6pm BBC1 news reporting that an nhs worker was murdered, his murderers were all black and have just been found guilty. The murdered young man, black, seemed to be a decent lad and we were shown photos of his graduation. I am just fascinated why he is constantly spoken of as ‘an NHS worker’. He may have been a nurse, a receptionist or a doctor, but no, according to the BBC he is ‘an NHS worker.
He mayor says there have been too many murders this year. Not surprisingly, the interviewer didn’t use the tactic they would have done on the unwoke. They could have asked ‘how many is acceptable? That sort of question is reserved for people on the right.
Media tend to cutNpaste from the same press releases
and end up with similar phrases
“NHS worker” is a weird phrase cos it is so vague it’s meaningless
other reports call him a hospital worker
Mirror : “worked at St Bart’s Hospital distributing PPE”
I think he had worked at St Barts , but was on secondment to the Nightinggale Excel Centre
Usually they say something like a York-pensioner, a Hull-teacher.
David Miliband – the charity chief earning more than $1m a year plus a $50,000 a year housing allowance – complaining about British aid cuts again on @BBCr4today when he symbolises why there is such public concern over the poverty industry
I don’t see anything except a guy who’s been told to keep the president guarded until he gets to the edge of the lawn
when presumably someone else takes over
The one before clearly pointed to Biden to turn right.
They guy at the back can’t believe he just carried on walking onto the grass.
This is the leader of the free world we are talking about and he can’t cope with being directed down a path.
How much longer can it continue ?.
I’m surprised there isn’t a reworked vid (maybe there is…) where a large question mark appears in the air above the head of the following Secret Service guy 🙂
Nope I don’t agree with the Gurkhas cause here
They have always been recruited to a particular contract and pay
Their money goes a long way in Nepal compared to here
Traditionally they retired to this one town in Eastern Nepal which is pretty rich
and has a particular drug problem cos the retired Gurkhas children have a lot of wealth.
It is wrong for the British taxpayer to be forced to change the deal now and say they should live in the UK and UK pensions.
If we’d known it was going to cost so much money we wouldn’t have recruited so many in the first place
I recently learned that to get an extra £2 per week pension I would need to pay about £800 to HMRC.
What a fantastic deal that is. £100 per year until I die, currently triple locked. All for £800. Where else can you get a guaranteed annual investment return of 12.5%. You would be lucky to get a return of 3% from an annuity doing the same thing.
Of course this is totally unaffordable. Ludicrous generosity underwritten by other taxpayers. And yet it all happens with barely a comment.
Our national finances are managed by people who are totally clueless. And thus I completely agree with you about the Gurkhas, much as I admire them.. The cost of the largesse suggested on their behalf is not remotely understood by their sentimental proponents.
Use the money we waste on Four Star Hotels and deport the foreign Jail Birds . We need to get our priorities right .
I know these people and I can assure you there is no sentimentality involved.
New Zealand’s elimination strategy to tackle coronavirus means borders will remain closed until at least the end of the year, says the country’s prime minister. According to Jacinda Ardern, it’s the best way to keep Covid-19 out and the economy open. With a population of just under five million New Zealand – seen as one of the most has successful countries to control the virus – only recorded 26 deaths. It’s aiming to vaccinate everyone by the end of the year with hopes to reopen in 2022. “When we move we will be careful and deliberate, because we want to move with confidence and with as much certainty as possible,” Ms Ardern says.
Missing is the usual ‘analysis’ the bbc often indulges in, often comparing country policies.
Maybe they don’t want to trigger Boris or Priti into looking at how New Zealand is able to close a border?
If you think about it, the Taliban can be summed up as:
A group that does not tolerate any other way of thought.
A group that has a fixed hatred of anything “Western”.
A group that deems itself to have a divine right.
Seems US court says that one of the Jan 6th defendants is being held illegally, and maybe more people to.
Since the official cause of death of Police officer Sidnick is natural causes by stroke the day after, it is wrong to treat the case as if is murder of something.
double standard justice is a thing coming up a lot in the US now
I have been following the Jan 6th business – mostly via Barnes & Viva Locals …. It seems clear that a large part of the punishment (as is customary) is in the process. The treatment of the incarcerated people is extraordinary in the real sense of that word.
The abuse of process by DoJ is utterly epic – minor offences that would ordinarily been dealt with via summary justice (i.e. a fine) have had bystanders locked up in *special prisons* for over 5 months and subjected to abuse from what appear to be specially selected prison staff.
They’ve been amping up the charges, withholding evidence, deliberately delaying process and using the treatment of those caught in the net to try and intimidate anybody minded to show dissatisfaction with the present administration.
I expect the goons empowered by the Democrats to extend their antics…. since it it really is their only option to hang onto the power….
Afghanistan war: Taliban back brutal rule as they strike for power https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58156772
Somehow the interviewer manages to ask questions which allow the Taliban to answer:
“It’s fighting, so people are dying,” he replies coolly, adding that the group is trying its best “not to harm civilians”.
I point out that the Taliban are the ones who have started the fighting.
“No,” he retorts. “We had a government and it was overthrown. They [the Americans] started the fighting.”
“They are not giving up Western culture… so we have to kill them,” he says of the “puppet government” in Kabul.
Haji Hekmat, a local Taliban leader and our host in Balkh, is keen to show us how daily life is still continuing.
The bazaar remains crowded, with both male and female shoppers.
Haji Hekmat insists no-one is being “forced” and that the Taliban are simply “preaching” that this is how women should dress.
The day after we leave, reports emerge of a young woman being murdered because of her clothing. Haji Hekmat, though, rejects allegations Taliban members were responsible.
He used to be in charge of ammunition supplies, now it’s taxes – and he tells me proudly the group charges business owners less than the government used to.
The Taliban will never get a more sympathetic report in a global outlet than they have here on the BBC. But I don’t need to wonder why when I see the ‘reporter’ also did interviews with Islamic State. And of course – in line with BBC guidelines – the word terror is not used.
From what I’ve seen for the last few months, these are the latest BBC tactics. They happen far too often to be coincidence so there has most certainly been some communication to staff to do it.
Against agenda : Report basic facts only. Don’t explain or embellish.
On agenda: Report basic facts, but also embellish story with emotively laden human examples – using children if at all possible. Ideal ratio is about 10 parts emotion to 1 part fact.
I suspect the primary reason for this is that their usual trick of mis-representation can be ‘fact checked’ and it is the height of hypocrisy for the BBC and their new ‘Reality Check Team’ to be exposed for doing it themselves as they have been several times.
I just discovered the BBC have a dedicated sub-page for London violence: https://www.bbc.com/news/topics/ce73e14rlz3t/london-violence
What an interesting read. You get to see the stories which wizzed through the main pages in the dead of night.
And you know what, the ratio of pictures on it of blacks to whites is virtually an exact match for the BBC news site in general.
So when I say the BBC are shameless racists, I’m wrong. As far as they are concerned, they represent their part of the country perfectly.
It’s only against the other 96% of the UK population they are racists.
Across the world, thousands of underground coal fires are burning at any given moment. The problem is most acute in industrializing, coal-rich nations such as China.[7] Global coal fire emissions are estimated to cause 40 tons of mercury to enter the atmosphere annually, and to represent three percent of the world’s annual CO2 emissions.[8]
Sing both. We are a land of song. I sung both at school and understood that we Welsh had our anthem and were ruled by a Queen plus a Prince of Wales. And sing this. God Bless the Prince of Wales.
I remember Vile having a phone-in on whether we should accept May’s BRINO deal.
The first caller had a long and very clearly pre-written monologue about why we should accept. No way on Earth he was just a member of the public. 100% a pre-arranged activist.
Jezzer has no problem at all with lies on his show. It’s just those he doesn’t agree with he doesn’t like.
A friend sent this snippet from the dreadful Vine show to me.
Jeremy asks John, “When you spoke to our researcher you told her that you had been an anti vaxxer, but had contracted covid and nearly died and now wanted to urge everyone to have the jab.”
John replied, “Yes, I had to lie because I knew that was the only way to get heard on the BBC.”
“you will only be happy when you own and have nothing….”.
Recently had the pleasure in explaining to freehold property owners that they are merely “Head Tenants” to the Crown in terms of property ownership in England & Wales. I don’t know about the ‘happiness’ angle though. The legal definition of “Property” in the UK includes everything ( + money). So, the Globalists dream in your quotation above is already true for the UK. The Crown owns everything…………
If the country goes bust, you can expect your property to be sold off to support ‘our’ Government’s efforts to stay afloat.
Alpackages for the silly season
Teachers’ pets
Inferences, demographics-wise.
As this morning’s Guardian encourages the nation to make a pet of that alpaca: ‘“The world is watching” Geronimo’s fate hangs in the balance‘ – I really don’t know whether they want me to write to Amnesty International, the UN, or Carrie Nut-Nut Johnson, to demand a reprieve?
The media petting zoo tendency reaches the ‘i’ newspaper which carries the feature headline: ‘Hot to trot? Why alpacas are the new big thing at weddings‘ – Well, I diagnose “silly season” as they say, but I was intrigued and found Glasgow Live not only predicted this nuptial alpaca fad but explains for the uninitiated: ‘Alpaca weddings are apparently ‘the next big thing’ – and they even help banish cold feet. These furry friends are proven to reduce stress and anxiety in humans… Perfect for those pre-wedding jitters‘ (October 2018)
I’ve still more questions, so If you’ll excuse the digression, we may all learn something: ‘If you fancy something woolly different for your wedding day, then you might want to look into getting some alpacas. These cuddly critters are apparently becoming a huge trend instead of horse and carriages for couples planning their big day… Alpaca bookings have seen a huge surge in the past year – with Jennifer Hone from Caldeonia Alapacas in Banknock noting a 25 per cent increase in wedding bookings in the past year. “The alpaca and llama trend has really taken off, and they are becoming increasingly popular with blushing brides and grooms to be. People are looking for something different to surprise their guests and photogenic alpacas fit the bill perfectly. What’s more, they work well with the shabby chic, barn or tepee weddings that are on trend right now.
“We offer a variety of ‘Alpackages’‘
Who cleans up the discarded confetti and those inevitable alpackages, after the event, is what I’m wondering?
What was I talking about? Oh yes, pets. To the Daily Telegraph and yet another “expert says” story, this time about predicted GCSE results based on teacher assessment and the notion of teachers’ pets: ‘Girls are just cleverer says exams expert‘ – I’m no expert but I tend to think we’ve skewed our educational system towards a more female friendly regime. But let’s let our misandric academic have his say and virtue signal to the ladies – he’s a chap, so somehow he managed to buck the trend: ‘Prof Alan Smithers, of Buckingham University, said “Girls have long been ahead but the tendency has been to explain away their superior performance… why can’t we just accept that they are cleverer?”‘ – I’d like to ask him, considering his rather blunt line of thinking and rejection of any structural causes or biases in our school system, about the relative educational performance of black boys as a demographic – but I’m willing to bet he’d run for the hills – metaphorically speaking.
Men… rubbish, aren’t they?
‘Loving dad killed trying to protect his teen daughter. Thug’s doorstep attack‘ (Daily Mirror) – I suppose blokes have their uses.
‘Brave dad Jamie Markham, 45, tried to protect his daughter before being fatally stabbed in Chingford Mount, north east London, after he was set upon by a group of boys… His heartbroken wife Candice told the Mirror how the group, believed to be 14 and 15-year-olds, were swinging metal poles at her daughter Chloe, 17, and screaming at her. “The boys were walking around with metal poles. They were swinging them and shouting at my daughter,” said a tearful Candice today. “It’s just disgusting. It’s not the first time – you see them walking around and smashing bottles in the street. “Just doing what they like, there’s no police. They’re kids – 14 and 15… Detectives from the Metropolitan Police’s Specialist Crime Command have launched a murder investigation but no arrests have yet been made‘ – no descriptions for us to help track down the offenders?
Don’t have nightmares – Met Police online tell us: ‘Two teenagers have been arrested in connection with the murder of a man in Chingford. James Markham, 45, was fatally stabbed on the evening of Monday, 9 August after confronting a group of youths in the street. On Wednesday, a 14-year-old boy [A], was arrested on suspicion of his murder. A second boy [B], also 14, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. Both are in custody at an east London police station.‘ – given their ages court restrictions will mean we won’t be allowed to draw any inferences demographics-wise.
Interesting. A mainstream Russian newspaper suggests the authorities risk sparking radicalism/revolution by silencing critics. “In developed democracies interaction between the authorities & opposition guards against institutional collapse.” #ReadingRussia@BBCNews@BBCWorldpic.twitter.com/lttyTQUMD9
When it comes to front page photo images on the BBC website one
can use a version of George Orwell’s famous quotation
with confidence. ” All students are equal , but some are
more equal than others.”
I see the media is going to the usual trope regarding the traitor spying for Russia at the Berlin embassy.
Of course he is described as ‘extreme far right’ but that tired old phrase is applied to anyone the state doesn’t like in the same way as Orwell described those who follow Emmanuel Goldstein.
Everyone now is ‘far right’ if they dare show any opposition to the Socialist establishment there doesn’t need to be any evidence the central cointrol of the media has deemed it to be so, so therefore it is.
Another less than supportive article in the Telegraph re GB News arguing that the channel is rapidly becoming a UK Fox News, which in the eyes of the Telegraph is something akin to the Volkischer Beobacter. However the readers comments are on the whole supportive of GBN to date and wish it well. Yet another example of the widening rift between the editorial stance of the newspaper and its readership.
Why does the Telegraph loath GBN so much? Of course it’s a rival for the sensible anti Woke part of the market, so a direct competitor ,but given the Telegraphs steady leftward drift over the past few years I suspect there is more to it than that. The Telegraph of today has more in common with the foul BBC than it does with GBN and , in common with the rest of the MSM , it recognises that a news source which doesn’t parrot Wokism at every opportunity , that doesn’t genuflect to BLM, that doesn’t pillory Israel regardless of the facts, that dares to criticise the ROP, that thinks the UK is a good place and dares to shows its patriotism when appropriate, that doesn’t regard President Trump as the devil incarnate, is a threat to the wall to wall Wokist narrative we get from every other news source.
The supposed conservatism of the Telegraph seems to be of a resigned, defeatist, editorial stance. Their anti-woke reporting is of the type – look at what that mad lot are up to now! It is a passive observational, shrug of the shoulders, pour yourself another stiff drink and wish it all away tendency. GB News, as the optimistic new boy on the block – at least from the brief You Tube clips I’ve seen – appears to give platform to positive thinking conservative voices who are up for the fightback.
I’d speculate the Telegraph leans into corporate interests which are themselves left-leaning – anything for a quiet life and easy government-crony capitalist cushy state contract-seeking quick buck.
“GCSES 2021: Higher results expected after exams axed”
We must have the brainiest and cleverest kids in the world thanks to Gavin Williamson.
Give the man a lollipop !
On the downside, I think the future employers are very worried ?
The popular California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) offers rebates of up to $4,500 for the purchase of new electric vehicles, and up to $7,000 for low-to-moderate-income drivers who make up to 400% of the federal poverty level — $51,520 for individuals.23 Jun 2021
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
In the larger urban areas their antics weren’t sustainable – small town Saudi, especially in the Eastern Province I expect that not much has changed (esp. if you show signs of Shia proclivity) – the police as a whole in Saudi are not well disposed to furriners, especially whiteys.
Saudi Arabia full stop, are the perpetrators of all evil in the Middle East, they the so called Royal Family are behind most of the trouble, using their wealth and power to subvert to continue to enslave their own people. It is well known that they have the capacity to house at least one million migrant people of their own religious culture near Mecca. Yet nothing is heard, not a word from any media, wether there or from any media in Europe inc BBC.
But no-one of any non-white ethnicity shown on the NI, Wales, or Scotland exams stories. None.
My issue is not about people’s colour, but about a clear bbc agenda to manipulate perceptions re the home nations.
Why do they choose to portray England one way, and the other home nations another?
Why not just have a representative mix for all? A natural mixed pick of photos with kids from different backgrounds in, for each nation’s story?
No, because there is an agenda. To say that England as an identity doesn’t exist (even though sone minority groups or immigration decendents might well identify as English).
I think they (the bbc) want England to be represented as global, but not the other home nations.
So what is that all about?
Also, no separate England story on exams as for the other nations. And no separate story on firefighters going to Greece. The Wales page has a story on Welsh firefighters attending the situation.
English firefighters?
They are doing away with the idea of England as a place.
Globalists/internationalists want England to be eradicated as a country.
I assume they both envy and fear what she stands for historically.
People such as Blair and Starmer want England broken up into separate federal regions.
‘They are doing away with the idea of England as a place.’
This process began about twenty years ago with the removal of ‘English’ as a choice in the nationality section of application forms, replaced by the word ‘British’.
Monday 8th January 2018: BBC Radio 5 live Breakfast, 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Radio 5 ‘dead’ have lots of these people on short dial! During the night, you can always hear the same droning from the same miserable voices! One character was on during the last few minutes of one prog, then was on again with the next prog!
The best way to avoid all this is to have a few glasses of red, then sleep like a baby all night!
Women’s education in Saudi Arabia is, as with many aspects of daily life, organized according to the principles of Islam, which is the official religion of the country, and which puts emphasis on the importance of knowledge, study, and understanding. The religion believes that obtaining knowledge is the only way to gain true understanding of life, and as such encourage both males and females to study.[1] [2] The way of practicing Wahhabi Islam has therefore led to segregation in education in Saudi Arabia, and in turn has created segregation in political, economic, and labor force environments. With the current struggle of social norms and laws, women have made great strides to obtain education in Saudi Arabia. However great these strides may be, there are consequences to the economy from not allowing women to have access to equal education, including potential economic struggle.
Errrr and this is apropos of what exactly? No links no reference to a source where it was broadcast or anything. It appears to be a random cut and paste from Wikipedia but in regards to what exactly I cannot tell.
The BBC promote ladies in hijabs on their school reports – yet Islam has a track record of denying women education. Yet they can get an education in a country that hates them?! Wonderful world!
The bbc is not just biased. It has an actual agenda – to destroy the very notion of England or being English.
One way it does this is through use of images as well as omission of stories about England.
Look at the website Education page 12/8 re A levels.
NI, Wales, and Scotland have stories, with pictures of kids, as does the UK, but not England.
Also, this next observation is nothing against people of colour, who I have nothing against – it is against the bbc’s use of them as part of an agenda.
All the other home nations have pictures of white kids only, whilst in the uk section they are almost all of colour (when you should correctly expect a representative mix). So almost no representation in these images of white English children. Why?
I suspect its part of denying England exists as an identity (even though many immigrants quite happily and rightly identify as English as well as British).
I am not nationalist and don’t particularly feel comfortable with flag waving of any sort, but I resent the denial of the country of my birth.
I used to be happily British but I feel resentful now about the double standards.
So now I feel anti-unionist.
Thanks bbc, you are hideous.
BBC prophecy is all that matters. Biden is part of that prophecy, a global change (lurch) to the left. When the BBC asks why you don’t watch the BBC propaganda; and then fines you for it not watching (or agreeing to it).
To quote Theodore Dalrymple:
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
R4 11am
“. Arabs account for only around one in five of all Israelis,
yet they are now the vast majority of the country’s murder victims”
In the UK a disproportionate amount of black people get into gang stuff
so it seems it could be the same with Israeli Arabs.
An American college actually got there first, but Copenhagen University’s Beyoncé-focused course was an immediate hit with students when it was launched in 2017: according to reports at the time, 75 would-be Bey-experts immediately signed up, and there was so much interest in studying the singer’s work that they had to …18 Apr 2018
Its nice that all the kids get star exam marks. Proof that School teaching does not have to improve (or attend) to get ‘Steller’ exam grades! All off to University! – and a life of uncertainty. Or a job at the BBC if you have ‘issues’.
Here’s the image
The Add Image button needs you to enter a URL which has a recognised dot type in it like .jpg, .gif, .png etc.
So I moused over the image to collect the actual image URL
Easy life for the teachers. The problem is when half of them go to university they wont have the foggiest idea what the lecturers are talking about. It will be interesting what the drop outs will be after the first year. But they can always get a job at the BBC. ” Positive
Double Standards in US justice
#1 BLM rioters
“nothing to see, they were just protesting”
– Jan 6th people including people who just walked in through open doors
..Detained for 7 months now
most without trial
#2 Lawyer Guilianni “you might have done something wrong, so we’ll immediately take away your legal licence before any trials.
(his offence is maybe believing some conspiracy theories people pushed at him)
Democrat lawyer actually falsified court documents etc
His punishment “we’ll take away your licence for six months, but we’ll backdate it a year ..so you are actually free right now)
video https://youtu.be/aygPbBxYtBg
#3 OrangeMan made old comments in private saying certain women loved powerful men & might let you grope them…judged as the worst crime ever.
– Democrat Governor Cuomo actually got gropey on many recent occasions, it was all covered up.
until impeachment became almost certain
and then they let him resign.
All White people are racists
We want to eliminate racism
Ergo we want to eliminate White people.
Make no mistake it might appear to be a silly sentiment but this idiocy is one of the most dangerous stupidities the left has come up with as it is paving the way for a genocide of White people. You can already see the Far Left in the Tory party clensing the airwaves of White faces and voices. These things never appear out of the blue, there is a slow build up to them and then people realise when it is too late to stop it.
Video from a guy who supports the Chinese government
in it he complains about the BBC stealth editing articles
after being called out for using fake photos
The stealth editing is a common BBC tactic.
But I’m not sure I believe they actually doctored the image in the first place
they probably chose a poor quality image in the first instance.
… https://youtu.be/eS8EceIa1MQ
Just saw a bit of BBC news.
And amazingly, they have suddenly become all impartial and undemanding.
A female ‘journalist’ was interviewing a cuddly Taliban commander. He wants to impose strict Islamic Sharia Law. Amputations for thiefs, stoning for adulterers.
Yet no questions were asked about the punitive treatment of women, loss of education and jobs, and compulsory clothing.
Perhaps the journalist was confused, thinking it was an episode of the Handmaid’s Tale.
It feels like the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation is very much in their element.
I am indebted to the wag who pointed out that despite the closure of schools for many months over the last 2 years, students have scored record GCSE and A level results.
A discontinuity clearly lost on the BBC.
Mind you. Just think how well the students would do if schools closed permanently.!
It’s been an exciting time at Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust as we continue our journey of “Being our Best”, and our mission to provide world-class patient care.
We are now looking to recruit into the post of Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement to work within our Workforce and Organisational Development Directorate and support delivery of our organisational People and Culture objectives.
The character Tim Drake, the third Robin (after Dick Grayson and Jason Todd) is to go on a date with another lad. It seems the Low Art world of comics is yet another area infested with Wokery. You Tube channels like Just Some Guy and Heel Vs Babyface will tell you more than you need to know.
I suppose they’re meant to be young adults, they look more like bright-eyed twelve-year old boys to me.
TC – Top Cat? One of his gang was Choo Choo, a pink cat who wore a white polo neck sweater. I’m sure it was entirely innocent in the 60s – but it could mean only one thing today!
Yes, Top Cat. Somewhere on UChoob there’s a great vid of a Bank advert featuring TC and Benny, at least, if not the whole gang. Can’t remember the brand, might be one starting with H so that must be HSBC as HalifaxBoS bit the dust in ’08 or ’09.
I’m sure some people would want to read all sorts of things into Choo Choo and his depiction. Don’t recall him being pink, though. Thought that was TC’s love interest. Can’t remember her name.
Choo Choo was definitely pink but it wouldn’t have meant a thing at the time – everybody was watching in black and white.
I remember reading that the 3 colours of the uniforms in Star Trek were chosen purely for technical reasons – they had to reproduce for early colour TV and all look different in b&w. I suspect the colours of cartoon characters were the same.
It was quite a surprise when someone brought a Sooty puppet to school and it turned out that he was orange and black, not black and white, ‘as seen on TV’!
I always saw cartoon characters as being ‘TV-sized’ and could never relate to those over-sized costumes that Disney etc. put over adults at theme parks. Toss into the mix all those song lyrics that turn out to be completely different when written down compared to what we heard!
I know I have written about this before. And others have
also written about this subject as well. But do you think
that BBC is just rubbing our noses in it ? That is the
indigenous population . By at every attempt to show us
images of ethnic folk in all aspects of our daily lives. To a
degree , for instant that 75% of photos of A level students and the
equivalent GCSE students are ethnic? Why do they do this?
Is it what they call positive discrimination. If they use
positive discrimination , why don’t they use it in say a
programme such as the London programme on TV. In the
capitol the indigenous population is down to around 35% as
opposed to the rest of the country where the make up is around
80%. BUT on the London programme 75-80% of the presenting ,
reporting , topics, are geared towards the majority ethnic
community. No positive discrimination here. Somebody
please tell me what the BBC’S agenda is , and why?
I would love to write to Newswatch on the subject . But can you
just imagine what their attitude would be to it. ” Just another
racist” and I am NOT. Just somebody ,like many who find the
BBC’S extreme obsession with diversity unfathomable.
That’s exactly why their viewing figures and licence fees are dropping like a stone. They do not represent the great majority of the people of Britain, neither do they serve them.
All under the watchful eye of OfCom, our Tory Government and its MPs.
Dam right Foscari most definitely they the BBC are rubbing our noses in it day after day just as they are instructed to do by those that control all media outlook. It stinks-of course. I am more than angry.
It is becoming clear that the climate science boffins are about to jump on the covid restraint tactics in their mission to get us all under the thumb climate-wise, by using a massive health scare.
“Medical experts have issued a health warning over smoke from wildfires – warning that it could make people more prone to catching Covid-19.
Blazes are raging across Europe and North America, fed by scorching temperatures and dry conditions and causing untold misery.”
I guess they have seen how successfully Covid regulations screwed down the public and forced compliance so have concluded that they can now use it in the climate offensive to force regulation on us all.
BBC …. when debate was allowed … see Boris on the panel …
“…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 1 year old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
Boris Johnson
Johnson says he is ‘looking at’ scrapping BBC licence fee – video
Rowena Mason and Jim Waterson
Mon 9 Dec 2019
Asked why he would not get rid of TV licence fees, Johnson said: “At this stage we are not planning to get rid of all licence fees, though I am certainly looking at it. I’m under pressure not to extemporise policy on the hoof.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
6pm BBC1 news reporting that an nhs worker was murdered, his murderers were all black and have just been found guilty. The murdered young man, black, seemed to be a decent lad and we were shown photos of his graduation. I am just fascinated why he is constantly spoken of as ‘an NHS worker’. He may have been a nurse, a receptionist or a doctor, but no, according to the BBC he is ‘an NHS worker.
He mayor says there have been too many murders this year. Not surprisingly, the interviewer didn’t use the tactic they would have done on the unwoke. They could have asked ‘how many is acceptable? That sort of question is reserved for people on the right.
Media tend to cutNpaste from the same press releases
and end up with similar phrases
“NHS worker” is a weird phrase cos it is so vague it’s meaningless
other reports call him a hospital worker
Mirror : “worked at St Bart’s Hospital distributing PPE”
I think he had worked at St Barts , but was on secondment to the Nightinggale Excel Centre
Usually they say something like a York-pensioner, a Hull-teacher.
How it works.
£2500 / day, every day….
Q: Who’d pay that sort of money to a pointless conceited plank like that?
And there was me saying he scrounged half a mill only the other day!
Tut tut, Scrobs, you must keep up, these cheridees are some of the richest bunches of crooks around.
The words arse and hole come to mind.
The reaction of the Secret Service Agent behind Biden … to what’s left of my mind… speaks volumes 🙂
I don’t see anything except a guy who’s been told to keep the president guarded until he gets to the edge of the lawn
when presumably someone else takes over
The one before clearly pointed to Biden to turn right.
They guy at the back can’t believe he just carried on walking onto the grass.
This is the leader of the free world we are talking about and he can’t cope with being directed down a path.
How much longer can it continue ?.
cheers John, I get it now
I’m surprised there isn’t a reworked vid (maybe there is…) where a large question mark appears in the air above the head of the following Secret Service guy 🙂
UK deportation flight to Jamaica leaves with dozens reprieved
Mark Easton BBC Home Editor is obviously cockahoop
Thank you lawyers and ‘campaigners’. We know whose side you’re on, and it isn’t Britain’s
They are on the side of the criminals.
This will come back to bite them on the backside .
Who is paying for all of these lawyers and flighst ?.
(As if I need to ask).
We care more for our criminals and invaders than we do for these brave warriors…………………
Nope I don’t agree with the Gurkhas cause here
They have always been recruited to a particular contract and pay
Their money goes a long way in Nepal compared to here
Traditionally they retired to this one town in Eastern Nepal which is pretty rich
and has a particular drug problem cos the retired Gurkhas children have a lot of wealth.
It is wrong for the British taxpayer to be forced to change the deal now and say they should live in the UK and UK pensions.
If we’d known it was going to cost so much money we wouldn’t have recruited so many in the first place
Yet we have illegal immigrants and criminals already living here being treated far better by the UK Government.
I recently learned that to get an extra £2 per week pension I would need to pay about £800 to HMRC.
What a fantastic deal that is. £100 per year until I die, currently triple locked. All for £800. Where else can you get a guaranteed annual investment return of 12.5%. You would be lucky to get a return of 3% from an annuity doing the same thing.
Of course this is totally unaffordable. Ludicrous generosity underwritten by other taxpayers. And yet it all happens with barely a comment.
Our national finances are managed by people who are totally clueless. And thus I completely agree with you about the Gurkhas, much as I admire them.. The cost of the largesse suggested on their behalf is not remotely understood by their sentimental proponents.
Use the money we waste on Four Star Hotels and deport the foreign Jail Birds . We need to get our priorities right .
I know these people and I can assure you there is no sentimentality involved.
Just look at this largesse …………….
BBC Moaning Emole
NZ borders remain closed to keep Covid out
New Zealand’s elimination strategy to tackle coronavirus means borders will remain closed until at least the end of the year, says the country’s prime minister. According to Jacinda Ardern, it’s the best way to keep Covid-19 out and the economy open. With a population of just under five million New Zealand – seen as one of the most has successful countries to control the virus – only recorded 26 deaths. It’s aiming to vaccinate everyone by the end of the year with hopes to reopen in 2022. “When we move we will be careful and deliberate, because we want to move with confidence and with as much certainty as possible,” Ms Ardern says.
Missing is the usual ‘analysis’ the bbc often indulges in, often comparing country policies.
Maybe they don’t want to trigger Boris or Priti into looking at how New Zealand is able to close a border?
If you think about it, the Taliban can be summed up as:
A group that does not tolerate any other way of thought.
A group that has a fixed hatred of anything “Western”.
A group that deems itself to have a divine right.
A perfect fit for the BBC then!
Seems US court says that one of the Jan 6th defendants is being held illegally, and maybe more people to.
Since the official cause of death of Police officer Sidnick is natural causes by stroke the day after, it is wrong to treat the case as if is murder of something.
double standard justice is a thing coming up a lot in the US now
I have been following the Jan 6th business – mostly via Barnes & Viva Locals …. It seems clear that a large part of the punishment (as is customary) is in the process. The treatment of the incarcerated people is extraordinary in the real sense of that word.
The abuse of process by DoJ is utterly epic – minor offences that would ordinarily been dealt with via summary justice (i.e. a fine) have had bystanders locked up in *special prisons* for over 5 months and subjected to abuse from what appear to be specially selected prison staff.
They’ve been amping up the charges, withholding evidence, deliberately delaying process and using the treatment of those caught in the net to try and intimidate anybody minded to show dissatisfaction with the present administration.
I expect the goons empowered by the Democrats to extend their antics…. since it it really is their only option to hang onto the power….
It’s pretty grim stuff.
Afghanistan war: Taliban back brutal rule as they strike for power
Somehow the interviewer manages to ask questions which allow the Taliban to answer:
“It’s fighting, so people are dying,” he replies coolly, adding that the group is trying its best “not to harm civilians”.
I point out that the Taliban are the ones who have started the fighting.
“No,” he retorts. “We had a government and it was overthrown. They [the Americans] started the fighting.”
“They are not giving up Western culture… so we have to kill them,” he says of the “puppet government” in Kabul.
Haji Hekmat, a local Taliban leader and our host in Balkh, is keen to show us how daily life is still continuing.
The bazaar remains crowded, with both male and female shoppers.
Haji Hekmat insists no-one is being “forced” and that the Taliban are simply “preaching” that this is how women should dress.
The day after we leave, reports emerge of a young woman being murdered because of her clothing. Haji Hekmat, though, rejects allegations Taliban members were responsible.
He used to be in charge of ammunition supplies, now it’s taxes – and he tells me proudly the group charges business owners less than the government used to.
The Taliban will never get a more sympathetic report in a global outlet than they have here on the BBC. But I don’t need to wonder why when I see the ‘reporter’ also did interviews with Islamic State. And of course – in line with BBC guidelines – the word terror is not used.
From what I’ve seen for the last few months, these are the latest BBC tactics. They happen far too often to be coincidence so there has most certainly been some communication to staff to do it.
Against agenda : Report basic facts only. Don’t explain or embellish.
On agenda: Report basic facts, but also embellish story with emotively laden human examples – using children if at all possible. Ideal ratio is about 10 parts emotion to 1 part fact.
I suspect the primary reason for this is that their usual trick of mis-representation can be ‘fact checked’ and it is the height of hypocrisy for the BBC and their new ‘Reality Check Team’ to be exposed for doing it themselves as they have been several times.
Bang on.
That Wendy’s ‘Unit’ is fronted by the Front, and she is limited ruthlessly to ‘checking’ only what serves is beyond risible.
I just discovered the BBC have a dedicated sub-page for London violence:
What an interesting read. You get to see the stories which wizzed through the main pages in the dead of night.
And you know what, the ratio of pictures on it of blacks to whites is virtually an exact match for the BBC news site in general.
So when I say the BBC are shameless racists, I’m wrong. As far as they are concerned, they represent their part of the country perfectly.
It’s only against the other 96% of the UK population they are racists.
bBc News
Words Used About Women: why language matters.
The image chosen is very Getty. Very… BBc.
Oh and, significantly, #CCBGB
Even the faithful know a bbc Sarpong shoehorn when served up.
Rog rallying the faithful.
Across the world, thousands of underground coal fires are burning at any given moment. The problem is most acute in industrializing, coal-rich nations such as China.[7] Global coal fire emissions are estimated to cause 40 tons of mercury to enter the atmosphere annually, and to represent three percent of the world’s annual CO2 emissions.[8]
Nifty morning stir there.
Al Beeb doing its best to divide Great Britain up in the hope that Brexit gets reversed. Defund the outfit.
Sing both. We are a land of song. I sung both at school and understood that we Welsh had our anthem and were ruled by a Queen plus a Prince of Wales. And sing this. God Bless the Prince of Wales.
Speaking of thick, Marianna ‘liked’ this.
Vile spotlights the bbc vetting system perfectly.
I remember Vile having a phone-in on whether we should accept May’s BRINO deal.
The first caller had a long and very clearly pre-written monologue about why we should accept. No way on Earth he was just a member of the public. 100% a pre-arranged activist.
Jezzer has no problem at all with lies on his show. It’s just those he doesn’t agree with he doesn’t like.
So much for OfCom.
If this nation ever needed a leader – its now!
Remember the ‘good old days’ when Vine had a C-list actress on to tell us not to have the MMR jab? He was quite keen on ‘anti-vax’ in those days.
They certainly put the so-called ‘expert’, opposing, old, white medical professor in his place!
A friend sent this snippet from the dreadful Vine show to me.
Jeremy asks John, “When you spoke to our researcher you told her that you had been an anti vaxxer, but had contracted covid and nearly died and now wanted to urge everyone to have the jab.”
John replied, “Yes, I had to lie because I knew that was the only way to get heard on the BBC.”
He’s not wrong, is he…
“you will only be happy when you own and have nothing….”.
Recently had the pleasure in explaining to freehold property owners that they are merely “Head Tenants” to the Crown in terms of property ownership in England & Wales. I don’t know about the ‘happiness’ angle though. The legal definition of “Property” in the UK includes everything ( + money). So, the Globalists dream in your quotation above is already true for the UK. The Crown owns everything…………
If the country goes bust, you can expect your property to be sold off to support ‘our’ Government’s efforts to stay afloat.
“Briton suspected of spying for Russia arrested in Germany”
What security company hired him ?
Alpackages for the silly season
Teachers’ pets
Inferences, demographics-wise.
As this morning’s Guardian encourages the nation to make a pet of that alpaca: ‘“The world is watching” Geronimo’s fate hangs in the balance‘ – I really don’t know whether they want me to write to Amnesty International, the UN, or Carrie Nut-Nut Johnson, to demand a reprieve?
The media petting zoo tendency reaches the ‘i’ newspaper which carries the feature headline: ‘Hot to trot? Why alpacas are the new big thing at weddings‘ – Well, I diagnose “silly season” as they say, but I was intrigued and found Glasgow Live not only predicted this nuptial alpaca fad but explains for the uninitiated: ‘Alpaca weddings are apparently ‘the next big thing’ – and they even help banish cold feet. These furry friends are proven to reduce stress and anxiety in humans… Perfect for those pre-wedding jitters‘ (October 2018)
I’ve still more questions, so If you’ll excuse the digression, we may all learn something: ‘If you fancy something woolly different for your wedding day, then you might want to look into getting some alpacas. These cuddly critters are apparently becoming a huge trend instead of horse and carriages for couples planning their big day… Alpaca bookings have seen a huge surge in the past year – with Jennifer Hone from Caldeonia Alapacas in Banknock noting a 25 per cent increase in wedding bookings in the past year. “The alpaca and llama trend has really taken off, and they are becoming increasingly popular with blushing brides and grooms to be. People are looking for something different to surprise their guests and photogenic alpacas fit the bill perfectly. What’s more, they work well with the shabby chic, barn or tepee weddings that are on trend right now.
“We offer a variety of ‘Alpackages’‘
Who cleans up the discarded confetti and those inevitable alpackages, after the event, is what I’m wondering?
What was I talking about? Oh yes, pets. To the Daily Telegraph and yet another “expert says” story, this time about predicted GCSE results based on teacher assessment and the notion of teachers’ pets: ‘Girls are just cleverer says exams expert‘ – I’m no expert but I tend to think we’ve skewed our educational system towards a more female friendly regime. But let’s let our misandric academic have his say and virtue signal to the ladies – he’s a chap, so somehow he managed to buck the trend: ‘Prof Alan Smithers, of Buckingham University, said “Girls have long been ahead but the tendency has been to explain away their superior performance… why can’t we just accept that they are cleverer?”‘ – I’d like to ask him, considering his rather blunt line of thinking and rejection of any structural causes or biases in our school system, about the relative educational performance of black boys as a demographic – but I’m willing to bet he’d run for the hills – metaphorically speaking.
Men… rubbish, aren’t they?
‘Loving dad killed trying to protect his teen daughter. Thug’s doorstep attack‘ (Daily Mirror) – I suppose blokes have their uses.
‘Brave dad Jamie Markham, 45, tried to protect his daughter before being fatally stabbed in Chingford Mount, north east London, after he was set upon by a group of boys… His heartbroken wife Candice told the Mirror how the group, believed to be 14 and 15-year-olds, were swinging metal poles at her daughter Chloe, 17, and screaming at her. “The boys were walking around with metal poles. They were swinging them and shouting at my daughter,” said a tearful Candice today. “It’s just disgusting. It’s not the first time – you see them walking around and smashing bottles in the street. “Just doing what they like, there’s no police. They’re kids – 14 and 15… Detectives from the Metropolitan Police’s Specialist Crime Command have launched a murder investigation but no arrests have yet been made‘ – no descriptions for us to help track down the offenders?
Don’t have nightmares – Met Police online tell us: ‘Two teenagers have been arrested in connection with the murder of a man in Chingford. James Markham, 45, was fatally stabbed on the evening of Monday, 9 August after confronting a group of youths in the street. On Wednesday, a 14-year-old boy [A], was arrested on suspicion of his murder. A second boy [B], also 14, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. Both are in custody at an east London police station.‘ – given their ages court restrictions will mean we won’t be allowed to draw any inferences demographics-wise.
If this nation ever needed a leader – its now!
Yes, you’re right…
Unfortunately we’re lumbered with Boris Bunter, who couldn’t make a decision and stick to it if his life depended on it.
He’s like a political weather balloon. He floats up into the ether, sees which way the wind is blowing… and then follows it.
Johnson isn’t a leader…
He’s a wimp.
…and like a weather balloon, he deflates at altitude, and the hardware crashes to earth.
‘On Wednesday, a 14-year-old boy, was arrested on suspicion of his murder. A second boy, also 14, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder.’
First they banned use of the rope.
Then they banned use of the cane.
Then they banned use of the hand.
We reap what we sow.
Springster still only ‘fact checking’ around those she has approved to deal with?
BBC News
The tech giant has developed a calculator that lets staff see the effects of remote working or moving offices.
Seems it might involve reduction in pay.
There was a recent story about BBC home ‘workers’.
Luckily their funding remains unique.
I for one would be delighted if the entire staff of the BBC were sent home permanently.
When it comes to front page photo images on the BBC website one
can use a version of George Orwell’s famous quotation
with confidence. ” All students are equal , but some are
more equal than others.”
The BBC have updated their GCSE results photos. ” more equal
than others” is putting it very mildly to say the least.
I see the media is going to the usual trope regarding the traitor spying for Russia at the Berlin embassy.
Of course he is described as ‘extreme far right’ but that tired old phrase is applied to anyone the state doesn’t like in the same way as Orwell described those who follow Emmanuel Goldstein.
Everyone now is ‘far right’ if they dare show any opposition to the Socialist establishment there doesn’t need to be any evidence the central cointrol of the media has deemed it to be so, so therefore it is.
Rise up my followers.
Another less than supportive article in the Telegraph re GB News arguing that the channel is rapidly becoming a UK Fox News, which in the eyes of the Telegraph is something akin to the Volkischer Beobacter. However the readers comments are on the whole supportive of GBN to date and wish it well. Yet another example of the widening rift between the editorial stance of the newspaper and its readership.
Why does the Telegraph loath GBN so much? Of course it’s a rival for the sensible anti Woke part of the market, so a direct competitor ,but given the Telegraphs steady leftward drift over the past few years I suspect there is more to it than that. The Telegraph of today has more in common with the foul BBC than it does with GBN and , in common with the rest of the MSM , it recognises that a news source which doesn’t parrot Wokism at every opportunity , that doesn’t genuflect to BLM, that doesn’t pillory Israel regardless of the facts, that dares to criticise the ROP, that thinks the UK is a good place and dares to shows its patriotism when appropriate, that doesn’t regard President Trump as the devil incarnate, is a threat to the wall to wall Wokist narrative we get from every other news source.
The supposed conservatism of the Telegraph seems to be of a resigned, defeatist, editorial stance. Their anti-woke reporting is of the type – look at what that mad lot are up to now! It is a passive observational, shrug of the shoulders, pour yourself another stiff drink and wish it all away tendency. GB News, as the optimistic new boy on the block – at least from the brief You Tube clips I’ve seen – appears to give platform to positive thinking conservative voices who are up for the fightback.
I’d speculate the Telegraph leans into corporate interests which are themselves left-leaning – anything for a quiet life and easy government-crony capitalist cushy state contract-seeking quick buck.
And GBN employs the scrumptious Mercy Muroki – my kind of Kikuyu.
Mercy Muroki: Love Island’s teaching our kids bad morals – and we’re to blame
Nice to see that P.Andrew is up at Balmoral for the start of the grouse season.
Whoosh – bang bang…
“GCSES 2021: Higher results expected after exams axed”
We must have the brainiest and cleverest kids in the world thanks to Gavin Williamson.
Give the man a lollipop !
On the downside, I think the future employers are very worried ?
1 GBP = 1.18169 EUR
Dare I say it , Despite Brexit.
A few bbc presumptions there.
The popular California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) offers rebates of up to $4,500 for the purchase of new electric vehicles, and up to $7,000 for low-to-moderate-income drivers who make up to 400% of the federal poverty level — $51,520 for individuals.23 Jun 2021
You’d think…
That as a gesture to the proclaimed vehicle policy that tptb might commission a fleet of armoured EVs for senior members of the government?
Why is he in a left-hand drive car?
Is there something we need to know about this?
BBC website front page: Record GCSE passes in England.
Please note: in England.
Accompanying photograph: two hijab-wearing girls of African descent.
Agenda? I think we should be told….
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
Ah… the Mutaween – I remember them and their paler imitators around the peninsula rather well.
I hope that some special corner of hell has been set aside for them to be tormented in perpetuity.
in 2002 we should add.
Ive worked in Saudi the influence of the religous police has decressed marikdly over the last few years.
In the larger urban areas their antics weren’t sustainable – small town Saudi, especially in the Eastern Province I expect that not much has changed (esp. if you show signs of Shia proclivity) – the police as a whole in Saudi are not well disposed to furriners, especially whiteys.
Spent 30 years in+out and around the place
Saudi Arabia full stop, are the perpetrators of all evil in the Middle East, they the so called Royal Family are behind most of the trouble, using their wealth and power to subvert to continue to enslave their own people. It is well known that they have the capacity to house at least one million migrant people of their own religious culture near Mecca. Yet nothing is heard, not a word from any media, wether there or from any media in Europe inc BBC.
Skeldings – I don’t know if you want to hang on to your breakfast, but scroll down to the bottom. There’s your caucasian quota. Ye Gods….
Hmm….No toxic masculinity there I’ll be bound…..
But no-one of any non-white ethnicity shown on the NI, Wales, or Scotland exams stories. None.
My issue is not about people’s colour, but about a clear bbc agenda to manipulate perceptions re the home nations.
Why do they choose to portray England one way, and the other home nations another?
Why not just have a representative mix for all? A natural mixed pick of photos with kids from different backgrounds in, for each nation’s story?
No, because there is an agenda. To say that England as an identity doesn’t exist (even though sone minority groups or immigration decendents might well identify as English).
I think they (the bbc) want England to be represented as global, but not the other home nations.
So what is that all about?
Also, no separate England story on exams as for the other nations. And no separate story on firefighters going to Greece. The Wales page has a story on Welsh firefighters attending the situation.
English firefighters?
They are doing away with the idea of England as a place.
What does OfCom do?
Globalists/internationalists want England to be eradicated as a country.
I assume they both envy and fear what she stands for historically.
People such as Blair and Starmer want England broken up into separate federal regions.
‘They are doing away with the idea of England as a place.’
This process began about twenty years ago with the removal of ‘English’ as a choice in the nationality section of application forms, replaced by the word ‘British’.
Monday 8th January 2018: BBC Radio 5 live Breakfast, 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Radio 5 ‘dead’ have lots of these people on short dial! During the night, you can always hear the same droning from the same miserable voices! One character was on during the last few minutes of one prog, then was on again with the next prog!
The best way to avoid all this is to have a few glasses of red, then sleep like a baby all night!
Further to the discussions on A-levels and never to be reported by al beeb
Women’s education in Saudi Arabia is, as with many aspects of daily life, organized according to the principles of Islam, which is the official religion of the country, and which puts emphasis on the importance of knowledge, study, and understanding. The religion believes that obtaining knowledge is the only way to gain true understanding of life, and as such encourage both males and females to study.[1] [2] The way of practicing Wahhabi Islam has therefore led to segregation in education in Saudi Arabia, and in turn has created segregation in political, economic, and labor force environments. With the current struggle of social norms and laws, women have made great strides to obtain education in Saudi Arabia. However great these strides may be, there are consequences to the economy from not allowing women to have access to equal education, including potential economic struggle.
Errrr and this is apropos of what exactly? No links no reference to a source where it was broadcast or anything. It appears to be a random cut and paste from Wikipedia but in regards to what exactly I cannot tell.
The BBC promote ladies in hijabs on their school reports – yet Islam has a track record of denying women education. Yet they can get an education in a country that hates them?! Wonderful world!
I stumbled on an old article on the subject of the science of Global Warming presented with a very tongue-in-cheek slant.
It’s a longish read but has some heart-warming debunking but very credible content written in a very humorous style.
Made me laugh out loud.
You won’t be seeing this on the BBC!
The bbc is not just biased. It has an actual agenda – to destroy the very notion of England or being English.
One way it does this is through use of images as well as omission of stories about England.
Look at the website Education page 12/8 re A levels.
NI, Wales, and Scotland have stories, with pictures of kids, as does the UK, but not England.
Also, this next observation is nothing against people of colour, who I have nothing against – it is against the bbc’s use of them as part of an agenda.
All the other home nations have pictures of white kids only, whilst in the uk section they are almost all of colour (when you should correctly expect a representative mix). So almost no representation in these images of white English children. Why?
I suspect its part of denying England exists as an identity (even though many immigrants quite happily and rightly identify as English as well as British).
I am not nationalist and don’t particularly feel comfortable with flag waving of any sort, but I resent the denial of the country of my birth.
I used to be happily British but I feel resentful now about the double standards.
So now I feel anti-unionist.
Thanks bbc, you are hideous.
BBC prophecy is all that matters. Biden is part of that prophecy, a global change (lurch) to the left. When the BBC asks why you don’t watch the BBC propaganda; and then fines you for it not watching (or agreeing to it).
To quote Theodore Dalrymple:
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
This is how you subvert a nation and a people.
R4 11am
“. Arabs account for only around one in five of all Israelis,
yet they are now the vast majority of the country’s murder victims”
In the UK a disproportionate amount of black people get into gang stuff
so it seems it could be the same with Israeli Arabs.
An American college actually got there first, but Copenhagen University’s Beyoncé-focused course was an immediate hit with students when it was launched in 2017: according to reports at the time, 75 would-be Bey-experts immediately signed up, and there was so much interest in studying the singer’s work that they had to …18 Apr 2018
A competing gender blind Lady Ga-Ga course is being launched by Aarhus University.
The University of South Carolina has developed a sociology course dedicated to the life, work and rise to fame of pop star Lady Gaga.
Lady Gaga and the Sociology of the Fame is to be taught by Professor Mathieu Deflem, a fan of the singer.
Course documents said students would learn to “engage in sound and substantiated scholarly thinking” on issues related to her fame.
I got several sociology degrees once. They were on a roll next to the loo.
My nephew has just got his results and it looks like it’s the Navy for him.
He got seven c’s
Coat already got.
Its nice that all the kids get star exam marks. Proof that School teaching does not have to improve (or attend) to get ‘Steller’ exam grades! All off to University! – and a life of uncertainty. Or a job at the BBC if you have ‘issues’.
See image:

Here’s the image
The Add Image button needs you to enter a URL which has a recognised dot type in it like .jpg, .gif, .png etc.
So I moused over the image to collect the actual image URL
Thanks Stew.
Easy life for the teachers. The problem is when half of them go to university they wont have the foggiest idea what the lecturers are talking about. It will be interesting what the drop outs will be after the first year. But they can always get a job at the BBC. ” Positive
Double Standards in US justice
#1 BLM rioters
“nothing to see, they were just protesting”
– Jan 6th people including people who just walked in through open doors
..Detained for 7 months now
most without trial
#2 Lawyer Guilianni “you might have done something wrong, so we’ll immediately take away your legal licence before any trials.
(his offence is maybe believing some conspiracy theories people pushed at him)
Democrat lawyer actually falsified court documents etc
His punishment “we’ll take away your licence for six months, but we’ll backdate it a year ..so you are actually free right now)
video https://youtu.be/aygPbBxYtBg
#3 OrangeMan made old comments in private saying certain women loved powerful men & might let you grope them…judged as the worst crime ever.
– Democrat Governor Cuomo actually got gropey on many recent occasions, it was all covered up.
until impeachment became almost certain
and then they let him resign.
All white people are racist.
Yet, all Islamic people are not terrorists.
How can this be?
All White people are racists
We want to eliminate racism
Ergo we want to eliminate White people.
Make no mistake it might appear to be a silly sentiment but this idiocy is one of the most dangerous stupidities the left has come up with as it is paving the way for a genocide of White people. You can already see the Far Left in the Tory party clensing the airwaves of White faces and voices. These things never appear out of the blue, there is a slow build up to them and then people realise when it is too late to stop it.
NHS waiting list in England hits record 5.45 million
Published58 minutes ago
Video from a guy who supports the Chinese government
in it he complains about the BBC stealth editing articles
after being called out for using fake photos
The stealth editing is a common BBC tactic.
But I’m not sure I believe they actually doctored the image in the first place
they probably chose a poor quality image in the first instance.
… https://youtu.be/eS8EceIa1MQ
Just saw a bit of BBC news.
And amazingly, they have suddenly become all impartial and undemanding.
A female ‘journalist’ was interviewing a cuddly Taliban commander. He wants to impose strict Islamic Sharia Law. Amputations for thiefs, stoning for adulterers.
Yet no questions were asked about the punitive treatment of women, loss of education and jobs, and compulsory clothing.
Perhaps the journalist was confused, thinking it was an episode of the Handmaid’s Tale.
It feels like the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation is very much in their element.
I am indebted to the wag who pointed out that despite the closure of schools for many months over the last 2 years, students have scored record GCSE and A level results.
A discontinuity clearly lost on the BBC.
Mind you. Just think how well the students would do if schools closed permanently.!
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It’s been an exciting time at Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust as we continue our journey of “Being our Best”, and our mission to provide world-class patient care.
We are now looking to recruit into the post of Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement to work within our Workforce and Organisational Development Directorate and support delivery of our organisational People and Culture objectives.
The Guardian are cock-a-hoop that Batman’s sidekick Robin has come out as LGBTQ+.
The character Tim Drake, the third Robin (after Dick Grayson and Jason Todd) is to go on a date with another lad. It seems the Low Art world of comics is yet another area infested with Wokery. You Tube channels like Just Some Guy and Heel Vs Babyface will tell you more than you need to know.
I suppose they’re meant to be young adults, they look more like bright-eyed twelve-year old boys to me.
TC, (now, there’s a cartoon moniker to appreciate!) the western world is going completely insane at present.
(Evidence: see content of tomo’s post above)
TC – Top Cat? One of his gang was Choo Choo, a pink cat who wore a white polo neck sweater. I’m sure it was entirely innocent in the 60s – but it could mean only one thing today!
Yes, Top Cat. Somewhere on UChoob there’s a great vid of a Bank advert featuring TC and Benny, at least, if not the whole gang. Can’t remember the brand, might be one starting with H so that must be HSBC as HalifaxBoS bit the dust in ’08 or ’09.
I’m sure some people would want to read all sorts of things into Choo Choo and his depiction. Don’t recall him being pink, though. Thought that was TC’s love interest. Can’t remember her name.
Choo Choo was definitely pink but it wouldn’t have meant a thing at the time – everybody was watching in black and white.
I remember reading that the 3 colours of the uniforms in Star Trek were chosen purely for technical reasons – they had to reproduce for early colour TV and all look different in b&w. I suspect the colours of cartoon characters were the same.
It was quite a surprise when someone brought a Sooty puppet to school and it turned out that he was orange and black, not black and white, ‘as seen on TV’!
I always saw cartoon characters as being ‘TV-sized’ and could never relate to those over-sized costumes that Disney etc. put over adults at theme parks. Toss into the mix all those song lyrics that turn out to be completely different when written down compared to what we heard!
Straight can turn gay.
But can gays turn straight?
Dr. Zelenko schools Israeli Rabbinic court
I know I have written about this before. And others have
also written about this subject as well. But do you think
that BBC is just rubbing our noses in it ? That is the
indigenous population . By at every attempt to show us
images of ethnic folk in all aspects of our daily lives. To a
degree , for instant that 75% of photos of A level students and the
equivalent GCSE students are ethnic? Why do they do this?
Is it what they call positive discrimination. If they use
positive discrimination , why don’t they use it in say a
programme such as the London programme on TV. In the
capitol the indigenous population is down to around 35% as
opposed to the rest of the country where the make up is around
80%. BUT on the London programme 75-80% of the presenting ,
reporting , topics, are geared towards the majority ethnic
community. No positive discrimination here. Somebody
please tell me what the BBC’S agenda is , and why?
I would love to write to Newswatch on the subject . But can you
just imagine what their attitude would be to it. ” Just another
racist” and I am NOT. Just somebody ,like many who find the
BBC’S extreme obsession with diversity unfathomable.
That’s exactly why their viewing figures and licence fees are dropping like a stone. They do not represent the great majority of the people of Britain, neither do they serve them.
All under the watchful eye of OfCom, our Tory Government and its MPs.
Dam right Foscari most definitely they the BBC are rubbing our noses in it day after day just as they are instructed to do by those that control all media outlook. It stinks-of course. I am more than angry.
It is becoming clear that the climate science boffins are about to jump on the covid restraint tactics in their mission to get us all under the thumb climate-wise, by using a massive health scare.
I read in the Independent…
“Medical experts have issued a health warning over smoke from wildfires – warning that it could make people more prone to catching Covid-19.
Blazes are raging across Europe and North America, fed by scorching temperatures and dry conditions and causing untold misery.”
I guess they have seen how successfully Covid regulations screwed down the public and forced compliance so have concluded that they can now use it in the climate offensive to force regulation on us all.
The delightful Una Stubbs has died at the age of 84. A sad loss.
I wonder what the chances are of the BBC showing an episode of Till Death Us Do Part, in which she played Alf Garnett’s daughter, as a tribute?
BBC …. when debate was allowed … see Boris on the panel …
“…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
Mans says things to get elected … ha ha ha ha …
Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 1 year old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
Boris Johnson
Johnson says he is ‘looking at’ scrapping BBC licence fee – video
Rowena Mason and Jim Waterson
Mon 9 Dec 2019
Asked why he would not get rid of TV licence fees, Johnson said: “At this stage we are not planning to get rid of all licence fees, though I am certainly looking at it. I’m under pressure not to extemporise policy on the hoof.