481 Responses to Midweek Thread 23 June 2021

  1. Dover Sentry says:

    Nothing more heard about GB News advertisers withdrawing.

    Funny, that…


  2. StewGreen says:

    BBC tweets all say “*equal rights activist* Sasha Johnson”


    • Sluff says:

      It’s the old BBC ‘normalising the extremist’ routine.
      She’ll be on Toady as an independent EHRC expert before you can say BLM.


  3. StewGreen says:

    Local news, tonight’s #PRasNews
    ‘Oh we just happened to have brought our cameras to the Boston hospital where Jonathan Van-Tam is ”

    .. I can’t remember them mentioning ant Covid deaths in Lincolnshire recently.. cases are very low


    • StewGreen says:

      coming up “winds of change are coming to help with climate
      .. but there are concerns turbines might harm wildlife”


  4. taffman says:

    “New Cross fire: Police officer injured as explosion heard at flat”
    “The Met said the incident was not thought to be terror-related.”
    Not thought to be terror related. What then, a ‘Flying glass main’?


    • Peter Grimes says:

      I used to live 100 yards from there, on Lewisham Way where the council knocked down the lovely black brick early Victorian 4 floor semi we (partly) lived in to build Goldsmith’s Library.
      Looking at Guggle maps it’s all foreign takeaways, pitta and such now. Whatever happened to Eatwell’s butchers, I wonder?


  5. Guest Who says:

    VD has an itch to scratch.


    • StewGreen says:


      I wonder if some she picked some shows that were up against football ?

      The GBM item last night about Roger Hallam had 40k views
      other show clips about 20K

      Most BBC YouTube are similar but occasionally get to 150K

      SkyNews figs are generally lower
      except they got 170K for Hancock snogging.


    • Sluff says:

      Who’d have thought?
      100 years of preferential treatment and ÂŁ4bn a year of guaranteed unearned income, some of which is spent on self-advertising, and you end up with a leading market share.

      But there’s another metric in marketing. Proportion of total marketing spend in the whole category as compared with market share.

      On that score the BBC is absolutely p*** poor.


  6. StewGreen says:

    BBC local news “50 travellers .. and that’s a protected characteristic ..are camped out in Hull public park
    ..I went down to talk to them
    .. but none would talk on camera
    … So here are local people … we are going to put at risk by airing their faces and uniforms on TV
    (he didn’t actually the last bit)”


  7. taffman says:

    Question: who are the generators of Woke-ology ?
    It appears that the only people putting a stop to this nonsense are the ordinary working man.
    Not the leaders of our nation, Al Beeb or the rest of the broadcasters . In fact they appear to the promoters of it .


  8. Peter Grimes says:

    Has the ‘world standard, impartial public service broadcaster’, Al Beeb, got anything on this yet?



    • Peter Grimes says:

      Barbarossaplatz…different kind of barbarian nowadays from the photo.


  9. StewGreen says:

    7:30pm Channel 4 doco about illegals
    seemingly produced by a comedy show company.


  10. StewGreen says:

    7:30pm BBC2 lefty arts show
    ..a drag queen, author of the Forgotten Women, then Tracey Emin


  11. Halifax says:

    Three dead and eight wounded, BIASED BBC contributors surprised nil, by knife attack in Germany.

    You won’t see the pictures in the link below on the BBC.

    At least he’s wearing a mask.



    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Bears all the hallmarks of climate change to me …


      • Fedup2 says:

        Norwegians – a one off – mental issues – security failure – he was trying to buy a dinghy ….
        That wasn’t the sort of ‘event ‘ I had in mind to distract from the ‘Tory Sex Scandal ‘….

        BBC has to bury that European event … guess it was one of those Merkel let in …


    • StewGreen says:

      pic : At least 3 dead and 5 injured in WĂźrzburg
      Interior Minister Herrmann said that, according to witness statements, the perpetrator “shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’

      The police said they were alerted around 5 p.m., and the danger warning was published at 5:21 p.m.

      The crowd chased him , then the perpetrator was stopped by the police with a shot in the leg and is now in custody.

      The alleged perpetrator is, according to police, a 24-year-old man from Somalia.



    • Sluff says:

      ………and as yet another triumphant example of Far Left mass immigration driven multiculturalism comes our way, get ready for the wokes to tell us that its all the fault of white middle class privileged Europeans………..

      An alternative though not unrelated thought is that campaigning for certain candidates in the Batley and Spen by-election is getting a little out of hand…….


    • StewGreen says:

      BBC report entire text. It has no pictures nor history context.

      At least three people have died and six have been wounded in the German city of WĂźrzburg after they were attacked by a man wielding a large knife, police say.

      A 24-year-old Somali man has been arrested, they say, and there is no further danger to the public.

      Videos on social media appear to show a man armed with a knife being confronted and subdued by passersby and police.

      The area around Barbarossaplatz, in the city centre, has been sealed off while investigations are carried out.

      There is no indication of more than one attacker.



      • Fedup2 says:

        Stew – I guess the identity of the poor victims ( RIP) will also be an indication of motive – and perhaps such slaughter is a ‘hate crime ‘ in wokespeak.

        A ‘cut and paste ‘ troll might help with this .. …baiting …


      • StewGreen says:

        Oh WĂźrzburg is a refugee sanctuary city


  12. StewGreen says:

    PJW “The art world want their fantasy that whitey commit all the crime to be true, so they’ve made a movie called Karen”


    • TrickCyclist says:

      I just looked up some details about this film ‘Karen.’
      It seems it’s been written and directed by a former rapper called Damon ‘Coke’ Daniels.
      I wonder how he acquired that nickname? Not a fan of Pepsi?


    • vlad says:

      Watson telling it straight, yet again.

      Well worth the 5-minute watch.


  13. taffman says:

    “Matt Hancock affair: Health secretary apologises for breaking social distancing guidelines”
    “But Downing Street said Boris Johnson accepted Mr Hancock’s apology and considered the matter closed”
    Wait for it ………………Lessons to be learned ?
    Me thinks they take us for fools.


    • Thoughtful says:

      You want the quality of a Rolls Royce and the performance of a Ferrari, and are prepared to pay the price of a second hand Lada.

      Suck it up you’re getting good value for what you pay for.


  14. vlad says:

    If you search hard enough on the BBC News webshite, you can just about find the story of the Somali man who killed at least 3 and wounded at least 6 in Germany (15 by some counts).

    It’s a surprisingly short article with no photos of the man, despite the fact that there are numerous (quite dramatic) pictures in circulation, and even video clips (despite social media’s best efforts to take them down).

    But let’s not jump to conclusions. As a progressive, I would like to frame it more in terms of a man, possibly the victim of Islamophobia, righting ancestral wrongs and, in his own small way, redressing White Privilege in his small corner of the world – perhaps after doing a course on Critical Race Theory. He is to be commended for his social responsibility in wearing a mask while doing the murdering.

    The police are to be utterly condemned for their savage shooting of the peaceful murderer, comparable in violence to the racist murder of Saint George of the Floyd, of which acres of print and hours of coverage everywhere on the BBC.

    I really should get a job at the Beeb.




  15. Thoughtful says:


    The sister of the horrible Jo Cox Kim Leadbeater has been heckled by Muslims over her promotion of LGBTQWERTY activism and the indoctrination of children in the constituency. She is as horrible as her sister was apparantly but stupid with it because she didn’t deny it, merely stating that the Muslims deserve ‘better than this’

    Better than what exactly? Not wanting their kids indoctrinated with left wing minority propaganda?

    It’s not just Muslims expressing this, White people are very very tolerant, but that tolerance has been massively abused in many ways.

    Labour will never win another election until they can appeal to the majority, and their most recent offerings prove they simply aren’t interested.


  16. G.W.F. says:

    Cop who knelt on Floyd George’s neck receives a 22 year sentence in order to unite America.
    No excuse for rioting or attacking white people.
    US justice serves the mob.
    “This historic sentence brings the Floyd family and our nation one step closer to healing by delivering closure and accountability,” lawyer Ben Crump tweeted.”



    • G.W.F. says:

      Racism and classism was the reason Floyd George was killed says man on GB News’ without any criticism. Surely someone on GB news saw the trial and noted that racism never featured in it

      Someone on Twitter commented that GB News has gone woke.


  17. StewGreen says:

    History Debunked “They got it wrong the Somerset case didn’t abolish slavery in Britain
    cos until the 19C there were white slave coal/salt workers in Scotland
    That was due to a 1606 “Anent Coalyers and Salters” Act. Legalised slavery!”


  18. JimS says:

    Don’t laugh, it could well happen…


    • StewGreen says:

      Trans athletes Sharon Davies speaks up
      with a simple analogy that should have been made before
      .. “Yes I’m 33, but for for the purposes of medal winning I’ll identify as an 11 year old”


  19. Fedup2 says:

    My car identifies as a bus so can use bus lanes

    A new thread – thanks


  20. StewGreen says:

    @Viva Frei ‘New York State Attorney board has brought itself itself and the law into disrepute
    by clearly doing an intimidation punishment against Rudy Giuliani at the start of an investigation .. rather than at the end.
    A lawyer should be free to speak
    ..not have his speech limited to what the authorities think are truths
    eg if he thinks 20,000 dead people he should be free to say that
    then you should be able to challenge him’

    .. https://youtu.be/js-Xes0WaA0


  21. JohnC says:

    Oops I did it again.
    (Wrong thread cleverly linked to Britney Spears who is in the news).