I’m old enough to remember the USSR in 1980 had Afghanistan more or less under control, untill UK and USA started supplying stinger missiles to prevent helicopter use.
But can’t remember whose side the BBC and western media was on.
A wild guess it was the Mujahideen, now called Taliban..
– they covet the poppy fields of Afghanistan and have been successfully exporting the product for decades… while keeping the mad dogs on a short leash.
Are you sure about that?
This page. . . https://www.eatbydate.com/dairy/ice-cream-shelf-life-expiration-date/
. . . has a table on it that says unopened ice cream will last in the freezer for “2-3 months. . . past the printed date” on the container.
I’ve got a tub of Kelly’s Dairy Vanilla in my freezer with an expiry date of December 2022. I won’t be keeping it that long, though.
I couldn’t believe the low level the BBC have sunk to this morning by rolling on a young woman who did her best at great length to the nodding BBC reporter to link the mad-man killer in Plymouth to a new group tagged as “intcel”.
incel apparently is now tagged to any male who in the opinion of these people acts against women because he feels sexually rejected.
This following the interview with the Chief of Devon Police who very carefully declined to put a motive on the killings.
Typical BBC agenda setting. Absolutely appalling, they know nothing about the killer or the poor souls he murdered yet.
Doesn’t hold them back from instantly bandwagoning on a suitable feminist cause though.
“Napier Barracks: Further cases of Covid-19 among asylum seekers” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-58186216
It won’t belong now before the Taliban will be among the so called “asylum seekers”.
Then we will have very serious “lessons to be learned”.
taffman, couldn’t believe what Ben Wallace, SoS for Defence said this morning, something to the effect that ‘because of the UK’s involvement in Afghanistan for 20 years we have kept the streets of the UK safe.’.
Obviously a sufferer from early onset dementia and completely forgetting the Manchester Arena attack, the Westminster Bridge attack, the Parliament attack, the London Bridge attack x2 and the Streatham attack. That last omission is unforgiveable because the Inquest is in progress this week and has been in the news.
LOL! I’d like to do a ‘smiley’ for you NV but the BeebBeebCeeb informed me this week that ‘smileys’ can make young people anxious and increase their mental elf problems. I don’t how old you are so I’ll hold back on the colon dash close bracket for now.
“Afghanistan: Ex-Tory ministers attack Biden over troops pullout” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58177193
We need more MPs like Johnny Mercer. People in Government with ‘hands on’ experience and common sense.
Where have you been hiding, have you had your Brexit jab yet ?
I know many “dedicated remainers” who have seen the error of their ways since Great Britain was successful in going for the Covid vaccine with out the Great EU Dictatorship.
Now that is what I call “Simples”.
“Sturgeon urges UK government to reassess Cambo oil field plan” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-58186181
Could it be because Shetland wants to remain within the UK if Scotland decides to go on its own ?
They are quick to get the name and lots of pictures of the Plymouth killer out.
I wonder if they will do the same when the usual killers next stab, machete or shoot someone.
It now turns out the shooters mother was aware he had major mental health issues and pleaded for help which never came.
Again every single bogus asylum seeker is seen by a mental health professional – so there are fewer for the NHS to call on. This is done so that in the event of one of them feeling the need to find Alans snack bar, the state and the media can lie through their teeth about contact with mental health services.
Did the Biden Broadcasting Corporation cover this story at all?
Hunter Biden – the fabulously rich son who made his millions totally legitimately – has lost yet another laptop with more incriminating sex, drugs and prostitutes.
Over the past two weeks the BBC have been headlining Afghanistan on the front pages of their website in ever increasing shrillness – demanding (lobbying) the UK government and the US to start carpet bombing and drone bombing the region – because of their hatred of the patriarchal Taliban society.
BBC reporter to leave Russia because her visa isnt being renewed . Nice technique . A lot more governments should use that technique on the BBC – could save a wage bill and all the expenses .
BBC News channel on the hour headlines mentioned Britney Spears father has stepped down as conservator. The accompanying video had a short clip of Britney’s ‘Stronger’ video with her singing the line “But now I’m Stronger than yesterday”
5pm news – swampers chatting about Afgee. You can hear them wanting the country ‘ saved’ –
Maybe they can send their kids out there if they care that much about it . There was the regulation know it all female ‘ war correspondent ‘ an occupation id equate with pornographers.
All i wanted to hear was uk news but i gave up … do nt know why i bothered.
What should be more concerning is the number of Taleban fighters from Britain returning there to fight. Our craven and treacherous politicians handing out citizenship like sweeties with scant regard for the safety of the people of these islands.
They should be in prison for what they have been and continue to do.
That is Alec Minassian and the BBC are putting their foot in it by trying to explain the ‘subculture’ and actually advertising for the movement which is dark. To be the BBC it is just a bunch of angry white kids demanding that they get laid but from what I have read the incel world is very mixed and sometimes divided
Someone was saying this would happen above, was it Stoogie?
I don’t really understand these Incel people (are they all men?), and shooting people because you can’t get a girlfriend sounds totally insane to me, but is there another side to it? I’m pretty sure there must be more to it than that.
Is it really a movement of men (are they all white, heterosexual men?) who are simply fed up with constantly being told they’re a load of overprivileged, misogynistic, useless filth that doesn’t deserve to exist?
If so, I can sympathise with their frustration too (although, clearly not enough to physically hurt anyone over it).
If I was young again, and less popular with the ladies, maybe I’d be angrier about it as well? (although, again, not enough to want to hurt anyone).
This sad, mixed up young fella shouldn’t have shot his parents(?), some innocent bystanders and that poor little toddler – these were acts of pure evil 🙁 But, how long had he been crying out for help before it came to this, and what IS anyone doing to help young, white males in this country? We hear all the time about young, black men, and about women and gays of every age, colour etc… but, never about young, white, heterosexual boys?
I’m not asking from an entirely disinterested perspective, as I have a young, white, heterosexual son… although, to be fair, he seems to have plenty of girls like him and has never expressed any anger…. towards pretty much anything, to be honest. Like his dad, he’s so laid back he’s horizontal, but still, the world doesn’t seem a very kind place to young, white, heterosexual boys right now, does it? That does seem very wrong to me, and I’d be happy to pin plenty of the blame for that on the BBC.
As for the ‘far right’ label, that just seems to be chucked at anything ‘bad’ now (am sure this forum is ‘far right’ according to the BBC) and means diddly.
BBC / plod must be desperate to find ‘evidence ‘ of Right Wing leanings to explain way the reason for the killings . He did the decent thing by taking himself out of the equation …
Must be tough being a normal white English 18 year old chap these days – at the bottom of the pile now .
Extrovert men, having grabbed all the girls, (literally), used to nod towards the ‘wallflower’, introvert men and alledge that ‘the quiet ones are the worst’.
I guess that all that has changed in this modern, tolerant, inclusive world is that our virtue signalling evangelists have come up with a label for these poor excluded souls.
Well you get the so called ‘ricecels’ who are East Asian and ‘Currycels’ who are South Asian and some ‘Blackcels’ claim that anyone who is white cannot be an incel as black women apparently only want white men. I think the female incels are branded ‘femcels’ and are against the male incels as the men think that females cannot be incel and so the femcels feel invisible although it is said that the first incel community was started online in 1999 by a women and was mixed and not toxic.
The toxic route seems to have built up in the past 8-10 years and became male dominated. It is no coincidence that this has happened with the globalisation of social media and the dating apps. The growth of so called third wave feminism and the hard left also seems to have played a part.
I am sure you had frustrated and angry incel men 20 years ago but they where not hanging around on multiple sites online and influencing each other.
Reading your comments on these Incel groups, it’s clearly NOT as simple as the BBC would like to have us believe, I thought that must be the case, people don’t normally go on shooting rampages just because they’re a bit sexually frustrated, and the whole ‘far right’ thing is just wishful thinking on the part of the BBC.
Of course, there have always been frustrated and angry young men, at least I recall plenty when I was in my 20s (25+ years ago now). Life isn’t fair, never has been and never will be, and the mating game is one of the least fair aspects of all, but to be honest, I have some good mates who’re still single and happy with it – they get to spend all their spare time and money doing exactly what they want (like many married guys, I can’t say I’m never jealous – wife and kids are great, but also a complete tie). It’s just a question of looking on the bright side, and making the most of what you’ve got, because the ‘grass is ALWAYS greener’.
Talking about grass being greener, I’m sure you’re right and social media like Facebook and Tiktok doesn’t help, but no one (of any age) has to be involved in that if they don’t want to. Ditto internet dating. In fact, I’d say people’s mental health would be much happier if they avoided most of both.
“…black women apparently only want white men.”
According to all the advertisements I see, the white men are the only ones left; the black ones are all paired off with white women.
lol – they can add a few ‘incels’ to the tens of thousands of Muslims being monitored by MI6 as a terror threat.
Puts it in perspective. Which the BBC never will. They won’t even call Muslims terrorists any more because it upsets those who support them.
Not to mention they have no political aims so cannot actually be called terrorists. At least not yet : I suspect the definition of the word ‘terrorist’ will be changed (like so many others have been) so the Left can use it as a label at more people.
Shameless hypocrisy. As usual.
Please excuse my lack of knowledge on the subject. But as many in
Pakistan are supporting the Taliban. Do the Pakistani
community in the UK support them as well? And can anybody
tell me what the BBC’S attitude is to it all. It must be a terrible dilemma for them ?
Not sure that “many in Pakistan” are supporting the Taliban – operating them almost certainly… Likely some Chicom/PLA folk lurking. I have a suspicion the Wahkan Corridor will get a mention.
The BBC could do with some boots on the ground to get us the real story /sarc
Whats the chance of any kind of poll being done to find out how many of our tens of thousands of potential terrorist residents support what the Taliban are doing ?.
Just saw your question, “Do the Pakistani community in the UK support them as well?”
I used to work with a bloke who variously described himself as Pakistani, Kashmiri or British depending on when you asked him. A dodgy sod, he was once arrested by police at work. He was soon back but his brother went to prison for drug dealing/violence.
One thing about him I can tell you for certain – he was absolutely gutted when Seal Team Six killed Bin Laden.
Tony Heller said on 11 August
“@NOAANCEIclimate will release their July temperature graph in the next few days, and will erase the record heat of July 1901 by tampering with their own data.”
The BBC ignore the fact that the Taliban implement sharia (Islamic) law – which doesn’t match western feminism – which is what the BBC push. You get a similar implementation of sharia law in Saudi Arabia – although Saudi Arabia have been loosening sharia law sufficiently enough so that they don’t get too much of a bad press in the west.
ps: the picture of the hijabed individual on her iphone – I assume that was taken in Britain??
I have always thought of myself as feminist in the sense of having equality of opportunity for all in law and society (not positive discrimination, just an equal chance).
So I always wondered why other lefties (me being one previously) – felt it ok to suggest that sone women in Britain should be expected to live under Sharia (muslim women).
Why would anyone suggest that they get a different law, and did anyone ever ask them? Sorry, bit off topic from bbc, but related.
We at @BBCNews unreservedly condemn decision by Russian Government to expel our Correspondent @sarahrainsford from Moscow at end of month. Excellent and knowledgeable journalist, always fair.
Quite funny when the BBC says ‘it’s an assault on press freedom ‘….once upon a time before the approved Marxist destroy Britain narrative – really hope more ‘foreign correspondents ‘ get thrown out …
Just seen the BBC report on the heat, the Lucifer anticyclone and the fires in Italy. It ended, as if you couldn’t guess, with the reporter bashing the climate change buttons like a crazed video game player.
Thing is, the report also included footage of aerial firefighting, including those big amphibious water bombers. It takes a moment of searching to find that these are standing resources in Italy, so not that unprecedented after all?
TC, there was an embarrassing, for the BBC, VoxPop from Greece the other day. The Horror Bin has been trying to portray the wildfires on the Island of Evia as Climate Change. A resident says: “These fires happen every year. Why isn’t our Government doing something?”
BBC local news : The MP that lives in the corner of the studio has done a street surgery about Down and Outs plaguing the streets of a particular area of Hull.
What a surprise ..the BBC cameras went with her.
They let her say the basic problem is central Tory government
They didn’t question her if the cause wasn’t her Hull City Labour.
In the next slot they did have a Hull council person on and tackled them ..saying surely Hull Council was at fault.
The Pearson Park area of Hull has been known for years as an area to be avoided at night. The large houses were built in Victorian times for the wealthy merchants of Hull. It is now inhabited with Eastern Europeans and various different Muslim groups from further east. Given opportunity, they like to beat the living daylights out of each other.
But Look North repeatedly talked about HMOs as if they were the cause of the drug dealing, alcohol problems and such niceties as urinating in the phone boxes. The item lasted for several minutes without any suggestion that much of the problem is sectarian or why many young men are living in single rooms without their families. Half a story to fit an agenda.
I used to walk through Pearson’s Park to get to school on Park Road(it’s housing now), my cousin who was older than me used to walk with me as he went to Wilberforce. Anyway we would leg it past the toilets so as to avoid the paedos.There weren’t a lot of Muslims in Hull in those days. However I wouldn’t like to walk down Springbankistan if I were a young woman.
Just a warning to those on here of a nervous disposition: the Panel for Any Questions tonight includes Anna Sourberry, former MP and political Party no hoper or political Party hopper.
Plus : Rough Sleeping and Housing Eddie Hughes MP,
the Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy MP
OK those two fair enough, but don’t know why we get Soubry and Lemm.
I listened, Fed & Stew, and it were bit grim oop nawth, especially w’that Nandy lass and stacked Labour supporting audience. Not sure if I heard audience boo Conservative MP on the Panel. Didn’t some people get into serious trouble with booing something or someone recently?
Lemn Sissay was really quite good. Eddie Hughes did an OK job, too.
Bad news: Anita is back from her hols & will be doing Any Answers. I will give that a miss, thank you very much. I have some weeding to do in the garden.
Just watching Brentford what a fantastic day for Brentford fans that have followed them for years and what a treat to see a packed Premiership ground.
Its also worth noting that 3 Brentford players didn’t take the knee 2 of whom where BME.
Politics aside any Brentford fans on here enjoy these wonderful times…..its magic.
They ( the BBC ) are constantly and consistently destroying their own argument and hoping that people are too distracted to see the gaps in their logic. It is only people on sites like this that see what is really going on.
Nobody that I can see in the Brentford crowd wearing a mask. Massive outbreak of Covid in ten days time in West London????
Probably because the crowd is 97% white and therefore probably 90% fully vaccinated there won’t be an outbreak. I hope this detail is picked up by the BBC.
Then again I won’t hold my breath.
Yesterday I wrote of forecast snow for the end of the month in the Cairngorms, but reality has beaten me to it and snow has now been recorded three weeks earlier than last year and it’s very early.
You won’t be hearing this on the media of course because it disturbs the narrative everything is warming when it isn’t.
In the absence of any western control the taliban now have a free run. Such is the temerity of the population that most will overnight switch to support them now to avoid being butchered hence their rapid advance. I am just staggered that the bloody stupid Americans couldn’t have predicted this.
Biden will have much blood on his hands henceforth.
However this will never, ever be levelled against him by our anti-national broadcaster the BBC.
It’s worth pointing out that President Trump negotiated the withdrawal of US forces from the country back in February of last year – Biden simply delayed the order.
The bas***ds just can’t help themselves! They have let the bloody new uni interns take over the news again. Plus no man would ever describe himself as voluntary celibate it’s the women who stick that tag on them, especially the lesbian ones…
The term incel gets overused a bit these days. I heard the term implied once to an American nutter who killed his girlfriend. How can he be an incel if he actually had a girlfriend. Again it is the left using new labels for ‘angry white entitled men’
My neighbour says she has been watching BBCnews and says the Jake Davison case is very simple .. “He was in this group called Incels
and these Incels all hate women
and spend every day on their internet forums talking about how to kill women”
As far as she is concerned Davison has killed 5 females
She seemed genuinely surprised at my suggestion that he murdered his family mainly
She said the BBC had this expert who had gone undercover with the Incels
I bet that was the activist/writer Laura Bates.
I reckon there are 3 sections
#1 There are a lot of Incel involuntary celebates
cos life is not like tV, and most people tend to fancy the elite Mr/Miss Darcy
So there are plenty of young girls Instagram pages that say they can’t get boyfriends
Same for middle aged women/men
#2 Now some of those men do end up on actual internet Incel forums
and some of them get drawn into discussions that say generally women don’t give men a fair chance.
i suppose there are other forums where fat women say men don’t give them a fair chance.
#3 There is a very much narrower category of men who both go on the forums and discuss planning violent revenge on women.
I don’t think that last category does attacks every month.
I don’t see it
I saw headlines like “Plymouth mass shooting suspect posted ‘incel’ video before killing five ”
Then when you check, he didn’t he posted a video a few weeks ago where he used the word “incel” once
I don’t see evidence so far that Davison was actually in that third category of discussing violent revenge on women
I haven’t seen any such quotes yet.
I was trying to recall when the last similar incident happened – was it Hungerford ? I can’t remember what the motive was for that character … I guess it’s column inches in the Sunday papers .
The motive for the chap who did dunblane is easier – he just wanted to do the most evil thing he could think of . Bet he is burning in hell ….
As regards the Plymouth murderer, I think he typifies so many young white men who now feel that our BBC and the Left treat them as potential rapists and give them no respect.
This is all an offshoot of militant feminism.
The media treat young white men as idiots whilst women are portrayed as supreme beings. Sexual and social confidence therefore becomes undermined.
I am not sure who the undercover investigator would have been as there was at least a few of them but one I am aware of a couple of years ago was this well spoken luvvie who had Blairite Liberal written all over him.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I’m old enough to remember the USSR in 1980 had Afghanistan more or less under control, untill UK and USA started supplying stinger missiles to prevent helicopter use.
But can’t remember whose side the BBC and western media was on.
A wild guess it was the Mujahideen, now called Taliban..
– they covet the poppy fields of Afghanistan and have been successfully exporting the product for decades… while keeping the mad dogs on a short leash.
“Coop offer 2 pizzas and a tub of Ben & Jerry’s – £5”
….. Why would the Coop be needing to offload a warehouse full of that overpriced woke-supremacist icecream brand ?
StewGreen, maybe because of this decision taken in 2019?……………………….
And there was thinking it was cos of their woke tweets putting people off
but the BBC 2019 said they were stockpiling cos of Brexit.
“maybe because of this decision taken in 2019?”
Ice Cream has a shelf life of about three months. So that’ll be a no.
Are you sure about that?
This page. . .
. . . has a table on it that says unopened ice cream will last in the freezer for “2-3 months. . . past the printed date” on the container.
I’ve got a tub of Kelly’s Dairy Vanilla in my freezer with an expiry date of December 2022. I won’t be keeping it that long, though.
“Coop offer Tetley 160 Original Tea Bags – £3”
Why would the Co-op be needing to offload a warehouse full of Tea Bags?
I couldn’t believe the low level the BBC have sunk to this morning by rolling on a young woman who did her best at great length to the nodding BBC reporter to link the mad-man killer in Plymouth to a new group tagged as “intcel”.
incel apparently is now tagged to any male who in the opinion of these people acts against women because he feels sexually rejected.
This following the interview with the Chief of Devon Police who very carefully declined to put a motive on the killings.
Typical BBC agenda setting. Absolutely appalling, they know nothing about the killer or the poor souls he murdered yet.
Doesn’t hold them back from instantly bandwagoning on a suitable feminist cause though.
I hate them.
“Napier Barracks: Further cases of Covid-19 among asylum seekers”
It won’t belong now before the Taliban will be among the so called “asylum seekers”.
Then we will have very serious “lessons to be learned”.
taffman, couldn’t believe what Ben Wallace, SoS for Defence said this morning, something to the effect that ‘because of the UK’s involvement in Afghanistan for 20 years we have kept the streets of the UK safe.’.
Obviously a sufferer from early onset dementia and completely forgetting the Manchester Arena attack, the Westminster Bridge attack, the Parliament attack, the London Bridge attack x2 and the Streatham attack. That last omission is unforgiveable because the Inquest is in progress this week and has been in the news.
PM could do well to replace Wallace.
Who’d be PM if he does.
LOL! I’d like to do a ‘smiley’ for you NV but the BeebBeebCeeb informed me this week that ‘smileys’ can make young people anxious and increase their mental elf problems. I don’t how old you are so I’ll hold back on the colon dash close bracket for now.
As my mother, God bless her, would have said “your’e old enough to know better”.
She was another who wasn’t too impressed by the Beeb.
“Afghanistan: Ex-Tory ministers attack Biden over troops pullout”
We need more MPs like Johnny Mercer. People in Government with ‘hands on’ experience and common sense.
More MPs like Mercer, a dedicated remainer? Definitely.
Where have you been hiding, have you had your Brexit jab yet ?
I know many “dedicated remainers” who have seen the error of their ways since Great Britain was successful in going for the Covid vaccine with out the Great EU Dictatorship.
Now that is what I call “Simples”.
You know Johnny Mercer personally? Fantastic. How do you feel about his role in the sacking of Roger Scruton?
1. No, I don’t know him.
2. You are being very silly now.
Why do you troll here ? Go out and find yourself a real job.
That’s very disappointing Taffman.
Never mind, we do agree on a number of points.
We need more MPs who are remainers and who reject the views of people like Roger Scruton.
Piku, you on a make and mend?
I am afraid you are under a misapprehension . I disagree entirely with you.
Does your mother know you are playing on the computer ?
You live in a very very narrow tunnel piku. Maybe you should wake up and smell the coffee?
“Sturgeon urges UK government to reassess Cambo oil field plan”
Could it be because Shetland wants to remain within the UK if Scotland decides to go on its own ?
They are quick to get the name and lots of pictures of the Plymouth killer out.
I wonder if they will do the same when the usual killers next stab, machete or shoot someone.
There is of course a major difference.
This was a nasty, senseless, horrible crime.
As opposed to the mostly peaceful variety committed by those the BBC often seeks to ‘understand’ and avoid too being judgemental about.
It now turns out the shooters mother was aware he had major mental health issues and pleaded for help which never came.
Again every single bogus asylum seeker is seen by a mental health professional – so there are fewer for the NHS to call on. This is done so that in the event of one of them feeling the need to find Alans snack bar, the state and the media can lie through their teeth about contact with mental health services.
Its terribly sad the whole thing, and horrible to hear she called for help that wasn’t available. Heartbreaking.
Did the Biden Broadcasting Corporation cover this story at all?
Hunter Biden – the fabulously rich son who made his millions totally legitimately – has lost yet another laptop with more incriminating sex, drugs and prostitutes.
Just imagine if it had been Trump’s son.
DM: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9885993/Why-no-arrest-Sean-Hannity-demands-answers-Hunter-Bidens-laptops.html
“TV newsreader Victoria Derbyshire overcomes on-air shoe struggle”
Is this really headline news?
Oh the humanity …
Over the past two weeks the BBC have been headlining Afghanistan on the front pages of their website in ever increasing shrillness – demanding (lobbying) the UK government and the US to start carpet bombing and drone bombing the region – because of their hatred of the patriarchal Taliban society.
BBC reporter to leave Russia because her visa isnt being renewed . Nice technique . A lot more governments should use that technique on the BBC – could save a wage bill and all the expenses .
No loss
BBC News channel on the hour headlines mentioned Britney Spears father has stepped down as conservator. The accompanying video had a short clip of Britney’s ‘Stronger’ video with her singing the line “But now I’m Stronger than yesterday”
No bias there then!
5pm news – swampers chatting about Afgee. You can hear them wanting the country ‘ saved’ –
Maybe they can send their kids out there if they care that much about it . There was the regulation know it all female ‘ war correspondent ‘ an occupation id equate with pornographers.
All i wanted to hear was uk news but i gave up … do nt know why i bothered.
What should be more concerning is the number of Taleban fighters from Britain returning there to fight. Our craven and treacherous politicians handing out citizenship like sweeties with scant regard for the safety of the people of these islands.
They should be in prison for what they have been and continue to do.
Politicians do what they are told by the BBC and others – career politicians don’t want the mainstream media saying nasty things about them.
Ah … not far to “far right” then?
Marianna is bringing her expertise to bear.
That is Alec Minassian and the BBC are putting their foot in it by trying to explain the ‘subculture’ and actually advertising for the movement which is dark. To be the BBC it is just a bunch of angry white kids demanding that they get laid but from what I have read the incel world is very mixed and sometimes divided
Someone was saying this would happen above, was it Stoogie?
I don’t really understand these Incel people (are they all men?), and shooting people because you can’t get a girlfriend sounds totally insane to me, but is there another side to it? I’m pretty sure there must be more to it than that.
Is it really a movement of men (are they all white, heterosexual men?) who are simply fed up with constantly being told they’re a load of overprivileged, misogynistic, useless filth that doesn’t deserve to exist?
If so, I can sympathise with their frustration too (although, clearly not enough to physically hurt anyone over it).
If I was young again, and less popular with the ladies, maybe I’d be angrier about it as well? (although, again, not enough to want to hurt anyone).
This sad, mixed up young fella shouldn’t have shot his parents(?), some innocent bystanders and that poor little toddler – these were acts of pure evil 🙁 But, how long had he been crying out for help before it came to this, and what IS anyone doing to help young, white males in this country? We hear all the time about young, black men, and about women and gays of every age, colour etc… but, never about young, white, heterosexual boys?
I’m not asking from an entirely disinterested perspective, as I have a young, white, heterosexual son… although, to be fair, he seems to have plenty of girls like him and has never expressed any anger…. towards pretty much anything, to be honest. Like his dad, he’s so laid back he’s horizontal, but still, the world doesn’t seem a very kind place to young, white, heterosexual boys right now, does it? That does seem very wrong to me, and I’d be happy to pin plenty of the blame for that on the BBC.
As for the ‘far right’ label, that just seems to be chucked at anything ‘bad’ now (am sure this forum is ‘far right’ according to the BBC) and means diddly.
BBC / plod must be desperate to find ‘evidence ‘ of Right Wing leanings to explain way the reason for the killings . He did the decent thing by taking himself out of the equation …
Must be tough being a normal white English 18 year old chap these days – at the bottom of the pile now .
Extrovert men, having grabbed all the girls, (literally), used to nod towards the ‘wallflower’, introvert men and alledge that ‘the quiet ones are the worst’.
I guess that all that has changed in this modern, tolerant, inclusive world is that our virtue signalling evangelists have come up with a label for these poor excluded souls.
Progress, apparently.
Well you get the so called ‘ricecels’ who are East Asian and ‘Currycels’ who are South Asian and some ‘Blackcels’ claim that anyone who is white cannot be an incel as black women apparently only want white men. I think the female incels are branded ‘femcels’ and are against the male incels as the men think that females cannot be incel and so the femcels feel invisible although it is said that the first incel community was started online in 1999 by a women and was mixed and not toxic.
The toxic route seems to have built up in the past 8-10 years and became male dominated. It is no coincidence that this has happened with the globalisation of social media and the dating apps. The growth of so called third wave feminism and the hard left also seems to have played a part.
I am sure you had frustrated and angry incel men 20 years ago but they where not hanging around on multiple sites online and influencing each other.
Sorry Smoogie, called you Stoogie earlier.
Reading your comments on these Incel groups, it’s clearly NOT as simple as the BBC would like to have us believe, I thought that must be the case, people don’t normally go on shooting rampages just because they’re a bit sexually frustrated, and the whole ‘far right’ thing is just wishful thinking on the part of the BBC.
Of course, there have always been frustrated and angry young men, at least I recall plenty when I was in my 20s (25+ years ago now). Life isn’t fair, never has been and never will be, and the mating game is one of the least fair aspects of all, but to be honest, I have some good mates who’re still single and happy with it – they get to spend all their spare time and money doing exactly what they want (like many married guys, I can’t say I’m never jealous – wife and kids are great, but also a complete tie). It’s just a question of looking on the bright side, and making the most of what you’ve got, because the ‘grass is ALWAYS greener’.
Talking about grass being greener, I’m sure you’re right and social media like Facebook and Tiktok doesn’t help, but no one (of any age) has to be involved in that if they don’t want to. Ditto internet dating. In fact, I’d say people’s mental health would be much happier if they avoided most of both.
“…black women apparently only want white men.”
According to all the advertisements I see, the white men are the only ones left; the black ones are all paired off with white women.
lol – they can add a few ‘incels’ to the tens of thousands of Muslims being monitored by MI6 as a terror threat.
Puts it in perspective. Which the BBC never will. They won’t even call Muslims terrorists any more because it upsets those who support them.
Not to mention they have no political aims so cannot actually be called terrorists. At least not yet : I suspect the definition of the word ‘terrorist’ will be changed (like so many others have been) so the Left can use it as a label at more people.
Shameless hypocrisy. As usual.
Please excuse my lack of knowledge on the subject. But as many in
Pakistan are supporting the Taliban. Do the Pakistani
community in the UK support them as well? And can anybody
tell me what the BBC’S attitude is to it all. It must be a terrible dilemma for them ?
Not sure that “many in Pakistan” are supporting the Taliban – operating them almost certainly… Likely some Chicom/PLA folk lurking. I have a suspicion the Wahkan Corridor will get a mention.
The BBC could do with some boots on the ground to get us the real story /sarc
Whats the chance of any kind of poll being done to find out how many of our tens of thousands of potential terrorist residents support what the Taliban are doing ?.
Just saw your question, “Do the Pakistani community in the UK support them as well?”
I used to work with a bloke who variously described himself as Pakistani, Kashmiri or British depending on when you asked him. A dodgy sod, he was once arrested by police at work. He was soon back but his brother went to prison for drug dealing/violence.
One thing about him I can tell you for certain – he was absolutely gutted when Seal Team Six killed Bin Laden.
Sopes’ main source of goss.
I presume there is a measure. Whether it applies as suggested is another matter.
Hereabouts it was variable erring on wet.
Tony Heller said on 11 August
“@NOAANCEIclimate will release their July temperature graph in the next few days, and will erase the record heat of July 1901 by tampering with their own data.”
And so it travels the world….
Hashtag #BBCmisunderstoodfaithchappiesattheGates
The BBC ignore the fact that the Taliban implement sharia (Islamic) law – which doesn’t match western feminism – which is what the BBC push. You get a similar implementation of sharia law in Saudi Arabia – although Saudi Arabia have been loosening sharia law sufficiently enough so that they don’t get too much of a bad press in the west.
ps: the picture of the hijabed individual on her iphone – I assume that was taken in Britain??
I have always thought of myself as feminist in the sense of having equality of opportunity for all in law and society (not positive discrimination, just an equal chance).
So I always wondered why other lefties (me being one previously) – felt it ok to suggest that sone women in Britain should be expected to live under Sharia (muslim women).
Why would anyone suggest that they get a different law, and did anyone ever ask them? Sorry, bit off topic from bbc, but related.
The park bench, the green shrubs and the tranquil atmosphere all indicate central Kabul.
Only one thing to say…. Get the F out of there until the world loses patience with these medieval thugs and comes to its senses.
See. Proof.
Quite funny when the BBC says ‘it’s an assault on press freedom ‘….once upon a time before the approved Marxist destroy Britain narrative – really hope more ‘foreign correspondents ‘ get thrown out …
Not a fu***ing chance you are about to go back to the Stone Age.
Just seen the BBC report on the heat, the Lucifer anticyclone and the fires in Italy. It ended, as if you couldn’t guess, with the reporter bashing the climate change buttons like a crazed video game player.
Thing is, the report also included footage of aerial firefighting, including those big amphibious water bombers. It takes a moment of searching to find that these are standing resources in Italy, so not that unprecedented after all?
TC, there was an embarrassing, for the BBC, VoxPop from Greece the other day. The Horror Bin has been trying to portray the wildfires on the Island of Evia as Climate Change. A resident says: “These fires happen every year. Why isn’t our Government doing something?”
These aerial fire fightin machines, are they all zero-carbon..or as I suspect powered by evil fossil-fuel ?
“Fire’s gonna hit the fuel tank any second!”
Maybe Hollywood can remake this with solar or pedal powered planes.
Spoiler alert 😎?
Oh come on, the movie’s 32 years old!
Still, noted. If I ever feel that Gone With The Wind is relevant, I’ll put in a “Spoiler!”
BBC local news : The MP that lives in the corner of the studio has done a street surgery about Down and Outs plaguing the streets of a particular area of Hull.
What a surprise ..the BBC cameras went with her.
They let her say the basic problem is central Tory government
They didn’t question her if the cause wasn’t her Hull City Labour.
In the next slot they did have a Hull council person on and tackled them ..saying surely Hull Council was at fault.
The Pearson Park area of Hull has been known for years as an area to be avoided at night. The large houses were built in Victorian times for the wealthy merchants of Hull. It is now inhabited with Eastern Europeans and various different Muslim groups from further east. Given opportunity, they like to beat the living daylights out of each other.
But Look North repeatedly talked about HMOs as if they were the cause of the drug dealing, alcohol problems and such niceties as urinating in the phone boxes. The item lasted for several minutes without any suggestion that much of the problem is sectarian or why many young men are living in single rooms without their families. Half a story to fit an agenda.
I used to walk through Pearson’s Park to get to school on Park Road(it’s housing now), my cousin who was older than me used to walk with me as he went to Wilberforce. Anyway we would leg it past the toilets so as to avoid the paedos.There weren’t a lot of Muslims in Hull in those days. However I wouldn’t like to walk down Springbankistan if I were a young woman.
Just a warning to those on here of a nervous disposition: the Panel for Any Questions tonight includes Anna Sourberry, former MP and political Party no hoper or political Party hopper.
Free booze in the green room – I suppose someone still listens to it . ….can’t think why ..
Lemn Sissay, as well to tick a black box
Plus : Rough Sleeping and Housing Eddie Hughes MP,
the Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy MP
OK those two fair enough, but don’t know why we get Soubry and Lemm.
I listened, Fed & Stew, and it were bit grim oop nawth, especially w’that Nandy lass and stacked Labour supporting audience. Not sure if I heard audience boo Conservative MP on the Panel. Didn’t some people get into serious trouble with booing something or someone recently?
Lemn Sissay was really quite good. Eddie Hughes did an OK job, too.
Bad news: Anita is back from her hols & will be doing Any Answers. I will give that a miss, thank you very much. I have some weeding to do in the garden.
Up2- how could you ? I guess the soubry traitor was sober ..nandy is thick – but clever at Labour level . Surely that programme is a waste of time ?
Gritted my teeth and stuck it out. Some cooking as a distraction helped. 😉
Message to the BBC…
You have invested much effort into telling us white people are horrible racists.
You have invested much effort into telling us that white men are the worst of these.
You have invested much effort into telling us that white working class men are the worst of these.
You have invested much effort into telling us that the above are very very nasty to women.
So a sad young bloke goes horribly berserk and…
you got the proof you were looking for in Plymouth then.
Hope you are happy.
Just watching Brentford what a fantastic day for Brentford fans that have followed them for years and what a treat to see a packed Premiership ground.
Its also worth noting that 3 Brentford players didn’t take the knee 2 of whom where BME.
Politics aside any Brentford fans on here enjoy these wonderful times…..its magic.
9pm BBC2 The Boleyn’s 3 part docu-drama
The Times picks it, yet it’s review sounds like it thinks the show is tacky.
I thought the Boleyns were a coloured family …
They ( the BBC ) are constantly and consistently destroying their own argument and hoping that people are too distracted to see the gaps in their logic. It is only people on sites like this that see what is really going on.
Nobody that I can see in the Brentford crowd wearing a mask. Massive outbreak of Covid in ten days time in West London????
Probably because the crowd is 97% white and therefore probably 90% fully vaccinated there won’t be an outbreak. I hope this detail is picked up by the BBC.
Then again I won’t hold my breath.
Halifax – I always think the 1st games of the season throw up ‘surprises ‘ – Brentford top of the table ?
Yesterday I wrote of forecast snow for the end of the month in the Cairngorms, but reality has beaten me to it and snow has now been recorded three weeks earlier than last year and it’s very early.
You won’t be hearing this on the media of course because it disturbs the narrative everything is warming when it isn’t.
@Thoughtful dunno cos no one has mentioned such snow on Twitter
(There are always some surviving patches somewhere)
BBC News
We went inside a Taliban town in Afghanistan and spoke to the insurgents capturing more and more of the country.
In the past few months the hardline militants have seized vast rural areas, multiple border crossings and now a number of Afghan cities.
Did ‘you’ indeed?
In the absence of any western control the taliban now have a free run. Such is the temerity of the population that most will overnight switch to support them now to avoid being butchered hence their rapid advance. I am just staggered that the bloody stupid Americans couldn’t have predicted this.
Biden will have much blood on his hands henceforth.
However this will never, ever be levelled against him by our anti-national broadcaster the BBC.
It’s worth pointing out that President Trump negotiated the withdrawal of US forces from the country back in February of last year – Biden simply delayed the order.
What did trump negotiate and agree please ?
‘Examining’? Using the full might of the bbc disinformation specialist?
The bas***ds just can’t help themselves! They have let the bloody new uni interns take over the news again. Plus no man would ever describe himself as voluntary celibate it’s the women who stick that tag on them, especially the lesbian ones…
The term incel gets overused a bit these days. I heard the term implied once to an American nutter who killed his girlfriend. How can he be an incel if he actually had a girlfriend. Again it is the left using new labels for ‘angry white entitled men’
My neighbour says she has been watching BBCnews and says the Jake Davison case is very simple
.. “He was in this group called Incels
and these Incels all hate women
and spend every day on their internet forums talking about how to kill women”
As far as she is concerned Davison has killed 5 females
She seemed genuinely surprised at my suggestion that he murdered his family mainly
She said the BBC had this expert who had gone undercover with the Incels
I bet that was the activist/writer Laura Bates.
I reckon there are 3 sections
#1 There are a lot of Incel involuntary celebates
cos life is not like tV, and most people tend to fancy the elite Mr/Miss Darcy
So there are plenty of young girls Instagram pages that say they can’t get boyfriends
Same for middle aged women/men
#2 Now some of those men do end up on actual internet Incel forums
and some of them get drawn into discussions that say generally women don’t give men a fair chance.
i suppose there are other forums where fat women say men don’t give them a fair chance.
#3 There is a very much narrower category of men who both go on the forums and discuss planning violent revenge on women.
I don’t think that last category does attacks every month.
I don’t see it
I saw headlines like “Plymouth mass shooting suspect posted ‘incel’ video before killing five ”
Then when you check, he didn’t he posted a video a few weeks ago where he used the word “incel” once
I don’t see evidence so far that Davison was actually in that third category of discussing violent revenge on women
I haven’t seen any such quotes yet.
I was trying to recall when the last similar incident happened – was it Hungerford ? I can’t remember what the motive was for that character … I guess it’s column inches in the Sunday papers .
The motive for the chap who did dunblane is easier – he just wanted to do the most evil thing he could think of . Bet he is burning in hell ….
As regards the Plymouth murderer, I think he typifies so many young white men who now feel that our BBC and the Left treat them as potential rapists and give them no respect.
This is all an offshoot of militant feminism.
The media treat young white men as idiots whilst women are portrayed as supreme beings. Sexual and social confidence therefore becomes undermined.
Message to our BBC. You helped create this mess.
Hungerford and Dunblane: Trump was to blame for both atrocities. It wasn’t clear at the time, but it is now all out in the open.
I am not sure who the undercover investigator would have been as there was at least a few of them but one I am aware of a couple of years ago was this well spoken luvvie who had Blairite Liberal written all over him.
If the BBC had been anti-Taliban instead of describing them as militants (as in Trade Union militancy?), UK forces may have stayed.
The Taliban treat women as being unequal, despise human rights and slaughter gays.
But, our BBC love them.
Our BBC is not only biased, but also two-faced.
Dover – time for a new thread . Personally I’m glad we are out of afgee.. if the yanks wanted it – they’d have stayed …
Two trolls turn up on the same day – both having been away for a while . Does this indicate anything ? Does anyone care ?
As moderator I let them run despite absence of discussion of the BBC by either … they provide a sort of …entertainment …for some …