At the start of this month over 75 year olds without TV licences (without Pensioner Credit ) and who watch live TV are targets for the TV licence inspectors again . This , at the same time that the BBC admits it is targeting the young . So when will see the first prosecutions of over 75 year olds or reports of elderly people fearful of the knock on the door ? Defund the Far Left unaccountable anti British BBC
Start the Week 2 August 2021
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TOADY Watch #3 – you do have to wonder at the intelligence levels of BBC sportscasters
After the 7.40 a.m. newspaper review, there is yet another return to the Olympics and the sailing: Team GB’s latest Gold medal. Well done Team GB. I don’t recognise the voice of the BBC commentator from the audio clip (don’t do telly or listen to much R5Live for sport) but for some reason he has to shout at me and the rest of the R4 audience.
I can understand a commentator raising their voice in a stadium, with a large, cheering, crowd or even having to shout above the noise or perhaps getting carried away with the excitement of an event, say an athletics final. But sailing? No. It is an outdoor event, the commentator will be watching via binoculars or a TV feed (as would any crowd of spectators in a ‘normal’ Olympic Games) so there is no need to shout at all.
Off switch activated.
“Afghanistan: General says Taliban gains threaten global security”
“As government forces struggled to contain Taliban advances, President Ashraf Ghani blamed the sudden withdrawal of US troops for the increase in fighting.”
All thanks to ‘Uncle Joe’.
Col Richard Kemp, a retired officer who commanded British forces in Afghanistan in 2003, said the loss of Helmand’s provincial capital to the Taliban would have “a devastating effect on morale of the security forces around the country, which leads in itself to a collapse”.
It could create a domino effect, with Afghan troops surrendering cities such as Kandahar and Herat, leaving only Kabul in government hands.
He said the withdrawal of international troops had “made the situation a great deal worse and will likely lead to the total collapse of Afghanistan”.
Lashkar Gah’s loss would also harm Britain’s reputation, for Helmand province was the key battleground for the military between 2005 and 2012.
“British soldiers died fighting to keep the Taliban out of Helmand, so this will be a devastating blow to Britain’s reputation and certainly for those who lost family,” said Col Kemp.
“They will wonder what the hell it was all about. I would say it could have been avoided by retaining international forces there.”
A mistake going there in the first place . There was never a win . As for arguments about a bigger terrorist threat – we have our own Muslim terrorists without the need to go find some in Pakistan / Afgee ….
And if Kemp didn’t realise it was a waste he needed to read a few more history books .
The lesson is – choose to fight for direct self interest and for something winnable …not another dumb American adventure ,
All over by Christmas
I actually agree with you on this one (i.e. deal with our ‘own’ terrorists’ first, Afghanistan unwinnable).
However, having said that, Col. Kemp probably knows more about the overall situation than we do.
I just hope we can win here at home!
Big assumption
Fed, Kemp was ‘a boot on the ground’ (so knows the reality of the place well), doing what he was told by the Generals and the PM. Yeah, I know Colonels are fairly high ranking and teetering toward the ‘scrambled egg’ (gold braid) but essentially he didn’t choose this nightmare: Bush and Blair did.
I agree with you. The joint chiefs should have put their collective feet down with a firm hand and said “No.” What would Blair have done? He would have been powerless. Trouble is that Generals are always keen to go to war because they have lots of shiny toys to play with. The tragedy is for the folks back home who have their youngsters returned to them in a broken state, if not in a box, and all for nothing.
the defence Secretary at the time – John Reid – was trying to work out what ‘success ‘ meant – so many ‘old hands ‘ were saying ‘just . Don’t . Do .it ‘ but as you say – a deluded thick US president – and a deluded UK PM ( desperate for glory ) decides it was a good idea .
Personally I favoured the ‘nuclear ‘ option – literally rather than digging around caves looking for Elvis . I think post 9/11 the Americans would have got world approval .
As for Lord Reid – I think his ‘off the cuff ‘ remark about not a bullet fired was sheer desperation .
I was always amazed that Blair got Blighty into a shooting war and then walked away from it – without any criticism – although I think history will have a say …
Wasn’t worth one single British or US life .
And maybe in the future drones and carpet bombing should be the limit before EIDs blow off the’ boots on the ground ‘of 20 year olds …
Fed, we are plagued by ‘willy waving’ PMs in the UK and the cousins were similarly affected over 9/11 and Afghanistan. The amazing thing is that Osama Bin Laden was probably not there at the time and neither of the two intelligence agencies appear to have picked up on that.
As to the approach to the war: a lot of it was high altitude bombing of rocks into smaller rocks and then some more bombing into even smaller rocks.
There’s an amazing photo of a district of Kabul taken at dusk in the early 00s, 2003 or 2004 or 2005, by Chris Steele Perkins of the Magnum Photo Agency. There are no roofs on the houses. They have all been blown off by the blast from bombs. Many of the houses are in ruins. Dotted here and there are patches of light as inhabitants that have survived are trying to light fires and cook meals.
It is a rivetting photograph and I stood in front of the large print for a long time. Then I viewed the other pictures in the exhibition but I returned to that one several times. It is a very moving image for a still photograph – pun intended.
The obvious solution is to send in the Swedish Army. The Taliban wouldn’t fight against them, for fear of being accused of homophobia by the international community. Plus the average Afghani would really appreciate living in a more diverse, inclusive society. And it would put the frighteners on the Russians and Chinese by showing them what they’d be up against if they mess with the West.
Things have certainly changed, not so long ago it was “They don’t like it up ’em, Mr Mainwaring”
Trump had already committed to removing all troops from the country before the end of this year, before he accidentally, brutally lost an election whilst shaving.
It would honestly be easier for everybody if Biden would just turn the teleprompter around and let us read it ourselves.
What I don’t get is that America seems to be both accepting him as president and ignoring his mental issues . Surely we cannot be completely cut off from non liberal media ?
There must be sizeable dissent but where is it ?
Ronnie Reagan regularly took a kicking for his mistakes which are minor compared to the drooling and hidden Biden .
Journalists go on about the freedom of the press whenever a journo comes to grief but what value journalism if all they do is hide the truth ?
I’ve never really bothered to look, but is there a good anti-CNN, Wapo or Huffpo site in the US?
There are plenty of wacky sites, but it’s difficult to figure out which is serious, and which is just plain stupid!
I rate our site very highly, and the ITBBCB site as well, but I’d have hoped for a similar one from over the water!
The Gateway Pundit is my go-to site for all things anti-woke.
The US “lefty” MSM are definitely protecting Biden and they’re pretty much in lockstep wrt to their instructions from those pulling the strings. – and make no mistake – “puppet” hardly covers what’s going on. Anybody who watched more than a couple of the Democrat POTUS candidate TV debates (I did) would have come away with the clear impression that Joe was decrepit in a very real way and deteriorating as the series of debates progressed. He was never the sharpest knife in the drawer – that’s why Obama people picked him as VP.
I suspect that there is dissent within Democrat ranks – but self preservation trumps (no pun) stepping out of line.
The real questions are (to what’s left of my mind) – can he be propped up indefinitely and *who* is actually running things.
As for journalists – CNN, MSNBC etc. simply do not qualify to be included in that job definition. Most US MSM is painful to watch / listen to.
Every time I see Ms Psaki I tend to watch with the sound off and study her body language and facial expressions. She really looks under some tremendous pressure unrelated to the topic she’s ostensibly dealing with.
National Pulse, Bannon’s War Room,, America Now, National News
For starters.
What a shame the NZ Transgender weight-lifter Laurel Hubbard is out of the Olympics – she worked her boll*cks off to get there…
Just to lower the tone.
When required, she couldn’t produce a legal snatch. Or was it clean and jerk?
GB News…the first 2-3 years of start ups are notoriously bumpy .
The technical difficulties GBN has sustained are the first thing they should sort out.
they might land more punches by targeting key resources at those time slots where they can attack bBc and Sky etc. and win over these audience shares.
It would be great if they shadowed R4 and offered alternative comment where the bBC spew forth the ” accepted wisdom”
It would not be difficult to call out the like, s of Toenails, Mishal and just Remain -in.
The during the day fodder could possibly be scaled back allowing those who watch day time TV sufficient space and time to contemplate lower cremation costs and cheap life insurance etc.
PS A further sign the bBC are at it was a repeat the other night of antique Road Trip….i said to my daughter that one of the experts looked a lot younger….and wondered whether she had found the lost Fountain of Youth ( completely over my yoof,s head)
She looked it up and said,,,dad that was made in 2013!!
Ah well , I said, we’ve only paid for it 8 times!!
I would like to congratulate June Sarpong for her ability in
earning her corn at her part time job at the BBC in managing
to achieve the publicity on TV and the internet on the BBC
for high profiling the AMERICAN Simone Biles winning a bronze medal at the Olympics. We the over 75’s willingly pay our license
fee to keep June Sarpong in her life of luxury.
Just a bit of context for the Olympics. There has been a real leap forward in running shoe technology in the last few years(remember the guy that did the 2 hour marathon).
Also Japanese scientists have spent billions of Yen producing a surface that has air pockets in and a synthetic rubber like polymer estimated to improve times by 1.5-2.0% for all.
Therefore world and national records, and also personal bests are bound to broken.
Yet BBC commentators seem to go into apoplexic shock after every event.
Cram and Jackson are very good in their analysis, but the rest are very average.
BBC Online News:
“Robyn Williams: Met Police takes legal action over officer’s reinstatement”
“The Met Police is trying to dismiss a highly decorated officer who was reinstated on appeal after being sacked for possessing a child abuse video*.
Our BBC don’t approve. A black woman of senior rank dismissed over having child-porn on her phone has been reinstated. But the Met are objecting. Rightly so.
That’s five in total in seven months.
Obviously good cops who would have exposed the ‘insurrection’ sham if asked to testify. One look at the calibre of policemen testifying and crying along with scum like Schiff, Pelosi, Swalwell, et al, leads you to conclude that there must be some decent policemen who could see this was nothing compared to the BLM rioting. Now we know what happens to whistleblowers. They get Clintoned.
I see that “only Connect” is keeping up its tradition of having a tranny in every series. This one is a primary school teacher, and one can only hope the children remember not to call miss “sir”.
The other team had a DFS friendly mixed race couple. Is it the most PC quiz on television?
Calm seas and another very busy day in the Channel with the border farce and RNLI back and forth acting as a taxi service for illegals.
etc. etc.
Here is the BBC sport headline as of now
‘Tokyo Olympics: Jason Kenny claims British landmark as GB secure eight medals while Simone Biles wins bronze’
They just cannot help themselves, can they?
Imagine being in the editorial meeting and not having woke groupthink. You’d want to slit your wrists.
Is it a form of racism ? Are they really saying that it is so unusual for a coloured girl to be really good at something that they have to fixate on it?
As for the lady in question- if her mental health is adversely affected by the pressure and attention then it surely must be time to find another job .
By broadcasting her condition it only encourages more rabid BBC like attention and expectation .
Declaration – i dont know who she or what she does and have no direct interest.
Fedup – she’s an American female BAME gymnast. Does that help to explain the BBC’s pre-occupation just a teensy weensy bit?
Yes got that thanks – but it is frankly weird that the BBC goes breathless on anything Tiger or Lewis or Marcus or the Biles … who are they aiming that propaganda at?
I guess they just like to build the sense of entitlement chip into their coloured folk to keep as victims .
Victimhood is a mighty powerful psychoweapon these days which can be used against any white, heterosexual male of your choice. However, when used against any other entity it has little or no effect.
Please read the instruction on the tin.
Lefty – yes – coupled with that ever used word’ ‘vulnerable ‘
Victim hood is a full time occupation ….
Of course not. Would the BBC lie to you?
Sounds like a good fit for OFCOM too.
Must be awful being of color and wimmin… zero opportunity anywhere.
Strangely, the vast, chaotic vortex of racism which constitutes our society didn’t prevent the lamentable Miss Unga Bunga from taking (and passing) the bar. Were the white supremacists on holiday that week? She should have been instantly disqualified for being black, obviously.
Olympic musings via the favourite themes of the BBC.
Should there be medals awarded for all athletes who claim ‘mental health issues’ as the reason for their non- or p***- poor performance ? After all, it’s not their fault so perhaps a special medal should be awarded?
Next up. When the economic chancers…….errrr I mean vulnerable disadvantaged people……come across from the dangers and dire situation in…..errr… France and get to the UK, and then watch the Olympics on the TV in their hotel………for which country do they cheer? GB anyone?
#1 Tweeted by local ITV but not on TV
I guess it’s not a teatime topic
Breaking news from our biased friends tells us that Premiershi* players will continue to take the knee. Tears of righteous joy at the aforesaid of course. I suppose that there is a certain logic in it bearing in mind the England football manager appears to base his sporting decisions on the world according to Woke. Hopefully it will further alienate enough people to have a financial effect on the game. To paraphrase someone or other – ‘You have nothing to lose but your Sky subscription!’
#2 However ITV local news did open with the Hull murder sentencing of a mainly Muslim gang who murdered another Young Muslim 20 year-old Abdullah Balouchi in October 2020.
Names were given and perp pictures were shown
except for the 18 y.o.
Peter Balag (22) life imprisonment with a requirement to serve a minimum of 21 years
he pleaded guilty to murder.
Abdirahman Aadan (18) sentenced to of 17 years
Khalid Aadan sentenced to 10 years detention in a young offenders institute
Mohamed Aadan (20) sentenced to 10 years detention in a young offenders institute
Plenty more coming across the Channel.
Pay rises for enablers.
BBC local news “See we do mention emails like this
Peter says normal facemasks don’t work, people wear them cos they are brainwashed.
Peter Levy should wear a mask permanently. It would hide his sneer every time a person of the right persuasion enters the studio. That said they are few and far between, the left wing MPs in Hull have carte blanche to walk in and gob off about anything that takes their fancy.
BBC Online News:
“Afghanistan: Lashkar Gah residents urged to evacuate amid Taliban battle”
Our BBC are back to referring to the Taliban as Militants and Fighters. How romantic. They are head-cutters and evil.
But Sleepy-Joe said that the Afghan Army would defeat the Taliban?
So the BBC is proud to announce that ALL the Premiership
teams are going to take the knee for the new season and I
expect now forever.
BUT you virtue signalling England footballers and Southgate
remember when you go to Qatar next year , that you are going
to one of the most racist countries in the world. Where more
than 4000 SLAVES from the Indian sub continent have lost
their lives building the stadiums you will be going down on
your knees in subjugation to the BLM, but BLM do not matter to the Qataries.
It will be disgusting to see these duped footballers prostrating
themselves . And nobody from FIFA downwards who took
the bribes to give the Sheiks the World Cup will say or do
anything !!!! Least of all the BBC.
None of that matters to people with a Communist agenda.
There is an appeal on facebook from the RNLI for donations. Comments could be going better.
There is anger expressed at:
a) The RNLI are helping illegal migrants.
b) The Head of the RNLI charity receives almost £200k per year. A spokeswoman for RNLI said that such a salary is in line with other charities. (I wonder how much she gets paid?).
c) Volunteers who risk their lives get nothing.
We really do need a shake-up of charities. Is our BBC available to comment? Everybody at the BBC is paid via a forced charitable process.
Busy times – and time for a midweek Thread . Thanks for contributions