At the start of this month over 75 year olds without TV licences (without Pensioner Credit ) and who watch live TV are targets for the TV licence inspectors again . This , at the same time that the BBC admits it is targeting the young . So when will see the first prosecutions of over 75 year olds or reports of elderly people fearful of the knock on the door ? Defund the Far Left unaccountable anti British BBC
Start the Week 2 August 2021
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Let us start with Neil – who won’t be saying this on the bBC.
The island – I’m really really glad you put that up . I watched it through Twitter and thought that this was the Real ‘point of view ‘ which the BBC cannot cannot do any more .it is 6 minutes – I’d encourage anyone on this site to watch .
I thought I’d was ironic that mr Oliver talked about the freedom of birds on Twitter .
Unapproved thought . Unapproved opinion .
And he puts it across in such a clinical armour piercing way .
It is so sad that the State Broadcaster- paid for by law – could never even imagine putting such a view on the air now .
If GBN has done one thing – it has highlighted how propaganda driven the BBC is now .
I wonder how many ‘complaints ‘ OFCOM will get about such a radical view …
I thought Neil Oliver’s address was absolutely fabulous.
How the Hell did he ever work for the BBC?
I don’t completely agree with Neil. For example in the war people did in fact give up a lot of freedoms (implicitly agreed I guess, and accepted as determined by the elected government) to come together and do what needed doing.
Sometimes that is needed to preserve wider freedoms.
But the case and the reasons need to be clear.
But I agree that the bbc should reflect this opinion, which is an opinion shared by many with integrity. And it worries me that it doesn’t, even though I don’t completely agree.
GBN is continuing to do well and as FedUp says above its content throws into stark relief how full of agenda driven Woke bias / propodanda the BBC et al are.
Farage is one of the stars of the channel ( no pun intended) and I noted that on an item on climate change he said that Blair had declared that the science was settled and that Ofcom would not allow dissent from that view on any channel they licensed. He then hosted a discussion on the cost of the net zero target scrupulously avoiding questioning the ‘science’ behind climate change. Imagine how many other topics are forbidden by Ofcom and it makes GBN’s raising of Batley and Speakers Coner even more commendable. They are having to tread a fine line or risk getting shut down by a Woke enforcer masquerading as Ofcom.
Any government which valued free speech would scrap Ofcom and revoke the License Fee.
Unfortunately I guess it is the fault of 24/7 media and the internet . Can you imagine ‘experts ‘ being lined up to pontificate on whether an attempt to take the British Army back from France ?
It’s too risky . Lives will be lost . They will fail . The small boat owners will demand compensation . The world will see us as a joke ‘. The PM will have to resign …. On and on and on …. Then an ‘expert’ will be caught shagging a german spy and still turn up on the BBC …
I suppose the subject doesn’t really come up on Coast.
I totally agree with Neil Oliver. You can’t sacrifice freedom. Freedom is all about giving the right. without freedom, life is like living in prison without any charge. In 6 min video, this guy describes the real meaning of freedom.
Everyone needs to rise about freedom by content, media. and I would suggest getting Essay48 from experts so everyone had more and more chances to win this war.
I ask myself….what would Margaret Thatcher have done when faced with our cross channel invasion? She would certainly have done something.
I ask myself….what would Margaret Thatcher have done regarding the EU’s constrictive arrangement with our Northern Ireland? She would certainly have done something.
Will our BBC ask these questions on our behalf?
Meanwhile PHE , Singapore, Australia report far covid 19 deaths among the vaccinated then the unvaccinated.
Springster going to rewrite that chapter or just ban anyone asking questions?
That tweet is obviously suspect from the start
cos its message breaks the “too good to be true” rule
“Facebook is in big trouble” .. Their fact checkers are all funded by Big Pharma
What’s that ? It’s someone trying to wrap up a very complex situation about truth, in a super-over-simplistic narrative
#1 It’s not ALL fact check orgs used by Facebook
#2 It has not “JUST been discovered”
Even that tweet is a copy of one from May
#3b It’s not all fact checkers , the matter of ONE org.. was brought up by Republican Congressman Thomas Massie back in *April*
#3 There was a rebuttal
That is the Andrew Neil defence ‘Sure the Coop help fund the Spectator by buying advertising, but they won’t influence editorial policy cos that is decided by the editor’
Massie’s original tweet
Today he happened to double down by putting out a new tweet
“You are funded by X, so we can ignore your arguments”
.. is BS logic that lefties use.
Actually The Small Boy says the Emperor has no clothes and points out the window
It doesn’t matter who funds the Small Boy, the messenger, it’s what you see out of the window that counts
All arguments stand on the evidence they present NOT who funds them.
So when you look out of the window and see a naked Emperor that is proof.
However funding does matter in a different way
Big funders can flood the market with spurious messengers
The Royal Suitmakers might pay 100 people to wave a photo of the emperor at you
Then you might look at the quality of that evidence and say “a photo proves nothing and anyway I can see it’s photoshopped”
whereas the one true Small Boy gives you cast iron evidence you can see with your own eyes.
The problem with say vaccines is when Facebook blocks out all contrary voices ..and skews the market
One of the blocked voices might be A Small Boy who has concrete proof of vaccines flaw.
… Or say concrete evidence that a Covid type virus was been worked on in the Wuhan lab.
I retrospect I’m simply stirring by posting that RT piece.
– however, it is a reaction to too many of the “factcheckers ” not knowing when it’s sensible to let actual evidence do the work.
There’s wealth and power in the persuasion game – it just irks me that some people (often with some ideological investment and shadowy political affiliations – or worse) have set themselves up as sages who cannot be challenged.
The rise of “fact checking” as a specialty – and one that seems to attract considerable targeted funding hints(!) that all is not well in the world of public discussion / debate.
I find the idea that populating fact checking outfits with academics somehow anoints them with unassailable credentials which deliver truth – quite absurd.
The procession of fact checkers is as trustworthy as the MSM themselves…
On the one side you have the leftists saying
“you righties are wrong , here’s a Facebook-Independent-Factchecker saying so”
On the other side righties come in with a gotcha
“These Facebook-Independent-Factcheckers are all paid by Big Corps”
What is happening is that people love simplistic narratives so that is what the BBC feeds them, same on the other side
Then boring people like me spoil people’s cozy picture
.. by pointing out, that we live not in a simplistic black and white world, but a full colour complex one.
Libmob saying “shut up fact checkers say you are wrong” is the Fallacy of Argument from Authority
.. It’s the evidence presented on a case by case basis that counts , not who presents it.
In reality : FactChecker = Selective Fact-Spinner
and on every left/right issue Snopes cannot help using only selected facts & spinning against the right and producing flawed factchecks
whereas on other issues they are OK.
The key is the selectivity.
Wendy’s Unit ‘checks’ about three issues whilst constantly seeking validation from its limited approved pool. And steer well clear of many actual topical issues of debate whose answers they don’t fancy.
And M. Wrong Mostly can’t even get some of those accurate.
May the revelation hurt the insufferably woke and sanctimonious Facebook.
Not for the first time RT speaks more truth than the msm. Although their agenda is simply to cause damage to the West, sometimes they’re spot-on.
Its not just TV but fear of the NHS. There is deep fear of the NHS among the elderly that they will be on “End of Life” treatment if they are ambulanced to the hospital. They are not worth saving. Too expensive in all ways.
We have a socialised health care system, where everyone gets the same treatment, but not everyone pays the fair price. Result is rationing, and the elderly get the short end.
All the old timers I know will do anything to keep out of hospital .
The doctor who looked after my elderly mother-in-law was ultra-keen that she would only go to hospital as a last resort, as those places were rife with MRSA.
This was ten years ago, but nobody hears about that these days!
Incidentally, how are private hospitals coping with the covids these days? A chum has been in and out of ‘The Nuffield’ with no problems!
So the NHS win by scaring the elderly proverbial one way or other. Of course the government and NHS deny it, but the fact remains that they have scared the elderly to stay out of the NHS at any cost if they can help it.
This is evil. Pure evil.
The header photo here makes for a great caption competition:
PS. You only have until about 5pm on Monday 2 August to enter as the pic will change with the updated data.
“Try to keep the baby still, Jacinda, I will be jabbing him next.”
There are currently more covid 19 deaths among the vaccinated then the unvaccinated.
This is all being hushed up as Western governments ramp up pressure, dire threats and even force to get everyone vaxxed.
I have a suspicion there is evidence that the vaccine does not work, and therefore the government doesn’t want large numbers of people doing better then the vaxxed.
What covid 19 has shown though is that the so-called democratic and liberal governments of the West are far from actually being so.
ncbbc, I have a suspicion that some vax batches may have live virus in them and with poor inoculation protocols (eg. lack of alcohol swabs evident in the photo here) then the recent rise in infections is no surprise.
Likewise, as you suggest some vaccine batches may be less potent than the sperm of a whale in No.10, again that would explain the recent rise in infections and the deaths.
“You try to stick me with that thing, Ma’am, and I will hit you with your ‘rhythm stick’ *.” with apologies to Ian Dury and The Blockheads.
(* think that thing is called ‘a sound bar’ – why it is needed for inoculations, I know not.)
(Another puzzle is: why are they on the upper deck of the bus?)
Operation Sky Fall
Sky News Australia has been suspended from YouTube following a review of old videos
YouTube responded to media requests mentioning its “denial of COVID-19” policies but it later dropped that reference in future media statements.
Sky News Australia expressly rejects that any host has ever denied the existence of COVID-19 as was implied, and no such videos were ever published or removed.
Context : SkyNewsAust is at war with the ABC especially its superbiased Mediawatch show fronted by Paul Barry.
.. On Youtube SkyNews is 30% bigger than the ABC
2 weeks ago the ABC ran this
“Misleading vaccine information broadcast on Sky News | Media Watch”
.. segment start
runs for 10 minutes
Sky News is firing all guns at the illegitimate Biden regime. I’m surprised it has taken so long fort the minions of th Biden regime to shut them down.
SkyNewsAust have a backup plan
ie they are still on Facebook
Recent video :
Sky’s recent video : ABC should be privatised and forced to “compete on their own two feet” if they’re going to splurge on advertising “like drunken sailors”
Many SkyNewsAust videos are on Bitchute
but Bitchutte does ban a lot of stuff
and someone put up a clip of a paywalled article ‘SkyNews Aust did expose the Wuhan lab’
The BBC really has zero clue.
BBC News
Will we be booking holidays in space any time soon?
Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson’s recent flights are a historic start in space tourism.
Maybe I’ll have seventeen more kids too like Eco-Boris, Nut Nuts and the Bradford Labour Party committee?
I’m confused- flying bad for environnement but not rocket travel?
Seems to me all those ‘historic’ rockets could cancel out quite a lot of effort to reduce carbon…? No? Am I missing something??
1840 licence fees need to be collected just to pay June Sarpong’s salary. That’s the bad news, the good news is its not coming from me or my two daughters. Up the revolution
Stevie m
Well done Stevie m !
I stopped paying a few years ago and saved my health and my money from ‘the organisation that robs from the poor and gives to the rich.’
So much for Boris’ “Levelling Up”.
10pm Sunday night BBC1 news. Clive was reporting on wild fires in Turkey due to it being hot and dry. It was July and is now August. I visited Greece and Turkey in the 1960s in July. It was hot and dry then in spite of it being before the climate emergency. At the moment the BBC seem to be prising climate change into everything.
Except space tourism?
“Three murder arrests over boy’s river death in Bridgend”
This is terrible .
Taffman any child’s death is a tragedy.
However the BBC report they use the words “community” and “speculation”.
I doubt very much we will hear anything else about this tragedy.
taffman , Halifax
The report is heavily massaged. No mention who have been arrested. Very suspicicious. The police along with the rest are deeply corrupt. They wont know what truth, openness and fairness is if it hit them squarely.
“Eggborough Power Station: Four cooling towers demolished”
And the Chinese build two more …………….
While we in Great Britain are committing Industrial Suicide.
We need leadership but we do not have it. Mark my words friends, this will not end good for the present Tories if they do not act soon in the interest of the majority people of this nation . The present lot have been ‘rumbled’.
The insanity of the plan seems to be that if we spend trillions we can’t afford to make a 0.5% difference to global carbon emissions, China and the USA might feel morally pressured to do the same thing.
Or maybe they will continue to reap the profits of what they already do while we price ourselves out of the market and drive our people into poverty.
Answer :
Our government is run by Lady Macbeth along with a sprinkling of Idiots ?
Coal, natural gas, diesel and petrol are most efficient in the creation of electricity or HP. In this game, efficiency is the most important criteria. Any side effects that are harmful can be dealt with by the surplus created because of efficiency. Or another way, inefficient creation of energy is harmful in the general sense and makes everyone poorer. But worse is that there is no surplus wealth to take care of harmful side effects – which are always present.
This craze over electric cars for instance- the most ridiculous means of locomotion can only be satisfactory to engineering illiterates. I deliberately exclude scientists, for among this lot who call themselves scientists, most of these are environmentalists and that feather.
“Hollywood plans £700m film and TV studios in Hertfordshire”
Despite Brexit ?
“The battery plant will create 900 jobs at Nissan”
Despite Brexit ?
I hope they get the raw materials for the manufacture of these batteries from somewhere else. Also recycle and disposal is in some other country.
But the fact that this is going to happen in Britain, there is suspicion that all European countries and the EU have refused it. We have only got it as France, Germany, EU etc have refused.
I watched a little of Countryfile tonight. It is the ideal programme for the Hampstead woke to learn about the countryside they think should exist. Whoever thinks that 15 acre farm collectives can feed the country would be very disappointed and hungry. They glossed over the imported bananas and oranges. But BBC presenters and producers can follow their organic vegan dream. Jeremy Clarkson on Amazon Prime produced an amusing entertaining programme which would educate far better than Countryfile ever does.
Different topic but I did listen to the Mozart prom tonight on BBC4. Sublime. It was followed by a programme about Mozart.. no agenda. The BBC can do it.
Sooooooooo glad to hear that. Used to love the proms. Waiting for it to be safe to go back…
I watched Rick Wakeman on Vivaldi via YouTube – pretty good 🙂
Mozart was an Antonio Vivaldi support act
I suppose that makes in 1 -1 after their attempt to convince us that Beethoven was a BAME!
The biased BBC are trumpeting the story of Trump’s tax returns, while ignoring the ongoing scandal of the Biden crime family, père et fils. It started way back with Burisma, Ukraine, then Russia, China, and the laptop from hell.
The latest dodgy episode involves crackhead Hunter selling his ‘art’ at eye-watering prices, which could lead to buyers currying favour and buying influence with Sleepy Joe (soon to be Retired Joe, then Demented Joe).
Here, Andrew sums it up in a humorous way.
P.S. Don’t look into Hunter’s eyes too long, you might get demonically possessed.
If Pres Trump’s tax returns were fraudulent they would have been picked up by the IRS.
1. They should never have been released, as it is illegal.
2. Turning them over to a corrupt election cheating party, makes the crime worse.
Doodle and thoughts
The one positive thing I will say about Piers Morgan is that when he says that folk shouldn’t be allowed to ‘hide behind anonymity’ on the internet he’s at least consistent when it comes to privacy. Just ask anyone whose phone he hacked. If they’re not dead
Tyrone Mings: England defender’s mental health ‘plummeted’ in build-up to Euro 2020
“I was probably the only name on the team sheet that people thought, ‘not sure about him’. And that was something I had to overcome.
I don’t have the words for how pathetic this article is.
Didn’t mention his mental health when using his anti-white racism against Priti Patel though did you BBC ?.
In future I hope you refer to him as ‘Ming – who suffers from mental health issues – says that …’ just so we can get some perspective about what you are ramming down our throats this time.
We can blame Ronnie O’Sullivan, who spent years spraffing on about a deterioration in ‘mental health’ this armchair expert can reliably put down to laziness and a pronounced cocaine habit, and Tyson Fury, whose similar ‘mental health’ deterioration occurred after celebrating his world title win with eight months of boozing, eating pies and doing lines with Irish gangsters in Marbella.
I’ll put Mings’ whining down to the fact he’s thick as mince and simply craving attention like a genuine Insta-generation twerp. Perhaps instead of giving dismal interviews to the BBC – which confirm his intellectual mediocrity – he should jump feet first into an ostentatious drug habit like O’Sullivan, Fury and that other notable coke fiend Conor McGregor. This in itself would render him a hundred times more interesting almost overnight.
Treating us like children
Seems our media have unilaterally declared the practitioners of posh and peculiar sports, once every four years or so, to be our new heroes. The Daily Star gets all protective and blasts former Top Gear guy Clarkson for his comment he wishes Olympic athletes would “devote lives to something more useful”: ‘As grand bore Jeremy blasts our champs. Why is it the tubs of lard who are so critical of our Olympic champs?‘
But what now of OUR former NHS heroes, we ask?
Not forgetting our Euros football heroes – what happened to them?: ‘3 Lions ace had therapy. My mental health battle at Euros. England ace Tyrone Mings reveals today he needed therapy to overcome mental health issues… Tyrone Mings talks to the Sun‘ – does ace replace hero? I can sort of understand using the word hero for heroic losers. But ace? We came second in that competition, surely mighty Mings and his chums are at best a deuce.
“Daddy, I want to grow up to be a Premier League footballer and drive a Lamborghini, get abuse on my Twitter account and have a therapist for my mental health issues”
“Good for you, son, just keep practising missing those penalties”
Speaking of jobs where you’re consitently lauded for failing to meet targets: ‘Pay for own heart op. Revealed: amid record NHS backlog, surge in patients self-funding vital surgery – at up to £20,000 a time‘ (Daily Mail) – I do believe that’s what’s known as creating your own market. Shut off the supply of medical care by closing the hospitals to build up demand, then cash in with your private practice. Luvely-jubbly aujourd’hui nous sommes lundi – as Del Boy Trotter might have said.
‘NHS pay: Call for privately employed staff to get increase‘ – protests the BBC. But the headline is misleading. Not an unusual occurrence over there at the Beeb. This isn’t the Mercedes- and four iron- driving, forcep- and scalpel-wielding, hero senior docs with their off-the-NHS-books private sidelines. By privately employed the BBC mean the small folk: ‘Cleaners, porters, catering assistants, security guards and other health staff employed by private companies‘
‘The government has announced a 3% pay rise for most NHS workers in England. But Unison said those working in the NHS but employed by private contractors were at risk of missing out‘
But what about the less than heroic cleaners, porters, catering assistants, security guards and other workers who don’t happen to work under the glorious banner of the NHS rainbow unbrella? And what about the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick makers? A fine proud traditional craft. By the way, what’s the global warming situation vis à vis scented hippy candles? Does it count as burning fosil fuel? If it does we’d better be careful not to have power cuts.
Speaking of unspeakably naff hippies, just as predicted, Carrie Johnson our Princess Macademia, has started a thing, as the press goes mad – sorry, has mental health issues – for rainbow babies: ‘My rainbow baby‘ (Times2); ‘Marina Fogle. Do “rainbow babies” like Carrie’s help deal with loss?‘ (Telegraph Features)
Where did all this rainbow baby stuff come from?
Cue a rare appearance hereabouts for the Nursing Times: ‘Nurse draws on own experience to launch ‘rainbow babies’ book series‘ (07 July, 2021) – I don’t know if that is the original derivation – one suspects it may have been an American cultural import, like most things these days… BLM
‘A nurse who lost her son 12 days after birth has written a series of books to help parents navigate “difficult conversations” with children about miscarriage, stillborn or neonatal death‘
With children, Carrie. Not with the British public. Not unless you and hubby think we are your children? Now, about these lockdowns…
BBC Online News:
“Hollywood plans £700m film and TV studios in Hertfordshire”
“Plans for a £700m “world-class” film and TV studios facility in the UK have been announced by a Hollywood studio.”
Despite Brexit…. 🙂
‘Why bonding over the Euros pushed up Covid cases in men’
What is wrong with these people? Why has even the most ordinary activity got to be labelled in such a pseudo-scientific way?
“Ooh look!! We’ve scored a goal!. I say chaps. Let’s bond!!”
Too many useless ‘researchers’ with access to too many #prasnews scribes confident too many copy paste merchants at the bbc will grab anything to fill too much space.
BBC News
Seven? Eight? Nine interviews? How many is too many for a job?
Illustrated, interestingly, by a male in front of two wimmin.
A ginger confronted by two blondes.
Seems the BBC knows who gets waved through often sight unseen once a crucial criterion is confirmed.
It’s mixed weightlifting at the Olympics today, as trans Kiwi Laurel Hubbard competes in the women’s event.
On Toady they allude to covering this issue. They announce that they will be talking to a Medical Physicist. Aha I thought, that could actually be informative. Later they do indeed introduce the Medical Physicist.
How can this be biased?
You’d never guess. Only at the end of the introduction is it announced that said Medical Physicist was him/ herself TRANS!!!!! What are the chances of that? Of course, this being the BBC, very high. Worse, s/he was then not at all informative, and had to be spoon fed by Amol.
So what we have here is an opportunity to ‘educate and inform’ squandered on the altar of the BBC’s ridiculous narrative setting and right-on posturing,
In other words, business as usual @BBC+.
Fingers crossed for Ms Hubbard. Hope she wins gold. Then we ought to have a big bust up from the bio women who trained for years toget to the Olympics only to be defeated by an ex man . Surely then women would be prompted to refuse to compete if any ex men were in the competition and this part of the post modernist world would collapse overnight. Come on ladies you can do it.
Maybe they can withdraw due to no mental health issues?
I am firmly of the opinion that I will never compete against a trans sportsperson in the Olympics.
One minor factor is that I was seventy-four a week or so ago, but that shouldn’t be an obstacle…
Only 74? Blimey mate I hadn’t realised that this site attracted the younger generation. I thought you would still prefer to be out there clubbing and pulling the birds.
Lol ! well, if Scrobs is like the rest of us, those days (and nights) are just happy memories !!! The head is willing, its just the rest…….
Witness the end of women’s Olympics.
I’m still waiting for the day when a proper woman is signed up to play for Millwall. No dykes or trannies need apply.
That’s what I would call diversity and I’m sure the players of both genders (for there are only two) would find the post match changing rooms and showers SO much more entertaining.
So come on girls – get yer kit on!
Wait until they get RuPaul on the widescreen as expert to demonstrate the pole vault.
Ha ha ha, Someone here posted a great picture of a pole-vaulter with a superb lunch p…
Care to repeat please?
Chris is on it…
I’m convinced these ‘claims’ are made up to fit some information or chart the ‘team’ have got hold of. I never heard of any of them.
But I find it to be the utmost irony that the BBC label the claims as ‘misleading’. I would put that stamp across every political or agenda based article they churn out.
There’s news, and what the BBC does…
“Everybody here was crying and screaming for help.”
Wildfires fuelled by high temperatures and gusts of wind are raging in south-western Turkey, forcing the evacuation of hundreds of villages in the region.
Who you going to call? Matt, Rog or Justin?
It’s like those bible stories where every bad thing that happens is down to God . Now they have replaced God with ‘climate change ‘.
It’s the worst ( fill in gap ) since records began – which might have been last week …..
And let’s face it – satellite data is probably no more that 20 – 30 years old ….. and yet people think they can understand global weather and what it will do – nonsense …
On the southern Aegean and Mediterranean coasts, the scale of the destruction wreaked by more than 100 forest fires since Wednesday has emerged
So not bad weather or even weather emergency.
If it is a climate emergency it must be on a vaster scale then a small region of Turkey – like planetary, for it to count as “climate”. Too, it must be long lasting – like 50 years at the minimum continuous.
Or else it is fiction, lies and stupidity combined.
This bloke must have bitten a dog.
I’d be interested to hear their definition of the contradictory ‘plant-based meat’.
“Coronavirus: New rules for fully jabbed US and EU arrivals begin”
You will need a degree in Logics to workout the new “Rules”.
Meanwhile , our economy is being wrecked.
A friend of mine’s son got his vaccinations working in the USA.
UK bureaucrats are refusing to register his vaccinations as valid for the UK.
He has to travel again for work and the clowns are insisting he gets vaccinated…
What a tragedy.
What is clear is that governments must not be given powers over any life or death issues.
BBC News
“I don’t remember people’s birthdays, I don’t remember my home number, I don’t remember my bank pin. I sometimes struggle understanding what day of the week it is or what time it is.”
Guess who?
Hint: Not Kamala.
Kamala’s lack of visibility is a problem- but so is her competence. The last interview I saw was toe-curlingly bad – she seemed to know next to nothing and her responses to to even slightly awkward questions were to cackle, grimace and spout utter nonsense – without the excuse of incipient senility.
I watched some of the Democrat TV debates and came away convinced she’s a rather dim, shallow sloganeering fake who’s nowhere near her advertising. Her head of staff in an interesting lady…
Look on the bright side – ice cream afficionado Nancy Pelosi is 3rd in line !
NEWS : Forget the demonstrations going on in France ……look ! There’s a fluffy animal over there ………………….
“Giant panda twins born in French zoo”
“Why the long face, Orla?” Asked Hillster.
Worth bearing in mind that all at the bbc are deemed ‘essential’.
Including Amol, Springster and Sopes.
And whoever posted this…
Much explained.
9am R4 prog began with surreal trolling of the listener
The presenter said she was at Eastbourne..and said she had found an organisation ..that send a van to Turkey every month and bring back CHILDREN
She told the story bit by bit ..The van crossed to Bulgaria. The CHILDREN were listening to British music to be accustomed to Britain and getting back i. the van after a break.
The van arrives in Eastbourne, the doors open
… and the CHILDREN are actually … Golden Retrievers.
These strange Eastbourne people raise £2,000 per dog to bring them from Turkey.
The origin is that the ex-pat community in Turkey bred retrievers ..and a craze took off but Turkish people like them as small puppies, but often kick them out when they get too big… now there are load of retrievers ending up on Turkish streets.
All the males called SurBob or Bonio and the lady dogs Lily, followed by a full embedded Newsbeat/CBBC/ Trending//Pidgen/Asian Network/LGBT Pedigree Chum/Monitoring/Specialist Blonde crew?
prog ended by saying Turkey has now banned this export
.. on the grounds that Turkey now has its own new laws to protect street dogs.
In 2020 the charity raised £565K and spent £471K
It runs a pound with employees in Turkey
Good eating ?
OT, but I share as another poor blonde journalist of specialist expertise sharing the trauma of her career. And image. Replete with ‘accused of’ and ‘opened up’ and ‘revealed’, which is a triple phrase score.
Odour based beer identification seems a wicked skill.
What more HTFP gets beyond the eye patch in the next thrilling episode.
Hopefully BBC Trending will pick up.
So many new sub lure trends.
Sympathy vote amongst the fashion conscious.
Is there an unbalanced beam for the other Olympics running concurrently?
Will he be plugged into a Tesla? Or one of the BBC’s flock of expert froot loops on standby?
Can those who are pushing for the young to be given free tickets/ meals or whatever not understand that instead of increasing the young vaccination rate they will slow it down.
The young will now wait until the best offer comes along.
Why get a jab now when you could be rewarded with goodies (or in cash as sleepy Joe wants)
Also, is it this week that old mother Hubbard gets his weight lifting medal to put into his cupboard after beating the wimmin.
I’m holding out for the cuddly toy.
Is there a medal for mental problems and issues, for it seems there plenty of athletes who are suffering from this.
OK – so she suffered injuries but …
Not punished but rewarded?
There may be explanations
During WW2 the UK’s POW camps held very few Germans
but after the war many were brought over to the UK for deNazification, once they were considered safe they were sent home.
The same applies, we need to De-ISIS these guys
If the UK just jails every brainwashed kid that comes back from Syria, they gives them the narrative that they are a victim of oppression by The West
#2 Once in a UK jail they may well start recruiting.
The problem is the UK authorities would have to be careful to monitor these people if they don’t jail them.
Don’t let them come back.
The Uber bribes for jabs thing.
#1 How can you as a youth accept a bribe, knowing that your granny got nothing for hers ?
#2 Surely any medical procedure should be voluntary
Once the authorities use *coercion*, that’s like awarding villagers *transistor radios* in exchange for undergoing MASS sterilisation in the mid 1970s. BBC in 2014
New long item from @@SkyNewsAust
In the case of Sky News Australia’s now removed content, most of it dates back to the same year Fauci made those comments.
But YouTube is looking at the debates and discussions through the lens of contemporary health advice.
Another issue is that YouTube’s approach to policing debate around COVID-19 policies appears arbitrarily focused against conservative voices.
I am yet to be informed of President Joe Biden’s YouTube and Facebook ban after uttering this false sentence: “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”
BTW remember Murdoch and Google are not best friends
It’s only six months ago they he a won, forcing Google to pay him for content.
An article on Nick Clegg – who seems to successfully swerve challenges to Facebook’s seemingly partisan and capricious action with respect to manipulation of content.
Alex Belfield comments on three stories the BBC are under-reporting. The jihadi bride who’s given a half-million pound house plus benefits, and a top-of-the-range prosthetic while the NHS is struggling; Bradley Gledhill, murdered for no reason by the evil savages in the photo below; and ongoing child abuse cases – the latest involving 40 arrests in Yorkshire. FORTY!
Significantly, he’s implying what they all have in common, contrary to the BBC which does all it can to avoid joining the dots. The public must be kept in the dark, or they might start getting angry.
PS. In the vid, Belfield lets slip that he’s been warned by the police not to investigate and discuss ‘this sort of thing’ or he’ll be arrested.
Once again, shows where the police’s priorities lie.
He’ll be getting the Tommy Robinson treatment next.
Blackmailed with threats to family members, tried and imprisoned in just hours then sent to jails full of Muslims for them to teach him to keep quiet.
They absolutely cannot afford for the silent majority to rise up. Better for everyone if they suppress dissenters. We are nothing to these people : just drones to be kept in line and taxed.
Every day people send Belfield material making the police look bad, and he transmits it out in daily tweets and videos
Other recent videos
– “More Statues Fall 🤦♂️ Now 1774 Black Boy Stroud Sabotage
.. it being taken down”
..em it isn’t, It’s listed… The council is having a consultation
Belfield does have a habit of such overclaiming hyperbolic headlines.
– “Coronation Street White Privilege SHAME 🤬 Leave Politics Out Of It ITV For The Love Of God 😡”
Stew – bell field features a lot on this site but not my cup of tea at all ….each to their own I guess
Like him or not, he’s a relentless critic of the BBC and wokery in general. For that reason alone he deserves the occasional airing here.
He is an oik but he has his uses.
Rotten Politics also has exposure video about politicised police failures
7% of violent crime reaches court, a fall from 22%
Absolutely right. Rapes of young British girls has been ongoing for atleast 30 years if not more. Hundreds of thousands have been raped, trafficked and raped, and the police .. Don’t say a word or one will be arrested. The miscreants are in the hundreds of thousands. Everyone in this community knew this was going on. This is the type of punishment the victor generally visits on the defeated. For instance the Nazis would have done this to us if they had won.
Meanwhile the elderly are afraid to go to the NHS for they will be terminated on a “End of Life” policy. The NHS is now for more important people then us.
There is no point in blaming Muslims for what is happening in the UK, be it honour killings, rapes, the extension of shari’a by stealth, hatred being preached in mosques, and the continuous threat of terrorism from within, leading to harsher security measures by the state on all of us. No, the fault lies with us, as it has been well known and written. And if we didn’t know this would happen, then that is our misfortune.
‘Belarus Olympian seeking asylum in Poland after refusing ‘forced’ flight home’
They’ve put ‘forced’ in apostrophes which is the BBC’s way to make us think she was but she wasn’t.
‘An opposition group which helps athletes in Belarus told the BBC that Ms Timanovskaya was seeking asylum in Poland.’
What ???. Just how many atheletes are there in Belarus who need an activist group to help them ??. Maybe they should just get a proper job.
Since the ban, I am looking at @SkyNewsAust more
Video “ABC ‘incited immigrants’ into thinking the deployment of military to help with the Sydney Covid outbreak was a ‘racist plot’: Bolt
BBC Online News:
“Paralysed swimmer Paula Craig in English Channel record bid”
Good luck, luv, but don’t expect the RNLI to be there for you when you need them. They have ‘other’ priorities these days.
Small islands seem to have a problem with Covid outbreaks
When I listed new cases by order of new cases per million population
a lot of the top twenty were small islands like the Isle of Man
1. St. Barth 2 Martinique 3 Isle of Man 4 Fiji 5 Gibraltar 6 Cuba 7 Georgia 8 Seychelles 9 Channel Islands
This weakens News Zealand’s idea that you can simply police the borders until everyone is vaccinated ..and then it will be all over.
Yes, but, no but, Stoogee … if you have a population that is small and you get 100 new cases (how were they tested? was it a blood test? or a discredited LF or PCR test?) in a day then you may have an apparent large increase in cases. Repeat that for a few days and it does look alarming.
If you look on your list (I use the Johns Hopkins one) then all the places with low infections, low deaths, tend to be island nations: Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Barthelemy, and so on. And BAME ones, too, thus giving the lie to the beloved BBC trope that BAME people are more likely to die from Covid-19.
And it doesn’t hold either that those places are all sunny, warm islands in the 20/20 belt around the Equator. Greenland: zero deaths, 122 cases. Falkland Islands: zero deaths, 63 cases.
@Up2snuff I said that St Barts has the highest infection rate last week
And you answer me back “then all the places with low infections, low deaths, tend to be island nations Saint Barthelemy (St Barts)”
That was my point we have tended to think places like St Barts have got in under control
Then suddenly they have an infection rate of 19,000 per million
ie 1,900 per 100K ie 2% of population in ONE week
whereas the UK is like 0.4%
Population is only 10K so 2% is only 200 people
So as you say there is a blip effect for a small country
whereas in a larger country you can’t get such a large overall blip cos by the time it spreads to other towns the infection has died down in the first towns , so you ever get a general population huge blip.
St Barts blip has not transformed into deaths yet.
I wonder if islands even Greenland have a small death rate
cos they don’t have big hospitals
and that sick people are airlifted to the mainland ..say to Denmark and get put in that country’s tally if they die.
They foolishly thought that here on IoM at the start…and got a bit cocky about it.
Most adults jabbed now…..but we’ve had 2000 cases lately…19 in hospital and 1 death.
As I said at the start…we will all get it eventually. Have you ever met anyone who has never had a cold?…..
BBC olympic news at noon.
BAME american gymnast decides to take part in event
In other news.
Britain wins Gold in 3 day team equestrianism.
Sluff -I would like to bet that the BBC is the only national broadcaster in the WORLD that features ethnic athletes,
particularly from the USA and the Caribbean, over gold
medal winners from the UK. And quite often featuring
their poster girl for the games Simone Biles.
Well I tell you something BIG BROTHER from the diversity dept
of the BBC , who has complete control on output these days.
Charlotte Worthington the BMX girl is OUR poster girl. And
when I say OUR. that’s over 85% of the population of the UK.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if it was over 90%!!
“#HateWontWin unless it’s misogyny at the BBC.”
someone says in reply to the #HateWontWin campaign sticker the BBC stick on all its coverage of the New Zealand trans weightlifter
Remember there will soon be a female athlete who becomes trans and takes up a man’s place on the team … oh no their won’t
Are trans athletes all one way ?
Stand by for opening up (Oo er… missus) or revelations on mental health in every studio staffed by a babe of sumfin’.
Then the Oprah wicker sofa.
BBC News
Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard made Olympic history but failed to record a successful lift in the women’s +87kg weightlifting.
Even more remarkably she apparently gained a ‘standing ovation’ on the completion of her failure, from a non-existent audience.
That has now caused #DefundTheBBC to trend
Johnny Vegas has let himself go hasn’t he?
The story about parish councillor, wee Krankie (aka Gnasher) being surrounded by 40 spin doctors didn’t seem to attract much comment from the bBC Scotland white elephant) dept?
Despite the comparison saying that the 40 Krankie spin doctors outnumbered the cohort. of bBc Scotland reporters.
This may explain how the narrative control maintains her ratings
in the face of the total disaster her outfit has delivered on Scotland. Wherever you look “shambles”
This entire SNP operation needs urgent dismantling or at least reined in… is impossible for it to collaborate within a UK parameter….it does , of course, collaborate well with the EU and close to home the Republic of Ireland.(Sinn Fein division)
The wee Krankie crew seem to have the judges and m’lerned friends north of the border on a short leash…
BBC Clickbait
Now I want to know what it was !!!
Bris – as moderator I wasn’t allowed to ask that obvious question – big choice …
Brains used to make them out of pork mince. 6 in a pack with gravy. In Hull we used to call them savoury ducks.
Sopes can now be activated.
That’s a bit obtuse, cos that all happened in 2019
cos the OrangeManBad groupthink
It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with 2021
Oh Canada! How I love thee! I’m gonna go out and get some maple leaf syrup from somewhere hereabote, give show pony Turdeau a hug, maybe even watch some (ice-) hockey or the Pythons’ lumberjack sketch, ey? Nothing personal against the US girls … well, except for Megan Rapinoe.
[USA 0 Canada 1 Goal by Jessie Fleming (penalty) in Olympic semi-final.]
“It sucks. We just didn’t have it today,” said US forward Megan Rapinoe, 36. “Just too many errors from us again. Obviously we never want to lose to Canada, I don’t think I’ve ever lost to Canada. So it’s a bitter one.”
Someone should report her to the IOC for Canadaphobia, which “has no place in football in 2021” (ok, I made up that last quote, a la BoJo).
I can only echo the poster’s comment!
That said – a bit more digging and a fingering of the perps might be fun?
Does it matter that multiple accounts post the same thing ?
A quick glance at one of the accounts shows they get very few likes .. So the on the ground impact must be close to zero
People noticed the bot type behaviour from July 7th at least
All you know is what they do
The motive wouldn’t be obvious
Like are they a righty side trying to discredit lefty arguments etc. ?
or are they really mad lefties ?
My guess is it’s just computer science students messing about.
students messing about?
– morelike an active probe by paid-for market researchers?
Searches for the exact phrases used are slathered / cluttered with Twitter Inc. “noise”
It’s knee-jerk poop + scoot stuff which Twitter cultivates via a truly tormented search functionality.
The money in the vaccine arena has attracted shitflies from all over.
If the tweet are paid for ..then they are not good value for money
..they don’t seem to have any impact.
If they’re doing that, then I feel it’s quite a safe bet they are up to other antics.
Then again… “they” might be a solitary he /she or an “it”….
I wonder how @banthebbc came across it.
There was 158 people thought enough to engage…
There is a storm brewing dark clouds are ascending.
How long before the BBC start to blame :
Slave trade
Lack of opportunity
White Olympic domination
Why should I run for a racist country
On the lack of BME winning medals for GREAT BRITIAN……last count it was one.
Thanks, BBC. My mates down the pub have long been asking if Kenya would ever get its first female paraglider.
“Kenya’s first female paraglider on life from a bird’s eye view”
I wonder if the overseas aid giveaway bought a paraglider … helping with female equality tick box …
I imagine there have been many African born female paraglider in South Africa.
One thing is paragliding is restricted in many countries due to military fears.
Being overseas – and due to return to Blighty next week – I am watching project fear closely . Last week there was a threat to put the country where I am on the red list . Then it was being put on the amber plus list – now – Monday night – it is announced that the -amber plus list is not going to happen and the idiot Shaps will be making an announcement on Thursday .
Meanwhile – I will be required to take a pre travel PCR test ( £60 ) and a day two arrival test – cost at £50 but up to over £100 if you are willing to be ripped off even more .
Now I accept the need for tests . But if you look at the UK list of private companies offering tests – it is a bunch of sharks – and does the red tories no credit – in fact I’d put it as shabby .
For info – in London the cheapest day 2 test is £25 – but it is booked up through august …. So real life it’s over £50 .
I think if the government demands it – it should pay for it .
“It should pay” – “It” never pays for anything.