Looking at BBC listings for satdee night – the awful Dads Army film – with ‘Dunkirk ‘ on later …. ( the confusing version not the good old black and white job ) …
“Hottest NI day ever as temperatures soar above 30C” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-57875732
Agenda ?
I would suggest Al Beeb go and preach their propaganda out in China, India etc etc., because with our economy going bust we cannot do anything about it . Not even pay their unjust Telly Tax.
Maybe if Al Beeb closed down there would be less energy wasted and less hot air ?
“‘Havana syndrome’-like mystery illness affects Vienna US diplomats”
“More than 20 officials have reported symptoms similar to Havana Syndrome – a mystery brain illness – since President Joe Biden took office in January.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-57875322
“cognitive fog”. That may explain a few things somewhat?
I wonder if Guto Harri gave any warning of what he was going to do, and what the response was if he did. It is such a clueless thing for GBN to have allowed, if they did allow it. Do they still not understand the mood of their potential audience?
“It forecast Wales could be the hottest place in the UK on Sunday, rising to highs of 33C in parts of south Wales.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-57875082
Operative word “could”.
Of course, it could not also ?
I did post on the previous thread that It may be a misinterpretation of the district of Torfaen? although its 20 miles south of the National Park ?
Other than that it must be a very small and obscure place name. Perhaps other taffmen may know ?
taffman, thanks. Sorry I missed the first reply. The lady from the Tourist Authority said she could see the south Wales mining area in the distance and I suspect she might have needed a very curvy telescope to turn round to view the Brecon Beacons from 20 miles away. It’s a bit hilly around there.
Of course, it all be down to dodgy BBC geography. Again.
Jonny Dymond is uncomfortable to listen to, but I think he was in the studio, not working from home down a fuzzy line like the Montacutie in the week. I suspected he might have mangled the Welsh name a bit.
My father, despite Scots ancestors, loved the valley up to Tintern as well as the Beacons.
Editor Lisa Davies’ tweet was double ratioed
She has been editor of the Sydney Morning Herald for 4.5 years now
So by her own logic she should soon have a shake up, and replace herself with a new MALE editor..
@Guest that’s right it’s a #PRasNews item with photoshoot of her wearing spray on tarty trousers , in the Times Magazine today
“I wanted the conversation within the Labour Party to be more focused on people who weren’t always part of it. I have an appeal to the public that is beyond party politics”@jessphillips talks to @VictoriaPeckham about the future of her party https://t.co/HH1m4PjIQl
Looks like the stylist threw everything in the shoot go bag, along with a Mills grenade. .
Hard to see stuff like this from the thick white chick end of the Labour benches winning over the core voter base any more than race or faith baiting from Lammy to Raisin Brane in the off color corners.
Under its present leader, I am doubtful as to whether Labour as such will still be a political party in the future-the idea of calling a poiltical party Labour is now old hat and will fast transmorph into something more akin to Liberal/Multicultural/Democracy Party-in other owrds the LMDP party-any takers?
I’ve got a lot of time for Jess Phillips, and I’m not leading up to a (Hopefully) witty comment. There are some people who, even though you disagree with what they say, are worth paying attention to. That’s what I saw in the leadership race anyway. David Lammy is another one in my humble. I think any government needs an opposition to keep them on their toes and accountable. Starmer is wet and hopeless (Hardly Dennis Skinner is he?). Jess Phillips was maybe not yet ready to be leader when she stood before, but I’d trust her a lot more than most of her fellow candidates. I also honestly believe that Arthur Scargill would have made a far better Labour leader than Neil Kinnock. I would have taken time off work to see him and Maggie all guns blazing.
You’re welcome to your time with Jess Philips, take as long as you like.
I’ll pay her more attention when she…
Talks sense and the truth
Isn’t so damn disparaging and bloody rude
Stops the gesture politics, appealing as it does only to the Twatterati …and you, clearly.
She is just the latest version of a lying Leftoid gobshite.
Howdy do!
I think I may have confused our readers by saying that what Jess Phillips has to say is worth listening to, therefore I agree with it. I listen to what she says, and disagree with pretty much all of it. I still feel that she should be allowed to speak and we should have the courtesy to listen. The alternative is thinking “Well I don’t have to listen to you because I already know that I’m right and you’re wrong”.
If nothing else, the girl has courage. I don’t know how long ago this took place, but she is on record for speaking to a group of muslim leaders and their flock and telling them that the way they treat women, both their own and from other cultures, was not in any way acceptable in the UK in this century.
Formidable, to say the least. I don’t think I would have whatever it took to do that.
I don’t think she deserves much by way of courtesy – as you suggest – on the evidence of her behaviour in the Commons .
Characters like her swiftly become a ‘brand ‘ or ‘larger than life ‘ and go for the obvious headline targets ( wimmins ‘ issues ) .
She – and Lammy – are useful reminders of the even worse alternative to the current bunch in charge of things ( I was going to write ‘running things ‘ but not the right words ) .
Lammy is just higher in the race hierarchy and has a tribal – colour approach to the world . Mind you his constituency is pretty third world tribal and I would not want to be in N17 High Rd on a hot night – if I was white -….
Watching the RL Cup final on the Bloated BBC, I happened to notice that they found time for the camera to light upon Sir Kneelalot. Being that there were apparently 40,000 people there, as Bruce Forsyth used to say “didn’t they do well!” Absolute tossers.
It’s a shame you have to go to Sainsbury’s Dover, we stopped as they told us that if we didn’t like their woke stance, then we could always shop elsewhere!
So we do!
(The bill was often over £150.00 as we bought a lot of wine back then)!
I have never had any trouble in Sainsbury’s, not wearing a mask or any badge, lanyard, etc.. Nobody – staff or customer – has every said anything. That goes for all the other supermarkets I have been in.
I don’t know if Boris actually realises that he is in the middle of a propaganda war by the elite commie media and the left-wing side of the Health Profession.
They have decided to use USA tactics to try to bring him down by deceit and smear just like they did to Trump.
This is now becoming a full-blown war on democracy.
These people are dangerous maniacs and will lead us to the shithole that is currently the USA.
I’ve just finished the final – episode 8 – of Clarkson s Farm ( no need for a spoiler alert ) . Now I pay about £72? A year for Amazon . I buy stuff regularly – I use the TV and other services from time to time – and to me – well worth the value .
As for Clarkson s ‘ Farm – well worth the value – I gave up on top gear long before the BBC sacked him and his pals but as a townee I heartily recommend the programme . It sketched over the less pleasant side of farming ( mud and killing and mud and dark and cold ) but did a fair job .
Better still is to visit a son who pays the Amazon subscription and watch for free.
But Clarkson manages to combine the truth about agriculture with humour but no woke agenda. I find if I try to watch a ‘nature’ programme on the BBC I time how long before climate change gets pushed. I am never disappointed but time can vary. Sometimes appears in the last 5 minutes as if inserted specifically as a condition of the BBC buying it.
Revealed: Independent Sage is run by Left-wing group including anti-Brexit activists
An “independent” group of scientists that regularly criticises the Government for not introducing tougher Covid-19 restrictions is being run by a body which boasted last week that it is “good at creating havoc” and was founded by an activist journalist accused of peddling conspiracy theories about Brexit, The Telegraph can disclose….
….The group’s role was highlighted by an NHS doctor who said there was “something quite disingenuous about a supposedly independent scientific group being formed by what appears to be a political organisation”.
Hmmm a bit like the BBC then in that role of (so called) independence, and then finding its the same group involved in STOP Brexit.
No doubt will be in Sunday papers… Looking at the comments ‘Fraud’ is being mentioned, I doubt it will get a mention on the BBC news wash.
I saw this coming weeks ago, they need to be weeded out and prosecuted for wreaking damage on innocent lives to get what they want which is a left-wing dictatorship.
If you are there Boris, this is basically insurrection and should be tackled in court.
These people have no morals and just want to win at any cost. Do NOT let them get away with it, we have seen how this ends in the USA.
As usual MaxiTaxi you deliberate miss the point. The issue I was highlighting has nothing to do with suppressing anyone, it was to do with how to react to a sector of politically minded individuals who are prepared to act against the interests of joe public and total disregard the consequences for purely political purposes. It is a misuse of their position and as such they ought to be investigated.
We would expect the same reaction for instance for people who wanted to bring cities to a halt with bomb threats because what they are trying to do wreak as much havoc as possible for political gain at the expense of the general public.
Finally we are well aware that the “engine” behind these efforts is a left-wing hatred of 2 things, 1. The massive popularity of the Conservative Party (For good reason), and 2. Brexit dashing the global power brokers left-wing ambitions.
“Revealed: Independent Sage is run by Left-wing group including anti-Brexit activists”
“Revealed!”: information that’s been on the “Independent Sage” website since the day it was set up, 17 months ago. But lap it up, Philip. There’s a good boy…
What’s next, “Revealed: ‘Official Sage’ is run by Right-wing group including Boris Johnson”?
Or, “Revealed: ’The Daily Telegraph’ used to pay Boris Johnson a salary of £275,000 per year”?
Or, “Revealed: ’Telegraph Media Group’ is run by a multi-billionaire tax exile”?
You old troll baiter you, its great to know your back with your posts.
You do Al Beeb a disservice. You are preaching to the wrong readers. We are all aware of Al Beeb’s propaganda and the fact that it robs the poor to feed the rich using its telly tax .
Taking on this website you are like a ‘one legged man in an ass kicking contest’.
Telly tax subscriptions a falling as I write .
The Left has taken over Wikipedia and stripped it of neutrality, says co-creator
Wikipedia has been taken over by Left-leaning volunteers and only offers a one-sided version of information, according to the online encyclopedia’s co-founder.
Mr Sanger, 53, cited page entries on Joe Biden and his son Hunter as an example. (Oh yes, both saints according to the BBC entry on American politics).
Mr Sanger added that “very little” reference to scandals and allegations against the Bidens, for instance relating to their business dealings in Ukraine, could be found on Wikipedia.
Asked if he thought Wikipedia could be trusted to give truthful information, he replied: “Well, it depends on what you think the truth is.”
A bit like the BBC then. It depends on what TRUTH you want to defend and we know the BBC is well funded by leftie globalists who pay rather well for propaganda that looks clean.
The BBC and house journal seem unaware most are well aware what the issue is. And is not.
“A warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapour and that needs to get out… as rainfall.”
Dr Friederike Otto tells BBC Newsnight that the floods that have wreaked havoc across western Europe could be “the result of just decades of not taking climate change seriously.”
Indeed they are GuestWho-Climate change has been going on ever since this World was formed, and they that pretend to know it all, knows this full well-what if anything might alter our weather patterns is Pollution-however as this World will still need to use fosil fuels for a long time to come, especially in view of the pressure to run transport of any kind entirely on electrification. At present the National Grid UK would struggle to provide what is required, however Government and its so called advisers chose to ignore the warning signs as they steam ahead. Sambolic mess all round as per usual.
A BBC investigation based on the experiences of dozens of women reveals concerns about how the British-run site, known for porn, is structured, managed and moderated.
As you are on form tonight, for once , just once can you post an example of Al Beeb’ bias? What motivates your obsession in trolling here ?
I’m of the opinion that you should be censored using the same “House Rules” as those applied by Al Beeb’s HYS.
France has been placed in a new “amber plus” category — halfway between amber and red — under the government’s traffic light system for travel https://t.co/T8BKeKSE4O
A dithering Macron I suspect GuestWho-doesn’t just now know whether he is on his arse or elbow-so many arguments blowing from all corners of his country and from his new great wet nurse Merkle-of course both will be gone soon thank goodness or I hope so.
For the first time in its 1,300 year history a woman has been appointed as the Dean of #Hereford. We meet the Revd Canon Sarah Brown https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09p44hn
I can’t find the correct words at present, but stupid might fit as well just now-its as mad as the appointment of women Bishops-I thought from reading of the Bible that the Disciples of Jesus who are the Bishops of Christ were all men? Women never came into the equation, I’m just so grateful that men can’t have babies, I am right there am I not?
I have survived an encounter with the two most incisive and funny interviewing duo in the world @janegarvey1@fifiglover@BBCRadio4 The wonderful Sam edited out all the libellous bits. Perhaps we will publish them separately…… I really enjoyed it.
“Covid: PM and chancellor not isolating after Javid test”
“Downing Street said the pair would take part in a pilot programme, where daily tests replace self-isolation.”
“Covid-19: PM and chancellor to self-isolate in U-turn” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57879730
Change of plan !
He used to be indecisive but now he is STILL not so sure.
Before I leave with the dogs early, in the shade, one last wafer theen BBC suicide note…
“Even in the spaces we’ve managed to create for ourselves, [non-black] people violently infiltrate and occupy these spaces with no respect to the architects who built it.”
Why black TikTok creators have gone on strike
By Cache McClay
BBC News, Washington
“When you have the financial security of the licence fee, why do you have an editorial policy that generates outrage for clicks? Aren’t you supposed to provide a public service?”
Most are less generous, and in tonality. .
Being Sunday I felt it best to spare Fed’s sensibilities.
Oddly, no obvious teachers not of color with mental issues and blue or pink hair screaming at the dash cam.
The public do enjoy their cops shows, whether they be of the character of that reassuring old-fashioned touch of the helmet “Evening All” BBC police procedural show, typified by their short homely homilies delivered, direct to camera, in Dixon of Dock Green. Or be it, alternatively, in the popular form of the harum-scarum, get out there on the mean streets and collar us the villains of ITV’sThe Sweeney, which we tend to classify as police drama.
It is worth remembering there was quite some moral panic voiced at the time Independent Television first aired the adventures of Jack Regan and George Carter. The conservative argument of the time ran along the lines of imagining that our young impressionable lower ranked coppers, up until this point content to police consentually pootling along in their pandas, would watch and suddenly become rather too enamoured and impressed by the corner cutting, car chasing, in your face antics of the fictional TV plod of the Sweeney Tod.
On the contrary, producers of the show revealed that their story lines originated from reliable sources (as Regan himself might justify his hunches to the dubious DCI Haskins) rather than as the production of their own fevered imagination. They would frequent off-duty out of hours favoured drinking holes of the boys in blue and avidly absorb first hand their source material from the most reliable of informers.
The next moment of change in the character of policing was perhaps best caught by… of all people… Ben Elton, with his character played by Rowan Atkinson in the mid-90s short-lived BBC comedy series The Thin Blue Line. Here was the modern uniformed senior officer Inspector Fowler, often comedically ineffectual and unmanly, more Mr Bean than Blackadder, whilst still steeped in old-fashined patriotic notions of duty – a would-be, if failing, Dixon of Dock Green, nowadays bewildered by and struggling with the daily issues of sex, diversity and modernity. His uniformed side kicks were a tick-box collection of diversity hires. His arch rival of the plain clothes branch of the Gasforth constabulary was DI Derek Grim. A would-be Jack Regan who would berate all “fannying about” hilariously soapboxing what he perceived as “namby-pamby, hoity-toity, social-workie, lardy-dardy-lardy-dahs”. Afterall, he put his arse on the line out there and the last thing he wanted to see was anyone else’s cock up.
So where are we now? With our the real life police? ‘The head of the Metropolitan police, Cressida Dick, has been forced to defend recruitment standards as leaked documents reveal cases of violent disorder, cheating and dishonesty among trainees at Britain’s biggest police force‘ (Times)
We’ll come back to this article revealling the apparently low calibre of modern police recruits after we’ve looked at a current cause célèbre police case. No, not the murder of Sarah Everard – let’s not go there – how about a case that’s still open.
‘Police continue to look into defacing of mural‘ (Sky News) – No, not some further sectarian fall out following the Glorious Twelfth Orangemen’s Day, requiring the PSNI to tread the tight rope of impartiality between rival communities within the tinderbox that is Ulster.
This is of course a case of national, not just regional importance: ‘The artwork painted in Withington, Marcus Rashford’s hometown, was defaced after England lost to Italy in the Euro 2020 final on Sunday; several swear words were sprayed onto the mural after Rashford missed a penalty, along with Jadon Sancho and Bukayo Saka‘
The blemish of Racialism rears it’s ugly black head and our police are most keen to lance this disfiguring boil on the face of Britain.
‘Greater Manchester Police launched an investigation after it received a report of racially aggravated damage at the mural at 2.50am on Monday‘
Calling all cars, quick put out an APB – or whatever the lingo these days?
‘Superintendent Richard Timson added: “On Monday morning when we saw the damage done to the mural in Withington we were all left appalled, and we stand with the rest of the community whose solidarity against this vile abuse ever since has really shown the best of our city.‘
‘“The person responsible for this knows who they are and we believe there will be others who also suspect the identity of this offender, and I therefore urge anyone with such information to get in touch to help progress our enquiries at speed.”‘
Clearly this represents an absolute top priority crime for the solving of. For the good of society we must clap this Banksy gone wrong in irons.
But what’s this: ‘Police say the defacing of a Marcus Rashford mural in Manchester is “not believed to be of a racial nature“‘
But, but, but – presumably – as they teach in police college – you can never be too sure: ‘Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said it is “keeping an open mind as to the motive” behind the mural vandalism as officers investigate several lines of inquiry.‘
I’m willing to speculate that whatever the outcome of these intensive investigations one thing we may be sure of is that the original ‘report of racially aggravated damage‘ will remain in the statistics.
Making up the numbers
Traditionally, at the moment of the uncovering of any unpleasant or shocking crime the police tend to utter the familiar formula: “The worst case we’ve ever seen” “I’ve been in the force 25 years and this is the worst I’ve ever come across in my long and full career” – one assumes the cops aim in way to reassure the public that the crime was indeed very serious… but rare. Don’t have nighmares as the Crimewatch show would say as its coda. The now withdrawn in its former format BBC show that perhaps for once over-represented BAME communities on TV.
And so to the Manchester police public statment…
‘Superintendent Richard Timson added: “On Monday morning when we saw the damage done to the mural in Withington we were all left appalled, and we stand with the rest of the community whose solidarity against this vile abuse ever since has really shown the best of our city.‘
If a couple of swear words daubed on a wall really leaves his officers appalled, one wonders at their lack of backbone for the job. Cue DI Derek Grim… “namby-pamby, hoity-toity…!”
And so this one will no doubt go down, in the popular mind at least, as racial as we leave this incident of rapidly blackwashed graffiti and it may remain the biggest and most controversial police cover up since the Goulston Street graffito of 1888 when Police Superintendent Thomas Arnold ordered his bobbies to scrub off with sponge and bucket of soapy water the legend: “The Juews are not [the word ‘not’ being deleted] the men that will not be blamed for nothing”
So what’s been going on at the Met’s Hendon Police College?
We know there’s a push for more female recruits – are they tough enough for the job? The Times report continues:
‘One leaked document reveals that in July last year a female recruit… was detained after punching and head-butting a police officer while allegedly under the influence of alcohol and drugs‘ – you go, girl…!
Well, it’ll be their female arses on the line out there, that’s the policy, so perhaps we the public shouldn’t stick our noses into it.
‘Other ducuments reveal instances of dishonesty among recruits… Dick was forced to deny rumours that an entire intake of recruits had failed the initial selection process but were still given a start date because “the Met needed the numbers”‘
I intended to sit through and take notes but I didn’t beyond Marr’s hugely biased introduction:-
“Tomorrow, Freedom Day, lots will continue to wear masks.”
“Boris’ decision is very risky politically. Will his vaccine-wall hold?”
“One of our guests is Professor Nial Ferguson.” (He wore a far left garb in casual black with a beard and short hair).
Marr then ranted about rising infections, rising deaths and hospitals being over run. He mentioned Javid as if he was enough to continue the lockdown. Pure desperation.
Another guest, the German Environment Minister, showed how the pressures of ministerial responsibility can so easily affect memory.
Asked by Marr to give some idea of the severity of the current flooding in Germany and related countries, he told us the levels were unprecedented, ‘perhaps once in a hundred years….’
Obviously the severe central, western and northern European flooding in 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 and to slightly lower levels more recently, don’t count. Probably because no-one thought to blame climate change.
Radio 4 likes to find a headline from the newspapers that criticises Israel if they can. Today they found an interesting criticisim of Israel from the Jerusalem Post paper which said ” that hate speech against Arabs in Hebrew was up by 9% but it was going down since Naftali Bennet became PM”
Note the unusual positive attitude towards a PM of Israel.. The context of this news is that today is when Jews fast to mourn the destruction of the Ist and 2nd Temples. Jewish tradition teaches that the 2nd Temple was destroyed by the Romans due to the baseless hatred of the Jews at that time..
I can’t even begin to imagine how much hate speech there is in Arabic against Israel. It will be totally free and unmoderated on any Arabic forum.
Of course the Left won’t go anywhere near that.
It got to Marr asking Jenrick if letting the virus rip could lead to more English variants. Total acceptance by Marr that the so-called ‘Dover Variant’ (nothing personal) was incubated in Kent rather than the more likely having been brought there.
BUTCHER TO STAY Iraqi war criminal who slaughtered Saddam Hussein’s prisoners wins fight to stay in UK
AN IRAQI war criminal who executed 35 prisoners under Saddam Hussein has won his battle to stay in the UK.
The 55-year-old, who cannot be named, pleaded human rights grounds to stay in Britain despite slaughtering POWs during Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
The executioner killed POWs under Saddam Hussein’s orders
Now Home Secretary Priti Patel has backed down after a 20-year legal battle, despite accepting he was responsible for ordering the executions.
In total, 440 Kuwaitis were killed in the invasion which sparked the first Gulf War.
The war criminal came to Britain in 2001, claiming he was in danger from Kurdish collaborators.
His claims were rejected in 2003, 2007 and again in 2014 as his story changed, until he finally launched an appeal under the Human Rights Act.
His claim he would face inhuman or degrading treatment if sent home was accepted by Judge Stephen Smith.
But Robert Clark, researcher at the Henry Jackson Society, said: “The British authorities should have turned him over to Kuwaiti authorities once the original appeal had been thrown out.”
The Home Office declined to comment on the case, but said: “We will fix the broken asylum system.”
The influx at the border continues, political dangers loom and a key decision approaches. But in the aftermath of Trump’s scorched-earth tactics, Biden has few appealing options. https://t.co/AbVKMFf1hK
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) July 18, 2021
There’s always sending Kamala to laugh at Nish’s sellout gig in the San Reno Palladium.
BBC1 this morning with The Marr Show followed by Politics South followed by Sunday Morning Live all singing from the same hymn sheet. Pure agenda driven “climate change is real” whilst pushing for more lockdowns and jabs for kids.
Just typical of the BBC to quote EU leaders saying “the floods in Germany are due to climate change” and definitely nothing to do failed leadership e.g too much concrete, not maintaing drainage and not dredgiing rivers.
SML. First story. Racist abuse of England footballers. Cue three Muslim women starting a campaign calling for life bans from stadia, lost jobs and stoning to death (maybe not the last one)
The BBC conveniently forgetting most of the abuse came from Arab ip addresses.
WTF, When did any of these “three hijabis” ever go to a first class football match. I expect their misogynistic, homophobic husbands/cousins don’t let them out unattended, only allowing them mobile phones, so they can keep tabs on them. Kept very quiet when their folk rape vulnerable schoolgirls on an industrial scale or arrange conveys of jew hating racists driving all the way from Bradford to London to abuse orthodox followers of Judaism.
ps In the South section, they had Southampton’s bid to be 2025 City Of Culture. Would you believe they are up against the aforementioned third world ghettoised shithole that Bradford has become.
Do we give money to the RNLI to ferry ‘invaders’ in to our country ?
Its pretty evident that there has been some ‘deal’ with the French to empty their camps .
Do we have any Tory MPs any more or are they all closet Liberals ?
GBNews is putting Farage on from Monday night 7pm . I suspect he will avoid illegal invasions of Blighty and stick to something more agreeable to OFCOM .
I reckon Farage is the last throw of the dice for GBNot much news …. Does it have viewing figures any more ?
It sort of reminded me of ‘this morning ‘ type stuff without the hourly news but with 6 minutes of woke adverts every 15 minutes …. Please tell me I’m wrong because I stopped watching after Brillo thought his holiday more important …
I bet Farage has been sitting on the GBnews subs bench all along
.. Had he been put on on Day1 it would have given the lefties ammunition to go to Ofcom with
Thank you – I wonder if he will’ co – host ‘( Americanism ) with gutless Hari?
I will give it a try Monday night up to the first Set of adverts aimed at the coloured folk …
By the way – I see you wasted words on the troll . It will never write directly about the BBC because it knows it will be crushed by clear evidence of constant far left propaganda described daily here .
Farage describes it as ‘centre left ‘ but I disagree there .
Maybe if Farage turns GBN around he will get a peerage or knighthood – he hasn’t done much else to get one of those has he ?…..
I gave GBN a chance, but I still find it all a bit of a jumble. Its still not aesthetically pleasing – the set designer should be sacked, the acoustics haven’t been sorted out – as though they’re speaking in an aircraft hanger, and all the women should be dumped – they make stupid giggly remarks, have screechy shouty voices and contribute bugger all.
Nope, but my suggestions should be taken on board, and then it would be something approaching a proper news channel, and because the alternative is a rubbish watch, then we’re left with this – which could be so much better.
I no longer watch any “traditional” tv, I stream everything, mostly using YouTube. I watch a lot of bloggers from all over the world, amateurs making content about subjects that interest me, discovering along the way ideas, lifestyles and topics that I would never have been introduced to and enjoy if I relied solely on the mainstream media.
Needless to say the production standards of much of what you see on YouTube are slightly shoddy but you look past that because you’re interested in what you’re watching.
I agree with Brissles with regards to set design and acoustics, GB News are not supposed to be amateurs but their programmes have very much a ‘YouTube’ feel at the minute. You hope this will only improve given time, hopefully allowing their editorial message to become clearer, their presenters more confident and more engaging. Until it does I think that it’s important that people look at the substance of the programming, and hope that Harri was an unfortunate blip, not the style.
It seems to me that the obsession with style over substance in our msm and political classes is the main reason that he GB News we were promised should eventually work if they do it right.
If however they don’t sort themselves out soon more viewers will give up, if they haven’t already, and they and potential viewers will look elsewhere for what they want. But as taff asks, where is it?
🚨 Independent Sage is being run by a body which boasted last week that it is "good at creating havoc" and was founded by Carole Cadwalladr, an activist journalist accused of peddling conspiracy theories about Brexit. https://t.co/Zlo3ypKhI4
I hope the PM has arranged for MI5 to get a sample of Sajid Javid’s blood to Porton Down in double quick time. It is time to work out where that infection came from.
To happen once, is a coincidence.
To happen twice, is maybe another coincidence or a ‘start to get suspicious’ moment.
@thecoastguy on GBNews has a thoughtful piece about ‘freedom day ‘ on Monday …. It is a view that will never be heard on the BBC and sort of harks back to the time when a variety of people were given 14 minutes of air time on R4 to give a ‘point of view ‘ – following the loss of ‘letter from America ‘.
When you think of the descent of the BBC – from the unmissable alistair Cooke each week – down to the likes of ‘Katty? ‘ and ‘Christian ?’ You sort of ask ‘how the eff did that happen ?’
The Neil Oliver show also displayed scepticism towards the zero emissions target something would never happen on the BBC.
I watch Oliver , Wooten, Doyle and Farage regularly on the app. I agree with those who find some of the other shows poor but those four are really good and totally different to anything that can be found elsewhere on British MSM.
Dover, yes but, no but, aah but: the congregation (in a proper Church) does not have to save the church (note small ‘c’) visible or invisible, that has already been done by Someone else. Nudge nudge 😉 😉 The people in the church go to worship that Someone.
According to facts4eu Ofcom’s control of content comes under what they call its Standards and Audience Protection (“SAP”) Team. The SAP Team sits within the Broadcasting and Online Content Group. In answer to a Freedom of Information request on 30 October 2020, Ofcom declined to say who is in the SAP team, nor did it give any indication of how many they are, and nor did it provide any information about the qualifications for getting this role.
3pm local radio stations news
“Labour Leader Sir K Starmer says ..about Boris backtracking on his Covid isolation
Rail union leader Mick Lynch …clip
Here’s a Tony Blair clip”
3 Labour voices aired
Zero Tory voices …seems biased to me
Then a biy of Climate alarmism
“German Chancellor Merkel visits”
10am news very similar
but clip #1 Labour’s Jim Ashworth
No Blair
“Merkel visits”
“Prince Charles says about small farms ….”
” ..grand prix at Silverstone”
The outrage caused by sunak ( sunk ) and nut nut trying to avoid the ping is quite something . But points to an out of touch regime – very bad for sunak – and shows a lack of a political nose – not good for a PM in waiting …
Some members of the COVID Recovery Group would form better government than the present incumbents.
The old adage comes to mind : “we are lions led donkeys.”
Mass invasion on our land and coast and the Home Secretary is clueless. The economy is being wrecked, while Al Beeb pokes fun at our government and people, but continues to be supported by law against the will of the people of this once proud people.
Their political radar is just astonishingly bad . Ive said here before that any assumption that the political class is clever is profoundly wrong . This one was a textbook example .
It seems we are governed by overpaid dullards .
And this one isnt a westminster village story because real people are seriously damaged by the laws these idiots have produced… with or without handonhiscock
Interesting timing dynamics about the Scunthorpe McDonald’s factory blockade by Veg Supremacists
by 2pm Saturday the police had brought in their special cherrypicker after trucking up from London apparently
That basically meant the protest was over
and 5pm Saturday the protesters tweeted their protest was over after 62 hours
Then at 5:50pm on TV Look North opened with 30 seconds on the end of the protest. *
But On the radio it got little coverage
For some reason at the same time Radio Humberside chose not to cover the news.
Then after 7pm there are only national bulletins
Then on Sunday morning news bulletins it was covered quickly and dropped in the afternoon
*(Labour’s Diana Johnson was in another TV item ..cos she lives in the studio)
Oh dear, its feathers at dawn at the blight ridden, gender blind, colour blind, age blind (have I left anything out ?) production of Hamlet at Windsor. Black actress (note ‘female’) is playing the part of “a son” and is claiming she’s being ‘disrespected’ (why is that word ALWAYS used by non-whites?) by other cast members and long standing actor Steven Berkoff, so the pair of them have flounced off – exiting stage right and left. Leaving poor old Sir Ian sobbing buckets.
‘Ms Cole felt her opinions weren’t listened to and that she was given no respect,’ a source said.’
A resume boasting bit-parts on Eastenders and Hollyoaks will do nicely, thank you. Berkoff is not only a Shakespearean actor of some note, but has been at the pinnacle of Hollywood, so I suspect he clocked the uppity little no-mark early doors and abandoned this shit show before it dragged his name down into the mud.
Just had an email from Tesco saying that I am expected to wear a mask in store. When will these self appointed controllers grant permission for us not to wear masks?
It is possible that they fear wokes, as in a combined XR and BLM attack.
Soon, not wearing a mask will be racist. Why? Because BAMEs suffer more fatalities as a percentage than whites from COVID. That will be their twisted logic.
Floods in Germany. Its climate change. Activists interviewed on BBC 6pm news. Merkel blames climate change.
The climate lobby’s equivalent of the Reichstag fire
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Looking at BBC listings for satdee night – the awful Dads Army film – with ‘Dunkirk ‘ on later …. ( the confusing version not the good old black and white job ) …
“Hottest NI day ever as temperatures soar above 30C”
Agenda ?
I would suggest Al Beeb go and preach their propaganda out in China, India etc etc., because with our economy going bust we cannot do anything about it . Not even pay their unjust Telly Tax.
Maybe if Al Beeb closed down there would be less energy wasted and less hot air ?
“‘Havana syndrome’-like mystery illness affects Vienna US diplomats”
“More than 20 officials have reported symptoms similar to Havana Syndrome – a mystery brain illness – since President Joe Biden took office in January.”
“cognitive fog”. That may explain a few things somewhat?
DT: ‘GB News drafts in Nigel Farage to halt ratings free fall.’
Might work?
“I will not be taking the knee on this show,” Mr Farage tweeted.
Good start.
He worked hard against all the odds and achieved Brexit. He is the man to do it .
I wonder if Guto Harri gave any warning of what he was going to do, and what the response was if he did. It is such a clueless thing for GBN to have allowed, if they did allow it. Do they still not understand the mood of their potential audience?
“It forecast Wales could be the hottest place in the UK on Sunday, rising to highs of 33C in parts of south Wales.”
Operative word “could”.
Of course, it could not also ?
taffman, Max Boyce will be able to leave his cagoule at home, then.
Have you been able to work out where Tor Byne is? According to TWatO on Friday it is near the Brecon Beacons.
I did post on the previous thread that It may be a misinterpretation of the district of Torfaen? although its 20 miles south of the National Park ?
Other than that it must be a very small and obscure place name. Perhaps other taffmen may know ?
taffman, thanks. Sorry I missed the first reply. The lady from the Tourist Authority said she could see the south Wales mining area in the distance and I suspect she might have needed a very curvy telescope to turn round to view the Brecon Beacons from 20 miles away. It’s a bit hilly around there.
Of course, it all be down to dodgy BBC geography. Again.
Jonny Dymond is uncomfortable to listen to, but I think he was in the studio, not working from home down a fuzzy line like the Montacutie in the week. I suspected he might have mangled the Welsh name a bit.
My father, despite Scots ancestors, loved the valley up to Tintern as well as the Beacons.
and if it isn’t –
will we get an explanation or just some panhandling Pacific island politician pleading poverty due to the “climate crisis” and “rising sea levels”.
“Are voters ready to listen to Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer?”
Usually a Labour or BbC biddy only does a broadsheet to get a photo shoot, and this is no exception, but…. Shots fired.
Jeremy Vine is going to have to pile on the TLC in the green room.
Speaking of bbc oldies…
Editor Lisa Davies’ tweet was double ratioed
She has been editor of the Sydney Morning Herald for 4.5 years now
So by her own logic she should soon have a shake up, and replace herself with a new MALE editor..
@Guest that’s right it’s a #PRasNews item with photoshoot of her wearing spray on tarty trousers , in the Times Magazine today
Looks like the stylist threw everything in the shoot go bag, along with a Mills grenade. .
Hard to see stuff like this from the thick white chick end of the Labour benches winning over the core voter base any more than race or faith baiting from Lammy to Raisin Brane in the off color corners.
Under its present leader, I am doubtful as to whether Labour as such will still be a political party in the future-the idea of calling a poiltical party Labour is now old hat and will fast transmorph into something more akin to Liberal/Multicultural/Democracy Party-in other owrds the LMDP party-any takers?
I’ve got a lot of time for Jess Phillips, and I’m not leading up to a (Hopefully) witty comment. There are some people who, even though you disagree with what they say, are worth paying attention to. That’s what I saw in the leadership race anyway. David Lammy is another one in my humble. I think any government needs an opposition to keep them on their toes and accountable. Starmer is wet and hopeless (Hardly Dennis Skinner is he?). Jess Phillips was maybe not yet ready to be leader when she stood before, but I’d trust her a lot more than most of her fellow candidates. I also honestly believe that Arthur Scargill would have made a far better Labour leader than Neil Kinnock. I would have taken time off work to see him and Maggie all guns blazing.
You’re welcome to your time with Jess Philips, take as long as you like.
I’ll pay her more attention when she…
Talks sense and the truth
Isn’t so damn disparaging and bloody rude
Stops the gesture politics, appealing as it does only to the Twatterati …and you, clearly.
She is just the latest version of a lying Leftoid gobshite.
Until then, you are welcome to her.
Mick – do you really mean that?( Gave me a laugh )
A real opposition would have shredded nut nut by now
Your taking the Mick not mike!
Howdy do!
I think I may have confused our readers by saying that what Jess Phillips has to say is worth listening to, therefore I agree with it. I listen to what she says, and disagree with pretty much all of it. I still feel that she should be allowed to speak and we should have the courtesy to listen. The alternative is thinking “Well I don’t have to listen to you because I already know that I’m right and you’re wrong”.
If nothing else, the girl has courage. I don’t know how long ago this took place, but she is on record for speaking to a group of muslim leaders and their flock and telling them that the way they treat women, both their own and from other cultures, was not in any way acceptable in the UK in this century.
Formidable, to say the least. I don’t think I would have whatever it took to do that.
I don’t think she deserves much by way of courtesy – as you suggest – on the evidence of her behaviour in the Commons .
Characters like her swiftly become a ‘brand ‘ or ‘larger than life ‘ and go for the obvious headline targets ( wimmins ‘ issues ) .
She – and Lammy – are useful reminders of the even worse alternative to the current bunch in charge of things ( I was going to write ‘running things ‘ but not the right words ) .
Lammy is just higher in the race hierarchy and has a tribal – colour approach to the world . Mind you his constituency is pretty third world tribal and I would not want to be in N17 High Rd on a hot night – if I was white -….
“Fake nails! Spray-on leggings! High heels! Who else in Westminster would really go for it…?”
Well, someone told me Ange Raynor was a bit of a ‘goer’…
Chris Bryant likely the inspiration.
By the time Labour heralds its first female leader, the Cons will be on their third woman PM, quite likely one of Indian heritage.
But bless ’em for trying, eh?
Or what Jess Phillips thinks, frankly.
Jess Phillips thinks ?
Watching the RL Cup final on the Bloated BBC, I happened to notice that they found time for the camera to light upon Sir Kneelalot. Being that there were apparently 40,000 people there, as Bruce Forsyth used to say “didn’t they do well!” Absolute tossers.
Maybe Rack and Sopes could ‘analyse’.
Guest Who
“Maybe Rack and Sopes could ‘analyse’.”
Or even our resident maxincony ?
Although, some say he has been “pinged”.
What are the chances of a nightsoilman getting pinged wandering around Whitechapel with his barrow of human excrement at 4.00 a.m.?
On Monday evening I will enter my local Sainsbury’s without a mask. (Lord Sainsbury is very anti-Brexit).
I will report here my experiences with this endeavour.
It’s a shame you have to go to Sainsbury’s Dover, we stopped as they told us that if we didn’t like their woke stance, then we could always shop elsewhere!
So we do!
(The bill was often over £150.00 as we bought a lot of wine back then)!
I have never had any trouble in Sainsbury’s, not wearing a mask or any badge, lanyard, etc.. Nobody – staff or customer – has every said anything. That goes for all the other supermarkets I have been in.
I don’t know if Boris actually realises that he is in the middle of a propaganda war by the elite commie media and the left-wing side of the Health Profession.
They have decided to use USA tactics to try to bring him down by deceit and smear just like they did to Trump.
This is now becoming a full-blown war on democracy.
These people are dangerous maniacs and will lead us to the shithole that is currently the USA.
Not BBC – Amazon
I’ve just finished the final – episode 8 – of Clarkson s Farm ( no need for a spoiler alert ) . Now I pay about £72? A year for Amazon . I buy stuff regularly – I use the TV and other services from time to time – and to me – well worth the value .
As for Clarkson s ‘ Farm – well worth the value – I gave up on top gear long before the BBC sacked him and his pals but as a townee I heartily recommend the programme . It sketched over the less pleasant side of farming ( mud and killing and mud and dark and cold ) but did a fair job .
Please – Amazon – commission a second series …
Better still is to visit a son who pays the Amazon subscription and watch for free.
But Clarkson manages to combine the truth about agriculture with humour but no woke agenda. I find if I try to watch a ‘nature’ programme on the BBC I time how long before climate change gets pushed. I am never disappointed but time can vary. Sometimes appears in the last 5 minutes as if inserted specifically as a condition of the BBC buying it.
The word is that there will not be a second series. Woke Amazon are going down the same path as our BBC.
More woes for Labour.
Revealed: Independent Sage is run by Left-wing group including anti-Brexit activists
An “independent” group of scientists that regularly criticises the Government for not introducing tougher Covid-19 restrictions is being run by a body which boasted last week that it is “good at creating havoc” and was founded by an activist journalist accused of peddling conspiracy theories about Brexit, The Telegraph can disclose….
….The group’s role was highlighted by an NHS doctor who said there was “something quite disingenuous about a supposedly independent scientific group being formed by what appears to be a political organisation”.
Hmmm a bit like the BBC then in that role of (so called) independence, and then finding its the same group involved in STOP Brexit.
No doubt will be in Sunday papers… Looking at the comments ‘Fraud’ is being mentioned, I doubt it will get a mention on the BBC news wash.
I saw this coming weeks ago, they need to be weeded out and prosecuted for wreaking damage on innocent lives to get what they want which is a left-wing dictatorship.
If you are there Boris, this is basically insurrection and should be tackled in court.
These people have no morals and just want to win at any cost. Do NOT let them get away with it, we have seen how this ends in the USA.
*Anyone opposing the government needs to be weeded out and prosecuted otherwise we might end up with a dictatorship*
Watch out, watch out our resident ‘Stalker’ that doesn’t pay his telly tax is about.
As usual MaxiTaxi you deliberate miss the point. The issue I was highlighting has nothing to do with suppressing anyone, it was to do with how to react to a sector of politically minded individuals who are prepared to act against the interests of joe public and total disregard the consequences for purely political purposes. It is a misuse of their position and as such they ought to be investigated.
We would expect the same reaction for instance for people who wanted to bring cities to a halt with bomb threats because what they are trying to do wreak as much havoc as possible for political gain at the expense of the general public.
Finally we are well aware that the “engine” behind these efforts is a left-wing hatred of 2 things, 1. The massive popularity of the Conservative Party (For good reason), and 2. Brexit dashing the global power brokers left-wing ambitions.
“Revealed: Independent Sage is run by Left-wing group including anti-Brexit activists”
“Revealed!”: information that’s been on the “Independent Sage” website since the day it was set up, 17 months ago. But lap it up, Philip. There’s a good boy…
What’s next, “Revealed: ‘Official Sage’ is run by Right-wing group including Boris Johnson”?
Or, “Revealed: ’The Daily Telegraph’ used to pay Boris Johnson a salary of £275,000 per year”?
Or, “Revealed: ’Telegraph Media Group’ is run by a multi-billionaire tax exile”?
Guess not.
You old troll baiter you, its great to know your back with your posts.
You do Al Beeb a disservice. You are preaching to the wrong readers. We are all aware of Al Beeb’s propaganda and the fact that it robs the poor to feed the rich using its telly tax .
Taking on this website you are like a ‘one legged man in an ass kicking contest’.
Telly tax subscriptions a falling as I write .
There is no way back for the BBC after this last year and a half, coming on top of their disgraceful record on Brexit.
The BBC network of dodgy news providers (exposed)
The Left has taken over Wikipedia and stripped it of neutrality, says co-creator
Wikipedia has been taken over by Left-leaning volunteers and only offers a one-sided version of information, according to the online encyclopedia’s co-founder.
Mr Sanger, 53, cited page entries on Joe Biden and his son Hunter as an example. (Oh yes, both saints according to the BBC entry on American politics).
Mr Sanger added that “very little” reference to scandals and allegations against the Bidens, for instance relating to their business dealings in Ukraine, could be found on Wikipedia.
Asked if he thought Wikipedia could be trusted to give truthful information, he replied: “Well, it depends on what you think the truth is.”
A bit like the BBC then. It depends on what TRUTH you want to defend and we know the BBC is well funded by leftie globalists who pay rather well for propaganda that looks clean.
Also reported on Daily Mail, just checked…
Mash up is a red flag in some ways as it it is openly admitting editorialised satire.
Hence to be viewed as such, like most BBC News.
However, it would be interesting if Rack and Sozzle even went near admitting it existed, much less debunking.
Turning disinformation into an industry based on selective cherry picking based on the team the BBC has seems laughable.
The BBC and house journal seem unaware most are well aware what the issue is. And is not.
“A warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapour and that needs to get out… as rainfall.”
Dr Friederike Otto tells BBC Newsnight that the floods that have wreaked havoc across western Europe could be “the result of just decades of not taking climate change seriously.”
What is causing the floods in Europe?
Scientists believe climate disruption will bring more extreme weather, and humans are making things worse
‘Could’ and ‘believe’ are wearing thin.
Indeed they are GuestWho-Climate change has been going on ever since this World was formed, and they that pretend to know it all, knows this full well-what if anything might alter our weather patterns is Pollution-however as this World will still need to use fosil fuels for a long time to come, especially in view of the pressure to run transport of any kind entirely on electrification. At present the National Grid UK would struggle to provide what is required, however Government and its so called advisers chose to ignore the warning signs as they steam ahead. Sambolic mess all round as per usual.
BBC News in its happily place.
A BBC investigation based on the experiences of dozens of women reveals concerns about how the British-run site, known for porn, is structured, managed and moderated.
As you are on form tonight, for once , just once can you post an example of Al Beeb’ bias? What motivates your obsession in trolling here ?
I’m of the opinion that you should be censored using the same “House Rules” as those applied by Al Beeb’s HYS.
The BBC will love this one. Well, mostly.
Especially Mishal Husain for her charts.
A dithering Macron I suspect GuestWho-doesn’t just now know whether he is on his arse or elbow-so many arguments blowing from all corners of his country and from his new great wet nurse Merkle-of course both will be gone soon thank goodness or I hope so.
BBC Shires wet themselves.
For the first time in its 1,300 year history a woman has been appointed as the Dean of #Hereford. We meet the Revd Canon Sarah Brown
No word on sexual orientation in the headline.
I can’t find the correct words at present, but stupid might fit as well just now-its as mad as the appointment of women Bishops-I thought from reading of the Bible that the Disciples of Jesus who are the Bishops of Christ were all men? Women never came into the equation, I’m just so grateful that men can’t have babies, I am right there am I not?
Another for the BBC Three Greengos to ask Wendy and Springster not to check…
Sam on the Rack’s first draft?
Jim has a series of lists. Be interesting if Mishal is in them or he just adds the BBC generically.
Guto Harri
Jim, you missed maxincony
“Covid: PM and chancellor not isolating after Javid test”
“Downing Street said the pair would take part in a pilot programme, where daily tests replace self-isolation.”
Can we all join that programme ?
“Covid-19: PM and chancellor to self-isolate in U-turn”
Change of plan !
He used to be indecisive but now he is STILL not so sure.
Popcorn order placed.
The Nihalism explosion alone should last for weeks.
Mishal could start a new chart.
Gypsy Moths could be renamed Pikey Moths
Stunning out.
Before I leave with the dogs early, in the shade, one last wafer theen BBC suicide note…
“Even in the spaces we’ve managed to create for ourselves, [non-black] people violently infiltrate and occupy these spaces with no respect to the architects who built it.”
Why black TikTok creators have gone on strike
By Cache McClay
BBC News, Washington
Via ‘Empty McClay’ as better known on the hill.
A sample of public reaction…
“When you have the financial security of the licence fee, why do you have an editorial policy that generates outrage for clicks? Aren’t you supposed to provide a public service?”
Most are less generous, and in tonality. .
Being Sunday I felt it best to spare Fed’s sensibilities.
Oddly, no obvious teachers not of color with mental issues and blue or pink hair screaming at the dash cam.
BBC1 News 08.50.
“We now feature the first woman ever to row for Britain in the Olympics after having given birth.”
Never Mind.
Just leave out a few words Dover.
“We now feature the first woman ever to row for Britain …… after having given birth.”
More likely where you’re from?
They probably wanted to narrow it down to one of the types of women because now men, and all the miscellaneous lot in between, can give birth.
BBC types are so varied.
Making up the numbers
The public do enjoy their cops shows, whether they be of the character of that reassuring old-fashioned touch of the helmet “Evening All” BBC police procedural show, typified by their short homely homilies delivered, direct to camera, in Dixon of Dock Green. Or be it, alternatively, in the popular form of the harum-scarum, get out there on the mean streets and collar us the villains of ITV’s The Sweeney, which we tend to classify as police drama.
It is worth remembering there was quite some moral panic voiced at the time Independent Television first aired the adventures of Jack Regan and George Carter. The conservative argument of the time ran along the lines of imagining that our young impressionable lower ranked coppers, up until this point content to police consentually pootling along in their pandas, would watch and suddenly become rather too enamoured and impressed by the corner cutting, car chasing, in your face antics of the fictional TV plod of the Sweeney Tod.
On the contrary, producers of the show revealed that their story lines originated from reliable sources (as Regan himself might justify his hunches to the dubious DCI Haskins) rather than as the production of their own fevered imagination. They would frequent off-duty out of hours favoured drinking holes of the boys in blue and avidly absorb first hand their source material from the most reliable of informers.
The next moment of change in the character of policing was perhaps best caught by… of all people… Ben Elton, with his character played by Rowan Atkinson in the mid-90s short-lived BBC comedy series The Thin Blue Line. Here was the modern uniformed senior officer Inspector Fowler, often comedically ineffectual and unmanly, more Mr Bean than Blackadder, whilst still steeped in old-fashined patriotic notions of duty – a would-be, if failing, Dixon of Dock Green, nowadays bewildered by and struggling with the daily issues of sex, diversity and modernity. His uniformed side kicks were a tick-box collection of diversity hires. His arch rival of the plain clothes branch of the Gasforth constabulary was DI Derek Grim. A would-be Jack Regan who would berate all “fannying about” hilariously soapboxing what he perceived as “namby-pamby, hoity-toity, social-workie, lardy-dardy-lardy-dahs”. Afterall, he put his arse on the line out there and the last thing he wanted to see was anyone else’s cock up.
So where are we now? With our the real life police? ‘The head of the Metropolitan police, Cressida Dick, has been forced to defend recruitment standards as leaked documents reveal cases of violent disorder, cheating and dishonesty among trainees at Britain’s biggest police force‘ (Times)
We’ll come back to this article revealling the apparently low calibre of modern police recruits after we’ve looked at a current cause célèbre police case. No, not the murder of Sarah Everard – let’s not go there – how about a case that’s still open.
‘Police continue to look into defacing of mural‘ (Sky News) – No, not some further sectarian fall out following the Glorious Twelfth Orangemen’s Day, requiring the PSNI to tread the tight rope of impartiality between rival communities within the tinderbox that is Ulster.
This is of course a case of national, not just regional importance: ‘The artwork painted in Withington, Marcus Rashford’s hometown, was defaced after England lost to Italy in the Euro 2020 final on Sunday; several swear words were sprayed onto the mural after Rashford missed a penalty, along with Jadon Sancho and Bukayo Saka‘
The blemish of Racialism rears it’s ugly black head and our police are most keen to lance this disfiguring boil on the face of Britain.
‘Greater Manchester Police launched an investigation after it received a report of racially aggravated damage at the mural at 2.50am on Monday‘
Calling all cars, quick put out an APB – or whatever the lingo these days?
‘Superintendent Richard Timson added: “On Monday morning when we saw the damage done to the mural in Withington we were all left appalled, and we stand with the rest of the community whose solidarity against this vile abuse ever since has really shown the best of our city.‘
‘“The person responsible for this knows who they are and we believe there will be others who also suspect the identity of this offender, and I therefore urge anyone with such information to get in touch to help progress our enquiries at speed.”‘
Clearly this represents an absolute top priority crime for the solving of. For the good of society we must clap this Banksy gone wrong in irons.
But what’s this: ‘Police say the defacing of a Marcus Rashford mural in Manchester is “not believed to be of a racial nature“‘
But, but, but – presumably – as they teach in police college – you can never be too sure: ‘Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said it is “keeping an open mind as to the motive” behind the mural vandalism as officers investigate several lines of inquiry.‘
I’m willing to speculate that whatever the outcome of these intensive investigations one thing we may be sure of is that the original ‘report of racially aggravated damage‘ will remain in the statistics.
Making up the numbers
Traditionally, at the moment of the uncovering of any unpleasant or shocking crime the police tend to utter the familiar formula: “The worst case we’ve ever seen” “I’ve been in the force 25 years and this is the worst I’ve ever come across in my long and full career” – one assumes the cops aim in way to reassure the public that the crime was indeed very serious… but rare. Don’t have nighmares as the Crimewatch show would say as its coda. The now withdrawn in its former format BBC show that perhaps for once over-represented BAME communities on TV.
And so to the Manchester police public statment…
‘Superintendent Richard Timson added: “On Monday morning when we saw the damage done to the mural in Withington we were all left appalled, and we stand with the rest of the community whose solidarity against this vile abuse ever since has really shown the best of our city.‘
If a couple of swear words daubed on a wall really leaves his officers appalled, one wonders at their lack of backbone for the job. Cue DI Derek Grim… “namby-pamby, hoity-toity…!”
And so this one will no doubt go down, in the popular mind at least, as racial as we leave this incident of rapidly blackwashed graffiti and it may remain the biggest and most controversial police cover up since the Goulston Street graffito of 1888 when Police Superintendent Thomas Arnold ordered his bobbies to scrub off with sponge and bucket of soapy water the legend: “The Juews are not [the word ‘not’ being deleted] the men that will not be blamed for nothing”
So what’s been going on at the Met’s Hendon Police College?
We know there’s a push for more female recruits – are they tough enough for the job? The Times report continues:
‘One leaked document reveals that in July last year a female recruit… was detained after punching and head-butting a police officer while allegedly under the influence of alcohol and drugs‘ – you go, girl…!
Well, it’ll be their female arses on the line out there, that’s the policy, so perhaps we the public shouldn’t stick our noses into it.
‘Other ducuments reveal instances of dishonesty among recruits… Dick was forced to deny rumours that an entire intake of recruits had failed the initial selection process but were still given a start date because “the Met needed the numbers”‘
Making up the numbers
Our BBC1 Andrew Marr show this morning at 0900.
I intended to sit through and take notes but I didn’t beyond Marr’s hugely biased introduction:-
“Tomorrow, Freedom Day, lots will continue to wear masks.”
“Boris’ decision is very risky politically. Will his vaccine-wall hold?”
“One of our guests is Professor Nial Ferguson.” (He wore a far left garb in casual black with a beard and short hair).
Marr then ranted about rising infections, rising deaths and hospitals being over run. He mentioned Javid as if he was enough to continue the lockdown. Pure desperation.
I could see where all this was going. Can you?
Another guest, the German Environment Minister, showed how the pressures of ministerial responsibility can so easily affect memory.
Asked by Marr to give some idea of the severity of the current flooding in Germany and related countries, he told us the levels were unprecedented, ‘perhaps once in a hundred years….’
Obviously the severe central, western and northern European flooding in 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 and to slightly lower levels more recently, don’t count. Probably because no-one thought to blame climate change.
But climate wibble will remain the bbc green-tick checked fact du jour.
Radio 4 likes to find a headline from the newspapers that criticises Israel if they can. Today they found an interesting criticisim of Israel from the Jerusalem Post paper which said ” that hate speech against Arabs in Hebrew was up by 9% but it was going down since Naftali Bennet became PM”
Note the unusual positive attitude towards a PM of Israel.. The context of this news is that today is when Jews fast to mourn the destruction of the Ist and 2nd Temples. Jewish tradition teaches that the 2nd Temple was destroyed by the Romans due to the baseless hatred of the Jews at that time..
But I keep reading that there were no Jews in that area prior to 1948. BBC correspondents seem to agree.
I can’t even begin to imagine how much hate speech there is in Arabic against Israel. It will be totally free and unmoderated on any Arabic forum.
Of course the Left won’t go anywhere near that.
A BBC security correspondent might get wheeled out to take a shot it.
Are they so keen to talk about the trouble Israel has had with its totalitarian vaccination policy?
It got to Marr asking Jenrick if letting the virus rip could lead to more English variants. Total acceptance by Marr that the so-called ‘Dover Variant’ (nothing personal) was incubated in Kent rather than the more likely having been brought there.
Indeed PG, I am taking legal action at the Supreme Court for the ‘Dover Variant’ slur.
BUTCHER TO STAY Iraqi war criminal who slaughtered Saddam Hussein’s prisoners wins fight to stay in UK
AN IRAQI war criminal who executed 35 prisoners under Saddam Hussein has won his battle to stay in the UK.
The 55-year-old, who cannot be named, pleaded human rights grounds to stay in Britain despite slaughtering POWs during Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
The executioner killed POWs under Saddam Hussein’s orders
Now Home Secretary Priti Patel has backed down after a 20-year legal battle, despite accepting he was responsible for ordering the executions.
In total, 440 Kuwaitis were killed in the invasion which sparked the first Gulf War.
The war criminal came to Britain in 2001, claiming he was in danger from Kurdish collaborators.
His claims were rejected in 2003, 2007 and again in 2014 as his story changed, until he finally launched an appeal under the Human Rights Act.
His claim he would face inhuman or degrading treatment if sent home was accepted by Judge Stephen Smith.
But Robert Clark, researcher at the Henry Jackson Society, said: “The British authorities should have turned him over to Kuwaiti authorities once the original appeal had been thrown out.”
The Home Office declined to comment on the case, but said: “We will fix the broken asylum system.”
There’s always sending Kamala to laugh at Nish’s sellout gig in the San Reno Palladium.
BBC1 this morning with The Marr Show followed by Politics South followed by Sunday Morning Live all singing from the same hymn sheet. Pure agenda driven “climate change is real” whilst pushing for more lockdowns and jabs for kids.
Just typical of the BBC to quote EU leaders saying “the floods in Germany are due to climate change” and definitely nothing to do failed leadership e.g too much concrete, not maintaing drainage and not dredgiing rivers.
SML. First story. Racist abuse of England footballers. Cue three Muslim women starting a campaign calling for life bans from stadia, lost jobs and stoning to death (maybe not the last one)
The BBC conveniently forgetting most of the abuse came from Arab ip addresses.
WTF, When did any of these “three hijabis” ever go to a first class football match. I expect their misogynistic, homophobic husbands/cousins don’t let them out unattended, only allowing them mobile phones, so they can keep tabs on them. Kept very quiet when their folk rape vulnerable schoolgirls on an industrial scale or arrange conveys of jew hating racists driving all the way from Bradford to London to abuse orthodox followers of Judaism.
ps In the South section, they had Southampton’s bid to be 2025 City Of Culture. Would you believe they are up against the aforementioned third world ghettoised shithole that Bradford has become.
I read yesterday that Marr had signed a 4 year contract with the Beeb – so there’s no getting rid of him yet.
Victoria Atkins tells Zarah Sultana to ‘lower the tone’.
Apologies if already posted.
God help our country.
How did we end up with that stupid, racist woman as a lawmaker ?.
She’s like a schoolgirl.
Vicky is a rising star …..
One to watch, perhaps! And gosh, we need some good people to replace the present lot.
Hunter and RNLI meet up with French warship which has been escorting a dinghy in French waters for over an hour
This is not ‘following International Law’ – this is Treason.
Do we give money to the RNLI to ferry ‘invaders’ in to our country ?
Its pretty evident that there has been some ‘deal’ with the French to empty their camps .
Do we have any Tory MPs any more or are they all closet Liberals ?
GBNews is putting Farage on from Monday night 7pm . I suspect he will avoid illegal invasions of Blighty and stick to something more agreeable to OFCOM .
I reckon Farage is the last throw of the dice for GBNot much news …. Does it have viewing figures any more ?
It sort of reminded me of ‘this morning ‘ type stuff without the hourly news but with 6 minutes of woke adverts every 15 minutes …. Please tell me I’m wrong because I stopped watching after Brillo thought his holiday more important …
Lord Farage sums up eloquently our BBC and Sky News:
“They support diversity of everything apart from opinion”.
At least he’s not “taking the knee” for anyone.
“Brillo thought his holiday more important”
Priorities – too many seem to think holidays and travel are the most important things. They are not.
I bet Farage has been sitting on the GBnews subs bench all along
.. Had he been put on on Day1 it would have given the lefties ammunition to go to Ofcom with
Thank you – I wonder if he will’ co – host ‘( Americanism ) with gutless Hari?
I will give it a try Monday night up to the first Set of adverts aimed at the coloured folk …
By the way – I see you wasted words on the troll . It will never write directly about the BBC because it knows it will be crushed by clear evidence of constant far left propaganda described daily here .
Farage describes it as ‘centre left ‘ but I disagree there .
Maybe if Farage turns GBN around he will get a peerage or knighthood – he hasn’t done much else to get one of those has he ?…..
All trolls should be treated equally
By that I mean, that they should be subject to the same censure meted out by Al Beeb’s HYS moderators .
I gave GBN a chance, but I still find it all a bit of a jumble. Its still not aesthetically pleasing – the set designer should be sacked, the acoustics haven’t been sorted out – as though they’re speaking in an aircraft hanger, and all the women should be dumped – they make stupid giggly remarks, have screechy shouty voices and contribute bugger all.
Can you suggest an alternative ?
Nope, but my suggestions should be taken on board, and then it would be something approaching a proper news channel, and because the alternative is a rubbish watch, then we’re left with this – which could be so much better.
I no longer watch any “traditional” tv, I stream everything, mostly using YouTube. I watch a lot of bloggers from all over the world, amateurs making content about subjects that interest me, discovering along the way ideas, lifestyles and topics that I would never have been introduced to and enjoy if I relied solely on the mainstream media.
Needless to say the production standards of much of what you see on YouTube are slightly shoddy but you look past that because you’re interested in what you’re watching.
I agree with Brissles with regards to set design and acoustics, GB News are not supposed to be amateurs but their programmes have very much a ‘YouTube’ feel at the minute. You hope this will only improve given time, hopefully allowing their editorial message to become clearer, their presenters more confident and more engaging. Until it does I think that it’s important that people look at the substance of the programming, and hope that Harri was an unfortunate blip, not the style.
It seems to me that the obsession with style over substance in our msm and political classes is the main reason that he GB News we were promised should eventually work if they do it right.
If however they don’t sort themselves out soon more viewers will give up, if they haven’t already, and they and potential viewers will look elsewhere for what they want. But as taff asks, where is it?
But tell us what you really think.
Meet The Citizens
I hope the PM has arranged for MI5 to get a sample of Sajid Javid’s blood to Porton Down in double quick time. It is time to work out where that infection came from.
To happen once, is a coincidence.
To happen twice, is maybe another coincidence or a ‘start to get suspicious’ moment.
To happen three times – alarm bells should ring.
@thecoastguy on GBNews has a thoughtful piece about ‘freedom day ‘ on Monday …. It is a view that will never be heard on the BBC and sort of harks back to the time when a variety of people were given 14 minutes of air time on R4 to give a ‘point of view ‘ – following the loss of ‘letter from America ‘.
When you think of the descent of the BBC – from the unmissable alistair Cooke each week – down to the likes of ‘Katty? ‘ and ‘Christian ?’ You sort of ask ‘how the eff did that happen ?’
Yes – Well said Neil
Right link?
“Neil Oliver: Freedom Day? More like Groundhog Day”
(I thought this was the one you meant – it’s good anyway)
The Neil Oliver show also displayed scepticism towards the zero emissions target something would never happen on the BBC.
I watch Oliver , Wooten, Doyle and Farage regularly on the app. I agree with those who find some of the other shows poor but those four are really good and totally different to anything that can be found elsewhere on British MSM.
Thanks to theisland for posting the GBN link. Neil Oliver talks sense.
“NHS is the new church. We are the congregation. Good people wear masks and show compassion. This is the message we are being given”
Dover, yes but, no but, aah but: the congregation (in a proper Church) does not have to save the church (note small ‘c’) visible or invisible, that has already been done by Someone else. Nudge nudge 😉 😉 The people in the church go to worship that Someone.
And the priests and vicars of the new church can do no wrong …
Ofcom’s control of ‘the message’
According to facts4eu
Ofcom’s control of content comes under what they call its Standards and Audience Protection (“SAP”) Team. The SAP Team sits within the Broadcasting and Online Content Group. In answer to a Freedom of Information request on 30 October 2020, Ofcom declined to say who is in the SAP team, nor did it give any indication of how many they are, and nor did it provide any information about the qualifications for getting this role.
You need to click to find out where this difficulty might arise.
Could be dodgy tryst secrecy, could be flood plain whoopsies, could be cctv footage that sees the bbc deep sixing promising outrage weeks suddenly.
Ah, a bit more has appeared, with the word ‘could’ in it.
Looking at Ferguson, what are the chances of him being hard-left. What of many things gives it away?
TWOTWEEEE Watch #1 – in which the BBC give much prominence to one Anthony Charles Lynton Blair
I wonder why?
Could it that the disgraced former PM is suggesting a way of dealing with the Pandemic which is different from our democratically elected Government?
Could it that the disgraced former PM is wanting to impose controls on the British people by way of ‘Vaccine Passports’?
The police have completely lost the plot,’ said Harry Miller, a former police officer from pressure group Fair Cop.
‘How the hell can whistling Bob The Builder at someone land you with a criminal record?’
3pm local radio stations news
“Labour Leader Sir K Starmer says ..about Boris backtracking on his Covid isolation
Rail union leader Mick Lynch …clip
Here’s a Tony Blair clip”
3 Labour voices aired
Zero Tory voices …seems biased to me
Then a biy of Climate alarmism
“German Chancellor Merkel visits”
then “RNLI rescue deer”
10am news very similar
but clip #1 Labour’s Jim Ashworth
No Blair
“Merkel visits”
“Prince Charles says about small farms ….”
” ..grand prix at Silverstone”
Jimmy Brown used to farm at Silverstone, Stew.
The outrage caused by sunak ( sunk ) and nut nut trying to avoid the ping is quite something . But points to an out of touch regime – very bad for sunak – and shows a lack of a political nose – not good for a PM in waiting …
Some members of the COVID Recovery Group would form better government than the present incumbents.
The old adage comes to mind : “we are lions led donkeys.”
Mass invasion on our land and coast and the Home Secretary is clueless. The economy is being wrecked, while Al Beeb pokes fun at our government and people, but continues to be supported by law against the will of the people of this once proud people.
Their political radar is just astonishingly bad . Ive said here before that any assumption that the political class is clever is profoundly wrong . This one was a textbook example .
It seems we are governed by overpaid dullards .
And this one isnt a westminster village story because real people are seriously damaged by the laws these idiots have produced… with or without handonhiscock
Fed, you wonder at the man’s intelligence. ‘He felt a bit groggy’ so the next day he goes for a Covid test that could be wildly inaccurate.
Interesting timing dynamics about the Scunthorpe McDonald’s factory blockade by Veg Supremacists
by 2pm Saturday the police had brought in their special cherrypicker after trucking up from London apparently
That basically meant the protest was over
and 5pm Saturday the protesters tweeted their protest was over after 62 hours
Then at 5:50pm on TV Look North opened with 30 seconds on the end of the protest. *
But On the radio it got little coverage
For some reason at the same time Radio Humberside chose not to cover the news.
Then after 7pm there are only national bulletins
Then on Sunday morning news bulletins it was covered quickly and dropped in the afternoon
*(Labour’s Diana Johnson was in another TV item ..cos she lives in the studio)
Today’s police statement
Oh dear, its feathers at dawn at the blight ridden, gender blind, colour blind, age blind (have I left anything out ?) production of Hamlet at Windsor. Black actress (note ‘female’) is playing the part of “a son” and is claiming she’s being ‘disrespected’ (why is that word ALWAYS used by non-whites?) by other cast members and long standing actor Steven Berkoff, so the pair of them have flounced off – exiting stage right and left. Leaving poor old Sir Ian sobbing buckets.
Better than any nursery rhyme.
‘Ms Cole felt her opinions weren’t listened to and that she was given no respect,’ a source said.’
A resume boasting bit-parts on Eastenders and Hollyoaks will do nicely, thank you. Berkoff is not only a Shakespearean actor of some note, but has been at the pinnacle of Hollywood, so I suspect he clocked the uppity little no-mark early doors and abandoned this shit show before it dragged his name down into the mud.
Just had an email from Tesco saying that I am expected to wear a mask in store. When will these self appointed controllers grant permission for us not to wear masks?
It is possible that they fear wokes, as in a combined XR and BLM attack.
Soon, not wearing a mask will be racist. Why? Because BAMEs suffer more fatalities as a percentage than whites from COVID. That will be their twisted logic.
Tomorrow on Vile… Femi, Champion and YAB share their thoughts on… areas of expertise.
Floods in Germany. Its climate change. Activists interviewed on BBC 6pm news. Merkel blames climate change.
The climate lobby’s equivalent of the Reichstag fire