I am watching coast on BBC 2. The Intro to the episode has a brief mention of Neil Oliver who basically built the program then introduces a dozy blonde woman not out of place in a advertorial for IKEA. to take up the reins. From that point on Oliver is never mentioned and does not appear. An absolutely disgusting political burial of the truth by the BBC and I guess only because of his current involvement with GB News.
They are really despicable vindictive sub-humans.
Update, they did show Oliver again going up in a jet but then killed that to return to the vapid BBC Blonde.
Oliver would have made this article sing but is non-persona now.
I wish every luck to GBNews as they are the only voice against the appalling deluge of BBC lefty garbage. Early days but I really hope they keep the effort going. They need a way of letting the GB public support them in a way that would intensify their activity. Any ideas welcome.
Nigel has been a great addition.
I can just imagine the hate-filled Lefties screaming at the TV while they force themselves to watch hoping for something to complain about on twatter.
But he never says anything they can use. Everything he says is just commoin sense. He’s driving them mad. That huge poster about his RNLI comments show just how desperate they are.
He has a platform now after the BBC cynically and deliberately cancelled him from any stories. Just as they have cancelled GB news. It’s pathetic.
We have been lied to on a massive scale, it’s as simple as that and they have done it because they can. We need a post COVID inquiry without the involvement of the lefty twats in the global health consortium.
9:30pm- 1:30am BBC2 Diva night
First a doco, then an hour of tunes, then the Grace Jones movie
So of course The Times uses a giant photo of Grace Jones
6:30pm BBC had a proms concert based on Broadway tunes
Now we have a program with British plod investigating an epidemic of massive sheep stealing. So who could be doing this on an industrial scale and why?
I personally don’t think we have to look much further than the rash of kebab shops exploding in every town in the country selling pretty much nothing but lamb.
They don’t sell pork or beef so these appear to be unaffected.
But then again I am just conjectoring.
No doubt the wrong think police would like me silenced for suggesting this.
The absolutely disgraceful sham enquiry into the Capitol riots and the treatment of the people who genuinely believed their democracy was being stolen is the closest thing I have seen in my life to modern day Nazis. Now we are witnessing the show-trials and minor misdemeanors like tresspass are being reported in the media like serious crimes. It’s ridiculous. They are STILL inferring that Sicknik was killed by protestors and none of them mention the unarmed woman who got shot.
The flag went up for me when I discovered the democrats had SIX seperate committees trying to find ways to impeach Trump and not one major newspaper said anything about it.
May I suggest you stop using the language of the Left and refrain from calling it a ‘riot’ when it was not.
It was an act of trespass and it was trigger happy cops who shot people dead in cold blood who are the real criminals.
There has been detention without trial for minor crimes which would not normally have been prodecuted, and reports of torture of those detained with one victim even losing an eye as a result.
Silly Express article is just PR for tonight’s BBC gameshow
I see no sign Channel 4 have sacked her.
Anyway Steph hasn’t actually left the BBC
she had a R4 doco last month Jul 13 : Reflections On Hi-Vis: Steph McGovern asks why a safety item has become ubiquitous
Then tonight she was a guest on the BBC gameshow
“8.30pm @BBCOne Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel”
with Steph , Robert Peston. @SuePerkins #daviddickinson .. Dion Dublin black auction show guy
If there was ever a case in point of a TV channel creating a cretin for public consumption Steph is it. I am sure she is a nice lady but realistically not a credible persona we really need to have in our lives on a daily basis. And pushed into our faces as the voice of the media.
Wow ! I thought BBC 2 were asleep at the wheel – showing a 2 hour Proms showing of The Golden Age of Broadway. Katy Dereham, Bonnie Langford, Neil Brand hosting – all white, and all white vocalists on stage, (excellent by the way), until ……………. actor and director Clarke Peters appeared as a singer.
Covid-19: Quarantine-free travel to France resumes as UK rules change https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58130944
With pictures of 4 non-white people in the article.
Including one with Kyle Frank – who is black and holding a lovely cute little dog – who says he plans to drive to France, so he can travel with his puppy, Indy. What on Earth is that doing in the article ?.
It seems this trick of showing us pictures of minorities along with something to pull your heartstrings in their direction is now an actual BBC strategy. It’s happened too often recently to be coincidence.
It’s dirty, dishonest emotional blackmail. The ethics of the BBC have plummeted since Brexit as they have gradually pushed their line of what is acceptable further and further out.
“Covid in Sydney: Communities feel under siege as troops deployed
By Shaimaa Khalil”
Arwa Abousamra, an author and Arabic interpreter, “I have seen police every single time I’ve left my home,” she says. “I have not been stopped, but I can honestly tell you I feel anxious leaving, almost practising what I’m going to say to a police officer when they stop me.”
1. More Covid-porn from our BBC. The drama is ending here but, hey, our BBC can wring more fear from the other side of the globe.
2. Muslims again as victims. See the image. We feel like 2nd class citizens..blah…blah.
Lots of social media commentary about this officer. Not sure what the fuss is about. I see a professional & brave police officer, my colleague, doing her job just like every other cop that day. A few people need to catch up with modern times. Nothing more to discuss. pic.twitter.com/EUI30US4fZ
Guest Who, you couldn’t make this up! What a dire situation. Thanks for posting.
“Exposed: Muslim policewoman who was hailed as a hero for confronting anti-lockdown protesters posted a torrent of racist messages and had regular contact with a suspected female jihadi in Syria”
More Mail-dominated (see wot I did there?) Sunday BBC fun at ITBB from Craig (go there for more and link)…
There’s an interesting story in the Mail on Sunday about the BBC collecting gender information from all of its 20,000 staff and facing a backlash over it from a ”furious” group of women at the Corporation, who ”fear that asking workers to identify whether they consider themselves to be male or female – rather than what sex they are – could distort gender pay gap figures”.
They’ve even written to Tim Davie and June Sarpong to complain, saying that men could swap their gender to female. [Like NZ weightlifter Laurel Hubbard].
Other bits from the piece say, ”Sources said that the staff are yet to be given a satisfactory response as to why the new rule has been implemented, so have now approached campaign group Sex Matters to fight their corner…..One BBC staffer described the correspondence with Mr Davie and Ms Sarpong as ‘Orwellian”’.
In the angry TERF wars between ‘gender critical’ feminists and the trans lobby, Sex Matters is very much in the old school feminist camp. The trans lobby at the BBC won’t be happy about their involvement.
A BBC not-so-civil war might be beginning.
Love the smell of a BBC cock up, or down, or off, in the Moaning. Apologies to the Colonel.
When journos had to work for a living, any comment like “‘Nothing more to discuss’ is very BBC though.” meant there bloody well was something to discuss, and a real investigator would have got on his bike to find the truth.
The BBC just let all this fritter through their pudgy fingers, and never really challenge what seems to be a rather nasty issue.
Hopefully, The Mail will do a bit more digging, because the beeb certainly aren’t up to the job!
Looks like the plod ‘Roy smith ‘ needs to be looked at by ‘complains ‘as well he thinks this lady is not a threat to anyone who is not the right Muslim brand .
Maybe mr Smith will say anything to get promoted .
The lady in question has a full career of hate ahead of her. …
The only shock is that anyone is surprised. Muslims are the most racist people of anyone. In fact I wouldn’t call it racism. It is stronger than that. I would call it hate.
She is the rule, not the exception. But as they usually don’t say it in English, the Left seem to think it’s OK.
The virus puts a cap on the Dutch right
The Guardian doesn’t do word association
Mitigating advocacy for the sister source
This weekend the BBC’s opening note as overture to their online press line up is hardly an enticement to the cheerful of disposition:
‘Newspaper headlines: Climate catastrophe warning, and winter flu tests‘
One may as well open a vein – as the saying goes – rather appropriately, considering the ongoing mass vaccination campaign.
The Observer takes top podium position in the BBC line up.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s not that I’m a full blown, card carrying, signed fan photo of Piers Corbyn, New World Order conspiracy theorist, it’s just that I can’t help but notice our media comport themselves just as though there was one and they were in on it.
‘We’re on the brink of catastrophy, warns Tory climate chief‘ – with delight and obvious relish so observes the Observer. A mere cursory recollection of the news will reassure us we’ve apparently been in a state of global pandemic since March 2020 and will likely remain on that new brink for evermore. One brink being much of a muchness with any other brink these days. I’m mulling over the word brink and can’t get out of my mind the infamous Brink’s-Mat robbery of 1983. I digress. I’m inclined to tell the Tory climate chief: Look, we know you have to put our taxes up. I don’t like it but you guys broke the bank with lockdown. Apparently the public liked that. Now just get on with the inevitable raising of our taxes in the dozen climate change induced subtle little ways like we know you’re going to and stop with the catastrophy brinksmanship. We’ve heard it all before.
It’s not all bad news, for some: ‘How Covid derailed the great hope of the Dutch far right‘ (Guardian) – sorry, I tell you I don’t believe “They” planned and engineered all this and then I go and take a genuine media quote and it sounds just as though “They” did.
The Guardian doesn’t do irony or self-awareneness. Their Saturday frontpage presented the wonderful frontpage juxtaposition of a carping editorial knocking Tory ministers for decorating their offices with the union flag – and by the way the Gruan worked hard here as mitigating advocate for the sister source in the form of those BBC presenters who: ‘gently mocked‘ – meanwhile we had this polemic screed as caution against patriotism the last resort of the rogue set beside a celebratory photo of the all-black Team GB women’s Olympic relay squad drapped in no less than four union jacks. Kettle, pot, black, jack… word association perhaps not the Guardian’s sub-editorial strong suit.
By the way, if I have to see one more pic of an Olympic sportsperson either kissing, or worse play-biting, one of those over-sized plastic medallions I think I may consider opening a vein.
‘Dissident Pakistani exiles in UK “on hit list”‘ (Observer) – open borders do tend to allow the importation of the world’s problems: ‘Pakistani exiles in London who have criticised the country’s powerful military have been warned that their lives are in danger‘ – perhaps this goes some way to explain the notable difference in the BBC’s rather critical reportage of India as opposed to the noticable silence on the subject of their neighbour.
One for our ancient Greek classicist PM here: ‘Greek fires. Amid the darkness wrought by nature gone awry, stories of valour emerged‘ (Observer) – is this the blurb from the back cover of a cheap abridged paperback edition of the Iliad and other Greek epics or perhaps the strap line for the latest Marvel Universe superhero movie – read in those growling deep cinema theatre trailer tones?
He may be a classicist but the Observer is going after Boris’s class: ‘How public schools damaged our leaders. No authenticity, no empathy: the trouble with boarding schools‘
Hmmm. Quick google shows the Guardian boasting their Sunday incarnation the Observer’s readership demographic to be no less than 56% social grade AB – oh dear. Nevermind, that nice Mr Tony Blair was also a public schoolboy, one of the good ones.
“… the long wait times for processing, caused by surging migrant numbers, left the illegals unable to be satiated by their usual handout of biscuits and crisps.”
How long before BF provide them with what they really want in order to be “satiated”?
I see that Laura and Kenny (white hetro married couple) now have 12 gold Olympic Medals in the household, an absolutely fantastic achievement by any standards.
Now then I wonder how many advertisers are lining up to get them on board to promote their products ???
I wonder how many more offers they would get if they were a (insert advertises favourite ethnicity here) couple ?
It’s been ages since I was on here, I won’t be sticking around long but hope everyone’s staying safe and more people are waking up.
Just wanted to make sure you were aware of this lawsuit which was filed in Canada and ended up being defended by the commonwealth, which needs to be spread as far and wide as possible as the death knell for any tyrannical governments trying to take our freedoms from us again or force us to take these genocidal injections. https://www.bitchute.com/video/cLczxeMBSNU6/
Also, this channel not only gives great info about the jab but also about the psy-op currently taking place in the US. Anyone concerned about what Biden can do as president need to watch some of these videos, they’re full of red pills that you can’t unsee once you’ve watched them. The only problem is getting people to actually look at them, since some like Stew are just determined to stay indoctrinated despite knowing the media they’re watching is lying to them. https://www.brighteon.com/channels/LifeAndDeath
The term ‘Biased’ in Biased BBC is actually giving them too much credit. They’re not biased, they’re deliberately lying. Case in point being the millions rallying in London every other Saturday which they’re ignoring or claiming to be a few hundred each time. Despite that, they’re letting little nuggets of truth slip that never would have a few years ago (e.g. allowing the uninterrupted debunking of all their lies about US police racism after the George Floyd trial), so I believe there’s been some infiltration now from the good side attempting to slowly deprogramme the sheep and get them mentally prepared for when the military finally makes its move against genocidal governments worldwide. In the interim, we need to stay educated and not give in to the temptation of thinking the corrupt MSM narrative has even a modicum of objective reality incorporated into it.
Ian Rushlow
Does he actually think that he or the rest of the ordinary working people of Great Britain can actually save the world ?
Who voted for these policies ?
Who voted for destruction of our industry ?
Who voted for mass immigration ?
The present Tories are Liberals in disguise. Was there some secret plan or pact made during the Cameron & Glegg coalition ?
I would be interested in Mr. Sharma’s studied breakdown of the timescale for his catastrophe, and itemise exactly what would happen to whom, and why, how much it would cost, what would happen to the economy, and what would result in the better policy of nobody doing anything. We already know the answer to that one. CO2 levels would continue to rise, as they need to, and the sun would continue to shine, albeit in a solar minimum sort of way.
And we know the effect that solar minima have on the climate, from history, don’t we, Alok, you globetrotting hypocrite, you.
Unusually severe rainfall, flooding, and heatwaves in different parts of India have raised questions about extreme weather events becoming more common in the country. What's causing them?https://t.co/g5ybNZtwWRpic.twitter.com/8xcfGfMu8o
“Geronimo: Minister urged not to allow ‘healthy’ alpaca’s death”
“More than 80,000 have signed a petition asking the prime minister to step in.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-58114686
Is that 80,000 London ‘luvvies’ that have no clue of what TB can do to farms that rely on livestock for survival and livelihood?
Environment Secretary George Eustice defends controversial decision to put down an alpaca that has tested positive for bovine tuberculosis twicehttps://t.co/zucsyA7mWx
As I’ve said before (a little tongue in cheek), it’s not heterosexual, atheist MEN like myself who need to worry about the coming Caliphate, it’s women (and those of the alphabet soup variety) who should really be concerned.
Let’s be honest, if push comes to shove, I can sprout a bushy, salt and pepper beard in a matter of weeks, and I actually think some of those prayer caps are quite fetching (and would conceal the incipient bald patch nicely). Banging my head on the ground towards Mecca five times a day does sound like a bit of a bore, but would it be much worse than being expected to do the lion’s share of the housework, shopping, gardening etc… and constantly being told I’m to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong with the world?
Of course the missus wouldn’t like it too much, but hey, I could always trade her in for a newer, younger, and more complaint model, in fact, why not four of them? And if any of those get ideas above their station, well inshallah, there’s always a bottle of lighter fluid and a box of matches.
Been measured for your bespoke vest yet ? Can you drive a van ? – you make a good point – a male dominated – anti queer -anti woman ‘culture ‘ – so supported the their BBC …
It’s the lunacy of the house of cards the left and the BBC have built for themselves that staggers me.
Several totally incompatible views of the world, all bunged in the same bag together, they would soon be tearing each other to pieces like proverbial cats in a sack, if they didn’t hate those of us outside the sack more.
Look at the trans vs feminist war going on, for example, can see more of that to come, and it might be our eventual way out of the current insanity.
Why do they all hate us by the way, it’s not as if most of us have anything particularly against any of them, is it just because we’re not in the sack with them, or is it really self loathing?
People who cycle in the country should be encouraged to ride 2, 3 and 4 abreast like this. For the following reasons:
1. It calms the traffic behind them 2. It makes it less easy for bad drivers to attempt dangerous passes 3. It is more pleasant and sociable for them. pic.twitter.com/vqi4dsuUSs
‘calms the traffic behind them’, am sure all those drivers stuck behind them, worrying about getting to work on time and not getting sacked will be really ‘calm’.
‘makes it less easy for bad drivers to attempt dangerous passes’, erm, let’s just say I’m trying to get to work on time, or I’m a delivery driver who has to meet a certain number of drops per day, and I’m stuck in a massive tailback behind these, watching the minutes ticking away. The longer it goes on the more I’m going to be tempted to try a ‘dangerous pass’, no?
‘it is more pleasant and sociable for them’, perhaps, but not for those left fuming in the massive tailback behind, what about ‘thinking about other road users’, ‘putting yourself in their shoes’, and ‘being courteous’?!
This just sounds like a really, really stupid, and really dangerous suggestion to me, and I’m a cyclist myself, but then what do I know?
Vine can only put something like that up in incense people . I ride a push bike – a motor scooter and a car . All I can say is that riding a bike is dangerous and riding a motor scooter is very dangerous . I’ve had to attempts on my life in the last two days and I expect it every time I put a helmet on …
So Vine blows out of the water everything I learned in cycling proficiency – circa 1960s, when single file is the only way to stay safe – and in the 60’s there were only sheep and Ford Anglia’s on the roads back then !
So, according to his mantra, 4 abreast keeps traffic moving at a more relaxed speed. Ok, there’s a chap in the car doing a dash to the hospital with a heavily pregnant wife, or a child who is desperately sick – and they have to pootle along at 12 miles an hour while the lycra louts are having a chat, and then shout abuse at the driver trying to pass them. Crackers !
Neighbour gave me a marrow he’d grown – I always wonder what to do with them. Tonight I’ve hollowed it, packed it with pork mince that I’ve mixed with ginger, garlic, shallot, mint, coriander, lime zest, lime juice, soy sauce, chilli, sesame oil. What do you do with a marrow?
Where do we start? Richard Lindzen, for one, then there are a whole host of others. But I’m afraid, Owen, they wouldn’t kowtow to your agenda, and bamboozle you with real science, and that would never do, would it?
I think your “Leader” is going in the right direction to ditch himself, and his erstwhile “lady”, too. I predict COP26 to become as much an unmitigated failure, as the previous efforts.
“Sexism: Can my employer make me wear make-up and heels?” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-58086061
What a rubbish non-story.
Some fools are still paying for this woke nonsense.
Scrap the telly tax. The tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
It’s 1083 to the Paris Olympics . Working on an average of 450 illegal invaders a day until then – that is 487 000‘arrivals’ from France …
Which fills 1938 hotels
So better get building …
Just to add – the number sent back to France will be zero
The number of minutes coverage by the BBC will be zero
Changes in law – zero
Cost ? Unknown
Empty words from an empty ‘Home Secretary ‘? Loads
Number of arrests for filming ? A lot .
Interesting news that the Biden administration in its massive anti White race hate based on nothing at all but prejudice has decided that ‘racism’ against Black Americans is the single biggest threat to American society.
To that end and in pursuit of those goals the Democrat party in New York has decided to ban Black people from eating at restaurants there!
This is of course not racist at all because there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ and because it’s only ‘racist’ when the left say it is!
So how has this insanity come about? Bidens bunch of loonies have gone down the path the French have gone with vaccine passports and to ban access to several places unless in possesion of one.
Vaccine uptake in the state of New York amongst Black people is just 30% meaning 70% of Blacks in the state are effectively going to be unable to access many things which they were previously able to.
It gets worse though because the insane argument put forward by the Democrats for not improving voter security is that Black people cannot get access to ID documents and even being asked to show this ID is akin to a slave being asked to show their papers of freedom.
How is asking for proof of vaccination any different to being asked for proof of ID once every couple of years at a polling station?
The Democrats have been attacking Republican reps who have been anti Vax passports, but they are not attacking Black anti Vaxxers, they really are going to come unstuck on this one as the two policies are in direct opposition to each other.
Of course there are no media report in the UK about this.
David Pickard, director of the BBC Proms is striving for diversity in classical music, as reported in today’s Sunday Telegraph. He says ‘We have to grapple with the fact that not so many symphonic pieces were written by women in the 18th and 19th centuries and we’re trying to redress that balance by commissioning pieces along gender equal lines.’
He continued, ‘Classical music has to confront its own history, just as other cultural forms have had to in the wake of campaigns for more diversity and acknowledgement of racism and discrimination. It’s terrible important that every piece of art is given a context’.
I assume David Pickard and the BBC would be more comfortable with their music if Beethoven, Mozart etc. had been transgender.
Like all woolly minded lefties Mr Pickard finds it necessary to “grapple” with the truth rather than accepting it.
White males wrote the finest classical music and are still doing so to this day. Get used to it.
Completely agree Lefty Wright. It’s also the terminology they use which gets up my nose. eg ‘terribly important that every piece of art is given a context’.
He do well to look closely at the present rather than attempting a hatchet job on the past; both the London Symphony Orchestra and London Philharmonic are populated almost exclusively by white musicians- you’d be hard-pressed to find a lineup more offensive to the identitarian cause anywhere in popular culture.
Are you sitting down?
The BBC feature a woman who is quarantining in a hotel in Majorca. She has little food and water apparently. In that regatd I’m sympathetic.
But here’s the real thing.
She is not able to access the laundry so……..wait for it………has to wash her knickers in the bathroom sink !!!!!!!!
That is the modern standard of expectation and entitlement among a certain type of person.
Needless to say, she works in the public sector.
Skiddies make for an excellent sink plug ( when there isn’t a hotel one of course ) – I’d recommend clean ones if considering their use….. (don’t start me on hotel stories )…
It would appear following several posts I have made concerning the UKs lack of generating capacity, the future of electric cars is in serious doubt, the point has been picked up by the Mail on Sunday confirming exactly what I had been saying. Our politicians appear to believe electric cars run on fairy dust and no powere generation is therefore needed, however there is a second even more unsurmountable problem facing the green nutters, the looming copper shortage.
A conventional car contains about 9 – 25Kg of copper but an electric car contains close to 100Kg of copper, and there just isn’t enough of it to sustain car production.
Just watch this 8 minute video from credible people and see just what kind of ridiculous crisis is being laid down by the Wests political elites who are cluless about everything and worse can’t be told either.
I’m pleased to let you all know that my football club, Sunderland, did not ‘take the knee’ before yesterday’s game at the Stadium of Light against Wigan (who also did not take the knee)
I don’t know what other clubs did yesterday. I suppose some still do it but I reckon that most of the 31k crowd there would have let them know how they felt if the did go down on their knees before the game (as they were doing when they were playing in empty grounds)
How do you feel seeing Neil Oliver presenting Glasgow's history given his position at GB News? @SandraWhiteSNP argues he is "not fit" to provide this commentary and calls for a local historian to take his place onboard. https://t.co/3IIW6xtKeW
Looks like the festival of the great bean munching unwashed is returning to delay hard working people trying to make a living.@GBNEWS@BBCNewshttps://t.co/SIdylV8BED
I hope the ER posters are hand-printed on ethically-sourced paper using fully biodegradable non-chemical inks, and the QR code can only be scanned using a dew-drop flecked spiders web suspended from a frame made from hawthorn twigs, rather than a smartphone powered by a toxic and polluting lithium battery. Because we’re in a state of planetary emergency, obviously, and it’s essential that I sleep easier at night.
As I finished watching the local news The #BiasedBBC shoved its metroliberal agendas at me again by putting the #DoomGoblin into the next-play item "*Recommended for you* : Greta Thundberg : A Year To Change The World A Mission To Save The Planet" pic.twitter.com/1jlo5IUTfD
Arms exports from Sweden 2020, by country
In 2020, arms export from Sweden to both Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates amounted to 80 million constant (1990) U.S. dollars each. The depicted export value is only an indicator and does not correspond to the actual financial value of the transfers.27 Apr 2021
Don't put children at the front of your fearmongering and smear-mongering political campaigns.
You hide your nasty politics behind children — children who have manifestly been manipulated by rather than protected from your fearmongering. That is what is disgusts people. https://t.co/5LGUG3AXhy
Countryfile is pushing Green Dreamery of course
Highlands Rewilding
– in the Highlands, visiting a 100-acre rewilding site near Loch Ness known as the Natural Capital Laboratory.
(people are not Scottish : 1 London + 1 American woman)
.. with the help of the latest technology – scientists here are mapping, tracking and quantifying the changes to the landscape and the life in it.
– hi-tech devices that track animals and create a virtual vision of what the site will look like in 100 years’ time
– how efforts to restore neglected peat bogs could pay dividends for the environment.
– Tom Heap investigates the impact that reintroducing long-lost species could have on our countryside …(wildcats)
A different take on the biased BBC element of this edition of Countryfile.
You know how they like to expose Fake News.
This episode featured the National Capital Laboratory which is ‘near Loch Ness’.
And in the film is a glorious view of Buchaille Etive Mor, the mountain sentinel at the head of Glencoe. The film is shot from somewhere east of the Glencoe ski centre. Take my word for it.
Which is over 60 miles, yes sixty miles, from Loch Ness!!
Imagine the furore from the BBC if,say, the Torygraph had an article on London and featured Nelson’s flagship HMSVictory in …errr….Portsmouth. Or Newbury racecourse. Or Canterbury cathedral.
Londonistan is busily ‘rewilding ‘ – this is measured via the homicide numbers ( then some one sez’ actually it’s safer now than its’ ever been … yeah )
I guess the ‘antiques road show ‘ good then ? Because it got double the audience numbers that the ‘Olympic roundup show ‘ with a token coloured presenter who cannot speak properly and someone else …
What’s so good about the apparent poor coverage of the Olympics by the BBC is that the same thing will happen in 3 years time when the enemy french hold it ?
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
I am watching coast on BBC 2. The Intro to the episode has a brief mention of Neil Oliver who basically built the program then introduces a dozy blonde woman not out of place in a advertorial for IKEA. to take up the reins. From that point on Oliver is never mentioned and does not appear. An absolutely disgusting political burial of the truth by the BBC and I guess only because of his current involvement with GB News.
They are really despicable vindictive sub-humans.
Update, they did show Oliver again going up in a jet but then killed that to return to the vapid BBC Blonde.
Oliver would have made this article sing but is non-persona now.
@Digg at 8-9pm you were watching Coast on BBC4
Yet on Saturdays the Neil Oliver show is on GBnews 7-9pm
tonight Laurence Fox was on
Now it’s the Mark Dolan show and Neil is on the panel.
I wish every luck to GBNews as they are the only voice against the appalling deluge of BBC lefty garbage. Early days but I really hope they keep the effort going. They need a way of letting the GB public support them in a way that would intensify their activity. Any ideas welcome.
Nigel has been a great addition.
I can just imagine the hate-filled Lefties screaming at the TV while they force themselves to watch hoping for something to complain about on twatter.
But he never says anything they can use. Everything he says is just commoin sense. He’s driving them mad. That huge poster about his RNLI comments show just how desperate they are.
He has a platform now after the BBC cynically and deliberately cancelled him from any stories. Just as they have cancelled GB news. It’s pathetic.
We have been lied to on a massive scale, it’s as simple as that and they have done it because they can. We need a post COVID inquiry without the involvement of the lefty twats in the global health consortium.
Tonight in medialand
As ever the woke-TV is amplified by the woke Times TV guide
9pm BBCRadio2 have given Romesh a series
9:30pm- 1:30am BBC2 Diva night
First a doco, then an hour of tunes, then the Grace Jones movie
So of course The Times uses a giant photo of Grace Jones
6:30pm BBC had a proms concert based on Broadway tunes
Now we have a program with British plod investigating an epidemic of massive sheep stealing. So who could be doing this on an industrial scale and why?
I personally don’t think we have to look much further than the rash of kebab shops exploding in every town in the country selling pretty much nothing but lamb.
They don’t sell pork or beef so these appear to be unaffected.
But then again I am just conjectoring.
No doubt the wrong think police would like me silenced for suggesting this.
Aaaah, kebab shops…
The worst advert for flogging roadkill there is!
Elephant’s leg in the windows, nasty smells from the door, p****d ‘customers’, and a rather unpleasant addition to any street.
Vomit on a stick.
Lurch really has zero clue.
The absolutely disgraceful sham enquiry into the Capitol riots and the treatment of the people who genuinely believed their democracy was being stolen is the closest thing I have seen in my life to modern day Nazis. Now we are witnessing the show-trials and minor misdemeanors like tresspass are being reported in the media like serious crimes. It’s ridiculous. They are STILL inferring that Sicknik was killed by protestors and none of them mention the unarmed woman who got shot.
The flag went up for me when I discovered the democrats had SIX seperate committees trying to find ways to impeach Trump and not one major newspaper said anything about it.
May I suggest you stop using the language of the Left and refrain from calling it a ‘riot’ when it was not.
It was an act of trespass and it was trigger happy cops who shot people dead in cold blood who are the real criminals.
There has been detention without trial for minor crimes which would not normally have been prodecuted, and reports of torture of those detained with one victim even losing an eye as a result.
No idea what this means, but it has clearly set Twitter alight.
She appeared in a BT ad recently that was not as such acclaimed.
Steph….perleees just leave it! We don’t want to know!
Silly Express article is just PR for tonight’s BBC gameshow
I see no sign Channel 4 have sacked her.
Anyway Steph hasn’t actually left the BBC
she had a R4 doco last month
Jul 13 : Reflections On Hi-Vis: Steph McGovern asks why a safety item has become ubiquitous
Then tonight she was a guest on the BBC gameshow
“8.30pm @BBCOne Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel”
with Steph , Robert Peston. @SuePerkins #daviddickinson .. Dion Dublin black auction show guy
If there was ever a case in point of a TV channel creating a cretin for public consumption Steph is it. I am sure she is a nice lady but realistically not a credible persona we really need to have in our lives on a daily basis. And pushed into our faces as the voice of the media.
The old perv is still at it.
Wow ! I thought BBC 2 were asleep at the wheel – showing a 2 hour Proms showing of The Golden Age of Broadway. Katy Dereham, Bonnie Langford, Neil Brand hosting – all white, and all white vocalists on stage, (excellent by the way), until ……………. actor and director Clarke Peters appeared as a singer.
Neil Brand: The music equivalent of the pub bore who takes an evening to explain why a ‘knock-knock’ joke is funny.
One could write a thesis on why the Brand trio are best avoided, but most of us just know it already.
Covid-19: Quarantine-free travel to France resumes as UK rules change
With pictures of 4 non-white people in the article.
Including one with Kyle Frank – who is black and holding a lovely cute little dog – who says he plans to drive to France, so he can travel with his puppy, Indy. What on Earth is that doing in the article ?.
It seems this trick of showing us pictures of minorities along with something to pull your heartstrings in their direction is now an actual BBC strategy. It’s happened too often recently to be coincidence.
It’s dirty, dishonest emotional blackmail. The ethics of the BBC have plummeted since Brexit as they have gradually pushed their line of what is acceptable further and further out.
The Thommo magic legacy lingers still….
“When we were in the car and got more than 10 minutes from the city center, I had a panic attack.”
Just like I feel whenever I get anywhere near London…
Dear, vibrant old place once, then trashed by Livingstone, Boris tried – a little, now the absolute pits because of mare khan.
I thought the BBC were supposed to be based there, but apparently they moved North so they could all sound like Steph.
BBC News
Jang Yeong-jin fled North Korea to escape a loveless marriage. Now he is engaged to his boyfriend.
Did they get an invite to Barry’s bash?
BBC Online News:
“Covid in Sydney: Communities feel under siege as troops deployed
By Shaimaa Khalil”
Arwa Abousamra, an author and Arabic interpreter, “I have seen police every single time I’ve left my home,” she says. “I have not been stopped, but I can honestly tell you I feel anxious leaving, almost practising what I’m going to say to a police officer when they stop me.”
1. More Covid-porn from our BBC. The drama is ending here but, hey, our BBC can wring more fear from the other side of the globe.
2. Muslims again as victims. See the image. We feel like 2nd class citizens..blah…blah.
Nihal first to analyse on BBC AN?
This has to be a weird set up.
Strange that Roy likes to think of this as “modern times”.
Guest Who, you couldn’t make this up! What a dire situation. Thanks for posting.
“Exposed: Muslim policewoman who was hailed as a hero for confronting anti-lockdown protesters posted a torrent of racist messages and had regular contact with a suspected female jihadi in Syria”
Thought it was a spoof until the Mail story cited (even then).
How this pans out will be interesting.
Especially if Roy of the Rovers was part of the vetting team.
At least he didn’t use ‘End of’.
‘Nothing more to discuss’ is very BBC though.
Then they block you.
More Mail-dominated (see wot I did there?) Sunday BBC fun at ITBB from Craig (go there for more and link)…
There’s an interesting story in the Mail on Sunday about the BBC collecting gender information from all of its 20,000 staff and facing a backlash over it from a ”furious” group of women at the Corporation, who ”fear that asking workers to identify whether they consider themselves to be male or female – rather than what sex they are – could distort gender pay gap figures”.
They’ve even written to Tim Davie and June Sarpong to complain, saying that men could swap their gender to female. [Like NZ weightlifter Laurel Hubbard].
Other bits from the piece say, ”Sources said that the staff are yet to be given a satisfactory response as to why the new rule has been implemented, so have now approached campaign group Sex Matters to fight their corner…..One BBC staffer described the correspondence with Mr Davie and Ms Sarpong as ‘Orwellian”’.
In the angry TERF wars between ‘gender critical’ feminists and the trans lobby, Sex Matters is very much in the old school feminist camp. The trans lobby at the BBC won’t be happy about their involvement.
A BBC not-so-civil war might be beginning.
Love the smell of a BBC cock up, or down, or off, in the Moaning. Apologies to the Colonel.
When journos had to work for a living, any comment like “‘Nothing more to discuss’ is very BBC though.” meant there bloody well was something to discuss, and a real investigator would have got on his bike to find the truth.
The BBC just let all this fritter through their pudgy fingers, and never really challenge what seems to be a rather nasty issue.
Hopefully, The Mail will do a bit more digging, because the beeb certainly aren’t up to the job!
Makes sense. Gain experience with the Met so when Sharia Law is imposed you’re likely to gain a high position within the ranks.
Looks like the plod ‘Roy smith ‘ needs to be looked at by ‘complains ‘as well he thinks this lady is not a threat to anyone who is not the right Muslim brand .
Maybe mr Smith will say anything to get promoted .
The lady in question has a full career of hate ahead of her. …
Rumbling along on MSM interest too.
Consternation in the W1A cubicle gardens at how this gets kept local?
Has the bbc caught u… er… found a ‘line to take’ yet too?
Or are all the girls manning the cubicle gardens over the weekend hoping a white boy will turn up Monday to issue the instruction?
The only shock is that anyone is surprised. Muslims are the most racist people of anyone. In fact I wouldn’t call it racism. It is stronger than that. I would call it hate.
She is the rule, not the exception. But as they usually don’t say it in English, the Left seem to think it’s OK.
A muslim who is friendly with Jihadis, who is antisemitic, racist, laughs about 9/11, and despises kafirs?
Unbelievable. Shome mishtake, shurely.
Dino in good company.
The virus puts a cap on the Dutch right
The Guardian doesn’t do word association
Mitigating advocacy for the sister source
This weekend the BBC’s opening note as overture to their online press line up is hardly an enticement to the cheerful of disposition:
‘Newspaper headlines: Climate catastrophe warning, and winter flu tests‘
One may as well open a vein – as the saying goes – rather appropriately, considering the ongoing mass vaccination campaign.
The Observer takes top podium position in the BBC line up.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s not that I’m a full blown, card carrying, signed fan photo of Piers Corbyn, New World Order conspiracy theorist, it’s just that I can’t help but notice our media comport themselves just as though there was one and they were in on it.
‘We’re on the brink of catastrophy, warns Tory climate chief‘ – with delight and obvious relish so observes the Observer. A mere cursory recollection of the news will reassure us we’ve apparently been in a state of global pandemic since March 2020 and will likely remain on that new brink for evermore. One brink being much of a muchness with any other brink these days. I’m mulling over the word brink and can’t get out of my mind the infamous Brink’s-Mat robbery of 1983. I digress. I’m inclined to tell the Tory climate chief: Look, we know you have to put our taxes up. I don’t like it but you guys broke the bank with lockdown. Apparently the public liked that. Now just get on with the inevitable raising of our taxes in the dozen climate change induced subtle little ways like we know you’re going to and stop with the catastrophy brinksmanship. We’ve heard it all before.
It’s not all bad news, for some: ‘How Covid derailed the great hope of the Dutch far right‘ (Guardian) – sorry, I tell you I don’t believe “They” planned and engineered all this and then I go and take a genuine media quote and it sounds just as though “They” did.
The Guardian doesn’t do irony or self-awareneness. Their Saturday frontpage presented the wonderful frontpage juxtaposition of a carping editorial knocking Tory ministers for decorating their offices with the union flag – and by the way the Gruan worked hard here as mitigating advocate for the sister source in the form of those BBC presenters who: ‘gently mocked‘ – meanwhile we had this polemic screed as caution against patriotism the last resort of the rogue set beside a celebratory photo of the all-black Team GB women’s Olympic relay squad drapped in no less than four union jacks. Kettle, pot, black, jack… word association perhaps not the Guardian’s sub-editorial strong suit.
By the way, if I have to see one more pic of an Olympic sportsperson either kissing, or worse play-biting, one of those over-sized plastic medallions I think I may consider opening a vein.
‘Dissident Pakistani exiles in UK “on hit list”‘ (Observer) – open borders do tend to allow the importation of the world’s problems: ‘Pakistani exiles in London who have criticised the country’s powerful military have been warned that their lives are in danger‘ – perhaps this goes some way to explain the notable difference in the BBC’s rather critical reportage of India as opposed to the noticable silence on the subject of their neighbour.
One for our ancient Greek classicist PM here: ‘Greek fires. Amid the darkness wrought by nature gone awry, stories of valour emerged‘ (Observer) – is this the blurb from the back cover of a cheap abridged paperback edition of the Iliad and other Greek epics or perhaps the strap line for the latest Marvel Universe superhero movie – read in those growling deep cinema theatre trailer tones?
He may be a classicist but the Observer is going after Boris’s class: ‘How public schools damaged our leaders. No authenticity, no empathy: the trouble with boarding schools‘
Hmmm. Quick google shows the Guardian boasting their Sunday incarnation the Observer’s readership demographic to be no less than 56% social grade AB – oh dear. Nevermind, that nice Mr Tony Blair was also a public schoolboy, one of the good ones.
Is 56% too much for them, or too little?
To France? Or just passing through?
Incoming legal migrants, ““a serious risk of unrest”” (on arrival). I call them ‘legal’ migrants because that is what arriving in the UK actually means in practice for them. The upshot of our Labour Government’s actions to ferry them in.
“… the long wait times for processing, caused by surging migrant numbers, left the illegals unable to be satiated by their usual handout of biscuits and crisps.”
How long before BF provide them with what they really want in order to be “satiated”?
Express tickets to Rotherham, etc.?
I see that Laura and Kenny (white hetro married couple) now have 12 gold Olympic Medals in the household, an absolutely fantastic achievement by any standards.
Now then I wonder how many advertisers are lining up to get them on board to promote their products ???
I wonder how many more offers they would get if they were a (insert advertises favourite ethnicity here) couple ?
Yes – the BBC will be issueing hourly bulletins on their mental health eh?
It’s been ages since I was on here, I won’t be sticking around long but hope everyone’s staying safe and more people are waking up.
Just wanted to make sure you were aware of this lawsuit which was filed in Canada and ended up being defended by the commonwealth, which needs to be spread as far and wide as possible as the death knell for any tyrannical governments trying to take our freedoms from us again or force us to take these genocidal injections. https://www.bitchute.com/video/cLczxeMBSNU6/
Also, this channel not only gives great info about the jab but also about the psy-op currently taking place in the US. Anyone concerned about what Biden can do as president need to watch some of these videos, they’re full of red pills that you can’t unsee once you’ve watched them. The only problem is getting people to actually look at them, since some like Stew are just determined to stay indoctrinated despite knowing the media they’re watching is lying to them. https://www.brighteon.com/channels/LifeAndDeath
The term ‘Biased’ in Biased BBC is actually giving them too much credit. They’re not biased, they’re deliberately lying. Case in point being the millions rallying in London every other Saturday which they’re ignoring or claiming to be a few hundred each time. Despite that, they’re letting little nuggets of truth slip that never would have a few years ago (e.g. allowing the uninterrupted debunking of all their lies about US police racism after the George Floyd trial), so I believe there’s been some infiltration now from the good side attempting to slowly deprogramme the sheep and get them mentally prepared for when the military finally makes its move against genocidal governments worldwide. In the interim, we need to stay educated and not give in to the temptation of thinking the corrupt MSM narrative has even a modicum of objective reality incorporated into it.
Laughing – yes your point about the word ‘biased ‘is well made – it is beyond that .
Funny, I haven’t seen any other reports of what has happened in Alberta. Perhaps UK Column are waiting for confirmation before reporting it.
Alok Sharma, described as ‘the Government’s Climate Fantasy Chief’, reckons that ‘The world is “dangerously close” to running out of time to stop a climate change catastrophe’. It’s a brave attempt at scare mongering, but he really should be paying attention. Prince Charles stated as far back as 2011 that we have “Just 96 months to save the world”. That’s right, we all expired towards the end of 2019:
Of course, he was being hoplessly optimistic. In May 2014, the French Foreign Minister stated categorically that it was just 500 days left:
But of course, the real expert – Gordon Brown – had a far more precise prediction of just 50 days. That’s 50 days from October 23rd 2011, BTW. Perhaps he should have stuck to raiding pension funds, selling off the gold reserves and calling working class voters ‘bigots’.
Ian Rushlow
Does he actually think that he or the rest of the ordinary working people of Great Britain can actually save the world ?
Who voted for these policies ?
Who voted for destruction of our industry ?
Who voted for mass immigration ?
The present Tories are Liberals in disguise. Was there some secret plan or pact made during the Cameron & Glegg coalition ?
I would be interested in Mr. Sharma’s studied breakdown of the timescale for his catastrophe, and itemise exactly what would happen to whom, and why, how much it would cost, what would happen to the economy, and what would result in the better policy of nobody doing anything. We already know the answer to that one. CO2 levels would continue to rise, as they need to, and the sun would continue to shine, albeit in a solar minimum sort of way.
And we know the effect that solar minima have on the climate, from history, don’t we, Alok, you globetrotting hypocrite, you.
Sharma ? Patel ? Related ? – or just both incompetent ?
No, both bame!
Meanwhile, in a BBC cubicle in the gardens….
“Geronimo: Minister urged not to allow ‘healthy’ alpaca’s death”
“More than 80,000 have signed a petition asking the prime minister to step in.”
Is that 80,000 London ‘luvvies’ that have no clue of what TB can do to farms that rely on livestock for survival and livelihood?
It’s now ‘defends’.
That is 69,920,000 not signing a petition the bbc likes.
As I’ve said before (a little tongue in cheek), it’s not heterosexual, atheist MEN like myself who need to worry about the coming Caliphate, it’s women (and those of the alphabet soup variety) who should really be concerned.
Let’s be honest, if push comes to shove, I can sprout a bushy, salt and pepper beard in a matter of weeks, and I actually think some of those prayer caps are quite fetching (and would conceal the incipient bald patch nicely). Banging my head on the ground towards Mecca five times a day does sound like a bit of a bore, but would it be much worse than being expected to do the lion’s share of the housework, shopping, gardening etc… and constantly being told I’m to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong with the world?
Of course the missus wouldn’t like it too much, but hey, I could always trade her in for a newer, younger, and more complaint model, in fact, why not four of them? And if any of those get ideas above their station, well inshallah, there’s always a bottle of lighter fluid and a box of matches.
Allah akbar!
Been measured for your bespoke vest yet ? Can you drive a van ? – you make a good point – a male dominated – anti queer -anti woman ‘culture ‘ – so supported the their BBC …
It’s the lunacy of the house of cards the left and the BBC have built for themselves that staggers me.
Several totally incompatible views of the world, all bunged in the same bag together, they would soon be tearing each other to pieces like proverbial cats in a sack, if they didn’t hate those of us outside the sack more.
Look at the trans vs feminist war going on, for example, can see more of that to come, and it might be our eventual way out of the current insanity.
Why do they all hate us by the way, it’s not as if most of us have anything particularly against any of them, is it just because we’re not in the sack with them, or is it really self loathing?
You have grasped the essentials.
“Sir Keir Starmer: Labour should be proud of Tony Blair’s record”
Yet another ‘own goal’ ?
Jez trying to get the pay off?
Guest Who
I’d like to see him try that on the ‘twisty, turny’ hills where I live .
And a shame if David Carradine and Igor were side to side in their 2000 combines headed the other way.
‘calms the traffic behind them’, am sure all those drivers stuck behind them, worrying about getting to work on time and not getting sacked will be really ‘calm’.
‘makes it less easy for bad drivers to attempt dangerous passes’, erm, let’s just say I’m trying to get to work on time, or I’m a delivery driver who has to meet a certain number of drops per day, and I’m stuck in a massive tailback behind these, watching the minutes ticking away. The longer it goes on the more I’m going to be tempted to try a ‘dangerous pass’, no?
‘it is more pleasant and sociable for them’, perhaps, but not for those left fuming in the massive tailback behind, what about ‘thinking about other road users’, ‘putting yourself in their shoes’, and ‘being courteous’?!
This just sounds like a really, really stupid, and really dangerous suggestion to me, and I’m a cyclist myself, but then what do I know?
It means that, with a hefty shove, passing motorists can dismount several of them at once. I would expect Vine to tumble, as well…
No ‘social distancing’, there. I wonder of they all wear masks?
It also makes work for undertakers
Won’t be 4 abreast if you pass them at the national speed limit …
And think of the organ donations.
Vile swerves to safer ground.
Look at meee…
Cultured, environmentally friendly on my bike, AND I have black friends!
Well, at least one.
Vine can only put something like that up in incense people . I ride a push bike – a motor scooter and a car . All I can say is that riding a bike is dangerous and riding a motor scooter is very dangerous . I’ve had to attempts on my life in the last two days and I expect it every time I put a helmet on …
So Vine blows out of the water everything I learned in cycling proficiency – circa 1960s, when single file is the only way to stay safe – and in the 60’s there were only sheep and Ford Anglia’s on the roads back then !
So, according to his mantra, 4 abreast keeps traffic moving at a more relaxed speed. Ok, there’s a chap in the car doing a dash to the hospital with a heavily pregnant wife, or a child who is desperately sick – and they have to pootle along at 12 miles an hour while the lycra louts are having a chat, and then shout abuse at the driver trying to pass them. Crackers !
If you have nothing worth saying, the BBC will pay lots to say it….
I must confess I lost it briefly…
She could ask Owen.
Where do we start? Richard Lindzen, for one, then there are a whole host of others. But I’m afraid, Owen, they wouldn’t kowtow to your agenda, and bamboozle you with real science, and that would never do, would it?
He’s probably hoping to get Bob Ward.
The analysis by Rog, Matt, Justin and, of course, Marianna will be a sight to see.
Unless the BBC decides ‘not news’.
Or lends their lawyers out.
Meanwhile, in a city state….
This is the time to ditch the climate claptrap finally, and irrevocably.
Old Goat
Bo Jo and our ‘leader’, Lady Macbeth will have to be ditched first I am afraid.
I think your “Leader” is going in the right direction to ditch himself, and his erstwhile “lady”, too. I predict COP26 to become as much an unmitigated failure, as the previous efforts.
Invade China – stop global warming.
“Sexism: Can my employer make me wear make-up and heels?”
What a rubbish non-story.
Some fools are still paying for this woke nonsense.
Scrap the telly tax. The tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
It’s 1083 to the Paris Olympics . Working on an average of 450 illegal invaders a day until then – that is 487 000‘arrivals’ from France …
Which fills 1938 hotels
So better get building …
Just to add – the number sent back to France will be zero
The number of minutes coverage by the BBC will be zero
Changes in law – zero
Cost ? Unknown
Empty words from an empty ‘Home Secretary ‘? Loads
Number of arrests for filming ? A lot .
Follow the money ……………..
Interesting news that the Biden administration in its massive anti White race hate based on nothing at all but prejudice has decided that ‘racism’ against Black Americans is the single biggest threat to American society.
To that end and in pursuit of those goals the Democrat party in New York has decided to ban Black people from eating at restaurants there!
This is of course not racist at all because there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ and because it’s only ‘racist’ when the left say it is!
So how has this insanity come about? Bidens bunch of loonies have gone down the path the French have gone with vaccine passports and to ban access to several places unless in possesion of one.
Vaccine uptake in the state of New York amongst Black people is just 30% meaning 70% of Blacks in the state are effectively going to be unable to access many things which they were previously able to.
It gets worse though because the insane argument put forward by the Democrats for not improving voter security is that Black people cannot get access to ID documents and even being asked to show this ID is akin to a slave being asked to show their papers of freedom.
How is asking for proof of vaccination any different to being asked for proof of ID once every couple of years at a polling station?
The Democrats have been attacking Republican reps who have been anti Vax passports, but they are not attacking Black anti Vaxxers, they really are going to come unstuck on this one as the two policies are in direct opposition to each other.
Of course there are no media report in the UK about this.
So lucky they all have guns – otherwise the false presidents masters would be putting trump supporters into re education camps by now …
David Pickard, director of the BBC Proms is striving for diversity in classical music, as reported in today’s Sunday Telegraph. He says ‘We have to grapple with the fact that not so many symphonic pieces were written by women in the 18th and 19th centuries and we’re trying to redress that balance by commissioning pieces along gender equal lines.’
He continued, ‘Classical music has to confront its own history, just as other cultural forms have had to in the wake of campaigns for more diversity and acknowledgement of racism and discrimination. It’s terrible important that every piece of art is given a context’.
I assume David Pickard and the BBC would be more comfortable with their music if Beethoven, Mozart etc. had been transgender.
Sick of them trying to lever in race and gender into everything these days, even if it means scraping the barrel.
Like all woolly minded lefties Mr Pickard finds it necessary to “grapple” with the truth rather than accepting it.
White males wrote the finest classical music and are still doing so to this day. Get used to it.
Completely agree Lefty Wright. It’s also the terminology they use which gets up my nose. eg ‘terribly important that every piece of art is given a context’.
He do well to look closely at the present rather than attempting a hatchet job on the past; both the London Symphony Orchestra and London Philharmonic are populated almost exclusively by white musicians- you’d be hard-pressed to find a lineup more offensive to the identitarian cause anywhere in popular culture.
‘In Tokyo, French marathon runner Morhad Amdouni deliberately knocks over whole line of water bottles, denying fellow athletes chance to drink…..’
Some say it was accidental. Others say it depends how you define sportsmanship.
Sleepy tried this yet?
The encores from Sopes and BS will last all week.
and from Barry+Mish’s seaside pile we get some photos of the few friends around for an intimate barbie
eat bugs – save the planet **
** does not apply to Obama and friends.
“Wood Green stabbing: Man charged with social worker attack”
One of those “men” again ?
Are you sitting down?
The BBC feature a woman who is quarantining in a hotel in Majorca. She has little food and water apparently. In that regatd I’m sympathetic.
But here’s the real thing.
She is not able to access the laundry so……..wait for it………has to wash her knickers in the bathroom sink !!!!!!!!
That is the modern standard of expectation and entitlement among a certain type of person.
Needless to say, she works in the public sector.
A trainee nurse!
Soph is pretty awesome value.
Hard not to see the skilled hand of Springster in much of this too.
Has to wash knickers in the sink?
Oh, the humanity!
(crying emoji)
Skiddies make for an excellent sink plug ( when there isn’t a hotel one of course ) – I’d recommend clean ones if considering their use….. (don’t start me on hotel stories )…
It would appear following several posts I have made concerning the UKs lack of generating capacity, the future of electric cars is in serious doubt, the point has been picked up by the Mail on Sunday confirming exactly what I had been saying. Our politicians appear to believe electric cars run on fairy dust and no powere generation is therefore needed, however there is a second even more unsurmountable problem facing the green nutters, the looming copper shortage.
A conventional car contains about 9 – 25Kg of copper but an electric car contains close to 100Kg of copper, and there just isn’t enough of it to sustain car production.
Just watch this 8 minute video from credible people and see just what kind of ridiculous crisis is being laid down by the Wests political elites who are cluless about everything and worse can’t be told either.
I’m pleased to let you all know that my football club, Sunderland, did not ‘take the knee’ before yesterday’s game at the Stadium of Light against Wigan (who also did not take the knee)
I don’t know what other clubs did yesterday. I suppose some still do it but I reckon that most of the 31k crowd there would have let them know how they felt if the did go down on their knees before the game (as they were doing when they were playing in empty grounds)
On GB News this morning, Farage mentioned that Guy Verhofstadt said the EU would have came top if they combined all their medals in the Olympics.
The next European Football Cup should comprise of these teams:
Until recently, when anyone being interviewed was asked a question, their first word of a reply would usually be ‘So’
Have you noticed that now, their reply usually starts with “That’s a very good question”
The difference between Neil Oliver and a bigoted snowflake is that Neil explains his position. Snowflakes simply state their position.
That’s right he is not Scottish enough … there are plenty of people more Scottish …
Cancel culture is real – how many right wing people in BBC? Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Incoming. Matt, Rog & Justin must be so excited.
Who will empty the bins? The women?
I hope the ER posters are hand-printed on ethically-sourced paper using fully biodegradable non-chemical inks, and the QR code can only be scanned using a dew-drop flecked spiders web suspended from a frame made from hawthorn twigs, rather than a smartphone powered by a toxic and polluting lithium battery. Because we’re in a state of planetary emergency, obviously, and it’s essential that I sleep easier at night.
Constant agenda pushing
Arms exports from Sweden 2020, by country
In 2020, arms export from Sweden to both Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates amounted to 80 million constant (1990) U.S. dollars each. The depicted export value is only an indicator and does not correspond to the actual financial value of the transfers.27 Apr 2021
UK media is very very very *diverse*
I switch to ITV … Anita Rani is on The Chase
Lefties redefine language
DIVERSITY = “the same pet London liberals faces, all the time”
Other guests : Dane Baptiste, ex-rugby referee Nigel Owens,
ITV sports broadcaster Mark Pougatch (from Paddington)
ex BBC 5-Live
Actual question “The top 100 companies are responsible for what percentage of GreenHouseGas emissions ?”
Note how 5 minutes later they will say that China’s emissions don’t belong to China, but rather they belong to the end users : UK customers.
Did the bbC dodge a bullet with this one?
Or given their efforts today will they be lobbing themselves in front of it still?
This was some poor kid shoehorned into the spotlight to read a script even Dr. Gail would be embarrassed by.
If Today does not fly him in to meet Alok it will be a travesty.
LGBT kids?
A few more licences. They know they can.
Countryfile is pushing Green Dreamery of course
Highlands Rewilding
– in the Highlands, visiting a 100-acre rewilding site near Loch Ness known as the Natural Capital Laboratory.
(people are not Scottish : 1 London + 1 American woman)
.. with the help of the latest technology – scientists here are mapping, tracking and quantifying the changes to the landscape and the life in it.
– hi-tech devices that track animals and create a virtual vision of what the site will look like in 100 years’ time
– how efforts to restore neglected peat bogs could pay dividends for the environment.
– Tom Heap investigates the impact that reintroducing long-lost species could have on our countryside …(wildcats)
A different take on the biased BBC element of this edition of Countryfile.
You know how they like to expose Fake News.
This episode featured the National Capital Laboratory which is ‘near Loch Ness’.
And in the film is a glorious view of Buchaille Etive Mor, the mountain sentinel at the head of Glencoe. The film is shot from somewhere east of the Glencoe ski centre. Take my word for it.
Which is over 60 miles, yes sixty miles, from Loch Ness!!
Imagine the furore from the BBC if,say, the Torygraph had an article on London and featured Nelson’s flagship HMSVictory in …errr….Portsmouth. Or Newbury racecourse. Or Canterbury cathedral.
Another BBC fake news classic.
Londonistan is busily ‘rewilding ‘ – this is measured via the homicide numbers ( then some one sez’ actually it’s safer now than its’ ever been … yeah )
Young black men are only fearful of other black men – whites are not in the equation.
Legacy of slavery I suppose. But I can’t see how.
I guess the ‘antiques road show ‘ good then ? Because it got double the audience numbers that the ‘Olympic roundup show ‘ with a token coloured presenter who cannot speak properly and someone else …
What’s so good about the apparent poor coverage of the Olympics by the BBC is that the same thing will happen in 3 years time when the enemy french hold it ?
Imagine the cheating in that one …
Easy to see Champion’s appeal.