Somebody the other day said that when they watched the BBC news they wanted to hear the news . But now what they get is a BBC campaign for various forms of ‘social justice ‘ – a series of woke campaigns and biased left wing propaganda . No wonder the viewing figures are falling quickly . End the BBC .
Midweek Thread 14 July 2021
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“PM must level up the North at pace, say Tory MPs”
I think that there are a lot of Tory MPs “oop north” getting worried that their jobs could be coming to an end ?
Ordinary people way North and West of the ‘London bubble’, once again have been forgotten despite all the promises.
Given that Boris has failed to deliver a proper Brexit, taken away all our freedoms and gone greener than green I don’t think ‘down South’ is necessarily guaranteed either!
Certainly isn’t here, Jim!
Tunbridge Wells doesn’t even have anyone anywhere left of centre, but I’m already pissed off with Greg Clark, as he seems to do bugger all around here.
Time to leave.
Did the Tory MPs all say “at pace”? How extraordinary!
The despicable piece of absolute Irish shit Colum Eastwood has tried to put a bounty and target on an old British Soldier using Parliamentary privilege…
He has even arranged to get the mans name plastered on buildings in Ireland. This is really as low as you can get.
I think if this old man gets attacked Mr Eastwood should face charges of conspiracy to murder.
Lots of British soldiers and innocent civilians lost their lives to the animals that this specimen is trying to succour.
Finally what is he even doing in our parliament?
I guess that is the same tactics used by BLM against Chauvin when it comes down to brass tacks.
Addendum: I hope one day all those “good folk” in the USA who threw Chauvin to the dogs to prove their wokeness will one day also face the ultimate truth!
I think every judge in the case should be given a photograph of his wife and children to keep!
What would anyone be able to do with the senile old clown in the White House.
Come to think of it, has the awful bbbc even ‘reported’ on the silly old man lately?
Kamilla Norris is getting her biros in order on the oval room’s desk as we speak.
The BBC described it thus: ‘The US white ex-police officer convicted of murdering African-American man George Floyd in Minneapolis’
Beyond contempt and no longer fit for purpose.
Defund now.
Things are looking up ………….1 GBP = 1.17271 EUR
Despite Brexit .
Just reading how Guto Harri – 18 years veteran BBC reporter – took the knee live on GB news.
Bowing down to a marxist, racist political movement was an extremely bad move for GB news. Avoiding that kind of thing is what it is supposed to be all about. I sincerely hope he never gets invited on there again.
I detest those scumbag supporters as much as anybody. They are low-life. But the narrative seems to be they are normal white people – just like you and me – who are racists. They are not : they are scumbags from start to finish. They hate anyone and everyone. I’m sure we’ve all known someone like that and trying to cram all white people into that same bucket like Guto is doing is racist and it’s wrong.
It won’t make one jot of difference to those people how many Guto’s take the knee. They are the white equivalent of the BLM thugs or they are far-left scum playing their dirty political tricks. None of them deserve the air they breathe.
I am certain this was not a spur of the moment decision by him.
He’s just a Knut!
Is knut almost an anagram of how you wished to describe the idiot.
That will just wash over many.
Not Dan Snow, obvs.
“I sincerely hope he never gets invited on there again.”
…em he’s one of their main presenters
.. and also has a Welsh economics show on S4C
prior to those, 18 yrs at BBC, and then Mayor Boris’s PR man.
I just read he was standing in for someone who couldn’t make it. And his demeanour in the clip made him look more like a guest than any presenter. The man has no charisma at all.
I have the distinct impression GB news went overboard to avoid being labelled as far-right by the MSM. Hopefully as their reputation is set, they will get rid of boring dross like him.
I too suspect that GBN is very careful not to antagonise Ofcom et al over racial or Islamic stories and so pulls its punches. On other topics though it does present a much more rightist view than the rest of the MSM.I hope it prospers.
Willingness to discuss the effectiveness or otherwise of the vaccines is a touchstone demonstrating the independence of any of the media. Which of them pass that test?
Perhaps in all of the ‘narrative’ lies and revisionism you didn’t notice the other posts on here?
The Guardian and woke lefite Soutgate admit most of the abuse has come from abroad – mostly Muslim countries as it happens, and according to the you tube video posted, the number of tweets which were genuinely racist amount to a mere 120
The problem yet again is in no small part what this site was created to shine a light on, media corruption fake reporting and false news reports.
Certainly seems to have passed the BBC’s finest sh*t stirrers by.
Maybe it is because the one person, apparently, specialising in disinformation is now on hollybags?,
Out of 20,000 laid by the same queen in the same hive.
Is there a decommissioned tube line under W1A?
Lammy, Lewis, BS and Butler.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
They had Abbott on too. Just like the rest.
“Foreign aid: Covid costs mean we have to cut payments, says PM”
Is it my computer but why has that headline disappeared of fthe front page so fast ?
The vote was passed so I suspect the BBC wanted to remove all the counterarguments to their bitter propaganda piece I linked to a few posts down.
That article has Kier saying “Every member here was elected on a manifesto promise to retain the 0.7% target.”
I suspect very, very few people took that into account when they didn’t vote for Labour. He should still be hanging his head in shame after what those scumbags did to manifesto promises about Brexit. These people are lower than snakes.
If Bill Gates is prepared to fork out I few quid to embarrass the UK government over its cuts to overseas aid why, as an American is he not prepared to go to war with the US government who’s percentage of aid is a fraction of the UK’s?
Don’t bother to reply, I know the answer.
They are such bloody arsole**** at this level it’s like the oscars but with our money at stake.
I really hate these world level social identity wagging puffed up nonenteties
I don’t recall having the chance to vote for Bill Gates to be elected to any position within the UK. So the old quo warranto question arises: by what right does he seek to interfere in the internal affairs of another sovereign state?
“By what right does he seek to interfere in the internal affairs of another sovereign state”?
Like Barrybamma did?
I hope the dearth of interest in the bloke who did bugger all for the US for eight years doesn’t mean he’s not secretly being lined up for the non-job over here.
But Boris has lost most of his many balls, so will probably bottle it and let the bloke in, probably in exchange for some non-agreement with Kamilla Norris who is the dangling puppet for all the other lousy US super-rich ‘democrats’.
The awful BBB will have a field day, dribbling into their lattes at every turn when that particular loser is chucked around Battersea.
A good post. Perhaps Geldorf could also chip in ?
Will our BBC ever support Brexit?
No. They will go on about it as long as the BBC is still standing which hopefully will not be for much longer
It’s all spite now. And the Left are masters at it.
John, you’re right!
I never – in a normal life- get so spiteful, but recalling my posts above, even at this ungodly hour, I’m getting like them too…
Fire with fire I suppose…
What really bugs me about them is how they virtue-signal about their self-proclaimed moral superiority when in fact they are the biggest hypocrites of anyone who turn nasty and spiteful when they don’t get what they want. The difference between Trump and Biden reporting by the BBC is an excellent example of their shameless double standards and a window into how truly devoid of ethics they really are.
I say what I think based on what I see and hear. As long as what I say is true, I don’t care.
Tell the truth and shame the devil.
Vaudeville hook to be deployed shortly?
.. an insurrection so serious, lots of people got charged with disorderly conduct.
After all this rhetoric by the Left as ANYONE been charged with anything serious yet ?.
‘I’m not saying this to alarm you. I’m saying this because you should be alarmed.’ !!. Senile old twit.
I’m alarmed by how far they are prepared to go to stop any investigations into election fraud. I’m alarmed that – given the scale of suspicion – they didn’t do it quickly after the election.
I would love to know how much each charge has cost the taxpayer.
… and of course the BBC and other corrupt MSM forget the real violence and destruction of months of BLM and Antifa, e.g. Portland, Seattle, …
Newsnight ‘we took a sample of 105 “racist tweets to the 3 black hero footballers”
and only 5 of them can be traced back to the UK’
… Bear in mind that such tweets often don’t actually come from the type of people that you expect
but rather can come from children
or false flags
Or Muslims.
The most racist people on Earth.
But we don’t talk about that in case it alienates them and they start stabbing us.
Pure BBC poetry to my eyes:
Government wins vote to lock in cuts to overseas aid
Just take a look at griping and bitching about this result of a democratic process. Even John Major gets dug up and waved around again. They’ve given a soapbox to anyone they can find who opposes it.
Unbiased my @rse. Someone should remind them they are there to report the news. Not make it how they want it.
And think of all that money the ‘charities’ will have to spend to make up the shortfall!
Why, even super-rich sods like Miliband on half a mill will have to do another spreadsheet!
Poor buggers, having to give away some of their ‘own’ money.
‘England is ‘systematically racist’, think tank tells the UN’ (from the DT)
The ‘Think Tank’ being the Runnymede Trust who have declared that England is full of racists.
Here’s the people behind it:
Take a good look : these are one of the groups of people who are out to destroy Western society as we know it. Led by a disabled Muslim woman no less. What other possible conclusion would such a group of people come up with ?.
Their entire existence depends on calling white people racists. I’d wager they would conclude every single Western society is systematically racist. And the report was funded by the taxpayer.
Their team is 80% women and 90% non-white. Systematically both sexist AND racist IMHO.
What a complete f*cking joke.
The more they tell me I am a racist, the more I am thinking that I must be. No point fighting it, it is now a woke fact: all whites are racist. Fine, bring it on. But you might not like it.
Below is a list of red Tory Traitor MPs who think taxpayers’ ( your ) money ( borrowed ) is better spent overseas than at home –
David Amess – Southend West
Harriett Baldwin – West Worcestershire
Peter Bottomley – Worthing West
Karen Bradley – Staffordshire Moorlands
Steve Brine – Winchester
Rehman Chishti – Gillingham and Rainham
Stephen Crabb – Preseli Pembrokeshire
David Davis – Haltemprice and Howden
Tobias Ellwood – Bournemouth East
Roger Gale – North Thanet
Damian Green – Ashford
Simon Hoare – North Dorset
Neil Hudson – Penrith and The Border
Jeremy Hunt – South West Surrey
Paulie Latham – Mid Derbyshire
Tim Loughton – East Worthing and Shoreham
Theresa May – Maidenhead
Johnny Mercer – Plymouth, Moor View
Andrew Mitchell – Sutton Coldfield
Caroline Nokes – Romsey and Southampton North
Neil Parish – Tiverton and Honiton
Mark Pawsey – Rugby
Bob Seely – Isle of Wight
Tom Tugendhat – Tonbridge and Malling
I’m sure that if the above traitors clubbed together with their personal wealth they could help make up the shortfall ….know your enemy – useful for the Whips when the next coup attempt comes along
Four of the traitors are in Kent, where we all pay for picking up the boat children, just before their parents are ‘discovered’, and cart them off to hotels, a free house etc.
I used to think Damian Green was OK, but not any more, and Thanet has enough problems without having more benefits people crowding in.
Scrobs, hailing from Thanet myself, its always been a deprived outpost of the South. The ‘glory’ days were before overseas holidays, when Londoners would head to Margit and Ramsgit for daytrips and a week on the beach. Then Clarksons started offering trips to Ibiza at £32 for 2 weeks and the rot set in.
Margate is still a bloody good craic, especially when the Soul Weekender hits town.
Brissles, this was by no means aimed at you, because parts of Thanet are still stunning, like Broadstairs (well it was until the poop started to escape), but – sorry – here’s an item I wrote some years ago, when the loss of a huge development project we had for the old Hoverlloyd site went south, because of some bespectactabled, jersey’d numpty in English Heritage, some tosseres from Thanet’s crazy council or a similar bunch of wokes.
Read this if you want – you don’t need to…
Very interesting Scrobs, and up to your usual standard ! this may be of interest to you- or not.¬if_id=1625844239024955¬if_t=group_highlights&ref=notif
Thank you. We need more naming and shaming.
I’ve spent time in the Palace of Westminster – the atmosphere – the architecture – the bon homie – the false history – all contribute to disconnecting MPs from the public common sense .
All of their constituency partys should deselect them .
And the red Tory government should use the vote to water down overseas giveaways and get rid of it – and perhaps give the likes of Andrew Mitchell the opportunity to give his wealth to charity in order to ‘care for ‘ the people he considers more important than his own voters .
Fed, you seem to get all the ticks, and I get far fewer…
I’m disappointed…
(I suppose, I’m in the realms of our resident troll, which I certainly am not!)
Scroblene – don’t worry – I use the Biden method of getting votes ….
Fed, you have resumed the position of fame, impartiality, and good citizenship!
The next round’s on me, and the one after…!
Scrob, I’ll give you a like, if you like, like. Innit.
And northern gets a like for liking scrob…
Anti-Brexit wet Tory and failed PM Sir John Major makes the frontpage of the Guardian this morning. And why wouldn’t the Gruan have leapt on his quote telling us British, like a father to errant children, why we can’t have nice things: ‘It seems we can afford a “national yacht” while cutting help to some of the most destitute people in the world’
Talk about managed delcine. I guess that’s the secret the Sir Humphreys tell you when you finally get the keys to number 10. You’re just here to manage the decline, you know.
Is it any wonder the Gruan shares the same crypto-colonial outlook as the wet Tories? ‘Outrage as No 10 slashes foreign aid budget amid fears for world’s poor’ – outrage? Care to put that one to a referendum?
Take majors’ pension away – increase income tax to 51% and give the money to the overseas giveaway fund . Maybe that would concentrate any ‘mind ‘ he still has …
If people want to give their money away – go ahead – but don’t make it compulsory by law – simple .
Oh yeah ? They want to give the NHS a 15% pay rise ? See how increasing NIC s as well ….
Me – cut taxes – cut the government .
Dear Sir John Major:
The cost of a new Royal Yacht is £200 million.
The temporary cut in foreign “aid” is £4 billion.
£4 billion is 20 times £200 million, which is why can afford one, but not the other. If there were a plan to build 20 Royal Yachts your comment might make some sort of sense, as it is, I can see why you failed your exam to be a bus conductor.
The old yacht could have been refitted and in use all this time. That was Labour vindictiveness.
Along with Champion, YAB and a small fetid pool of others, this guy…
Is platformed constantly by this guy…
Funny old world.
The BBC rallies the troops.
Dear Femi,
I think you should stick to doing whatever it is you do.
What is it, by the way?
Wetting himself live on Vile?
Here’s Labour’s Lewis.
Labour’s Khan on Breakfast.
What Surkeer says doubtless next.
Let me get this straight. When jellyfish insisted on lockdown measures everybody had to comply, but now that some sort of freedom has been announced individual organisations are free to ignore it and, for instance, insist on people wearing masks? Is that not discriminatory? Can a non-wearer sue a shop for refusing entry?
The Emir is happy to wear a mask, it seems, but he still can’t bring himself to wear a tie. Is it because muslims associate it with Christianity? Surely not!
It says that “taking the knee” is still seen as giving allegiance to a Marxist terror group. I won’t change my opinion about that no matter how much I am harangued by pea brained wokistas.
BBC opened Jez’ and Sleepy’s coffins early for comment yet?
“Solidarity with….. !”
Twitter. The MSM kindergarten playground.
It would be funny if the calibre of pols now infesting the HoP do not hang on this tripe instead of paying attention to actual working stiff voters rather than oligarch and potentate editors and luvvie activists.
Calvin does know how the MSM works, right?
And Labour know who to use for their own purposes on Twitter rather than in the voting booth.
Out of 650 MPs he and Di are on rotation. Why?
Pesto less noticeable on Cuba, HK or Christian churches in Africa.
But Rich loves his overpaid luvvies almost as much as they love what they believe should replace a secret voting booth.
Them on Twitter.
Well Mr Peston, you could start by giving us your definition of racist.
Only then would a person know which side of your line they stand.
We seem to be veering towards a definition which is any criticism of any kind about any subject against a person who just happens not to be white.
I think Mr Peston should be asked to decide himself, on a case by case basis.
“racist fans should be banned from football matches for life”
…this is foothills of fascism stuff again.
If people do something wrong them you apply due process of the law.
Not apply power labels and end their entire life.
When people commit a crime, they are particular person
later when they grow up they are a different person.
How does this lifetime ban allow for reform ?
It actually encourages offenders to keep on offending.
Meanwhile some convicted grooming gang rapists sentenced to deportation still roam the streets, and their victims bump into them.
What are Labour and libmob media doing about that ?
It would be funny though. If all the racists, ie white people, are banned, the opening day of the season would see matches kicking off in stadia containing players and staff only. And I suspect most of them would be questionable too.
The Thinker.
TOADY Watch #1 – in which Rick Nobinson asks the questions but doesn’t interrupt and repeat the question
Sadiq Khan, Labour Mayor of London, is given quite an easy ride without a mask on a TFL bus or train by Rick Nobinson. At least that is how it sounded to me. (RadioFlaw 8.10 a.m.) I could be biased as I tend toward conservatism. It seems fairly obvious that the Labour Party, the NHS, the Trade Unions, Labour Mayors and the Labour BBC are all using facemasks as a weapon in opposition to the PM, Her Majesty’s Government and the general public’s freedom.
Nick did challenge Mayor Khan (unfortunate title & name combo that, it gives me the shivers as I remember Meir Kahane) on facemasks. Nick said they do not work. Mayor Khan’s answer was something like “WHO have decided they do help combat the spread of Covid” which, if I recall correctly, is a position that WHO have updated to the opposite. Stew will no doubt correct me if wrong. Thanks in advance, Stew.
Nick challenged the Mayor on Wembley policing and the Metropolitan Police and Cressida Dick in general but allowed Sadiq Khan and easy wriggle on everything. Will this be the start of a new impartiality and strict political neutrality on the BBC?
Or was it the same old same-oh?
The BBC and the Labour Party plus anyone else versus a Conservative Government.
……the same selective impartiality which resulted in a Scottish BBC TV Wimbledon broadcaster being unable to bring himself to support England in the then forthcoming football match against Denmark!
Sorry, Snuffy. The awful bbbc have form in non-stories and failed ‘journalism’. Robinson’s a joke, and unnecessary these days.
I never believe a thing they spout and tell all my chums the same!
Luckily, I get believed!
The head of the FA was asked about security at Wembley the other day and his response was ‘it’s a sports ground – not a fortress ‘. Well – from personal experience of ‘sports grounds ‘ – as an away supporter at – say – Stamford bridge – you will be lucky to get away with just 2 – two body searches by private security ( not sure on the Nigerian tribe ) before even presenting your ticket .
On the upside – the media induced enthusiasm for storming the stadium will be a great excuse for FIFA declining to give the FA the World Cup gig .
Personally I was amazed at the images – but if it is true that illegal entry was planned online and stewards bribed to open doors – maybe they should use our excellent “border force ‘?
Fed, t’other day you spoke of Leyton Orient. I seem to recall their ground is very open and surrounded by houses which front onto the ground. I happened to be nearby one Saturday when a match was in progress. I asked a gentleman guarding one of the entrances, that was just up some steps from the public thoroughfare (ie. pavement) whether I could just take a quick look into the stadium as I had never been to ‘the Orient’.
The reply was: “Sure, but make sure you come back down fairly quickly”. There was another Steward at the top, who I’m sure would have asked if I had a ticket if I had turned left or right to either the seats or the terraces.
The friendly reception is a good memory to have.
I’m not that good with crowds anymore so stopped going to prem football matches . However orient might well be a place to visit in the future as it doesn’t have crowds ….
Fed, it was packed that day. It may have been an FA Cup game though. It was probably into the second-half so I stayed just long enough to do a 360 degree look around and check the score. Had other things to do that day. It’s a great location. A community club before such things became politicised.
I think it can only be a matter of time when people are required to put their true identity on the internet . For instance – my real name is xxxx xxxxxx – it’s not really ‘fedup2’. No proof of identity – no internet use ….
…..all done for the most admirable of reasons of course – but freedom is easily lost and not easy to get back without bloodshed …
Any teacher signing up to this….
…is likely also screaming in their car at their mobile about CRT before uploading to tik tok.
Or arranging the politics class for an outing as a QT audience before trashing a green area to save Gaia as bbc eco editors scamper about cooing.
“Confused about how to identify real news and filter out what is fake?”
Here’s a clue: If it’s got BBC on it, it’s probably the latter.
In which foreign country was that film made?
You thought GB News was a woke-free zone?
Think again.
“GB News viewers switch off after presenter takes the knee”
So Farewell, Then, GB News.
Yes – no Twitter – no app – no watch – hope it goes broke – going woke .
Of course the bbc requires a lot of personal data from users first.
And then likely hands it to folk to leave on bus stops or MPs they can trust to only read out names in Parliament of those the BBC and their reliable pair of hands pols want targeted.
“MPs have approved compulsory vaccinations for care home staff in England”
Mark my words, the thin end of the wedge.
Anyone who warned of this kind of thing last year was labelled a conspiracy theorist or a nutter.
Lots of jockeying for woke position on the BBC website this morning.
Sadiq wants eternal facemarks on LT.
BBC have sneer at the tub-thumping UK aircraft carrier whilst mentioning covid onboard
Labour looking for new voters amongst footie fans by banning footie fans with an opinion from watching footie (Good luck with that one Kier!)
Nadiya once considered bleaching her skin! (But surely wouldn’t that make her a horrible white racist?).
A more diverse workforce would turn our economy round in no time.
Scotland is not going to do things like England and Wales is not going to do things like Scotland or England covid-pantomime-wise (now there a surprise!)
Groundhog day again….
I see the BBC are now using young children at the Rashford mural to put their racism messages across. I’m only surprised they didn’t give each one a little puppy to hold for the pictures. No way some of the messages are written by 9 year olds.
Ethically unacceptable trickery.
It also looks like schools are shipping in classes to fill the wall with stickers.
I’m praying nightly for the same Act of God that wrecked a George Floyd memorial in Ohio yesterday.
Wow. God’s a racist too. Who knew?
Here’s a story that’s trending on some alternative social media, that the BBC seems to have missed.
There is an explosion of cases of child abuse in islamic madrasas throughout Pakistan and Bangladesh (and elsewhere in the muslim world). The abuse is not new, but it’s starting to be exposed.
‘Child abuse’ is too anodyne an expression: violent rape and sodomy might be more accurate.
One such case involved the Religionist of Peace in the photo below who peacefully sodomised a 10-year-old boy so brutally and so frequently that his eyes bled.
I repeat: his eyes bled.
Now, I don’t know what you have to do to a 10-year-old to make his eyes bleed, and I don’t want to know; but I’m damn sure it ain’t pretty.
Another ‘cleric’ (i.e. rapist) broke a small girl’s back while sharing some of that islamic love.
One ‘cleric’ said: I don’t know what all the fuss is about, the companions of mohammed did the same (for once he spoke the truth). He was arrested but later released.
These are not isolated cases, far from. There are countless horrific stories, an avalanche of cases coming to light – and even those are just the tip of the iceberg according to Pakistan’s own press, who are often viciously attacked for exposing the scandal.
One Pakistani scholar and whistle-blower estimates there would hardly be a madrasa where such abuse is NOT happening.
Over 2.2 million children are indoctrinated in over 36,000 madrasas in Pakistan, so imagine – just imagine – the industrial scale of the abuse. It makes our own little grooming gangs oop North seem tame by comparison.
(Talking of which, child abuse is rampant in UK madrasas too: )
So, BBC, you care so much about females, and children, and muslims: how about a brave investigative report? Hello… anyone there?
Silly me, they don’t even care about children abused by grooming gangs on our own shores, so why should the racist BBC care about little brown children in faraway countries?
Not missed, suppressed.
I’ve realised recently why the BBC are doing this. As a general rule, their global reach means that what might be outrageous to us might be acceptable to someone else. Hence they do not run stories like this for fear of offending them.
This policy means the only allowable targets for accusations of serious wrongdoing are the white British!. It’s astonishing considering one B stands for ‘British’ but it is absolutely true.
John it occurred to me long ago that the BBC want to be the Global News Outlet and they will sacrifice anybody and anything to get there. So long as we have no choice about paying for them to continue we are the last people they will consider.
This shows their real disgusting inner lack of morality.
Absolutely : they want to be the political reference standard for the new globalist world order they think is coming.
Their arrogance that they are right and everyone else is wrong is off the scale.
What a nasty shock that ambition got after Brexit. Hence why they are still smarting.
Only a matter of time before someone with the funding, dedication and relevant skill set hides a very large explosive device inside some boxes of photocopier paper, which are then dispatched using faked delivery notes to the head offices of the BBC and the Guardian and triggered remotely in transit from the site using a mobile phone.
Obviously this would be really awful and we hope it never happens.
I think mosques and sexual abuse is a subject they won’t go near . Easier targets are the evil vicars and priests …
“Trust us: we’re politicians.”
Who said Saint Jacinda didn’t have a sense of humour?
Surely that is a lie ?
Politicians first – humans second …
Nails in GBNews coffin, a great disappointment.
lol, someone saying the same as what I said earlier in this thread but saying it a lot better.
When in a hole stop digging. But GB News continues, quoting Sur Keer who continues the woke attack. Very close to the BBC now
The broken image is the same tweet
so if it had worked we’d have had the same image twice.
The posts here the system automatically embeds tweets
All you do post the URL of the tweet, on a fresh line
After you click send.. the page starts to reload, but the newly embedded tweet might take a minute to load properly.
When tweets embed they automatically include the parent tweet, ie the tweet it is in reply to. (if there is one)
That’s why I sometimes only quotes the words if the parent tweet includes a big image etc.
Yesterday what do we see a presenter on there taking to the knee,
telling us that we should take our knee and if we don’t we are somehow racist,
which is preposterous and ludicrous
This whole debate about taking to the knee is so ridiculous.
I can’t believe this is the new way of dividing us
And that’s what it is isn’t it ?
We’ve seen it with the football fans.
Just a few people on twitter who are anonymous who could be in Israel, America, South America, Australia, Dubai or anywhere
.. because we don’t know.
And because twitter’s unaccountable we’ll never find out.
We’re all getting the blame for everything which was down to 0.001 % of people
yet GBnews are certainly switching it around … that this is a whole nation of racists who support football
And therefore their presenter wants to take to the knee in some show of defiance against us
in support of them a Marxist organization
that has fraudsters and criminals within it
who seem to applaud the abuse of police officers
want the police defunded
and like setting fires to buildings
And when we challenge that I and anyone else who wants to debate it is somehow described as a racist
I find this offensive and for me this is the final nail in the coffin for GBnews
One of the stupidest stunts in TV history ever Andrew Kneel must be holding his head in his hands
because i’m telling you the few people who were left watching will now be switching off
Because they will not be on par with this man
It continues
George Orwell predicted the development of the mindset of the BBC and other such organisations.
‘Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.’
‘Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.’
Sound familiar?
Instead of having the LGBT+etc how about this.
Have 3 options.
Then, you don’t need to keep up with all latest trends of what they say they are and you don’t need to type out or say the ridiculous string of letters which are supposed to include all the different types of ways to label them all.
When new variants appear they can be lumped into the ‘miscellaneous’ grouping without anyone having to remember whatever the latest fashion is in people’s sexuality.
But,but,but miscellaneous starts with mis, surely that’s sexist?
Will our BBC please note?
“Sanjay Bhandari, chairman of Kick It Out, revealed that roughly 70% of all abuse over the past two seasons came from foreign accounts”
“…roughly 70% of all abuse over the past two seasons came from foreign accounts”
The only logical conclusion is that racism is endemic and overwhelming in this country, so much so that it is now infecting non-Whites in other countries via Twitter. And something to do with, er, colonial legacy, imperialism and the cut in foreign aid.
I’m long past caring what happens to Afghanistan as we hand it over to the untender mercies of the medieval muslim savages in the Taliban.
But I’m desperately sorry for our soldiers who lost lives and limbs there, and their families who must be wondering: for what?
I agree – the lie about preventing terrorism from there coming here doesn’t wash when we have so many’ home grown ‘Islamic terrorists that they can’t all be monitored and pop up when carrying out their murders .
Afgee- a waste of blood and treasure – and not for the first time . Maybe the Chinese will have more ‘luck’.
if you attack and kill someone in Austria at random kill 2 people in a Glasgow hotel and kill 2 people who are helping you to cope with the aftermath of a terrorist prison sentence then your are by default mentally ill.
If you send a racist tweet to a BME footballer then your are lucid and without any mental impairment whats so ever.
Or so it would seem
Having planned and signally failed in an exhibition of woke and divisive politics, at the expense of a football game and the careers of two, possibly three young black players, will Southgate look back with pride on what will undoubtedly be his legacy?
Or will the goat-faced idiot accept how monumentally wrong his decisions have proved and resign? I know the answer already.
Beltane, you could argue that the game was lost when Italy was allowed to score during the second-half. Was it a ‘soft’ goal, ie. a giveaway? I didn’t watch (for obvious reasons) nor did I listen to a radio commentary. Just dipped in on-line every now and then to the BBC web-site.
Depending, I suppose, on personal levels of paranoia, you could be tempted to think that Southgate planned and played for a draw, culminating in penalties and with the three chosen youngsters ending the game in a climax of glory, racial harmony and woke political success. The reality was a monumental back-fire which has now resulted in hysteria.
That game-plan theory might seem far-fetched, but it certainly goes some way towards explaining his quite extraordinary decision making – or total lack of it – most especially throughout the whole second half.
Beltane-But maybe the BLM organization were on to a
winner whatever happened with the penalty shoot out.
With their absolute number one high profile partners they were
on to a winner if the boys scored and a winner if they
didn’t , which they didn’t .
They would. and got the abuse from the vile, feral , racist,
scum , so called England supporters, which they did. So
getting “our” support in our sympathy for them . Which
enhances the BLM. Enhances the very moderate coach
Southgate , who did another World Cup semi -final non pro active role. These Euro’s were won by a superior Italian side
and a far superior Italian coach Mancini.And I reiterate the
BLM organization with their number one and two affiliates .
The England football team and the BBC.
Interesting. That was also my impression at the time when the role model with the machine gun tattoo on his leg gave away an unnecessary foul.
You don’t mean:
‘…and it’s another blistering run down the wing. He beats one defender, he beats two, this is amazing…he…. loses possession.’
‘….and it’s another blistering run down the wing. He beats one defender, he beats two, he passes……to an opponent. Oh well.’
Or even:
‘…and it’s another blistering run, beating one, two, three defenders. This is amazing! It’s an open goal! He shoots! Straight at the keeper.’
That one?
Like the bbc.
I wonder if a future advanced species of this Earth will come to the same conclusion on humanity…
I always wonder how the asteroid managed to wipe out the dinosaurs on the other side of the earth from the impact area.
We now hear that taking the knee means being against social injustice.
No. This was and is a gesture of support for the terrorist organisation Black Lives Matter.
Footballers originally wore shirts with “Black Lives Matter” on their backs rather than their own names. The proof was there – in writing. Don’t you remember that, BBC?
The whole rotten woke establishment has a selective memory. They keep moving the goalposts.
It’s a pity they didn’t move the goalposts on Sunday night, to make it easier for the Three Wise Men to score the penalties they missed.
I hope Andrew Neil has been watching GB News during his time off.
He will be able to hear the sound problems we often hear as well as some of the other technical failings.
When a sound link is terrible, has constant background noise or is echoing badly you would think somebody would be monitoring this and would correct it yet many times it goes on without any mention or change. 2 minutes ago one of their correspondents was talking about railways and there was a constant school playground type of racket going on all through his report.
I wonder if he will see that the channel seems to be slowly drifting to the left. It’s as if they are trying to over compensate for where they started with their centre right position.
That bloke going down on his knee to the blm for instance.
It’s no good trying to say it’s nothing to do with blm and it’s just anti racist.
It’s like a football team giving the nazi salute before a game and saying it’s in support of the workers.
You can’t just change these gestures by simply saying they mean something else to you now.
Emmanuel Goldstein
They won’t let go of the football racism claims; currently focusing on labour MPs hammering away at Priti for her lack of support for the knee.
I now think they should acknowledge their affinity with the BBC and hopefully sink with them
I think I am hearing the 50th news bulletin in a row,
that has led with “racist football tweets”
That focus is totally disproportionate.
It’s like throwing away an entire Big Mac cos it has one speck of mustard on it
You wouldn’t even notice it, if you ate the whole hamburger
Dump it . Maybe there will be a mildly right wing station one day – but Brillo s is not the one . I guess he is ill or likes the good life in France more than that crap tv station
I fear you are right Fed, as I also fear that Brillo taking a lengthy break at what most would see as a crucial point in GBN success or failure is no coincidence.
It has been said over the weeks that mask-wearing has become an obsession of the Left.
Boris used Parliament to legislate that we must wear masks. On Monday we will be free.
Our BBC/Left think differently. By the back door, mask-wearing is becoming compulsory in a mission-creep way.
Lefty mayors are making mask wearing compulsory on public transport. Lefty shops such as book-shops are doing the same.
What will our BBC do?
The pressure is on to cancel ‘Freedom Day’ and the BBC’s comrades-in-arms at Sly News are doing their bit. The front page of its website has an article with the catchy title of ‘COVID-19: Cautionary tale from the Netherlands’ coronavirus unlocking – what lessons can the UK learn?’, with an even subtler subtitle of ‘Sky News looks at what lessons can learned after the Dutch saw their COVID-19 cases soar to unprecedented levels after unlocking, leading their prime minister to concede that coronavirus restrictions had been lifted too soon. The message is simple: the Netherlands have made matters infinitely worse and Britain is about to do the same – call it off now, Boris!
To make their point, Sly News have lots of nice charts showing how infection rates are soaring, hospital admissions are rising, the rise in infections in young people etc. However, one metric is noticeable by its complete absence: the number of deaths. So allow me to help out by providing the number of reported Covid-19 deaths in the Netherlands for this month:
July 1st – 3
July 2nd – 7
July 3rd – 1
July 4th – 0
July 5th – 1
July 6th – 1
July 7th – 2
July 8th – 2
July 9th – 0
July 10th – 1
July 11th – 3
Now, the population is smaller than that of the UK, just under 18 million compared to nearly 70 million. Plus there is a lag on infections leading to hospitalisations and deaths. But even so, it’s pretty blatant why they’ve chosen not to give these statistics. And why their name of Sly News is so appropriate.
P.S. sorry the link for the stats is so long.
Just looked it up.
A third of the people (6 million) in the Netherlands have been double jabbed.
They shouldn’t use them to compare with our situation.
As you say, they cherry pick what they want you to know depending on their agenda.
You know what.
I believe almost everything I read on here, Stew keeps everyone honest.
The big boys are just pushing their own propaganda for their left wing politics.
4:30pm R4 MediaShow continues “The festival of Millionaire Footballers being victims”
“Rashford … Rashford … Rashford … “
People promoting their book
“RadioTune in now to @BBCRadio4 #TheMediaShow
for the first UK broadcast interview with these brilliant authors discussing their Collision symbol explosive Collision symbol exposé on Facebook – #AnUglyTruth
out this week by @ceciliakang @sheeraf @LittleBrownUK @StephiElise”
Now a journo is on saying he has written tweets for players
“Oh that’s not common, but I have done 2 in the last 24 hour
we are very close to the players”
Joey D’Urso is on ..was he once sacked for cheating ?
Ah no, a Tweet says “Joey d’Urso harrassing Speaker John Bercow in the street this morning, against BBC’s own rules?
Why was this harrassment broadcast? “
Presenter “why can’t the platforms quash the abuse ?”
What abuse that is so relatively small, that it’s equivalent to a fly in a swimming pool
And the players never get into the pool
instead their PR teams bucket out some of the water and put it into the players bath.
Footballer spokesman “Ye at times Rashford has handed his Instagram account over charities he supports”
… The book writers have had a good dig at Trump of course
Talksport are doing a live broadcast from the Marcus Rashford shrine, sorry, mural at the minute.
It’s obscene, the media in this country have lost all sense of perspective. You would think he had found a cure for cancer or was being made a saint. Anybody who hadn’t heard of him would think he’d died or been martyred for his cause.
Hyperbole and bullshit from the mouths of opportunistic far-left morons, media moochers and “artists” and the local “kommunitee”, mainly gobshites who everyone avoids when they walk in to the local pub. All strings being pulled by an American PR company founded by a racist ex-drug dealer. Being lectured on racism by Trevor Sinclair, a convicted drunk driver who called the arresting officer “a white c##t”. You couldn’t make it up.
Awful, just pathetic. I hope United sell him, I can’t be bothered with this any more. Nearly 50 years I’ve followed them, no more, this season will be a circus. We’ve just signed Sancho as well.
You really have to laugh at the absurdity of all this and just stop feeding them.
The current headline on the DM is that the police have arrested a man who handed himself in for a racist tweet.
It said “Dambuster dogs lost it for us” or words to that effect (n*****s lost it was what he put but I don’t want to be imprisoned so I’ve copied what the DM put)
The police sent 3 officers to his home and searched it.
They took away his laptop.
It’s good to see that the police have so many spare officers.
It follows that there must be hundreds available for crimes like murder (stabbings/machete’ings/acid attacks/mass grooming/gangbanging and all the other really serious crimes when they can spare so many on someone using a word that white people shouldn’t.
The urinating protest guy handed himself in
… the establishment stamped on him
The flag burning, statue throwings BLM protesters
did the opposite ..and got no punishment
Oh this pro mask guy gets a pretty rapid response from Ofcom
He’s a no one, not a blue-tick so why do Ofcom treat him so specially ?
It seems the Good Lord is now weighing in to the BLM debate. And not on the side of the BBC, apparently.
“George Floyd Mural Destroyed After Lightning Strike, Witnesses Report”
What next – Lightning strike on W1A 1AA?
Multiple sources confirm that the wall fell
“Fire officials have said witnesses claim the mural was destroyed by a lightning strike.
But city building inspector Hugh Koogan told the Toldeo Blade it appeared to be a result of natural deterioration.
“It was just age. It just came away,” Koogan said. “It happens to the older buildings.”
“the owner has been clearing up the destroyed mural, and will also knock down the remainder of the ruined wall.”
The City of Toledo spokesperson said officials were heartbroken that the work of artist David Ross had been destroyed.
They added that a new mural would be painted in another location, co-organized by the arts commission.”
Bit of good news for a change eh ?