Countryfile = Socialist agenda pushing as usual
Anita Rani presents
– Herefordshire the great hop revival, from pest-eating predators to new flavours to help pack a punch in our pints.
Adam’s bits
#1 the final two teams for One Man and His Dog
#2 Young Countryside Champion nominee whose father was killed in a farm accident
#3 Campaigning to do the Countryfile charidee ramble 9/10 October
Young Pippa whose skin disease gives her dreadful sores
“As the countdown continues to the Children in Need Countryfile Ramble, we discover what a difference we can all make to young lives.”
A charity funded by CiN has got her an electric wheelchair.
– Using bred mites to defeat hop-mites
– Breeding new varieties of British hops.
Apparently if British buy them it’s saving transport CO2
and if foreign corps buy them the transport CO doesn’t count.
BBC 10pm news trying hard to create a crisis. Amazed they didn’t mention Brexit but not surprised they didn’t mention that the energy ‘crisis’ is due to it not being windy and the turbines are not going round. Can’t we use the CO2 that the climate extremists want us to capture? Surely when we open the packaging for meat or fruit and veg the gas escapes into the atmosphere? Perhaps we all ought to return to using proper butchers and greengrocers who wrap food in paper.
As previously suggested, a coalition of UKIP, The Reform Party (ex Brxit Party) and others similar.
Presently, we have a ‘Rotten Parliament’, so anything else would be better.
“Watching the Antiques Roadshow and they’re just outside Cardiff.
Woman brought in some photos of Bute Street.
They said that the 1911 census said that Cardiff was the most diverse city after London, and had over 50 nationalities”
It wasn’t like a punter had brought in the items
the prog had brought them in from some archive to make a point.
Contributor: “The photographer that took them was based on Bute Street in Cardiff, part of Bute Town between 1900-1925…Fred Petersen who was originally from Denmark and previously a tattoo artist”
BTW “On tonight’s programme you identified an object as a pill maker. It isn’t. It’s a barley cutter. We have one that my wife as a grain trader in the 1990s used every day.”
NHS Equality and Diversity Council
NHS Constitution logo
The Equality and Diversity Council (EDC) works to bring people and organisations together to realise a vision for a personal, fair and diverse health and care system, where everyone counts and the values of the NHS Constitution are brought to life.
The Council provides visible leadership on equality and diversity issues across the health service. Its purpose is to shape the future of healthcare – to help improve the access, experiences and health outcomes for all patients and communities, and to support the NHS to become a more inclusive employer by making full use of the talents of its diverse staff and the communities it serves.
ISLAMIC rules ( promted by javid,khan,khan,ahmed,salaria) are incompatible with British laws (promted by Welby) which have developed over 500 years and sharia law should never become part of the British legal system, the (Justin Welby) Archbishop of Canterbury has declared. { 24feb2018}
Sunday 10pm BBC1 news the volume was turned up to give the impression that the LibDems had filled a large conference hall. But the cameraman will have to be sacked. At the end of the piece the shot was from the back of the room. It was about 50 people in a room the size of a telephone box.
There isn’t much of any strategic gas reserve as I understand it.
Generator rental and diesel delivery companies might well have a bumper winter…
A fracking emergency anyone?
I hope somebody’s going to catch the lights go out at Greenpeace Cannonbury Villas HQ on camera.
I didn’t think they’d move on gas as fast as they have … however the idea that you can buy a natural gas fueled generator and get ½ price electricity and “free” hot water is something that even a dopey eco-loon might be able to grasp….
I’ve seen claims that Brussels in involved in the gas shortage… there’s seemingly a fair bit of blaming Putin going on – but none of it evidenced as yet.
I despair when I read posts like this. People who are so out of touch with reality they honestly believe the Tories are still conservative and not the hard Left activists they really are.
Wake up Digg! Boris the bottler is this very day in America trying desperately to make all our problems even worse with yet another of his madcap far left ‘green’ schemes which even he doesn’t believe has much hope of global acceptance.
And you can build all the windmills you like and spend billions, but if there is little or no wind you are well and truly screwed.
As indeed we are right now and as we will be during high-pressure periods in the depth of winter.
Stopped watching that because of this ridiculous nonsense – tonite Antiques Roadshow managed to shoehorn in a piece about 19th C diversity in Cardiff – just fcuk off won't watch again. Fed up with it-straight I am.
This “global backlash” seems to amount to complaints from genocidal China and frustrated France. Strange it doesn’t mention any Indo-Pacific countries concerned about Chinese aggression.
Can you imagine how different the story would be reported by the BBC if it had been the other way around and Australia had instead cancelled a deal with the UK in favour of one with France? The BBC would be revelling in British failure and pushing a narrative that only strong European leadership can prevent WW3. For leftists this story is up there with Brexit and it’s hilarious how angry they are about facts not fitting reality.
Something I scribbled:
Hardly a ‘global backlash’ when it’s just two countries. And one of them is just about greed.
When you boil it down, the BBC have few ethics. They will side with anybody if it suits their agenda – just as they will ignore or misrepresent any story for the same reason. At the moment it’s Muslim’s doing murder and Biden for putting them in a position to do it.
Notice how the Panshir Valley story has been totally dropped. Other news sites say the rebels are dead or captured – 100% thanks to the arms Joe gave the Taliban.
If everyone at the hugely diverse BBC is upset then it follows that the whole world must be upset and hence it’s a global backlash. The BBC thinks it speaks for the entire globe. Even more seriously upsetting the French May have long term implications on their willingness to allow the UK to rejoin the EU and that in the eyes of the BBC is extremely serious.
Another elaborately produced video from the BBC which portrays these women as if they are jews being hunted by the Nazis.
Despite all the drama the BBC award-hunter woman tries to inject, I can find no reason whatsoever in the video to tell me why these women all have to live in a ‘safehouse’. I say ‘live’ because the room they are all in is absolutely empty.
The only part in the whole video is a text from their airline which says ‘Ask scheduler not to schedule female CC until the situation gets back to normal’. And from that they all went into hiding ???.
One then says ‘Even if they let us back, we can’t wear our uniform’. But they have gone into hiding ??. Why would they be going back ?.
And the crushing truth of their plight is : ‘we can’t sit in a government car and attend local and international flights’. Try telling that to the men who were in the Army or government who we have no idea at all what is happening to because the BBC are filling the front page with absolute non-stories like this.
What I think is that they arranged to meet the BBC in an empty house for the interview. Then they went home.
I call a big fat BBC agenda-based lie. From ‘The BBC’s chief international correspondent’ no less.
The things is, these women are in far more danger now the BBC has shown them on their international news site. I actually believe that BBC woman hopes they will be caught and punished so she can do another piece.
Al Beeb ………..“Climate pledges tough to secure before COP26 summit, PM warns”
Our PM should be more concerned about the absolute failure of the ability to rely on so called “Green Energy” We are facing a catastrophe of blackouts because we do not have a forward thinking government. A government full of MPs that have never worked in a real job or dirtied their hands in industry.
I suspect the attendees at COP26 summit will have to make a drastic change to their agenda and kick ‘Green Energy’ into touch.
We are facing a bleak winter while China will be laughing at us as they build more power stations. Over to you Nut nuts
Taffman – if I recall the ‘gap’ in electricity production due to the loss of nuclear power stations is predicted for a couple of years time – yet we seem to be facing power shortage now – largely because of failure to have gas storage as well as the green loons getting coal stations shut down .
If power cuts / food shortages come – those greenies blocking the m25 will be signing their own death warrants – as will the nut nut government …..
Tip – buy candle futures ….
MM, was it birds that are black in colour all heading to the RSPB to protest or teachers of English in schools heading to OFSTED and the DfE to complain?
The labour sistas must be envious of one of their own called ‘ rose duffield ‘ who had a long chat with our justin about queers or trannie perverts or something similar . Apparently trannies dont like rose so she cant go to the party conference .
Rose said she didnt want publicity but spent a happy 5 minutes being a victim.
Rose spoke like she was at a job interview – not like a human being – with the full woke dictionary being deployed .
Toady watch 2
Nut nut has gone to the US and has said the UK has cut its CO2 output .
Problem for nut nut is that CO2 has been cut too much – and he is demonstrating how he has lost a grip on what british people worry about whilst he does the ‘ world statesman ‘ act
Crisis what crisis ?
The Brazier video : ‘BBC impartiality is a myth, cos you don’t get truth from groupthink, you get it from being adversarial.
.. and BBC/Guardian drove my friend to suicide 20 years ago’
Here is a BBC link about the stunning of animals using CO2. According to this link it is only used for pigs and poultry and there appears to be debate over whether it is the most humane method.
Businesses very often fail to learn the lessons of history – put all their eggs in one basket, and even if alternatives are available they fail to even investigate them until forced to on the basis of “we’ve always done it this way”. So now like the cotton spinners whose spindles could only accept American cotton their facilities stand idle whilst others – the ones who could also use Egyptian cotton can continue and make greater profits.
The human swan PR stunt in an ELECTRIC paraglider was to promote the idea we don’t need to rely on fossil fuels
All MSM avidly joined in with the promotion.
‘… in a paraglider powered with an electric engine’
“I’m doing it to try and demonstrate just how far we can go in terms of decarbonising our transport and our lifestyles in general.”
Queens has a good academic reputation but is regarded by many within the Unionist community as being dominated by and of having a culture somewhat sympathetic to Irish Nationalists and Republicans.
Growing up here we were, as Protestants, almost expected to go to university “across the water”, especially places like Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee or Manchester, Bristol and Liverpool, Queens wasn’t seen as an option to many. Different times in the late 80s of course but the toilet doors in the Queens Student Union having the Irish words for men and women on them didn’t make any of us teenage Protestants feel particularly welcome. Little bit sad I suppose but just another territorial marker to be aware of. Tellingly many graduates from that era of Queens have gone on to dominate the local NI culture and media industries, especially the bBbc. The Protestant brain-drain has also left posts in the Civil Service and jobs in middle management, journalism, education and law appearing to be increasingly dominated by those from the Nationalist community. All of the industry representatives so vocal on the supposed opposition of all of NI to Brexit were from Nationalist backgrounds and blatantly sympathetic to and supportive of the Irish and EU position.
It seems now though that Queens needs Chinese money more than that from locals of either persuasion.
So if you believe that many at Queens University Belfast are sympathetic to Irish Nationalism, have a strong dislike for all things British, favour strengthening bonds with the Chinese, especially economic, whilst hypocritically promoting all-things “progressive” and caring little about how they spend taxpayers money, Hilary Cinton seems their ideal appointment. And the bBbc a fitting friend.
In No One Left to Lie To, Christopher Hitchens portrays President Bill Clinton as one of the most ideologically skewed and morally negligent politicians of recent times. In a blistering polemic which shows that Clinton was at once philanderer and philistine, crooked and corrupt, Hitchens challenges perceptions – of liberals and conservatives alike – of this highly divisive figure.
With blistering wit and meticulous documentation, Hitchens masterfully deconstructs Clinton’s abject propensity for pandering to the Left while delivering to the Right and argues that the president’s personal transgressions were inseparable from his political corruption.
9am R4 climate activism and the next generation
with @simonmundy @BirdgirlUK & Richard Powers
on Start the Week with Andrew Marr
The FT-US promoted it with a tweet Thrilled that @SimonMundy – who joins @FTmoralmoney next week
– is on BBC R4 this week to discuss his forthcoming book on business, economics and climate change! #moralmoney #racefortomorrow
They are asking members of the family who do zippy but absorb academic and media propaganda if the household bills have gone up.
Next on Ceebeebies: Uncle Nish awards a kid the freedom of the W1A eternal flame to the unknown impartial journalist for dobbing in his granny for running two bars.
Also said there are lots of Greta climate girls
but few Climate boys
Michael Mann was quoted earlier by the writer
Now he says “solar panels have come down 90%” in 10 years
Really ? then why were people given 20 year guaranteed prices when they sell to the grid.
(panel prices have dropped but 90% drop seems spin)
I was fully on board with restrictions right up until we reached critical mass for vaccination but then the goalposts moved again.
I’m wanting to go back from Thailand soon – but now we are on the UK red-list. The reason ? – because they MIGHT get a new variant and someone MIGHT take it to the UK. And then the vaccine MIGHT not work for it.
Meanwhile quarantine is >£2285 for a £40 travel-lodge room – increased ‘to better reflect the costs’. Meanwhile I learn of Tory donors getting lucrative contracts without needing to go through the usual competition rules and also of mass hotel block bookings – at tax-payers expense of £270 per room per night – for illegal immigrants who don’t like us, but want our lifestyle.
We are as vaccinated as we are ever going to be but they won’t let go. I would love to know which people have got rich through our government.
Pug – i diagree – the energy issue comes at the worse time for the greens .
If voters are getting concernec / frightened by shortages or price increases the last they want to hear about is green crap …
As soon as you announce bodies have been found, or people killed, and very little else – everyone starts to ‘speculate’ about ‘what?’, ‘when?’, ‘who?’ etc… it’s human nature, and probably stems from not wanting to be done away with ourselves.
A suggestion on how to handle these m25 protestors.
Get a manure or raw sewage muck sprayer and cover the lot of them in it.
It will naturally go away into the ground but the protestors, given regular top ups, might think twice before glueing themselves to the highways.
Thanks for that GW and taking the trouble. There are times when you don’t want to appear an idiot about a subject, so its always good to learn something new – anonymously lol !
The AUKUS pact is still on the BBC website with the news that French defence minister “Florence Parly’s meeting with UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace in London this week has been called off.”
I’ve seen comments about the French, the Falklands and Exocet but has anybody here already brought up Major Pierre-Henri Bunel, who leaked NATO secrets to the Serbs in the Kosovan war. He initially claimed he was obeying orders but later changed his mind. Anyone know more about this murky chapter of French military history?
2 new underground stations in London. I wonder how long it will be before they are referenced in a stabbing of a juvenile. Only a matter of time me thinks.
I have little sympathy with Cleese, he sowed the wind with his leftist liberal idiocy and now he’s surprised he’s having to reap the whirlwind.
This was the man who was a Liberal and then a prominent SDP supporter – fantasy ideals, and a man who also opposed Margaret Thatcher, he laid the foundations for all this, and when he had the chance to speak out declined to do so.
Now here he is with the shocked realisation of the world he made, but still he doesn’t appear able to connect the two, much less apologise.
I never had much time for him, apart from Fawlty Towers which was good. As for Monty Python, I know to some it was an hysterically funny programme, but I struggled to even manage a titter when I watched it, – my sense of humour is not that or Mrs Brown’s Boys. Good job we’re all different.
You were not alone. I well remember a conversation I had about Monty Python with a guy in 1972. He found it totally unfunny which was unusual, certainly among young people, at the time. But I also remember saying that out of say, eight sketches per programme, I too would find seven totally unfunny – although the eighth would be the funniest thing I had ever seen.
We always remember the highlights but forget the huge amount of dross that often accompanied them. Watching favourite shows and performers of the past is usually disappointing in this way.
That’s very true, Z. I used to watch every episode, and somethimes felt deflated, as there really wasn’t much to laugh at, but we still laugh our heads off at ‘Life of Brian’, as JC is really very funny in the flick!
As I’ve just had lunch, I’d rather not remember him as Mr Creosote’s waiter…
Organisation such as CitizenGo are battling to expose their ugly and sinister direction but with quite a number of high profile news outlets under the Soros thumb it is going to be an almighty battle.
The BBC are missing from the list, presumably due to their charter requirements but I have little doubt that they take their allegiances invisibly from this same grim setup.
“SIR – How can the French be upset about our alliance with Australia and America to defend democracy in the Pacific region
when they cannot be relied upon to control Calais beach?
It looks from here as if the BBC *really * do want to even try and explain the (supposed) gas shortage and the shortage of dispatchable electric power.
in fact I can’t think of a chronic problem that is clearly descending into a crisis where the BBC’s much vaunted research has been AWOL. (OK y’all know I’m exaggerating there…)
We know that bias by omission is one of the pivotal tactics that they use – I don’t have much hope that anybody in the public space is going to do their homework on this and ask awkward questions,,,,
OMISSION … it’s what is not said that is meant to make you think ….
Remember, who you don’t mention that’s important to the BBC £3.5bn News Service … In July, after pressure from Ican, 122 nations adopted a UN treaty designed to ban and eventually eliminate all nuclear weapons. But none of the nine known nuclear powers in the world – including the UK and the US – signed up. { 06oct2017}
– Why not mention all nine countries BBC, but make it look like the USA and UK are the baddies?
USA; UK; Russia; France; China; India; Pakistan; North Korea; Israel
– Why not mention all nine countries who did not sign up BBC?
Interesting that there is further news / rumour / fear mongering that the lights will go out this winter, or even as early as Autumn. While the press is eagerly stirring the pot we need to remember that this is just the begining, and once the take up of electric cars goes up the lights most certainly will go out and personal transport will grind to a halt. So will almost everything else.
Those foolish enough to have ignored all the warnings and have smart meters fitted will be the first to suffer as remote disconnection turns them off before everyone else.
Central heating systems will not function without electricity and even gas fires rely on mains for ignition, some rely on fan assisted flues.
Electric hobs and ovens won’t work, the wise installed gas knowing this was coming but even some knowing it was coming wanted easy clean surfaces!
Be prepared! is still the motto of the Boy Scouts so how can you be prepared?
Rechargeable torches and power banks to charge them up from. Solar chargers is another option.
most people have battery powered electronics so make sure they are kept charged and that power banks are also charged mobile phone cells are often generator supported so is the telephone land line system so make sure you have a cheap plug in non cellular land line phone which doesn’t need mains power.
If you are on electric for cooking buy a camping stove gas or spirits so you can at least have a warm drink, and heat a simple meal – which you should also have in the house for such an emergency.
A battery powered radio is useful even if it is the BBC you listen to as they may be giving information on the situation, it is unlikely you will be able to access the internet.
Be careful who you open the door to in these situations, even neighbours and friends can be a nightmare if they find you have a power bank to charge phones, and theres has run flat.
The people who make some simple inexpensive preparations come through these events in much better shape than those who don’t. Remember that when these things start there is no real knowing how long they might last for or how people will behave in general.
Invest in a charger and a deep cycle battery. During the Three day week, I soldered a number of bulbs to a wire and spread them around the house with some switches. When the power came on: charge the battery. Ridiculous situation one day, we had no idea the power was on again being quite comfortable with our ‘secondary’ backup system.
If you’ve got outside room to cook, the wonderful twig stove is hard to beat. Gather small branches etc from the road/pathway sides. ‘Fallers’. Come to that, I’ve just ordered a replacement for my severely rusted squirrel trap. I’ll not go hungry.
Although I know it will not happen in my lifetime, or indeed ever, how would these, ‘Industries’ that use Carbon Dioxide manage in the fictional “Zero Emissions” era?
Because it’s “net zero”, so they produce CO2, but “offset” it by buying carbon credits which promise to plant trees or some such. And no-one ever checks.
Meanwhile, Drax power station, built on top of a massive coal field, is actually burning trees to make electricity. But that is somehow “green”, in a world ruled by clowns.
NB, The top comment when I posted this had hundreds of likes as it criticised the blatant bBbc agendas as the real cause of the dwindling viewing numbers. Now it’s gone. Shower of shit.
Over 1000 comments on this article, the vast majority of which I am sure were critical of the bBbc, have been disappeared by the Daily Fail.
In recent days the Mail Online has been slow to show or failed to print any comments on articles that seem supportive of traditionally left-wing issues such as identity politics and the green agenda or on those critical of more conservative viewpoints.
Obviously this is because most of their readers do not share the views of the new look Fail, a fact that has been becoming more and more obvious for a while now. Geordie Greig and the girls now seem to have decided to declare openly it’s complete capitulation to the new establishment groupthink, no more hiding it’s new rainbow colours.
It long ago became little more than clickbait churnalism, with poorly written articles and hyperbolic headlines, nothing more than promotional press for shallow “stars”, ITV reality shows, and “progressive” politics, now it seems it doesn’t feel the need to pretend to be anything else.
TWatO Watch #1 – Past Chancellor of the Exchequer is not numerate! Who knew?!!
High point of this afternoon’s programme for the Montacutie was talking to Gordon ‘Wasted Vaccines’ Brown, the man famous for pouring £4billions worth of UK taxpayer-funded vaccines down the drain in 2009/10. Gordon wants the first world/developed world/indutrialised world {delete that which you do not approve of] to share its unused Covid vaccines with the rest of the world before they go out of date. Well, he – of all people – should know about that.
As a measure of the (in)competence of a man who was Chancellor of the Exchequer for a decade before becoming Prime Minister for three years, Gordon Brown demonstrated that he does not know: 1) the size of the world’s population, 2) how many people around the world have been vaccinated, and, 3) how to divide the number of Covid vaccines manufactured per month into the generally agreed number for the population of the world.
Absolutely incredible that incompetence and even more remarkable that Gordon Brown was willing to demonstrate his incompetence on air on BBC R4! He is the UN Envoy for Global Education. Might need to take some primary lessons in multiplication and long division himself. Apparently, according to Sarah Montague, Gordon Brown is now the UN’s International Health Ambassador as well.
The World Health Organization today announced the appointment of The Rt Hon Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, as WHO Ambassador for Global Health Financing. Mr Brown is widely credited with preventing a second Great Depression through his stewardship of the 2009 London G20 summit. He mobilized world leaders to commit an additional $1.1 trillion to restore credit, growth and jobs to help the world economy through the global financial crisis.
The WHO can look forward to inefficiency, stupid ideas, failures to appreciate commercial decisions, even more scary new covid variations, a weird presence in public, and a general public mistrust of the bloke who actually fomented the ‘depression’ of 2009, not saved it.
The bloke’s a walking disaster, so I’m not surprised he’s quaffing at the WHO trough.
Tony Blair is to step down next month as special representative of the Quartet of international powers seeking a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, after making little headway for nearly eight years and amid near-constant controversy about his role.
Officials in Jerusalem said the former British prime minister had written to the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, to confirm his resignation.
Quartet representatives were meeting later on Wednesday in Brussels to discuss the implications of Blair’s departure, including whether he would be replaced. But sources close to the grouping insisted that he would not be “disappearing from the scene” and would continue to work in a personal capacity to foster peace.
Blair took on the Middle East job shortly after he left Downing Street in June 2007, and was given the task of helping develop the Palestinian economy and improve governance. But he struggled from the start.
Nearly eight out of 10 of young Britons blame capitalism for the housing crisis and two-thirds want to live under a socialist economic system. How did that happen?
Because no one told them they were already living under a socialist economic system, and no one also told them that socialism is even worse at providing for the people than capitalism.
The big difference is that when your house collapses, under capitalism you can gain compensation, under Socialism they just shoot you if you survive!
Guardian newspaper uses 2000 kids to say this represents ALL kids ….
A Forefront Market Research poll commissioned by the IEA of just under 2,000 people aged between 16 and 34 in the UK, carried out between February and March 2021, found that:
67 per cent say they would like to live in a socialist economic system.
Apparently the USA is in Lockdown as far as the UK and its nationals are concerned. The Prime Minister has to gone to the US (think he still has dual citizenship – may need a place to escape to when he becomes an ex-PM) and is able to fly there early, before the UN General Assembly, to lobby President Beijing Biden to open up to the UK traveller. JustRemainIn Webb and his wife want to go and visit friends in the US.
Apparently, Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg has stowed away on the PM’s flight so as to save on carbon emissions and awkward questions at immigration. She reported from a Noisy New York.
There’s nothing quite like a taxpayer funded jolly for the Beeboids.
“I rarely come into this part of the Met museum (USA) because it’s not relatable”
Says black mother of black daughter.
Tracy-Ann Samuel and her daughters take a closer look at the triumphant imagery in the American Wing, and reflect on the lack of representation of women and people of colour.
That would be because it’s recalling the true imagery of lots of white fella’s fighting for the USA, the clue is in the name “museum”.
I dare say she wouldn’t find pictures of men in the trenches on the Somme “relatable” either…
There’s offence taken and professional grievance offence taken…
The BBC just adore the latter, and notice their slimy inclusion of the word “triumphant” to be now included in the bad word lexicon at the BBC when applied to men, especially white men.
Small minds only tend to get smaller with age. I adore investigating other cultures and their history, so the lady in question is simply ignorant and will pass on that ignorance to her child. Thus, the cycle of idiocy continues into another generation. We see this on the Left: the Gen z’s who ‘hate’ Margaret Thatcher but weren’t even a twinkle in the milkman’s eye when she was PM. Stupid is as stupid does.
Just thinking a little more on these issues and how distracted we have all become by the prima facie titles of the lefts identity groups, yet how all of them are connected by one single goal, a White genocide.
Even something like climate change which appears to be about the climate isn’t. It’s a direct attack on N America, Western Europe, and it does nothing about S America, Africa Asia Asia Minor, Middle East & most of Eastern Europe especially Russia.
All of these movements from BLM to LGBT qwerty to Islam to mass migration are all directed to one end, the genocide of White Western Culture, some are actually voicing how desireable this would be.
Bear this in mind for the future, many many people are seeing the contradictions but not putting the pieces of the jigsaw together.
You can bet your bottom dollar that when the last whitee stands in front of the baying crowd and is given the loaded revolver, no matter how he supported, ‘the cause’, he will happily finish himself off. For the common good, you understand.
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FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
Countryfile = Socialist agenda pushing as usual
Anita Rani presents
– Herefordshire the great hop revival, from pest-eating predators to new flavours to help pack a punch in our pints.
Adam’s bits
#1 the final two teams for One Man and His Dog
#2 Young Countryside Champion nominee whose father was killed in a farm accident
#3 Campaigning to do the Countryfile charidee ramble 9/10 October
Young Pippa whose skin disease gives her dreadful sores
“As the countdown continues to the Children in Need Countryfile Ramble, we discover what a difference we can all make to young lives.”
A charity funded by CiN has got her an electric wheelchair.
– Using bred mites to defeat hop-mites
– Breeding new varieties of British hops.
Apparently if British buy them it’s saving transport CO2
and if foreign corps buy them the transport CO doesn’t count.
Apologies if this has been previously addressed …
1) We here think we have it bad with the Calais Ferry Service; and
2) Never to be reported by al beeb …
13,000 under a bridge in Mexico.. Trouble is, that many land in kent every couple of weeks… except they get put into hotels not left under a bridge .
BBC 10pm news trying hard to create a crisis. Amazed they didn’t mention Brexit but not surprised they didn’t mention that the energy ‘crisis’ is due to it not being windy and the turbines are not going round. Can’t we use the CO2 that the climate extremists want us to capture? Surely when we open the packaging for meat or fruit and veg the gas escapes into the atmosphere? Perhaps we all ought to return to using proper butchers and greengrocers who wrap food in paper.
Time for a new government .
How say you all ?
Which particular one would you recommend?
As previously suggested, a coalition of UKIP, The Reform Party (ex Brxit Party) and others similar.
Presently, we have a ‘Rotten Parliament’, so anything else would be better.
“Watching the Antiques Roadshow and they’re just outside Cardiff.
Woman brought in some photos of Bute Street.
They said that the 1911 census said that Cardiff was the most diverse city after London, and had over 50 nationalities”
It wasn’t like a punter had brought in the items
the prog had brought them in from some archive to make a point.
Oh a new book
Oh there’s a screenshot
BTW “On tonight’s programme you identified an object as a pill maker. It isn’t. It’s a barley cutter. We have one that my wife as a grain trader in the 1990s used every day.”
“With 40 diverse stories of women’s lives, each one is absorbing and inspirational! ”
NHS is struggling …
NHS Equality and Diversity Council
NHS Constitution logo
The Equality and Diversity Council (EDC) works to bring people and organisations together to realise a vision for a personal, fair and diverse health and care system, where everyone counts and the values of the NHS Constitution are brought to life.
The Council provides visible leadership on equality and diversity issues across the health service. Its purpose is to shape the future of healthcare – to help improve the access, experiences and health outcomes for all patients and communities, and to support the NHS to become a more inclusive employer by making full use of the talents of its diverse staff and the communities it serves.
Unadulterated propaganda.
Ha that same Glamorgan archive has a lecture on Wednesday
“mosques and Muslim institutions of Cardiff,”
There is already a BBC page from April about the same photos
ISLAMIC rules ( promted by javid,khan,khan,ahmed,salaria) are incompatible with British laws (promted by Welby) which have developed over 500 years and sharia law should never become part of the British legal system, the (Justin Welby) Archbishop of Canterbury has declared. { 24feb2018}
Sunday 10pm BBC1 news the volume was turned up to give the impression that the LibDems had filled a large conference hall. But the cameraman will have to be sacked. At the end of the piece the shot was from the back of the room. It was about 50 people in a room the size of a telephone box.
Radio 4 Profile the weekend was Ed Davey
… it was on 3 times
Yes… the LibDems
Andrew Doyle sticks it to them
The bbc on social media is wall to wall Ed, like he’s Obama.
I am absolutely loving the chaos over gas shortages.. with many Companies going to the wall…
Come on greenies you must have the oven-ready answer for this!
The Government bowed to the crazies and shut all the coal mines to put us at the beck and call of the French and Russians etc.
The Russians (with quite possibly the help of the French) have played their trump card and I say good luck to to them!
I hope you all enjoy your very cold winter!
Come on Boris, re-open the mines and spit in their eyes.
I expect the government will release some strategic reserve of gas to calm the market.
There isn’t much of any strategic gas reserve as I understand it.
Generator rental and diesel delivery companies might well have a bumper winter…
A fracking emergency anyone?
I hope somebody’s going to catch the lights go out at Greenpeace Cannonbury Villas HQ on camera.
I didn’t think they’d move on gas as fast as they have … however the idea that you can buy a natural gas fueled generator and get ½ price electricity and “free” hot water is something that even a dopey eco-loon might be able to grasp….
I’ve seen claims that Brussels in involved in the gas shortage… there’s seemingly a fair bit of blaming Putin going on – but none of it evidenced as yet.
I despair when I read posts like this. People who are so out of touch with reality they honestly believe the Tories are still conservative and not the hard Left activists they really are.
Wake up Digg! Boris the bottler is this very day in America trying desperately to make all our problems even worse with yet another of his madcap far left ‘green’ schemes which even he doesn’t believe has much hope of global acceptance.
Here’s the story, plans so mad other world leaders can see them for what they are but not Borris.
If you treat this government as the Socialist Workers Party masquesrading as conservative, then you won’t go far wrong.
And you can build all the windmills you like and spend billions, but if there is little or no wind you are well and truly screwed.
As indeed we are right now and as we will be during high-pressure periods in the depth of winter.
Tonight’s TV
Oh quite a few point out the expert was completely wrong as he said the object was a pill cutter.
Does Nadine Dorries visit this site ?
We will soon see .
“The Unlikely Rise of Nadine Dorries”
Can you smell the fear emanating from the BBC yet? It’s palpable 100 miles away.
Go Nadine, go!
The version for Keir’s Bayroos Black babe will likely be a hagiography.
Can you imagine how different the story would be reported by the BBC if it had been the other way around and Australia had instead cancelled a deal with the UK in favour of one with France? The BBC would be revelling in British failure and pushing a narrative that only strong European leadership can prevent WW3. For leftists this story is up there with Brexit and it’s hilarious how angry they are about facts not fitting reality.
Something I scribbled:
Wish I could scribble. Due to Left/Right brains, it’s something I had to forfeit to be a software engineer.
You colours are getting bolder. Different materials?
Thanks. Just layering multiple colours on top of each other though, it works quite well and gives a bit of depth
Hardly a ‘global backlash’ when it’s just two countries. And one of them is just about greed.
When you boil it down, the BBC have few ethics. They will side with anybody if it suits their agenda – just as they will ignore or misrepresent any story for the same reason. At the moment it’s Muslim’s doing murder and Biden for putting them in a position to do it.
Notice how the Panshir Valley story has been totally dropped. Other news sites say the rebels are dead or captured – 100% thanks to the arms Joe gave the Taliban.
If everyone at the hugely diverse BBC is upset then it follows that the whole world must be upset and hence it’s a global backlash. The BBC thinks it speaks for the entire globe. Even more seriously upsetting the French May have long term implications on their willingness to allow the UK to rejoin the EU and that in the eyes of the BBC is extremely serious.
Afghanistan: The ‘shattered dreams’ of the Ariana cabin crew
Another elaborately produced video from the BBC which portrays these women as if they are jews being hunted by the Nazis.
Despite all the drama the BBC award-hunter woman tries to inject, I can find no reason whatsoever in the video to tell me why these women all have to live in a ‘safehouse’. I say ‘live’ because the room they are all in is absolutely empty.
The only part in the whole video is a text from their airline which says ‘Ask scheduler not to schedule female CC until the situation gets back to normal’. And from that they all went into hiding ???.
One then says ‘Even if they let us back, we can’t wear our uniform’. But they have gone into hiding ??. Why would they be going back ?.
And the crushing truth of their plight is : ‘we can’t sit in a government car and attend local and international flights’. Try telling that to the men who were in the Army or government who we have no idea at all what is happening to because the BBC are filling the front page with absolute non-stories like this.
What I think is that they arranged to meet the BBC in an empty house for the interview. Then they went home.
I call a big fat BBC agenda-based lie. From ‘The BBC’s chief international correspondent’ no less.
The things is, these women are in far more danger now the BBC has shown them on their international news site. I actually believe that BBC woman hopes they will be caught and punished so she can do another piece.
Al Beeb ………..“Climate pledges tough to secure before COP26 summit, PM warns”
Our PM should be more concerned about the absolute failure of the ability to rely on so called “Green Energy” We are facing a catastrophe of blackouts because we do not have a forward thinking government. A government full of MPs that have never worked in a real job or dirtied their hands in industry.
I suspect the attendees at COP26 summit will have to make a drastic change to their agenda and kick ‘Green Energy’ into touch.
We are facing a bleak winter while China will be laughing at us as they build more power stations. Over to you Nut nuts
How long will Boris be allowed in charge to continue wreck this country ?
Taffman – if I recall the ‘gap’ in electricity production due to the loss of nuclear power stations is predicted for a couple of years time – yet we seem to be facing power shortage now – largely because of failure to have gas storage as well as the green loons getting coal stations shut down .
If power cuts / food shortages come – those greenies blocking the m25 will be signing their own death warrants – as will the nut nut government …..
Tip – buy candle futures ….
I am reminded to buy more logs………….
Naturally, less than 20% moisture content.
And a couple of gallons of Paraffin for the lamps.
“…and then they came for my wood burner…”
Good luck with that, given it ensures my warm live hands will be in response to some chillblained vegan droid’s.
“Aukus: France pulls out of UK defence talks amid row”
France ‘throws its toys out of the pram’ . Didn’t France sell Exocets to our enemies during the Falkland’s War ? We were in the EU then.
Getty images is pretty flush; maybe they can throw in a few quid.
Others are available.
White old lady – Asian man ?
Photo ed choices are interesting.
MM, was it birds that are black in colour all heading to the RSPB to protest or teachers of English in schools heading to OFSTED and the DfE to complain?
Is that advert for real?
Or is it a spoof?
What Government is that then? Nigeria?
That woman is in every advertisement for every product.
Fascinating conflation.
BBC surely only this far from the world being outraged?
The labour sistas must be envious of one of their own called ‘ rose duffield ‘ who had a long chat with our justin about queers or trannie perverts or something similar . Apparently trannies dont like rose so she cant go to the party conference .
Rose said she didnt want publicity but spent a happy 5 minutes being a victim.
Rose spoke like she was at a job interview – not like a human being – with the full woke dictionary being deployed .
No wonder labour isnt Labour any more .
Toady watch 2
Nut nut has gone to the US and has said the UK has cut its CO2 output .
Problem for nut nut is that CO2 has been cut too much – and he is demonstrating how he has lost a grip on what british people worry about whilst he does the ‘ world statesman ‘ act
Crisis what crisis ?
The Brazier video : ‘BBC impartiality is a myth, cos you don’t get truth from groupthink, you get it from being adversarial.
.. and BBC/Guardian drove my friend to suicide 20 years ago’
Mr Brazier is welcome to contribute here anytime he likes ….
Here is a BBC link about the stunning of animals using CO2. According to this link it is only used for pigs and poultry and there appears to be debate over whether it is the most humane method.
Businesses very often fail to learn the lessons of history – put all their eggs in one basket, and even if alternatives are available they fail to even investigate them until forced to on the basis of “we’ve always done it this way”. So now like the cotton spinners whose spindles could only accept American cotton their facilities stand idle whilst others – the ones who could also use Egyptian cotton can continue and make greater profits.
8am local news : PR as News from Drax
‘Let us dig up Britain’s food fields, and plant Drax biofuel
…so you can buy your food from abroad’
#2 – Transport for North ..the need to cut carbon emissions
#3 – The Human Swan seriously injured
her staff member killed …on her COP26 PR stunt tour
The human swan PR stunt in an ELECTRIC paraglider was to promote the idea we don’t need to rely on fossil fuels
All MSM avidly joined in with the promotion.
I wonder if one media person actually said ‘It’s not right to promote people who are doing seriously dangerous stunts’ ?
And I presume the team had a person responsible for safety.
… official statement
Stew, was it not cheating using a (para)glider which would be supported by thermals?
Lying & cheating by Friends of the Earth is one reason the UK has less gas than it should.
Our ‘super duper’ modern World of commercial and Governmental efficiency?
Item ordered from Poland for delivery to the UK? “Delivery time 5 – 30 days”. As we all ‘progress’ to the Dark Ages. I’m quite enjoying the ride.
There’s probably a “local” man-in-a-van near you who makes the trip to Poland twice a week. To stock one of his Polska supermarkets of course.
If he makes room amongst the budget booze, counterfeit cigs and “pedigree” pups he should be able to get it to you by the end of the week.
Theoretically, I could walk there and back in that time.
Jane Hill and Katya Adler massing on the borders yet to pull a BBC India?
Just see Chairman Sopes getting behind this novel analogy.
Academia reads the room.
Sends bbc #prasnews
BBc copy pastes.
Queens has a good academic reputation but is regarded by many within the Unionist community as being dominated by and of having a culture somewhat sympathetic to Irish Nationalists and Republicans.
Growing up here we were, as Protestants, almost expected to go to university “across the water”, especially places like Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee or Manchester, Bristol and Liverpool, Queens wasn’t seen as an option to many. Different times in the late 80s of course but the toilet doors in the Queens Student Union having the Irish words for men and women on them didn’t make any of us teenage Protestants feel particularly welcome. Little bit sad I suppose but just another territorial marker to be aware of. Tellingly many graduates from that era of Queens have gone on to dominate the local NI culture and media industries, especially the bBbc. The Protestant brain-drain has also left posts in the Civil Service and jobs in middle management, journalism, education and law appearing to be increasingly dominated by those from the Nationalist community. All of the industry representatives so vocal on the supposed opposition of all of NI to Brexit were from Nationalist backgrounds and blatantly sympathetic to and supportive of the Irish and EU position.
It seems now though that Queens needs Chinese money more than that from locals of either persuasion.
And accommodating them appears to be a priority.
Although the alleged undercurrent of hostility towards Unionism still remains an issue.
So if you believe that many at Queens University Belfast are sympathetic to Irish Nationalism, have a strong dislike for all things British, favour strengthening bonds with the Chinese, especially economic, whilst hypocritically promoting all-things “progressive” and caring little about how they spend taxpayers money, Hilary Cinton seems their ideal appointment. And the bBbc a fitting friend.
In No One Left to Lie To, Christopher Hitchens portrays President Bill Clinton as one of the most ideologically skewed and morally negligent politicians of recent times. In a blistering polemic which shows that Clinton was at once philanderer and philistine, crooked and corrupt, Hitchens challenges perceptions – of liberals and conservatives alike – of this highly divisive figure.
With blistering wit and meticulous documentation, Hitchens masterfully deconstructs Clinton’s abject propensity for pandering to the Left while delivering to the Right and argues that the president’s personal transgressions were inseparable from his political corruption.
9am R4 climate activism and the next generation
with @simonmundy @BirdgirlUK & Richard Powers
on Start the Week with Andrew Marr
The FT-US promoted it with a tweet
Thrilled that @SimonMundy – who joins @FTmoralmoney next week
– is on BBC R4 this week to discuss his forthcoming book on business, economics and climate change! #moralmoney #racefortomorrow
flogging a book
BBC Newsbeat
Have your energy bills gone up?
They are asking members of the family who do zippy but absorb academic and media propaganda if the household bills have gone up.
Next on Ceebeebies: Uncle Nish awards a kid the freedom of the W1A eternal flame to the unknown impartial journalist for dobbing in his granny for running two bars.
Mya is talking about “intersectionality”
Also said there are lots of Greta climate girls
but few Climate boys
Michael Mann was quoted earlier by the writer
Now he says “solar panels have come down 90%” in 10 years
Really ? then why were people given 20 year guaranteed prices when they sell to the grid.
(panel prices have dropped but 90% drop seems spin)
Covid: People are vaccinated – so why are there so many cases?
“The vaccines are designed to protect people against becoming seriously ill or dying from Covid-19.”
Sounds like a blatant lie, surely they were, and are designed to provide immunity, and anything else is second best outcome.
Although this article was ?updated 4 days ago – all the comments date from November 2020.
I suspect they have resurrected it to prepare for pushing Bliar’s new directives.
Here is the latest from Bliar’s Institute written by ‘Multiple Authors’ containing the instructions of the global elite.
Summary – jab everyone including small children and use vaccine passports to incentivise $$$£££
Reiterated by St Tony in the Telegraph
The global elite say ‘jump’ and governments ask ‘how high’?
I was fully on board with restrictions right up until we reached critical mass for vaccination but then the goalposts moved again.
I’m wanting to go back from Thailand soon – but now we are on the UK red-list. The reason ? – because they MIGHT get a new variant and someone MIGHT take it to the UK. And then the vaccine MIGHT not work for it.
Meanwhile quarantine is >£2285 for a £40 travel-lodge room – increased ‘to better reflect the costs’. Meanwhile I learn of Tory donors getting lucrative contracts without needing to go through the usual competition rules and also of mass hotel block bookings – at tax-payers expense of £270 per room per night – for illegal immigrants who don’t like us, but want our lifestyle.
We are as vaccinated as we are ever going to be but they won’t let go. I would love to know which people have got rich through our government.
It all stinks of corruption now.
From the Oxford University Vaccine Knowledge Project webpage:
‘Vaccines are designed to prevent disease, rather than treat a disease once you have caught it.’
So it isn’t a vaccine, it’s a bloody waste of time.
Pug – i diagree – the energy issue comes at the worse time for the greens .
If voters are getting concernec / frightened by shortages or price increases the last they want to hear about is green crap …
They can push long term energy security all they want – but if 600 plus MPs are getting it in the neck now – thats a more real story .
But – yes – build lots of nuclear stations .
“Man arrested after four bodies found” in Killamarsh.
Police ask that people “avoid speculation”.
As soon as you announce bodies have been found, or people killed, and very little else – everyone starts to ‘speculate’ about ‘what?’, ‘when?’, ‘who?’ etc… it’s human nature, and probably stems from not wanting to be done away with ourselves.
A suggestion on how to handle these m25 protestors.
Get a manure or raw sewage muck sprayer and cover the lot of them in it.
It will naturally go away into the ground but the protestors, given regular top ups, might think twice before glueing themselves to the highways.
Trouble in Paradise…
They can’t smear or ban everyone who asks pertinent questions, surely?
For Brissles.
Green hydrogen. Oh, the humanity.
What’s more, all of the iron ore used in the process will come from “fossil free” mining operations.
Thanks for that GW and taking the trouble. There are times when you don’t want to appear an idiot about a subject, so its always good to learn something new – anonymously lol !
The AUKUS pact is still on the BBC website with the news that French defence minister “Florence Parly’s meeting with UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace in London this week has been called off.”
I’ve seen comments about the French, the Falklands and Exocet but has anybody here already brought up Major Pierre-Henri Bunel, who leaked NATO secrets to the Serbs in the Kosovan war. He initially claimed he was obeying orders but later changed his mind. Anyone know more about this murky chapter of French military history?
2 new underground stations in London. I wonder how long it will be before they are referenced in a stabbing of a juvenile. Only a matter of time me thinks.
Apparently a secret document exposes Boris’s new policies
“Bluster back better. Ban back better. Bomb back better.”
John Cleese spoke yesterday
John Cleese is making a doc on the woke cancel culture.
meanwhile Miriam Margoyles complains she was bullied by John Cleese and Bill Oddie at Cambridge.
Just how pathetic would you have to be to be bullied by Bill Oddie?
She complains about a lot of things…
I have little sympathy with Cleese, he sowed the wind with his leftist liberal idiocy and now he’s surprised he’s having to reap the whirlwind.
This was the man who was a Liberal and then a prominent SDP supporter – fantasy ideals, and a man who also opposed Margaret Thatcher, he laid the foundations for all this, and when he had the chance to speak out declined to do so.
Now here he is with the shocked realisation of the world he made, but still he doesn’t appear able to connect the two, much less apologise.
I never had much time for him, apart from Fawlty Towers which was good. As for Monty Python, I know to some it was an hysterically funny programme, but I struggled to even manage a titter when I watched it, – my sense of humour is not that or Mrs Brown’s Boys. Good job we’re all different.
You were not alone. I well remember a conversation I had about Monty Python with a guy in 1972. He found it totally unfunny which was unusual, certainly among young people, at the time. But I also remember saying that out of say, eight sketches per programme, I too would find seven totally unfunny – although the eighth would be the funniest thing I had ever seen.
We always remember the highlights but forget the huge amount of dross that often accompanied them. Watching favourite shows and performers of the past is usually disappointing in this way.
That’s very true, Z. I used to watch every episode, and somethimes felt deflated, as there really wasn’t much to laugh at, but we still laugh our heads off at ‘Life of Brian’, as JC is really very funny in the flick!
As I’ve just had lunch, I’d rather not remember him as Mr Creosote’s waiter…
You’ve also pretty much just described every Elton John album ever made.
This single document illustrates how the Marxist, anti-family left wing press are embedded puppets for Soros and his shadowy Globalists.
Organisation such as CitizenGo are battling to expose their ugly and sinister direction but with quite a number of high profile news outlets under the Soros thumb it is going to be an almighty battle.
The BBC are missing from the list, presumably due to their charter requirements but I have little doubt that they take their allegiances invisibly from this same grim setup.
What with that and meddling in the ECHR’s judgements and the EU et al, Soros is a busy boy.
But if the beboids are on ‘service contracts’, presumably they do what they like?
“SIR – How can the French be upset about our alliance with Australia and America to defend democracy in the Pacific region
when they cannot be relied upon to control Calais beach?
It looks from here as if the BBC *really * do want to even try and explain the (supposed) gas shortage and the shortage of dispatchable electric power.
in fact I can’t think of a chronic problem that is clearly descending into a crisis where the BBC’s much vaunted research has been AWOL. (OK y’all know I’m exaggerating there…)
We know that bias by omission is one of the pivotal tactics that they use – I don’t have much hope that anybody in the public space is going to do their homework on this and ask awkward questions,,,,
OMISSION … it’s what is not said that is meant to make you think ….
Remember, who you don’t mention that’s important to the BBC £3.5bn News Service … In July, after pressure from Ican, 122 nations adopted a UN treaty designed to ban and eventually eliminate all nuclear weapons. But none of the nine known nuclear powers in the world – including the UK and the US – signed up. { 06oct2017}
– Why not mention all nine countries BBC, but make it look like the USA and UK are the baddies?
USA; UK; Russia; France; China; India; Pakistan; North Korea; Israel
– Why not mention all nine countries who did not sign up BBC?
The Gran Canaria eruption
Volcano due to man made climate change?
Interesting that there is further news / rumour / fear mongering that the lights will go out this winter, or even as early as Autumn. While the press is eagerly stirring the pot we need to remember that this is just the begining, and once the take up of electric cars goes up the lights most certainly will go out and personal transport will grind to a halt. So will almost everything else.
Those foolish enough to have ignored all the warnings and have smart meters fitted will be the first to suffer as remote disconnection turns them off before everyone else.
Central heating systems will not function without electricity and even gas fires rely on mains for ignition, some rely on fan assisted flues.
Electric hobs and ovens won’t work, the wise installed gas knowing this was coming but even some knowing it was coming wanted easy clean surfaces!
Be prepared! is still the motto of the Boy Scouts so how can you be prepared?
Rechargeable torches and power banks to charge them up from. Solar chargers is another option.
most people have battery powered electronics so make sure they are kept charged and that power banks are also charged mobile phone cells are often generator supported so is the telephone land line system so make sure you have a cheap plug in non cellular land line phone which doesn’t need mains power.
If you are on electric for cooking buy a camping stove gas or spirits so you can at least have a warm drink, and heat a simple meal – which you should also have in the house for such an emergency.
A battery powered radio is useful even if it is the BBC you listen to as they may be giving information on the situation, it is unlikely you will be able to access the internet.
Be careful who you open the door to in these situations, even neighbours and friends can be a nightmare if they find you have a power bank to charge phones, and theres has run flat.
The people who make some simple inexpensive preparations come through these events in much better shape than those who don’t. Remember that when these things start there is no real knowing how long they might last for or how people will behave in general.
Take care and a little prep goes a long way.
Invest in a charger and a deep cycle battery. During the Three day week, I soldered a number of bulbs to a wire and spread them around the house with some switches. When the power came on: charge the battery. Ridiculous situation one day, we had no idea the power was on again being quite comfortable with our ‘secondary’ backup system.
I have extensive experience of camping and recommend the ‘jetboil’ which -if – careful u can get for about £50 – you pay for what you get …
Some are flogged them for over £80 which is saucy . I just got my second one …
If you’ve got outside room to cook, the wonderful twig stove is hard to beat. Gather small branches etc from the road/pathway sides. ‘Fallers’. Come to that, I’ve just ordered a replacement for my severely rusted squirrel trap. I’ll not go hungry.
A twig stove:
Demountable to a ‘flat-pack’.
Although I know it will not happen in my lifetime, or indeed ever, how would these, ‘Industries’ that use Carbon Dioxide manage in the fictional “Zero Emissions” era?
Because it’s “net zero”, so they produce CO2, but “offset” it by buying carbon credits which promise to plant trees or some such. And no-one ever checks.
Meanwhile, Drax power station, built on top of a massive coal field, is actually burning trees to make electricity. But that is somehow “green”, in a world ruled by clowns.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
CCBGB shocker!!
NB, The top comment when I posted this had hundreds of likes as it criticised the blatant bBbc agendas as the real cause of the dwindling viewing numbers. Now it’s gone. Shower of shit.
Over 1000 comments on this article, the vast majority of which I am sure were critical of the bBbc, have been disappeared by the Daily Fail.
In recent days the Mail Online has been slow to show or failed to print any comments on articles that seem supportive of traditionally left-wing issues such as identity politics and the green agenda or on those critical of more conservative viewpoints.
Obviously this is because most of their readers do not share the views of the new look Fail, a fact that has been becoming more and more obvious for a while now. Geordie Greig and the girls now seem to have decided to declare openly it’s complete capitulation to the new establishment groupthink, no more hiding it’s new rainbow colours.
It long ago became little more than clickbait churnalism, with poorly written articles and hyperbolic headlines, nothing more than promotional press for shallow “stars”, ITV reality shows, and “progressive” politics, now it seems it doesn’t feel the need to pretend to be anything else.
I think their website has a problem, because comments on many other stories aren’t showing up too.
TWatO Watch #1 – Past Chancellor of the Exchequer is not numerate! Who knew?!!
High point of this afternoon’s programme for the Montacutie was talking to Gordon ‘Wasted Vaccines’ Brown, the man famous for pouring £4billions worth of UK taxpayer-funded vaccines down the drain in 2009/10. Gordon wants the first world/developed world/indutrialised world {delete that which you do not approve of] to share its unused Covid vaccines with the rest of the world before they go out of date. Well, he – of all people – should know about that.
As a measure of the (in)competence of a man who was Chancellor of the Exchequer for a decade before becoming Prime Minister for three years, Gordon Brown demonstrated that he does not know: 1) the size of the world’s population, 2) how many people around the world have been vaccinated, and, 3) how to divide the number of Covid vaccines manufactured per month into the generally agreed number for the population of the world.
Absolutely incredible that incompetence and even more remarkable that Gordon Brown was willing to demonstrate his incompetence on air on BBC R4! He is the UN Envoy for Global Education. Might need to take some primary lessons in multiplication and long division himself. Apparently, according to Sarah Montague, Gordon Brown is now the UN’s International Health Ambassador as well.
The World Health Organization today announced the appointment of The Rt Hon Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, as WHO Ambassador for Global Health Financing. Mr Brown is widely credited with preventing a second Great Depression through his stewardship of the 2009 London G20 summit. He mobilized world leaders to commit an additional $1.1 trillion to restore credit, growth and jobs to help the world economy through the global financial crisis.
WHO Soros club, what club?
Er, as the World Financial Crisis started in 2007 and peaked in 2008 …. typical Labour Party, joining in with help when it is almost over.
The WHO can look forward to inefficiency, stupid ideas, failures to appreciate commercial decisions, even more scary new covid variations, a weird presence in public, and a general public mistrust of the bloke who actually fomented the ‘depression’ of 2009, not saved it.
The bloke’s a walking disaster, so I’m not surprised he’s quaffing at the WHO trough.
Does the WHO have any gold?
Tony Blair is to step down next month as special representative of the Quartet of international powers seeking a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, after making little headway for nearly eight years and amid near-constant controversy about his role.
Officials in Jerusalem said the former British prime minister had written to the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, to confirm his resignation.
Quartet representatives were meeting later on Wednesday in Brussels to discuss the implications of Blair’s departure, including whether he would be replaced. But sources close to the grouping insisted that he would not be “disappearing from the scene” and would continue to work in a personal capacity to foster peace.
Blair took on the Middle East job shortly after he left Downing Street in June 2007, and was given the task of helping develop the Palestinian economy and improve governance. But he struggled from the start.
Stop having kids to save the planet ..
Nearly eight out of 10 of young Britons blame capitalism for the housing crisis and two-thirds want to live under a socialist economic system. How did that happen?
Because no one told them they were already living under a socialist economic system, and no one also told them that socialism is even worse at providing for the people than capitalism.
The big difference is that when your house collapses, under capitalism you can gain compensation, under Socialism they just shoot you if you survive!
Guardian newspaper uses 2000 kids to say this represents ALL kids ….
A Forefront Market Research poll commissioned by the IEA of just under 2,000 people aged between 16 and 34 in the UK, carried out between February and March 2021, found that:
67 per cent say they would like to live in a socialist economic system.
Wishfull lefty thinking…
And if the Guardian found them………………..
TWatO Watch #2 – for the privileged few
Apparently the USA is in Lockdown as far as the UK and its nationals are concerned. The Prime Minister has to gone to the US (think he still has dual citizenship – may need a place to escape to when he becomes an ex-PM) and is able to fly there early, before the UN General Assembly, to lobby President Beijing Biden to open up to the UK traveller. JustRemainIn Webb and his wife want to go and visit friends in the US.
Apparently, Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg has stowed away on the PM’s flight so as to save on carbon emissions and awkward questions at immigration. She reported from a Noisy New York.
There’s nothing quite like a taxpayer funded jolly for the Beeboids.
Laura K travelled with Treezer May to the US and was able to keep an eye on her in case she departed from the BBC script.
Same for Mr Nut Nuts.
“I rarely come into this part of the Met museum (USA) because it’s not relatable”
Says black mother of black daughter.
Tracy-Ann Samuel and her daughters take a closer look at the triumphant imagery in the American Wing, and reflect on the lack of representation of women and people of colour.
That would be because it’s recalling the true imagery of lots of white fella’s fighting for the USA, the clue is in the name “museum”.
I dare say she wouldn’t find pictures of men in the trenches on the Somme “relatable” either…
There’s offence taken and professional grievance offence taken…
The BBC just adore the latter, and notice their slimy inclusion of the word “triumphant” to be now included in the bad word lexicon at the BBC when applied to men, especially white men.
African culture is not valid for Westerners?
Isn’t African culture an oxymoron?
I don’t happen to find 90% of TV adverts “relatable”, since I am not in a mixed relationship, but I don’t think the BBC would care what I think.
Small minds only tend to get smaller with age. I adore investigating other cultures and their history, so the lady in question is simply ignorant and will pass on that ignorance to her child. Thus, the cycle of idiocy continues into another generation. We see this on the Left: the Gen z’s who ‘hate’ Margaret Thatcher but weren’t even a twinkle in the milkman’s eye when she was PM. Stupid is as stupid does.
Just thinking a little more on these issues and how distracted we have all become by the prima facie titles of the lefts identity groups, yet how all of them are connected by one single goal, a White genocide.
Even something like climate change which appears to be about the climate isn’t. It’s a direct attack on N America, Western Europe, and it does nothing about S America, Africa Asia Asia Minor, Middle East & most of Eastern Europe especially Russia.
All of these movements from BLM to LGBT qwerty to Islam to mass migration are all directed to one end, the genocide of White Western Culture, some are actually voicing how desireable this would be.
Bear this in mind for the future, many many people are seeing the contradictions but not putting the pieces of the jigsaw together.
You can bet your bottom dollar that when the last whitee stands in front of the baying crowd and is given the loaded revolver, no matter how he supported, ‘the cause’, he will happily finish himself off. For the common good, you understand.