Nothing happens in August . The swamp goes on holiday . The BBC leaves the kids in charge . But then there was Afghanistan. Will the BBC question the decision of the American ‘President ‘to pull The West out in the run up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11? You probably know the answer .Biden has held office for 207 days .
Start the week 16 August 2021
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Afghanistan. How many British soldiers lost their lives and limbs there? And why?
The BBC/Left/Common Purpose gave them no choice but to accept Afghan soldiers to fight alongside them. This sapped morale and resulted in more British deaths when these traitors turned their guns on them.
As ever, our soldiers fought with one hand tied behind their backs, and used their feet to find land mines whilst on patrol.
The war was a failure thanks to politicians and their pandering to the likes of our BBC.
I hope that Russia now gets involved. They have learned from their failed invasion in the late 80’s and won’t put boots on the ground, but will bomb them to oblivion, just as they did with ISIS.
I believe that it is China that is going to influence Afghanistan, one way or other. Afghanistan has rare earth minerals which China needs to continue its dominance of chip manufacture – which means global dominance in all aspects.
“One way or other” is a technique which China has experience. Controlling large populations or making them “go away”, is the “other” that China has experience of. I’m sure Afghans are well aware of fate of their Uighir cousins in China.
This ofcourse will lead to confrontation with Russia and India. Afghans dont know they had it good with America. They will learn in Chinese re-education camps.
Indeed NCBBC one might ask where the Taliban were getting their guns and equipment, quite obvious really that China would be supplying, in view of what you have informed.
No doubt China will try to move in on the minerals in Afghanistan. But highly unlikely they’ll ‘do a Uighur’. For one thing, whatever you think of them, the Taliban are fierce fighters and wouldn’t go down quietly, especially now that they’ve got all those shiny new American weapons.
Much more likely the Chinese will do what they’ve done in Africa and other parts of the world: use their vast wealth to get what they want.
These same Islamic traitors will be demanding visas for themselves and their huge families.
We will the re-start the Jihad in Britain once more. More bombs and bullets, more excuses of radicalisation on the Internet, mental health issues etal. But never the real cause of the failure of Afghans in Afghanistan or Pakistanis in Pakistan. If failure it is. In their eyes, they wage Jihad as a doctrinal and holy cause. So its not failure.
But we will never learn, till the last church is bombed. And not even then.
Berlin wants to take in refugees from Afghanistan
The state of Berlin is ready to accept refugees.
For this, decisions are urgently needed at the federal level, says Interior Senator Andreas Geisel.
Yup, Germany is thinking of taking millions of Afghans and millions who will become Afghans for the the purpose.
Its not Covid but simple idiocy that is going to destroy the West.
Those Afghans fleeing should be turning to their other co-religionists such Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey-if we allow any more to trample over the UK let alone Europe, we shall be putting ourselves fully into the mouth of Islam-many many millions of those Islamists are filling Euoprean countries including the UK-It beggers belief that those now in the Cabinet office let alone the MP’s don’t see what is going to happen and is happening right in front of their noses-the ideology of Islam will overrun this nation not within 20 years, NO much much sooner than that at its present rate of invasion.
We will be overtaken by Muslims far far sooner than climate change.
Afghans are just ordinary Muslims lying to the Kuffars while taking his money and betraying him to Jihadis. It is standard Jihad. Two decades after 9/11 we still dont get it.
By their own tenets, Afghans are honest.
Oh dear. No matter how many times I say it people simply refuse to even contemplate the possibility our poorly paid politicians are corrupt and carry one wondering and blaming the wrong people.
The Afghan invasion was started by BLiar and Bush both of whom have been well rewarded by their Saudi puppet masters.
It was done to cover up the Saudi involvement in 9/11 and to eliminate a threat to the Saudi Royal family in Osmama Bin Laden.
Both the BLiar and the Bush family were well rewarded with sums of up to £200 million for their ‘trouble’.
This is why todays fake Tories call Tony Bliar “The Master” not because they endorse his policies but because they look with envious eyes on the money he made, and don’t think for an instant that someone as sleazy as Cameron or the bottler wouldn’t sell us down the river in a heartbeat for personal gain!
Sad to say but you are absolutely correct Thoughful. The beneficiaries of the totalitarian behaviour we are now experiencing is for foreign Muslims, and the vitims are both democracy and the native British-Needless to say this is a very serious situation, our democracy was not handed to us on a plate tombs of soldiers who gave their lives for our democractic rights-and these rights are now being stripped away by the very people who have been entrusted with our democracy.
It appears that the BBC have entirely convinced many of you that some action and intervention is necessary in Afghanistan. The Taliban took back control of Afghanistan with hardly any opposition and peaceably because the majority in the propped up Western Afghan government were favorable to the Taliban. However the picture presented by the BBC is: A War Against Humanity, A War Against Women … Now we have a lot of Brits demanding that something must be done. Yet, Western & European interference and intervention in Afghanistan has been going on for several hundred years.
Hence those Victorian streets: Khyber Road, Candahar Road…
And that last chapter of Stalky & Co..
Biden has 1200 days to go then ….
Place your bets
In their main news bulletin, Al-beeb ask the question: who are the Taliban?
Apparently they were “young men from Pakistan’s madrasas, or religious schools”.
Religious schools, eh? Would that be Catholic religious schools, or Quakers?
Poor old beeb, they just can’t bring themselves to say the word Islamic in relation to murderers, terrorists and extremists.
That could be a problem for them in future, as this new bunch of savages want to be called the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Will the beeb come up with new euphemisms as they did for ISIS? E.g, the ‘so-called Islamic Emirate’, or perhaps the IEOA.?
What’s the BBC’s carbon footprint?
If their salaries are anything to go by, BBC’s carbon footprint is atleast ten times larger then the average citizen forced to pay for the privilege of not watching BBC BS.
Google always tells me that they’ve been ‘carbon neutral’ since 2007.
Presumably they use a lot of copper in their it their kit then, not iron…
In my post above , the full carbon footprint, as in how many people watch TV , using electricity.
Then the rare earths to make new modern plasma and other TV s .
Then the disposal of defunct televisions.
And to continue, if the BBC had not progressed with the development of radio and TV :
Would people have read more , from local libraries etc ?
Saving electricity, plastics and other resources?
And the disposal of ?
GB News interviewing John Grant from Sheffield Hallam about green issues. Never have I heard such nonsense from somebody repeat things that obviously he didn’t understand. I wondered what his qualifications were and googled. I only got to line 3 of his academic web page when I found a glaring error.
The guy is on ITV local Calendar all the time as their go to Climate expert
..The other week he made a statement that in terms of powering homes the UK would soon be 100% there on windpower
Now the thing is that is a PR trick , you actually need about 4 times more than that to power the UK cos most electricity demand is in factories, government offices etc.
So I simply asked him to state the UK demand in terms of millions of homes
he waffled and then ran away.
senior lecturer in Sustainable Construction and Climate Change at Sheffield Hallam..
Much of university courses are full of non-subjects as above.
“senior lecturer in Sustainable Construction”
Then he’ll know that buildings like W1AA will never, ever, pay pack their carbon wastage.
Or maybe he doesn’t…
Weirdly I do not regard the results of the US withdrawal as a failure.
It reveals a gutless and spineless local population who either support the Taliban or are not prepared to fight for the kind of country they want, and certainly not to protect the rights of women. They don’t deserve our support and are certainly not worth the lives of our soldiers.
One wonders why the LeftMob wimmin’s pressure groups are not holding vigils or marching in the streets. The silence is deafening.
And my advice to Russia and China is…you are well out of it. But I suspect China might have a dabble.
Meanwhile get ready for more terrorist attacks in the west by adherents of a medieval religion of peace. Which the BBC and LeftMob will of course do all they can to avoid labelling as such.
China has a way of making recalcitrant populations go away or re-educate themselves.
“Biden backlash grows”
“Mr Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump accused him of “weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence”
Trump for president .
Over to you maxiincony…………..
Much as the BBC would like to muddle the facts and muddy the waters, the opinion of many is that the policy of withdrawal was right (or at least inevitable) but the implementation was catastrophic.
In other words, Trump right, Biden wrong. Catastrophically wrong.
“Trump right…” Are not even the BBC beginning to discern a pattern here?
The election fraud in America is leading to serious disorder there, and upheaval in the West.
This election fraud or no fraud, has to be addressed asap in an honest manner or it will destroy the USA, and us along with it.
Countryfile tonight, I learned from Tom Heap that 1 in 7 animal species in the U.K. is at risk due to climate change. Insects are not flora or mineral, ie they fit into the fauna category. I don’t suppose scientists even know how many species of insects there are in the U.K., so how they know that 1 in 7 is at risk due to CC is beyond me. Tom said the U.K. temperatures had gone up 1 degree since sometime. Domestic cats can live in the south of England or north of Scotland, cows the same. Most species of animals are not so temperature sensitive. However, the BBC never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
As I said earlier the 1in 7 stat come from NGOs State Of UK Stature 2019 report
It is obviously flaky. but don’t have a debunk to link to.
typo : State Of UK Nature 2019 report
A mistake is self-corrected immediately.
Therefore obviously NOT the BBC.
Whose response would more likely be at least one of
1. Sweep under carpet and hope no-one notices
2. Defend in the courts
3. Reluctantly accept an error citing some complex, convoluted technical issue.
4. Drag their heels in denial then hold an enquiry months or years later, concluding that ‘lessons have been learned and those who made the error are no longer in the same job’.
To be fair, about the same as the civil service, local government, national government etc.
The correct quote should be U.K. temperatures had gone up 1 degree “since records were taken”. That is the way these fraudsters operate.
Climate Change study is a fraud. It should involve Thermodynamics, Radiation, diffusion, ocean heat exchange etc, at a serious mathematical level. None of the so-called Climate scientists are anywhere near.
John Grant is an environmentalist. Many of them call themselves Climate scientists. Hardly any are. Prof Lindzen is one genuine climate researcher.
I hate to call anyone an expert, including Prof Lindzen, in a discipline larger then all of Physics.
On the matter of insects. Some twenty years back, driving on motorways led to a splatter of insects on the windscreen. No longer. Where have the insects gone. What killed them. It cant be AGW, as that process is slow – slow as in centuries at least. Besides AGW should give rise to more insects.
They’re all in my garden eating the beans, PSB and my foot when I go out in sandals…
To be fair isn’t this one as simple as car aerodynamic air flow and raked windscreens?
You haven’t seen my sandals, Sluffy!
I sometimes wear them with socks and pretend to be a LibDem…
@NCBBC, “insect armageddon is not supported by the data”
AFAIK it’s an illusion caused by the way cars are more aerodynamic and that there are more of them to divide up the insects.
German researchers picked a particular Berlin Park to do their insect count, and got a low number
that doesn’t mean the numbers fell all around the world.
Some man made things do decrease or increase local insects.
NCBBC, plenty in my garden and house, too, keeping the spiders fed, especially fruit flies, slugs and snails. One thing I have noticed is that the great green crickets and grasshoppers are absent this year and are outdone or replaced, by a large multiple, by short stubby brown crickets or grasshoppers.
There has definitely been a decline in the population of many once common species (including some insects) in my local area since I was a kid (last 30-40 years).
However, the most obvious cause has been the massive increase in built up area, with what were formerly small towns doubling, trebling, even quadrupling in population, and sprawling across the landscape.
What has been built over are the old water meadows (boggy land with lots of seasonal standing water), commonland (rough grazing meadows with rare plants), and ‘brownfield’ sites – usually long derelict and overgrown ruins of: ‘rail works’, ‘tanneries’, ‘water mills’, Georgian era ‘iron works’ and the like. All of which were mixed habitats and home to some of our rarer species of amphibians, bats, moths, butterflies, rodents, birds, orchids etc… . In contrast, the intensely farmed agricultural land, which has not generally been built over, is pretty much a ‘sterile’ monoculture thanks to modern intensive farming methods, so no good for the majority of wild species and totally devoid of them.
The local waterways, including a number of chalk streams which were pristine 30 years ago, have really suffered as a result, and as a result of increased water extraction, and sewage load, and this has led to a further decline in species and species richness, including the insect larvae (mayflies) that once inhabited them and the fish that fed on them.
Compared to this destruction of habitat on a massive (and unprecedented) scale, any difference in temperature of less than 1oC is utterly insignificant (much greater differences in temperature occur year on year anyway).
Which begs the questions (never answered) where are all these people coming from, and why? (I know the answer to both these questions, but the MSM seem rather shy about it). It can’t all be explained away as ‘townie ignorance’, seems rather more ‘wishful thinking’ and deliberately trying to ‘shift the blame’ to me.
‘Global warming’ may, or may not be a threat (I’m not a climatologist), but there are real and pressing issues which have done much more obvious and immediate harm… and are completely brushed under the carpet, no worse, dare mention them and you’re branded an ‘ist’ of some kind and ‘far right bigot’!
Excellent comment. More good sense than in a hundred episodes of Countryfile.
We have 9000 kinds of wasp, so a few of those could be spared.
“Huw Edwards considering his future at BBC News at Ten”
Will he join GB News?
That would certainly balance the ones with minds of their own.
– There is a real world
– There is a false world of narratives people often get wrapped up in
– Media often sneer at these people … yet they themselves mostly do the same thing.
Saturday’s Time’s report is of the same disinformation standard you’d expect in the BBC or Guardian
Similar to the normal way you’d expect an article to be be flanked by advertising for petfood etc. The Plymouth article is flanked by adverts for the Campaign For Countering Digital Hate a front group that does exactly the opposite as it says on the tin
What I’m calling adverts seem to be comment pieces written CFCDH cos it’s full of quotes from
Seems to me that there office whiteboard had written on in a campaign plan for the next time a non-Muslim did a mass attack
and on Thursday night after the Plymouth shootings they swung that plan into action
hoping to weaponise the event, in order to push their own agenda.
The comment pieces did things like
calling Count Dankula an Alt-Right person, which he certainly isn’t
calling Rebel News a ‘well known disinformation channel’
.. again a complete smear It’s rooted in the newspaper world so can sometimes use clickbait titles, but generally it’s standard is far better than MSM
.. it doesn’t rig stories etc.
I wish I could give the reference but I heard some one in a position to know say they (it may have been the police) had been told to find instances of “far right” misbehaviour. He got the impression that the intention was to balance the news, and justify anti-terrorism methods evenhandedly against “both” “sides”. He said there was a great shortage of far right material to work with, to balance Antifa, Socialist Workers, BLM, moslems, etc., etc.. It would be helpful if Lockdown protesters would exhibit definitely far right credentials by engaging in violence, which alas, despite provocation by police in baseball caps, they show little inclination to to.
4 people injured in a shooting in Camden Town. No description of the shooters is given, which usually means one thing on planet beeb.
That article is a classic BBC ‘basic facts only’ piece.
Always a sign they know who did it.
Five men OPEN FIRE at communal BBQ in Clarence Gardens
Some of the victims hit during the attack in Camden last night include a 73-year-old woman, a 19-year-old woman, a 17-year-old girl and a 28-year-old man.
Camden shooting: Out-of-control party reported hours before gunfire
Tweeter “Many residents complained to @metpoliceuk and @CamdenCouncil ALL DAY about this event and our concerns about rising tensions however we were IGNORED.”
As ever@CrimeLdn has info
As hear it – it’s worse than that – Biden’s people have reneged on agreements with the Taliban …..
I heard that President Trump’s negotiations were actually started by Obama, and The Donald tried to bring some sort of normality to hie predecessors failures.
I actually heard this on the BBC R5Dead, from a soldier who really did know his stuff, but that was broadcast late at night, when the BBC hide stuff they don’t want most people to hear, or they just make it a podcast, so even fewer will.
Obama’s indecisiveness is the culprit, and now mr buydon, of 13, Acacia Gardens.
The coverage of Afghanistan by the BBC is nothing short of scandalous. They are absolutely hiding the truth of what the Taliban are doing. It’s almost painful to read the articles where they have to report certain unpleasant facts but try to temper them in the readers mind with favourable points for the Taliban.
This is the opening line for their big article today:
‘The Taliban are on the brink of victory in Afghanistan, after their fighters entered the capital Kabul and seized the presidential palace.’
I almost cheered until I remembered the torture and murder they are doing along the way.
And what descriptions of the horror being inflicted did the BBC choose to describe ?. People going to the airport.
‘One 22-year-old student told the BBC that he had walked for more than five hours.
“My feet hurt, they have blisters and I’m finding it difficult to stand,” he said.’
And a picture of ‘large queues forming at banks’.
There will be slaughter on a massive scale and the BBC will hide it in a bullet point because they are playing their own politics. They don’t care how many people are tortured and killed. Some student with blisters is better for their agenda.
But their biggest lie of all is how they are protecting Biden. He has humiliated himself and the USA with his statements. Why would anyone believe a single word he says now ?.
Monsters behind masks. My new summary of the BBC and the Left.
I doubt the BBC knows what is going on . The MSM has been caught on the hop by the speed of the collapse of the Afghan regime. We have no idea how the Taliban will behave really. They will settle scores presumably but they have nothing to gain from outright murder. I expect China is busy doing a deal for the minerals and they do not like chaos. We are out though and have achieved nothing as was clear to many of us at the start of all this.
The history of the place should have been a warning.
The BBC know full well the Taliban are murdering people who worked with the Americans. Just search for ‘Taliban murder’.
Here’s just one.
The point for this forum is that if you search for ‘Taliban murder BBC’, none of them are covered. The BBC appear to be on a damage limitation exercise. They seem to be trying to prevent anti-Islam sentiment and also to protect Biden from the absolute disaster taking place on his watch. They are quite willing to misrepresent or omit very relevant information if it doesn’t fit.
The problem here is that the BBC arrogance is so ingrained, they think they are global arbiters of right and wrong and it’s OK for them to ‘adjust’ the news accordingly. The agenda is more important than truth. And history has shown us where the Left eventually take us with that one many times.
If they were voluntarily funded by their readers, they would be reduced to begging like The Guardian. But they aren’t and that’s the problem.
Hooray – GB News are highlighting Bidens stunning incompetence over his predictions for the Taliban.
I’ve been wondering how long it would take. Will the BBC ever cover it ?.
Sopel seems to be working desperately hard to avoid the logical condemnation of the false president – his silence – the silence of his supporters – so let me do it for him
They have an absent false president who is ‘absent minded ‘ .
They even have a Secretary of State called ‘blinken’ as in ‘blink and the Americans are gone ‘ – a laughing stock .
They’ll want it all forgotten by the 9/11 anniversary.
Afghanistan: Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen calls the BBC – interview in full
A few pre-arranged questions followed by a lengthy Taliban propaganda response to discredit the story.
Here’s an example of the difficult questions:
BBC: Will women be allowed to leave their homes alone.
Taliban: Sure
BBC: We have stories from women that they got beaten by Taliban religious police if they didn’t have a male family member with them.
Taliban: No, no no. That was not the case and it will not be the case.
The BBC will be rewarded for their loyalty with lots of exclusives like this. The Islamic terrorists, sorry, militants, have an international soapbox and it’s the BBC. No surprise there at all.
Are we seeing the sacrifice of Biden by the Democrats in order to replace him? With someone new? Someone female?
A nightmare….
Could be their chance to do it : it will be far less embarassing then removing him because of his dementia which can’t be far away now. Then they will never have to admit it.
I wonder how the BBC will spin that one.
It’s now the ‘Biden-Harris Administration’.
You know, I can imagine installing Harris as President might be a pick-axe too far in this real-life game of buckaroo.
Seems Jez is sticking with the bbc ancient history approach.
India’s dancing cop becomes internet star
Is this really front-page headline news ?.
It’s not even funny : more embarassing than anything. I’ll assume it just ‘went viral’ in India.
And of course it has the family-heartstrings tugging part to make us love them over there and, by association, over here too. Which is probably the whole motivation for running the story.
Dr Fauci opines….
Skipped the lead on the Moaning Emole for obvious reasons.
But of course they have a question in a crucial area of news.
Would you let a robot lawyer defend you?
Could your next lawyer be a robot? It sounds far-fetched, but artificial intelligence software systems – computer programs that can update and “think” by themselves – are increasingly being used by the legal community. Joshua Browder describes his app DoNotPay as “the world’s first robot lawyer”.
It helps users draft legal letters. You tell its chatbot what your problem is, such as appealing against a parking fine, and it will suggest what it thinks is the best legal language to use. “People can type in their side of an argument using their own words, and software with a machine learning model matches that with a legally correct way of saying it,” he says.
Read full article >
Padraig Belton
BBC Business reporter
One could use it for exchanges with BBC Complaints.
As it would speak their language.
Same end result though.
Hence also pointless.
The BBC Afgee correspondent legged it out of the country to Pakistan yesterday – so if you want to know what’s going on with the nice taliban look elsewhere …..
….the BBC must be desperate to kill off attention to Afgee because their false president is wholly responsible .
I said months ago that the enemies of America would ‘test ‘the false president . It turns out they have no need to – this was self harm .
Now the focus will turn to the complete waste of lives money and effort of having the British military involved at all . And Tony Blair will remain silent …..
I’m also guessing that the numbers of UK passport holders who have gone to the Pakistan border for the jihad holiday will not be disclosed …. ‘Community relations ‘…
‘Comp kid’.
I see that the Parachute Regiment has deployed to Kabul.
This may not end well.
Ace strategy. She’s probably booked a room at the palace already. A few hunks there.
What do they look like-people from Biblical times-haven’t changed for 14 hundred years-but unfortunately now have modern guns whith which to kill. Let them invade, but goodness let us keep out of it.
Looks like the Taliban are joining the BLM organization as
media partners of the BBC. Expect questions from the BBC to
the Taliban . ” Will you allow
girls to attend medical college?”
” Of course we will even teach them how to amputate their own
limbs after giving them 100 lashings. It’s all in Sharia law. Don’t you
do this in the UK?” ” Thank you for the interview, I will pass on your
greetings to our diversity department at the BBC.”
The real tragedy is Harry having to get his people to cancel that leg of the book tour.
Parliament recalled for Wednesday re Afghanistan.
Jacinda Ardern has called for the Taliban to respect human rights.
That should stop the Taliban in their tracks…
Wait… all is saved…
Ed wants in.
BBC News
“I am broken. I am not sure if I will ever be able to work or do everything I wanted to do.”
Afghan women like Zeb Hanifa (not her real name), who worked as a PR consultant and writer, fear for their future under Taliban rule.
Given BBC #prasnews thus far, she should be quids in.
Maybe it’s a diversity thing?
BBC News
There are reports of civilians being injured on the tarmac at Hamid Karzai international airport, as tens of thousands of people try to fly out of the country.
Live updates here:
Injured by… ‘Trump supporters’?
Guns and poses
The formerly patriotic Times and the reflexively anti-western Guardian this morning share frontpage pics taken from the same Taliban PR photoshoot. The militants (yes, the Gruan always preferred that term to terrorists, whilst the Times calls them fighters) pose somewhat self-consciously in their tribal garb reverting very much to the stereotype of brandishing their AK-47s and RPGs on the back of a technical.
A tabloid sub-editor of a past era might have captioned such pics “The return of the brutal beardy-wierdies”
Those were different times. The Times goes with: ‘Triumphant Taliban take Kabul as president flees’
The Guardian has a top trumps crib list of favoured groups measuring yard stick by which all news is calibrated. On the basis that muslims are ok with the return of the Taliban regime to rule in Afghanistan the Gruan prefers to worry next on behalf of women: ‘The fall of Kabul. End to freedom. “All around are fearful faces of women“‘
One wonders what precisely the Guardian suggest we do about that?
The Daily Express does what papers do when in doubt – it launches a campaign: ‘Memorial of thanks to NHS covid heroes. Join our campaign‘
How about we find a nice big tree in every park in the land and decorate it with discarded face masks? Oh, someone already did that?
We seem to live in an age of empty gesture memorialisation. The idea of an NHS memorial is for the birds – to crap on probably. Those of us not too impressed with the performance of the NHS will scoff whilst NHS staff themselves will say thanks but give us a payrise.
‘Social media vetting for gun licence applicants‘ – says the Times.
One wonders what exactly will be judged the cut off point where you’ve posted too much hate to get a licence? White supremacy – (whatever that is?) will obviously prevent you from buying a handgun. Objections to radical feminism or calling for curbs to immigration on a BBC comments page, that I would guess, might scupper your chances of ever joining the shooting set with your own twelve-bore. Regular posting on Biased BBC – what do we reckon? A ban on possession of one of those battery-operated fly squishers?
As the manhood of the nation gives up the very last of its weaponry one begins to perhaps understand the press with their sneaking admiration for those armed-to-the-teeth Taliban chaps as a sort of compensatory wish.
Lily Allen headed out with a bbc unit yet?
I’ve read newspaper several articles on Afghanistan over the weekend and amongst the hand wringing and wailing there is any amount of analysis as to why it has all gone so badly wrong so quickly. But there is never any mention that the Muslim population of the country prefer the fundamentalist rule of their religion to a western life style and values. That is their choice and provided they keep to themselves and own borders I have no issue with it. Of course I have zero confidence that they will mind their own business, Islam doesn’t do that , it’s a religion of conquest. The taliban and other fundamentalist now have many billions of dollars worth of brand new weapons to play with.
In the articles and comments there are several questions about the role of Pakistan in the last twenty years and suggestions that perhaps sanctions ought to be applied to that benighted country. It’s as thought those calling for sanctions don’t realise that in the UK there are several million people of Pakistani origin who wouldn’t be very keen with that and would probably cut off some heads in protest.
The importation of millions of Muslims into the UK has meant that taking action , whether justified or not, against this fundamentalist Islamic country is no longer a practical option. Indeed taking action against any Islamic country is now risking provoking extreme terror in the UK. The dumb liberals who caused the importation in the first place simply don’t yet grasp the blindingly obvious fact that we have an alien presence growing inside our country which will eventually consume all of us including them. I’m afraid we are going to reap what the liberals have sown.
It was disturbingly ignorant of politicians to believe that Afghanistan wanted Democracy – never in a thousand years or more.
The same mistake was made with Iraq.
Islam is their political and religious leader. It always will be.
Prepare for the standard comment …………..
“lessons to be learned”.
Those pests are far more likely to leave us alone if we do the same to them. It is like poking a wasps’ nest.
TUi have a money back guarantee though.
On holiday? Club 18-30? Bet he’s not a Tory voter.
Is this guy insane? Who the hell would even consider a holiday there. It is hell.
Not all that long ago celebrities were buying houses in Kabul.
Please, a bit of respect: this young man is known as Lord Miles. A slightly wider perspective of this character can be found here. Mind you, his antics are slightly more responsible than those of the American and British governments.
Leg day.
Hand day tomorrow.
Then, a quick catch up with the fam…. fans…
Listening to that extract Guest, our BBC woman introduced the male Taliban leader as a ‘spokesperson’.
What a woke reflex she has. And how inappropriate!
Not the BBC
MPs are – apparently – being encouraged to attend the commons in person on Wednesday . Presumably – then – plenty will be jetting back from across the planet to make fun of nut nut and the absent Raab .
But what of covid tests and quarantine ?
Got this one via Springster, clearly receiving the kosher intel minute by minute at her command centre.
And still the media is incapable of stating the overarching motivation which drives the Taleban, much less the FACT the Pakistani government and military have assisted them against allied forces, and that it is financed by Middle Eastern Oil money.
The Taliban leaders will be arriving shortly from (their well appointed villas) in ummm… Qatar….
– well, as soon as it’s safe to fly … apparently….
These Talibans may have modern armaments provided by the Chinese, may infuse in their retoric some semblance of sympathy, but quickly discard any such thougths these people are extreme followers of the teachings of Islam, they live with and in a time of 14 centuries ago, they will never change this attitude to how they see the world of Islam. This has to be clearly understood otherwise, as one person I know who has lived in Suadi Arabia for some years, the West will continue to be persauded away from the main aim of the Muslims –to bring Europe/UK under the ideology of Islam, make no mistake. Even the BBC can recognise that-well maybe the can’t.
Bbc It’s called Taqiya, lying for the faith. It’s religiously sanctioned and they’ve had 14 centuries of practice.
They’re getting damn good at it.
Sorry, typo above: Bbc.
I’m waiting for a BBC report criticising the lack of Covid compliance in Kabul. But, the Taliban did promise..
Rest assured, Dover, BBC’s sister network, CNN, are already on the case:
TOADY Watch – #1 – A Wilful State of Denial Part 1
Only started listening at 7 a.m. this morning so it may have been running since the programme started. It was most striking during Thought for the Day by the Bishop of Manchester, Rev. David Walker. He felt he needed to equate Islam and the Taliban with Incels. He stated that he has overturned or added to centuries of tradition during a wedding ceremony in that after the father of the bride has put his daughter’s hand in that of the Groom the Bishop gets the Best Man to put the hand of the Groom into the hand of the Bride-to-be.
It is true that entering into a marriage contract has to be done willingly and freely and the Law of the UK enforces that. It is therefore technically true that in marriage the Bride and Groom give themselves to each other. But to try to equate that with ‘ending Patriarchy’ is a demonstration of fascistic feminism and is, sadly in my view, one of the causes of the horrendous mass shootings in Plymouth last week.
David Walker who isn’t reverend at all, and isn’t even Christian is an extreme hard line Leftist hypocrit of the Corbyn school.
When he stood up and crowed his support for bogus asylum seekers, people called him out on it, and told him to house at least some of them in his palace. Oh no said David Walker earnestly I think the language and social barriers would be too great for my family.
So basically he wants to dump the results of his hand wringing on other people to suffer the things he himself is not prepared for his family to have to experience.
Thoughtful, you make a good point. I was mind-boggled at his TftD. The juxtaposition with Islam & Taliban taking over Afghanistan and the obvious hatred in the Bishop’s mind of ‘The Patriarchy’ – and the desire to undo and add a bit to the traditional ceremony – which most of the congregation will not notice or understand unless the Bishop explains it to them is just … just … oops … words have failed me.
Up2snuff I don’t understand that bit
“after #1 the father of the bride has put his daughter’s hand in that of the Groom
#2 the Bishop gets the Best Man to put the hand of the Groom into the hand of the Bride-to-be”
Surely after part #1 the bride and groom are already holding hands
Or is that they are facing each other and the father join the couples hands at one side
and then the Best Man joins the hands at the other side ?
TOADY Watch – #2 – A Wilful State of Denial Part 2
Ben Wallace MP, SoS for Defence, was the big interviewee this morning. Prior to his interview the BBC brought on Lyse Doucet, Chief International Correspondent, and the poor old dear sounded a bit demented. It must be hard for her having her own Wilful State of Denial destroyed in just a couple of weeks and be cut off from people that she knows in Afghanistan that she might not ever see again. Needless to say, Lyse hints that the UK ought to bring thousands of Afghans to live in the UK, ignorant of the fact that the flexible loyalty of Afghans would endanger British lives in future.
Ben Wallace was on a telephone line to the interview with Justin. I thought it made him sound, like Gen. Sir Nick Carter last week, very Tony Blair-like. Maybe it is just me, haunted by the sound of Blair’s voice from the disasters of 1997 to 2010 and beyond. Ben Wallace indicated the quality of intellect required to be a Secretary of State is not very high these days. He started by answering a question about the speed of collapse by making a bizarre statement “Everyone knows a river flows quickest at the end.”
Er, no, Ben. That is complete rubbish. You should stop using that as a simile.
Broadly speaking, no we didn’t waste lives and billions of £s in Afghanistan. We are much safer as a result. Talk about Gullibles Travels, that seemed to me to be one dim Cabinet Minister.
StewGee, David Walker – yes, another Lefty Trendy Bishop (does he wear sandals at a wedding?) – deliberately undoes the (traditional) Wedding Ceremony and introduces his own mini-ritual to undo The Patriarchy in his mind.
Most people probably will not notice. You do have to wonder at the intelligence of The Wrongists.
Different Clergy do different things in relation to positional relationships during the wedding ceremony. Traditionally the couple face the clergyman or clergywoman usually at an angle. The father of the Bride then ducks around the side of the Bride to do the hand bit. Some get the couple to face each other but that can be after the ‘hand-over’. If it is before, the father usually steps between couple and congregation to do the hand over. How the Right Lefty Rev. organises the ‘pas de quatre’ I know not.
I can imagine a good comedy skit from a Bride and Groom getting married in front of the Right Lefty Rev. and getting in a tangle that would make a game of Twister look relaxing. Hope that explanation helps.
Maybe these hands had been removed because of some crime such as pinching an apple and they were just putting the hands in a pile in front of the Bishop.
It fits in with the Stone Age thinking of these mostly peaceful people.
Emmanuel, ee lad, Madchester not tha’ lost, in hands of t’Taliban al-redih?
The real sacramental action is when the celebrant holds hands with the bride’s father. After that it is downhill all the way.
He might not be a Christian, but the bishop or his team can tweet
Stew, that gave me a good chuckle and cheered me up a bit!
Was this kuffer was using the BBC to criticise Islam ? Surely complaints are due ….
To escape the toxicity of male entitlement the bishop should move to Afghanistan forthwith, and stay there.
As the criticism is being levelled at the Afghan Government for letting the Taliban enter Afghanistan unposed. The same can be aimed at our government for letting thousands of potential terrorists and criminals land on our coast without let or hindrance.
Even more worse is the absurd practise of housing the ‘invaders’ in 4 Star hotels, thus inviting more to come. We are even paying the French for shipping them over.
“It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.”
9:30am Repeat on R4 from 2019
“The Age of Denial
The series begins in Norway, with a town where the response to the obvious impact of climate change was…silence.”
“In Big de bee, Norway the snow came 2 months late
but no one would talk about it”
We can’t check, cos that is not the real name of the town
“a small rural Norwegian town that goes by the pseudonym of Bygdaby”
Furthermore it’s quite a time back “2000-2001”
6 mins in and the show is talking about “the shouty climate deniers”
They then play a R4Today item where NR reads a Donald Trump tweet about a cold snap in America
Now we have R4’s Laurie Taylor chiming in
The prog appears to be based on a 2013 page from the notorious Climate Alarmism PR tricksters site
I wonder if they added the Trump bashing bit years after initial publication.
Can’t see why they didn’t set the thing in Hell – an actual place in Norway 🙂
When Afghan refugees start pouring into Britain, they should be given one-way tickets to the US with a note saying: Hey Joe, you created this mess, you take care of the refugees.
Alternatively they could be offered flights to Pakistan with a similar note: you trained the Taliban in your madrasas and your training camps, now YOU look after their victims!
Or, finally, they could be sent to a number of countries that support and fund the Taliban: Saudi Arabia, Iran, the UAE, Qatar and various Gulf States.
They should be happy there, surrounded by fellow Muslims.
Do we see any changes in Heathrow? Perhaps queue in two lines? One, Afghan refugees the other alongside for those arriving from Hong Kong?
Remember the old Bus Conductor calling, “Standing Room Only”.
But they always want to come to the UK because “they already have family here”.
Now that the bbbc have got their boys back in charge I expect they will be advising the multitudes of their faithful to return home from their stay in the UK as Afghanistan is now a safe Country.
Reading the earlier comments on here today I came upon the picture of the bbbc’s boys in the palace. At first glance I thought someone had put up Da Vinci’s Last Supper.
9:45pm Book of the Week
Here’s the take from the parody account ” Tenby Mosque & Refugee Centre”
Radio4’s cultural Marxist propaganda continues
A reading about xenophobia
“Lets be more open to what strangers can bring”
Moronic simplistic guff
Never mind the mess the US is in, at least they got their people out, but Boris the bottler failed to do even that, with his cowardice and uselessness. Where’s the criticism of this inept fat Socialist in the media?
Maybe it is all being stored up for the Wednesday commons bash – may well be a few’ hostages ‘by then . We wasted enough lives there – I hope there is not a single life lost .
I’m sure MPs who did tours our there will get emotional over the complete waste of lives effort and money – but it wasn’t worth anything – apart from improving Tony Blair’s bank balance in the US .
Must be time to hear from George Bush ……since we hear nothing from the false president .
Radio critic Gillian Reynolds takes aim at some radio big names like Amol
“Annoying habits, from speaking too fast to laughing too much, are spreading across radio
Quite right, Gillian, and don’t forget poor enunciation and pismronunciation, too.
The most annoying of all are the croaky voice and raising the pitch at the end of a sentence.
Almost exclusively done by women for some reason.
A necessary quality to achieve pseudo, ‘maleness’. Margaret Thatcher took professional lessons to achieve this.
It’s because they all grew up watching ‘Neighbours’ and ‘Home and away’, John!
The Aussie accent only really works with real Aussies, but children started to try and sound like Kylie for some reason…
I can think of other reasons to like Kylie…
The croaky voice, YES! And they can so easily stop doing it, so why don’t they? It is an AFFECTATION.
There are YouTube videos about this pestilence of “vocal fry”.
According to the Mail it’s going to take our hopelessly inept excuse of a government 36 hours at least to organise flights and security to get people back from Afghanistan!
We have no decent MPs because we pay poverty amounts and get the quality we deserve, but someone should be standing up and calling out this cowardly useless inept bunch of fools for what they are.
Imagine the British amabassador being taken hostage and put on TV to praise the Taleban, the absolute catastrophe that would be.
The bottler has screwed up on a colossal scale with this and he needs to resign over it. Even the hopeless inepet Biden got his Ambassador out hours ago – ours is still there with no firm date as to when he might leave.
Long have we known that the Tories are cowardly useless and incompetent, but now that a crisis has happened it’s been thrown into stark harsh daylight.
And the Government want to micro-manage our everyday life? I wouldn’t want them to organise a ‘Pupinthelocalbrewery’ Think of the debacles yet to come…………
The debacle so far?
Takes longer to do anything;
Reams of paperwork;
Legislation that does not take account of any other;
Create chaos;
Being hopelessly inept is the target, that’s well underway.
We pay “poverty amounts”? I wish I had been paid such poverty amounts.
Biden is hiding in the White House basement like a baby, letting his spokespersons take the flak from the press. I think he might be in shock like Stalin was when the Germans invaded.
Meanwhile CNN claim he’s “closely monitoring the situation”. Cut to video clip of Biden all alone in a huge room, staring at the telly. He’s in a short sleeved shirt looking old, frail, crumpled, bewildered, unpresidential – a pathetic, tiny figure dwarfed by the huge table he’s slumped over in a huge empty room.
That single image encapsulates him and his administration and the diminished status of the US.
The West’s many enemies must be chuckling as they plan their next move.
Where on Earth have you got this nonsense from? You been watching CNN or reading NYT or WaPo?
Biden isn’t even in Washington let alone the White House, as he’s taking a vacation at Camp David and has been for some time. He attends his security briefings at a time like this via Zoom and presumably nods off during them.
The pic of him all alone is not the White House it is Camp David !
Pakistan PM Speaks:
“Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that Afghans have “broken the shackles of slavery” in a speech about cultural imperialism.”
“His comments criticising education in English in Pakistan came a day after the Taliban took control of the Afghan capital, Kabul, following days of rapid advances.”
No surprises there, really.
Pakistan has supported the Taliban all along, since its creation.
The word Taliban can be translated as ‘Islamic Scholar’. Pakistan is an Islamic nation and, vlad, you are correct. The BBC, almost certainly, would prefer not to be reminded of those facts.
Pakistan has run the Taliban since its creation.
I well remember the day that one General Islam Beg declared war on the First Gulf War allies in the Pakistan Parliament – “we stand with our Moslem brothers in Iraq against the imperialist aggressors” was one phrase, if I recall correctly.
The Pak upper classes have done rather well out of the drugs trade.
Just for a moment does anyone recall anything being said about VJ day yesterday? I didn’t hear a thing from the disgraceful BBC. I and my wife had family and close friends who suffered terribly under the Jananesse just as terrible as anything that took place in Europe, worse in fact if one can credit it. Thousands of men women and chilren suffered unbelievable cruelty at the hand of the Japs-the total hospital staff, Doctors, Nurses and patients were all slaughtered in Singapore by the japs. Those that fought in the jungles and the many that were enslaved to work on the Burmah railway and died in doig so. Not enough is said about the Japanese War in the far East-belive me they were just as bad to the Chinese who worked in Malaya/Singapore/Burmah. yet we the west pulled them out of their stink and capitalised their industries to regain their status. Now the boots on the other foot and looks as if once again the British and others are walking right into more horrific blood shed from an equally evil ideology.
Nanking ….
Just re-read Iris Chang’s book about the 1937 massacre.
Grim stuff
Why the fuss about Afghanistan? We have failed in every middle east intervention and failed to predict the consequences.
They are muslims, their army ran off..let those that want to leave go to muslim countries..there are some that would have them. We shouldn’t. The BBC seem quite keen that the UK should have remained as a colonialist interloper whist bashing us at same time for our colonialist history…they really are hypocrits..left will eat left….if we are lucky.