A Guido commenter says they put subtitles on the video as if that is what Corbyn was writing down, but there there is no proof the two coinicide
“Where in the video does he say he’ll lay off Astro Zenica?
I don’t agree with Piers Corbyn’s views but if you have to stitch him up with a heavily edited video that never even shows him doing what it says he does,”
“Hardly the ‘hush money’ claimed. He states plainly that he won’t alter what it is he’s saying.
Even with careful editing they couldn’t turn it into something incriminating.”
“He said they were already focusing more on the other pharmaceutical companies rather than AZ.”
\\He specifically says he won’t change his policies even though it’s not a good look to be seen taking money from the “enemy”//
Twitter is “helping” my thinking
In the middle of my chosen feed it has inserted a tweet from an account I don’t follow ALASTAIR CAMPBELL @campbellclaret
Refugee coverage German style.
A story about Syrian refugees who have settled in Germany rushing to flood areas to help
‘because we know what it is to lose everything.’
Afghanistan: Fighting rages as Taliban besiege three key cities https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58040141
And another free pass by the BBC (and the rest of the MSM) for Biden who said:
‘the Taliban force of approximately 75,000 fighters is no match for the 300,000 Afghan security forces.’
It’s significant because he is either utterly incompetent or a blatant liar.
Just imagine if Trump had said that. It would be in the headline.
Would be for the Chinese, certainly. One can only hope & pray!
It would be the military conflict the Chinese lack experience of. Can’t think of a better place to start that fighting the Taliban. For decades, decades, decades and even more decades
I recently parted with photos my Father took in weird armoured cars chasing Afghans around the country and the now Pakistan. And that was 1929.
Word is the Chinese and the Taliban have done a deal. The Taliban have agreed not to make any trouble for China over the Uighurs, in return the Chinese will invest in Afghanistan under their Belt & Road initiative. There are lots of minerals in Afghan, which western lefties always claimed the war was about. It seems not, the Chinese will get them instead.
It seems realpolitik means the Taliban don’t actually give a toss about their muslim brothers and sisters after all. What a complete waste it all was.
The Chinese wouldn’t be fighting with one arm tied behind their back and their ruthless, bloody campaign would be totally ignored by ‘Stop the War’ and all the others who only actually want to campaign against Western governments for their own political agenda.
Just like they went quiet over Russia who wiped out ISIS (along with a LOT of civilians). It showed what complete hypocrites they are.
The BBC’S take on Simone Biles reminds me of the Monty Python
sketch on the Olympics. The one hundred meters for athletes
with weak bladders. ” And the gold medal winner goes to Simone Incontinenty ,
who reached the toilets first.” I can think of more
facetious gold medal events she has won in Tokyo so far as the BBC is concerned. But
that Fed Up would probably ban me .
I can’t see that as a reason to ban .
But in other news – DT says that Discovery is planning to buy C4 – and Discovery not only has total rights to the current ( yawn ) Olympics – but also to the Paris one in 3 years time . So
On goes the legacy of Tony Hall .
The BBC fixation with a foreign athlete continues – an American who doesn’t want to do her job because of her mental condition …. I’m disappointed that they haven’t got a separate website for her so that they can report on her toilet activities and stuff . Omg ….
And sadly more whitees have been getting medals – …..
A new ‘Must See’ article for today.
The women fighting infertility stigma in Nigeria https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-africa-58004523
The cheap haunting, mournful background music trick begins immediately – I didn’t even get chance to start my stopwatch.
Pure agenda based victimhood. An arbitray topic chosen because they can churn out yet another pointless article about black women, how unfair it all is for them and in the process try to make white people feel a bit guilty about it. Absolutely pathetic.
Just as an appendage BIG BROTHER at the diversity department
at the BBC. Many of us think that what Charlotte Worthington
has achieved on her BMX bike is much , much more newsworthy
than your agenda involving Simone Biles.
Oh, is there some SPORT at the Olympics?
From the BBC coverage I thought it was just some sort of overseas feminist, BAME and LGBT issues documentary.
An assertion strongly informed by the lectures periodically given by the evening presenters
If you ask me what black people have done most for our country, my instinctive reaction would be to turn London into a gangland sh1thole where you stand a high chance of being stabbed.
Can’t think of anything else offhand actually.
Any still wondering what the Anita ‘Not winning is as racist as not winning by not taking part’ Rani attempted outrage was all about could do no worse than check their Waitrose home delivery BLM magazine.
She has a book out. ‘Speaking her truth’ apparently.
Interesting publication. Pretty much of color on the gob front, except the regular white, pale, stale beeboids, talking about color.
Got a free chocolate nougat though, so all good. Bar the sugar and health issues.
Goodness are there any white people still living in the UK? Because looking at the stuff above one would wonder. I believe white people are just still the majority in the UK, but judging by the Media, by the TV ads, and by nearly all magazines, it appears to be Black/Coloured that dominate-I suppose this is what they call Multiculturalism-nothing culture about it.
Tarien-The indigenous population in Londonistan are not in
a majority. We are down to around 35% of the 8 million or so whom live in Greater London.
So far as the BBC’S regional London programme on TV. It is the
only programme that does not use the BBC’S policy agenda of
using positive discrimination ,as they call it , in presentation
and reporting. If you didn’t know, you would believe that
you were watching a programme from the Caribbean or the Indian sub continent.
Can quite believe it Foscari-I think we whities up in the Midlands ‘not Birmingham’ are just still the majority. Successive Governments
endeavouring to catch votes have allowed no encouraged the flood of people from Middle East/Indian Sub-continent to come here illegally if necessary with aim to fill the employment gap-What Gap? Now they as well as us, will rue the day as another culture totally alien to ours will become the ruling force-maybe I shall be found wrong, I do hope so.
tarien, tarien you still don’t understand.
Over representation of white people means it’s racist and black people demand equality.
Over representation of black people is to be celebrated as a triumph of multiculturalism.
I agree it doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny because it’s absolute nonsense. The BBC are now one of the most racist institutions of all. But they think it’s GOOD racism.
It would be mean spirited to say mean things about: ‘Baby No2 for PM and Carrie‘ (Sunday Mirror) – with her teeth and his hair the poor kid will have enough to contend with.
The Mail on Sunday colludes with our Princess Macadamia in an attempt to popularise a naff new quasi hippy terminology: ‘Carrie: we are having a rainbow* Xmas baby. *That’s a child who’s conceived after a miscarriage – which PM’s wife bravely reveals she suffered earlier this year‘ – so can we take it her old man isn’t going to cancel Christmas again this year? By the way, call me buttoned up and old-fashioned by all means, but to me the brave course would have been to keep that to yourself, luv.
Too much information – as the millennial generation’s favourite saying goes.
‘So THAT’S what he’s been doing in the lockdown!‘ – snorts the Daily Satyr. Yeah, turns out he’s not content with screwing conservative voters…
Having said that, I’m sure this will go down well with short attention span public opinion and do Boris no harm at all in the opinion polls.
The Observer frontpage sticks its head in the sand, pretends this isn’t happening and goes to its happy place: ‘I’ve been watching Nigel Farage so you don’t have to… Consider yourself lucky‘ – scoffs Catherine Bennett, snark snark.
The Guardian online shares our Catherine’s snarks: ‘The struggling channel is more talked about than watched‘ – gosh, by channel does she refer to our unguarded English Channel awash with illegal migrants and unwatched in the sense of the issue being disregarded as much as possible by our mainstream media led by the BBC, or does she perchance mean the GB News channel? As if we couldn’t guess.
Let me simply quote a couple of short phrases from her hatewatch, pleas to her audience not to tune in and spirited general attack on all things Farage, GB News – throw in Trump, (why not?) and anything and everything outside of the bien-pensant straightjacket that confines the BBC:
‘libertarian attitudinising‘
‘consciously patriotic news channel‘
Sign me up.
The main plank of our Catherine’s attack is to demonise Farage’s swipe at the RNLI for turning itself into a taxi service for illegals.
Suddenly the volunteer service beloved of holidaying boy scouts and old ladies who give up their pennies for the lifeboats – and one imagines was previously little known or regarded by our Catherine and her ilk – is suddenly: ‘a charity that has actually earned national gratitude and affection‘ – up there with our NHS rainbow heroes?
She makes much of RNLI claims that it: ‘raises £200,000 in single day after CEO hits out at Nigel Farage’s ‘taxi service’ claim‘ (Guardian) – really? Not just promises pledged on Twitter? One wonders what the longer term effect on donations, after the lefty bandwagon’s interest has moved on, might be?
Our serious broadsheet press – like a cheeky 1950s barber to a teddy boy – would seem to offer something for the weekend: ‘Philipa Perry on sex and relationships‘ (Observer) – ‘cos they’re not the same thing; ‘Caution maintenance sex in progress‘ (Sunday Times New Review)
The Stately Sunday Telegraph feels frontpage direct allusions sex to be beneath it: ‘Boris and Carrie Johnson were said to be “delighted” last night as the couple shared the news they were expecting‘ – that’s how it’s done. However: ‘Mrs Johnson made the announcement on her Instagram page‘ – of course she did.
‘Kebabs for jabs‘ shouts the Sunday People: ‘Young people to get vaccine rewards. Taxi rides, cinema tickets.. & fast food.’ – because, presumably, this is such a very serious life-threatening pandemic.
‘Jab snacks bribe‘ – and fair play to them calling a spade a spade, comments the instinctively anti-Tory Sunday Mirror, one couldn’t put it more succinctly.
The Observer considers our failing ailing alternatives: ‘Starmer aide warns: we’ve lost touch with target voters‘ – read through this report and you, like Labour MPs after their session with the PR guru, will find no concrete alternative ideas. Labour are fretting the 2023 General Election they are expecting, rather than delivering a rainbow coalition, will be another miscarriage. They won’t change but perhaps the electorate will change by enough?
The signs are there. If the left can scupper Lord Farage of the Dogger Bank and encourage this sort of thing: ‘Jihadist given hope of return. A grandmother stripped of her British citizenship becasue she and her daughters were suspected of being members of Islamic State in Syria has won a court ruling…‘ – well you can guess the rest.
On the channel – I was thinking whether there is much life in the idea of getting the likes of Priti useless Patel – grant Shapps and other useless red Tory MPs deselected as MPs ?
I don’t know what their majority is but the likes of them and the recently fired ? Health Secretary really deserve a different job – perhaps spinning discs of classic FM or making railway documentaries …..
Patel obviously thinks more of her job than doing it – but that pension builds up nicely over the years as she counts the third world arriving each day .
In other even more sombre news – furlough is cut by another 10% at the end of the month – all those columns about feckless Britons who can’t be asked to work anymore will land up as pulp …. The BBC was in full gloom mode about it ….
Is it just me or do others find the BBC’s Olympics obsession with Team GB very strange and even slightly sinister? What are the BBC trying to divert attention from?
I think they sort of regress to a time when there was a bit of national pride – instead of rubbishing it or destroying completely in the name of multi culturalism and the ReichEU .
But people know it is a falsehood – and that the ‘everywhere else is better ‘ mantra will return in a weeks ‘time .
I have a theory that by the time of the French Olympics both the EU and NHS will prevail – the Union flag being an unseemly reminder of a country that no longer exists .
By the way – I understand that the fervent nationalist – Andrew Murray – threw a tandem when losing some second rate mixed trebles tennis game . Shame .
Someone is having a bit of a nightmare in W1A with the BBC web-site. Tagged as Guernsey on the Home Page you discover that the location is slightly different in the article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-58024475
Well, the BBC don’t do geography and I guess they have the work-experience teens and ‘gap year students’ in to cover for the high-paid Beeboids who are off to their holiday homes in the UK – or abroad, if permitted – for three or four weeks.
Someone at the BBC has obviously realised they made a blunder with the labelling and a ‘get out of jail’ exists in the middle of the article. I guess the superior Beeboids thought no-one among the public would know where Alderney is if it was labelled accurately.
@Up2Stuff Who reads the BBCnews homepage anyway ?
I guess very few people
So midway down the page it says ‘The whole island almost shut down’ .. Guernsey
which misleads you do think Guernsey is shut down
When actually it’s Alderney an ancillary Island in the Guernsey region.
The problem is caused by the BBC habit of using clickbait titles for links instead of the actual title of it or a reduced form
It should better say “Alderney Island’s new Covid problem”
It’s not as bad as when they say “Swansea Man” for an Eritrean illegal who has been in the country 6 months *
What happened to that case ?
We need some way of tracking these inconvenient events which get get buried by the media, like the shooting of Sasha Johnson, or stabbing of Hatun
There are quite a few others buried like that whilst other issues are selected for BBC-banging-on.
Stoogie, you are probably correct. No-one proof read it at the BBC, and that’s for sure. Think there’s another howler on there this morning. I wonder if I can be bothered to post about it.
“Afghanistan: Taliban continue attacks on three major cities” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-58040141
This was inevitable once the US and British Troops were pulled out .
One point , will the Taliban be heading to London via the English Channel ?
All the atrocities and all the bad news from Afghaistan will be omitted very soon.
It’s only being reported now because of the withdrawal. Thousands will be murdered and the caring BBC will deliberately not report it because it doesn’t fit the agenda.
“Covid: Taxi and food discounts offer to boost youth vaccine uptake” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58044088
Pizza & sweets ? This government is treating us like kids.
When is Rishi taking over ? It can’t get any worse. At least he will sort the border out .
If I was a late teen or twenty-something, nothing would put me off faster than being offered a bribe to have a vaccine. ‘What’s wrong with it?’ would be the immediate thought, followed by ‘Thanks, but no thanks – I’ll take a rain check on that’.
So, Boris is knocking out another kid.
How many is that? Seven, eight, does he even know? Probably not…
Blimey, he’s got more sprogs than the bleedin’ Brady Bunch!
Look, I don’t mind how many kids Johnson has, good luck to him.
However, he’s forever waffling on about carbon footprints, going “neutral” and saving the bloody planet. We’re all going to have new boilers fitted and new electric cars in under a decade due to his obsession with climate change. The biggest contributor to carbon footprints is more people. So don’t you think he should be setting an example?
I don’t begrudge Boris having another child. that would be desperately mean spirited.
However, I do begrudge being constantly berated by this hypocritical buffoon about my lifestyle.
The UK being 85% white adults & sport being male dominated
You would expect that white males would dominate the BBCsport suggestions bar, at the side of each sports news page
Here I lifted that list and put it in a grid
The News Zealand trans woman of course get a mention.
Inter-country comparisons are somewhat unreliable due to definitions, testing levels, cultural attitudes to obeying guidance, demographics, population density etc etc.
But agree that Sweden is a country well worth reviewing carefully as they have taken a different route yet have managed the pandemic overall quite well with outcomes broadly in line.
But needless to say, we never hear anything from the BBC, SAGE, the government, PHE (remember them?) or our NHS heroes.
The Liberal establishment in the West seem intent on national suicide. Quoting George Orwell’s 1984 is becoming a blueprint on how to run a country rather than a brutal warning about life under the socialist jackboot. We in the West suffer an illusion of permancy, that nothing much tomorrow will be different from today or the day after. Correct maybe that little will alter much in so short a time period, but the West has put in motion a series of events that will totally transform our society and in the near future. Today we see mass migration taking place around the globe that could and will change the face of Europe’s Civilisation, and when it happens it will be irreversible. No way back to a Christian Europe, nor indeed to the world of national cultures. There are now over 50 million Muslims living in Europe and growing every day as their women produce 3-4 times more children than Non-Muslim women. Such information you will never hear from the likes of the BBC, nevertheless they will be the first to be dumped. How naive we have been these last 20 years.
I was perusing The Daily Mail yesterday (yes, I know, but…) and slightly confused by Nigel Coburn’s gardening advice.
On page 88 he gives us the usual spiel about the impending climate catastrophe. You know the sort of thing…
“Recent weather disasters have made climate change sceptics a vanishing species. Floods, blah-de blah, wild fires, blah, blah, blah, such extreme events are almost commonplace.
So we have to fight global warming…”
However, on page 90 Nigel is back with a slightly contrary message;
“After our classic British summer of one hot week, we’re back to the usual cool, breezy, wet-dry-sunny-cloudy weather.”
Yep, that’s pretty much how I see it, but…
Blimey Nige’ which is it Hell in a handcart, we’re all going to fry…
Jeff, I reckon sometime after the end of 2021, a BBC/Meteo/MetOffice spokesperson will let on, very quiet voice, sotto voce as they say, that average temperatures throughout 2021 for the UK were ‘below average’. Colleagues of Roger the Horror Been and Matt McGrath will be anxious to keep both of them away from high buildings, sharp implements and lengths of rope.
I think we should have a British Climate change index, not a Harrabin panic index. We should use Cricket. The number of days rain or bad light stops play should be a valid indicator of a British summer. Much better than experts.
Back in the last days of Bill Frindle, he would have that info for you at several clicks of a mouse. His successor also keeps up the good work on that front.
They had plenty of time to discuss climate change . But focus on the real issue ? No chance .
The real issue ? Well – it’s the world population – increasing consumption means increased activity and increased CO2.
If one accepts that human activity adversely affects the climate – which I do not accept – then what is to be done about hundreds of millions south of the equator all wanting a taste of western consumption ?
Kill them . Limit their population growth . Stop them consuming and wanting more . ? None of these are viable options ….. although a better virus might do the trick…. No one thought of that one before … kill off those of breeding age next time eh? – or maybe babies – sort it at Davros – Wasted on the old .
Their governments will sign up to every treaty to get western money but everyone will know they won’t comply .meanwhile Austin allegro Stratton does the ‘jolly hockey stick’ gig with some bbc droid and it’s a wasted 15 minutes …
Sky News Australia have been pointing out the Emperor is naked for some time – and now that Joe has been failing embarrassingly on a regular basis even with all the coaching / rehearsals and teleprompters he’s still showing up talking erratic meaningless / unintelligible rubbish – with the remains of his last meal on his chin.
The US Democrats have a problem and it’s not a problem that’s amenable to being repaired.
Talking about repairs – Joe seems to have something of an angry scar in front of each ear – there were some unusual very high resolution side shots of him on CNN of all places…. He looks actually in rather poor shape with patchy lividity / pallor, flaking skin.
“When I was driving 18 wheeler trucks called CornPop”
and cackling …. – she’s so utterly fake and out of her depth that she won’t last long – and from my recollection the Democrat also-rans that are acceptable to the string pullers are mostly a shower of sh1t.
As far as Democrat women are concerned the imbecilic Warren would be notionally next in seniority but the Dems will move heaven and earth to swerve either Tulsi Gabbard or Tammy Duckworth getting any traction.
Imagine being arraigned for contempt of court for identifying somebody, when the prosecution won’t say who was identified and how… Simply the sort of business where one might expect somebody to leverage Parliamentary privilege?
Getting pretty much zero BBC coverage
It surely deserves more coverage beyond the Craig Murray matter as the direction it’s headed in is imho about as dodgy as it gets… In fact it’s all too reminiscent of the antics of a certain continental political movement in the 1930s…. (Did I swerve Godwin’s Law?)
The present Scot Nat troupe are warped and crooked – and this isn’t the first case where they’ve suborned the law/judiciary…
Another critic silenced – result.
Today, 'Craig Murray goes to prison without the benefit of a jury, having been denied the basic right to an appeal, and most remarkably of all, not knowing who he allegedly identified and how' https://t.co/c9x530RHhQ
The BBC cover the men’s 100 m final.
1. No white contestant. All BAME finalists. Will the BBC be considering the inequality of this ? Surely a full Panorama investigation is required and perhaps Dianne Abbott and Dawn Butler could comment.
2. The UK contestant is disqualified for a huge false start. Is he a prat? Or suffering mental health issues. Since he is BAME is it racist to criticise in any way?
3. After endless talking heads guesswork, after the race Steve Cram, the commentator, says ‘it didn’t go as we thought’. So how about cutting out the endless speculation and just focus on the competition?
4. But straight after the race, the talking heads, reviews, and analysis continue ad nauseam.
5. Off button.
Conclusion – the BBC are useless and have no clue as to what we want, or expect.
Ten seconds of a running race, and half an hour of mindless blather from beeboids, most of whom couldn’t come last in the sack race at school.
I suppose they all wannabe like linekker and act tosser-like as a ‘pundit’, or maybe a twot, depending where you come from, but mindless gibbering after a ‘race’ or any sort of game is just so boring. I haven’t even bothered to shut my eyes at the ‘limpics, as I haven’t watched a single second of this farce!
Do you think he is having a bout of mental wellness ??? TBH that’s neither here nor there, whether you jack for your health, make a prat of yourself off the starting blocks, or finish last, the media will praise you for being ‘brave’, and martyrdom will follow.
… senior mandarins are enjoying bumper rewards. In total, between £2,000,000 and £3,000,000 in bonuses was paid out to those in charge of the country in the 2020/21 financial year.
includes senior civil servants in the Cabinet Office, DWP and the Home Office [UGGH] On hearing the news, James Roberts of the Taxpayers’ Alliance told Steerpike: ‘Taxpayers won’t tolerate these bumper bonuses for bureaucrats. Public sector pay rises and five-figure bonuses fly in the face of working taxpayers in the private sector, many of whom will have seen their incomes decimated during the pandemic. For the Chancellor’s upcoming spending review to be taken seriously, he has to come down hard on this Whitehall hypocrisy.’
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – ‘Oh Dear Department’ all over again.
The Home Page had, maybe still has, https://www.bbc.co.uk/ a photo of a gent in an obvious pent roof building attic – therefore not a shop or office block – doing something adjacent to a Velux window. The sort of window which is good for heat cooling and ventilation. Oh dear! But it gets worse.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58029653 is the article and there you find three females in a white painted interior with a pile of cardboard boxes. The third is pictured mid-door carrying another box (at ground level) and beyond her is a hint that they might be on an industrial estate. So not converted shops or an office block then.
If the building has been converted to a residence, let’s check the possible heat problems and ventilation. White painted exterior good for keeping things cool, ditto with white interior and concrete floor and plastered white walls. Windows, small but hints of locks suggest they are fully openable. Another bad day at the office for the Picture Editor, Web Editor and …… (fanfare) Roger the Horror Been!
I have a suspicion that the scene pictured is not from the UK but I cannot see the mains electricity sockets clearly enough to check. I think it may be a photo from western Europe.
Lots more to come I reckon. These people are feral rubbish rats. And our lovely trendy twats want as many as they can get to come and live amongst us.
There is a good reason it’s called the third world and it’s all to do with basic human dignity and respect both of which these vermin have none at all. It’s in their DNA,
“Covid: Sunderland Nightingale Hospital cost £23.5m – was it worth it?”
“Sunderland’s Nightingale Hospital, one of seven emergency hospitals quickly set up to take coronavirus patients, cost an estimated £23.5m but has not treated a single person. Was it worth it?”
When you spend money on a project, obviously there is waste
but you can’t right down benefits to zero
cos the NHS still ends up with some equipment and knowledge it wouldn’t otherwise have.
…. but little or no lessons learned beyond the deployment of words like “lessons learned”.
The bureaucrats running the NHS collectively seem to have institutional amnesia on their tunnel visioned quest to a fat pension and a collection of gongs.
“Make no mistake, there’s no such thing as normal in a continually warming world.”
Unprecedented flooding in Europe and Asia, deadly heatwaves in North America and devastating droughts in Africa – as extreme weather events occur with increased frequency, experts warn that we need to adapt to a new climate reality.
But how are these events connected and how can we live with the new normal?? #BBCCutThroughtheNoise
This seems to veer wildly between quotes, claims, rigged questions and opinion in guise of news. So, classic BBC.
Sky News Aus has been banned from YouTube for a week, allegedly for breaking their Covid rules.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with the woke lefty YouTube hating the righty Sky Aus and just looking for excuses to take them down, like they do every other YouTuber who dares to express views the social media platform doesn’t approve of.
Readers might like to show support for the brilliant Aussie channel by subscribing or liking it on YouTube:
Recent posts include Biden, China, Covid, and Hatun Tash.
7;30pm Countryfile seems very similar to last week
and is billed as a compilation
…It’s always city people playing at eco-farming etc.
Last week “community farm in Herefordshire”
This week “seasonal food at Chew Magna Community Farm
– The world of no-dig farming
– helping pack orders with a thriving veg box business.
– Also Hartcliffe Community Garden, which Countryfile helped to establish as part of our Plant Britain initiative, children harvesting
– The archives eg the time Anita met a highland beef farmer,
– a 200-year-old cider orchard
– how surplus produce can be ‘gleaned’ to reduce food waste.
6:30pm the trailer “catchup with the Amy Winehouse doco”
… same pet trailer repeated again and again
Then CBBC trailer
Then Celebrity Masterchef trailer
9 pm BBC1 Baptiste
Baptise is about a fictional far-right murderous gang in Budapest’s Josefvaros district.
Times guide : “this *tortuous* spin-off of Missing
… a far-right group who called immigrants parasites
are threatening to cleanse “our filthy streets”
There is a new baddie Kamila leader of the Hungary First Party
(her husband is a Brit, an apparent analogy to Farage being married to a German … em Farage is not far-right of course)
10:30pm he BBC has spent money on a film called Gringo
starring David Oyelowo
It must be good cos it was only in the cinema 3 years ago
I guess the aufience will be small, cos most people have work in the morning.
One or two points that Iv’e been finkin about today.
1. Ve use ov estuary English in the Bloated Broadcastin Corporation. What would Mcdonald Hobley and Sylvia Peters make ov today’s front of camera cretins. Not much one would fink.
2. The Bloated Broadcasting Corporation must have saved a fortune due to covid? No new programmes being made in the last 18 months, the only performance fees they’ve paid out must be royalties to the usual suspects. Ever second programme seems to be a repeat. I suspect the current edition of the Proms is a compilation, except for all the dusky people that keep popping up.
3. Will Lewis Hamilton be playing the looney card after today’s fiasco. He didn’t a) cause the crash, b) make a very well thought out tyre change, and c) nobody would pull over and let him past, because black drivers matter, you know.
Northern – I’m from effing East effing Lundun and as you might see I pronounce my effing gees ….. the ‘irl can’t help bein’
I’norant can she ? And what . A. Chip.
I don’t know what that coloured girl has done . I don’t think she’s managed a footy team – yet week after week she pronounces on the men’s’ professional prem game as though she has played it – which she never did …
I believe it shows how rubbish the recent generation of English teachers are. Even in my sec.modern in the 60’s if we didn’t enunciate properly our English teacher would soon show us the error of our ways. Speaking the ‘Queen’s English’ may have fallen out of fashion, but good articulation can get you a long way in life. Even the newsreaders, regardless of where they are from in the UK, have excellent pronunciation, which is only righ’ an prop’er
Brissles dearest – I got more o levels than I can remember and 4? A levels … I’ve seen what Digby Jones has said – who I think – was the critic in the language criticism and he has well and truly been on the receiving end of a ‘Twitter storm ‘ .
It shows that a simple – and reasonable – opinion – now gets the full sad treatment . Maybe it’s collective ‘mental issues ‘ ?
I am beginning to conclude that the absolute deluge of ethnic actors in adverts as dictated by OFCOM (must be now approaching 80%) is beginning to have exactly the opposite effect to that which they hoped. There seems to be a growing feeling amongst people I speak to that it is a total forced farce and indoctrination and is actually is having a negative effect on racial harmony.
No one denies that our country has an ethnic percentage in our population or that they should have representation but what the advertising industry is doing is unethical and dangerous for the health of our country. It will end in tears!
I reckon they commission expensive market research bods who frame questions about more coloured types in adverts -is a good thing isn’t it ? The punters then say what they think the market bod wants to hear and they get their ‘loyalty points ‘.
Meanwhile people with money who are not coloured roll their eyes each time they see a DFS / Sainsbury’s / Barclays with a woke multicultural theme .
Berlin : Today police treated anti-covid measure protestors, exactly the same as they treated 50,000 Pride demonstrators 4 days ago
Amazing coincidence that almost all media use the headline “Berlin police ‘harassed and attacked’ by demonstrators in anti-COVID-19 measures protests”
RT TV are showing lots of videos of police being violent losts of clips on Twitter
Maybe he should talk to the American non athlete girl with mental issues – or prime minister Rashford ….or the golfing American sex pest …. There’s a victim theme ….
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Two YouTube kids are claiming to have got a sting on Piers Corbyn proving that he accepted a bribe>
I’m no fan of his vaccine stance, but I wouldn’t take their big claim at face value
He’s put his own video out
A Guido commenter says they put subtitles on the video as if that is what Corbyn was writing down, but there there is no proof the two coinicide
“Where in the video does he say he’ll lay off Astro Zenica?
I don’t agree with Piers Corbyn’s views but if you have to stitch him up with a heavily edited video that never even shows him doing what it says he does,”
“Hardly the ‘hush money’ claimed. He states plainly that he won’t alter what it is he’s saying.
Even with careful editing they couldn’t turn it into something incriminating.”
“He said they were already focusing more on the other pharmaceutical companies rather than AZ.”
\\He specifically says he won’t change his policies even though it’s not a good look to be seen taking money from the “enemy”//
Piers new 3min counter
“I challenge the makers to produce the full uncut footage”
Also via a Guido commenter
Nice one!
I would have preferred them to all have been giving the middle finger instead of the thumbs up.
Twitter is “helping” my thinking
In the middle of my chosen feed it has inserted a tweet from an account I don’t follow
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL @campbellclaret
Refugee coverage German style.
A story about Syrian refugees who have settled in Germany rushing to flood areas to help
‘because we know what it is to lose everything.’
Thank’s Twitter
Heatwave risk from plans to convert shops to homes
Another totally ludicrous Harridan global warming article.
Someone really ought to explain to Roger how people dealt with global warming 100 years ago:
Nice one Big!
He really should get out more…
Afghanistan: Fighting rages as Taliban besiege three key cities
And another free pass by the BBC (and the rest of the MSM) for Biden who said:
‘the Taliban force of approximately 75,000 fighters is no match for the 300,000 Afghan security forces.’
It’s significant because he is either utterly incompetent or a blatant liar.
Just imagine if Trump had said that. It would be in the headline.
Sooner the Chinese get in there to sort things out, the better. I’m looking forward to it……………
The expression should be, ‘Popcorn’ should it not?
Vietnam version 2
Would be for the Chinese, certainly. One can only hope & pray!
It would be the military conflict the Chinese lack experience of. Can’t think of a better place to start that fighting the Taliban. For decades, decades, decades and even more decades
I recently parted with photos my Father took in weird armoured cars chasing Afghans around the country and the now Pakistan. And that was 1929.
Word is the Chinese and the Taliban have done a deal. The Taliban have agreed not to make any trouble for China over the Uighurs, in return the Chinese will invest in Afghanistan under their Belt & Road initiative. There are lots of minerals in Afghan, which western lefties always claimed the war was about. It seems not, the Chinese will get them instead.
It seems realpolitik means the Taliban don’t actually give a toss about their muslim brothers and sisters after all. What a complete waste it all was.
The Chinese wouldn’t be fighting with one arm tied behind their back and their ruthless, bloody campaign would be totally ignored by ‘Stop the War’ and all the others who only actually want to campaign against Western governments for their own political agenda.
Just like they went quiet over Russia who wiped out ISIS (along with a LOT of civilians). It showed what complete hypocrites they are.
The BBC’S take on Simone Biles reminds me of the Monty Python
sketch on the Olympics. The one hundred meters for athletes
with weak bladders. ” And the gold medal winner goes to Simone Incontinenty ,
who reached the toilets first.” I can think of more
facetious gold medal events she has won in Tokyo so far as the BBC is concerned. But
that Fed Up would probably ban me .
I can’t see that as a reason to ban .
But in other news – DT says that Discovery is planning to buy C4 – and Discovery not only has total rights to the current ( yawn ) Olympics – but also to the Paris one in 3 years time . So
On goes the legacy of Tony Hall .
The BBC fixation with a foreign athlete continues – an American who doesn’t want to do her job because of her mental condition …. I’m disappointed that they haven’t got a separate website for her so that they can report on her toilet activities and stuff . Omg ….
And sadly more whitees have been getting medals – …..
A new ‘Must See’ article for today.
The women fighting infertility stigma in Nigeria
The cheap haunting, mournful background music trick begins immediately – I didn’t even get chance to start my stopwatch.
Pure agenda based victimhood. An arbitray topic chosen because they can churn out yet another pointless article about black women, how unfair it all is for them and in the process try to make white people feel a bit guilty about it. Absolutely pathetic.
Just as an appendage BIG BROTHER at the diversity department
at the BBC. Many of us think that what Charlotte Worthington
has achieved on her BMX bike is much , much more newsworthy
than your agenda involving Simone Biles.
Oh, is there some SPORT at the Olympics?
From the BBC coverage I thought it was just some sort of overseas feminist, BAME and LGBT issues documentary.
An assertion strongly informed by the lectures periodically given by the evening presenters
More bravery.
Probs jogging with Greta?
Imagine when then can practice down Fifth Avenue?
Unless they get allergies to water.
She’s playing Simone in the BBC Film biopic.
Sources close to June Sarpong say.
“playing three-dimensional women ”
.. I guess that means more realistic
Yet the Telegraph pic looks very like a photoshop job.
Sopes’ main RT fodder.
And Springster’s two main areas of ‘expertise’. Ironically.
Vile’s house person of #FBPE uses the BBC to make a point.
Hope the stairs can take it.
BBC flown Corbyn out in ‘solidarity’?
Her people know bbc London people
And where the ‘house journal’ reshapes…
If Getty does not use their shots exclusively that would be racist and cause mental health issues.
Ask Hugh Pym.
If you ask me what black people have done most for our country, my instinctive reaction would be to turn London into a gangland sh1thole where you stand a high chance of being stabbed.
Can’t think of anything else offhand actually.
Any still wondering what the Anita ‘Not winning is as racist as not winning by not taking part’ Rani attempted outrage was all about could do no worse than check their Waitrose home delivery BLM magazine.
She has a book out. ‘Speaking her truth’ apparently.
Interesting publication. Pretty much of color on the gob front, except the regular white, pale, stale beeboids, talking about color.
Got a free chocolate nougat though, so all good. Bar the sugar and health issues.
Goodness are there any white people still living in the UK? Because looking at the stuff above one would wonder. I believe white people are just still the majority in the UK, but judging by the Media, by the TV ads, and by nearly all magazines, it appears to be Black/Coloured that dominate-I suppose this is what they call Multiculturalism-nothing culture about it.
Tarien-The indigenous population in Londonistan are not in
a majority. We are down to around 35% of the 8 million or so whom live in Greater London.
So far as the BBC’S regional London programme on TV. It is the
only programme that does not use the BBC’S policy agenda of
using positive discrimination ,as they call it , in presentation
and reporting. If you didn’t know, you would believe that
you were watching a programme from the Caribbean or the Indian sub continent.
Can quite believe it Foscari-I think we whities up in the Midlands ‘not Birmingham’ are just still the majority. Successive Governments
endeavouring to catch votes have allowed no encouraged the flood of people from Middle East/Indian Sub-continent to come here illegally if necessary with aim to fill the employment gap-What Gap? Now they as well as us, will rue the day as another culture totally alien to ours will become the ruling force-maybe I shall be found wrong, I do hope so.
tarien, tarien you still don’t understand.
Over representation of white people means it’s racist and black people demand equality.
Over representation of black people is to be celebrated as a triumph of multiculturalism.
I agree it doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny because it’s absolute nonsense. The BBC are now one of the most racist institutions of all. But they think it’s GOOD racism.
The hunting of the snark
Maintenance sex and rainbow babies
It would be mean spirited to say mean things about: ‘Baby No2 for PM and Carrie‘ (Sunday Mirror) – with her teeth and his hair the poor kid will have enough to contend with.
The Mail on Sunday colludes with our Princess Macadamia in an attempt to popularise a naff new quasi hippy terminology: ‘Carrie: we are having a rainbow* Xmas baby. *That’s a child who’s conceived after a miscarriage – which PM’s wife bravely reveals she suffered earlier this year‘ – so can we take it her old man isn’t going to cancel Christmas again this year? By the way, call me buttoned up and old-fashioned by all means, but to me the brave course would have been to keep that to yourself, luv.
Too much information – as the millennial generation’s favourite saying goes.
‘So THAT’S what he’s been doing in the lockdown!‘ – snorts the Daily Satyr. Yeah, turns out he’s not content with screwing conservative voters…
Having said that, I’m sure this will go down well with short attention span public opinion and do Boris no harm at all in the opinion polls.
The Observer frontpage sticks its head in the sand, pretends this isn’t happening and goes to its happy place: ‘I’ve been watching Nigel Farage so you don’t have to… Consider yourself lucky‘ – scoffs Catherine Bennett, snark snark.
The Guardian online shares our Catherine’s snarks: ‘The struggling channel is more talked about than watched‘ – gosh, by channel does she refer to our unguarded English Channel awash with illegal migrants and unwatched in the sense of the issue being disregarded as much as possible by our mainstream media led by the BBC, or does she perchance mean the GB News channel? As if we couldn’t guess.
Let me simply quote a couple of short phrases from her hatewatch, pleas to her audience not to tune in and spirited general attack on all things Farage, GB News – throw in Trump, (why not?) and anything and everything outside of the bien-pensant straightjacket that confines the BBC:
‘libertarian attitudinising‘
‘consciously patriotic news channel‘
Sign me up.
The main plank of our Catherine’s attack is to demonise Farage’s swipe at the RNLI for turning itself into a taxi service for illegals.
Suddenly the volunteer service beloved of holidaying boy scouts and old ladies who give up their pennies for the lifeboats – and one imagines was previously little known or regarded by our Catherine and her ilk – is suddenly: ‘a charity that has actually earned national gratitude and affection‘ – up there with our NHS rainbow heroes?
She makes much of RNLI claims that it: ‘raises £200,000 in single day after CEO hits out at Nigel Farage’s ‘taxi service’ claim‘ (Guardian) – really? Not just promises pledged on Twitter? One wonders what the longer term effect on donations, after the lefty bandwagon’s interest has moved on, might be?
Our serious broadsheet press – like a cheeky 1950s barber to a teddy boy – would seem to offer something for the weekend: ‘Philipa Perry on sex and relationships‘ (Observer) – ‘cos they’re not the same thing; ‘Caution maintenance sex in progress‘ (Sunday Times New Review)
The Stately Sunday Telegraph feels frontpage direct allusions sex to be beneath it: ‘Boris and Carrie Johnson were said to be “delighted” last night as the couple shared the news they were expecting‘ – that’s how it’s done. However: ‘Mrs Johnson made the announcement on her Instagram page‘ – of course she did.
‘Kebabs for jabs‘ shouts the Sunday People: ‘Young people to get vaccine rewards. Taxi rides, cinema tickets.. & fast food.’ – because, presumably, this is such a very serious life-threatening pandemic.
‘Jab snacks bribe‘ – and fair play to them calling a spade a spade, comments the instinctively anti-Tory Sunday Mirror, one couldn’t put it more succinctly.
The Observer considers our failing ailing alternatives: ‘Starmer aide warns: we’ve lost touch with target voters‘ – read through this report and you, like Labour MPs after their session with the PR guru, will find no concrete alternative ideas. Labour are fretting the 2023 General Election they are expecting, rather than delivering a rainbow coalition, will be another miscarriage. They won’t change but perhaps the electorate will change by enough?
The signs are there. If the left can scupper Lord Farage of the Dogger Bank and encourage this sort of thing: ‘Jihadist given hope of return. A grandmother stripped of her British citizenship becasue she and her daughters were suspected of being members of Islamic State in Syria has won a court ruling…‘ – well you can guess the rest.
On the channel – I was thinking whether there is much life in the idea of getting the likes of Priti useless Patel – grant Shapps and other useless red Tory MPs deselected as MPs ?
I don’t know what their majority is but the likes of them and the recently fired ? Health Secretary really deserve a different job – perhaps spinning discs of classic FM or making railway documentaries …..
Patel obviously thinks more of her job than doing it – but that pension builds up nicely over the years as she counts the third world arriving each day .
In other even more sombre news – furlough is cut by another 10% at the end of the month – all those columns about feckless Britons who can’t be asked to work anymore will land up as pulp …. The BBC was in full gloom mode about it ….
Is it just me or do others find the BBC’s Olympics obsession with Team GB very strange and even slightly sinister? What are the BBC trying to divert attention from?
I think they sort of regress to a time when there was a bit of national pride – instead of rubbishing it or destroying completely in the name of multi culturalism and the ReichEU .
But people know it is a falsehood – and that the ‘everywhere else is better ‘ mantra will return in a weeks ‘time .
I have a theory that by the time of the French Olympics both the EU and NHS will prevail – the Union flag being an unseemly reminder of a country that no longer exists .
By the way – I understand that the fervent nationalist – Andrew Murray – threw a tandem when losing some second rate mixed trebles tennis game . Shame .
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – ‘Oh Dear Department’
Someone is having a bit of a nightmare in W1A with the BBC web-site. Tagged as Guernsey on the Home Page you discover that the location is slightly different in the article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-58024475
Well, the BBC don’t do geography and I guess they have the work-experience teens and ‘gap year students’ in to cover for the high-paid Beeboids who are off to their holiday homes in the UK – or abroad, if permitted – for three or four weeks.
Someone at the BBC has obviously realised they made a blunder with the labelling and a ‘get out of jail’ exists in the middle of the article. I guess the superior Beeboids thought no-one among the public would know where Alderney is if it was labelled accurately.
@Up2Stuff Who reads the BBCnews homepage anyway ?
I guess very few people
So midway down the page it says
‘The whole island almost shut down’ .. Guernsey
which misleads you do think Guernsey is shut down
When actually it’s Alderney an ancillary Island in the Guernsey region.
The problem is caused by the BBC habit of using clickbait titles for links instead of the actual title of it or a reduced form
It should better say “Alderney Island’s new Covid problem”
It’s not as bad as when they say “Swansea Man” for an Eritrean illegal who has been in the country 6 months *
What happened to that case ?
We need some way of tracking these inconvenient events which get get buried by the media, like the shooting of Sasha Johnson, or stabbing of Hatun
There are quite a few others buried like that whilst other issues are selected for BBC-banging-on.
* The court page seems 50% foreign names
Thanks to Raheem I continue to add alternative sources beyond The BBC.
For the USA, I still use Sopes for the lolz, but Dan Bongino makes Brillo look like Lewis Goodhall.
His calm, polite filleting of Dems via facts and questions they can’t answer is hilarious.
Also informative.
Not doing that with equally thick diversity hires and crooks you like is disinformation, BBC. FYI.
Swansea Man will become as elusive as Piltdown Man.
Stoogie, you are probably correct. No-one proof read it at the BBC, and that’s for sure. Think there’s another howler on there this morning. I wonder if I can be bothered to post about it.
ITBB again wervy of visitin’ in complement to see what Wendy and Spingster miss. Or choose to.
And one for when the BBC find polls they like to quote:
Tim Davie must have booked a tour of BBC Mars for the season.
“Afghanistan: Taliban continue attacks on three major cities”
This was inevitable once the US and British Troops were pulled out .
One point , will the Taliban be heading to London via the English Channel ?
All the atrocities and all the bad news from Afghaistan will be omitted very soon.
It’s only being reported now because of the withdrawal. Thousands will be murdered and the caring BBC will deliberately not report it because it doesn’t fit the agenda.
“Covid: Taxi and food discounts offer to boost youth vaccine uptake”
Pizza & sweets ? This government is treating us like kids.
When is Rishi taking over ? It can’t get any worse. At least he will sort the border out .
If I was a late teen or twenty-something, nothing would put me off faster than being offered a bribe to have a vaccine. ‘What’s wrong with it?’ would be the immediate thought, followed by ‘Thanks, but no thanks – I’ll take a rain check on that’.
Anything on Al Beeb about the demonstrations in France ?
“Russia stops Cubans trying to enter EU on air beds”
Border Force – Russian Style .
So, Boris is knocking out another kid.
How many is that? Seven, eight, does he even know? Probably not…
Blimey, he’s got more sprogs than the bleedin’ Brady Bunch!
Look, I don’t mind how many kids Johnson has, good luck to him.
However, he’s forever waffling on about carbon footprints, going “neutral” and saving the bloody planet. We’re all going to have new boilers fitted and new electric cars in under a decade due to his obsession with climate change. The biggest contributor to carbon footprints is more people. So don’t you think he should be setting an example?
I don’t begrudge Boris having another child. that would be desperately mean spirited.
However, I do begrudge being constantly berated by this hypocritical buffoon about my lifestyle.
Lenders won’t touch us, my homes worth nothing shouts the homepage headline under a photo of a black Afro-haired woman.
What’s that? Racist estate agents maybe?
Click through to find it’s all about cladding.
Same old same old BBC visual trickery!
The UK being 85% white adults & sport being male dominated
You would expect that white males would dominate the BBCsport suggestions bar, at the side of each sports news page
Here I lifted that list and put it in a grid
The News Zealand trans woman of course get a mention.
No mask Sweden is doing very well
.. I do wonder if blocking UV to your face, by wearing a mask outdoors is harmful
Since end of June their figures are close to zero
Yet in May they case numbers massively higher than the UK has now
as if “letting it rip through” does work
The UK is now 20th in deaths /million over all time
Sweden’s are 25% lower
Inter-country comparisons are somewhat unreliable due to definitions, testing levels, cultural attitudes to obeying guidance, demographics, population density etc etc.
But agree that Sweden is a country well worth reviewing carefully as they have taken a different route yet have managed the pandemic overall quite well with outcomes broadly in line.
But needless to say, we never hear anything from the BBC, SAGE, the government, PHE (remember them?) or our NHS heroes.
The Liberal establishment in the West seem intent on national suicide. Quoting George Orwell’s 1984 is becoming a blueprint on how to run a country rather than a brutal warning about life under the socialist jackboot. We in the West suffer an illusion of permancy, that nothing much tomorrow will be different from today or the day after. Correct maybe that little will alter much in so short a time period, but the West has put in motion a series of events that will totally transform our society and in the near future. Today we see mass migration taking place around the globe that could and will change the face of Europe’s Civilisation, and when it happens it will be irreversible. No way back to a Christian Europe, nor indeed to the world of national cultures. There are now over 50 million Muslims living in Europe and growing every day as their women produce 3-4 times more children than Non-Muslim women. Such information you will never hear from the likes of the BBC, nevertheless they will be the first to be dumped. How naive we have been these last 20 years.
And now on BBC Olympics.
Three talking heads discuss in detail what might happen in the Men’s 100 m final ( approx. time of race 10 seconds).
In other news, GB’s Max Whitlock (straight, white, male) retains his Olympic title on the Pommel Horse.
And now, quickly back to discussion of the 100 m final, coming up in 2 hours time.
I was perusing The Daily Mail yesterday (yes, I know, but…) and slightly confused by Nigel Coburn’s gardening advice.
On page 88 he gives us the usual spiel about the impending climate catastrophe. You know the sort of thing…
“Recent weather disasters have made climate change sceptics a vanishing species. Floods, blah-de blah, wild fires, blah, blah, blah, such extreme events are almost commonplace.
So we have to fight global warming…”
However, on page 90 Nigel is back with a slightly contrary message;
“After our classic British summer of one hot week, we’re back to the usual cool, breezy, wet-dry-sunny-cloudy weather.”
Yep, that’s pretty much how I see it, but…
Blimey Nige’ which is it Hell in a handcart, we’re all going to fry…
Oh blow, it’s drizzling again.
Jeff, I reckon sometime after the end of 2021, a BBC/Meteo/MetOffice spokesperson will let on, very quiet voice, sotto voce as they say, that average temperatures throughout 2021 for the UK were ‘below average’. Colleagues of Roger the Horror Been and Matt McGrath will be anxious to keep both of them away from high buildings, sharp implements and lengths of rope.
Also in the Express
Serves EU right: Brits boycott bloc as figures reveal five-year sales drop of £28BILLION
It’s not on the bBC’s beloved ‘Brexit’ section though.
I think we should have a British Climate change index, not a Harrabin panic index. We should use Cricket. The number of days rain or bad light stops play should be a valid indicator of a British summer. Much better than experts.
And knowing cricket as I do, I bet accurate records have been kept.
Yeah but what about the mental illness of cricket players driven bonkers by the weather and made up rules .?
Back in the last days of Bill Frindle, he would have that info for you at several clicks of a mouse. His successor also keeps up the good work on that front.
World at one
They had plenty of time to discuss climate change . But focus on the real issue ? No chance .
The real issue ? Well – it’s the world population – increasing consumption means increased activity and increased CO2.
If one accepts that human activity adversely affects the climate – which I do not accept – then what is to be done about hundreds of millions south of the equator all wanting a taste of western consumption ?
Kill them . Limit their population growth . Stop them consuming and wanting more . ? None of these are viable options ….. although a better virus might do the trick…. No one thought of that one before … kill off those of breeding age next time eh? – or maybe babies – sort it at Davros – Wasted on the old .
Their governments will sign up to every treaty to get western money but everyone will know they won’t comply .meanwhile Austin allegro Stratton does the ‘jolly hockey stick’ gig with some bbc droid and it’s a wasted 15 minutes …
Burn more diesel
YouTube bans ( censors ) sky Australia for a week . Free speech eh?
Sky News Australia have been pointing out the Emperor is naked for some time – and now that Joe has been failing embarrassingly on a regular basis even with all the coaching / rehearsals and teleprompters he’s still showing up talking erratic meaningless / unintelligible rubbish – with the remains of his last meal on his chin.
The US Democrats have a problem and it’s not a problem that’s amenable to being repaired.
Talking about repairs – Joe seems to have something of an angry scar in front of each ear – there were some unusual very high resolution side shots of him on CNN of all places…. He looks actually in rather poor shape with patchy lividity / pallor, flaking skin.
“When I was driving 18 wheeler trucks called CornPop”
The coloured girl is waiting …
and cackling …. – she’s so utterly fake and out of her depth that she won’t last long – and from my recollection the Democrat also-rans that are acceptable to the string pullers are mostly a shower of sh1t.
As far as Democrat women are concerned the imbecilic Warren would be notionally next in seniority but the Dems will move heaven and earth to swerve either Tulsi Gabbard or Tammy Duckworth getting any traction.
Fed, beef for lunch!
Imagine being arraigned for contempt of court for identifying somebody, when the prosecution won’t say who was identified and how… Simply the sort of business where one might expect somebody to leverage Parliamentary privilege?
Getting pretty much zero BBC coverage
It surely deserves more coverage beyond the Craig Murray matter as the direction it’s headed in is imho about as dodgy as it gets… In fact it’s all too reminiscent of the antics of a certain continental political movement in the 1930s…. (Did I swerve Godwin’s Law?)
The present Scot Nat troupe are warped and crooked – and this isn’t the first case where they’ve suborned the law/judiciary…
Another critic silenced – result.
At least she isn’t a Freemason like the rest eh?
Perhaps she smokes a pipe and wears sensible shoes?
The BBC cover the men’s 100 m final.
1. No white contestant. All BAME finalists. Will the BBC be considering the inequality of this ? Surely a full Panorama investigation is required and perhaps Dianne Abbott and Dawn Butler could comment.
2. The UK contestant is disqualified for a huge false start. Is he a prat? Or suffering mental health issues. Since he is BAME is it racist to criticise in any way?
3. After endless talking heads guesswork, after the race Steve Cram, the commentator, says ‘it didn’t go as we thought’. So how about cutting out the endless speculation and just focus on the competition?
4. But straight after the race, the talking heads, reviews, and analysis continue ad nauseam.
5. Off button.
Conclusion – the BBC are useless and have no clue as to what we want, or expect.
Quite right, Sluffy!
Ten seconds of a running race, and half an hour of mindless blather from beeboids, most of whom couldn’t come last in the sack race at school.
I suppose they all wannabe like linekker and act tosser-like as a ‘pundit’, or maybe a twot, depending where you come from, but mindless gibbering after a ‘race’ or any sort of game is just so boring. I haven’t even bothered to shut my eyes at the ‘limpics, as I haven’t watched a single second of this farce!
So which coloured boy won it then ? – actually – really careless …
Do you think he is having a bout of mental wellness ??? TBH that’s neither here nor there, whether you jack for your health, make a prat of yourself off the starting blocks, or finish last, the media will praise you for being ‘brave’, and martyrdom will follow.
Pandemic bonuses
I see the wine bill has gone up too.
… senior mandarins are enjoying bumper rewards. In total, between £2,000,000 and £3,000,000 in bonuses was paid out to those in charge of the country in the 2020/21 financial year.
includes senior civil servants in the Cabinet Office, DWP and the Home Office [UGGH]
On hearing the news, James Roberts of the Taxpayers’ Alliance told Steerpike: ‘Taxpayers won’t tolerate these bumper bonuses for bureaucrats. Public sector pay rises and five-figure bonuses fly in the face of working taxpayers in the private sector, many of whom will have seen their incomes decimated during the pandemic. For the Chancellor’s upcoming spending review to be taken seriously, he has to come down hard on this Whitehall hypocrisy.’
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – ‘Oh Dear Department’ all over again.
The Home Page had, maybe still has, https://www.bbc.co.uk/ a photo of a gent in an obvious pent roof building attic – therefore not a shop or office block – doing something adjacent to a Velux window. The sort of window which is good for heat cooling and ventilation. Oh dear! But it gets worse.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58029653 is the article and there you find three females in a white painted interior with a pile of cardboard boxes. The third is pictured mid-door carrying another box (at ground level) and beyond her is a hint that they might be on an industrial estate. So not converted shops or an office block then.
If the building has been converted to a residence, let’s check the possible heat problems and ventilation. White painted exterior good for keeping things cool, ditto with white interior and concrete floor and plastered white walls. Windows, small but hints of locks suggest they are fully openable. Another bad day at the office for the Picture Editor, Web Editor and …… (fanfare) Roger the Horror Been!
I have a suspicion that the scene pictured is not from the UK but I cannot see the mains electricity sockets clearly enough to check. I think it may be a photo from western Europe.
Oh dear, oh dear. Nightmare day for the BBC.
As far as I know this story from Austria was ignored by our media (for obvious reasons). Now the fourth suspect has been arrested in London.
If the vermin came in with the rest of the rubbish in a dinghy – we will never know ….
Lots more to come I reckon. These people are feral rubbish rats. And our lovely trendy twats want as many as they can get to come and live amongst us.
There is a good reason it’s called the third world and it’s all to do with basic human dignity and respect both of which these vermin have none at all. It’s in their DNA,
BBC Online News:
“Covid: Sunderland Nightingale Hospital cost £23.5m – was it worth it?”
“Sunderland’s Nightingale Hospital, one of seven emergency hospitals quickly set up to take coronavirus patients, cost an estimated £23.5m but has not treated a single person. Was it worth it?”
Is all this down to Neil ‘pants-down’ Ferguson, the disgraced patron scientist of our BBC? The empirical scientist who has got everything wrong?
Y’know what I can hear? ….the sound of chickens coming home to roost!
When you spend money on a project, obviously there is waste
but you can’t right down benefits to zero
cos the NHS still ends up with some equipment and knowledge it wouldn’t otherwise have.
…. but little or no lessons learned beyond the deployment of words like “lessons learned”.
The bureaucrats running the NHS collectively seem to have institutional amnesia on their tunnel visioned quest to a fat pension and a collection of gongs.
So many stupid cnuts have tried to jump on the COVID bandwagon to establish their careers, I detest them all.
BBC News
“Make no mistake, there’s no such thing as normal in a continually warming world.”
Unprecedented flooding in Europe and Asia, deadly heatwaves in North America and devastating droughts in Africa – as extreme weather events occur with increased frequency, experts warn that we need to adapt to a new climate reality.
But how are these events connected and how can we live with the new normal?? #BBCCutThroughtheNoise
This seems to veer wildly between quotes, claims, rigged questions and opinion in guise of news. So, classic BBC.
Sky News Aus has been banned from YouTube for a week, allegedly for breaking their Covid rules.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with the woke lefty YouTube hating the righty Sky Aus and just looking for excuses to take them down, like they do every other YouTuber who dares to express views the social media platform doesn’t approve of.
Readers might like to show support for the brilliant Aussie channel by subscribing or liking it on YouTube:
Recent posts include Biden, China, Covid, and Hatun Tash.
Tonight’s TV
7;30pm Countryfile seems very similar to last week
and is billed as a compilation
…It’s always city people playing at eco-farming etc.
Last week “community farm in Herefordshire”
This week “seasonal food at Chew Magna Community Farm
– The world of no-dig farming
– helping pack orders with a thriving veg box business.
– Also Hartcliffe Community Garden, which Countryfile helped to establish as part of our Plant Britain initiative, children harvesting
– The archives eg the time Anita met a highland beef farmer,
– a 200-year-old cider orchard
– how surplus produce can be ‘gleaned’ to reduce food waste.
I hope that Clarkson puts together a parody of Countryfile on the farm.
That would be amusing
The no dig farms runs by piling mulch compost onto the top of the soil
… They think that is green
..Guess what the mulch emits as it decays ?
“Oh you earn money on a farm only an acre big”
FFS it’s a market garden
what they are doing is planting over the same plot of land every 6-8 weeks
– The biggest problem with political jokes is they might end up being president –
6:30pm the trailer “catchup with the Amy Winehouse doco”
… same pet trailer repeated again and again
Then CBBC trailer
Then Celebrity Masterchef trailer
The BBC doesn’t have adverts
9 pm BBC1 Baptiste
Baptise is about a fictional far-right murderous gang in Budapest’s Josefvaros district.
Times guide : “this *tortuous* spin-off of Missing
… a far-right group who called immigrants parasites
are threatening to cleanse “our filthy streets”
There is a new baddie Kamila leader of the Hungary First Party
(her husband is a Brit, an apparent analogy to Farage being married to a German … em Farage is not far-right of course)
10:30pm he BBC has spent money on a film called Gringo
starring David Oyelowo
It must be good cos it was only in the cinema 3 years ago
I guess the aufience will be small, cos most people have work in the morning.
from 8:30pm there’s 3 hours of proms on BBC4
One or two points that Iv’e been finkin about today.
1. Ve use ov estuary English in the Bloated Broadcastin Corporation. What would Mcdonald Hobley and Sylvia Peters make ov today’s front of camera cretins. Not much one would fink.
2. The Bloated Broadcasting Corporation must have saved a fortune due to covid? No new programmes being made in the last 18 months, the only performance fees they’ve paid out must be royalties to the usual suspects. Ever second programme seems to be a repeat. I suspect the current edition of the Proms is a compilation, except for all the dusky people that keep popping up.
3. Will Lewis Hamilton be playing the looney card after today’s fiasco. He didn’t a) cause the crash, b) make a very well thought out tyre change, and c) nobody would pull over and let him past, because black drivers matter, you know.
Northern – I’m from effing East effing Lundun and as you might see I pronounce my effing gees ….. the ‘irl can’t help bein’
I’norant can she ? And what . A. Chip.
I don’t know what that coloured girl has done . I don’t think she’s managed a footy team – yet week after week she pronounces on the men’s’ professional prem game as though she has played it – which she never did …
I believe it shows how rubbish the recent generation of English teachers are. Even in my sec.modern in the 60’s if we didn’t enunciate properly our English teacher would soon show us the error of our ways. Speaking the ‘Queen’s English’ may have fallen out of fashion, but good articulation can get you a long way in life. Even the newsreaders, regardless of where they are from in the UK, have excellent pronunciation, which is only righ’ an prop’er
Brissles dearest – I got more o levels than I can remember and 4? A levels … I’ve seen what Digby Jones has said – who I think – was the critic in the language criticism and he has well and truly been on the receiving end of a ‘Twitter storm ‘ .
It shows that a simple – and reasonable – opinion – now gets the full sad treatment . Maybe it’s collective ‘mental issues ‘ ?
I am beginning to conclude that the absolute deluge of ethnic actors in adverts as dictated by OFCOM (must be now approaching 80%) is beginning to have exactly the opposite effect to that which they hoped. There seems to be a growing feeling amongst people I speak to that it is a total forced farce and indoctrination and is actually is having a negative effect on racial harmony.
No one denies that our country has an ethnic percentage in our population or that they should have representation but what the advertising industry is doing is unethical and dangerous for the health of our country. It will end in tears!
Case in point, now watching BBC 4 doing Holst Planet Suite. Very difficult to spot an ethnic face at all But the BBC will just ignore this anomaly.
I reckon they commission expensive market research bods who frame questions about more coloured types in adverts -is a good thing isn’t it ? The punters then say what they think the market bod wants to hear and they get their ‘loyalty points ‘.
Meanwhile people with money who are not coloured roll their eyes each time they see a DFS / Sainsbury’s / Barclays with a woke multicultural theme .
But go woke go broke ( soon ) …
Want to know what it is like, in a nutshell, at the BBC?
Wow -battle of the symbolic gestures – now that really is monty python made flesh . Other suggestions for symbolic gestures are welcome …..
So bloody stupid these people are.
Berlin : Today police treated anti-covid measure protestors, exactly the same as they treated 50,000 Pride demonstrators 4 days ago
Amazing coincidence that almost all media use the headline
“Berlin police ‘harassed and attacked’ by demonstrators in anti-COVID-19 measures protests”
RT TV are showing lots of videos of police being violent
losts of clips on Twitter
Feeling some epic historic sporting bravery on the horizon soon.
Maybe he should talk to the American non athlete girl with mental issues – or prime minister Rashford ….or the golfing American sex pest …. There’s a victim theme ….
I’m putting up the Start the Week in a minute and for the benefit of regulars there will be a midweek thread this week .
Thanks for your efforts – particularly if you are watching the BBC and being subjected to its ‘ other propaganda products …