The BBC are keen to say that the U.K. should lead the world on climate change.
How about the BBC leading the U.K.?
To save the planet they should reduce the number of channels eg BBC News 24 because nobody watches it. They should merge the children’s channels. Local news could make do with just one presenter and we don’t need reporters going to stand outside a house where somebody has been murdered or a field which has flooded. Senior reporters don’t need to fly abroad to report but stay in the studio. There must be so much drama on tape that could be repeated that the BBC needs never make another one. We could repeat Eastenders and Casualty from the beginning. We don’t need The One Show (other repeats?), we could have Delia repeated instead of all the cookery completions and repeat football matches with just one person to introduce it and comment (not Linneka) Think how much carbon dioxide we can save, reduce climate change and save the planet. Any other suggestions?
Just to add to my list; no new natural history programmes so the bbc could retire both Attenborough and Packham, no BBC staff to wear makeup for the cameras (what a waste of the earth’s resources is lipstick) and even rerun proms which would save all the CO2 gettiing orchestra and audience to the Albert Hall and then the BBC could stop commissioning new music which is bloody awful and save even more CO2. Basically if the BBC tried really hard they could save enough emissions that the rest of us needn’t bother. Of course they would have to believe there really is a climate crisis.
Haven’t they started with Homes Under The hammer? Isn’t it the same northern terraced house done up the same way every week, or does it just feel like it?
They must surely be saving money on ‘comedy’ script writers -S**t, Trump, Farage and Brexit, what more words do they need?
Strange, when Great Britain’s carbon footprint is one of the lowest in the industrial world we cop the blame for climate change? Much of the blame coming from some of our very own people including our own broadcaster, Al Beeb!
Strange, how Great Britain takes the blame for slavery when we ended it. Much of the finger pointing coming from some of our own people, including Al Beeb, one of the greatest campaigners. On top of all that, thousands break our border laws dying to get in to this country.
Despite all this flak we have a lot ‘friends’ in the world – the whole British Commonwealth!
Who or what is driving all things anti-British? – Al Beeb and ‘Dark Forces’.
The answer to these ails? – A strong Leader.
Unfortunately we do not have one.
BTW Richard Tice was very weak on Climate Change on Monday
‘Yes it’s all true, but we should have had a nationalised WindFarm industry, instead of letting private investors have a profit’
FFS double Lalaland
Farage is a bit weak on Green stuff, and weak on standing up to the problems of dogmatic Islam.
Cuomo : Viva Frei addressed this few day ago
“The attorneys team have finished the investigation
the mere fact that they have so much evidence it can’t be brushed under the carpet, means he’s got to GO”
Afghanistan war: Biden says he does not regret troop withdrawal
Sorry to keep going on about it, but I’m following this story with a mixture of horror and disgust. I’m certain atrocities are being committed on a daily basis but we are not being told because when the Taliban rule Afghanistan, the BBC want them to be ‘friends’.
The BBC are giving Biden a free ride on this. No criticism or exposure of his complete lies and/or utter ignorance of the situation whatsoever. They are doing as they always do when it’s against the agenda : clinically report facts without embelishment.
The tactic here is to talk about children without any hint at who is causing it. There is no blame whatsoever being pointed at the Taliban – yet they are the ones doing all the attacking.
The BBC and the Left are soaked in blood from this and many other examples like it. They absolutely don’t care who or how many get killed. It will be supressed if it doesn’t match the agenda. They positively revel in misery if it suits them. Every dead civilian would have been blamed on Trump personally if he was still in power.
They are the most disgusting hypocrites of anyone. We should shudder at what the Left would do if they had absolute power : I can see many traits of their predecessors like Hitler, Stalin and Pol-Pot hiding underneath the thin veneer of their ‘humanity’.
It was obvious from his short stint as Foreign Sec. that Boris was going to be useless. Whether this was/is by design or because he is just stupid is another matter.
I think he was quite a clever choice by the Tories (who gave up being “conservative” a very long time ago and I expect now also have their own fair share of Cultural Marxists within their ranks and party structures). Because he is
Popular with the press (as he us always good for a story) and comes across as some very “clubbable” cove
A good Tory (as they now have no core beliefs other than holding power for its own sake and most would send their own mothers down the salt mines if it meant they could continue polishing the green leather for another 5 years)
And easily led either by “fucarse” groups, various “experts”, WEF or whoever currently has their hand on his fly zip.
A man of no values just like his own party and a product of our now corrupt political system which allows no real opposition to gain a foothold,
I used to think he was very clever by playing to the audience, but I’ve since realised that is all there is.
There is no ‘Churchill’ buried beneath.
Mind you, not nearly as disappointing as the ‘Thatcher’ we all hoped May would prove to be.
I’ve described him here as ‘mr toad ‘ flitting from one thing to another – I think he has Attention deficit disorder – so left all the detail to Cummings – now nut nut just prods him into stupid ideas and words .
Hooray !. Though the elephant in the room is the graph showing 2020 and 2021 results are totally unreliable.
So who do we show picture of to celebrate this amazing achievement ?. Bet you can’t guess.
Top billing : two black girls.
Second billing: a very black male.
Third billing: Shivani from Loughborough and looks Indian. She says it has been difficult and has had an impact on her mental and emotional health. Of course she does – no doubt promted to say it.
And in last place as the duty-bound token, Finn the whitey.
Interestingly none of the black students were named or interviewed – so I’m pretty sure they are fake pictures from stock. The BBC have no problem at all including those in news articles and lying that they are part of the story.
I’m watching our country turn into a complete farce and nobody seems bothered. Have I been transported into some bizarre alternate reality ?.
It’s important to stay focused on your own intellect, dignity and mental strength. I say this, because the end game for the Pigs isn’t the proposed ideological perfection of total diversity and inclusion – quite the opposite. They’ve seen how successfully Caribbean communities have integrated into our culture and they want to reverse that, utilising George Floyd and the spectre of Atlantic slaving as the foundation for dissent. They want whitey to become resentful of the blacks for the disproportionate special treatment they receive at the expense of others. They want us to fear the changes inflicted on white society without our consent and to not heed the warning given by Master Yoda: ‘fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering’. We’ve been here before. It was the fear of what they didn’t understand that bred prejudice amongst our ancestors against blacks and others. Now, with greater knowledge, maturity and enlightenment, we must not allow ourselves to be trapped by the same foolish errand.
Amazing how the cleverest generation ever have not sat any exams.
I actually feel really sorry for any bright kids out there of exam age. If we ever get back to anything even slightly resembling normality then these will be seen as the blighted/untested generation.
Having said that with the amount of deliberate damage Johnson and his globalist friends seem to have visited upon the economy and our culture in the name of “health” equality and environmentalism I dont think there is going to be much of an economy left anyway.
They were right about creating a “New Normal” – I see this country now developing as something as a cross between South Africa and one of the Balkan nations during the conflict.
I notice that the very worst offenders are the private schools. They have bumped their ‘A’s to 70%. Obviously to get more paying guests in the future.
Teachers are Lefties to the core. Scratch the surface and any fake ethics disappear.
I have no skin in the game but I feel for the clever kids who deserved top billing now being thrown in with less clever types – I suppose the whole education system will be even more tarnished – anyone getting certificates dated 2020/1/2 will be looked at differently …
I already see problems in the area of Law where the product of the English education system throws up those not up to the job, such as the one who told me she couldn’t advise on something because she hadn’t done a particular subject but if I wanted to pay for her course, she would. ( I am not joking). But I worry with the present crop of students going into medicine. I presume they won’t be able to cope with medical exams because of their mental health. If in a few year’s time, I might get one of these should I need an operation. Will they be up to the job and the stress of cutting people open?
I recall, and it wasn’t that long ago, that some university’s pharmacy students had to take a numerics course (i.e. arithmetic, rather than any ‘real’ mathematics) as a mandatory element of their degree studies. Remember, this isn’t just about your street corner pharmacy store – these are people who would work in the pharmaceutical sector of UK industry.
The pass mark was set at 24%…. i.e just about the equivalent of getting the correct name on their exam paper…
Jeez – would you want any of these berks involved at any stage of the formulation and preparation of any medications you might need….?
By now, however, they are apparently out there practising their ‘profession’ !!!!!
TOADY Watch #1 – the ignorance and gullibility of military chiefs and politicians is breathtaking
Afghanistan is a headline News and TOADY item. President Biden is calling on Afghans to unite to fight the Taliban. He has a hope. It will be dashed. Cannot imagine what his military and intelligence Chiefs are telling him.
I have never been in the military. I have never been to Afghanistan. But I know, through listening to others, through reading, through the news events of my lifetime and documentaries, that loyalty in Afghanistan is extremely fluid. It can switch in an instant from the local Warlord to an overseas military to a powerful family to the local community Chiefs to the local Imam and Mosque. Those are the normal power centres in Afghan society.
And that is what exactly is happening now. Some towns and cities are telling the Taliban “We will not resist you, if you do not damage our town or city and let daily life continue.” Source: BBC Correspondent based in Delhi. Sorry, forgotten name.
The Prime Minister should, in my view, sack General Sir Nick Carter today. He is not a fit and proper person to lead the UK Military.
I never had much confidence that Afghanistan would not fall to the Taliban despite Biden saying that they were no match for the 100,000 strong Afghan army. The Taliban are fundamentalist Islamics. Muslims proudly declare their religion comes before their country (30% of “British” muslims agreed with the terrorists mass murderers in Paris) so it is not unexpected that Afghani soldiers may secretly agree with the Taliban’s vision of society and be less than enthusiastic to fight.
Up2 / Popeye – the thing of course is that they are strongly tribal – which I guess trumps anything else – loyalty can be bought easily – which was one of the things recognised by us before going in .. but difficult to deal with …
The false president calling on the south Vietnamese to fight as the yanks run away
Bush calling on Iraqis to fight saddam
There’s a theme there somewhere . ….
This foreign policy catastrophe won’t even register with the BBC – just lefty stories about initial refusal to let more aliens into Blighty ….this time – from Afgee – if they go anywhere – it should be to the US- there war after all…
Fed, hope your travel to the sun was not too stressful. Have a good time, wherever you are. Yes, Afghanistan is a tribal society and is structured. But that is also very fluid. It can switch in a moment to whoever has the ‘biggest stick’, whether that is religion, weapons, opportunities or ‘baksheesh’.
Thank you – heading back to Blighty and resolving to give GBNews another chance – I see they are re vamping the programmes – maybe the Brillo is back in September but I suspect it may only be for ‘big’ interviews….
📚 She’s a pretty controversial figure – some of her books have been removed from sale and many think her writing is wooden – but she’s still one of the biggest selling children’s authors in history.
And even in her heyday, BBC producers thought her mediocre BBC Sounds.
I have come to the conclusion that Al Beeb is a woke, monstrous, propaganda machine. The only satisfaction I get from it is that I don’t pay for it and laugh at those who do . 👍
Prince Andrew must respond to legal action, says accuser’s lawyer
The Duke of York, who has consistently denied allegations of sexual abuse, must respond to the claims filed to a court by US woman Virginia Giuffre, her lawyer says. According to David Boies, Prince Andrew should let a jury decide what happened in the US-filed civil case, which alleges he sexually assaulted Ms Giuffre – then Virginia Roberts – aged 17. The duke’s spokeswoman said there was no comment on the case while Mr Boies told the BBC he “cannot hide behind wealth and palace walls”. He says Ms Giuffre, who was an accuser of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, had “tried every way she can to resolve this short of litigation” and “at this point litigation is the only way to establish once and for all what the truth is”.
Legal #prasnews from the shark is hardly headline material.
Guest – just in passing – who does this pan out ?
US trial goes ahead – he doesn’t contest it – judge awards funny money damages (£100 million ? Who knows )
US pursues This fool for the money ?
He settles pre court with undisclosed fee – Queen pays up – sells a painting …?
There was something about judging a man by the company he keeps ….
Lex situs (jurisdiction) may play a part in these lawsuits and a US result will be unenforceable in the UK. Of course, that will mean Prince Andrew can never, ever, visit a US territory if judgement goes against him.
I guess that extends to US registered aircraft as well – I reckon there will be a ‘buy off ‘ which might not even be made public – yet alone the cost …
As long .. of course … that there are few plaintiffs …
I will confidently predict that Prince Andrew will never set foot in the USA ever again. If Mrs Giuffre thinks she will ever see a penny she is very much mistaken. I hope she has the money to pay her lawyer’s fees.
She already received a pay-off from Maxwell for defamation, reported as ‘undisclosed’ so probably rather hefty and kept quiet to avoid influencing any proceedings further down the line. I imagine she can afford a decent legal team.
Is there a single person in this whole world (except for the misandrists) who doesn’t think that she did it all willingly in order to enjoy living a millionaires lifestyle ?.
…… and, of course, JohnC, the BBC will fully support the proper and thorough investigation of similar claims against Andrew Cuomo (now former Governeor of New York) and Joe Biden, both stalwarts of the US political left.
Guest Who – please allow me to re-phrase one of the claims from the delicate flower mentioned above….
‘…at this point, litigation may be the only way to get money out of anyone, since my previous attempts at blackmail and extortion have so far been unsuccessful’.
Are Jack and Jake the new Reality Check Jedward or simply more hires?
Are wildfires getting worse?
Recent heatwaves and wildfires around the world have caused alarm – with warnings that parts of Europe and North America could be experiencing the worst fire season ever. So how do wildfires compare with previous years?
Parts of the western US have seen record-breaking temperatures this year, which – along with severe drought conditions – have triggered a series of major wildfires. So far this year in California, more than twice as many acres of land have been burned by wildfires compared with the five-year average. Dr Susan Prichard, from the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences at the University of Washington, says “we might be set up for another record-breaking fire season”.
They are not getting worse. This year, so far, has one of the lowest total burn acreages so far in recorded history. They were far worse a hundred years ago, and even more recently that that. The MSM seem incapable of checking newspapers and data from the time, preferring instead, at the instigation of NOAA/NASA to deliberately curtail inconvenient data from their graphs, and skewing them. It’s all built on lies, and lies which are easily discoverable by anyone who cares to look. Thank God people like Tony Heller do the donkey work for us.
As I’ve stated previously, even the Wikipedia entry on the history of California wildfires pours cold water on the scaremongering of the Left. They really never learn.
Professor Gary Maynard.
Serial pyromaniac in California, arrested yesterday.
“The man is listed as a lecturer in criminal justice studies at two colleges in California. Sonoma State listed him as specializing in cults and deviant behavior.”
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
Let’s kick off with European football transfer news: ‘Messi makes switch to PSG on £1m a week‘ (Telegraph)
The Sun jokes that this hefty pay packet in fact represents something of a pay cut for the Argentinian: ‘Hand of Wad… Lionel Messi in Paris yesterday. Messi’s pay cut a mere £46m a year‘
Remind me how many weeks in a year?
Such significant financial deals naturally make the frontpage of the FT: ‘Messi arrives in Paris to sign for PSG… after his tearful shock departure from Barcelona‘
The old Labour Mirror adds a lame French pun but understands the deal to be worth a somewhat lower figure – perhaps reluctant to cause too much conflict in the minds of its football-loving socialist readers: ‘Here oui go £30million a year Messi signs for PSG‘
52, 46 or 30?
No wonder Messi has so much trouble filling in his tax returns: ‘Messi and his father were both found guilty of tax fraud in July 2016 and were handed suspended 21-month prison sentences and the forward ordered to pay a 1.7million Euro fine‘ (Independent)
The Paris soccer club, where money is apparently no object, is of course owned by Qatar Sports Investments.
Remember those old chaps you sometimes found in pubs who could still reel off the names of their local club’s first eleven from 1956?
The ‘i’ newspaper recites the teamsheet of the exotic international star-studded PSG for us: ‘Messi, Mbappé, Neymar, Donnarumma, Ramos, Hakimi, Marquinhos, DiMaria, Verratti, Draxler, Icardi, Wijnaldum, Kimpembe… No pressure Poch’ – a reference there to the former Spurs coach Mauricio Pochettino now managing the French side. And yet one-of-our-own Harry Kane is still stuck at The Lane? Something tells me English football is not held in quite the high regard on the continent as we would like to think.
Having just negotiated a clutch of difficult foreign monikers it seems only appropriate that one segues to the reporting of our own A-level results: ‘Simran Garcha and Belinda Boateng, students at Townley Grammar School in Bexleyheath, southeast London, after receiving their A-level results yesterday‘ (Times); ‘Twins Kahinde and Deborah Sowole open their A-level results at Ark Globe academy in London‘ (Guardian)
The Beats headphones wearing and braided-haired young black lady, tearful with joy and with a face mask worn on her chin (youthful fashion item?) on the cover of the freebie Metro goes unnamed, as are her pals, the blonde and the Asian girl: ‘A-mazing! Record as 45% of pupils awarded top grades‘
100% female and 90% not white?
The broadsheets (and the Times) can’t decide if this is all just fine and dandy or perhaps a tad too much of a good thing:
‘Call for urgent A-levels overhaul as grades soar‘ (Times)
‘Top grades for 45% of A-level entries sets tough questions for universities‘ (FT)
‘A-level grades could be scrapped to end top marks “free-for-all”‘(Telegraph)
The left-leaning press (and the Mail) naturally find a cause for concern with which to cloud the issue:
‘Gap widens between private and state schools‘ (Guardian)
‘Fury over grade gap‘ (Daily Mail)
‘Revealed: plan to fix A-level inflation‘ (‘i’) – What, this wishy washy lily-livered administration planning to take on the powerful education blob?
‘2022’s students should not be judged far more harshly than past two years, ministers believe..‘ – Thought not.
One wonders whether the Times noticed my likening of yesterday’s frontpage to Peter Blake’s famous design for the Fab Four’s ground breaking psychedelic album? Today they go with: ‘As the studios open to the public, Beatles biographer Hunter Davies takes a tour and remembers his days spent with the Fab Four (and Yoko) as they recorded‘
Quick update on you know what…
The BBC are super keen there’s no misinformation out there: ‘Facebook removes anti-vax influencer campaign‘; ‘Sky News Australia removes Covid misinformation clips‘
So what are we to believe?
‘Virus here to stay so halt mass testing, Oxford expert says‘ (Telegraph) – seems reasonable all of eighteen months in.
‘Millions to get winter booster jabs in weeks‘ (Daily Express)
‘Herd immunity is “mythical” and will never be reached says vaccine chief‘ (‘i’) – in the famous words of Mandy Rice-Davies: “Well he would, wouldn’t he?”
And to end on a spicy note, after we learned yesterday curry was racist we have an antidote care of the Daily Satyr: ‘Spices in south Asian inspired food.. up until yesterday also known as curry.. can boost women’s sex drives. Korma Sutra‘
You know how sometimes you feel something to be instinctively true but can’t quite put your finger on it in very simple terms……..
I am indebted to my sister in law for suggesting we watch my5 ‘Portillo – the trouble with the Tories’
It featured, among others, one Tony Blair. He totally accurately imo defined the rise of ‘Sentimentality’ starting in the early 2000s as a then-new political variable.
If you accept this basic tenet, a lot flows from it. The BBC obsession with individual sob stories instead of the big picture for one thing, not to mention the concomitant rise in all manner of pressure groups supporting ever more ludicrous combinations of unfortunate but individual circumstances and de-railing sensible government inn the process. One might even add ‘vuulnerable refugees fleeing…..France’.
Today the BBC webshite ‘celebrates’ the ‘excited’ parents getting ‘free’ NHS healthcare for their child. It is the world’s most expensive drug, costing £1.79 million. Aww. So sweet.
But a proper broadcaster would surely ask the questions such as is such public expenditure justified and sustainable? Would a series of fast track hip and knee operations be a better use of limited resources?
See where Sentimentality gets us? Only to avoid difficult questions and keep the magic money tree in full bloom, fully supported by the BBC who of course rely on the magic money tree for their existence.
Yes i reckon the death of the ex royal woman was the ignition of the madness – a kidult sort of hysteria fueled by the MSM and the internet .
Example X Destroys Y in commons . So you watch it any all it amounts to is one politician making a better point than another one . No ‘ destruction ‘ – yet that is the language of the kidult internet .
The rashford thing is another one which just gets us to WTF? …
Agreed, guys. Sentimentality has reached pandemic proportions since Diana’s funeral. Theodore Dalrymple has written a lot about this very topic.
I absolutely hate watching the BBBC News these days. Within seconds of the main headlines, no matter what the story, we get endless vox pops of emoting exhibitionists, oodles of whining, crying, weeping, whooping, jumping up and down, and other extreme emotional reactions that not so long ago would have been regarded as vulgar and undignified. A story about NHS cuts has now got to involve a lingering interview with some patient who can’t get an operation and breaks down in front of the camera. A story about exam results has got to involve an interview with some spoilt overprivileged brat who claims his life has been ruined because he can’t get into his first choice of university.
None of this stuff belongs in a news broadcast. They don’t seem to realise that we already know how it feels to pass or fail exams, to face delays in the NHS, to cope with the failings of public services. We do NOT need it acted out in front of us. A news programme should give us news, not drama. It should be objective, impartial, dispassionate and confine itself to the facts.
I wonder if Al Beeb will report on the Eight-Year-Old Hindu Boy Charged with Blasphemy in Pakistan?
The reason it’s important is that, barbaric though the Islamic Republic is, they are also touchy about their international image. In other words, the one thing standing between the boy and a good stoning is international indignation.
With students getting record ‘A’ grades this year after missing a lot of their teaching because of covid, just imagine how many would have got these grades if they had had a whole year of teaching.
This must be an exceptional year getting 45% ‘A’s
A full years teaching with these students could give maybe 80% ‘A’ passes.
Interesting point but allow me to slightly rephrase your observation…
‘With students getting record ‘A’ grades this year after missing a lot of their teaching because of covid, just imagine how many would have got these grades if they had…’ missed a whole year of teaching.
Emmanuel, ‘Prizes for Everyone’ was a phrase used by teachers at my secondary school who were extremely sceptical about the new GCSE ‘O’ Levels. One teacher who was particularly scathing, refered to GCSEs and the written multiple choice examinations after the course work as ‘Doing the football pools.’.
FRAMING TODAY Watch #1 – beavering away at the narrative
I switched on a little late and found myself in the middle of an item about beavers. Apparently, some naughty farmers, in Scotland of all places, have been killing beavers. I wonder what Naughty Nanny Nicola thinks of that? The environment is god (note the small ‘g’) and humankind is also a god (note the small ‘g’ again) in its dealings with animals and the environment and Global Warming and Climate Change.
Beavers must have a place in our environment. It has been decreed. In Scotland the Parliament has declared them a native species although that is somewhat debatable and dubious. They are more likely to have been native in eastern Europe and western Asia. You would think the Scottish Parliament would want to address the falling education standards, health service needs as well as the deaths from drugs and alcoholism, but no. Beavers are where it’s at!
Trees are also a native species in the UK. Trees are set to be our cure for Global Warming and Climate Change. Trees sequester CO2 as they grow. The human god of the environment has declared it a truth in the new religion. (When trees are mature they hardly sequester any CO2 but don’t let science get in the way of the new religion.)
Beavers eat and damage trees and build dams in rivers to create homes for themselves. Don’t believe me? Search for images of beavers online and you will find many with branches in their mouths or looking a teeny bit guilty alongside the stump of a newly felled tree.
You can understand why a farmer under pressure to prevent Global Warming and Climate Change and to plant trees by the new religion and its high priests feels obliged to kill beavers for the sake of the trees and the planet which is now ruled and determined by the aforementioned human god and its high priests and all that. But the poor Kaz Graham, presenting Framing Today, could not cope with that conflict in her mind. She wanted to punish the beaver killers but .. er … just maybe …. they were doing something beneficial for the environment.
“Aaargh! Does not compute. Does not compute! AAaarrghhh!”
This morning the BBC have decided that we all need a bashing with NHS doom and gloom stories… Basically it’s falling apart!
These are 3 screamers just from the home page.
A and E queues mean ambulances ‘can’t take 999 calls’
Ambulance staff say pressure has left them broken
NI Trust sees 182 nurse resignations in six months
As for the last one here’s a graph showing how NHS nurse numbers have ballooned massively over the past ten years, meaning 182 leaving is a pin-prick and probably the normal attrition rate..
Covid vaccine and needle phobia: ‘It feels like the world is ending’
Adam really wants to get vaccinated against Covid-19, but an extreme fear of needles is holding him back
…he was given a side room with a nurse … after hours of “severe panic”, he felt he’d made some progress, but still wasn’t ready to have the jab.
Three days later, Adam spent three more hours in a private room with nurses.
So exactly many nurse hours did he waste? Why aren’t they asking how he gets his teeth fixed at the dentist.
If the drama queen is so desperate to be pricked, why doesn’t he simply asked to be strapped down?
To highlight the broken state of the NHS the bBbc speak to a paediatric nurse from NI who has recently resigned from the Belfast Trust, burned out by the unfair demands placed upon her through government neglect and underfunding of RNHS.
The young nurse interviewed is Katherine Walker. She looks familiar I thought. Burned out by nursing at 25? That’s terrible, if that’s the case I can understand why she quit.
As the bBbc don’t mention it, her being driven to quit the NHS and strive to achieve a better work-life balance and probably more money for less hours through agency work obviously had nothing to do with her other careers in modelling, as a former Miss Northern Ireland, or as host of her own radio show on local station Cool FM. Glad to see from her Instagram that she is now able to find time to discuss such matters with the likes of Rio Ferdinand, Enni Aluko and Steve McManaman of BT Sport.
Just your typical, poorly-treated, undervalued, brave young nurse right there. In the world of the bBbc anyway.
TOADY Watch #2 – I see the ‘P’ name appearing and yes, I have mentioned him before.
I endured the whole of TOADY today with minor switch-offs or interruptions for:
– Moving around the house
– Shouty sports commentators (at a crowdless Olympics – you do wonder at the intelligence of BBC Sports presenters!)
– References to Messi and The Hundred by Gary Sport
– Thought for the Day (not sure why I missed that)
I can confirm that Chris Packham and his daily suggestions through the month of August for saving the Planet from Global Warming and Climate Change, have gone down not so well with the TOADY audience and the TOADY Editors appear to have sacked him.
Charles Moore in the Speccie Chris Packham’s suggestions to save the world
On Monday 2 August, the BBC Today programme offered its ‘Countdown to COP26’. For the rest of the month, Amol Rajan announced, Chris Packham would give us ‘a different suggestion’ about climate change EVERY DAY. I make that 26 Packham slots
I suppose the BBC is sticking by its belief that climate change is not a political issue, and is thus blinded to the fact that Packham’s entire approach to the animal, vegetable and human world is governed by his strongly left-wing politics, perhaps derived from his mentor Billy Bragg.
Packham represents the extraordinary arrogance of those who believe, erroneously, that our species has a God given right to survive. What he perhaps forgets – or never learned – is that the oft-mentioned mass extinctions he is so fond of threatening us with, have been the essential foundation stone of evolutionary upgrades throughout the lifespan of the Earth. In fact, our very existence rests on the Great Oxidation Event, some 2.4 – 2 billion years ago, in which primitive Cyanobacteria began oxidising the atmosphere through photosynthesis, thereby opening the door to the creation of multicellular organisms. This process rendered extinct almost all the existing species on Earth. Them’s the breaks, kid.
So fluffed up is Packham with his own sense of self-importance, that the essential reality of the fragility of humanity simply doesn’t fit into his worldview. Putting it bluntly, I see a little weasel of a man terrified by his own mortality, whose comfort blanket is to attempt the relentless control of others in order to give his life meaning. He is a bully, a pleb and not particularly bright.
White heavy check mark ACTIVISM
White heavy check mark Talk to others
White heavy check mark Activism
White heavy check mark Personal lifestyle changes
White heavy check mark Activism
Interesting item on TOADY this morning .. R4 .. Listening in car as couldn’t get any other stations.. but not driving now .. Anyway, I digress ..
They had someone on talking about refugees from Afghanistan who have been living in Pakistan for many years. ‘ they have had children in Pakistan and some of these Afghan children have never seen their home country’ .. Which I thought was odd .. Because had they been in Britain they would have been called ‘ British children’ not ‘ Afghan children’ living in a foreign country. Double standards to suit the narrative.
In Pakistan the Afghans are segregated into camps on the scrubby edge of town for the most part – it’s all a bit like what I imagine the Middle Ages to have been like…
“Living in Pakistan” is a bit of an overstatement.
“…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
Darren Grimes Far from celebrating the success of Team GB coming 4th in the Tokyo Olympics,
a Sport England board member has said Team GB is “too white”,
and, according to The Guardian,
spoke in the past of ‘apartheid’ in British sport!
I mean, come on! Why can we never just cheer on Britain?
5 minute video rant :
Were the ‘Sport England’ board member to be honest with himself, it would be rather more fair to point out that while the white athletics team members pulled medals the darker ones pulled hamstrings. Or were disqualified for false starts.
taffman, that Border Force are proving to a be a Tower of … something … but definitely not ‘Strength’ at catching the traffickers and returning the trafficked to a safe country, ie. France. Perhaps they are the OXO Pillar instead of Tower. Er, maybe have to shorten Pillar to Pill?
I am sure most people thought that the purpose of the Border Force boats was to patrol the sea border and to deter illegal entry, not to act as a sub-contractor to the traffickers.
Strangely the Home Office’s stated aim for Border Force agrees more with what people thought it should do than what its agency actually does.
We are responsible for:
• checking the immigration status of people arriving in and departing the UK
• searching baggage, vehicles and cargo for illicit goods or illegal immigrants
• patrolling the UK coastline and searching vessels
• gathering intelligence
• alerting the police and security services to people of interest
Our priorities are to:
• deter and prevent individuals and goods that would harm the national interests from entering the UK
• facilitate the legitimate movement of individuals and trade to and from the UK
• protect and collect customs revenues for trade crossing the border
• provide excellent service to customers
• provide demonstrable effectiveness, efficiency and value for money
Apart from Afghanistan in pole position this morning, well, Beijing Biden a.k.a. China Joe has made a pronouncement – it is that important – and David Miliband sounding rather Blair-alike (I think the BBC like that) has to be interviewed from afar by Mishal, it is those dreadful A-level results that came out yesterday that are keeping the BBC exercised.
Just a reminder, refreshing my memory as well as yours; I think the SoS for Education, Gavin Williamson wanted a different assessment for this year. Is that right? I seem to recall he wanted a combination of a sorted out / repaired computer algorithm and teacher assessments to contribute to the A-level results this summer.
I also seem to recall that the Labour Party, the BBC Labour Party and the teaching Unions instantly rebelled and forced a Government U-turn toward the method used and results situation that prevailed yesterday. If I have remembered that correctly, then the Labour Party, the BBC Labour Party and the teaching Unions cannot really complain about the results.
But they are.
Jonny Dymond started yesterday with his sneer-leading on TWatO. I wonder where Jonny Dymond was educated? Private school perhaps? Fee paying school perhaps? His Wiki is silent on that. Nick Robinson continued this morning on TOADY. That would be Nick Robinson, educated at Cheadle Hume School – an Independent School – and, like Dymond, Oxford educated for a first degree. So why the sneering, why complain about the excellent results?
"Black Lives Matter is a racist movement. It demonises an entire race of people for the colour of their skin and holds them responsible for the crimes of history. This is not progressive, it's reactionary."@MelanieLatest on The Brendan O'Neill Show:
More on new BBC progs – Black Art Matters a celebration of African-American creativity, executive-produced by Afua Hirsch .. 4x60mins
– David Olusoga on the long history of the Union
– a landmark science series presented by Chris Packham about planet Earthand
– a three-part series about the controversial Brazilian political dynasty, the Bolsonaros
– Skint a new selection of monologues for BBC Four this time addressing the theme of poverty; 8×15
It’s this April 23 1993 pic
originally labelled
“Eric Cantona kneeling in his iconic celebration after scoring against Manchester City in a match at Old Trafford”
I wonder how many pictures are out there of Cantona and they choose that one……you’d be angry but they are like petulant children, they just can’t help it.
Very interesting Stew. I recently cancelled my Spectator sub, although I realised that the bit I’d miss most would be the comments beneath. Have long been to the Disqus site to check the comments of individuals, but I hadn’t realised that one could also find the entire comment thread for particular articles. This is very good news.
But where do you find the article pages? I tried this:-
@FrankZ The articles ?
At the top of the comments pages there is a title and clicking that gets you to the article ..try opening it in incognito mode and hitting escape before the paywall blocker starts.
I’m sorry – I didn’t explain myself clearly. It’s not the Spectator articles I’m trying to get at – can see those. It’s the Disqus address for the entire comments section for any one article that I’m trying to find, for example your link:-
12:25pm R4 Consumer vox pop as part of BBC Global warming campaign
(Simon Foukes seems like an activist)
segued into “Coop Bank will survey its customers”
“We refuse corporate customers that don’t meet our ethical standards that includes anything to do with oil”
12:35pm Tree Planting
‘The governments tree planting scheme is causing price rises to normal gardeners.’
“How can we make more green choices ?” item
Listener points out the Coop isn’t very green,
Now they have less branches , she has far further to drive to get to a branch.
On the 1 pm news, there is a short feature of a boy who has just spent his 500th night sleeping in a tent. He has reportedly raised £500,000 for charity.
The very next item was footballer Lionel Messi who has moved on a ‘free transfer’ from Barcelona to Paris St Germain. His reported salary is also £500,000. But that’s PER WEEK.
The juxtaposition was clearly lost on the BBC news team.
And not a comment on ‘fat cats’ in sight.
People really aren’t understanding this so called grade inflation regarding exams.
Here’s me to put you right!
I think most of us have grasped the fact that the Tory party ranges from centre Left to far Left, and that the probability it has been infiltrated by the Socialist Workers Party is extremely likely indeed.
The fake Tories now say they are all in favour of Ekwalitee – a dire concept eschewed by all genuine Tories and anyone with any sense.
Exams are the opposite of equality in that the provide proof that some people are better than others in chosen subject, grades are even more discriminating as it provides proof down to an even finer level.
In a Socialist utopia where everyone is equal, there can be no exams. Everyone is the same regardless of how intelligent or hard working they are – it is the opposite of the American dream. It is the embodyment of “all must have prizes” where everyone must pass to avoid others being seen as better than others.
The “plane tracking for plebs” services like Flight Radar 24 don’t show the travelling antics of the “real high flyers”.
Will Joe Biden will get the same sort of turnout in November? – the monkey vs. the organ grinder?
Elsewhere I see the BBC are having a go at ‘Dem ‘Wikkid ‘Wushins in Libya on the web front page. Pretty off when they report near feckall on the antics of Sultan Erdogan’s crew in the same place … why does exporting hundreds of utterly brutish ISIS goons by plane and ship and giving them guns, rockets, vehicles and pocket money not rate a mention?
I heard a rumour that the Pope of Rome plans to attend the COP 26 show in Glasgow later this year.
Make no mistake bBC in collusion with the SNP will be planning how use this to promote their Independence campaign. It is a matter of record that a disproportionate number of “catholics” living in Scotland voted Yes in 2014. By all accounts in large numbers but concentrated in only 4 of the 32 Council areas in Scotland. the other 28 voted to remain in the UK.
Glasgow has by far the largest number of Yes voters by all accounts.
Any bBC involvement , particularly, the Scottish (white elephant) should be scrutinised carefully.
It is too good an opportunity for them to miss spreading their divisive non British agenda.
PS Boris stated he would have a role for Wee Krankie….like the old movies lets hope its a non speaking role!
I think the Holy Father is big on the green stuff . So how will the BBC treat him ? It being satan in ‘human ‘ form .
They wont want to give him any positive airtime – and even worse – nut nut and husband are converts .
Despite the popcorn its serious because all it amounts to is screwing us on taxes .
Burn that diesel .
Declaration- i guess i am Right Wing
( failed ) RC
But dover – what did you buy ? Was it face masks and hand cleaner ? Need to know . Did you get challenged at check out ?
I did a queue a while ago and had forgotten my mask . When i got to the front – after 10 minutes – i got bounced to the back . Protest ? No not worth it . …
This despite having a negative PCR test 36 hours ago …
Institutionalised skin colour prejudice
is what you get when BBC staff are punished
for using faces that are white straight males
So seekto tick other boxes that give them safety against punishment
Wednesday’s morning @BBCradio4 schedule
4 black faces in a row
Then 11am they used a picture of the Union Jack instead of Ian Hislop’s face
Somebody would have got a gold star for that one .
Do you not find it a bit sad ?
Presumably the inner workings of the BBC are desperate to dispell any accusation that R4 is white and British – so they go over board in proving its ‘ ‘ colour’’ – a sort of reverse racism .
I dont even bother looking at the R4 R4X schedule any more …
In the evening other shows are illustrated by non-white faces
5:00 (Anita Anand)
6:30, 7:45 8:45 9:00 10:45 11:15
4 shows have a white face in the graphic
BBC WFH – Work from homers
Guido : The BBC’s taxpayer-funded offices will remain perpetually half-empty as staff continue to work from home for at least part of the week, following the launch of the corporation’s new “hybrid” rota system.
The broadcaster – which rakes in £3.52 billion from the licence fee – says it has no plans to bring workers back to the office despite the fact that all legal Covid restrictions have been lifted. A complete waste of public money, which is easily done when you don’t have to earn it…
If you read Guido via ordpress Reader you don’t get the ads
To see comments you have to open up the usual page by clicking the title
My local BBC are a bunch of eco-warriors
who think they are cogs in a machine saving the world from great Climate disaster.
Unfortunately I think they re cogs in a machine that is dark-PR
Like how could they make such a fuss on Monday about “New Green Jobs”
without simply trying to find how much taxpayer money per job it was costing
£120K per job is a great drain on the nation.
🚗 🥒 🚲 This is useful. On Evan Davis’ Climate Clinic, experts Mike Berners-Lee and Lucy Siegle answer questions about practical things we can do to reduce our burden on the planet.
Mr. BL is no doubt a clever fellow, so allowing himself to be rolled in with Todger and Luce seems odd.
Neither are experts in anything and I am unsure how far his extends into this area either.
6pm news and Mr Messi has moved from Barcelona to Paris. I admit I am not a football supporter, but why should I be interested in something happening between Spain and France. I assume the BBC is trying to emphasise interest in Europe.
ITV local news
– @ITVLaurenHall was on promoting the dream of electric trucks
The item started with some questionable claims
“Only 1.2% of traffic are lorries
They are 18% of UK road emissions”
Hmm I’d expect trucks to use 60% of fuel and therefore to be responsible for 60% of emissions
cos cars are just used a few minutes per day
yet trucks are on the road 16 hours per day”
– It’s South Asian Heritage Month
☑ “Here 2 South Asian women”
☑ “They both work in the NHS”
In 2019 Diesel Road use was 27 billion litres
and petrol use was 15
Since most cars and a few vans are petrol, then most of that 27 will be from trucks.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
The BBC are keen to say that the U.K. should lead the world on climate change.
How about the BBC leading the U.K.?
To save the planet they should reduce the number of channels eg BBC News 24 because nobody watches it. They should merge the children’s channels. Local news could make do with just one presenter and we don’t need reporters going to stand outside a house where somebody has been murdered or a field which has flooded. Senior reporters don’t need to fly abroad to report but stay in the studio. There must be so much drama on tape that could be repeated that the BBC needs never make another one. We could repeat Eastenders and Casualty from the beginning. We don’t need The One Show (other repeats?), we could have Delia repeated instead of all the cookery completions and repeat football matches with just one person to introduce it and comment (not Linneka) Think how much carbon dioxide we can save, reduce climate change and save the planet. Any other suggestions?
Just to add to my list; no new natural history programmes so the bbc could retire both Attenborough and Packham, no BBC staff to wear makeup for the cameras (what a waste of the earth’s resources is lipstick) and even rerun proms which would save all the CO2 gettiing orchestra and audience to the Albert Hall and then the BBC could stop commissioning new music which is bloody awful and save even more CO2. Basically if the BBC tried really hard they could save enough emissions that the rest of us needn’t bother. Of course they would have to believe there really is a climate crisis.
Haven’t they started with Homes Under The hammer? Isn’t it the same northern terraced house done up the same way every week, or does it just feel like it?
They must surely be saving money on ‘comedy’ script writers -S**t, Trump, Farage and Brexit, what more words do they need?
You are wrong about Homes Under the Hammer. One day the northern terraced house is bought by Abdul, the next by Mohammed.
Yes – abolish the biasedbbc
Strange, when Great Britain’s carbon footprint is one of the lowest in the industrial world we cop the blame for climate change? Much of the blame coming from some of our very own people including our own broadcaster, Al Beeb!
Strange, how Great Britain takes the blame for slavery when we ended it. Much of the finger pointing coming from some of our own people, including Al Beeb, one of the greatest campaigners. On top of all that, thousands break our border laws dying to get in to this country.
Despite all this flak we have a lot ‘friends’ in the world – the whole British Commonwealth!
Who or what is driving all things anti-British? – Al Beeb and ‘Dark Forces’.
The answer to these ails? – A strong Leader.
Unfortunately we do not have one.
“Doctor worked at Wrexham Maelor hospital while off sick at another”
Nice little earner when you can get it.
A leader for Great Britain – Compare and contrast ,
Nigel Farage or Boris Johnson?
BTW Richard Tice was very weak on Climate Change on Monday
‘Yes it’s all true, but we should have had a nationalised WindFarm industry, instead of letting private investors have a profit’
FFS double Lalaland
Farage is a bit weak on Green stuff, and weak on standing up to the problems of dogmatic Islam.
Compared with Boris ?
I don’t think I could stand another 4 years of sheer hatred, bias and misrepresentation from the Lefties and the BBC every single day if Nigel was PM.
They’ve already cancelled him. It would be a spitefest.
I think that if Nigel was PM he would have cancelled the BBC by now.
He and the Brexit Party sorted the EU out .
Taffman, can you imagine the amount of riots and demos if Farage was our leader? It would be like when Trump visited the UK only more so.
The left would never allow us to have a patriotic leader.
Cuomo : Viva Frei addressed this few day ago
“The attorneys team have finished the investigation
the mere fact that they have so much evidence it can’t be brushed under the carpet, means he’s got to GO”
Today he posted
Cuomo resigned after they told him they had the votes for impeachment.
Afghanistan war: Biden says he does not regret troop withdrawal
Sorry to keep going on about it, but I’m following this story with a mixture of horror and disgust. I’m certain atrocities are being committed on a daily basis but we are not being told because when the Taliban rule Afghanistan, the BBC want them to be ‘friends’.
The BBC are giving Biden a free ride on this. No criticism or exposure of his complete lies and/or utter ignorance of the situation whatsoever. They are doing as they always do when it’s against the agenda : clinically report facts without embelishment.
The tactic here is to talk about children without any hint at who is causing it. There is no blame whatsoever being pointed at the Taliban – yet they are the ones doing all the attacking.
The BBC and the Left are soaked in blood from this and many other examples like it. They absolutely don’t care who or how many get killed. It will be supressed if it doesn’t match the agenda. They positively revel in misery if it suits them. Every dead civilian would have been blamed on Trump personally if he was still in power.
They are the most disgusting hypocrites of anyone. We should shudder at what the Left would do if they had absolute power : I can see many traits of their predecessors like Hitler, Stalin and Pol-Pot hiding underneath the thin veneer of their ‘humanity’.
The Taliban are activists, says the BBC.
They the lads active whacking girls seeking and education or burning prisoners of war alive in a non Marine A fashion?
Hard to stay abreast.
Spot on JC.
Like Biden our Spineless PM gets any easy ride from the BBC.
I’ve noticed that too – ever since he captulated by getting rid of Dom and installing Nut Nut instead.
Boris is such a disappointment.
I think Nut nut is literally a green sleeper.
She should have stayed asleep, then there might not have been another mini-Boris on board…
It was obvious from his short stint as Foreign Sec. that Boris was going to be useless. Whether this was/is by design or because he is just stupid is another matter.
I think he was quite a clever choice by the Tories (who gave up being “conservative” a very long time ago and I expect now also have their own fair share of Cultural Marxists within their ranks and party structures). Because he is
Popular with the press (as he us always good for a story) and comes across as some very “clubbable” cove
A good Tory (as they now have no core beliefs other than holding power for its own sake and most would send their own mothers down the salt mines if it meant they could continue polishing the green leather for another 5 years)
And easily led either by “fucarse” groups, various “experts”, WEF or whoever currently has their hand on his fly zip.
A man of no values just like his own party and a product of our now corrupt political system which allows no real opposition to gain a foothold,
I can’t remember where I read it but someone was saying that the Trotsky wing of Marxism has adherents across the parties.
I used to think he was very clever by playing to the audience, but I’ve since realised that is all there is.
There is no ‘Churchill’ buried beneath.
Mind you, not nearly as disappointing as the ‘Thatcher’ we all hoped May would prove to be.
I’ve described him here as ‘mr toad ‘ flitting from one thing to another – I think he has Attention deficit disorder – so left all the detail to Cummings – now nut nut just prods him into stupid ideas and words .
Sadly he is fireproof
A-level results 2021: Top grades reach record high
Hooray !. Though the elephant in the room is the graph showing 2020 and 2021 results are totally unreliable.
So who do we show picture of to celebrate this amazing achievement ?. Bet you can’t guess.
Top billing : two black girls.
Second billing: a very black male.
Third billing: Shivani from Loughborough and looks Indian. She says it has been difficult and has had an impact on her mental and emotional health. Of course she does – no doubt promted to say it.
And in last place as the duty-bound token, Finn the whitey.
Interestingly none of the black students were named or interviewed – so I’m pretty sure they are fake pictures from stock. The BBC have no problem at all including those in news articles and lying that they are part of the story.
I’m watching our country turn into a complete farce and nobody seems bothered. Have I been transported into some bizarre alternate reality ?.
I would think that there are many embarrassed Tory MPs in the country? I have heard a few of them criticising Al Beeb.
It’s important to stay focused on your own intellect, dignity and mental strength. I say this, because the end game for the Pigs isn’t the proposed ideological perfection of total diversity and inclusion – quite the opposite. They’ve seen how successfully Caribbean communities have integrated into our culture and they want to reverse that, utilising George Floyd and the spectre of Atlantic slaving as the foundation for dissent. They want whitey to become resentful of the blacks for the disproportionate special treatment they receive at the expense of others. They want us to fear the changes inflicted on white society without our consent and to not heed the warning given by Master Yoda: ‘fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering’. We’ve been here before. It was the fear of what they didn’t understand that bred prejudice amongst our ancestors against blacks and others. Now, with greater knowledge, maturity and enlightenment, we must not allow ourselves to be trapped by the same foolish errand.
Amazing how the cleverest generation ever have not sat any exams.
I actually feel really sorry for any bright kids out there of exam age. If we ever get back to anything even slightly resembling normality then these will be seen as the blighted/untested generation.
Having said that with the amount of deliberate damage Johnson and his globalist friends seem to have visited upon the economy and our culture in the name of “health” equality and environmentalism I dont think there is going to be much of an economy left anyway.
They were right about creating a “New Normal” – I see this country now developing as something as a cross between South Africa and one of the Balkan nations during the conflict.
I notice that the very worst offenders are the private schools. They have bumped their ‘A’s to 70%. Obviously to get more paying guests in the future.
Teachers are Lefties to the core. Scratch the surface and any fake ethics disappear.
I have no skin in the game but I feel for the clever kids who deserved top billing now being thrown in with less clever types – I suppose the whole education system will be even more tarnished – anyone getting certificates dated 2020/1/2 will be looked at differently …
Equity, another key component of the fairy tale.
I already see problems in the area of Law where the product of the English education system throws up those not up to the job, such as the one who told me she couldn’t advise on something because she hadn’t done a particular subject but if I wanted to pay for her course, she would. ( I am not joking). But I worry with the present crop of students going into medicine. I presume they won’t be able to cope with medical exams because of their mental health. If in a few year’s time, I might get one of these should I need an operation. Will they be up to the job and the stress of cutting people open?
I recall, and it wasn’t that long ago, that some university’s pharmacy students had to take a numerics course (i.e. arithmetic, rather than any ‘real’ mathematics) as a mandatory element of their degree studies. Remember, this isn’t just about your street corner pharmacy store – these are people who would work in the pharmaceutical sector of UK industry.
The pass mark was set at 24%…. i.e just about the equivalent of getting the correct name on their exam paper…
Jeez – would you want any of these berks involved at any stage of the formulation and preparation of any medications you might need….?
By now, however, they are apparently out there practising their ‘profession’ !!!!!
Such an underrated film… sorry ‘movie’… who knew it would take less than 20 years, rather than 500?
TOADY Watch #1 – the ignorance and gullibility of military chiefs and politicians is breathtaking
Afghanistan is a headline News and TOADY item. President Biden is calling on Afghans to unite to fight the Taliban. He has a hope. It will be dashed. Cannot imagine what his military and intelligence Chiefs are telling him.
I have never been in the military. I have never been to Afghanistan. But I know, through listening to others, through reading, through the news events of my lifetime and documentaries, that loyalty in Afghanistan is extremely fluid. It can switch in an instant from the local Warlord to an overseas military to a powerful family to the local community Chiefs to the local Imam and Mosque. Those are the normal power centres in Afghan society.
And that is what exactly is happening now. Some towns and cities are telling the Taliban “We will not resist you, if you do not damage our town or city and let daily life continue.” Source: BBC Correspondent based in Delhi. Sorry, forgotten name.
The Prime Minister should, in my view, sack General Sir Nick Carter today. He is not a fit and proper person to lead the UK Military.
I never had much confidence that Afghanistan would not fall to the Taliban despite Biden saying that they were no match for the 100,000 strong Afghan army. The Taliban are fundamentalist Islamics. Muslims proudly declare their religion comes before their country (30% of “British” muslims agreed with the terrorists mass murderers in Paris) so it is not unexpected that Afghani soldiers may secretly agree with the Taliban’s vision of society and be less than enthusiastic to fight.
Up2 / Popeye – the thing of course is that they are strongly tribal – which I guess trumps anything else – loyalty can be bought easily – which was one of the things recognised by us before going in .. but difficult to deal with …
The false president calling on the south Vietnamese to fight as the yanks run away
Bush calling on Iraqis to fight saddam
There’s a theme there somewhere . ….
This foreign policy catastrophe won’t even register with the BBC – just lefty stories about initial refusal to let more aliens into Blighty ….this time – from Afgee – if they go anywhere – it should be to the US- there war after all…
Fed, hope your travel to the sun was not too stressful. Have a good time, wherever you are. Yes, Afghanistan is a tribal society and is structured. But that is also very fluid. It can switch in a moment to whoever has the ‘biggest stick’, whether that is religion, weapons, opportunities or ‘baksheesh’.
Thank you – heading back to Blighty and resolving to give GBNews another chance – I see they are re vamping the programmes – maybe the Brillo is back in September but I suspect it may only be for ‘big’ interviews….
Fed, Oh, from the sun – not to it – well I hope the return to the cold was not too stressful.
I’m wondering if the UK is going to keep up this Global Cooling for much longer? I need some warmth in my old bones.
Quite right, popeye. The word Taliban means ‘Scholar’ and it relates to Islam.
You’d probably find that a much higher percentage agreed but only 30% admitted it.
Bbc Radio 4
📚 She’s a pretty controversial figure – some of her books have been removed from sale and many think her writing is wooden – but she’s still one of the biggest selling children’s authors in history.
And even in her heyday, BBC producers thought her mediocre BBC Sounds.
From the outfit whose producers think Dawn Butler to Femi to Champion are the spokesweasels of the nation.
I have come to the conclusion that Al Beeb is a woke, monstrous, propaganda machine. The only satisfaction I get from it is that I don’t pay for it and laugh at those who do . 👍
As described be by a learned poster – it is beyond bias – maybe the site needs a new name ?
Bbc Radio 4
A bath before bedtime could help your heart and improve your sleep.
Just One Thing is a podcast about simple things you can do every day to improve your health, with Dr Michael Mosley.
And as you wallow, watch out for a naked Nolanberg floating towards you screaming about taking only weekly showers.
Randy Andy is clearly a ‘character’ ©️BBC Inference, but in today’s Moaning Emole they excel in editorial sentence structure.
Prince Andrew must respond to legal action, says accuser’s lawyer
The Duke of York, who has consistently denied allegations of sexual abuse, must respond to the claims filed to a court by US woman Virginia Giuffre, her lawyer says. According to David Boies, Prince Andrew should let a jury decide what happened in the US-filed civil case, which alleges he sexually assaulted Ms Giuffre – then Virginia Roberts – aged 17. The duke’s spokeswoman said there was no comment on the case while Mr Boies told the BBC he “cannot hide behind wealth and palace walls”. He says Ms Giuffre, who was an accuser of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, had “tried every way she can to resolve this short of litigation” and “at this point litigation is the only way to establish once and for all what the truth is”.
Legal #prasnews from the shark is hardly headline material.
Guest – just in passing – who does this pan out ?
US trial goes ahead – he doesn’t contest it – judge awards funny money damages (£100 million ? Who knows )
US pursues This fool for the money ?
He settles pre court with undisclosed fee – Queen pays up – sells a painting …?
There was something about judging a man by the company he keeps ….
No idea.
Legal whizzbangery not my area.
But from the look of the bbc ‘report’, the US lawyers will depend on the British state broadcaster to influence any legal stuff with PR.
Maybe there’s a secret bbc memo to go with secret bbc meetings in the secret W1A Jimmy Savile room on how royal stuff should go too?
Lex situs (jurisdiction) may play a part in these lawsuits and a US result will be unenforceable in the UK. Of course, that will mean Prince Andrew can never, ever, visit a US territory if judgement goes against him.
I guess that extends to US registered aircraft as well – I reckon there will be a ‘buy off ‘ which might not even be made public – yet alone the cost …
As long .. of course … that there are few plaintiffs …
I will confidently predict that Prince Andrew will never set foot in the USA ever again. If Mrs Giuffre thinks she will ever see a penny she is very much mistaken. I hope she has the money to pay her lawyer’s fees.
She already received a pay-off from Maxwell for defamation, reported as ‘undisclosed’ so probably rather hefty and kept quiet to avoid influencing any proceedings further down the line. I imagine she can afford a decent legal team.
Is there a single person in this whole world (except for the misandrists) who doesn’t think that she did it all willingly in order to enjoy living a millionaires lifestyle ?.
Back to the law vs. ‘Other stuff’.
Be interesting how much the MSM and BBC pursue the legal travails of this poor lass there vs. those significantly more, and younger, here.
…… and, of course, JohnC, the BBC will fully support the proper and thorough investigation of similar claims against Andrew Cuomo (now former Governeor of New York) and Joe Biden, both stalwarts of the US political left.
Bridge for sale….. bridge for sale…..
What bridge and how much?
Guest Who – please allow me to re-phrase one of the claims from the delicate flower mentioned above….
‘…at this point, litigation may be the only way to get money out of anyone, since my previous attempts at blackmail and extortion have so far been unsuccessful’.
Also the BME…
Are Jack and Jake the new Reality Check Jedward or simply more hires?
Are wildfires getting worse?
Recent heatwaves and wildfires around the world have caused alarm – with warnings that parts of Europe and North America could be experiencing the worst fire season ever. So how do wildfires compare with previous years?
Parts of the western US have seen record-breaking temperatures this year, which – along with severe drought conditions – have triggered a series of major wildfires. So far this year in California, more than twice as many acres of land have been burned by wildfires compared with the five-year average. Dr Susan Prichard, from the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences at the University of Washington, says “we might be set up for another record-breaking fire season”.
Read full analysis >
Jack Goodman & Jake Horton
BBC Reality Check
‘Might’ is right in the world of media set ups?
They are not getting worse. This year, so far, has one of the lowest total burn acreages so far in recorded history. They were far worse a hundred years ago, and even more recently that that. The MSM seem incapable of checking newspapers and data from the time, preferring instead, at the instigation of NOAA/NASA to deliberately curtail inconvenient data from their graphs, and skewing them. It’s all built on lies, and lies which are easily discoverable by anyone who cares to look. Thank God people like Tony Heller do the donkey work for us.
Run that one by Wendy and Springster.
If it turns out the BBC is in error, they will block you.
Trust… and transparency.
As I’ve stated previously, even the Wikipedia entry on the history of California wildfires pours cold water on the scaremongering of the Left. They really never learn.
Professor Gary Maynard.
Serial pyromaniac in California, arrested yesterday.
“The man is listed as a lecturer in criminal justice studies at two colleges in California. Sonoma State listed him as specializing in cults and deviant behavior.”
Interesting use of the word.
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
Let’s kick off with European football transfer news: ‘Messi makes switch to PSG on £1m a week‘ (Telegraph)
The Sun jokes that this hefty pay packet in fact represents something of a pay cut for the Argentinian: ‘Hand of Wad… Lionel Messi in Paris yesterday. Messi’s pay cut a mere £46m a year‘
Remind me how many weeks in a year?
Such significant financial deals naturally make the frontpage of the FT: ‘Messi arrives in Paris to sign for PSG… after his tearful shock departure from Barcelona‘
The old Labour Mirror adds a lame French pun but understands the deal to be worth a somewhat lower figure – perhaps reluctant to cause too much conflict in the minds of its football-loving socialist readers: ‘Here oui go £30million a year Messi signs for PSG‘
52, 46 or 30?
No wonder Messi has so much trouble filling in his tax returns: ‘Messi and his father were both found guilty of tax fraud in July 2016 and were handed suspended 21-month prison sentences and the forward ordered to pay a 1.7million Euro fine‘ (Independent)
The Paris soccer club, where money is apparently no object, is of course owned by Qatar Sports Investments.
Remember those old chaps you sometimes found in pubs who could still reel off the names of their local club’s first eleven from 1956?
The ‘i’ newspaper recites the teamsheet of the exotic international star-studded PSG for us: ‘Messi, Mbappé, Neymar, Donnarumma, Ramos, Hakimi, Marquinhos, DiMaria, Verratti, Draxler, Icardi, Wijnaldum, Kimpembe… No pressure Poch’ – a reference there to the former Spurs coach Mauricio Pochettino now managing the French side. And yet one-of-our-own Harry Kane is still stuck at The Lane? Something tells me English football is not held in quite the high regard on the continent as we would like to think.
Having just negotiated a clutch of difficult foreign monikers it seems only appropriate that one segues to the reporting of our own A-level results: ‘Simran Garcha and Belinda Boateng, students at Townley Grammar School in Bexleyheath, southeast London, after receiving their A-level results yesterday‘ (Times); ‘Twins Kahinde and Deborah Sowole open their A-level results at Ark Globe academy in London‘ (Guardian)
The Beats headphones wearing and braided-haired young black lady, tearful with joy and with a face mask worn on her chin (youthful fashion item?) on the cover of the freebie Metro goes unnamed, as are her pals, the blonde and the Asian girl: ‘A-mazing! Record as 45% of pupils awarded top grades‘
100% female and 90% not white?
The broadsheets (and the Times) can’t decide if this is all just fine and dandy or perhaps a tad too much of a good thing:
‘Call for urgent A-levels overhaul as grades soar‘ (Times)
‘Top grades for 45% of A-level entries sets tough questions for universities‘ (FT)
‘A-level grades could be scrapped to end top marks “free-for-all”‘(Telegraph)
The left-leaning press (and the Mail) naturally find a cause for concern with which to cloud the issue:
‘Gap widens between private and state schools‘ (Guardian)
‘Fury over grade gap‘ (Daily Mail)
‘Revealed: plan to fix A-level inflation‘ (‘i’) – What, this wishy washy lily-livered administration planning to take on the powerful education blob?
‘2022’s students should not be judged far more harshly than past two years, ministers believe..‘ – Thought not.
One wonders whether the Times noticed my likening of yesterday’s frontpage to Peter Blake’s famous design for the Fab Four’s ground breaking psychedelic album? Today they go with: ‘As the studios open to the public, Beatles biographer Hunter Davies takes a tour and remembers his days spent with the Fab Four (and Yoko) as they recorded‘
Quick update on you know what…
The BBC are super keen there’s no misinformation out there: ‘Facebook removes anti-vax influencer campaign‘; ‘Sky News Australia removes Covid misinformation clips‘
So what are we to believe?
‘Virus here to stay so halt mass testing, Oxford expert says‘ (Telegraph) – seems reasonable all of eighteen months in.
‘Millions to get winter booster jabs in weeks‘ (Daily Express)
‘Herd immunity is “mythical” and will never be reached says vaccine chief‘ (‘i’) – in the famous words of Mandy Rice-Davies: “Well he would, wouldn’t he?”
And to end on a spicy note, after we learned yesterday curry was racist we have an antidote care of the Daily Satyr: ‘Spices in south Asian inspired food.. up until yesterday also known as curry.. can boost women’s sex drives. Korma Sutra‘
Do put that sitar away, George.
Any others pick up on The Spectator revealing the state broadcaster is a blatant propaganda system?
Seems newsworthy.
Is he holding up his Order of BBC Exemptions?
Two things you need to know about Hunter Davies: he was at the 1966 World Cup Final, and he met the Beatles.
Might not sound like much, but has managed to spin a 50 year career out of it. He was an early adopter of recycling.
“Wrexham father in intensive care after refusing Covid vaccine”
I don’t think that this chap is a Taff?
You know how sometimes you feel something to be instinctively true but can’t quite put your finger on it in very simple terms……..
I am indebted to my sister in law for suggesting we watch my5 ‘Portillo – the trouble with the Tories’
It featured, among others, one Tony Blair. He totally accurately imo defined the rise of ‘Sentimentality’ starting in the early 2000s as a then-new political variable.
If you accept this basic tenet, a lot flows from it. The BBC obsession with individual sob stories instead of the big picture for one thing, not to mention the concomitant rise in all manner of pressure groups supporting ever more ludicrous combinations of unfortunate but individual circumstances and de-railing sensible government inn the process. One might even add ‘vuulnerable refugees fleeing…..France’.
Today the BBC webshite ‘celebrates’ the ‘excited’ parents getting ‘free’ NHS healthcare for their child. It is the world’s most expensive drug, costing £1.79 million. Aww. So sweet.
But a proper broadcaster would surely ask the questions such as is such public expenditure justified and sustainable? Would a series of fast track hip and knee operations be a better use of limited resources?
See where Sentimentality gets us? Only to avoid difficult questions and keep the magic money tree in full bloom, fully supported by the BBC who of course rely on the magic money tree for their existence.
Yes i reckon the death of the ex royal woman was the ignition of the madness – a kidult sort of hysteria fueled by the MSM and the internet .
Example X Destroys Y in commons . So you watch it any all it amounts to is one politician making a better point than another one . No ‘ destruction ‘ – yet that is the language of the kidult internet .
The rashford thing is another one which just gets us to WTF? …
All spun up by the BBC’s still favourite ‘expert’.
Agreed, guys. Sentimentality has reached pandemic proportions since Diana’s funeral. Theodore Dalrymple has written a lot about this very topic.
I absolutely hate watching the BBBC News these days. Within seconds of the main headlines, no matter what the story, we get endless vox pops of emoting exhibitionists, oodles of whining, crying, weeping, whooping, jumping up and down, and other extreme emotional reactions that not so long ago would have been regarded as vulgar and undignified. A story about NHS cuts has now got to involve a lingering interview with some patient who can’t get an operation and breaks down in front of the camera. A story about exam results has got to involve an interview with some spoilt overprivileged brat who claims his life has been ruined because he can’t get into his first choice of university.
None of this stuff belongs in a news broadcast. They don’t seem to realise that we already know how it feels to pass or fail exams, to face delays in the NHS, to cope with the failings of public services. We do NOT need it acted out in front of us. A news programme should give us news, not drama. It should be objective, impartial, dispassionate and confine itself to the facts.
I wonder if Al Beeb will report on the Eight-Year-Old Hindu Boy Charged with Blasphemy in Pakistan?
The reason it’s important is that, barbaric though the Islamic Republic is, they are also touchy about their international image. In other words, the one thing standing between the boy and a good stoning is international indignation.
The only difference between those people and the ones we have here is a plane ride. They are socially similar.
With students getting record ‘A’ grades this year after missing a lot of their teaching because of covid, just imagine how many would have got these grades if they had had a whole year of teaching.
This must be an exceptional year getting 45% ‘A’s
A full years teaching with these students could give maybe 80% ‘A’ passes.
I wonder when we will reach 100% pass rate.
Interesting point but allow me to slightly rephrase your observation…
‘With students getting record ‘A’ grades this year after missing a lot of their teaching because of covid, just imagine how many would have got these grades if they had…’ missed a whole year of teaching.
Emmanuel, ‘Prizes for Everyone’ was a phrase used by teachers at my secondary school who were extremely sceptical about the new GCSE ‘O’ Levels. One teacher who was particularly scathing, refered to GCSEs and the written multiple choice examinations after the course work as ‘Doing the football pools.’.
A week before the 14th birthday of my wife’s youngest child, I asked him how many days there are in a calendar year. He didn’t know.
How many did they FEEL were needed?
FRAMING TODAY Watch #1 – beavering away at the narrative
I switched on a little late and found myself in the middle of an item about beavers. Apparently, some naughty farmers, in Scotland of all places, have been killing beavers. I wonder what Naughty Nanny Nicola thinks of that? The environment is god (note the small ‘g’) and humankind is also a god (note the small ‘g’ again) in its dealings with animals and the environment and Global Warming and Climate Change.
Beavers must have a place in our environment. It has been decreed. In Scotland the Parliament has declared them a native species although that is somewhat debatable and dubious. They are more likely to have been native in eastern Europe and western Asia. You would think the Scottish Parliament would want to address the falling education standards, health service needs as well as the deaths from drugs and alcoholism, but no. Beavers are where it’s at!
Trees are also a native species in the UK. Trees are set to be our cure for Global Warming and Climate Change. Trees sequester CO2 as they grow. The human god of the environment has declared it a truth in the new religion. (When trees are mature they hardly sequester any CO2 but don’t let science get in the way of the new religion.)
Beavers eat and damage trees and build dams in rivers to create homes for themselves. Don’t believe me? Search for images of beavers online and you will find many with branches in their mouths or looking a teeny bit guilty alongside the stump of a newly felled tree.
You can understand why a farmer under pressure to prevent Global Warming and Climate Change and to plant trees by the new religion and its high priests feels obliged to kill beavers for the sake of the trees and the planet which is now ruled and determined by the aforementioned human god and its high priests and all that. But the poor Kaz Graham, presenting Framing Today, could not cope with that conflict in her mind. She wanted to punish the beaver killers but .. er … just maybe …. they were doing something beneficial for the environment.
“Aaargh! Does not compute. Does not compute! AAaarrghhh!”
This morning the BBC have decided that we all need a bashing with NHS doom and gloom stories… Basically it’s falling apart!
These are 3 screamers just from the home page.
A and E queues mean ambulances ‘can’t take 999 calls’
Ambulance staff say pressure has left them broken
NI Trust sees 182 nurse resignations in six months
As for the last one here’s a graph showing how NHS nurse numbers have ballooned massively over the past ten years, meaning 182 leaving is a pin-prick and probably the normal attrition rate..
669,000 nurses as of last year – 120,000 MORE than ten years ago.
Distasteful statistics for the researchers at the BBC so down the memory hole they go!
I wonder what drives this BBC obsession with calamity in the NHS, couldn’t be a way to pointy fingers at a particular political party could it?
Covid vaccine and needle phobia: ‘It feels like the world is ending’
Adam really wants to get vaccinated against Covid-19, but an extreme fear of needles is holding him back
…he was given a side room with a nurse … after hours of “severe panic”, he felt he’d made some progress, but still wasn’t ready to have the jab.
Three days later, Adam spent three more hours in a private room with nurses.
So exactly many nurse hours did he waste? Why aren’t they asking how he gets his teeth fixed at the dentist.
If the drama queen is so desperate to be pricked, why doesn’t he simply asked to be strapped down?
Three hours in a private room with nurses? Hit the jackpot there!
To highlight the broken state of the NHS the bBbc speak to a paediatric nurse from NI who has recently resigned from the Belfast Trust, burned out by the unfair demands placed upon her through government neglect and underfunding of RNHS.
The young nurse interviewed is Katherine Walker. She looks familiar I thought. Burned out by nursing at 25? That’s terrible, if that’s the case I can understand why she quit.
As the bBbc don’t mention it, her being driven to quit the NHS and strive to achieve a better work-life balance and probably more money for less hours through agency work obviously had nothing to do with her other careers in modelling, as a former Miss Northern Ireland, or as host of her own radio show on local station Cool FM. Glad to see from her Instagram that she is now able to find time to discuss such matters with the likes of Rio Ferdinand, Enni Aluko and Steve McManaman of BT Sport.
Just your typical, poorly-treated, undervalued, brave young nurse right there. In the world of the bBbc anyway.
TOADY Watch #2 – I see the ‘P’ name appearing and yes, I have mentioned him before.
I endured the whole of TOADY today with minor switch-offs or interruptions for:
– Moving around the house
– Shouty sports commentators (at a crowdless Olympics – you do wonder at the intelligence of BBC Sports presenters!)
– References to Messi and The Hundred by Gary Sport
– Thought for the Day (not sure why I missed that)
I can confirm that Chris Packham and his daily suggestions through the month of August for saving the Planet from Global Warming and Climate Change, have gone down not so well with the TOADY audience and the TOADY Editors appear to have sacked him.
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
“Chris Packham sacked from R4Today”
dunno, but Twitter has no mention of any appearance today
BBC Two announce 5 part new series, #Earth, with Chris Packham.
treating him like the new Attenborough
I like him, he’s ok. He knows a lot about creatures and likes post punk🙂
Charles Moore in the Speccie
Chris Packham’s suggestions to save the world
On Monday 2 August, the BBC Today programme offered its ‘Countdown to COP26’. For the rest of the month, Amol Rajan announced, Chris Packham would give us ‘a different suggestion’ about climate change EVERY DAY. I make that 26 Packham slots
I suppose the BBC is sticking by its belief that climate change is not a political issue, and is thus blinded to the fact that Packham’s entire approach to the animal, vegetable and human world is governed by his strongly left-wing politics, perhaps derived from his mentor Billy Bragg.
DOMINIC LAWSON: Why IS the BBC a pulpit for eco-fanatics and their gullible doomsday climate cult? Like Packham, Monbeo, Thunberg & their ilk? …
Comments on that Packham article
Who or what is COP26? I vaguely remember PC 49 who was in the Eagle comic in my dim and distant childhood.
Packham represents the extraordinary arrogance of those who believe, erroneously, that our species has a God given right to survive. What he perhaps forgets – or never learned – is that the oft-mentioned mass extinctions he is so fond of threatening us with, have been the essential foundation stone of evolutionary upgrades throughout the lifespan of the Earth. In fact, our very existence rests on the Great Oxidation Event, some 2.4 – 2 billion years ago, in which primitive Cyanobacteria began oxidising the atmosphere through photosynthesis, thereby opening the door to the creation of multicellular organisms. This process rendered extinct almost all the existing species on Earth. Them’s the breaks, kid.
So fluffed up is Packham with his own sense of self-importance, that the essential reality of the fragility of humanity simply doesn’t fit into his worldview. Putting it bluntly, I see a little weasel of a man terrified by his own mortality, whose comfort blanket is to attempt the relentless control of others in order to give his life meaning. He is a bully, a pleb and not particularly bright.
How to deal with #ClimateAnxiety:
White heavy check mark ACTIVISM
White heavy check mark Talk to others
White heavy check mark Activism
White heavy check mark Personal lifestyle changes
White heavy check mark Activism
How not to deal with #ClimateAnxiety:
Cross mark Retail therapy
Interesting item on TOADY this morning .. R4 .. Listening in car as couldn’t get any other stations.. but not driving now .. Anyway, I digress ..
They had someone on talking about refugees from Afghanistan who have been living in Pakistan for many years. ‘ they have had children in Pakistan and some of these Afghan children have never seen their home country’ .. Which I thought was odd .. Because had they been in Britain they would have been called ‘ British children’ not ‘ Afghan children’ living in a foreign country. Double standards to suit the narrative.
Hopefully these kids know the local rules.
In Pakistan the Afghans are segregated into camps on the scrubby edge of town for the most part – it’s all a bit like what I imagine the Middle Ages to have been like…
“Living in Pakistan” is a bit of an overstatement.
“…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
Darren Grimes
Far from celebrating the success of Team GB coming 4th in the Tokyo Olympics,
a Sport England board member has said Team GB is “too white”,
and, according to The Guardian,
spoke in the past of ‘apartheid’ in British sport!
I mean, come on! Why can we never just cheer on Britain?
5 minute video rant :
Mr DRP says it better ..
Were the ‘Sport England’ board member to be honest with himself, it would be rather more fair to point out that while the white athletics team members pulled medals the darker ones pulled hamstrings. Or were disqualified for false starts.
Breaking news…..
Border Force have now been rebranded The ‘OXO Force’ .
Because they have become the Laughing Stock.
Two more government bodies to be rebranded are OfCom and Ofgem .
Any suggestions ?
The wages of the CO’s are up for grabs as a prize .
taffman, that Border Force are proving to a be a Tower of … something … but definitely not ‘Strength’ at catching the traffickers and returning the trafficked to a safe country, ie. France. Perhaps they are the OXO Pillar instead of Tower. Er, maybe have to shorten Pillar to Pill?
I am sure most people thought that the purpose of the Border Force boats was to patrol the sea border and to deter illegal entry, not to act as a sub-contractor to the traffickers.
Strangely the Home Office’s stated aim for Border Force agrees more with what people thought it should do than what its agency actually does.
How about SwitchOffCom or OffalCom?
TOADY Watch #3 – Education, education, education
Apart from Afghanistan in pole position this morning, well, Beijing Biden a.k.a. China Joe has made a pronouncement – it is that important – and David Miliband sounding rather Blair-alike (I think the BBC like that) has to be interviewed from afar by Mishal, it is those dreadful A-level results that came out yesterday that are keeping the BBC exercised.
Just a reminder, refreshing my memory as well as yours; I think the SoS for Education, Gavin Williamson wanted a different assessment for this year. Is that right? I seem to recall he wanted a combination of a sorted out / repaired computer algorithm and teacher assessments to contribute to the A-level results this summer.
I also seem to recall that the Labour Party, the BBC Labour Party and the teaching Unions instantly rebelled and forced a Government U-turn toward the method used and results situation that prevailed yesterday. If I have remembered that correctly, then the Labour Party, the BBC Labour Party and the teaching Unions cannot really complain about the results.
But they are.
Jonny Dymond started yesterday with his sneer-leading on TWatO. I wonder where Jonny Dymond was educated? Private school perhaps? Fee paying school perhaps? His Wiki is silent on that. Nick Robinson continued this morning on TOADY. That would be Nick Robinson, educated at Cheadle Hume School – an Independent School – and, like Dymond, Oxford educated for a first degree. So why the sneering, why complain about the excellent results?
Typical socialism from the Biased BBC.
Melanie Phillips
More on new BBC progs
– Black Art Matters a celebration of African-American creativity, executive-produced by Afua Hirsch .. 4x60mins
– David Olusoga on the long history of the Union
– a landmark science series presented by Chris Packham about planet Earthand
– a three-part series about the controversial Brazilian political dynasty, the Bolsonaros
– Skint a new selection of monologues for BBC Four this time addressing the theme of poverty; 8×15
Umm check out the picture of Eric Cantona.
Sly and underhand, says it all really.
Umm check out the picture of Eric Cantona.
Sly and underhand, says it all really.
It’s this April 23 1993 pic
originally labelled
“Eric Cantona kneeling in his iconic celebration after scoring against Manchester City in a match at Old Trafford”
I wonder how many pictures are out there of Cantona and they choose that one……you’d be angry but they are like petulant children, they just can’t help it.
More Speccie
BBC’s bizarre Christmas Day message
Last week Mr S reported that – following months of deliberation – the BBC had (finally) decided to uphold a complaint about a controversial blog post written by its LGBT correspondent Ben Hunte.
Talk tough and do nothing: The abject failure of Patel’s migrant strategy
Very interesting Stew. I recently cancelled my Spectator sub, although I realised that the bit I’d miss most would be the comments beneath. Have long been to the Disqus site to check the comments of individuals, but I hadn’t realised that one could also find the entire comment thread for particular articles. This is very good news.
But where do you find the article pages? I tried this:-
but it doesn’t work, or at least doesn’t give a list of available articles. What’s the secret?
@FrankZ The articles ?
At the top of the comments pages there is a title and clicking that gets you to the article ..try opening it in incognito mode and hitting escape before the paywall blocker starts.
I’m sorry – I didn’t explain myself clearly. It’s not the Spectator articles I’m trying to get at – can see those. It’s the Disqus address for the entire comments section for any one article that I’m trying to find, for example your link:-
Where do you find this section of the URL – “www-spectator-co-uk/switch_over_to_eurosport_bbcs_olympic_coverage_reviewed”?
I tried “”, hoping there might be a list of available pages, but it doesn’t work that way.
Have also tried appending the same string as the Spectator page’s page address on the end of that above string too (e.g., but that doesn’t work either.
How did you find the Disqus links you posted in your original posting?
12:25pm R4 Consumer vox pop as part of BBC Global warming campaign
(Simon Foukes seems like an activist)
segued into “Coop Bank will survey its customers”
“We refuse corporate customers that don’t meet our ethical standards that includes anything to do with oil”
12:35pm Tree Planting
‘The governments tree planting scheme is causing price rises to normal gardeners.’
“How can we make more green choices ?” item
Listener points out the Coop isn’t very green,
Now they have less branches , she has far further to drive to get to a branch.
Spot the difference. The BBC can’t.
On the 1 pm news, there is a short feature of a boy who has just spent his 500th night sleeping in a tent. He has reportedly raised £500,000 for charity.
The very next item was footballer Lionel Messi who has moved on a ‘free transfer’ from Barcelona to Paris St Germain. His reported salary is also £500,000. But that’s PER WEEK.
The juxtaposition was clearly lost on the BBC news team.
And not a comment on ‘fat cats’ in sight.
The internet had spent a night preparing for the lynching of a Rockies baseball fan
cos he shouted the N-word at the game
.. Then in the morning people pointed out he was pointing at the club mascot “Dinger” the Dinosaur and shouting Dinger
but if you are primed to hear the N-word that’s what you heard
People really aren’t understanding this so called grade inflation regarding exams.
Here’s me to put you right!
I think most of us have grasped the fact that the Tory party ranges from centre Left to far Left, and that the probability it has been infiltrated by the Socialist Workers Party is extremely likely indeed.
The fake Tories now say they are all in favour of Ekwalitee – a dire concept eschewed by all genuine Tories and anyone with any sense.
Exams are the opposite of equality in that the provide proof that some people are better than others in chosen subject, grades are even more discriminating as it provides proof down to an even finer level.
In a Socialist utopia where everyone is equal, there can be no exams. Everyone is the same regardless of how intelligent or hard working they are – it is the opposite of the American dream. It is the embodyment of “all must have prizes” where everyone must pass to avoid others being seen as better than others.
A delay of a few days and surprise, surprise -we learn that the Obama party caused a traffic jam / parking panic of private jets at the Martha’s Vineyard airport.
The “plane tracking for plebs” services like Flight Radar 24 don’t show the travelling antics of the “real high flyers”.
Will Joe Biden will get the same sort of turnout in November? – the monkey vs. the organ grinder?
Elsewhere I see the BBC are having a go at ‘Dem ‘Wikkid ‘Wushins in Libya on the web front page. Pretty off when they report near feckall on the antics of Sultan Erdogan’s crew in the same place … why does exporting hundreds of utterly brutish ISIS goons by plane and ship and giving them guns, rockets, vehicles and pocket money not rate a mention?
I heard a rumour that the Pope of Rome plans to attend the COP 26 show in Glasgow later this year.
Make no mistake bBC in collusion with the SNP will be planning how use this to promote their Independence campaign. It is a matter of record that a disproportionate number of “catholics” living in Scotland voted Yes in 2014. By all accounts in large numbers but concentrated in only 4 of the 32 Council areas in Scotland. the other 28 voted to remain in the UK.
Glasgow has by far the largest number of Yes voters by all accounts.
Any bBC involvement , particularly, the Scottish (white elephant) should be scrutinised carefully.
It is too good an opportunity for them to miss spreading their divisive non British agenda.
PS Boris stated he would have a role for Wee Krankie….like the old movies lets hope its a non speaking role!
I think the Holy Father is big on the green stuff . So how will the BBC treat him ? It being satan in ‘human ‘ form .
They wont want to give him any positive airtime – and even worse – nut nut and husband are converts .
Despite the popcorn its serious because all it amounts to is screwing us on taxes .
Burn that diesel .
Declaration- i guess i am Right Wing
( failed ) RC
“nut nut and husband are converts”
Kafflik? you josh?
if so – whose ring are they kissing? (Given that Blair reputedly consulted weekly with Cardinal O’Connor)
I popped into Aldi at lunchtime for a couple of items.
Large sign at the door asking everyone to continue wearing masks. I didn’t and walked in.
Everyone, I mean everyone was masked. Our BBC would have been so proud.
But dover – what did you buy ? Was it face masks and hand cleaner ? Need to know . Did you get challenged at check out ?
I did a queue a while ago and had forgotten my mask . When i got to the front – after 10 minutes – i got bounced to the back . Protest ? No not worth it . …
This despite having a negative PCR test 36 hours ago …
There were no challenges what so ever.
The servitude will never end if we subjugate.
Wearing a mask is the new Taking the Knee….
Institutionalised skin colour prejudice
is what you get when BBC staff are punished
for using faces that are white straight males
So seekto tick other boxes that give them safety against punishment
Wednesday’s morning @BBCradio4 schedule
4 black faces in a row
Then 11am they used a picture of the Union Jack instead of Ian Hislop’s face
Somebody would have got a gold star for that one .
Do you not find it a bit sad ?
Presumably the inner workings of the BBC are desperate to dispell any accusation that R4 is white and British – so they go over board in proving its ‘ ‘ colour’’ – a sort of reverse racism .
I dont even bother looking at the R4 R4X schedule any more …
In the evening other shows are illustrated by non-white faces
5:00 (Anita Anand)
6:30, 7:45 8:45 9:00 10:45 11:15
4 shows have a white face in the graphic
In 24 hours 13 use non-white … 8 use white
BBC WFH – Work from homers
Guido : The BBC’s taxpayer-funded offices will remain perpetually half-empty as staff continue to work from home for at least part of the week, following the launch of the corporation’s new “hybrid” rota system.
The broadcaster – which rakes in £3.52 billion from the licence fee – says it has no plans to bring workers back to the office despite the fact that all legal Covid restrictions have been lifted. A complete waste of public money, which is easily done when you don’t have to earn it…
If you read Guido via ordpress Reader you don’t get the ads
To see comments you have to open up the usual page by clicking the title
Guido also has a post pointing out what I said about the Hull green jobs
That the government has told us the corps are getting grants from the taxpayer fund
but won’t say how much
If it’s the entire £160m fund then , that works out at £120K/job
My local BBC are a bunch of eco-warriors
who think they are cogs in a machine saving the world from great Climate disaster.
Unfortunately I think they re cogs in a machine that is dark-PR
Like how could they make such a fuss on Monday about “New Green Jobs”
without simply trying to find how much taxpayer money per job it was costing
£120K per job is a great drain on the nation.
A really disturbing insight into what might be going on in the world right now and a potential solution at the end of it.
Idiocracy – Trailer
BBC Radio 4
🚗 🥒 🚲 This is useful. On Evan Davis’ Climate Clinic, experts Mike Berners-Lee and Lucy Siegle answer questions about practical things we can do to reduce our burden on the planet.
Mr. BL is no doubt a clever fellow, so allowing himself to be rolled in with Todger and Luce seems odd.
Neither are experts in anything and I am unsure how far his extends into this area either.
Nope, Tim BL’s brother is a climate warrior
same as Lucy Siegle journalist climate warrior.
This was funny. Springster liked a blatant suck up from a fellow Beeboid, but is too thick to see this may not read to others as it does them.
US workers who resigned against the wokists
Teacher saying we don’t need your CRT-education …
ICE Us border worker doesn’t believe it’s right to not deport people who the law says should be deported.
6pm news and Mr Messi has moved from Barcelona to Paris. I admit I am not a football supporter, but why should I be interested in something happening between Spain and France. I assume the BBC is trying to emphasise interest in Europe.
ITV local news
– @ITVLaurenHall was on promoting the dream of electric trucks
The item started with some questionable claims
“Only 1.2% of traffic are lorries
They are 18% of UK road emissions”
Hmm I’d expect trucks to use 60% of fuel and therefore to be responsible for 60% of emissions
cos cars are just used a few minutes per day
yet trucks are on the road 16 hours per day”
– It’s South Asian Heritage Month
☑ “Here 2 South Asian women”
☑ “They both work in the NHS”
In 2019 Diesel Road use was 27 billion litres
and petrol use was 15
Since most cars and a few vans are petrol, then most of that 27 will be from trucks.
Trucks on the road 16 hours a day?
How does that work? – they’d need 2 drivers for *every* truck … – driver hours are strictly limited.
Yes in Britain trucks can have 2 or 3 drivers in a day
You drive it back to the depot and another driver takes it out
Do you think trucks are only driven 200 days/year as well ?
British Heritage Month in China?
Springster has expertise with feet. You go, girl.
BBC News
Pretending to be an elderly woman, Richard William Cove would repeatedly call handlers about their feet.