The BBC now in full Olympics mode – offering the pretence of being British . The coverage has not been going too well up to now. Meanwhile Project Fear is in full flow as the swamp goes on holiday .
Start The Week 26 July 2021
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It appears that a bunch of people fed up to the back teeth with Drakefords power-crazed grip on the Welsh public rolled up outside his house to vent their frustration.
Drakefords predecessor Carwyn something or other rallied behind Drakeford saying it’s unacceptable and “the sort of thing we see from the far-right in the USA”.
I think if you check your facts Carwyn you will actually find that the people prone to this in the USA are virtually 100% supporters of Antifa or BLM along with motley climate or green activists so far-right behaviour is just a lie. However we have come to expect this sort of sleight of hand from the left in this Country.
I suppose it was a reptilian attempt to falsely equate these pissed off Welsh people with Trumps “violent armed mob” who allegedly tried to “storm” the capitol by walking calmly and peacefully through the front doors.
Maybe Drakeford should have found the balls to go out and talk to them instead of circling his left wing cronies around himself.
He said “We’re talking about a very small group of people who are on a different planet to the rest of us.”
Did he similarly condemn the protesters at Trump Tower
and at Trump’s Key Largo estate.
As a rule protest at someone’s home or business
is intimidation
though if the person themselves is using the building at the time to make a political speech, it’s OK.
Or perhaps Carwyn Jones, who had to stand down as Welsh First Minister after allegedly covering up bullying within the Labour Party in Wales, the tactics are similar to those already used here against politicians and their families while at home by far-left arseholes like Ian Bone.
Did the bBbc forget about Rees-Moggs kids? They knew about it at the time.
Or maybe Class War are “far-right”? Are these socialists really actually fascists after all?
Rich: “Are these socialists really actually fascists after all?”
Alex Scott, new (female, BAME- tick, tick) Olympics presenter, has been on the same ‘don’t pronounce g at the end of words’ course as Priti Patel.
‘We’ll be coverin’ the divin’ and swimmin’ tomorrow’
Still, these days one should be grateful for speaking any decent English on the BBC, innit?
Sluff-You should be proud to see such LGBT and Scottish presentation
of the Olympics on the BBC. Why should there be any Caucasian English male
heterosexual representation ? We live in a diverse community now
the days of the 80% majority indigenous population are over.
We understand this in Londonistan. The rest of the country has got to understand this as well. Don’t you want the BBC to educate
you in understanding this?
Beeboids ,
I put the radio on and you were on about Taking The Knee and BLM , again .
Now look BBC children , when everyone was watching the England match versus Italy , they were watching the players , the England team and cheering all of them on .
They weren’t thinking ; now a white person has the ball , he passes to a black person who passes back , the white person makes a break up the field but is tackled by a black person who gets the ball and passes it to a white person who just can’t quite stop it going over the touch line. A black person takes the throw in and a white person does a fine header down the pitch where a mixed race person neatly touches it past the white goalie into the net .
They watched the match colour blind. You don’t .
I heard a little of this Radio 4 programme about taking the knee. Apparently it is all related to kneeling in prayer and relationship with G-d. Kneeling hasn’t anything to do with support of Marxism, or at least in the part I heard. But I didn’t hear it all because I switched off but I would be delighted if someone corrected me.
Deborah ,
The Taking The Knee seems so convoluted that even God would be confused . But not Lenin .
Why “taking”? Why “the”? A pox on this bastard English!
Yes it was one of the dozens of woke items on Pick Of The Week.
The speaker was doing Post Hoc reasoning.
Thinking up an excuse after the event.
The players kneel cos they support BLM, and kneeling is a BLM symbol
They had BLM on their jerseys the first few times they did this gesture.
It is not to do with black sports stars kneeling for the national anthem
nor MLK kneeling in 1963
They don’t have MLK on their jerseys.
Martin Luther King was the originator, Deborah, on the second march that turned back to Selma when faced with Police and State Troopers blocking the road to Montgomery.
I doubt the BBC will report this, or if they do they’ll distort the facts.
Hatun Tash is an ex-muslim, now a fearless Christian evangelist who often preaches at Speakers’ Corner where she exposes the numerous fallacies and inconsistencies of islam.
She is usually heckled aggressively by the jihadi mob who have all but taken over what used to be a bastion of free speech. On many occasions she has been assaulted and beaten up; and more than once has been arrested by Cressida wish-I-had-a-Dick’s goons.
Yes: SHE was arrested, not the violent muslim thugs who threaten and attack her.
Well, now the Religionists of Peace have just ramped up the violence a notch by peacefully stabbing her in the face and arm.
(Incidentally, the man presenting the video is a scholar called Dr Jay Smith, who, along with other Western scholars, is unearthing facts about the origins of islam that will rock it to its core. Naturally, he, too, often receives death threats.)
“Officers attended and found a 39-year-old woman suffering from a minor slash injury to her head.”
“There have been no arrests and enquiries continue.”
The Met Police are so weak they describe the stabbing of a Christian woman by a Muslim man as “assault”.
“Assault ” like f*ck
… Premeditated racially aggravated attempted murder . I’ve corrected it for you
I actually think some nutter was not trying to kill her.
If he wanted to kill her she would have had even more significant injuries.
What one would expect to see is the usual Muslim blue ticks expressing concern for her and apologising for the guy.
will that happen ?
So far only 4 tweeters say they condemn the attack
none are blue ticks, Got a total of 87 likes
3 of them in their tweets label her a “hate preacher”
two of 4 seems to say “sorry not sorry”
“I however do not feel sorry for the hate preacher nor will I shed crocodile tears for her.
I repeat however for the trouble makers she didn’t deserve to be violently attacked.”
“I would ask people not to speculate on the motive for the attack until we have established the full facts.”
All those witnesses and no description of the attacker.
Looks like a duck, sounds like a duck springs to mind.
And in the spirit of their recent switch to bizarre reports which have abandoned any pretence of serious journalism, we have a picture of ‘A cafe near speakers corner’ from Getty.
Won’t upset anyone. Remember BBC policy: one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter.
‘..minor slash injury to her head…’
FFS watching the video of the attack, seeing the energy of the attacker’s arm, the closeness of the head wound to the eye, ANY nutter who does something like that deserves to be prosecuted for attempted murder.
The mealy-mouthed police representation of the assault is evidence of their uselessness.
Another largely peaceful event in good old London Town.
Red button text says “woman attackec with knife at Speakers Corner”. Perpetrator was “someone dressed in black”.
I saw someone dressed in black a couple of weeks ago! It could be a lead – should I report it to plod?
Police describe the injury as a minor slash injury to her head.
How can you have a ‘minor’ slash injury to your head?
Ian, was it Johnny Cash?
If you want the full details of everything that happened, just switch on the BBC.
Covid case numbers drop again and Sajid Javid apologises for using the insultingly emotive and insensitive word ‘cower’ in relation to the virus.
One item is significantly more important and newsworthy than the other – so which does Mishal use to lead off the 10 o’clock News?
And which does the BBC think will cause more public uncertainty and loss of confidence in the government?
Quite right.
‘Cower’ is more suitable to describe what people do at the feet of BLM. They are terrified of the consequences if they do not kneel.
Sat through the second part of disjointed, frenetic and convoluted ‘Baptiste’ which relies on the predictable theme of near total incomprehensibility to hold its spellbound audience in thrall.
What’s it all about? How did she wind up in a wheelchair? How does Baptiste’s beard keep getting confused? Is he sober now?
Almost ended and eureka! It’s those ghastly Hungarian racists being beastly to worthy fenced out immigrants. Should be good for a BAFTA then. After Uprising, of course.
It’s so terribly predictable isn’t it. In last week’s start the week I guessed it would all be the right wing’s fault, and lo and behold a supposed m*slem hostage video turns out to be made by righties ( as is often the case dontcha know).
As a rule of thumb any programme that constantly switches between two or more time lines tends to be rubbish trying to hide plot fault lines, and any script that includes “ beyond your
pay grade “ or words to that effect has been written by an idiot; Baptiste contained them both.
I lost an hour of my life watching ITV’s remake of Professor T
They are trying to hard
The Belgian original is much better.
And that’s not saying much !
Complaints about BBC coverage of Olympic events are stacking up but while it’s true they were outbid by US giant Discovery – keeping Gary and Zoe pre-eminent comes at a cost – who would not want to be a fly on the wall at the next Disco board meeting in a week or so, when the accountants dissect just what part of ‘value for money’ they actually got for their £920m?
The Olympic Games now remind me of Jabba the Hutt, bloated and ridiculous. I fondly remember the days of Don Thompson, Mary Rand, and Ann Packer ( PAKKAHH !! – courtesy of David Coleman ).
Given my way it would be athletics only and no team games.
And amateurs only, Donbob. All the professional sports people have their own major championships in which to compete apart from the Olympics with the exception of tennis players and golfers.
They have four! Each.
Surely there has to be a drama about a thoracic surgeon fleeing war torn France in a dinghy to seek safety in war torn Blighty with much better benefits – and no checks on medical qualifications because they’d be racist – or the checkers would be of third world heritage corrupt practitioners.
Ahh those dinghies packed with young girls who want to be doctors and help people.
Hidden out of sight beneath all those fighting-age males.
BBC desperate to copy Clarkson’s Farm hit
” #BBC3 have @TPFarmLife (one of UK biggest YouTubers) starting a series in the Autumn.
Maybe they’ve worked out @countryfile is missing a big demographic “
All taxpayers funder the FCA
A few of them are black
Another week of GBN . I don’t watch the day time stuff and can’t comment on it. I use the GBN app and watch on you tube the shows I’m interested in, Oliver, Dolan, Wootton, Farage and Doyle. I think that they are good and certainly give a very different slant on events to anything on the MSM. This difference is emphasised by the occasional guest of the liberal Woke persuasion who look very uncomfortable with what is being said.
Of course they don’t take up the cudgels about Islamification or the legal mass migration but they are having a go at the channel invaders. They are giving the Woke brigade a good battering and H&M get roasted and they have very clearly had enough of lockdown, masks etc. They also give plenty of stick to the BBC and knee bending is an anathema.All in all I think they have made a good start and their audience is mainly on line , not linear TV as they refer to the stuff you need a License for, and the numbers are good.
GB News do seem utterly compliant with the official line on vaccination, and in that respect are just another of the MSN. It would be good to see just one being brave enough to step out of line, even if only for the sake of an informative debate, which we shall never have on the good old BBC. Eventually reality will break through and the two worlds will collide; a shame if GBN will be seen as having been on the wrong side.
White English Hetrosexual Male wins GB first Olympic gold, no political gesture however I’m sure the BBC will bring the slight DFS side of him out as a story.
Well done Adam we look forward to more medals.
Just heard a breathless adoring Scottish BBC girl swooning over mr Peaty and his body on Toady – talking to a dry swimming instructor …..
……………………it’s weird how – when the BBC ‘approves ‘ of something or someone it turns into a gooy teenager- but be ‘disapproved ‘ and they pour the acid on again and again ….
Olympics – who cares ?
Wait until the girls in PR get swooning. And the wimmin.
Here’s the BME….
Peaty hasn’t lost this distance in more than seven years, has broken the world record five times and is the only man to have ever swam it in under 57 seconds. “When it comes down to it I am not racing for a time, I am racing myself,” he said after his win at this Games. “This victory wasn’t mine, it was the British team’s and my family and friends’.” This win is another step towards his ambition to achieve sporting immortality, or Project Immortal, a theoretical swim so good it’s almost inhuman, one that will never be beaten. Double Olympic gold-medal winning swimmer Rebecca Adlington told BBC Sport: “He is just phenomenal. We aren’t going to see many Adam Peatys in my lifetime.
Unprecedented. Historical. Immortal. Almost. Theoretically.
Bloke swam gud.
Guest – in the sports section the bbc bloke tried to take on some ‘lady’ who is chief exec of”sport England ‘ or similar waste of space .
Apparently money is being cut for swimming and horsy’posh sports ‘(BBC words ) but increased on others .
The ‘lady’ had been rehearsing her no denial all night by the sound of it ….diversity
Then he asked about ‘bullying ‘ – lady didn’t use the word but said “
Adam Peaty is lovely isn’t he ?and if I wasn’t a dyke I might fancy him – even if he is white “( may be a made up quote )…
Twitter has its uses.
The replies to this are likely not part of any bbc coverage.
Hugh in therapy still?
The replies to this, however…
Maybe the BBC can employ her for a few days?
Why did you put these up on a BBC biased site please ?
Feel free to remove
Feditorial Guidelines are as hard to assess as those stories the BBC lifts from others predictably.
Guest – look – if people put stuff up I tend to look at it . But when I am watching some Labour nobody spouting on about ‘climate change ‘ for 2 minutes on THIS SITE I wonder if you are a propaganda device for the Labour Party . …
Fed – look – if you get out of the wrong side of bed and decide to cope here that is fine; you were appointed mod.
Just try to be consistent and rational.
The BBC are obsessed with climate change. The BBC is obsessed with Labour. Their shadow environment nobody trying to equate a bit of poorly managed rainfall with Greta’s worst fears is the stuff of Rowlatt’s dreams.
So if that can get you ‘wondering’ (#bbcquotes) on THIS SITE they way you allude here, but post other stuff or sail past other things you are happy with, go you.
Tip toeing around the over sensitive buttons of those in control of the switches is not my thing.
I’ll post relevant, non offensive material until you block or ban me because you feel like it, thereby joining Mike Wendling as God Emperor of your domain.
Ok I won’t bother with your stuff any more – life it too short and I won’t be offend by your sniping . But you have a habit of posting irrelevant stuff – like a troll
Cool. Seems like a plan. Ed.
Am I alone in not having understood any of that exchange?
We live in a complex world, so I tend to glance at a post and if I don’t understand it I just skip on.
However here I’d already seen that Twitter thread
but for me it had been framed
“Bandwagon jumping, MP trying to set explanation to fit an agenda.”
Unfortunately @GW had posted the reply first
Actually the thread begins with
#1 Labour MP jumping on the Climate Bandwagon
‘oh we’ve had a bit of rain, Climate Change action is needed’
#2 in the replies lot of people called him out
‘ You don’t need to fix Climate Change
.. you need to fix the drains”
#3 Then we get other Labour factions piling in against the Labour MP
That’s the Aaron Bastani tweet saying
“Why did you vote to expand Heathrow in 2018 then? ”
#3 Then the Silverton tunnel activists pile in with a dig against Labour & Sadiq’s hypocrisy
‘ You Labour claim to be against more traffic and road building, yet you’re promising to build this new tunnel under the Thames
I guess @GW’s ultimate point is that other people do call out Labour’s climate hypocrisy, but the BBC doesn’t.
It shields Labout.
Now putting the black swimmer tweet in the same thread is unfortunate
cos that is a completely different issue
The way the media construct stories to frame black people as victims cos of their skin colour.
Poor kid.
I wonder how many adverts Adam will appear in ??
I think Adam can appear in as many adverts as he likes, I’m not going to try to stop him. He’s straight, lives with his female partner and has a young child. The BBC must despise him. I would like to be a fly on the wall when he does an advert for sofas and the producer says “We won’t need your family,, this is Rancid Butta; he will be your boyfriend, so gaze lovingly into his eyes”
And now Tom’s won Gold ……….BBC approves wholeheartedly.
My bit of London flooded yesterday – my thoughts and prayers are with people who sell sandbags . The Labour MP couldn’t get hold of the Labour Council emergency line …..
Cue the ‘all in it together innit ‘…..
My home might be flooded – I’m a long way away and the ‘neighbours ‘ not good on the eengleesh- except for benefits claims ….and voting Labour a lot …
Our excitable media will have you know a few sunny days in July was a heatwave, so now obviously a bit of rain must be something out of the ordinary: ‘St James’s Park was among London areas hit by the worst flooding in decades after torrential rain and thunderstorms‘ (Times)
Not the best substantiated of world record claims, I think you’ll agree. I wouldn’t trouble the Olympic committee with that one even it wasn’t wind assisted. Couldn’t the Times just say it rained a lot yesterday in London where they’re based and here’s a frontpage pic of a young lady in a raincoat, who for reasons best known to herself and the photographer, decided to wade ancle-deep in a puddle in the park.
The Daily Express also brings us a picture of a lady on the frontpage. Not so much a Dr Foster went to Gloucester story this one; more of a Cindarella bags her Prince Charming fairy tale – albeit he’s a bit long in the tooth and although our bride is hardly barefoot the groom is properly well heeled: ‘Diana’s niece Kitty, 30, marries billionaire 62‘
There are those who claim women don’t do comedy. We certainly remember instances when they have – Caroline Aherne’s comic persona Mrs Merton to Debbie McGee: “So what first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?”
So of course women have a sense of humour.
However, the Times delivers a timely reminder of what that Iranian mullah once told us – islam doesn’t have a sense of humour: ‘A popular Afghan comedian was among several people summarily killed by Taliban forces‘
BBC talent scouts missed their man there.
Getting back to that society wedding, the Telegraph carries the same frontpage photograph as the Express but focuses somewhat more on the romance of the thing: ‘Lady Kitty Spencer, 30, wore a Victorian-inspired white lace bridal gown by Dolce and Gabbana which drew comparison to the one worn by her late aunt Diana Princess of Wales. She married 62-year-old tycoon Michael Lewis in Rome on Saturday‘ – a veritable tour de force of captioning there, at once informative and factual yet allowing the reader to take what attitude he or she may choose. BBC take note.
Such tales of old baubles to new riches prooving hash-tag Yes She Can just as much as the Guardian’s preferential frontpage pic of the female third place over the male second: ‘Chelsie Giles celebrates after winning GB’s first medal of the Games with bronze in women’s judo -52K. Bradley Sinden took silver after a narrow loss in the men’s -68K taekwondo final‘ – the excuse, for no pic of the bloke I suppose, being that our Chelsie won her bronze first.
The Express, by the way, finds frontpage space for pics of both our Chelsie and the chap brandishing their baubles.
The giveaway Metro has something for everyone on its cover. A welcome return of the female celeb angst feature sees the pink-haired sultry-looking Anne-Marie, 30, billed as a ‘ 2002 singer‘ (which smacks of bottom-scraping celebrity-wise) complains of: ‘Why I needed therapy to help me cope with my paranoia and fears‘ – despite covid/lockdowns..?
‘Anne-Marie says she felt like ‘an a***hole’ going into therapy despite her glitzy life as a pop star… She became fearful simply leaving her house but the sessions worked wonders and even provided new fodder for her latest record, unsurprisingly called Therapy.‘
‘Anne-Marie also explained why she is not the one to replace Jesy Nelson in Little Mix… nor stand in as maternity cover for pregnant Perrie Edwards and Leigh-Anne Pinnock.’
‘Little Mix fans have been badgering her to take a permanent spot in the group after they teamed up for new single Kiss My (Uh-Oh).’
But we’re not here just to do fan service for Little Mix officianados. Back to news of the other half of humanity on the freebie Metro frontpage. Baldy Javid is contrite: ‘Health Secretary’s apology after outrage at his Tweet‘ – naughty man referred to people getting a vax rather than ‘cower from, this virus‘ – which form of words, we and he, now understand to be heretical.
The Times has news of the latest bit of stick the government is wielding to get all the youngsters vaxed: ‘Vaccine refusnicks to be banned from universities‘ – why doesn’t Boris grow a pair and simply make it compulsory on pain of exile to… Calais?
And finally, the Daily Star brings us the latest in covid science. Nope, they still haven’t found that bat that supposedly started it all: ‘Pongdemic! Phew! What a stinker. Now boffins reckon farting spreads covid‘ – we understand airtight plastic knickers will soon be compulsory on Mayor Khan’s Transport for London and police will be checking – however, Labour complain there’s confusion in the minds of the public since the PM previously promised there would be no legal requirement. Sir Keir criticising Boris’s crass remark: “let it rip”
The BBc can be quite selective on what it cites from excitable media, and what it does not mention.
Anne Marie’s orifice could be the new BBC anti wind farm medical advice from the cubicle gardens.
Marianna on it yet?
If you are looking for a bit of unintentional humour about the BBC – go look at an Article in the Guardian in which budget cuts are blamed for ‘poor coverage ‘ of olympics events because `discovery plus bought the Rights .
Apparently it means most stuff taxpayers watch will be recorded – with the result widely known because of the internet .
Personally – I could care less …. The only thing I am remotely interested in is the running with batons thing where someone drops one ….
‘ The only thing I am remotely interested in is the running with batons thing where someone drops one ….’
Is this connected with the thread about flatulence possibly spreading Covid?
Peter – toilet humour always welcome .I think the baton dropping thing comes toward the end of the thing .
Meanwhile Union flags adorn BBC studios as our plucky stars taste victory …( I guess ) . Has someone coloured won one yet ?
You could, or you couldn’t?
Spike’s take on the O’lympics (a damn sight more entertaining than the real thing):
Last week I posted a piece about how the left and the media in general would react over the Maricopa audit in Arizona.
The BBC have joined CNN and the Washington Post in their baseless criticisms of the audit. To this end they interview solely Democrat reps and no one else. How can this be an independent unbiased report when only one side gets to put their side? It’s like them presenting a story by only interviewing Jeremy Corbyn.
It is by design – there is only ever one side to the Left – their own. Nothing else matters.
OG, someone suggested on another Forum that President Macron has decided to make a vaccine passport compulsory for voting in the next Election in France. Is that true?
If so, have any protests started? Are the Gilets Jaunes still active?
There’s more to come…
Google put this up at the top:
They are clearly worried to be premepting the result with a propaganda site like that.
I suspect that – like the BBC – they should name it ‘Just the facts we want you to know’.
According to Al Beeb, a ‘Woman’ was attacked with a ‘knife’ at Speakers Corner.
“Speakers’ Corner: Woman attacked with knife”
Here’s David Wood explaining, with the help of islamic scriptures, the direct link between islam and violence, proving beyond any doubt that islam is not a religion of peace.
He cites examples where mohammud himself either ordered the murder, or condoned the murder, of people just for making fun of him; in one case two girls for singing satirical songs about him.
The point Wood is making – and that our politicians and the BBC pretend not to see – is that the violence is not a freak aberration: it is at the very core of the Religion of Violence, written into it like Brighton Rock, in its very DNA.
Footnote to the above story: There are many photos and videos in circulation of the bloody attack on Christian preacher Hatun Tash, such as the above.
So what does Al Beeb choose to illustrate their report? Why, a bicycle and a coffee kiosk, of course!
Nothing to see here, folks.
From the bBC ‘report’
Det Supt Alex Bingley, of the Central West Command Unit which covers policing in Westminster, said:…
“I would ask people not to speculate on the motive for the attack until we have established the full facts.”
And when we have the full facts we will hide them from you as much as possible, and anyone caught spreading the truth will be in serious trouble.
Det Supt Woke added: I would like to reassure the public that in such cases our Number One priority is always to protect the muslim criminals, and to criminalise whistle blowers who dare reveal the facts.
The BBC have reached the absolutely ridiculous stage where they will not report the specific details of Muslim religion-based attacks because other Muslims will agree she deserved it.
They actually have a policy now not to infer any right-or-wrong for these events. Just report the facts.
Their reason is ‘One mans terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.’. The word ‘terrorist’ is banned from these reports.
The BBC want to define the political agenda for the whole world now. They truly are the new Nazis.
Yesterday the The Free Speech Union @SpeechUnion tweeted
“Our thoughts are with Hatun Tash, the ex-Muslim-turned-Christian preacher stabbed at Speakers’ Corner today. We have written to the Metropolitan Police twice now urging them to do a better job of protecting her.”
If I click on the tweet I am told by twitter
“Hmm… this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.”
So it seems we are not allowed to know about these things.
However, I think we know who are ‘protected’.
I get the msg “This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author”
I guess that the police or Hatun asked them to delete the tweet
Replies to BBC tweet
#1 Evokes Sarah Everard which the lefties were hysterical over
a man has attacked a woman in London
but no protests and calls for men to be curfewed?
Female Refugee Christian preacher stabbed for wearing a T shirt
by the religion of peace.
.. BBC left that out
… #BBC performs contortions to avoid accurate reporting….
An extremely important and valid observation.
Clearly all attacks by men on women are equal but some are more equal than others.
The BBC. Indistinguishable from the pigs on Animal Farm.
I sympathise, but the t-shirt was extraordinarily ill-advised, like attending a BLM demo wearing a ‘Free Derek Chauvin’ hat.
England “star” is let off after being found with £75.000 worth of cannabis in Spain.
Although hard to describe that amount as being for personal use. It seems that a brilliant defence when caught in this situation is to plead “addiction”.
There’s a lesson for all you would be drug traffickers out there, plead addiction or be a particular kind of “luvvie”.
I think many other blokes caught like this would have been drawing chalk lines on their cell wall for a few years, I wonder what makes this chap so different?.
It is of course not surprising that The Independent decided to run this in their Arts and Entertainment section rather than in their Crime section.
Flash Flooding in London. BBC reports seem to love finding victims to splash (pun) over their website. I really hate the question along the lines of “do you have a story to tell us”. Taking advantage of people for headlines and agendas, as usual.
The talk of unprecedented rainfall may be true. I think there is another issue as well, over development. London has a dense population and at one time residential areas had things like trees, grass verges and gardens. These would help limit runoff. I can see this where my parents lived. Behind their garden was a wooded area , 30 plus trees were cut down and the area now becomes a lake during heavy rainfall. Trees were cut down to avoid maintenance costs by the council .
There seems to be consternation that water runs down hill – …
Funny that some things just don’t get mentioned on BBC, 2nd Arab doesn’t show up to meet Israel Judo opponent.
Lucky The BBC, here, is so trusted.
That said, it is them saying so.
Ah #1 The International Judo Federation suspends the Algerian judoka, Fethi Nourine and his coach for withdrawing from the Tokyo Olympics to avoid playing against an Israeli.
#2 Sudan’s Mohamed Abdalrasool didn’t show up to face Tohar Butbul in their round of 32 bout Monday despite weighing in for the bout earlier.
Guardian had the story
BBC had the first story buried away
Only 2 people have ever tweeted that BBC story
Interesting point
” nothing to do with the Algerian and Sudanese judo fighters,
but the respective judoka teams,
who were told by their governments that under no circumstances can they fight against the Israeli.
The humiliation of losing would be too much. #OlympicGames”
Farage pointed out that when athletes cop out
there is another athlete sitting at home
saying “I’ve let that guy go instead of me, and he has just given up”
Not BBC but:
‘No exceptions!’ Tokyo Olympics chiefs reject Brussels’ demands to fly EU flag at event
‘In response, EU Commissioner Margaritis Schinas tweeted: “It won’t happen this time round but I am confident the rules will catch up with our values soon enough.”‘
Spoken with a tinge of bitterness like a proper fascist. The Nazis are back.
I read somewhere that Carrie’s dad Matthew Symonds now works for the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.
Can anyone confirm this?
No he* used to* run the the Ellison foundation.
… that was closed down 1 years ago
The Ellison charity worked with and partially funded the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.
“Ellison has decided to disband the team and program that worked for his sole philanthropy organization, the Larry Ellison Foundation, as part of an attempt to refocus his giving on combating the coronavirus”
My May 3rd comment
Thanks Stew.
As I have very little choice of quality radio these days, I looked for something from years ago for amusement.
I found it with a Simon Bates show from the 80’s just to listen to ‘our tune’.
It didn’t disappoint.
Man met woman
Man loves woman. Woman loves man. True, blissful love.
Woman has affair (despite loving man?).
Man finds out and hits woman.
Woman runs away with other man.
Woman comes back pregnant with his child.
They get married and are absolutely blissfully happy again.
Woman gets hit by car and is in a coma.
Man spends a week at her bedside night and day. Woman dies.
Man has daughter who is the image of her mother to remind him of the happy times.
Simon lays it on about 10 feet thick.
They don’t make radio like that any more.
I can’t help but mull over the recent reaction of the Unions, USDAW, UNISON etc. in demanding that their members in the food chain supply should not be required to work if contact pinged despite the obvious risk to the food supply chain and the health and well-being of citizens and the Nation.
70 odd Years ago men and often women volunteered to go out into the deluge of bombs coming down in our cities to fight fires, rescue injured people and get people to air raid shelters. They did this willingly and unflinchingly often at great risk to their own safety purely in the desire to protect and help other citizens.
It is clear that people of that calibre are few and far between now but I guess that the Unions will leave no stone unturned to try to topple a government they don’t agree with, public comfort and safety is not their concern.
I guess for them playing politics is the be-all and end-all.
Why don’t they go the whole hog and demand that Health staff should no longer be required to turn up for work at hospitals due to the potential danger from sick patients. Surely this would be a quicker way to achieve their aim of social unrest?
ArleneFoster has joined GB News.
Not on Al Beeb
Message to Bo Jo and Pritstick – Scrap the Border Farce and give the money and the job to the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines . ‘Push back’ the invaders.
Its your last hope.
I do wonder how many BF staff actually want to do the job properly but are prevented from doing so?
Any such are instructed to act otherwise – and they are either forced to quit or comply for fear of losing their jobs/pensions.
On the other hand I wonder how many lefties/marxists/aliens/muslims/enablers have been deliberately recruited?
Statistically, there are almost as many of Indian heritage as there are of Pakistani heritage in the UK.
Which group do we hear the most from?
2011 census England and Wales by ethnicity
2.5% Indian
2.0% Pakistani + 0.8% Bangladeshi
+ 0.6% Mixed White/Asian
Now on ITV local news “Now another item for Asian Heritage month
we meet the Alam family in Lincoln
..”For them it was an arranged marriage… but their children married outside their culture”
The family is sikh.
The wife is fair skinned so probably Anglo-Indian.
Lady Brooke aka Sarah Montague currently leading on that fake Tory Lord Deben to say that developing nations will only try to meet their change commitments if the UK meets its promises under the Aid budget, which in respect of monies for climate change have not been reduced.
Meanwhile China will continue its increasing carbon output whilst using its trade surplus funds to buy up the developing nations’ resources rather than providing aid to help their climate change efforts.
Blackpool promenade car attack 5.25am Saturday
Police statement Sunday, July 25, 2021
Adam Clarke, 30 of Arnfield Road, Stockport has been charged with attempted murder, common assault, and dangerous driving.
He was scheduled to be in court this morning, but no new news
I wanted to hear about the flooding in NE Londons tried the world at one . I heard some yank expert saying trump voters were not getting vaccinated so were becoming Chinese virus cases .
Maybe the tart fact checker will investigate that .the vote was false so how can that claim be justified …?
Nothing on the flooding apart from jonnie gummer on the £ again – the rich mans’ Andrew Mitchell – a red Tory ….
The sweary Andrew Lawrence on the stabbing of Hatun
“The real scumbags are ..”
Stew – thank you for putting that up . Normally i dont do the crowdfunding thing but for him i would spare a shilling .
There is someone on this site who is starting to act like a troll against me as mod . He fits the description of the last word in that piece and needs to stop .
The BBC have never liked Christian’s much and the ‘glee’ that they impose Islam on us all – is cause for concern (that the Police seem to think is perfectly OK Cressida Disk took over the swamp of political correctness and no-go zones. And now attempted murder in the land of (what was) free speech in a corner of the capital of free speech (that Karl Marx once stood when he lived poorly in Hampstead, London).
This is her statement:
‘The intention was clearly to kill me’
Responding to the attack, Hatun commented:
“I am upset and disturbed by what has happened to me. I am asking myself if I have done anything wrong? I am convinced I have not broken any law or incited hate. All I did was question Islam and I wanted to debate, discuss and to tell people about Jesus Christ. Speakers’ Corner is a great place to do this, it is a shame that this has happened at the home of freedom of speech.
“Watching the video, the intention is clearly to kill me.
“I can’t believe this has happened in broad daylight at Speakers’ Corner. You do not expect such things to happen in Great Britain.
“Police inaction has led to what happened to me yesterday. In the past, they have seen it as easier to remove me than deal with people intimidating and threatening me. My attacker was not even afraid of the police as he did it right in front of them. It is heart-breaking that we live in a society where police do not want to arrest a Muslim for fear of being called ‘Islamophobic.'”
She is making a claim against the police who stood by doing nothing. For the BBC this is a non story. Its all about the Uyghurs (Muslims) in China and the nasty Chinese authorities, who are not ‘real’ Communists at all, – not even true Socialists like the EU etc. The BBC rule book excludes commenting Christians and Jews for historical reasons of contempt.
You can read her story here: PRESS RELEASE
As the BBC are not pressed to read it.
Katie Hopkins news
: According to her, her Big Brother contract currently forbids her from talking about whether the Australian Police falsely charged her with mask crime etc.
: According to Belfield, by sticking to the contract Hopkins will get paid £200K
: According to her new video there is a stitchup around football vaccine passports, where Piers Morgan pretends that he caught covid at the match .. and therefore all fans should get vaccinated
re: Katy Hopkins
shades of Stormy Daniels and Celebrity Big Brother there….
Hope I don’t get banned for this as, well, shuddddder…
Might I conclude the bbc editorialising sub is erring on the coy?
Tip : GBNews live YouTube link
If you were pushed for time, you would wind the time back an hour
then set the playback speed to 1.5
and then when the adverts come on tap “L” on the keyboard to skip forward 10s
… (on touch screens tap the right of the video screen )
“Get the jab, get the jab” says their presenter
(The ex-Labour MP one)
I just watched the last 2:20 hours in 10 minutes
It was a succession of “Get the jab” experts
One guy was on twice.
Seb hits the big time…
“My mum is definitely beyond help…”
Sebastian Shemirani’s mother is former nurse Kate Shemarani whose speech at a protest event has been condemned by nursing leaders.
Next, Sopes and West Brom Clinton.
@GW That article doesn’t contain the line you quoted
The @BBCr4today video tweet does quote them.
And he does speak them
Sarpong’s £267K is just one admiral in the BBC’s massive diversity fleet
The Times
“Unjabbed students face ban as ‘raging’ Boris Johnson targets vaccine refuseniks”
Bo Jo shold start raging about the Home Office , not the students . We are being invaded
Fattaturk has lost the plot. He is a parody of the man we elected in 2019. He has always presented himself as being against the nanny state, now he might as well call himself Big Brother. What on earth has happened to him? Can it all be down to Princess Nut Nuts? There’s nothing special about her, he’d have been better off with Jenny Arcuri, at least she looks like fun.
Sopes over flogging his book again?
Not to worry Jezza, just put it through on expenses, the same as usual.
Who’s this then?
I don’t recall the last time BBC referenced Hunter Biden.
….everyone is smarter than Joe Biden.
Just joining some dots.
On the last thread I noted the glorification on BBC 1 ‘Countryfile’ of a collectivist farm in the Malverns, which sickening editorial propaganda about how marvellous it all was would have given mass murderers Pol Pot and Mao Tse Tung a run for their money.
Today I read more about the knife attack by a ‘man’ on a ‘woman’ at Speakers Corner. The ‘woman’ is reported as being a Muslim who has converted to Christianity.
A correspondent above has noted the ……errr…. somewhat different reporting approach on the BBC of this attack as compared with the Sarah Everard case which as we know provoked mass hysteria about women’s safety for days on end.
From this I conclude that in BBCland, all attacks by men on women are equal but some are more equal than others.
The BBC thus become indistinguishable from Napoleon and his fellow pigs in Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’.
Two different stories. Both reveal the BBC’s clear sympathies with Communism.
Post script.
Uncanny. Unbelievable.
My post was at 5.24
As if by magic at 8.30 on BBC2 we had University Challenge. In the picture round the teams had to identify……..wait for it………emblems influenced by Marxist-Leninism for modern socialist one party states !!!!!
The answers were Belarus, Vietnam, Laos, and Mozambique.
You just can’t make it up, Except at the communist BBC, obviously.
Not really biased BBC but you might think a supposedly impartial organisation with more journalists than the whole of Fleet Street put together might have a think about this.
Back in the Spring of 2020 the first covid case peak seemed a bit skewed when compared with the lockdown dates. There was so little testing back then it was hard to conclude anything.
Moving on to January 2021 there was lots of testing. A second big lockdown came in but the case rate peak was again arguably reached before the lockdown.
There were 24,000 cases today. Rates have arguably halved in the last week, despite there being no lockdown at all..
So a case can be made, counter intuitively, that case rates in all three examples peaked and then were declining BEFORE transmission reduction measures were taken.
My question is….what is going on and why is this not being investigated?
My amateur reasoning is that people in the main get infected and then mainly infect only their close friends and relatives. A sort of informal bubble. When everyone in the bubble has been infected, there is no- one left to infect. Rates thus peak andvthen reduce. A sort of micro herd immunity. Later, new waves infect different micro bubbles. It might also explain why case rate reductions are usually rather long winded, despite lockdown measures.
Now anyone can disagree and I an happy to be proved wrong. But where are the explanations for what can be observed? Where are SAGE on this? Why the hell is no-one at the BBC investigating? Why does £4 bn a year not bring with it any independent enquiring minds at all?
Independent,enquiring minds are stupid minds and must be eliminated. EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!
One reason why the number of infections has slumped in recent days could be the hot weather we’ve enjoyed in the last couple of weeks. The life expectancy of the C-19 virus outside of a host reduces in hotter temperatures.
I agree that more needs to be done (and not bloody modelling…) in terms of research. Just don’t expect the BBC or the fools who govern us to show much interest in pursuing it.
How come it spread so fast in India? A question not a criticism.
Did it? India case rates were so massively under-reported and rural villages were not linked in to the stats collation. So whatever actually has happened in India would be hard to prove. But if the case rates are to be beiieved it is impossible to think they have locked themselves down out of the pandemic. Just think of the high density housing in the slums and shanty towns and by the railway lines..
Reading the Daily Fail earlier, I saw a piece stating the Office of National Statistics reportedly having done a survey that shows that White people in the UK die earlier than Black people. Has anybody seen any of this on the Bloated Brussels Broadcasting Corporation? Maybe Marianas trench could fact check this? When she puts her drink down, that is.
Northern Voter
So at what time of day does the ONS think the darkies kick the bucket? As an 81 year old vanilla boy maybe I can set my alarm clock and kick the pisspot over a tad later.
Remember. There are lies, damned lies and statistics and the mass media uses ’em all.
Not in the small hours, as they would never find the stiffs.
Telegraph article
It’s not paywalled for me here.
OK *be cautious with stats
#1 all white dead children are included
but not all non-white dead immigrant children are
#2 All white deaths are included
but some immigrant deaths don’t get registered, cos they’ve gone home and died
so they seem to live to 110
If you have
– 1000 families in the UK
– 1000 families in Pakistan who at some point will get an immigration visa
In each 1000 families, some children will die before 1 year old
and that 1 year life really affects the average of the group
For the Pakistani born families most individuals who immigrate to the UK have survived past 1
Sure their brothers might have died before 1
but they never get included on UK stats
It could be that ONS has controlled for the disparity in child deaths between UK/immigrant families.
#2 Imagine what would happen if a load of immigrant families send grandpa back to Pakistan where he dies
but they fail to register the death in the UK & continue to collect his UK pension for 30 years
Suddenly such people appear to live to 110 y.o.
Journos own thread
Probably less likely to get on the NHS waiting list too. Holds too for Asians. Too successful.
Anyone like to guess what happened when Boris announced the end of lockdown?
I don’t think anyone believes him any more, not even Tory MPs and voters?
Your only salvation now is to look to the future and focus on the upcoming ‘Reform Party’, i.e the Ex Brexit Party that is being “censored” …………..
digg – that looks rather convenient… somebody twiddling a knob?
elsewhere – in the “less convenient” virus award side arena:
USA CDC tell testing labs to can PCR tests that can’t differentiate between coronavirus and influenza
The MSM goes silent on “farts spread coronavirus” even the thickoes get where that might be going in terms of PPE.
@Digg the data is held back
On the 29th they will release the data upto the 21st
ie including just 3 days since the end of lockdown
“Almost 600 migrant Channel crossings at weekend”
Soon all the hotels will be full. Where will they go then ?
As the French Navy escort them across, the Royal Navy should pick them up and take them all back to France, but much further down to the Mediterranean coast and then drop them off there . Lets see how the French like it ?
Bo Jo and Pritstick are storing up trouble for this nation’s future. They have presided over the worst Tory Government in history. But where may I ask, are the other supine Tory MPs?
Standard practice in French regions where mostly Africans arrive is to give each undocumented traveller a TGV ticket to Calais and €200
= problem solved….
600 migrants.
How many were Muslim men under 35?
Before too long the BBC will be recruiting them to present programmes. In the interests of equality,, diversity, and ‘representing the population’ you understand.