The UK has a new Minister for Culture (Nadine Dorries) and a Minister with responsibility for broadcasting (Julia Lopez). First on the agenda is the sale of Channel 4 – and then – perhaps – a fresh look at the future of the BBC ……
Weekend Thread 18 September 2021
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Migrants in Texas: Thousands moved to processing centres
I’ve noticed that since Joe Biden’s popularity tanked – which the BBC have spectacularly failed to report – they are now not mentioning him or his party at all in the bad news stories. This crisis is a direct result of Democrat policy.
This story is classic BBC and is exactly what they do whenever they are protecting the agenda. They give us lots of information about what is happening, but do not tell us WHY it is happening.
Deliberate omissions are no different from straight lies and the biggest reason why you cannot trust the BBC.
“Four more small energy firms could go bust next week”
Which four?
Is it something to do with attempting to reduce CO2 emissions or green energy ?
I think this might not be a spoof.
I think you’re right, Guest!
Funnily enough, if you click on the ‘hire me’ button, there’s an error page…
I wasted a good few minutes trying to work out what this ‘expert communicator’ was trying to say and I’m still not sure that I get it.
Is it something like, “If everyone thought like me there would be no disagreement”? Which would be true but hardly likely to happen and his opponents could use the same argument.
Many years ago Clare Short, reflecting on her political career, said something like, “we thought that singing the songs would change the world”, (it didn’t). JOB hasn’t learned that lesson, no amount of protest, ‘peaceful’ or not, changes anything practical, i.e. closing the M25 doesn’t put foam slabs on houses.
Maybe he thinks protest changes minds? Might be just me but a ranting JOB or a grid-locked M25 would make me an opponent before the first banner was even unveiled.
It’d be interesting/informative to list *all* the small energy companies that have already gone bust?
Black slaves were apparently called ‘cattle’ in some West African Kingdoms, and there are a number of early accounts of slaves being ritually (brutally) slain, cooked, and eaten at celebratory feasts.
They were treated very cruelly in many other ways too, as their descendants still are in much of West Africa, where they form a class apart.
Will they be looking forward to/petitioning for reparations?
The most suitable reparations are to give them free one-way tickets back to Africa and $10,000 to start a new life away from the country and people they hate.
How many takers do you think ?.
All of this has nothing to with slavery. It’s about anti-white racism and greed using the gullible f*ckwits on the Left who are absolutely unable to get the world in perspective. Nothing else.
One to run by Springster?
Or will the Newsnight activism make her stick with her feet still?
Kwasi-totalitarianism, Kwasi-golf, I’ll Pasodoble on that, thanks.
The Observer this morning relays the governmental line concerning the increasing cost of energy: ‘“Don’t panic”: minister bids to calm fears over gas prices… Energy talks are “like response to covid”‘
Now I’m really worried. A bad flu virus arrives in 2020 and the government decides to close the NHS to all other business assuming it won’t cope and locks us in our homes for an indefinite period. Having over-reacted and busted the economy their only line of retreat was to make an untested innoculation drug practically compulsory, aiming to jab a huge proportion of the population well above what was formerly scientifically considered herd immunity, despite or perhaps because the supposed vaccine doesn’t work to prevent infection or transmission of the illness and requires continual booster top ups.
Goodness only knows what bright ideas borrowed from China’s totalitarian regime the Tories will come up with to master gas prices?
Send the chief executives of the leading energy suppilers to some re-education labour camp? Have the failing price regulator disappeared into the basement of Kwasi Kwarteng’s office?
If only…
We hear Boris fancies himself as Winston Churchill – to me he’s more like the legendary King Canute – who these days we’re directed to call Cnut the Great.
Sitting on his thrown on a beach… picture this somewhere near Dover and imagine the diminiative Priti Patel has been placed way out to sea already up to her neck in it… Boris is meanwhile ancle deep in suds, still directing the natural force of the tide to turn back.
You employ a bloke to do his best to untangle us from EU control, manage the economy, ease off on tax and bossy regulations, secure the border somewhat by levelling off immigration just a bit… and what does he do instead? Oh, all that stuff was too hard for him. Tell you what… he’ll concentrate on altering the global climate and banishing all disease – well, not all disease… just this flu-like one that mostly affects old people who tend to be at the end of their natural anyway.
It would be akin to contracting with a builder to put in a loft extention and come home to find him in your garden laying out a crazy golf course you didn’t ask for. Then he tells you this is going to be very expensive.
Turns out Prince Philip gave some sound advice to Harry when he went to Afghanistan. The Duke, probably taking into account the limited intellectual capacity of his grandson, kept it simple: ‘“Make sure you come back alive” Harry reveals Duke’s words before Prince went off to fight war‘ (Sunday Express)
Another Royal story…
‘Andrew’s legal strategy of silence “bad for monarchy”‘ (Sunday Telegraph)
One wonders what words of wisdom Philip gave his son when he went off on a holiday trip with Jeffrey Epstein?
Don’t you dare come back with the clap – that’s my message to our NHS if they think they’re getting me out on the doorstep ever again… oh, you didn’t think…?
In health news…
‘Long Covid less common than feared – ONS study‘ (BBC) and ‘The UK’s “most vulnerable” hospital patients, who are unable to build up an antibody response to Covid, will be offered new drug Ronapreve… It was famously used as part of the suite of experimental medicines given to US President Donald Trump last year.‘ (BBC)
Eventually even loudly trumpeted BBC project fear and biased propaganda gets quietly corrected.
‘BBC hit by new Bashir shame. Outrage as MoS reveals derisory efforts to find murdered girl’s clothes after reporter took them from mother – then LOST them‘ (Mail on Sunday)
I’ll raise you two males on Strictly: ‘John White and Johannes Radebe take the floor as the first male same-sex pairing on last night’s Strictly Come Dancing on BBC1‘ (Telegraph) – I do believe the hyphenated phrase same-sex is probably redundant in that sentence – although it does tend convey the hint that there’s already been an all female pairing – and that’s the main thing, I suppose, this is all about identitity politics.
‘White, a former Great British Bake Off champion...’ – I’ll give him winner… but champion is putting it a bit strong. It’s just a game show. ‘…said of the partnership “I hope it breaks the notion of toxic masculinity”‘ – I’m lost for words. Will the BBC ever persuade me to renew my TV licence – I’ll Pasodoble on that, thanks.
Boris is nothing at all like Churchill, in fact he is the antithesis of Churchill. He isn’t even of the lowly stature of cowards like Neville Chamberlain or Lord Halifax, if there was a wartime name I would equate Boris the bottler with it would be William Joyce better known as Lord Haw Haw – someone who went to bat for the other side.
Boris isn’t a conservative, he is a far left liberal woke weak fool
What about the rest of the Tory MPs? Do we hear any criticism coming from them about Al Beeb and it’s woke agenda ?
Nadine Dorries may prove me wrong ?
Nadine Dorries is already talking about the future of the licence fee, and that means it has a future. It should have no future at all and if there was an intent to end it, we might expect they would have indicated that to the BBC to begin preparations to move to a subscription model.
They are making all the indication that they have no intention at all of ending the licence fee and they are even making plans to make the thing compulsory via property tax if more people decide to opt out.
Then it’s time to kick the Tories out.
The only alternative to them is a coalition of parties consisting of eg UKIP and The Reform Party etc.
Nadine is a huge fan of our waffling, windbag prime minister, so expect a lot of huffing and puffing, rave reviews in The Daily Mail and very little action.
The BBC, The Guardian and Channel 4 will loathe her and (for them) she’ll be considered public enemy number one.
But NOTHING will happen.
Think Priti…
Thoughtful, certainly the current BBC Licence Fee should have no future at its present size. I wonder if the Government will mandate a year on year reduction in the Licence Fee? I vote for 10%.
I think most of the swamp politicians are more busy trying to get ‘exposure ‘ to further their careers and not causing upset – particularly with the red tories where there are so many of them …
There are a few still similarities- i think both have mild ADHD ? As they both cant do detail – hence you land up with the disasterous dardinelles campaign and a very messy initial response to Covid ( and i know he is not responsible for everything ) …
Another big difference is that Churchill had a bit of a death wish whereas Nut nut would do anyone to survive …
Oh, the irony.
The BBC are headlining the increased price of wholesale gas.
This is going to cause problems because, wait for it, there is not enough wind energy being created ( unstated of course is that there has been little or no wind recently).
What a shock for the BBC to discover that you need fossil fuels for when the wind doesn’t blow. Ratio 5 gas:1 wind as I write.
Still, I’m sure Roger Horrorbin can be relied on to produce plenty of hot air.
We wont see the BBC campaigning to resume fracking any time soon .. to cut gas prices ..
On Toady on Sunday, after the climate crisis and pro-muslim stories, there was a Christian related story…….at 0738, shortly before the end of the programme.
About right for the BBC preferred listener base these days.
Only last year recall catching up in the PE hall with Duane Shaft’s Dad and his wife Foxy.
That there is the BBC saying ‘F*ck you’ to the general British public. Who they despise.
“Should schools retain online parents’ evenings?”
NO!!! They were rubbish!
It didn’t help that many of the teachers and parents (that would be the missus and me) didn’t have a clue how the hastily cobbled together ‘technology’ worked… or perhaps it just didn’t work, but more than that, the time slots were too short, and those smug, weaselly little teachers you wanted to pin down on something important found it much to easy an excuse to squirm out of it.
“Err sorry Mr Brother, I didn’t catch that question, can you repeat it please?”
“I said, what is happening about the exams this year? I’m reading all kind of contradictory things in the news, and in the messages we get from the school, and it’s only weeks away now, my son needs to know what’s expected of him.”
“Err… oh, look time’s up, nice to speak to you, if you want to talk further you can always pop in for a visit… oh, no you can’t do that, Covid… so err… tell you what drop me an email sometime. Got to go, next call is on the line.”
I’m not ‘one of those parents who needs an off camera glass of wine’ – what are you an alcoholic, or something?! Nor am I one who objects to taking time off work, and attending the school on a ‘cold, wet Tues evening’ FFS, my kids’ education is important to me.
It’s not as if you don’t need to take time off work for the conference call anyway, is it? That’s not actually any different.
I AM one of those parents who wants to look their kids’ teachers in the eye and ask relevant questions about my kids’ education.
That’s what it’s really about, teachers HATE parents’ evening they HATE having to talk to grown ups they can’t bully, and being held to account, and want any excuse to avoid it. I’m pretty sure that thing about the ‘off camera wine’ is actually about the teachers, not the parents.
“Yes miss! This is my cousin, an unescorted child migrant from Afghanistan, just arrived from Dover”.
Neither an online parents’ evening nor a conventional parents’ evening where the children stay home. Just more BBC photo selection by colour.
Sopes gathering BBC lawyers as we speak?
Sally Field going to play her? Or John Boyega?
For anyone who has seen them, this woman is ‘imitating’ the whirling of the Dervishes an Islamic sect a sub set of the Sufis.
As might be expected the Taliban arrested and tortured Sufis in Afghanistan so little surprise they had to flee. This however is not the story the BBC is telling in its fake news version of ‘sexism’.
I believe there are strong Sufi and Shia minorities among the Hazaras (a large minority ethnic group in Central Afghanistan) who were formerly persecuted by the (Sunni) Taliban, and probably are being ‘dealt with’ again now.
Interestingly, the Hazara (a term which comes from the Persian term ‘thousands’, used by the Central Asian and Iranian Turco-Mongols and their descendants for regiments), claim descent from the armies of Genghis Khan and Timur, settled in the region as garrison troops between the 13th and 15th Centuries.
Recently, the BBC have been joining in bashing that ex-teacher, turned writer woman who wrote that ‘culturally naive’ book about her life and students (and whose name I can’t recall). She seems to be yet another victim of the woke inquisition. Her most ‘damning’ ‘racist’ outrage was to describe one of her students, an immigrant Hazara girl, as having ‘beautiful almond eyes’.
According to this girl, now a young woman, the Hazara are very proud of their ‘almond eyes’ (the exact term they use), which they see as a sign of great beauty. Arched eyebrows that meet in the middle (‘monobrow’), pale, round, ‘moonlike’ faces, with small features, and fat buttocks are also considered beautiful… or, so I have read. Not everyone has the same conventions re: beauty, and nor should they have – note BBC.
Off topic maybe, but the BBC (like other woketivists) often seem woefully ignorant about a great many subjects they get all uppity about. In fact, more often than not, woke=ignorant and loud with it.
Guest Who
I listened to the actor or friend of the dancer giving his report and setting the standard for BBC pronunciation of Tollybon and Kobble.
We always used to say Ka-BULL. When did that change, and who decided?
Hard to see how Nadine cannot address ‘news’ stories in this format:
Rory Cellan Jones “I was at the iPhone launch, the device that started the smartphone revolution”
.. That’s the BBC yet again pushing it’s story world over reality.
The iPhone was not the first smartphone.
I’ve often thought it’d be useful if the losers in Intellectual property larceny legal cases had to put the logo of the people they stole from on the items that used the nicked tech…
crikey … I hadn’t realised they went that far…
Is that a collectors’ item ? Must be worth a €…
I wonder if it’s portend of electricity and gas bills to come
I have a shopping bag made of Zimbabwean banknotes glued together. They were quite a thing for visitors to bring back a few years ago.
Since 8 September @Steve_Laws_ has been asking the Home Office to confirm or deny whether firearms were found near the railway bridge between Dungeness and New Romney on 6 August after a ‘beach landing’.
He has received no response here.
Which one of our intrepid news organisations will investigate?
As he says, this is a matter of public safety.
It was surely only a matter of time – there’s a clear opportunity there….
Meanwhile dodgy white vans with furtive crews and Kaliningrad / Tirana license plates get waved through the tunnel unmolested.
That will be a tiny bridge, given the size of the railway: 15 inch gauge.
The Royal Navy ended the slave trade.
I know this is off subject and I am preaching to the mostly converted. But the latest figures indicate that deaths from covid
are sadly at 99% for those who have not been doubly vaccinated.
Bet it for their gods will, sanctity of their own bodies, being
afraid of needles, ignorance or those who for medical reasons
cant have the job. It is all very sad.
All I can say to the ignorant is that when you have a headache you
take an aspirin, If you get cancer you go to the doctor and either
have an operation, or have chemo. Or maybe you don’t and just
let yourself die. All very sad.
Just one bit of advice for anti-vaxxers . Just look up Edward Jenner.
This vaccination thing has been going on for over 220 years. And
has saved millions upon millions lives. Just as the covid vaccines
are doing today.
Foscari, for the record, I’m double jabbed, but feel others have the right to do as they want in regard to getting vaccinated.
Ultimately, a vaccine doesn’t need 100% coverage to be effective in protecting the majority of the population, and the vast majority of people will, I’m sure, take it up.
As for those who don’t want to be jabbed, if they do get covid and suffer as a consequence, it’s sad, but it was their choice.
There is the very (very) slim chance that there will be some kind of nasty longterm side effect from one, some, or all of the vaccines, or that it’s all some kind of incredibly complicated, international conspiracy – to what, do away with the majority of the population, or to sterilise us? If so, the reward for the gamble they’ve chosen to take, will be that they are the ones to continue the human race… perhaps?
Given how (vastly) unlikely any of that is, personally, I’ll take the jabs, thanks, and will be getting my kids jabbed too, thanks again. But, each to their own, you take your choices and live (or die) accordingly, don’t blame anyone else.
Are you aware that despite the serious side effects and even deaths as a ‘side effect’ of the vaccine which isn’t a vaccine, the government has failed to pay a penny in compensation from the vaccine compensation fund?
I’m also hearing they have been witholding payments to those poor subpostmasters wrongly accused of stealing the Post Offices money.
The vaccine will not stop you catching covid, and it won’t stop you being contageous. Kids are relatively unaffected by the virus so you might ask yourself what is the point of getting them jabbed? Who are you hoping to protect because it certainly isn’t the kids.
As for me, having had the covid I have natural immunity which is 27 times better than the vaccine so I’ll stick with that.
Thoughtful-I am glad that you recovered from Covid Of
course it is your right not to be vaccinated. But so far as side effects are concerned , have you ever looked on the leaflets you get with aspirin or paracetamol?
When I have my operation for cancer on Tuesday I will have to sign
an acceptance form which tells me that I have certain percentages of getting side affects, including DEATH. Most of
us these days in the 21st century understand all of this. And
are very grateful for the wonderful advances made in
medicine . Going back 220 years when Edward Jenner discovered
that his novel VACCINATION could save many from dying from
small pox. BUT I reiterate it should not be mandatory for
everybody to have this treatment which has an exceptional chance of stopping one from being very ill or even dying from
this Chinese man made virus.
Foscari and BIgBro, the key point to bear in mind in all of this ‘vaccinate for the good of the planet’ is that the vaccines are now being described by scientists as ineffective at worst or ‘wearing off’ at best. It is pointless to have one unless you are at major risk and before you do get jabbed it is essential to determine which vaccine to have and that it will not do you more harm than good.
I wish you all the best for your recovery post op – and I can fully understand the need for you to be vaccinated. Your kids however could still be infectious even if they are jabbed.
Remember though that this is not a ‘vaccination’ in the classical sense like Jenners was it is perhaps better described as a therapy.
The 27 times better protected comes from an Israeli study published this last week, and which I linked to previous.
Fauci has been heavily involved in paying for this virus to be made, and tonight a documentary will be broadcast on Sky Aus about it, in which comments dug up from Fauci’s past has him saying that a global pandemic would be a price worth paying for his research, and that he chose Wuhan because it wasn’t in the USA so if it did leak wouldn’t be as likely to infect Americans (idiot didn’t he think it would spread around the world?)
Once again all the best wishes for you speedy and whole recovery.
“deaths from covid
are sadly at 99% for those who have not been doubly vaccinated.”
99% ..I am not sure I believe that
This page says the fig is obtained by stopping measuring on July 1st
and since then many double jabbed have died.
A commenter adds
\\ The definition of “unvaccinated” also covers those who had both doses,
but catch covid within 21 days of initial vaccination. //
#1 I’m double vaccinated
#2 It still seems to me that when people have had Covid they have better protection than someone who has been double jabbed
so it is wrong to make out they are letting society down
#3 The vaccines seem to me not to be true vaccines, but rather immune system primers.
Stew-I just saw it on the governments own website. You can google it as well. I suppose one doesn’t have to believe it .
@Foscari see my now edited comment
99% like 97% for “Climate Scientists” seems a PR number
rather than a true real world number.
Since the period measured was Jan 2021 to July 1 21, the bulk of the vaccine deaths were indeed unvaccinated, however basically no one was actually double vaccinated in the first 3 months
And that is when the vast vast majority of Covid deaths happened
Stew ” #3 The vaccines seem to me not to be true vaccines, but rather immune system primers. ”
That is correct. It could be that a true vaccine will be along sometime soon. However, if we are not dealing with a natural virus, you can knock that idea on the head staright away.
Via @ThinkingSlow
Don’t forget we have the example of Capt. Tom who was vaccinated but died from Covid (+ old age, probably) anyway.
….’but died from covid….’
Yeah, which he caught in hospital having gone in originally for something else and tested negative.
‘NHS heroes kill hero’ was not a headline I noticed on the BBC.
That is a tissue of untruths. I won’t say lies, because you probably believe it all. The truth WILL come out, despite all the effort to suppress it.
The trouble is Fossy, for the past 210 years we didn’t have social media !
BBC and Unite against Facism – Socialist Workers Party front – share the same news and interpretation of the Capital Rally for the Jan 6th protestors.
You see, Trump and his supporters had made it clear that the event was a set up and protestors should stay away.
But the BBC and fellow Trots present it as a lack of support.
Only towards the end of the BBC report does it mention Trump’s warning, but the entire piece is slanted towards the guilt of the Jan6th demonstrators.
If only Nadine could be allowed to take on the BBC, but that will never happen – she will be Pritied
Have you noticed that on the BBC news page is a heading called Climate.
Looks like the BBC and Johnson Nut Nuts are working together.
Does anyone really think that Nadine could stand up to the BBC and No 10?
I bet the BBC wishes Bashir would just go away.
But now there is an allegation about him taking away the clothes of a child murder victim by way of her mother ‘ to get them DNAd’ as part of a coming BBC documentary investigation .
But they were not DNAd and were lost and there was no documentary…
If ive got my summary wrong forgive me – but any dirty conduct with BBC involvement involved is good for us .
Now doubt the dead BBC producer – Hewitson – will get any coming blame – like the Princess Diana fraud …
Elsewhere …
RIP Jimmy Greaves – what a player – spurs at home to chelsea later today …
You can’t help but notice that the BBC along with the rest of the MSM are gradually siding with the French over the US-OZ-UK sub pact.
The only thought that goes through my mind is that I hope the leader of the Armed Forces in the USA is kept well away from any details unless they are not bothered about them being sent straight to his Chinese buddies
When did they ever take the UK line?
Agreed. The Last Ditch Remainers , there are millions of them, think that the response of Macron is statesman like rather than that of a spoiled child. They argue that we ought not to upset our nearest neighbour conveniently forgetting the Vaccine and NPI suspension, the continued hostility regarding the NPI, the migrant issue, the endless French hostilities during the Brexit negotiations etc etc etc. Basically they want us to continue to be subservient to the EU and of course rejoin ASAP.
Will they ever accept Brexit? I don’t think so and because many of them are in positions of power and influence they represent a real threat to the independence of this country and will continue to do so for many years to come. The price of Brexit is eternal vigilance.
Double – with a bit of luck the EU will continue to be under strain and break up under its ‘own weight – leaving the Franco Kraut outfit it really is …
Just more evidence of the state of the USA state sector not believing it has any need to answer to elected authority. This is also the case with Fauci, the Military the FDA the CDC all of them are acting as their own oversight bypassing any kind of controls.
“Aukus: Truss defends security deal amid criticism”
“The UK’s new security agreement with the US and Australia will make it safer and could create hundreds of new jobs, the new foreign secretary has said.”
“Defends” , “DEFENDS” !
Why the hell should we defend the creation of hundreds of British Jobs ?
Yes -‘ defends’ attempts to put a negative spin on an excellent deal with which to screw the enemy French . Imagine if it had been Aus – US – and someone else …
I seem to recall many many months ago, seeing something on Aus. Sky which outlined the problems Aus had with the French with the design of the diesel powered subs the former wanted. As I recall, Aus was on a string being pulled by the Frogs and that has been going on for years with no subs to show for it. As usual there is a story attached the MSM doesn’t want the public to know.
Energy crisis .
Here is a heads up . There is a huge source of gas beneath taffland. In coal and abandoned coal mines.
I doubt if Al Beeb ‘researchers’ have spotted this yet .
And there will be no need for us Boyos to get our picks and shovels of the garden shed.
The problem is that the ‘greens’ wont like it because of our carbon footprint.
Nothing to do with green or Carbon. It’s part of the lefts plot to destroy the West, notice they only ever berate North America and Europe over this, never Russia or Asia or Africa despite the fact they are the worlds worst polluters.
It has nothing to do with climate, nothing to do with CO2 it’s all about destroying our culture and civilisation.
I’m still trying to figure out why coal is referred to as ‘fossil fuels’. Why not just say coal and be done with it ?
Oil and gas are also fossil fuels
Brissles, I would think that natural gas along with oil based products are fossil fuels – or did I miss something when I studied Organic Chemistry at Uni all those years ago
BBC Pidgen Do Dat Science Page:
Fossil Fuels
Fuels dem made from fossils. Actually dis totes white trash. Fossils dey be made from inorganics leeching into crumbling bones, like Aunty Bee’s Gumbo.
Wat dem mean is dinosaurs go ‘oh woes’ and fall die when big rock come from upstairs. Dey lie all around and on top longtime then gradually covered with sediment and such.
Dis gets heavy like Di and makes big pressure. So the meat and giblets gets hot and squeezed and de carbon they made from head back in reverse. Only dis time not evil See Oh Toe from chicken, but coal if hard or oil if runny. And gas if like Uncle Dwayne’s farts after some top styly home brew. Only less lethal. All back from chicken descendants. Dis am mega irony.
Also Sopes knocking back same same as small village in Hintyland just to sell him book here, there and over there too when visiting him colleague Horrybin.
Thanks all for that. its nice to know these things.
4pm R4 Book Show : Black presenter, yet another black guest
Stormzy gets a namecheck.
Maybe Rashford will be mentioned.
“Women threatened over maternity care bills”
Health Tourists ?
NHS Short of Cash? It will be, now with the added burden of the mass invasion of our beaches while our Tory Government stands and merely watches . At the same time Al Beeb would be happy to see the NHS turned into an international health service.
17000 +, landed this year alone !
ITBB getting back into its stride.
I merely note that BBC has no concept of shame.
Or what a ‘hit’ might actually feel like.
PeterHeatonJones sounds like he wants to boost his 20 year BBC pension with a few production company appearances .. We ll see .
Fairly base to attack the messenger – but then again his moral values have to be questioned for being with the BBC so long .
Apparently the US is to do a deal with the french with regard to the nuclear submarines – they are being commissioned to fit the reverse gear since they are so good at running away ….
If 12 year olds (against their Parents wishes) are deemed old enough to be allowed to decide on having the covid jab then surely they must also be old enough to decide if they want to smoke or drink (alcohol)
Or is this another of these ‘follow the science’ situations where you pick and choose which bits you want to follow and disregard the bits you don’t like.
Let’s not forget voting. A yardstick is being created. Watch the future: “Fresh from making important decisions on their lives with Covid, it is now proposed to allow 12 year olds to vote………”.
I can hear it now.
Also they can go to school and decide what gender they want to be and the teachers adhere to it, and can do so without the parents knowledge.
“NHS’s diversity tsar is paid £35,000 more than its chief executive with her £230,000 salary enough to fund nine new nurses or 20 hip replacements”
So that’s where all our money goes ! When will the Tories sort it out ?
Is this information on the BBC?
Needs checking.
Who first?
Sopes, or Springster?
That ought to be the end of AOC’s hopes for the DNC nomination for 2024.
Ought to be ….
Remember there is not ‘vote ‘ anymore .. she d still win by 102%
Gets better.
Wonder when BS and Mishal will fly over to interview Greta at Oprah’s spread?
TWoTWEEE Watch #1 – whose side is the BBC on?
We know Ed Stourton, presenter, likes France. He went there on ‘a jolly’ for last Sunday’s programme. Cannot now remember why, seem to recall it was to do a round of bars and restaurants asking if they like Macron’s Vaccine Passport rules. Maybe he has a holiday home there? Certainly he and the BBC appear to be on the side of the French in the AUKUS row. At no point are two obvious French failings, over the submarines contract and the illegal migrants crisis, mentioned at all. Whatsoever. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.
TWoTWEEE Watch #2 – whose side is the BBC on?
Macron, Mutti and the EU. The BBC loves them all. So much so that on today’s programme they misrepresent the Cameron EU Re-negotiation attempt and the EU Migrant crisis as being refugees from the Syrian Civil War alone. Neither were true. Cameron came away empty handed from his tour of EU leaders because 1. he left it until the last minute, and, 2. the EU is intransigent if nothing else. The migrant crisis may have included some Syrians but was mostly about Africans and others from much further afield Far East, India, Pakistan, even Viet Nam and pitching up on the coasts of Greece, Italy and Spain and other EU State’s borders.
Do not be surprised if Macron has instructed the Calais police to look the other way if they come cross any migrants attempting to cross the Channel – he will say we need to make those Brits suffer for the Aukus deal. Over 400 migrants arrived today and we can expect many more every day we have calm weather which is most days, even in the winter months. 1,000 a day soon? Beeb will merely imply it is the U.K.’s fault for upsetting the French.
Sure, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was happening anyway as ‘revenge for Brexit’.
Or even a secret deal signed with France to accept a quota?
Someone is making ‘big bucks’ selling dinghies .
“Channel crossings: More than 400 migrants intercepted”
Has the word “intercepted” been misused ?
DICTIONARY : ‘To stop and catch something or someone before that thing or person is able to reach a particular place.’
How many more will be “intercepted” tomorrow? How many Tories voted for this fiasco ?
Meanwhile Cazza advocates nihilism and Sky runs out of Kleenex.
London Live channel currently exposing how mosques in UK and elsewhere in the West have become breeding grounds for ‘fundamentalism’ – ie. terrorism.
The BBC wouldn’t dream of doing such an investigation.
Now back to Strictly’s first gay pairing, clap clap, bravo, so daring dahling.
Seems to me that prog is a repeat from May .. or even earlier
Guardian reports that a UK France defence summit has been cancelled . But why have dealings with them in the first place ?
I’d love to know a single real benefit to the UK ….
18:27pm Angellica Bell “Chelsea Flower Show is also the stage to explore the big issues of the day
With the COP26 taking place in early November
It’ fitting that the subject of Global Warming* is reflected at the show
* (actually she said Climate Change)
As Adam Frost has been finding out
The on screen graph named Marie-Louise Agius as the designer.
“It’s to tell the story of Climate Change, where we are now, but also where we could go in the future
Wow it’s grim co it’s a representation of all the WORST things that are going on in our built landscape
.. the overuse of paving’s meant to shock
but there is hope
.. this part has been designed to show the ever changing weather conditions and the RISE in temperature, these plants will sit well in the Mediterranean conditions
… us gardeners can play our part “
#GWandShows #BBCchelsea
Followed by lot of BBC adverts
#1 a BBC Bitesize trailer
#2 then a promo for
Global Citizen Live: 24 hour Music Festival for the Planet
Sat, Sep 25, from 5:30pm
#3 long promo for Strictly
8pm trailers
#1 Prince Philip Memorial show
#2 long one for Our Planet Now the planet
PBS Channel has 6 hours of “Our Black Church” programmes
20:08pm BBC1 ..” The maker was Jamaican , I wish I knew if he was black or white”
Ah yes, Mediterranean plants in a British climate. A few years ago, my nextdoor neighbour (who watches the BBC and is very concerned about global warming) planted her garden with ‘Mediterranean plants’, including a very expensive olive tree, and a lemon tree. Bear in mind, we live in the South West, in a very mild region of the UK.
They looked great for a few months, then the winter frosts arrived and that was the end of that ‘good idea’. “They were recommended on Gardener’s World!” she said sadly.
Please tell me, if the climate really is getting so much warmer, how come proper gardeners will advise you to stick to rules laid down a 100 years ago (when we were in a ‘mini ice age’?!) about when to plant out various veg? If you try and plant out earlier (as I have several times) you nearly always lose the seedlings to the cold, I’ve learnt the hard way that when it says “plant out from June onwards” (as Victorian gardeners used to) on a packet of seeds, it means it.
6:38pm Countryfile has the Children In Need begging bowl out
“Text 55 to send a £70K salary to a CiN office worker”
18:57pm “Climate Change …”
Tonight’s TV
9pm Channel5 Sean Connery bio fro 90 mins
9pm BBC2 105 mins The murders of the rappers Biggie and Tupac
9pm BBC4 Mary Beard on Julius Caesar
Jimmy Greaves will be looking down on Match Of the Day tonight
as it covers the Spurs vs Chelsea match
… a Climate Change Net Zero PR trickery offsets special
Apparently for the last 50 years Chelsea have been good at scoring Net-Zero
but today it was Spurs with the Zero
As a kid I was taken to White Hart Lane and saw Jimmy `greaves and that great team play .I once tried to throw the ball to him for a throw in but it was too heavy .. RIP …
Elsewhere – a sombre piece in the DT about the inevitable energy crunch caused by over enthusiastic wokes joining up with over enthusiastic greens and leaving blighty screwed ….
After paying (very reluctantly and after lots of arm twisting from my darling soaps addicted spouse, bless her cotton socks) for a TV license, I actually watched a few minutes of Cuntry File tonight to see the part about hop picking in the 1950s/1960s which was ok but then the begging bucket appeared and I thought to myself “When did these twats ask me if I would like part of my license fee spent on supporting beggars of any persuasion HOWEVER noble”?, which surely, is not part of the BBC remit. I expect my National Broadcaster to broadcast the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth whether it be in documentary form or entertainment. Not GOSSIP – AGENDA and yet more GOSSIP. Also they need to cease the use of omission and graphic images to brainwash the public or they will force me to break the TV license law which will render me, at the ripe old age of 81 years, a criminal. Ah well I guess nobody leaves this life without some sort of stain on their character – unless you are exceptionally WOKE.
Well I’m exceptionally WOKE to the mass media agenda.
And with that sportsfans – it’s time for the new thread …