“In Islam, Muslims pray five times a day and after 624 CE, these prayers were directed towards Mecca and the Kaaba rather than Jerusalem; this direction—or qibla in Arabic—is marked in all mosques and enables the faithful to know in which direction they should pray. The Qur‘an established the direction of prayer.”
According to Jay Smith and other historians, the qiblas in early mosques pointed to Petra, not Mecca.
Based on that and a wealth of other findings, he questions the entire standard narrative of the origins of islam, even questioning whether mohammud ever existed.
Until recently muslim scholars managed to contain the latest findings and theories about islam, but word is getting out and the scholars are getting worried as it could rock islam to its foundations.
Islam – a religion that can change direction at the tip of a hat …
” Islamic tradition says that these verses were revealed during a prayer congregation; Muhammad and his followers immediately changed their direction from Jerusalem to Mecca in the middle of the prayer ritual.”
Farage’s show is excellent but he must put In an incredible amount of work on it. He travelled up to the coalfields the other day for example. I hope he doesn’t wear himself out. He is to be very much congratulated on an amazing show. Must be incredibly hard work to put it together. Well done Nigel!
He should have been Prime Minister, not the puffing windbag we have presently .
This proud nation is in need of a leader, a leader that in not scared of Al Beeb.
He should have been Prime Minister, not the puffing windbag we have presently .
This proud nation is in need of a leader, a leader that is not scared of Al Beeb.
I see that some woman of colour wants Eamon Holmes sacked for “alleged racism on air”, apparently he said jokingly that she had “alpaca hair”. For Fawkes sake, don’t these wokes realise that there is comedy in most things. If he’d said “golly, youv’e got alpaca hair” that may be construed as racism.
I truly believe that the Islington liberals think that white children throughout the land join with them in rejoicing in the prominence given on their screens to BAME students revelling in their success in attaining fantastic examination grades.
I fear the reality may well be different and these kids may end up harbouring deep resentment that their own achievements are being overlooked. This, in my opinion, is likely to exacerbate, rather than alleviate, any potential racism in society
Popeye, I have children (white ones) of nearly GCSE age, so can tell you that quite honestly you needn’t concern yourself, they’ve not watched live TV since they were perhaps 7 or 8. They’re completely oblivious to the BBC and anything on it, other than what’s rammed down their throats at school (and thus made even more repugnant and to be avoided).
Now that could be because we don’t have a TV licence, or watch live TV ourselves, but none of their friends watch live TV either. To put that in perspective we’re talking about probably 15 or 20 youngsters among their regular mates, and not one of those is a regular watcher of live TV… not one.
The BBC has identified that it has a problem attracting and retaining younger viewers, and yes, it clearly does, but its desperate attempts to rectify that are completely misguided and frankly reek of desperation. I doubt more than 1 in 20 young people (under 25) regularly watch the BBC these days.
I was a bit surprised when it came up in dinner time conversation, at the time I was asking if they’d rather we paid for a licence so they could watch something they’d heard about at school (something about ‘global warming’ on the BBC, a teacher was recommending the whole school watch it for ‘homework’). They were adamant they DIDN’T think we needed live TV, and wouldn’t bother to watch this docuseries, if we had. So I asked about friends and TV, and was told none of them watch live TV either these days, which is something I’ve heard through the parent grapevine a lot in recent years actually, so I suspect they’re telling the truth.
They watch a few things on Netflix (and/or Amazon, if the parents have it – we don’t), one girl they know likes the Disney Channel (but only one), but mostly they watch LOTS of stuff on YouTube. It’s easy to understand why, they can watch what they want, when they want, and if it starts to get ‘boring’ or ‘preachy’ they can find something else to watch in seconds. Don’t forget all these kids are growing up constantly surrounded by personal screens they don’t need to share with anyone else, and know how to flick between online sources and find what they want to find really fast (yes, I’m well aware what that means re: parenting and porn…. but, when I was 12 a mate showed me his dad’s ‘secret’ Euro hardcore porn mag and video stash, so… moving on…)
Talking a bit more about the BBC with the kids, they don’t like it because it’s ‘boring’, ‘woke’ and has ‘nothing on’ they want to watch. Which all sounds a bit like their parent’s views on the subject, oddly enough, and no, I’ve consciously not inflicted my personal views on them, that is what they (and their friends) all seem to genuinely think, just because they’re young doesn’t mean they’re stupid and can’t tell when someone has an agenda.
Completely correct. None of the 14 to 17 year old age group I know have the slightest interest in the BBC, or even television in general. They spend (waste) almost all of their time playing online games or watching the drivel TicToc serves up. I saw plenty of Auntie in my younger years, but then I grew up in an era when BBC comedy was funny and some programs had you famously ‘watching from behind the sofa’. They’ve completely lost the plot.
Just seen the news on BBC1. They had a piece about vaccine uptake in the US Bible belt.
They were making the link that the more religious the state the less the vaccine take up. Apart from mentioning a couple of unvaxxed deaths they didn’t make a link between deaths of unvaccinated vs vaccinated .
Best bit, and typical BBC, was the comment, “those less likely to take the vaccine were more likely to vote for Trump”.
The final shot was a hospital door with a sign of some Bible text.
So we had…
1. anti religion – tick
2. anti Trump -tick
3. black victim – tick
4. pro vaccine – tick
Shame the BBC didn’t squeeze in climate change for the full house.
Real.classic. Ingrained bias on the disgusting BBC 1 6 pm news.
They feature high covid rates in southern US states, claiming them asTrump supporting republican anti vax bible belt communities in Louisiana and Mississippi.
So I had a look on the worldometer website. There, the US is broken down to state level and all the stats can be seen.
Guess what? No such conclusion can be reached.
The highest per capita covid death rates are New Jersey and New York.
Which are…….errrr……Democrat.
The biggest outbreaks are currently in Florida, Texas, and California. Louisiana and Mississipi are near the top on a per capita basis yes, but not so for other republican states such as Oregon or Wyoming.
The US Democrat MSM are out to get DeSantis in particular.
The BBC’s editorial teams are simply a lame echo of the tossers on CNN/MSNBC but with added Islington libmob sneer.
iirc there’s been squabbling about the veracity of case numbers being fed to the media emanating from both “sides” – some of the “fact checkers” are simply farcical – to the point where it’s all too easy to imagine that it isn’t about coronavirus at all….
Can anyone explain why the asylum seekers don’t head for Germany, Belgium, Switzerland or Spain ?
Could it be by design or because we have a Border Farce headed by a totally useless Home Secretary and PM?
No total numbers for today yet but multiple beach landings.
@Traxxtra 9h A lot of activity on the channel this morning, with Scarpé (French coastguard) meeting Vigilant (bf patrol vessel) to handover migrants. Meanwhile the coastguard helicopter is out & has identified a migrant dinghy in the water with engine failure, the RNLI have been called out.
7h There has been a report of a beach landing at Samphire Hoe, Dover, Kent, numbers yet to be confirmed. Another beach landing at Dungeness with an approx number of 35 migrants
7h Update, there was 43 migrants on the beach landing at Dungeness this morning.
2h Valiant brought in a total of 117. Bf, the coastguard and the RNLI have been working flat out today. It has been said that a migrant was airlifted to hospital but was pronounced said [sic] on arrival.
1h The RNLI have been called out all day and all over the Kent coastline, one RNLI vessel returned with 45 migrants, said to have been from the Dungeness beach landing.
@TradBritGroup 7h
Beach landing at Ramsgate.
Illegals have been landing all over the South coast today. When multiple beach landings happen, it's a clear sign that the Border Force can't cope with the influx, even with the help of the RNLI.
The French Coastguard account seems to say that far from just taxi-ing migrants they keep rescuing boats near to France
164 people today
108 yesterday
previous weeks also a lot
… https://twitter.com/premarmanche
“…the Border Force can’t cope with the influx…”
In instances where the Border Force has “coped”, what does that mean they have actually done? Was anybody, anybody taken back to France and left on the beach. What a charade!
9pm-10:30pm BBC2 The Watch based on Terry Pratchett
I just looked at fan reviews ..they seem to say it’s a bad interpretation
Inspired by Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, punk rock comedy thriller ‘The Watch’ is coming to BBC 2 from today, with 2 episodes each week from 9pm. Great work from Giulio Biccari (Director of Photography) & Simon Damast (1st Assistant Director)! 🧷👏 pic.twitter.com/HTLwWvD1ta
That takes me back, I was a little bit of a Pratchett reader back in the early 90s, or more honestly I was at Uni sharing a house with others who were big fans.
Don’t recall any feisty, smart, black girls in any of his books, although I’m sure the BBC will ensure there’s one in the TV ‘adaptation’, and a few nice gay people… and an evil, middle aged white guy, it’s what they do.
“Updated reports from #plymouth of multiple members from one family shot, including fatalities in a non-Terror related incident tonight.
Main suspect has been shot dead by police. Incident has been contained. Air ambulances have lifted victims for critical treatment.
Picture released already.
Definitely white.
Otherwise we only get pictures of the victims.
Anyway, knives are the weapons of choice for the barbarians.
Contrast the exposure this story of a clear nutcase is going to get compared to the many murders swept under the carpet done by people of sound mind who did it out of sheer murderous brutality.
The first is a mental issue. The second is a society issue. They are very different. As is the colour of the people who do them.
It was an ‘incel’ involved so some would class it as terror related. Look up Elliot Rodger who did the same in California in 2014 and Alec Minassian in Canada in 2018
All the hoo ha about the high temperatures in the Med at the moment, and they are indeed unusually high, but there’s no mention of the forecast snow for the Cairngorms in just two weeks time, at least a month earlier than usual.
BBC wetting themselves with headlines and reports that white population is decling in US.
Note to BBC News: 5 people shot and killed in the country that pays for you…..your not intersted because……..
Have to admit – the chat with the taliban war lord was pretty sick – funny . He explained that the evidential level before a woman could be stoned to death has to be very high .
The Left hijack popular history to use as a vehicle for their agenda because they are unable to get anyone to pay attention any other way. It always turns the original success into a pathetic failure.
Just like the BBC hijacked Dr Who instead of creating a Mrs Who show. And ruined it.
A question for our Prime Minister, our Home Secretary, Tory MPs and Al Beeb to answer: How many terrorists have landed on the English beaches today?
More importantly how many more are going to land and why aren’t they being stopped ?
Their answer to this question is to try and stop you finding out they are landing at all. Hence the money being spent on injunctions to prevent people filming them.
Absolute disgrace.
The last part of the most recent article from the BBC predictably signs off by defending it all. They even write:
‘Steve Valdez-Symonds, Refugee and Migrant Rights Director at Amnesty International UK, said: “The reason people are putting themselves in serious danger with these Channel crossings is that there are simply no safe alternatives open to them.’
What about staying in France ?. Another blatant lie in the name of the agenda.
Nigel interviewed this bloke on GB news and he’s the exact whiny-voiced far-Left tw@t you would expect. He is on the verge of losing his temper nearly all the time and as he speaks his voice is spiteful and a bit nasty whenever Nigel makes a point he doesn’t like.
Nigel handled him brilliantly with the usual facts and common sense. He gave him far more respect than he would get if someone from the far-Left interviewed him.
According to the crime statistics, Poland is the safest country in Europe. In 2020 they came in at around 30,000 negative net migration, with only Romania offloading more people than it takes in (to be fair, you’d have to be clinically retarded to want to emigrate to Romania).
CBS' The Late Show with Stephen Colbert saw a significant drop in ratings Tuesday night, during the appearance of CNN's Media Correspondent Brian Stelter. https://t.co/nOsAOPEMoc
David Shuckman liked this, doubtless for the environmental aspect.
Thanks for tag – but it was the excellent @sophieraworth presenting tonight. Decision to lead on Afghanistan was on balance right given the evolving disaster and fate of 4,000 British citizens. Shootings in Plymouth are horrific and more detail will perhaps emerge soon. @BBCNewshttps://t.co/sJCLhOdcsJ
‘Incident not terror related ‘ – real meaning “ this killing didn’t involve Muslim terrorists ‘ (the usual terrorism in the UK now )
Sad business but the MSM must be desperate to turn Plymouth into a ‘far right ‘ crime – when it looks on the face of it like a covid fuelled domestic /random …
You will never see the word terrorist in a BBC report about a Muslim attack.
It’s official policy now.
Our terrorist is some Muslim’s freedom fighter and the BBC don’t want to anger them. What they don’t admit is how many of the latter group live in the UK.
They will, however, still use it for any far-right attacks.
One of the questions that I have asked but never heard an answer to: “If the climate is changing what happens if that results in cloudier skies and lower wind speeds?” (This year’s personal ‘summer solar’ only 86% of last year’s, for instance).
Suspected gunman and five others die in Plymouth shooting
Police in the city of Plymouth say three females, two males and a suspected gunman have died in a shooting. Devon and Cornwall Police officers were called to the Keyham area of the city at about 18:10 BST on Thursday evening . A local MP said one of those killed was under 10 years old. An eye-witness told the BBC she heard shouting followed by “three, possibly four” shots. Another man told us he “bumped into a bloke with a shotgun” who was dressed all in black. Home Secretary Priti Patel has pledged her full support for the police and urged everyone to remain calm. Devon and Cornwall Police says it is not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident.
So… dress code… Antifa? Mostly peaceful slaughter? Witness given the Kay Burley speech on what they saw?
Guest, sounds like it may have been, sadly, ‘a domestic’. The Police have just released the information, relayed while I was listening to TOADY, that some of the adults who died were related to the gunman.
TOADY informs me what I already knew: Local Authorities declare Climate Change Emergencies in their areas and make lots of hot air in Council Chambers and then spend money lots of taxpayer money on daft schemes. How about the shortest cycle lane in the UK, just a couple of feet that ends in a tree in Harringey, north London? Yes, really. I wonder how much that cost?
TOADY wheel on the Horror Bin to add to the lies. He correctly says Local Authorities are declaring Climate Emergencies. True. But then I think the Horror Bin lies. He says after declaring CEs, they then build airports and roads. Airport building is down to national Government and is, I think, a devolved responsibility. Road building on major routes is again a devolved responsibility of the four Parliaments and is down to the control of the Highways Agency. Both, if I recall correctly, are nothing to do with Local Authorities.
You know you can trust the BBC. To lie and lie again and again.
This is a very misleading op-ed. The government is not going to force people to scrap working boilers. They will offer people grants to buy a heat pump when their boiler breaks down. Even then most people's next heating system is likely to be a boiler. https://t.co/InF9wPbAUD
Listening to a BBC report about Afhgee reverting to taliban control ( surprise ? ) – the false American president – who decided to pull western forces out – gets a completely free ride and is barely mentioned .
My head was reformatting the report had President Trump taken the decision ( ie -blood on his hands – walking away from allies – can’t be trusted )
When you realise that the BBC only does propaganda now it’s far easier to redraft the ‘news ‘ – the challenge of course is what is ‘non reported ‘ because it doesn’t obey the ‘approved version ‘..
Biden told the world that the Taliban were no match for the Afghan forces on more than one occasion.
Either he was blatantly lying or he is totally ignorant of his policy and it’s consequences. He should be held to account whichever it is.
Yet he has been given a completely free ride by the media.
We are halfway down a very slippery and very dangerous slope. Nothing good is at the end of it.
We think for a moment this morning we may be slowly edging closer to the truth about the origin of the covid: ‘A Chinese scientist may have started the pandemic after being infected with coronavirus while collecting bat samples, the head of the World Health Organisation investigation team has said‘ (Telegraph) – perhaps they should have told him to socially distance from the bats or to wear a mask – I’ve had to do it in bloody Sainsburys for over a year.
Don’t get too excited as to the investigative skills of the UN health organisation. This is still no more than a: “likely hypothesis“.
As for the lab leak hypothesis, this was: “extremely unlikely” – how so? And why does WHO conclude this in their official report?: ‘to avoid further arguments with the Chinese‘
After a couple of decades and much blood and treasure spent nation buliding in Afghanistan there’s apparently no avoiding further arguments with the Taliban: ‘600 Paras to save Kabul Brits‘ (Daily Mail) – I guess when push comes to shove we’re not relying on any UN peace keeping.
Somewhat appropriately on a day when the tabloid Daily Star, among other titles, mourns the passing of Una Stubbs the actress famous, among many other roles in a long career, for playing a fairground doll used as a target in throwing games: ‘“Such a loss” as Aunt Sally dies‘
The Star’s aunt sally this morning is the – Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, who eat all the pies? – our tubby security guard who sold our national secrets to the Russians – for a mess of pottage, or a burger and fries?
‘Short, flabby, balding suspect lives on his own. Never mind the Aston.. he’s got a Ford Fiesta, Russian flags and Army caps in his weird flat‘ – one senses a damage limitation press campaign to ridicule this chap so as to minimise the little victory scored by Putin’s lot in turning him.
Nothing snarky to say about his educational level? We draw our own conclusions. And so we reflect on the sad decline in the calibre of British traitors since the Cambridge circle – Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, “Kim” Philby and Anthony Blunt were recruited as Soviet spies while at Cambridge University in the 1930s.
In further foreign affairs…
“I’m not a pervert, I’m only Italian”
That was disgraced Democrat Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo
He was until recently lionised by the liberal press as the anti-Trump covid hero.
Meanwhile his policies sentenced untold numbers of elderly patients to their deaths in care homes.
Sound familiar?
He compounded his mistake, which might have been excused by bad advice from the medics early in the pandemic panic, with a brutish and clumsy cover up.
An admiring Democrat-friendly press still dared not question their man.
His eventual downfall came with a peculiar slant on a #MeToo situation. There were accusations about his handiness – hence his warm-hearted tactile innocent Italian plea. But a female former employee told how he demanded she “get down and give me twenty”. This in the manner of that marine drill sergeant in the film Full Metal Jacket. This leading some to describe his resignation as occurring amid the first political sex scandal without any actual sex. No jokes please about this being without the curtesy of a reach around. There’s one for the movie fans.
Anyway, this closing gambit of his as some version of the Sicilian Defence put me in mind of the TV show The Sopranos and in particular Tony Soprano’s impassioned speech about immigration:
“Let me tell you something. When America opened up the floodgates and let all us Italians in, what do you think they were doing it for? Because they were trying to save us from poverty? No, they did it because they needed us. They needed us to build their cities and their subways and to make them richer. The Carnegies and the Rockefellers they needed worker bees and there we were.”
Modern Britain isn’t a developing young country like America was. The idea still stands. Substitute public sector contractors Serco and G4S for America’s robber barons. Substitute their migrant hotels and private prisons for actual infrastructure projects and they’ve got a similiar thing going.
“Modern Britain isn’t a developing young country like America was. The idea still stands. Substitute public sector contractors Serco and G4S for America’s robber barons. Substitute their migrant hotels and private prisons for actual infrastructure projects and they’ve got a similiar thing going.”
Somehow I can’t see Serco and G4S handing out nearly 90% of their wealth, unlike Andrew Carnegie, born in Dunfermline to a poor weaver.
BBC report.
“Plymouth Sutton & Devonport MP Luke Pollard said the incident was “unspeakably awful” and that he was “utterly devastated” to learn one of those killed was a child.”
Pollard is a Labour ****.
I do not remember “devastation” when hundreds of thousands of white female childen were gang raped multiple times by racist Muslim filth from the pre Cambrian.
I do remember that, far from being immediate headlines, the BBC and the Labour Part supressed the mass rapes for years. Aided by lovable lefties in Local Government and Cressida Dick types in the police.
“Unspeakably awful” That would be the Muzzies and the Far Left.
Plymouth is a white city so it is all hands on deck. Had it been somewhere else or slightly different it would get a slight mention and then forgotten about
Surely the Olympic big wigs should use “positive discrimination”
when it comes to athletes such as CJ Ujah ? The GB was vastly
under represented by ethnic medal winners at the Olympics,
which I find has a racist element to it. If the BBC were responsible
for Olympic selection this could never happen. As for taking drugs
Come on brothers .On most street corners in vast swathes of the
country drug dealing is taking place. And the authorities do next
to nothing about it. Show a bit of BBC understanding Olympic
Knob head steering clear of politics here like Sopes over there.
“I love this game” is my attitude to life & not just football Patrice @Evra tells me. His rise from one of the poorest most violent parts of Paris to captain of France & @ManUtd is inspirational. Hope to post a video later pic.twitter.com/UYHvP5648Y
“ The son of a diplomat, Evra was born in Senegal and arrived in Europe when he was a year old.”
30 odd years ago parts of Paris were bad, Belleville and the banlieues certainly weren’t the nicest of places, but they were nothing like they are today, and Evra would have been surrounded by people of the same colour and background, so likely relatively safe.
Is Evra the knobhead you’re referring to? Could be either of them I suppose. Notwithstanding his misjudged pulling of the race card in the Luis Suarez incident, he sparked a mass brawl at Stamford Bridge with Chelsea staff after offering some choice racial comments toward one of their stewards, which weren’t well received, and was also banned for attacking a fan during a match. He’s still used as a pundit by the Beeb though, as Jamie Carragher is by Sky, despite spitting on a child through the open window of a moving car. The continued hero worship of these vulgar men is mystifying.
TOADY Watch #2 – yes, he has gone, only to be replaced by a young lady
Packham has pushed off – or – been pushed off TOADY after his daftness and hypocrisy early in the month and this morning a young lady, well she sounded young, comes on to give a boost to refills in order to save the planet from Global Warming and Climate Change. Just think, the times I have been rubbished for using a tea pot! My critics should have known that the second cup of tea not only tasted almost as sweet as the first but it helped to save this planet Earth from Global Warming and Climate Change.
The young lady takes a reusable glass bottle to buy her refills of Soya milk. What?????!!!!!! Soya???!!!!! That is definitely not an environmentally friendly milk! Push her off and get someone else on, BBC. You are going to have to do better. The Greenies will be demonstrating outside Broadcasting House again as COP-OUT-26 gets closer by the minute.
Hey BBC, you forgot to mention this: your favourite religion is doing what it does best (apart from slaughtering people) – taking young girls as sex slaves, aka raping them.
The BBC are astonishingly coy about the cuddly Taliban.
Screamingly obvious questions, such as.
How many Taliban are there? As compared with Afghan regular army.
Where and how do they train?
Who funds them?
How can they mount so many actions simultaneously?
What is the Afghan army actually doing?
How many ordinary Afghans actually welcome them?
Why don’t ordinary Afghans take up arms themselves?
These lightning advances by the Taliban need to be explained but the gutless BBC has been totally silent on the issue. All we have had is the usual sentimental tripe about a poor little 7 year old who is going hungry. Finally, there is coverage today on the webshite – which I found by accident when looking at an article on the Marble Arch mound FFS. But on news programmes – nothing.
‘The Taliban have captured Afghanistan’s second largest city, Kandahar, in what is a crushing blow for the government and a major win for the militants.’
They will probably receive assistance from a few activists.
Interesting proposal from the US regarding their embassy.
US asks the militant Taliban to spare their embassy in return for aid should they decide to take Kabul. (New York Times)
Tim Marshall gave a reasoned response to most of these points on GBNews this morning. Army mostly Tajik and others, not speaking Pashtun and being asked to control Pashtun, likely Taliban, areas.
Sluff, it is pointless comparing numbers: Taliban fighters v. Afghan Regular Army. Many in the Afghan Army will be Taliban in an instant if it preserves their life or the lives of their unit. The rapid fall of the provincial capitals to the Taliban forces is down to pragmatism. The local chiefs decide to switch sides just to preserve their own lives and those of their families together with the local infrastructure, both physical and social and operational and commercial.
What is disgusting me about this most of all is that the Afghan soldiers are basically being tortured and exterminated. The bodies are piled high. There is no place for them in the Talibans Afghanistan. There are absolutely no conventions being honoured here.
So where are all these do-gooder human rights activists when they are really needed ?. Where are Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International ?. What about ‘Stop the War’ ?.
And where is the outrage from the BBC ?.
They are ignoring it because they are hypocrites whose agenda is based entirely on politics. Far-Left activist fraudster cowards. (Bit of a mouthful that last sentence but worth it I think).
TOADY Watch #3 – the independently/privately educated Nick Robinson would be well advised …
….. to shut up about the gap on educational attainment between the private and State sector. Despite his own background (and possibly that of fellow BBC presenter Jonny Dymond), Nick was stirring it again today on this same subject. Hopefully next week the BBC will move on.
He wheels on a woman who teaches at St Pauls School, a good school, that is independent in the centre of London. I think that, technically, it is a Church of England school. She makes the excellent point to Nick that closing all the private schools – as the Labour Party and, no doubt, the BBC wish – would force thousands of pupils into the already State sector. How would it cope? Labour Shadow to comment? No chance.
Nick believes that the private education sector gets the best, most intelligent, most hardworking, pupils because it is ‘selective’. He doesn’t realise that there is a non-slective element to the private school sector so that if an older sibling is at the school, then younger brothers and sisters (if it is Co-Ed) can have a place. Who is to say what their ability might be?
Nick also believes that the private sector is able to pay its teachers more and thus attract the best teaching talent – hence the better results – notwithstanding the evidence of record results this week in both sectors of UK Education which were entirely down to teacher-assessment in the State sector. Unfortunately the contributor, sorry no name, was not sharp enough to point out to Nick that if the DfE and LEAs did not syphon off so much of the State sector education money from the taxpayer, there would be more cash available to pay the better State sector teachers much higher salaries.
…. As for education – I wonder what a survey of the educational background on BBC presenters would look like – properly reflecting the public it serves – vast majority – state system – non top end ‘universities ? – and where do their kids go to school ?
Methinks the answer would look the same for the rest of the bubble – but that’s my prejudice although I went to a decent non state school and a fairly ok university college ….
Fed, ’tis cold here. Missed FRAMING TOADY as well as first 11 mins of TOADY proper this morning. Had to laugh when TOADY proper had a business correspondent create some fear for all the Beeboids that there may be a bit of Burgundy shortage in future thanks to late April frosts killing off all the grape blossoms in the Burgundy region of France!
Northern Ireland continues to be the highest-performing region in the UK in terms of exam results. 39.9% of entries at GCSE level achieved the top grade, A/7 or above. The next highest-performing region was London on 34.5%.
The education system here suffers from the same problems as those in other parts of our nation, as well as the obvious economic and societal issues that arise from the religiously divided schools and teaching colleges insisted upon by the Catholic church and the Republican/ Nationalist parties, but pupils continually perform highly. The lowest achievers are those from a background I share, white working-class Protestant boys from areas where careers and opportunities in industry and manufacturing have disappeared. Unfortunately I don’t see that changing soon, although I do see definite possibilities of a return to civil unrest if progress is not made.
Thankfully my eldest daughter received her results yesterday with a B in Add Maths apparently “ruining” for her a straight sweep of 10 As and A+s. My three daughters all attend the same co-educational grammar and all sat the transfer test, basically the old 11-plus that myself and my wife both sat under a different name. Both of us are from working-class backgrounds, both raised in council estates now regarded as socially deprived, but both were given the opportunity to go to a Grammar school through academic selection.
Grammar schools, open to anyone academically capable enough regardless of their social or economic background, giving equal opportunity to all, obviously work. It seems very simple to me.
Rich, Scotland used to match that NI achievement level until the population were daft enough to vote in Naughty Nanny Nicola’s Tartan Talibanners. If it were down to me, I would re-introduce Grammar Schools across the UK like a shot. And I would also re-introduce and pour resources into the Secondary Modern and Technical Schools to 1. solve some skills gaps for future employers, and, 2. lift up those “white working-class Protestant boys” that you write of and others in the Educational Establishment appear happy to write off.
It would appear that the media is gearing up its anti white race hate and Mysandrist guns following the Plymouth shootings.
It is reported the shooter was a visitor to “incel” groups on the web not something I was aware of, but was of course on the radar of BBC favourite go to American far left fake knowledge group “Southern Poverty Law Centre” Thus we can expect the BBC to be all over this like a rash.
Do not expect any form of balanced reporting on this, it will be “toxic masculinity” or violence against women etc etc. There will be zero examination of what drove him to think this way, nor will there be any examination as to whether the people who he shot had been teasing him about it, making what was probably a form of mental illness even worse.
Get ready to contrast what happens here with the shooting of Sasha Johnson.
This one is more terrible but less sinister because it was by a looney who won’t do it again. Sasha was shot by a culture which is still rife.
Her story was dropped in a day. This one will still be going into next week.
9:10am Kofi to Scunthorpe Council leader a Tory “You haven’t declared a Climate Emergency ..why not man !”
Leader “This is an area of heavy industry and jobs ” (ie you can’t stop CO2 overnight)
Leader “We set a target of Net Zero by 2030 which is earlier than other councils
… waffle waffle Green Jobs”
Kofi “ah um err”
…now Kofi is out of his depth and the leader walks all over him with his Tory Green agenda PR waffle.
“Green jobs” = the GRI wind turbine tower factory plan which on Monday received a large support grant from the taxpayer of a secret amount
Of course Kofi didn’t ask the council leader what the actual value of this grant is
9:25am Kofi “Here’s my report from the Gay Pride art exhibition in Hull .. I ABSOLUTELY loved it ..fantastic”
10am news : item #4 ‘Scunthorpe council is the only council in this region that hasn’t declared a Climate Emergency”
The Grimsby Council leader appeared to say that they are saving the planet by building 300 homes on farmland in the countryside and that the green bit is that they are building a big access road so there won’t be any traffic congestion.
Just 2 cars?! Around here (SW) every time they throw up a couple of thousand more ‘homes’ with inadequate: gardens, runoff, road access, parking, schools, shops, surgeries, pharmacies, buses, stations, cycle lanes, public car parks, etc…. most of the homes have at least 3, if not 4, or 5 vehicles crammed out the front.
The thing is, most of these homes aren’t just occupied by a couple, they usually have at least one older ‘child’ in residence, and each occupant must have at least one vehicle (quite often two, if one is a 4×4 and the other a ‘town car’, an electric, or a hybrid), and then there are the caravans and campervans, the trailers for the bikes, the kayaks, the jetskis, the boat, the horsebox….
Last time I dragged myself into Hull city centre with family duties, they had fire engines on display painted with the rainbow.
Just what percentage of the Hull population are the LGBTQWERTYUIOP++StandUpSitDown community anyway ?.
As I always say, I don’t object to them being gay at all. I object to them ramming it down my throat.
Channel4 Fact Check By Georgina Lee 9 Aug 2021 How many new jobs will be created in Humberside as a result of government and private sector investment in offshore wind?
My FactCheck of Channel4 Fact Check & Georgina Lee
“in Humberside”
there is no such place as “Humberside”
40 years ago local people campaigned hard to get this London imposed name abolished ..
It’s offensive to them just like calling Derry Londonderry is to some people
BTW “Green jobs created” is often a fallacy”
A true FactChecker would check what other jobs are lost as an existing industry loses out, cos its “green” competitors get subsidies/grants/privileges
Think of the way when 200 jobs are created by a new Tescos
195 jobs are lost on the local High St
Tescos only truly generates a few jobs, when it it is more efficient and has less wastage than the High St
When you force green-electricity on a grid , you must be overall reducing jobs cos you reduce the amount of electricity corps can buy for the same money.
The killer in Plymouth is an incel who believes blackpill ideology and has taken his lack of a girlfriend out on women which seems a bit strange as wouldn’t less women mean even more men without a girlfriend? Especially considering Blair’s open door policy allowed flocks of men of working age to come to the country making it harder for some men to get a women?
The BBC will no doubt be talking about how white men are feeling entitled and how women are not safe but are ignoring the elephant in the room: There are too many men in the country due to that open door policy so this has been building up for years. I live in Bournemouth and know guys with the exact view that the killer had. In my town the men outnumber women by a large scale in the 20s, 30s and 40s age group.
Nether less this was a horrible killing and nothing has been achieved whatsoever.
I am wary of media trying to rush to concrete narratives
like they did with Thomas Mair
Who certainly seemed to have a gripe with Jo Cox
but never did anything about getting a Third Reich Arian culture for the UK
Telegraph : “This all changed, he complains, after he suffered an ankle injury.
He says he struggled to recover from the setback”
I’m not sure he ever called himself an “incel”
One Telegraph line
“One video from the US gun show includes a salesman showing off a pistol inspired by the former US President Donald Trump.”
What cos a gun has MAGA written on it, that means it’s all Trump’s fault.
That is a bit of stretch.
That shortish Telegraph article has 3 writers
Jack Hardy; Bill Gardner and Izzy Lyons.
I don’t see any other Telegraph article which had the same 3 writers.
Looks to me that the Telegraph are not allowing comments on that article
Yet I can’t find any current article that allows comments Facebook page has 670 comments
Some people are shouting that he set his Facebook page to say his birthplace was Phoenix Arizona ..now living in Plymouth
.. that’s just a wacky thing that kids do.
People are looking to weaponise the event for their own pet agendas
eg they highlight he sometimes quoted Trump
They don’t highlight that as well as Liking righty things he Liked the BBC
and that his current Facebook graphic
Is a progressive anti-jealous-socialist statement from Robert Zubrin the founder of the Mars Exploration society ..seems quite positive
‘What is the greatest danger humanity faces?
What caused the disasters of the 20th century?
Bad ideas!
In particular, variants of one continuous bad idea, which is that there isn’t enough to go around,
so we have to push other people aside and even exterminate them in order to take what there is.
I know for a fact — because I’ve spoken with them — that there are people in the Pentagon who look at the rise of China
and say “this has got to be stopped; if they all become middle class, there won’t be enough oil in the world.”
If that kind of thinking prevails, it will lead to more wars.
Human exploration and settlement of Mars is a disproof of this theory.
We can open up whole new worlds of resources if we exercise our creativity.’ https://slate.com/technology/2019/07/robert-zubrin-mars-settlement-societies-community-government.html
In 2017 Zubrin tweeted “Nationalism and Socialism Are Very Bad Ideas”
“…Who certainly seemed to have a gripe with Jo Cox…”
“…but never did anything about getting a Third Reich Arian culture for the UK”
Apart from the whole “murdering a British MP” thing you mean?
Thomas Mair.
Sentencing Remarks of Mr Justice Wilkie:
“It is clear from your internet and other researches that your inspiration is not love of country or your fellow citizens, it is an admiration for Nazism, and similar anti democratic white supremacist creeds where democracy and political persuasion are supplanted by violence towards and intimidation of opponents and those who, in whatever ways, are thought to be different and, for that reason, open to persecution.”
The Taliban needs to look deep down inside itself and ask whether it is being the kind of extremist organization that if truly wants to be | pic.twitter.com/up9EG7RUNe
As are the UK.
Hence why we are not being told what they are doing to people.
They are all in on it – particularly the BBC.
Where is their ‘compassion’ now ?.
In the cupboard along with all the other props.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Islam … an easy to move religion ….
“In Islam, Muslims pray five times a day and after 624 CE, these prayers were directed towards Mecca and the Kaaba rather than Jerusalem; this direction—or qibla in Arabic—is marked in all mosques and enables the faithful to know in which direction they should pray. The Qur‘an established the direction of prayer.”
According to Jay Smith and other historians, the qiblas in early mosques pointed to Petra, not Mecca.
Based on that and a wealth of other findings, he questions the entire standard narrative of the origins of islam, even questioning whether mohammud ever existed.
Until recently muslim scholars managed to contain the latest findings and theories about islam, but word is getting out and the scholars are getting worried as it could rock islam to its foundations.
Islam – a religion that can change direction at the tip of a hat …
” Islamic tradition says that these verses were revealed during a prayer congregation; Muhammad and his followers immediately changed their direction from Jerusalem to Mecca in the middle of the prayer ritual.”
ANDREW Neil To Return To GB News Next Month – Viewer Figures Continue To Rise Following Hiring Of Farage
51 mins ago jaybeecher
Here’s the link to Andrew Neil return.
Farage’s show is excellent but he must put In an incredible amount of work on it. He travelled up to the coalfields the other day for example. I hope he doesn’t wear himself out. He is to be very much congratulated on an amazing show. Must be incredibly hard work to put it together. Well done Nigel!
He should have been Prime Minister, not the puffing windbag we have presently .
This proud nation is in need of a leader, a leader that in not scared of Al Beeb.
He should have been Prime Minister, not the puffing windbag we have presently .
This proud nation is in need of a leader, a leader that is not scared of Al Beeb.
Will employers judge Covid grades badly? And other questions
Published2 hours ago
I see that some woman of colour wants Eamon Holmes sacked for “alleged racism on air”, apparently he said jokingly that she had “alpaca hair”. For Fawkes sake, don’t these wokes realise that there is comedy in most things. If he’d said “golly, youv’e got alpaca hair” that may be construed as racism.
More so ‘Gollywog, you’ve got alpaca hair’
That would have been worth tuning in for.
I truly believe that the Islington liberals think that white children throughout the land join with them in rejoicing in the prominence given on their screens to BAME students revelling in their success in attaining fantastic examination grades.
I fear the reality may well be different and these kids may end up harbouring deep resentment that their own achievements are being overlooked. This, in my opinion, is likely to exacerbate, rather than alleviate, any potential racism in society
Popeye, I have children (white ones) of nearly GCSE age, so can tell you that quite honestly you needn’t concern yourself, they’ve not watched live TV since they were perhaps 7 or 8. They’re completely oblivious to the BBC and anything on it, other than what’s rammed down their throats at school (and thus made even more repugnant and to be avoided).
Now that could be because we don’t have a TV licence, or watch live TV ourselves, but none of their friends watch live TV either. To put that in perspective we’re talking about probably 15 or 20 youngsters among their regular mates, and not one of those is a regular watcher of live TV… not one.
The BBC has identified that it has a problem attracting and retaining younger viewers, and yes, it clearly does, but its desperate attempts to rectify that are completely misguided and frankly reek of desperation. I doubt more than 1 in 20 young people (under 25) regularly watch the BBC these days.
I was a bit surprised when it came up in dinner time conversation, at the time I was asking if they’d rather we paid for a licence so they could watch something they’d heard about at school (something about ‘global warming’ on the BBC, a teacher was recommending the whole school watch it for ‘homework’). They were adamant they DIDN’T think we needed live TV, and wouldn’t bother to watch this docuseries, if we had. So I asked about friends and TV, and was told none of them watch live TV either these days, which is something I’ve heard through the parent grapevine a lot in recent years actually, so I suspect they’re telling the truth.
They watch a few things on Netflix (and/or Amazon, if the parents have it – we don’t), one girl they know likes the Disney Channel (but only one), but mostly they watch LOTS of stuff on YouTube. It’s easy to understand why, they can watch what they want, when they want, and if it starts to get ‘boring’ or ‘preachy’ they can find something else to watch in seconds. Don’t forget all these kids are growing up constantly surrounded by personal screens they don’t need to share with anyone else, and know how to flick between online sources and find what they want to find really fast (yes, I’m well aware what that means re: parenting and porn…. but, when I was 12 a mate showed me his dad’s ‘secret’ Euro hardcore porn mag and video stash, so… moving on…)
Talking a bit more about the BBC with the kids, they don’t like it because it’s ‘boring’, ‘woke’ and has ‘nothing on’ they want to watch. Which all sounds a bit like their parent’s views on the subject, oddly enough, and no, I’ve consciously not inflicted my personal views on them, that is what they (and their friends) all seem to genuinely think, just because they’re young doesn’t mean they’re stupid and can’t tell when someone has an agenda.
Completely correct. None of the 14 to 17 year old age group I know have the slightest interest in the BBC, or even television in general. They spend (waste) almost all of their time playing online games or watching the drivel TicToc serves up. I saw plenty of Auntie in my younger years, but then I grew up in an era when BBC comedy was funny and some programs had you famously ‘watching from behind the sofa’. They’ve completely lost the plot.
Re:- ol’ Joe getting lost in the WH garden, does this fabulous actor remind you of anyone?
GB News is a breath of fresh air compared with the tosh we get from Al Beeb.
Well done GB News !
Just seen the news on BBC1. They had a piece about vaccine uptake in the US Bible belt.
They were making the link that the more religious the state the less the vaccine take up. Apart from mentioning a couple of unvaxxed deaths they didn’t make a link between deaths of unvaccinated vs vaccinated .
Best bit, and typical BBC, was the comment, “those less likely to take the vaccine were more likely to vote for Trump”.
The final shot was a hospital door with a sign of some Bible text.
So we had…
1. anti religion – tick
2. anti Trump -tick
3. black victim – tick
4. pro vaccine – tick
Shame the BBC didn’t squeeze in climate change for the full house.
Real.classic. Ingrained bias on the disgusting BBC 1 6 pm news.
They feature high covid rates in southern US states, claiming them asTrump supporting republican anti vax bible belt communities in Louisiana and Mississippi.
So I had a look on the worldometer website. There, the US is broken down to state level and all the stats can be seen.
Guess what? No such conclusion can be reached.
The highest per capita covid death rates are New Jersey and New York.
Which are…….errrr……Democrat.
The biggest outbreaks are currently in Florida, Texas, and California. Louisiana and Mississipi are near the top on a per capita basis yes, but not so for other republican states such as Oregon or Wyoming.
Just absolutely pathetic BBC biased Fake News.
The US Democrat MSM are out to get DeSantis in particular.
The BBC’s editorial teams are simply a lame echo of the tossers on CNN/MSNBC but with added Islington libmob sneer.
iirc there’s been squabbling about the veracity of case numbers being fed to the media emanating from both “sides” – some of the “fact checkers” are simply farcical – to the point where it’s all too easy to imagine that it isn’t about coronavirus at all….
We knew all along that Corony votes Republican. No other explanation fits.
BBC Radio 4 back in its happy place.
Ex-NBC boss who is now head of ITN, Deborah Turness says reporting on Trump was a “nightmare”.
Subscribe to The Media Show, where the biggest figures in media are put in the spotlight every week.
➡️ https://bbc.in/3iFOcCF
Getting in ‘big figures’ to support your propaganda is very bbc. Not very impartial.
Has the Channel invasion stopped or has Al Beeb censored it ?
Anyone? We get this instead……………
Channel crossings: Migrant dies as boat sinks.
Can anyone explain why the asylum seekers don’t head for Germany, Belgium, Switzerland or Spain ?
Could it be by design or because we have a Border Farce headed by a totally useless Home Secretary and PM?
No total numbers for today yet but multiple beach landings.
9h A lot of activity on the channel this morning, with Scarpé (French coastguard) meeting Vigilant (bf patrol vessel) to handover migrants. Meanwhile the coastguard helicopter is out & has identified a migrant dinghy in the water with engine failure, the RNLI have been called out.
7h There has been a report of a beach landing at Samphire Hoe, Dover, Kent, numbers yet to be confirmed. Another beach landing at Dungeness with an approx number of 35 migrants
7h Update, there was 43 migrants on the beach landing at Dungeness this morning.
2h Valiant brought in a total of 117. Bf, the coastguard and the RNLI have been working flat out today. It has been said that a migrant was airlifted to hospital but was pronounced said [sic] on arrival.
1h The RNLI have been called out all day and all over the Kent coastline, one RNLI vessel returned with 45 migrants, said to have been from the Dungeness beach landing.
@TradBritGroup 7h
Beach landing at Ramsgate.
@LittleBoats2020 also report hundreds of illegals, mostly Albanians, arriving on Suffolk and Norfolk beaches every month. Unchallenged. here
The French Coastguard account seems to say that far from just taxi-ing migrants they keep rescuing boats near to France
164 people today
108 yesterday
previous weeks also a lot
… https://twitter.com/premarmanche
“…the Border Force can’t cope with the influx…”
In instances where the Border Force has “coped”, what does that mean they have actually done? Was anybody, anybody taken back to France and left on the beach. What a charade!
Can’t help but think the world would be a better place if the BBC felt able to broadcast the Islamic version of this.
(Some wit said no-one was offended because they haven’t got the technology to watch it!)
9pm-10:30pm BBC2 The Watch based on Terry Pratchett
I just looked at fan reviews ..they seem to say it’s a bad interpretation
That takes me back, I was a little bit of a Pratchett reader back in the early 90s, or more honestly I was at Uni sharing a house with others who were big fans.
Don’t recall any feisty, smart, black girls in any of his books, although I’m sure the BBC will ensure there’s one in the TV ‘adaptation’, and a few nice gay people… and an evil, middle aged white guy, it’s what they do.
9pm BBC1 Ambulance
Reality show that is probably NHS worship
9pm Channel4 drama
“Bafta Nominated” is that cos the lead is black ?
9pm Sky Arts : tribute to Hattie Jacques
Something in Plymouth “not terror related”

“Updated reports from #plymouth of multiple members from one family shot, including fatalities in a non-Terror related incident tonight.
Main suspect has been shot dead by police. Incident has been contained. Air ambulances have lifted victims for critical treatment.
Not terror related we know what that’s code for. Desperately sad children are involved bless them all.
Picture released already.
Definitely white.
Otherwise we only get pictures of the victims.
Anyway, knives are the weapons of choice for the barbarians.
Contrast the exposure this story of a clear nutcase is going to get compared to the many murders swept under the carpet done by people of sound mind who did it out of sheer murderous brutality.
The first is a mental issue. The second is a society issue. They are very different. As is the colour of the people who do them.
Plymouth press reporting the alleged killer was…wait for it…
a Trump fan
a gun nut
an Incel ‘victim’ (look at him, are you surprised?)
And to boot, not a Babcock International employee, as suggested by MSM, possible security implications, but a scaffolder.
Trump has taken Thatcher’s place as being to blame for everything.
It was an ‘incel’ involved so some would class it as terror related. Look up Elliot Rodger who did the same in California in 2014 and Alec Minassian in Canada in 2018
Not ideal but self termination suggests a trend to zero.
Unlike other, BBC embraced groupings, often seafaring, who appear to breed like rabbits and take out as many kids as possible at concerts.
All the hoo ha about the high temperatures in the Med at the moment, and they are indeed unusually high, but there’s no mention of the forecast snow for the Cairngorms in just two weeks time, at least a month earlier than usual.
Just watching RT they are covering the BBC don’t seem to want to know….its all pointing to…….
BBC wetting themselves with headlines and reports that white population is decling in US.
Note to BBC News: 5 people shot and killed in the country that pays for you…..your not intersted because……..
The succession of chubby plates of livid meat up is quite funny.
Any word on flying Nadiya out to have a nice chat with a local warlord on the best accompaniment to your enemies hearts for an entree?
Have to admit – the chat with the taliban war lord was pretty sick – funny . He explained that the evidential level before a woman could be stoned to death has to be very high .
Well that’s okay then .
The more you learn about those people (thanks, BBC!) the more reasonable you see they are.
Just when you think the BBC has got as mentally twisted as it can be they raise the bar with this on the home page…
Totally pathetic self justifying drivel!
The Left hijack popular history to use as a vehicle for their agenda because they are unable to get anyone to pay attention any other way. It always turns the original success into a pathetic failure.
Just like the BBC hijacked Dr Who instead of creating a Mrs Who show. And ruined it.
A question for our Prime Minister, our Home Secretary, Tory MPs and Al Beeb to answer: How many terrorists have landed on the English beaches today?
More importantly how many more are going to land and why aren’t they being stopped ?
Their answer to this question is to try and stop you finding out they are landing at all. Hence the money being spent on injunctions to prevent people filming them.
Absolute disgrace.
The last part of the most recent article from the BBC predictably signs off by defending it all. They even write:
‘Steve Valdez-Symonds, Refugee and Migrant Rights Director at Amnesty International UK, said: “The reason people are putting themselves in serious danger with these Channel crossings is that there are simply no safe alternatives open to them.’
What about staying in France ?. Another blatant lie in the name of the agenda.
Nigel interviewed this bloke on GB news and he’s the exact whiny-voiced far-Left tw@t you would expect. He is on the verge of losing his temper nearly all the time and as he speaks his voice is spiteful and a bit nasty whenever Nigel makes a point he doesn’t like.
Nigel handled him brilliantly with the usual facts and common sense. He gave him far more respect than he would get if someone from the far-Left interviewed him.
According to the crime statistics, Poland is the safest country in Europe. In 2020 they came in at around 30,000 negative net migration, with only Romania offloading more people than it takes in (to be fair, you’d have to be clinically retarded to want to emigrate to Romania).
Seems to be a global phenomenon when the media talk about themselves.
Must be awesome to be so wise. And loved.
Yes the things you see on a BBC taxpayer expense account mr Simpson
In the 1930s there wasn’t even one John Simpson.
David Shuckman liked this, doubtless for the environmental aspect.
Meanwhile… elsewhere…
So says perhaps the most self-important man at the BBC. And what on earth has he got on his face?
Friday BBC language lesson
‘Incident not terror related ‘ – real meaning “ this killing didn’t involve Muslim terrorists ‘ (the usual terrorism in the UK now )
Sad business but the MSM must be desperate to turn Plymouth into a ‘far right ‘ crime – when it looks on the face of it like a covid fuelled domestic /random …
Use of language indeed.
The poor souls as victims did not experience terror?
‘Faith Hate Fueled’ vs. Family Fatal Spat?
You will never see the word terrorist in a BBC report about a Muslim attack.
It’s official policy now.
Our terrorist is some Muslim’s freedom fighter and the BBC don’t want to anger them. What they don’t admit is how many of the latter group live in the UK.
They will, however, still use it for any far-right attacks.
The excavator digging the climate moat around W1A is powered by wind*. Apparently.
The Absurd Matt McGrath errs on tautology.
Still feel the BBC propaganda story in the Speccie deserves more promo.
One of the questions that I have asked but never heard an answer to: “If the climate is changing what happens if that results in cloudier skies and lower wind speeds?” (This year’s personal ‘summer solar’ only 86% of last year’s, for instance).
That first BBC article written by a Harrbn side-kick appears to be aimed at SHAMING councils who have dared to not declare a Climate Emergency.
Looks like the BBC will have to take over the councils, just as it took over government and opposition.
The BME addresses the tragedy.
Suspected gunman and five others die in Plymouth shooting
Police in the city of Plymouth say three females, two males and a suspected gunman have died in a shooting. Devon and Cornwall Police officers were called to the Keyham area of the city at about 18:10 BST on Thursday evening . A local MP said one of those killed was under 10 years old. An eye-witness told the BBC she heard shouting followed by “three, possibly four” shots. Another man told us he “bumped into a bloke with a shotgun” who was dressed all in black. Home Secretary Priti Patel has pledged her full support for the police and urged everyone to remain calm. Devon and Cornwall Police says it is not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident.
So… dress code… Antifa? Mostly peaceful slaughter? Witness given the Kay Burley speech on what they saw?
Guest, sounds like it may have been, sadly, ‘a domestic’. The Police have just released the information, relayed while I was listening to TOADY, that some of the adults who died were related to the gunman.
Indeed. Just saw a tweet or spoof to a sincere RIP from a retired teacher now based in Thailand claiming it was due to Tory policies.
Likely BBC World News fan.
And why do the BBC think that what Kier Starmer says is at all relevant?
TOADY Watch #1 – You know you can trust the BBC
TOADY informs me what I already knew: Local Authorities declare Climate Change Emergencies in their areas and make lots of hot air in Council Chambers and then spend money lots of taxpayer money on daft schemes. How about the shortest cycle lane in the UK, just a couple of feet that ends in a tree in Harringey, north London? Yes, really. I wonder how much that cost?
TOADY wheel on the Horror Bin to add to the lies. He correctly says Local Authorities are declaring Climate Emergencies. True. But then I think the Horror Bin lies. He says after declaring CEs, they then build airports and roads. Airport building is down to national Government and is, I think, a devolved responsibility. Road building on major routes is again a devolved responsibility of the four Parliaments and is down to the control of the Highways Agency. Both, if I recall correctly, are nothing to do with Local Authorities.
You know you can trust the BBC. To lie and lie again and again.
Especially on Global Warming and Climate Change.
Harrabin just retweeted this.
Not sure he went near the Speccie article.
Presumably not identify possible vulnerable targets?
Speaking of targets…
BBC News
Tamil actor Sunder Ramu has made 335 women pay for or cook meals on dates he goes on, but he’s not only looking for “the one”.
365 dates: Indian serial dater Sunder Ramu still looking to meet his target
Not clear if the Getty Image is the apparently smitten Geeta.
The sighs from the W1A cubicle gardens can be heard all the way to Bradford.
Listening to a BBC report about Afhgee reverting to taliban control ( surprise ? ) – the false American president – who decided to pull western forces out – gets a completely free ride and is barely mentioned .
My head was reformatting the report had President Trump taken the decision ( ie -blood on his hands – walking away from allies – can’t be trusted )
When you realise that the BBC only does propaganda now it’s far easier to redraft the ‘news ‘ – the challenge of course is what is ‘non reported ‘ because it doesn’t obey the ‘approved version ‘..
Biden told the world that the Taliban were no match for the Afghan forces on more than one occasion.
Either he was blatantly lying or he is totally ignorant of his policy and it’s consequences. He should be held to account whichever it is.
Yet he has been given a completely free ride by the media.
We are halfway down a very slippery and very dangerous slope. Nothing good is at the end of it.
We think for a moment this morning we may be slowly edging closer to the truth about the origin of the covid: ‘A Chinese scientist may have started the pandemic after being infected with coronavirus while collecting bat samples, the head of the World Health Organisation investigation team has said‘ (Telegraph) – perhaps they should have told him to socially distance from the bats or to wear a mask – I’ve had to do it in bloody Sainsburys for over a year.
Don’t get too excited as to the investigative skills of the UN health organisation. This is still no more than a: “likely hypothesis“.
As for the lab leak hypothesis, this was: “extremely unlikely” – how so? And why does WHO conclude this in their official report?: ‘to avoid further arguments with the Chinese‘
After a couple of decades and much blood and treasure spent nation buliding in Afghanistan there’s apparently no avoiding further arguments with the Taliban: ‘600 Paras to save Kabul Brits‘ (Daily Mail) – I guess when push comes to shove we’re not relying on any UN peace keeping.
Somewhat appropriately on a day when the tabloid Daily Star, among other titles, mourns the passing of Una Stubbs the actress famous, among many other roles in a long career, for playing a fairground doll used as a target in throwing games: ‘“Such a loss” as Aunt Sally dies‘
The Star’s aunt sally this morning is the – Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, who eat all the pies? – our tubby security guard who sold our national secrets to the Russians – for a mess of pottage, or a burger and fries?
‘Short, flabby, balding suspect lives on his own. Never mind the Aston.. he’s got a Ford Fiesta, Russian flags and Army caps in his weird flat‘ – one senses a damage limitation press campaign to ridicule this chap so as to minimise the little victory scored by Putin’s lot in turning him.
Nothing snarky to say about his educational level? We draw our own conclusions. And so we reflect on the sad decline in the calibre of British traitors since the Cambridge circle – Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, “Kim” Philby and Anthony Blunt were recruited as Soviet spies while at Cambridge University in the 1930s.
In further foreign affairs…
“I’m not a pervert, I’m only Italian”
That was disgraced Democrat Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo
He was until recently lionised by the liberal press as the anti-Trump covid hero.
Meanwhile his policies sentenced untold numbers of elderly patients to their deaths in care homes.
Sound familiar?
He compounded his mistake, which might have been excused by bad advice from the medics early in the pandemic panic, with a brutish and clumsy cover up.
An admiring Democrat-friendly press still dared not question their man.
His eventual downfall came with a peculiar slant on a #MeToo situation. There were accusations about his handiness – hence his warm-hearted tactile innocent Italian plea. But a female former employee told how he demanded she “get down and give me twenty”. This in the manner of that marine drill sergeant in the film Full Metal Jacket. This leading some to describe his resignation as occurring amid the first political sex scandal without any actual sex. No jokes please about this being without the curtesy of a reach around. There’s one for the movie fans.
Anyway, this closing gambit of his as some version of the Sicilian Defence put me in mind of the TV show The Sopranos and in particular Tony Soprano’s impassioned speech about immigration:
“Let me tell you something. When America opened up the floodgates and let all us Italians in, what do you think they were doing it for? Because they were trying to save us from poverty? No, they did it because they needed us. They needed us to build their cities and their subways and to make them richer. The Carnegies and the Rockefellers they needed worker bees and there we were.”
Modern Britain isn’t a developing young country like America was. The idea still stands. Substitute public sector contractors Serco and G4S for America’s robber barons. Substitute their migrant hotels and private prisons for actual infrastructure projects and they’ve got a similiar thing going.
“Modern Britain isn’t a developing young country like America was. The idea still stands. Substitute public sector contractors Serco and G4S for America’s robber barons. Substitute their migrant hotels and private prisons for actual infrastructure projects and they’ve got a similiar thing going.”
Somehow I can’t see Serco and G4S handing out nearly 90% of their wealth, unlike Andrew Carnegie, born in Dunfermline to a poor weaver.
BBC report.
“Plymouth Sutton & Devonport MP Luke Pollard said the incident was “unspeakably awful” and that he was “utterly devastated” to learn one of those killed was a child.”
Pollard is a Labour ****.
I do not remember “devastation” when hundreds of thousands of white female childen were gang raped multiple times by racist Muslim filth from the pre Cambrian.
I do remember that, far from being immediate headlines, the BBC and the Labour Part supressed the mass rapes for years. Aided by lovable lefties in Local Government and Cressida Dick types in the police.
“Unspeakably awful” That would be the Muzzies and the Far Left.
Plymouth is a white city so it is all hands on deck. Had it been somewhere else or slightly different it would get a slight mention and then forgotten about
“Brexit Britain has outpaced the entire European Union, the Middle East, and Africa in fintech investment during the first half of the year.”
Not, currently, featured in the BBC News Brexit section.
Surely the Olympic big wigs should use “positive discrimination”
when it comes to athletes such as CJ Ujah ? The GB was vastly
under represented by ethnic medal winners at the Olympics,
which I find has a racist element to it. If the BBC were responsible
for Olympic selection this could never happen. As for taking drugs
Come on brothers .On most street corners in vast swathes of the
country drug dealing is taking place. And the authorities do next
to nothing about it. Show a bit of BBC understanding Olympic
Knob head steering clear of politics here like Sopes over there.
I wonder if they went into any detail about this most violent part of Paris.
I suspect not.
“ The son of a diplomat, Evra was born in Senegal and arrived in Europe when he was a year old.”
30 odd years ago parts of Paris were bad, Belleville and the banlieues certainly weren’t the nicest of places, but they were nothing like they are today, and Evra would have been surrounded by people of the same colour and background, so likely relatively safe.
Just as we were…30 years ago.
A Diplomat where?
Fiorina 161?
Is Evra the knobhead you’re referring to? Could be either of them I suppose. Notwithstanding his misjudged pulling of the race card in the Luis Suarez incident, he sparked a mass brawl at Stamford Bridge with Chelsea staff after offering some choice racial comments toward one of their stewards, which weren’t well received, and was also banned for attacking a fan during a match. He’s still used as a pundit by the Beeb though, as Jamie Carragher is by Sky, despite spitting on a child through the open window of a moving car. The continued hero worship of these vulgar men is mystifying.
TOADY Watch #2 – yes, he has gone, only to be replaced by a young lady
Packham has pushed off – or – been pushed off TOADY after his daftness and hypocrisy early in the month and this morning a young lady, well she sounded young, comes on to give a boost to refills in order to save the planet from Global Warming and Climate Change. Just think, the times I have been rubbished for using a tea pot! My critics should have known that the second cup of tea not only tasted almost as sweet as the first but it helped to save this planet Earth from Global Warming and Climate Change.
The young lady takes a reusable glass bottle to buy her refills of Soya milk. What?????!!!!!! Soya???!!!!! That is definitely not an environmentally friendly milk! Push her off and get someone else on, BBC. You are going to have to do better. The Greenies will be demonstrating outside Broadcasting House again as COP-OUT-26 gets closer by the minute.
On Toady at about 0710
Was half asleep but in the post news interview, possibly about Afghanistan, a man was keen to tell us what he and his husband were doing.
Gays. 2-3% of the ordinary population.
Substantially more of the BBC population.
Hey BBC, you forgot to mention this: your favourite religion is doing what it does best (apart from slaughtering people) – taking young girls as sex slaves, aka raping them.
The BBC are astonishingly coy about the cuddly Taliban.
Screamingly obvious questions, such as.
How many Taliban are there? As compared with Afghan regular army.
Where and how do they train?
Who funds them?
How can they mount so many actions simultaneously?
What is the Afghan army actually doing?
How many ordinary Afghans actually welcome them?
Why don’t ordinary Afghans take up arms themselves?
These lightning advances by the Taliban need to be explained but the gutless BBC has been totally silent on the issue. All we have had is the usual sentimental tripe about a poor little 7 year old who is going hungry. Finally, there is coverage today on the webshite – which I found by accident when looking at an article on the Marble Arch mound FFS. But on news programmes – nothing.
Totally useless reporting.
Taliban militants.
‘The Taliban have captured Afghanistan’s second largest city, Kandahar, in what is a crushing blow for the government and a major win for the militants.’
They will probably receive assistance from a few activists.
Interesting proposal from the US regarding their embassy.
US asks the militant Taliban to spare their embassy in return for aid should they decide to take Kabul. (New York Times)
Biden cravenly begging the Taliban!
Can he crawl any lower?
Secret Service recruiting old Vietnam Tunnel Rats to help him round the Rise Garden already.
Yes, if his joints allow.
Tim Marshall gave a reasoned response to most of these points on GBNews this morning. Army mostly Tajik and others, not speaking Pashtun and being asked to control Pashtun, likely Taliban, areas.
Sluff, it is pointless comparing numbers: Taliban fighters v. Afghan Regular Army. Many in the Afghan Army will be Taliban in an instant if it preserves their life or the lives of their unit. The rapid fall of the provincial capitals to the Taliban forces is down to pragmatism. The local chiefs decide to switch sides just to preserve their own lives and those of their families together with the local infrastructure, both physical and social and operational and commercial.
Spot on Up2. This whole situation takes me back to April 1975. Kabul must feel much like Saigon did then.
Anyone up for a helicopter evacuation from the roof of the US Embassy?
The musical ‘Ms. Kabul’ mainly trannies? And no dancing?
What is disgusting me about this most of all is that the Afghan soldiers are basically being tortured and exterminated. The bodies are piled high. There is no place for them in the Talibans Afghanistan. There are absolutely no conventions being honoured here.
So where are all these do-gooder human rights activists when they are really needed ?. Where are Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International ?. What about ‘Stop the War’ ?.
And where is the outrage from the BBC ?.
They are ignoring it because they are hypocrites whose agenda is based entirely on politics. Far-Left activist fraudster cowards. (Bit of a mouthful that last sentence but worth it I think).
TOADY Watch #3 – the independently/privately educated Nick Robinson would be well advised …
….. to shut up about the gap on educational attainment between the private and State sector. Despite his own background (and possibly that of fellow BBC presenter Jonny Dymond), Nick was stirring it again today on this same subject. Hopefully next week the BBC will move on.
He wheels on a woman who teaches at St Pauls School, a good school, that is independent in the centre of London. I think that, technically, it is a Church of England school. She makes the excellent point to Nick that closing all the private schools – as the Labour Party and, no doubt, the BBC wish – would force thousands of pupils into the already State sector. How would it cope? Labour Shadow to comment? No chance.
Nick believes that the private education sector gets the best, most intelligent, most hardworking, pupils because it is ‘selective’. He doesn’t realise that there is a non-slective element to the private school sector so that if an older sibling is at the school, then younger brothers and sisters (if it is Co-Ed) can have a place. Who is to say what their ability might be?
Nick also believes that the private sector is able to pay its teachers more and thus attract the best teaching talent – hence the better results – notwithstanding the evidence of record results this week in both sectors of UK Education which were entirely down to teacher-assessment in the State sector. Unfortunately the contributor, sorry no name, was not sharp enough to point out to Nick that if the DfE and LEAs did not syphon off so much of the State sector education money from the taxpayer, there would be more cash available to pay the better State sector teachers much higher salaries.
Back in cold Blighty ….
…. As for education – I wonder what a survey of the educational background on BBC presenters would look like – properly reflecting the public it serves – vast majority – state system – non top end ‘universities ? – and where do their kids go to school ?
Methinks the answer would look the same for the rest of the bubble – but that’s my prejudice although I went to a decent non state school and a fairly ok university college ….
Makes you wonder what’s to become of white boys …
Fed, ’tis cold here. Missed FRAMING TOADY as well as first 11 mins of TOADY proper this morning. Had to laugh when TOADY proper had a business correspondent create some fear for all the Beeboids that there may be a bit of Burgundy shortage in future thanks to late April frosts killing off all the grape blossoms in the Burgundy region of France!
Cue Nelson Muntz: “Ha hah!”
Northern Ireland continues to be the highest-performing region in the UK in terms of exam results. 39.9% of entries at GCSE level achieved the top grade, A/7 or above. The next highest-performing region was London on 34.5%.
The education system here suffers from the same problems as those in other parts of our nation, as well as the obvious economic and societal issues that arise from the religiously divided schools and teaching colleges insisted upon by the Catholic church and the Republican/ Nationalist parties, but pupils continually perform highly. The lowest achievers are those from a background I share, white working-class Protestant boys from areas where careers and opportunities in industry and manufacturing have disappeared. Unfortunately I don’t see that changing soon, although I do see definite possibilities of a return to civil unrest if progress is not made.
Thankfully my eldest daughter received her results yesterday with a B in Add Maths apparently “ruining” for her a straight sweep of 10 As and A+s. My three daughters all attend the same co-educational grammar and all sat the transfer test, basically the old 11-plus that myself and my wife both sat under a different name. Both of us are from working-class backgrounds, both raised in council estates now regarded as socially deprived, but both were given the opportunity to go to a Grammar school through academic selection.
Grammar schools, open to anyone academically capable enough regardless of their social or economic background, giving equal opportunity to all, obviously work. It seems very simple to me.
Rich, Scotland used to match that NI achievement level until the population were daft enough to vote in Naughty Nanny Nicola’s Tartan Talibanners. If it were down to me, I would re-introduce Grammar Schools across the UK like a shot. And I would also re-introduce and pour resources into the Secondary Modern and Technical Schools to 1. solve some skills gaps for future employers, and, 2. lift up those “white working-class Protestant boys” that you write of and others in the Educational Establishment appear happy to write off.
It would appear that the media is gearing up its anti white race hate and Mysandrist guns following the Plymouth shootings.
It is reported the shooter was a visitor to “incel” groups on the web not something I was aware of, but was of course on the radar of BBC favourite go to American far left fake knowledge group “Southern Poverty Law Centre” Thus we can expect the BBC to be all over this like a rash.
Do not expect any form of balanced reporting on this, it will be “toxic masculinity” or violence against women etc etc. There will be zero examination of what drove him to think this way, nor will there be any examination as to whether the people who he shot had been teasing him about it, making what was probably a form of mental illness even worse.
Get ready to contrast what happens here with the shooting of Sasha Johnson.
This one is more terrible but less sinister because it was by a looney who won’t do it again. Sasha was shot by a culture which is still rife.
Her story was dropped in a day. This one will still be going into next week.
9:36am local radio DJ Kofi
“On Monday we had this huge day of social and environmentalist action
I can’t wait to do it again !“
Today’s prog has a thread about getting local councils to do more action *Climate Action*
9:10am Kofi to Scunthorpe Council leader a Tory “You haven’t declared a Climate Emergency ..why not man !”
Leader “This is an area of heavy industry and jobs ” (ie you can’t stop CO2 overnight)
Leader “We set a target of Net Zero by 2030 which is earlier than other councils
… waffle waffle Green Jobs”
Kofi “ah um err”
…now Kofi is out of his depth and the leader walks all over him with his Tory Green agenda PR waffle.
“Green jobs” = the GRI wind turbine tower factory plan which on Monday received a large support grant from the taxpayer of a secret amount
Of course Kofi didn’t ask the council leader what the actual value of this grant is
9:25am Kofi “Here’s my report from the Gay Pride art exhibition in Hull .. I ABSOLUTELY loved it ..fantastic”
10am news : item #4 ‘Scunthorpe council is the only council in this region that hasn’t declared a Climate Emergency”
The Tuesday 10am prog was another presenter doing Climate Campaiging
… https://twitter.com/bbcburnsy/status/1425011539694792705
Yet on Twitter this local BBC station gets very little support for its Climate campaigning ..
The Grimsby Council leader appeared to say that they are saving the planet by building 300 homes on farmland in the countryside and that the green bit is that they are building a big access road so there won’t be any traffic congestion.
lol – and every house will have 2 cars because they are in the middle of nowhere.
Just 2 cars?! Around here (SW) every time they throw up a couple of thousand more ‘homes’ with inadequate: gardens, runoff, road access, parking, schools, shops, surgeries, pharmacies, buses, stations, cycle lanes, public car parks, etc…. most of the homes have at least 3, if not 4, or 5 vehicles crammed out the front.
The thing is, most of these homes aren’t just occupied by a couple, they usually have at least one older ‘child’ in residence, and each occupant must have at least one vehicle (quite often two, if one is a 4×4 and the other a ‘town car’, an electric, or a hybrid), and then there are the caravans and campervans, the trailers for the bikes, the kayaks, the jetskis, the boat, the horsebox….
Unlike Burnsy I eat to live at least.
Entryism : The way BiasedBBC takes £4.4bn from the general public
and then uses that cash to push agendas for itss pet minority agendas
Last time I dragged myself into Hull city centre with family duties, they had fire engines on display painted with the rainbow.
Just what percentage of the Hull population are the LGBTQWERTYUIOP++StandUpSitDown community anyway ?.
As I always say, I don’t object to them being gay at all. I object to them ramming it down my throat.
Channel4 Fact Check By Georgina Lee 9 Aug 2021
How many new jobs will be created in Humberside as a result of government and private sector investment in offshore wind?
‘Gotcha Kwarteng you insisted 1,340 GREEN jobs will be created
You are misreading what your own office said
The 1,340 figure refers to jobs “#1created and #2 protected across the Humber region”.
My FactCheck of Channel4 Fact Check & Georgina Lee
“in Humberside”
there is no such place as “Humberside”
40 years ago local people campaigned hard to get this London imposed name abolished ..
It’s offensive to them just like calling Derry Londonderry is to some people
BTW “Green jobs created” is often a fallacy”
A true FactChecker would check what other jobs are lost as an existing industry loses out, cos its “green” competitors get subsidies/grants/privileges
Think of the way when 200 jobs are created by a new Tescos
195 jobs are lost on the local High St
Tescos only truly generates a few jobs, when it it is more efficient and has less wastage than the High St
When you force green-electricity on a grid , you must be overall reducing jobs cos you reduce the amount of electricity corps can buy for the same money.
The killer in Plymouth is an incel who believes blackpill ideology and has taken his lack of a girlfriend out on women which seems a bit strange as wouldn’t less women mean even more men without a girlfriend? Especially considering Blair’s open door policy allowed flocks of men of working age to come to the country making it harder for some men to get a women?
The BBC will no doubt be talking about how white men are feeling entitled and how women are not safe but are ignoring the elephant in the room: There are too many men in the country due to that open door policy so this has been building up for years. I live in Bournemouth and know guys with the exact view that the killer had. In my town the men outnumber women by a large scale in the 20s, 30s and 40s age group.
Nether less this was a horrible killing and nothing has been achieved whatsoever.
I am wary of media trying to rush to concrete narratives
like they did with Thomas Mair
Who certainly seemed to have a gripe with Jo Cox
but never did anything about getting a Third Reich Arian culture for the UK
Telegraph : “This all changed, he complains, after he suffered an ankle injury.
He says he struggled to recover from the setback”
I’m not sure he ever called himself an “incel”
One Telegraph line
“One video from the US gun show includes a salesman showing off a pistol inspired by the former US President Donald Trump.”
What cos a gun has MAGA written on it, that means it’s all Trump’s fault.
That is a bit of stretch.
That shortish Telegraph article has 3 writers
Jack Hardy; Bill Gardner and Izzy Lyons.
I don’t see any other Telegraph article which had the same 3 writers.
Looks to me that the Telegraph are not allowing comments on that article
Yet I can’t find any current article that allows comments
Facebook page has 670 comments
One article says
Russia to expel BBC Moscow correspondent over ‘visa problems’
Sarah Rainsford must leave by the end of the month, marking the first expulsion of a British journalist in 10 years
Some people are shouting that he set his Facebook page to say his birthplace was Phoenix Arizona ..now living in Plymouth
.. that’s just a wacky thing that kids do.
People are looking to weaponise the event for their own pet agendas
eg they highlight he sometimes quoted Trump
They don’t highlight that as well as Liking righty things he Liked the BBC
and that his current Facebook graphic
Is a progressive anti-jealous-socialist statement from Robert Zubrin the founder of the Mars Exploration society ..seems quite positive
In 2017 Zubrin tweeted “Nationalism and Socialism Are Very Bad Ideas”
“…Who certainly seemed to have a gripe with Jo Cox…”
“…but never did anything about getting a Third Reich Arian culture for the UK”
Apart from the whole “murdering a British MP” thing you mean?
Thomas Mair.
Sentencing Remarks of Mr Justice Wilkie:
“It is clear from your internet and other researches that your inspiration is not love of country or your fellow citizens, it is an admiration for Nazism, and similar anti democratic white supremacist creeds where democracy and political persuasion are supplanted by violence towards and intimidation of opponents and those who, in whatever ways, are thought to be different and, for that reason, open to persecution.”
hey maxi, where is that apology you owe me?
For what?
US holds the door open for the Taliban.
As are the UK.
Hence why we are not being told what they are doing to people.
They are all in on it – particularly the BBC.
Where is their ‘compassion’ now ?.
In the cupboard along with all the other props.
“Lord of the Rings: Amazon moves show to UK from New Zealand”
Despite Brexit?