Nibor, as someone who has worked in science and a technical discipline for nearly 30 years, I’d say ‘science’ is (and always has been) extremely political. Those who succeed are usually those who’ve had the sense to tailor their ‘interests’ to support whichever way the current winds of political opinion are blowing… that’s how you get the big funding, the TV appearances, and the comfortable sinecures.
I’m sure that’s no surprise to anyone really, but it’s something to bear in mind every time you read an article that begins with “Scientists say…” or “99% of Scientists agree that…”
A golden nugget from @GBNEWS. The Government has approved legislation to remove opposing views from British media if the subject is "the settled will". Hence no opposing view on Climate Change, or Covid because "it's the settled will". Bet you didn't know that.
We are virtually lockstep with the US at the moment now with, frequent ‘Progressive’ attacks on the public. ‘Boris loves Joe’. The Rule of Law? Nah! forget about that principle: ‘We will do as we want and the public better get behind it’. Or else…………
Fortunately, the Bottler screws everything up so we’re in line for some sort of disjointed totalitarianism.
MPs who campaign for reform of halal and kosher animal slaughter told to boost their security in the wake of murder of Sir David Amess
Some halal and all kosher slaughter does not see animals stunned beforehand
Some MPs backing law change told ‘be careful what you say publicly on issue’
Also advised to review their personal security, the Sunday Times reported
A leading lawyer has described Scotland Yard’s decision not to launch a criminal probe into the Martin Bashir scandal as ‘mystifying’.
Quentin Hunt, a barrister who specialises in fraud and counterfeiting cases, believes there is enough evidence in the public domain about the disgraced reporter’s activities for the Metropolitan Police to investigate.
The Mail on Sunday revealed last week how Princess Diana’s brother Earl Spencer was so incensed by the decision that he is considering mounting private criminal prosecutions.
Interesting that the above link to the Pfizer article gives a 403 Forbidden message. To find it I was taken to a democracy now site that has it. Does not surprise me as I worked in pharma for over 30 years. Pfizer are the absolute pits of a money grabbing shower of B****** that I have known. In any dealings I had with them especially about 15 years ago they were the most obnoxious arrogant and totally loathsome individuals.
Christina Figueres, founder Global Optimism, UNFCCC executive secretary 2010-2016, added: “I am delighted to see the BBC apply the same scientific rigour to sustainability that they’ve applied in their programming and content, by adopting science based targets. Aligning to the science and demonstrating leadership by example is very welcome at this critical time.”
And I bet Mulder and Scully won’t get a transparent peep out of an FOI on helicopter rides.
More parts of the story about Baldwin shooting the camera woman coming to light now.
As an ouspoken angry Democrat (all socialists are full of seething anger and violence) we should all expect that he will be backed to the hilt by the left and that includes the media.
To that end we should be extremely mindful that if Baldwin doesn’t carry the can then someone else has to, and that someone looks to be the easiest target the left can manage, in this case the 24 year old female armourer.
It would appear that everyone on this set was aware of the safety rules and observing them except for one man – and we all know who that is.
From the LA Times:
According to LA Times, the crew were not yet actually filming. The two persons shot were looking at a monitor setting up camera angles and had not yet retreated to the area off set where they go to watch the scene as its being acted out. Baldwin was shooting a scene that required him to pull the gun from a holster. Rehearsing, he pulled it once with no problem. The second time, the woman was killed. But he was NOT actually filming or purposely aiming at a camera following directions when she was shot.
Put simply the man is an idiot, no safety on the gun, botches drawing it and then accidentally discharges it, should never have been rehearsing the weapon scene in proximity to anyone especially if he wasn’t fully proficient with the action he wanted to make.
A blank round can still be lethal, and as yet there has been no official confirmation as to what the round actually was.
In the article Andrew Neil wrote a few weeks ago in the Daily Mail: he had to put on his own makeup and he wanted a second studio. He was also put under great strain when links went down to people from outside the studio and he had to carry the 1 hour show himself. The poor dear sounds as though he needs to be on a channel with unlimited money. It also sounds as though he is not a team player and no loyalty to his colleagues or his empolyer.
They decided that everyone who attends COP26 had to be driven around by an electric car.
But so many people are coming they’ve realised they haven’t enough charging points.
So they’ve been scrambling to find diesel generators to help boost the capacity.’
A second Cabinet Minister was struggling to find the funny side.
I’m sick of it. Every time I do a speech, they try to slide some more COP nonsense into it.
Something about telling people to do less washing-up, or eat less meat. It’s ridiculous.’
A third Cabinet Minister was simply resigned: ‘COP’s turning into a circus. No 10 are trying to get a grip but it’s spiralling out of control.
They’re saying to foreign governments, ‘Can you keep the size of your delegations to a minimum?’ And they’ll be told, ‘OK, we’ll keep it down to 1,500 people.’ ‘
The UN Climate Change Conference, which opens in Glasgow on Sunday, is supposed to be the event that saves the planet.
But ask anyone in government and they’ll tell you the truth.
t’s a farce. It’s degenerating into chaos. And to many, the best thing for the environment would be if Boris Johnson, right, just bit the bullet and scrapped it.
The whole purpose of COP26 was meant to promote global environmental sustainability.
Instead, it is being turned into a catwalk for the green showboating of the global elite.
Or, in the case of Japan, showplaneing. Last week it emerged that a specially configured Boeing 777 had been flown 6,000 miles (without passengers) solely to see whether the pilots would prefer to use Prestwick or Edinburgh airports when the official Japanese delegation arrives.
It’s also been announced that when the runway of choice has been chosen, special measures will be put in place to ensure arriving dignitaries can be whisked speedily to their destinations.
Unfortunately, COP26 has become so bloated that nearby roads will become gridlocked, so leaders will be ferried to their hotels along the Clyde Expressway, which has been turned into a VIP lane.
With a bit of luck the COP thing will be a Huge mess and be the high water mark of the green / woke psychosis dumb nations are putting themselves through
Unfortunately the MSM swamp want a ‘success’ so there will be one – even with nut nut at the helm …. The subsequent spreading of covid across the world political class will just be another mad outcome …..
…the end of nut nut would also be a political bonus . Might get a smarter replacement – Rudd ? Sunak ? Who can get a grip on important issues ….
The newspapers in Scotland say that there are several hundred thousand delegates due. So that’s up from the 40,000, at the last climate summit, to over 200,000 delegates for Glasgow.
I think Hundreds of Thousands of delegates is absolutely necessary for the establishment Groupthink. Otherwise the conformity of the consensus may not survive the real world. Maurice Strong, the clown who started it all, said something like, important people need to be kept inside the box, or as I call it, the “Loony Bin”.
In order to tackle environmental challenges, people are going to be asked to make significant sacrifices.
And that will involve politicians – and the burgeoning green lobby and their sponsors – taking public opinion with them.
But instead of showing families that they have a plan for saving their planet, our leaders again seem intent on giving the impression they reside on an entirely different one.
COP26 is about to replace Davos as the event that most gratuitously frames the arrogance, hypocrisy and entitlement of the global ruling class.
Their gigantic jets will descend upon Prestwick.
And they will alight and tell us how we each need to reduce our global environmental footprint.
Their motorcades will speed along their exclusive expressway.
And they will get out, then inform us we have to do our bit by walking our kids to school. They will assemble for their plush banquet.
And after dessert and coffee, they’ll retire to put the finishing touches to speeches that lecture us about eating sustainably.
Worst of all, they think no one will notice their green doublespeak.
That this grotesque ‘do as I say, not as I do’ grandstanding will pass everyone by amid a kaleidoscope of polar bears, Greta Thunberg and homilies about our grandchildren.
Ha I have only just got back. ; I was in town and got two hawthorn punctures
… That's damn nature for you.
BTW Nox is not inhaled inhale it at home mostly
Similar things happened in the past
Sadiq bought a set of hybred buses
Then after a while passengers noticed the DIESEL engines were running all the time, when you’d expect battery power to be running the bus.
Turned out the bus garage charging system was a bit crap
so instead of having diesel engines powering the weight of the old buses
You now have diesel engines working harder cos they power the weight of the bus plus the heavy battery bank as well.
Interesting that archived page has got a copy of readers comments
which as usual are anti-green-dreamery.
.. The archive system seems to retrieve the page via the PC who requested the archiving ..hence is they have a Times account the paywallled version gets archived.
Steve Milloy points out that despite the panic about roadside NOx
your biggest exposure is in the home from gas equipment or bathroom products
but there is still no great evidence of health negatives.
Commenter R Simpson seems to be an expert
(basically hot engines are clean engines, but unless going up hill the engine is running at low power) “The answer (and it is under development) is to modify the bus engine so it can run on fewer than six cylinders when the full power is not required.
It’s not as easy as it sounds as it’s not just a matter of cutting fuel to the deactivated cylinders, the valves have to be deactivated too, to reduce the flow of cold air through the exhaust.
Cummins and Jacobs Brake are both working on it.
You can run on two, four or six cylinders, but there are problems with one part of the block and head getting cold while the other remains hot.”
… I think if a bus had two engines could run flat out all the time. then a booster engine kick in when needed.
One might think that they’d try to syndicate the story to squeeze a few pennies out of something that must have taken some time to put together.
I’ve seen Boris buses in London where the little diesel engine has been revving its heart out in clouds of smoke and rattling like a good ‘un – one assumes ‘cos it couldn’t keep up….
Somebody’s going to reinvent the electric trolley bus.
🟢 Oh here’s a R4 prog about the International Court
Then 25 minutes in , the presenter “writer and lawyer Philippe Sands”
says ‘I have been working to get this new international crime introduced ECOCIDE”
that’s #1 Green agenda pushing again
#2 A presenter with a direct political link ..That is not impartial
… He’s not a minor voice He is the CHAIR of the org pushing for this
Prog finishes ..trailer comes on for Monday
8pm a new 3 part series
A Summer of Fire and Flood
Part #1 Lytton Canada
The worst effects of climate change are often framed as a problem for the future
. But for some, the worst has already happened. As world leaders prepare to gather in Glasgow to talk about how to bring down emissions,
Radio 4 tells the story of three places which have been at the sharp end of extreme weather events.
In June, the Canadian village of Lytton smashed national heat records three days running, reaching an astonishing 49.6 degrees Celsius.
Then, it burned to the ground.
This documentary, the first in the series, is a vivid portrayal of a place in the crosshairs of climate change, where people don’t just have to imagine the future. They’re now figuring out how to build it.
That is assertion not science
Every year since the dawn of time a whole lot of places have had
an unlucky weather episode.
To claim that this years cherry picked places would not have been unlucky without you using petrol not science
Will the Biden administration + lefty MSM keep supporting the creep?
There’s others involved – are they hoping to feed the public anger crocodile with a tidbit?
This article — examining the new proof that research funded by Dr. Fauci did exactly what he's spent 18 months vehemently denying and calling everyone a liar for suggesting: making bat coronaviruses more contagious — is absolutely crucial to read:
Tragic though this event was, I’m starting to feel the BBC have now put far more effort into discussing the accidental death of this woman (who was completely unknown in the UK?), than they did about the recent, fatal stabbing of a prominent British MP.
I’m currently living in hope that the wheels are coming off the Beckham bandwagon. Two decades of this mediocre ex footballer getting paid millions (because of a great PR team) for plugging products and having photos taken with the great and not so good, is enough for us to endure. The man cannot speak, cannot articulate, and his silence is deafening on the Human Rights issue in Qatar, for fear of jeopardising any future income and offending his current paymaster. The less we see of this man and his awful family the better.
I despair when I read naive comments like this, so credulous and ready to believe the media narrative.
Lets not blame the Islam extremism lets not examine the link between human rights abuses and Shariah, there’s a dim White male to blame so get stuck in on him!
Plenty of MPs there with links to Qatar, there’s the FIFA organisation whose corrupt members took bribes to allow the tournament to take place there (but look the other way), there;s the preening virtue signalling England team who could boycott the games, but won’t and no one points the finger at them, and despite their kneeling hypocrisy they don’t breathe a word about the raisen heads they call the black team members.
No, lets allow the media narrative to work by calling out Beckhan for his greed and his taciturn wife, both of whom are White and therefore fair game.
Think it’s more like 25 years now though – that’s the adult half of my lifetime.
I will always recall an academic conference in the mid 90s when there was talk about a new residential research centre to encourage school kids to take an interest in science and engineering.
There had been a lot of debate about what it should be called, with the names of various famous scientists and engineers being bandied around. However, some representative of the civil service stood up and told a packed lecture theatre full of academics, scientists and engineers that Blair’s Govt had decided that if this new centre got built it was going to be called the ‘David Beckham Centre for Technical Excellence’ (or something along those lines). I think Beckham must have donated something towards it, and they were convinced that kids would consider it ‘cool’, if it had Beckham’s name on it (never mind the geeky kind of kids who typically study science and engineering usually hate football).
There was stunned silence, then a rising murmur of disapproval and outrage, followed by roaring laughter at the preposterousness of Beckham’s name being associated with something like that, instead of someone like: Newton, Hawking, Turing etc…
Sadly, the ‘David Beckham Centre for Technical Excellence’ never did get built.
As for ‘Posh’ Spice… I can’t think of a less appropriate moniker.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Covid: Labour calls for Plan B measures in England
Of course they do – Blair and chums demand it.
The bBC are fully on board.
Science can be manipulated . The Commie Bloc had “scientific socialism ” and we know how the Nazis used science .
Nibor, as someone who has worked in science and a technical discipline for nearly 30 years, I’d say ‘science’ is (and always has been) extremely political. Those who succeed are usually those who’ve had the sense to tailor their ‘interests’ to support whichever way the current winds of political opinion are blowing… that’s how you get the big funding, the TV appearances, and the comfortable sinecures.
I’m sure that’s no surprise to anyone really, but it’s something to bear in mind every time you read an article that begins with “Scientists say…” or “99% of Scientists agree that…”
OT, but I would be fascinated to hear Paul Mason, Laura K, RogMattJustin, Greta, Dr. Gail, BS, Toenails and two planks of wood discuss this one.
Well i am with labour on this – but they are suggesting 6 months .
But in 6 months time they will campaign to extend it like the other welfare provision just withdrawn.
End the overseas give away monet too £- 11 000 000 000 this year
Energy VAT is only 5%
better cut the green taxes and green subsidies like priority market access
so that they compete on a level playing field
In a fair market energy cost would be half what they are.
BBC Food has arrived (thanks to my wife!), the annual magazine to tell us all how to enjoy a lovely British Christmas.
Thrill to the Christmas (soon to be renamed “holiday”) delights of…
The eight-night Jewish festival of Hannuka with Jennifer Heftler…
Beautiful spreads by Krati Agarwali of Rotterdam…
Monica Galeti’s Samoan treats…
British Bangladeshi Afia Begom writes about the Muslin Festival of Mid-al-Fitr…
Hetty Ashiagbor writes about Ghanain food…
Nadia Fesenjan writes about Iranian food…
Dina Macki and Granmother Bibi share their Omani “Christmas” recipes…
Celebrating Diwali, learn all about the festival of lights…
Three Refugees share ideas for food from their culture…
Plus lots of ideas how to enjoy your Christmas in Vegan style…
Oh and I believe I saw a mince pie recipe as well!
No Santa’s, Snowmen, Christmas Trees or Angels and especially no mention of the reason it’s called Christmas of course!
Dripping with delicious BBC goodness!
Digg, you HAVE to put that on social meeja !! I shall forward it on my Whatsapp group, it has to be seen.
Brissles, I’m not into SM in any of its forms but feel free to spread it around!
Half that lot don’t even celebrate Christmas, so why do they stop working?
Spoof… I assume.
‘Triumph of the settled will ‘ – wasnt there a film called that starring a chap who looked like charlie chaplin ?
We are virtually lockstep with the US at the moment now with, frequent ‘Progressive’ attacks on the public. ‘Boris loves Joe’. The Rule of Law? Nah! forget about that principle: ‘We will do as we want and the public better get behind it’. Or else…………
Fortunately, the Bottler screws everything up so we’re in line for some sort of disjointed totalitarianism.
MPs who campaign for reform of halal and kosher animal slaughter told to boost their security in the wake of murder of Sir David Amess
Some halal and all kosher slaughter does not see animals stunned beforehand
Some MPs backing law change told ‘be careful what you say publicly on issue’
Also advised to review their personal security, the Sunday Times reported
Yeah because those radicalised ultra orthodox Jews eh?
A leading lawyer has described Scotland Yard’s decision not to launch a criminal probe into the Martin Bashir scandal as ‘mystifying’.
Quentin Hunt, a barrister who specialises in fraud and counterfeiting cases, believes there is enough evidence in the public domain about the disgraced reporter’s activities for the Metropolitan Police to investigate.
The Mail on Sunday revealed last week how Princess Diana’s brother Earl Spencer was so incensed by the decision that he is considering mounting private criminal prosecutions.
Wow, why can’t we have Cardinals and Archbishops like this one who actually believes in Christ and his message of hope and reesurection?
Interesting that the above link to the Pfizer article gives a 403 Forbidden message. To find it I was taken to a democracy now site that has it. Does not surprise me as I worked in pharma for over 30 years. Pfizer are the absolute pits of a money grabbing shower of B****** that I have known. In any dealings I had with them especially about 15 years ago they were the most obnoxious arrogant and totally loathsome individuals.
Try this:
From what you volunteer – be interested in your take on the content?
Who’s your ISP?
Post Office Internet?
EE over 4G
Both have extensive site blocking and EE kill VPNs over 4G
Thanks tomo. I have a chromebook. My ISP is virgin. Public Citizen overall appears blocked to me. The link worked OK.
Usual #prasnews
But this still makes me laugh.
Christina Figueres, founder Global Optimism, UNFCCC executive secretary 2010-2016, added: “I am delighted to see the BBC apply the same scientific rigour to sustainability that they’ve applied in their programming and content, by adopting science based targets. Aligning to the science and demonstrating leadership by example is very welcome at this critical time.”
And I bet Mulder and Scully won’t get a transparent peep out of an FOI on helicopter rides.
More parts of the story about Baldwin shooting the camera woman coming to light now.
As an ouspoken angry Democrat (all socialists are full of seething anger and violence) we should all expect that he will be backed to the hilt by the left and that includes the media.
To that end we should be extremely mindful that if Baldwin doesn’t carry the can then someone else has to, and that someone looks to be the easiest target the left can manage, in this case the 24 year old female armourer.
It would appear that everyone on this set was aware of the safety rules and observing them except for one man – and we all know who that is.
From the LA Times:
According to LA Times, the crew were not yet actually filming. The two persons shot were looking at a monitor setting up camera angles and had not yet retreated to the area off set where they go to watch the scene as its being acted out. Baldwin was shooting a scene that required him to pull the gun from a holster. Rehearsing, he pulled it once with no problem. The second time, the woman was killed. But he was NOT actually filming or purposely aiming at a camera following directions when she was shot.
Put simply the man is an idiot, no safety on the gun, botches drawing it and then accidentally discharges it, should never have been rehearsing the weapon scene in proximity to anyone especially if he wasn’t fully proficient with the action he wanted to make.
A blank round can still be lethal, and as yet there has been no official confirmation as to what the round actually was.
Andrew Neil returns to the BBC?
Has he stabbed GB News in the back and then back home?
Some might say AF Neil can dish it out well enough – but he doesn’t care for any well founded challenges …?
One has to wonder *which* particular issue got the lower lip working overtime?
-he’s been remarkably reticent about that.
In the article Andrew Neil wrote a few weeks ago in the Daily Mail: he had to put on his own makeup and he wanted a second studio. He was also put under great strain when links went down to people from outside the studio and he had to carry the 1 hour show himself. The poor dear sounds as though he needs to be on a channel with unlimited money. It also sounds as though he is not a team player and no loyalty to his colleagues or his empolyer.
The Cabinet Minister was laughing.
They decided that everyone who attends COP26 had to be driven around by an electric car.
But so many people are coming they’ve realised they haven’t enough charging points.
So they’ve been scrambling to find diesel generators to help boost the capacity.’
A second Cabinet Minister was struggling to find the funny side.
I’m sick of it. Every time I do a speech, they try to slide some more COP nonsense into it.
Something about telling people to do less washing-up, or eat less meat. It’s ridiculous.’
A third Cabinet Minister was simply resigned: ‘COP’s turning into a circus. No 10 are trying to get a grip but it’s spiralling out of control.
They’re saying to foreign governments, ‘Can you keep the size of your delegations to a minimum?’ And they’ll be told, ‘OK, we’ll keep it down to 1,500 people.’ ‘
The UN Climate Change Conference, which opens in Glasgow on Sunday, is supposed to be the event that saves the planet.
But ask anyone in government and they’ll tell you the truth.
t’s a farce. It’s degenerating into chaos. And to many, the best thing for the environment would be if Boris Johnson, right, just bit the bullet and scrapped it.
The whole purpose of COP26 was meant to promote global environmental sustainability.
Instead, it is being turned into a catwalk for the green showboating of the global elite.
Or, in the case of Japan, showplaneing. Last week it emerged that a specially configured Boeing 777 had been flown 6,000 miles (without passengers) solely to see whether the pilots would prefer to use Prestwick or Edinburgh airports when the official Japanese delegation arrives.
It’s also been announced that when the runway of choice has been chosen, special measures will be put in place to ensure arriving dignitaries can be whisked speedily to their destinations.
Unfortunately, COP26 has become so bloated that nearby roads will become gridlocked, so leaders will be ferried to their hotels along the Clyde Expressway, which has been turned into a VIP lane.
With a bit of luck the COP thing will be a Huge mess and be the high water mark of the green / woke psychosis dumb nations are putting themselves through
Unfortunately the MSM swamp want a ‘success’ so there will be one – even with nut nut at the helm …. The subsequent spreading of covid across the world political class will just be another mad outcome …..
…the end of nut nut would also be a political bonus . Might get a smarter replacement – Rudd ? Sunak ? Who can get a grip on important issues ….
The newspapers in Scotland say that there are several hundred thousand delegates due. So that’s up from the 40,000, at the last climate summit, to over 200,000 delegates for Glasgow.
I think Hundreds of Thousands of delegates is absolutely necessary for the establishment Groupthink. Otherwise the conformity of the consensus may not survive the real world. Maurice Strong, the clown who started it all, said something like, important people need to be kept inside the box, or as I call it, the “Loony Bin”.
Good news for Glasgow’s sex workers at least.
In order to tackle environmental challenges, people are going to be asked to make significant sacrifices.
And that will involve politicians – and the burgeoning green lobby and their sponsors – taking public opinion with them.
But instead of showing families that they have a plan for saving their planet, our leaders again seem intent on giving the impression they reside on an entirely different one.
COP26 is about to replace Davos as the event that most gratuitously frames the arrogance, hypocrisy and entitlement of the global ruling class.
Their gigantic jets will descend upon Prestwick.
And they will alight and tell us how we each need to reduce our global environmental footprint.
Their motorcades will speed along their exclusive expressway.
And they will get out, then inform us we have to do our bit by walking our kids to school. They will assemble for their plush banquet.
And after dessert and coffee, they’ll retire to put the finishing touches to speeches that lecture us about eating sustainably.
Worst of all, they think no one will notice their green doublespeak.
That this grotesque ‘do as I say, not as I do’ grandstanding will pass everyone by amid a kaleidoscope of polar bears, Greta Thunberg and homilies about our grandchildren.
OT, but blonde on blonde fact checking clearly needs added mud in the ring.
Sopes RTs CNN a lot. Likely because he likes idiotic comments.,
one for you
Ha I have only just got back. ; I was in town and got two hawthorn punctures
… That's damn nature for you.
BTW Nox is not inhaled inhale it at home mostly
Similar things happened in the past
Sadiq bought a set of hybred buses
Then after a while passengers noticed the DIESEL engines were running all the time, when you’d expect battery power to be running the bus.
Turned out the bus garage charging system was a bit crap
so instead of having diesel engines powering the weight of the old buses
You now have diesel engines working harder cos they power the weight of the bus plus the heavy battery bank as well.
Interesting that archived page has got a copy of readers comments
which as usual are anti-green-dreamery.
.. The archive system seems to retrieve the page via the PC who requested the archiving ..hence is they have a Times account the paywallled version gets archived.
Steve Milloy points out that despite the panic about roadside NOx
your biggest exposure is in the home from gas equipment or bathroom products
but there is still no great evidence of health negatives.
Commenter R Simpson seems to be an expert
(basically hot engines are clean engines, but unless going up hill the engine is running at low power)
“The answer (and it is under development) is to modify the bus engine so it can run on fewer than six cylinders when the full power is not required.
It’s not as easy as it sounds as it’s not just a matter of cutting fuel to the deactivated cylinders, the valves have to be deactivated too, to reduce the flow of cold air through the exhaust.
Cummins and Jacobs Brake are both working on it.
You can run on two, four or six cylinders, but there are problems with one part of the block and head getting cold while the other remains hot.”
… I think if a bus had two engines could run flat out all the time. then a booster engine kick in when needed.
One might think that they’d try to syndicate the story to squeeze a few pennies out of something that must have taken some time to put together.
I’ve seen Boris buses in London where the little diesel engine has been revving its heart out in clouds of smoke and rattling like a good ‘un – one assumes ‘cos it couldn’t keep up….
Somebody’s going to reinvent the electric trolley bus.
The trolley buses were brilliant. Why did they ever stop?
🟢 Oh here’s a R4 prog about the International Court
Then 25 minutes in , the presenter “writer and lawyer Philippe Sands”
says ‘I have been working to get this new international crime introduced ECOCIDE”
that’s #1 Green agenda pushing again
#2 A presenter with a direct political link ..That is not impartial
… He’s not a minor voice He is the CHAIR of the org pushing for this
Prog finishes ..trailer comes on for Monday
8pm a new 3 part series
That is assertion not science
Every year since the dawn of time a whole lot of places have had
an unlucky weather episode.
To claim that this years cherry picked places would not have been unlucky without you using petrol not science
Will the Biden administration + lefty MSM keep supporting the creep?
There’s others involved – are they hoping to feed the public anger crocodile with a tidbit?
What are you implying? She is well known to be from an old Co. Cork family. Her father was an MFH.
8pm BBC4 a @DavidOlusoga repeat promoting African novels
..well ones that he likes
I bet there are some very good authors he won’t promote cos they are not in his woke club.
Halyna Hutchins: Vigil held in New Mexico for cinematographer
Tragic though this event was, I’m starting to feel the BBC have now put far more effort into discussing the accidental death of this woman (who was completely unknown in the UK?), than they did about the recent, fatal stabbing of a prominent British MP.
That doesn’t seem entirely right to me.
I’m currently living in hope that the wheels are coming off the Beckham bandwagon. Two decades of this mediocre ex footballer getting paid millions (because of a great PR team) for plugging products and having photos taken with the great and not so good, is enough for us to endure. The man cannot speak, cannot articulate, and his silence is deafening on the Human Rights issue in Qatar, for fear of jeopardising any future income and offending his current paymaster. The less we see of this man and his awful family the better.
I despair when I read naive comments like this, so credulous and ready to believe the media narrative.
Lets not blame the Islam extremism lets not examine the link between human rights abuses and Shariah, there’s a dim White male to blame so get stuck in on him!
Plenty of MPs there with links to Qatar, there’s the FIFA organisation whose corrupt members took bribes to allow the tournament to take place there (but look the other way), there;s the preening virtue signalling England team who could boycott the games, but won’t and no one points the finger at them, and despite their kneeling hypocrisy they don’t breathe a word about the raisen heads they call the black team members.
No, lets allow the media narrative to work by calling out Beckhan for his greed and his taciturn wife, both of whom are White and therefore fair game.
Couldn’t agree more Brissles.
Think it’s more like 25 years now though – that’s the adult half of my lifetime.
I will always recall an academic conference in the mid 90s when there was talk about a new residential research centre to encourage school kids to take an interest in science and engineering.
There had been a lot of debate about what it should be called, with the names of various famous scientists and engineers being bandied around. However, some representative of the civil service stood up and told a packed lecture theatre full of academics, scientists and engineers that Blair’s Govt had decided that if this new centre got built it was going to be called the ‘David Beckham Centre for Technical Excellence’ (or something along those lines). I think Beckham must have donated something towards it, and they were convinced that kids would consider it ‘cool’, if it had Beckham’s name on it (never mind the geeky kind of kids who typically study science and engineering usually hate football).
There was stunned silence, then a rising murmur of disapproval and outrage, followed by roaring laughter at the preposterousness of Beckham’s name being associated with something like that, instead of someone like: Newton, Hawking, Turing etc…
Sadly, the ‘David Beckham Centre for Technical Excellence’ never did get built.
As for ‘Posh’ Spice… I can’t think of a less appropriate moniker.
Time for the new thread – and if you are driving in londonistan tomorrow – happy ULEZ day ….
Twitter is sending me Kamala’s Climate Tweets (unsolicited)
The next 2 weeks are going to be fun
BBC get money from Little Britain – hate crimes!