Sunday is the 76th Anniversary of victory over Japan . It would be nice to think it will be properly commemorated – but somehow the BBC will be interested in other things …
As regards the Plymouth murderer, I think he typifies so many young white men who now feel that our BBC and the Left treat them simply as potential rapists and give them no respect. This has been happening for many, many years.
This is all an offshoot of militant feminism.
The media treat young white men as idiots whilst women are portrayed as supreme beings. The sexual and social confidence of young white men therefore becomes undermined.
Equality arrived years ago.
Message to our BBC. You helped create this mess. Back off.
Social media does not help. If I was to look on Facebook I could see good looking guys I went to school with happily married to attractive women with a few kids and some posing out side a new house they purchased so no doubt they have a good job and a great life. Do I hate them for it? Of course not and it is good to see people you recognise doing well in life and clearly following in the footsteps of generations before them but not everyone is going to see it that way and who is to say that everyone’s life is not as good as it seems online?
The thing is the younger age (those born in the mid 90s onwards especially) would have grown up with social media in the background. They where probably online after their parents and would have (or at least should have) their social media accounts restricted by their parents so when they reached legal adulthood they already has their parents and aunts and uncles and perhaps grandparents online.
To this age group popularity at school would not have been measured by how many people you sat with at lunch but how many people you have online. Good looking girls will have other girls trying to be like them. They would have dozens of guys trying to add them and so popularity was who gets noticed the most online. Good looking guys would get the best pick of the girls and so would have a lot of girls liking their pictures. Those who do not get that attention miss out. While girls are naturally going to have issues with how they look and this is an age old problem I think the pressure gets put on the guys a lot.
The view is that any girl could use make up and apps to enhance her appearance and get attention from at least a few guys who are feeling thirsty. The guys cannot do that. The girls have feminism trying to tell them how great they look although some even more bizarre forms of feminism are telling girls be natural and not try to impress guys (usually from the more unattractive girls) but what do the guys have? The BBC trying to ram negative stories about white males down our throats. Of course the non white males have their issues as well with feminism seemingly trying to cause a wedge between black men and black women and East Asian men are under the impression that East Asian women won’t date them as they are not masculine enough (Resulting in the view of the ‘ricecels’) and yet when the men decide to band together in any group despite their intentions all of a sudden the misogamist tag gets thrown at us. Someone from the Greens even made a joke that men should have a curfew after 9.00pm. That is the view forced onto men these days and the younger ones are getting it the worst.
This new TikTok especially seems to have large number of so called feminists making claims that all men are bad and are all predators ect and yet anyone who challenges it is labelled far right.
Something is happened in the west and it has been building up over the past decade but has only recently reached boiling point and well get even worse in the future. Men are in trouble and the BBC are certainly not helping.
Reading your comments on these Incel groups, it’s clearly NOT as simple as the BBC would like to have us believe, I thought that must be the case, people don’t normally go on shooting rampages just because they’re a bit sexually frustrated, and the whole ‘far right’ thing is just wishful thinking on the part of the BBC.
Of course, there have always been frustrated and angry young men, at least I recall plenty when I was in my 20s (25+ years ago now). Life isn’t fair, never has been and never will be, and the mating game is one of the least fair aspects of all, but to be honest, I have some good mates who’re still single and happy with it – they get to spend all their spare time and money doing exactly what they want (like many married guys, I can’t say I’m never jealous – wife and kids are great, but also a complete tie). It’s just a question of looking on the bright side, and making the most of what you’ve got, because the ‘grass is ALWAYS greener’.
Talking about grass being greener, I’m sure you’re right and social media like Facebook and Tiktok doesn’t help, but no one (of any age) has to be involved in that if they don’t want to. Ditto internet dating. In fact, I’d say people’s mental health would be much happier if they avoided most of both.
The impression I get from the media is that a lot of their research seems to be a quick Google search or Wikipedia. As you said it is not quite as the BBC think it is.
Of course the grass always looks greener from the other side but as a society we seem to have slipped into a mind set that more is better and social media is a tool for status.
Most people would be better off without it yet that won’t solve everything. There will always be someone somewhere who is angry or frustrated
I see today that pretty much every left-wing rag is screaming for legislation to outlaw what they have deigned to call InCel, that being they want to include every working class male non-latte drinking white boy.
There is little doubt that these rags feed off division and activism in their holy grail of breaking the status quo to bring about their cultural revolution.
In my view, this trend which has appeared at lightning speed despite them still knowing virtually nothing about the background of this case is an attempt to put another brick in their wall against everyone they see as infidels, people who don’t subscribe to their tunnel-vision bigoted left wing view.
It is political and the irony is that rather than build in protection it is likely to disaffect many, many more voiceless young white working-class males.
To press ahead with what can only be described as a witch hunt akin to the Salem trials can only result in growing anger and division in society but the whole point is that that is exactly what they want to happen. it’s all part of the grand plan to render anyone who doesn’t tow the line silent and vilified and excluded from what they see as “their” society.
Just our turn on the rota.
Low-grade trolls like maxi will be on many forums.
Hate is a powerful motivator. Nobody else could be bothered. I have absolutely zero interest to go anywhere near one full of Leftys such as twatter.
What a load of tosh on the BBC website about incels being a far-right terror group.
Incels are a group of previously isolated undesirable males who, through the marvel of the internet, have realised they are a substantial demographic and have come together for mutual support. No doubt their frustrations and sob stories are sometimes expressed in terms that offend the radical feminist BBC but that doesn’t make them far-right or a terrorist organisation.
Two or three of them seem to have reached the ripe old age of twenty-two and, apparently unable to accept who they are and deal with the unfairness of life as we all must, have decided their lives are over and to end things with a shooting rampage. Their evil acts are an expression of personal but not political frustrations. Nor are their deeds carried out in furtherance of some political aim. So far-right terrorism is a complete misnomer.
“No doubt their frustrations and sob stories are sometimes expressed in terms that offend the radical feminist BBC but that doesn’t make them far-right or a terrorist organisation.”
Five people including a three year old child murdered.
“sometimes expressed in terms that offend”
A reminder that you’re the same guy who described the mass slaughter of 51 muslims in Christchurch as; “The day that white Christians fought back and tried to save their civilisation”.
The only part of your post worth anything is that you have shown us beyond doubt that you people are actually keeping files on people. Just like the NKVD and Gestapo did for two of your socialist predecessors.
Any idea what kind of torture and murder is going on in Afghanistan at the moment maxi ?. Soldiers are being bound and having their eyes gouged out before being executed apparently. And girls of 12 are being taken to be used as sex slaves.
But it seems that the BBC and the Left don’t want to talk about that. You just focus on one lone nutter instead.
One of the worst forms of bias from the BBC is bias by omission. Why are people not talking about the things you mentioned above? Simply people don’t know. No one talks about grooming gangs outside of a few circles as it is kept quiet and the purpose of such gangs seems to be to cater for incels in some cultures (when they do get arrested they often all look like unattractive men at least) but it is not what the BBC want us to talk about. Anyone who mentions it is ‘far right’
I have pointed out to maxincony many times before that he never posts anything about Al Beeb’s Bias.
Evidence enough as to whom he, or ‘They’ work for.
And his comments are ALWAYS written in a way someone like the BBC would instruct their staff to do.
All the usual Lefty trolls are like spiteful schoolboys. maxi is following rules.
Maxicony, whilst I realise that to people like you on the far left anyone who opposes the horror of Socialism is a ‘terrorist’ threat, to be classed as a terrorist there is a test or definition to be met.
A terrorist is someone who wishes to achieve political change by the means of violence.
Could you please tell us all the political changes this man murdered people to achieve? What his message to the state was?
Also remember that when you are at the far left, everything is going to appear to be right to you, and it doesn’t take much to appear far right !
I am expecting the definition of the word ‘terrorist’ to be changed accordingly to allow it to be used in these situations.
Just as the word ‘phobia’ in ‘Islamophobia’ has been warped by the Left far away from what it actually means.
The word ‘terror’ seems to have changed and now seems a sort of code word . Other terms are also in decline – for instance ‘Islamic terrorist ‘ isn’t used – in fact if a terrorist attack looks like it was motivated by Islam the word ‘Islamic ‘or ‘Muslim ‘ will never feature ….
Somewhere there is a secret ‘in-house ‘ guide at the BBC issued by the ‘ministry of truth ‘…
That BBC document is basically saying don’t use the word terrorist when it might offend someone somewhere else.
I read somewhere that a policy was instigated for the whole of the BBC by their main man in Saudi Arabia whereby the word terrorist was not to be used when describing attacks by Muslim’s.
The reason given was that one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter – meaning himself and everyone else in Saudi Arabia of course.
And the BBC don’t consider themselves the voice of Britain any more. They consider themselves to be the voice of the world.
The arrogance is off the scale.
I found the article:
Thank you for that . The consequence of the fraud being perpetrated on the British people by the BBC is real – namely exploiting a ready source for compelled funds to enter into commercially secret projects where profits go into the BBC but the taxpayer never gets details …
It’s a global monster – hiding behind the ‘soft power ‘ nonsense. Fortunately I think the image of the BBC overseas is being diminished quick …
Terrorism is in the fabric of the Koran and is brainwashed into it’s followers from an early age.
People of the Left try to say the bible is just as bad but omit to mention how nobody is forced to learn the scripture of the bible by rote nor are Christians forced to pray 3 times a day. We left all that behind centuries ago.
The level of brainwashing becomes apparent when they all start shouting Allah Akbar. Some of the GoPro videos from the war in Syria are quite disturbing. Not because of the fighting but because of how utterly brainwashed everyone on BOTH sides are.
If you’re leaning so far to the left you’ve fallen over and are lying on the ground, then everything, literally everything is going to look like it’s slanting off far to the right of you, but the reality is you’re the one lying in the dirt calling everyone else names.
The term “incel” is new to me, but I have read up on the subject, including the bizarre narrative from the BBC suggesting a relationship between being involuntarily celibate and being far right. The Plymouth murderer is first and foremost a nut-case. Perhaps he was also an incel, but perhaps he is also a Corbynite for all we know, or a member of Antifa. To suggest that there is an incel sub-culture that is far right in its thinking is absurd.
Maxi, we read repeatedly of horrific breakdowns in families that result in carnage of one kind or another. The only thing that makes this one stand-out for the gutter press is that they have been able to stick one of their beloved labels on it. Thus setting their stall out for many more click bait column inches over the coming weeks.
You, I, and almost everyone else knows nothing about what really led to this dreadful event so isn’t it best to zip up and not jump to forgone conclusions until the facts come out?
The BBC website looks like it was put together by the work experience kid. I actually get that from their weather reports as well which should be the least biased part of reporting.
lol, some of the mistakes on there are quite shocking considering their budget.
My theory is that the majority of staff are absolutely useless because competence wasn’t high on the list of priorities at the interview.
But they have to be given something to do so I expect the website is the bucket they are kept in where it doesn’t really matter because it changes every hour.
rumour has it to get a job at the BBC these days you would have either need to have worked at he Guardian, the Labour Party or perhaps the Lib Dems. Being some kind of activist does help especially if it is feminism. White people need not apply unless they are oppressed in someway or another or at least not straight.
200,000 in one month and 19,000 children on their own !!!.
We are witnessing the Golden Age of when the West was detsroyed by the Left. It’s all downhill from here.
My favourite line in that BBC dribble is:
Experts say many migrants are fleeing violence and extreme poverty.
So how many fleeing violence and how many just want more money ?. See how they lump the two together and wrap it in ‘Experts say’. And anyway, it should be ‘violence OR extreme poverty’. Another subtle trick to push you to think a certain way.
I will bet my house the VAST majority are coming for the money alone.
The BBC deliberately play this down as much as they can. There is no mention of what has certainly happened to many of those tens of thousands of unaccompanied children. Because it doesn’t suit the agenda.
Welcome to the reality of your ‘compassion’ Lefties. Idiots.
I think you are painting this in far too favourable a light John. It is deeply sinister.
The Democrats have opened the Southern border in an attempt to rig the vote even further. What they are doing is in breach of the constitution and Biden would be impeached if only the dim witted American people haddn’t voted them into both houses.
The Democrats are trying to allow these migrants to vote (for them) before they even have US citizenship in an astonishing anti democratic move which has gone largely unreported.
On the Florida side though, they are telling desperate Cubans not to come to America because they will not get citizenship. People running from the horrors of Socialism are unlikely to vote Socialist.
Bidens approval rating has now yesterday fallen below 50%, the American people are seeing through the media lies finally it’s taken them long enough.
Talking to some ‘sheeple’ neighbours, their world view from the British media is that the Republicans will never be in power for a generation after the ‘damage’ Donald Trump did to their party! They are in for a shock!
This is the problem though, most people work hard all day, come home eat a meal and watch the telly, and that is when they are at their most vulnerable, and it should have been the Tory parties bounden duty to make sure the BBC was impartially reporting the news. The failure of that party is colossal.
The mid terms , if conducted freely and fairly, will see the Republicans take both House and Senate and an end to the looney left Democrat rule. But the big question is , will the elections be free and fair or will the democrats and Dominion fix them?
The power of the Democrats MSM and government institutions is immense. We have seen them keep Clinton from trial, murder Epstein, hobble the Trump administration, fix the 2020 election and so far they have got away with all of them. Whose to say that they won’t get away with yet another fix? If they do then we can be certain that democracy is indeed dead and that it finally died , after a long illness, when they succeeded in putting China Joe in the White House last November.
What really irks me about this is how children being separated from parents in detention centres was the work of the devil when Trump was President, but a policy to force parents to abandon their children completely at the border and watch them disappear into the distance at the mercy of any scumbag who finds them is not even mentioned.
It’s worse than double standards. It’s an absolute scandal.
Lots of stories about Afghanistan. None describing what the Taliban are actually doing or condemning them for doing it.
Instead the BBC write this:
‘The only response from the Americans and their Western allies to these pleas for help, for the moment, has been silence.’
It’s an absolute disgrace that the Taliban are not being painted as the monsters they are in large headlines. Once again it’s all peripheral ’emotion’ stories about civilians.
All because of the BBC agenda. Which is more important to them than any amount of suffering and death. The Left are monsters hiding behind masks.
Jake Davison, the man suspected of killing five people in Plymouth had been active on social media platforms discussing the “incel” movement – young men describing themselves as “involuntarily celibate”.
Plymouth shooting: Inside the dark world of ‘incels’
Griffo is in his element here,
All helpfully illustrated by the Getty Not of Color range, and the now inevitable bbc ‘vans that attack’.
Meanwhile the BBC cheerfully does not notice the rubber cruise liner loads of horny, entitled testosterone disgorging on the beaches to join their totally not repressed brothers in dogma suppressed ghettos either awaiting a cousin at Stanstead or out of a night while the middle aged missus cranks out the ninth benefits unit and is again not in the mood for romance.
What would people who talk about “involuntary celibacy” suggest as the “cure” for this? Taliban going round demanding lists of eligible girls, to be handed over to the men who want them?
The co-founder of left wing fact-checking site @snopes has been discovered to have been plagiarizing articles using a fake name.
I’ve checked 5 or 6 ‘fact checkers’ from snopes by searching for their twitter account.
Every single one was an activist with a long list of left wing/anti-Trump tweets.
Their credibility is zero for me now.
As the lads seem up and active of a small hour… not an incel…
What's messed up is: This thread took me hours to do on a Friday night at 3am, so you'd normally think "Get a life", but I actually have something I'm really looking forward to tonight, but I was too obsessed with getting this done to stop and get a good night's sleep for it. 😫
TOADY Watch #1 – it’s Global Warming, Jim, but not as we know it
Lee Hunt of the RHS is packed in as a Packham substitute on TOADY. The BBC just have to keep the narrative going on Global Warming that isn’t and Climate Change that is extreme weather instead. He suggests gardening to combat Global Warming and Climate Change and using a free tree that you find under a paving stone. Really?
Yes, honestly.
Well, I guess it saves getting the car out and driving to a garden centre to buy a tree. Some CO2 saved, then. But his optimistic idea that the free tree will grow without water, should we ever have a heatwave again or a long period without rain, calls into question the quality of training and knowledge required in order to be able to work for The Royal Horticultural Society.
Mr Hunt suggests knocking down a garden wall and planting a hedge. Well, that definitely does require vehicle use – twice, clearing the rubble and going to the garden centre – no Global Warming & Climate Change savings there. Of course, a new hedge will eventually require the purchase of a new hedge trimmer. More CO2 emissions and it will need to be plugged into the mains electricity or use petrol unless it is the sort of hedge that can be trimmed manually with shears, even so, you are now into a considerable CO2 deficit and causing Global Warming & Climate Change all on your own. Oh dear!
This Global Warming and Climate Change thing is descending to new levels of ridiculous before COP 26. The BBC are helping it on its way. But do ordinary people realise that or are they fervent believers in this new religion?
We could export the 35 million that shouldn’t be here, pull down their mosques, kebab shops, grossly extended houses and BMW parking and grow grass instead?
The BBC website has a review of a book about a ‘new form of snobbery ‘ – it’s not the best crafted piece because it is the BBC . The book ( can’t recall author / title ) posits that there is a new ‘divide ‘ between superior university types and inferiors – like the red wall plebs who dared revolt against their betters by doing things like becoming brexiters .
Anyway – it’s not an earth shaking discovery-but I thought it a bit rich being featured on the BBC – guess they don’t have many mirrors in their HQ ..
For a couple of years now I have picked up on this kind of snobbery. All the ‘I have a degree in media studies abs you just have an NVQ’ type rubbish. It is that attitude which offended the so called ‘red wall’ because Labour are in on it as well.
I also have a problem with these BBC analysts who always seem to pop up to explain a new story in the way that suits them because everyone else is too dumb to think otherwise
The modern Labour MP type is cut off from the working class and doesn’t understand their needs. Although they have indeed become snobs, that is not really the issue. It is their failure to understand that the working class depend on good manufacturing jobs for their livelihood. When manufacturers invest in the third world rather than here, or businesses move their manufacturing processes offshore, who does this hurt? Not the political class, not Labour MPs, not stockholders or investors. It is the ordinary working class guy who has not got a high IQ, has not got a degree, who has got a very limited range of jobs that he can actually do and who has traditionally relied on manufacturing for his livelihood. The political class seem to believe this kind of guy can easily reeducate himself, retrain and adapt himself to the information technology workplace. But huge numbers of people cannot do that.
To be fair, Skelton does mention this and the necessity of bringing manufacturing jobs back to Britain. But his main topic – snobbery – is such a trivial issue compared with what really needs to be done to help our people. So typical of our modern age – the concern with feelings and attitudes overriding everything else.
I noticed that BBC story – glanced through it which took about three seconds – and it looked like a typical BBC anti-Conservative, anti white-traditional-English narrative agenda. Was I mistaken?
There was a reason why there was a big move towards leave in 2016 amongst the working class. The fact that we have lost a lot of our manufacturing jobs due the EU is part of it. The other part of it is that the remaining jobs are handed over to others and not us. Labour did not realise this until it was too late. It is all very well bragging about how you introduced the NHS and how evil Thatcher was for closing the pits but Thatcher was a known Eurosceptic and perhaps in the long term she was no longer seen as the enemy
I thought it was a bit simpler – I thought it was the first and only time the British people had a chance to say they didn’t agree with the country being adversely affected by hoards of foreigners .
We never had the opportunity to discuss immigration because of the instant ‘racist ‘ label so lovingly and enthusiastically applied by the BBC and swamp to this day.
Yes – INCEL – should be treated at terrorism or extremism ! -the BBC got the lefty loon Peter Fahy – a former chief constable ( Blair type ) to say it needs to be treated as terrorism .
What better way to up the ante and encourage more violent crime . Perhaps the plod should set up a unit manned by wimmin to go after incel suspects …
….. how mad are times becoming ? WTF
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by the BBC wanting to ban something .
There is as actually a few subreddits dedicated to trying to bring down incel groups. I am not that active on there but I lurk. Ironically one of these groups targeting make incels are a group of so called feminists who give the impression of being female incels.
No doubt the BBC will skim past that when doing their ‘research’
Outside of BBC Getty, dfs and Lidl ads, that hairstyle is pretty much the sole preserve of the entire media.
At least 93% of Black people with Afro hair in the UK have experienced hair-related microaggressions, and 52% say discrimination against their hair has negatively affected their mental health.
Just watch this interview with Arizona Senator Karen Fann regarding the Maricopa county audit, and contrast the reality of what she is saying with the lies the media in Britain are pushing because I was shocked when I watched this interview, as it is nothing like what we are being told.
Have either the general issue of corruption at the 2020 Presidential election or the specific one of the Maricopa forensic audit been raised on GBNews yet?
Yes a few times. Last week Sebastian Gorka , an ex Trump WH aid, said that there was mounting evidence from several audits in different states that showed that the election was rigged for Biden His advice to a President Trump was to ensure that the American public were presented with the evidence of election fraud but not to contest the 2020 election result retrospectively as once the evidence was public the mid terms would see large Republican majorities effectively hobbling Biden and then to use the evidence to further destroy the Democrats and their fellow travellers in the MSM and the swamp and walk the 2024 election.
There is a theory that this was agreed by our government in order to secure a ‘trade deal’ (HUH) with the EU, i.e. that we would take our ‘quota’ of savages. Sounds plausible.
The Tory Government got elected under the pretext that they would get Brexit Done and control our borders.
Yet our Tory Government does nothing but find every excuse they can not to defend our borders .
Why no shouts of protest coming from all the other Tory MPs?
We are ruled by a government that dictates to us – not listens to us.
They will become the most unpopular Tory Government in the history of the UK.
The aim of the left is to destroy the family, as that is the strongest bond that governs human relations and society. Divorce, abortion, homosexuality, feminism, gender-bending, paedophilia and bestiality are all directed towards that goal. Some of those were legitimate areas in need to reform, but the ‘great causes’ have long since been won and now they are simply promoting degeneracy and destruction in the hope of getting over the finishing line.
Free Speech issues
Dan Bongino had a rant against Gab
The CEO Andrew Torba
CEO, hit back
saying ‘we are a true freespeech network’ beware of the fake ones.’
He also warned about how people hyped Parler as an alternative.. and then it was taken away
“A bait and switch” trick he says
Dan collects a paycheck from Paul Ryan’s Fox News.
The goal of Establishment conservative networks like Fox is to feed conservatives just enough breadcrumbs to string them along and keep them from talking about the real issues in this country.
The exception being Tucker Carlson’s show, which regularly addresses many of these issues and is the number one show on television for that reason.
At the end of Dan’s rant he expressed interest in uniting together against our shared enemies.
I’d be happy to do that if Rumble simply changes their terms of service to remove their ban against “hate speech,” which does not exist.
Until then Gab and others will continue to be the tip of the spear for free speech on the internet and we will absolutely call out those who claim to be something they are not.
Before 8 a.m., Sarah (it’s Ladies Day at TOADY – Yay!), I think, spoke with a French female journalist about the planned protest this weekend in France against the draconian legislation introduced by President Macron. The French Parliament has been foolish enough to sweep away liberté, égailité et fraternité from the French population with some new legislation that restricts the human rights and equalities of those who are not vaccinated. They will not be allowed to vote next year in the Presidential Election. That may well still bring about the downfall of this new petit Napolean. I certainly hope so, for the sake of France.
You would expect the BBC to be up in arms over this and expressing their contempt for President Macron, à là former President of the USA, Donald Trump. Somewhat ironic that the French nation expressed their appreciation of the liberté, égailité et fraternité of the new nation of the USA that they gave a gift of a hollow statue – Liberty – to the Americans. Now that liberté is looking very hollow indeed in France.
But no. The BBC appear to approve of this Hitler-like move on the part of President Macron. They wheeled on the French journalist who helpfully labelled these demonstrators (this apparently is the fifth weekend of protest) as being, like the Gilet Jaunes, as ‘Far Right’ and only a few in number. That spoke volumes to me. The ignorance of this contributor, for a start. The Gilet Jaunes were mostly, although not entirely, ‘of the Left’ and ‘Socialists or socialists’ and were concerned at President Macron’s attack on their jobs and their rural communities through the imposition of extra Fuel Duties and other taxes.
The other notable element was the willingness of the journalist to quickly describe the demonstratiors as ‘Far Right’ despite the same epithet being even more applicable to President Macron. No challenge from Sarah Smith on either point.
In the c’untry, like where I live, everyone and their nan ‘as a gun… why does that remind me of Hot Fuzz?
Ok, it’s not really true, no one in my family has a gun, but I know a lot of people who do, and they don’t all seem that tightly wrapped to me. On the otherhand, the vast majority seem to manage not to shoot any human beings with them.
You have to sympathise with the police, damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
Post 8 a.m. Interview on TOADY conducted by Mishal. It is dealing with the Plymouth tragedy, the mass shooting of people in Plymouth by Jake Davison. Mishal interviewed a lawyer. “Can we tighten our laws to describe this as terrorism?” asked Mishal. She seemed very anxious to do that. So anxious that she asked that question at different point during the interview, three times. Each time the lawyer said, no, existing British law was widely drafted enough with its provisions on terrorism to catch this and other events.
Just ask yourself, why should Mishal and the BBC be so anxious to do that when it is not necessary?
I looked on a couple of internet sites and noticed that a fair number of Mishal’s kind were rather pleased that the killer is white with no connections to Islam.
G.W.F., that is the obvious conclusion to draw from her repeated asking of the same question and lack of attention to the answer that was given on the first occasion. Because of the terror attacks by those following Islam, let’s widen the definition so we are more inclusive.
Local radio 7:15am It’s been the hottest ever July
here’s a report from the BBC’s @MarkLowen
“Here i am at the top of Mount Etna
It’s surprising that people have picked the top of an active volcano as the coolest place right now”
.. They haven’t you nutter, you are caught up in your own clickbait universe.
The height of Etna has always made it cold
It has snow often
12:35pm “Here I am with the Extinction Rebellion samba band on Cleethorpes beach”
.. At least for once XR were doing something constructive ..getting kids involved in a litter pick.
“women being terrorised by Muslim beliefs and values but it’s a tiny group of ‘right-wing’ [is ‘incel’ ideology ‘right-wing’?] individuals on the web who are the real threat”.
The two things – although there is no such thing as ‘incel ideology’ per se – are closely related. When there is a population imbalance between the sexes, with significantly more males than females, large numbers of men are destined to never marry and have a family. This causes resentment, which can express itself in violence against women, or can be redirected into militarism and extremism, such as Islamism. This phenomenom is well documented, is cross-cultural and observed in many countries, and has been known to psychologists and sociologists for decades.
A disturbing variant on this is developing in Western countries as a result of hyper-immigration. The vast majority of migrants from Africa and the Middle East are young males, frequently from societies where women are held in low esteem. This is increasing the disparity in numbers between men and women, adding to the problem. Despite the propaganda of pop videos and the media, the West is not full of attractive young women just waiting to marry the latest dark-skinned arrivals fresh off the dinghy boats from the Channel. Many of these men are destined to remain as single ‘migrant incels’, using rape and assault to obtain what is not available by conventional means, or cause mayhem by other means.
Well the BBC are demonising white males a lot recently. Are they trying to push white men away from white women? If so is it any surprise that we see a rise in the incel culture?
I will have to catch up with things later when back from work as I am on a BBC detox (and have been for a long time) but I lurk and feel that the latest incident is something the BBC must show some balance towards as it is clear that it would lead to their white guy= bad narrative
Fed, I would argue that it is the MSMs mysandry and distortion of our UK society, both led and cheer-led by the BBC, that helped to contribute to Jake Davison’s sad state of mind.
Step back and take a measured look at what the BBC promotes:
Sex – between men and women
You have to be in a relationship, if not you are a failure
Homosexual sex
Gender fluidity
Leaving home, escaping parental influence and oversight
Misandry (or reverse misogyny)
Physical perfection
State control and State dependence
Academic success
High earnings potential
You have to own your own home, if you do not you are a failure
Anti-community and fracturing of society
The BBC should be an impartial reporting organization – it should not be propagandizing for war, which is exactly what it is doing in Afghanistan. It is calling the Taliban re-takeover: a war against women, Joe Biden’s biggest calamity, a war against humanity etc.
The BBC have had a love affair with Joe Biden because he is not Donald Trump, so the fact they are now criticizing him over this reveals that Afghanistan is an issue the BBC deeply care about. However, that is NOT their job. That is NOT why the British have to pay the BBC tax. They should not be demanding the UK bomb the Taliban and their supporters.
The BBC did the same thing in Syria demanding the UK, NATO and the US bomb Assad and his supporters. They even condemned Diane Abbott, an extremely rare phenomenon, because she refused to support the bombing of Syria.
On GB News one of the presenters who is on almost all the time is a strange one.
Pouting Becca Hutson, the cuddly blonde seems to show up on almost all the programmes
She is the poshest person I’ve ever seen. She makes the Queen sound like a Geordie fishwife.
I wonder what her mates think of her being part of a tv channel labelled right wing by all the rest of the msm although she is often the one in the discussion who represents the left wing view.
Question: I only peruse the BBC website. Now when I go to the BBC homepage it first loads up briefly with what looks like something oriented towards world news – but then that “pre-load” disappears and I get a homepage oriented towards the UK and that remains fixed.
I access the BBC website using a laptop. I am wondering whether this pre-load is for a different device (e.g. mobile) or whether it is for an international audience (e.g. BBC world service). Does anyone know what I am talking about and if yes are you able to comment on it to help me understand what this pre-load is. Thanks.
BobotC, how did you save your link. As a bookmark/favourite in your browser? Or as a direct address? Or do you type it afresh into your browser bar each time?
Hi as a web developer I can probably throw a bit of light on that one.
When you open a website in your browser, the site can run background checks to try to discover the origin of the browser internet connection. Subject to your browser security settings this can in cases even isolate the region or even the town you are browsing from.
Of course these silent software background checks take a few seconds to complete after you have initially opened the site hence the sudden switching in content that the website considers more appropriate for your region etc.
The preload looks like it is designed for a non UK but English language viewership.
I have long suspected that the BBC propaganda is tailored for the audience, with the BBC pushing for a global audience, with 50 or so different languages. I also suspect the BBC’s anti “traditional English” propaganda is far stronger when directed at non-UK audiences, as well as when using another language.
My two initial thoughts were that it was either device oriented or region oriented. From what Digg’s mentions it seems like regional orientation.
But what region the preload appears as – I can’t be certain. I guess it must be a “default” neutral region – before switching to a specific region based on what it determines from the servers used to access the site. I suppose this neutral region must be “global English language viewership” – does that seem like a reasonable guess?
I just have a bookmark saved and just click on that. It takes me direct to the BBC Home Page without any ‘bounce’ off another page. One thing I do get appearing from time to time now with the BBC web-site is the ‘Are you signed in?’ page. I think the BBC are getting ready to limit internet access to their web-site.
The BBC deliver a different layout and story paste-up (and indeed detail content) depending on visiting browser.
I first noticed this (years ago) on and when connected to a VSAT connection that landed in Florida….
I have since seen the BBC tweaking the content delivered to and known VPN end points in N. America… (vs. friends providing a VPN via their home connections)
I have also seen content delivered in Europe vary surprisingly (between Belgium and The Netherlands)
One small thing that grates is that the UK punters see a “Science and Environment” page when visiting from the UK but as far as I can see the rest of the world sees “Science”. The Trump years saw some quite remarkable diiferences between what was served up to Yanks and what Brits saw domestically ….
There may be empty shelves in shops this Christmas. Why?
Because of Brexit. Because of the Pandemic. Because of a blocked Suez Canal earlier this year. Because of a shortage of truck drivers. Because of Covid vaccination. The BBC are desperate to create fear in the population. Yet on another hand they tell us that our rabid consumption of goods at any time of year, let alone Christmas, is heating up the planet, creating Global Warming and Climate Change.
The Humph used to complain on TOADY at the end of August that Christmas goods and cards were starting to appear in the shops. He did not realise as a high paid Beeboid and also a wealthy man, that poorer folk like OAPs might have family in Australia & NZ or Latin America or the US & Canada and that the cheapest posting for parcels and cards usually ended at the end of September or early in October.
I think TOADY’s fear projection of today sets a new record for a Christmas related story.
go watch the video I posted a few days ago “Mass Psychosis” which explains exactly why they are doing this. Fear is the medium by which the elite excercise control over the sheeple.
TOADY Watch #5 – yet another sinister development and an opportunity seized by the BBC
The BBC do not like the internet but they do. They are sort of schizoid over the Internet and because of the Internet. They make programmes specifically about it. They use it to promote themselves. But they also hate it. It allows competition into their field. Licence free competition. Small resourced competition. They can be beaten to news stories by the likes of Bellingcat. People can talk to each other without moderation by the BBC. They can broadcast without all the BBC’s infrastructure, equipment, personnel and limitation by regulations.
They were no doubt delighted to hear the rumour that the Plymouth gunman was possible a member of an internet ‘InCel’ group: singles who consider themselves InvoluntaryCelibate. That meant that the BBC were able to point the finger at the Internet and say “Whoooh spooky – Far Right – Misogynists (Do only men join InCel groups? What about InCel women?) – it ought to be banned – shut down the Internet. Regulate the Internet.”
Why is @DominicRaab damaging his own reputation by protecting a foolish official? That official, Angus Lapsley, needs to be sacked and investigated properly.
Now that Brexit is largely over, the Government needs to get a grip on its officials and civil servants of all ranks. Secret documents are secret for a reason and protocols on their handling must be followed. Civil servants should also realise that they are employed as servants of the elected Government to ensure that their policies are enacted. Those who join the civil service to further their own agendas or the agendas of outside organisations should no longer be tolerated. Nor, for that matter, should civil servants who believe that foreign laws and organisations have an equal claim on their loyalties to that of their own state. They are entitled to follow other interests and loyalties outside of Government.
Can we get al Springster to fact check the following …
Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.Dihydrogen monoxide:
is also known as hydroxl acid, and is the major component of acid rain.contributes to the “greenhouse effect.”may cause severe burns.contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.
Contamination is reaching epidemic proportions!
Quantities of dihydrogen monoxide have been found in almost every stream, lake, and reservoir in America today. But the pollution is global, and the contaminant has even been found in Antarctic ice. DHMO has caused millions of dollars of property damage in the midwest, and recently California.
Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:
as an industrial solvent and nuclear power the production of a fire many forms of cruel animal the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this an additive in certain “junk-foods” and other food products.
Companies dump waste DHMO into rivers and the ocean, and nothing can be done to stop them because this practice is still legal. The impact on wildlife is extreme, and we cannot afford to ignore it any longer!
The American government has refused to ban the production, distribution, or use of this damaging chemical due to its “importance to the economic health of this nation.” In fact, the navy and other military organizations are conducting experiments with DHMO, and designing multi-billion dollar devices to control and utilize it during warfare situations. Hundreds of military research facilities receive tons of it through a highly sophisticated underground distribution network. Many store large quantities for later use.
I’ve mentioned before a feminist poster on the wall of a student house I shared several decades ago. It read ‘Women who want to be equal to men lack imagination’..
This week we’ve had the ‘best ever’ GCSE and A level results in which females outperform males by record amounts.
It has received passing comments from LeftMob.
But there are no features.
No indignation.
No equality pressure groups.
No ‘spokespeople’
No special programmes.
No articles.
Isn’t it funny how the BBC can be completely silent on issues when it suits.
Amongst the “Lord of the Flies” fever sweeping the juvenile mainly lefty MSM over the new enemy terrorists bubbling up within INCEL, a lone, sensible voice and a breath of adult grown-up fresh air from the Spectator.
The BBC seems oddly willing to entertain the idea that incels should be designated as terrorists, possibly because it gives a boost to the notion that misogyny should be categorised as a hate crime
– an already dodgy category.
Sarah Smith on the Today programme, for instance, pressed Jonathan Hall, the government’s terrorism adviser, about the necessity of identifying radical misogynists in this way.
He wavered a bit, and said it was possible, but that since terrorism was defined as using force or violence to advance beliefs or ideology, the definition was already open to expansion and if there was more of this sort of thing, well, it was possible.
Can we stop all this?
… Like I say, sometimes a nutter is just a nutter.
That’s a general point
I still resent the way media are trying shoehorn the label “incel attack” onto Davison
just cos a guy said the word once in a video a few weeks ago.
Of course the 20 minutes of killing like this guy should be prevented
but the tens of thousands of hours of rapes by raping gangs should also be prevented
(5,000 + victims … many raped multiple times some hundreds of times )
From the BBC webshite reference young male islamic economic chancers on the channel
But Lisa Doyle, director of advocacy and engagement at the Refugee Council, said: “The government must change its approach. Instead of seeking to punish or push away people seeking safety because of the type of journey they have made to the UK, they must create and commit to safe routes.”
She said: “While there is war, persecution and violence, people will be forced to take dangerous journeys to seek safety.
“We are talking about ordinary men, women and children who are forced to flee their home through no fault of their own.”
End quote.
What is taught about Climate Change in our schools? Is it only one-sided, as with our BBC?
My 15 year old son says that Climate Change is real because his school says so. I told him that many scientists don’t support Climate Change. He scoffed and said that there are people who believe the world is flat, but that doesn’t make them right.
I think someone like Lord Farage should look into this.
We’ve seen their predictions fail so often
that they now stick to vague predictions for 50 years times
How many times have R4 had Prof Peter Wadhams on with his “Arctic ice will have all gone by next summer” predictions ?
Eventually he’s shifted to 2029… really doubt that
Stew, on Paul Homewood’s excellent site he debunks the NOAA claim today that July 2021 was the hottest ever month for Planet Earth. I note the map that Paul published, from NOAA, didn’t cover Greenland. Could that be because the great predictions of the Greenland ice cap completely melting and sea levels rising three feet never happened?
It could be ‘a very inconvenient truth’ to measure Greenland’s temperatures, even in summer.
Fascinating. Vine in effect admitted that if John from Manchester had not lied about his views of the vaccine he would not have been allowed to speak; that view is censored by the BBC. Vine said that deaths reported on the Yellow Card system cannot be counted as fact because the system is “self-reporting”, and there is no scientific proof associating the deaths with the vaccine.
So: they set up a self-reporting system that can be disregarded, and they fail to investigate the deaths so that they can deny any association with the vaccine.
We are being treated as idiots.
Excellent article by Charles Moore in the DT about China’s frightening power to shut down investigation into its part in Covid-19, with a couple of sideswipes at the BBC’s craven submission to China and the WHO.
A couple of extracts below.
The WHO… said at a press conference that “it was “extremely unlikely” the virus had spread from a lab leak in Wuhan. The BBC, always reluctant to touch the lab-leak theory, took this as all but conclusive. On its website, its health editor wrote that the WHO experts had “closed the lid on a controversial theory that coronavirus came from a lab leak or was made by scientists”.
“So long as Donald Trump was US President, many global bodies and scientific publications had a simple rule: if he took one view, they would take the opposite. Early on, Trump blamed a Wuhan lab leak, so they discounted it.”
After watching the News on the BBC.
Do you think it’s to early to call for a Nuclear attack on Afghanistan.
Wipe the place out.
It would destroy a never ending and completely mad Terrorist organisation, stop years of strife and destroy the Heroin trade throughout the entire World.
This would lead to a massive reduction in crime in every Country on the Planet.
The Japanese went from a crazed Military to one of the most law abiding Country there is after two bombs.
I have no idea if it was the BBC, or some other news channel, but this morning I suddenly recalled some reporter (in bulletproof vest and helmet) in Afghanistan talking to a local man via a translator (whose probably being horribly tortured as I write this) not too long after the US occupation, when they were ‘winning’ against the Taliban.
Anyway, I remember a local man with a white beard and wizened face, and think he had some goats. The reporter asked what he thought about the US led ‘liberation’.
“Nothing will change” said the local (via the translator)
“Surely this is a big thing for Afghanistan?” said the reporter (who was obviously hoping for a bit more enthusiasm)
“The invaders will realise there is nothing for them here and leave, just like all the others, and the Taliban will come back and it will all be the same again” says the local guy
The very least we should do is stop importing this hostile religion into our country, and set about reversing the importing that has already happened. Some hopes!
Islam is literally intolerable, and we ought to give up the attempt.
Please remember, in our naivity/stupidity we are allowing the import of people who just MAY have perfectly valid reasons to wish our demise. The stupidity of the Middle East wars can never be understated nor can those wars ever be justified as being in the national interest of either th US or the UK.
Bush and Blair were and are the enemies of the Western way of life.
K, we need heroin from Afghanistan. It’s required to make medical morphine. There was a world shortage a while back because of the requirements for the military – all servicemen & women carry an Epi-pen or two of it – and there is a limit to how much can be grown in the Beqaa valley, both the Lebanon and the Syrian bits of which have been a little unstable recently.
Speccie reviews BBC2’s The Watch But even for those of us who don’t know our Pratchett so well, The Watch is an obvious mess: clumsy in its storytelling and tonally all over the place,
with an uneasy mix of solemnity and mostly feeble jokes.
Above all, Richard Dormer’s central performance is an eye-popping, eyebrow-wiggling, head-swivelling, neck-stretching display of hamminess rarely seen on screen since the days of James Finlayson in Laurel and Hardy.
A few short weeks ago, the imbecile in the White House (which one, you might ask?) was berating journalists for asking if he trusted the Taliban and whether the Afghan army could stand up to them. He angrily replied how great the army was and how puny the Taliban were.
His words have come back to bite him. Had it been Trump, the Biden Broadcasting Corporation would be playing that press conference on a loop, juxtaposing it with images of Taliban atrocities. Instead, Biden gets hardly a mention in their reports, and little to no criticism.
This what the BBC say today after they reveal the Taliban control every city except Kabul:
‘President Joe Biden has defended his decision to escalate the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, saying he could not justify an “endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict”.’
No mention in any of these articles about what President Joe told the world and has shown he doesn’t have the first clue about what is going on. Nor any mention of the truly terrible things the Taliban terrorists are doing to anyone who sided with the West.
Truly pathetic. I often wonder if the Lefties at the BBC know they are outrageous hypocrites and don’t care or they are so consumed with ideology and hatred of the Right that it never occurs to them : the ends justify the means.
I heard the other night that it was Saint Barry Obama who started all this discussion with Afghanistan, then it was handled efficiently by President Trump, then cocked up just recently by a mr buyden from 13, Acacia Gardens.
So, President Trump gets ‘the blame’, and the old bloke who took over, well, said he did – gets the ‘praise’, but when he realised what he’d done, he gets the blame – but not from the BBC of course!
And don’t forget the dirtiest scam of them all:
Delay the vaccine announcement until the week after the election then give all the credit for it to a smiling Biden.
Not forgetting how Trump was criticised for saying the vaccine would be available by the end of the year – which it was.
It’s all so absolutely outrageous, I still can’t quite believe the takeover of the media by the Left has happened so completely and they are allowed to get away with it. It’s the stuff of revolutions and civil war.
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As regards the Plymouth murderer, I think he typifies so many young white men who now feel that our BBC and the Left treat them simply as potential rapists and give them no respect. This has been happening for many, many years.
This is all an offshoot of militant feminism.
The media treat young white men as idiots whilst women are portrayed as supreme beings. The sexual and social confidence of young white men therefore becomes undermined.
Equality arrived years ago.
Message to our BBC. You helped create this mess. Back off.
I’ll still caution about letting them lock you into a narrative
when they show very little evidence just speculation based on their agendas.
He killed 5 people .. mostly his family we think
And we don’t really know why
There was no suicide video, nor is there any record of threats.
Social media does not help. If I was to look on Facebook I could see good looking guys I went to school with happily married to attractive women with a few kids and some posing out side a new house they purchased so no doubt they have a good job and a great life. Do I hate them for it? Of course not and it is good to see people you recognise doing well in life and clearly following in the footsteps of generations before them but not everyone is going to see it that way and who is to say that everyone’s life is not as good as it seems online?
The thing is the younger age (those born in the mid 90s onwards especially) would have grown up with social media in the background. They where probably online after their parents and would have (or at least should have) their social media accounts restricted by their parents so when they reached legal adulthood they already has their parents and aunts and uncles and perhaps grandparents online.
To this age group popularity at school would not have been measured by how many people you sat with at lunch but how many people you have online. Good looking girls will have other girls trying to be like them. They would have dozens of guys trying to add them and so popularity was who gets noticed the most online. Good looking guys would get the best pick of the girls and so would have a lot of girls liking their pictures. Those who do not get that attention miss out. While girls are naturally going to have issues with how they look and this is an age old problem I think the pressure gets put on the guys a lot.
The view is that any girl could use make up and apps to enhance her appearance and get attention from at least a few guys who are feeling thirsty. The guys cannot do that. The girls have feminism trying to tell them how great they look although some even more bizarre forms of feminism are telling girls be natural and not try to impress guys (usually from the more unattractive girls) but what do the guys have? The BBC trying to ram negative stories about white males down our throats. Of course the non white males have their issues as well with feminism seemingly trying to cause a wedge between black men and black women and East Asian men are under the impression that East Asian women won’t date them as they are not masculine enough (Resulting in the view of the ‘ricecels’) and yet when the men decide to band together in any group despite their intentions all of a sudden the misogamist tag gets thrown at us. Someone from the Greens even made a joke that men should have a curfew after 9.00pm. That is the view forced onto men these days and the younger ones are getting it the worst.
This new TikTok especially seems to have large number of so called feminists making claims that all men are bad and are all predators ect and yet anyone who challenges it is labelled far right.
Something is happened in the west and it has been building up over the past decade but has only recently reached boiling point and well get even worse in the future. Men are in trouble and the BBC are certainly not helping.
Sorry Smoogie, called you Stoogie earlier.
Reading your comments on these Incel groups, it’s clearly NOT as simple as the BBC would like to have us believe, I thought that must be the case, people don’t normally go on shooting rampages just because they’re a bit sexually frustrated, and the whole ‘far right’ thing is just wishful thinking on the part of the BBC.
Of course, there have always been frustrated and angry young men, at least I recall plenty when I was in my 20s (25+ years ago now). Life isn’t fair, never has been and never will be, and the mating game is one of the least fair aspects of all, but to be honest, I have some good mates who’re still single and happy with it – they get to spend all their spare time and money doing exactly what they want (like many married guys, I can’t say I’m never jealous – wife and kids are great, but also a complete tie). It’s just a question of looking on the bright side, and making the most of what you’ve got, because the ‘grass is ALWAYS greener’.
Talking about grass being greener, I’m sure you’re right and social media like Facebook and Tiktok doesn’t help, but no one (of any age) has to be involved in that if they don’t want to. Ditto internet dating. In fact, I’d say people’s mental health would be much happier if they avoided most of both.
The impression I get from the media is that a lot of their research seems to be a quick Google search or Wikipedia. As you said it is not quite as the BBC think it is.
Of course the grass always looks greener from the other side but as a society we seem to have slipped into a mind set that more is better and social media is a tool for status.
Most people would be better off without it yet that won’t solve everything. There will always be someone somewhere who is angry or frustrated
That commonsense attitude of yours will eventually unfit you for life in modern Britain. The country is going mad.
I see today that pretty much every left-wing rag is screaming for legislation to outlaw what they have deigned to call InCel, that being they want to include every working class male non-latte drinking white boy.
There is little doubt that these rags feed off division and activism in their holy grail of breaking the status quo to bring about their cultural revolution.
In my view, this trend which has appeared at lightning speed despite them still knowing virtually nothing about the background of this case is an attempt to put another brick in their wall against everyone they see as infidels, people who don’t subscribe to their tunnel-vision bigoted left wing view.
It is political and the irony is that rather than build in protection it is likely to disaffect many, many more voiceless young white working-class males.
To press ahead with what can only be described as a witch hunt akin to the Salem trials can only result in growing anger and division in society but the whole point is that that is exactly what they want to happen. it’s all part of the grand plan to render anyone who doesn’t tow the line silent and vilified and excluded from what they see as “their” society.
Look out, look out our pet trolls are about! Something has stirred them?
What can explain their sudden ejaculations earlier this evening?
Just our turn on the rota.
Low-grade trolls like maxi will be on many forums.
Hate is a powerful motivator. Nobody else could be bothered. I have absolutely zero interest to go anywhere near one full of Leftys such as twatter.
What a load of tosh on the BBC website about incels being a far-right terror group.
Incels are a group of previously isolated undesirable males who, through the marvel of the internet, have realised they are a substantial demographic and have come together for mutual support. No doubt their frustrations and sob stories are sometimes expressed in terms that offend the radical feminist BBC but that doesn’t make them far-right or a terrorist organisation.
Two or three of them seem to have reached the ripe old age of twenty-two and, apparently unable to accept who they are and deal with the unfairness of life as we all must, have decided their lives are over and to end things with a shooting rampage. Their evil acts are an expression of personal but not political frustrations. Nor are their deeds carried out in furtherance of some political aim. So far-right terrorism is a complete misnomer.
“No doubt their frustrations and sob stories are sometimes expressed in terms that offend the radical feminist BBC but that doesn’t make them far-right or a terrorist organisation.”
Five people including a three year old child murdered.
“sometimes expressed in terms that offend”
A reminder that you’re the same guy who described the mass slaughter of 51 muslims in Christchurch as; “The day that white Christians fought back and tried to save their civilisation”.
The only part of your post worth anything is that you have shown us beyond doubt that you people are actually keeping files on people. Just like the NKVD and Gestapo did for two of your socialist predecessors.
Any idea what kind of torture and murder is going on in Afghanistan at the moment maxi ?. Soldiers are being bound and having their eyes gouged out before being executed apparently. And girls of 12 are being taken to be used as sex slaves.
But it seems that the BBC and the Left don’t want to talk about that. You just focus on one lone nutter instead.
One of the worst forms of bias from the BBC is bias by omission. Why are people not talking about the things you mentioned above? Simply people don’t know. No one talks about grooming gangs outside of a few circles as it is kept quiet and the purpose of such gangs seems to be to cater for incels in some cultures (when they do get arrested they often all look like unattractive men at least) but it is not what the BBC want us to talk about. Anyone who mentions it is ‘far right’
I have pointed out to maxincony many times before that he never posts anything about Al Beeb’s Bias.
Evidence enough as to whom he, or ‘They’ work for.
And his comments are ALWAYS written in a way someone like the BBC would instruct their staff to do.
All the usual Lefty trolls are like spiteful schoolboys. maxi is following rules.
Maxicony, whilst I realise that to people like you on the far left anyone who opposes the horror of Socialism is a ‘terrorist’ threat, to be classed as a terrorist there is a test or definition to be met.
A terrorist is someone who wishes to achieve political change by the means of violence.
Could you please tell us all the political changes this man murdered people to achieve? What his message to the state was?
Also remember that when you are at the far left, everything is going to appear to be right to you, and it doesn’t take much to appear far right !
I am expecting the definition of the word ‘terrorist’ to be changed accordingly to allow it to be used in these situations.
Just as the word ‘phobia’ in ‘Islamophobia’ has been warped by the Left far away from what it actually means.
The word ‘terror’ seems to have changed and now seems a sort of code word . Other terms are also in decline – for instance ‘Islamic terrorist ‘ isn’t used – in fact if a terrorist attack looks like it was motivated by Islam the word ‘Islamic ‘or ‘Muslim ‘ will never feature ….
Somewhere there is a secret ‘in-house ‘ guide at the BBC issued by the ‘ministry of truth ‘…
Click to access reporting-terrorism.pdf
That BBC document is basically saying don’t use the word terrorist when it might offend someone somewhere else.
I read somewhere that a policy was instigated for the whole of the BBC by their main man in Saudi Arabia whereby the word terrorist was not to be used when describing attacks by Muslim’s.
The reason given was that one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter – meaning himself and everyone else in Saudi Arabia of course.
And the BBC don’t consider themselves the voice of Britain any more. They consider themselves to be the voice of the world.
The arrogance is off the scale.
I found the article:
Thank you for that . The consequence of the fraud being perpetrated on the British people by the BBC is real – namely exploiting a ready source for compelled funds to enter into commercially secret projects where profits go into the BBC but the taxpayer never gets details …
It’s a global monster – hiding behind the ‘soft power ‘ nonsense. Fortunately I think the image of the BBC overseas is being diminished quick …
John, isn’t ‘Islamic terrorism’ tautology.
Terrorism is in the fabric of the Koran and is brainwashed into it’s followers from an early age.
People of the Left try to say the bible is just as bad but omit to mention how nobody is forced to learn the scripture of the bible by rote nor are Christians forced to pray 3 times a day. We left all that behind centuries ago.
The level of brainwashing becomes apparent when they all start shouting Allah Akbar. Some of the GoPro videos from the war in Syria are quite disturbing. Not because of the fighting but because of how utterly brainwashed everyone on BOTH sides are.
“I am expecting the definition of the word ‘terrorist’ to be changed accordingly to allow it to be used in these situations.”
Leave it to Princess Nut-Nut to persuade our so-called, ‘Prime Minister’.
If you’re leaning so far to the left you’ve fallen over and are lying on the ground, then everything, literally everything is going to look like it’s slanting off far to the right of you, but the reality is you’re the one lying in the dirt calling everyone else names.
The term “incel” is new to me, but I have read up on the subject, including the bizarre narrative from the BBC suggesting a relationship between being involuntarily celibate and being far right. The Plymouth murderer is first and foremost a nut-case. Perhaps he was also an incel, but perhaps he is also a Corbynite for all we know, or a member of Antifa. To suggest that there is an incel sub-culture that is far right in its thinking is absurd.
Maxi, we read repeatedly of horrific breakdowns in families that result in carnage of one kind or another. The only thing that makes this one stand-out for the gutter press is that they have been able to stick one of their beloved labels on it. Thus setting their stall out for many more click bait column inches over the coming weeks.
You, I, and almost everyone else knows nothing about what really led to this dreadful event so isn’t it best to zip up and not jump to forgone conclusions until the facts come out?
@Maxincony. Not only are you deeply unpleasant, but you are also a stalker.
The BBC website looks like it was put together by the work experience kid. I actually get that from their weather reports as well which should be the least biased part of reporting.
lol, some of the mistakes on there are quite shocking considering their budget.
My theory is that the majority of staff are absolutely useless because competence wasn’t high on the list of priorities at the interview.
But they have to be given something to do so I expect the website is the bucket they are kept in where it doesn’t really matter because it changes every hour.
rumour has it to get a job at the BBC these days you would have either need to have worked at he Guardian, the Labour Party or perhaps the Lib Dems. Being some kind of activist does help especially if it is feminism. White people need not apply unless they are oppressed in someway or another or at least not straight.
It’s quite clearly about box ticking rather than any kind of ability, or a proper grasp of the English language.
US-Mexico border migrant detention levels reach 21-year high
200,000 in one month and 19,000 children on their own !!!.
We are witnessing the Golden Age of when the West was detsroyed by the Left. It’s all downhill from here.
My favourite line in that BBC dribble is:
Experts say many migrants are fleeing violence and extreme poverty.
So how many fleeing violence and how many just want more money ?. See how they lump the two together and wrap it in ‘Experts say’. And anyway, it should be ‘violence OR extreme poverty’. Another subtle trick to push you to think a certain way.
I will bet my house the VAST majority are coming for the money alone.
The BBC deliberately play this down as much as they can. There is no mention of what has certainly happened to many of those tens of thousands of unaccompanied children. Because it doesn’t suit the agenda.
Welcome to the reality of your ‘compassion’ Lefties. Idiots.
I think you are painting this in far too favourable a light John. It is deeply sinister.
The Democrats have opened the Southern border in an attempt to rig the vote even further. What they are doing is in breach of the constitution and Biden would be impeached if only the dim witted American people haddn’t voted them into both houses.
The Democrats are trying to allow these migrants to vote (for them) before they even have US citizenship in an astonishing anti democratic move which has gone largely unreported.
On the Florida side though, they are telling desperate Cubans not to come to America because they will not get citizenship. People running from the horrors of Socialism are unlikely to vote Socialist.
Bidens approval rating has now yesterday fallen below 50%, the American people are seeing through the media lies finally it’s taken them long enough.
Talking to some ‘sheeple’ neighbours, their world view from the British media is that the Republicans will never be in power for a generation after the ‘damage’ Donald Trump did to their party! They are in for a shock!
This is the problem though, most people work hard all day, come home eat a meal and watch the telly, and that is when they are at their most vulnerable, and it should have been the Tory parties bounden duty to make sure the BBC was impartially reporting the news. The failure of that party is colossal.
The mid terms , if conducted freely and fairly, will see the Republicans take both House and Senate and an end to the looney left Democrat rule. But the big question is , will the elections be free and fair or will the democrats and Dominion fix them?
The power of the Democrats MSM and government institutions is immense. We have seen them keep Clinton from trial, murder Epstein, hobble the Trump administration, fix the 2020 election and so far they have got away with all of them. Whose to say that they won’t get away with yet another fix? If they do then we can be certain that democracy is indeed dead and that it finally died , after a long illness, when they succeeded in putting China Joe in the White House last November.
‘Our Donald’ possesses the experience now to ‘hit the ground running’ when he takes over the WH again.
What really irks me about this is how children being separated from parents in detention centres was the work of the devil when Trump was President, but a policy to force parents to abandon their children completely at the border and watch them disappear into the distance at the mercy of any scumbag who finds them is not even mentioned.
It’s worse than double standards. It’s an absolute scandal.
Lots of stories about Afghanistan. None describing what the Taliban are actually doing or condemning them for doing it.
Instead the BBC write this:
‘The only response from the Americans and their Western allies to these pleas for help, for the moment, has been silence.’
It’s an absolute disgrace that the Taliban are not being painted as the monsters they are in large headlines. Once again it’s all peripheral ’emotion’ stories about civilians.
All because of the BBC agenda. Which is more important to them than any amount of suffering and death. The Left are monsters hiding behind masks.
Looks like the BBC Do Jour is… In cells!
BBC News
Jake Davison, the man suspected of killing five people in Plymouth had been active on social media platforms discussing the “incel” movement – young men describing themselves as “involuntarily celibate”.
Plymouth shooting: Inside the dark world of ‘incels’
Griffo is in his element here,
All helpfully illustrated by the Getty Not of Color range, and the now inevitable bbc ‘vans that attack’.
Meanwhile the BBC cheerfully does not notice the rubber cruise liner loads of horny, entitled testosterone disgorging on the beaches to join their totally not repressed brothers in dogma suppressed ghettos either awaiting a cousin at Stanstead or out of a night while the middle aged missus cranks out the ninth benefits unit and is again not in the mood for romance.
What would people who talk about “involuntary celibacy” suggest as the “cure” for this? Taliban going round demanding lists of eligible girls, to be handed over to the men who want them?
it was all going so well with Robin, but now…
Meanwhile, the media does its best to keep the hormones feisty.
And by ‘Late Editor’ one hopes he is still with us.
Worth getting Springster to verify?
I’ve checked 5 or 6 ‘fact checkers’ from snopes by searching for their twitter account.
Every single one was an activist with a long list of left wing/anti-Trump tweets.
Their credibility is zero for me now.
As the lads seem up and active of a small hour… not an incel…
He had a girlfriend once, so not an incel.
But Steve Bray wooed her over with his awesome dress sense.
The argument of a childish w@nker.
Femi need some hate counciling.
TOADY Watch #1 – it’s Global Warming, Jim, but not as we know it
Lee Hunt of the RHS is packed in as a Packham substitute on TOADY. The BBC just have to keep the narrative going on Global Warming that isn’t and Climate Change that is extreme weather instead. He suggests gardening to combat Global Warming and Climate Change and using a free tree that you find under a paving stone. Really?
Yes, honestly.
Well, I guess it saves getting the car out and driving to a garden centre to buy a tree. Some CO2 saved, then. But his optimistic idea that the free tree will grow without water, should we ever have a heatwave again or a long period without rain, calls into question the quality of training and knowledge required in order to be able to work for The Royal Horticultural Society.
Mr Hunt suggests knocking down a garden wall and planting a hedge. Well, that definitely does require vehicle use – twice, clearing the rubble and going to the garden centre – no Global Warming & Climate Change savings there. Of course, a new hedge will eventually require the purchase of a new hedge trimmer. More CO2 emissions and it will need to be plugged into the mains electricity or use petrol unless it is the sort of hedge that can be trimmed manually with shears, even so, you are now into a considerable CO2 deficit and causing Global Warming & Climate Change all on your own. Oh dear!
This Global Warming and Climate Change thing is descending to new levels of ridiculous before COP 26. The BBC are helping it on its way. But do ordinary people realise that or are they fervent believers in this new religion?
We could export the 35 million that shouldn’t be here, pull down their mosques, kebab shops, grossly extended houses and BMW parking and grow grass instead?
Not very ‘BBC’ though.
Bit extreme, Jim.
I think “extreme” will have a whole new meaning once they achieve a critical mass level in the uK population.
The Biden regime really are so screwed up and out of touch with reality that they posted this job opening yesterday – anyone fancy applying for this?
Public Engagement Assistant
U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan
HR in a nutshell.
Speaking of BbC HR…
Actually misread the second as most of the editorial Dept not in Pidgen.
Dem ladyfellas do dem nasty longtime on Ceebeebebbis.
Bollox job is writing BS clickbait headlines for the BBC
… I’m not going to waste my time clicking.
So that’s what a globalist looks like!
Let me guess – preference given to wimmin ..
Irony alert
The BBC website has a review of a book about a ‘new form of snobbery ‘ – it’s not the best crafted piece because it is the BBC . The book ( can’t recall author / title ) posits that there is a new ‘divide ‘ between superior university types and inferiors – like the red wall plebs who dared revolt against their betters by doing things like becoming brexiters .
Anyway – it’s not an earth shaking discovery-but I thought it a bit rich being featured on the BBC – guess they don’t have many mirrors in their HQ ..
It even once had a name, ‘Town and Gown’, the thick-locals versus the smart campus crowd.
For a couple of years now I have picked up on this kind of snobbery. All the ‘I have a degree in media studies abs you just have an NVQ’ type rubbish. It is that attitude which offended the so called ‘red wall’ because Labour are in on it as well.
I also have a problem with these BBC analysts who always seem to pop up to explain a new story in the way that suits them because everyone else is too dumb to think otherwise
The modern Labour MP type is cut off from the working class and doesn’t understand their needs. Although they have indeed become snobs, that is not really the issue. It is their failure to understand that the working class depend on good manufacturing jobs for their livelihood. When manufacturers invest in the third world rather than here, or businesses move their manufacturing processes offshore, who does this hurt? Not the political class, not Labour MPs, not stockholders or investors. It is the ordinary working class guy who has not got a high IQ, has not got a degree, who has got a very limited range of jobs that he can actually do and who has traditionally relied on manufacturing for his livelihood. The political class seem to believe this kind of guy can easily reeducate himself, retrain and adapt himself to the information technology workplace. But huge numbers of people cannot do that.
To be fair, Skelton does mention this and the necessity of bringing manufacturing jobs back to Britain. But his main topic – snobbery – is such a trivial issue compared with what really needs to be done to help our people. So typical of our modern age – the concern with feelings and attitudes overriding everything else.
I noticed that BBC story – glanced through it which took about three seconds – and it looked like a typical BBC anti-Conservative, anti white-traditional-English narrative agenda. Was I mistaken?
There was a reason why there was a big move towards leave in 2016 amongst the working class. The fact that we have lost a lot of our manufacturing jobs due the EU is part of it. The other part of it is that the remaining jobs are handed over to others and not us. Labour did not realise this until it was too late. It is all very well bragging about how you introduced the NHS and how evil Thatcher was for closing the pits but Thatcher was a known Eurosceptic and perhaps in the long term she was no longer seen as the enemy
I thought it was a bit simpler – I thought it was the first and only time the British people had a chance to say they didn’t agree with the country being adversely affected by hoards of foreigners .
We never had the opportunity to discuss immigration because of the instant ‘racist ‘ label so lovingly and enthusiastically applied by the BBC and swamp to this day.
Yes – INCEL – should be treated at terrorism or extremism ! -the BBC got the lefty loon Peter Fahy – a former chief constable ( Blair type ) to say it needs to be treated as terrorism .
What better way to up the ante and encourage more violent crime . Perhaps the plod should set up a unit manned by wimmin to go after incel suspects …
….. how mad are times becoming ? WTF
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by the BBC wanting to ban something .
There is as actually a few subreddits dedicated to trying to bring down incel groups. I am not that active on there but I lurk. Ironically one of these groups targeting make incels are a group of so called feminists who give the impression of being female incels.
No doubt the BBC will skim past that when doing their ‘research’
I rather suspected that was the case and also that they have members employed within the Organisation called the BBC.
Outside of BBC Getty, dfs and Lidl ads, that hairstyle is pretty much the sole preserve of the entire media.
100% of white people experience hair micro-aggressions
… you slaphead.
Remedy: if this upset you, get a haircut.
Just watch this interview with Arizona Senator Karen Fann regarding the Maricopa county audit, and contrast the reality of what she is saying with the lies the media in Britain are pushing because I was shocked when I watched this interview, as it is nothing like what we are being told.
Ah, I opened the video, but I’d already seen it
cos someone had posted it already
It’s dated August 7th
Have either the general issue of corruption at the 2020 Presidential election or the specific one of the Maricopa forensic audit been raised on GBNews yet?
Yes a few times. Last week Sebastian Gorka , an ex Trump WH aid, said that there was mounting evidence from several audits in different states that showed that the election was rigged for Biden His advice to a President Trump was to ensure that the American public were presented with the evidence of election fraud but not to contest the 2020 election result retrospectively as once the evidence was public the mid terms would see large Republican majorities effectively hobbling Biden and then to use the evidence to further destroy the Democrats and their fellow travellers in the MSM and the swamp and walk the 2024 election.
Incels and stabbers only?
And that’s the ‘official’ figure.
There is a theory that this was agreed by our government in order to secure a ‘trade deal’ (HUH) with the EU, i.e. that we would take our ‘quota’ of savages. Sounds plausible.
The Tory Government got elected under the pretext that they would get Brexit Done and control our borders.
Yet our Tory Government does nothing but find every excuse they can not to defend our borders .
Why no shouts of protest coming from all the other Tory MPs?
We are ruled by a government that dictates to us – not listens to us.
They will become the most unpopular Tory Government in the history of the UK.
One for the W1A cubicle gardens?
The aim of the left is to destroy the family, as that is the strongest bond that governs human relations and society. Divorce, abortion, homosexuality, feminism, gender-bending, paedophilia and bestiality are all directed towards that goal. Some of those were legitimate areas in need to reform, but the ‘great causes’ have long since been won and now they are simply promoting degeneracy and destruction in the hope of getting over the finishing line.
Free Speech issues
Dan Bongino had a rant against Gab
The CEO Andrew Torba
CEO, hit back
saying ‘we are a true freespeech network’ beware of the fake ones.’
He also warned about how people hyped Parler as an alternative.. and then it was taken away
“A bait and switch” trick he says
Dan collects a paycheck from Paul Ryan’s Fox News.
The goal of Establishment conservative networks like Fox is to feed conservatives just enough breadcrumbs to string them along and keep them from talking about the real issues in this country.
The exception being Tucker Carlson’s show, which regularly addresses many of these issues and is the number one show on television for that reason.
At the end of Dan’s rant he expressed interest in uniting together against our shared enemies.
I’d be happy to do that if Rumble simply changes their terms of service to remove their ban against “hate speech,” which does not exist.
Until then Gab and others will continue to be the tip of the spear for free speech on the internet and we will absolutely call out those who claim to be something they are not.
Bongino’s rant is at minute 14
#1 He says he is responding to a pile on from Torba’s people
#2 Yes he does talk mean. Like insulting people’s appearance etc.
but that is his way
Overall Bongino talks a lot of sennse.
TOADY Watch #2 – a sinister development
Before 8 a.m., Sarah (it’s Ladies Day at TOADY – Yay!), I think, spoke with a French female journalist about the planned protest this weekend in France against the draconian legislation introduced by President Macron. The French Parliament has been foolish enough to sweep away liberté, égailité et fraternité from the French population with some new legislation that restricts the human rights and equalities of those who are not vaccinated. They will not be allowed to vote next year in the Presidential Election. That may well still bring about the downfall of this new petit Napolean. I certainly hope so, for the sake of France.
You would expect the BBC to be up in arms over this and expressing their contempt for President Macron, à là former President of the USA, Donald Trump. Somewhat ironic that the French nation expressed their appreciation of the liberté, égailité et fraternité of the new nation of the USA that they gave a gift of a hollow statue – Liberty – to the Americans. Now that liberté is looking very hollow indeed in France.
But no. The BBC appear to approve of this Hitler-like move on the part of President Macron. They wheeled on the French journalist who helpfully labelled these demonstrators (this apparently is the fifth weekend of protest) as being, like the Gilet Jaunes, as ‘Far Right’ and only a few in number. That spoke volumes to me. The ignorance of this contributor, for a start. The Gilet Jaunes were mostly, although not entirely, ‘of the Left’ and ‘Socialists or socialists’ and were concerned at President Macron’s attack on their jobs and their rural communities through the imposition of extra Fuel Duties and other taxes.
The other notable element was the willingness of the journalist to quickly describe the demonstratiors as ‘Far Right’ despite the same epithet being even more applicable to President Macron. No challenge from Sarah Smith on either point.
I wonder why? ( … to be continued)
Apparently the police sent him on an ‘anger management course’ and then gave him his gun back.
The efficacy of such courses and classes should be questioned. Common Purpose rely too much on this sort of drivel.
In the c’untry, like where I live, everyone and their nan ‘as a gun… why does that remind me of Hot Fuzz?
Ok, it’s not really true, no one in my family has a gun, but I know a lot of people who do, and they don’t all seem that tightly wrapped to me. On the otherhand, the vast majority seem to manage not to shoot any human beings with them.
You have to sympathise with the police, damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
TOADY Watch #3 – another sinister development
Post 8 a.m. Interview on TOADY conducted by Mishal. It is dealing with the Plymouth tragedy, the mass shooting of people in Plymouth by Jake Davison. Mishal interviewed a lawyer. “Can we tighten our laws to describe this as terrorism?” asked Mishal. She seemed very anxious to do that. So anxious that she asked that question at different point during the interview, three times. Each time the lawyer said, no, existing British law was widely drafted enough with its provisions on terrorism to catch this and other events.
Just ask yourself, why should Mishal and the BBC be so anxious to do that when it is not necessary?
I am wondering why. (… to be continued)
I looked on a couple of internet sites and noticed that a fair number of Mishal’s kind were rather pleased that the killer is white with no connections to Islam.
G.W.F., that is the obvious conclusion to draw from her repeated asking of the same question and lack of attention to the answer that was given on the first occasion. Because of the terror attacks by those following Islam, let’s widen the definition so we are more inclusive.
Local radio 7:15am It’s been the hottest ever July
here’s a report from the BBC’s @MarkLowen
“Here i am at the top of Mount Etna
It’s surprising that people have picked the top of an active volcano as the coolest place right now”
.. They haven’t you nutter, you are caught up in your own clickbait universe.
The height of Etna has always made it cold
It has snow often
First Tourist he spoke to “We booked the tickets half a year ago”
.. So FFS they are NOT coming to escape the heat
video …
The beach footage has him piling on the narrative
whilst the people are playing around perfectly comfortable.
7:46am promo for BBC Young reporters Climate Evangelists
12:35pm “Here I am with the Extinction Rebellion samba band on Cleethorpes beach”
.. At least for once XR were doing something constructive ..getting kids involved in a litter pick.
“women being terrorised by Muslim beliefs and values but it’s a tiny group of ‘right-wing’ [is ‘incel’ ideology ‘right-wing’?] individuals on the web who are the real threat”.
The two things – although there is no such thing as ‘incel ideology’ per se – are closely related. When there is a population imbalance between the sexes, with significantly more males than females, large numbers of men are destined to never marry and have a family. This causes resentment, which can express itself in violence against women, or can be redirected into militarism and extremism, such as Islamism. This phenomenom is well documented, is cross-cultural and observed in many countries, and has been known to psychologists and sociologists for decades.
A disturbing variant on this is developing in Western countries as a result of hyper-immigration. The vast majority of migrants from Africa and the Middle East are young males, frequently from societies where women are held in low esteem. This is increasing the disparity in numbers between men and women, adding to the problem. Despite the propaganda of pop videos and the media, the West is not full of attractive young women just waiting to marry the latest dark-skinned arrivals fresh off the dinghy boats from the Channel. Many of these men are destined to remain as single ‘migrant incels’, using rape and assault to obtain what is not available by conventional means, or cause mayhem by other means.
Well the BBC are demonising white males a lot recently. Are they trying to push white men away from white women? If so is it any surprise that we see a rise in the incel culture?
I will have to catch up with things later when back from work as I am on a BBC detox (and have been for a long time) but I lurk and feel that the latest incident is something the BBC must show some balance towards as it is clear that it would lead to their white guy= bad narrative
Fahy is one of those reliable lefty nutters the BBC go to – allistair campbell is another – alibi brown – make your own list
Its strange that a kidult with mental problems and a shotgun is now opening up a bigger attack on ‘men’
Any impressional young chap hearing or reading of this must really wonder what their future is .
I understand some idiots want ‘mysogeny’ labelled as a ‘hate crime ‘
This means – therefore – that hatred of men must also be a hate crime
Certain BBC presenters /programmes might need to be more careful with their words . …
Fed, I would argue that it is the MSMs mysandry and distortion of our UK society, both led and cheer-led by the BBC, that helped to contribute to Jake Davison’s sad state of mind.
Step back and take a measured look at what the BBC promotes:
Sex – between men and women
You have to be in a relationship, if not you are a failure
Homosexual sex
Gender fluidity
Leaving home, escaping parental influence and oversight
Misandry (or reverse misogyny)
Physical perfection
State control and State dependence
Academic success
High earnings potential
You have to own your own home, if you do not you are a failure
Anti-community and fracturing of society
You may be able to add more to the list.
The BBC should be an impartial reporting organization – it should not be propagandizing for war, which is exactly what it is doing in Afghanistan. It is calling the Taliban re-takeover: a war against women, Joe Biden’s biggest calamity, a war against humanity etc.
The BBC have had a love affair with Joe Biden because he is not Donald Trump, so the fact they are now criticizing him over this reveals that Afghanistan is an issue the BBC deeply care about. However, that is NOT their job. That is NOT why the British have to pay the BBC tax. They should not be demanding the UK bomb the Taliban and their supporters.
The BBC did the same thing in Syria demanding the UK, NATO and the US bomb Assad and his supporters. They even condemned Diane Abbott, an extremely rare phenomenon, because she refused to support the bombing of Syria.
Meanwhile the BBC wants Incels to be treated as terrorists:
headline: Incels: A new terror threat to the UK?
Our BBC is a terror threat.
Sorry BoBotC, I have just duplicated your post below. Life: I can’t keep up. 🙂 Ooops. Hope you are not terrified by a Smiley.
On GB News one of the presenters who is on almost all the time is a strange one.
Pouting Becca Hutson, the cuddly blonde seems to show up on almost all the programmes
She is the poshest person I’ve ever seen. She makes the Queen sound like a Geordie fishwife.
I wonder what her mates think of her being part of a tv channel labelled right wing by all the rest of the msm although she is often the one in the discussion who represents the left wing view.
Question: I only peruse the BBC website. Now when I go to the BBC homepage it first loads up briefly with what looks like something oriented towards world news – but then that “pre-load” disappears and I get a homepage oriented towards the UK and that remains fixed.
I access the BBC website using a laptop. I am wondering whether this pre-load is for a different device (e.g. mobile) or whether it is for an international audience (e.g. BBC world service). Does anyone know what I am talking about and if yes are you able to comment on it to help me understand what this pre-load is. Thanks.
BobotC, how did you save your link. As a bookmark/favourite in your browser? Or as a direct address? Or do you type it afresh into your browser bar each time?
Hi as a web developer I can probably throw a bit of light on that one.
When you open a website in your browser, the site can run background checks to try to discover the origin of the browser internet connection. Subject to your browser security settings this can in cases even isolate the region or even the town you are browsing from.
Of course these silent software background checks take a few seconds to complete after you have initially opened the site hence the sudden switching in content that the website considers more appropriate for your region etc.
I just type in
The preload looks like it is designed for a non UK but English language viewership.
I have long suspected that the BBC propaganda is tailored for the audience, with the BBC pushing for a global audience, with 50 or so different languages. I also suspect the BBC’s anti “traditional English” propaganda is far stronger when directed at non-UK audiences, as well as when using another language.
My two initial thoughts were that it was either device oriented or region oriented. From what Digg’s mentions it seems like regional orientation.
But what region the preload appears as – I can’t be certain. I guess it must be a “default” neutral region – before switching to a specific region based on what it determines from the servers used to access the site. I suppose this neutral region must be “global English language viewership” – does that seem like a reasonable guess?
I just have a bookmark saved and just click on that. It takes me direct to the BBC Home Page without any ‘bounce’ off another page. One thing I do get appearing from time to time now with the BBC web-site is the ‘Are you signed in?’ page. I think the BBC are getting ready to limit internet access to their web-site.
digg, what do you think?
The BBC deliver a different layout and story paste-up (and indeed detail content) depending on visiting browser.
I first noticed this (years ago) on and when connected to a VSAT connection that landed in Florida….
I have since seen the BBC tweaking the content delivered to and known VPN end points in N. America… (vs. friends providing a VPN via their home connections)
I have also seen content delivered in Europe vary surprisingly (between Belgium and The Netherlands)
One small thing that grates is that the UK punters see a “Science and Environment” page when visiting from the UK but as far as I can see the rest of the world sees “Science”. The Trump years saw some quite remarkable diiferences between what was served up to Yanks and what Brits saw domestically ….
TOADY Watch #4 – and now for something completely different or not
I couldn’t believe my ears this morning and let out an involuntary laugh. Guess what?
Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear.
There may be empty shelves in shops this Christmas. Why?
Because of Brexit. Because of the Pandemic. Because of a blocked Suez Canal earlier this year. Because of a shortage of truck drivers. Because of Covid vaccination. The BBC are desperate to create fear in the population. Yet on another hand they tell us that our rabid consumption of goods at any time of year, let alone Christmas, is heating up the planet, creating Global Warming and Climate Change.
The Humph used to complain on TOADY at the end of August that Christmas goods and cards were starting to appear in the shops. He did not realise as a high paid Beeboid and also a wealthy man, that poorer folk like OAPs might have family in Australia & NZ or Latin America or the US & Canada and that the cheapest posting for parcels and cards usually ended at the end of September or early in October.
I think TOADY’s fear projection of today sets a new record for a Christmas related story.
go watch the video I posted a few days ago “Mass Psychosis” which explains exactly why they are doing this. Fear is the medium by which the elite excercise control over the sheeple.
Didn’t work on The Humph. Doesn’t work on me.
TOADY Watch #5 – yet another sinister development and an opportunity seized by the BBC
The BBC do not like the internet but they do. They are sort of schizoid over the Internet and because of the Internet. They make programmes specifically about it. They use it to promote themselves. But they also hate it. It allows competition into their field. Licence free competition. Small resourced competition. They can be beaten to news stories by the likes of Bellingcat. People can talk to each other without moderation by the BBC. They can broadcast without all the BBC’s infrastructure, equipment, personnel and limitation by regulations.
They were no doubt delighted to hear the rumour that the Plymouth gunman was possible a member of an internet ‘InCel’ group: singles who consider themselves InvoluntaryCelibate. That meant that the BBC were able to point the finger at the Internet and say “Whoooh spooky – Far Right – Misogynists (Do only men join InCel groups? What about InCel women?) – it ought to be banned – shut down the Internet. Regulate the Internet.”
Very sinister. Very Far Left. Very BBC.
Ms Spring has ‘analysed’.
Now that Brexit is largely over, the Government needs to get a grip on its officials and civil servants of all ranks. Secret documents are secret for a reason and protocols on their handling must be followed. Civil servants should also realise that they are employed as servants of the elected Government to ensure that their policies are enacted. Those who join the civil service to further their own agendas or the agendas of outside organisations should no longer be tolerated. Nor, for that matter, should civil servants who believe that foreign laws and organisations have an equal claim on their loyalties to that of their own state. They are entitled to follow other interests and loyalties outside of Government.
Two good articles by Ben Habib, Chairman of Brexit Watch and ex Brexit Party MEP.
Dear al beeb,
Some networks actually report the facts. You might try it sometime.
Yours Faithfully
Time to start playing “Cowboys and Illegals”
Can we get al Springster to fact check the following …
Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.Dihydrogen monoxide:
is also known as hydroxl acid, and is the major component of acid rain.contributes to the “greenhouse effect.”may cause severe burns.contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.
Contamination is reaching epidemic proportions!
Quantities of dihydrogen monoxide have been found in almost every stream, lake, and reservoir in America today. But the pollution is global, and the contaminant has even been found in Antarctic ice. DHMO has caused millions of dollars of property damage in the midwest, and recently California.
Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:
as an industrial solvent and nuclear power the production of a fire many forms of cruel animal the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this an additive in certain “junk-foods” and other food products.
Companies dump waste DHMO into rivers and the ocean, and nothing can be done to stop them because this practice is still legal. The impact on wildlife is extreme, and we cannot afford to ignore it any longer!
The American government has refused to ban the production, distribution, or use of this damaging chemical due to its “importance to the economic health of this nation.” In fact, the navy and other military organizations are conducting experiments with DHMO, and designing multi-billion dollar devices to control and utilize it during warfare situations. Hundreds of military research facilities receive tons of it through a highly sophisticated underground distribution network. Many store large quantities for later use.
Ha! 😉
I’ve mentioned before a feminist poster on the wall of a student house I shared several decades ago. It read ‘Women who want to be equal to men lack imagination’..
This week we’ve had the ‘best ever’ GCSE and A level results in which females outperform males by record amounts.
It has received passing comments from LeftMob.
But there are no features.
No indignation.
No equality pressure groups.
No ‘spokespeople’
No special programmes.
No articles.
Isn’t it funny how the BBC can be completely silent on issues when it suits.
Before long, grades will mean nothing. Success at job selections will be based on ability to do the job.
Not a bad thing?
If only – don’t forget who does the recruiting. The dimwit HR harpies.
17:50pm trailer “..21 years after 911, two BBC documentaries are coming”
#BushManBad I suppose
Amongst the “Lord of the Flies” fever sweeping the juvenile mainly lefty MSM over the new enemy terrorists bubbling up within INCEL, a lone, sensible voice and a breath of adult grown-up fresh air from the Spectator.
Oh if there were more rational adult reporters like this the UK would be in a much happier place.
The article is quite short
Key paragraph
That’s a general point
I still resent the way media are trying shoehorn the label “incel attack” onto Davison
just cos a guy said the word once in a video a few weeks ago.
Of course the 20 minutes of killing like this guy should be prevented
but the tens of thousands of hours of rapes by raping gangs should also be prevented
(5,000 + victims … many raped multiple times some hundreds of times )
A good read. Thanks digg.
Our BBC are very fond of news features that are entitled, ‘What We Know About…..’
Just a cover for what our BBC want to tell us in their version of events.
Always fun when elevated to ‘What you need to know’.
Exactly, GW!
Our BBC dictating the news! And there will be no alternative view offered!
Tonight’s TV ..not much as usual
BBC4 has archaeology then coast
Sky Arts on Freeview has a Suggs night
9pm 2 hour Autobiographical standup show
11pm Doco on his band : Madness
Great Movies-Action has WW2 films all night
and PBS has WW2 American stuff
From the BBC webshite reference young male islamic economic chancers on the channel
But Lisa Doyle, director of advocacy and engagement at the Refugee Council, said: “The government must change its approach. Instead of seeking to punish or push away people seeking safety because of the type of journey they have made to the UK, they must create and commit to safe routes.”
She said: “While there is war, persecution and violence, people will be forced to take dangerous journeys to seek safety.
“We are talking about ordinary men, women and children who are forced to flee their home through no fault of their own.”
End quote.
What is taught about Climate Change in our schools? Is it only one-sided, as with our BBC?
My 15 year old son says that Climate Change is real because his school says so. I told him that many scientists don’t support Climate Change. He scoffed and said that there are people who believe the world is flat, but that doesn’t make them right.
I think someone like Lord Farage should look into this.
We’ve seen their predictions fail so often
that they now stick to vague predictions for 50 years times
How many times have R4 had Prof Peter Wadhams on with his “Arctic ice will have all gone by next summer” predictions ?
Eventually he’s shifted to 2029… really doubt that
And then this guy
Stew, on Paul Homewood’s excellent site he debunks the NOAA claim today that July 2021 was the hottest ever month for Planet Earth. I note the map that Paul published, from NOAA, didn’t cover Greenland. Could that be because the great predictions of the Greenland ice cap completely melting and sea levels rising three feet never happened?
It could be ‘a very inconvenient truth’ to measure Greenland’s temperatures, even in summer.
@Dover has your son seen this Farage video ?
Where he points out that in 1989 the UN said we had 10 years left
Then he was at the EU in 2008 and Prince Charles claimed polar ice caps could melt in 7 years time
and EU-droids clapped like seals
Lord Farage should win an award for his broadcasting. But he won’t of course. Brexit anyone?
Hugotalks : two examples of the BBC cutting off callers.–lockdown:8
BTW the BBC use a 1984 type data system
so if you call from the same number again they tend to see a waning note on the computer and cut you off
Anne Marie Waters also picked up on the Jeremy Vine gatecrasher story
Fascinating. Vine in effect admitted that if John from Manchester had not lied about his views of the vaccine he would not have been allowed to speak; that view is censored by the BBC. Vine said that deaths reported on the Yellow Card system cannot be counted as fact because the system is “self-reporting”, and there is no scientific proof associating the deaths with the vaccine.
So: they set up a self-reporting system that can be disregarded, and they fail to investigate the deaths so that they can deny any association with the vaccine.
We are being treated as idiots.
Excellent article by Charles Moore in the DT about China’s frightening power to shut down investigation into its part in Covid-19, with a couple of sideswipes at the BBC’s craven submission to China and the WHO.
A couple of extracts below.
The WHO… said at a press conference that “it was “extremely unlikely” the virus had spread from a lab leak in Wuhan. The BBC, always reluctant to touch the lab-leak theory, took this as all but conclusive. On its website, its health editor wrote that the WHO experts had “closed the lid on a controversial theory that coronavirus came from a lab leak or was made by scientists”.
“So long as Donald Trump was US President, many global bodies and scientific publications had a simple rule: if he took one view, they would take the opposite. Early on, Trump blamed a Wuhan lab leak, so they discounted it.”
(Free log-in might be required)
I have to put my hand up and admit that I am a Volcel.
I’m married!
After watching the News on the BBC.
Do you think it’s to early to call for a Nuclear attack on Afghanistan.
Wipe the place out.
It would destroy a never ending and completely mad Terrorist organisation, stop years of strife and destroy the Heroin trade throughout the entire World.
This would lead to a massive reduction in crime in every Country on the Planet.
The Japanese went from a crazed Military to one of the most law abiding Country there is after two bombs.
Kinell – I wondered after 9/11 whether the Americans discussed it – they’d probably got away with public approval across the world .
It was never worth a spit – yet alone a British life … and I bet the Russians would have approved ….
#1 Afghanistan is a huge country
The Taleban doesn’t even reach some areas
#2 Many say Taleban are funded from Pakistan
#3 Violent Islam is in other places too ..ISIS in Syria, BH in Nigeria etc.
and cells in every Muslim country too I guess
On the R4 phone in plenty of callers live in a fantasyworld
“All we need to do is bring ALL of the vulnerable Afghanis to the UK to protect them”
‘Violent Islam’ is a tautology.
One of the issues about interpreters was the number of taliban spies inserted to allied forces . Leave them there …
#1 Nuclear attack them then Negotiate.
#2 Take the kid gloves off with Pakistan, they’re a third world Country.
#3 There would never have been any Empires if you just gave up. That’s what their aim is, World domination.
A diplomatic word to China. Afghanistan is ripe for communism. Help yourself to Afghanistan Komrads. We won’t interfere.
I have no idea if it was the BBC, or some other news channel, but this morning I suddenly recalled some reporter (in bulletproof vest and helmet) in Afghanistan talking to a local man via a translator (whose probably being horribly tortured as I write this) not too long after the US occupation, when they were ‘winning’ against the Taliban.
Anyway, I remember a local man with a white beard and wizened face, and think he had some goats. The reporter asked what he thought about the US led ‘liberation’.
“Nothing will change” said the local (via the translator)
“Surely this is a big thing for Afghanistan?” said the reporter (who was obviously hoping for a bit more enthusiasm)
“The invaders will realise there is nothing for them here and leave, just like all the others, and the Taliban will come back and it will all be the same again” says the local guy
How they must laugh at us fools.
The very least we should do is stop importing this hostile religion into our country, and set about reversing the importing that has already happened. Some hopes!
Islam is literally intolerable, and we ought to give up the attempt.
Please remember, in our naivity/stupidity we are allowing the import of people who just MAY have perfectly valid reasons to wish our demise. The stupidity of the Middle East wars can never be understated nor can those wars ever be justified as being in the national interest of either th US or the UK.
Bush and Blair were and are the enemies of the Western way of life.
Operation Glass Plate
K, we need heroin from Afghanistan. It’s required to make medical morphine. There was a world shortage a while back because of the requirements for the military – all servicemen & women carry an Epi-pen or two of it – and there is a limit to how much can be grown in the Beqaa valley, both the Lebanon and the Syrian bits of which have been a little unstable recently.
Speccie reviews BBC2’s The Watch
But even for those of us who don’t know our Pratchett so well, The Watch is an obvious mess: clumsy in its storytelling and tonally all over the place,
with an uneasy mix of solemnity and mostly feeble jokes.
Above all, Richard Dormer’s central performance is an eye-popping, eyebrow-wiggling, head-swivelling, neck-stretching display of hamminess rarely seen on screen since the days of James Finlayson in Laurel and Hardy.
8pm BBC4 trailer “Our Planet now : solutions for the planet”
Coast starts “I’m Adrian Chiles”
Adrian who??
A few short weeks ago, the imbecile in the White House (which one, you might ask?) was berating journalists for asking if he trusted the Taliban and whether the Afghan army could stand up to them. He angrily replied how great the army was and how puny the Taliban were.
His words have come back to bite him. Had it been Trump, the Biden Broadcasting Corporation would be playing that press conference on a loop, juxtaposing it with images of Taliban atrocities. Instead, Biden gets hardly a mention in their reports, and little to no criticism.
What more can one expect from our glorious Brainwashing Broadcasting from China racketeers?
I’m sure Kooper, the new White House intern, will sort out the Taliban, (if she isn’t doing her nails).
This what the BBC say today after they reveal the Taliban control every city except Kabul:
‘President Joe Biden has defended his decision to escalate the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, saying he could not justify an “endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict”.’
No mention in any of these articles about what President Joe told the world and has shown he doesn’t have the first clue about what is going on. Nor any mention of the truly terrible things the Taliban terrorists are doing to anyone who sided with the West.
Truly pathetic. I often wonder if the Lefties at the BBC know they are outrageous hypocrites and don’t care or they are so consumed with ideology and hatred of the Right that it never occurs to them : the ends justify the means.
The BBC say lots of stuff.
“It’s a really promising technique which could be game-changing for keeping schools open, with regards to Covid.”
Covid: Air purifier and UV light pilot to combat school virus spread
Coronavirus: Trump’s disinfectant and sunlight claims fact-checked
By Reality Check team
BBC News
Sopes and Marianna reanalysing?
I heard the other night that it was Saint Barry Obama who started all this discussion with Afghanistan, then it was handled efficiently by President Trump, then cocked up just recently by a mr buyden from 13, Acacia Gardens.
So, President Trump gets ‘the blame’, and the old bloke who took over, well, said he did – gets the ‘praise’, but when he realised what he’d done, he gets the blame – but not from the BBC of course!
And don’t forget the dirtiest scam of them all:
Delay the vaccine announcement until the week after the election then give all the credit for it to a smiling Biden.
Not forgetting how Trump was criticised for saying the vaccine would be available by the end of the year – which it was.
It’s all so absolutely outrageous, I still can’t quite believe the takeover of the media by the Left has happened so completely and they are allowed to get away with it. It’s the stuff of revolutions and civil war.