6pm BBC1 news when I switched on was in full flow that the floods in Germany were due to climate change. Funny they didn’t happen last year or the year before, gosh those temperatures must be rising quickly. But of course there is a big CC meeting in Glasgow in November so the BBC have to start piling on the pressure. Temperatures tomorrow may reach as hot as 29 degrees Celsius tomorrow. They didn’t tell us that is only 84 Fahrenheit.
I remember only a few years ago being told by the BBC that rising temperatures meant drier summers and some poor soul won a makeover garden on the BBC designed for the desert conditions we would have by now. I wonder how that worked out.
I was talking to a couple of farmers this week. They agreed harvest is starting later at the moment than even 10 years ago How does that link with climate change?
Temperatures in my garden soared to 40C, today the 16th July 2021, in some spots . These have been the highest recorded since records were taken. Humidity too was higher then any time since recorded. Climate change I suppose.
We are going towards totalitarian control of what we drive, what fuel we use, where we can go, in what mode of transport. All done to save the planet on the advice of government so-called scientists, who so far have shown nothing but mediocrity.
The government taxes cars in the form of a Road fund license but no license on electric or hybrid cars. Why this should be so, for they use the roads in the same way as a petrol car. The only difference is that their pollution is created not at the point of use. As a result of this inefficient method, theIr nett pollution is greater then a petrol car. In engineering its known as “No such thing as a free lunch”. The difference will become significant as the number of hybrid and electric cars become more prevalent. The difference will be in greater cost and pollution.
For politicians, the climate change fraud has become a vehicle to raise huge money, which they can dispense for the good of their choice. More power and more influence. A politicians dream.
I am surprised, not, that the forthcoming E10 petrol issue has been sneaked in without any main stream media saying anything. Unleaded being replaced by alleged more green more ethanol based fuel. Old cars, more likely to be owned by poorer people will have to use unaffected premium unleaded instead. The poorer paying more to appease the greens. Narrative doesn’t suit BBC so not given much publicity .. Yet.
Of course what’s not mentioned anywhere is that E5 and E10 fuels are less efficient consequently you will use more for the same effect which equals extra Tax / VAT for the Government…….To give to the Green Loby for Wind Turbines and Solar …its a never ending circle ably supported by our BBC ! !
Charlie Farley
Before long, we the hard working people of Great Britain will run out of money. Taxed to death all for virtue signalling lefty liberals who are in effect, the tool of Marxism .
I know many people, educated for the most, buying new a car, replacing a perfectly good car to “save the planet”. They have been told, and they believe it.
The few pence a mile they save is not going to make the slightest bit of difference. Replacing a perfectly good car, and the unnecessary cost creation of a new car, energy used, extra pollution caused, is madness. It makers no sense whatever.
If the government had any sense, they should reward people who drive an older car.
I don’t see any reason why electric or hybrid cars don’t have to pay road tax license unless they do not use public roads. If they do, they must pay road tax for the upkeep of the road.
Like everything around climate change, it’s all about the money.
They want people to buy new cars to keep the economy going.
Same reason a car will fail it’s MOT because of issues which have nothing to do with it’s roadworthiness.
For example, your car will fail if any warning lights are lit. Doesn’t matter if they have nothing to do with safety. For older cars, sorting it out will often mean it’s a write-off.
Speaking of which, all those 10 year old electric cars with worn out batteries will be write-offs too. And the value of your electric car will plummet accordingly.
This Friday afternoon I watched GB news and the woke culture has been given a graph (showing all those that support it) and surprise suprise its the BBC ‘progressives’ are out there on top of the heap.
See chart. Best I can do with a screen shot… but if you can read it, it shows the entire woke fantasy of the fault of media ‘progressives’… five times more ‘woke’ than everybody else….
Most of us know now that ‘Woke’ dom is linked to those that want to trash history and remake the world along Communal lines that (was fashionable in Cuba circa 1968). Thinking that is a ‘fair society’ that has no discrimination and everyone is happy, happy happy!!! No freedom!
Most of the BBC hippies are of this era, for them it never died. It lives on Venezuela, South Africa, North Korea, Manchester.. (why not, they are not living the dream, public funded?)
Except in reality. Its a lie., a liberal progressive fantasy. In this Video Yenomi Park s peaks out what is happening at our Universities in America ditto the left embedded in the UK are if not worse than US. The BBC are copying the unrest here in its programming.
Only this week – to combat BBC inspired ‘cancel-culture’ .. Gavin Wilkinson: ‘Under the new laws, which are being proposed as part of the Higher Education Bill, universities which stifle free speech will be fined and a new ‘Free Speech Champion’ will be given powers to defend free speech and academic freedom on campuses.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/07/11/gavin-williamson-cancel-culture-must-not-allowed-damage-free/
Note to the BBC. (quote of the day found on Guido Fawkes today) Biden on Cuba’s anti-government protests: “Communism is a failed system, a universally failed system, and I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute.”Shock! US president says it like it is. BBC take note.
Meanwhile: at BBC Fawlty towers. Its business as usual… After Guido reported that Jess Brammar was in the running to become head of BBC News, and that this was controversial given she’d promoted a woke agenda as editor of the Huffington Post, some people who should know better claimed this was untrue. Jess had made it hard to produce evidence because she’d deleted thousands of her tweets going back a decade. Which was eyebrow-raising in itself.
On Brammer’s Instagram account, Guido found that on the BLM campaign’s social media “Blackout Tuesday” last June, Brammar joined with other BLM supporters in posting a black square to signal her support for the campaign which has some far out policies – including defunding the police. Given she is seeking a position of great sensitivity (in that the role involves setting the tone for the nation’s dominant BBC news channels and guaranteeing the impartiality of the output), this is not insignificant. If she were currently employed by the BBC this would be in breach of the BBC’s new social media guidelines established by Tim Davie… https://order-order.com/
… I think she belongs in the BBC. As long as its totally defunded. In can be ‘progressive’ in its own champagne tent – an ‘inclusive, divertive, canape and cocaine’ tent of totally inept cretins, which they are.
The question was not “how woke are you ?”
It was “Which of the following have you taken part in in the past year?
That first graphic is from the More in Common org in March 2021
55% actually “Sharing political content online”
Conclusion “Progressive activists are the dominant voice on social media”
close up pic
That analysis seems naive, cos actually if one pop star sends one tweet, in one year it can have massive impact.
I view people who are Woke, similar to children who have just learnt to speak. The same certainty that they have invented the wheel. The difference is that these are supposedly adults.
I turned on to Celebrity Gogglebox tonight. (I know)
What a load of rubbish.
Slebs all saying the right things and pretending they aren’t aware they are being watched.
All completely left wing woke pc virtue signalling.
One thing stood out for me.
Considering how easily they are triggered with the slightest of things, all which upset them terribly, they swore ever so much.
Effing this and that all the way through the show.
I’ve noticed there’s a load of serious swearing on lots of tv now and it’s the heavy stuff, not something like “you stupid boy” or “cloth eared bint”
I’d be embarrassed to use their language yet they are lightning quick to take offence at an ever increasing number of words which are hard to keep up with.
Like most sleb inspired programmes, this too was way too far off my radar to bother, but I have seen trailers for it – which re-affirmed my opinion. It appears to be true though, that slebs or not, these people play to the camera, I mean, do eyes really ‘pop’ that wide ? or jaws drop in disbelief ? because in decades past when viewing with others, we have just sat there zombie like watching – as I do on my own now 🙂
My wife was asked to feed the cats while the owners were away. Watched the TV at their place. It conformed my view that there was nothing worth watching except re-runs of Yes Prime Minister and the like. The TV license is a waste of money.
If it hurts the BBC pocket – good. If it hurts their sense of self-righteous sense of superiority – better.
And towards the end of the 6pm news the BBC featured a discus player who is going to the Olympics. He is a black vegan who came last at the last games. Just saying.
Not that long ago we were going towards an egalitarian society. But in just a few years, we are becoming more racist day by day. People now are judged on race and gender rather then actual accomplishment. The latter being fascist.
Yes, in one sense he came last. But in another sense – a purely moral sense, taking into account the centuries of institutionalised racism and oppression – he came first by a long way.
The sort of Olympic theatrics you refer to can be done in a theatre. To do so for the Olympics is delusion. Its a good thing that Olympics do not represent war games, though in a sense they do.
Is the BBC informing its viewers that BLM (you know, those nice people we’re all supposed to kneel to in adoration) have long glorified dictator Castro, and continue to praise and support the repressive communist regime in Cuba, currently brutally suppressing the demonstrations there?
No, I thought not.
Oh, and according to BLM, it’s all America’s fault.
How the hell does GB News think it’s going to storm the ratings if they start to act like a mixture of the hateful BBC and Guardian combined. It’s a no brainier, they are sunk.
GB news was never going to be like Fox news or Sky Australia. It is, however, a huge asset to those who wish for a return to free speech. The fact that one or two presenters will still be woke and will try to steer the channel in the direction of the Left should not surprise anyone. When that Gutto Bebbo (whatever) took the knee
you can be sure that he did not have the best interests of GB news at heart. It could have been deliberate sabotage. The resulting fall in viewership to virtually zero has been welcomed by the Left media. They want it destroyed. Mild as it is it still represents a huge threat to their monopoly. Let that sink in.
The clown is probably being toasted by Liberal nasties across the country especially those in the BBC. There may be more acts of sabotage to come. They just have to be weathered.
I ask you, if GB news goes what is the country left with?
Just Belfield? He is against BBC, good, but why does he want GB News to fail? Let’s guess. Somebody on there said something to him once. Or perhaps he feels that it’s treading on his turf and could be damaging to his viewing numbers. Who cares?
GB news should be seen as an ally in the political fight against the BBC and all that it stands for, so I find it incomprehensible that some here want it off the air.
Give it time to evolve into something better. Why wait for something absolutely perfect to come along.
I think there’s too many people waiting for the second coming of the Great Farage. They seem to forget that in reality, rather than the myth, he’s not all that much more radical than Andrew Neill.
Get real.
PS. I hear from Paul Watson this morning that a statue has been put up in Trafalgar Square of a man whose sole claim to fame was that he beheaded a white man in front of his children in Nyassaland many years ago.
Is this true? Are the Brits really going to accept this?
This will stand not as memorial to the past, but as a threat to the native British and a sure and terrible sign that London is now conquered territory.
The statue to the charming African be-header was mentioned a week or so ago by Simon Webb (once again suspended by You Tube) on his excellent channel, History Debunked.
As I understand it the statue was commissioned by London’s mayor, the completely un-racist, Sadiq Khan. This is the same bloke who has spent months trawling through London street names to see if he can find any that might be a tad racially offensive.
I wonder what our white middle class Marxists and the anarchist halfwits of BLM will make of this. They hate Thatcher, they don’t like Churchill and even The Cenotaph had graffiti sprayed on it.
I am rather hoping that the great British Public will stick two fingers up to the BBC, the WHO, and all the other manipulators on Monday and just get on with life without all the hysterical drama they are desperate to sustain.
I listened to the specimen Witty tonight and sensed desperation that his fingers were being prised from the power he has become used to.
Come on folks we are better than this, put these creatures back in their box, they have had their 5 minutes of fame now, enough is enough!
Finally, 18 months into this charade I still know not one single person who has even tested positive let alone been ill with this curiously evasive and selective “disease” and I have many, many friends and business associates.
They have done their utmost to lay a burden of guilt on everyone and it’s time to finish it.
We have quite simply been turned over!
If anyone were to tell me that a time would come when you couldn’t see a GP I wouldn’t of believed them and laughed but now we know exactly what our “medical” profession are really made of don’t we?
And it’s established a new precedent for our (un) caring profession.
And another thing, now they know it works they know they can throw a blue funk at any time and take control of the population. We have never in human history given so much unelected power to any single entity …. Ever!
This amounts to social engineering on a mass scale. Usually reserved for dictators of tin pot countries or maniac world class dictators such as Hitler.
The extent the BBC have whipped up public opinion for their BLM coverage over the Euros ‘racism’ has been off the scale.
And it was all based on lies. The mural defacement was not racist and the racist tweets did not come from English people.
I’m wondering why they are being allowed to get away with it. Where is the outrage ?.
They have confidence because they got away with it after George Floyd. Now it’s normal practise because they know they will not be held accountable. We are living in the build-up to the modern day Nazis.
The MSM can say and show whatever they like because they all sing from the same hymn sheet and there is almost no counter narrative. Of com watches their back for them and makes sure that any broadcaster sticks to the liberal left play book on key issues like immigration and Islamification. The odds are stacked against new entrants with a counter narrative hence the problems of GBN. If you wish to have plurality in News and current affairs on at least some topics support GBN .
Of course, as I never take any notice of the crap the BBC spouts, I’m not at all bothered.
At every opportunity, I denigrate their awful lefty drivel to anyone who wants to listen, and nine times out of ten I get a positive response.
When they’re defunded, probably when Boris isn’t PM any more as he somehow years for a leftie bunch out there for some reason, (Nut Nut’s influence), I’ll start to take an interest, but until then the 1st Law of Scrobs applies, ‘believe the opposite of all the turdal outflow from W1AA’.
Much easier for me and anyone else, although I’d miss all you good chums on this site when they’re gone; it’s the best place to go to for informed chat! The research done by so many chums here is amazing, and I get a bit bewildered at the quality of your information and the consequent exposure of the deliberate lies peddled by the awful BBBC.
Felt the same way for over a year. This climate change fraud will furnish unimaginable powers for massive social control, assisted by our ever compliant and ready police to save the planet.
I’m still trying to get my head around all this on Samizdata, and may be too thick to take it all in, but the headline itself sends shivers down my spine…
I’m afraid that as I’m approaching late middle age, I’m just not physically able to do much anyway, but seeing so much corruption taking place in public life in a Great Britain I used to love and cherish doesn’t make for an easier life, especially when disgraceful organisations like the BBC try to influence governments and also a normally decent populace. They’re even worse than the charities.
I find it difficult to believe that the so called “land of the free and brave”, the land of “stand your ground”, the land that prides itself that it has the Second amendment to prevent government tyranny, is going down to faster communism then other more experienced nations.
The Biden regime is now calling on social media platforms to censure “false” information. All the media required to comply.
They just sow doubt, embellish less-relevant facts and flood the news with it so Joe Public doesn’t know what to believe until eventually he believes what he’s been told the most.
Same as the football racism.
It’s a form of bullying and brainwashing. It’s how the Left have worked throughout history.
The other night, the awful BBC R5blm had the dreadful weather in Germany and Belgium as their first item.
Ms Merkel is in the US, apparently to vist an eldery client, and that old fellow was given half a minute to read something which felt sorry for the Germans and Belgians.
Alex Belfield blasts the BBC with his usual quick-fire scattergun approach.
Items include how they hide some of their top earners’ salaries by paying them through BBC Studios; the bloated Children in Need; Gemma Collins’ not-so-svelte figure; and – one of his favourites – an update on Carol Vorderman’s jelly wobblers.
Ok, it’s not very highbrow or new, some of it bordering on the tabloid. But it’s 5 minutes of good clean fun at the BBC’s expense, streamed to 321,000 subscribers. Can’t be bad.
Wealthy, high earners telling poorer, lower earning people that you have got to pay more taxes, make more sacrifices, so the BBC-larksons can eat in fancy Dimblebubby restaurants and keep on flying around the world.
Food is too cheap, poor people are too fat. (Funny that! Whenever I see pictures of the House of Commons and House of Lords I see members who are not skinny and thin.) I am sure the BBC will keep this narrative being framed out loud on Radio Flaw.
Patrick Holden is brought on to comment on the Dimblebubby Report. He is fully in favour of making food more expensive. Sorry, Marcus Rashford, your schoolchildren are going to have to go a bit hungrier if the Dimbleby Report recommendations are fully adopted by the Government in the UK. What will Keir Starmer and Labour do?
BBC’s ‘answer’ to everything, is get a ‘sleb’ to start yelling and squealing or a super-rich fooboller to play the victim card for ‘poverty’, which is a euphemism for bollocks in the UK. They all tried it with Jamie Oliver, so that worked well, didn’t it!
If idiots want to spend time gawping at football, and think the ‘players’ are special, then that’s their choice, but if one of the penalty losers from last Sunday try to make me think they’re doing their bit, they can take a running jump. I don’t care two hoots.
Food is definitely not too cheap if Tesco and Sainsbury’s are to go by. Aldi and Lidl are a much better barometer of how much it ‘should’ cost, with Morrisons somewhere in between. Waitrose I’ll give a pass simply for the quality but M&S are also guilty of naked greed.
I’m eternally frustrated by the anti-Tory brigade whining about austerity whilst major supermarket chains and utility companies were busy jacking up their prices – and the pressure on consumers – year after year, all in the name of profit.
Craft beer industry accused of being ‘sexist boys’ club’ https://www.bbc.com/news/business-57719831
Just look at this big pile of anti-man steaming dog poo.
It’s so pathetic, I can’t even be bothered to comment on it.
The easy to see Ms. Buchanan’s ruby cheeks suggest she is quite the partaker of her own product. Beer makes me happy. This harpie bunch… apparently not.
No obvious blue or pink hair dye, surprisingly.
Again, one is left wondering how the BBC’s champagne socialist editorial floors found all these ladies of outrage, or did the ladies know the special direct contact?
Wait until the cubicle garden majority at W1A are alerted to the fact the chubster white chicks are advocating alcohol on the premises.
Never really understood hunger striking as a tool of influence on unsympathetic resistant public opinion, but seems to work with complicit media and credulous pols. Shows what voting value is.
Maybe Ms. Buchanan could open ‘Bobby’s Sands Bar’ at her brewery for ladies seeking to lose a few pounds?
Well, this gem takes the biscuit:
‘Workers recounted comments like “I didn’t know girls like beer” or racist remarks.’
Anyone taking offence at the first is just looking for a reason take offence and the second is a simply ridiculous generalisation to say.
Wokeness for the stupid, by the stupid.
Did you imagine you were really going into Sainsburys without a mask on Monday? Well, here’s the weekend press round up – in which we tell you how you are a “threat to the world”
But first, the sport…
We wake up this morning to find the BBC – obviously finding the remit of representative national broadcaster to be somewhat boring – has found for itself a new woke advisory role: ‘Cricket officials want to attract a younger, more diverse audience to the new 100-ball competition instead of the boozy mostly male crowd that can usually be seen at T20 Blast matches. Planners have worked with the BBC to recruit an “all-star-line-up” of DJs and rappers to play music at every match‘ (Telegraph)
We await in vain news of Notting Hill Carnival organisers, anxious to dissuade their druggie, stabby, mugging, mostly black audience habitually attracted to their event, calling on the BBC to recommend a line up of Morris dancers and an English parish choristers sound system to calm things down.
Seems to me it’s not so much the boozy behaviour that is frowned upon here but prejudice against whiteness and maleness. Worryingly, for those hopefull of ever putting a curb on BBC leftism, when cricket authorities keen to signal virtue called on the BBC for diversity advice our telly tax scroungers obviously told them they’d come to exactly the right place.
Most good people start from a position of welcoming newcomers to the country and are broadly tolerant of their ways but why should it always be that our English culture has to change and that our errant behaviours are highlighted and singled out for media scorn? Whilst the newcomers are excused and their transgressions routinely hidden from view?
‘Travellers returning to England from France will still be forced to quarantine next week even if they are double vaccinated‘ – warns the Guardian. What.. even THOSE travellers arriving from France, we wonder?
Sporty BBC-trained starlet Gabby Logan struts her stuff in the Telegraph Magazine: ‘On family tragedy and sporting sexism‘ – you can take the girl out of the BBC but you can’t take the BBC out of the girl. You see we’re not allowed to think about sport these days without the corollary notions of race and gender diversity.
The Telegraph has also signed up Jessica Ennis-Hill as their: ‘Olympics columnist‘ – one assumes as well as hop skip and jumping she can string some sentences together and provide some insights. To be fair to her she makes a sound start – let’s see how long she stays in her sporting lane?
Japan just happens to be one of the least diverse nations on earth – so we do wonder how all our western woke gesture politics might go down: ‘Golden rule. Athletes warned against podium protests at Tokyo Olympics‘ (FT) – fortunately for potential Team GB knee-takers there won’t be any live crowds to boo – should the Japanese have been so impolite, which one doubts.
The Guardian sees a: ‘Huge surge in Covid numbers‘ – but their focus is hardly on the serious, or otherwise, medical aspect but rather the political and the magic number they really obsessively have in mind is No 10: ‘More than 1,000 experts urge No 10 to scrap “dangerous experiment”of Monday’s opening up‘ – just bear in mind here that the Gruan is just the tip of the opposition to normality spear and note for the future that the Guardian and fellow travellers are now explicitly invested in finding some increased outbreak – and I’ve no doubt they’ll soon enough tell us they’ve found it. I give it until Tuesday.
And finally, before this turns into a marathon edition, we arrive via podium political posing to poor little us in the benighted UK posing a threat to the entire globe…
The globalist FT naturally seeks to globalise every local issue: ‘Lifting curbs poses “threat to the world”. Experts fear Covid breeding ground‘ – is this some strange reversal… an inversion of the notion Britain invents something new but it is the Chinese who steal the patent and mass produce it for the world?
AISI, there has been an interesting bidding war on hot weather in the newspapers this week. I can only ascribe it to the miserable cold that we have been experiencing since September 2020. The newspapers, especially the red tops, have gone from 27° to 32° in about three days. Perhaps the BBC’s Top Gear might be made more interesting by a race between a Tabloid Headline and a Zonta or Zonda or whatever it was.
Who will win the heats? I’m reminded of those old Blue Peter charity appeals when Johnny Noakes, Peter Purves and Valerie – hey mum, why is that nice lady on TV still a Singleton? – would wheel on a big theromometer to show how much your tin foil milk bottle tops had raised for guide dogs for the blind.
BBC News channel at 07:25am doing a long piece about climate change. They clearly explained the US/Cananadian heat dome and how the high pressure system and jet stream is keeping it in place. They then jumped to, “this is the highest temperature since records began therefore it is climate change” and a bit later “we know climate change is real and we must do something about it”.
No mention of how long ago Canadian temperature records began. They did mention how the heat wave is not predicated by climate models but the presenter said, “…therefore climate change is more serious than we previously thought”.
The whole piece was a perfect example of confirmation bias. It was a shame they didn’t finish by suggesting we need socialism, asset seizing and Tories out to make it a 100% predictable scripted piece.
TOADY Watch #1 – we need more computing power to combat and global warming climate change, predict heavy rain and prevent flooding
So says Dame Julia Sinden or Higgins. (Sorry, Mishal mangled the surname.) And what causes Global Warming and Climate Change? Well, building super-computers and running them and keeping them cool certainly uses carbon and creates lots of CO2. The Meterological Office have a brand new ‘super-computer’ and still cannot get weather forecasts 100% right.
The tragic German floods will be ‘weaponised’ by the BBC and their fellow travellers among ‘the Wrongists’ and we will be beaten over the head with it.
Unfortunately, Dame Julia gave the game away just a little bit. Apparently it was also raining heavily in Switzerland (where the Rhine rises) but there is no flooding there. If there is the BBC have not reported it. What is the big difference between Switzerland and Germany? The Swiss are sensible and not in the EU or not in the EU and sensible and, hence, Switzerland probably manages its rivers better.
Just caught a commercial on local radio here in Hampshire that was a typical ambulance chaser thing. Only this time it was “did you lay out thousands for solar panels only to find they didn’t live up to the hype? If so call us, we have got thousands of pounds back for some of our clients”
I expect this Company can’t wait for EV’s to go mainstream because that really is going to be a giant cock-up and cash-cow for them.
Big Power 4 You generating Company needs to make x million to cover its overheads, staff costs, shareholder profits etc. So this determines the price they set per unit used.
Mr ever so good decides to fit solar panels, heat pumps etc. to help save the planet and some dosh.
After so many Mr ever so goods join him Big Power 4 You find income dipping, so raise the unit price to cover the shortfall.
Suddenly all the customers who are not Mr be goods find their bills are shooting up.
Unsustainable as the number of Mr be goods rise!
Eventually, like pyramid selling it’s inevitable that it must collapse.
Coming changes to the Chinese virus restriction in various bits of the UK ( I won’t call them countries ) is causing the BBC mental issues – which it obviously passes on to its’ victim listeners .
When I hear this stuff I wonder how much effect it has on people ? I guess reductions in controls next week will show how well Project Fear has worked – insofar as the restrictions to be maintained by private enterprises are the various despots such as Labour Mayors .
Nut nut May well be taking a gamble and there might even be a plan – but we cannot – cannot – live in an eternal lockdown or borrow cash to fund ever lasting furlough .
A new space detector device to be built in Blighty by the USA ( why ? ) will be able to detect an object the size of a football in deep space –
Methinks it might be St Rashfords’ penalty .
Fed, we know where that Rashford penalty finished. I saw the photo. It was buried deep in the Italian left hand goalpost.
I have been musing on the BBC’s description of the three penalty takers as all ‘missing’ their penalties. In at least one case, the penalty was not missed, it was saved by the Italian goalkeeper. Said Italian goalkeepr really won the match for Italy, didn’t he? Can anyone who watched the footie final confirm whether that was the case with the third penalty – saved by the goalkeeper?
If so, I think the BBC have been guilty of racist news reporting and should be investigated by the Metropolitan Police. Well, the Police in London haven’t got anything else to do, have they?
They are only guilty of racism under the old definition.
For the one they changed it to, it’s only racism when the target is a minority.
Same as how they changed to meaning of the word ‘phobia’ to mean ‘predjudiced’ so they could label people as Islamophobic. Wikipedia used to tell us not to confuse it with ‘anti-Islamist’ but that warning seems to have disappeared from the page altogether now. Thank our racists friends at Runnymede for this one.
Grotesquely, the Archbishop of Canterbury only named the three black players when he tweeted about the ‘incredible courage’ shown in taking penalties – not a single word about Kane or Maguire, nor the cajones on Pickford in handling the immense pressure placed on the goalkeepers, who both kept out two attempts. No congrats for the Italians either. Welby is a wretched buffoon who has bought untold shame on the church – another one for the woodchipper.
Ah, Fed, you are harking back to the glorious days of Paul Ince of England penalty kick and shooting fame. It used to be a toss up whether Paul Ince would miss by ten feet over the crossbar or, to one side or the other, whether the ball would be closer to the goal or the corner flag.
I am reliant on web-sites for pics of the England penalty takers and I have only seen two so far.
Brissles my dear old thing, the cricket season and we are discussing football, dear oh dear, the nation has gone to the dogs, the world is upside down.
I was at Spurs alone, in amongst Spurs supporters in either 1968/69 or 1969/70 seasons, I think memory is getting hazy on that. I remember what happened though: one Robert Charlton (who’s he?) picked up the ball in the Man.Utd half, dribbled past a host of Spurs players and on the edge of the Spurs penalty area he thumped the ball past Pat Jennings, whose heroic dive just got fingertips to the ball but could not deflect it around the post or over the crossbar.
The crowd erupted, even the Spurs supporters were jumping up and down cheering the goal and applauding. I was actually lifted off my feet by a crush of Spurs supporters jumping up to cheer. A magical moment. I prefer to remember that rather than your example. I might have been at that game, too. It would have been my first ever visit to White Hart Lane.
Absolutely nothing wrong with Dorking’s grapes. Make some good ENGLISH wines a couple of miles south of me, although the grape names are, mostly, unfortunately, Germanic.
I haven’t bought EU wine for 5+ months now and I shall continue to avoid them.
I read it years ago, when I was at school, because there were too many chums reading Leslie Charteris, James Bond etc.
John Steinbeck made a similar impression with ‘East of Eden’, ‘The Pearl’ and one of the best ever stories, ‘Cannery Row’.
I tried reading ‘The Grapes of wrath’ again a year or so again, but couldn’t get going on it. I don’t know why, but put it down to be some great writing for a particular time for wide-eyed teenagers especially, and ‘I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now’… (Bob Dylan – My Back Pages)…
I didn’t watch Harri at the time (I do watch some GB News, particularly Dan W but at the time I would like to watch it is Doobs and I find her irritating). However watching the clip of Gitto taking the knee, he appears hyped up (or high?) or as if someone dared him to do it. Whatever his reason, he really didn’t seem to behaving normally. He didn’t seem to understand that supporting a Marxist organisation who wants to defund the police might not go down well. Dan W explained it quite clearly only a few days previously.
I reckon GBNews are on to a good thing with Gutto Harri doing that, because any publicity is good publicity, and while the bloke used to be on the BBC years ago, and everyone laughed at him for some reason, (we didn’t know what his accent was), we rather liked him as a sort of interim fill-in kid, telling someone something or other which wasn’t really interesting, but made us all laugh.
(Sorry Taff, not aimed at you, I love a pure Welsh accent, occasionally goosebumps and more – certainly much more – when Glenys is recalled…) !
Twitter trending : There is a new law in Australia that says every hatey-lefty figure has to tweet out HATE and outrage at Katie Hopkins
cos she has apparently been flown into Australia to be in Celebrity Big Brother
.. apparently Caitlin Jenner too
There is an issue that many Oz families are split cos the Oz government is restricting Australians from flying back into Australia.
Many of the tweets look the same
“British far-right commentator Katie Hopkins – banned from Twitter for hateful conduct”
Not true, AFAIK Twitter never gave a specific reason for suddenly banning her
but it came after CCDH and Rachael Riley had a meeting with Twitter.
I note the newspaper headline says that she is *hated by* so many
Katie Hopkins: serial racist agitator, banned from Twitter for hate speech, welcomed with open arms by Australian commercial TV. Nothing surprises me any more. But what happened to the character test for visas? https://t.co/WdNxPM4pee
Maybe GBNews might like to interview her when she returns. I seem to recall her standing up to Brillo when he interviewed her, trying to rubbish her as a Trump supporter.
I could see at the time that Brillo is BBC through and through.
The same Avi who’s Facebook account was banned for hate speech?
The same Avi who called himself “the world’s proudest Jewish Nazi”?
The same Avi convicted of assaulting his ex-wife?
Here’s the “Oxford Learner’s Dictionary” definition of “hypocrisy”, Stewt. I hope it helps.
Maxi, MISREPRESENTS as usual, and then goes for whataboutery
‘well Avi is a hypocrite as well’
Instead of tackling the arguments he does an ad hom attack against Avi’s character
So what ? None of that makes it untrue that lefties howed hypocriy in accepting the trans Jenner
but a day later tweeting outrage at Hopkin doing the same a Jenner did.
Maxi took a *sarcastic* line from a “Free Tommy” rally in 14th July 2018 when Avi was on stage talking about the crazy smear labels that lefties use
saying they label me a “Nazi” …he then lifted his Kippa
to say ‘look you crazy people I am Jewish, so if you are calling me a Nazi
“No Matter what the left call us”
(like if they call us Nazi’s then) “I am the world’s proudest Jewish Nazi”
No doubt Maxi will supply us with the full video, not one with the sarcastic context cropped out
– yes FB did take down his Facebook page with 176K followers on 3rd Augut 2018
Yemini said “I don’t know why , they haven’t given me a reason. I’ve appealed it”
Apparently he had accused an ABC journo of smearing Australia and posted the journos phone number, suggesting that people contact him
– Yemini on March 18, 2016 did have a row with his wife and threw a chopping board at her head and year later sent her 3 abusive text meg
Of course that is not right, but people do get angry
“Avi’s wife didn’t receive any hospital treatment at the time and it wasn’t reported to police until several years later.
Yemini was convicted and fined a total of $3600. (£2,000) The double standard is that Maxi never pops up when Kay Burley
is mentioned to remind us about the time she grabbed a female reporter by the throat.
even though, that also seems assault in a pique of anger
“Not true, AFAIK Twitter never gave a specific reason for suddenly banning her”
“A Twitter spokesperson said: ‘Keeping Twitter safe is a top priority for us – abuse and hateful conduct have no place on our service and we will continue to take action when our rules are broken.
‘In this case, the account has been permanently suspended for violations of our hateful conduct policy’.”
OK the Katie Hopkin Twitter banning was as I aid
They cancelled her account and never gave her a specific reason
like saying it was because of tweet X and tweet Y
It was not like she put out a tweet and Twitter said “this tweet is hateful you are banned”
The reason why leftie can quote the line “banned from Twitter for hateful conduct”
was cos as Maxi’s article does they are all quoting an article in the Guardian
A spokesperson for Twitter confirmed her removal to the Guardian…..
“In this case, the account has been permanently suspended for violations of our hateful conduct policy.”
The death rate has significantly come down, so they must have some effect along with all the people that have already had Covid and have now got an immunity to it .
There is a culture in the media of Fear, Fear, Fear .
Is there a deliberate plan to wreck our economy ?
If so, there will be no money left for any NHS.
Boris used to be indecisive , but now he’s not so sure.
Everything I’ve read coming from the Oxford vaccine stable has left me slightly suspicious. I’ve decided they are academic amateurs who thought they had a cushy number going. They’ve been screwing things up right from the start when they gave everyone the wrong doses during the test phase.
But the spotlight has meant it all goes under the carpet. I’ll never forget the BBC picture of Sarah Gilbert stood arms folded acting like a God. The agenda is everything. Lives don’t matter. Same with BLM.
It’s alright, Ian, the Kent Police will help them to get jabs as well as accomodation as soon as they’re ushered ashore.
The Immigration people will tell them how to apply for Kent ratepayer’s assistance for their forty-five year old children, and Scrobs and Co will foot the bill.
If you live in Kent – and East Sussex, the rates are going up next year to help these people, and the illegal immigrants.
I’m sure the BBC will want to celebrate this latest twist in the wonderful world of transgenderism, in which a trans man gives birth to a baby and a trans woman unsuccessfully tries to nurse it. Or vice versa, I can’t keep up.
Either way, the baby’s not getting milk. Some might say that’s child abuse, but they’re just transphobic.
@Vlad that second image address didn’t work
has something like spaces in which causes % signs to render in the address
and images won’t work here if they have % signs in
I can’t see the article it comes from on independentchronicle.com
“These are more than lifestyle choices. This is a human rights violation. The decision to nurse a child on a fiction of your own illusions is cruel to the child, not only physically but emotionally. This family is denying the child an actual mother, raising that child to believe lies. A decade of advocacy has led fully to the erasure of women as mothers and the usurping of those maternal rights by men who fantasize that they are women and fetishize childbirth and nursing.”
‘Police investigating the vandalism of the Marcus Rashford mural in Withington say it is “not believed to be of a racial nature…
Officers are analysing CCTV and forensic evidence from the spray paint used, Greater Manchester Police say.”
First the paint will be analysed and the manufacturer identified, then possibly thousands of shops selling that brand will be listed, and detectives will visit the shops with photos of people who may have tweeted unpleasant things about the England team, eventually profiles will be made of the most likely perps, whose houses will be visited and searched for evidence of paint brushes, empty paint tins and so on. This should narrow it down to a few hundred suspects and eventually one will break down and confess.
Some one on Toady calling for a ‘ super computer ‘ calculate the weather . My ‘hitchhikers’ alert switched to ‘red’. So – if ‘Deep Thought’ is. Created it could come up with
1Climate change is natural
2Climate change can only be reduced by – say – a 50% population reduction
3It is too late to prevent global catastrophe
4 you need a bigger computer
5 the number 42
The woman floating this idea assumed that the puter would come up with something which fits her version of the world and its ‘ weather .
Don’t I remember the ‘super computer’ at Bracknell which would revolutionise forecasting at a stroke?
Lucky someone had the courage to keep the seaweed, hanging off the shed in the back garden at the MetCentre, which has proved rather more accurate over the years – including 1987, although it did get blown off the nail it hangs from.
Michael Fish was made to put it back, apparently.
I’m in a minority on this site as I do sctually think there is something in the manmade climate change story- initially informed by attending a science conference in pre virtue-signalling 1980 where ozone depletion got one of its first mentions under the radar but rightly led to curbs in certain CFCs.
But I don’t believe that every raindrop is due to climate change, which is clearly the ridiculous fake news BBC narrative. Nor do I believe in virtue signalling and wearing a hair shirt and especially listening to the ridiculous Greta Thumberg, who has no science training whatever.
The UK contributes 1% of CO2 emissions. So if we produced no CO2 at all, the global effects would be near zero. We’ve already cut emissions by 50% since around 1970 – never mentioned- and now have a lower per capita CO2 emission level than China. Which has a lot more people. Not to mention ‘green’ Germany. Try ‘our world in data’.
But get ready for the scare stories of Armageddon to continue on the BBC ad nauseam in the light of the pretty terrible central Europe floods- whose main cause was a flukey kink in the jet stream.
🔴The BBC will offer white lanyards to staff who are anxious about returning to the office during the pandemic so that they can signal to colleagues that they want extra personal space around them https://t.co/DVyJNIH8ve
Carefully hidden away in Regions, where they hope you’ll never see it, the BBC headline reads:
‘Three Huddersfield men jailed for raping teenage girl’.
Ee bah gum, they’re a rum lot these Yorkshiremen, no mistake.
Pathetic sentences for the so-called ‘Huddersfield men’ (wrong on both counts).
If savages must be kept alive and kept in the country (why?), it ought to be castration and life.
That goes for the lot of them.
Cheaper to dispose of permanently.
Yes hanging is pretty eco friendly and they could be subject to a ‘composting order ‘ and make a valuable contribution to the ‘community ‘… at least as an option
It is absolutely disgusting that whitey racists are ‘significantly under-represented’ in the ‘raping young girls in northern towns’ multicultural initiative.
Surely an impartial state broadcaster such as the BBC should investigate.
“It is absolutely disgusting that whitey racists are ‘significantly under-represented’ in the ‘raping young girls in northern towns’ multicultural initiative.”
Here you go, Sluff – you don’t have to be disgusted any more…
I don’t know how long you spent researching for that maxi – or do you have those places ready on file to counter any subversive comments like this one ?.
Anyway, what you apparently fail to appreciate is that the rape-gangs are from only 2% of the population. So to be accurately represented, for every Muslim rapist there should be 49 white rapists.
The page did throw up some interesting things. Put the name Mohammed in there and search. You’ll be scrolling for a while – but it only seems to go back about 3 years.
How about this one maxi ?. What does your troll-guide give you to counter this ?.
‘Approx 84% of all ‘UK grooming gang members’ are of either Pakistani or Bangledeshi heritage. Approx 90% of the victims are white British girls aged under 16
However, their is a clear disparity in those % because only 2% of the British population is made of Pakistani or Bangledeshi heritage, yet 84% of that type of modus operandi is carried out by them.’
There is a distinct difference between a sole rapist and a rape gang. The ‘gang’ is far more sinister : it implies the rape is generally accepted in the society they live in. Would you agree with that maxi ?. And if not, please explain why.
Now here’s a question for you maxi. Why do you think the rape gangs are Muslims raping white girls under 16 ?.
Take your time. Let’s see how much of a hypocrite you are.
I’ll raise your 230 abused children to 1,400 BY 2% OF THE POPULATION.
You need to find one with 70,000 victims to win at this game.
But here’s why we get so upset about it maxi:
‘Almost no arrests have been made, no social workers or police officers have been reprimanded, and until recently the matter was dismissed by all those responsible as a matter of no real significance’.
And it’s because of people like you.
Good God – how far back are you going now ?.
UK. Recent history maxi. Because if you open the question of rape in all the muslim countries around the world, you lose by several million.
And you seem to be having difficulty with the concept of what is different between a lone rapist and a gang. One knows it’s wrong but does it secretly. That’s human nature. You will always get those people in any society.
But an open gang is something else. Everyone knows and everyone approves. There is no shame.
Any Christian church rape gangs you can share with us ?.
Anyway : why are all the Muslim gang rapes on white girls under 16 years old ?.
Don’t you like that question ?.
Let’s have some posts about Al Beeb’s Bias from you and you team.to prove that you are not biased ?
Your avid support for the outfit will not stem the flow of people paying the Telly Tax.
The tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich .
I raise you a vibrant character in London who got 5 years yesterday for stabbing a girl ( stranger ) in the leg when he accosted her in the street and she refused to ‘go out ‘ with him
And liberals wonder why prisons are full of third world dross
Its the Liberals that are allowing, nay encouraging them in. Its inevitable that the Liberals and their children that suffer the most.
They are so gullible.
“Health Secretary Sajid Javid tests positive for Covid” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57874744
How accurate are the tests ?
Perhaps he has a common cold ? Or is it just a PR stunt ?
@Square-Eyed I delved into the HTML
and I think this is the actual video you posted.
What happens on Youtube is that you have to pick up the link from the actual page you are watching the video on , by placing the mouse over the video and right clicking to see the copy URL menu
.. IF you are on a page and have a list of videos and then you right click , you end up with a “list-view” link that doesn’t work.
Similarly embed code doesn’t seem to work
just a raw URL like this one, but posted on an entirely fresh line
.. https://youtu.be/iYuSyjXQx1Y https://youtu.be/iYuSyjXQx1Y
The ability of the BBC to distort reality continues to amaze.
Rugby League final just started – after mangled rendition of National Anthem – with St. Helens taking the knee to what the commentary told us was rapturous applause. The camera zoomed in on the only densely populated part of the stadium, much of the rest, perhaps the majority, is virtually empty.
Worse still, Castleford with a far higher proportion of coloured players did NOT take the knee.
Commentary strangely silent on this clear and indeed noble dichotomy – in the painfully obvious hope that nobody had noticed.
Perhaps they might be asked to construct a sentence containing the words: Stock and laughing….
Perhaps I have misunderstood, but I thought “taking the knee” was a sign of deference to black people, because of all our guilt. Surely, black players should never take the knee!
BTW when I see people sneering at me
I tend to think it’s not worth discussing cos I am not the topic of this blog
And anyway sneers say more about people making them, then the target.
I’m not interested in scoring personal points or trying to show off
, just generally helping in seeking truth.
I don’t really think about wanting to be the boss of this site
I just look for useful content and post it
So if someone mentions an image or video, I do tend to post it.
.. I do wish the media world had not got itself into such a BIASED and DISINFORMING state
and that there was no need for websites pointing out their bias .
BTW I didn’t do anything to the video @JimS posted, It was YouTube that got it switched off.
Generally what happens is people post FULL Tucker Carlson shows on Youtube
and then Fox News send a copyright notice
The original video @SquaredEyed was trying to post
that I posted above .. only quotes a short bit
so appears to be still OK.
No, he is openly subverting it – it used to host intelligent comment about BBC bias, now it is more and more about him.
All those posts where he complains that he has already posted about a subject, then more posts where he complains that people posted about a subject before him but secretly hid it in full view because his searches didn’t find it.
All those posts that have absolutely nothing to do with the BBC, the posts that make no sense whatsoever because half the argument is still lost inside his head.
All those posts that tell other posters that they are doing it wrong, except that more often than not he hasn’t bothered to actually read what they have written.
Posts, posts, posts, me, me, me. Go read for yourself then look up narcissistic personality disorder.
Maxi is a pin-prick from outside, ‘stew’ is killing this site from the inside. Which is a pity because we need a website about BBC bias.
Jim certainly has a bee in her bonnet
and to that end misrepresents and misrepresents me again
“those posts where he *complains* that he has already posted about a subject”
I don’t very often complain. I have on occasion seen at the bottom of a page seen someone is repeating a long point that someone further up the page has already made
I have then to help them and to others pointed out that if they are interested in the topic, Mr X has already opened a discussion on that point. That is NOT me complaining that is me helping
although sometimes people read it wrongly.
It’s just like how Jim helped by trying to post the video that Square-Eyed mentioned
“Bill Still gets going at 0:54, Tucker Carlson at 1:26.”
The video Jim posted is similar
but I came along later and posted the actual video.
I like the way she points to my website and then accuses it of all being about “me”, what did you expect it to be about ?
This web forum is about free discussion and lots of us everyday share lots of points about the BBC’s world.
People should not be intimidated away from posting what they think is helpful and useful.
I went to a Parish Council meeting on Thursday as an observer. I arrived just before the start and everyone was walking around the hall with masks on. I wasn’t wearing one.
Apparently, you have to wear a mask when standing up but not if you’re sitting down.
When everyone was seated and facing the same direction (!), the clerk told them that masks could now be removed.
One woman who has been jabbed twice and is ex-Civil Service, continued to wear hers throughout. She is very far left politically.
GBNews to have a Farage show Monday – Thursday 7pm – as announced on the twitter . He promises not to kneel – im not even sure of that any more … have they dumped dewsbury
He will cover the dinghies although he never criticises the perfect religion, but the question is whether Brillo will welcome him. And has Brillo left the sinking ship?
Will they interview Tommy Robinson?
Yes – if Brillo cared that much he would never have gone on his hols after a couple of weeks on air – or maybe the internal politics are so bitter that it is a dead duck from the outset .
Whenever I see it ( not much ) it strikes me as ‘desperate ‘ and ‘amateurish ‘…
@oflynnsocial nails it: how @UKLabour can never recover under a leader who visibly treated 52% of the country with utter contempt. They will never forget.
The reality is that voters apply the ‘beer test ‘ . Would you want to have a beer with Starmer ? Answer – you’d be bored stupid and looking at the clock – and being a lawyer – he’d never buy a round .
Whereas nut nut would be the ‘life and soul ‘ – turning on the bullingdon charm –
I really hope Starmer finds out how much of that BBC Westminster stuff is just ignored by real decent people who do not want to play their game – or have even heard of it .
Even GB News is pushing the “England could see the hottest day of the year this weekend”. What is going on with the climate? Every summer this happens.
I know one fellow who’s got “Long Covid” with a multiplicity of symptoms … I asked him if he’d ever had a bout of actual coronavirus or ever tested positive …
>> nah – but he’s definitely got long covid – it’d be farcical if he was a dribbling dunce – but he isn’ t = apparently there’s no vaccination for hypochondria.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
6pm BBC1 news when I switched on was in full flow that the floods in Germany were due to climate change. Funny they didn’t happen last year or the year before, gosh those temperatures must be rising quickly. But of course there is a big CC meeting in Glasgow in November so the BBC have to start piling on the pressure. Temperatures tomorrow may reach as hot as 29 degrees Celsius tomorrow. They didn’t tell us that is only 84 Fahrenheit.
I remember only a few years ago being told by the BBC that rising temperatures meant drier summers and some poor soul won a makeover garden on the BBC designed for the desert conditions we would have by now. I wonder how that worked out.
I was talking to a couple of farmers this week. They agreed harvest is starting later at the moment than even 10 years ago How does that link with climate change?
Temperatures in my garden soared to 40C, today the 16th July 2021, in some spots . These have been the highest recorded since records were taken. Humidity too was higher then any time since recorded. Climate change I suppose.
We are going towards totalitarian control of what we drive, what fuel we use, where we can go, in what mode of transport. All done to save the planet on the advice of government so-called scientists, who so far have shown nothing but mediocrity.
The government taxes cars in the form of a Road fund license but no license on electric or hybrid cars. Why this should be so, for they use the roads in the same way as a petrol car. The only difference is that their pollution is created not at the point of use. As a result of this inefficient method, theIr nett pollution is greater then a petrol car. In engineering its known as “No such thing as a free lunch”. The difference will become significant as the number of hybrid and electric cars become more prevalent. The difference will be in greater cost and pollution.
For politicians, the climate change fraud has become a vehicle to raise huge money, which they can dispense for the good of their choice. More power and more influence. A politicians dream.
I am surprised, not, that the forthcoming E10 petrol issue has been sneaked in without any main stream media saying anything. Unleaded being replaced by alleged more green more ethanol based fuel. Old cars, more likely to be owned by poorer people will have to use unaffected premium unleaded instead. The poorer paying more to appease the greens. Narrative doesn’t suit BBC so not given much publicity .. Yet.
Of course what’s not mentioned anywhere is that E5 and E10 fuels are less efficient consequently you will use more for the same effect which equals extra Tax / VAT for the Government…….To give to the Green Loby for Wind Turbines and Solar …its a never ending circle ably supported by our BBC ! !
Charlie Farley
Before long, we the hard working people of Great Britain will run out of money. Taxed to death all for virtue signalling lefty liberals who are in effect, the tool of Marxism .
I know many people, educated for the most, buying new a car, replacing a perfectly good car to “save the planet”. They have been told, and they believe it.
The few pence a mile they save is not going to make the slightest bit of difference. Replacing a perfectly good car, and the unnecessary cost creation of a new car, energy used, extra pollution caused, is madness. It makers no sense whatever.
If the government had any sense, they should reward people who drive an older car.
I don’t see any reason why electric or hybrid cars don’t have to pay road tax license unless they do not use public roads. If they do, they must pay road tax for the upkeep of the road.
Like everything around climate change, it’s all about the money.
They want people to buy new cars to keep the economy going.
Same reason a car will fail it’s MOT because of issues which have nothing to do with it’s roadworthiness.
For example, your car will fail if any warning lights are lit. Doesn’t matter if they have nothing to do with safety. For older cars, sorting it out will often mean it’s a write-off.
Speaking of which, all those 10 year old electric cars with worn out batteries will be write-offs too. And the value of your electric car will plummet accordingly.
Second, for purposes yet to be understood.
This Friday afternoon I watched GB news and the woke culture has been given a graph (showing all those that support it) and surprise suprise its the BBC ‘progressives’ are out there on top of the heap.
See chart. Best I can do with a screen shot… but if you can read it, it shows the entire woke fantasy of the fault of media ‘progressives’… five times more ‘woke’ than everybody else….
Most of us know now that ‘Woke’ dom is linked to those that want to trash history and remake the world along Communal lines that (was fashionable in Cuba circa 1968). Thinking that is a ‘fair society’ that has no discrimination and everyone is happy, happy happy!!! No freedom!
Most of the BBC hippies are of this era, for them it never died. It lives on Venezuela, South Africa, North Korea, Manchester.. (why not, they are not living the dream, public funded?)
Except in reality. Its a lie., a liberal progressive fantasy. In this Video Yenomi Park s peaks out what is happening at our Universities in America ditto the left embedded in the UK are if not worse than US. The BBC are copying the unrest here in its programming.
Only this week – to combat BBC inspired ‘cancel-culture’ .. Gavin Wilkinson: ‘Under the new laws, which are being proposed as part of the Higher Education Bill, universities which stifle free speech will be fined and a new ‘Free Speech Champion’ will be given powers to defend free speech and academic freedom on campuses.”
Oddly the Guardian claims its all a right wing’ plot. But then what’s the point in that, if you think Biden is right wing then really, they have lost the plot.. The BBC are therefore in the ‘right’.
Note to the BBC. (quote of the day found on Guido Fawkes today)
Biden on Cuba’s anti-government protests:
“Communism is a failed system, a universally failed system, and I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute.”Shock! US president says it like it is. BBC take note.
Meanwhile: at BBC Fawlty towers. Its business as usual…
After Guido reported that Jess Brammar was in the running to become head of BBC News, and that this was controversial given she’d promoted a woke agenda as editor of the Huffington Post, some people who should know better claimed this was untrue. Jess had made it hard to produce evidence because she’d deleted thousands of her tweets going back a decade. Which was eyebrow-raising in itself.
On Brammer’s Instagram account, Guido found that on the BLM campaign’s social media “Blackout Tuesday” last June, Brammar joined with other BLM supporters in posting a black square to signal her support for the campaign which has some far out policies – including defunding the police. Given she is seeking a position of great sensitivity (in that the role involves setting the tone for the nation’s dominant BBC news channels and guaranteeing the impartiality of the output), this is not insignificant. If she were currently employed by the BBC this would be in breach of the BBC’s new social media guidelines established by Tim Davie…
… I think she belongs in the BBC. As long as its totally defunded. In can be ‘progressive’ in its own champagne tent – an ‘inclusive, divertive, canape and cocaine’ tent of totally inept cretins, which they are.
The question was not “how woke are you ?”
It was “Which of the following have you taken part in in the past year?
That first graphic is from the More in Common org in March 2021
Click to access moreincommon_britainschoice_exsum.pdf
I guess they had survey groups classified by belief system
And 60 percent of Progressive Activists said they tweet a lot
55% actually “Sharing political content online”
Conclusion “Progressive activists are the dominant voice on social media”
close up pic
That analysis seems naive, cos actually if one pop star sends one tweet, in one year it can have massive impact.
You could plot a graph of the mentally ill which, IMO, would look similar.
I view people who are Woke, similar to children who have just learnt to speak. The same certainty that they have invented the wheel. The difference is that these are supposedly adults.
I turned on to Celebrity Gogglebox tonight. (I know)
What a load of rubbish.
Slebs all saying the right things and pretending they aren’t aware they are being watched.
All completely left wing woke pc virtue signalling.
One thing stood out for me.
Considering how easily they are triggered with the slightest of things, all which upset them terribly, they swore ever so much.
Effing this and that all the way through the show.
I’ve noticed there’s a load of serious swearing on lots of tv now and it’s the heavy stuff, not something like “you stupid boy” or “cloth eared bint”
I’d be embarrassed to use their language yet they are lightning quick to take offence at an ever increasing number of words which are hard to keep up with.
Like most sleb inspired programmes, this too was way too far off my radar to bother, but I have seen trailers for it – which re-affirmed my opinion. It appears to be true though, that slebs or not, these people play to the camera, I mean, do eyes really ‘pop’ that wide ? or jaws drop in disbelief ? because in decades past when viewing with others, we have just sat there zombie like watching – as I do on my own now 🙂
My wife was asked to feed the cats while the owners were away. Watched the TV at their place. It conformed my view that there was nothing worth watching except re-runs of Yes Prime Minister and the like. The TV license is a waste of money.
If it hurts the BBC pocket – good. If it hurts their sense of self-righteous sense of superiority – better.
And towards the end of the 6pm news the BBC featured a discus player who is going to the Olympics. He is a black vegan who came last at the last games. Just saying.
Ah! but he might be Gay which is a game changer for the Beeb Deborah.
Not that long ago we were going towards an egalitarian society. But in just a few years, we are becoming more racist day by day. People now are judged on race and gender rather then actual accomplishment. The latter being fascist.
Yes, in one sense he came last. But in another sense – a purely moral sense, taking into account the centuries of institutionalised racism and oppression – he came first by a long way.
In a very real sense.
The sort of Olympic theatrics you refer to can be done in a theatre. To do so for the Olympics is delusion. Its a good thing that Olympics do not represent war games, though in a sense they do.
Is the BBC informing its viewers that BLM (you know, those nice people we’re all supposed to kneel to in adoration) have long glorified dictator Castro, and continue to praise and support the repressive communist regime in Cuba, currently brutally suppressing the demonstrations there?
No, I thought not.
Oh, and according to BLM, it’s all America’s fault.
How the hell does GB News think it’s going to storm the ratings if they start to act like a mixture of the hateful BBC and Guardian combined. It’s a no brainier, they are sunk.
Too many London luvvies on board.
So we still have no real voice yet folks.
GB news was never going to be like Fox news or Sky Australia. It is, however, a huge asset to those who wish for a return to free speech. The fact that one or two presenters will still be woke and will try to steer the channel in the direction of the Left should not surprise anyone. When that Gutto Bebbo (whatever) took the knee
you can be sure that he did not have the best interests of GB news at heart. It could have been deliberate sabotage. The resulting fall in viewership to virtually zero has been welcomed by the Left media. They want it destroyed. Mild as it is it still represents a huge threat to their monopoly. Let that sink in.
The clown is probably being toasted by Liberal nasties across the country especially those in the BBC. There may be more acts of sabotage to come. They just have to be weathered.
I ask you, if GB news goes what is the country left with?
Just Belfield? He is against BBC, good, but why does he want GB News to fail? Let’s guess. Somebody on there said something to him once. Or perhaps he feels that it’s treading on his turf and could be damaging to his viewing numbers. Who cares?
GB news should be seen as an ally in the political fight against the BBC and all that it stands for, so I find it incomprehensible that some here want it off the air.
Give it time to evolve into something better. Why wait for something absolutely perfect to come along.
I think there’s too many people waiting for the second coming of the Great Farage. They seem to forget that in reality, rather than the myth, he’s not all that much more radical than Andrew Neill.
Get real.
PS. I hear from Paul Watson this morning that a statue has been put up in Trafalgar Square of a man whose sole claim to fame was that he beheaded a white man in front of his children in Nyassaland many years ago.
Is this true? Are the Brits really going to accept this?
This will stand not as memorial to the past, but as a threat to the native British and a sure and terrible sign that London is now conquered territory.
Agree 100%. GBN is as far towards the centre as we will be allowed to have in the UK .
The statue to the charming African be-header was mentioned a week or so ago by Simon Webb (once again suspended by You Tube) on his excellent channel, History Debunked.
As I understand it the statue was commissioned by London’s mayor, the completely un-racist, Sadiq Khan. This is the same bloke who has spent months trawling through London street names to see if he can find any that might be a tad racially offensive.
I wonder what our white middle class Marxists and the anarchist halfwits of BLM will make of this. They hate Thatcher, they don’t like Churchill and even The Cenotaph had graffiti sprayed on it.
For some reason…
This one I think they’ll like.
I am rather hoping that the great British Public will stick two fingers up to the BBC, the WHO, and all the other manipulators on Monday and just get on with life without all the hysterical drama they are desperate to sustain.
I listened to the specimen Witty tonight and sensed desperation that his fingers were being prised from the power he has become used to.
Come on folks we are better than this, put these creatures back in their box, they have had their 5 minutes of fame now, enough is enough!
Finally, 18 months into this charade I still know not one single person who has even tested positive let alone been ill with this curiously evasive and selective “disease” and I have many, many friends and business associates.
They have done their utmost to lay a burden of guilt on everyone and it’s time to finish it.
We have quite simply been turned over!
If anyone were to tell me that a time would come when you couldn’t see a GP I wouldn’t of believed them and laughed but now we know exactly what our “medical” profession are really made of don’t we?
And it’s established a new precedent for our (un) caring profession.
Quite right. We have been turned over. But the real McCoy is going to be climate change. Flus are short duration but climate change is forever.
One indication is that the BBC love climate change.
Comments could be going better!
Seems they have learned nothing!
Have they announced the Xmas schedule with a Mrs Brown’s Boys Meets Nish special?
Who said Nish was special? Biased BBC propaganda.
And another thing, now they know it works they know they can throw a blue funk at any time and take control of the population. We have never in human history given so much unelected power to any single entity …. Ever!
This amounts to social engineering on a mass scale. Usually reserved for dictators of tin pot countries or maniac world class dictators such as Hitler.
The extent the BBC have whipped up public opinion for their BLM coverage over the Euros ‘racism’ has been off the scale.
And it was all based on lies. The mural defacement was not racist and the racist tweets did not come from English people.
I’m wondering why they are being allowed to get away with it. Where is the outrage ?.
They have confidence because they got away with it after George Floyd. Now it’s normal practise because they know they will not be held accountable. We are living in the build-up to the modern day Nazis.
The MSM can say and show whatever they like because they all sing from the same hymn sheet and there is almost no counter narrative. Of com watches their back for them and makes sure that any broadcaster sticks to the liberal left play book on key issues like immigration and Islamification. The odds are stacked against new entrants with a counter narrative hence the problems of GBN. If you wish to have plurality in News and current affairs on at least some topics support GBN .
Of course, as I never take any notice of the crap the BBC spouts, I’m not at all bothered.
At every opportunity, I denigrate their awful lefty drivel to anyone who wants to listen, and nine times out of ten I get a positive response.
When they’re defunded, probably when Boris isn’t PM any more as he somehow years for a leftie bunch out there for some reason, (Nut Nut’s influence), I’ll start to take an interest, but until then the 1st Law of Scrobs applies, ‘believe the opposite of all the turdal outflow from W1AA’.
Much easier for me and anyone else, although I’d miss all you good chums on this site when they’re gone; it’s the best place to go to for informed chat! The research done by so many chums here is amazing, and I get a bit bewildered at the quality of your information and the consequent exposure of the deliberate lies peddled by the awful BBBC.
Felt the same way for over a year. This climate change fraud will furnish unimaginable powers for massive social control, assisted by our ever compliant and ready police to save the planet.
This is an interesting article from the Trump site the BBC gleefully told us was ‘permanently taken down’ when it wasn’t and cobneiently failed to correct the error. The blog just moved to the news page. ‘Why you can’t trust the BBC’.
I wonder how true what it says is. It sounds like huge news if it’s right.
In just Fulton county in Georgia, sufficient fraud has been discovered to overturn the lection.
But the media is not showing anything of this and Arizona. They will kill the audit results by ignoring it.
Yep, the msm still hand-in-glove with the Dems.
I’m still trying to get my head around all this on Samizdata, and may be too thick to take it all in, but the headline itself sends shivers down my spine…
I’m afraid that as I’m approaching late middle age, I’m just not physically able to do much anyway, but seeing so much corruption taking place in public life in a Great Britain I used to love and cherish doesn’t make for an easier life, especially when disgraceful organisations like the BBC try to influence governments and also a normally decent populace. They’re even worse than the charities.
I find it difficult to believe that the so called “land of the free and brave”, the land of “stand your ground”, the land that prides itself that it has the Second amendment to prevent government tyranny, is going down to faster communism then other more experienced nations.
The Biden regime is now calling on social media platforms to censure “false” information. All the media required to comply.
They just sow doubt, embellish less-relevant facts and flood the news with it so Joe Public doesn’t know what to believe until eventually he believes what he’s been told the most.
Same as the football racism.
It’s a form of bullying and brainwashing. It’s how the Left have worked throughout history.
They won’t ignore it if it shows a Biden win.
The other night, the awful BBC R5blm had the dreadful weather in Germany and Belgium as their first item.
Ms Merkel is in the US, apparently to vist an eldery client, and that old fellow was given half a minute to read something which felt sorry for the Germans and Belgians.
Hearts and minds, families, prayers etc etc etc.
Autocues at dawn.
Was Boscastle, Lynmouth, Workington connected to globule worming?
I think not, it was down to rain – lots of it!
Alex Belfield blasts the BBC with his usual quick-fire scattergun approach.
Items include how they hide some of their top earners’ salaries by paying them through BBC Studios; the bloated Children in Need; Gemma Collins’ not-so-svelte figure; and – one of his favourites – an update on Carol Vorderman’s jelly wobblers.
Ok, it’s not very highbrow or new, some of it bordering on the tabloid. But it’s 5 minutes of good clean fun at the BBC’s expense, streamed to 321,000 subscribers. Can’t be bad.
Wealthy, high earners telling poorer, lower earning people that you have got to pay more taxes, make more sacrifices, so the BBC-larksons can eat in fancy Dimblebubby restaurants and keep on flying around the world.
Food is too cheap, poor people are too fat. (Funny that! Whenever I see pictures of the House of Commons and House of Lords I see members who are not skinny and thin.) I am sure the BBC will keep this narrative being framed out loud on Radio Flaw.
Patrick Holden is brought on to comment on the Dimblebubby Report. He is fully in favour of making food more expensive. Sorry, Marcus Rashford, your schoolchildren are going to have to go a bit hungrier if the Dimbleby Report recommendations are fully adopted by the Government in the UK. What will Keir Starmer and Labour do?
Good point, Snuffy.
BBC’s ‘answer’ to everything, is get a ‘sleb’ to start yelling and squealing or a super-rich fooboller to play the victim card for ‘poverty’, which is a euphemism for bollocks in the UK. They all tried it with Jamie Oliver, so that worked well, didn’t it!
If idiots want to spend time gawping at football, and think the ‘players’ are special, then that’s their choice, but if one of the penalty losers from last Sunday try to make me think they’re doing their bit, they can take a running jump. I don’t care two hoots.
Food is definitely not too cheap if Tesco and Sainsbury’s are to go by. Aldi and Lidl are a much better barometer of how much it ‘should’ cost, with Morrisons somewhere in between. Waitrose I’ll give a pass simply for the quality but M&S are also guilty of naked greed.
I’m eternally frustrated by the anti-Tory brigade whining about austerity whilst major supermarket chains and utility companies were busy jacking up their prices – and the pressure on consumers – year after year, all in the name of profit.
Craft beer industry accused of being ‘sexist boys’ club’
Just look at this big pile of anti-man steaming dog poo.
It’s so pathetic, I can’t even be bothered to comment on it.
Oh… come on… let’s…
The easy to see Ms. Buchanan’s ruby cheeks suggest she is quite the partaker of her own product. Beer makes me happy. This harpie bunch… apparently not.
No obvious blue or pink hair dye, surprisingly.
Again, one is left wondering how the BBC’s champagne socialist editorial floors found all these ladies of outrage, or did the ladies know the special direct contact?
Wait until the cubicle garden majority at W1A are alerted to the fact the chubster white chicks are advocating alcohol on the premises.
Off the same page, a group of ladies probably not fond of a full bodied ale.
The migrants hunger-striking for legal status in Belgium
Never really understood hunger striking as a tool of influence on unsympathetic resistant public opinion, but seems to work with complicit media and credulous pols. Shows what voting value is.
Maybe Ms. Buchanan could open ‘Bobby’s Sands Bar’ at her brewery for ladies seeking to lose a few pounds?
Well, this gem takes the biscuit:
‘Workers recounted comments like “I didn’t know girls like beer” or racist remarks.’
Anyone taking offence at the first is just looking for a reason take offence and the second is a simply ridiculous generalisation to say.
Wokeness for the stupid, by the stupid.
Ms Buchanan is involved with a group called Queer Beer Drinkers Edinburgh. ‘Nuff said.
maxincony , do you
like beer?
can’t blame you John – snippet “Workers recounted comments like “I didn’t know girls like beer” or racist remarks” – FFS!!!
Did you imagine you were really going into Sainsburys without a mask on Monday? Well, here’s the weekend press round up – in which we tell you how you are a “threat to the world”
But first, the sport…
We wake up this morning to find the BBC – obviously finding the remit of representative national broadcaster to be somewhat boring – has found for itself a new woke advisory role: ‘Cricket officials want to attract a younger, more diverse audience to the new 100-ball competition instead of the boozy mostly male crowd that can usually be seen at T20 Blast matches. Planners have worked with the BBC to recruit an “all-star-line-up” of DJs and rappers to play music at every match‘ (Telegraph)
We await in vain news of Notting Hill Carnival organisers, anxious to dissuade their druggie, stabby, mugging, mostly black audience habitually attracted to their event, calling on the BBC to recommend a line up of Morris dancers and an English parish choristers sound system to calm things down.
Seems to me it’s not so much the boozy behaviour that is frowned upon here but prejudice against whiteness and maleness. Worryingly, for those hopefull of ever putting a curb on BBC leftism, when cricket authorities keen to signal virtue called on the BBC for diversity advice our telly tax scroungers obviously told them they’d come to exactly the right place.
Most good people start from a position of welcoming newcomers to the country and are broadly tolerant of their ways but why should it always be that our English culture has to change and that our errant behaviours are highlighted and singled out for media scorn? Whilst the newcomers are excused and their transgressions routinely hidden from view?
‘Travellers returning to England from France will still be forced to quarantine next week even if they are double vaccinated‘ – warns the Guardian. What.. even THOSE travellers arriving from France, we wonder?
Sporty BBC-trained starlet Gabby Logan struts her stuff in the Telegraph Magazine: ‘On family tragedy and sporting sexism‘ – you can take the girl out of the BBC but you can’t take the BBC out of the girl. You see we’re not allowed to think about sport these days without the corollary notions of race and gender diversity.
The Telegraph has also signed up Jessica Ennis-Hill as their: ‘Olympics columnist‘ – one assumes as well as hop skip and jumping she can string some sentences together and provide some insights. To be fair to her she makes a sound start – let’s see how long she stays in her sporting lane?
Japan just happens to be one of the least diverse nations on earth – so we do wonder how all our western woke gesture politics might go down: ‘Golden rule. Athletes warned against podium protests at Tokyo Olympics‘ (FT) – fortunately for potential Team GB knee-takers there won’t be any live crowds to boo – should the Japanese have been so impolite, which one doubts.
The Guardian sees a: ‘Huge surge in Covid numbers‘ – but their focus is hardly on the serious, or otherwise, medical aspect but rather the political and the magic number they really obsessively have in mind is No 10: ‘More than 1,000 experts urge No 10 to scrap “dangerous experiment”of Monday’s opening up‘ – just bear in mind here that the Gruan is just the tip of the opposition to normality spear and note for the future that the Guardian and fellow travellers are now explicitly invested in finding some increased outbreak – and I’ve no doubt they’ll soon enough tell us they’ve found it. I give it until Tuesday.
And finally, before this turns into a marathon edition, we arrive via podium political posing to poor little us in the benighted UK posing a threat to the entire globe…
The globalist FT naturally seeks to globalise every local issue: ‘Lifting curbs poses “threat to the world”. Experts fear Covid breeding ground‘ – is this some strange reversal… an inversion of the notion Britain invents something new but it is the Chinese who steal the patent and mass produce it for the world?
AISI, there has been an interesting bidding war on hot weather in the newspapers this week. I can only ascribe it to the miserable cold that we have been experiencing since September 2020. The newspapers, especially the red tops, have gone from 27° to 32° in about three days. Perhaps the BBC’s Top Gear might be made more interesting by a race between a Tabloid Headline and a Zonta or Zonda or whatever it was.
Who will win the heats? I’m reminded of those old Blue Peter charity appeals when Johnny Noakes, Peter Purves and Valerie – hey mum, why is that nice lady on TV still a Singleton? – would wheel on a big theromometer to show how much your tin foil milk bottle tops had raised for guide dogs for the blind.
Apparently Val used to give out Badges to fellow team Members for Personal Services !……see managed that comment without using naughty words !
BBC News channel at 07:25am doing a long piece about climate change. They clearly explained the US/Cananadian heat dome and how the high pressure system and jet stream is keeping it in place. They then jumped to, “this is the highest temperature since records began therefore it is climate change” and a bit later “we know climate change is real and we must do something about it”.
No mention of how long ago Canadian temperature records began. They did mention how the heat wave is not predicated by climate models but the presenter said, “…therefore climate change is more serious than we previously thought”.
The whole piece was a perfect example of confirmation bias. It was a shame they didn’t finish by suggesting we need socialism, asset seizing and Tories out to make it a 100% predictable scripted piece.
TOADY Watch #1 – we need more computing power to combat and global warming climate change, predict heavy rain and prevent flooding
So says Dame Julia Sinden or Higgins. (Sorry, Mishal mangled the surname.) And what causes Global Warming and Climate Change? Well, building super-computers and running them and keeping them cool certainly uses carbon and creates lots of CO2. The Meterological Office have a brand new ‘super-computer’ and still cannot get weather forecasts 100% right.
The tragic German floods will be ‘weaponised’ by the BBC and their fellow travellers among ‘the Wrongists’ and we will be beaten over the head with it.
Unfortunately, Dame Julia gave the game away just a little bit. Apparently it was also raining heavily in Switzerland (where the Rhine rises) but there is no flooding there. If there is the BBC have not reported it. What is the big difference between Switzerland and Germany? The Swiss are sensible and not in the EU or not in the EU and sensible and, hence, Switzerland probably manages its rivers better.
Just caught a commercial on local radio here in Hampshire that was a typical ambulance chaser thing. Only this time it was “did you lay out thousands for solar panels only to find they didn’t live up to the hype? If so call us, we have got thousands of pounds back for some of our clients”
I expect this Company can’t wait for EV’s to go mainstream because that really is going to be a giant cock-up and cash-cow for them.
Addendum, a little climate maths to pose….
Big Power 4 You generating Company needs to make x million to cover its overheads, staff costs, shareholder profits etc. So this determines the price they set per unit used.
Mr ever so good decides to fit solar panels, heat pumps etc. to help save the planet and some dosh.
After so many Mr ever so goods join him Big Power 4 You find income dipping, so raise the unit price to cover the shortfall.
Suddenly all the customers who are not Mr be goods find their bills are shooting up.
Unsustainable as the number of Mr be goods rise!
Eventually, like pyramid selling it’s inevitable that it must collapse.
BBC Project Fear
Coming changes to the Chinese virus restriction in various bits of the UK ( I won’t call them countries ) is causing the BBC mental issues – which it obviously passes on to its’ victim listeners .
When I hear this stuff I wonder how much effect it has on people ? I guess reductions in controls next week will show how well Project Fear has worked – insofar as the restrictions to be maintained by private enterprises are the various despots such as Labour Mayors .
Nut nut May well be taking a gamble and there might even be a plan – but we cannot – cannot – live in an eternal lockdown or borrow cash to fund ever lasting furlough .
As for the changes for France – good news .
Wow BBC unintended humour
A new space detector device to be built in Blighty by the USA ( why ? ) will be able to detect an object the size of a football in deep space –
Methinks it might be St Rashfords’ penalty .
More likely it’s the truth about the subsequent racism.
Because that’s how far away from it we are.
Fed, we know where that Rashford penalty finished. I saw the photo. It was buried deep in the Italian left hand goalpost.
I have been musing on the BBC’s description of the three penalty takers as all ‘missing’ their penalties. In at least one case, the penalty was not missed, it was saved by the Italian goalkeeper. Said Italian goalkeepr really won the match for Italy, didn’t he? Can anyone who watched the footie final confirm whether that was the case with the third penalty – saved by the goalkeeper?
If so, I think the BBC have been guilty of racist news reporting and should be investigated by the Metropolitan Police. Well, the Police in London haven’t got anything else to do, have they?
They are only guilty of racism under the old definition.
For the one they changed it to, it’s only racism when the target is a minority.
Same as how they changed to meaning of the word ‘phobia’ to mean ‘predjudiced’ so they could label people as Islamophobic. Wikipedia used to tell us not to confuse it with ‘anti-Islamist’ but that warning seems to have disappeared from the page altogether now. Thank our racists friends at Runnymede for this one.
Grotesquely, the Archbishop of Canterbury only named the three black players when he tweeted about the ‘incredible courage’ shown in taking penalties – not a single word about Kane or Maguire, nor the cajones on Pickford in handling the immense pressure placed on the goalkeepers, who both kept out two attempts. No congrats for the Italians either. Welby is a wretched buffoon who has bought untold shame on the church – another one for the woodchipper.
I assumed the penalty shots headed for Row Z . So many footy types cant keep the ball down .
Ah, Fed, you are harking back to the glorious days of Paul Ince of England penalty kick and shooting fame. It used to be a toss up whether Paul Ince would miss by ten feet over the crossbar or, to one side or the other, whether the ball would be closer to the goal or the corner flag.
I am reliant on web-sites for pics of the England penalty takers and I have only seen two so far.
Ahhhhh, and then there was the delicious Pat Jennings, who – as goalkeeper at Tottenham, scored a goal against Man United in 1967. Bless him.
Brissles my dear old thing, the cricket season and we are discussing football, dear oh dear, the nation has gone to the dogs, the world is upside down.
I was at Spurs alone, in amongst Spurs supporters in either 1968/69 or 1969/70 seasons, I think memory is getting hazy on that. I remember what happened though: one Robert Charlton (who’s he?) picked up the ball in the Man.Utd half, dribbled past a host of Spurs players and on the edge of the Spurs penalty area he thumped the ball past Pat Jennings, whose heroic dive just got fingertips to the ball but could not deflect it around the post or over the crossbar.
The crowd erupted, even the Spurs supporters were jumping up and down cheering the goal and applauding. I was actually lifted off my feet by a crush of Spurs supporters jumping up to cheer. A magical moment. I prefer to remember that rather than your example. I might have been at that game, too. It would have been my first ever visit to White Hart Lane.
Our BBC Online News.
“Ros Atkins on… the North America heat waves”
“We are seeing the effects of climate change in California and the rest of the world”
“We can’t keep waiting to act”
Our BBC is now full on Extinction Rebellion. They’ve almost given up on Brexit and Covid is over.
Their new chance to destabilise Boris and destroy Capitalism is by going back to Climate Change.
This report is so biased it should have a Health Warning.
Maybe Ros, Dearbail and Marianna can get an advance from their feminist publisher to rework Grapes of Wrath, perhaps called Siobhan Does Dorking?
Absolutely nothing wrong with Dorking’s grapes. Make some good ENGLISH wines a couple of miles south of me, although the grape names are, mostly, unfortunately, Germanic.
I haven’t bought EU wine for 5+ months now and I shall continue to avoid them.
That was a fabulous book, Guest.
I read it years ago, when I was at school, because there were too many chums reading Leslie Charteris, James Bond etc.
John Steinbeck made a similar impression with ‘East of Eden’, ‘The Pearl’ and one of the best ever stories, ‘Cannery Row’.
I tried reading ‘The Grapes of wrath’ again a year or so again, but couldn’t get going on it. I don’t know why, but put it down to be some great writing for a particular time for wide-eyed teenagers especially, and ‘I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now’… (Bob Dylan – My Back Pages)…
Hatey lefties are calling GBnews “Wetherspoons TV”
as if being akin to Britain’s most successful pub brand is a bad thing.
Maxi the other day showed he had no idea about the beers Wetherspoon sells
Hardly a good comparison because Wetherspoons is successful whereas GBNews … kneels
“Lessons to be learned”
IMHO Harri was a deliberate plant put there to sink GBNews.
I didn’t watch Harri at the time (I do watch some GB News, particularly Dan W but at the time I would like to watch it is Doobs and I find her irritating). However watching the clip of Gitto taking the knee, he appears hyped up (or high?) or as if someone dared him to do it. Whatever his reason, he really didn’t seem to behaving normally. He didn’t seem to understand that supporting a Marxist organisation who wants to defund the police might not go down well. Dan W explained it quite clearly only a few days previously.
I reckon GBNews are on to a good thing with Gutto Harri doing that, because any publicity is good publicity, and while the bloke used to be on the BBC years ago, and everyone laughed at him for some reason, (we didn’t know what his accent was), we rather liked him as a sort of interim fill-in kid, telling someone something or other which wasn’t really interesting, but made us all laugh.
(Sorry Taff, not aimed at you, I love a pure Welsh accent, occasionally goosebumps and more – certainly much more – when Glenys is recalled…) !
Lefties will never forgive Wetherspoons boss Tim Martin for eloquently pushing for leave over Brexit. They have a one track mind I’m afraid!
Twitter trending : There is a new law in Australia that says every hatey-lefty figure has to tweet out HATE and outrage at Katie Hopkins
cos she has apparently been flown into Australia to be in Celebrity Big Brother
.. apparently Caitlin Jenner too
There is an issue that many Oz families are split cos the Oz government is restricting Australians from flying back into Australia.
Many of the tweets look the same
“British far-right commentator Katie Hopkins – banned from Twitter for hateful conduct”
Not true, AFAIK Twitter never gave a specific reason for suddenly banning her
but it came after CCDH and Rachael Riley had a meeting with Twitter.
I note the newspaper headline says that she is *hated by* so many
Just checked his other twitter comments.
Another left-wing activist who thinks his is intellectually superior to everyone else.
Maybe GBNews might like to interview her when she returns. I seem to recall her standing up to Brillo when he interviewed her, trying to rubbish her as a Trump supporter.
I could see at the time that Brillo is BBC through and through.
Avi points out the hatey-lefties hypocrisy
On Thursday they were told Caitlyn Jenner had arrived in Oz, *no outrage*
Then on Saturday suddenly lefty-Twitter is so angry that Katie Hopkins got in for the same prog
.. those lefties don’t believe in equality.
“Avi points out the hatey-lefties hypocrisy”
The same Avi who’s Facebook account was banned for hate speech?
The same Avi who called himself “the world’s proudest Jewish Nazi”?
The same Avi convicted of assaulting his ex-wife?
Here’s the “Oxford Learner’s Dictionary” definition of “hypocrisy”, Stewt. I hope it helps.
Maxi, MISREPRESENTS as usual, and then goes for whataboutery
‘well Avi is a hypocrite as well’
Instead of tackling the arguments he does an ad hom attack against Avi’s character
So what ? None of that makes it untrue that lefties howed hypocriy in accepting the trans Jenner
but a day later tweeting outrage at Hopkin doing the same a Jenner did.
Maxi took a *sarcastic* line from a “Free Tommy” rally in 14th July 2018 when Avi was on stage talking about the crazy smear labels that lefties use
saying they label me a “Nazi” …he then lifted his Kippa
to say ‘look you crazy people I am Jewish, so if you are calling me a Nazi
“No Matter what the left call us”
(like if they call us Nazi’s then) “I am the world’s proudest Jewish Nazi”
No doubt Maxi will supply us with the full video, not one with the sarcastic context cropped out
– yes FB did take down his Facebook page with 176K followers on 3rd Augut 2018
Yemini said “I don’t know why , they haven’t given me a reason. I’ve appealed it”
Apparently he had accused an ABC journo of smearing Australia and posted the journos phone number, suggesting that people contact him
– Yemini on March 18, 2016 did have a row with his wife and threw a chopping board at her head and year later sent her 3 abusive text meg
Of course that is not right, but people do get angry
“Avi’s wife didn’t receive any hospital treatment at the time and it wasn’t reported to police until several years later.
Yemini was convicted and fined a total of $3600. (£2,000)
The double standard is that Maxi never pops up when Kay Burley
is mentioned to remind us about the time she grabbed a female reporter by the throat.
even though, that also seems assault in a pique of anger
He’s a low grade forum troll. What do you expect ?.
I almost feel sorry for him. It’s a worthless existence.
ah, maxi, where is that apology you owe me?
“Not true, AFAIK Twitter never gave a specific reason for suddenly banning her”
“A Twitter spokesperson said: ‘Keeping Twitter safe is a top priority for us – abuse and hateful conduct have no place on our service and we will continue to take action when our rules are broken.
‘In this case, the account has been permanently suspended for violations of our hateful conduct policy’.”
IMHO Al Beeb rules used to censor their HYS posters should be adopted here.
You will then have a taste of your own medicine, what do you and your chums think?………………
OK the Katie Hopkin Twitter banning was as I aid
They cancelled her account and never gave her a specific reason
like saying it was because of tweet X and tweet Y
It was not like she put out a tweet and Twitter said “this tweet is hateful you are banned”
The reason why leftie can quote the line “banned from Twitter for hateful conduct”
was cos as Maxi’s article does they are all quoting an article in the Guardian
To me that is unfair, to accuse someone generally , but then not give any specifics .
Had there been a major violation, surely she would have been banned minutes after the tweet was made
Sorry my “s” key is gummed up
the Katie Hopkins Twitter banning was as I said ..
“Covid: Fully jabbed arrivals from France must still quarantine”
Have we paid for a batch of duff vaccines?
The death rate has significantly come down, so they must have some effect along with all the people that have already had Covid and have now got an immunity to it .
There is a culture in the media of Fear, Fear, Fear .
Is there a deliberate plan to wreck our economy ?
If so, there will be no money left for any NHS.
Boris used to be indecisive , but now he’s not so sure.
Everything I’ve read coming from the Oxford vaccine stable has left me slightly suspicious. I’ve decided they are academic amateurs who thought they had a cushy number going. They’ve been screwing things up right from the start when they gave everyone the wrong doses during the test phase.
But the spotlight has meant it all goes under the carpet. I’ll never forget the BBC picture of Sarah Gilbert stood arms folded acting like a God. The agenda is everything. Lives don’t matter. Same with BLM.
Does this ruling apply to non-jabbed arrivals from France travelling by dinghy boat?
It’s alright, Ian, the Kent Police will help them to get jabs as well as accomodation as soon as they’re ushered ashore.
The Immigration people will tell them how to apply for Kent ratepayer’s assistance for their forty-five year old children, and Scrobs and Co will foot the bill.
If you live in Kent – and East Sussex, the rates are going up next year to help these people, and the illegal immigrants.
I’m sure the BBC will want to celebrate this latest twist in the wonderful world of transgenderism, in which a trans man gives birth to a baby and a trans woman unsuccessfully tries to nurse it. Or vice versa, I can’t keep up.
Either way, the baby’s not getting milk. Some might say that’s child abuse, but they’re just transphobic.
O brave new world.
@Vlad that second image address didn’t work
has something like spaces in which causes % signs to render in the address
and images won’t work here if they have % signs in
I can’t see the article it comes from on independentchronicle.com
“These are more than lifestyle choices. This is a human rights violation. The decision to nurse a child on a fiction of your own illusions is cruel to the child, not only physically but emotionally. This family is denying the child an actual mother, raising that child to believe lies. A decade of advocacy has led fully to the erasure of women as mothers and the usurping of those maternal rights by men who fantasize that they are women and fetishize childbirth and nursing.”
This generation is being led to the madhouse, and then to be confined there.
Poor baby
Is that a comedy show? Able to latch?
Actors and comedians or what? Any ladies watching this farce care to comment?
Now singer Jack Savoretti is on Radio4
explaining how his father was a prosecution witness in Italy after he saw a Red Brigade terrorist bank robbery
So the family was then sent to England for protection
Katie Hopkins speaking from Sydney quarantine yesterday. Youtube will take it down soon, I’m sure.
My kinda girl!!!
‘Police investigating the vandalism of the Marcus Rashford mural in Withington say it is “not believed to be of a racial nature…
Officers are analysing CCTV and forensic evidence from the spray paint used, Greater Manchester Police say.”
First the paint will be analysed and the manufacturer identified, then possibly thousands of shops selling that brand will be listed, and detectives will visit the shops with photos of people who may have tweeted unpleasant things about the England team, eventually profiles will be made of the most likely perps, whose houses will be visited and searched for evidence of paint brushes, empty paint tins and so on. This should narrow it down to a few hundred suspects and eventually one will break down and confess.
“not believed to be of a racial nature…” – so in other words, are the cops suggesting the perps caught on CCTV were black?
Yes – and citeh supporters doing what some footy types do
Did the BBC cover the story of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus who put out that revolting song, We’re Coming For Your Children?
It received a lot of critical reaction in the US, so perhaps the BBC chose not to draw negative attention to one of their favoured minorities.
Here Milo weighs in to the debate.
(Remember him, enfant terrible of the Alt-Right? He found religion and de-gayed himself, apparently.)
Good to see Milo is recovering from path of evil .
Some one on Toady calling for a ‘ super computer ‘ calculate the weather . My ‘hitchhikers’ alert switched to ‘red’. So – if ‘Deep Thought’ is. Created it could come up with
1Climate change is natural
2Climate change can only be reduced by – say – a 50% population reduction
3It is too late to prevent global catastrophe
4 you need a bigger computer
5 the number 42
The woman floating this idea assumed that the puter would come up with something which fits her version of the world and its ‘ weather .
I blame all those 1950s/60s atom tests …
I blame the BBC… 🙂
Don’t I remember the ‘super computer’ at Bracknell which would revolutionise forecasting at a stroke?
Lucky someone had the courage to keep the seaweed, hanging off the shed in the back garden at the MetCentre, which has proved rather more accurate over the years – including 1987, although it did get blown off the nail it hangs from.
Michael Fish was made to put it back, apparently.
I’m in a minority on this site as I do sctually think there is something in the manmade climate change story- initially informed by attending a science conference in pre virtue-signalling 1980 where ozone depletion got one of its first mentions under the radar but rightly led to curbs in certain CFCs.
But I don’t believe that every raindrop is due to climate change, which is clearly the ridiculous fake news BBC narrative. Nor do I believe in virtue signalling and wearing a hair shirt and especially listening to the ridiculous Greta Thumberg, who has no science training whatever.
The UK contributes 1% of CO2 emissions. So if we produced no CO2 at all, the global effects would be near zero. We’ve already cut emissions by 50% since around 1970 – never mentioned- and now have a lower per capita CO2 emission level than China. Which has a lot more people. Not to mention ‘green’ Germany. Try ‘our world in data’.
But get ready for the scare stories of Armageddon to continue on the BBC ad nauseam in the light of the pretty terrible central Europe floods- whose main cause was a flukey kink in the jet stream.
Just don’t expect them to mention China.
Sluff – the guto hari of the biased BBC site – splitter —
Every hour china opens a new dirty coal powered station- and – that- is – fackt – that – is ( it is not a urbane miff)
Will they then join the French Foreign Legion?
I can fully understand the stress levels involved in an office environment, but offering suicide as an option is surely a bit much?
The BBC is really the gift that keeps on giving . First it was ‘ water drinking lessons’ now white lanyards .
I think theyve got something with the lanyard thing . Maybe a purple colour for
‘ i hate the BBC and will never pay the TV tax ‘
Or one for GBNews ‘ go woke go broke ‘ traitors
……but how will they fit all the managers into Frankie Howard..
As it were.
Carefully hidden away in Regions, where they hope you’ll never see it, the BBC headline reads:
‘Three Huddersfield men jailed for raping teenage girl’.
Ee bah gum, they’re a rum lot these Yorkshiremen, no mistake.
Talish Ahmed, Mohammed Akram and Banaras Hussain
Pathetic sentences for the so-called ‘Huddersfield men’ (wrong on both counts).
If savages must be kept alive and kept in the country (why?), it ought to be castration and life.
That goes for the lot of them.
Cheaper to dispose of permanently.
Yes hanging is pretty eco friendly and they could be subject to a ‘composting order ‘ and make a valuable contribution to the ‘community ‘… at least as an option
It is absolutely disgusting that whitey racists are ‘significantly under-represented’ in the ‘raping young girls in northern towns’ multicultural initiative.
Surely an impartial state broadcaster such as the BBC should investigate.
“It is absolutely disgusting that whitey racists are ‘significantly under-represented’ in the ‘raping young girls in northern towns’ multicultural initiative.”
Here you go, Sluff – you don’t have to be disgusted any more…
I don’t know how long you spent researching for that maxi – or do you have those places ready on file to counter any subversive comments like this one ?.
Anyway, what you apparently fail to appreciate is that the rape-gangs are from only 2% of the population. So to be accurately represented, for every Muslim rapist there should be 49 white rapists.
The page did throw up some interesting things. Put the name Mohammed in there and search. You’ll be scrolling for a while – but it only seems to go back about 3 years.
How about this one maxi ?. What does your troll-guide give you to counter this ?.
‘Approx 84% of all ‘UK grooming gang members’ are of either Pakistani or Bangledeshi heritage. Approx 90% of the victims are white British girls aged under 16
However, their is a clear disparity in those % because only 2% of the British population is made of Pakistani or Bangledeshi heritage, yet 84% of that type of modus operandi is carried out by them.’
There is a distinct difference between a sole rapist and a rape gang. The ‘gang’ is far more sinister : it implies the rape is generally accepted in the society they live in. Would you agree with that maxi ?. And if not, please explain why.
Now here’s a question for you maxi. Why do you think the rape gangs are Muslims raping white girls under 16 ?.
Take your time. Let’s see how much of a hypocrite you are.
“There is a distinct difference between a sole rapist and a rape gang.”
Nice game of “Rapist Top Trumps” you’ve got going there. Do I get extra points?
Didn’t think you’d answer it maxi. Never mind – your response was enough.
I’ll raise your 230 abused children to 1,400 BY 2% OF THE POPULATION.
You need to find one with 70,000 victims to win at this game.
But here’s why we get so upset about it maxi:
‘Almost no arrests have been made, no social workers or police officers have been reprimanded, and until recently the matter was dismissed by all those responsible as a matter of no real significance’.
And it’s because of people like you.
There have been literally hundreds of thousands of documented cases of child sexual abuse by employees of the Christian Church across the globe.
Crimes both excused and kept hidden by those in the higher echelons the Christian Church for decades.
So tell me again about the particular section of society rapists live in?
Manchester, Rotherham etc …………….
Good God – how far back are you going now ?.
UK. Recent history maxi. Because if you open the question of rape in all the muslim countries around the world, you lose by several million.
And you seem to be having difficulty with the concept of what is different between a lone rapist and a gang. One knows it’s wrong but does it secretly. That’s human nature. You will always get those people in any society.
But an open gang is something else. Everyone knows and everyone approves. There is no shame.
Any Christian church rape gangs you can share with us ?.
Anyway : why are all the Muslim gang rapes on white girls under 16 years old ?.
Don’t you like that question ?.
You and your chums have been digging deep for that one. That quote was from 2011.
“That quote was from 2011.”
Oh well, let’s just forget about it then. Obviously a matter of no real significance…
Who said forget about it ? Just you .
Let’s have some posts about Al Beeb’s Bias from you and you team.to prove that you are not biased ?
Your avid support for the outfit will not stem the flow of people paying the Telly Tax.
The tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich .
Precedent can haunt the unwary.
I raise you a vibrant character in London who got 5 years yesterday for stabbing a girl ( stranger ) in the leg when he accosted her in the street and she refused to ‘go out ‘ with him
And liberals wonder why prisons are full of third world dross
Its the Liberals that are allowing, nay encouraging them in. Its inevitable that the Liberals and their children that suffer the most.
They are so gullible.
We say gullible, they say righteous.
“Let’s call the whole thing off.”
“Health Secretary Sajid Javid tests positive for Covid”
How accurate are the tests ?
Perhaps he has a common cold ? Or is it just a PR stunt ?
Gen. Mark Milley: His Involvement in the US Coup d’Etat
Bill Still gets going at 0:54, Tucker Carlson at 1:26.
@Square-Eyed I delved into the HTML
and I think this is the actual video you posted.
What happens on Youtube is that you have to pick up the link from the actual page you are watching the video on , by placing the mouse over the video and right clicking to see the copy URL menu
.. IF you are on a page and have a list of videos and then you right click , you end up with a “list-view” link that doesn’t work.
Similarly embed code doesn’t seem to work
just a raw URL like this one, but posted on an entirely fresh line
.. https://youtu.be/iYuSyjXQx1Y
The ability of the BBC to distort reality continues to amaze.
Rugby League final just started – after mangled rendition of National Anthem – with St. Helens taking the knee to what the commentary told us was rapturous applause. The camera zoomed in on the only densely populated part of the stadium, much of the rest, perhaps the majority, is virtually empty.
Worse still, Castleford with a far higher proportion of coloured players did NOT take the knee.
Commentary strangely silent on this clear and indeed noble dichotomy – in the painfully obvious hope that nobody had noticed.
Perhaps they might be asked to construct a sentence containing the words: Stock and laughing….
Perhaps I have misunderstood, but I thought “taking the knee” was a sign of deference to black people, because of all our guilt. Surely, black players should never take the knee!
This is the video I attempted to insert with just the address:-
Sorry again, Stew.
Stew doesn’t run this website, he just wishes that he did.
Harsh and unfair, Jim, an apology is in order.
BTW when I see people sneering at me
I tend to think it’s not worth discussing cos I am not the topic of this blog
And anyway sneers say more about people making them, then the target.
I’m not interested in scoring personal points or trying to show off
, just generally helping in seeking truth.
I don’t really think about wanting to be the boss of this site
I just look for useful content and post it
So if someone mentions an image or video, I do tend to post it.
.. I do wish the media world had not got itself into such a BIASED and DISINFORMING state
and that there was no need for websites pointing out their bias .
BTW I didn’t do anything to the video @JimS posted, It was YouTube that got it switched off.
Generally what happens is people post FULL Tucker Carlson shows on Youtube
and then Fox News send a copyright notice
The original video @SquaredEyed was trying to post
that I posted above .. only quotes a short bit
so appears to be still OK.
Perhaps I should just retire, in each sense of the word.
I think stew secretly runs this site – ( although he will probably correct me )
No, he is openly subverting it – it used to host intelligent comment about BBC bias, now it is more and more about him.
All those posts where he complains that he has already posted about a subject, then more posts where he complains that people posted about a subject before him but secretly hid it in full view because his searches didn’t find it.
All those posts that have absolutely nothing to do with the BBC, the posts that make no sense whatsoever because half the argument is still lost inside his head.
All those posts that tell other posters that they are doing it wrong, except that more often than not he hasn’t bothered to actually read what they have written.
Posts, posts, posts, me, me, me. Go read for yourself then look up narcissistic personality disorder.
Maxi is a pin-prick from outside, ‘stew’ is killing this site from the inside. Which is a pity because we need a website about BBC bias.
The location of your role with comments like this bears consideration.
And what ‘we’ need is a very bbc presumption.
Jim certainly has a bee in her bonnet
and to that end misrepresents and misrepresents me again
“those posts where he *complains* that he has already posted about a subject”
I don’t very often complain. I have on occasion seen at the bottom of a page seen someone is repeating a long point that someone further up the page has already made
I have then to help them and to others pointed out that if they are interested in the topic, Mr X has already opened a discussion on that point. That is NOT me complaining that is me helping
although sometimes people read it wrongly.
It’s just like how Jim helped by trying to post the video that Square-Eyed mentioned
“Bill Still gets going at 0:54, Tucker Carlson at 1:26.”
The video Jim posted is similar
but I came along later and posted the actual video.
I like the way she points to my website and then accuses it of all being about “me”, what did you expect it to be about ?
This web forum is about free discussion and lots of us everyday share lots of points about the BBC’s world.
People should not be intimidated away from posting what they think is helpful and useful.
Ah, happy days. Who can forget the bbc and ‘enhancing the narrative’?
By ‘correct’, they mean:
Pro Biden.
Pro Dems
Pro Woke
Pro Globalist
Pro Socialist
Pro Trans
Pro Gay
Pro Abortion
Pro Immigration…
And, above all else, very very anti Trump.
Might have included another ‘very’ in there, for accuracy.
I went to a Parish Council meeting on Thursday as an observer. I arrived just before the start and everyone was walking around the hall with masks on. I wasn’t wearing one.
Apparently, you have to wear a mask when standing up but not if you’re sitting down.
When everyone was seated and facing the same direction (!), the clerk told them that masks could now be removed.
One woman who has been jabbed twice and is ex-Civil Service, continued to wear hers throughout. She is very far left politically.
I despair for Monday. 🙁
BBC (checks notes) News
GBNews to have a Farage show Monday – Thursday 7pm – as announced on the twitter . He promises not to kneel – im not even sure of that any more … have they dumped dewsbury
I wonder how much will he be saying about the dinghies.
He will cover the dinghies although he never criticises the perfect religion, but the question is whether Brillo will welcome him. And has Brillo left the sinking ship?
Will they interview Tommy Robinson?
Yes – if Brillo cared that much he would never have gone on his hols after a couple of weeks on air – or maybe the internal politics are so bitter that it is a dead duck from the outset .
Whenever I see it ( not much ) it strikes me as ‘desperate ‘ and ‘amateurish ‘…
The reality is that voters apply the ‘beer test ‘ . Would you want to have a beer with Starmer ? Answer – you’d be bored stupid and looking at the clock – and being a lawyer – he’d never buy a round .
Whereas nut nut would be the ‘life and soul ‘ – turning on the bullingdon charm –
I really hope Starmer finds out how much of that BBC Westminster stuff is just ignored by real decent people who do not want to play their game – or have even heard of it .
What? I thought lawyers were the first round to the pub or bar for a drop of the Château Thames Embankment.
After the case is closed or the Clerk has closed the Chambers and gone home.
There are only about a half dozen individuals in the public eye I would be tempted to have a pint with, and Boris is definitely one of them.
Even GB News is pushing the “England could see the hottest day of the year this weekend”. What is going on with the climate? Every summer this happens.
Clearly there is a defined group who get in touch with the BBC knowing that if they tick the necessary boxes open will be the arms.
I think I once had Ebola earlobes, but it might have been the sixteen pints of heavy I used to be able to chug.
Sorry, no… false alarm. It was….
Allegedly. Experts surmise.
Wow – Getty images does pictures of people pretending to Chuck up .
I suffer from FedUp foot – size 13 …
you joke ….
I know one fellow who’s got “Long Covid” with a multiplicity of symptoms … I asked him if he’d ever had a bout of actual coronavirus or ever tested positive …
>> nah – but he’s definitely got long covid – it’d be farcical if he was a dribbling dunce – but he isn’ t = apparently there’s no vaccination for hypochondria.
I know now why England lost at penalties. Boris was supposed to move the goalposts, but he forgot for once.
“It turns out that football wasn’t ‘coming home’: racism was.”
Clive Anderson, summarizing the Euro 2020 Final during his introductory spiel to R4’s “Loose Ends” (from 18:15 today and repeated in the week).
Typical BBC: casually biased, smug, unfunny, anti-English and of course largely untrue
Anderson is the ultimate Swamp dweller.
Ex-lawyer, like Starmer.
Are you telling me Clive didn’t tell an anti-Trump joke
as an introduction to his show.