Politicians have entreated each other to be ‘kind’ in the aftermath of the murder of one of their own. They seem to think that has something to do with Islamic terrorism . Judging by their past behaviour and that of BBC journalists we can guess how much will change ..
Midweek Thread 20 October 2021
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Looks like Alec Baldwin will be a bit busy for a while to do his ‘impersonation ‘of the true president of the US . Since he is a Biden supporter he won’t be doing time – bet he isn’t even charged – shooting happens every day ….
More a Dick Cheney reprise surely?
RIP the poor lady.
Moaning Emole shows the dangers of being the brand.
Alec Baldwin fatally shoots woman with prop
A woman has died and a man is receiving emergency treatment after actor Alec Baldwin fired a prop gun while working on his latest film, Rust, police in New Mexico say. The woman has been named as director of photography Halyna Hutchins, 42, while the film’s director, Joel Souza, 48, is in hospital. Police are investigating and no charges have been filed. Mr Baldwin’s spokesperson told AP news agency the incident involved the misfiring of a prop gun with blanks. Mr Baldwin spoke to detectives voluntarily, according to a Santa Fe sheriff spokesman quoted by AFP news agency. Mr Baldwin plays the film’s namesake, an outlaw whose grandson is convicted of an “accidental murder”. Ms Hutchins was named a “rising star” by American Cinematographer magazine in 2019.
Can’t quite imagine how refusing to talk to detectives was an option.
Given the actor’s status this will memory hole quickly.
After Brandon Lee this seems strange. Even blanks are deadly so firing at the lens should see full precautions and frankly remote monitoring.
Err nothing to do with his acting ‘status’ and everything to do with him being an outspoken activist Democrat, and as you will have read from the piece I posted earlier, different law applies when you are a member of the inner party or deep state activist.
Baldwin will face no investigation because the Democrats will scotch it before it even begins. If you can re-instate an FBI deputy Director who perjured himself on three seperate occasions then you can certainly step in to protect a high profile supporter like Baldwin.
24 FPS
The Chinese must have a fit whenever the Obama minders let Biden out of his care home . When they go for Taiwan – maybe Christmas – I suppose they’ll have to calculate how much of Obama is bluff …. If they are gonna do it – is there a better time ?
Weaken the west with a virus – then unify the country …
What does that even mean?
“What does that even mean?”
Another black face………….
Thank goodness but please do NOT replace her, we don’t need any politcal editors/journalists-there are too many and provide utterly confusing explanations of whatever.
Its got to be Beff..
Speccie comments : https://disqus.com/home/discussion/www-spectator-co-uk/is_laura_k_off_to_today/
click the title to get to the article
As a journalist, she is pretty good at talking, not so much at listening, a fundemental requirement to elicit information, unless you have decided the outcome of the conversation before it even commences
Totally unacceptable. Manipulation is the BBC’s job.
Pretend to interview ( which in my limited experience is all about asking questions rather than stating opinions) and make an opinionated statement pretending to represent the countries’ views without providing a shred of evidence, . dressed up as a question
Let’s kick off with an item more suited to the and finally: ‘Price of Marmite is set to rocket. You’ll either love this news or you’ll hate it‘ – this latest Lockdown-induced supply chain dislocation comes – as the Daily Star whittily puns (Chris Whittily and Pat Vallance?): ‘Just when we yeast expected it…‘ and despite Brexit?
The Daily Express, being partial to a tangy report spreads the news that: ‘The reason behind the shortage is due to the closure of breweries as a result of coronavirus restrictions. The closures have meant the manufacturer is short on yeast, one of Marmite’s key ingredients‘
Free trade with the Aussies may not help us – don’t expect huge containerships packed with Vegemite to turn up at the docks: ‘Throw another cliché on the barbie‘ – warns the ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Australia asks Britain to stop going on about Neighbours, convicts and deadly animals‘ – and, presumably, Dame Edna Everage, Rolf Harris and Vegemite? One suspects Australia’s Cultural Attaché to the UK has sobered up and put in this request. Dear old Sir Les.
The BBC’s twin track obsessions, ranking as tabs number one and number two atop their online news homepage, are of course Coronavirus and Climate. Obsessions so obsessively held that our dear old friend the Brexit tab – with us for years – has apparently fallen by the wayside. Departed who knows where? One can only dream of the day those two upstart tabs eventually go the way of all BBC fear projects. One can at least dream.
Before she leaves us for a better place, let’s spare a moment to reflect on the twilight days of the woman who has loomed so large in all our lives for so many years past: ‘Calm presence‘ – the FT there, with the fitting tribute, considers of course… the German Chancellor: ‘Angela Merkel arrives at the European Council in Brussels for what is likely to be her final EU summit‘ – God bless her.
‘...Merkel warned that conflict [with Poland] could leave the EU “bogged down…”‘ – and trust the Germans on this one. They know all about it.
‘The stance was typical of Merkel’s 16 years of bridge-building in the EU‘ – like when she refused to give Dave Cameron any concessions on open borders and caused the EU to lose the UK?
But let’s not come between the FT and the love of their of life.
We recall Tina Turner once belted out the lyric: “We don’t need another hero” – but the FT persists, searching the world stage for another half-competant centrist global hero who won’t fail them: ‘Biden’s ambition is hindered by special interests‘ – down goes another one.
Our Tina went on to demand: “All we want is life beyond the Thunderdome” – well, at least us Brits got out of the EU.
They do say Margaret Thatcher was lucky in the calibre (or lack thereof) of her enemies: Ted Heath, Jim Callaghan, Arthur Scargill, General Galtieri…
Seems the docs trades union are going up against Boris. The Daily Mail informs us: ‘As doctor’s union threatens industrial action‘ – on the basis that few of us have seen hide nor hair of a quack for going on two years now, one wonders how the medics propose this strike might manifest itself – housecalls went out with beat cops and Top of the Pops… how about refusal to answer the phone, ban patients from coming to the surgery?
If our GPs should decide to picket outside their clinics at least we’ll be reminded that they still exist.
The world-weary Telegraph huffs and puffs: ‘GPs threaten to go on strike over proposals to increase face-to-face appointments‘
The Guardian meanwhile diplomatically dodges the issue at the heart of the dispute: ‘GPs threaten industrial action in row with minister‘
One suspects the docs are under the mistaken impression that the public will be with them on this one.
‘Syrian conflict “inspired” man charged with Amess murder‘ – so says the Telegraph. That was a complex one for sure – muslims on both sides and I’m none too certain which side we were supposed to be on – or why?
The prosecution are coming out uncharacteristically gung ho: “We will submit this murder has a terrorist connection… it had both religious and ideological motivations” – one doubts that former prosecuting head honcho Sir Keir would have played up the religious angle.
And finally, the curious editorial attitude of the BBC vis-a-vis men and women: ‘The Indian women widowed by Covid-19‘ – seems over there in the subcontinent men have suffered disproportionately from the virus. And yet BBC sympathy lies with the women: ‘Covid has widowed thousands of women, who are now struggling to adjust to a new life‘ – well, look on the bright side ladies, at least nowadays they don’t throw you on hubby’s funeral bonfire.
Marmite has its uses.if I want to annoy the wife many in this country admire the Chinese cuisine, few have experienced it first hand
No salt, no sugar I recall on my first visit meeting an Irishman in Bejiing, and being told I will feel ill within a week or so he was right, we popped over to Shanghai and I saw a shop with what I assumed was packets of sweets
They were vacuumed packed chicken feet
A never ending source of fascination for me is her avoidance of sausages and bacon whilst providing a running commentary on National Geographic on how to prepare and fry whatever appears
If Greenpeace had a look in our kitchen cupboards I would probably would be tasered and looking at at least five years inside
An excellent example of the true face of Islam. Amazingly on the BBC news site:
Bangladesh’s Hindus living in fear following mob attacks
What did they do to bring the mob violence and murder of hundreds of Muslims upon them ?. People so full of hate, they beat people to death ?.
‘.. violence that began after rumours spread that the Quran had been insulted at a special pavilion set up for the annual Hindu religious festival’
THAT is what they are conditioned to do since birth and why we are mad to bring hundreds of thousands of them here every year to live among us.
Of course the BBC have to temper it with statements like this:
‘Some say that rising anti-Muslim sentiment across the border in India, under the Hindu-nationalist BJP party, is partly responsible for triggering anger among hardline Bangladeshi Muslims.’.
I wonder who ‘Some’ are. Other Muslims I expect.
Today watch
The lords voting on assisted suicide – 2 doctors £ and a high court judge £ will have to sign off on 6 months or less .
I was trying to gauge whether it is on the BBC approved list .
A bit of me is pro the idea – another bit of me is profoundly against it .
But I came down on the view that the BBC is pro the idea – after all – it suits the demography since this will affect the elderly mostly –
But what a great gig ?
Start off at 6 months to live – then drop that to 12 months – then 24 –
And copy the nazi thing they used for killing inconvenient people – 3 red ticks in the box and you are in the gassing wagon .
Easy to buy a couple of dodgy quacks and a judge and business will boom – sponsored by the co op undertakers – for all you deathly needs … nearly halloween …
You joke but I am acutely aware of how the BBC despise right-wing white males.
If the Left had absolute power like the Nazis and if they thought they could get away with it, I am 100% certain history would repeat itself.
They are truly nasty, self-centred people with no ethics whatsoever when you scrape away the veneer of hypocrisy. Their absolute hatred of Trump on purely ideological grounds and ongoing attempts to destroy him are a good example for us to learn by.
John c
I dont joke on that . The NHS kills off inconvenient people in wards every day – the pathway of neglect – simple dehydration to stop the need for toilet visits or hygiene – reprisals against patients or relatives who kick up a fuss ..
Dont forget to clap
I know how you feel regarding assisted suicide. Instinctively one feels it is morally wrong but one also feels compassion for those who are dying in agony.
The discussion on Today was interesting in the respect that Michael Forsyth, a Christian, was in favour of assisted suicide while Tanni Grey-Thompson, an atheist, was against it.
In trying to discover what the right thing to do is in these difficult cases, I think I take a “Situation Ethics” position. In my opinion the key to figuring out the morality of the whole subject comes down to the number of choices you have in a given situation. If you want to commit suicide because of an unhappy love affair, that would be immoral because you know you will recover from your sadness sooner or later. However, if you are terminally ill and in unbearable agony, you don’t have the option of holding on for eventual recovery. In that situation, it would not be immoral to deliberately end your life.
Looked at through this prism of choices, one begins to understand why the the act of assisting a suicide can be regarded as evil in the case of the unhappy lover but compassionate in the case of the terminally ill patient.
But the danger is that situations where everyone else involved in a life ending to end pain can quickly morph into a routine admin job – eg an individual with no relatives or witnesses being manipulated into signing off.
Would anyone really trust a judge and 2 medics ? No way
My focus here is solely on the morality of assisted suicide. I believe that it can be demonstrated that, within clearly defined circumstances, it can be defended as a moral act.
Of course I agree with you that it could well “morph into a routine admin job”. (Neat phrase, by the way.) And, alarmingly, I believe that in countries which have already introduced this kind of legislation, the “safeguards” have tended to fall by the wayside. So I am not oblivious to the many potentially dangerous consequences of the bill.
But these are problems about how the vulnerable are protected and the law is enforced; they are not arguments by themselves against the morality of assisted suicide.
“The gassing wagon.” Like those handy little portable slaughterhouses that go round some of our farms.
This is how it works, get a foot in the door, for example, once you start paying for prescriptions or income tax, even a penny, then they will charge you more and more
Income tax
Income tax was first implemented in Great Britain by William Pitt the Younger in his budget of December 1798 to pay for weapons and equipment in preparation for the Napoleonic Wars. Pitt’s new graduated (progressive) income tax began at a levy of 2 old pence in the pound (1/120) on incomes over £60 (£6,363 as of 2019),[7] and increased up to a maximum of 2 shillings (10%) on incomes of over £200. Pitt hoped that the new income tax would raise £10 million, but actual receipts for 1799 totalled just over £6 million.[9]
When the National Health Service was established in 1948 all prescriptions were free. The power to make a charge was introduced in the NHS Amendment Act 1949, and proposals for charges were a factor in the resignation of Aneurin Bevan from the Labour Government in 1951.[3] Charges were introduced in 1952, by the Conservative government, at a rate of one shilling per prescription.[4]
There were exemptions for people in receipt of National Assistance or War Disability Pension, children under 16 or at school, and venereal disease patients.[5] In 1956 the rules were changed so that a charge applied to each item prescribed. In 1961 it was doubled to 2s. Charges were abolished by the Wilson Government on 1 February 1965, but reintroduced on 10 June 1968 at the higher rate of 2s 6d, but with a wider range of exemptions. As of April 2021 the prescription charge in England is £9.35.[6]
Prescription charges and exemptions are administered by the NHS Business Services Authority.
The existing list of medical exemptions is essentially a list of conditions for which long-term life-saving medication was available in 1968, and it has never been revised since. The policy on prescription charges was dismissed as a “dog’s dinner” by the Social Market Foundation, who said in 2003 that the current rules on who pays for medicines and who does not are unfair and illogical.[7]
In 2007, a survey conducted by Ipsos Mori found that 800,000 people failed to collect a prescription during 2007 due to cost.[8]
In 2008, 88% of patients in England got medicines free.[9] Gordon Brown introduced an exemption for cancer patients in 2009, and promised free prescriptions for people with long-term conditions.[10]
Jeremy Hunt announced a scheme to help reduce waste and encourage patients to complete courses of medicine in July 2015. Any drug that costs the NHS more than £20 was to be marked with a label stating that they have been “funded by the UK taxpayer”, along with the total price that the prescription costs the health service.[11] It had not been implemented by April 2017.
The Prescription Charges Coalition, a campaigning organisation of which the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and numerous organisations of disabled people are members, launched a survey investigating the impact of prescription charges on people in England with long-term conditions in March 2017. It advocates free prescriptions for everyone with long-term conditions.[12] In July 2017 they said a third of patients of working age have not collected a prescription because of cost.[13]
The Royal College of General Practitioners launched a campaign in May 2017 to scrap mental health prescription charges for students.[14]
Nothing is free
Dire headline. Hilarious image.
Frank Skinner and every outraged feminist trannie with hair dye mental issues in one.
By now many will have heard about Trump’s proposed new Media Group, TMTG.
Below are extracts from its press release. Though the target of its criticism is American social media, it could equally apply to the BBC.
“Trump Media & Technology Group’s mission is to create a rival to the liberal media consortium and fight back against the “Big Tech” companies of Silicon Valley, which have used their unilateral power to silence opposing voices in America.
President Donald J. Trump, the Chairman of TMTG, stated, “I created TRUTH Social and TMTG to stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech. We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced. This is unacceptable. (…) TMTG was founded with a mission to give a voice to all. I’m excited to soon begin sharing my thoughts on TRUTH Social and to fight back against Big Tech. Everyone asks me why doesn’t someone stand up to Big Tech? Well, we will be soon!”
Naturally the Left on both sides of the Atlantic will throw everything they can against the new Group.
The BBC have already started sneering: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-58990330
‘Earlier this year, he launched From the Desk of Donald J Trump, which was often referred to as a blog.
‘The website was permanently shut down less than a month after it launched”
Lying bast@rds. It’s there now and his blog simply moved to be under ‘news’ with 8 entries in the last 3 days alone.
Good old Donald-go gettem boy, blast them all the way, give no quartre. The whole lot are rotten to the core-this civilised world sits on a knife edge of impending disaster, threatening the future of free-man. The George Orwell syndrome is creeping upon us.
BBC not happy with richi soonak trying to knock another billion off the overseas budget by a bit of accountancy wizardry ….
It will mean taxpayers are only giving away 11 BILLION a year – yet can’t finance elderly social care ….
Not much democracy about . And MPs wonder why the taxpayers are ‘angry ‘…?
Quite right David.
A free health service.. not quite
The Harris-Biden Administration
This continuous gaslighting from the media
– The REAL WORLD is complicated and there are many things we don’t know.
.. and instead of just accepting gaps in knowledge many people fill the gaps with conspiracy theories.
– Medialand sneer at these people
Yet medialand do exactly the same behaviour as they too push simplistic SQUARE PEG narratives into multi-faceted holes
.. eg Climate : “The science is settled, here are some magic solution”
eg Race : “All black people are victims, all white people are oppressors”
Sorry – does ‘ gaslighting ‘ mean ‘telling lies ‘?
I have real trouble with political language these days ,,, whats a meme ?
I have trouble with language of any kind. I’d like to know when “have” and “of” became interchangeable (As in “you would of thought”)
I imagine the following conversation in the greengrocers :-
“Of you any carrots?”
“Yes we of”
“That’s good, I will of a pound have carrots please. Of you any sprouts?”
“”No, sorry, we ofn’t”
“Oh well, never mind, of a nice day”
“And many more have them”
You would have thought,
You would’ve thought,
You would of thought.
It is people learning expressions by sound, e.g. from boxing, “to toe the line” becomes “to tow the line”, which makes a sense of sort as ‘line’, as in ‘washing line’ could be part of a tow.
Most languages have expressions that people learn as a whole that are not taken literally and that breaks the connection with the individual words.
How many people nowadays know what ‘in the offing’ literally means for instance, they use it without knowing what ‘the offing’ is.
Strangely enough, MnotM, I do remember the first time I saw “of” substituted for “have”. It was in 1999 in some notes a young work colleague had written on a customer’s account. I remember laughing about it with an older colleague who had also not seen it before.
I thought it was a one-off at the time (geddit?) but since then it has become ubiquitous.
I think it must be because spelling and grammar are no longer important in English lessons in school. Self-expression in writing, no matter how illiterate, appears to be what is encouraged. A huge mistake. You are better able to express yourself if your language is precise rather than sloppy.
Has the man fallen asleep?
Reminds me of a marionette on stage before being activated by his handler. Shame no one has got hold of the photo and attached stings to his arms, legs and head.
A marionette has more life, is more interesting and tells fewer lies
tarien – Or his meds are wearing off.
Thanks for posting the carlson clip . His observation about a regime saying a lot about itself is telling
Apply that to the BBC
Although it doesnt deal with the ‘bias by omisdion ‘ . For instance rhe
‘ eff joe biden ‘ thing would be widely known here if there was a free press.
But there isnt .
“When somebody else pulls the strings, the strings, the strings”… Danny Kaye
He is checking to see if his shoes are on the correct feet.
Did anyone watch the BBC TV Shetland last night? To see the Procurator Fiscal played by a dark coloured Asian maybe Indian-would you really expect to find such a representative on Shetland as north as you can get, closer to Norway then mainland Britain. That’s my first gripe and next is the seemingly unkempt unshaven scruffy Detective Inspector-why? If such a man came to my door looking as this actor does claiming to be a Detective I would close the door in his face, unbelieving of his claim. OK now you are going to tell me that is the new norm. I don’t expect H Poirot but when one represents the Law, it should be shown with some personal respect. I like Tosh best.
“Sutherland’s Law was a BBC series starring Iain Cuthbertson in the 70s. It was excellent, with a cracking theme ”
I liked that series.
As a matter of interest, the music was “The Land of the Mountain and the Flood” by Hamish MacCunn.
@Doublethinker said the Spectator had joined in censorship
and had blocked comments on yesterdays Douglas Murray article about Islamic Extremism
I checked : actually the 96 comments are here
Article : https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/britains-fatal-unwillingness-to-confront-islamic-extremism
Someone says they are outraged that a word seems sexist
and you BBC run it like a shot
Lord-Mayor is not really a gendered word
neither is prime-minister
Obviously it doesn’t put women off, 11 women have held the post in that town since 2000.
This isn’t even news
There be dragons …
“This isn’t even news”
No, it’s propaganda.
“GB News boss John McAndrew who quit over ‘culture wars’ in running to be next BBC Director of News” – The i.
This should be interesting. Normally, a spell at GB News would be a permanent stain on his CV and would preclude him ever working at the BBC again. However, the fact that he quit over ‘the right-wing channel’s shift to exploit the “culture wars”’ (as the i helpfully explains) could earn him some brownie points over at the beeb.
One line in the article worries me: “Tim Davie has said the BBC’s news must become more relevant to viewers in ‘red wall’ towns.”
I have long feared that the BBC would eventually wake up and realise that the nation’s mood is moving away from them, towards the right, and would implement some cosmetic changes, just enough to say: “See? We’ve listened and we’ve changed”. And thereby get a new lease of life from the government and the public. This would be a tragedy. I would much rather see them stubbornly pursue their headlong rush to irrelevance and oblivion. I don’t want the BBC reformed, I want it annihilated for all the irreparable harm it’s done to the nation.
Given anything bbc mukki mux are quoted as saying by anonymous spokesweasels is code, that appears to be saying ‘see, we are getting hammered for being Labour droids up to now’.
“Tim Davie has said the BBC’s news must become more relevant to viewers in ‘red wall’ towns.”
What else can this mean but, “We are dismayed at the gains made by the Conservatives, so we must exert ourselves on behalf of Labour”?
Blue pills huh?
R4 12:20pm The DVLA and solicitors let some black guy steal this man’s house.
The first he knew about it was when the neighbours phoned to say there were builders in the house smashing bits up.
He’d left the house empty, but not redirected his mail
So the fraudster got a replacement driving licence sent to the address and doctored the photo. DVLA fraud detection did later kick in and say that a false licence had been issued, but that was too late . The fraudster sold the house and then took the fake licence to the solicitor, who failed to do the proper checks and changed the land registration.
And once the land register has been changed the new owner, owns the property.
The fraudster had also used the address and licence to set up a fraudulent bank account and the money had been paid in.. so he walked away with £120K
First class ticket to Lagos please – single ….
Since this was obviously WRONG, how did the culprit get away with it?
just weird
Makes wonder if the msm is ever gonna admit the false president has dementia ….
ITV local news : Sheffield pupils make warm winter clothing bundles for Afghan refugee children
Some stories get picked, others never see the light of day .. that is bias.
Yep it’s on ITV local news now
when we usually only have Hull and Lincolnshire news.
The white organiser has a ring through her nose.
The report was fawning throughout.
Poor witchell – out scooped by the Sun of all papers …
Meanwhile Charley mad Windsor must be getting out the coronation plans and the half prince wondering about the flight back from la la land ….soaps eh?
What a smarmy and obnoxious person.
I’ve just listening to local radio news
A new reporter is stuttering through, but is OK
By coincidence I know him he’s a 31 yo Asian man who last I heard was a Labour Party candidate.
I am happy for his “luck”.
Repeat drama is now on Radio Nigeria
I mean Radio4
FFS a BBC-advert has just come on
“I Pledge to Change”
It gives a number of Global warming tasks we can do
“Something that will REALLY make a difference”
the final is “I pledge to SWITCH OFF my laptop and not leave it on charge”
FFS no you laptop doesn’t use any significant power whilst on charge
The only time it uses power is during update procedure
and for that girl that will happen in the morning when she switches on, so she won’t save any power”
I can’t find the campaign on BBC web or Twitter, so I think it is something made up by the climate enthusiast staff at BBC Radio Humberside.
Now an item on “Floodlights festival” an artist is explaining an exhibit
“It’s all about MERMAIDS and how they have had to move cos of Global Warming”
A giant floodlight projector show
As global warming impacts the habitats of humans, animals and sea creatures we see fish populations diminish, go extinct or move to better living and feeding grounds.
Mermaids are not exempt from this destructive process. In various parts of the world they have been forced to migrate to better feeding grounds in order to survive.
Moving closer to urban environments helps them to live of human food waste, but the Sirens’ appearance is a symptom of worse things to come…
video of that segment
.. https://twitter.com/looknorthBBC/status/1451571888384356354
Local radio items in last 24 hours
– economic analyst talking about #heatpumps
– Hull corp talking about their 100% Recycled Christmas Trees
– an all-day climate-themed hackathon sponsored by the Danish state windfarm corp
– feature today by @RadioHumberside on hydrogen boilers.
They’ve also had lots promoting more lockdowns
..then contradicted that by promoting children going to the COP26 …which looks like turning into a Covid super spreader event
TWatO Watch #1 – utterly, utterly, utterly useless BBC
For the last two days, The BBC have been parrotting the Socialist and Public Sector line that in England 1. face-masks must become compulsory, 2. people should be made to work from home, and, 3. another Lockdown should be instituted by Government mandate in order to save Christmas and the NHS but spend ridiculous amounts of taxpayer money.
So what do the BBC do on today’s TWatO? They go to Ashington, in the north-east of England (where, iirc, Sir Bobby Charlton was brought up) to look at a school where children are being helped to catch up on schooling they have missed during Lockdowns 1 to 3 in England. It is pointed out that the lost schooling needs an investment of £15billion extra but that the Government is only putting in £3billion so far.
Another item on the programme was the backlog of cases in the criminal Courts and Dame Vera Baird, former lawyer and Labour Government minister, claims that women are suffering because they cannot get justice. Her solution? Yes, you guessed: extra ‘Government money’ (from the taxpayer) – amount unspecified – to get through the backlog.
Yet another news item: yes, you guessed right again, more calls for a new Lockdown and compulsory this and that despite the harms already identified and covered already by the programme.
The BBC: over-manned, over-paid, over-politicised and completely brainless.
BBC: over-manned, over-paid, over-politicised
……………………………………………. and completely under-brained
Am grateful to my right honourable friend for his improvement. Good un’! But what’s to be done about the BBC? They are total wasters.
pug, I’m guessing that Rick Nobinson will graciously give up his seat on TOADY for ‘Part-time’, either to shuffle off in his own retirement or he will return to his old job where he will not get so many chances to be rude to Prime Ministers and Cabinet Ministers …. and also, to save the D-G and the BBC the embarrassment of disciplining or sacking him.
Nah – meeshel getting her own programme – baking with – dancing with – meeshal does Dallas – or maybe a railway thing …. She’s wasted on that today thing …
video : SkyNews Climate hyperbole has caused huge reduction in viewers
Oh Dear, ‘ow sad, nevvah mind
If Alec Baldwin would’ve been a member of the NRA all these years – he would’ve learned about gun safety.
Has president trump commented yet – ‘lock him up ‘…
At least when Alek ‘killer’ Baldwin is on Saturday smug live next time he can be accurately introduced … lucky his victims weren’t coloured …
I have never really liked Laura Kuenssburg style of reporting or Nick Robinsons come to that. There are plenty of Politicians oratory skills wanting.
But what really gets on my nerves is Louis Armstrong he was always blowing his own Trumpet.
Robin aitken – in the DT – scratches round for replacements for the political editor and the American editor – he couldn’t really come up with one .
My aitken is normally to the point about the BBC but I think he erred in claiming BBC helped Biden into the White House when we know it was the Chinese and corrupt democrat election officials ….
Thinking about it I suppose the girl who got thrown out of Russia will be up for a job – she isn’t coloured or a Muslim so that will count against her bigly….
Nick Robinson was a lot harder working – as BBC Political Editor – than Laura Kuenssberg. Nick Blogged regularly, his Blogs were always open to comment, and he helped out elsewhere around the Beeb ie. caretaking Any Questions and Any Answers during the summer holiday season. Mind you, the workaholics at Business and Economics probably helped keep Nick up to speed back in those days. Simon Jack and Faisal Islam, the present incumbents, make the lackadaisical Laura look positively hardworking.
Champion Ash likely making her pitch.
Unless O’Brien can lever her out of Savile’s old camper in the car park and scrub up nice in a tutu.
Jack trying to set up for Laura’s move.
And here is how media polls are created.
On the Alec Baldwin thing – BBC news already declaring it ‘accidental ‘ before any investigation – obviously an actor on the approved list…
Apropos of everything that has appeared in the MSM of late – COP26, heat pumps, electric vehicles etc – a leaflet dropped through my letterbox today from the local council (Hertsmere).
Title: “Planning For Growth”
Subtitle: “Hertsmere’s emerging local plan – give us your views”
The second paragraph reads:
“Like every council, we receive central government requirements for increasing provision of homes. They have told us that we need to plan for the delivery of 760 homes every year until 2038, including much-needed affordable housing.”
As well as additional sites in almost all towns and villages in Hertsmere, “There is also a new settlement proposed between South Mimms and St Albans.” On the map overleaf, this looks like a new town about the size of Radlett situated east of Junction 22 of the M25.
They’re asking for our views but it seems opposing these developments would be futile – this is a “government requirement” after all.
I wonder if I might suggest a name for this new “settlement?” Any ideas? Something modern, something diverse in line with this brave new Britain that none of us voted for?
As long as the new name ends with a STAN , should make the new ‘ Locals ‘ few at home !
Near to me the Council are moving the Boundary so that the 275 planned new homes are in the Village….always wondered where my Council Tax went every year .
Around here there are plans to double the size of the town I live in, and TREBLE the size of the one three miles down the road (which won’t leave a lot of space between them).
This used to be a rural backwater, and 10 years ago virtually everyone had a local accent, now it’s a teeming metropolis and you never hear a local accent (plenty of ‘cockney’ though), and it takes three times as long to drive anywhere.
Oct 6 The front page of Daily Telegraph:
‘PM pledges no homes on green fields’
.. https://twitter.com/Telegraph/status/1445853732441317379
“-stan.” Sounds about right.
Near me are some new “container” type prefabs; the council saw fit to install a bike rack next to the front door of each one.
What a lovely, rosy, romantic view officialdom has of the kind of people they ensconce in these places!
6:25pm ITV Green Part Party Political broadcast
Make yer bed of rubbish and lie in it ….. lucky it’s not summer no more eh? Must affect quite a few BBC refugees from N1 ..
Local BBC news “Hull has a PNG guy who used to be a rugby player and is now a coach.. heres a Black History Month item about him”
Samba with Springster!
Gosh, what a hatchet-face.
I actually come across lots of BBC content ..and let it pass by
earlier I saw this bizarre headline
Sheffield Hygge cafe praised for response to ‘Islamophobic’ review
…which begs the question WHO “praised” ?
.. I guess it would be the Muslim activist org that created the PR for media to cutNpaste
which the BBC dutifully did
What is this Islamophobia ?
Entire quote
“One Star review by George Cross
I was served bu a person wearing moslem dress”
oh wow that incredibly offensive
And the providence is very strong …NOT
Anyone even the activists themselves could have created that review
The item wasn’t used in our TV bulletin tonight
The main thing is the 1 page long *sneering* reply from the cafe owner.
Aimed at intimidating and belittling the person who wrote the review.
ITVnews special now “SHORTAGES”
… From the start the tone was very hyperbolic.
“No scaremongering by Tonight on ITV. Begins with – as Britain faces fuel and food shortages. Got to love our media. #itvtonight”
“On #itv tonight program it just said we are going to have a shortage of #Champagne #OMG “
Our BBC told us emphatically about three weeks ago that the HGV driver shortages were caused by you guessed it, Brexit. Also, our BBC made it clear that this would be a long term problem – because of Brexit.
I can now buy fuel with ease. Have these HGV vacancies been filled or was it another ‘Brexit Scare’ by our BBC?
Let me ponder that for a small moment…
All sounds such common sense, if only they, that’s those that think they know best, would perhaps just listen to the public concerns would not let themselves be subjugated to the most unsensible proposed policies-dangerous ground we now tread on.