1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2021 … This morning, Google-owned YouTube deleted the Novara Media channel, supposedly without warning nor explanation. Despite obvious political differences between Guido and Novara, if that is true it is manifestly wrong for them to have been silenced by YouTube. As it was when TalkRadio’s channel was deleted back in January.
Documentary in which Joanna Lumley travels across the Arctic Circle and through Norway to pursue a lifelong dream of seeing the Northern Lights. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00dhv1n
2008 Documentary following Joanna Lumley as she retraces the steps of her grandfather to Bhutan, the last of the Buddhist kingdoms untouched by western technology. In 1931, Colonel Weir, bestowed on the King of Bhutan the Knight Commander of the Indian empire.
2018 ..
Last week, we launched a campaign calling on Waterstones, Foyles, WHSmith, and Amazon to remove from their websites some of the most extreme and dangerous nazi, racist and Holocaust denial literature ever published in the English language. This included books such as the infamous bomb making manual The Anarchist Cookbook and the race war fiction The Turner Diaries, which has inspired numerous terrorist attacks including the Oklahoma City bombing and the Copeland Nail Bomb attacks in London.
We informed the bookshops of our concerns and sent them our briefing (available here) but, after they took no action, we launched a campaign which in just a few days effected real change. In the past few days, 40 titles have disappeared from the Foyles website, while 44 no longer appear on the WHSmith site.
Among the titles removed are infamous Holocaust denial books, such as Did Six Million Really Die? and The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, vile antisemitic tracts by the British fascist Arnold Leese and books by the American alt-right white supremacist Greg Johnson. https://hopenothate.org.uk/2018/03/21/retailers-quietly-stop-profiting-hate/
I obtained both the Cookbook and Turner Diaries from the dark web some fifteen years ago, but they and likely everything else these bozos are trying to supress has long-since filtered upwards to the mainstream.
Are Waterstones still selling Mein Kampf? They did when I worked for them; I remember reading some of it during one lunchbreak, much to my co-workers amusement. Happier times.
“Reading some comments here gets grim …what do you expect when that Daily Mail editor always on TV moaned about her. The thickness of some UK & USA right wing middle aged men is frightening. If I was young I would get to progressive societies like NZ, Canada, Finland, Denmark,2” – Comment
When you know that the water in the River Thames is used over seven times between Teddington and the estuary, perhaps the BBC could equate that to the number of horribins there are in an Iranian turd, and apply the Law of POObags – squared, then tell us more dross than they do already.
Topic mentioned above by Guest Who.
I am adding to it.
Sucking up to the BBC Joanna Lumley wants rationing to save the world from climate change.
She wants us to be allocated vouchers to allow us to choose between things like food or travel or whatever.
I suggest we give her a place in history and name the vouchers LUMLEYS. So you have four Lumleys for travel, three Lumleys for your meat allowance, and so on.
all key University committees to match academic staff BAME representation by 2020.
Council and its sub-committees to set targets for BAME representation on their committees consistent with national census baseline for BAME.
a minimum of 15% in each of grades 1-5 non-academic staff and
12% in grades 6-9 non-academic staff to be BAME by 2020. Current baseline across all non-academic staff is 8% – levels set by local and national census data respectively.
a minimum of 14% of academic staff in grades 7 and above to be BAME by 2020. Current baseline is 11%.
the University to attain Bronze Race Equality Charter Mark before 2018 and be working towards silver by 2021.
Sexual orientation
more than 70% of UK-based staff to have declared their sexual orientation through Employee Self-Service by 2018 and 95% by 2020. In 2013-14, the figure was 32%.
to improve the position on the Stonewall Workplace Index, aspiring to be in top 50 by 2020. Current position is 204.
Migrants drown and others rescued in North Sea. BBC catching up with the tabloids does not mentions deaths Probably awaiting decision from the Socialist Workers Party on how to spin the story.
The country performed at least 158 executions in 2015, at least 154 in 2016, at least 146 in 2017, 149 executions in 2018, 184 executions in 2019, and 27 executions in 2020, which is a drastic reduction due to a moratorium on death penalties for drug-related offenses (the majority of executions are carried out for …
Indeed, the use of open fires and solid fuels for cooking causes nearly four million premature deaths a year. In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, more than 950 million people rely on wood and charcoal for cooking, a number estimated to grow to 1.67 billion by 2050.14 Jun 2021
Similar, MM, to Indonesia, Thailand and Burma and probably other parts of the East/Far East. Even at sea level and much closer to the Equator than the UK, humans need warmth from a fire at certain times of the year, let alone for cooking.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Times · Ian Acheson, a former prison governor and senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, said the official narrative that the far-right is the fastest growing threat is a ‘comfort blanket’ obscuring the ‘patently more potent threat of Islamist extremism
‘the body count does not lie’ Critics say anti-terror resources are being ..
The ongoing mystery of Ray Epps, who repeatedly appears in videos encouraging and inciting an invasion of the Capitol on 1/6 yet, for some reason, has not yet been indicted or charged, even as people with far less involvement have been: https://t.co/hzGZCo9MKe
Guido takes you through the day’s events over at Novara HQ, and discuss the ethics of big tech censoring views – and maybe the future ways we may avoid such free speech clampdowns in future. Subscribe to the show on YouTube here…
order-order – CHAMPION OF FREE SPEECH **
** terms and conditions apply. We are all equal to free speech but on his censored site some are more equal than others.
Could not quite believe it, when I read that a South African Cricketer had been suspended for not ‘taking the knee’ as called.
I’m disgusted that the SA Cricket board should have upheld this man’s suspensition-in the United Kingdom there is only one person to whom one would bend a knee and that is our Queen Elizabeth.
This farcical nonsense supposedly having a meaning against Black slavery- then what about white slavery? Irrespective I find it offensive, as no doubt many others do.
MPs’ annual salaries
Annual changes in MPs’ pay are linked to changes in average earnings in the public sector using Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures.
Date Annual salary
April 2020 £81,932
April 2019 £79,468
April 2018 £77,379
April 2017 £76,011
April 2016 £74,962
May 2015 £74,000
April 2014 £67,060
April 2013 £66,396
April 2012 £65,738
April 2011 £65,738
April 2010 £65,738
We found that African fires were responsible for emissions of 1.44 PgC, 31–101% higher than previous estimates and representing 14% of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning. We conclude that small fires are critically important in characterizing the most important disturbance agent on a global scale.https://www.pnas.org/content/118/9/e2011160118
China 3 child policy.
China large Dam that changed the earths rotation.
China …. They are monstrous, centuries-old infernos that issue thick billows of ash and smoke, and generate sinkholes that consume roads and homes without warning. Yet in spite of the dangers they pose, underground coal fires are some of the least known environmental disasters. China, the world’s largest miner and consumer of coal, has consistently downplayed the fires in its coalfields, considered the most severe on earth.
Ahead of Wednesday’s Budget, the TaxPayers’ Alliance have called for the chancellor to sell Channel 4 and the majority of the BBC. In landmark new research, the campaign group found that a potential sale of BBC shares could generate up to £5 billion for the government, enough to increase the tax-free personal allowance by £300. …
The paper calls for the licence fee to be scrapped and the BBC to be cut down to one television channel, radio station and online service. The reduced BBC would be funded by a small government grant and only show content in the ‘public interest’, such as the current affairs and cultural programming it was known for when founded.
“The BBC funding model is completely outdated. We agree with @the_tpa, it’s high time the government gave taxpayers a break and scrapped the licence fee.”
“cultural programming” – Fatima Salaria
Fatima Salaria has been By Katherine Rushton Media and Technology Editor named commissioning editor for ethics and religion. This puts her in charge of all the BBC’s religious content on screen, including Songs of Praise and An Island Parish.25 Feb 2017
ITV local news
“As COP26 opens Sheffield is to have Clean Air Zone charging £10 /car”
#1 Climate & clean air are DIFFERENT
A heavy electric car might mean more air pollution than a light petrol
.. Taxi driver is on saying the cost of a compliant vehicle is too high
Now they just said the plan needs to go to a final vote next year.
Oh actually “On our social media it is hard to find a positive comment on this”
What are councils going to do if taxis, and delivery vans/lorries for that matter, simply refuse to go into any clean air zones? I’m sure shops will be thrilled to discover they have to either pay extra or make their own provisions.
REVEALED: Ex-BBC tech chief, 54, who blocked roads in central London lives in a £900,000 Cambridge home and once worked with a Chinese state-owned business
Tim Lancaster is director of a climate research group due to take part in COP26
Mr Lancaster was pictured yesterday as he and his teacher wife Louise, 56, desperately tried to hold back a car during an Insulate Britain protest
Mr Lancaster, 54, built up links with China while he had a post with Carbon Trust
We found that African fires were responsible for emissions of 1.44 PgC, 31–101% higher than previous estimates and representing 14% of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning. We conclude that small fires are critically important in characterizing the most important disturbance agent on a global scale.
Monday BBC local news
Opening item was same as radio “women runners afraid”
.. Was this news ?
Look the item was cleverly put together with plinky plonk background music
ie it was built like a PR video
item #4 There is a vote on Lincolnshire oil well next week
.. Is this news ?
This type of pre-event reporting is away the BBC/media fill the screen with activist voices
Then they read the company statement which did sound logical
basically better local oil rather than Russian
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
BBC Children in Need
Grant Funded Projects
London and South East England
As at November 2017
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
My local BBC area news are showing a mixed race couple as part of Black History month. This is not history. It’s a social history at best.
The presenter is Indian who is marrying a white Welshman,
They are getting worse.
I’ve had the misfortune recently to be in the same room as the TV when the ITV news is on. It appears to be, if that is possible, even more obsessed than the BBC about climate change, racism and sexism. Every day some whingeing ‘victim’ appears blaming everyone but themselves for their situation. It is of no interest to anybody else and is utterly depressing. But I suppose at least we’re not forced to pay for it. I cannot stomach BBC ‘news’ output any more and had thought that ITV might be rather more palatable. Sadly not.
Markh – let’s face it – it’s a triangle of BBC – ITV – Sky – group think . No difference between them – repulsive auto cue readers …. I’m glad my TV broke – plenty of wholesome stuff on the internet …
Just seen a trailer for a programme called Walking Victorian London. Some dusky fellow’s got the gig (there’s a surprise).The only black fellow walking London when Queen Victoria was on the throne would have been a chimney sweeps boy (white slavery).
Anyway all you dyslexics better watch out, this weekend your cocks go black.
Further to the bBC’s Climategate drama ‘The Trick’ mentioned in an earlier thread.
85B/ I've collected the thoughts in this subthread on the strange BBC forgery into a blog post at Climate Audit https://t.co/e19XFaKs1D I'm working on a thrad and article on the fake premise underlying The Trick.
I haven’t read this but the conclusion is:
“There are many other tricks and deceptions by BCC and Sheers [producer Owen Sheers] in The Trick. Indeed, the entire premise of the narrative turns out to be a “trick”, as I will discuss in a forthcoming post. A program that, as Jon Stewart might say, the purpose of which was to trick you … into not knowing about the trick to hide the decline.”
It has not escaped the BBC’s notice that the Budget provisions have largely been briefed in advance of tomorrow’s big occasion in the House of Commons. I think Sarah said there have been 16 spurts or announcements and two leaks by naughty officials. No doubt the BBC will do their best to drip, drip, drip the Trade Union and Labour Party view into ears and maybe into eyes over the next few days for those of you still watching TV . “We want more money!”, “It’s not enough!”, “It doesn’t keep up with inflation!” and “It is not new money, it’s coming from existing depatmental budgets.”
Needless to say the BBC wheeled out a teacher who complained that teachers pay had declined by £500 in real terms over the last few years. The Montacutie did explain that he was also a Trade Union organiser. That claim seemed a bit high to me.
My tip for tomorrow that has not yet been spurted or leaked: now that we are out of the EU, Rishi Sunak will make a gesture in the direction of Brussels and cut VAT to 17.5% or even 15% and hint at more cuts to come. But to offset that he will increase one or both of the higher rates of Income Tax, just to make Labour squirm a little.
TWatO Watch #2 – something rotten in the State of Denmarkracy
Another big item on TWatO was about the Parliamentary Committee for Standards report on Owen Paterson MP. There’s a bit of a whiff around this and it is not coming from the former Conservative Minister. It may be coming from the Labour benches in the House.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2021 … This morning, Google-owned YouTube deleted the Novara Media channel, supposedly without warning nor explanation. Despite obvious political differences between Guido and Novara, if that is true it is manifestly wrong for them to have been silenced by YouTube. As it was when TalkRadio’s channel was deleted back in January.
Pretty sure it is her VO on cruise ads that warns me to switch off Classic FM. Oh well.
Another gem she came out with,( I think I heard this correctly)
“Instead of flying to go on holiday, we could be given vouchers that we can use to lessen our carbon emissions”. I think she meant carbon credits..
Although personally did agree with her on the Gurkha campaign.
On climate change she should stick to drinking champagne.
Documentary in which Joanna Lumley travels across the Arctic Circle and through Norway to pursue a lifelong dream of seeing the Northern Lights.
2008 Documentary following Joanna Lumley as she retraces the steps of her grandfather to Bhutan, the last of the Buddhist kingdoms untouched by western technology. In 1931, Colonel Weir, bestowed on the King of Bhutan the Knight Commander of the Indian empire.
Old lady who travelled the globe on BBC funded holidays says stop travelling and she will still go on holidays.
Too much marching powder – or just heading ga ga ?
Mentioned earlier.
Is YouTube not part of Google, who is not by many measures… ‘the right’?
“The right support free speech, but only when its speech they agree with” Is this the Springsters mantra?
2018 ..
Last week, we launched a campaign calling on Waterstones, Foyles, WHSmith, and Amazon to remove from their websites some of the most extreme and dangerous nazi, racist and Holocaust denial literature ever published in the English language. This included books such as the infamous bomb making manual The Anarchist Cookbook and the race war fiction The Turner Diaries, which has inspired numerous terrorist attacks including the Oklahoma City bombing and the Copeland Nail Bomb attacks in London.
We informed the bookshops of our concerns and sent them our briefing (available here) but, after they took no action, we launched a campaign which in just a few days effected real change. In the past few days, 40 titles have disappeared from the Foyles website, while 44 no longer appear on the WHSmith site.
Among the titles removed are infamous Holocaust denial books, such as Did Six Million Really Die? and The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, vile antisemitic tracts by the British fascist Arnold Leese and books by the American alt-right white supremacist Greg Johnson.
I obtained both the Cookbook and Turner Diaries from the dark web some fifteen years ago, but they and likely everything else these bozos are trying to supress has long-since filtered upwards to the mainstream.
Are Waterstones still selling Mein Kampf? They did when I worked for them; I remember reading some of it during one lunchbreak, much to my co-workers amusement. Happier times.
No mention of banning the Koran!
She likened so-called “gender critical” beliefs to anti-Semitism.
Turns out it is not juveniles in Newsbeat obsessing about two brain cells on Love Island getting Jiggy.
Remind me, what are they for ??
Worth getting Springster to check how many relatives she has in the cubicle gardens?
Girl who skipped school says follow the science … ha ha ha ah!
“Reading some comments here gets grim …what do you expect when that Daily Mail editor always on TV moaned about her. The thickness of some UK & USA right wing middle aged men is frightening. If I was young I would get to progressive societies like NZ, Canada, Finland, Denmark,2” – Comment
PR professionals use girls/women as a shield
and then cry out if people try to challenge their dogma
Mariana and Greta are not the only ones used this way
there is another recent example
but I just forgot who I was thinking about.
Daft old peroxide victims and the BBC.
The comments are interesting in light of earlier posts.
BBC produce sewage 24/7 … 365 days a week.
Really it depends how much sewage
a certain amount
might be no big deal
When you know that the water in the River Thames is used over seven times between Teddington and the estuary, perhaps the BBC could equate that to the number of horribins there are in an Iranian turd, and apply the Law of POObags – squared, then tell us more dross than they do already.
Topic mentioned above by Guest Who.
I am adding to it.
Sucking up to the BBC Joanna Lumley wants rationing to save the world from climate change.
She wants us to be allocated vouchers to allow us to choose between things like food or travel or whatever.
I suggest we give her a place in history and name the vouchers LUMLEYS. So you have four Lumleys for travel, three Lumleys for your meat allowance, and so on.
Joanna Lumley’s home is remarkably like Prince Charles and Camilla’s – take a look
Joanna lives in London with her husband Stephen Barlow
Race and ethnicity
all key University committees to match academic staff BAME representation by 2020.
Council and its sub-committees to set targets for BAME representation on their committees consistent with national census baseline for BAME.
a minimum of 15% in each of grades 1-5 non-academic staff and
12% in grades 6-9 non-academic staff to be BAME by 2020. Current baseline across all non-academic staff is 8% – levels set by local and national census data respectively.
a minimum of 14% of academic staff in grades 7 and above to be BAME by 2020. Current baseline is 11%.
the University to attain Bronze Race Equality Charter Mark before 2018 and be working towards silver by 2021.
Sexual orientation
more than 70% of UK-based staff to have declared their sexual orientation through Employee Self-Service by 2018 and 95% by 2020. In 2013-14, the figure was 32%.
to improve the position on the Stonewall Workplace Index, aspiring to be in top 50 by 2020. Current position is 204.
Migrants drown and others rescued in North Sea. BBC catching up with the tabloids does not mentions deaths Probably awaiting decision from the Socialist Workers Party on how to spin the story.
Climate change and other factors has put me right off eating fish for a while…just saying.
The country performed at least 158 executions in 2015, at least 154 in 2016, at least 146 in 2017, 149 executions in 2018, 184 executions in 2019, and 27 executions in 2020, which is a drastic reduction due to a moratorium on death penalties for drug-related offenses (the majority of executions are carried out for …
Capital punishment in Saudi Arabia – Wikipedia
Indeed, the use of open fires and solid fuels for cooking causes nearly four million premature deaths a year. In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, more than 950 million people rely on wood and charcoal for cooking, a number estimated to grow to 1.67 billion by 2050.14 Jun 2021
Similar, MM, to Indonesia, Thailand and Burma and probably other parts of the East/Far East. Even at sea level and much closer to the Equator than the UK, humans need warmth from a fire at certain times of the year, let alone for cooking.
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
… citizens safe and the country secure …
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Times · Ian Acheson, a former prison governor and senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, said the official narrative that the far-right is the fastest growing threat is a ‘comfort blanket’ obscuring the ‘patently more potent threat of Islamist extremism
‘the body count does not lie’ Critics say anti-terror resources are being ..
“Comfort blanket”? Is that a new euphemism for Big Fat Lie?
” a former prison governor ” – can only say after the event.
Proscribed terrorist groups or organisations
List of terrorist groups or organisations banned under UK law, and details of proscription criteria.
The mystery of Ray Epps
Guido takes you through the day’s events over at Novara HQ, and discuss the ethics of big tech censoring views – and maybe the future ways we may avoid such free speech clampdowns in future. Subscribe to the show on YouTube here…
order-order – CHAMPION OF FREE SPEECH **
** terms and conditions apply. We are all equal to free speech but on his censored site some are more equal than others.
Could not quite believe it, when I read that a South African Cricketer had been suspended for not ‘taking the knee’ as called.
I’m disgusted that the SA Cricket board should have upheld this man’s suspensition-in the United Kingdom there is only one person to whom one would bend a knee and that is our Queen Elizabeth.
This farcical nonsense supposedly having a meaning against Black slavery- then what about white slavery? Irrespective I find it offensive, as no doubt many others do.
MPs’ annual salaries
Annual changes in MPs’ pay are linked to changes in average earnings in the public sector using Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures.
Date Annual salary
April 2020 £81,932
April 2019 £79,468
April 2018 £77,379
April 2017 £76,011
April 2016 £74,962
May 2015 £74,000
April 2014 £67,060
April 2013 £66,396
April 2012 £65,738
April 2011 £65,738
April 2010 £65,738
Justin Rowlatt liked this.
BBC incest posts are beyond silly.
Send the silly old bugger off to China to lecture them. I am fed up with his bleating.
Throw him in a volcano to stop the CO2!
David Shukman
I’m the BBC’s Science Editor
UKbbc.co.uk/news/science_a…Joined October 2010
1,551 Following
We found that African fires were responsible for emissions of 1.44 PgC, 31–101% higher than previous estimates and representing 14% of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning. We conclude that small fires are critically important in characterizing the most important disturbance agent on a global scale.https://www.pnas.org/content/118/9/e2011160118
China 3 child policy.
China large Dam that changed the earths rotation.
China …. They are monstrous, centuries-old infernos that issue thick billows of ash and smoke, and generate sinkholes that consume roads and homes without warning. Yet in spite of the dangers they pose, underground coal fires are some of the least known environmental disasters. China, the world’s largest miner and consumer of coal, has consistently downplayed the fires in its coalfields, considered the most severe on earth.
It’ll be too late for him, because he’ll have already snuffed it before any of the draconian measures are installed, and proved to be pointless.
Ahead of Wednesday’s Budget, the TaxPayers’ Alliance have called for the chancellor to sell Channel 4 and the majority of the BBC. In landmark new research, the campaign group found that a potential sale of BBC shares could generate up to £5 billion for the government, enough to increase the tax-free personal allowance by £300. …
The paper calls for the licence fee to be scrapped and the BBC to be cut down to one television channel, radio station and online service. The reduced BBC would be funded by a small government grant and only show content in the ‘public interest’, such as the current affairs and cultural programming it was known for when founded.
“The BBC funding model is completely outdated. We agree with @the_tpa, it’s high time the government gave taxpayers a break and scrapped the licence fee.”
“cultural programming” – Fatima Salaria
Fatima Salaria has been By Katherine Rushton Media and Technology Editor named commissioning editor for ethics and religion. This puts her in charge of all the BBC’s religious content on screen, including Songs of Praise and An Island Parish.25 Feb 2017
ITV local news
“As COP26 opens Sheffield is to have Clean Air Zone charging £10 /car”
#1 Climate & clean air are DIFFERENT
A heavy electric car might mean more air pollution than a light petrol
.. Taxi driver is on saying the cost of a compliant vehicle is too high
Now they just said the plan needs to go to a final vote next year.
Oh actually “On our social media it is hard to find a positive comment on this”
What are councils going to do if taxis, and delivery vans/lorries for that matter, simply refuse to go into any clean air zones? I’m sure shops will be thrilled to discover they have to either pay extra or make their own provisions.
REVEALED: Ex-BBC tech chief, 54, who blocked roads in central London lives in a £900,000 Cambridge home and once worked with a Chinese state-owned business
Tim Lancaster is director of a climate research group due to take part in COP26
Mr Lancaster was pictured yesterday as he and his teacher wife Louise, 56, desperately tried to hold back a car during an Insulate Britain protest
Mr Lancaster, 54, built up links with China while he had a post with Carbon Trust
Item #2 Rageh Omaar trailing a COP26 propaganda show at 10:45pm
We found that African fires were responsible for emissions of 1.44 PgC, 31–101% higher than previous estimates and representing 14% of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning. We conclude that small fires are critically important in characterizing the most important disturbance agent on a global scale.
Monday BBC local news
Opening item was same as radio “women runners afraid”
.. Was this news ?
Look the item was cleverly put together with plinky plonk background music
ie it was built like a PR video
item #4 There is a vote on Lincolnshire oil well next week
.. Is this news ?
This type of pre-event reporting is away the BBC/media fill the screen with activist voices
Then they read the company statement which did sound logical
basically better local oil rather than Russian
Then they had a long item with a charity fundraiser boxer they like.
The prog had a lot of comments from people who think new lockdown and masks are a magic solution to Covid.
I never like the “do something simple” approach
cos that is a way not facing up to the complex work of protecting the most vulnerable individuals.
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
BBC Children in Need
Grant Funded Projects
London and South East England
As at November 2017
Click to access CN0187_Grants_Listings_London_and_South_East_England.pdf
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
Midaye Somali Development
Network >>>
My local BBC area news are showing a mixed race couple as part of Black History month. This is not history. It’s a social history at best.
The presenter is Indian who is marrying a white Welshman,
They are getting worse.
I wonder if the Queen has realised that the COP thing is a waste of oxygen and isnt going as a result .
I suppose her loon eldest son will be going instead . Gives a few more Head of State the excuse to swerve it .
Please let it be a ‘nothing ‘ … whatever spin the BBC put on it . Burn that diesel
URL says it all.
I’ve had the misfortune recently to be in the same room as the TV when the ITV news is on. It appears to be, if that is possible, even more obsessed than the BBC about climate change, racism and sexism. Every day some whingeing ‘victim’ appears blaming everyone but themselves for their situation. It is of no interest to anybody else and is utterly depressing. But I suppose at least we’re not forced to pay for it. I cannot stomach BBC ‘news’ output any more and had thought that ITV might be rather more palatable. Sadly not.
Markh – let’s face it – it’s a triangle of BBC – ITV – Sky – group think . No difference between them – repulsive auto cue readers …. I’m glad my TV broke – plenty of wholesome stuff on the internet …
Just seen a trailer for a programme called Walking Victorian London. Some dusky fellow’s got the gig (there’s a surprise).The only black fellow walking London when Queen Victoria was on the throne would have been a chimney sweeps boy (white slavery).
Anyway all you dyslexics better watch out, this weekend your cocks go black.
Weren’t the EU going to make that permanent?
Or am I thinking of the Advertising Standards Agency?
Sorry, should have listened harder, it’s actually Walking Victorian Britain, mea culpa.
This is a better option in my humble opinion, written by a recognised authority on the subject, not a diversity hire or drone…
Further to the bBC’s Climategate drama ‘The Trick’ mentioned in an earlier thread.
I haven’t read this but the conclusion is:
“There are many other tricks and deceptions by BCC and Sheers [producer Owen Sheers] in The Trick. Indeed, the entire premise of the narrative turns out to be a “trick”, as I will discuss in a forthcoming post. A program that, as Jon Stewart might say, the purpose of which was to trick you … into not knowing about the trick to hide the decline.”
TWatO Watch #1 – drips, leaks and spurts …
It has not escaped the BBC’s notice that the Budget provisions have largely been briefed in advance of tomorrow’s big occasion in the House of Commons. I think Sarah said there have been 16 spurts or announcements and two leaks by naughty officials. No doubt the BBC will do their best to drip, drip, drip the Trade Union and Labour Party view into ears and maybe into eyes over the next few days for those of you still watching TV . “We want more money!”, “It’s not enough!”, “It doesn’t keep up with inflation!” and “It is not new money, it’s coming from existing depatmental budgets.”
Needless to say the BBC wheeled out a teacher who complained that teachers pay had declined by £500 in real terms over the last few years. The Montacutie did explain that he was also a Trade Union organiser. That claim seemed a bit high to me.
My tip for tomorrow that has not yet been spurted or leaked: now that we are out of the EU, Rishi Sunak will make a gesture in the direction of Brussels and cut VAT to 17.5% or even 15% and hint at more cuts to come. But to offset that he will increase one or both of the higher rates of Income Tax, just to make Labour squirm a little.
Teachers actual working time has declined by significantly more.
TWatO Watch #2 – something rotten in the State of Denmarkracy
Another big item on TWatO was about the Parliamentary Committee for Standards report on Owen Paterson MP. There’s a bit of a whiff around this and it is not coming from the former Conservative Minister. It may be coming from the Labour benches in the House.
Paterson was a ‘consultant ‘ to randox – which guilt to me as they have done very well from covid testing ….
Time for the new thread ….