-churning creatures who come up with this detritous. I can imagine them schoolgirl giggling over their shitty put-downs every time they do it.
Another Company to add to my do not ever deal with list.
Some time ago I asked on this site whether there was a list of woke companies we could boycott and perhaps publish here. I got a rather sniffy reply from a pedantic admin / mod /editor (?) to the effect that we don’t stoop to that sort of thing here, Queensberry Rules old chap, eh what what?
To which I now say: BULLSH*T.
We are at war – a culture war – and all is fair in love and war.
Fight fire with fire. Boycott the boycotters. Out the woke.
Fight fire with fire.
They started it.
I don’t see anything wrong with a list of woke companies we can choose to boycott.
Our motive is ethically far more acceptable. They are doing it to force their far-Left fascism upon us. We are doing it to stop them.
There are at least three reasons for maintaining lists of organisations that engage in this offensive behaviour:
1. Consumer choice derived from ethical principles (as you mention). Who wants to buy from a company that is effectively saying ‘we don’t want YOUR business’?
2. ‘What goes around comes around’. Some of us are or will be in positions to make commercial and political decisions about who we deal with. Woke organisations can be specifically excluded from business, council, governmental and other contracts when the tide turns. Ideally this will eventually be enforceable in law (‘Failure to comply with traditional British values’, ‘Failure to comply with promoting unity’ etc).
3. Massive over-representation of minorities and under-representation of the indigenous population is suggestive of ethnic cleansing intent through cultural means. There may be well be scope within existing UN definitions of ethnic cleansing and genocide to enshrine this in law and then use it for the investigation and prosecution of organisations and leading individuals within them. The use of UN standards may seem ironic, but it would also be deliciously sweet for these enemies to be ‘hosted by their own petard’.
If it’s true that Neil is away till autumn, I think that’s very bad news.
The channel needs a heavyweight like him in its early days.
I must admit I’ve found some of the presenters, and content, a bit patchy.
No doubt he has his reasons (health?) but sad nonetheless.
RuinedLeon has found another Jussie Smollet
the racist arson attack on a BLM supporter
… was done by herself … CCTV proves
RuinedLeon says the BLM founder really seems to have been collecting donations
which didn’t show up on her “help prisoners charity” books
at the same time she got wealthy.
How humiliating for Buckingham Palace to have to count percentage points for ethnic minority employees, and be forced to apologise and promise ‘to do better in future’.
Well done, Whinge and Ginge, I hope you’re proud.
No doubt the Palace should also employ a proportionate number of muggers, drug dealers and members of pedophile grooming gangs to properly reflect the country’s rich diversity.
Maybe even a few terrorists?
And how eager the BBC are to go sticking their snout in that particular trough.
“Buckingham Palace reveals 8.5% ethnic minority staff”
I expect the beeb are dying to run the story but don’t want to appear too ‘tabloid’. So they’ll wait a bit then come over all serious and discuss the ethics, political fallout etc.
Like the tabloids, but with a serious face.
It’s shocking that the mistress is a director of her husbands lobbying firm. He (the husband) must have thought he’d hit the jackpot when she was appointed to hand-on-cock’s office.
Hey Come On – Handcock is pretty hot stuff – is this his oppportunity to spend more time with his family – and be replaced by grant shapps – another half wit – plenty to choose from ….
The crew of the British slave ship Zong threw 132 enslaved African people from its human cargo into the sea to drown in 1781.
#CCBGB on the subbing priority.
“My grandfather was a Marine in the Boer War serving in the Red Sea when he saw ‘slaves’ being thrown overboard from dhows. The dhows were transporting people from Africa to Arabia. He received a payment for capturing 3 dhows.”
“ Actually this is an interesting ‘In Our Time’ episode from many months ago, why someone wishes to feature it now I’m not sure. The programme also highlighted the fact that the slaves were actually captured by black warlords who kept them tethered at the keyside until the slave trader ships arrived. The captains of the ships then bartered with the warlords for the slaves, so nobody comes out of this very well. For anybody interested in history I can recommend In Our Time, Radio 4 0900 on Thursdays.”
What the idiots of today can’t appreciate is how cheap life was back then. Judging things hundreds of years ago according to todays standards is absolutely ridiculous.
If the woke morons could actually understand every act of cruelty through the centuries which was normal for the people who lived in those times, their tiny little brains would just explode with outrage.
Interesting to note the outrage industry rapid response units are now prepped to claim querying MSM selective race stirring as gammons denying history.
In the USA, the usual suspect outlets are really trying to get everyone worked up more from those of color and little restraint to indigenous, based on stuff a long time ago.
History is to be learned from and appreciating all sides of a story, context and unpalatable truths about human development is all part.
By coincidence reading an article on the US Navy that doubtless will have passed Sopes and Wendy’s Unit by too.
“The US Navy though, goes back a long way and has a much more storied and esteemed history. Founded in in 1775 as the Continental Navy, the US purchased their first warships (six heavy frigates) in 1794, to combat the threat of Barbary pirates. In just a few years, the US Navy came up against the French Republic Navy in the Quasi-wars, the Barbary states in the Barbary wars and most notably, Great Britain in the War of 1812.”
This Barbary types… what were they up to then?
As to your last sentence, job done chez West Lost Ay?
I watched ‘Belle’ a while back about a mixed-race girl being brought up by her rich uncle. In the film she was chased by every rich white male at the ‘coming out’ balls – even though she was most definitely black. In those days of slavery ? – not a chance.
She ended up with a lawyer prosecuting the Zong case and she was an outspoken anti-racist who gave eloquent speeches to make sure the bad white men were found guilty. What a wonderful, strong, coloured woman, particularly in those times.
It has these reviews on IMDB:
‘Excellent historical drama’
‘Mesmerizing and romantic true story’
‘Incredible historical movie’
‘A gentle film with serious undertones’
It all seemed just a bit too conveniently woke and far-fetched to me – so I researched it a bit. I discovered this is everything we know about Belle:
She was a mixed race woman brought up by her uncle. The only record of her entire life is a gravestone. That’s it.
She lived roughly around the time of the Zong incident.
She never met the lawyer or had anything at all to do with the trial.
So basically it’s a complete lie dressed up as a true story. And the f*ckwits just lap it up.
Toady BBC news
I wanted to know about the latest shambles around international travel – but plenty about abo s as victims in Australia – stuff about a white plod in a foreign country getting sentenced for killing a coloured criminal .
Colour as victim – the chief BBC drive – god could I wake up one day and it is not there any more .- and this site can close.
What’s up with Brillo ? ill? GBNews will sink without him .
DT daily telegraph update – if you are subscribing more than £4 a month it’s too much – they wanted £13 a month – but it landed up at a £1 a week – apparently you can get a lower price – info only .
I was on the edge of subscribing to the DT just before they shadow-banned me. I was my usual outspoken-but-fair self (in my opinion anyway) and often had the top rated comment – but they were on the run-up to going woke behind a paywall. On principle, I won’t give them a penny now.
I think they were trying to sell the whole outfit and wanted a more left-wing appeal. Either that or it was because I called Celia Walden ‘vile’ in a comment and lets’ face it : not a jury in the land would convict me of lying about that.
John – whilst ‘bargaining ‘ I asked the subscription department to pass up the command chain that if the DT continues to go woke it will go broke – which is why – perhaps – they only gave me to the year end before upping the sub – I just won’t pay more ….
They even kept ringing me up when I cancelled their dead tree sub!
Anyway, Senora O’Blene complains that it’s too ungainly to handle these days so we never read it.
There’s enough news around on the net without looking at all the common rags, we don’t believe most of what they gabble anyway, and of course, apply the First Law of Scrobs to the BBC and now ITV – if they mutter it, believe the opposite!
I am paying 75p a month, but there is so little to read that I am going to let it lapse. The DT misses endless opportunities to scoop the news or take a strong independent line; it has been reduced to a docile Government covid rag.
Despite public protestations that they would gladly welcome the return of fans to our football stadia – and of course all that missing gate money – one can’t help but feel football’s governing authorities view a live audience as a bit of an embarrassment: ‘Red-card for fans over anti-German chants‘ (Telegraph) – looking through the dystopian Black Mirror (as it were) the future of the game will be TV broadcast only, with a soundtrack of computer generated fake crowd reactions… and 2,500 Uefa VIPs at the matches, despite covid.
And that will suit just nicely. No booing the taking-the-knee and absolutely nobody will be there to mention the war: ‘The FA has warned England fans they face a match ban if they sing any songs that mock Germany‘ – presumably along with this warning a list of outlawed bantering ditties will be distributed to the crowd, with a sheet containing the words to a dwindling list of permissible sing-alongs, including Deutschland über alles?
Soccer’s governing body now sees part of its remit as a political battle against anything it may happen to term “ultranationalist” – which is apparently a word and that does sound rather a political goal for the chaps and chapesses in blue blazers over there at the FA who are supposed to be managing sport.
Football is tribal if it is anything. Should the FA now tell Liverpool fans not be so ultra-scouse? If “Ten German bombers” is verboten then anti-Manchester references to the Munich aircrash must now be put on ice.
Furthermore, besides ruling on the use of VAR and off-side rule it is interesting to note the FA declare: “We strongly condemn any behaviour at Wembly that is discrinatory” – apart from the discriminatory preferential favours awarded to those 2,500 Uefa officials and corporate hangers on?
There will be struggles ahead as the powers that be attempt to bend sport to become the avatar of wholesome behaviour.
BBC: ‘Tokyo 2020: Some GB Olympic athletes ‘don’t want vaccine’ – BOA chief Andy Anson‘ – Oh, my giddy aunt! You mean otherwise healthy Olympic sports people, training at the very peak of their physical abilities, are a bit iffy about taking an experimental drug?
Can we put a number on this perverse minority tendency?
‘The head of the British Olympic Association (BOA) says the organisation is still “trying to convince” some athletes to have the Covid vaccine before Tokyo 2020 starts next month. Chief executive Andy Anson said “well over 90%” of British athletes will have two vaccine doses by the Olympics.‘
So an optimistic Andy Anson thinks he can get the number of vax refusniks down to 10% by the start of the Olympics – meaning the present number we guess is somewhat more than 10%?
Sport demands 110% – we all know that.
‘”We’re trying to convince them it’s the right thing to do,” he added.’
‘”People have got the right to choose, and we have to respect that. But it’s not necessarily that helpful.”‘
And there, ladies and gentlemen, in those two sentences you have the story that translates to all of us. We may not all be Olympians – we may just own a dusty 25 yards front crawl certificate and a runner up prize in the school sports dads’ sack race. But remember – sport is now the avatar for your behaviour.
You have the freedom to do as you please but your governing authorities think you’re being a bit of a stick in the mud if you don’t do as they encourage you to do. Because – don’t forget this – they know best and they are the arbiters of what is the right thing to do.
There’s a lot headlines in the press about holidays again today – it’s a bit of a newspaper obsession – but the picture – which traditionally used to be of bikinied beauties – is very confused. Most titles do tend to revert to their priors. The Mail tells us we can pack the suntan oil: ‘Holiday islands here we come‘; the Times says Brussels tells us to stay put: ‘EU threat to thwart holidays‘ – (threat to thwart – that’s a bit of a tongue twister); the Express suggests Europe is not unanimous and there are cracks in the sun-bloc: ‘Spain vows to defy EU plot to ruin our hols‘; the Guardian sides with the EU over “fears” and a “surge”: ‘Travel eased but UK surge in cases sparks fears in EU of Covid spread‘; and the Metro blames the Germans: ‘Germany demands penalties… Merkel wants quarantine across EU for Brits‘
Phew, wot a scorcher… of a debate. But will we ever have beach babe pics ever again?
The freebie Metro resorts to a library photo of a beach scene: ‘Shutterstock‘ – gets the credit. But I do give credit for their daft pun: ‘Quaran-tan: Travellers can now return from Mallorca without isolating‘
Meanwhile the Koran-tan are coming out in force in Afghanistan as the Times cautions: ‘Bismillah Khan… an Afghan counter-terrorist unit officer… has warned that the Taliban could retake big cities when coalition forces leave‘
“Bismillah! I see a little silhouetto of a man. We will not let you go”
In Arabic houses, Bismillah
or Bismillah ir-Rahmaan iir-Raheem *
is often said before eating
* (in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful).
Since Freddy Mercury came from Zanzibar an Arabic area
I presume his family or neighbours were Muslim then and he knew the word
and used it when he wrote Bohemian Rhapsody.
In a hadith narrated by Umar bin Abu Salamah, the Messenger of Allah ( saw), said to him,
“Mention Allah’s Name, eat with your right hand, and eat from what is near you.”
Freddie Mercury – real name Farrokh Bulsara was a Parsi, or at least was born to Parsi parents. He may well have had Muslim acquaintances or friends or knowledge of their customs. Always struck me as curious that he has never been heralded as the ‘first great Asian popstar’ in the west.
In the illustration to Belloc’s rhyme about the Camel, the Ship of the Desert, the man on the camel’s back is saying, “Bismillah, I wish it wasn’t so rough!”
Trending on Twitter : the Mumford band member leaving the band, essentially over his one tweet in March praising Andy Ngo
…. It’s obvious the hatey lefties today haven’t even glanced at his explanation
cos thousands of them have been tweeting bile at him, lots of nasty smears including calling him a “fascist”.
The meat : At the beginning of March I tweeted to American journalist Andy Ngo, author of the New York Times Bestseller, Unmasked. “Congratulations @MrAndyNgo. Finally had the time to read your important book. You’re a brave man”.
Over the course of 24 hours it was trending with tens of thousands of angry retweets and comments. I failed to foresee that my commenting on a book critical of the Far-Left could be interpreted as approval of the equally abhorrent Far-Right.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Thirteen members of my family were murdered in the concentration camps of the Holocaust.
My Grandma, unlike her cousins, aunts and uncles, survived. She and I were close.
My family knows the evils of fascism painfully well.
To say the least.
To call me “fascist” was ludicrous beyond belief.
Goes on to say he is leaving the band, not cos of himself
but in order to take the heat away from his band members, who were getting the hate as well, even though they disagree with him.
Someone should explain to him that Hitler was far-Left, not far-Right. They remained socialists right up to the end and it cost them the war : they could not match the production in a free market.
Huh? Might come as surprise but it was Russia which won the war by the enormous sacrifice of lives, and it was their production of tanks and aircraft which over ran the Luftwaffe proving that quantity beats quality in warfare.
The Russians were desperate for the West to open a second front to take some of the pressure off them, but Churchill was a hopeless strategist despite his front man shining success. His Gallipoli fiasco was closely followed by his Anzio fiasco and his ‘soft underbelly’ strategy was, like all his other totally misconceived.
He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to D Day which he opposed to the bitter end, perhaps following another one of his colossal failures operation Jubilee.
We should never forget the real history, not gild it with falsehood to make us feel better.
The Russian people really suffered during WWII they lost 27 million people as a result and it became so deeply ingrained in the Soviet psyche that every one who was not on their side was a ‘Fascist’.
The Berlin wall was called ‘The anti Fascist Barrier’, even though the Fascists were long gone.
The ‘Fascists’ referred to by the Communists in these posts are simply anyone who opposes or threatens Communism, to them it’s just a word, they understand nothing about its origins, philosophy or anything, just someone who opposes them.
“The war was won with American money, British bravery and determination, and Russian blood”.
Other stats: the UK suffered 450,000 casualities, the USA 419,000 (contrast with 27 million Soviet, 20 million Chinese and 6 million Polish). Around 25% of the USSR’s war materials were supplied by the USA and UK. 80% of German military casualities were on the Eastern Front: it was cheaper and more efficient to let the Soviets do the fighting and dying.
1 million of the Russian casualties died in the 2+ year long Siege of Leningrad.
The Russians (both Tsarists and Soviets) believe in a defence in depth concept, keep up giving up lives and territory in a war of attrition until the enemy supply lines are overextended and their position becomes untenable – particularly with the onset of the Russian winter.
It worked in 1812 when Napoleon invaded Russia and again in both World Wars.
I’ve had the honour of being shown around the war graves in Leningrad – as was – the losses over such a long time are almost beyond our belief . But Stalin did it – by failing his people .
I think the USA played a small part as well.
What Churchill had to do was hold the country together until the USA joined in. And he did. He said that as soon as the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour, he knew we would win.
And let’s not pin too much heroism on the Soviet Union. They suffered as much under Stalin as they did from Hitler. They got slaughtered by Hitler if they went forward and by Stalin if they didn’t. And sometimes by Stalin whatever they did.
As you say, let’s not guild it.
Churchill recognised the danger before the war, he was prepared to fight it when it came, and when he became PM there was a huge mood in the political leadership for ‘coming to terms’ with Hitler.
Name another prominent politician that wanted to fight on that wanted to fight on.
At first he had to win them over by saying that they could get better terms from Hitler if Britain could hold out for another six months. The cabinet took the bait and Churchill played them like a master.
Churchill was a great leader. His tactical appreciation may have been faulty on some issues but he had to drive people to action
seeing as the overall mood was one of fatalism leading to inaction. When Churchill made it clear he was not going to backdown, his generals, admirals and other competent staff knew that he was a leader that they could work with and would back them as long as they did their job.
Thatcher was a leader of the same mold. They get results.
In his books, Churchill knew it was inevitable the USA would be dragged in. He just had to hold on long enough. The government wanted to but had to find a reason good enough for the people to accept. WHich was Pearl Harbour.
As Fedup says below, Russia had signed their own peace-pact with Germany which left them to concentrate on the rest of us (and for Russia to take it’s own spoils in the region). If Germany had not broken it, Russia would have left us to them.
Only our friends because they were the enemy of our enemy.
I think Chamberlain realised – too late – what he was dealing with – but was too ill to drive forward . Halifax would have asked hitler where he wanted to put the concentration camps in blighty .
I do wonder what would have happened if hitler had invaded – whether the RAF were beaten or not – after all – his losses taking Europe were not great .
However The RN was huge and the rest of the Empire might well have swung it . I always wince when that ‘ standing alone ‘ cliche is rolled our .
Again you are perhaps understating the levels of cowardice on the part of the Tories, something which is still very evident to this day.
They hated Churchill and thought his a war monger he became first sea Lord again, much to the consternation of the cowardly Tories . It was the civil service who finally snapped though, dragging theh cowardly craven Lord Halifax into a private office where a ‘robust discussion’ took place and it was laid out what Tory cowardice had led too.
Halifax, having been forced to face up to reality then persuaded fellow Tory coward Chaimberlain that they should set a backstop at an invasion of Poland. He was still so utterly spineless that he had to get the French on board before he would agree to it, and when Hitler finally did invade Poland the cowards refused to honour their policy until the French agreed to stand with them.
It was at this point the greast coward Chaimberlain made his famous broadcast no such undertaking has been received and resigned soon after.
But the cowardice didn’t end there, the craven Tories still didn’t want Churchill as their leader, they wanted the other coward Lord Halifax, who fortunately realising he wasn’t fit to lead Britain other than in surrender negotiations declined their offer.
Churchill gave his great we shall never surrender speech to a house of commons packed with cowardly Tories with faces like slapped arses they didn’t want war they wanted surrender.
Clementine Churchill noted their appalling behaviour in her diary after the speech and her concerns about the cowardice of the Tories.
It was the same with Margaret Thatcher who sacket half the cabinet, and when asked why said It’s because they lack the necessary grit, they have no spine.
The problem lies in the public school educations especially the rotten school which is now worse than ever it was, it was this system which produced the infamous trailors Burgess Philby McClean Blunt Cairncrossm, etc although the British establishement yet again failed utterly in identifying this as the cause and instead blaming homosexuality as a reason.
The two Thatcher and Churchill came to power in spite of the cowardly Tory party not as a result of it and the way that party treated both of them is an utter disgrace they should all be ashamed of. Alas todays crop of cowardly useless incompetents is probably worse than they were back then!
Thoughtful – you left out the bit about russia only got involved in WW2 because germany breached the peace pact .
Russia would have left germany to take Europe – as would the americans . The britsh empire would have been shared out amongst them .
The big war would have come – i reckon – once one of them got the Bomb – say – 1950 ish .. and probably the americans as the others were busily killing their scientists
1 million of the Russian casualties died in the 2+ year long Siege of Leningrad.
The Russians (both Tsarists and Soviets) believe in a defence in depth concept, keep up giving up lives and territory in a war of attrition until the enemy supply lines are overextended and their position becomes untenable – particularly with the onset of the Russian winter.
It worked in 1812 when Napoleon invaded Russia and again in both World Wars.
Lend Lease aid from the US and UK was another big factor.
• 30% of aircraft
• 90% of railway rolling stock and locomotives
• 30% of lorries
• Massive quantities of foodstuffs to alleviate the 40% decline in Soviet agricultural land
“I would like to express my candid opinion about Stalin’s views on whether the Red Army and the Soviet Union could have coped with Nazi Germany and survived the war without aid from the United States and Britain. First, I would like to tell about some remarks Stalin made and repeated several times when we were “discussing freely” among ourselves. He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war. If we had had to fight Nazi Germany one on one, we could not have stood up against Germany’s pressure, and we would have lost the war.”
“Russian blood” I truly feel sorry for Russian working class
but it was the executive class that mostly threw them under the bus with mad policies in the wars.
They could have been won with better strategies and far less loss of life.
Toady 2
So funny -a book about ‘meritocracy ‘ – and a discussion with an ‘actor ‘ who sounded coloured – and could not speak in clear English language innit ( job qualification) going on about his inherent chip because he went to a state school innit and didn’t have the ‘connections ‘ – yeah – innit ?
Interviewed by a privileged BBC droid who went to a private school – whose kids – no doubt – have a career in broadcasting .
You could name the jobs where connections are necessary – primarily blood – not meritocracy – whilst there is a 2 tier or 3 or 4 tier education system will for ever be . Not a winge from me – fact of life – which I sort of support – how right wing am I – my school was semi private BTW …
The bbc droid – Justin Webb- interviewing about meritocracy went to Sidcot school ( quakers – independent ) in a nice bit of Blighty – and then the LSE – source wiki – I don’t know why he didn’t bring up his own circumstances …
The actor was Adam Deacon,
He was known cos BBC Catrin Nye has just just done a BBC PRasNews story with him
“A campaign is asking people who went to state school to shout about it.
So why is it needed?”
However he has a past
“He discussed his #bipolar diagnosis in a 2016 interview with Stephen Fry”
You won’t see this on the BBC, but creepy Joe has taken to weird whispering into microphones (3 times).
(I made the mistake of listening with headphones. It’s disgusting, like the old perv’s inside your head.)
Could just be senility, or he could be practising for whispering into young girls’ ears while stroking their hair in an inappropriate way.
One thing is sure: the most popular President in history won fair and square.
A new feature on Facebook helps address that, they send me links of ten black people, with no connection to anyone that I know, that I might want to be friends with!
There must come a point when even the most passive, law-abiding, indigenous Briton is going to be goaded into doing something nasty.
New Belfield, Dingy Diver news …some snippets like
– 35K entered this year but only 24 were registered as children he claims
(The contradiction is Kent Child Services saying that they are over-run)
– Their cash cards are not loaded fast enough
In another video Belfield call Meghan/Harry liars
and wonders if he and Piers Morgan will get taken to court
.. or whether noting will happen cos there were 17 lies
Country Durham viral clip
*friendly farmer* helps tourist repark car on public land instead of private land blocking his gate
I hardly look at BBC stuff since GB News started hence why I don’t post much here now.
Mrs Tabs always has Radio 5 Live on in the kitchen so I sometimes hear a few minutes of it making breakfast.
Around 7:55am Nicky Campbell asked an ‘expert’, “Do you think we will be wearing masks in 15 years time?”
Expert, “Yes. The public are not stupid and will do what is best for society”.
Any decent journalist would ask why would we still be wearing them but when it comes to BBC journalists they state their own desires and ask a question at the same time.
Crimebodge might be off the topic of the BBC
but police going wokey wacky is from the same root
…”5 reasons people DESPISE the police”
Jim Noughtie. R4 familiar will know this particular troughite who has since retired , however, is said to be on a £175k retainer to function as what used to be caklled a “roving reoporter”!
Anyway, he was done for drink driving having had a quick “swally” at his local in edinburgh and reported by bar staff ,
Plod tracked him to his home pronto like and he failed the breathalyser.
He will now be roaming on foot…….no wait a minute the bBC wouldnt supply a chauffer driven car would it?
What caught be about this wasnt the DD but the fact that this chap is slabbering 170,000 quid of thieved licence tax!
He’s working today
and the offence happened in October 2019
So he’s been driving for a year and a half before the June 13th court appearance
It’s great to have James Naughtie at the festival this year, talking about American presidents from Nixon to Trump. Generously sponsored by
2 the government sits and waits to judge the reaction – media and public
3 apology – MPs turn up to attack / defend
4 government prays for a distraction
5 distraction removes heat – minister survives
6 no distraction . Heat continues . Resigns
7 no distraction – full on apology
8 media publishes something else over the weekend . Minister – toast .
Has hancock broken his own rules ? Does nt seem to matter does it ?
In this case the tories had that Andrew Bridgen MP up for the defence – he must be after a job – and his defence amounted to ‘it’s private ‘ and – it’s a security breach – which is pretty lame .
Cummings must be laughing his bits off … even more so directly or indirectly responsible ….
Local BBC radio news “Police have named the suspect shown in CCTV for the the murder of a boy as Moise Djuku”
That was a long wait cos that’s 12 days after
and CCTV was released almost straight away after the murder.
The police arrested 3 people who sound like they were involved in helping him go on the run
so the police must have known his name for many days.
8 years ago in Hull there was a 15 yo boy with the same name competing in the cross country running for Archbishop Sentamu Comprehensive School in Hull
The first name looks like Portuguese for Moses
and the surname looks Dutch as if someone was connected to the colonies.
Second headline : Hull CSE investigation involving 34 people
No more details
So it could be priest, taxi-drivers, sports coaches or whatever
.@Humberbeat has confirmed details of what it's called "an extremely large and complex investigation into reports of sexual offences against two teenage girls" in Hull between 2017 and 2019. 34 people were arrested or interviewed as suspects for sexual related offences
— BBC Radio Humberside (@RadioHumberside) June 25, 2021
Been busy so only just heard about Matt Handcock. Not ‘getting Aids through sex’ as much as ‘getting sex through aides’.
Credit to The Sun for exposing the hypocrisy. Despite their periodic misdemeanours its another powerful reminder of the importance of Freedom of the Press and the dangers associated with preventing the free speech that goes with it.
The very opposite of the cancel culture and the woke/ BLM agenda.
I do question the modern argument that personal and professional life should be separate’. How can you distinguish one from the other on such values as honesty, judgement, consistency, or integrity? The concept of transferable skills drives much recruitment. No prizes for why Boris is backing him.
Also am really loving the idea that ‘failing to adhere to social distancing’ is the new euphemism for sex. Not a million miles from 60s Labour deputy leader George Brown being ‘tired and emotional’ i.e. totally p*****.
Looks like the Bateley and Spen By election will liven up on Saturday when the anti fascists turn out to drive Tommy Robinson out of town.
I wonder if either the BBC or GB News will cover this event.
Stand Up To Racism
1ghtlSponsoereed ·
Support anti racists and anti fascists who are demonstrating at the Town hall tomorrow in Batley & Spen Unity where fascists and the far right have called a march #NoRacismNoFascism #batleyandspenbyelection
I think you got that the wroing way round, because the dso called anti Fascists (antifa) are in reality Fascists themselves, but are alas financially supported and protected by the far left Tory party.
When their Marxist infiltrator leader Theresa May was asked to proscribe antfia under terrorism laws she refused and instead made up a completely ficticious story about the rise of the ‘far right’, and then instead proscribed a slew of tiny groups no one had heard of, and whose members clearly mentally deficient were more of a danger to themselves than anyone else!
From the Northern Ireland Troubles to Batley: The Similarities and the Differences
This article will provide you with all the information you need to show why the Batley schoolteacher and his family are in hiding fearing for their lives. Please share it with your family and friends so others can see the truth. It is “the truth” because it is supported by objective evidence. The Batley schoolteacher scandal did not appear out of thin air. There is a catalogue of events prior to it that have been deliberately ignored by successive British governments for decades.
Well, Hancock’s full on snog with the well placed hand on the bum, takes it up a level from a cuddly kiss on the cheek from an old mate, to the ‘get a room’ scenario.
It reminds me of the Andrew Marr photo with Marr’s hand stuck down the back of his lover’s jeans. (ugh!).
My opinion is the Hancock story is boring tittle tattle
.. and only a concern for the Hancock family
The big picture
.. is that the metroliberal elites are shagging the entire country
in terms of mad policies : open borders, rape gang cover ups, loss of free speech, costly GrenDream and Global warming religion policies, anti-equlity policies, cultural history destruction etc.
Canada the Defund The CBC campaign
In the first part of @TomHarrisICSC new 30 minute video with Sheila Gunn Reed
they talk about the CBC’s online comment censorship
.. eg they zap an defences of Trump etc.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Views her own.
Good old Naga, still smirking.
At the Queen, Boris, Hancock, whoever.
Notice the coy little look to camera, which I presume lefties find cute. Sexy even?
Naga in Indian mythology is a snake-like creature.
Just saying.
Grin and bear it.
Only insiders need reply.
Dear Marianna ,
Here is a little maxim or ditty my mum taught me when I was a little boy, “Sticks and stones may break my bones………. “.
It has stood me in good stead all my life .
You need to attend the University of Life for a number of years as you are only a little girl trying to be a ‘big girl’.
Yours ,
Why do I get the feeling Marianna is only interested in people at one end of the political spectrum, and not those viciously trolled for holding the wrong, non-woke views?
For example journalist Christina Lamb who was viciously and systematically attacked and threatened by the woke Left for ONE LINE about Prince Philip:
“… an often crotchety figure, offending people with gaffes about slitty eyes, even if secretly we rather enjoyed them.”
For that, she got cancelled, de-platformed, threatened and abused for weeks. They literally tried to destroy her, her career, her family.
Wokeism may sound like a bit of a harmless joke, but make no mistake: it’s lethal.
‘Nothing could prepare me for the online war: Christina Lamb on being attacked by the trolls
One sentence was all it took. After social media took objection to her dispatch from the royal funeral, the foreign correspondent and her family have suffered a campaign of abuse, bullying and death threats’
A terrible story – and it was darling ethnic minorities doing most of the bullying. A BIG mistake to apologize, though.
“EE to reintroduce Europe roaming charges in January”
Why ? Because they can.
Hit them where it hurts and change your operator. I see that the Europhile Rejoiners are hitting the ‘Comments’ section.
What a surprise, the BBC has opened a HYS on the topic and the remainers are piling in.
If it costs a mobile operator to provide ‘roaming’ in Europe and they are forced to do it, it must be obvious that the operator will factor the costs into its charges elsewhere, i.e. those who don’t travel to Europe will have been paying for those that do.
Taffman is right, if it hurts, change operator, let the market decide.
For some time I have been very suspicious about the way Al Beeb runs HYS. They are only run on certain topics. Some going badly appear to be ‘pulled’ quite soon. Are some ‘up ticks’ generated by Al Beeb thus weighting the hits in favour of biased topics ?
Blimey Taffman – im on both EE and on the continent – looks like a new contract is in the offing…
Imagine if your fave ‘Cooking Meth with Floyd’ episode also had the line ‘during the beating his health deteriorated’.
The BBC would prob… oo… look…. squirrels!
I’ve never seen the defence of Officer Chauvin, but i imagine it went something like this:
We got a report of counterfeit banknotes, a search revealed suspect had long rap sheet, possibly armed and dangerous.
Suspect resisted arrest and behaved wildly, possibly on drugs.
Subdued suspect with standard knee-to-neck method, as taught at training.
Suspect complained about not breathing, as they often do.
Waited for back-up and ambulance.
Suspect died, possibly of drug overdose, asphyxiation, or combination.
Murder means intent to kill. There was no intent to kill, just to subdue.
Chauvin was charged of:
third-degree murder,
second-degree manslaughter.
Common-sense should tell us that someone can only be killed once and that the only valid purpose of multiple charges like this is to create a set of nets i.e. if we can’t catch him on the first we will get him on the second or third.
It is like being prosecuted for exceeding 30, 40, 50 , 60 and 70mph speed limits when alleged to be doing 71mph and then totting up the penalties.
What is missing from the charge sheet is any suggestions of a racial motivation, which apparently is the reason why M&S want to sell more black knickers.
” being prosecuted for exceeding 30, 40, 50 , 60 and 70mph speed limits ”
– VOSA / DVSA wombles (or whatever the call themselves this week)
– “hold my beer”
Tomo ,
To us lorry drivers DVSA are referred to as Devious, and when they are pulling us onto weigh bridges they are mermaids; – ***** with scales .
The thing is none of the above imply intent to kill. They are all about where someone died as a consequence of his actions.
But the BBC can now throw the label ‘murderer’ at him and the casual reader will think he killed him on purpose in cold blood.
One of their standard, dirty tricks to intentionally mislead.
“Covid: Rishi Sunak says he will stop wearing a mask as soon as possible”
How about now ?
Don’t tell Anna Foghorn Soubry that the Covid crisis is ever over as I want her to wear a face mask for the rest of her life .
“Royal Academy apologises to artist Jess de Wahls in transphobia” row…………
Its high time our PM and government took the lead in calling time on the ‘woke joke brigade’.
We need some leadership to expose these ignorant people that are trying to change the English Language .
Why is Al Beeb reluctant to show this article on their front page? Over to our special ‘woke joke’ correspondent at Al Beeb ……………
O/T, I was watching Countdown yesterday, and after shouting at Rachel Rileyski to shut up and just pull out letters and numbers, I realised she could be muted, relief. Anyway someone came out with the word ecotage, that’s right sabotage for ecological reasons. Got to be the Oxford dictionary!
An e-cottage is where we will all be spending our virtual holidays if the e-facists get their way.
Sorely missed.
Dear Katty Kay,
I understand that at one time Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of Africa.
What ever has happened in the last forty years?
Have you read that the government ‘underestimated’ the number of eu citizens here by at least 2 million.
The number who have applied to stay is 2 million more than the number the government told us were here.
I bet there must be 100’s of thousands more under the radar as well.
It makes you wonder what the true number of immigrants is.
Nobody believes anything the government says anyway.
Supermarkets and waste companies already cater for tens of millions more than the population which the government tells us is about 66 million or so.
The funny thing I read in the article (in Breitbart London) was that somebody said the government should sort this out and get the real number or people would not trust the governments figures.
On another subject.
It may be distasteful to mention but if we have lost 127,000+ mainly oldies due to coronavirus (government figures) then that means paying about a £billion a year less in pensions.
Together with other payments and health costs there must be substantial savings made.
If the number of deaths is about the same as most other years this saving will not be made so is this 127,000+ number false accounting.
I’ve not heard anyone mention this on tv but it could show that covid is being used to scare and control if the total number of deaths isn’t much different.
I know it’s not a nice topic but I would like to hear it discussed.
6:06pm ITV local news COP26 #PRasNews
Claims that various flooding on Henry Ward’s farm at Short Ferry*, Lincolnshire
are part of .. “more extreme weather caused by Global Warming”
* (Short Ferry is a strange name, I bet it never had flooded before ../sarc
He’s the son of the PR savvy Andrew @Wheat_Daddy)
Second strand ‘we can produce more food with less resources
– young Kate Adams NFU spoke
“we must have more eco farming”
… report from vertical farm
– report from John Grant a Hallam Uni Cli Activist Scientist
Looks like magic home hydroponics at his home garden
Presenter “race to prevent looming Climate Crisis”
Third strand : Climate Stripes graph .. that was also promoted the other day
“What we can all do in the months leading up COP26”
“Here look today at one place in the Arctic circle it’s 33C”
…. WeatherIsNotClimate but #ItsOKWhenWeDoIt
Remember all the consternation when there were floods at Fishlake in Yorkshire?
Next item : BAME less successful with IVF
33% success white, 25% Asian
Black people “even less !” … then eventually admit they ask for help 2 years later than whites
Next item : “The fear of coming out gay, a new podcast has been made”
Final Item : Asian reporter doing a national item about a Prince Philip Museum.
“Stay away, UK! EU chiefs BACK Merkel’s quarantine blacklist for Britons”
Has Al Beeb covered this yet ? If it happens it will hurt the EU tourist resorts very badly indeed .
BBC local news : Item #3 Brexit after 5 years
The focus is the farm doom angle
farmer who says harvest worker situation are not the same, “less Polish are coming back”
Then says he’s started a Dutch operation to get around EU red tape.
( I think he’s a flower farmer)
Next ethnic-Polish employment agency woman
“The positive is the the diversity projects in Boston, and people coming together”
I can guess the viewer comments
“Of course I don’t regret voting for Brexit”
Royal TV
8pm Channel-5 Kensington Palaces doco
“It prepares for visitors even as it undergoes the most intense renovation it has seen in modern times – from preserving clothing worn by Princess Diana to ..”
9pm ITV Princess Diana special
would-be 60th birthday
8:30pm BBC Would I Lie to You?
24 Jun 2021 – 8:30pm – 9:00pm
“This week’s guests joining Lee Mack and David Mitchell
are Jo Brand, Simon Day, Kiri Pritchard-McClean and Henning Wehn.”
Diverse bunch of lefties ?
Brillo interviewing Roger Hallem – the founder of Extinction Rebelion -20 minutes .
By the end i felt sorry for those who believe in human climate change. Mt Hallem is a wack job . One of those eccentrics blighty produces every once in a while . A poor mans ‘ jim lovelock
But no gotcha – i fair crack of the whip – and i cant wait for the conventional broadcasters to copy GBN
8pm …..
The Roger Hallam full 16 min interview has just been put up
Oh it’s so overdue to give these self-appointed crazies the old heave-oh. I cannot understand why any corpus-mentis news editor can’t see what absolute bloody jokes they really are.
Absolutely excellent. The guy had an answer to that question carefully pre-rehearsed and it was still total bullsh1t.
So the reason for our billions is ‘every good conservative has honour’ and ‘we all know protesting against the Chinese won’t work’.
This really shows up the BBC farce for what it is.
Just when you thought they couldn’t behave any worse:
Won’t be seeing this on the BBC.
Gang of ‘men’ who tracked down a woman in a safe house trying to avoid a forced marriage to a ‘man’ who turned out to still be in the UK and dealing drugs.
A truly shocking story and they should all be deported along with their families for their actions.
“Haroon Ilyas, Quisam Ilyas and Mohammed Ilyas have all been jailed.”
Bloody Northerners.
I’m surprised the BBC aren’t on the case, they usually care so much about wimmin’s rights.
Wolf-whistling and opening a door are micro-aggressions, but apparently beatings and forced marriages to cousins are not newsworthy.
‘After the arrests, it was uncovered that Haroon Ilyas was in the midst of being investigated by detectives for a slew of child abuse offences, with evidence dating back some two decades.’
What an amazing coincidence. No doubt the case was low priority to avoid alienating others of his faith and the staff used to police ‘hate crimes’ for the same reason.
I can’t even find that story on the unbiased BBC.
I repeat: bloody Northerners!
Andrew Neil
“But the richest pickings for the Boss-Class are related to Climate Change”
But the richest pickings for the boss class are related to climate.
This opens a veritable cornucopia of bossiness.
Local politicians in the West Midlands think you should stay at home even post-pandemic to help with their “accelerated pathway” to cut carbon dioxide emissions.
This morning the government’s Climate Change Committee said
we should be eating 20% less meat and dairy produce by 2030,
35% less by 2050.
Vegans are urging that it should be 100% less.
The Committee is also keen you should continue working from home.
And it wants to slap new taxes on flying, waste and other industries.
Along with various agencies it’s also limbering up to tell you to rip out your gas boiler.
And the Environment Bill currently going through parliament could require households to Use four separate bins — one each for glass, metal, plastic, and paper and card.
Plus a further three for garden waste, food waste and non-recyclables.
You might have lost your job in the pandemic.
But the boss class will never be out of work.
When it comes to meddling in our lives, it’s only just begun.
Who let the dogs out?
We can now see that there are some seriously mentally damaged people out there. Sadly the push to appear and agree with woke in every area has given them an aura of respectability and faux credibility.
The only thing that will halt this totally wacky races madness is when it starts to hit people’s life-styles and comfort.
It will crash and burn when people realise what their bonkers schemes really mean.
Latest Halifax Ad features every ethnic group they can cram in. White older males actually do get a included at the end but only via a plaque on a bench celebrating their death.
I am really, really beginning to despise and hate the stomach-churning creatures who come up with this detritous. I can imagine them schoolgirl giggling over their shitty put-downs every time they do it.
Another Company to add to my do not ever deal with list.
Some time ago I asked on this site whether there was a list of woke companies we could boycott and perhaps publish here. I got a rather sniffy reply from a pedantic admin / mod /editor (?) to the effect that we don’t stoop to that sort of thing here, Queensberry Rules old chap, eh what what?
To which I now say: BULLSH*T.
We are at war – a culture war – and all is fair in love and war.
Fight fire with fire. Boycott the boycotters. Out the woke.
Fight fire with fire.
They started it.
I don’t see anything wrong with a list of woke companies we can choose to boycott.
Our motive is ethically far more acceptable. They are doing it to force their far-Left fascism upon us. We are doing it to stop them.
There are at least three reasons for maintaining lists of organisations that engage in this offensive behaviour:
1. Consumer choice derived from ethical principles (as you mention). Who wants to buy from a company that is effectively saying ‘we don’t want YOUR business’?
2. ‘What goes around comes around’. Some of us are or will be in positions to make commercial and political decisions about who we deal with. Woke organisations can be specifically excluded from business, council, governmental and other contracts when the tide turns. Ideally this will eventually be enforceable in law (‘Failure to comply with traditional British values’, ‘Failure to comply with promoting unity’ etc).
3. Massive over-representation of minorities and under-representation of the indigenous population is suggestive of ethnic cleansing intent through cultural means. There may be well be scope within existing UN definitions of ethnic cleansing and genocide to enshrine this in law and then use it for the investigation and prosecution of organisations and leading individuals within them. The use of UN standards may seem ironic, but it would also be deliciously sweet for these enemies to be ‘hosted by their own petard’.
@Vlad I have no special powers here
It’s a free thinking place
I can think one thing
and you can think another.
Wokists want corps to OBEY them
.. I don’t want Woke-corps to OBEY ME
… I just want them to obey the law of basic morality.
One thought is that when woke-mob start these stunts, it eventually comes back to bite them anyway
BBC 4 Blazing Saddles…….and they haven’t taken out the Nigger word ! , Big Surprise …. thanks to Mel Brooks a Classic from 1974
Charlie – I’m not sure if I should edit that word or not. Personally I couldn’t give a damn….
I sincerely hope that Andrew Neill is still fit and well for the sake of GB News and the rest of us.
Go Brillo – you’re much better than the other lot…
I was watching his show earlier, including “Woke Watch”. He said he was taking a break and returning in the autumn.
If it’s true that Neil is away till autumn, I think that’s very bad news.
The channel needs a heavyweight like him in its early days.
I must admit I’ve found some of the presenters, and content, a bit patchy.
No doubt he has his reasons (health?) but sad nonetheless.
9am REDio 4 Desert Island Disca with Richard Wilson
who played the part of Victor Meldrew in the BBC sitcom One Foot in the Grave.
LUXURY ITEM that he’d like on the desert island ?
“A subscription to The Guardian newspaper”
Maybe as toilet paper?
RuinedLeon has found another Jussie Smollet
the racist arson attack on a BLM supporter
… was done by herself … CCTV proves
RuinedLeon says the BLM founder really seems to have been collecting donations
which didn’t show up on her “help prisoners charity” books
at the same time she got wealthy.
How humiliating for Buckingham Palace to have to count percentage points for ethnic minority employees, and be forced to apologise and promise ‘to do better in future’.
Well done, Whinge and Ginge, I hope you’re proud.
No doubt the Palace should also employ a proportionate number of muggers, drug dealers and members of pedophile grooming gangs to properly reflect the country’s rich diversity.
Maybe even a few terrorists?
And how eager the BBC are to go sticking their snout in that particular trough.
“Buckingham Palace reveals 8.5% ethnic minority staff”
Why should they do “better” than 8.5%?
Well, he likely has been stressed lately.
BBC going to set Groper Marr on him to analyse butt fondling technique?
Nowt on Al Beeb?
Vile is on it.
Using every time honoured Vile technique in the book.
I expect the beeb are dying to run the story but don’t want to appear too ‘tabloid’. So they’ll wait a bit then come over all serious and discuss the ethics, political fallout etc.
Like the tabloids, but with a serious face.
The BBC keen to avoid tabloid, you say?
The % of what the national laughing stock is not grows daily.
It’s shocking that the mistress is a director of her husbands lobbying firm. He (the husband) must have thought he’d hit the jackpot when she was appointed to hand-on-cock’s office.
Laura Impartial is right on it now.
Hey Come On – Handcock is pretty hot stuff – is this his oppportunity to spend more time with his family – and be replaced by grant shapps – another half wit – plenty to choose from ….
They don’t seem to be social distancing.
Half of the cubicle gardens en route to HRW?
The ratio.
Saw this as it was liked by Shayan, Springster’s not very bright (and all is relative) co-specialist.
One for the BBC Disinformation Unit Industry in America?
Or if actually he is white, Sopes may decide to stay in the bar and finish the bottle.
Tweet has been deleted.
Sopes and BS on the red eye as we speak.
BBC News
The crew of the British slave ship Zong threw 132 enslaved African people from its human cargo into the sea to drown in 1781.
#CCBGB on the subbing priority.
“My grandfather was a Marine in the Boer War serving in the Red Sea when he saw ‘slaves’ being thrown overboard from dhows. The dhows were transporting people from Africa to Arabia. He received a payment for capturing 3 dhows.”
“ Actually this is an interesting ‘In Our Time’ episode from many months ago, why someone wishes to feature it now I’m not sure. The programme also highlighted the fact that the slaves were actually captured by black warlords who kept them tethered at the keyside until the slave trader ships arrived. The captains of the ships then bartered with the warlords for the slaves, so nobody comes out of this very well. For anybody interested in history I can recommend In Our Time, Radio 4 0900 on Thursdays.”
Anybody ever wonder what happened to the black people the slavers had rounded up but the white buyers didn’t want to buy?
Answer= Terminated with extreme prejudice by the native slavers Can’t keep stock around if it’s not saleable.
What the idiots of today can’t appreciate is how cheap life was back then. Judging things hundreds of years ago according to todays standards is absolutely ridiculous.
If the woke morons could actually understand every act of cruelty through the centuries which was normal for the people who lived in those times, their tiny little brains would just explode with outrage.
Interesting to note the outrage industry rapid response units are now prepped to claim querying MSM selective race stirring as gammons denying history.
In the USA, the usual suspect outlets are really trying to get everyone worked up more from those of color and little restraint to indigenous, based on stuff a long time ago.
History is to be learned from and appreciating all sides of a story, context and unpalatable truths about human development is all part.
Anything else is propaganda backed by censorship.
In other words Blacks and Arabs were involved in the trading and killing – some still are – but whitie gets all the blame.
By coincidence reading an article on the US Navy that doubtless will have passed Sopes and Wendy’s Unit by too.
“The US Navy though, goes back a long way and has a much more storied and esteemed history. Founded in in 1775 as the Continental Navy, the US purchased their first warships (six heavy frigates) in 1794, to combat the threat of Barbary pirates. In just a few years, the US Navy came up against the French Republic Navy in the Quasi-wars, the Barbary states in the Barbary wars and most notably, Great Britain in the War of 1812.”
This Barbary types… what were they up to then?
As to your last sentence, job done chez West Lost Ay?
I watched ‘Belle’ a while back about a mixed-race girl being brought up by her rich uncle. In the film she was chased by every rich white male at the ‘coming out’ balls – even though she was most definitely black. In those days of slavery ? – not a chance.
She ended up with a lawyer prosecuting the Zong case and she was an outspoken anti-racist who gave eloquent speeches to make sure the bad white men were found guilty. What a wonderful, strong, coloured woman, particularly in those times.
It has these reviews on IMDB:
‘Excellent historical drama’
‘Mesmerizing and romantic true story’
‘Incredible historical movie’
‘A gentle film with serious undertones’
It all seemed just a bit too conveniently woke and far-fetched to me – so I researched it a bit. I discovered this is everything we know about Belle:
She was a mixed race woman brought up by her uncle. The only record of her entire life is a gravestone. That’s it.
She lived roughly around the time of the Zong incident.
She never met the lawyer or had anything at all to do with the trial.
So basically it’s a complete lie dressed up as a true story. And the f*ckwits just lap it up.
Toady BBC news
I wanted to know about the latest shambles around international travel – but plenty about abo s as victims in Australia – stuff about a white plod in a foreign country getting sentenced for killing a coloured criminal .
Colour as victim – the chief BBC drive – god could I wake up one day and it is not there any more .- and this site can close.
What’s up with Brillo ? ill? GBNews will sink without him .
But a looker?
Deffo to be played by Whoopi.
Or Joe Brand.
Batley and Spen.
Full marks to Laurence Fox of Reclaim Party for defying the Labour Council and their ban and went ahead with his Freedom of Speech rally!
DT daily telegraph update – if you are subscribing more than £4 a month it’s too much – they wanted £13 a month – but it landed up at a £1 a week – apparently you can get a lower price – info only .
I was on the edge of subscribing to the DT just before they shadow-banned me. I was my usual outspoken-but-fair self (in my opinion anyway) and often had the top rated comment – but they were on the run-up to going woke behind a paywall. On principle, I won’t give them a penny now.
I think they were trying to sell the whole outfit and wanted a more left-wing appeal. Either that or it was because I called Celia Walden ‘vile’ in a comment and lets’ face it : not a jury in the land would convict me of lying about that.
John – whilst ‘bargaining ‘ I asked the subscription department to pass up the command chain that if the DT continues to go woke it will go broke – which is why – perhaps – they only gave me to the year end before upping the sub – I just won’t pay more ….
They even kept ringing me up when I cancelled their dead tree sub!
Anyway, Senora O’Blene complains that it’s too ungainly to handle these days so we never read it.
There’s enough news around on the net without looking at all the common rags, we don’t believe most of what they gabble anyway, and of course, apply the First Law of Scrobs to the BBC and now ITV – if they mutter it, believe the opposite!
I am paying 75p a month, but there is so little to read that I am going to let it lapse. The DT misses endless opportunities to scoop the news or take a strong independent line; it has been reduced to a docile Government covid rag.
Despite public protestations that they would gladly welcome the return of fans to our football stadia – and of course all that missing gate money – one can’t help but feel football’s governing authorities view a live audience as a bit of an embarrassment: ‘Red-card for fans over anti-German chants‘ (Telegraph) – looking through the dystopian Black Mirror (as it were) the future of the game will be TV broadcast only, with a soundtrack of computer generated fake crowd reactions… and 2,500 Uefa VIPs at the matches, despite covid.
And that will suit just nicely. No booing the taking-the-knee and absolutely nobody will be there to mention the war: ‘The FA has warned England fans they face a match ban if they sing any songs that mock Germany‘ – presumably along with this warning a list of outlawed bantering ditties will be distributed to the crowd, with a sheet containing the words to a dwindling list of permissible sing-alongs, including Deutschland über alles?
Soccer’s governing body now sees part of its remit as a political battle against anything it may happen to term “ultranationalist” – which is apparently a word and that does sound rather a political goal for the chaps and chapesses in blue blazers over there at the FA who are supposed to be managing sport.
Football is tribal if it is anything. Should the FA now tell Liverpool fans not be so ultra-scouse? If “Ten German bombers” is verboten then anti-Manchester references to the Munich aircrash must now be put on ice.
Furthermore, besides ruling on the use of VAR and off-side rule it is interesting to note the FA declare: “We strongly condemn any behaviour at Wembly that is discrinatory” – apart from the discriminatory preferential favours awarded to those 2,500 Uefa officials and corporate hangers on?
There will be struggles ahead as the powers that be attempt to bend sport to become the avatar of wholesome behaviour.
BBC: ‘Tokyo 2020: Some GB Olympic athletes ‘don’t want vaccine’ – BOA chief Andy Anson‘ – Oh, my giddy aunt! You mean otherwise healthy Olympic sports people, training at the very peak of their physical abilities, are a bit iffy about taking an experimental drug?
Can we put a number on this perverse minority tendency?
‘The head of the British Olympic Association (BOA) says the organisation is still “trying to convince” some athletes to have the Covid vaccine before Tokyo 2020 starts next month. Chief executive Andy Anson said “well over 90%” of British athletes will have two vaccine doses by the Olympics.‘
So an optimistic Andy Anson thinks he can get the number of vax refusniks down to 10% by the start of the Olympics – meaning the present number we guess is somewhat more than 10%?
Sport demands 110% – we all know that.
‘”We’re trying to convince them it’s the right thing to do,” he added.’
‘”People have got the right to choose, and we have to respect that. But it’s not necessarily that helpful.”‘
And there, ladies and gentlemen, in those two sentences you have the story that translates to all of us. We may not all be Olympians – we may just own a dusty 25 yards front crawl certificate and a runner up prize in the school sports dads’ sack race. But remember – sport is now the avatar for your behaviour.
You have the freedom to do as you please but your governing authorities think you’re being a bit of a stick in the mud if you don’t do as they encourage you to do. Because – don’t forget this – they know best and they are the arbiters of what is the right thing to do.
There’s a lot headlines in the press about holidays again today – it’s a bit of a newspaper obsession – but the picture – which traditionally used to be of bikinied beauties – is very confused. Most titles do tend to revert to their priors. The Mail tells us we can pack the suntan oil: ‘Holiday islands here we come‘; the Times says Brussels tells us to stay put: ‘EU threat to thwart holidays‘ – (threat to thwart – that’s a bit of a tongue twister); the Express suggests Europe is not unanimous and there are cracks in the sun-bloc: ‘Spain vows to defy EU plot to ruin our hols‘; the Guardian sides with the EU over “fears” and a “surge”: ‘Travel eased but UK surge in cases sparks fears in EU of Covid spread‘; and the Metro blames the Germans: ‘Germany demands penalties… Merkel wants quarantine across EU for Brits‘
Phew, wot a scorcher… of a debate. But will we ever have beach babe pics ever again?
The freebie Metro resorts to a library photo of a beach scene: ‘Shutterstock‘ – gets the credit. But I do give credit for their daft pun: ‘Quaran-tan: Travellers can now return from Mallorca without isolating‘
Meanwhile the Koran-tan are coming out in force in Afghanistan as the Times cautions: ‘Bismillah Khan… an Afghan counter-terrorist unit officer… has warned that the Taliban could retake big cities when coalition forces leave‘
“Bismillah! I see a little silhouetto of a man. We will not let you go”
In Arabic houses, Bismillah
or Bismillah ir-Rahmaan iir-Raheem *
is often said before eating
* (in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful).
Since Freddy Mercury came from Zanzibar an Arabic area
I presume his family or neighbours were Muslim then and he knew the word
and used it when he wrote Bohemian Rhapsody.
In a hadith narrated by Umar bin Abu Salamah, the Messenger of Allah ( saw), said to him,
“Mention Allah’s Name, eat with your right hand, and eat from what is near you.”
Interesting, I guessed it might have had something to do with Freddy Mercury’s exotic background.
Is BBC Radio One giving Bohemian Rhapsody a caution for possible offence to muslims yet?
Freddie Mercury – real name Farrokh Bulsara was a Parsi, or at least was born to Parsi parents. He may well have had Muslim acquaintances or friends or knowledge of their customs. Always struck me as curious that he has never been heralded as the ‘first great Asian popstar’ in the west.
In the illustration to Belloc’s rhyme about the Camel, the Ship of the Desert, the man on the camel’s back is saying, “Bismillah, I wish it wasn’t so rough!”
Trending on Twitter : the Mumford band member leaving the band, essentially over his one tweet in March praising Andy Ngo
…. It’s obvious the hatey lefties today haven’t even glanced at his explanation
cos thousands of them have been tweeting bile at him, lots of nasty smears including calling him a “fascist”.
The meat :
At the beginning of March I tweeted to American journalist Andy Ngo, author of the New York Times Bestseller, Unmasked. “Congratulations @MrAndyNgo. Finally had the time to read your important book. You’re a brave man”.
Over the course of 24 hours it was trending with tens of thousands of angry retweets and comments. I failed to foresee that my commenting on a book critical of the Far-Left could be interpreted as approval of the equally abhorrent Far-Right.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Thirteen members of my family were murdered in the concentration camps of the Holocaust.
My Grandma, unlike her cousins, aunts and uncles, survived. She and I were close.
My family knows the evils of fascism painfully well.
To say the least.
To call me “fascist” was ludicrous beyond belief.
Goes on to say he is leaving the band, not cos of himself
but in order to take the heat away from his band members, who were getting the hate as well, even though they disagree with him.
Someone should explain to him that Hitler was far-Left, not far-Right. They remained socialists right up to the end and it cost them the war : they could not match the production in a free market.
Huh? Might come as surprise but it was Russia which won the war by the enormous sacrifice of lives, and it was their production of tanks and aircraft which over ran the Luftwaffe proving that quantity beats quality in warfare.
The Russians were desperate for the West to open a second front to take some of the pressure off them, but Churchill was a hopeless strategist despite his front man shining success. His Gallipoli fiasco was closely followed by his Anzio fiasco and his ‘soft underbelly’ strategy was, like all his other totally misconceived.
He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to D Day which he opposed to the bitter end, perhaps following another one of his colossal failures operation Jubilee.
We should never forget the real history, not gild it with falsehood to make us feel better.
The Russian people really suffered during WWII they lost 27 million people as a result and it became so deeply ingrained in the Soviet psyche that every one who was not on their side was a ‘Fascist’.
The Berlin wall was called ‘The anti Fascist Barrier’, even though the Fascists were long gone.
The ‘Fascists’ referred to by the Communists in these posts are simply anyone who opposes or threatens Communism, to them it’s just a word, they understand nothing about its origins, philosophy or anything, just someone who opposes them.
“The war was won with American money, British bravery and determination, and Russian blood”.
Other stats: the UK suffered 450,000 casualities, the USA 419,000 (contrast with 27 million Soviet, 20 million Chinese and 6 million Polish). Around 25% of the USSR’s war materials were supplied by the USA and UK. 80% of German military casualities were on the Eastern Front: it was cheaper and more efficient to let the Soviets do the fighting and dying.
1 million of the Russian casualties died in the 2+ year long Siege of Leningrad.
The Russians (both Tsarists and Soviets) believe in a defence in depth concept, keep up giving up lives and territory in a war of attrition until the enemy supply lines are overextended and their position becomes untenable – particularly with the onset of the Russian winter.
It worked in 1812 when Napoleon invaded Russia and again in both World Wars.
I’ve had the honour of being shown around the war graves in Leningrad – as was – the losses over such a long time are almost beyond our belief . But Stalin did it – by failing his people .
I think the USA played a small part as well.
What Churchill had to do was hold the country together until the USA joined in. And he did. He said that as soon as the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour, he knew we would win.
And let’s not pin too much heroism on the Soviet Union. They suffered as much under Stalin as they did from Hitler. They got slaughtered by Hitler if they went forward and by Stalin if they didn’t. And sometimes by Stalin whatever they did.
As you say, let’s not guild it.
Churchill recognised the danger before the war, he was prepared to fight it when it came, and when he became PM there was a huge mood in the political leadership for ‘coming to terms’ with Hitler.
Name another prominent politician that wanted to fight on that wanted to fight on.
At first he had to win them over by saying that they could get better terms from Hitler if Britain could hold out for another six months. The cabinet took the bait and Churchill played them like a master.
Churchill was a great leader. His tactical appreciation may have been faulty on some issues but he had to drive people to action
seeing as the overall mood was one of fatalism leading to inaction. When Churchill made it clear he was not going to backdown, his generals, admirals and other competent staff knew that he was a leader that they could work with and would back them as long as they did their job.
Thatcher was a leader of the same mold. They get results.
In his books, Churchill knew it was inevitable the USA would be dragged in. He just had to hold on long enough. The government wanted to but had to find a reason good enough for the people to accept. WHich was Pearl Harbour.
As Fedup says below, Russia had signed their own peace-pact with Germany which left them to concentrate on the rest of us (and for Russia to take it’s own spoils in the region). If Germany had not broken it, Russia would have left us to them.
Only our friends because they were the enemy of our enemy.
I think Chamberlain realised – too late – what he was dealing with – but was too ill to drive forward . Halifax would have asked hitler where he wanted to put the concentration camps in blighty .
I do wonder what would have happened if hitler had invaded – whether the RAF were beaten or not – after all – his losses taking Europe were not great .
However The RN was huge and the rest of the Empire might well have swung it . I always wince when that ‘ standing alone ‘ cliche is rolled our .
Again you are perhaps understating the levels of cowardice on the part of the Tories, something which is still very evident to this day.
They hated Churchill and thought his a war monger he became first sea Lord again, much to the consternation of the cowardly Tories . It was the civil service who finally snapped though, dragging theh cowardly craven Lord Halifax into a private office where a ‘robust discussion’ took place and it was laid out what Tory cowardice had led too.
Halifax, having been forced to face up to reality then persuaded fellow Tory coward Chaimberlain that they should set a backstop at an invasion of Poland. He was still so utterly spineless that he had to get the French on board before he would agree to it, and when Hitler finally did invade Poland the cowards refused to honour their policy until the French agreed to stand with them.
It was at this point the greast coward Chaimberlain made his famous broadcast no such undertaking has been received and resigned soon after.
But the cowardice didn’t end there, the craven Tories still didn’t want Churchill as their leader, they wanted the other coward Lord Halifax, who fortunately realising he wasn’t fit to lead Britain other than in surrender negotiations declined their offer.
Churchill gave his great we shall never surrender speech to a house of commons packed with cowardly Tories with faces like slapped arses they didn’t want war they wanted surrender.
Clementine Churchill noted their appalling behaviour in her diary after the speech and her concerns about the cowardice of the Tories.
It was the same with Margaret Thatcher who sacket half the cabinet, and when asked why said It’s because they lack the necessary grit, they have no spine.
The problem lies in the public school educations especially the rotten school which is now worse than ever it was, it was this system which produced the infamous trailors Burgess Philby McClean Blunt Cairncrossm, etc although the British establishement yet again failed utterly in identifying this as the cause and instead blaming homosexuality as a reason.
The two Thatcher and Churchill came to power in spite of the cowardly Tory party not as a result of it and the way that party treated both of them is an utter disgrace they should all be ashamed of. Alas todays crop of cowardly useless incompetents is probably worse than they were back then!
Excellent documentary on BBC the other night about Churchill and Alexander Korda, and the use of films to get the USA involved in the war.
Thoughtful – you left out the bit about russia only got involved in WW2 because germany breached the peace pact .
Russia would have left germany to take Europe – as would the americans . The britsh empire would have been shared out amongst them .
The big war would have come – i reckon – once one of them got the Bomb – say – 1950 ish .. and probably the americans as the others were busily killing their scientists
1 million of the Russian casualties died in the 2+ year long Siege of Leningrad.
The Russians (both Tsarists and Soviets) believe in a defence in depth concept, keep up giving up lives and territory in a war of attrition until the enemy supply lines are overextended and their position becomes untenable – particularly with the onset of the Russian winter.
It worked in 1812 when Napoleon invaded Russia and again in both World Wars.
Lend Lease aid from the US and UK was another big factor.
• 30% of aircraft
• 90% of railway rolling stock and locomotives
• 30% of lorries
• Massive quantities of foodstuffs to alleviate the 40% decline in Soviet agricultural land
“I would like to express my candid opinion about Stalin’s views on whether the Red Army and the Soviet Union could have coped with Nazi Germany and survived the war without aid from the United States and Britain. First, I would like to tell about some remarks Stalin made and repeated several times when we were “discussing freely” among ourselves. He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war. If we had had to fight Nazi Germany one on one, we could not have stood up against Germany’s pressure, and we would have lost the war.”
• Nikita Khrushchev
“Russian blood” I truly feel sorry for Russian working class
but it was the executive class that mostly threw them under the bus with mad policies in the wars.
They could have been won with better strategies and far less loss of life.
Toady 2
So funny -a book about ‘meritocracy ‘ – and a discussion with an ‘actor ‘ who sounded coloured – and could not speak in clear English language innit ( job qualification) going on about his inherent chip because he went to a state school innit and didn’t have the ‘connections ‘ – yeah – innit ?
Interviewed by a privileged BBC droid who went to a private school – whose kids – no doubt – have a career in broadcasting .
You could name the jobs where connections are necessary – primarily blood – not meritocracy – whilst there is a 2 tier or 3 or 4 tier education system will for ever be . Not a winge from me – fact of life – which I sort of support – how right wing am I – my school was semi private BTW …
The bbc droid – Justin Webb- interviewing about meritocracy went to Sidcot school ( quakers – independent ) in a nice bit of Blighty – and then the LSE – source wiki – I don’t know why he didn’t bring up his own circumstances …
Fed, what did Webb’s father do?
BBC newsreader Peter Woods
Stew – yes – i d forgotten that – the prosecution rests …
The actor was Adam Deacon,
He was known cos BBC Catrin Nye has just just done a BBC PRasNews story with him
“A campaign is asking people who went to state school to shout about it.
So why is it needed?”
However he has a past
“He discussed his #bipolar diagnosis in a 2016 interview with Stephen Fry”
“There’s also a restraining order” or two
Seriously chippy – but a new entrant to the race industry – must be due a R4 series ..
You won’t see this on the BBC, but creepy Joe has taken to weird whispering into microphones (3 times).
(I made the mistake of listening with headphones. It’s disgusting, like the old perv’s inside your head.)
Could just be senility, or he could be practising for whispering into young girls’ ears while stroking their hair in an inappropriate way.
One thing is sure: the most popular President in history won fair and square.
It isn’t creepy, he is ‘talking down’ to the press in the most patronising way.
Given that they are 99.5% on his side, covering up for his dementia and lies. that is very unfair.
Meanwhile the Bronzed Strumpet and the other one have shut up shop until the mid-terms as there is ‘nothing to see’ in the US until then.
It’s talking-down AND creepy imo.
Here’s just one tweet about it, and there are thousands more:
Are you a racist? Of course you are!
A new feature on Facebook helps address that, they send me links of ten black people, with no connection to anyone that I know, that I might want to be friends with!
There must come a point when even the most passive, law-abiding, indigenous Briton is going to be goaded into doing something nasty.
So no one will end up scammed or abused by one of them 10 randoms ?
… Nigeria is famous for online scams.
New Belfield, Dingy Diver news …some snippets like
– 35K entered this year but only 24 were registered as children he claims
(The contradiction is Kent Child Services saying that they are over-run)
– Their cash cards are not loaded fast enough
In another video Belfield call Meghan/Harry liars
and wonders if he and Piers Morgan will get taken to court
.. or whether noting will happen cos there were 17 lies
here’s the list from @MoaningMarkle
Country Durham viral clip
*friendly farmer* helps tourist repark car on public land instead of private land blocking his gate
Leicestershire, less friendly famer left warning note on van window after it was left blocked his farm driveway, whilst owner went to the pub
I had a feeling the coming weekend might be a bit quiet on the website – but somehow i think there might be stuff to report ….
Is there a new health secretary yet ?
I hardly look at BBC stuff since GB News started hence why I don’t post much here now.
Mrs Tabs always has Radio 5 Live on in the kitchen so I sometimes hear a few minutes of it making breakfast.
Around 7:55am Nicky Campbell asked an ‘expert’, “Do you think we will be wearing masks in 15 years time?”
Expert, “Yes. The public are not stupid and will do what is best for society”.
Any decent journalist would ask why would we still be wearing them but when it comes to BBC journalists they state their own desires and ask a question at the same time.
Tabs – me too – i m on a BBC lite diet and my insides churn within moments of turning any bit of it on .
Hearing GBNews makes the appearance of the BBC even worse .
Crimebodge might be off the topic of the BBC
but police going wokey wacky is from the same root
…”5 reasons people DESPISE the police”
In case this one was missed for the record.
Jim Noughtie. R4 familiar will know this particular troughite who has since retired , however, is said to be on a £175k retainer to function as what used to be caklled a “roving reoporter”!
Anyway, he was done for drink driving having had a quick “swally” at his local in edinburgh and reported by bar staff ,
Plod tracked him to his home pronto like and he failed the breathalyser.
He will now be roaming on foot…….no wait a minute the bBC wouldnt supply a chauffer driven car would it?
What caught be about this wasnt the DD but the fact that this chap is slabbering 170,000 quid of thieved licence tax!
He’s a clucking Jimmy and is therefore likely to be bladdered 23.5 hours a day!
Yes – weird morality isnt it ?
Drink – drive – keep your job – say a word – a word held to be ‘racist ‘ and you are ‘gone ‘ for good –
The former is a crime – the latter isnt …
Anything to hear less from Naughtie … maybe the mail will give him a column . ?
He’s working today
and the offence happened in October 2019
So he’s been driving for a year and a half before the June 13th court appearance
More morality – this time Hancock.
The playbook now seems to be that
1 something gets into the press
2 the government sits and waits to judge the reaction – media and public
3 apology – MPs turn up to attack / defend
4 government prays for a distraction
5 distraction removes heat – minister survives
6 no distraction . Heat continues . Resigns
7 no distraction – full on apology
8 media publishes something else over the weekend . Minister – toast .
Has hancock broken his own rules ? Does nt seem to matter does it ?
In this case the tories had that Andrew Bridgen MP up for the defence – he must be after a job – and his defence amounted to ‘it’s private ‘ and – it’s a security breach – which is pretty lame .
Cummings must be laughing his bits off … even more so directly or indirectly responsible ….
Local BBC radio news “Police have named the suspect shown in CCTV for the the murder of a boy as Moise Djuku”
That was a long wait cos that’s 12 days after
and CCTV was released almost straight away after the murder.
The police arrested 3 people who sound like they were involved in helping him go on the run
so the police must have known his name for many days.
8 years ago in Hull there was a 15 yo boy with the same name competing in the cross country running for Archbishop Sentamu Comprehensive School in Hull
The first name looks like Portuguese for Moses
and the surname looks Dutch as if someone was connected to the colonies.
Second headline : Hull CSE investigation involving 34 people
No more details
So it could be priest, taxi-drivers, sports coaches or whatever
Been busy so only just heard about Matt Handcock. Not ‘getting Aids through sex’ as much as ‘getting sex through aides’.
Credit to The Sun for exposing the hypocrisy. Despite their periodic misdemeanours its another powerful reminder of the importance of Freedom of the Press and the dangers associated with preventing the free speech that goes with it.
The very opposite of the cancel culture and the woke/ BLM agenda.
I do question the modern argument that personal and professional life should be separate’. How can you distinguish one from the other on such values as honesty, judgement, consistency, or integrity? The concept of transferable skills drives much recruitment. No prizes for why Boris is backing him.
Also am really loving the idea that ‘failing to adhere to social distancing’ is the new euphemism for sex. Not a million miles from 60s Labour deputy leader George Brown being ‘tired and emotional’ i.e. totally p*****.
There’s a pun in the name Handcock trying to get out but i just can’t put my finger on it.
I’m sure the Sun will find one.
Oops, did I mis-spell the name?
Looks like the Bateley and Spen By election will liven up on Saturday when the anti fascists turn out to drive Tommy Robinson out of town.
I wonder if either the BBC or GB News will cover this event.
Stand Up To Racism
1ghtlSponsoereed ·
Support anti racists and anti fascists who are demonstrating at the Town hall tomorrow in Batley & Spen Unity where fascists and the far right have called a march #NoRacismNoFascism #batleyandspenbyelection
Not gonna clash with the footy is it ?
I think you got that the wroing way round, because the dso called anti Fascists (antifa) are in reality Fascists themselves, but are alas financially supported and protected by the far left Tory party.
When their Marxist infiltrator leader Theresa May was asked to proscribe antfia under terrorism laws she refused and instead made up a completely ficticious story about the rise of the ‘far right’, and then instead proscribed a slew of tiny groups no one had heard of, and whose members clearly mentally deficient were more of a danger to themselves than anyone else!
AMW on Gab says that TR cannot be there on Saturday (no reason given) but is still 100% supportive.
An article by For Britain member and army veteran Phil Kemble
From the Northern Ireland Troubles to Batley: The Similarities and the Differences
This article will provide you with all the information you need to show why the Batley schoolteacher and his family are in hiding fearing for their lives. Please share it with your family and friends so others can see the truth. It is “the truth” because it is supported by objective evidence. The Batley schoolteacher scandal did not appear out of thin air. There is a catalogue of events prior to it that have been deliberately ignored by successive British governments for decades.
Well, Hancock’s full on snog with the well placed hand on the bum, takes it up a level from a cuddly kiss on the cheek from an old mate, to the ‘get a room’ scenario.
It reminds me of the Andrew Marr photo with Marr’s hand stuck down the back of his lover’s jeans. (ugh!).×900
My opinion is the Hancock story is boring tittle tattle
.. and only a concern for the Hancock family
The big picture
.. is that the metroliberal elites are shagging the entire country
in terms of mad policies : open borders, rape gang cover ups, loss of free speech, costly GrenDream and Global warming religion policies, anti-equlity policies, cultural history destruction etc.
Twitter is brutal – public inquiry on ‘how a 3 could get a 7…’
Canada the Defund The CBC campaign
In the first part of @TomHarrisICSC new 30 minute video with Sheila Gunn Reed
they talk about the CBC’s online comment censorship
.. eg they zap an defences of Trump etc.