The UK has a new Minister for Culture (Nadine Dorries) and a Minister with responsibility for broadcasting (Julia Lopez). First on the agenda is the sale of Channel 4 – and then – perhaps – a fresh look at the future of the BBC ……
Weekend Thread 18 September 2021
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Let’s see if the new Minister for Culture has more ‘nads than her predecessors…?
I see that Harrabin’s office is extruding more of its home brewed climate fear porn in the ramp up to COP26 – I really hope the grid has a few hiccups and has to breath into a bag with increased CO2 to calm down…
It must be harrowing to live in in fear of the climate turning nasty forever.
Diversity diversion BBC style….
digg-And something the editorial, presenting , reporting staff
of the BBC Londonistan programme are not interested in. As
the presenters mimicking what their anarchist Marxists editors tell them. “It’s all the fault of the TOREEEEEEEEEEES , and the Metropolitan Police.” The filth whom perform these murderous
atrocities are misunderstood. BLM what an oxymoron, for these
Just now on GBnews ..there was a Sky advert boasting about its Green agenda.
6:30pm tweet from GBnews
GBNews has a bloke on defending the BBC from Nadine.
Colin Brazier’s introduction was a brilliant attack on the License Fee. The ex BBC staffer just trotted all the old claims about the BBC being loved, respected , impartial , did something for everyone so justifying the universality of the LF. Can Nadine please switch the BBC for ever.
Good criticism of the BBC but I don’t want it to survive at all
‘As license payers we should all be concerned if people want to attack this great British institution.’
As refuseniks we should all be appalled at having to pay a license fee to watch TV.
Also matter of concern is the mad rush to get people vaccinated with an untested drug. Governments are adamant that there should be no control group of the unvaccinated.
Testing a new drug, and not have a control group, is unprecedented. Why?
Telegraph Letters page 17 Aug: – A letter worth repeating….
Imagine 2 years ago if they told us that half of society will receive an injection that only reduces symptoms, using new technology that has zero long term safety effect trials in humans, made by pharmaceutical companies that are totally immune from prosecution.
All for something with a 99.8% survival rate.
And that people who don’t want it or need it would be discriminated against, and attempts would be made to shame and ostracise them.
And people would call them crazy conspiracy theorists.
The Telegraph (Letters to the editor) 17th June 2021)
– I kept this letter to report here: – as it sums up the problem we have with BBC media collective who routinely worship lock-downs (for the working class only) – or those that voted for Brexit are damned. They ignore those that – must work – delivering Gourmet Food and Wine parcels to their BBC front door, or who keep the city sewers working beneath their feet. Elites like ‘emergency’ powers as they can ignore ‘pop’ democracy, and override social opposition. If only comrade Corbyn was in power!, the BBC would reign supreme and be able to ban all competition as blasphemy to brother Marx social engineering of faux equality – for all non patriots!
All the while the BBC continue to claim to be ‘balanced’ reportage whilst employing those same biased broke, Guardian (A- Listers)- that are not far short of ‘Marxists’ extremist — hell bent — to overthrow the hated ‘western capitalist system’ circa 1930 and invoke a ‘climate of fear’ that only cuddly Karl Marx – from Hampstead – can solve as he did Russia.
The BBC have approved this week a new employment of yet another spin-doctor
Jess Brammar** to massage the news sideways. Focus towards the ‘final solution’ of total UK lock-down of all conservative (small c) enterprise. Viva la revolution! Fidel Castro lives! World globalism a-la-SOROS, bin-venido Venezuela, Destroy U-S-A – vote Biden!, pay more, get less, destroy family, promote family planning (drugs), kill the disabled (Euthanasia), ban farming, eat Vegan and save the planet nonsense and then promote GM crops ‘to save the planet’ the same people that prefer ‘plastic cows’ to be used in fields instead of real ones. The same people who have an electric car and drive nowhere as they have BBC ‘taxis’ everywhere – paid by the BBC for BBC employees). Yes, and then the BBC is an impartial as its employees…
All hand picked from obscurity to win-the-lottery’ of wealth beyond most leftists dreams on a typical BBC 3 day week – and a job for life ‘in the media’ – unique to BBC – made unemployable elsewhere, unless promoting left wing causes as political activists.
The BBC train political activists. And that is NOT in the BBC Charter.
It has been said that no politician is big enough to tackle the BBC as an entity. They will employ the full force of the Radio and TV and hundreds of TV and Radio channels to destroy a politician.
But what if your NOT an obvious career politician? Nadine Dorris has an uphill task but at the end of it, we will have a slimmed down and more respectful BBC and quite possibly it will be free or collapse. No more TV license. Subscription only, that has to be the plan to win back trust in the BBC management. The full ‘survival mode’ of the BBC will be employed over the next year to keep their ‘privileged positions’ and (obscure) high paid media jobs.
I trust Ms Dorries will sort them out and cut them down to size.
..In 2014, she backed a campaign to decriminalise non-payment of the licence fee, writing on her blog that state-run television was ‘outdated’. She wrote: ‘Such a structure of payment and aggressive persecution would be more in keeping in a Soviet-style country.’
Not far off the mark, true today as then.
If anything it has got a whole lot worse, and needs urgent reform.
R4 tonight
– Any Questions “Yes why do people worry about government borrowing, and pretend it’s like household borrowing which you do have to payback ?”
FFS that is wrong, government borrowing is rolled over to new loans, but you really do have to pay the old ones back.
8:45 The intro said that Michael Morpurgo telling us why it was so important to welcome Afghan refugees to the UK
but actually he lectures that we have to look after little Amal a Syrian girl in Greece now on her way to the UK.
She is actually a character in a play.
8:58 Trailer comes on for R4’s Wednesday eco-drama “Sophie Okonedo and Mark Rylance star”, she plays the black owner of a Norfolk wildlife reserve.
“8:58 Trailer comes on for R4’s Wednesday eco-drama “Sophie Okonedo and Mark Rylance star”, she plays the black owner of a Norfolk wildlife reserve.”
Somewhat unlikely in real life …. . . ?
Channel4 10pm Highlife about the lives of aspirational Nigerians and Ghanaians living in Britain
From Platform 3, Waterloo station?
Afghanistan: US admits Kabul drone strike killed civilians
This story just seems all wrong to me.
The BBC categorically state this is the aftermath of the drone strike:
Are we to believe that 10 people were in that car and the explosion which was powerful enough to explode a propane gas tank (no easy feat) didn’t even mark the flaky concrete wall on the Left ?. And look where the wreckage is : nobody could ever just drive up and stop there. It’s a rubbish tip. Just where were these 10 people ? – the whole surrounding area is virtually unmarked.
What’s going on here ?. Is it the BBC choosing a side and going all with the propaganda and lies that come with it ?.
What is absolutely clear to me is that after his cringeworthy speech telling us he will find them and punish them, Biden ordered some kind of action to be taken quickly to make him look strong. Yet his name is only mentioned once in the whole article on something unrelated. Just imagine if Trump, were President. It would have been his fault personally.
It stinks to high heaven on every level. When things are this corrupt with society, bad things happen.
It’s OK, John, the BBC already have a ‘team’ from ‘The Repair Shop’ on hand – the bloke in yellow is doing the estimate – and that car will be on the forecourt of Arthur Daley Motors by the end of the month!
I thought this, then someone said it’s not an explosive fired at the car but a solid slug of metal which wipes everyone in it out, however there is still debris and shrapnel flying around which is lethal.
Perhaps the thing you should really be concerned about is the lack of reporting about General Milley and his hand in all of this. That story really does stink to high heaven – as does the lack of reporting.
That’s true, but too many things don’t add up. Kinetic weapons don’t blow the roof off and I still don’t see how the car is parked so perfectly in that gap and no damage to the wall next to it.
The BBC have a dilema here : they are on the side of the Muslim’s but they must protect Biden to keep Trump out.
Hence they slant it totally in favour of what the Taliban say but keep Joe out of it completely. That way they will stay the ‘go to’ news organisation for Muslim terrorists. And all the Muslims in the UK will love them for it.
The car isn’t even dented, it was quite simply arson staged for publicity by ISIS. Our intelligentsia are fools!
Did the driver die?
I merely ask because the front windows and windscreen are intact.
It’s the car behind…..
“House-building reforms paused amid Conservative MP anger”
There is a desperate shortage of housing . Housing for all the ‘illegals’ that have been allowed in to Great Britain.
Who is to pay – The British Tax payer
Who are the share holders in the building companies ?
Follow the money ……………………..
“Follow the money ……………………..”
More like, ‘stop’ the money. We need a tax strike to bring these reckless people to their senses and demonstrate where the money that they waste, comes from.
Todays’s must see (copied here as you might miss it – and the BBC think you MUST see it):
Afghanistan: The escape of the whirling dancer
Yet another elaborate video produced at who-knows-what expense to the UK taxpayer and made by a non-white, London based BBC employee.
Opening line: ‘Our people are yet to accept that a girl or woman can whirl’.
I skipped through it as it quickly degenerates into the same tired story of people trying to escape the Taliban. I am 100% sure the reason for this disaster – Joe Biden – will not be mentioned. The BBC share the guilt for making it happen.
More cultural enrichment in London.
Gangs are menacing London hospitals
Not content with stabbin in da stree, dem gangs dey go ospial finis im off!
A good article in a very depressing way..JimS…although I didnt see any reference to the gang descriptors? I assume they are all white middle class types…
I did notice that and wondered if the medic was part of the problem, if the ‘victim’ declines to identify the attackers how are the authorities supposed to act?
The trouble with these feral cultures is that they can catch on. If every first person in a sofa ad dosn’t look like a middle class type, if Radio 1 promotes jungle
crap lyrics and jungle culture is seen as ‘cool’ then that is the way London will go.Jim,
Nothing surprises me on this ‘Roller Coaster’ ride down to the pits of depravity, violence and lawlessness. Long may it continue until the population produce a leader. A ‘Real’ Leader who will dig in and deal with all the nonsense……………..Sorry my mind drifted away to that fictional place.
“Their victim, the man who’d been banging on doors, was rushed to the Intensive Care Unit. He was at — in terms of treatment quality — one of the best hospitals he could hope for. The Major Trauma team often includes ex-military doctors. There will be up to five different surgeons working to save one victim simultaneously. This, of course, places a great strain on the health service…”
We are constantly told of the economic benefits that immigration brings to Britain. Presumably, the cost of providing medical treatment to the BBC-approved stabbers’n’shooters does not feature on the balance sheet?
New slogan for Winter 2021: “Save the NHS – Stop Stabbing”
Sopes is back.
Get over it Sopel!
We’ve been at war with the Frogs for centuries in one form or another. This particular one started with them condoning people smuggling. It may well be that the French are the people smugglers from what I see of it – escorting illegal’s.
Never mind the extraordinary thing……the acronym joke is good….
People who Jeremy Vine thinks should work off charts rather than common sense probably watch his show for its news value.
Ye gods, doesn’t this display the most terrifying lack of good old fashioned common sense? What calibre of people are they employing? I’m hardly a mathematician, but…
6.2 cm is approximately 2 and a half inches.
Who on Earth did they think they were treating?
Tom Thumb…
You do need to realise you are talking about Vile here.
A very rich person of zero brain who likely did clap when told to by his German doctor of color.
I recall Vine once upon hearing a listener had an IQ of 140 exclaim “that’s very low isn’t it I thought high IQ’’s were in the thousands!”
A true story!
I think Jeremy is demnostrating to us all the Lefty sense of humour –
ie they don’t have one so they think stupid things must be funny in the same way 10 year old schoolboys do.
People should also remember the failed Mars Mars Climate Orbiter, where imperial and metric measurements caused the failure of the multimillion dollar satellite.
Very little to do with the system of measurement and more to do with lack of awareness of scale and, possibly, poor software design.
When slide rules were used for calculations 6.2, 62, 620 or 6200 were all the same, one had to be aware of magnitudes and take care of the decimals points. Along came calculators and computers and the careless plugged in numbers without care and assumed the results were correct, making errors that were of orders of magnitude. (A good estimate would have been better).
With something like BMI a decent bit of software would put constraints on the range of acceptable heights and weights, make it quite clear what units were being used and quite easily accept mixed measurement systems, kilograms for Germans, pounds for Americans and stones for Britons.
I suspect Vine is one of those that doesn’t know the difference between ‘homes’, kWh, kW or kW/h but can no doubt order beer in pints and petrol in litres without too much difficulty.
Excellent reply JimS.
I am a scientist/clinician and find it quite easy to work with both systems…you just need understanding and as you said..a sense of scale.
Talking to a friend who is a lecturer in engineering ..he says a lot of students do all their design on computers and have no sense of scale..
Absolutely, James!
I started at college for surveying during the very year they changed from Imperial to Metric. The RICS Standard Method of Measurement – 1st Edition, Metric – pale blue instead of dark blue, insisted that we all measure the ‘new’ way, and forget the old methods.
Any builder worth his salt would have twigged all that cobblers, but quantity surveyors had been instructed to plod on with the new unrecognisable measurements.
I still work happily in both ranges, sometimes mixing the two on the same job, but at 74, I think I’m worth it…
p.s. I wonder if they ever asked Tesco to stop measuring spuds by
1) Number
2) By the pound
3) By the kg
4) By a confusing combination of all three – price per 100gm, price per KG etc etc…
Quite so. I would always have them making something…and pacing out a design.
Mars Orbiter was 1998 way past the days of slide rules and well into the computer age. There has been a detailed investigation of what went wrong with the orbiter and the conclusion was “An investigation attributed the failure to a measurement mismatch between two software systems: metric units by NASA and US Customary (imperial or “English”) units by spacecraft builder Lockheed Martin”
So it absolutely was something to do with measurements.
You are the only one talking about the Mars Orbiter, the original subject referred to BMI.
Using a standard system of measurement doesn’t eliminate problems, indeed it might introduce errors, as JamesArthur appreciates, of scaling.
For example I have a very good idea what 4mm represents, 40 yards I could fix by eye, 4km – not a clue.
4km is obviously 4,000 metres or 4,000,000 mm – whoops, was that 400000 or 40000000? Who cares, the calculator/computer will take my numbers and obviously give the right answer which might be output in kg. (Suppose the question was how much does a given length of wire weigh).
Jim, please see item above, I missed your bit – sorry!
We don’t buy petrol “in” litres, we either buy it in £££ or just fill the tank.
Beer is another matter.
@Guest Who: Doesn’t that just show how some people don’t understand metric measurements? We have not generally adopted them for personal height or weight, and that applies to children as well, whatever they are taught at school.
Hmmm… a son of a pal of mine has been bombarded with vaccination texts and emails – he’s “double jabbed” from the USA – the NHS has been refusing for months to recognise his USA paperwork.
That would be…..62 millimeters tall……about 3 inches. Even people brought up with millimeters have no idea what they are.
Centimeters are just a confusion. It should just be meters and millimeters as divisions of that.
However, you can hardly see millimeters… I’ve gone back to feet and inches. Visually easy to see and to mark out and pace out. And easy to divide in half and half again.
Maybe if the BBC Science and Environment and Brexit Editors campaigned for CO2 production to be built next to carbon sequestration?
Sorted. Bar the energy release.
Don’t tell me.. we need the carbon dioxide to make food crops grow better?
Yes, especially if we want to build houses everywhere and go vegan at the same time.
I hope that all houses built for vegans have the necessary extra drainage systems, insulation from the smell, and methane gauges in every room.
A couple of days ago I posted that I couldn’t understand why the Washington Post was apparently accusing General Milley ,the US chief of staff and Woke as they come, of calling his Chinese equivalent to tell him that he , Milley, would keep him posted if the US was getting ready to attack. Seemed like treason and why would the Woke WP throw Woke General under the bus. Smelt very fishy.
Now I have the answer . The General was only doing this because he believed that the perception of President Trump in China was that of an unpredictable madman who could very easily without warning launch an attack on China. This perception might mean that the Chinese miscalculated and launched a pre emotive attack of their own. The General wanted to reassure the Chinese that he would be able to control any such impulse on the part of the President.
So far from throwing the General under the bus the WP was praising him and his statesmanship and attacking President Trump as per usual.
The Milley story ought to be taken seriously, even by the BBC, as Milley isn’t an operational commander and isn’t part of the chain of command, rather he is the president’s senior military advisor.
Thus Milley’s rightful place is alongside his president, available to advise as required.
It was never Milley’s job to engage in personal foreign policy activities or to interpose himself into the chain of command, especially regarding ‘the nuclear option’. There are already checks and balances within the military to cope with a commander, from the president down, that ‘goes off the rails’. If Milley felt he couldn’t act for Trump he should have resigned, which would be a warning in itself as others would ask why he had so acted.
Rather it seems more likely that ‘the swamp’ is more than capable of ignoring the democratic process and the separation of powers set out in the US constitution. Actual real ‘insurrection’, not just a few boisterous protesters sitting on Pelosi’s desk.
I don’t know where you’ve got this information from but it isn’t right!
General Milley is the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and as such he is the most senior officer in the US military.
In that capacity he does of course advise the President (badly and with political bias as it turns out).
It is only elected official who make and implement foreign policy. but it was part of Milleys job to engage with his foreign counterparts in the military, such as the chief of the Chinese military. This indeed is his excuse, that he did contact the Chinese, but he is declining to disclose the contents of the conversation.
As the most senior military leader he is of course in the chain of command and did not ‘interpose himself’. The allegation here is that he countermanded the orders of the commander in chief (The President) which amounts to a military coup.
Milley is a political animal, and being part of the Washington Democrat bubble when making these statements he thought he could play the hero and people would applaud him for it which of course some of the more extreme Democrats do, he didn’t appear to realise the implications of what he has admitted to (if it’s true)
The most obvious conclusion to all this is that although the Dems are now pretending to support him, they are going to hang him out to dry over the colossal failures in Afghanistan, attempting to blame him rather than Biden for it all, and as the most senior officer he does carry responsibility for that.
If the Dems do make him the fall guy for Afghanistan let’s hope he takes his revenge by spilling the beans about the conspiracy to remove Trump.
So it would be a Chinese national security priority for president trump to lose office – now how could that be done ?
( definitely got echoes of the ‘grassy knoll ‘ and who would benefit from a president being ‘removed ‘)
TOADY Watch #1 – wot?!!! Not enough CO2?
The BBC are desperate to tell us that CO2 is heating the planet to boiling point and changing the climate of the world. They did an item from California, earlier, to demonstrate. Now the reality is hitting home. CO2 is a useful gas and, apparently, in interviews with Simon Jack we are discovering that it doesn’t just provide the fizz in drinks. Dermot Nolan and Nick Allen provide Simon with information.
The demand for gas has been high in the UK after a cold winter, spring and poor summer (the latter two not mentioned by the contributor) but apparently it has been global and the LPG that would normally be imported by tanker from the Far East has been used for local domestic demand.
Maybe at COP26 they will need to discuss what action to take against Global Cooling?
Im really confused now – didnt they want less CO2 ? Is it the wrong sort of CO2 ?
Burn those hydrocarbons
Hardly off the frontpages lately, one suspects our media are projecting their own fears here: ‘Emma Radacanu and the fight to keep the fairytale alive‘ (Daily Telegraph)
We’ve now heard from her tennis dad, her “magical” boyfriend and today the Mail has unearthed: ‘My fears for Emma – by her doting grandmother‘
Not that our press ever fall short of an excuse to plonk a pic of a pretty girl on their frontpages.
‘London Fashion Week got under way yesterday‘ – to the delight of the Telegraph’s photo editor: ‘with an outdoor catwalk show by Turkish designer Bora Aksu, featuring silk tulle and taffeta dresses in bright pinks and other vibrant hues accessorised with knotted headscarves‘
It’s an oldy but goody, but I just can’t resist… I can remember back to a time when Queen Elizabeth was the only British woman you ever saw wearing a headscarf. Boom-boom as Basil Brush used to say.
‘Fashion week runs until Tuesday‘ – is that a week these days? Anyway there’ll be more to come from the catwalks, despite covid.
‘Back in fashion. London hosts hybrid event‘ (FT) ‘…the new regime meant masks being worn backstage, vaccination proof and daily covid testing‘ – which all sounds suddenly very health conscious for an industry where the size zero models have been known to thrive on a cocktail of cigarettes, coke and laxatives.
I think we can expect to see a lot of this supposed return of normal events… but not quite.
The BBC are at it: ‘Strictly has been rocked ahead of tonight’s new series after two pro dancers refused to get Covid jabs – leaving some celebrities reluctant to be paired with them‘ (The Sun) – no diversity allowed there then.
Don’t imagine we are going to be allowed to get away and forget all our troubles that easily.
The Times optimistically announces: ‘Travel boom after Covid rules eased. Cost of foreign trips falls as tests scrapped‘
Not so fast: ‘Vaccinated travellers still face costly tests‘ (Telegraph) and; ‘Heathrow row over doubling of charges… plans to almost double passenger charges as it grapples with nearly £20billion of debt… it would mean an extra £200 for a family of four flying to Florida‘ – you know how you took that year long lockdown break from the office… did you really think there would be no consequence or cost to that?
‘GPs demand more cash to see patients in person‘ (Telegraph)
‘Russia accused of rigging gas prices‘ (Telegraph) – I link this story to the one above about our medics simply as food for thought.
There’s nothing new about the manipulation of energy prices – I can remember back to a time when OPEC was a thing. But big pharma pulling a fast one… perish the thought.
Insulate Britain, eh? Now if Nigel Farage had said that he’d have been accused of racism.
I’m still trying to get my head around the: ‘Risk of more empty shelves with loss of vital CO2 supply‘ (Daily Express) and: ‘An activist from Insulate Britain near Standsted airport yesterday. The group plans to disrupt roads until the COP26 climate talks in November‘ (Times) – I do wish our constabulary Cop 26 and the rest of our boys and girls in blue would make some more arrests of these hobby protesters… and it’s naughty of me I know – and I’ll pay for it through my heating bills – but gosh am I praying for an early winter cold snap this November… with me?
AISI: “but gosh am I praying for an early winter cold snap this November… with me?”
I posted something similar to that effect on the TCW Protecting Freedom w-site last week and another poster came back quickly with “The activists will just dismiss it as more evidence of Climate Change.”
Presumably him on the left.
But being the BBC, who knows?
Is nt that wonderful ? The french enemy has withdrawn its ambo from australia and america after the sub deal .
Lets hope relations get worse . Apparently france is humiliated. Not as humiliated as seeing them dumping the third world on us every day .
I suspect numbers will rise . But with a bit of luck the weather will get worse in the channel …
BBC Toady talked about it – not much evidence of supporting Britain ..
Aw Fed, you’ve beaten me to it again. 🙂 It was interesting what wasn’t mentioned. No mention of French failures; vaccines to Australia, illegal migrant boats across the Channel, at all.
Yes the absence of any mention of french enemy policy of exporting the third world to England didn’t get a mention .
With a bit of luck the french will invoke its’ ‘non ‘ for anything that comes up at the COP love in thing – although somehow I reckon the false presidents’ controllers will give the french a bit of cheese and be nasty to us in one of those exercises politicians like to do …
I wonder who will get the blame when gas and electricity prices start going through the roof in October …. ?
It’s obvious by now that the BBC actually hate the British.
Not the multicultural London set, but the rest of us who they consider to be thick racists and voted for Brexit. They hold their noses while they take our money (that’s the royal ‘we’ I used there : they will never get a penny from me).
I simply cannot wait for they day they are brought down.
Judging by the oversupply of announcers both on TV and Radio (in my case R4) who have African or Asian heritage, I am of the opinion that THE key mission statement of the BbC is to promote ‘Diversity’. SOCIAL ENGINEERING is now its key purpose. The great pretence seems to be that you need ever fewer white (especially male) announcers, or ‘indigenous’ subject matter, as you ‘reflect’ how ‘multicultural’ (i.e. not white) Britain has become. The LGBTQ issue is the other big winner, as anyone daring to question that trend becomes suspect. Of course, it is all a big LIE.
Entertainment and Education are now secondary purposes of the BBC. Some of its entertainment is of such poor quality now anyway, R4 -for one- is hardly worth listening to. Key is to present stories of as few whites or ‘straight’ people as you can manage. Happy to show some examples if required. e.g. The after 11 pm ‘comedy’ spot on R4 is so unfunny it is frequently cringeworthy.
So: monitor and make some notes of your own. Maybe we can get together to show how racist the BBC really is and how much of a supporter of special causes it deems fit. Certainly, (straight) white working men are now almost persona non grata, and beeb think the quality of any programme depends on how much ‘diversity’ you can shove into it.
PS If we look at history, having social engineering as your key goal is always bad news. ‘Apartheid’ was one such.
Equality = Good.
Diversity = Racism.
I have not seen this suggested, but could not the BBC be removed to France?
Its a bloody good suggestion !
TOADY Watch #2 – asking but not asking
Mishal keeps the Global Warming going with an interview with a women from California about the forest fire threatening ‘General Sherman’, a giant sequoia tree in the Sequoia National Park. I was there, a long time ago, and have saluted the General*. My dim and increasingly unreliable memory prompts the memory from that time that forest fires are essential for giant sequoias to reproduce. They release their seeds (kernels) prompted by the heat of a blaze. I could be wrong on that.
Mishal and the woman contributor (from the Park or the Fire Service) do not mention that and are only concerned with protection of the General from Global Warming & Climate Change. * I hope the General did not/does not have any skeletons in his cupboard over slave issues, otherwise after the tree has been saved from fire, the BLM crew and their activist supporters might be along with chain saws to finish the giant sequoia off.
If you are interested here’s the Wiki link (usual disclaimers):
I’m afraid stew will be correcting you about ‘forest fires’.
Forest fires never took place before this century ……also … it was never very hot or very cold …..
… it seems that a reason for plod closing down motorways when green vermin turn up is that the government doesn’t want ‘bad air ‘ when the COP thing is on ….
…. Which suggests the green vermin may cycle up to more dramatic gestures ….
Stew, Fed, is on our side. He is a regular on Paul Homewood’s NaLoPKT website. What my poor old memory is struggling with – and Stew will probably be able to help – is the number of times lightning strikes the earth. I cannot for the life of me remember whether – on average – it is fourteen times an hour or fourteen times a day. It is a surprising amount and very common.
This latest forest fire in the Sequoia National Park was started by a lightning strike.
Up2Stuff Mr Google via the Met Office says
“Around the world, there are over 3 million flashes every day.
That’s around 44 strikes every second.”
Giant sequoia trees depend upon regular fires, for their survival – like all similar forests. Burn damage is invariably superficial, and the trees aren’t necessarily killed.
Bit like those firemen who set fires for something to do or get the overtime …
OG, comment ca va? All well here. Yes, I skim read the Wiki page and it confirmed what I had posted about sequoias. If I recall correctly, fire can be an important regenerator of savannah and can improve grass crops and grazing for cattle and sheep. That, of course, is anathema to the environmentalists.
Deep in the bowels of either this PC or its dead predecessor is a link to an experiment that someone carried out in Africa. The old Biblical thing of allowing land to recover (ie. be set aside) by sectioning off a part of some veldt. Cattle were grazed on another section. If I recall correctly, yet another section was used for crops while a fourth section was fired after the cattle had been grazed on it and moved on. That was then allowed to recover while the cattle were moved on to the first sectioned off part of the veldt. I cannot remember whether this was done on a yearly basis or, due to the characteristics of that part of Africa, they managed to squeeze and extra season or two into the agricultural and herding year.
I bet Stew who, if memory serves me well, is an agronomist and possibly knows the study and may well have provided the original inertwebby link that I had bookmarked.
As well as may be expected, thanks Up2.
@Up2Snuff no I don’t remember posting such a link
and no I am not an agronomist
BTW when I checked this morning about Sequoia .. Wikipedia said
with fewer than 80,000 trees remaining.
Since its last assessment as an endangered species in 2011, it was estimated that another 10-14% of the population was destroyed (or 7500-10,600 mature trees) during the Castle Fire of 2020 alone
– an event attributed to Global Warming.[4]
Despite their large size and adaptations to fire, giant sequoias have become severely threatened by a combination of fuel load from fire suppression, which fuels extremely destructive fires that are also boosted by drought and climate change.
These conditions have led to the death of many populations in large fires in recent decades.
Prescribed burns to reduce available fuel load may be crucial for saving the species.
Very similar situation to Australia and all those highly inflammable eucalyptus trees. And in the management of heather on our moorland, come to that.
Banania, it was noticeable that on TOADY this morning, the American woman (either from the National Park Service or the Fire Service) detailed what they had done to protect ‘General Sherman’ and some of the other giant sequoias. It included clearing away forest debris, including pine needles and cones from around the base of the trees, making sure there was no other flammable debris and dead wood before adding a fireproof/heat sink blanket around the trunk but some way away from it.
If only the law in Australia allowed that to happen in the forests comprised of eucalypts.
I am pretty sure that in one of his old programmes, a certain David Attenborough extolled the benefits of forest fires, enabling renewal and the growth of fresh ground level plants no longer denied light because of the tree canopy.
How times change!
but, but, but
Having pointed this out to Guardian Eco Twitter the replies are
Woe! more intense fires, more frequent fires, drought yada, yada
“Last years fires wiped out 10 % of the existing giant trees, dead. What evidence could be more pertinent.”
Requests for sources go unheeded
Got your booster passport yet?
Jess Brammar liked this one.
She and Nick share so much.
David Shuckman liked this one.
He and Simpo go way back.
I expect that people like Simpson and Shukman
have compare some British people to Nazis, fascists, far right etc.
Simpson says the idea that people are turning away from the BBC is a “far right” myth.
Patrick Barwise has been involved in reviews of the bBbcs digital services and is married to Catherine Horwood, a regular contributor to bBbc gardening programmes.
Peter York, ex-Independent on Sunday journalist and pal of Peter Mandelson, has made at least two television programmes for the bBbc.
‘Nuff said.
Well, apparently 250,000 OAPs over the age of 75years have not applied for a TV Licence following the changes made by the BBC. BBC’s own figures, if I recall correctly. Of those quarter of one million (a substantial number) some may well qualify for a free Licence under the pension credit arrangement but have not yet claimed.
However, I repeat one of my posts from several years ago. I was at a Christmas Day lunch where five households were represented. Two young ones, one of working age, one not working due to disability. Two pensioner households but under 75y.o.. One late middle-aged working household.
Only two TV Licences for five households and one of those would have been paid for by Disability Benefit.
Simpo, a simple question: how do you account for the hundreds of thousands who no longer want a tv licence? Simple question.
If they’ve got Simpo commenting like this, it shows you how worried they are
I’d be even more worried if Kate Adie started commenting, they’d be toast…
Shayhan WrongAkways likes this.
Of course, anyone who speaks up in favour of keeping Britain rooted in the solid earth of its traditional past is going to bump into accusations of lacking ‘compassion’. Not participating in the great virtue-signalling game is going to make you feel pretty close to criminal at worst and hart-hearted at best. That is another BBC objective.
Michael Morpurgo was on a ‘Point of View’ last night on R4, holding forth on ‘Little Amal’ -an imaginary Syrian refugee- who was designed as a model for all of us to open our homes and our hearts to Afghan (and any other) refugees.
The problem with this sort of micro tear-jerker is that we are NEVER told the bottom line. Since he spoke of his experience when he went to Calais/jungle, Africa also fits into this picture. And if the flow of ‘migrants’ and ‘refugees’ from these areas has no boundary (because our compassion should show no limits), are we talking hundreds of thousands or actually millions (tens of millions) flooding these little islands?
For, if you listen to Michael’s rationale on ‘Point of view’ last night, you will quickly realize that there will literally be no end to the suffering trudging the 8000ks across Europe to reach Britain. Since we keep hearing about the NHS at breaking point, insufficient school places, traffic gridlock, etc etc the Morpurgo approach, while admirable in sentiment, is not rooted in reality at all.
Not to mention that several million ‘little Amals’ (and they must be out there) will radically change Britain forever.
Ah yes – morpurgo – a rich media luvvie family – in the shadow of Attenborough or the ‘snow clan ‘…. Telling they care so much – but looking after that bank balance and intreating the less well off to give away cash ….vomit making …
Morpurgo was memorably big on remaining too – french home I guess ….
I’ve three teenage daughters, all regular readers and all doing English Lit at school, who showed no interest at all in his books when at the age they are written far. “Boring” and “all the same” apparently.
He seems to have benefited greatly from the benevolence of the bBbc and their ilk, sharing their beliefs and mindset, he presents himself as being a sympathetic and academic eccentric when he is really just an overindulged and cloying oddball.
It’s strange, and he does seem strange to me, that an ex-teacher who writes books for children that espouse the merits of reconciliation and brotherhood should be estranged from not one but both of his own adult sons.
A bit of a fool best ignored I think.
Thanks for that – i didnt know the ‘detail’
Mr Morpurgo obviously shares the BBC ‘approved thought ‘so is that on that list of ‘mouths’ the BBC call upon to fill in gaps
I wonder if – when the environment gets more hostile to BBC out put – we will signs of ‘fresh thought’ ?
The problem being that they do not see what they are doing as being ‘ wrong ‘ or single minded …
“The problem being that they do not see what they are doing as being ‘ wrong ‘ or single minded …”. (or just plain daft!)
That’s the problem, full stop. It is a complete and utter lack of common sense. It is difficult to understand that these people were doubtless born that way.
I will never forget Farage being drowned out on a debate by uproar from an audience when, in response to nonsense from the SNP/Plaid Cymru who wanted (still want) to import totally unlimited numbers of foreigners to the UK, he simply asked, “How many”. Over and over again and each “How many” merely taunted the other panellists and audience even more.
These people are sick.
Morpurgo lives in deepest North Devon, where the population is sparse, as far as possible from the pressure of immigration and cultural overwhelming.
BBC pays ‘six-figure’ damages to William and Harry’s former nanny Tiggy Legge-Bourke for false smears spread by Martin Bashir
It can of course only do this on such a regular basis thanks to the ‘unique’ way it is funded.
Anybody called Tiggy has my support.
That’s hard earned, Telly Tax payers money.
Perhaps it would be more beneficial if it came out of the corporation’s staff wages ?
Breaking news!
France has agreed to take 120 million refugees in to make its population density the same as England.
(True ((apart from the first bit)))
The European gas crisis is being bigged up all over the place – but there’s little or no explanation of what the underlying market position is – is it shortage of gas or market manipulation? The BBC don’t look very keen on discovering why prices are spiking insanely… The millennial boneheads scampering around trying to mold the narrative to suit their agenda (Not enough windmills and solar panels!!!)
Market manipulation – artificial shortages in energy, food and medical treatment in order to maximise profits, aka ‘Build Back Better for the Billionaires’. Watch out for the supporting articles in the mass media in the coming months. The general themes on the BBC will be:
1. A shortage of energy is a good thing as the reduction in emissions will help the battle against Global Warming (sic).
2. Our dependency on fossil fuels has caused this problem – we now need to invest even more in foreign-owned windmills and Chinese-made solar panels.
3. That meat shortage due to a lack of CO2 for slaughter houses – time to switch to veganism?
4. Time to re-appraise: were Extinction Rebellion right all along?
Come on, you know this is coming…
The Russians double the capacity of Arctic gas supplies to Europe (to 110 BCM) via Nord Stream 2 and the price goes up…
I’m missing something aren’t I?
Yes, but where others seem to be inclined to see conspiracies, I think it’s much more likely one (or more) of the following are to blame:
1. Incompetence
2. Complacency
3. Bone idleness
4. Opportunism
They seem to account for 99.9% of what happens in the world.
Conspiracies are hard work, people are (for the most part) far too lazy, incompetent to enact an elaborate conspiracy.
It’s very simple – all the gas is in those containers nobody can get hold of or drive when they get them … there will be no shortage of shortages this winterval ….
The French complain of a lack of trust. One massive simple reason stands out in my mind and that is the unilateral support of the French which precipitated other countries having to follow suit and the eventual removal of Gaddafi in Libya. All Europeans will now pay the price of African invasion.
The report –
“The following countries have recognised the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) as Libya’s sole and legitimate representative since the beginning of the conflict on February 15 2011.
• France – 10 March
• Qatar – 28 March
• Maldives – 3 April
• Italy – 4 April
• Kuwait – 4 April
• Gambia– 22 April
• United Kingdom– 12 May
• Jordan – 24 May
• Senegal – 28 May
• Malta – 1 June
• Spain – 8 June
• Australia – 9 June
• United States – 9 June
• UAE– 12 June
• Germany – 13 June
• Canada – 14 June
• Panama – 14 June
• Austria – 18 June
• Turkey – 3 July
• Denmark – 22 June
• Poland – 7 July
• Benelux – 13 July
• Portugal – 19 July
• Montenegro – 21 July
• Gabon – 12 August
• Tunisia – 21 August
The French then supplied airlifts and other support to ‘the rebels’. Libya had been quite prosperous, safe, stable and economically viable country. Cameron and UK Government and other governments did not want to be left out of the ‘spoils’ of the overthrow so joined the chaos. The rest is history as they say. The French can not be trusted to act in the interests of the international community when they see an opportunity for self advancement.
Footnote: Saint Obama later said that Cameron had taken his eye off the situation – both distanced them selves from any blame.
BBC plugging the new Strictly under the guise of News! And of course they interview a gay former contestant who waxes lyrical on the first gay pairing.
Oh joy.
vlad, “Mummy, mummy, please make it stop, it is hurting.”
It seems to be a year long thing now. Never ending. Newspapers feeding off TV. TV feeding off newspapers.
Oscars. BAFTAS. Love Island. Celebrity Bake Off. Masterchef. The Olympics. The Paralympics. The Euros. World Cups. I’m a Celebrity. The Booker Prize. TV Sportsman/Woman of the Year. Strictly Come Dancing.
Vintage From our own correspondent
But forgive me as I am developing the ability to hear a ‘buzzing ‘ whenever I hear stuff on the BBC either woke or pro Muslim or pro ‘green’ ….
So that half hour was one long buzz … something about Muslim refugees somewhere – something about muzzee afgees – something against orban – something green –
I’m also happy t0 have developed the ability to wipe any memory of this ‘approved thought ‘
Pity there was nothing about the false president or frog submarines …
A few days ago Tom Harwood tweeted that either 47% of black people have had the jab or that they hadn’t – near enough only about half. Today the Daily Mail online tells me that Strictly is in chaos as two of the dancers have refused the jab and nobody wants to dance with them.
Two or three years ago I gave up on the ever becoming woke Strictly – so in all honesty I don’t care. But I notice that the papers don’t seem to be naming which dancers have refused.
I know some people for various reasons have decided not to be vaccinated and I don’t want to start a conversation here on whether people should or shouldn’t be vaccinated so my comments are given as observations only with reference to Tom’s tweet.
A woke friend justified BAMEs refusing the jab because Black people were used in drug trials. It was only after the conversation finished I remembered that Jewish people were also used in medical trials (Dr Mengele et al) but it hasn’t affected their decision (in general) to be vaccinated. I know a doctor in Israel working on the covid ward. Booster jabs have been given and the ward has had to close because of lack of patients.
Deborah, do you know which of the various vaccines have been used in Israel? And do I recall correctly that the Israelis have developed their own vaccine?
And have you read about the after-effects of the vaccines in Israel, which amounts to a controlled experiment like the Diamond Princess cruise ship?
Banania, no haven’t read it, do you have any links, please? Would like to read that.
Bother, I haven’t kept a note of it. It may have been on UK Column which I watch religiously and there may be articles there. Politico UK (don’t know what that chap is called) has certainly discussed Israel more than once. There was a dramatic account of spontaneous abortions etc post-vaccine but I can’t remember where I saw it. Sorry not to be more specific.
People I know in Israel have had 2 doses of Pfizer but I don’t know what their third shot was. Doctor and his wife are in their early thirties.
BBC tech programme Click did a long piece on ‘far-right’ extremism online. Apparently they’re playing ‘far-right’ games, shock-horror.
Many right-leaning content creators have been forced to small, fringe sites like Odysee because Big Tech platforms like YouTube have hounded them off their sites. But that’s not enough for the likes of the BBC, who now want those last, small bastions of free speech to be more ‘regulated’. We know what regulated means in Beeb-speech: censored of any right-wing or populist opinions.
As Douglas Murray says, the authorities are good at hunting down and suppressing the secondary consequences of their policies, like islamophobia, but useless at addressing the causes thereof.
Stop thrusting third-world immigration down the public’s throats, and you might find that suddenly xenophobia ceases to be a problem. Likewise islam, leftist feminism, gayism, BLM blackism etc – and islamophobia, misogyny, homophobia and racism will also disappear.
Tackle the causes of the unrest, and the consequences will disappear on their own.
The way I see it Vlad, the harder the BBC (and rest of the MSM) push their oft ridiculous and over the top agenda, the more opposition there will be, the more some will move to the ‘right’, and ultimately, the more supporters there will be for various, genuinely ‘far right’ movements.
I don’t want the ‘far right’, and won’t be joining it personally, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the longer this ‘woke madness’ of the mainstream continues, the stronger such groups get, until there is an extreme backlash.
The Left is like someone who repeatedly and relentlessly prods someone gently but annoyingly, then when they eventually get an understandable violent reaction says ‘Look, look, what unreasonable person they are, I only just prodded them’.
With regard to the MSM (most blatantly now in most ‘diverse’ adverts) when ever did ‘Rubbing peoples faces in it’ work ?.
The default position of the BBC , Sky, Barclays Bank etc, etc,
etc. In their picture presentation or advertising is to have an ethnic
person , usually black as their lead placement. I have been to Caribbean Islands where there are more Caucasian faces to
be seen on TV advertising than you see in the UK.
It looks like Barclays Bank has now become numero uno in
this marketing advertising strategy now.
There is a deal of rumour / News circulating about the lights going out this Winter. It’s not the first time this rumour has done the rounds however this time there might be some substance to it.
Crazy incompetent or perhaps even corrupt governments have pushed Britains generating capacity over the gas, in what was called ‘the dash for gas’. Osborne whilst Chancellor shut down Britains production of natural gas but taxing it to death and he also closed the gas storage facilities which Britain had. It’s the perfect storm, in the fragility of the system to withstand any kind of shock is now virtually nil.
Makes you wonder given the links of the Green lobby to Communism whether this was all part of the plan all along, especially given Russias huge control over European gas through Gazprom. Merkel for all her faults has been careful to give Germany 3 months of gas storage, where here the cowardly useless incompetent Tories have reduced ours to almost nil.
Here’s a piece I don’t think I’ve ever heard on these pages but is certainly worthy of noting. It relates to the run up to WWII Where the BBC were it appears Nazi sympathisers and banned Churchill from appearing on the airwaves in case he upset them, but it gets far worse:
“Adolf Hitler appointed Joachim von Ribbentrop as the ambassador to London in August, 1936. His main objective was to persuade the British government not to get involved in Germany territorial disputes and to work together against the the communist government in the Soviet Union. Ribbentrop upset the British government by posting Schutz Staffeinel (SS) guards outside the German Embassy and by flying swastika flags on official cars. However, BBC Director General, John Reith got on very well with him. According to Reith’s own diary he told Rippentrop to assure Hitler “the BBC was not anti-Nazi” and that if they were to send his German opposite number over for a visit he would fly the swastika from the top of Broadcasting House.
Labour Party MPs became increasingly concerned by what they thought was the BBC’s pro-Nazi stance. Hastings Lees-Smith argued in the House of Commons: “The BBC is an autocracy which has outgrown the original autocrat … It has become despotism in decay … the nearest thing in this country to Nazi government that can be shown… If I talk to any employee of the Corporation, I am made to feel like a conspirator.”
The left are always quick to point out the Daily Mails support for Oswald Moseleys BUF, but they were nothing like the Nazis this the BBC were doing even appalled the Labour party of the time, who unlike the cowards of the Tory party were prepared to speak out against it.
If you asked a bbc scientific expert for their opinion on CO2 they would probably say that they liked it better when it was known as the millennium dome.
Ok, the end of the world has happened. Remember Darling Buds of May ? and Catherine Zeta Jones as Mariette who fell in love with blonde bespectacled Charlie ? Prepare yourselves. A new version is about to hit the screen, and its been butchered. Charlie is no longer blonde or bespectacled. Charlie has emerged from the Chocolate Factory.
Going back to the late 80s? That series was a great favourite of my mother, my sisters, and their friends, at least in our household.
As I recall, it was based on books written in the 50/60s? Here:
Wonder how many black people there were in rural Kent in the 1950s? Wonder how most parents in 1950s rural Kent would have reacted to their daughter dating a black man?
Fair enough, it is fiction, but it’s also taking liabilities with an author’s work, and revising history in the minds of the masses (cf. Bridgerton etc…).
The most ridiculous example of such revisionism I can think of was an episode of ‘The Last Kingdom’ which had a 9th C Anglo-Saxon Monk portrayed as a disabled guy in a WOODEN wheelchair, yes, you read that right. There were black, Indian, and Chinese looking vikings in some of the later episodes too…
There’s a point where ‘suspension of disbelief’ is no longer possible as the boundaries have been pushed that bit too far. I won’t be watching any of the later series now.
“Wonder how many black people there were in rural Kent in the 1950s?”
This is the rub. Kent is a large county. Bromley is considered South London but geographically is in Kent, so in the periphery of the county bordering London there may well have been a black community around that time, due to Windrush.
However, in the orchard growing rural areas towards the south coast, black people were as rare as hen’s teeth. During that time Manston had the US Airforce based there, and there were the odd sightings of black military if they ventured into nearby towns. Like during the war years, local young girls were attracted to the ‘Yanks’, but your reputation was in ruins if you were spotted out with a black man.
By coincidence, Senora O’Blene has just read the whole five books about the Larkins, (for the umpteenth time), and has just confirmed that the only foreigners in the stories are Mademoiselle Dupont and her concierge!
As usual, the bbc do everything they can to misrepresent the true atmosphere of the 1950s, when great writers like H.E.Bates wrote proper stories, but they’ll then make it even worse by trying to make Britain multicultural is their ‘period’ dramas, which are even more risible.
You can just imagine the bbc’s limp-wristed ‘directors’ lisping into their lattes while their weedy little minions prance around, squealing with joy at yet another ruination of a British classic story.
And HE Bates was very broadminded about exotic races; he wrote quite a lot about the French.
Ben Hunte… sounds familiar.
pug, if you think that ‘colourism racism is bad’ in Jamaica, you should ask the average Trinidadian what they think of Jamaicans!
“Climate change: Should green campaigners put more pressure on China to slash emissions?”
So, when are you flying out there Roger?
Don’t forget to take Greta with you .
Sadly I do agree (with BBC) that Facebook is dangerous and it has direct access and watches anybody that signs up to it and sell your data. profile, likes and dislikes. Its far worse than Google for instance, but at least Google does have (some) good positives and a good free search engine. Its tracking is anonymous. The BBC employ Google and third party data trackers to work out its audience, the BBC also paid for those third party ads on Google – (one of the rare occasions that the BBC popped up for every question and answer session as paid for Ads during BREXIT). But they are big sponsors of Google and paid for platforms on BBC on Youtube.
FaceBook and the BBC are both left wing platforms, but the difference is that the BBC is dwarfed by the power of Facebook. The BBC like to be the main influencer, and (it cannot even compete with NetFlix). Both Facebook and the BBC are guilty of a huge left wing bias, but Facebook, unfortunately is a huge multi-national and that makes a large amount of money. The BBC makes a large loss £4.8 Billion (License cost) loss each year-on-year . Its profit (if any) internationally (Canada/USA) is entirely based on keeping the (UK) TV license intact. Basically its beyond broke and totally penniless without it. So facebook is at least profitable and unlikely to go broke and could outlast the BBC in its influence. Both toxic corporations.
It’s the Devils Work.
I believe the lefty establishment are unwittingly slowly digging their own grave, their automatic response to opposition is to ban any dissent, aided and abetted by the cosy club of globalist social media giants along with their Globalist scheming masters.
This cannot last as the protest gains traction and sooner or later the groundswell of normal people will swallow these pseudo brain-dictatored natzi’s
Long live human freedom and free speech!
I am with you!
I can’t wait to see zuckerberg et al bite the dust.
Its simple, Macron is a new age self-serving twat trying to be a second Napoleon!
Apparently, Macron was so exhausted after the first few minutes of his wedding night, that he went to sleep as soon as his feet touched the pillow!
Let’s face it – France only fully rejoined the NATO structure in 2009 – so it would not be much of a loss for one our most dangerous enemies to leave again …. Which I guess is the next stage of teddy throwing after recalling ambassadors ….
Anything bad for France is Good for us … and if France attempted to displace nato with some form of EU military alliance the Russians would be delighted …. I’ve always thought that Article 5 mechanism of ‘an attack on one is an attack on all ‘is like one of those pre WW1 and WW2 treaties which did UK no favours at all …
Let’s face it, the French have a long history of shitting on the UK so let’s not get too worried about this. The plain facts are that it makes all sense to go for a powerful fleet of UK -US nucleur subs than some diesel powered tubs from France..
I notice that the BBC are now moving to paint anti-BBC folk who won’t pay the license fee as “Right-Wing” this means they are really worried and have resorted to the stupid childish blame the right wing crap.
Sorry BBC we have rumbled you toads and this won’t help you, people are just getting sick of your left-wing social engineering crap!
Good riddance…
Scanning tweets about Channel4, I spot quite a few lefty tweets saying that the Channel4 prog Help about chaos in a Care Home during Covid
shows the “truth” or is a “fly on the wall documentary”
… Actually, it’s a drama set in a fictional care home.
My message this evening is specifically to the BBC………………….
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
We are on to you.
Yours ,
The people of Great Britain. (pass it on )
I note that the cult of multiculturalism was injected into two Channel4 docos tonight.
First in the Alice Robert’s prog
“Medieval Lincoln was a great multicultural place ”
Then half an hour later Bettany Hughes lectured us
“yes there were these battles, but for the most part these ports all around the Mediterranean were happy multicultural societies”
She’d just been explaining how the Spanish Christians had kicked out the Muslims from Gibraltar, 300 years after they’d built their castle there. They’d help the region for 700 years.
I’d not noticed before that Gibraltar had had much of a Moorish past, but she showed that name comes from the Muslim leader Tariq
and they’d built a castle
Then a recent discovery underground showed some unknown guy had built a Muslim baths out of old Roman columns etc.
The Moors came in the Eighth century
The name comes from Jabal Ṭāriq, lit. ’Mount of Tariq’ after their leader.
The Castle is from 1160
The Moorish presence in Gibraltar ended in 1462
The prog also spoke of Neanderthal caves occupied for 90,000 years.
An incredible timescale co that is longer than modern humans have existed.
Stew, yes, Lincoln had a Jewish quarter, if I recall correctly, as many cities in England did. No doubt some Romans remained in the UK as well. The French and Dutch would have been back and forth, trading, to say nothing of the invaders. Not Muslim invaders but Angles, Jutes and Saxons.
Was Gibraltar the staging post for the Battle of Lepanto?
Food shortages in 2 weeks ? well I’ve got my stock of pickled onions for Christmas.
Bris bris- everyone – panic – panic buy now ( whilst stocks last ) …or maybe dont believe thd hype ( sponsored by tesco ) ..
I fully believe that there has been some disruption in goods getting to shops and that this is largely due to the knock-on effects of staff either scared or just plain dossing, it’s not just lack of lorry drivers that creates the problem, it also takes food production staff, packaging staff, warehouse staff, loaders, vehicle maintenance staff, office staff etc. all to be in-work to make the process work properly.
However I believe that there are now factions, especially on the left side of the press who are trying to whip up another artificial stockpiling frenzy by joe public so that we see empty shelves etc. (Remember the great toilet roll escapade?)
The key reason they would want do this is to make the situation look as bad as possible so they can roll out the “due to Brexit crap” all over again.