Somebody the other day said that when they watched the BBC news they wanted to hear the news . But now what they get is a BBC campaign for various forms of ‘social justice ‘ – a series of woke campaigns and biased left wing propaganda . No wonder the viewing figures are falling quickly . End the BBC .
Midweek Thread 14 July 2021
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There is something I want to share with everybody here to help counter Wokist attitudes related to slavery. Because of my work I’ve had to think this through long before BLM.
Slavery began when human beings discovered salt preserved meat @8000 years ago. Until then we were dominantly Hunter-Gatherers with no choice about our lifestyle. Salt gave us the possibility not to have to go hunting everyday, and this freedom is why most all of our knowledge begins from this time.
Some words that came into the language derived from Sal – Salt from this time are Salary, Soldier, Salute, Salad, quite a few others including SLAVE. Which is a combination of Sal-Labour. It is the first time that humans would have needed to use slaves.
Slaves would have been used throughout the world to enable Salt to be mined and used. But since we can now enjoy the benefits of the knowledge and freedoms we have I would suggest that anybody complaining about it, and selecting a particular period much later than this should simply go back to being hunter-gatherers and give up modern life.
Hope you find this inspiring.
Could be Saxa-ist?
Well it flows….
Nice one Halifax. My condiments.
Only when you add a bit of silicate……
Astonishingly bad (or perhaps just very revealing) choice of words by Anita Anand just after the headlines on Radio 4’s ‘PM’ show at 17:00.
The first headline item had been the MI5 boss’s warning about the reality of far-Right terrorism and racism, which he said was here to stay and not primarily something from abroad.
The nasal-sounding Anita, more usually heard on “Any Answers?”, hurried to take up this topic after those headlines. Can anyone else confirm what I’m pretty sure that I heard? She said something like, “… as you can’t get enough of a good thing …” as justification for enthusiastically moving straight back to the “racism/far-Right” story.
What is that “good thing”? Racism and the far-Right as topics to beat the native British with? The MI5 chief’s acknowledgement of the reality of it? Anand’s own career prospects within the BBC, since she has skin colour in the game?
Did anyone else catch this intrusive and biased remark?!
(P.S. Anand later redeemed herself slightly when speaking to one of the [Labour] Mayors who have got together to warn about easing mask requirements. She ran past him the idea that it was a Labour “pile-on” by Andy Burnham, Steve Rotherham, Tracy Brabin and others. Good for her!)
The BBC can never get enough of racism with which to stoke division, fear and hatred.
Yep, it’s all there in black and white…
at about 5 mins in….
Em livelink doesn’t work after the show finishes
Try this one
I have been mulling over the political situation in this Country. I see things are changing fast.
The left-wing have realised the power of raw grudge politics and are scrambling to recruit as many vocal causes into their fold as they can.
Frightened by this, Boris has switched from the ebullient “can do man” into “not us gov” man.
This will get ever more frenetic as the left set up traps based on inclusivity, human rights, color, etc. etc for Boris to fall over.
So we have arrived at a point where there is no natural political party for the average Joe. I believe in this situation the Country is crying out for a determined leader who is not swayed by the screamers or false prophets in the media and many quangos including education etc.
Come on Nigel, your real hour is nigh. You can turn this Country back into a place to be proud to live in and millions and millions will back you all the way.
Millions may back him but the flak from the BBC, the msm, the Deep State and the Swamp will be savage and relentless. Look what they did to Trump.
I really think the left realised this months and years ago.
And they have got grudge politics off to a fine art, aided and abetted by the BBC and fellow travellers.
Closely allied to ‘grudge’ we have ‘outrage’ the vociferous, sometimes threatening, behaviour of the left. It’s used all the time and drifting down from arguably serious issues to having to wait a bit longer in the bus queue.
Being a happy pessimist I too work on the future . I think the ending of furlough – the increasing of inflation and commodity prices leading to an increase in interest rates is going to blow away trivial such as kneeling .
Personal taxation will rise one way or another – I include petrol prices in this .
I can’t even start to guess how the unemployment / employment will pan out . Certainly the public sector won’t be able to expand further because the cost of state borrowing will rise bigly within a year .
I m trying to work out how I am profit from this personally but haven’t figured it yet .
Fedup2, personal taxes have already risen, albeit stealthily …
The income tax personal allowance and higher rate threshold will be frozen from 6 April 2022 until 5 April 2026. The capital gains tax annual exempt amount, the pensions lifetime allowance and the IHT and residence nil rate bands, meanwhile, will be frozen at their current rates.
The sort of coming tax increases will make people’s’ nose bleed ….
“Swedish rapper Yasin jailed over plot to kidnap rival artist”
As the chap is a bit of a pop star, why no photograph of the perpetrator ?
There is one but its ‘couched’ in the foreign language link , not on the front page.
What say you ?
This chap?
Could be ?
Surely head of news beckons?
I am sympathetic to her given her conciliatory tone
ie the way she does not now stand by her 7 year old words.
.. But I know her side would not show the same sympathies to righties
“North West England leads housing boom with prices up 15%”
Could it be that something is causing ‘flight’ from the SE of England ?
Taffman, thought struck me today that the Mayor London’s stance on facemasks compulsion in order to use TfL’s buses and trains might lead to an extra exodus from the capital. Pre-pandemic people were forsaking TfL in large numbers, as far as I could see, on my occasional visits and TfL was said to be in economic problems then back in early 2019. It has since had a big bail out from HM Treasury but I suspect Khan will break it and then blame Boris!
People have learned to work from home. Have they abandoned the ‘Great City’ of diversity to earn their wages living in more salubrious places in Great Britain ?
The last visit I had to London reminded me of what the ‘third world’ looked like. Boy, am I glad I live in the countryside . I would not swap it for the world .
“Carry on flying, says government green plan”
How on ?
Perhaps the government have have ‘Magic Carpets’ in mind ?
The BBC have a proud tradition of picking ‘representative’ people for voxpop.
The government have decided to change the covid status of the Balearic islands from green to amber.
Now readers will have a range of views about this.
But do we really need to feel sorry for a Scouser owner of an Irish bar…… Minorca !!!! FFS.
That’s who was ‘interviewed’ on the 6 pm BBC1 news.
If GB News goes under, the sad part is that it will deter future attempts at launching centrist or right-leaning news channels, as well as strengthening the BBC’s hand in negotiations over the telly tax. They’ll be able to say: “See? There’s no demand for alternative news channels; the public trust us; we’ve got it about right.”
I see your point, but so many are pointing out that GB News has not been very alternative, maybe due to Ofcom or their backers.
It needs to go now, amidst much criticism of its inability to break from the BBC and MSM.
I think its death will be accelerated when it climbs on to the issue of race in the Olympics and further when it reveals itself incapable of criticising moslems. Fairly quiet about the Bateley teacher so far.
“It needs to go now”
Why ?
It can do what it wants with its own money in a free market
Otherwise we are supporting Cancel Culture
The BBC is different cos they take MY MONEY
and priority channel slots and hand it over to wokist propagandists.
each example a minor thing, but why
has the BBC1 News sent a reporter to stand in the fields near Manchester Airport to report on the quarantine requirements to be put in place for passengers returning from the Balearics?
Save some £ & the planet by staying in the office
PMQs clash over racist abuse
Another ‘own goal by Labour’?
Lessons to be learned.
IMHO kneeling is not in the culture of the British People other than to God, The Crown and perhaps when asking your fiance to be your wife .
Why should the majority of the people of Great Britain always be expected to adopt alien cultures? And not the other way around ?
“The dog wagging the tail”
BBC Politics tries to be cute. Fails.
Springster moonlighting on hols?
Full Fact
Labour said during PMQs that the Prime Minister had not condemned people who booed the England team for taking the knee. Boris Johnson has said that it is “totally wrong” – but he has not exactly said that he “condemns” the booing, as far as we can tell.
This is about as funny as it gets.
#QuestionAsAHeadline is always SPECULATION not fact
and equivalent to sh1t stirring.
“The dog wagging the tail”
No, the tail is part of the dog.
More like a dog being made to behave like a cat.
BBC local news “A Driffield school girl has received racial abuse, caused by the football match”
…. OK, we all got abuse in the playground
but generally the words are of less concern than the probable 7 poor black kids that got stabbed today
which I guess is the national average.
… or the girls that got raped.
Next item ..’here we have a doctor that says we must all wear masks and the UK Covid programme has been a disaster’
Now .. a lady who has become an On-call firefighter
BBC News contains warnings from mayors and others about the spread of the virus.
OK, this is merely anecdotal. People who travelled to the Marcus Rashford shrine in Withington are claiming that they are now clear of Covid.
This will require verification from Sage, then a note from the Pope supporting pilgrimages to the site.
I heard that somebody who was blind visited the shrine and when he got to the wall (past all the followers on their knees) he touched the wall and saw the light.
Emmanuel Goldstein,
The Socialist Workers Party through their fronted organization, Unite Against Fascism, organised a mass visit to the shrine and it was caught on yesterday’s BBC News.
One hopes their state of delusion and other forms of insanity will be healed.
All bow down to the Patron Saint of school dinners.
I certainly hope GB News carries on.
I switched over to bbbc news during an ad break.
I’d forgotten how seriously biased it was.
Doom and gloom about covid. Must wear masks. All whites are racist etc.
Surely GB News will change some of their content and put right their shortcomings so that they become more like the channel we expected.
They shouldn’t just give up.
Look at what’s not so good and improve it.
If it’s Brillo’s project he should be returning with a big list of improvements to be made.
No way do I want to return to the rest of the awful biased news stations.
I suppose GBN is probably dead centre as it does air lots more right stuff yet it allows lefties like alibi Braun and Benjamin button to have their say.
GBN, with all its faults, is still streets ahead of anything else we can get. OK, it’s not like Fox or Australian Sky but it’s better than everything else we have.
Agree completely. If GBN folds there won’t be anyone stepping forward to try and provide a centrist news and comment service to add a little balance to the far left MSM in the UK. As has been said repeatedly Ofcom is the guard dog of the liberal left hard liners and it not allow criticism of Islam or migration. Anyone who thinks that a UK broadcaster could tackle those issues in the way which users of this site would like is delusional. GBN is as good as we going to be allowed to have in the UK.
Would something like Australian Sky not have been allowed, and if not, why not? Who is telling us what to think?
BBC local News and Peter Levy interviewed an Indian doctor from the BMA. The whole premise of the interview was that Boris had got it wrong reducing the restrictions. The doctor warned there could be 1000s of hospital admissions within the month. Locally, according to the daily summary there was 1 hospital admission today, and 3 over the last week. This is across 3 hospitals. Hardly overrun at the moment are they?
To be honest, I posted this, thought about it, thought I must have muddled admissions with deaths and deleted it. I hadn’t so reposted. But the real point here was the angle Look North took was Boris was wrong to open up. I hope the doctor was wrong but doubt Look North will invite him back to comment if he is wrong.
Look North the other day said that there are just 6 Covid cases currently in hospital over the 3 hospitals in Northern Lincolnshire (300K people)
That suggests to me 2 admission per week or 8 per month
The UK consists of about 23 300K blocks
If everywhere was the same as this high Covid region that’s 200 admissions/month
I can’t see how that can rise to thousands.
National trend seems to be a doubling every 16 days
Not good but not disaster
Stew, whoopsie on the maths 23 x 300,00 does not = 69,000,000 just in case maxincony is about. I’ve heard talk of trolls ….
Speaking of Maxi, add that extra zero, pdq.
Guest, maxi is a zero!
Deborah this is the doc Ahmed Daft
Reading the newspaper on line earlier I noticed a piece about Barmpot Boris wanting to electrify motorways so that electric HGV’s could charge their batteries on the go. I was wondering 1. Who would pay to electrify the motorways? 2. How would hauliers pay for the electric used? 3. How do we make foreign hauliers pay for it? Boris ought to engage brain before opening his mouth.
By the way,we used to have buses like that, they called them trolley buses.
Maybe nut nut could put an electric canopy above every road with a roof charger for every vehicle like bumper cars ….
Northern Voter
Where is all the extra power required to supply all these vehicles coming from ?
Wind farms ? Solar Power? or perhaps someone has invented perpetual motor? 😀
Every so often an item comes up about capacity v consumption and that nuclear power stations are coming to the end of their time – together with reduction in carbon powered power stations . There could be a dependency on French power which is both economically and strategically a weakness ..
The gap keeps on being put back to around 2024/5 – if I recall
Caveat – I’m not an anorak on this this it was important enough to stick in my head . The resident fact checker will shred me but I’m a big boy …
Btw – I think the troll is on night shift tonight / tomorrow …
You mean “the troll” and his panel of researchers that monitor and gather info this site on behalf of Al Beeb.
He is the ‘monkey, not the organ grinder’
Not sure – I think he is a dive in job – look at a few posts – do a cut and paste on something not related to the BBC and then clear off pleasuring himself on responses and aftermath ….
I think it’s a kind of internet sickness to achieve a reaction to prove the troll exists … bit sad really …. But it’s a symptom of the kidult nature of things now .
Thank god I grew up pre internet and could live without it …
No, the real sickness is called having a narcissistic personality disorder.
That is where someone has an eponymous website, full of incomprehensible articles, mostly about himself, that trail off mid-argument or that rely on living inside his own brain.
Of course such a website retains few followers so, cuckoo-like, he tries to take over other, more popular websites, flooding them with irrelevant posts daily, many of them self-centered.
Whereas the fly-by, once in a while mid-night troll can be seen for who he/ze/she is and can be safely ignored, the cuckoo pushes out all sensible commentators to the extent that this site is no longer a credible source of BBC criticism but rather a vanity project for this narcissist.
Which is a great pity, because a sensible website about BBC bias is sorely needed.
Can’t be done. Do the maths. And batteries won’t last much longer that 6 years. What will happen to the millions of batteries discarded every year?!
Stacks of worn out batteries will be bigger than the piles of old fridges we used to see.
The same will happen with electric cars, but at least they won’t leak old oil and petrol all over the place!
I’m sure the BBC will eventually find some bloke a solution, but you can bet your bottom dollar it’ll be weak, woke and whacky.
Sounds are coming over the media that jobs to be created in new battery plant on site of Coventry airport.
Despite Brexit.
Scrobie, and that pile of useless batteries will have to sit alongside a mountain of gas central heating boilers. Where will they put it all?
You can see the huge fridge graveyard on my old BBC TWO show on YouTube…..
Not from here either.
Futile fusion research
They will have a pay meter and the driver will have to drop a coin in the slot when it runs low.
As others have pointed out though, how is one lorry doing 50.0001MPH going to be able to overtake another only doing 50 MPH ?
We used to have something called ‘railways’, another piece of infrastructure Labour destroyed, The issue with our railways is that they cannot carry international sized containers partly because tunnels are too small for them.
Investment in rail is the best way forward with an energy saving against HGVs of 76%
You can only electrify if you have extra CO2-free electricity
.. we don’t
Your truck would be gas and Drax woodchip powered..largely
We also used to have electric milk floats when I was a boy. But it was more to do with being quieter at 5am in the morning rather than saving the planet. I often used to see them being loaded onto the back of diesel trucks when their batteries went flat half way through the milk round. A sight I expect to become commonplace again in a few years time!
Ps, I think electrified motorways are called railways. Overtaking would be impossible and every storm snow or ice would bring the whole damed thing to a halt, not to mention leaves on the road….
Boris really needs to stop listening to nut nuts.
Don’t start me on electric milk floats , when I was about 12 /13 I used to drive one . It used to be embarrassing to runout of juice half way round the round and have to be ‘rescued ‘ by the depot diesel ….
NV, trolley buses used to die on a regular basis and bring roads to a halt. That’s why they were scrapped.
(Ooops! Something wrong with the site software again? This post was in reply to Northern Voter’s post @ 7.29 p.m. yesterday. Not sure why it has been relegated here.)
Up2, in Hull the Left wing Labour Council scrapped the trolley buses to weigh in the copper wire for scrap.
I remember one of the problems was that the ‘pantographs’ (or Trolley Bus equivalent) used to drop off or lose contact with the overhead power wires. The conductor had access to a long wooden pole (clamped alongside the stairs to the upper deck) with which he had to try and regain power contact.
Bit of a dicey operation in the rain!
Most of these hospital “cases” are people who “tested positive” some time after being admitted for something else.
Happened to catch the weather on ITV. They pulled up an infographic showing the entire UK and far out into the Atlantic and across Europe in deep blood red, even introducing a special vivid purple in some areas for extra impact. However looking at the actual temperatures they were all in the low 20’s in other words completely normal for this time of year.
Run this to check it out…(run the video and wait for the armeggedon map!).
So The media are in cahoots with the Met Office to try to hoodwink us into believing the World is on fire due no doubt to Global Warming.
This deviousness isn’t accidental, it is a planned campaign to cow us all into accepting a new normal that is utterly fake!
Checking other sources proves this to be so.
I noticed the BBC pulling the same trick last summer and even pointed it out on here.
We are all being controlled and I think the finger points at the powerful Climate Lobby who themselves are controlled by Globalist Powers.
These people are happy to lie repeatedly without shame to get what they want.
The end game is we will become a society of slaves blackmailed into submission if we don’t push back.
Digg – I’m sure the posh people in Kensington clearing up after being flooded will appreciate that – mind you – I guess their staff will do the work whilst they choose a second location …
Vile keeps hiding behind questions.
He is beneath contempt.
The Marxists at the BBC would have you believe that the protests in Cuba are about shortages and Covid: “The rare anti-government demonstrations began on Sunday, when thousands took to the streets in protest over food and medicine shortages, price hikes and the government’s handling of Covid-19.”
They even manage to blame the US, a common strategy by all the communist failures in Latin America.
Proper journalists and historians, who know the country, are under no illusion that, while the shortages may be aggravating the discontent, the people are fed up with communism and have been for years.
“Q: So, are Cubans dissatisfied with a few things that are not going right and basically asking their government to do better? Or do these protests suggest a wider dissatisfaction with the entire socialist system? What is your read?
A: Oh, I definitely think that what they’re calling for is an end to the communist state. And I think that, you know, for at least the 27 years that I’ve been traveling and living in Cuba, I have seen that most Cubans, unless they’re militants of the Communist Party — and only about 10% are — feel that they want a different government, and they want multiparty elections, etc. They would love to have freedom of the press.They have, sort of, created it through social media, but they don’t have it, you know, and I do think that the degree and tenor of these protests, the fact that people are openly calling for patria y vida, “life and fatherland,” and denouncing the state as a dictatorship openly, these are things that we have never seen before and we have never seen them last more than two to three minutes, literally. And this is just extraordinary.”
Corbyn getting beaten up by Victoria Atkins
She has a touch of the ‘Maggie ‘ about her – not in a contrived way – a natural . And a target for the Left … future leader? Which is usually a – political death sentence …
Bet scruffy was wearing his best why front skiddies … and not the budgy smugglers he wears for the MP for Hackney …
Things MSM say with a straight face
“A *woman* is facing charges after she allegedly sexually assaulted a child in a Toronto park two months ago”
Hold on. Surely not. I’m sure I’ve seen something on here, a Twitter screenshot from Guest or Stew maybe, showing how much everyone enjoyed this programme? Amol biggin’ up his crew for producing such quality journalism, couldn’t have done it himself and all that?
“Google consistently favours the BBC in search results” you say. Surely not.
A “Ten O’clock News advert for Google” apparently. Sycophancy, self-seeking flattery, brown-nosing perhaps. No, maybe not that one in the current climate.
Let’s just say both of them are chancers.
I only mentioned the show before it aired
Knew I’d seen it mentioned Stew, it was about the full-length Radio 4 programme wasn’t it? Didn’t realise it hadn’t been broadcast when you posted on it. Amol was handing out the usual “I-couldn’t-have-done-it-without-you” plaudits to his production crew and getting back-slapping bravos from his bBbc cronies.
This relates to snippets of that programme shown on the News at 10. It seems the toadying praise for the Ghee-zer may have been premature.
It was a BBC2 TV show
BBC2 show
Radio 4 programme. Podcast as well?
Doesn’t really matter Stew, I won’t be watching or listening to it.
10pm Sky Arts show “Unmuted”
Might as well be called “White People Need Not Apply”
..Both presenters are BAME and for the whole hour every item is BAME
see tweets ..
Nothing to do with media bias, but I see that Breitbart now have a whole section dedicated to the ‘Fake Tories’.
Maybe everyone who owns a house worth more than say £750,000 which would cover most London dwelling BBC folk should take the knee literally by handing the deeds over to BLM so that the value could be spread across all the disadvantaged BAME folk.
Alternatively all their salary over say £100,000 could be split 50:50 with BLM
Just imagine how many flak jackets, guns, flares, riot sticks, petrol etc. that would buy!
Think of the nice warm glow that would give you BBC folk!
Nina Simone’s performance, where she asks the audience if they are “ready to smash white things, to burn buildings?
black woodstock never heard of it
heard of woodstock headlined by that famous whiteee jimi hendrix
The question is whether that personality-devoid idiot will be allowed back on.
He’s put them in a very difficult place : imagine the outrage of the frenzied Guardian columnists and the BBC if he was sacked for taking the knee.
Grade 1 tw@t. 18 years at the BBC should have been enough warning.
Newsnight trying out that impartial lark like a boss.
Awesome, they are trying to bring Nish back.
Dear me.
Spiked : Someone has to say it: the problem of racism in football has been massively blown out of proportion.
IMHO , Misrepresentation
& disproportion are the tools of libmob PRtrickery
Do millionaire footballers look out of their Twitter window & see a sea of racist signs ?
Are they prevented from closing the curtain ?
Actually they’d see 1 million signs in-support of them
& 99 from trolls
And whilst we might just close the curtain
The footballers don’t even see the million tweets
Instead it’s their Big PR teams who scan the tweets & pass selected ones onto the players
Then PR teams write much of output of players’ accounts
Good point, Stew.
Speccie : Brendan again
At 2:43 it has a pie-chart showing where the message came from.
It is beyond unacceptable and absolutely ethically wrong that the likes of the BBC and the rest of the MSM are hiding this by omitting to report it.
Is this context it’s worse than lies. It’s treason against their own people.
Spot on video
but the pie chart is questionable
We can’t find a source for it
unless it’s a previous version of the Guardian story
I suppose the big point is that the BBC should be showing us evidence that they DID originate from the UK.
They are doing their usual trick. Quoting the amount of racist tweets without giving any indication that they might not be from the UK then talking about racist England fans in the next sentence. Everyone assumes one follows the other.
I’m sure if I read every BBC article on the topic, it will be carefully worded to imply England fans wrote them without actually saying they did. They are masters at such deception.
I said at the beginning “what abuse ?”
.. when I could see that media reports making BIG claims of abuse
failed to carry screenshot BIG evidence of abuse
it was obvious something was fishy
Thanks JohnC, a very important vid that hammers home a number of truths the BBC won’t tell us.
Some key points:
– Only a tiny number of tweets were racist.
– Of those, the vast majority were from abroad (mainly from muslim countries or with a large muslim minority).
– Twitter and Instagram did their best to hide the origin of the tweets as it didn’t fit their narrative of racist Britain.
And the key point of all : now the BBC DO know, as a supposedly unbiased, publically funded organisation they have an ethical responsibility to make it very clear where the racist tweets came from as they have falsely given the impression it was English football fans. I even think an apology is warranted.
But they are choosing not to do that.
This is the culpable, deliberate lie by omission by the BBC of something which does not fit their political narrative. And absolutely typical of what I have come to expect.
John C. I find that PJW video very depressing. But thanks for showing it. It seems there is no end to the lies and disinformation the powers that be can force on the public.
I would share that with my political friends but they wouldn’t watch it.
Equally depressing is the knee-jerk reaction by Boris Johnson to want to control public platforms even further. What an absolute plonker.
Having destroyed my day, John C, I give you a challenge post something to help me regain the will to live. Like a prominent British figure calling this nonsense out. Or possibly something to indicate this is only a glitch and that we, common sense and free speechers are winning the culture wars.
Post some antidote please.
PS I don’t mean a dancing cat video
Sorry : in the current political climate nobody dare call it out. It means career over.
This made me laugh – but not far from dancing cats I’m afraid.
Brendan O’Neill : Racist abuse of England players has been ‘blown out of proportion
SkyNews Aust 3 min clip
That lad in the middle is the real hero of the team.
Fact Check: Did Boris FAIL to Condemn Booing knee taking
like Starmer said ?
greens have lost both leaders
“Siân Berry quits as Green party leader in dispute over trans rights
Departure citing ‘mixed messages’ follows that of co-leader Jonathan Bartley earlier this month”
Is it allowed these days to say the Greens have their knickers in a twist?
Or will I be cancelled by the Trans lobby?
Does this ITV presenter get context and proportion ?
“squad members who still face vile comments and abuse”
You get 1 million tweets and 30 are monkey faces
and 20 have abusive words.. Are you actually FACING abuse ?
you’d not even notice
Righty figures like Farage get a massive amount of abuse every day
I don’t see MSM helping
some even thumbs up milkshaking
Not quite ‘given’. Each will receive ‘well over £217,000’ for playing 7 games of football.
Marcus Rashford told to ignore ‘nasty’ bullies by boy, 6
After reading the article, I rate the chances of Alex writing that letter on his own as precisely zero. He wrote what his parent told him to write.
I checked his dad’s twitter (his name is James Knox) and sure enough he’s an anti-Tory, anti-Trump Left-wing activist.
Right up the BBC’s alley. Along with busing schoolchildren to the mural to pin up messages they got told to write in class.
I do notice the BBC seem to have scaled back their outrage. Maybe because they know that we all now know most of the tweets came from Muslim’s.
If they had any shred of journalistic ethics, they would run a prominent article about that. But they won’t : they are happy to leave the false narrative that it was English people.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’. Gets funnier by the day.
It’s quite remarkable how quiet the BBC are about what is going on in South Africa.
All that rioting, killing and looting (particularly looting) seems to have passed them by completely.
Could it possibly be because it is black people behaving like lawless primitives – just like the BLM riots – but no racist whites to blame this time ?.
Our resident anti-white racists can’t pretend this is because they were brought up in a society governed by white privilege. This is what they do when we leave them to it.
Their hypocrisy makes me sick.
There is a report there now but what is the cause ?………..
“ South Africa looting: I’m struggling to find food”
Unfortunately the pictures do not fit the narrative. I watched the first video which came up via google and about half were taking food and the rest were stealing bikes, bags and trainers. An accurate representation of the decent person/scumbag ratio for that society I suspect considering everything I have seen over the last few years.
The astute observer will realise that this behaviour is exactly what the members of BLM have brought to the USA.
This is what ‘enrichment’ means in the real world where none of those metropolitan liberals have ever lived.
“Hate won’t win” The haters at the BBC tell the young on CBBC.
No “Two Minutes Hate” for the BBC.
The British-Hating-West-Hating Broadcasting Commie-Muzzie-Loving-Organisation.
Out-Orwelling Orwell in its 24/7/365-366 + leap seconds, when added, in its permanent hate.
Obeisant to the two nastiest organisations in recorded history.
Marxism, 100% based on hate.
Marx hated being a Jew.
Marx hated being an unsuccessful Jew.
Marx hated the successful non Jews even more.
Marx loved strike action, he loved failing strike action .
Marx welcomed unsuccesful strike action because it engendered more hate.
Marxism, 100% nonsense, but with c120,000,000 victims to date.
Islam, 100% nonsense.
With more victims than the Commies.
To be fair, the Muzzies have been hating for much longer than the Commies.
But the intensity of current Muslim hate has never been surpassed.
Every day there are technological advances that demonstrate that the Islamic beliefs are built on sand.
“Hate won’t win” the future will tell.
The future will record that the BBC and its supporters have no equal in hypocrisy.
MiniTrue, MiniLove, MiniPeace, MiniPlenty, bring it on.
Collective BBC underwear wetting today, heatwave soon.
Best to kill all the hating Whites, whatever happens they are to blame.
Al Beeb…”………..“National Food Strategy: Prescribe vegetables, tax sugar and salt, says report”
Who is Henry ?
This statement will upset the lefty Al Beeb………………
“ Great Britain is the least racist country in the world .”
Other outside forces know this and seek to destroy this country because of that. Using identity politics as a tool to that end .
Freedom Day .
What freedom day ? Bo Jo is seeking to more and more government control of the people. Al Beeb are complicit.
Scrap the Telly tax and the imminent food tax .
‘Bo Jo is seeking to more and more government control of the people’
He’s only obeying orders.
Although that excuse wasn’t accepted at Nuremberg.
Deleted by me-posted in wrong place
TOADY Watch #1 – in which a wealthy, high earner recommends tax increases for the poor and those on low incomes
The Dimbleby report is out. What? Another investigation into the BBC? Is Brenda from Bristol about to ‘be triggered’? No. Henry Dimbleby, wealthy, high earning son of a wealthy, high earning father employed by the BBC – and grandson of a wealthy, high earning grandfather also employed by the BBC – has been asked by a misguided Government, blinded by celebrity culture, to make a report on the food of the nation.
Guess what? The wealthy, high earning one recommends more taxes for the poor as well as more free meals for children which will have to be paid for by ….. more taxes on the poor. Well, there’s a thing.
You will have to wait until 8.10 a.m. for the Big Interview with Nick or Justin.
Will they ask Henry Dimbleby how much he earns?
I wonder?
BBC News
Prices are surging for second-hand cars in the UK – here’s why… 🚗🚙🚘
Next: why are British Gas desperately trying to get the credulous to buy a boiler now?
If an loopy Government led by a loopy PM led by a loopy blonde is held to account by a loopy press led by an insane ideological propaganda machine, why ask such questions?
We have three in our family. Well maintained. Rural location, so necessary for work. The car is not the issue. Road tax and fuel is.
But sure, stick Greta and Rog on Branson’s next ‘rocket’ with their PR mates. Virgin B Ark has a nice ring.
The yoke’s on us. And we’ve put it around our own necks.
It’s all for our own good you know.
No, I’m not talking about inexpertly attaching a scrap of cloth or paper across the lower half of your face in public places in some missguided attempt to prevent microscopic flu-like infections. Apparently that bit of scienfically flawed virtue-signalling is for the benefit of others’ feelings.
The latest collective punishment in the news today is a set of proposed food taxes: ‘Plan for levy on salty & sugary food. 9p on Mars bar, 87p on Frosties box‘ (Daily Mail) – well that’s just Grrrreat, as Tony the Tiger would have said. A Mars a day helps the exchequer for furlough to pay?
And the justification for the notion we’ll all have to pay more for our treats is apparently for the benfit of others who get fat.
By that reasoning we should all have our posteriors securely plugged in public by government regulation because one: ‘Yob drank 20 cans of cider, snorted grams of “coke”, put a lit flare up his bum but the authorities still let him stroll into Wembley‘ (Daily Star)
I guess he thought he might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb.
Noticing the delight in the media classes that they had some unruly England football fans to scoff at and to condescend about I noticed the other day that the word for distaste for one’s own countrymen is Oikophobia. The root Oikos is Greek for house or household and of course oik is the informal term for an uncouth person – how wonderfully appropriate.
The best part of the story, for those hereabouts, on this National Food Strategy is that the author of the report is none other than a scion of the BBC-Dimbleby dynasty, one Henry of the House Dimbleby, son of David. Educated – famously, as Question Time fans will recall on that episode with Jake Rees-Mogg – at Eton College… then Oxford.
They used to say the British Empires’s battles were won on the playing fields of Eton. Now it seems our food shopping lists are to be revised there. Dimbleby Minor, would you mind correcting and redacting the prols’ dietry habits in an essay for me. Do it sometime between prep, chapel and rugger this afternoon, will you.
And just in case you run away with the idea that England football yobbos were doing all the racialist social media abuse – today it’s all the girly writers who are obsessed with online hatey comments: ‘Middle-aged women can be the worst trolls by Ester Walker‘ (‘i’); ‘Female trolls and me. Polly Vernon on social media abuse‘ (Times) – who would have guessed the school girls like to bitch?
New development at the Sainsburys self-service machines for me yesterday. There’s now a rather large CCTV screen set up above the machine so you can wave to yourself and see yourself wave back as you remove all your items from the bagging area. I mention this since the Times tells me this morning: ‘DIY medal ceremonies await stars at Olympics‘
‘Successful Olympians at the Tokyo Games will be asked to put medals around their own necks because of increasing Covid fears in Japan‘ (Telegraph) – a fitting analogous demonstration of how we’ve collectively put the yoke around our own necks.
Speaking of imposition of power with little account, the Moaning Emole is pure BBC.
By Nafeesa Shan
Tax salt and sugar, and prescribe vegetables – report
Story detail
The UK already has a sugar tax on soft drinks and now a new report suggests taking this further by putting a levy on salt and sugar – and also prescribing vegetables on the NHS. Junk food is at the heart of the problem says the team behind the National Food Strategy, a government commissioned independent review of food policy in England. Calorie for calorie these highly processed foods are three times cheaper than healthy food, it says, and it’s driving the epidemic of food-related ill health. It claims more than half of over-45s now live with diet-related health conditions, poor diet contributes to 64,000 deaths a year in England and our eating habits are destroying the environment.
The National Food Strategy says the coronavirus pandemic revealed a “painful reality check” about the scale of food-related ill-health. “Our high obesity rate has been a major factor in the UK’s tragically high death rate,” according to Henry Dimbleby, who led the report. The report suggests the tax raised from sugar and salt could be reinvested to support better diets in poorer communities and extend free school meals while prescribing fruit and vegetables would encourage healthy eating. When the high-sugar levy for soft drinks was introduced, many leading brands reduced their sugar content ahead of the change and the authors of this report hope this new tax suggestion would also have the same effect. Chef and healthy eating campaigner Jamie Oliver says this is an “incredible opportunity” – if the government and businesses are “willing to take bold action”. The government promises to respond with a White Paper within six months and it’s expected to include proposals for policies for its own National Food Strategy.
Nafeesa and the BBC do like taxes. For obvious reasons.
And, of course, Dimbles!
Then Mr. Ed.
Should we trust big tech with our health data?
Sitting, tablet in hand, I’m playing a weird kind of cognitive video game. Split-second images flash in front of me, and I’m supposed to indicate with my thumbs whether I’d seen an animal or something else. It’s fun, and over in just 60 seconds. But there’s a serious intention here.
“It’s a kind of early warning system for cognitive impairment,” says Dr Thomas Sawyer. He is the chief operating officer of Cognitivity Neurosciences, the Anglo-Canadian firm that developed the app. “The tool solves a global problem. Early impairment is just not detected. This could have a huge impact on outcomes for patients, and healthcare systems, because late diagnosis costs trillions of dollars every year in global healthcare.”
Read full article >
Ed Butler
BBC News business reporter
He could ask Amol if it cropped up as he and his mate chewed the fat.
Oh, and Ed… when ‘you’ use ‘we’…. I trust very little from the bbc.
And, of course… fear… so much fear…
Fears over winter viruses and Covid
People with symptoms of flu, Covid or any other viruses should isolate and stay at home, as leading medics warn a surge in these illnesses could put pressure on people’s health and the NHS this winter. As uncertainty remains about what the next few months hold as Covid restrictions ease and the winter viruses return, the Academy of Medical Sciences report says taking this action would help protect people. They suggest testing may help doctors treat cases more quickly. “Whilst we expect the peak in deaths to be considerably lower than last winter, under some scenarios we could see hospital admissions rise to similar levels,” says report author Prof Azra Ghani, from Imperial College London. Their modelling suggests a summer peak of Covid-19 infections “with subsequent local outbreaks over winter”, but “we can’t completely rule out another winter wave”, she adds. Meanwhile doctors and midwives are also warning the easing of restrictions from next week will also lead to a big increase in Covid infections among pregnant women, who are greater risk of getting severely ill.
Ideally, our NHS is best left funded, but unused by ‘us’.
Imperial College, another renowned institution, has cubicle gardens too.
“Vaccine” = experimental synthetic, computer generated MRNA Spike protein, which is in no way a vaccine, and offers zero protection from infection, and little, if any, alleviation of the symptoms, plus the benefit of undesirable, and unexpected side effects.. An out and out con, a lie. And should be refused at all costs.
When the awful bbc is eventually defunded, and the various news outlets try to shuffle around to fill the void, it seems to me that general interest in watching or listening to ‘news’ will wane, and eventually become more and more irrelevant, especially in politics, where the noise is just about unbearable, because everyone knows that 99% of politicians are in it for themselves, troughing away to their hearts’ content, and Joe Public is getting very tired of the exposure to such profligacy. TVs and radios will just be turned off, and while diehards will want to see football etc, they’ll probably find there’s a channel dedicated to the ‘sport’, and never even watch the news again.
I rarely see anything of interest on TV these days, I never watch the ‘news’ or Toady, because I just get shouted at by people who think they’re clever, so I ignore them, rather like I ignore all the fawning by the online rags over useless slebs and some yank tart ‘married’ to a ginge from over here. I do sometimes listen to the night radio, for one or two bulletins and that is quite enough. About a seventh of that is uninteresting, as it’s about football, which I don’t care about.
So here, in ‘Scrobs’ Turrets’, it’ll just be enjoyment of a quiet life with no idea on what is going on elsewhere, and concentrating on a real good life with family and friends – and also £157 to spend on real pleasures, and not the wasters in W1AA.
Scrobie, far be it for me to disagree but your first para took me back to 1967/1968. The thing is that an atmosphere of unrest, of rebellion, of revolution even, can and may well spread around the world. What have we had in the recent past up to the end of 2020*?
Afghanistan and Iraq
Hong Kong
Yemen (full blown Civil War)
Gilets Jeaunes
and then we can add to that list from this year
South Africa
In those circumstances, I reckon people (including those who want to cause trouble) will be more inclined to listen to and watch what is going on elsewhere in the world.
(* I have tried to sort things into a sort of chronological order but have probably failed on some troublespots and I may have missed some out. Feel free to add or correct.)
With a certain amount of experience, insurance is another corporate industry we are compelled to have that I view as favourably as the national broadcaster.
Well this is just peachy. I’ve just had my car fail its MOT, and tax and insurance is such a bind. Now all I need is to find a suitable assistant to run into the back of me and I’ve got a brand new, shiny eco car. Do I have to select one before or after I’ve had the accident? If I throw in a bit of whiplash I may be in line for some comfy seats too.
Great idea for a new car….just contact your local Muslim Crash For Cash outlet near you….Machete options just tick the box !
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Lack of MOT is exempted in Birmingham and twenty in a Nissan is a wave along by Traffic Police without a licence if a driver of extended family.
Insurance is trickier, but seems I get a new Tesla from LV if the lads off the M5 conspire to write off the 4×4 from four sides.