“Matt Hancock affair: Health secretary apologises for breaking social distancing guidelines” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57612441
They treat us, the people of Great Britain with contempt and for fools. He and his leader must go.
The Tory party must realise that their ‘great majority’ in the last general election has been squandered. It was a majority won on the back of “Getting Brexit Done” .
In truth, a Brexit won by Nigel Farage.
The most worrying aspect about the whole thing is the couldn’t care less attitude of Boris. It reveals just how out of touch with the public that man actually is.
If he is forced to sack the idiot in a few days time after a public backlash he will look weak and pathetic.
There’s a by-election coming up in less than a week. The Tories are in a position where they could win. I wonder how many would-be Tory voters in Batley will now change their mind?
It is not racist to object to the rape of young girls.
It is not racist to object to unnecessary cruelty to animals.
It is not racist to demand everyone have freedom of speech.
It is not racist, and it has never been racist, to demand that we are all treated the same way and all subject to the same laws.
Advert for the National Lottery whilst watching Father Brown so I guess the Drama Channel. It’s principal character was a black man in a wheelchair. I guess the advertising agency want an award. The complaints used to come from the black community saying that unless the adverts had black role models they didn’t identify with the products being sold. Well I failed to identify with the National Lottery advert so I won’t be winning the lottery. Actually I win every week because I never buy a ticket.
“Their advert…a black man, in a flying wheelchair, cleaning beaches…while appropriating Viking dress.
I thought appropriating culture was a no no…or is that just for white folk?”
Five years ago we voted to leave the EU . Why is Al Beeb still campaigning against the democratic decision of the British people ?
It still keeps the subject of ‘Brexit’ under its own separate a heading of its website news page.
I fully believe the BBC continue on their disgusting anti-British path is because Boris and his cohorts have privately assured them that in no way will the government take any action against them.
According to the email I got from ‘The Petitions Team’, nothing will be done for another six years.
If you want to see the whole message, I’ll cut and paste it here, but guess that we’ve all had enough of reading about what the government isn’t going to do about the awful BBBC…
It seems to be a mindset with this red Tory lot, – do ‘**** all’.
Sky are just as bad as the Beeb. Watching the sentencing of Chauvin at the Floyd trial, Greg Mylam – Sky’s reporter in chief in the States was practically lionising Floyd , and of course they had the daughter speaking in court – she’s about 5, and then the girlfriend was interviewed afterwards about the 20 years sentence. Not forgetting the brother who spoke in glowing terms of his sibling. Nothing short of a pantomime,
GB Woke News covered the sentencing with a UK leader of the black police who was allowed, without question, to attribute the killing of Floyd George to racism. Comments on Twitter were critical of GB Woke for jumping on the race bandwagon. It seems that presenters of GBWoke did not appear to follow the trial.
I don’t like victim impact statements. They add nothing of value to the judicial process and the search for truth. They are just another manifestation of how sentimentality is infecting even solemn institutions and replacing reason in the modern world.
I was appalled at the verdict and I am appalled at the sentence. In my view George Floyd’s death was complicated by many factors and the cause of death should have been found to be “undetermined”. Chauvin was certainly not guilty of murder.
Just listening to Radcliffe and Maconie from last Sunday. The total lefty, arrogant, condascending and intolerant Maconie is almost bearable as he hasn’t called the British public thick for voting for Brexit once yet. Maybe he’s cottoned on that he might have been wrong on a few things.
Anyway, it seems it’s gay pride month again (they are calling it ‘loud and proud season’ this time). They seem to be interleaved with ‘celebrating black music’ months these days. But I almost burst out laughing at how ridiculous it has all become. ‘It’s really an honour to be asked to celebrate some of my favourite LGBTQ+ artists’ said Ezra Furman. A ridiculous aconym which in turn ridicules the whole cause. Ezra (who gives Eddie Izzard a run for his/her/their money for the ‘bricklayer in drag’ look) announced he/she/they/it is a mother !!.
What happened to good old entertainment for it’s own sake ?. Everything from the BBC nowadays is laced with social and politicial conditioning.
It’s noticeable that the Pride celebrations (sic) have been somewhat muted this year, but have slowly been building up. It’s almost as though they have been exercising restraint, seeing how much the public will tolerate, then turning up the heat slowly. Except at the BBC, where it is always Pride month, Pride year, Pride decade, Pride century…
My local Sainsbury has a sign outside saying that it ‘Proudly supports the LGBTQWERTY community’. Interesting, considering that the main shareholder is the Qatari government, where male homosexuality if forbidden and can result in a prison (and potentially a death) sentence, same sex marriages are not allowed, nor is LGBTQWERTY campaigning (not sure about ‘P’ and ‘Z’ though…). Coming soon: a BBC Panorama Special exposing the hypocrisy of Sainsbury. Not.
I remember once when Vine interviewed IDS when he was leader of the Conservative Party, he followed the interview with a snigger and played “Sad Sweet Dreamer”. These left-wingers don’t care how blatant their bias is they know they will always get away with it and no questions asked.
As far as sacking Hancock Boris has a dilemma. Who can he get that would want to take over Health at this time whilst the pandemic is still underway?
Well – yesterday I ran through the Fedup Theory of political scandals – the initial demand for ‘resignation ‘ being the position as at Friday night with Hancock’s ‘hands on ‘ approach with his staff…
But today the second torpedo has been fired at HMS Hancock . The video – 60 seconds of intimacy – which is not a crime because it is work related .
The ship is sinking . Sunday- I reckon brings the final torpedo – the bedroom or office video . However – listening to the news -it sounds like Hancock will be sunk by the end of Saturday .
Does what he did matter ? Yes – because he has been inflicting restrictions on the existence of the british people for over a year with terrible consequences and is continuing to do so . His job included leading by example – which is failed to do – bigly ….
I haven’t even gone to the dirt over his employee and her brother ….
On this one the BBC has a free shot- not of their making .
The freedom March today will be a biggy and plod would do well to hide …rather than enforce laws signed off by Hancock
The BBC has a new sports presenter – Mohammed Farah. Unfortunately st Mohammed is now too old to run fast so will be yet another ego on the BBC in Japan for the covid olympics – a prediction – not ‘fact ‘ yet …
. I understand the trainer he used to have got banned because of the use of illegal pharmaceuticals . Sure there is no connection – just a coincidence …right ?
Fed, nothing more certain than Christmas that Farah would be wrapped in the arms of the BBC once his running career was over. He is now ‘considering his future’, well we all know what that will be. It was bad enough listening to his over inflated ego about how wonderful he was, after each race, so now he’ll be turning up on every available game show or hosting the Great British Canoe Building Challenge.
The BBC website actually does mention on its European
news page that a Somali man went on a butchering
rampage , slaughtering three Germans and cutting up a
few more.
We are told of the usual euphemism’s for an Islamic
terrorist that he was mentally ill. The German police
being on the same wave length as the BBC.
I wrote about the Portuguese travel fiasco a few weeks ago,
where thousands of Chelsea and Manchester City
supporters were allowed to travel to Porto when
Hancock and the rest of the gang knew that they were going
to make Portugal a yellow zone straight afterwards.
Maybe Hancock should tell us to wash our cocks as well as
our hands to avoid getting the Chinese virus.
I have idea, that is not Vine just coming across a video tweet and retweeting it
..but rather Vine having a video file on his computer and uploading it into his tweet.
If it was a female politician people would call Vine a school bully.
Saturday press review – in which I use the word slapper.
As if we haven’t been obliged to stomach more than enough of Boris’s benighted Health Secretary in the news these past fifteen months. Now we have Hancock’s onanistically suggestive moniker and inordinately smug visage, receding hairline and that blasted NHS label badge, splashed all over the press frontpages – and set to remain there all weekend and for the foreseeable.
We borrow the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper which provides all you need to know – at least about the media treatment of the affair: ‘Prime Minister backs Health Secretary over photos that show him breaking social distancing rules‘ – so that’s what they’re calling it these days?
‘Bereaved families’ groups say the PM’s failure to sack Hancock is a “slap in the face”‘ – wouldn’t giving a face slap to someone outside of your bubble be similarly breaking covid restrictions? I guess the slapper could wear a mask and hand sanitise before and after the slap?
The slap in the face is in any case surely what he’s due to receive from the missus.
One finds it fascinating that the ‘i’ uses what it terms “bereaved families’ groups” as the go-to vox pop on this one. Who and what are these groups? Do I sense lawyers and class action compo claims ahead? Maybe the ‘i’ had them on speed dial and the journos haven’t yet had time to acquire condemnatory quotes from actual families of the bereaved?
Heaven forfend us covid-restricted, furloughed, economically hobbled, otherwise healthy general public, just trying to make a living take a summer holiday and live our lives, ever get a say so.
‘Doctors hit out at “breathtaking hypocrisy”‘ – Ah the medics, our hallowed experts… the new priestly class. Well, you didn’t think the Archbishop of Caterbury and his ilk were going to come out and advocate for marriage and sexual propriety, did you?
‘Poll: majority believes he should resign‘ – no one asked me. Perhaps the ‘i’ finally somehow ascertained the opinion I’ve already held strongly for over a year and collated that?
You’ve gotta hand it to Hancock, he does seem to have reversed a trend. His totty – she is a bit of a hottie. The calibre of Tory sex scandals has been in sad sharp decline from the zenith – the very climax of the swinging sixties – the legendary John Profumo and Christine Keeler match up, down to the toe-curling nadir depths of John Major and Edwina Currie. Yer-ughh. Someone please pass the mind sanitiser.
‘Matt Hancock ‘affair’ aide’s relative works at firm with NHS contracts, reports say‘ (The National: The newspaper that supports an independent Scotland) – blast it, did they really have to bring boring monetary shenanigans and cronyism into what might have been a refreshingly straight sex scandal?
‘Now, Sky News have reported that Roberto Coladangelo, believed to be the brother of Gina Coladangelo, is an executive director of strategy for Partnering Health Limited (PHL Group).
That firm, according to its website, is “an established company dedicated to offering quality solutions and services to NHS and private healthcare partners”‘
Which is all rather tedious – so tell us something we couldn’t have guessed. It always amazes me that whenever left-leaning media discover cronyism and government-corporate graft, their only remedy is to call for ever more government intervention in the private sector, opening the door to ever more opportunities for cronyism and graft.
We struggle to find much on the frontpages other than that grainy pic lifted off CCTV and perhaps we should salute the dark ops brigade working directly for Boris’s cabinet office… or maybe it was Putin’s spies? Kompromat anyone?
“In Russian culture, kompromat, short for “compromising material”, is damaging information about a politician, a businessperson, or other public figure, which may be used to create negative publicity, as well as for blackmail, often to exert influence rather than monetary gain, and extortion”
There’s a whole new meaning to the phrase reds under the bed. However, there is a school of thought that Boris may have been looking for an opportunity to sack Hancock and not leave him as a dangerous and still vaguely credible rival on the back benches. If Cummings could tittle-tattle so might a sacked for f*$%&ing incompetence Hancock. Not so much if he’s given the flick for his hanky-panky.
But when you want to escape politics there’s always the football. He said sarcastically.
And if ever you wanted an example of our liberal media’s antipathy toward England contrasted with their smarmy sucking up to the celtic nations, may I present the jury with exhibit one – the sport headlines from today’s ‘i’:
‘Why England choke at the Euros – by their arch rivals‘
Black adults are the most likely to be hesitant and people aged 18-21 are least likely to have a jab, according to data from the Office for National Statistics.
Covid vaccine hesitancy: Misinformation ‘spreads faster than virus’
Marianna and Wendy scrambled?
Certainly looks iffy for anyone at risk being macheteied by a youthful person of Norwegian mentalism.
Interesting distinction drawn between adults, ages and hues.
There seem to be an awful lot of surveys going on nowadays – which suggests that not many people are being sampled otherwise it would be too much work to analyse the results.
Chances are they are using the 1:4 trick, tick box 1 and that doesn’t count, tick boxes 2-5 and it does. The ‘undecided’ are always ‘onside’!
I honestly can’t see that Hancock has a leg to stand on. I’ve thought for a while that he’s let power go to his head. I couldn’t give a flying fig who he’s been (um)”canoodling with”, but…
These excruciating photos were apparently taken on May 6th. The very next day the Health Secretary was out there imploring us to continue with the social distancing. These people have no shame.
We’ve seen the abject hypocrisy of the G7 summit, the scandal of Professor Pantsdown and the idiot Cummings who took his car for a long distance drive to assess his eyesight. We’re being taken for mugs. These people are imposing life altering rules on others that they have absolutely no intention of complying with themselves.
Hancock is a hypocrite. I don’t give a damn about his sordid sex life. I do give a damn about our liberty.
He’s a liar, he’s a cheat and he’s got to go.
Oh, there’s another reason to get shot of him.
In the words of our prime minister…
“He’s fxxxing useless!”
Utter bollocks!
This affair has been going on for months, possibly longer.
People have been denied access to dying loved ones while this creep slithers around in dark corners with other men’s wives.
Being in “someone’s bubble” doesn’t mean you can put your tongue down their throat. When they were photographed on the street they maintained “social distancing”. It’s all fake.
The good news is (I sincerely hope) even the most stupid of you can now see that you’ve been taken for a ride.
@Jeff Nope, “Being in “someone’s bubble” DOES mean you can put your tongue down their throat.”
If you sit right next to them for hours working, one kiss has no extra risk
“People have been denied access to dying loved ones”
.. Lokk you can’t visit old people in old folks home
cos they are high risk people, in a high risk home, with other high risk people.
An office with 40 year old workers is totally different,
No it doesn’t. The proof of the pudding is in the eating; he’s apologised and now he’s gone.
Good riddance!
As I understand it he has also walked out on the wife and family he betrayed to set up home with his mistress. So two spouses, six children completely broken…
What a truly charming story.
Switch on bingo – local radio 7:55am
It was 2 London women Catherine and her partner Lynda-Louise plugging their exhibition in Hull . “Even though you don’t see them much in many areas, we want to show people that black and Caribbean people were in every corner of Britain
They came to help in The *First* World War
and then the Second
and then they were invited in on the Windrush”
…. Simon Webb says that is false
that there no government invites, just that the operators of the Windrush had spare tickets to sell on the way back from South America.. so tickets were sold as it came through the Caribbean, but people expected tourist type travel, not mass immigration.
– Yes of course they helped a bit in WW2 but their presence in WW1 was negligible.
– The idea that they were in every corner of Britain looks like re-writing history.
The reason why you don’t see Caribbean people in many northern/rural areas is cos there aren’t any.
… There were in certain pockets like docks and As it happens down the road there were black Canadian soldiers in some huts in the forest during the war, but that is an exceptional thing.
Are you sure that all the earlier black immigrant workers to NE England and elsewhere weren’t castrated by the mine owners and mill owners? That would explain the lack of black people in many parts of Britain, exactly as in Arabia today.
The one thing people appear to have missed is that someone was able to plant a surveilance camera right in the heart of government and record footage undetected.
What else was recorded and how did this glaring security breach happen? How was someone able to secrete a recording device into what is being suspected as a smoke detector ?
This is real important stuff because it clearly wasn’t the government attempting to compromise Matt Hancock so who did plant it there.
How many more are there and what have they been able to record without ministers knowledge? Has national security been compromised as a result?
Forget Hancock what he did was a mere trifle compared to the security implications involved here.
And as an aside, it doesn’t matter if a foreign power planted this camera, which is of course an enormous risk that they might have done. Given that most of this tech originates in China, and uses Chinese servers, where back doors are often available it would appear that the British government at its very heart in Whitehall has been compromised to the Chinese Communist Party and it doesn’t get any more serious than that.
So many questions – where exactly did the leak of that pic which stands up (if you’ll excuse the phrase) the story of the affair originate?
I’m no fashion expert and this may have been a dress up Friday (ooh er) but is the little black cocktail dress and heels now usual Heath Department office work attire?
And we the poor patients have to put up with our nurses in those horrible shapeless scrubs. I call it hypocrisy of the highest order.
I think Cummings is behind this. He clearly hates Hancock with a passion, and its too much of a coincidence that he railed against him with fervour a few weeks ago, and now this. Hancock won’t last the weekend.
I think there are still some remainers at the heart of government (senior civil servants?). Not only is there the question of why was this filmed, but why was this bit of film released now? Cummings is away from government. I think its release now is all to do with the up and coming by election.
Of course Cummings didn’t place any camera
If it was a placed camera , that’s illegal.
And if it was an actual CCTV camera in a government office
releasing the film is also illegal.
I guess it could have been the office of another company .
Re boycotting woke-biz
Are we really standing up to the anti-capitalists
.. if we start copying their technique of trying to force company management policy by boycotting corps ?
I wouldn’t generally buy the Guardian, Lush cosmetics, or anything from London, I don’t 100% boycott them.
And agree with Andrew Neil on the advertising boycott
that his biz should be free to make the choices and not be influenced by corps trying mafia type influence on his editorial policy.
Call me a dinosaur. I just don’t get this ” Gay Pride Month”
or LGBTQ Month or anything else it is called. If anybody wants
to take pride in being gay, transsexual, non binary, etc etc.
Good for you. Personally I don’t take any pride in being
heterosexual . To be honest I just believe that being gay or
heterosexual is just being normal and there is nothing
special about it , that warrants a month of celebration.
OK the BBC and large organizations such as Barclays Bank
who are obsessed with virtue signalling think it’s good
for business. But honestly must I go into my local Barclays
when it is even open to be met with a deluge of bunting
celebrating the month of June, in honour of Gay Pride ?
For Christ’s sake it’s not the Queens Jubilee !
Has the BBC mentioned Armed Forces Week 21-27 June ?
GB News has made it a daily feature. To be honest after a
day or two even the most worthy “celebrations” become
rather boring. It’s a bit like looking at videos of birthday
parties after you have seen them a couple of times. The next
time you look at them is 10 years later if ever again.
As for the BBC and Barclays. Give up on the TV license and
go for advertising , you will be in your element with the kind
of family advertising we now see. As for Barclays open
you branches for at least five days a week now and stop this
pathetic virtue signalling on both the internet and in your
Yes GBnews covered AFW
There are also tweets from Conservative MPs, Edinburgh and South Tyneside Councils, Jewish Veterans charity
but not many other organisations.
Our Armed forces are a fundamental part of being British. Thank you to everyone who has served and helped protect our way of life. We owe you are debt of gratitude. ⚓🪖🚢 pic.twitter.com/r1renGqfbW
Love that you are covering something about the armed forces each day this week for Armed Forces week. Well done. Yesterdays segment with Johnny mercer and the widow of the veteran was very powerful. These issues need much more attention, shameful theyve been overlooked so long
One of the pleasures of normal life is that you can be a different person to different people, one can act the fool with a grandchild then the next day don the wig of a Supreme Court judge and be expected to make profound and considered decisions.
Who wants to go around with the equivalents of those coloured bracelets, modern manacles, on their wrists?
What we might say in the pub, the sports club, team bus, at work or within the family can and should be different. Facebook and Twitter have the potential to make them all the same to our common detriment. (As an aside note that ‘Freedom of Information’ provides for privacy within government decision making and [much abused by the BBC] for ‘arts and journalism’).
I take quiet pride in what I do and what I am; to shout about it is to diminish it.
‘One of the pleasures of normal life is that you can be a different person to different people’
One of the traits which Boris Johnson has perfected:
To Conservatives: “I am a true, traditional Tory and we will roll back this woke nonsense and make Britain the way it was”
To Environmentalists: “We will ban cars, ban airplanes, stop people eating meat, outlaw central heating, have a negative growth economy fuelled by windmills and bottled unicorn farts”
To Billionaires: “Yes, we will call it Build Back Better, but what do you really want me to do to help make you richer?”
On the shopping channel QVC all the presenters are wearing badges in support of LGBGTQWERTY or whatever. Like you Fos I find it all a bit pathetic. Clearly the ‘pride’ bit is “we’ll do what we damn well please whether the rest of the world like it or not”. Most of the world is a tolerant place anyway, but these pride marches never seem to have their protests/festivals in strict Muslim countries which is where they need to take their message – not preaching to the already converted. That’s never going to happen though.
I switched on Radio4 (or, as I prefer to think of it, ‘Radio Flaw’) too early and found myself listening to the end of ‘Framing Today’ which was just full of framing the narrative: ‘Brexit is bad’ and ‘the Australian Trade deal is bad’ and ‘Australian food is bad’. Funny thing, but most sensible, intelligent, individuals would – hearing that last claim (from the BBC!) – would ask themselves: ‘Are Australians dying in huge numbers because of their ‘bad food’ ? The answer would have to be ‘No.’ Are the Australians suffering an obesity problem as we have in the UK? Cannot be sure on that but I think not.
Just waves of negativity from the Knaves of Wegativity, ie. the BBC.
TWatO Watch from yesterday #1 – those of you who love the BBC mangling the English language …..
… have a new one to get excited over. Jonny ‘Disjointed’ Dymond was in charge, the Montacutie long weekending again, and he brought on Vicky Young (yet another BBC political correspondent) to comment on the Hancock Saga. Apparently Matt Hancock’s behaviour while we are all meant to be sixty metres, six yards or six feet apart from absolutely everyone else is “gross High Pock Rissy.” Hmmmn … that could be a future Olympics event.
Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg is, of course, nowhere to be seen or heard, which is how I quite like it, but she must be kicking herself for missing a big political story that she could help prolong and make even more embarassing and difficult for the Government.
I am a football odds compiler for bookmakers. I very seldom give
tips on this website and weight lifting is not my sport. BUT
if you can get a bet on Lauren Hubbard the New Zealand
weight lifter winning the BBC’S International sports personality
of the year in December. It will be virtue signalling
par excellence by the BBC.
Fos I should put up a separate thread for betting tips – mine is for Mohammed farah to get a ‘life time achievement award ‘ from the BBC and presumably the pharmaceutical industry …
Fedup- Wales are playing in Amsterdam where because of UK
restrictions by the EU 95% of those in the stadium will be
supporting the Danish. Wales will have to be on their very
best form to have a chance. But I fear that Wales wont be
capable of bringing home the Danish bacon. Italy to win 2-0
OT. Sure he won’t mind, but an old mate from Asia days still in the ad game posted this on a forum…
That’s seven minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
Cannes Lions is online this year, and the first thing I watched was this int with WPP’s CCO Rob Reilly, technically the biggest creative role on the planet.
Also, the High Priest of Woke.
He’s made some decent ads but it takes a special talent to make advertising sound the monumental yawn that he did: virtue signalling, corporatist claptrap interspersed with social media self help memes.
I remember when advertising was fresh, edgy and dangerous.
I remember the glamour, decadence and brilliance.
I remember when Neil French (O&M Global ECD – got shafted eventually by the girls in Canada had this job and sat at the right hand of the Dark Lord.
Say what you like about Neil, at least he was interesting.
And had presence.
And could make advertising sound fun… and sexy.
Because it was.
Now it’s just wondering what pronouns to put in its bio.
It is lighting up the LinkedIn board with upticks.
Meanwhile LinkedIn social media mods are checking with the BBc and Facebook on how to get it removed.
I watch YouTube most of the time now but haven’t subscribed to their advert-free service yet. There are some advertising gems on there, often of the sort you’re talking about, sometimes over two minutes long. Of course you can skip them but occasionally I don’t, thinking to myself, “Now, where the f#&£ are they going with this one?” .
My current favourite is the over-2 minutes Axa ad. Through life’s journey a young Arab girl overcomes adversity, racism, misogyny, sexism, xenophobia, sorts out the environment, welcomes motherhood. Inspired by strong women along the way, she then inspires others to become?
A top-level football referee.
Sanctimonious shite. They sell dreams you know, not just effin’ car insurance.
Try mark Felton on you tube and his WW2 mini documentaries ( if interesting ) – 1.3 million followers – highly recommended if interested in the subject ….
It was a private matter
It’s a very stressful job
We all make mistakes
The law wasn’t really broken
It was a while ago
They had a close working relationship
She wasn’t paid
Her brother got NHS contracts on ‘robust tindering ‘
He deserves privacy for this domestic issues
They’ve known each other from Oxford
The cctv was illegal
It may have been done by a ‘foreign power’
National security must be protected
The press should go after important issues
The Sun has done bad stuff in the past
Mat handcock is doing a good job
It’s Cummings
Any of the above work for you ? – nah …he’s toast …
This whole Hancock thing has a wiff about it: apparently it dates from 6 May (so I am informed above) but suddenly gets released on a Thursday when it will occupy:
~ the BBC
~ Question Time (if it is on at present)
~ Any Questions and Any Answers
~ the Saturday newspapers
~ the Sunday newspapers
and take away media and other attention from:
~ the Freedom March in London and in cities elsewhere in the UK.
Thoughtful, just to give it some perspective, £75,000 (it may recently have increased) for being an MP is over twice the UK median wage and nearly three times the UK average wage. As a Minister, Matt Hancock nearly doubles that MP’s salary and he gets a car and chaffeur (in London at London rates of pay!) on top.
11am news “pressure is growing on Matt Hancock to leave”
.. typical BBCnews reporting the world they WANT
rather than the actual real world.
They used that headline “pressure is growing” 10 times in a row at least … so that’s not a news headline…it’s a campaign
Third headline “two dead American MSM people have won awards”
11:30am FooC
– Misery in facilities for migrant minors on the US-Mexico border
– a backlash against pardons in Spain
– anxiety in Afghanistan
– race in Ireland, after a police shooting
– a drowned town in Turkey.
– Fort Bliss, El Paso. in Fort Bliss, El Paso A BBC investigation has found hundreds of undocumented children were being detained in a camp in the Texan desert that’s been ridden with disease, overcrowded, and plagued by a shortage of clean clothes and medical care.
She did admit the media didn’t want to talk about it cos Biden is supposed to be the opposite of Trump
– Guy Hedgecoe reports Spain’s PM Pedro Sanchez took a momentous decision this week: to pardon nine Catalan pro-independence leaders who were jailed for their role in a bid to break away from Spain in 2017.
The pardons are meant to soothe national tensions over the issue,
but the reactions to them reflected some deeply-held feelings across the country.
– Afghanistan : The Taliban are still extending their reach and hold on Afghan territory, gaining new ground each day.
For the Afghan media it’s a particularly nervous time after a spate of targeted killings of journalists.
Karim Haidari got an invitation to the corridors of power in Kabul
– Dublin December 2020 a black man was killed by police.
George Nkencho was followed home after he assaulted someone in a shop and pulled out a knife.
He was shot near his front door. The Irish police are mostly unarmed, and this was the sixth fatal shooting by a member of the force in 22 years.
Was race a factor in the incident ?
The family are pushing for an independent inquiry into his death.
Hasankeyf in southeastern Turkey is one of humanity’s oldest urban settlements – inhabited for at least twelve thousand years until it was flooded by the waters built up behind the controversial Ilisu Dam.
Some original monuments – its bathhouse and remnants of a 14th-century mosque, as well as over 500 graves – were rescued. Michelle Jana Chan.
Wow – a beeboid called their false president ‘Biden ‘ …. No love any more ? President Trump didn’t even get a mention as being responsible – also off piste .
The snowflake talking about some coloured mental chap getting shot in Ireland went through full sobbing gig – Fergal wars it has competition – no attention to the plod side though ..
And having led the torrent, Vile goes into #callsformode seamlessly.
No minister has ever survived a torrent like this before. And how can the Health Secretary ever speak in public again about the importance of following Covid rules? pic.twitter.com/4OrNFLp0uJ
Talking of St Andrews and Scotland, let’s not forget Margaret Ferrier of the SNP, who did far worse than the wretched Hancock in terms of Covid-19 travel crimes. Did Reicher mention her?
Love it. The Moslem man is complaining about LGBT indoctrination of children at school. Accusing Labour of supporting it.
Now Labour are up against the same crowd that opposed the teacher showing pictures of a prophet.
It’s Labour’s turn to face the Moslem objections to education
My on thought on the Hanky-panky gate scandal is why Friday and what other news are they trying to filter out? Or what “rules” are being introduced under the radar?
AS an aside, I received an email from the pet store about pet insurance. The title was “Bought by Many”. Seems to be an appropriate label for quite a few of our Einos (Elites in name only).
“Why would you shout at a woman?” says the Labour candidate, as she resorts to pulling the feminism card.
One has some sympathy for her – shades of Gordon Brown – election time in the north and this time a Labour candidate is confronted by what is probably an actual bigoted man.
I notice the BBC are actually covering the protest this time. Of course they go for a negative headline but they are only reporting this because GB News does. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-57623110
Tabs, I read the online report and – typical deceitful BBC – they are conflating the anti-Lockdown Freedom March with an Extinction Rebellion one planned for tomorrow.
Up2snuff… this is certainly very noticeable. I suppose the BBC would justify it by saying that 250,000 protestors marching for freedom and democracy, which is against the interests of the government and global elites, is actually less important than a couple of hundred middle-aged hippies taking an hour out of their Waitrose shopping to protest for the Climate Crisis con, which is very much in the interests of the government and global elites. In their eyes, they’ve just about ‘got the balance right’.
Whilst British people are literally starving on the streets, illegal immigrants are being bought pool tables at Napier Barracks, the very same accommodation they're complaining about. pic.twitter.com/ABTx4KKHPc
Labour under Blair began to import huge numbers of RoPers and expecting them to vote Labour for ever and ever. Then Labour embraced just about every other minority group in the UK , except of course the vanishingly small ‘far right’ , again expecting them to vote Labour. The blindingly obvious incompatibility of Islam with anything but Islam and even then only the right sort of Islam, doesn’t seem to have occurred to them. Or perhaps they just thought that the medievalists would be easily seduced by western culture and fit snuggly into for Labour’s Coalition of the Oppressed, (COTO ) All sensible people knew this was highly unlikely and we are now seeing the emergence of Islam as a political force independent of Labour. Labour needs the Islamic votes inside COTO if it is ever to win a GE but they are slipping away from it.
It was inevitable that Islamification would eventually lead to a Muslim only party. Even the dumbest leftist or Beeboid or Guardinista will surely soon realise that Islam is incompatible with even their version of Westen Democracy and values . But it is already too late to stop the tide of Islamification without an almighty struggle . The leftist fools created a monster which may well consume all of us.
GB Woke News draws attention to waycism in the police. Young black men are considered more likely to commit crimes. That’s waycist innit.
'If I was to get stopped by the police and I told them I was a Commissioner, me being a young black man I don't think they'd believe me.'
Melvin Riley, a Youth Police Commissioner for West Midlands Police, spoke to Alastair Stewart about challenges he still faces as a black man. pic.twitter.com/aMWzvQknkr
I know that GB News isn’t very far at all to the right of centre but that is still much further right than most of the rest of the MSM which is far left. Because they are regulated by a Ofcom and can easily have their license removed they have to be careful on how they approach topics which have a racial content. I’m afraid it’s as good as it’s going to get in the UK on main stream media.
If the police went on the web they might not believe him!
To date, we have established Youth Commissions in ten policing regions: Leicestershire; Hampshire & Isle of Wight; Sussex; Nottinghamshire; North Yorkshire; Cheshire; Staffordshire; Norfolk, North Wales and Cumbria.
(West Midlands is missing)
If I sought advice about why young black men commit crime I’d want to speak to a criminal, not a goody-two shoes, just saying!
Have you no charity? This man is mentally ill and not responsible for his actions. We know this is true because hitherto all Muslims who have killed people are now known to have had mental issues. If you doubt this please go to the BBC who will I am sure be happy to confirm it.
Are you actually JOKING @BBCNews ? 1 of the biggest Protests for Freedom in UK history & THATS how you lead? BTW think decent journalists would clarify EXt Rebellion NOT #Freedom March #londonprotest Dreadful hack standards #OpenForAll
“What’s the UN global compact on migration?”
“The UK endorsed the deal and praised it as a way to tackle illegal migration as well as keeping migrants around the world safe.”
“The government has been clear that the UN agreement will not change the ability of the UK to set its own migration policy. ” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-46607015
I understand that the French Navy have landed another load of invaders on our beaches again today ? Collusion anyone?
Perhaps Priti or Dover Sentry can update us.
Matt Hancock’s breach of social distancing guidance when he kissed an aide could damage government messaging on fighting the virus, families of Covid victims have warned.
I see Andrew Lloyd Webber’s version of Cinderella, which is due to start…….stop……..start shortly, has ticked all the boxes, his Prince Charming is definitely not white and privileged.
It doesn't alter the fact that Matt Hancock needs to step down. But I think we also need to start asking serious questions about how the images were obtained if – as is being reported – it wasn't via an official CCTV feed.https://t.co/4sBelVcwC1
Guest Who
He’s resigned!
With the words “Build Back Better” whatever that means ?
Well he did have the backing of Bo Jo, didn’t he ?
Who put the security camera in the office and who allowed the film to be given to the Press?
Who is next ?
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
“Matt Hancock affair: Health secretary apologises for breaking social distancing guidelines”
They treat us, the people of Great Britain with contempt and for fools. He and his leader must go.
The Tory party must realise that their ‘great majority’ in the last general election has been squandered. It was a majority won on the back of “Getting Brexit Done” .
In truth, a Brexit won by Nigel Farage.
The most worrying aspect about the whole thing is the couldn’t care less attitude of Boris. It reveals just how out of touch with the public that man actually is.
If he is forced to sack the idiot in a few days time after a public backlash he will look weak and pathetic.
There’s a by-election coming up in less than a week. The Tories are in a position where they could win. I wonder how many would-be Tory voters in Batley will now change their mind?
Would be Tory voters in Batley and Spen should listen to Anne Marie Waters’ Official Campaign Video for The For Britain Movement.
Here it is on rumble if YouTube decide to take it down.
It is not racist to object to the rape of young girls.
It is not racist to object to unnecessary cruelty to animals.
It is not racist to demand everyone have freedom of speech.
It is not racist, and it has never been racist, to demand that we are all treated the same way and all subject to the same laws.
StewGreen .
Where have you gone ?
Ha, you didn’t really think i was going to steal first place
I was always going to delete the placeolder post and go to bed.
You are a gentleman Sir!
Two black teens burn a white man to death.
A racist black woman murders her adopted white daughter.
And other such racist murders the BBC won’t report.
Now, back to Saint George.
Advert for the National Lottery whilst watching Father Brown so I guess the Drama Channel. It’s principal character was a black man in a wheelchair. I guess the advertising agency want an award. The complaints used to come from the black community saying that unless the adverts had black role models they didn’t identify with the products being sold. Well I failed to identify with the National Lottery advert so I won’t be winning the lottery. Actually I win every week because I never buy a ticket.
# me too.
“Their advert…a black man, in a flying wheelchair, cleaning beaches…while appropriating Viking dress.
I thought appropriating culture was a no no…or is that just for white folk?”
Five years ago we voted to leave the EU . Why is Al Beeb still campaigning against the democratic decision of the British people ?
It still keeps the subject of ‘Brexit’ under its own separate a heading of its website news page.
I fully believe the BBC continue on their disgusting anti-British path is because Boris and his cohorts have privately assured them that in no way will the government take any action against them.
According to the email I got from ‘The Petitions Team’, nothing will be done for another six years.
If you want to see the whole message, I’ll cut and paste it here, but guess that we’ve all had enough of reading about what the government isn’t going to do about the awful BBBC…
It seems to be a mindset with this red Tory lot, – do ‘**** all’.
Sky are just as bad as the Beeb. Watching the sentencing of Chauvin at the Floyd trial, Greg Mylam – Sky’s reporter in chief in the States was practically lionising Floyd , and of course they had the daughter speaking in court – she’s about 5, and then the girlfriend was interviewed afterwards about the 20 years sentence. Not forgetting the brother who spoke in glowing terms of his sibling. Nothing short of a pantomime,
GB Woke News covered the sentencing with a UK leader of the black police who was allowed, without question, to attribute the killing of Floyd George to racism. Comments on Twitter were critical of GB Woke for jumping on the race bandwagon. It seems that presenters of GBWoke did not appear to follow the trial.
I don’t like victim impact statements. They add nothing of value to the judicial process and the search for truth. They are just another manifestation of how sentimentality is infecting even solemn institutions and replacing reason in the modern world.
I was appalled at the verdict and I am appalled at the sentence. In my view George Floyd’s death was complicated by many factors and the cause of death should have been found to be “undetermined”. Chauvin was certainly not guilty of murder.
Just listening to Radcliffe and Maconie from last Sunday. The total lefty, arrogant, condascending and intolerant Maconie is almost bearable as he hasn’t called the British public thick for voting for Brexit once yet. Maybe he’s cottoned on that he might have been wrong on a few things.
Anyway, it seems it’s gay pride month again (they are calling it ‘loud and proud season’ this time). They seem to be interleaved with ‘celebrating black music’ months these days. But I almost burst out laughing at how ridiculous it has all become. ‘It’s really an honour to be asked to celebrate some of my favourite LGBTQ+ artists’ said Ezra Furman. A ridiculous aconym which in turn ridicules the whole cause. Ezra (who gives Eddie Izzard a run for his/her/their money for the ‘bricklayer in drag’ look) announced he/she/they/it is a mother !!.
What happened to good old entertainment for it’s own sake ?. Everything from the BBC nowadays is laced with social and politicial conditioning.
It’s noticeable that the Pride celebrations (sic) have been somewhat muted this year, but have slowly been building up. It’s almost as though they have been exercising restraint, seeing how much the public will tolerate, then turning up the heat slowly. Except at the BBC, where it is always Pride month, Pride year, Pride decade, Pride century…
My local Sainsbury has a sign outside saying that it ‘Proudly supports the LGBTQWERTY community’. Interesting, considering that the main shareholder is the Qatari government, where male homosexuality if forbidden and can result in a prison (and potentially a death) sentence, same sex marriages are not allowed, nor is LGBTQWERTY campaigning (not sure about ‘P’ and ‘Z’ though…). Coming soon: a BBC Panorama Special exposing the hypocrisy of Sainsbury. Not.
SInce your post, the acronym has been increased to LGBTQWERTYUIOP as it was not inclusive enough for some groups.
Please keep up.
They are spoiling us.
Surely the BBC needs more ambassador fact checkers ?
First? You mean there are likely to be more?
That looks like job creation cos they have never tweeted about any other “BBC Ambassadors” except for a one day event.
And no BBC webpage mentions “Disability Ambassador”
It’s the bbc, it’s school hols, it’s…. Glasto!
Not quite a NaughtieMarr, but views their own open goal time.
I remember once when Vine interviewed IDS when he was leader of the Conservative Party, he followed the interview with a snigger and played “Sad Sweet Dreamer”. These left-wingers don’t care how blatant their bias is they know they will always get away with it and no questions asked.
As far as sacking Hancock Boris has a dilemma. Who can he get that would want to take over Health at this time whilst the pandemic is still underway?
Vile is a sniggering juvenile paid an eye watering amount to behave like a toddler.
Meanwhile, this was my thought too…
Demon, Jeremy Hunt should probably have had that job. He might do it if Bojo asked really nicely ….
Well – yesterday I ran through the Fedup Theory of political scandals – the initial demand for ‘resignation ‘ being the position as at Friday night with Hancock’s ‘hands on ‘ approach with his staff…
But today the second torpedo has been fired at HMS Hancock . The video – 60 seconds of intimacy – which is not a crime because it is work related .
The ship is sinking . Sunday- I reckon brings the final torpedo – the bedroom or office video . However – listening to the news -it sounds like Hancock will be sunk by the end of Saturday .
Does what he did matter ? Yes – because he has been inflicting restrictions on the existence of the british people for over a year with terrible consequences and is continuing to do so . His job included leading by example – which is failed to do – bigly ….
I haven’t even gone to the dirt over his employee and her brother ….
On this one the BBC has a free shot- not of their making .
The freedom March today will be a biggy and plod would do well to hide …rather than enforce laws signed off by Hancock
But Fed, think what it will do for London, all those ‘bikes’ in Downing Street! Sheer Khan will be a happy bunny!
I make no apology for the link here, which was written nine years ago, and explained in some detail what ‘bicyclism’ was all about!
The BBC has a new sports presenter – Mohammed Farah. Unfortunately st Mohammed is now too old to run fast so will be yet another ego on the BBC in Japan for the covid olympics – a prediction – not ‘fact ‘ yet …
. I understand the trainer he used to have got banned because of the use of illegal pharmaceuticals . Sure there is no connection – just a coincidence …right ?
Fed, nothing more certain than Christmas that Farah would be wrapped in the arms of the BBC once his running career was over. He is now ‘considering his future’, well we all know what that will be. It was bad enough listening to his over inflated ego about how wonderful he was, after each race, so now he’ll be turning up on every available game show or hosting the Great British Canoe Building Challenge.
Bris – he might be a US citizen now but I bet the US TV won’t be interested … definitely wrong name ….
If this does not see the entire BBC D’U heroes decamp on the red eye..
The BBC website actually does mention on its European
news page that a Somali man went on a butchering
rampage , slaughtering three Germans and cutting up a
few more.
We are told of the usual euphemism’s for an Islamic
terrorist that he was mentally ill. The German police
being on the same wave length as the BBC.
I wrote about the Portuguese travel fiasco a few weeks ago,
where thousands of Chelsea and Manchester City
supporters were allowed to travel to Porto when
Hancock and the rest of the gang knew that they were going
to make Portugal a yellow zone straight afterwards.
Maybe Hancock should tell us to wash our cocks as well as
our hands to avoid getting the Chinese virus.
Jez, just having no idea who came up with the daughter director dodge…
I have idea, that is not Vine just coming across a video tweet and retweeting it
..but rather Vine having a video file on his computer and uploading it into his tweet.
If it was a female politician people would call Vine a school bully.
Saturday press review – in which I use the word slapper.
As if we haven’t been obliged to stomach more than enough of Boris’s benighted Health Secretary in the news these past fifteen months. Now we have Hancock’s onanistically suggestive moniker and inordinately smug visage, receding hairline and that blasted NHS label badge, splashed all over the press frontpages – and set to remain there all weekend and for the foreseeable.
We borrow the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper which provides all you need to know – at least about the media treatment of the affair: ‘Prime Minister backs Health Secretary over photos that show him breaking social distancing rules‘ – so that’s what they’re calling it these days?
‘Bereaved families’ groups say the PM’s failure to sack Hancock is a “slap in the face”‘ – wouldn’t giving a face slap to someone outside of your bubble be similarly breaking covid restrictions? I guess the slapper could wear a mask and hand sanitise before and after the slap?
The slap in the face is in any case surely what he’s due to receive from the missus.
One finds it fascinating that the ‘i’ uses what it terms “bereaved families’ groups” as the go-to vox pop on this one. Who and what are these groups? Do I sense lawyers and class action compo claims ahead? Maybe the ‘i’ had them on speed dial and the journos haven’t yet had time to acquire condemnatory quotes from actual families of the bereaved?
Heaven forfend us covid-restricted, furloughed, economically hobbled, otherwise healthy general public, just trying to make a living take a summer holiday and live our lives, ever get a say so.
‘Doctors hit out at “breathtaking hypocrisy”‘ – Ah the medics, our hallowed experts… the new priestly class. Well, you didn’t think the Archbishop of Caterbury and his ilk were going to come out and advocate for marriage and sexual propriety, did you?
‘Poll: majority believes he should resign‘ – no one asked me. Perhaps the ‘i’ finally somehow ascertained the opinion I’ve already held strongly for over a year and collated that?
You’ve gotta hand it to Hancock, he does seem to have reversed a trend. His totty – she is a bit of a hottie. The calibre of Tory sex scandals has been in sad sharp decline from the zenith – the very climax of the swinging sixties – the legendary John Profumo and Christine Keeler match up, down to the toe-curling nadir depths of John Major and Edwina Currie. Yer-ughh. Someone please pass the mind sanitiser.
‘Matt Hancock ‘affair’ aide’s relative works at firm with NHS contracts, reports say‘ (The National: The newspaper that supports an independent Scotland) – blast it, did they really have to bring boring monetary shenanigans and cronyism into what might have been a refreshingly straight sex scandal?
‘Now, Sky News have reported that Roberto Coladangelo, believed to be the brother of Gina Coladangelo, is an executive director of strategy for Partnering Health Limited (PHL Group).
That firm, according to its website, is “an established company dedicated to offering quality solutions and services to NHS and private healthcare partners”‘
Which is all rather tedious – so tell us something we couldn’t have guessed. It always amazes me that whenever left-leaning media discover cronyism and government-corporate graft, their only remedy is to call for ever more government intervention in the private sector, opening the door to ever more opportunities for cronyism and graft.
We struggle to find much on the frontpages other than that grainy pic lifted off CCTV and perhaps we should salute the dark ops brigade working directly for Boris’s cabinet office… or maybe it was Putin’s spies? Kompromat anyone?
“In Russian culture, kompromat, short for “compromising material”, is damaging information about a politician, a businessperson, or other public figure, which may be used to create negative publicity, as well as for blackmail, often to exert influence rather than monetary gain, and extortion”
There’s a whole new meaning to the phrase reds under the bed. However, there is a school of thought that Boris may have been looking for an opportunity to sack Hancock and not leave him as a dangerous and still vaguely credible rival on the back benches. If Cummings could tittle-tattle so might a sacked for f*$%&ing incompetence Hancock. Not so much if he’s given the flick for his hanky-panky.
But when you want to escape politics there’s always the football. He said sarcastically.
And if ever you wanted an example of our liberal media’s antipathy toward England contrasted with their smarmy sucking up to the celtic nations, may I present the jury with exhibit one – the sport headlines from today’s ‘i’:
‘Why England choke at the Euros – by their arch rivals‘
‘Come on Wales! How to beat Denmark‘
No further witnesses, m’lud. I rest my case.
Masterly, AsISeeIt!
The flagging GBNews could do with two minutes of your daily cameo to revive their audience numbers.
Just like Handycock, keep it up!!
BBC Newsbeat gears up
Black adults are the most likely to be hesitant and people aged 18-21 are least likely to have a jab, according to data from the Office for National Statistics.
Covid vaccine hesitancy: Misinformation ‘spreads faster than virus’
Marianna and Wendy scrambled?
Certainly looks iffy for anyone at risk being macheteied by a youthful person of Norwegian mentalism.
Interesting distinction drawn between adults, ages and hues.
The link, from… the BBC By If You Don’t Know podcast team
BBC Radio 1Xtra latest ‘unit’.
Grace is a nurse.
There seem to be an awful lot of surveys going on nowadays – which suggests that not many people are being sampled otherwise it would be too much work to analyse the results.
Chances are they are using the 1:4 trick, tick box 1 and that doesn’t count, tick boxes 2-5 and it does. The ‘undecided’ are always ‘onside’!
I honestly can’t see that Hancock has a leg to stand on. I’ve thought for a while that he’s let power go to his head. I couldn’t give a flying fig who he’s been (um)”canoodling with”, but…
These excruciating photos were apparently taken on May 6th. The very next day the Health Secretary was out there imploring us to continue with the social distancing. These people have no shame.
We’ve seen the abject hypocrisy of the G7 summit, the scandal of Professor Pantsdown and the idiot Cummings who took his car for a long distance drive to assess his eyesight. We’re being taken for mugs. These people are imposing life altering rules on others that they have absolutely no intention of complying with themselves.
Hancock is a hypocrite. I don’t give a damn about his sordid sex life. I do give a damn about our liberty.
He’s a liar, he’s a cheat and he’s got to go.
Oh, there’s another reason to get shot of him.
In the words of our prime minister…
“He’s fxxxing useless!”
Where’s the hypocrisy ?
Social distance rules don’t apply to people in your work bubble.
… No fan of Hancock
but hate mob pile on and media trials.
Utter bollocks!
This affair has been going on for months, possibly longer.
People have been denied access to dying loved ones while this creep slithers around in dark corners with other men’s wives.
Being in “someone’s bubble” doesn’t mean you can put your tongue down their throat. When they were photographed on the street they maintained “social distancing”. It’s all fake.
The good news is (I sincerely hope) even the most stupid of you can now see that you’ve been taken for a ride.
Every time I hear Matt Hancock mentioned I think of the Founding Fathers scene in “Family Guy”. Once you get something into your head ….
Matt Footpenis. Childish I know, but somehow seems quite apt.
@Jeff Nope, “Being in “someone’s bubble” DOES mean you can put your tongue down their throat.”
If you sit right next to them for hours working, one kiss has no extra risk
“People have been denied access to dying loved ones”
.. Lokk you can’t visit old people in old folks home
cos they are high risk people, in a high risk home, with other high risk people.
An office with 40 year old workers is totally different,
No it doesn’t. The proof of the pudding is in the eating; he’s apologised and now he’s gone.
Good riddance!
As I understand it he has also walked out on the wife and family he betrayed to set up home with his mistress. So two spouses, six children completely broken…
What a truly charming story.
Switch on bingo – local radio 7:55am
It was 2 London women Catherine and her partner Lynda-Louise plugging their exhibition in Hull .
“Even though you don’t see them much in many areas, we want to show people that black and Caribbean people were in every corner of Britain
They came to help in The *First* World War
and then the Second
and then they were invited in on the Windrush”
…. Simon Webb says that is false
that there no government invites, just that the operators of the Windrush had spare tickets to sell on the way back from South America.. so tickets were sold as it came through the Caribbean, but people expected tourist type travel, not mass immigration.
– Yes of course they helped a bit in WW2 but their presence in WW1 was negligible.
– The idea that they were in every corner of Britain looks like re-writing history.
The reason why you don’t see Caribbean people in many northern/rural areas is cos there aren’t any.
… There were in certain pockets like docks and As it happens down the road there were black Canadian soldiers in some huts in the forest during the war, but that is an exceptional thing.
Are you sure that all the earlier black immigrant workers to NE England and elsewhere weren’t castrated by the mine owners and mill owners? That would explain the lack of black people in many parts of Britain, exactly as in Arabia today.
They won’t be nipping over the High Street to the Black Boy for a couple of jars will they?
The one thing people appear to have missed is that someone was able to plant a surveilance camera right in the heart of government and record footage undetected.
What else was recorded and how did this glaring security breach happen? How was someone able to secrete a recording device into what is being suspected as a smoke detector ?
This is real important stuff because it clearly wasn’t the government attempting to compromise Matt Hancock so who did plant it there.
How many more are there and what have they been able to record without ministers knowledge? Has national security been compromised as a result?
Forget Hancock what he did was a mere trifle compared to the security implications involved here.
And as an aside, it doesn’t matter if a foreign power planted this camera, which is of course an enormous risk that they might have done. Given that most of this tech originates in China, and uses Chinese servers, where back doors are often available it would appear that the British government at its very heart in Whitehall has been compromised to the Chinese Communist Party and it doesn’t get any more serious than that.
Since China now own the UK it’s only natural that they want to keep an eye on their purchase.
Surely you have to act as if everywhere except a secure zone has cameras in
cos it’s dead easy to put a bag with a phone-set-on-record on any shelf.
And that is a reason why you should always let-off people like Hancock.
That way they are not vulnerable to blackmail.
I saw the video and switched it off.
like if you saw you dad having a snog with the fat bird next door, surely you’d just look away.
So many questions – where exactly did the leak of that pic which stands up (if you’ll excuse the phrase) the story of the affair originate?
I’m no fashion expert and this may have been a dress up Friday (ooh er) but is the little black cocktail dress and heels now usual Heath Department office work attire?
And we the poor patients have to put up with our nurses in those horrible shapeless scrubs. I call it hypocrisy of the highest order.
I think Cummings is behind this. He clearly hates Hancock with a passion, and its too much of a coincidence that he railed against him with fervour a few weeks ago, and now this. Hancock won’t last the weekend.
I think there are still some remainers at the heart of government (senior civil servants?). Not only is there the question of why was this filmed, but why was this bit of film released now? Cummings is away from government. I think its release now is all to do with the up and coming by election.
Of course Cummings didn’t place any camera
If it was a placed camera , that’s illegal.
And if it was an actual CCTV camera in a government office
releasing the film is also illegal.
I guess it could have been the office of another company .
Another bbc ‘unit’ I stumbled across.
Founded by Sir Jimmy?
Seems Groper Marr is now patron Saint.
Re boycotting woke-biz
Are we really standing up to the anti-capitalists
.. if we start copying their technique of trying to force company management policy by boycotting corps ?
I wouldn’t generally buy the Guardian, Lush cosmetics, or anything from London, I don’t 100% boycott them.
And agree with Andrew Neil on the advertising boycott
that his biz should be free to make the choices and not be influenced by corps trying mafia type influence on his editorial policy.
Call me a dinosaur. I just don’t get this ” Gay Pride Month”
or LGBTQ Month or anything else it is called. If anybody wants
to take pride in being gay, transsexual, non binary, etc etc.
Good for you. Personally I don’t take any pride in being
heterosexual . To be honest I just believe that being gay or
heterosexual is just being normal and there is nothing
special about it , that warrants a month of celebration.
OK the BBC and large organizations such as Barclays Bank
who are obsessed with virtue signalling think it’s good
for business. But honestly must I go into my local Barclays
when it is even open to be met with a deluge of bunting
celebrating the month of June, in honour of Gay Pride ?
For Christ’s sake it’s not the Queens Jubilee !
Has the BBC mentioned Armed Forces Week 21-27 June ?
GB News has made it a daily feature. To be honest after a
day or two even the most worthy “celebrations” become
rather boring. It’s a bit like looking at videos of birthday
parties after you have seen them a couple of times. The next
time you look at them is 10 years later if ever again.
As for the BBC and Barclays. Give up on the TV license and
go for advertising , you will be in your element with the kind
of family advertising we now see. As for Barclays open
you branches for at least five days a week now and stop this
pathetic virtue signalling on both the internet and in your
Yes GBnews covered AFW
There are also tweets from Conservative MPs, Edinburgh and South Tyneside Councils, Jewish Veterans charity
but not many other organisations.
For Christ’s sake it’s not the Queens Jubilee !
Surely it’s the Jubilee for the Queens 🙂
One of the pleasures of normal life is that you can be a different person to different people, one can act the fool with a grandchild then the next day don the wig of a Supreme Court judge and be expected to make profound and considered decisions.
Who wants to go around with the equivalents of those coloured bracelets, modern manacles, on their wrists?
What we might say in the pub, the sports club, team bus, at work or within the family can and should be different. Facebook and Twitter have the potential to make them all the same to our common detriment. (As an aside note that ‘Freedom of Information’ provides for privacy within government decision making and [much abused by the BBC] for ‘arts and journalism’).
I take quiet pride in what I do and what I am; to shout about it is to diminish it.
‘One of the pleasures of normal life is that you can be a different person to different people’
One of the traits which Boris Johnson has perfected:
To Conservatives: “I am a true, traditional Tory and we will roll back this woke nonsense and make Britain the way it was”
To Environmentalists: “We will ban cars, ban airplanes, stop people eating meat, outlaw central heating, have a negative growth economy fuelled by windmills and bottled unicorn farts”
To Billionaires: “Yes, we will call it Build Back Better, but what do you really want me to do to help make you richer?”
Once a bullingdon boy – always … see Cameron …
On the shopping channel QVC all the presenters are wearing badges in support of LGBGTQWERTY or whatever. Like you Fos I find it all a bit pathetic. Clearly the ‘pride’ bit is “we’ll do what we damn well please whether the rest of the world like it or not”. Most of the world is a tolerant place anyway, but these pride marches never seem to have their protests/festivals in strict Muslim countries which is where they need to take their message – not preaching to the already converted. That’s never going to happen though.
Fos, what you fail to realise is that there are 11 straight months in a year! This not a criticism.
9am Local news items
#1 Matt must go
#2 Chauvin sentence wasn’t long enough
#3 PR for “Grab A Jab” walk in vaccines
#4 PR for a charity that supplies veterinary care to homeless people
… not actually a huge thing around here
#5 PR for an event in Stamford
I switched on Radio4 (or, as I prefer to think of it, ‘Radio Flaw’) too early and found myself listening to the end of ‘Framing Today’ which was just full of framing the narrative: ‘Brexit is bad’ and ‘the Australian Trade deal is bad’ and ‘Australian food is bad’. Funny thing, but most sensible, intelligent, individuals would – hearing that last claim (from the BBC!) – would ask themselves: ‘Are Australians dying in huge numbers because of their ‘bad food’ ? The answer would have to be ‘No.’ Are the Australians suffering an obesity problem as we have in the UK? Cannot be sure on that but I think not.
Just waves of negativity from the Knaves of Wegativity, ie. the BBC.
‘Australia’ like anywhere, is comprised of many different types of folk.
When I visited long again it was mainly to engage in sporting activities, so those around seemed very fit, bronzed and healthy.
When on holiday a few years ago in Bali most appeared to be pink lardbergs with weeping sores from the tats and piercings.
Guest, “When on holiday a few years ago in Bali most appeared to be pink lardbergs with weeping sores from the tats and piercings.”
Sorry, but flawless Kate Blanchettes or Nicole Kidmans emerging from the surf were not greatly in evidence.
Luckily, inland the locals seemed… more aware of their figures’ value.
That’s funny I was in Bali a while ago and my sores were weeping – my piercings and tats were a bit raw too …. …
Australian beef is bad.
American beef is bad.
European beef is horse.
Beef or cow.?
TWatO Watch from yesterday #1 – those of you who love the BBC mangling the English language …..
… have a new one to get excited over. Jonny ‘Disjointed’ Dymond was in charge, the Montacutie long weekending again, and he brought on Vicky Young (yet another BBC political correspondent) to comment on the Hancock Saga. Apparently Matt Hancock’s behaviour while we are all meant to be sixty metres, six yards or six feet apart from absolutely everyone else is “gross High Pock Rissy.” Hmmmn … that could be a future Olympics event.
Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg is, of course, nowhere to be seen or heard, which is how I quite like it, but she must be kicking herself for missing a big political story that she could help prolong and make even more embarassing and difficult for the Government.
I am a football odds compiler for bookmakers. I very seldom give
tips on this website and weight lifting is not my sport. BUT
if you can get a bet on Lauren Hubbard the New Zealand
weight lifter winning the BBC’S International sports personality
of the year in December. It will be virtue signalling
par excellence by the BBC.
Fos I should put up a separate thread for betting tips – mine is for Mohammed farah to get a ‘life time achievement award ‘ from the BBC and presumably the pharmaceutical industry …
Is a bet on wales to qualify wasted ?
Fedup- Wales are playing in Amsterdam where because of UK
restrictions by the EU 95% of those in the stadium will be
supporting the Danish. Wales will have to be on their very
best form to have a chance. But I fear that Wales wont be
capable of bringing home the Danish bacon. Italy to win 2-0
Foscari – ha ha – thank you – I will be the house on the Italy score ( not really – a 50p E/W bet is big for me ) cheers
OT. Sure he won’t mind, but an old mate from Asia days still in the ad game posted this on a forum…
That’s seven minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
Cannes Lions is online this year, and the first thing I watched was this int with WPP’s CCO Rob Reilly, technically the biggest creative role on the planet.
Also, the High Priest of Woke.
He’s made some decent ads but it takes a special talent to make advertising sound the monumental yawn that he did: virtue signalling, corporatist claptrap interspersed with social media self help memes.
I remember when advertising was fresh, edgy and dangerous.
I remember the glamour, decadence and brilliance.
I remember when Neil French (O&M Global ECD – got shafted eventually by the girls in Canada had this job and sat at the right hand of the Dark Lord.
Say what you like about Neil, at least he was interesting.
And had presence.
And could make advertising sound fun… and sexy.
Because it was.
Now it’s just wondering what pronouns to put in its bio.
It is lighting up the LinkedIn board with upticks.
Meanwhile LinkedIn social media mods are checking with the BBc and Facebook on how to get it removed.
I watch YouTube most of the time now but haven’t subscribed to their advert-free service yet. There are some advertising gems on there, often of the sort you’re talking about, sometimes over two minutes long. Of course you can skip them but occasionally I don’t, thinking to myself, “Now, where the f#&£ are they going with this one?” .
My current favourite is the over-2 minutes Axa ad. Through life’s journey a young Arab girl overcomes adversity, racism, misogyny, sexism, xenophobia, sorts out the environment, welcomes motherhood. Inspired by strong women along the way, she then inspires others to become?
A top-level football referee.
Sanctimonious shite. They sell dreams you know, not just effin’ car insurance.
Thank you, Rich. My car insurance is coming for renewal – I can now remove Axa from the list of candidates.
Try mark Felton on you tube and his WW2 mini documentaries ( if interesting ) – 1.3 million followers – highly recommended if interested in the subject ….
I enjoy the Grammarly ads on uChoob. Very chuckleworthy.
The mat Hancock defence
It was a private matter
It’s a very stressful job
We all make mistakes
The law wasn’t really broken
It was a while ago
They had a close working relationship
She wasn’t paid
Her brother got NHS contracts on ‘robust tindering ‘
He deserves privacy for this domestic issues
They’ve known each other from Oxford
The cctv was illegal
It may have been done by a ‘foreign power’
National security must be protected
The press should go after important issues
The Sun has done bad stuff in the past
Mat handcock is doing a good job
It’s Cummings
Any of the above work for you ? – nah …he’s toast …
Doesn’t get paid enough for the intrusion into his private life, in fact it’s poverty pay for the job he’s asked to do.
So don’t be surprised when you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
Ha ha priceless …good that he has another fan …
This whole Hancock thing has a wiff about it: apparently it dates from 6 May (so I am informed above) but suddenly gets released on a Thursday when it will occupy:
~ the BBC
~ Question Time (if it is on at present)
~ Any Questions and Any Answers
~ the Saturday newspapers
~ the Sunday newspapers
and take away media and other attention from:
~ the Freedom March in London and in cities elsewhere in the UK.
Thoughtful, just to give it some perspective, £75,000 (it may recently have increased) for being an MP is over twice the UK median wage and nearly three times the UK average wage. As a Minister, Matt Hancock nearly doubles that MP’s salary and he gets a car and chaffeur (in London at London rates of pay!) on top.
Nice work if you can get it.
11am news “pressure is growing on Matt Hancock to leave”
.. typical BBCnews reporting the world they WANT
rather than the actual real world.
They used that headline “pressure is growing” 10 times in a row at least … so that’s not a news headline…it’s a campaign
Third headline “two dead American MSM people have won awards”
11:30am FooC
– Misery in facilities for migrant minors on the US-Mexico border
– a backlash against pardons in Spain
– anxiety in Afghanistan
– race in Ireland, after a police shooting
– a drowned town in Turkey.
– Fort Bliss, El Paso. in Fort Bliss, El Paso A BBC investigation has found hundreds of undocumented children were being detained in a camp in the Texan desert that’s been ridden with disease, overcrowded, and plagued by a shortage of clean clothes and medical care.
She did admit the media didn’t want to talk about it cos Biden is supposed to be the opposite of Trump
– Guy Hedgecoe reports Spain’s PM Pedro Sanchez took a momentous decision this week: to pardon nine Catalan pro-independence leaders who were jailed for their role in a bid to break away from Spain in 2017.
The pardons are meant to soothe national tensions over the issue,
but the reactions to them reflected some deeply-held feelings across the country.
– Afghanistan : The Taliban are still extending their reach and hold on Afghan territory, gaining new ground each day.
For the Afghan media it’s a particularly nervous time after a spate of targeted killings of journalists.
Karim Haidari got an invitation to the corridors of power in Kabul
– Dublin December 2020 a black man was killed by police.
George Nkencho was followed home after he assaulted someone in a shop and pulled out a knife.
He was shot near his front door. The Irish police are mostly unarmed, and this was the sixth fatal shooting by a member of the force in 22 years.
Was race a factor in the incident ?
The family are pushing for an independent inquiry into his death.
Hasankeyf in southeastern Turkey is one of humanity’s oldest urban settlements – inhabited for at least twelve thousand years until it was flooded by the waters built up behind the controversial Ilisu Dam.
Some original monuments – its bathhouse and remnants of a 14th-century mosque, as well as over 500 graves – were rescued. Michelle Jana Chan.
Wow – a beeboid called their false president ‘Biden ‘ …. No love any more ? President Trump didn’t even get a mention as being responsible – also off piste .
The snowflake talking about some coloured mental chap getting shot in Ireland went through full sobbing gig – Fergal wars it has competition – no attention to the plod side though ..
More serious journalism from Jeremy Vile who retweeted this clip with spoof sound effects. Not schoolboy humour at all.
Glad our licence fee is being well spent on quality journalists.
And having led the torrent, Vile goes into #callsformode seamlessly.
Bet he has Piers Morgan on his show next.
My normie friends’ response to my “conspiracy” theories?
Why would anyone prolong a pandemic for a few billion pounds?
Why would any politician facilitate that for a measly few million?
Why should the BBC report on a protest involving just a million people?
Any more?
Yes one politicians ‘ moral high ground is someone else’s coffin .
Talking of St Andrews and Scotland, let’s not forget Margaret Ferrier of the SNP, who did far worse than the wretched Hancock in terms of Covid-19 travel crimes. Did Reicher mention her?
Love it. The Moslem man is complaining about LGBT indoctrination of children at school. Accusing Labour of supporting it.
Now Labour are up against the same crowd that opposed the teacher showing pictures of a prophet.
It’s Labour’s turn to face the Moslem objections to education
My on thought on the Hanky-panky gate scandal is why Friday and what other news are they trying to filter out? Or what “rules” are being introduced under the radar?
AS an aside, I received an email from the pet store about pet insurance. The title was “Bought by Many”. Seems to be an appropriate label for quite a few of our Einos (Elites in name only).
“Why would you shout at a woman?” says the Labour candidate, as she resorts to pulling the feminism card.
One has some sympathy for her – shades of Gordon Brown – election time in the north and this time a Labour candidate is confronted by what is probably an actual bigoted man.
Anti Lockdown Protest – London | 26/6/21 Live.
I notice the BBC are actually covering the protest this time. Of course they go for a negative headline but they are only reporting this because GB News does.
Tabs, I read the online report and – typical deceitful BBC – they are conflating the anti-Lockdown Freedom March with an Extinction Rebellion one planned for tomorrow.
Up2snuff… this is certainly very noticeable. I suppose the BBC would justify it by saying that 250,000 protestors marching for freedom and democracy, which is against the interests of the government and global elites, is actually less important than a couple of hundred middle-aged hippies taking an hour out of their Waitrose shopping to protest for the Climate Crisis con, which is very much in the interests of the government and global elites. In their eyes, they’ve just about ‘got the balance right’.
It’s a busy dinghy day at Dover.
Labour under Blair began to import huge numbers of RoPers and expecting them to vote Labour for ever and ever. Then Labour embraced just about every other minority group in the UK , except of course the vanishingly small ‘far right’ , again expecting them to vote Labour. The blindingly obvious incompatibility of Islam with anything but Islam and even then only the right sort of Islam, doesn’t seem to have occurred to them. Or perhaps they just thought that the medievalists would be easily seduced by western culture and fit snuggly into for Labour’s Coalition of the Oppressed, (COTO ) All sensible people knew this was highly unlikely and we are now seeing the emergence of Islam as a political force independent of Labour. Labour needs the Islamic votes inside COTO if it is ever to win a GE but they are slipping away from it.
It was inevitable that Islamification would eventually lead to a Muslim only party. Even the dumbest leftist or Beeboid or Guardinista will surely soon realise that Islam is incompatible with even their version of Westen Democracy and values . But it is already too late to stop the tide of Islamification without an almighty struggle . The leftist fools created a monster which may well consume all of us.
GB Woke News draws attention to waycism in the police. Young black men are considered more likely to commit crimes. That’s waycist innit.
I know that GB News isn’t very far at all to the right of centre but that is still much further right than most of the rest of the MSM which is far left. Because they are regulated by a Ofcom and can easily have their license removed they have to be careful on how they approach topics which have a racial content. I’m afraid it’s as good as it’s going to get in the UK on main stream media.
I don’t think I would, either.
If the police went on the web they might not believe him!
(West Midlands is missing)
If I sought advice about why young black men commit crime I’d want to speak to a criminal, not a goody-two shoes, just saying!
Have you no charity? This man is mentally ill and not responsible for his actions. We know this is true because hitherto all Muslims who have killed people are now known to have had mental issues. If you doubt this please go to the BBC who will I am sure be happy to confirm it.
“What’s the UN global compact on migration?”
“The UK endorsed the deal and praised it as a way to tackle illegal migration as well as keeping migrants around the world safe.”
“The government has been clear that the UN agreement will not change the ability of the UK to set its own migration policy. ”
I understand that the French Navy have landed another load of invaders on our beaches again today ? Collusion anyone?
Perhaps Priti or Dover Sentry can update us.
A promise made by previous Tory Government………….
BBC Actual News Caption
Matt Hancock’s breach of social distancing guidance when he kissed an aide could damage government messaging on fighting the virus, families of Covid victims have warned.
Just about nothing in that para is not laughable.
I see Andrew Lloyd Webber’s version of Cinderella, which is due to start…….stop……..start shortly, has ticked all the boxes, his Prince Charming is definitely not white and privileged.
Again, I share this greater concern.
Guest Who
He’s resigned!
With the words “Build Back Better” whatever that means ?
Well he did have the backing of Bo Jo, didn’t he ?
Who put the security camera in the office and who allowed the film to be given to the Press?
Who is next ?
“Matt Hancock quits as health secretary in aide row”
On a plus side , I saw a lot of taffmen shopping today without wearing masks, mostly the older generation.
Who wrote the Covid Rules ?