BBC1 local news at 6.30 for London both yesterday and today reminding viewers it is 10 years since the riots after Mark Duggan’s death and asking whether things have changed. The BBC so obsessed that they couldn’t give us any more recent news such as any recent murders but they might be black on black murder, and they couldn’t report that.
I felt as though the BBCare trying to foment more trouble, perhaps trying to turn Duggan into George Floyd.
Deborah-I have written about this several times before. All that’s missing in the anarchist Marxist studio of the BBC’S Londonistan
programme is a statue of Mark Duggan.
However as you comment says, there is a much bigger issue here.
These anarchists editors, sub editors and their presenting stooges
Liz Rateef, Asad Ahmad, along with now Alice Bhandhukravi
have been eulogizing Mark Duggan for years.
What is your agenda BBC? May I suggest that somebody in
the hierarchy stop their London programme from
running riot, before it is too late !!
Foscari – I think on the ‘listings ‘ there is a documentary marking the 10 year ‘anniversary ‘ of this widespread lawlessness …
I remember it starting to get nearer to where I live – there was no law and order for a while so I was a DIY job if required
And then Deborah like in lord of the flies chant, chant chant guilty until everyone agrees with you and joins in the hate, it’s a classic left wing trick.
Ever remember the last part of the 1967 ‘Quatermass and the Pit’? Where the sheeple are mentally controlled and collectively direct their powers to isolating and killing those who are not like them?
Go to 1.30 mins in:
Note particularly the beginning of the extract that states, “The scenes you are about to see are more incredible than anything today’s science or fiction ever imagined “
It’s quite amazing : that BBC article reads like people burn to death in the street all the time.
Then again, where they originate from, I suppose they do.
@Tomo spoke last week about the funding of Fact Checkers
What I spotted today is TimCast pointing out that cos some nutter FactChecker marked an official US government CDC page as FakeNews
when you post the link
Facebook adds a warning and marks down your account
.. even though the info is correct and it’s the fact checker that is wrong
There have always been aggressive forces that threaten the free world, it used to be communism but they can now step back and let Facebook, Google and Apple do their work for them without risk or cost. They will wait for the topple moment then move in to take control.
Facebook, Google and Apple are the most dangerous actors in the current what we could describe as the free world.
The upside is that they all depend on our cash in one way or another so can be obliterated by a massive campaign of non-cooperation. I recommend this to any sane citizen who wants the world to be safe and normal.
With the revelations about the NYT and other outlets being quite literally on the Communist Party of China *actual payroll* USA-side – it’s probably time to look for signs of influence ops in the UK. We know Chinese officials are lurking in our universities monitoring their nationals in our universities…
“Snickers Spain pulls TV advert after homophobia accusations”
A good marketing ploy.
Who would have thought a bar of chocolate could be so offensive ?
Just change the name to “Marathon”, that should sell even more bars ?
@GWF mentioned a Tokyo train stabbing
AFAIK only 4 people were touched by the knife
He punched other people hence 9 injured
” woman in her 20s was seriously injured with multiple stab wounds in her back and chest, but none sustained life-threatening injuries.”
“Police gave no details about the perpetrator’s identity.”
9 passengers stabbed on Tokyo train; suspect detained: Nine people were stabbed on an Odakyu Electric Railway commuter train Friday evening in Tokyo and police said they detained a man at a convenience store after he…
It’s not unknown, unfortunately, for local Japanese to go on the rampage in this manner – they have no need to import the perps as we have to. What is interesting is that attacks on schools, usually carried out with knives or other sharp instruments, are relatively common in China. Typically there are several a year and they receive little publicity, in China or the West. Contrast with the amount of media coverage given to allegations of beastliness to the Uyghurs.
Wood Green stabbing: Man and police officers attacked in north London
Appealing for information without giving any details about the people arrested whatsoever.
‘Not thought to be terror related’ = Muslim.
What a farce.
‘London mayor Sadiq Khan called upon Scotland Yard to double its target to recruit double the amount of ethnic minority people from 19 per cent to 40 per cent by 2022 to better reflect the capital’s population.’
In light of this – and I am 100% sure Sadiq would agree (unless he is a shameless hypocrite) – I DEMAND that ALL TV programs reflect the ethnic makeup of wherever they are set.
For example, Newcastle is 2% black. Which means 1 in 50 of all characters in ‘Vera’ would be black. Which would be one about every two or three episodes. Not 4 or 5 in every one. And none with Newcastle accents.
Because anything else is racist isn’t it ?.
The difference is: inKhancompetent wants to reflect the capital’s population the way it is.
Television reflects the country the way that the Establishment wants it to be.
Sleepless in Kent – again, a bored Scrobs plugged in the earphones for BBC4, (as the batteries couldn’t connect to R5live), before the shrieking ‘limpics kick in.
They have some sort of ‘conspiracy theory’ series going, and while I quite like being entertained by such detractions, an interesting bit came from none other than a bloke from the UCLA. He claims that he can generate software which can read any social media comments, and work out from them which are ‘fake’ CTs, or ‘real’ CTs. Apparently they can digest a torrent of comments, pick up ‘actants’ and ‘edges’ (his terms, not mine), and determine what is right and what isn’t!
Clever boffins these UCLA bods – but my feeling is that the BBC probably now do this all the time to all the anti-Beeb stuff out there – and especially here, and that is possibly why so many journos are leaving the sinking ship, why pensioners are getting wise to their new bullying agenda and why their desperation to attract new-age kids is failing so badly.
The Beeb hates a conspiracy theory, unless it suits their failing idealogical model.
(This is the first time Scrobs has bothered to listen to anyone from UCLA – that’s a record in itself – or maybe a CT…)!
“It feels like the world is ending in that moment.”
Adam wants to get his Covid vaccine, but an extreme fear of needles is holding him back – a phobia which studies suggest accounts for 10% of vaccine hesitancy in the UK.
With the Delta variant raging across the U.S., the focus has turned to the millions of Americans who are eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine but have chosen not to get one.
Why are people refusing the shots? Listen to today’s episode of The Daily.
Unacceptable : It must be ‘ People with or would like to have Lady Parts Hour ‘
I might remake Mr Benn as ‘Benn with male parts and chosen pronoun as ‘he” – though I admit it doesn’t have the same ring.
I found some guidelines at
Just look at the fruitcakes they have in the video. ‘Nick’ goes by ‘they’ and ‘them’ pronouns apparently – whatever the hell that means.
If any workplace ever asks me to use they/their where the grammar makes no sense I hope I have the courage/ability to leave and find work elsewhere.
I don’t have a problem with people living how they want but I do have a problem with being told what I must say or how.
Well that’s the whole point isn’t it ?. There aren’t any now because it’s not acceptable.
Unless ‘Men’s Hour’ is on and I missed it.
I put men-only clubs into google and got this at the top:
‘Men-only clubs and menace: how the establishment maintains male power’.
Then women-only and got:
Is that what you call ‘equality’ ?.
I think that’s about how men used to exclude the other half of the population from having a say.
I don’t think women-only organisations (or discussions about periods) are for the same purpose.
That said, no reason not to have a men’s hour if men want it.
By the way – if any one bets on gg s – the nocturnal troll is running in the 1730 at Newmarket .. although the gg is ‘gender specific ‘ and is 16/1 – my 20p each way if on the case …
Guest, I saw the @ejthackray at the start of your post and assumed it was something about the late departed and missed Jake. I don’t suppose his Sister Josephine would be played now on the BBC because it wouldn’t be considered strange to have a transgender nun. It certainly wouldn’t be something to laugh at.
But I bet Jake’s music is still enjoyed more than this lady’s.
In the Mail Andrew Neill writes about the continuing drive for another Scots independence referendum . I just hope that the SNP put more detail on their plans should a campaign start –
Eg what currency
Who pays for the hard border
What conditions will be imposed for EU membership
What rights will Scots have living / working in England ?
This sort of stuff gets lost in ‘braveheart’ bluster with Scots as perpetual victims ….
I go to the ‘fact check’ and find the name of who wrote it.
Then I search for that name and twitter. Every single one – without exception – is a Left-wing activist with a long list of political tweets, usually anti-Trump.
They are driven by ideological hate. That’s why so many of them do it and so few on the Right bother.
I simply wonder what the difference is between the three bbc fact checkers (one proven inept, one limited in scope and one censorious) and the 19,997 other supposed professional media staff supposedly involved in impartial journalism and other FOI exempted propaganda.
The Information Tribunal has ruled that the Committee on Climate change must release its #costofnetzero calculations. A two year battle may be over.
I have some hope that when the full, horrific costs of “net zero” are known, the Conservative Party will get rid of the buffoon and give us a prime minister with a modicum of common sense. If he or she were actually a conservative, that would be a nice bonus. We haven’t had one since 1990.
Surely unless indigenously English you cannot claim to be English-Born in India and indigenous to India, or the same a any part of Africa, you can claim to be a British resident, but again not English. Recently I had to explain to a man who was Kurdish and who continued to call himself English, that he was not English. Told him that I might live and work in his land, but he would object to my calling myself Kurdish-it took some time but eventually he inderstood what I was saying. A black mand or woman cannot call themselves English, the colour of their skin should tell them why.
What a refreshing change.
Tom Daley has been competing in the high diving and did really well against the Chinese automatons, winning a deserved bronze medal. Mrs S and I were cheering him on.
What is refreshing is that for a few minutes not once did the BBC mention his sexuality and gay icon status.
I bet someone will be on the naughty step.
No idea. Though in the interests of fair reporting I will mention that ‘normal service’ from the BBC was resumed during the post medal ceremony interview, when Tom’s husband was referenced.
Just heard on the BBC that Students are being enticed to get innoculated with the chance of wining £5000.00-I am absolutely appalled-young people’s immune system is strong in any event, and from what I understand having this so called vaccine could damage their immune systems irrevocably. Hard to believe the callus thinking by the government. What have we become in these last two years?
This is an initiative taken by a specific university (Sussex) and is their decision to take.
One may agree or disagree with it but it is not a government decision.
I like the thing about being paid not to go to university for a year because so many got A plus ? From nice teachers that the good and the bad could get places . I got a couple of A pluses this year and didn’t even study the subjects . ….
“Big Tech companies have begun building their own databases in coordination with governments. And these secret databases determine who has access to the public square of the internet, who can earn a living, and who ends up being deplatformed and unpersoned.”
The hand of China……….
No doubt our own, “Most Trusted Broadcaster” is in on this. Can’t see any reason why not.
Interesting that “UN law” created by anonymous, unaccountable groups is being used rather than laws passed by duly elected legislators in various countries.
The ambitious hand of Soros and his Globalism rather than China methinks . . .
A documentary ‘jimmy Saville – the people who knew ‘ is to be broadcast on BBC 1 soon – there is a big piece about mr Saville – a favoured BBC son – in the Telegraph today . If anyone asks I will cut and paste it …
Oh silly me – the documentary isn’t on the BBC – it is on
‘Discovery plus ‘ – surprise eh ?
Important issue hidden away here.
I think its her third child. Good luck to her.
But that will leave her with 18 months or so less work experience than an equivalent male doing the same job. Yet a male who has done the work no longer is allowed to benefit from that extra work in the promotion stakes.
Its the same in education. A teacher on maternity leave is not allowed to be left out of the pay progression for objectives met. So while a male has to ‘earn’ the pay rise a female just needs to get pregnant. The twisted logic is that it would otherwise be ‘unfair’ to the woman as she has not had the same opportunity as the man.
Nope, me neither. But this is what ‘equality’ now means, especially in the taxpayer-funded public sector.
I see the latest two variants (epsilon and lambda) are causing the usual concerns, vaccine not enough, you know what I mean.
They don’t sound bad with silly names like that.
I’m waiting for the Omega strain (as in Herron’s book)
Now that’s a scary name.
It took months to find a safe supplier and additionally, all the regular outfits who profess to get your money to another country failed miserably. An absolute nightmare: India. All the money transfer agencies describe India as a, “High Risk Jurisdiction”. Including my bank who tried desperately to dissuade me from making the transaction. 100 x 12mg tabs, including postage to UK – $35. Has to be by ‘Bank Wire Transfer’. Half expected UK Customs to confiscate on arrival following orders handed down from the WHO who are in the process of demanding Ivermectin is not prescribed anywhere. Let the murders continue…..
A hotel in Cardiff. Who lives in hotels these days?
“A 23-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of section 18 assault following reports of a stabbing in the car park of the Ibis Hotel, Cardiff Gate.”
Well, one thing is for certain, once the inevitability of this island’s islamification, aided and abetted by the greatest quislings – The Foreign Office and the so called security services – this country has ever known, the BBC will quietly drop it’s diversity programme and give it’s full support to the spawn of ISIS. Goodness me, there will be a hell of a lot more knee bending then when the mass executions start.
Belfield tried to FOI the BBC about how many TV license goons they employ to intimidate the old and vulnerable, but the BBC refused to accede to the request on the grounds that it’s ‘vexatious’ and likely to cause ‘distress, disruption or irritation’.
However, a court has apparently confirmed his right to FOI, and he’s going back on the attack.
Plus an FOI on how many properties the BBC own and rent.
And more in the pipeline.
No wonder they hate him enough to mount a covert campaign of harassment against him.
Not that vaccination campaigns, ‘tracking apps’, travel restrictions, ‘vax passports’, ‘climate emergency’, ‘building back better’, ‘one world government’ and other ‘online conspiracies’ are getting muddled either.
Amazing how fast people forget. Afghanistan, left to rot by the outside world in 1990, was taken over by Islamist extremism & the whole 9/11 plot was organised from there – with results that still affect us all. Now we’re bored with Afghanistan, & the process can begin again.
Then again, Guest, that enviable wisdom also evidently forgot the First (1839-42) and Second (1878-80) Afghan Wars, the first of which resulted in the most disastrous British Army retreat in history and the second in a lasting peace, brought about by the skill and diplomacy of those much despised officials of the British Empire.
The ‘process’ only effectively restarted after WW2 with the active assistance of the noble and worthy state we know as Pakistan.
Is that the Sainsburys whose largest shareholder is the Qatar Investment Authority? And would that be the Qatar where homosexuality is illegal, along with same-sex marriage, and where LGBTQWERTY campaigning is illegal? Is that not a more worthy cause for the woke warriors to be worrying about, something closer to their hearts and other bodily parts? Just asking.
I put the TV on and BBC News channel came up first. In the space of 3 minutes they mentioned the mental health black gymnast for the 15th day running and Tom Daley’s husband watching from home.
After 30 minutes still no mention of the French protests. I’m sure that is coming up soon.
Having accepted that this will not go down well with PETA, and not normally one to root for our German cousins either, I must defend the rider who was forced to retire thanks solely to her horse.
One: If you were in a near ‘unassailable’ gold medal position and were handed an uncontrollable bastard of a horse that proceeded to push you to the back of the field, I think you too would be reduced to tears.
Two: If the horse in question required a curb bit and running martingale to provide some semblance of control it should never have been selected to jump – most especially by a rider allowed just 20 minutes prior experience, and even more so since it had already behaved in the same way with a previous contestant.
Three: Someone of Claire Balding’s (or any of the other commentators) knowledge and experience should really have had the courage to point these things out to a largely ignorant audience. Such as: a horse showing the whites of its eyes may well be assumed to be frightened but one that also bares its teeth simply has a nasty nature. Just like humans, they do exist.
As for the coach whose career is probably ended through a supposed ‘punch’, I can only commiserate. Your action will be misunderstood and misinterpreted, but thanks to Disney and the BBC we have to accept that animals have no faults.
Gabby Logan is one of the better BBC presenters imo. She speaks well, including the last g of words, and has a level of gravitas. And amazingly for the BBC she is also white. And straight.
But is she on the naughty step for this?
At 12.59 she announces in terms ‘we’re taking a short break. Go and make yourselves a cup of tea, we’ll be back shortly’.
At 1300 for five minutes,…….it was the BBC news !!!!!!!
Not a great advert for the world’s finest impartial news source.
Maybe we have friends we don’t realise.
Veterans for Britain know who works against our country.
More on the notorious Angus Lapsley who used his secondment at the Ministry of Defence to talk up UK involvement under EU military powers while ministers were slapping it down. …that’s until he took a hoard of secret files from his office and left them at a Canterbury bus stop.
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) August 7, 2021
Civil Service World magazine reacts to EU fan diplomat Angus Lapsley leaving British military secrets at a bus stop near Kent Uni. Serious offences, but still no explanation from @DominicRaab or @BWallaceMP about why they’re shielding him from prosecution.
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) August 7, 2021
vladAUGUST 7, 2021 AT 4:17 PM
” Sainsbury’s pulling out of GB News after a campaign by a few noisy SJWs.
I’m pulling out of Sainsbury’s.
My boycott list gets longer by the day. I wish someone would compile a list of Woke companies. Anybody know of one? ”
A chap called Nick Buckley was on GBN talking to Mark Dolan about that very thing…
On Tonight Live with Mark Dolan, Nick Buckley MBE, founder of Go Woke Go Broke which teaches businesses to keep out of politics and culture wars, joins the show.
O/T, but can anyone tell me where St Barry of Obama got the money to buy a $12,000,000 mansion in Martha’s Vineyard. I know he was a community activist (local shit stirrer) and lawyer before becoming a politician, reminds me of 1 or 2 people within the left wing ranks in this country. So where did he accumulate the cash? Maybe Ms Spring can fact check that for us. I can well remember when a person of colour couldn’t buy a house there.
It morphed a bit as it was rolled out to 6 episodes. I caught the first one and was hooked…
It was worth listening to… – essentially to my ear it was like “why tell us that? – you might be pleased you stuffed “X” – but actually it reflects poorly on you” – there were anecdotes about BHO’s time as a state senator that I can easily imagine wouldn’t play well to posterity.
It turned me from very suspicious to active dislike …
… tsk… they’ve taken it down. All that duplicitous backstabbing and faux friendship and all sorts of stunts + a series of open questions can’t have gone down too well in Martha’s Vinyard ?
Still WBEZ have got Obama + Bruce Springsteen double act podcast on a loop at the moment. (don’t mention gun crime in Chicago or COVID in NJ)
Maybe the podcast is still lurking in – iirc I put copies there after listening to the 6 part series and thinking – boy… Michelle’s gonna go ballistic when she hears all that …
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Drain our English Channel and build a wall – the biggest wall ever.
The Channel used to be our wall.
The problem isn’t the lack of a physical barrier, but the will to defend it.
BBC1 local news at 6.30 for London both yesterday and today reminding viewers it is 10 years since the riots after Mark Duggan’s death and asking whether things have changed. The BBC so obsessed that they couldn’t give us any more recent news such as any recent murders but they might be black on black murder, and they couldn’t report that.
I felt as though the BBCare trying to foment more trouble, perhaps trying to turn Duggan into George Floyd.
Deborah-I have written about this several times before. All that’s missing in the anarchist Marxist studio of the BBC’S Londonistan
programme is a statue of Mark Duggan.
However as you comment says, there is a much bigger issue here.
These anarchists editors, sub editors and their presenting stooges
Liz Rateef, Asad Ahmad, along with now Alice Bhandhukravi
have been eulogizing Mark Duggan for years.
What is your agenda BBC? May I suggest that somebody in
the hierarchy stop their London programme from
running riot, before it is too late !!
Foscari – I think on the ‘listings ‘ there is a documentary marking the 10 year ‘anniversary ‘ of this widespread lawlessness …
I remember it starting to get nearer to where I live – there was no law and order for a while so I was a DIY job if required
Deborah, the Marxist practice has always been that before you take over any society you have to first destroy its forces of law and order.
And then Deborah like in lord of the flies chant, chant chant guilty until everyone agrees with you and joins in the hate, it’s a classic left wing trick.
Ever remember the last part of the 1967 ‘Quatermass and the Pit’? Where the sheeple are mentally controlled and collectively direct their powers to isolating and killing those who are not like them?
Go to 1.30 mins in:
Note particularly the beginning of the extract that states, “The scenes you are about to see are more incredible than anything today’s science or fiction ever imagined “
Sadly all too bbc.
Clearly a case of spontaneous combustion.
Move along now, nothing to see here.
“Why is Sarah Hussein’s death treated so differently from Sarah Everard ?”
It’s quite amazing : that BBC article reads like people burn to death in the street all the time.
Then again, where they originate from, I suppose they do.
@Tomo spoke last week about the funding of Fact Checkers
What I spotted today is TimCast pointing out that cos some nutter FactChecker marked an official US government CDC page as FakeNews
when you post the link
Facebook adds a warning and marks down your account
.. even though the info is correct and it’s the fact checker that is wrong
There have always been aggressive forces that threaten the free world, it used to be communism but they can now step back and let Facebook, Google and Apple do their work for them without risk or cost. They will wait for the topple moment then move in to take control.
Facebook, Google and Apple are the most dangerous actors in the current what we could describe as the free world.
The upside is that they all depend on our cash in one way or another so can be obliterated by a massive campaign of non-cooperation. I recommend this to any sane citizen who wants the world to be safe and normal.
With the revelations about the NYT and other outlets being quite literally on the Communist Party of China *actual payroll* USA-side – it’s probably time to look for signs of influence ops in the UK. We know Chinese officials are lurking in our universities monitoring their nationals in our universities…
The BBC is going to have to address the issue ….
Some in America are on it…
“Snickers Spain pulls TV advert after homophobia accusations”
A good marketing ploy.
Who would have thought a bar of chocolate could be so offensive ?
Just change the name to “Marathon”, that should sell even more bars ?
@GWF mentioned a Tokyo train stabbing
AFAIK only 4 people were touched by the knife
He punched other people hence 9 injured
” woman in her 20s was seriously injured with multiple stab wounds in her back and chest, but none sustained life-threatening injuries.”
“Police gave no details about the perpetrator’s identity.”
It’s not unknown, unfortunately, for local Japanese to go on the rampage in this manner – they have no need to import the perps as we have to. What is interesting is that attacks on schools, usually carried out with knives or other sharp instruments, are relatively common in China. Typically there are several a year and they receive little publicity, in China or the West. Contrast with the amount of media coverage given to allegations of beastliness to the Uyghurs.
Here’s a list from the past decade or so:
They take him away in a ……… tent ?
A man went to a doctor and said I feel like a wigwam and a teepee.
The doctor said ‘Your trouble is, you are too tense’ (two tents).
I thank you.
I’ll get my coat.
Wood Green stabbing: Man and police officers attacked in north London
Appealing for information without giving any details about the people arrested whatsoever.
‘Not thought to be terror related’ = Muslim.
What a farce.
‘London mayor Sadiq Khan called upon Scotland Yard to double its target to recruit double the amount of ethnic minority people from 19 per cent to 40 per cent by 2022 to better reflect the capital’s population.’
In light of this – and I am 100% sure Sadiq would agree (unless he is a shameless hypocrite) – I DEMAND that ALL TV programs reflect the ethnic makeup of wherever they are set.
For example, Newcastle is 2% black. Which means 1 in 50 of all characters in ‘Vera’ would be black. Which would be one about every two or three episodes. Not 4 or 5 in every one. And none with Newcastle accents.
Because anything else is racist isn’t it ?.
The difference is:
inKhancompetent wants to reflect the capital’s population the way it is.
Television reflects the country the way that the Establishment wants it to be.
Sleepless in Kent – again, a bored Scrobs plugged in the earphones for BBC4, (as the batteries couldn’t connect to R5live), before the shrieking ‘limpics kick in.
They have some sort of ‘conspiracy theory’ series going, and while I quite like being entertained by such detractions, an interesting bit came from none other than a bloke from the UCLA. He claims that he can generate software which can read any social media comments, and work out from them which are ‘fake’ CTs, or ‘real’ CTs. Apparently they can digest a torrent of comments, pick up ‘actants’ and ‘edges’ (his terms, not mine), and determine what is right and what isn’t!
Clever boffins these UCLA bods – but my feeling is that the BBC probably now do this all the time to all the anti-Beeb stuff out there – and especially here, and that is possibly why so many journos are leaving the sinking ship, why pensioners are getting wise to their new bullying agenda and why their desperation to attract new-age kids is failing so badly.
The Beeb hates a conspiracy theory, unless it suits their failing idealogical model.
(This is the first time Scrobs has bothered to listen to anyone from UCLA – that’s a record in itself – or maybe a CT…)!
Video : Doctor scandals etc.
from Simon Webb
BBC News
“It feels like the world is ending in that moment.”
Adam wants to get his Covid vaccine, but an extreme fear of needles is holding him back – a phobia which studies suggest accounts for 10% of vaccine hesitancy in the UK.
Adam gets the full crew treatment. Not a BBc Phobe, clearly.
SPOILER: The world does, in fact, not end.
US Version. With sexy image.
Is this the same woman?
Someone on the Twitter is claiming that ‘woman’s ‘ hour ‘ is to change its name to ‘ People with Lady Parts Hour ‘ which I think is excellent news ….
I’m trying to think of other programme names which fail to address the needs of important ‘minorities ‘ … This may be a long term project …
“We are Lady Parts” is already the name of a Channel 4 ethnic Somali comedy show
“Nida Manzoor’s anarchic and irreverent music comedy about a Muslim female punk band – called Lady Parts”
Stew – thanks – I didn’t know – I stopped looking at c4 listings ages ago – film 4 seems to show ‘sink the Bismarck ‘ every week ( spoiler alert )
Should it not be Ladies without* Boy parts?
*Except if being jailed.
Unacceptable : It must be ‘ People with or would like to have Lady Parts Hour ‘
I might remake Mr Benn as ‘Benn with male parts and chosen pronoun as ‘he” – though I admit it doesn’t have the same ring.
I found some guidelines at
Just look at the fruitcakes they have in the video. ‘Nick’ goes by ‘they’ and ‘them’ pronouns apparently – whatever the hell that means.
If any workplace ever asks me to use they/their where the grammar makes no sense I hope I have the courage/ability to leave and find work elsewhere.
I don’t have a problem with people living how they want but I do have a problem with being told what I must say or how.
Happy days.
I must admit I still don’t quite understand why women-only things are acceptable, but men-only things are not.
What only men-only things do you mean?
Well that’s the whole point isn’t it ?. There aren’t any now because it’s not acceptable.
Unless ‘Men’s Hour’ is on and I missed it.
I put men-only clubs into google and got this at the top:
‘Men-only clubs and menace: how the establishment maintains male power’.
Then women-only and got:
Is that what you call ‘equality’ ?.
I remember when Woman couldn’t go to the Bar or use the Snooker room at my Working Men’s Club. Always amused me.
In a pub in Cumbria (late 90s) I was told to sit down and get my boyfriend to order.
No lie.
I think that’s about how men used to exclude the other half of the population from having a say.
I don’t think women-only organisations (or discussions about periods) are for the same purpose.
That said, no reason not to have a men’s hour if men want it.
Yes thank you -that’s where I saw it .
By the way – if any one bets on gg s – the nocturnal troll is running in the 1730 at Newmarket .. although the gg is ‘gender specific ‘ and is 16/1 – my 20p each way if on the case …
Guest, I saw the @ejthackray at the start of your post and assumed it was something about the late departed and missed Jake. I don’t suppose his Sister Josephine would be played now on the BBC because it wouldn’t be considered strange to have a transgender nun. It certainly wouldn’t be something to laugh at.
But I bet Jake’s music is still enjoyed more than this lady’s.
Loose trans or non binary persons.
80 min video : Melanie Philips on Spiked
The unravelling of the West, with Melanie Phillips
More Spike videos
eg The Oppression Olympics
In the Mail Andrew Neill writes about the continuing drive for another Scots independence referendum . I just hope that the SNP put more detail on their plans should a campaign start –
Eg what currency
Who pays for the hard border
What conditions will be imposed for EU membership
What rights will Scots have living / working in England ?
This sort of stuff gets lost in ‘braveheart’ bluster with Scots as perpetual victims ….
And will they inherit a proportion of the National Debt in line with the disproportionate funding they get.
Tough time to be a fact checker. Especially a specialist. You could write a book about it.
I go to the ‘fact check’ and find the name of who wrote it.
Then I search for that name and twitter. Every single one – without exception – is a Left-wing activist with a long list of political tweets, usually anti-Trump.
They are driven by ideological hate. That’s why so many of them do it and so few on the Right bother.
I simply wonder what the difference is between the three bbc fact checkers (one proven inept, one limited in scope and one censorious) and the 19,997 other supposed professional media staff supposedly involved in impartial journalism and other FOI exempted propaganda.
And I thought there was only one – and she’s putting a 2022 calendar out ….
BBC ‘analysis’ will be interesting.
Assuming they have time.
Or space.
Or inclination.
I have some hope that when the full, horrific costs of “net zero” are known, the Conservative Party will get rid of the buffoon and give us a prime minister with a modicum of common sense. If he or she were actually a conservative, that would be a nice bonus. We haven’t had one since 1990.
From the Telegraph this morning.
‘The Archbishop of Canterbury has criticised the London metropolitan elite for treating people who are proud to be English as backwardly xenophobobic’
I wonder which ‘world’s finest impartial state broadcaster’ he had in mind?
Surely unless indigenously English you cannot claim to be English-Born in India and indigenous to India, or the same a any part of Africa, you can claim to be a British resident, but again not English. Recently I had to explain to a man who was Kurdish and who continued to call himself English, that he was not English. Told him that I might live and work in his land, but he would object to my calling myself Kurdish-it took some time but eventually he inderstood what I was saying. A black mand or woman cannot call themselves English, the colour of their skin should tell them why.
What a refreshing change.
Tom Daley has been competing in the high diving and did really well against the Chinese automatons, winning a deserved bronze medal. Mrs S and I were cheering him on.
What is refreshing is that for a few minutes not once did the BBC mention his sexuality and gay icon status.
I bet someone will be on the naughty step.
Sluff – is he a ginger then ?
No idea. Though in the interests of fair reporting I will mention that ‘normal service’ from the BBC was resumed during the post medal ceremony interview, when Tom’s husband was referenced.
Jeez – I confused now – so toms husband / wife has lady parts ? All end in blubbing … next you’ll say Lewis Hamilton has a whitee mumma..
Just heard on the BBC that Students are being enticed to get innoculated with the chance of wining £5000.00-I am absolutely appalled-young people’s immune system is strong in any event, and from what I understand having this so called vaccine could damage their immune systems irrevocably. Hard to believe the callus thinking by the government. What have we become in these last two years?
This is an initiative taken by a specific university (Sussex) and is their decision to take.
One may agree or disagree with it but it is not a government decision.
I like the thing about being paid not to go to university for a year because so many got A plus ? From nice teachers that the good and the bad could get places . I got a couple of A pluses this year and didn’t even study the subjects . ….
I’m going for a BA in Biased BBC
“Big Tech companies have begun building their own databases in coordination with governments. And these secret databases determine who has access to the public square of the internet, who can earn a living, and who ends up being deplatformed and unpersoned.”
The hand of China……….
No doubt our own, “Most Trusted Broadcaster” is in on this. Can’t see any reason why not.
“The UN and Big Tech are running a secret “No Fly List” for the internet.” –
Interesting that “UN law” created by anonymous, unaccountable groups is being used rather than laws passed by duly elected legislators in various countries.
The ambitious hand of Soros and his Globalism rather than China methinks . . .
A documentary ‘jimmy Saville – the people who knew ‘ is to be broadcast on BBC 1 soon – there is a big piece about mr Saville – a favoured BBC son – in the Telegraph today . If anyone asks I will cut and paste it …
Oh silly me – the documentary isn’t on the BBC – it is on
‘Discovery plus ‘ – surprise eh ?
On the final day of their Olympics – is a gold going to be awarded for the ‘best reason for getting thrown out ‘
I reckon the kraut who punched a horse is the clear winner
And another win for the ReichEU Uber ales
I heard that there was one very odd competitor, who appeared to have five d**ks! True!
I reckoned it was a load of b**ls, but a Nike spokesman said that his running shorts fitted like a glove…
(Coat applied for).
Awful programme, awful presenter.
Comments, which seem to be more often moderated than not these days in the Fail but are not here, could unsurprisingly be going better.
Important issue hidden away here.
I think its her third child. Good luck to her.
But that will leave her with 18 months or so less work experience than an equivalent male doing the same job. Yet a male who has done the work no longer is allowed to benefit from that extra work in the promotion stakes.
Its the same in education. A teacher on maternity leave is not allowed to be left out of the pay progression for objectives met. So while a male has to ‘earn’ the pay rise a female just needs to get pregnant. The twisted logic is that it would otherwise be ‘unfair’ to the woman as she has not had the same opportunity as the man.
Nope, me neither. But this is what ‘equality’ now means, especially in the taxpayer-funded public sector.
Welcome to la la land.
Can’t think why certain small companies without HR nazis don’t hire wimmin of bearing age … the effect of carrying them is very tough on the chaps …
But you can have it all
In our infantilised, feminised and sentimentalised society, the audience loves that sort of thing – presenters crying live.
I see the latest two variants (epsilon and lambda) are causing the usual concerns, vaccine not enough, you know what I mean.
They don’t sound bad with silly names like that.
I’m waiting for the Omega strain (as in Herron’s book)
Now that’s a scary name.
What about the Andromeda strain?
Great book – crap film – Michael Crichton
I took delivery of 100 x 12mg tabs of Ivermectin the week before last. Just in case.
Where from, if you don’t mind me asking?
It took months to find a safe supplier and additionally, all the regular outfits who profess to get your money to another country failed miserably. An absolute nightmare: India. All the money transfer agencies describe India as a, “High Risk Jurisdiction”. Including my bank who tried desperately to dissuade me from making the transaction. 100 x 12mg tabs, including postage to UK – $35. Has to be by ‘Bank Wire Transfer’. Half expected UK Customs to confiscate on arrival following orders handed down from the WHO who are in the process of demanding Ivermectin is not prescribed anywhere. Let the murders continue…..
Watching the women’s 10000 m
The first 8 are BAME.
THE next 8 have 7 white, one BAME.
Any comments from BLMBBC?
Kenyan Arabs by any chance ?£££££
A hotel in Cardiff. Who lives in hotels these days?
“A 23-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of section 18 assault following reports of a stabbing in the car park of the Ibis Hotel, Cardiff Gate.”
Charged with a S.18 offence?: that is minimal compared with S.20 – GBH.
More racial issues for our delectation maybe?
Well, one thing is for certain, once the inevitability of this island’s islamification, aided and abetted by the greatest quislings – The Foreign Office and the so called security services – this country has ever known, the BBC will quietly drop it’s diversity programme and give it’s full support to the spawn of ISIS. Goodness me, there will be a hell of a lot more knee bending then when the mass executions start.
Belfield tried to FOI the BBC about how many TV license goons they employ to intimidate the old and vulnerable, but the BBC refused to accede to the request on the grounds that it’s ‘vexatious’ and likely to cause ‘distress, disruption or irritation’.
However, a court has apparently confirmed his right to FOI, and he’s going back on the attack.
Plus an FOI on how many properties the BBC own and rent.
And more in the pipeline.
No wonder they hate him enough to mount a covert campaign of harassment against him.
IMHO Alex Belfield should be supported by this website.
He shares a common interest with us all .
I suspect her ‘investigating’ is as thorough as Wendy’s Twitter group is a broad church.
Give it a rest luv. Where is the selfie?
Not that vaccination campaigns, ‘tracking apps’, travel restrictions, ‘vax passports’, ‘climate emergency’, ‘building back better’, ‘one world government’ and other ‘online conspiracies’ are getting muddled either.
So are the luvvies Marianna Springs…..
Jennifer Aniston explains cutting off unvaccinated friends
Must be great to be so wise.
Then again, Guest, that enviable wisdom also evidently forgot the First (1839-42) and Second (1878-80) Afghan Wars, the first of which resulted in the most disastrous British Army retreat in history and the second in a lasting peace, brought about by the skill and diplomacy of those much despised officials of the British Empire.
The ‘process’ only effectively restarted after WW2 with the active assistance of the noble and worthy state we know as Pakistan.
ITBB is on it too.
Nice to see them getting feisty again.
Simpo really needs putting out to pasture.
Guest who I think they’ve moved to Bradford or Luton without wasting airfair to the stans .. that bloke really is beyond the sell by …
Sainsbury’s pulling out of GB News after a campaign by a few noisy SJWs.
I’m pulling out of Sainsbury’s.
My boycott list gets longer by the day. I wish someone would compile a list of Woke companies. Anybody know of one?
Is that the Sainsburys whose largest shareholder is the Qatar Investment Authority? And would that be the Qatar where homosexuality is illegal, along with same-sex marriage, and where LGBTQWERTY campaigning is illegal? Is that not a more worthy cause for the woke warriors to be worrying about, something closer to their hearts and other bodily parts? Just asking.
BBC Online News:
“Climate change: New report will highlight ‘stark reality’ of warming”
Just from that headline, you can tell that our BBC are the tax-payers arm of Extinction Rebellion.
My 15 year old nephew fully believes in Climate Change. Its taught in his school, so it must be happening, he says.
I assume this has no coverage on the bBC et al.
I put the TV on and BBC News channel came up first. In the space of 3 minutes they mentioned the mental health black gymnast for the 15th day running and Tom Daley’s husband watching from home.
After 30 minutes still no mention of the French protests. I’m sure that is coming up soon.
Easy to see why Champion is a BBC go-to gal.
Having accepted that this will not go down well with PETA, and not normally one to root for our German cousins either, I must defend the rider who was forced to retire thanks solely to her horse.
One: If you were in a near ‘unassailable’ gold medal position and were handed an uncontrollable bastard of a horse that proceeded to push you to the back of the field, I think you too would be reduced to tears.
Two: If the horse in question required a curb bit and running martingale to provide some semblance of control it should never have been selected to jump – most especially by a rider allowed just 20 minutes prior experience, and even more so since it had already behaved in the same way with a previous contestant.
Three: Someone of Claire Balding’s (or any of the other commentators) knowledge and experience should really have had the courage to point these things out to a largely ignorant audience. Such as: a horse showing the whites of its eyes may well be assumed to be frightened but one that also bares its teeth simply has a nasty nature. Just like humans, they do exist.
As for the coach whose career is probably ended through a supposed ‘punch’, I can only commiserate. Your action will be misunderstood and misinterpreted, but thanks to Disney and the BBC we have to accept that animals have no faults.
Well explained Beltane ‼️
Fresh in from the ex Newsnight bloke beloved on Wendy’s unit.
Gabby Logan is one of the better BBC presenters imo. She speaks well, including the last g of words, and has a level of gravitas. And amazingly for the BBC she is also white. And straight.
But is she on the naughty step for this?
At 12.59 she announces in terms ‘we’re taking a short break. Go and make yourselves a cup of tea, we’ll be back shortly’.
At 1300 for five minutes,…….it was the BBC news !!!!!!!
Not a great advert for the world’s finest impartial news source.
Maybe we have friends we don’t realise.
Veterans for Britain know who works against our country.
vladAUGUST 7, 2021 AT 4:17 PM
” Sainsbury’s pulling out of GB News after a campaign by a few noisy SJWs.
I’m pulling out of Sainsbury’s.
My boycott list gets longer by the day. I wish someone would compile a list of Woke companies. Anybody know of one? ”
A chap called Nick Buckley was on GBN talking to Mark Dolan about that very thing…
He’s crowdfunding a website – I sent him a few bob today.
Suggest you do the same.
Now, if I can just persuade the memsahib to boycott Sainsbury’s…
O/T, but can anyone tell me where St Barry of Obama got the money to buy a $12,000,000 mansion in Martha’s Vineyard. I know he was a community activist (local shit stirrer) and lawyer before becoming a politician, reminds me of 1 or 2 people within the left wing ranks in this country. So where did he accumulate the cash? Maybe Ms Spring can fact check that for us. I can well remember when a person of colour couldn’t buy a house there.
Northern Voter
It morphed a bit as it was rolled out to 6 episodes. I caught the first one and was hooked…
It was worth listening to… – essentially to my ear it was like “why tell us that? – you might be pleased you stuffed “X” – but actually it reflects poorly on you” – there were anecdotes about BHO’s time as a state senator that I can easily imagine wouldn’t play well to posterity.
Making Obama Podcast on WBEZ Chicago
It turned me from very suspicious to active dislike …
… tsk… they’ve taken it down. All that duplicitous backstabbing and faux friendship and all sorts of stunts + a series of open questions can’t have gone down too well in Martha’s Vinyard ?
Still WBEZ have got Obama + Bruce Springsteen double act podcast on a loop at the moment. (don’t mention gun crime in Chicago or COVID in NJ)
Maybe the podcast is still lurking in – iirc I put copies there after listening to the 6 part series and thinking – boy… Michelle’s gonna go ballistic when she hears all that …
Ah … The WBEZ podcast is still there… Part 1
It’s just that their own search won’t find it … and neither will Google unless you heavily qualify the search.
Trump: A millionaire who became a politician.
Biden, Obama & Clinton: Politicians who became millionaires.
Trump: Corrupt.
Biden, Obama & Clinton: Honourable.
I see that the BBC isn’t giving much coverage to Obama “close family” 60th birthday bash that I suspect caused parking havoc at Martha’s Vineyard Airport.
Looks like the jet owner / operators aren’t to keen to have their presence viewed by the plebs on Flight Aware….
Michael Heaver points out that Farage’s GB News slot outdid BBC and Sky News combined!
Naturally the Twitterati are going ballistic that there should be an alternative source of broadcast news and views.
Gg update
I tipped the nocturnal troll in the 1730 at Newmarket – an each way bet would have doubled your money —- cheers !
My local ‘Climate Crisis’ – This quarter, just ended, only produced 86% of the solar power that last year’s equivalent quarter produced.
Probably got something to do with the ‘global warming’ lashing my windows at the moment!