Somebody the other day said that when they watched the BBC news they wanted to hear the news . But now what they get is a BBC campaign for various forms of ‘social justice ‘ – a series of woke campaigns and biased left wing propaganda . No wonder the viewing figures are falling quickly . End the BBC .
Midweek Thread 14 July 2021
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Ooops. Repeated myself.
When ?
11:51 PM :-).
I posted, my internet hung so I copied it, clicked back and posted it again and it came up twice.
Would be good to be able to delete comments during the edit time …
You can. There’s a ‘DELETE’ button to the right . There during the edit time.
You live and learn !. I’m usualy two bisy corecting all my spelling misteaks.
If you would like something deleted – more than happy to do so .
Hopefully it won’t happen again now I’ve been educated.
And I’m a software engineer. Oh the shame.
You do get a good cheery chuckle and laugh from the posts on this site. Who says Biased-BBC don’t do comedy anymore? 🙂
“Government purchase of wine increases by £26,000”
“Almost three-quarters of the purchased wine and over half of the wine consumed was English.”
All of the wine consumed should be English or British.
Who actually drinks it, and under what conditions?
GB News condemns Guto Harri taking knee live on air ‘Unacceptable breach of standards’
Hopefully it means we won’t be seeing that boring devoid-of-any-charisma Lefty on GB news any more. He is the model BBC employee (ie utterly useless in any other sphere of life) and the kind of person I spend my life trying to avoid.
I wonder if he even realises what a complete plonker he looks now we know the vast majority of racists tweets came from a Muslim country and not England fans after all.
The penny is beginning to drop.
Talking about pennies dropping…
Makes “our” rubber boats look lame
– but… one does have to wonder at the motivation behind it….
yes – the USAF has been co-opted to ferry illegals to Democrat deficit areas….
Tucker Carlson
A smart Tweeter
The contributing presenter Guto Harri went further than expressing a view
– he took the knee on air.
He was in a news presenter role. That’s the violation.
It’s partly Ofcom standards
– there’s a difference between expressing a viewpoint and performing an explicitly political gesture.
We don’t allow presenters to go on air wearing party rosettes or CND badges.,
I take it the failing GBNews will keep their ex BBC presenter and ‘stand by him ‘ . I agree he is perfectly entitled to take the knee in support of a Far Left fraudulent operation – as I am entitled to delete the GBN app , Twitter feed and dump it as an amateur MSM 3rd rate non news failure …
Guardian exclusive: ‘ooh we have secret papers proving Putin wanted Trump elected
cos Moscow thought they had kompromat on Trump’
Old Story : ‘ooh we have kompromat on Trump, there is a peegate video’
… No they didn’t ..they showed no evidence
and now they are showing no evidence
Could be a fabricated report
or the kind of report that KGB would make up to sh1t stir
I always check the writers twitter feed and in this case it’s a bloke trying to publicise his books.
He shows a video of himself – unstable weirdo.
Everything about it screams fake to me. The ‘Appendix 5 – …’ line is more like a low-IQ activist would write a report trying to make it look official. It just doesn’t fit there.
And wtf is ‘An expert report’.
The guy is a grade-1 tw@t.
The resurgence of attempts to “get” Trump to me are an attempt to pre-empt what is coming out of the Arizona and other States election audits. Pretty scared, methinks
Here’s a salutary discussion on racism between Morgan Freeman and moronic race-baiting CNN anchor Don Lemon that you won’t hear on the BBC. (Do they call them ‘anchors’ because they’re stuck in the mud?)
“Covid staff shortage could shut meat production lines”
Operative word “could”.
Is the problem caused by excessive false positives? Faulty NHS apps? Many of those people will have been vaccinated . Many will have had COVID . Meanwhile our economy is being wrecked.
Where is the so called COVID recovery group ?
“Homes raided in inquiry into Matt Hancock CCTV leak”
What was the CCTV fitted in his office for? Did he not know there was one fitted ?
Maybe it was fitted for a previous occupant by they forgot to take it out …the truth will never come out …
Fed, Hancock has lost a lot.
The Ministerial car & chauffeur (counts for a lot in London these days and later this year), the big fat salary, the chance of a shot at ‘the top job’ … and his ‘girlfriend’ has now got the handcuffs on him. I think he, of all people, will want to know how that video got out. Legal action possible?
“I will sweat blood to win voters’ respect, says Sir Keir Starmer”
Here is word of advice ……Make a start by not kneeling.
I heard him talking at the recent by-election and he has about as much charisma as that idiot who took the knee on GB News.
Long may he reign !. A worthy successor to Steptoe. 100% unelectable.
Oh Dear what a plonker he is-better to keep mouth closed unless calling for help.
Express piece late yesterday…
Some comments as good as friends’ pieces here, and of course a resident troll, stirring up where it can. Nobody else is having any of that sort of tosh!
Our BBC says so. Is it true?
“Since the Brexit vote, more than £1tn of customer and company money, trillions more in transaction volumes and an estimated 8,000 jobs have left the capital. This has left some questioning whether that crown was in danger of slipping”.
Recent disasters……
Al Beeb’s Telly tax .
Government’s PPE.
Government’s SAGE.
Government’s COVID test and trace along with its app.
Nightingale hospitals.
Hancock’s CCTV.
Beam me up Scotty…………
Taffman – you forgot the NHS sending elderly people back to care homes to spread the virus and kill thousands . It was better for the stats that they didn’t die in hospitals – would affect the medical mafia bonus .
taffman, a Spoonerism is suggested by last line & the one immediately preceeding it: ‘Scream me up, Botty’
BBC news
Strangely – leading with a story about the Reich . Another Islamic multiple slaughter ?( normally ignored ? ) no. It was flooding – apparently in the perfect Reich it has rained a lot .
There was no reference to 617 squadron when the report suggested a dam might collapse . Why would we want to know any EU Reich domestic news ? I don’t get that – unless there is an agenda – of course …
More social propaganda-
A charity to sue the government over the overseas tax giveaway reduction – how Han they pay they CEO £200k without tax cash ?
A dodgy runner called Mohammed farrar going on about being a victim of racial abuse. The drugs don’t work Mohammed .
Away from the MSM for 3 lovely days …you should try it . Rationing is a good move too …
Another piece to support climate change Fed.
A quick bit of research shows that since the battle of Hastings,
Germany has had 20 major flooding incidents.
As a comparison, the Uk has had 30, but a lot of our historic flooding incidents were due to tidal surges. We are an island after all..
So nothing unusual…
“Sir Mo” doesn’t seem to win many races now he doesn’t get his special vitamins does he?
Still, like a certain ex-Tour de France rider, he never failed a drugs test. True, he missed a couple, but that can happen to anybody.
Sometimes it’s warm and sunny, mostly in the summertime, often it’s chilly and wet, but that’s Britain for you.
The BBC looks back this morning on what felt like a fairly typical British Spring, with a fair old mix of weather, and throws in a couple of superlative record claims that feel dubious at best:
‘Despite April being the sunniest on record, there was a record number of frosts, and May saw the wettest weather for 50 years’
Really? I tend to meet such claims as I would a long standing somewhat out of shape old pal, newly flush with the enthusiasm for jogging, boasting of his personal best runs. Sympathetic scepticism.
‘Conservationists warn the UK is seeing a rising number of extreme weather events, which its thought is a result of climate change’
I thought the BBC was supposed to be immune to whacky conspiracy theories ? How is it that every non-average turn of the weather suddenly represents some dastardly augury of the onset of global Armageddon? It’s raining again… third day in a row… the end must be nigh? Better build an arc!
The BBC’s very own Alex Jones for the kids, their playtime shock jock mouthpiece of the climate crisis illuminati, is of course: ‘TV naturalist Chris Packham’
‘Packham, who is vice-president of Butterfly Conservation, said: “Biodiversity and climate crisis is an urgent issue and it can be overwhelming to think about what we can do as individuals to really make a difference.”‘
Vice-president of Butterfly Conservation? I feel our Chris is robbing some well-meaning, if slightly batty, tweed-clad old dear in the shires of a job there. Surely that’s the sort of part-tme vocation that ought to be reserved for the type of characters one used to see in old John Nettles episides of Midsomer Murders – you remember, before the Sikh family moved to Badger’s Drift to take over ye olde novelty pottery shoppe and Idris Elba was cast as librarian and historical archivist at Little Midsomer Magma-Cum-Lightly – I may have imagined that last one.
Ah, butterfly conservation. The image of an in-bred British eccentric loping about the countryside with a butterfly net… each to their own, I suppose.
BBC: ‘People across the UK are being asked to take part in an annual count of butterflies amid fears they have been affected by poor weather this spring.’ – what, us or the butterflies?
Go and count butterflies? That sounds like some rude dismissal like go and pound sand. And there’s a sinister aspect. Another directive from the elite not dissimiliar to the orders to wear face coverings as a badge of the pandemic. Dare I ask… counting butterflies… is there an app for that? Do you get a ping when aMigrant Small Tortoiseshell, Privileged Cabbage White or Rear Admiral alights on a flower nearby?
I’m wary of mass appeals to action involving apparently semi-pointless activities: “Mao Zedong undertook several massive campaigns in an attempt to modernize and improve life in China. The Four Pests Campaign was one of these drives, part of the Great Leap Forward between 1958 and 1962. Killing all the sparrows was part of this campaign. People were mobilized to eradicate the birds.”
Let’s hope we don’t end up like that German soldier at the end of the movie All Quiet on the Western Front. As he reaches out of the safety of the trench for the butterfly…
BBC Labour Sez PR dialled to 11.
I heard koonsburgs ‘ piece on starmer . It was lyrical – not a suspicion of scepticism to be detected . I think Labour is finally worried that the beliefs of its’ muslim target voters don’t meet with support for queers and other perversions … tricky … and inferring that a separate Muslim interest political party cannot be too far away …
Who apart from moslems would support a moslem political party? Perhaps they will put their strength mostly into taking over local authorities in the way they have already been doing.
Just reading about the Taliban in Afghanistan on al-Beeb.
It struck me that they have done everything they could to undermine efforts by both the USA and our boys over there in their relentless search for ‘victims’ to use as weapons against the Right.
So it meant our soldiers had to fight and die with one hand tied behind their backs. The enemy could stand at the side of the road and follow them around with impunity. We had to actually catch them with a weapon or calling someone to report our position before we could engage. They could leave their guns in the truck then walk up and look around at their targets in totla safety.
This has meant the deaths of many of our soldiers. But they never got reported.
Now we are out, there is going to be murder on an epic scale and millions are going to live under oppression without any civil rights. Their lives will depend on the whim of their masters. Innocent civilians.
This is the end result of what these morally-superior, victim-seeking Left-wing idiots have done. There will be lakes of blood now and people will live in fear. All because of them.
And the outrageous hypocrites at the BBC will not even report it. These poor people are no longer victims of evil white-man so the BBC aren’t interested.
They will now view Afghanistan as an opportunity to win news awards by sending frail women in to stand with earshot of the shootings – hopefully with a mortar going off somewhere nearby.
And they are doing exactly the same with Palestein.
How much blood do the BBC and the rest of the MSM have on their hands by now ?.
Politicians very easy with wasting the lives of british soldiers for no reason other than getting brownie points with the oval office .
I still cant believe blair started a war and then resigned before it ended .
Indeed Fedup2 nor can anyone else with any degree of understanding of what really has been going on. Traitor Blair should never ever be given air time on any matter, and should be publically shamed but the British spirit has all but been annihilated these past thirty years or so. It beggars belief and is beyond comprehension how most of the leaders in the West, academia, media, politics, and clergy are seemingly utterly out of touch with reality regarding Islam and Muslims. The public is being deceived, misinformed, by the elites, diminishing and dismissing out of hand the existential threat posed to their countries and countrymen by those that follow the teachings of Islam. Islam is more powerful through the hands of people like the Taliban than elsewhere and their grip on their interpretation of the Koran will succeed-I say leave well alone, the West/USA cannot afford to interfere, no matter the human consequencies and cost-their way of life is not ours-the allowance of so many millions from the Middle East -Pakistan into Europe bears the death knell for those that live by Christian values. The whites in Britian will be a minority in less than 10 years if matters continue as they are.
Tarien – I am limited about what I can say – but was a very low link in the food chain at the afgee planning stage ( never got me boots on the ground but saw it at 35000 ft ).
Nobody knew what ‘success ‘ would look like – at one stage we were going to try to stop the poppy but those in the know knew that was madness .
The old hands who knew from out past adventures there – plus the experience of the Russians – just said ‘don’t do it ‘ but politics trumped ( or bushed ) reality …
Some might say ( not me ) we got out lightly – which is no consolation at all to the dead , maimed and their families .
As time passes History is not going to look well on Anthony Blair – and whenever he does surface – still – he looks damned – and rightly so on so many fronts . But I guess a 143? Majority does that to politicians and megalomaniacs ..
I didn’t but two sons fought in theatres of war- one in Bosnia & one Army in Sierra Leone, both nasty, but thank goodness both survived alive and well. The one in the Army thought he would be posted to the middle east but remained out. Well into their 40’s now and not at all happy with the way the world is heading-they see conflict in the UK somewhat more than just agitated gatherings.
I was at school in 1979 when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. One of my teachers had actually been an officer in the Indian Army in 1937, and had taken part in the Waziristan Campaign against the Fakir of Ipi, the original “wily fakir”.
Even the British Empire could not prevail in that campaign, and they were not hampered by the BBC back then. He told us the USSR would lose within ten years. He was right.
This time it took us twenty years to lose.
Next, Champion Ash on Newsnight.
Interesting emojis for a person of outrage.
Why does this femi character get so much attention ? Who is he ? Is he on the TV in a wheelchair ? Truly do not know .
He appeared with no visible means of brain across every BBC Remain show prior to the Brexit election. Went less than well.
Then was picked up by a few others, like Sky.
His most famous outing was when his ‘manager’ leapt in front of camera to drag the pole axed bovine oaf away when asked a non approved question.
He still holds a candle for Remain along with other sane sages like Campbell and Adonis, but his management team seems to have recognised this might be a shrinking gig opportunity and have moved him over to matters ism due to him being a Lammy impersonator, only thicker, if that is possible.
Reports suggest Vile has hired both him and Ash as directors of his ‘production’ Soros joint venture company to be locked in a green room to repopulate the earth with pig ignorant little Afro-Asians to be employed in the BBC cubicle gardens as impartial communist ‘reporters’. Literally.
YAB not clicking wiv da yoof as hoped.
This Femi guy is a complete knob.
That is convoluted rubbish. Does he really think that mess is ‘funny’ ?. It doesn’t even make sense.
I’ll think of him as Femi F*ckwit from now on.
And ZERO viewers for multiple ‘shows’?. No chance. The bitterness of the Lefties at The Guardian showing through. Wonder if the BBC will fact check it …
But JohnC – what is he ? A journo ? An ‘expert ‘ – ?
Perhaps more to the point – follow the money…
He’s a bit old for The Bank of Mum & Dad
afaics he’s not collaring many £250 per 30 second segment + exes gigs these days?
I have no idea. But I do know he’s is pathetic in the same way the audience clapping at Martin Sheen painting his face orange was pathetic.
He is black, isn’t that enough?
Toady – not really bias
But amol interviewing some poor lady red tory politician who is the ‘ solicitor general ‘ or general solicitor’
You could hear that she was just on the edge of being outside the brief – the subject was the chinese virus . But whoever prepped her just about got her through it without a car crash .
The App thing was obviously not thought through like so much that the red tories have done. Still reacting to events rather than leading the UK out of it.
Any the data of young men being infected linked to the Euros isnt too impressive either
Fed, Lucy Frazer. I was thinking of a post about that. She was ill-prepared as you say.
My response would have been: “Test and Trace was created and installed by the Government last year when it was under tremendous pressure from the media, especially the BBC, to ‘do something’, under pressure from the NHS Directors who frankly had not been doing their jobs fully and well, under pressure from the Labour Party and their ‘false flag’ operatives, especially in the NHS, and under pressure from Local Government and businesses and at the same time we were trying to secure supplies of vaccines and to get them authorised for use. All the while members of the Cabinet and their advisers and staff were having their own encounters with Covid.
We will review Test and Trace – and have established a time frame for that – and future announcements will be made in due course.”
Government spokespeople need to learn how to press back against these Beeboid interviewers at 8.10 a.m..
Up2snuff – spot on. How often I recite what they should have said with my head in my hands.
They know the Kuenessberg/Rigby/Peston scum will be all over it, and yet the clowns that write these briefs obviously never take this into account.
That Amol Raja fellow needs to slow his speech down-he gabbles and swallows most of what he is trying to say. Rather big headed I find, then I am BBC Bias,,,
Being a racist – I always picture him as trying to sell me a dodgy hi fi ( younger readers look it up ) in Tottenham Court Road back in time …. Gift of the gab …
Reminds me of Bashir in a way – maybe the slime trail ….
Or in Petticoat Lane Fedup2? Is that still going-I left London as a place to live in many years ago.
Tarien – my dad used to take me there to get a ‘cheap’ push bike – complete with stabilisers … I was 18.
TOADY Watch #1 – don’t mention
the warthe EUThe news and parts of the TOADY Programme this morning are occupied primarily with the sad and tragic news of the flooding and loss of life and other damage in Germany yesterday. It was notable and noticeable that there was no mention of the EU by the BBC presenters, JustRemainIn Webb and Amol Rajan. Only the individual countries that were primarily affected by the heavy rain although, those who know their geography know that the Rhine flows through lots of countries into the Nord Zee.
A German politician from one of the flooded areas, I think in the Ahr Valley, was interviewed. JustRemainIn put it to him that what we were seeing in Germany was the consequence of Climate Change. The German gentleman said no, it was the consequence of weather. Then he immediately rolled back on that and said ‘Yes’ Climate Change would be a factor. Very significant that, the response of a politician under media pressure to conform. The late 1930s all over again. Sad.
It was also noticeable that no mention and no time was allowed by Justin to discuss other factors such as EU rules on river management and maintenance.
I wonder why?
I seem to recall German Valleys being flooded previously, but nothing to do with “Climate Change.”
Tr, quite right. If you live near the valley floor, you need to have a house on stilts. Only in George Monbiot land can water be made to flow uphill. Unless of course your terracing is really good and you grow rice as a foodstuff. The Nepalese have it down to a fine art.
Germany has been at the forefront of climate preaching for decades, often cited by the BBC.
It will be interesting if any engineers there… actual ones rather than aspiring footballers… might be wondering if all the commitment to hot air and twirly things might have detracted from sensible mitigation contingencies of a more tangible nature?
Or voters.
Guest, water of any sort requires management (or so I was taught) otherwise if you are close to it you get flooding. Nature is powerful (humans cannot control it – only work with it) and nature will take over any pond, lake or stream or river and do what it wants with it.
I understand that the EU has rules which govern how streams and rivers are managed and we have seen how those rules with our Civil Serpents applying them have led to flooding in the UK. Hopefully, the boss of our Environment Agency and the Government Minister responsible will take note of what happened on the Ahr and Rhine this week and learn the lessons before another disaster happens here.
Large scale flooding in Germany is not, in historical terms, uncommon. Much of the land is quite low lying, there are many large river systems, there is a large coast facing the North Sea and the Baltic. Examples include February 1962 (315 casualities), November 1872 (271 casualities), February 1825 (800 casualities). Global warming fanatics will point out that most events are due to sea surges following storms in the Winter months, and this is true. However, floods due to heavy rain during the Summer are not unknown. For example, on July 22nd 1342 – an event known as Magdalenenhochwasser in German – flooding from heavy rain resulted in more than 6,000 deaths, when an area from Hamburg in the north, all the way down to Italy, was inundated.
Two contrasting pieces in the Independent this morning tell us everything we need to know about which way the World is heading…
I don’t think it will be long before the elite demand we rethink and kneel to Manson and his evil Cult.
Marcus Rashford mural graffiti ‘not racial’, say police
So the graffiti – which we were not allowed to see – was not actually racist at all !!.
What an utter farce this racism pantomime has been. This is beyond what is acceptable.
Shame on you BBC. You are an absolute disgrace.
Apparently it said;
F*ck Sancho
Sh!t in attack
And had a picture of a knob and bollocks
If news reports didn’t say that in the first place, they were being deceptive.
From the SWP’s fronted demo, Stand up to Racism. Clearly links the shrine to BLM.
It’s blue paint* against a black background, so only just shows up
* blue like a Man City fan might have
close up and Twitter thread
Deceptive is a very polite way of putting it.
They did nothing at all to counter the racism claims. I for one assumed it had the N word on there.
I bet if you check every report with hindsight, I bet not one directly says the wall had racist comments because they knew from the start it didn’t. They will mix it all in with the racist comments from the Muslims on twitter and everybody will assume it. It’s morally no different from direct lies.
There should be consequences for the BBC after this.
Stew, deception is the name of the game now, worldwide.
Darn here’s the tweet with a clear image
His intro “largely indecipherable” but they haven’t allowed us to see it anyway and instead the police and media decided to call it racist (even if there’s nothing written suggesting racism?)
Maybe we weren’t allowed to see the vandalism because we’d all think “where’s the racism?”
“…something sprayed on it …would be deemed as vandalism.”
The mural itself was vandalism in the first place.
Masks: Helen Dale said her hairdressers has a room for maskers
and a room for the unmasked.
It could be that the High St will have some shops for maskers
and some shops for the unmasked.
The alcoholics that get too close and cough all over you
will be in the second.
Although hopefully they will all have had covid by now, so no longer any danger.
More knee taking bullshit being queued up for loading into the hopper.
Two or more weeks reporting the fight against racism at the Olympics from our Broadcasters in BBC, Skye and GBLM News.
That image
BTW I see only two non-white players, and they’ve chosen to sit together, instead of next to a white person.
Once saw a dodgy DVD in a chum’s collection that seemed to involve a bunch of blondes adopting that pose.
The two sitting next to each other are the penalty takers
Excellent: another opportunity for normal people to express their indifference to women’s football and opposition to BLM by switching off.
Get woke, go broke.
Well, they would wouldn’t they. Just look at the age group. Will they feel the same I wonder, when they get to 70 and find the country they were born in has changed beyond all recognition. Because it will certainly happen.
The Self Annointed Persons of Personery continues to be mainly Beeboids or exes.
The title of that magazine seems very BBC in niche. I wonder if they have a Pidgin version too?
Christine Hayes
Group Editor-in-Chief, BBC Good Food & olive magazine
Christine Hayes is group editor-in-chief of BBC Good Food and olive magazine. The “cook’s choice” for over three decades, they recently won ‘Media Brand of the Year’ at the PPA awards, praised by the judges for their “promotion of diversity and building their subscription business during lockdown” with nearly 9 million daily page views. In this in-depth interview, Christine discusses the opportunities and issues presented by the pandemic, with interest in home cooking growing exponentially, and her team rising to the challenge to deliver under lockdown – creating, testing and photographing the recipes themselves in their own homes; discusses the changes in people’s eating habits – and those that will remain post-pandemic; and shares their corporate drive to boost inclusion, by introducing new contributors and “giving a platform to voices that aren’t heard in food.”
One is sure she was and remains ‘essential’ in her role. And my food did talk to me last night. I believe it said its name was Ralph. A certain number of real ales might have preceded the conversation.
Clearly not enough diversity in BBC food related arenas.
AFAIK The BBC doesn’t own BBC-Magazines
they sold them off 10 years ago
Interesting the sale includes use of the ‘trusted’ brand.
Is there a BBC Good paintballing and Rucksacks Magazine?
Looks like BBC news is going big on events in some enemy EU states . No surprise I suppose . The problem is that the coming ‘climate meeting ‘ will be a battle of the most extreme nut nut ideas about taxing us to death in the name of ‘green ‘crap.;
GBnews commentator on “a survey says racism has increased”
Another key GBN presenter is ‘unavailable ‘- this time it is Alistair Stewart . Making any comment about him not taking the knee would be in bad taste because he has apparently broken his hip …
Perhaps he was taking the knee when it happened.
When numbers get to 0 they have no job.
BBC West Live tweet
Exmoor beaver named after England’s Marcus Rashford
“Gnashford”, in honour of Marcus Rashford,
is the first kit to be born on Exmoor in 400 years.
Why not just call is ‘loser ‘?
Open Goal!
It’s because it has big teeth!
Ready for racism at the Olympics.
Sir Mohamed Muktar Jama Farah CBE OLY says racism is getting worse for athletes.
A bit of topical exposure following on from poor Mo’s dramatic loss of form – which by one of life’s coincidences occurs after his relationship with coach and convicted performance-enhancing drug supplier Alberto Salazar comes to what other athletes might see as a timely end.
Quite why Farah is required to comment on the Olympics is strange since his contribution to the feast of achievement is expected to be minimal.
It wasn’t lost on me that Mohammed Farah is always referred to as the more ‘acceptable’ Mo.
Mo Farah says racism is getting worse for athletes. Well, to judge by selections in recent decades, Britain picks whoever is quickest (for running) with the racial imbalance much in favour of Blacks not Whites, especially in the last quarter of the 1900s.
Here are some male British 4x400m relay quartets of decades gone by. (This used to be 4×440 yards, e.g. at the Commonwealth Games up to 1966.) I will capitalize the Black or mixed-race athletes.
1932 Olympics, L.A., Silver: Stonely, Hampson, Burghley, Rampling.
1936 Oly’, Berlin, Gold: Wolf, Rampling, Roberts, Brown.
1956 Oly’, Melbourne, Bronze: Salisbury, Johnson, et al.
1964 Oly’, Tokyo, Silver: T Graham, Metcalfe, Cooper, Brightwell.
1966 Commonwealths, Kingston, Bronze (England, not GB): Winbolt-Lewis, Adey, Warden, T Graham.
1968 Oly’, Mexico, 5th place: Winbolt-Lewis, Campbell, Hemery, Sherwood.
1972 Oly’, Munich, Silver: M Reynolds, A Pascoe, D Hemery, D. Jenkins.
1974 Europeans, Rome, Gold: G COHEN, W Hartley, A Pascoe, D Jenkins (1 of 4 Black).
1982 Euro’s, Athens, Silver: D Jenkins, G Cook, T Bennett, Ph BROWN (1 of 4 Black).
1984 Oly’, L.A., Silver: AKABUSI, G Cook, T Bennett, Ph BROWN (2 of 4 Black).
1986 Euro’s, Stuttgart, Gold: REDMOND, AKABUSI, Whittle, R Black (2 of 4 Black).
1988 Oly’, Seoul, 5th place: as in 1984 but with B Whittle instead of G Cook (2 of 4 Black).
1990 Euro’s, Split, Gold: P Sanders, AKABUSI, J REGIS, R Black (2 of 4 Black).
1991 World Ch, Tokyo, Gold: R Black, REDMOND, J REGIS, AKABUSI (3 of 4 Black).
1992 Oly’, Barcelona, Bronze: R Black, D Grindley, AKABUSI, J REGIS (2 of 4 Black).
1994 Euro’s, Helsinki, Gold: D McKENZIE, R Black, Whittle, LADEJO (2 of 4 Black).
1994 Commonwealth, Aus’, Gold (England not GB): D McKENZIE, P Crampton, A PATRICK, LADEJO (3 of 4 Black).
1996 Oly’, Atlanta, Silver: I Thomas, J Baulch, M RICHARDSON, R Black (1 of 4 Black).
1997 World Ch, Athens, Gold (was Silver, USA were later DQ-ed): as above, plus M HYLTON in Qualification (2 of 5 Black)
1998 Euro’s, Budapest, Gold: HYLTON, Baulch, Thomas, RICHARDSON (2 of 4 Black).
Etc, etc.
Had I picked the Men’s 4x100m relay, the proportions would have been more in favour of Black athletes, e.g. 4 of 4 were Black when GB won the Gold in the Athens Olympics (2004). It’s interesting, returning to the 4x400m, to compare Tokyo 1964 with Tokyo 1991 in terms of the ethnic composition of the teams. I just don’t see racial prejudice other than in favour of the fastest athletes.
Guardian reports – with pleasure – the taking off the air of an ex BBC traitor who took the knee . Strangely – comments were not allowed .
Whenever the MSM does not allow comments – you know they are on shaky ground ….
Scunthorpe Veg-supremacist blockade of the McDonald’s factory
Local radio thread : Police have removed 2 women and a van so far
So now the bamboo structures are still blocking the factory entrance
Police are considering whether to deploy their pandas
“Scunthorpe United football club led the way in vegan food
.. there hasn’t meat any actual meat in their “meat pies” for 60 years”
“Police have begun removing the towers put up by protestors with one tower now removed.”
When you watch TV these days you can become paranoid
at watch you are watching. Why are nearly all senior
police officers in dramas ethnic women? Why are nearly
all advert families mixed race? Why is Barclays Bank main frame
on their internet page been telling us now for seven weeks
that they are proud to support the LGBT community when
before we were at least able to see a varied selection of
folk whom the bank supposedly “support?
You begin to think what is this virtue signalling all about?
Are you going to go out to the shops or order something on
line because of the advertising. Are you going to mark in your
diary that the BBC is going to start a series about what racist
scum , you and over 80% of the population are in the UK?
You begin to think like the apparent paranoid character
Mel Gibson portrays in ” Conspiracy Theory” that the
establishment is taking over your mind to think like
they want you to think.
It is even possible that you become so deranged over what
you are watching that you even begin to think that penalty
shoot out in the final of the Euros was staged as a win, win situation
for the BLM organization. Is it time for men in white coats
to come and take you away ? Well is it?
Euro 2020: Five people arrested over racist abuse of England players
By Emma Harrison
BBC News
Five people have been arrested after England footballers were racially abused online following their Euro 2020 final defeat.
Marcus Rashford, Bukayo Saka and Jadon Sancho were targeted after they missed penalties in the Euro 2020 final.
Chief Constable Mark Roberts said the abuse was “utterly vile”.
“If we identify that you are behind this crime, we will track you down and you will face the serious consequences of your shameful actions,” he said.
Compare and contrast.
How unexpected that the Senior plods, who to a man/woman/whatever, are demonstrating their hard left credentials and white hating propensities.
Speedy action despite “dwindling resources” “loss of thousands of police officers” etc.
What action did the senior plods take when hundred of thousands of white female children in the UK were gang raped, multiple times, by RACIST, I REPEAT RACIST, Muslims?
In a free society, these appalling crimes would be on Page 1 every day.
In the unfree societies in which persecuted white people live, all over the earth, these disgusting crimes were covered up for years.
The same crimes, by the same criminals, all over Europe.
Orwellian suppression.
Suppressed by the same people who imported Muslims to vote Labour, as frequently as possible.
Guido has a piece about WayneKeir Starmbannfuehrer’s ‘meet t’people oop North’ odyssey, which Al Beeb has kindly filmed, not least because he was accompanied by the unlovely Laura Kuenntsberg who appears to be his muse/guide/interpreter. How that fits with Al Beeb’s impartiality I am at a loss to explain.
Guido’s limited clip shows that the good people of Blackpool, or at least the white former Liebor voters who Wayneetcetc met, neither know or care wtf Wayneetcetc represents. The spectre of the Corbynutta looms large, but presumably Al Beeb’s editing will eliminate any reference to Wayneetcetc’s attempts to thwart the democratic will of the British people by subverting the Brexit the majority voted for!
Well, fick mich hard but Our Laura of The Scrawny Rack is on
TWATo today proselytising even harder for Wayneetcetc.
How much closer to a PPB for Liebor can this be?
Why did the police not give out the information that the graffiti on rashford’s shrine was NOT racist earlier.
It’s almost as if they didn’t want people to know this and were happy to let the msm push their message that the graffiti was racist which lead to the virtue signallers gathering to take their shrine selfies and all the hand wringing about what a racist Country we are.
One thing you can count on is that the revelation that it was not racist will receive little, if any, time on the msm.
A police spokesperson said: “While the content of the vandalism is not believed to be of a racial nature, officers are keeping an open mind as to the motive behind defacing the artwork.”
thought crime !!
Our new woke police are in on the scam too.
The police will be accused of racism by not saying it’s racism.
That rabbit-hole is becoming very busy these days…
TWatO Watch #1 – Where is that? How do you spell it?
There was an item toward the end of TWatO about somewhere near the Brecon Beacons National Park. Phonetically, Jonny ‘Disjointed’ Dymond pronounced it as Tor Byne. I will need taffman’s help in locating this place. Dymond claimed it was the least visited place, as a tourist destination, in Wales.
2:15pm R4 Drama is by Nottingham kids theatre group
2 mins in and the race-baity stuff has started
“Oh another middle class WHITE man come to help us black brown kids
Here he comes the colour of Tippex”
“I’m Coming Out!!” Diana Ross at the 1994 World Cup, encouraging gay ethnic footballers who can’t take penalties.
2pm local radio news : 2 clear Green #PRasNews items
Item #2 “Scunthorpe MacDonald’s blockade
Police are now negotiating with 2 protesters who are on the factory roof.
Here’s a clip of Prof Sarah Bridle food and Climate specialist at Manchester “
WTF uncontested statement from a anti-meat activist !
Bridle “Farm animals like cattle and sheep cause HALF of the UK’s emissions ..pause .. just in METHANE
(Clever cherry pick there. Farming animals does cause much CO2, so she’s moved to methane )
.. Globally about 85% of farm land is used to feed livestock
so globally on avg producing animal based foods uses 16 times as much land as the same number of calories for plant based food.”
(Probably some cherrypicking there
If I grow 1Kg of sugar, it will have much more calories than 1Kg of meat
* see below
Item #4 Project to make a NEW salt marsh at Skeffling near Hull
probably seaside land that was once drained for agriculture.
“Parts of the sea wall will be cut to allow salt water in
Each hectare will sink 4 tonnes of carbon annually
contributing the UK’s Zero-Carbon economy”
It’s not a new project
Here’s a Dec 2018 page
*More on Bridle
Mentioned Bridle before. She did used to be a Prof at Manchester in Astrophysics but then she switched to become a full time climate Activist
..she has a new book out
She’s an activist with @FixOurFood
does a lot of GlobalWarming PR work
eg in the Times June 25th
3pm local news
Item #2 “Scunthorpe MacDonald’s blockade
Police are now negotiating with 2 protesters who on the factory roof.”
Reporter on the scene “earlier two women were removed from a van and have been summonsed”
Item#4 “Here’s local Labour MP Emma Hardy talking the idea of abolishing Humber Bridge tolls completely”
… A fantasy that comes up every year
Bottomline the bridge needs to collect tolls cos it has a huge debt.
ITV reveals that the actual news is that tomorrow the Humber Bridge is 40 years old
.. but the BBC chose to leap straight into Labour PR instead.
BBC: Biden and Merkel ‘united against Russia aggression’.
What really happened:
– Biden: please Mutti, cancel that gas pipeline from Russia which will give them huge power and leverage over Germany forever.
– Merkel: Nein, you old git.
– Biden: Ok, never mind, I’ll waive the sanctions against the Nord Stream pipeline anyway.
– Biden (struggling to read autocue): We will stand up for democratic principles and human rights.
– Merkel: You couldn’t stand up to a mild breeze, and you’ll be gone before me.
– Biden: Well, Mrs Markle, it’s been a pleasure. May I call you Meghan? Please say hello to your husband Prince Harry.
EU predictably quick to blame the disastrous flooding in Germany, Belgium and Holland on climate change. Just as in the UK which has seen similar heavy rainfall effects over recent years, and, just as in the UK, no-one wants to blame the equally disastrous river management policies devised by the EU and slavishly complied with by the UK. Hence rivers that can no longer cope with excess, coupled with concrete and tarmac over ancient flood plains.
By classifying dredged river silt as toxic waste, meaning massive levels of paperwork and extremely limited dumping facilities, the EU has created a nightmare scenario for itself, and us despite Brexit.
At least there is an answer as Roger and George are only to keen to confirm. Even unqualified expert opinions are better than facts.
BREAKING: GB News Director of Programming John McAndrew Quits (@johnlucius )
(Well on July 4th he stopped tweeting PR for the channel)
Guardian “Scoop: John McAndrew, GB News’ director of programming, has quit… ex-Sky News executive who pushed for regional reporting… resigned rather dial up culture war… appears there’s a battle for control GB News and the full culture warriors are winning.”
What kind of person releases the story to the Guardian first ?
Press Gazette : \\ last month he pledged the channel would not be a ‘hate-filled divisive shout-fest’ //
The words rats and sinking come to mind.
Unless, on the upside, this is true:
“it appears there’s a battle for control of GB News and the full culture warriors are winning.”
May it be so.
What’s full culture?
Not half culture!
Emmanuel, full culture could be said to be yeast. Am reminded of Jesus’ wise words to His disciples “Beware the leaven (yeast) of the Pharisees. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”
‘What kind of person releases the story to the Guardian…..?’
Civil Servants, teachers, NHS staff (all levels) union execs, any remainer, footballers’ agents, Boris’ neighbours, LibDems, SNP, BBC (required agreement) other….
Monday 8th January 2018: BBC Radio 5 live Breakfast, 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Which side is McAndrew on ? Pro or anti woke.
Seems he went to the Guardian
but he is on record as saying : “All our presenters will have the freedom to say what they think.”
and the bosses suspended Gutto ccos they said a political gesture like taking the knee is against Of com rules
– John McAndrew quit
– Gill Penlington, a longtime colleague of Andrew Neil, quit
– Guto Harri ..suspended ? (why not just a reming of Ofcom rules ?)
– Andrew Neil on big holiday, and silent
– Alastair Stewart : on break on medical grounds ..broke his hip
Andrew Neil fights back
Boris appears to have attracted the attention of the Global Marxist Health Brigade spearheaded by the Marxist WHO obviously. They can’t be having him release people from their grand plan to grind capitalism into the ground so have raised a crowd of pseudo-medic screamers.
Of course he won’t win, if he goes ahead they will invent a terrible pandemic and get the World to hate him. If he caves then he will be blamed for even raising the idea in the first place.
I have absolutely no doubt this is a highly orchestrated plan.
Maybe so, but personally I don’t believe there is one grand Masterplan, or overarching Conspiracy.
Rather a multitude of opportunistic players. Governments, NGOs, the WHO, the UN, the Chinese, assorted left wing, environmental and globalist groups with their agendas, and of course our very own BBC.
“Covid: UK daily cases pass 50,000 for first time since January”
More testing ?
More false positives ?
But how many deaths “of” Covid or “with” Covid ?
Most have had the double jab now since the last lockdown.
What’s changed ? We have hardly opened up yet since the last lockdown.
Ask yourself this question : other than the ‘pingdemic’, do you know any one that has Covid ?
There’s something fishy going on .
The way the economy is going there will be no money left to fund the NHS .
The NHS is funded mainly from general taxation supplemented by National Insurance contributions (NICs).1 Mar 2021
“Covid: Green Man festival sold out as return given go-ahead”
Does ‘Drako Drakeford’ know ?
Hello taffman. Where is Tor Byne (phonetic pronunciation) in Wales? According to ‘Disjointed’ it is near Brecon.
Sounds a bit like Torfaen to me ? District SE of Brecon .
It has long been known to be the UKs biggest employer, but where does it rank amongst the world heavyweights? That’s right, the NHS, which employs 1.7 million, is the world’s fifth largest employer, and is the only UK institution to make it into the top 10 biggest employers.28 Apr 2021
“the top 10 biggest employers.28 Apr 2021”
Why is it so difficult to see a doctor or get an hospital appointment ? Thats12 Million people .
The NHS must be full of ‘pen pushers’?
Someone has blood on their hands and a wad of notes in the other.
Footballs Going Rome
Footballs going Knome
NOV 2019 …
2019 .,.. London knife crime: Number of teenagers stabbed to death hits 11-year high … 2019
Are all the Tory MPs “self isolating”.
There was a huge number of them in the last election. They are very quiet if you look at Al Beeb’s website . Hardly a peep!
We are approaching National-Farce-Day on Monday (NFD).
Half the population or more will continue to wear masks voluntarily.
If I was in blighty I’d only wear a mask when there was no one else about – that would show ‘em …
Times long thread about how bribing Wembley stewards to leave doors open led to hundreds of fans getting into the game.
TWatO Watch #2 – it seems pretty obvious now but isn’t it a little unfair?
It seems we are in a State or a state or even a strait or dire straits: everyone against the Conservative Government. TWatO demonstrated it perfectly. I assume the BBC mistakenly think they are achieving some sort of balance, a strange impartiality or neutrality.
On TWatO, ‘Disjointed’ trailed a bunch of women and one or two men across the airwaves to say how the Government were doing everything wrong for next Monday.
The BBC being experts on disinformation, one might expect Marianna and Sopes to be recalled to ‘analyse’ just how awesome WH Jen and St. Jac of the Teeth are at this free speech lark.
Apols to Fed for GG’s robust terminology that was brought in via a linked tweet.
Guest who – thank you for the apology – personally my heritage involves every sentence possessing at least one ‘eff’ so it is no worry to me …. But with a busy thread comes an understandable slight ( surprising ) increase in ‘industrial language .
The prize- I think – goes to ‘stew ‘ and his picturesque reprise of the comments left on the st rashford Muriel – or mural if you are posh . I agree that the ‘blue moon ‘ colour scheme gave the game away …
Some relying on the BBC for news might not know the context to this.
Sopes’ main source of intel.
Put him in a care home – not 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
They might as well start burning their books as well – but I suppose the 21st century version of that is for Amazon to not list them…
Springster’s is already a bestseller.
And she has not even written it yet.
They’ll need to fact check how many copies of the fact checkers’ book the BBC bought …
@GuestWho your typo
Springster’s is already a bestseller.
And WENDLING has not even written it FOR HER yet.