Parliament is recalled today to talk about ……. The failure of the US/UK in Afghanistan . An opportunity for the BBC to push its agenda of increased numbers of foreigners coming to the UK as well as spending more on overseas giveaways . It’s not bias – it is BBC social policy – paid for by legal extortion .
Midweek Thread 18 August 2021
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I think the most disgusting party of Toady was the grotesque sentimental tear-jerking drivel for the liittle Afghan boy who fell out of a 9th floor window in the war torn zone that is ….errrr….Sheffield. meal tickets for ambulance chasing lawyers queueing up to claim massive damages for the family (at UK rates, naturally) and a full public enquiry into ‘lack of health safety care for asylum seekers’.
The parents, needless to say in our increasingly nationalised child-rearing industry, were not to blame. No, it was of course the responsibility of the government – UK of course.
Precisely. The parents opened the window and left the child unsupervised to climb out. It’s absolutely tragic but that’s where the buck stops.
Gravity in Afgee is different …
The site in the night might look a bit disjointed because I took a few troll comments down – I see this morning they were put back up – they only came down because they were not about the BBC ….
I have to admit maxis avoidance of any real BBC issues and cherry picking any irrelevant side-topics their research can come up with to contradict someone is getting a bit tedious now.
His comments are made with malice and bad will. He has no interest in any discussion about BBC bias.
John C
Welcome to the club
I will put you on the list when it comes to time to silence the troll
Bless all those South Asians hitting the sauce.
Is that their ‘first date ‘or something ?
Any more Asian’s on R4 today ?
6:30am R4Today Mishal and white Martha
10:45am Anita Rani was speaking to an Indian violinist about Indian Spiritual Music
12pm last of the 10 episodes of the Caribean drama
2:15pm Drama focused on a Darfur refugee
3pm GQT included Advolly Richmond the black female gardener
7:45pm India in 50 Lives : south Indian singer MS Subbulakshmi.
8pm Any Questions : Diane Abbott
11pm Great Lives : Althea Gibson
The first black tennis player to win Wimbledon is the choice of Professor Devi Sridhar (The wacky American health policy prof who is chief Covid advisor to the SNP)
Stew, thanks for the warning about AQs. I did hear who the other Panel Members were but I appear to have forgotten. Already. So soon. I don’t think I will be brave enough to listen tonight. I must clean the garage door. Or hoover the patio. Or rearrange the bins.
Not BBC, because I make minimal use of it, and qualify as someone who is not required to pay the licence.
So I now use a wider range of sources in my news gathering.
“You can usually approximate the truth from a comparision of the lies” GB Shaw.
Sources I use often enough to have the page saved are, in no particular order.
GB News.
Fox News.
Info Wars.
France 24. English version as are many others.
Italy 24.
Breitbart London.
Russia Today UK.
Japan Today.
Sky Australia.
Daily News Hungary.
I intend to add a Lithuanian source since they started their wall.
Other suggestions from BBBC contributors welcome.
“Macron says that Afghanistan must not be ‘sanctuary for terrorism’ again”
Macron is a typical useful idiot.
Afghanistan is not the ****ing problem your froggie half wit, Islam the disease, is the problem.
France and Germany [= EU] are responsible for other Eurpoean countries becoming infected.
You froggies are currently spreading more Islamists to the UK.
Vote Le Pen.
Saloon – thanks for the list – I might cut and paste .
As for Le Pen – that might not be good for us . She will want to rid her country of more vermin so encourage the sale of more dinghies knowing Blighty is a soft touch ….
French priests are being murdered by Muslims every 6 months – each time must knock were vote up a bit … although I am sure their state propaganda woke machine does the same brainwashing job .
In his defence, Macron has at least tried to crack down on Islamism in France, and been more outspoken about it than most other leaders.
I would add Alex Belfield’s youtube channel to that list. I often go there for a laugh and get info on the BBC you won’t find in the media. His Carol Vorderman impression is always amusing.
What I do notice though is none of his videos ever come up in the suggested list on the right – even though I’m watching another one right then.
Youtube regularly suggests Belfield videos to me
That’s a good quote, LCS, from GB Shaw. Thanks.
You are welcome.
The quotation was from memory, a memory which suspects it might not be verbatim.
I suggest you look it up before use to be 100% accurate.
Yet again Sky Aus speaks the truth the BBC daren’t in relation to islam.
This woman interviewee was ‘married’ off to an Al Qaede jihadi (i.e. raped and beaten) then escaped, so she knows what she’s talking about.
She’s adamant that the ‘new’ Taliban are the same old Taliban with better PR.
She has no time for ridiculous liberal politicians like Pelosi, Trudeau, Jacinda, etc, who send letters to the Taliban saying ‘please be nice’ and ‘the world is watching’, type rubbish.
She also has no time for repulsive politicians like our very own muslim apologist Stella Creasy (henceforth Stella Creepy) who recently declared ‘This is not islam’ bla bla.
She says: “They are choosing ignorance! Islam sanctions this treatment of women.”
She also demolishes pseudo-liberals and feminists on the Left.
And the new presenter of Mastermind is David Lammy.
It might as well be, it’s another African equipped with standard shoulder chips.
No doubt the competition winner will be black, special subject “Running, Jumping, Kicking and Spitting”.
I disagree totally with your description of the special subject.
Surely you mean ‘Runnin’, Jumpin’, Kickin’, and Spittin’.
And quite possibly certain other activities too.
Thankin you for correctin my classifyin.
I missed robbin, stabbin, shootin, whinin, doublewhinin, treblewhinin …
It’ll be interesting to see the viewing figures.
BBC Online News:
“Kill Bill Actor Dies of Covid aged 82”
“Japanese actor and martial arts great Sonny Chiba has died at the age of 82 from complications related to Covid.”
Notice how our BBC lies to get you to read the feature. The header says ‘Died Of’ but he actually ‘Died With’ as a result of complications at 82.
Once our BBC adopts a narrative, it lies continually. Our national ‘honest and impartial broadcaster’. Bollards!! 🙁
The incredible morphing BBC headline. The main page splash disappears so they can write whatever suits the agenda. They have to be more honest with the actual page because it is archived and can be fact-checked.
The thing which bugs me the most about them is that they are self-proclaimed moral arbiters for the world yet they are complete dirty b@st@rds.
That’s the Left for you. The ends justify the means. Same as how I read a terrorist justified his horrific murders : ‘Allah knows my heart’.
Actually these BBC tweets say “with Covid”
Most North America media said “Of Covid”
sound on
Ha ha, leader of the Free World.
Couldn’t lead a dog on a leash.
Most popular President ever, my derrière.
Harry and Meghan are ‘speechless’ about Afghanistan.
Could that be the same Harry and Meghan who were telling America to vote Biden?
Pity they weren’t a bit more speechless back then.
They were ‘speechless’ again when they got left off the list for Obama’s 60th birthday bash. Apparently it was a reduced invite from the original list because of Covid, but Ginger & Whinger didn’t even make that cut, the reason, so its been said, is because the Obamas are’nt impressed with all the slagging off of the Royal Family.
AND its rumoured they’ve been sidelined from other big do’s in Hollywood by the movers and shakers. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
I keep abreast of these things 🙂
Well I never.
The normally doom-and- gloom seditious BBC have found something positive to come out of the covid pandemic.
Now I wonder what that could be?
Drag Race UK queens: Covid ‘pushed us creatively
Agenda? Moi?
Meanwhile the BBC regales us with Drag Race UK queens: Covid ‘pushed us creatively’ on the front page.
What a time to be alive.
Looks like the panel for QT shaping up a treat.
Maybe QT could simply populate the panel completely with contestants from “Drag Race” ?
I’d break the law to watch that.
For once it’s Guido who omits context
He claims : In recent days Peymana Assad has appeared on the BBC, Sky News, and Channel 4 to discuss her experiences in Afghanistan.
Wow they did all mention she’s a *Labour* councillor
Assad’s role as a Labour councillor…
But media omitted context that Guido exposed 2019
Assad had once claimed
she would “100% take up arms against the government and its allies” if she were an Afghan villager.
ie the US and the UK.
Note the actual qualifications in her 2015 Facebook comment

And note her recent tweet shows she is pro Afghan forces that fought the Taliban
“As someone whose lost family and friends who served in ANDSF (the Afghan forces) “
2:15pm Drama on R4
More wokism of course
“A refugee cleaner must negotiate the survival of humanity with Gaia, the Earth Mother.”
Gaia wanted to destroy half of humanity
The Darfur refugee was the hero refusing to cooperate.
thread… somebody should force feed it to the Springster
Projection = the way libmob throw out labels on others … that actually apply to them themselves
Ambush-Naming : A PR trick used to throw you off the scent
eg “Fact Checker” = Selective Fact spinner
GreenPeace = org that is neither green, nor peaceful ..really ungreen bullies
Extinction Rebellion : not rebels, but rather Green dogma conformists
4pm Obituary show
#1 Una Stubbs : yes heard of her
#2 Gino Strada, Nope, never heard of him
The Italian surgeon who set up the charity Emergency to provide state of the art hospital facilities in some of the world’s poorest countries, including Afghanistan.
#3 Mo Hayder, Nope, never heard of her
Pen name for Female white crime writer
who in a previous life was a glamour model and TV actor.
“Lessons to be learned”.
Over did the coverage, too little too late, the usual Scots Nats, Irish Republicans and socialist shit-stirrers then complain, and the bBbc as usual see then an excuse to use their hammer and sickle to crack a patriotic nut. Oh, and Jeremy “like an Indian wife” Vine is apparently racist.
Defund the bBbc.
The BBC always spends too much time on many stories, often in inverse proportion to the amount of available information.
In the case of a natural death, to whom, when and how pretty well covers it. In the case of a disaster often all that is known is that it happened, ‘the facts’ might not be clear for weeks to come, by which time they aren’t interested.
This ‘all or nothing’ attitude spans the whole BBC though so we get ‘Black History’ or ‘Gay Promotion’ weeks when they air nothing else but.
I don’t know the ins and outs of the Raab story, but I do know it gives the BBC a useful stick with which to beat the Tories, and deflect from the real villain of the piece across the Pond.
I dont often say this – but if you want to read a good piece of journalism in the Guardian – go look at a piece today by Dan Sabbagh ? The Defence correspondent about the debacle of Afgee.
The description of the intelligence failure echoes so much of vietnam – the tet offensive – or the fall of saigon – as to make it painful .
It seems the UK was dependant on the US for anything outside Kabul – but the US was looking the other way – or could care less.
Cant see Raab lasting the weekend – and others too …
On top of all that I think the that UK is fast becoming a ‘Trojan Horse’?
Mass immigration, and the people of UK that will have to really live with it, have never been consulted .
TWatO Watch #1 – that’s an interesting use of an interview
The TOADY interview with Tobias Ellwood MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Being Re-shuffled, would like the PM to have a Cabinet re-shuffle soon. The 1pm R4 News told me. Neat little cut’n’paste by the BBC there. All done digitally these days, I guess, so not too much discarded audio tape on the engineering or studio floor. At the press of a button or three. Think Toby may be wanting a platoon, er, Ministry of his own.
I have some news for Tobias Ellwood MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Being Re-shuffled. It doesn’t matter what the Labour Party, the BBC or you want to happen. In fact, it doesn’t matter what the PM wants. It is Princess Nut Nuts who calls the shots now, so come on Ellwood, smarten up: ” ‘ten-shun! Stand by your beds.”
Has Ellwood become part of the ridiculous BBC led witch hunt attempting to get Raab’s scalp? Beeb has now spent three days trying to big up the call which Raab didn’t make (and which would have changed nothing), always careful to add ‘Labour says’ to all its silly little reports.
You can smell the BBC a mile off when it launches one of its periodic efforts to dispose of a ‘Tory’ minister; they go on for days on end, while other -much bigger- news is simply ignored. You can hear the little minds ticking over as they compete to administer the final (they hope) stab.
Is there anything in this which can promote the causes of Surkeer or Lisa? Nope, doesn’t look like it. So sad. Can only mean years more of BoJo the Clown?
Truly nauseating, this ‘hunt the minister’ game which drones on endlessly. Sure the licence fee payers are greatly impressed.
vonrecht, Tobias Ellwood, Andrew Mitchell, Rory Stewart and Tom Tugenhadt are all ‘useful idiots’ that the BBC call on when they want a lefty Conservative to damage his own Party in Government.
The BBC did have a fail on one of their Ministerial sacking ventures, I cannot remember who it was now. The BBC also joined in the Daily Mirror-created ‘Cummings breaks the rules’ campaign in the Spring of 2020 which didn’t work. In fact, if I recall correctly, the Montacutie let slip on TWatO that Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg had worked with the Daily Mirror on that anti-Cummings scam.
Somewhat ironic that she interviewed him very cosily a few months ago for his ‘Spill-the-Beans Tour’.
Joe Biden ‘hangs on’!
Hush everybody, the Leader of the Free World is about to give a press conference, i.e. stammer his way through a speech written by his aides on a teleprompter.
I predict his main points will be:
– its all Trump’s fault
– its all the Afghan army’s fault
– it’s all the Afghan government’s fault
– it’s all the Afghan people’s fault.
– it’s the fault of our intelligence services.
– it’s not my fault
– nobody tells me anything around here.
– we had no idea it would go like it has.
– we knew it would go like it has and we factored that in to our contingency plans.
– it’s all going to plan.
– it’s all going to hell.
– I was having a nap when it happened, like my wife Jill told me to.
– we’re doing our best.
– The Taliban are nice now.
– I’d like to take them round the back of the gym and beat the hell out of them.
– I’m bringing our boys back home.
– it’s all Trump’s fault.
– Why doesn’t the President DO something?
– what’s that? I AM the President?
– oh.
– nobody tells me anything around here.
– c’mon man.
The real catastrophe is that – were the US to get rid of the fraud that is Joe Biden, it would then be stuck with ‘President’ Harris. Presumably, for reasons everyone will understand, this has probably been the plan all along? Set in motion by BLM/Antifa at the demise of GF?
Then there’s always Nancy Pelosi…
It’s just got bettet: we’re now being told that Kamala Harris will be by Biden’s side. Is that code for holding him up?
Yes, the same Kamala who avoided going to the Mexican border for months not to get associated with that disaster, and has so far avoided saying anything about Afghanistan not to be associated with that other train wreck.
Kamala whose strategy is to do or say nothing remotely controversial until the old codger dies and she can step into his shoes.
I’m sure she’ll bring a great of geopolitical insight to the press conference.
ITV local news
“coming up, will taxes help us move from junk to healthy food ?”
… looks like #PRasNews
“part 2 or Dick Smith’s series”
Reported on Twitter but not on teatime news.
Just wait until she brings out the Greta.
That tweet’s been up 2 .5 hours
zero impact so far.
Neither local news reported this
Sheffield “Jared O’Mara, the former MP who was suspended from the Labour Party under charges of sexual harassment has today been charged with seven counts of expenses fraud.” .
BBC local news “we’ve sent our Green-Taliban reporter to the Scunthorpe indoor vertical far”
Its been there years
, so this is #PRasNews
“He has a special message for COP26 Climate Conference”
AgendaPushing not news
typo : indoor vertical farm
Ah, “expenses”! Now that rings a bell. But what chance has any expenses scandal of making it into the news now? Especially if the culprit is Labour….
There’s the Afghan chaos and the BBC hunt for Raab’s scalp. There’s the ‘virus’. Haiti. Biden/Kamala. Secunder Karmani has tugged at the heartstrings on BBC News at six. He has succeeded in getting an Afghan family with newborn baby through the cordon at Kabul airport. Thousands more trying to get through.
Somehow examining MP’s expenses is so yesterday?
How long has Joe got ?
Another 3 years – guess he might give it up then . The vote will be fixed . The polls will be fixed . The MSM will continue looking the other way.
There’s only one direction that the MSM looks and that’s LEFT and further LEFT. They are very useful idiots indeed.
Lefty – the point Rod Liddle made on something here from a couple of days ago is on the point – the liberal lefty wokes running -TV – Advertising – papers – internet – are all of the same mind – the nazis would approve of the take over technique and pump out one message
Joseph Goebbels would have been proud the back studs.
That depends … taxidermy in the 21st Century and some Disney tricks could work wonders for Biden – the work has started – see the scars in front of his ears.
Anybody got the NHS app and checked the expiration date on their jabs?
Admit one “refugee” (staus and identity unverifiable) = family reunification policy (any number you can think of) – public housing (wot no mortgage? capital city, of course, to be near relatives) – school places, NHS entitlement, elderly relatives add to NHS waiting list – pocket money – translators – legal aid – the list of collateral costs is endless. Our politicians weep crocodile tears, we weep real ones. Media continue trying to up-end Tories, especially those at BBC on £300k+. Heart of the problem is our politicians fear the media, not us.
London Calling
I couldn’t agree with you more. However, it hasn’t always been so.
Let’s, for a mo, remind ourselves that our National Broadcaster used to have the ability to recognize talent.
Well summed up, LC!
No whippet?
Strange that the BBC do a story on LGBT Afghanistan
and the first person to tweet it is a ITV staffer
who has a massive thread on it.
BTW at 9:30p BBC4 has “Pride Hits for Pride Month”
and BBC RadioWales has new series about coming out
Reading the Daily Wail earlier I see that the city of culture gig is up for grabs again. One of the cities putting their hand up is Bradford! What culture would they be celebrating, guess it’s not the one that I and most of the posters here would recognise.
Ive just put the New Thread up . I think we are gonna be busy for the foreseeable future …
Northern Voter
Would that be the Anti Traditional British Culture that seems to give the MSM such an intense orgasm. Well, to me the MSM is, what was known in my younger days,as passion killers , you know, the kind that were known as Farbelows because they, apparently, extended far below the knee and your granny supposedly used to wear, although I have to admit that I never quizzed my Grandma on that one. The bastards just don’t seem to understand that, to me, they are passion killers.