Here’s a question you won’t hear asked on the BBC: “What do refugees bring to Britain?”
Douglas Murray tries to speak some sense to the smug, suave, smarmy, oleaginous creep from the Refugee Council.
Wouldn’t it be nice to get paid a silly salary to virtue signal all over the media? A bit like the Sussexes: megabucks AND sanctimony. Nice work if you can get it.
I suspect he got the job because of his ‘reassuring’ voice that impressionable women might describe as chocolate brown. I would compare it to some other brown stuff.
Health warning: only watch with sick bucket to hand.
According to that self-righteous cretin, they’re all doctors and artists.
I’ve seen and heard and met many such fools (the beeb is stuffed full of them) but I find this one particularly creepy for some reason.
Something about his calm, self-assured and ever-so-reasonable tone, as if you’d have to be mad to disagree.
Or racist.
Murray is correct.
In a nutshell, they bring no economic benefits to the UK whatsoever.
They are a drain on resources, namely housing, education, health and welfare.
The UK taxpayers have to cough up at the whims of woke UK politicians .
BBC political sage ‘analysis’ of all around this case will be interesting.
DT Jeremy Corbyn: Congratulations Apsana Begum; Always knew you to be a woman of amazing strength and fortitude and yet again that has been proven.
I’m losing faith in the police by the minute. According to GB News, the police say the attack on Hatun Tash is not being treated as terrorism-related.
A ‘man’ (everybody knows what kind of ‘man’) tries to kill a Christian speaker who regularly challenges muslims to their face, and who frequently receives death threats from them, and who has been assaulted multiple times before – and the police are not treating it as terrorism related?!
I’d love to know their definition of terrorism, and what the attacker would have to do to qualify as a terrorist?
Kill her, presumably? Or is it a matter of numbers? Is it only terrorism if we’re into 9/11 numbers, or 7/7, or Manchester Arena numbers?
Pray tell, Dick-less.
Kudos to GB News for even covering the story, but their little report lacks any depth or context. Later I will post more on what’s really behind the attack. I may not have a staff of over 22,000 like the BBC, but it’s amazing what you can find out on a laptop.
“It is worth remembering that just a few years ago 3.7 million people marched through Paris led by world leaders, including our Prime Minister at the time, chanting ‘Je suis Charlie’ in support of free speech. Where are they now? Has society now decided to accept limitations on free speech when it comes to Islam?”
Whilst on the crime gig – the guardian reports that the government is setting up a ‘joint agency ‘ research outfit to try to figure out why teenager murder rates in big cities is going up .
I sometime report the Londonistan ones here – chiefly because of what the BBC chooses to leave out – namely colour of perpetrator (s) unless they are whitee of course – when ‘racism ‘ is screamed from the heights .
Anyway the ‘research team ‘ is going to look at all aspects of killings – but what made me laugh out loud – is that they are going to start work in the ‘autumn ‘ – which on my calculation is roughly a dozen dead male coloured teenagers – and in time for the usual post school killing pattern to resume .
In a way it’s sort of Darwinian in the same way people drown when the temperature goes up . Something should be banned …
By the way – the article left out any reference to race – for either victim or killer … yet the truth is out there .. diss me not ..blood ..
Shock, horror, whilst Mrs Voter was watching Richard Osmans House of Games ( it makes her feel superior as she can answer most of the questions quicker than the celebrities) there came upon completion of the programme, a trailer for a new Boleyn family programme. Upon scrutiny, not one of the aforesaid family was black, or even dusky. Sarpong is being paid under false pretenses.
The immensely overpaid June Sarpong was a contestant on House of Games a couple of months ago. Blimey, she’s unbelievably thick.
She managed to get every single question wrong and towards the end of the show, with Sarpong on an excruciating nil points, they started bowling her some really soft questions. It was painfully obvious what they were doing.
Honestly, it was harder to get these questions wrong, rather than right, but she managed it. I was embarrassed for her.
And yet…stupid as she is… the BBC are still giving this dopey bint a massive £250,000 a year, of our money…to lecture us about how horribly racist we are.
Friday 6pm BBC1 news spent some time telling the viewers how badly the rowers had done at the Olympics whilst they took milliseconds telling us about the England women’s football team crashing out. I thought it unfair. But knowing that the BBC always having an agenda and a hint from them. Apparently most money from Sport England goes to the rowers and I realised the rowing teams are seriously underrepresented with people from the BAME community. It is also probably still over represented by people who have had a private education. Now I realise why the BBC spent so long informing us how badly the team had done.
Warning: some images of utter depravity and bestiality by some sub-humans.
I couldn’t be more furious! You will have course never know about this if you watch the *ucking* horrible BBC.
This is so bloody horrible and inhuman that Western news media should be screaming about it.
Racism against immigrants is a thing in all countries but some countries are not so bloody disgustingly savage as the black ones in SA who just want to murder all the white people who have lived there for generations.
Compare this with let’s say parts of London and how their risk of being attacked in the same way compares.
@Jacob_Rees_Mogg tweeted
The green agenda is not just about lowering emissions whilst maintaining our standard of living
– it is about raising our standard of living
and it is precisely this which will help it succeed.
Just watched the Grand Tour on Amazon filmed in Scotland last year and titled Loch down. Not the trios finest work by a long way but nether the less it did have some stand out moments. But it was made without an agenda or token BME characters or women (I like women) such a refreshing change and not somthing you’d see on the BBC.
I have to confess to a big giggle when I read any article in the Guardian, it is always so bloody predictable. Headlines such as why should my children suffer under the tories? who wants Boris’s shit etc, show me why I am so right to despise these godawfull luvvies. Absolutely no backbone just whimpering snot.
Not the BBC – the lead piece in the Telegraph . I want as many people to see this as possible . I am not directly affected by it – I am not currently old ….
The NHS drew up secret plans to withdraw hospital care from people in nursing homes in the event of a pandemic, The Telegraph can disclose.
Confidential Whitehall documents show that the NHS plans refused treatment to those in their 70s and that “support” would instead be offered to use so-called “end of life pathways”.
The strategy was drawn up by NHS England following a pandemic planning exercise in 2016 and was designed to stop hospitals being overwhelmed.
It suggests that in a “severe” flu pandemic, the Health Secretary could authorise medics to prioritise some patients over others and even stop providing critical care altogether.
Ministers have repeatedly insisted that care homes were not abandoned by the NHS during the coronavirus crisis, despite mounting evidence to the contrary. More than 42,000 residents in England and Wales died during the pandemic and hospitals released thousands of patients into care homes without testing.
The Telegraph disclosed earlier this year that care homes were asked by NHS managers and GPs to place “do not resuscitate” orders on all residents at the height of the pandemic to keep hospital beds free – in breach of guidelines.
Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson’s former chief adviser, has said it was a “lie” that everyone received care, and that in fact “many people were left to die in horrific circumstances”.
The documents reveal that the Government proposed triaging patients based on their “probability of survival” rather than “clinical need” if resources were exhausted.
The documents on “NHS surge and triage” and adult social care – labelled “confidential” and “official sensitive” – were created in 2017 and 2018 and sent to government advisers. Both looked at how services would respond to a serious flu outbreak.
The reports were obtained by an NHS doctor, working with lawyers Leigh Day, who was concerned about pandemic preparedness. The Government initially rejected his request under the Freedom of Information Act, but the Information Commissioner said their disclosure was in the public interest.
Barbara Keeley MP, who sits on the health and social care select committee, said: “It’s time the Government came clean about its policies on care homes.”
Dr Moosa Qureshi, who passed the reports to The Telegraph, said it was “unprofessional” that plans were not given to medics.
“The Information Commissioner held that clinicians must be supported by a clear framework when allocating care during a severe pandemic, and that the framework needs public debate,” he said.
“The NHS triage paper provides real guidance for frontline staff if NHS services are overwhelmed. Why did the Department of Health, NHS England and BMA keep it secret from healthcare professionals?”
An NHS spokesman said: “The NHS was asked to produce this discussion document based on a specific and extreme hypothetical scenario to inform the Government’s pandemic flu preparedness programme rather than for operational use and it did not form the basis of the NHS response to coronavirus.”
A government spokesman said the reports were “historical draft briefing papers that include hypothetical scenarios which do not and have never represented agreed government policy”.
‘Purely because my father was living in a care home, he was left to die’
When Andrew Ward received a phone call from the care home in April last year, it was the news he and his siblings had been dreading.
Their father, Geoffrey Ward, had developed a cough and, although at 74 he had previously been as “fit as a fiddle”, he had been diagnosed with Covid.
He had gone to live in the home after an accident made him prone to wandering off unsafely, Andrew Ward recalled. But “from the moment that he displayed the first symptom, it was as though everyone had decided that the Covid would kill him”.
Staff at the Cumbria nursing home told Andrew that they had already contacted the GP who had assessed his father over video rather than carrying out a face-to-face visit and determined that he should not be admitted to hospital.
Despite Andrew’s protestations to the GP and other medics, this remained the position and three days later his father, a former printer, collapsed and an ambulance was called to help hoist him back to bed. According to his son, the paramedics told the care home staff they would not return to help him again.
A couple of days later, Geoffrey Ward was dead – an apparent victim of Covid, with his family feeling he had been denied care.
His story could be dismissed as an isolated incident given the stress the NHS was under. The Government has also repeatedly offered assurances that everyone who needed care during the pandemic received it.
That line had already started to unravel when Mr Cummings revealed how members of the Government were told by senior advisers that some “people did not get the treatment they deserved, many people were left to die in horrific circumstances”.
But now, documents obtained by The Telegraph show that three years before Covid, the Government raised the matter of withholding care from the elderly in the event of a pandemic, leading to questions about whether individual tragedies could have been part of a wider strategy.
The documents raised scenarios in which, if there was a severe influenza pandemic and extreme pressure on resources, doctors would need to put some elderly patients on an “end of life pathway” and deny them hospital care.
When the Covid pandemic hit, The Telegraph found that restricting care turned out to be one of several ways in which care homes were apparently abandoned.
Guided by its mantra to “protect the NHS”, the Government effectively loaded the Covid problem on to the care sector by telling them early in April last year that hospital patients could be discharged into care homes, regardless of whether they were Covid-positive or had even been tested.
Pressures on the sector meant care staff were forced to cut corners, according to the manager of a Nottinghamshire care home, who admitted that they would sometimes nurse residents in bed all day because they were so short-staffed.
The documents obtained by The Telegraph show that, for vulnerable people cared for at home, this was one of the approaches examined. “Service users being cared for in their own homes will have to remain in bed during the day, with much-reduced hygiene support,” a document states.
A table in the social care report says that in a “moderate” pandemic, care workers would “stop” assisting patients with “getting in and out of bed” or “having a bath/shower” in order that they could provide other basic services.
In a “severe” pandemic, they would even stop “managing toilet needs” – something which it states could be mitigated “by the provision of aids, eg commodes”.
When shown the documents, Lucy Easthope, a disaster recovery professor at Durham University and government adviser, said that pandemic flu briefing papers appeared to show that social care was likely to be sacrificed in the event of a severe pandemic, and that this Government’s “plan” for the sector was so ill-considered that it would inevitably have led to unnecessary deaths.
The documents also show that there was seemingly a complete lack of awareness from government officials about the dangers of an infectious virus spreading in care homes populated with vulnerable elderly people, with officials suggesting extra beds be added to homes so that more hospital patients could be discharged to them.
This blinkered thinking remained in evidence when the Covid pandemic took hold, with early Public Health England guidance confidently stating that the virus was “very unlikely” to spread in care homes. The guidance remained in place until mid-March last year, at which point there were around 800 Covid cases recorded across the UK.
Peter Kyle, the Labour MP for Hove, said that during the first wave, a care home had called him for help because when it had contacted a GP to assist a dying patient, the doctor had not come inside.
Instead of administering morphine, the doctor had walked halfway up the drive to deposit a kit to make the patient’s final hours more comfortable and gave directions over the phone.
“It was inhuman and meant that untrained staff were delivering end-of-life care,” said Mr Kyle. “For the elderly, it’s not just a question of a right to life, but also a good death.”
A care home owner based in the north of England, who asked to remain anonymous, said that at the beginning of the pandemic his staff found it “very difficult” to get medical treatment for residents, particularly if they were suspected of having Covid.
“GP practices wouldn’t visit, some of the patients we had discharged from hospital had ‘not for readmission’ written on discharge letters, so if they became more poorly they weren’t allowed to go back into hospital,” he said.
“Sometimes we couldn’t always get the oxygen we wanted for residents who returned from hospital after being diagnosed with Covid. Staff felt helpless and guilty. Oxygen may have improved their quality of life before they died.”
Looking back, Andrew Ward still wonders if his father might have lived if he had been at home.
“If my father had been living … in any other setting than a care home, then an ambulance would have picked him up when he was ill and taken him to hospital. But purely down to the fact that he was living in a care home, he was left to die.”
Maybe they should have gone the whole way and bought a supply of Zyclon B
I read the article Fedup2 with interest. I think we have to remember that releasing old people into care homes without testing sounds dreadful but they probably didn’t have the tests invented back then and as far as I understand even now PCR tests are not totally reliable. (I am happy to be corrected).
But sadly a friend did have to be admitted to hospital last September. His wife was encouraged to agree to ‘do not resuscitate ‘. She wouldn’t agree but after that her husband was fully supported to end of his life. He didn’t have covid and managed to stay free of it until the end. But I must have known at the time that hospitals didn’t want to resuscitate anyone over 70 and I think I heard London hospitals were not resuscitating anyone over 50 at the peak of the first wave.
That’s the people that have spent most of their lives funding the NHS.
The NHS that looks after people from foreign lands that have never paid into the NHS system. A system run by a bunch of traitors
The tests were available . However the hospitals needed to be emptied of the old so that their deaths would not show up on the statistics . The government didn’t want to use their Nightingales .
None of this will come out in the public inquiry whitewash .
Look – I am a pragmatist – if the NHS decides to allow the old to die as a matter of priority – go ahead – but make it public – and accountable . I know about triage . It is a cold but necessary process .
Yet if you see in the article – lawyers had to extract the information from the NHS – which wanted to conceal what they d done – like any killer would .
The other thing is whilst brainwashed fools stood on the door step clapping like emotional morons – the NHS May have been deciding to kill off senior members of the family using early day nazi techniques …
Apart from the dead and their friends and relatives no one will pay a price for this – no one will be held accountable . People will still vote for the red Tories and their nut nut leader because the alternative is even worse .
It was clear last March that if you were old then you were on your own. It is still going on. Staying out of hospital at all costs is the prime directive and could save your life.
It is far far worse than we all know. Last year a friend of mine’s wife died from dementia. It was expected. The local GP refused , yes refused, to come to certify her death and my friend was forced to do it himself using a phone and a mirror. It has traumatised him and his family. .
There is no defence possible for the GP. That person failed as doctor but more importantly as a human being.
Today we had to call the paramedics for a lady . It turned out to be OK but could have been serious but I have to say these paramedics make the average GP look like the waste of space they mostly are.
A dear neighbour and friend, well into her eighties, had been having a difficult time at home after her husband had died, and some scabrous scum had burgled her posessions.
We all rallied round her to keep what dignity she could muster, and she was a strong old bird!
But her blasted doctor actually called her on a phone without even a visit, and just told her that she has Alzheimers!
That little sod should have been struck off by the evening.
Very interesting above posts.
But I fear a conflation of issues.
1. There is no doubt that ‘our NHS hetoes’ is and always was a ridiculous caricature of the reality. There were few NHS heroes.
2. Lacklustre treatment of the elderly by GPs and others is not confined to pandemics. I can assure you of that. Vascular dementia sufferers are particularly badly served – it is a terminal illness with no cure and no remedial treatment. So most GPs I suspect just go through the motions.
3. On the other hand……ever seen the film ‘Deep Impact’. Fearing a direct meteorite strike on the Earth, the USA decided they could keep 20,000 alive for two years in deep caves. But who to save? Those that can contribute most in the future. So in a pandemic, if you cannot save everyone who do you save? Someone may have to decide.
4. Would it really have been a tragedy if covid had caused the death of Mr S senior 6 months before he died of severe dementia – unable to walk, speak, maintain eye contact, eat by himself, doubly incontinent, a pathetic hollowed-out shell of a man?
I’m not taking any lessons from anyone on that one.
I did my 5 year stint with Vascular Dementia and saw the brutality of the ‘care ‘ administration myself .
But my point is that it is one thing to dress up a ‘world beating ‘ this and that – but in real life – secretly -the system was / is using DNR s as an admin convenience and sending people – knowingly – who will infect others is care homes in order to keep the stars under control and make life easier for the medical mafia .
One of the useful lessons of the Chinese virus has been is how easily fear can be created and exploited to achieve compliance .
They – the bubble – must have been amazed at the lack of rebellion in Blighty – as well as other countries using the Project Fear technique .
And -of course – it is being used in race issues – ‘environmental ‘ and elsewhere …
As to your point 4 – if you advocate ‘mercy killings ‘ say so . Every individual case is different . And I have plenty experience of incontinence pads …
In my opinion – the state formally ending lives isn’t far away – after all it is happy to kill babies at the other end of the ‘pathway ‘. It will dress it up as ‘for the interest of the community ‘ but then why not ‘special needs ‘ or ‘people who don’t think in the approved way ‘ – done for ‘community cohesion ‘ . It’s painless …
An important debate and there is imo a good deal of truth in your para 2.
But when for instance does ‘mercy killing’ overlap with a denial of treatment? Should Mr S senior be taken to hospital and pumped full of ‘domestos’ level antibiotics to keep him alive for a few more weeks ………or allow nature to take its course over a few days in the relative comfort of his care home, where any remaining brain power might associate with things that seem familiar?
Someone has to decide. Many politicians and others can and do fudge and bluster about this point of decision but someone has to decide.
Weirdly we may be in about the right place, where as you rightly say cases are individual, and a cluster of family, medics, and also care home staff would on the whole probably enable a reasonable overall decision to be taken.
As indeed I did. Does that make me in favour of mercy killing? Well, that depends on definition but my conscience is extremely clear.
Stuff – the clear conscience is a thing without price and I am glad you have one . I was in a position as as a 24/7 career when I was the one between a malevolent/ careless State and my close relative .
Without me she d have been at their mercy – ranging from a DNR GP – careless 15 minute ‘carers ‘ incompetent District £ Agency Nurses – to social services asking about the sexuality of an 86 year old . By someone whose first language was not Engleeeeesh….
In the new speak parlance, 60 is the new 40 and 70 is the new 50 ! well, I can’t say I feel 50 exactly, but equally I don’t consider myself to be in the “old lady” bracket. However, it appears that should I need hospitalising now or in the future, because of my age my candidacy is assured for entry into the Geriatric Ward – yee Gods !!!
I may look, feel and act 10-15 years younger, but that won’t stop those in hospital admin from shoving me in amongst those waiting for God in the much older age bracket.
So beware those who are hurtling towards your 70’s , and smug future oldies, your turn will come, make no mistake !!
Our discourse on this and some differences of view do not diminish the shared overall experience. Like you I experienced appalling non-joined up work between NHS ‘heroes’ in hospital A and E, recovery care, and GP. Not least having to advise them all separately about medication for a relative, a diagnosed dementia sufferer being allowed to walk out of A and E unsupervised, having waited interminably and forgotten why they were there, and then being released from hospital ….with a canula still in his arm!!! FFS.
Yet the public think they are all worth 3%.
I guess we’re off topic, this being biased BBC, but I guess our real world experience is not something the BBC would be that glad to hear.
I don’t really know what my practical view on shortening life is . I have my Roman Catholic view but that is. ‘Higher ground ‘. My fear is for the targeted victims – with no relatives or friends who are easy to kill because they are ‘inconvenient ‘. Maybe call them ‘bed blocker ‘or some other repulsive medical term .
My real point is the sort of experience you ( and I have experienced) in real world compared to the frankly mad glorification of the NHS / medical mafia which leads to an obscene 3% pay rise for 1.7 million employees when very few had direct risk from transmission .
Like all professions, such as media, education etc. The medical profession is filling out with indoctrinated activists leaving our wonderful universities or communist training camps as I prefer to view them.
Little wonder then that they have a built-in disdain for the general public especially the lower educated classes and the old who they view as “the problem” in achieving the globalist world they have been educated to believe is the goal.
I am unsurprised that at best it is manifested in a lack of interest and at worst by actively getting rid of the problem if I can put it that way.
I’ve ways found the medical mafia vindictive when there is even the slightest challenge . I recently had a ‘telephone appointment ‘ with a GP I didn’t know – he ended the call because he decided I had become ‘adversarial ‘. I I had been face to face I think I’d have decked him .
Senior Nazis, including Heydrich, Eichmann, Hofmann and Müller, have gathered to discuss the resolution of ‘The Jewish Problem’. Heydrich opens the proceedings:
“Gentlemen, we are here to discuss End of Life Pathways…”
Not an exact parallel, but there are worrying echoes based upon our historical knowledge of where this thinking leads.
“Far away is close at hand in images of elsewhere”.
done for a clear purpose
Gradual development of policy
Justification due to circumstances
Connivance of ‘stakeholders ‘
No real challenge
Done in secret
Public chose to look away
Plenty of ‘beneficiaries ‘
1. Oppression and removal of political enemies to guarantee power.
2. Tighten the noose around society to force people to adhere to your own political ideology.
3. When you have absolute power, you drop the pretences and do what you like to your enemies.
The USA are well on with 1) and 2).
I’ve said many times : the Left are the modern day Nazis. As we should expect – it’s root cause is socialism and absolute control.
I really think there is a possibility of civil war over there.
“Far away is close at hand in images of elsewhere”.
Not really on topic, but I remember that slogan being daubed, in white on old brickwork a little way outside Paddington station on the former GWR main line. The building/wall it was painted on was slowly demolished, and has probably long gone, I believe.
The Master of Paddington! That takes me back. That one grafitto is worth all the daubs of Banksy, and as long as people remember it, it doesn’t need to be actually painted on any wall.
The lesson of the story is that if your electric car battery catches fire, just stand back and watch it because you can’t put it out.
The correct term is ‘vent with flames’.
Ah the joy of the olympic games. And a perfect opportunity to slip agenda programming in with it.
This front page (at the time of posting) has to following clear face shots:
9 black males
10 black females
8 white females
4 white males
So I should file this one under ‘diversity’ not ‘equality’.
‘Liberate Hong Kong’: The slogan that will land you in jail
‘It was one of the defining phrases of the Hong Kong protest movement. Now, it has landed one man in jail for nine years.’
This is the most blatant lie by the BBC I’ve seen for a long time. He was jailed for terrorism : driving his motorbike at the police.
And the usual greasy way they cover themselves further down is:
‘But this week a man was convicted partly because he was carrying a flag emblazoned with the phrase.’
No mention at all about the ‘terrorism’ bit.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’.
This support for Hong Kong protestors is very much ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. In different circumstance the BBC would paint them as terrorists. We only get one side of the news from the BBC : the agenda side. They absolutely think they are the whole worlds moral compass. The arrogance is off the scale.
KT Tunstall on her show-halting hearing loss
Nothing about KT : I clicked this video purely to see if the BBC added mournful piano music as the ‘Panorama’ style trick to pull your sympathy-strings.
I was not disappointed. To the BBC, ‘victims’ are an essential part of their trick to pull you into their agenda. Once they have pulled you onboard and given you their completely lopsided view of the world instead of getting everything in proportion, they can push you towards agenda topics by mixing them in.
And also KT used the word ‘discombobulated’ in a real sentence. Which was nice.
Yahoo news on my phone:
‘President Biden to give $100 to people who get vaccinated against coronavirus’.
Wow, what a great President. Going to cost him a fortune though.
Would have been a better idea for the Government to do it using taxpayers money. But not much better : sounds like an excuse to buy black votes to me.
Unless of course this internet company is demonstrating pro-Left bias – because looking at their Trump coverage, every single article is borderline hate.
Hull : from the amount of trailers Radio Humberside has had about tonight’s Gay Pride programme I’d thought it was a massive gay takeover night
… but it’s actually just a 1 hour show
I guess the trailers were really an advert for Today’s Hull Gay Pride online festival
I wish they would stop ramming gay-pride down our throats.
I don’t care if they are gay or not. I just want them to stop thinking it’s all about them. What percentage of the population are they anyway ?.
Radio Humberside is ludicrously Left-wing, especially Blair Jacobs who is the least tolerant person of anyone if someone disagree with him. He gets sharp and a bit nasty very quickly. I used to catch some of the religious show on Sunday before listening to Doug tell me I should go out and plant some tomatoes and it was about Islam as often as it was about Christianity. Sunday is not even their day of worship.
Nice to see the BBC Olympics coverage is still taking a kicking . The latest upset was the coverage of the kid on a bike coming second – which wasn’t covered live .
According to the telegraph the current shambles was signed of by “Tony ‘ hall . Spend that pension Tony …
For the record – the bigger public upset the better – all that false patriotism seems so un BBC now -it is embarrassing .
BBC coverage of the Olympics is poor. Too much punditry and banal discussion, too little film of athletes competing. Perhaps they have borrowed the style from the way they treat politics.
Absolutely spot on, Mr Redwood.
You just missed a mention of the manifest Dumbing Down
Came down this morning and the breakfast team, Sam and Dan, were having a joke about putting a sticker on a board with the GB winners.
Meanwhile there is continuing coverage of a BAME American gymnast choosing not to compete.
Sluff: “Meanwhile there is continuing coverage of a BAME American gymnast choosing not to compete.”
Said American gymnast competes in a sport where subjective scoring – some would say ‘a bit of vague scoring’ – is applied. What would said American Gymnast do if competing in a sport like golf, where an unlucky bounce, can add one or two to the indisputable score card, or competing in tennis where again the unyielding score card demonstrates your capability against the possible brilliance of your opponent.
Did Novak Djokovic give up or take a break after ‘his bad day at the office’?
No, just a bit of (quiet) racquet abuse and then he will come out and do it all again at the next tournament, with or without the racquet abuse.
On Toady, there has been a study showing that oximeter readings (that’s the thing they clip on your finger to check blood oxygen) is less accurate for people with……….wait for it……….’darker skin tones’.
Those racist whiteys have done it again.
You heard it here first. But you still can’t make it up.
Once superglued my index finger. Couldn’t use my iPhone for a week!
Imagine being Lewis Hamilton unable to let his adoring fan base known on Tic Tok the drive trip is off on account of being iffy because of the air quality.
Are BBC sports correspondents allowed to engage in such disgraceful race-baiting? I never criticise people based on their skin colour – shame on you for suggesting I do.
Enjoy your fool’s gold circuses whilst the elite get down to the business of stamping out populism
On a morning when the BBC brings us news that: ‘Simone Biles has pulled out of Sunday’s vault and uneven bars gymnastics finals at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics‘ – uneven bars…? Surely that must be something to do with racism – quick, someone call BLM!
Seems sporting mental health issues can be as catching as the next covid varient: ‘Ben Stokes: I need break for my mental health‘ (Express); ‘Stokes: I’m out of cricket‘ (Daily Star) – me too mate. And football. And the Olympics.
‘Bethany Shriever took gold in the BMX while her friend and training companion Kye White took silver‘ – see them together in celebratory embrace as this pairing win the frontpage podium pics of both today’s Guardian and ‘i’ paper. Friend and training companion… is that what the kids are calling it these days? And yes, you guessed it, straight out of a DFS TV ad, she’s pale faced – hold her up to the light and you could practically see through her – and he’s as black as your hat.
‘BMX star who won gold had to find own funding‘ (‘i’) – Oh the humanity…
The FT is fretting that Tory donors might be exerting undue influence over government policy: ‘Elite Tory donors club holds secret meetings with Johnson. “Advisory board” members mix with PM and Chancellor‘ – and for once I don’t think it is the lack of social distancing that is exciting the FT: ‘Party denies link between cash and government policy‘
Seems someone has to guide Boris – whether that be Dominic Cummings and his trademark ‘weirdos and misfits‘, or Boris’s new main squeeze the hippyish greenie Princess Carrie Nut Nuts, the bonking boffin computer modeller Prof Neil Ferguson, or even Whitty and Valance – the pair you just know got bullied at school. Come to think of it Dom Cummings was onto something with his call for a bunch of weirdos and misfits as advisors for Johnson.
Talking of vaguely defined mental health “issues” – if you ask me the ‘i’ paper is having severe lockdown withdrawal symptoms. The phrase scare quotes doesn’t quite match the sheer project horror: ‘UK “near optimum risk” of seeding new Covid varient that is able to evade vaccines‘
‘Boosters will be needed for years to come to maintain immunity, say Government scientists‘ – since when did the word Government become the crucial qualifier to the word scientist, one wonders?
For no reason whatever other than light relief the word booster reminds me of my callow youth when my Blue Peter heroes appeared twice weekly and the show would sometimes include an episode of Bleep and Booster. Ah, precious memories. The Wikipedia write up of the cartoon makes it sound absolutely awful: ‘Bleep is an alien from the planet Miron/Myron with a spaceship, whilst Booster is a young human who travels with Bleep performing galactic missions for Bleep’s moustached father. ‘ – how prescient was that considering these days of mega-billionaire world-saving global philanthropy and rich man hobby space fights.
Sorry, I had to digress a bit after being told I would be subject to booster jabs from here to eternity… 1953 starring Burt Lancaster, Frank Sinatra, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr.
Or are boosters with us to eternity and beyond… which is almost the catchphrase of Pixar character Buzz Lightyear.
Juxtaposition is your word of the day in the FT as alongside their caution against Tory donors steering policy, they advertise their: ‘FTWeekend Festival‘ – and for globalist Remainer FT reading fans rushing down to this exclusive salubrious mosh pit – ‘limited places available‘ – I’m sure you’ll enjoy: ‘Sir John Major… in conversation with Alec Russell FTWeekend editor… on Britain’s uncertain place in the world post-Brexit, the worrying fagility of the Union, and perilous allure of populism in today’s Conservative Party‘ – no agenda there then…
This bash goes under the slightly sinister slogan: ‘Reawakening: Imagining a post-pandemic world‘
Festival partners are Gagosian and Netwealth
‘Netwealth’s founders are Charlotte Ransom, a former Goldman Sachs partner and Thomas Salter, a former JP Morgan Managing Director. The company is backed by several high-profile City investors.‘
A rare appearance of Gagosian Quarterly hearabouts informs us: ‘Larry Gagosian is very philanthropic, although he does that work anonymously.‘- then, in direct contradiction to that modest statment, the quarterly publication goes on to tell us all about his pet projects.
However US politics is relatively open about these things: ‘OpenSecrets is the nation’s premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy.‘
Seems our Larry has donated to politicians with both Ds and Rs after their names – but mostly Ds. Democrat former shooting star Mayor Pete Buttigieg who burnt so very brightly then fizzled (remember him?) getting the Gagosian endorsement in the Democrat Primaries (Art News March 2020 analysis) and overall the DNC party machine being the big winner in Gagosian donation cash terms.
The phrase scare quotes doesn’t quite match the sheer project horror: ‘UK “near optimum risk” of seeding new Covid varient that is able to evade vaccines‘
seems the same story being rolled out everywhere, seems getting vaxxed is now going to cause the great plague , and kill more than if we had just left it all alone, but hey lets follow the science 🤔
The issue is not Alex Scott, unbeknown to Alex Scott, but the BBC decision makers who decide she is THE-person to front the coverage.
The Olymics highlights programme is a sort of ‘One Show’ with sport. Trivial, low brow, dumbed down. Where talk and ‘analysis’ take up three times more time than the actual sport. Where the Trampolining is accompanied by music seemingly played by that electronic toy Rolf Harris used to promote about 40 years ago. Where the 8 man rowing gets 30 seconds and the analysis (i.e guessing what people think) takes 3 minutes. Where they interview relatives of medal winners filmed watching the event and asking them how they feel.
Alex Scott’s contribution, or fate, is to support that pre-defined agenda.
‘An’ now ova to the afletics for some runnin’ and jumpin’’
Sluff -It is not Alex Scott’s fault that she ticks all the right boxes
to get a presenting job at the BBC. The BBC has decided now
in commentary of the sports to use the approach of
the Brazilian football commentators when Brazil score a
A perfect example being the BMX commentary yesterday.
It’s a shame that poster girl of the BBC Dina Asher-Smith
has failed to reach the final of the 100 meters. But she still has
a chance of a bronze medal in the 200 meters .No she hasn’t . She has torn her hamstring.
There will be some UK ethnic medals achieved in the boxing
at least. And I will be the first to cheer. So don’t panic BIG
BROTHER of the diversity department of the BBC. You still have
your presenters and pundits to give us plenty of diversity in
At the pub ………….
Questions, questions, questions .
Why hasn’t Boris got rid of the BBC Telly Tax ?
Why hasn’t Boris defended our country from invasion ?
Why didn’t Boris take advantage of the the “game changing” jab?
How long has he got to go ?
Is it:
(a) He’s incompetent??
(b) He’s not interested
(c) He’s under the thumb of Princess Nut Nuts?
(d) He’s following the orders of the globalist ringmasters?
(e) All of the above?
Meanwhile, at Wokeminster………..
Questions, questions, questions.
Why are we recklessly moving out of lockdown?
Why are the lower class oiks so thick?
Why are we so slow acting on climate change?
Why won’t people take the knee?
Why should we reintroduce racist policy of stop and search?
Why do we treat cross channel illegal migrant’s so badly?
Why do people refuse to cycle more, like we do?
How long has our country got to go?
In a move much applauded by the BBC, the racist thug Stormzy who wanted Theresa May burnt alive is to be honoured with a waxwork at Madame Tussaud’s. Somewhere I shall not be visiting again, unless I can smuggle in some petrol and a box of matches.
If your looking for any more evidence of the utter bias towards BME on the BBC look no further than the totally over the top coverage of this Biles women from the USA.
She isn’t competing yet features in more pictures than any UK competitor.
What about coverage of some UK white Male Athletes those that have worked tirelessly over the years to get into the Olympics !!!
BBC .Your utterly contemptible utterly disgusting. If it wasn’t for our Woke 80 seat majority government your days would be numbered.
BTW He begins by showing off his Japanese
Actually the pronoun he used is child or girl’s Japanese.
He’s an adult man so should use a different pronoun
The sub-titler gave up after 1 minute after 4
The actual prog was on about 4 weeks ago
He’s the regular presenter of one of the two R4 book shows
Black authors are massively overrepresented.
Paul Watson has a short video on the nature of this Biles wimmin’, who appears to deviate from the conventional image of a professional, committed, Olympic athlete…
Now why didn’t 3 penalty-taking “English” footballers also refuse to participate at crunch time? Then we might be sitting here as European Football Champions.
Why are the British and Irish Lions gracing their skills in such a shithole as South Africa?
The posts above about the filthy murdering blacks are just sickening, and the RFU should just be telling that whole bloody country to fuck off and become like Zimbabwe, another shithole.
Of course, the BBC will not even consider the implications of thousands of wealthy blacks, riddled with aid from other countries, squandering their (our) wealth in Bond Street, and stealing everything that the world chucks at them because they’re a cowardly bunch in W1aa.
I’m beginning to really hate SA rugby after a lifetime of enjoying the game.
There was an interesting notice, very firmly stuck to a lamp post where you’d normally get the odd note about a missing cat, near a park where I was jogging earlier.
“Black Hammer” was the organization; there was a logo of a Black hand holding a hammer, and an e-address. The main picture was a woman holding a baby child (maybe blood or cut on forehead?) as well as some sort of weapon (a rifle). The caption was something like “Defending our community”, which raised the question in my mind: against what/whom?
This is an interesting and slightly sinister development. The notice was more political than other things put there previously (e.g. protest about deaths of horses at National Hunt race meetings in Cheltenham, women’s rights, Covid). Given that Gloucestershire is not the most “vibrant” or “enriched” part of England, the notice did surprise me, in a way it would not have in parts of London.
Knock-off BLM spouting the same fairytale Marxist nonsense we’ve come to know and love. They’re almost tumescent from the unlimited possibilities contained within smashing the colonial yoke, including Hammer City, an updated version of Chaz which will boast ‘No cops, no rent, no Coronavirus, and no white people’.
It is how they present a story which gives away the BBC’s bias so frequently.
11.10 am Radio 4 and I have no idea what programme it was. There was a female spokesman (I am damned if I am going to type ‘spokesperson’) speaking about the difficulty of getting staff in the hospitality trade ‘because of Brexit’ as Europeans have decided they prefer to be in their own country.
About 12 years ago I remember a friend telling me that her son couldn’t get work as a student because people from Europe were arriving in the UK in April and May, whilst the UK students were still studying (?) and were getting all the hospitality jobs.
I expect because of covid, UK students have not built up the debt that students of previous years have built up because going out and partying have been strictly limited. If those students now went out and grabbed all these hospitality jobs, they could reduce their debt further making them the generation with least debt for some time.
This could have been a good news story with both the UK students and the employers getting a positive spin. But the BBC hates a good news story especially when they can bring a ‘because of Brexit’ slant to the story.
It was Katherine Price, news editor at The Caterer, giving her views on staff shortages in #hospitality:
Presenter was David Aaronovitch in the Briefing Room
Around here much of people’s hospitality spend does end up with foreign workers.
Cos the UK is so ridiculously expensive for restaurants and hotels, people save their money and go on holiday abroad
where you have a week for the same price as 2 days in the UK.
Foxhole has it
.. The BBC Look North Tweet is similar and did tweet twice and one extra at the start of the trial
but people ask
#1 Why wasn’t the item on Look North TV ?
#2 Why wasn’t the offence prosecuted as a Race Hate crime ?
The Asian gang, aged between 17 and 24 all received life sentences for Bradley’s murder. Usman Karolia, Ahmed Kariola, Nabeel Naseer, Raja Nawaz, Irfan Hussain and Nikash Hussain were convicted following a trial at Leeds Crown Court.
I don’t think the “We” is the majority of the people of Great Britain?
In fact I think that the real we would have stopped them getting in here in the first place.
… one of the people believed to be a family member of one of the murderers mocking the fact that Bradley Gledhill was brutally murdered. He is seen outside Leeds Crown Court saying “At Least I’m Not Dead, Bro” to an independent reporter on the scene.
But in their other current murder story, where a black recent immigrant allegedly murdered a Muslim taxi driver in 2001,
Look North revert to using a photo of the court building
Shame there can’t be use of the 70s style picketing. Would love to see the BBC offices picketed and those going in called scabs for screwing up peoples lives with fear porn and non reporting of key events.
It has already been commented on that the BBC showed an extraordinary lack of interest in the story of Hatun Tash, attacked at Speakers’ Corner (soon to be renamed Shariah Corner).
This despite the incident touching on a number of areas that should interest the BBC, namely violence against women, free speech, and islam.
Incidentally many news agencies all over the world gave the story a good deal of prominence, and are still covering it, with updates on her state of health, and on the fact that the aggressor hasn’t been caught, even though the police were right there, and there are photos and videos of him. (Something I find curious as well.)
I have previously suggested the reason muslims – and their pals at the BBC – want to silence Hatun, is that she is revealing some embarrassing ‘holes in the narrative’ of islam, in particular about the so-called ‘perfect preservation of the koran’.
But I suggest there is an even bigger dimension to the story.
For centuries the claims of the koran and the whole narrative of islam have gone unchallenged, by both muslims and Western scholars. The reasons are many and complicated, but basically: ordinary muslims have no incentive to examine them critically (asking the wrong questions could get you killed) and their imams have every incentive NOT to examine them critically – don’t rock the boat.
Meanwhile in the West, until recently scholars have not had easy access to source material, to original historical documents. This is now beginning to change. Thanks to the internet, any researcher can easily access documents in libraries across the muslim world. As we know, most university academics are a cowardly bunch, deeply infected with the pervasive woke liberalism that poisons our once great centres of learning and stifles independent thought. However, a few brave scholars have started subjecting islam to the same rigorous scrutiny they have brought to other religions, including Christianity. Textual criticism, source criticism, redaction criticism, literary criticism, etc. And what they are discovering is earth-shattering. Many of the assertions of islam just simply doesn’t fit the facts. History, chronology, geography, archeology, linguistics, art, numismatics, architecture, genealogy, even topography and vegetation: all cast doubt on the dates, events and locations referenced in the koran, the hadith and sunnah.
” BIG BROTHER ,what should we have as our main news headline
and picture on the BBC website? Should it be about the UK
winning two gold medals with pictures of the winners with their gold medals?” What ethnicity are they?” They are British BIG
BROTHER ,what difference does that make?” Didn’t a Jamaican
win the 100 meters ?”” Yes BIG BROTHER. ” ” What department
do you work for, you knucklehead Smith?” ” But the lady who won the 100 metres comes from another country BIG BROTHER.”
” Your fired Smith.”
Local BBC news ..used the flimsiest excuse to air a guy saying “3% is not a biggest pay rise for the NHS”
..item was about a free concert for NHS workers
I’m fed up of this new fashion of ‘bearing all’ to the world and his wife. Whatever happened to dealing with ‘stuff’ on your own and in private ? Sadly Mrs Johnson experienced a miscarriage earlier this year, as did that other privacy seeking lady Mrs Harry Windsor. They are not the first and certainly wont be the last, but what do they want ? endless sympathy from complete strangers ? To most people it won’t even register, and is just another news item, so why bother with this over sharing.
Now we have the new bandwagon of self wellness (?) and mental health issues by elite sportspeople. Well as Carole Malone put it so succinctly, if they knew they weren’t ‘up to par’ before setting off for the Olympics / Wimbledon / test match cricket, then they should have jacked before going. They are so highly tuned that any cracks that start to appear would have been noticed beforehand. I doubt if these three will be alone in the days, weeks and months to come. It will be a domino effect.
Brissles my dear old thing: ” Sadly Mrs Johnson experienced a miscarriage earlier this year, as did that other privacy seeking lady Mrs Harry Windsor.”
As both gave birth ‘earlier this year’, where did they get the babies from?
My ‘Ooops Department’. Or as they Guardian call it: ‘The Corrections and Clarifications Department’ . I think Princess Nut Nuts, as she is now known, gave birth last year. Young Wilf was firmly in the RugRat category ‘earlier this year’ and is now a toddler.
I fear you are right – and there will be an escalation of who can expose their private pain to the public more as an ‘inspiration ‘ to ordinary mortals .
It will fill the MSM with good and bad comments with various types going ‘up’ and others going ‘down ‘ . May well sell papers …
How much video of the “insurrection” are The Democrats supressing ? – the Capitol Police alone have 14,000 hours (nearly 2 years of 24 hr watching fwiw) and other video assets likely double that number.
One can see why they might not want to expose it to public scrutiny….
The answer, as we’ve reported several times, is yes.
Which is one reason why USCP, DOJ do not want 14k hours of surveillance video released.
pug, “Remarkable how some of the most extreme and radical changes to our lives are being without remark….Boris and his cronies are making new laws without any scrutiny or comment….enormous changes to the way we live our lives”
All change on that front if Jacob Rees-Mogg and the rest of the Panel on Any Questions are to be believed. HMG has realised that there will be another back-bench-rebellion of Conservative MPs but bigger next time, according to J R-M.
The Labour & LibDem panellists also indicated opposition but whether they had checked with their Party leaders first is doubtful. Certainly the Big Sucker in charge of Labour has spoken of compulsion in favourable terms. Would he Whip his MPs?
Oh dear, yet another distraction for our PM who half the time is ‘away with the fairies’ anyway, well the Greco-Roman ones, that is. Apparently, yes. The BBC have it on their News Page.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Here’s a question you won’t hear asked on the BBC: “What do refugees bring to Britain?”
Douglas Murray tries to speak some sense to the smug, suave, smarmy, oleaginous creep from the Refugee Council.
Wouldn’t it be nice to get paid a silly salary to virtue signal all over the media? A bit like the Sussexes: megabucks AND sanctimony. Nice work if you can get it.
I suspect he got the job because of his ‘reassuring’ voice that impressionable women might describe as chocolate brown. I would compare it to some other brown stuff.
Health warning: only watch with sick bucket to hand.
Other than machetes, TB… stuff like that?
According to that self-righteous cretin, they’re all doctors and artists.
I’ve seen and heard and met many such fools (the beeb is stuffed full of them) but I find this one particularly creepy for some reason.
Something about his calm, self-assured and ever-so-reasonable tone, as if you’d have to be mad to disagree.
Or racist.
Murray is correct.
In a nutshell, they bring no economic benefits to the UK whatsoever.
They are a drain on resources, namely housing, education, health and welfare.
The UK taxpayers have to cough up at the whims of woke UK politicians .
No such thing as bad #prasnews
Same folk handling unfortunately mutilated Covid warrior stories?
BBC political sage ‘analysis’ of all around this case will be interesting.
Guessing they will pull a sickie. Per usual. Heroically.
I’m losing faith in the police by the minute. According to GB News, the police say the attack on Hatun Tash is not being treated as terrorism-related.
A ‘man’ (everybody knows what kind of ‘man’) tries to kill a Christian speaker who regularly challenges muslims to their face, and who frequently receives death threats from them, and who has been assaulted multiple times before – and the police are not treating it as terrorism related?!
I’d love to know their definition of terrorism, and what the attacker would have to do to qualify as a terrorist?
Kill her, presumably? Or is it a matter of numbers? Is it only terrorism if we’re into 9/11 numbers, or 7/7, or Manchester Arena numbers?
Pray tell, Dick-less.
Kudos to GB News for even covering the story, but their little report lacks any depth or context. Later I will post more on what’s really behind the attack. I may not have a staff of over 22,000 like the BBC, but it’s amazing what you can find out on a laptop.
Lest we forget..
“It is worth remembering that just a few years ago 3.7 million people marched through Paris led by world leaders, including our Prime Minister at the time, chanting ‘Je suis Charlie’ in support of free speech. Where are they now? Has society now decided to accept limitations on free speech when it comes to Islam?”
Meanwhile even the BBC has had to admit Bradford is full of such ‘men’, if only we knew who they were and where they come from.
“Has society now decided to accept limitations on free speech when it comes to Islam?”
It did a long time ago.
Whilst on the crime gig – the guardian reports that the government is setting up a ‘joint agency ‘ research outfit to try to figure out why teenager murder rates in big cities is going up .
I sometime report the Londonistan ones here – chiefly because of what the BBC chooses to leave out – namely colour of perpetrator (s) unless they are whitee of course – when ‘racism ‘ is screamed from the heights .
Anyway the ‘research team ‘ is going to look at all aspects of killings – but what made me laugh out loud – is that they are going to start work in the ‘autumn ‘ – which on my calculation is roughly a dozen dead male coloured teenagers – and in time for the usual post school killing pattern to resume .
In a way it’s sort of Darwinian in the same way people drown when the temperature goes up . Something should be banned …
By the way – the article left out any reference to race – for either victim or killer … yet the truth is out there .. diss me not ..blood ..
Shock, horror, whilst Mrs Voter was watching Richard Osmans House of Games ( it makes her feel superior as she can answer most of the questions quicker than the celebrities) there came upon completion of the programme, a trailer for a new Boleyn family programme. Upon scrutiny, not one of the aforesaid family was black, or even dusky. Sarpong is being paid under false pretenses.
The immensely overpaid June Sarpong was a contestant on House of Games a couple of months ago. Blimey, she’s unbelievably thick.
She managed to get every single question wrong and towards the end of the show, with Sarpong on an excruciating nil points, they started bowling her some really soft questions. It was painfully obvious what they were doing.
Honestly, it was harder to get these questions wrong, rather than right, but she managed it. I was embarrassed for her.
And yet…stupid as she is… the BBC are still giving this dopey bint a massive £250,000 a year, of our money…to lecture us about how horribly racist we are.
Nice work…
To be precise, £267,000 a year for working a three-day week as the corporation’s director of creative diversity.
That’s £1,700 per day!
For making sure BAME’s and gays are over-represented, which they already are, so the job is completely useless.
Friday 6pm BBC1 news spent some time telling the viewers how badly the rowers had done at the Olympics whilst they took milliseconds telling us about the England women’s football team crashing out. I thought it unfair. But knowing that the BBC always having an agenda and a hint from them. Apparently most money from Sport England goes to the rowers and I realised the rowing teams are seriously underrepresented with people from the BAME community. It is also probably still over represented by people who have had a private education. Now I realise why the BBC spent so long informing us how badly the team had done.
Lord Farage on GB News. ‘Talking Pints’ with ex SAS soldier Phil Campion. Love the pints and backdrop. (Not on our BBC ever).
Anyone who thinks it’s only possible to be racist if you are white needs to look at this.
Warning: some images of utter depravity and bestiality by some sub-humans.
I couldn’t be more furious! You will have course never know about this if you watch the *ucking* horrible BBC.
This is so bloody horrible and inhuman that Western news media should be screaming about it.
Racism against immigrants is a thing in all countries but some countries are not so bloody disgustingly savage as the black ones in SA who just want to murder all the white people who have lived there for generations.
Compare this with let’s say parts of London and how their risk of being attacked in the same way compares.
@Jacob_Rees_Mogg tweeted
The green agenda is not just about lowering emissions whilst maintaining our standard of living
– it is about raising our standard of living
and it is precisely this which will help it succeed.
… Then he quite correctly got kicking ..
Read this then tell me that black people are getting a bad deal in this country v immigration.
You will need a strong stomach as some of these “black freedom fighters” have no limits to their utter disgusting depravity:
I can’t say this loud enough: “STOP BEING F******* MANIPULATED” by the bloody stupid woke folk.
If you don’t your wife, children will suffer this shit.
The absence of this from their news is the biggest reason I really hate the BBC they are slime balls,
Distinct possibility, indeed.
Guess that’s why they get the big bucks.
Just watched the Grand Tour on Amazon filmed in Scotland last year and titled Loch down. Not the trios finest work by a long way but nether the less it did have some stand out moments. But it was made without an agenda or token BME characters or women (I like women) such a refreshing change and not somthing you’d see on the BBC.
I have to confess to a big giggle when I read any article in the Guardian, it is always so bloody predictable. Headlines such as why should my children suffer under the tories? who wants Boris’s shit etc, show me why I am so right to despise these godawfull luvvies. Absolutely no backbone just whimpering snot.
Chris McGlade : Cancelled comedian 70 minute interview
with a powerful opening monologue.
last 5mts on labour was worth the watch Stew
Not the BBC – the lead piece in the Telegraph . I want as many people to see this as possible . I am not directly affected by it – I am not currently old ….
The NHS drew up secret plans to withdraw hospital care from people in nursing homes in the event of a pandemic, The Telegraph can disclose.
Confidential Whitehall documents show that the NHS plans refused treatment to those in their 70s and that “support” would instead be offered to use so-called “end of life pathways”.
The strategy was drawn up by NHS England following a pandemic planning exercise in 2016 and was designed to stop hospitals being overwhelmed.
It suggests that in a “severe” flu pandemic, the Health Secretary could authorise medics to prioritise some patients over others and even stop providing critical care altogether.
Ministers have repeatedly insisted that care homes were not abandoned by the NHS during the coronavirus crisis, despite mounting evidence to the contrary. More than 42,000 residents in England and Wales died during the pandemic and hospitals released thousands of patients into care homes without testing.
The Telegraph disclosed earlier this year that care homes were asked by NHS managers and GPs to place “do not resuscitate” orders on all residents at the height of the pandemic to keep hospital beds free – in breach of guidelines.
Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson’s former chief adviser, has said it was a “lie” that everyone received care, and that in fact “many people were left to die in horrific circumstances”.
The documents reveal that the Government proposed triaging patients based on their “probability of survival” rather than “clinical need” if resources were exhausted.
The documents on “NHS surge and triage” and adult social care – labelled “confidential” and “official sensitive” – were created in 2017 and 2018 and sent to government advisers. Both looked at how services would respond to a serious flu outbreak.
The reports were obtained by an NHS doctor, working with lawyers Leigh Day, who was concerned about pandemic preparedness. The Government initially rejected his request under the Freedom of Information Act, but the Information Commissioner said their disclosure was in the public interest.
Barbara Keeley MP, who sits on the health and social care select committee, said: “It’s time the Government came clean about its policies on care homes.”
Dr Moosa Qureshi, who passed the reports to The Telegraph, said it was “unprofessional” that plans were not given to medics.
“The Information Commissioner held that clinicians must be supported by a clear framework when allocating care during a severe pandemic, and that the framework needs public debate,” he said.
“The NHS triage paper provides real guidance for frontline staff if NHS services are overwhelmed. Why did the Department of Health, NHS England and BMA keep it secret from healthcare professionals?”
An NHS spokesman said: “The NHS was asked to produce this discussion document based on a specific and extreme hypothetical scenario to inform the Government’s pandemic flu preparedness programme rather than for operational use and it did not form the basis of the NHS response to coronavirus.”
A government spokesman said the reports were “historical draft briefing papers that include hypothetical scenarios which do not and have never represented agreed government policy”.
‘Purely because my father was living in a care home, he was left to die’
When Andrew Ward received a phone call from the care home in April last year, it was the news he and his siblings had been dreading.
Their father, Geoffrey Ward, had developed a cough and, although at 74 he had previously been as “fit as a fiddle”, he had been diagnosed with Covid.
He had gone to live in the home after an accident made him prone to wandering off unsafely, Andrew Ward recalled. But “from the moment that he displayed the first symptom, it was as though everyone had decided that the Covid would kill him”.
Staff at the Cumbria nursing home told Andrew that they had already contacted the GP who had assessed his father over video rather than carrying out a face-to-face visit and determined that he should not be admitted to hospital.
Despite Andrew’s protestations to the GP and other medics, this remained the position and three days later his father, a former printer, collapsed and an ambulance was called to help hoist him back to bed. According to his son, the paramedics told the care home staff they would not return to help him again.
A couple of days later, Geoffrey Ward was dead – an apparent victim of Covid, with his family feeling he had been denied care.
His story could be dismissed as an isolated incident given the stress the NHS was under. The Government has also repeatedly offered assurances that everyone who needed care during the pandemic received it.
That line had already started to unravel when Mr Cummings revealed how members of the Government were told by senior advisers that some “people did not get the treatment they deserved, many people were left to die in horrific circumstances”.
But now, documents obtained by The Telegraph show that three years before Covid, the Government raised the matter of withholding care from the elderly in the event of a pandemic, leading to questions about whether individual tragedies could have been part of a wider strategy.
The documents raised scenarios in which, if there was a severe influenza pandemic and extreme pressure on resources, doctors would need to put some elderly patients on an “end of life pathway” and deny them hospital care.
When the Covid pandemic hit, The Telegraph found that restricting care turned out to be one of several ways in which care homes were apparently abandoned.
Guided by its mantra to “protect the NHS”, the Government effectively loaded the Covid problem on to the care sector by telling them early in April last year that hospital patients could be discharged into care homes, regardless of whether they were Covid-positive or had even been tested.
Pressures on the sector meant care staff were forced to cut corners, according to the manager of a Nottinghamshire care home, who admitted that they would sometimes nurse residents in bed all day because they were so short-staffed.
The documents obtained by The Telegraph show that, for vulnerable people cared for at home, this was one of the approaches examined. “Service users being cared for in their own homes will have to remain in bed during the day, with much-reduced hygiene support,” a document states.
A table in the social care report says that in a “moderate” pandemic, care workers would “stop” assisting patients with “getting in and out of bed” or “having a bath/shower” in order that they could provide other basic services.
In a “severe” pandemic, they would even stop “managing toilet needs” – something which it states could be mitigated “by the provision of aids, eg commodes”.
When shown the documents, Lucy Easthope, a disaster recovery professor at Durham University and government adviser, said that pandemic flu briefing papers appeared to show that social care was likely to be sacrificed in the event of a severe pandemic, and that this Government’s “plan” for the sector was so ill-considered that it would inevitably have led to unnecessary deaths.
The documents also show that there was seemingly a complete lack of awareness from government officials about the dangers of an infectious virus spreading in care homes populated with vulnerable elderly people, with officials suggesting extra beds be added to homes so that more hospital patients could be discharged to them.
This blinkered thinking remained in evidence when the Covid pandemic took hold, with early Public Health England guidance confidently stating that the virus was “very unlikely” to spread in care homes. The guidance remained in place until mid-March last year, at which point there were around 800 Covid cases recorded across the UK.
Peter Kyle, the Labour MP for Hove, said that during the first wave, a care home had called him for help because when it had contacted a GP to assist a dying patient, the doctor had not come inside.
Instead of administering morphine, the doctor had walked halfway up the drive to deposit a kit to make the patient’s final hours more comfortable and gave directions over the phone.
“It was inhuman and meant that untrained staff were delivering end-of-life care,” said Mr Kyle. “For the elderly, it’s not just a question of a right to life, but also a good death.”
A care home owner based in the north of England, who asked to remain anonymous, said that at the beginning of the pandemic his staff found it “very difficult” to get medical treatment for residents, particularly if they were suspected of having Covid.
“GP practices wouldn’t visit, some of the patients we had discharged from hospital had ‘not for readmission’ written on discharge letters, so if they became more poorly they weren’t allowed to go back into hospital,” he said.
“Sometimes we couldn’t always get the oxygen we wanted for residents who returned from hospital after being diagnosed with Covid. Staff felt helpless and guilty. Oxygen may have improved their quality of life before they died.”
Looking back, Andrew Ward still wonders if his father might have lived if he had been at home.
“If my father had been living … in any other setting than a care home, then an ambulance would have picked him up when he was ill and taken him to hospital. But purely down to the fact that he was living in a care home, he was left to die.”
Maybe they should have gone the whole way and bought a supply of Zyclon B
I read the article Fedup2 with interest. I think we have to remember that releasing old people into care homes without testing sounds dreadful but they probably didn’t have the tests invented back then and as far as I understand even now PCR tests are not totally reliable. (I am happy to be corrected).
But sadly a friend did have to be admitted to hospital last September. His wife was encouraged to agree to ‘do not resuscitate ‘. She wouldn’t agree but after that her husband was fully supported to end of his life. He didn’t have covid and managed to stay free of it until the end. But I must have known at the time that hospitals didn’t want to resuscitate anyone over 70 and I think I heard London hospitals were not resuscitating anyone over 50 at the peak of the first wave.
That’s the people that have spent most of their lives funding the NHS.
The NHS that looks after people from foreign lands that have never paid into the NHS system. A system run by a bunch of traitors
The tests were available . However the hospitals needed to be emptied of the old so that their deaths would not show up on the statistics . The government didn’t want to use their Nightingales .
None of this will come out in the public inquiry whitewash .
Look – I am a pragmatist – if the NHS decides to allow the old to die as a matter of priority – go ahead – but make it public – and accountable . I know about triage . It is a cold but necessary process .
Yet if you see in the article – lawyers had to extract the information from the NHS – which wanted to conceal what they d done – like any killer would .
The other thing is whilst brainwashed fools stood on the door step clapping like emotional morons – the NHS May have been deciding to kill off senior members of the family using early day nazi techniques …
Apart from the dead and their friends and relatives no one will pay a price for this – no one will be held accountable . People will still vote for the red Tories and their nut nut leader because the alternative is even worse .
Very true.
Soylent Green
It was clear last March that if you were old then you were on your own. It is still going on. Staying out of hospital at all costs is the prime directive and could save your life.
It is far far worse than we all know. Last year a friend of mine’s wife died from dementia. It was expected. The local GP refused , yes refused, to come to certify her death and my friend was forced to do it himself using a phone and a mirror. It has traumatised him and his family. .
There is no defence possible for the GP. That person failed as doctor but more importantly as a human being.
Today we had to call the paramedics for a lady . It turned out to be OK but could have been serious but I have to say these paramedics make the average GP look like the waste of space they mostly are.
Dead right, Dave.
A dear neighbour and friend, well into her eighties, had been having a difficult time at home after her husband had died, and some scabrous scum had burgled her posessions.
We all rallied round her to keep what dignity she could muster, and she was a strong old bird!
But her blasted doctor actually called her on a phone without even a visit, and just told her that she has Alzheimers!
That little sod should have been struck off by the evening.
Very interesting above posts.
But I fear a conflation of issues.
1. There is no doubt that ‘our NHS hetoes’ is and always was a ridiculous caricature of the reality. There were few NHS heroes.
2. Lacklustre treatment of the elderly by GPs and others is not confined to pandemics. I can assure you of that. Vascular dementia sufferers are particularly badly served – it is a terminal illness with no cure and no remedial treatment. So most GPs I suspect just go through the motions.
3. On the other hand……ever seen the film ‘Deep Impact’. Fearing a direct meteorite strike on the Earth, the USA decided they could keep 20,000 alive for two years in deep caves. But who to save? Those that can contribute most in the future. So in a pandemic, if you cannot save everyone who do you save? Someone may have to decide.
4. Would it really have been a tragedy if covid had caused the death of Mr S senior 6 months before he died of severe dementia – unable to walk, speak, maintain eye contact, eat by himself, doubly incontinent, a pathetic hollowed-out shell of a man?
I’m not taking any lessons from anyone on that one.
I did my 5 year stint with Vascular Dementia and saw the brutality of the ‘care ‘ administration myself .
But my point is that it is one thing to dress up a ‘world beating ‘ this and that – but in real life – secretly -the system was / is using DNR s as an admin convenience and sending people – knowingly – who will infect others is care homes in order to keep the stars under control and make life easier for the medical mafia .
One of the useful lessons of the Chinese virus has been is how easily fear can be created and exploited to achieve compliance .
They – the bubble – must have been amazed at the lack of rebellion in Blighty – as well as other countries using the Project Fear technique .
And -of course – it is being used in race issues – ‘environmental ‘ and elsewhere …
As to your point 4 – if you advocate ‘mercy killings ‘ say so . Every individual case is different . And I have plenty experience of incontinence pads …
In my opinion – the state formally ending lives isn’t far away – after all it is happy to kill babies at the other end of the ‘pathway ‘. It will dress it up as ‘for the interest of the community ‘ but then why not ‘special needs ‘ or ‘people who don’t think in the approved way ‘ – done for ‘community cohesion ‘ . It’s painless …
An important debate and there is imo a good deal of truth in your para 2.
But when for instance does ‘mercy killing’ overlap with a denial of treatment? Should Mr S senior be taken to hospital and pumped full of ‘domestos’ level antibiotics to keep him alive for a few more weeks ………or allow nature to take its course over a few days in the relative comfort of his care home, where any remaining brain power might associate with things that seem familiar?
Someone has to decide. Many politicians and others can and do fudge and bluster about this point of decision but someone has to decide.
Weirdly we may be in about the right place, where as you rightly say cases are individual, and a cluster of family, medics, and also care home staff would on the whole probably enable a reasonable overall decision to be taken.
As indeed I did. Does that make me in favour of mercy killing? Well, that depends on definition but my conscience is extremely clear.
Stuff – the clear conscience is a thing without price and I am glad you have one . I was in a position as as a 24/7 career when I was the one between a malevolent/ careless State and my close relative .
Without me she d have been at their mercy – ranging from a DNR GP – careless 15 minute ‘carers ‘ incompetent District £ Agency Nurses – to social services asking about the sexuality of an 86 year old . By someone whose first language was not Engleeeeesh….
In the new speak parlance, 60 is the new 40 and 70 is the new 50 ! well, I can’t say I feel 50 exactly, but equally I don’t consider myself to be in the “old lady” bracket. However, it appears that should I need hospitalising now or in the future, because of my age my candidacy is assured for entry into the Geriatric Ward – yee Gods !!!
I may look, feel and act 10-15 years younger, but that won’t stop those in hospital admin from shoving me in amongst those waiting for God in the much older age bracket.
So beware those who are hurtling towards your 70’s , and smug future oldies, your turn will come, make no mistake !!
Our discourse on this and some differences of view do not diminish the shared overall experience. Like you I experienced appalling non-joined up work between NHS ‘heroes’ in hospital A and E, recovery care, and GP. Not least having to advise them all separately about medication for a relative, a diagnosed dementia sufferer being allowed to walk out of A and E unsupervised, having waited interminably and forgotten why they were there, and then being released from hospital ….with a canula still in his arm!!! FFS.
Yet the public think they are all worth 3%.
I guess we’re off topic, this being biased BBC, but I guess our real world experience is not something the BBC would be that glad to hear.
I don’t really know what my practical view on shortening life is . I have my Roman Catholic view but that is. ‘Higher ground ‘. My fear is for the targeted victims – with no relatives or friends who are easy to kill because they are ‘inconvenient ‘. Maybe call them ‘bed blocker ‘or some other repulsive medical term .
My real point is the sort of experience you ( and I have experienced) in real world compared to the frankly mad glorification of the NHS / medical mafia which leads to an obscene 3% pay rise for 1.7 million employees when very few had direct risk from transmission .
I have watched, during 3 or 4 appointments in the last few years, as the GP looked up my symptoms on google.
Like all professions, such as media, education etc. The medical profession is filling out with indoctrinated activists leaving our wonderful universities or communist training camps as I prefer to view them.
Little wonder then that they have a built-in disdain for the general public especially the lower educated classes and the old who they view as “the problem” in achieving the globalist world they have been educated to believe is the goal.
I am unsurprised that at best it is manifested in a lack of interest and at worst by actively getting rid of the problem if I can put it that way.
I’ve ways found the medical mafia vindictive when there is even the slightest challenge . I recently had a ‘telephone appointment ‘ with a GP I didn’t know – he ended the call because he decided I had become ‘adversarial ‘. I I had been face to face I think I’d have decked him .
Date: January 20th 1942
Place: Wannsee, Berlin
Senior Nazis, including Heydrich, Eichmann, Hofmann and Müller, have gathered to discuss the resolution of ‘The Jewish Problem’. Heydrich opens the proceedings:
“Gentlemen, we are here to discuss End of Life Pathways…”
Not an exact parallel, but there are worrying echoes based upon our historical knowledge of where this thinking leads.
“Far away is close at hand in images of elsewhere”.
There are plenty of similarities –
done for a clear purpose
Gradual development of policy
Justification due to circumstances
Connivance of ‘stakeholders ‘
No real challenge
Done in secret
Public chose to look away
Plenty of ‘beneficiaries ‘
Not forgetting:
Lots of victims.
1. Oppression and removal of political enemies to guarantee power.
2. Tighten the noose around society to force people to adhere to your own political ideology.
3. When you have absolute power, you drop the pretences and do what you like to your enemies.
The USA are well on with 1) and 2).
I’ve said many times : the Left are the modern day Nazis. As we should expect – it’s root cause is socialism and absolute control.
I really think there is a possibility of civil war over there.
“Far away is close at hand in images of elsewhere”.
Not really on topic, but I remember that slogan being daubed, in white on old brickwork a little way outside Paddington station on the former GWR main line. The building/wall it was painted on was slowly demolished, and has probably long gone, I believe.
I often wondered about the origin of the slogan…
This one:
The Master of Paddington! That takes me back. That one grafitto is worth all the daubs of Banksy, and as long as people remember it, it doesn’t need to be actually painted on any wall.
Somebody with a bit of engineering credibility covering that burning battery in Oz
The lesson of the story is that if your electric car battery catches fire, just stand back and watch it because you can’t put it out.
The correct term is ‘vent with flames’.
Ah the joy of the olympic games. And a perfect opportunity to slip agenda programming in with it.
This front page (at the time of posting) has to following clear face shots:
9 black males
10 black females
8 white females
4 white males
So I should file this one under ‘diversity’ not ‘equality’.
‘Liberate Hong Kong’: The slogan that will land you in jail
‘It was one of the defining phrases of the Hong Kong protest movement. Now, it has landed one man in jail for nine years.’
This is the most blatant lie by the BBC I’ve seen for a long time. He was jailed for terrorism : driving his motorbike at the police.
And the usual greasy way they cover themselves further down is:
‘But this week a man was convicted partly because he was carrying a flag emblazoned with the phrase.’
No mention at all about the ‘terrorism’ bit.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’.
This support for Hong Kong protestors is very much ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. In different circumstance the BBC would paint them as terrorists. We only get one side of the news from the BBC : the agenda side. They absolutely think they are the whole worlds moral compass. The arrogance is off the scale.
Can Trump possibly not succeed in being re-elected?
KT Tunstall on her show-halting hearing loss
Nothing about KT : I clicked this video purely to see if the BBC added mournful piano music as the ‘Panorama’ style trick to pull your sympathy-strings.
I was not disappointed. To the BBC, ‘victims’ are an essential part of their trick to pull you into their agenda. Once they have pulled you onboard and given you their completely lopsided view of the world instead of getting everything in proportion, they can push you towards agenda topics by mixing them in.
And also KT used the word ‘discombobulated’ in a real sentence. Which was nice.
Yahoo news on my phone:
‘President Biden to give $100 to people who get vaccinated against coronavirus’.
Wow, what a great President. Going to cost him a fortune though.
Would have been a better idea for the Government to do it using taxpayers money. But not much better : sounds like an excuse to buy black votes to me.
Unless of course this internet company is demonstrating pro-Left bias – because looking at their Trump coverage, every single article is borderline hate.
Hull : from the amount of trailers Radio Humberside has had about tonight’s Gay Pride programme I’d thought it was a massive gay takeover night
… but it’s actually just a 1 hour show
I guess the trailers were really an advert for Today’s Hull Gay Pride online festival
I wish they would stop ramming gay-pride down our throats.
I don’t care if they are gay or not. I just want them to stop thinking it’s all about them. What percentage of the population are they anyway ?.
Radio Humberside is ludicrously Left-wing, especially Blair Jacobs who is the least tolerant person of anyone if someone disagree with him. He gets sharp and a bit nasty very quickly. I used to catch some of the religious show on Sunday before listening to Doug tell me I should go out and plant some tomatoes and it was about Islam as often as it was about Christianity. Sunday is not even their day of worship.
The Arcuri interview
There’s more on the GBnews YouTube channel
Book to sell?
She is sitting on a nice little nest egg, if she times it right.
Nice to see the BBC Olympics coverage is still taking a kicking . The latest upset was the coverage of the kid on a bike coming second – which wasn’t covered live .
According to the telegraph the current shambles was signed of by “Tony ‘ hall . Spend that pension Tony …
For the record – the bigger public upset the better – all that false patriotism seems so un BBC now -it is embarrassing .
So, in summary…
At least NZ got podium.
Jac must be so proud. A plane load of beeboids en route to ask the relative familial gender community who they feel?
Absolutely spot on, Mr Redwood.
You just missed a mention of the manifest Dumbing Down
Came down this morning and the breakfast team, Sam and Dan, were having a joke about putting a sticker on a board with the GB winners.
Meanwhile there is continuing coverage of a BAME American gymnast choosing not to compete.
Sluff: “Meanwhile there is continuing coverage of a BAME American gymnast choosing not to compete.”
Said American gymnast competes in a sport where subjective scoring – some would say ‘a bit of vague scoring’ – is applied. What would said American Gymnast do if competing in a sport like golf, where an unlucky bounce, can add one or two to the indisputable score card, or competing in tennis where again the unyielding score card demonstrates your capability against the possible brilliance of your opponent.
Did Novak Djokovic give up or take a break after ‘his bad day at the office’?
No, just a bit of (quiet) racquet abuse and then he will come out and do it all again at the next tournament, with or without the racquet abuse.
Difficult to record politicians competing when they won’t do it.
Warning – new race baiting variant discovered.
On Toady, there has been a study showing that oximeter readings (that’s the thing they clip on your finger to check blood oxygen) is less accurate for people with……….wait for it……….’darker skin tones’.
Those racist whiteys have done it again.
You heard it here first. But you still can’t make it up.
Once superglued my index finger. Couldn’t use my iPhone for a week!
Imagine being Lewis Hamilton unable to let his adoring fan base known on Tic Tok the drive trip is off on account of being iffy because of the air quality.
Meanwhile, on the horizon…
Wait until she finds out the BBC has found sufferers of Getty more suited to their needs.
BBC Sex an’ Drugs talks munny viv da kidz.
£100 million is a lot of Marcus Rashford fish fingers.
Clearly nothing to do with penalty shoot outs.
This rates 5 handbags surely.
The perilous allure of populism
Enjoy your fool’s gold circuses whilst the elite get down to the business of stamping out populism
On a morning when the BBC brings us news that: ‘Simone Biles has pulled out of Sunday’s vault and uneven bars gymnastics finals at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics‘ – uneven bars…? Surely that must be something to do with racism – quick, someone call BLM!
Seems sporting mental health issues can be as catching as the next covid varient: ‘Ben Stokes: I need break for my mental health‘ (Express); ‘Stokes: I’m out of cricket‘ (Daily Star) – me too mate. And football. And the Olympics.
‘Bethany Shriever took gold in the BMX while her friend and training companion Kye White took silver‘ – see them together in celebratory embrace as this pairing win the frontpage podium pics of both today’s Guardian and ‘i’ paper. Friend and training companion… is that what the kids are calling it these days? And yes, you guessed it, straight out of a DFS TV ad, she’s pale faced – hold her up to the light and you could practically see through her – and he’s as black as your hat.
‘BMX star who won gold had to find own funding‘ (‘i’) – Oh the humanity…
The FT is fretting that Tory donors might be exerting undue influence over government policy: ‘Elite Tory donors club holds secret meetings with Johnson. “Advisory board” members mix with PM and Chancellor‘ – and for once I don’t think it is the lack of social distancing that is exciting the FT: ‘Party denies link between cash and government policy‘
Seems someone has to guide Boris – whether that be Dominic Cummings and his trademark ‘weirdos and misfits‘, or Boris’s new main squeeze the hippyish greenie Princess Carrie Nut Nuts, the bonking boffin computer modeller Prof Neil Ferguson, or even Whitty and Valance – the pair you just know got bullied at school. Come to think of it Dom Cummings was onto something with his call for a bunch of weirdos and misfits as advisors for Johnson.
Talking of vaguely defined mental health “issues” – if you ask me the ‘i’ paper is having severe lockdown withdrawal symptoms. The phrase scare quotes doesn’t quite match the sheer project horror: ‘UK “near optimum risk” of seeding new Covid varient that is able to evade vaccines‘
‘Boosters will be needed for years to come to maintain immunity, say Government scientists‘ – since when did the word Government become the crucial qualifier to the word scientist, one wonders?
For no reason whatever other than light relief the word booster reminds me of my callow youth when my Blue Peter heroes appeared twice weekly and the show would sometimes include an episode of Bleep and Booster. Ah, precious memories. The Wikipedia write up of the cartoon makes it sound absolutely awful: ‘Bleep is an alien from the planet Miron/Myron with a spaceship, whilst Booster is a young human who travels with Bleep performing galactic missions for Bleep’s moustached father. ‘ – how prescient was that considering these days of mega-billionaire world-saving global philanthropy and rich man hobby space fights.
Sorry, I had to digress a bit after being told I would be subject to booster jabs from here to eternity… 1953 starring Burt Lancaster, Frank Sinatra, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr.
Or are boosters with us to eternity and beyond… which is almost the catchphrase of Pixar character Buzz Lightyear.
Juxtaposition is your word of the day in the FT as alongside their caution against Tory donors steering policy, they advertise their: ‘FTWeekend Festival‘ – and for globalist Remainer FT reading fans rushing down to this exclusive salubrious mosh pit – ‘limited places available‘ – I’m sure you’ll enjoy: ‘Sir John Major… in conversation with Alec Russell FTWeekend editor… on Britain’s uncertain place in the world post-Brexit, the worrying fagility of the Union, and perilous allure of populism in today’s Conservative Party‘ – no agenda there then…
This bash goes under the slightly sinister slogan: ‘Reawakening: Imagining a post-pandemic world‘
Festival partners are Gagosian and Netwealth
‘Netwealth’s founders are Charlotte Ransom, a former Goldman Sachs partner and Thomas Salter, a former JP Morgan Managing Director. The company is backed by several high-profile City investors.‘
A rare appearance of Gagosian Quarterly hearabouts informs us: ‘Larry Gagosian is very philanthropic, although he does that work anonymously.‘- then, in direct contradiction to that modest statment, the quarterly publication goes on to tell us all about his pet projects.
However US politics is relatively open about these things: ‘OpenSecrets is the nation’s premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy.‘
Seems our Larry has donated to politicians with both Ds and Rs after their names – but mostly Ds. Democrat former shooting star Mayor Pete Buttigieg who burnt so very brightly then fizzled (remember him?) getting the Gagosian endorsement in the Democrat Primaries (Art News March 2020 analysis) and overall the DNC party machine being the big winner in Gagosian donation cash terms.
The phrase scare quotes doesn’t quite match the sheer project horror: ‘UK “near optimum risk” of seeding new Covid varient that is able to evade vaccines‘
seems the same story being rolled out everywhere, seems getting vaxxed is now going to cause the great plague , and kill more than if we had just left it all alone, but hey lets follow the science 🤔
I smell the whiff of big pharma profits
Cool, first the BBC brings us competitive non participation sports, and now what folk don’t want to be ‘news’.
A million cubicle dwellers in front on a million PCs looking at a million press releases to copy/paste dividing up billions, and you get… this.
Wait until Femi gets her job.
The issue is not Alex Scott, unbeknown to Alex Scott, but the BBC decision makers who decide she is THE-person to front the coverage.
The Olymics highlights programme is a sort of ‘One Show’ with sport. Trivial, low brow, dumbed down. Where talk and ‘analysis’ take up three times more time than the actual sport. Where the Trampolining is accompanied by music seemingly played by that electronic toy Rolf Harris used to promote about 40 years ago. Where the 8 man rowing gets 30 seconds and the analysis (i.e guessing what people think) takes 3 minutes. Where they interview relatives of medal winners filmed watching the event and asking them how they feel.
Alex Scott’s contribution, or fate, is to support that pre-defined agenda.
‘An’ now ova to the afletics for some runnin’ and jumpin’’
Sluff -It is not Alex Scott’s fault that she ticks all the right boxes
to get a presenting job at the BBC. The BBC has decided now
in commentary of the sports to use the approach of
the Brazilian football commentators when Brazil score a
A perfect example being the BMX commentary yesterday.
It’s a shame that poster girl of the BBC Dina Asher-Smith
has failed to reach the final of the 100 meters. But she still has
a chance of a bronze medal in the 200 meters .No she hasn’t . She has torn her hamstring.
There will be some UK ethnic medals achieved in the boxing
at least. And I will be the first to cheer. So don’t panic BIG
BROTHER of the diversity department of the BBC. You still have
your presenters and pundits to give us plenty of diversity in
Stylophone. I had one.
That’s the word for which I was searching. Thank you.
We still have a daught’s ‘Major Morgan’…
It sits on the knife and fork drawer, and I usually plunk out a few notes most days…
(Or should that be Ma’or Mor’on)?
The Alex Scott vs Lord Digby Jones thing started off with his tweets that triggered the LeftyWaffe :
The LeftyWaffe deployed the big Stephen Fry gun
to try to bully him down
and in did get 3 times the Likes (12.5K)
Alex ‘Me Nan knew the Twins’ Scott
At the pub ………….
Questions, questions, questions .
Why hasn’t Boris got rid of the BBC Telly Tax ?
Why hasn’t Boris defended our country from invasion ?
Why didn’t Boris take advantage of the the “game changing” jab?
How long has he got to go ?
Is it:
(a) He’s incompetent??
(b) He’s not interested
(c) He’s under the thumb of Princess Nut Nuts?
(d) He’s following the orders of the globalist ringmasters?
(e) All of the above?
Meanwhile, at Wokeminster………..
Questions, questions, questions.
Why are we recklessly moving out of lockdown?
Why are the lower class oiks so thick?
Why are we so slow acting on climate change?
Why won’t people take the knee?
Why should we reintroduce racist policy of stop and search?
Why do we treat cross channel illegal migrant’s so badly?
Why do people refuse to cycle more, like we do?
How long has our country got to go?
In a move much applauded by the BBC, the racist thug Stormzy who wanted Theresa May burnt alive is to be honoured with a waxwork at Madame Tussaud’s. Somewhere I shall not be visiting again, unless I can smuggle in some petrol and a box of matches.
mark, I can’t hold a candle to that comment.
That’s wicked, that is!
If your looking for any more evidence of the utter bias towards BME on the BBC look no further than the totally over the top coverage of this Biles women from the USA.
She isn’t competing yet features in more pictures than any UK competitor.
What about coverage of some UK white Male Athletes those that have worked tirelessly over the years to get into the Olympics !!!
BBC .Your utterly contemptible utterly disgusting. If it wasn’t for our Woke 80 seat majority government your days would be numbered.
Shurely not?
BTW He begins by showing off his Japanese
Actually the pronoun he used is child or girl’s Japanese.
He’s an adult man so should use a different pronoun
The sub-titler gave up after 1 minute after 4
The actual prog was on about 4 weeks ago
He’s the regular presenter of one of the two R4 book shows
Black authors are massively overrepresented.
Paul Watson has a short video on the nature of this Biles wimmin’, who appears to deviate from the conventional image of a professional, committed, Olympic athlete…
Now why didn’t 3 penalty-taking “English” footballers also refuse to participate at crunch time? Then we might be sitting here as European Football Champions.
Pontypridd kebab shops still using the river upstream?
With burning ghats along the shore?
Why are the British and Irish Lions gracing their skills in such a shithole as South Africa?
The posts above about the filthy murdering blacks are just sickening, and the RFU should just be telling that whole bloody country to fuck off and become like Zimbabwe, another shithole.
Of course, the BBC will not even consider the implications of thousands of wealthy blacks, riddled with aid from other countries, squandering their (our) wealth in Bond Street, and stealing everything that the world chucks at them because they’re a cowardly bunch in W1aa.
I’m beginning to really hate SA rugby after a lifetime of enjoying the game.
There was an interesting notice, very firmly stuck to a lamp post where you’d normally get the odd note about a missing cat, near a park where I was jogging earlier.
“Black Hammer” was the organization; there was a logo of a Black hand holding a hammer, and an e-address. The main picture was a woman holding a baby child (maybe blood or cut on forehead?) as well as some sort of weapon (a rifle). The caption was something like “Defending our community”, which raised the question in my mind: against what/whom?
This is an interesting and slightly sinister development. The notice was more political than other things put there previously (e.g. protest about deaths of horses at National Hunt race meetings in Cheltenham, women’s rights, Covid). Given that Gloucestershire is not the most “vibrant” or “enriched” part of England, the notice did surprise me, in a way it would not have in parts of London.
With a QE code like this one ?
Wonder if it’s Socialist Worker ?
Knock-off BLM spouting the same fairytale Marxist nonsense we’ve come to know and love. They’re almost tumescent from the unlimited possibilities contained within smashing the colonial yoke, including Hammer City, an updated version of Chaz which will boast ‘No cops, no rent, no Coronavirus, and no white people’.
Presumably, unicorns will be optional.
It is how they present a story which gives away the BBC’s bias so frequently.
11.10 am Radio 4 and I have no idea what programme it was. There was a female spokesman (I am damned if I am going to type ‘spokesperson’) speaking about the difficulty of getting staff in the hospitality trade ‘because of Brexit’ as Europeans have decided they prefer to be in their own country.
About 12 years ago I remember a friend telling me that her son couldn’t get work as a student because people from Europe were arriving in the UK in April and May, whilst the UK students were still studying (?) and were getting all the hospitality jobs.
I expect because of covid, UK students have not built up the debt that students of previous years have built up because going out and partying have been strictly limited. If those students now went out and grabbed all these hospitality jobs, they could reduce their debt further making them the generation with least debt for some time.
This could have been a good news story with both the UK students and the employers getting a positive spin. But the BBC hates a good news story especially when they can bring a ‘because of Brexit’ slant to the story.
It was Katherine Price, news editor at The Caterer, giving her views on staff shortages in #hospitality:
Presenter was David Aaronovitch in the Briefing Room
Around here much of people’s hospitality spend does end up with foreign workers.
Cos the UK is so ridiculously expensive for restaurants and hotels, people save their money and go on holiday abroad
where you have a week for the same price as 2 days in the UK.
On the bBBC webshite, this is buried in the Leeds & West Yorkshire section.
I never realised that Scientists, Doctors and Teachers could be so violent.
Foxhole has it
.. The BBC Look North Tweet is similar and did tweet twice and one extra at the start of the trial
but people ask
#1 Why wasn’t the item on Look North TV ?
#2 Why wasn’t the offence prosecuted as a Race Hate crime ?
What were we thinking of, letting those creatures in?
I don’t think the “We” is the majority of the people of Great Britain?
In fact I think that the real we would have stopped them getting in here in the first place.
Watch this one
… one of the people believed to be a family member of one of the murderers mocking the fact that Bradley Gledhill was brutally murdered. He is seen outside Leeds Crown Court saying “At Least I’m Not Dead, Bro” to an independent reporter on the scene.
And not arrested – of course!
But in their other current murder story, where a black recent immigrant allegedly murdered a Muslim taxi driver in 2001,
Look North revert to using a photo of the court building
The local paper did use his photo
Prosecutors say Ricardo Linton, 45, shot dead Mohammed Basharat,
6pm GBnews podcast special with George Galloway
Topic : free speech
Covid trends : slightly down on yesterday
no great panic ..No 200,000 cases scenario etc.
Breaking : the FakeGreen NutNuts have created another whole human beings worth of CO2 emissions
Carrie is pregnant
I suppose she’s entitled to 2 children
but Boris is well over his sustainable limit
Shame there can’t be use of the 70s style picketing. Would love to see the BBC offices picketed and those going in called scabs for screwing up peoples lives with fear porn and non reporting of key events.
It has already been commented on that the BBC showed an extraordinary lack of interest in the story of Hatun Tash, attacked at Speakers’ Corner (soon to be renamed Shariah Corner).
This despite the incident touching on a number of areas that should interest the BBC, namely violence against women, free speech, and islam.
Incidentally many news agencies all over the world gave the story a good deal of prominence, and are still covering it, with updates on her state of health, and on the fact that the aggressor hasn’t been caught, even though the police were right there, and there are photos and videos of him. (Something I find curious as well.)
I have previously suggested the reason muslims – and their pals at the BBC – want to silence Hatun, is that she is revealing some embarrassing ‘holes in the narrative’ of islam, in particular about the so-called ‘perfect preservation of the koran’.
But I suggest there is an even bigger dimension to the story.
For centuries the claims of the koran and the whole narrative of islam have gone unchallenged, by both muslims and Western scholars. The reasons are many and complicated, but basically: ordinary muslims have no incentive to examine them critically (asking the wrong questions could get you killed) and their imams have every incentive NOT to examine them critically – don’t rock the boat.
Meanwhile in the West, until recently scholars have not had easy access to source material, to original historical documents. This is now beginning to change. Thanks to the internet, any researcher can easily access documents in libraries across the muslim world. As we know, most university academics are a cowardly bunch, deeply infected with the pervasive woke liberalism that poisons our once great centres of learning and stifles independent thought. However, a few brave scholars have started subjecting islam to the same rigorous scrutiny they have brought to other religions, including Christianity. Textual criticism, source criticism, redaction criticism, literary criticism, etc. And what they are discovering is earth-shattering. Many of the assertions of islam just simply doesn’t fit the facts. History, chronology, geography, archeology, linguistics, art, numismatics, architecture, genealogy, even topography and vegetation: all cast doubt on the dates, events and locations referenced in the koran, the hadith and sunnah.
So what has this to do with Hatun and the BBC?
To be cont’d.
” BIG BROTHER ,what should we have as our main news headline
and picture on the BBC website? Should it be about the UK
winning two gold medals with pictures of the winners with their gold medals?” What ethnicity are they?” They are British BIG
BROTHER ,what difference does that make?” Didn’t a Jamaican
win the 100 meters ?”” Yes BIG BROTHER. ” ” What department
do you work for, you knucklehead Smith?” ” But the lady who won the 100 metres comes from another country BIG BROTHER.”
” Your fired Smith.”
Local BBC news ..used the flimsiest excuse to air a guy saying “3% is not a biggest pay rise for the NHS”
..item was about a free concert for NHS workers
I’m in dinosaur mode again.
I’m fed up of this new fashion of ‘bearing all’ to the world and his wife. Whatever happened to dealing with ‘stuff’ on your own and in private ? Sadly Mrs Johnson experienced a miscarriage earlier this year, as did that other privacy seeking lady Mrs Harry Windsor. They are not the first and certainly wont be the last, but what do they want ? endless sympathy from complete strangers ? To most people it won’t even register, and is just another news item, so why bother with this over sharing.
Now we have the new bandwagon of self wellness (?) and mental health issues by elite sportspeople. Well as Carole Malone put it so succinctly, if they knew they weren’t ‘up to par’ before setting off for the Olympics / Wimbledon / test match cricket, then they should have jacked before going. They are so highly tuned that any cracks that start to appear would have been noticed beforehand. I doubt if these three will be alone in the days, weeks and months to come. It will be a domino effect.
Brissles my dear old thing: ” Sadly Mrs Johnson experienced a miscarriage earlier this year, as did that other privacy seeking lady Mrs Harry Windsor.”
As both gave birth ‘earlier this year’, where did they get the babies from?
My ‘Ooops Department’. Or as they Guardian call it: ‘The Corrections and Clarifications Department’ . I think Princess Nut Nuts, as she is now known, gave birth last year. Young Wilf was firmly in the RugRat category ‘earlier this year’ and is now a toddler.
Got to to agree with you, Brissles.
I fear you are right – and there will be an escalation of who can expose their private pain to the public more as an ‘inspiration ‘ to ordinary mortals .
It will fill the MSM with good and bad comments with various types going ‘up’ and others going ‘down ‘ . May well sell papers …
How much video of the “insurrection” are The Democrats supressing ? – the Capitol Police alone have 14,000 hours (nearly 2 years of 24 hr watching fwiw) and other video assets likely double that number.
One can see why they might not want to expose it to public scrutiny….
pug, “Remarkable how some of the most extreme and radical changes to our lives are being without remark….Boris and his cronies are making new laws without any scrutiny or comment….enormous changes to the way we live our lives”
All change on that front if Jacob Rees-Mogg and the rest of the Panel on Any Questions are to be believed. HMG has realised that there will be another back-bench-rebellion of Conservative MPs but bigger next time, according to J R-M.
The Labour & LibDem panellists also indicated opposition but whether they had checked with their Party leaders first is doubtful. Certainly the Big Sucker in charge of Labour has spoken of compulsion in favourable terms. Would he Whip his MPs?
What would he do if some defied the Whip?
Probably nothing.
Chinese virus project fear watch
1 in 3 could die from variant warn scientists
Thousands could die each year from covid – warn scientists
Scientists warn of excess of scientists
One of these is not from todays ‘ press
Elsewhere nut nut breeding again – Eton to be full of Boris clones
Hopefully that will keep her out of our government’s political decision making for the rest of this year.
Is that ‘official’, Fed?
Oh dear, yet another distraction for our PM who half the time is ‘away with the fairies’ anyway, well the Greco-Roman ones, that is. Apparently, yes. The BBC have it on their News Page.
I dont know how many he has knocked out so far but i guess it is positive in population growth
Will it be a Greta – Marcus or Kier ?
Tonight’s TV
Channel 5 has a Patrick Swayze night
BBC 10:30pm has a music special with 19yo Billie Eilish in her home town of Los Angeles.