Nick Ferrari was talking about how a South African test cricketer has been forced out of the team for refusing to do the taking the knee gesture
(he seems mixed race with Afrikaan’s name)
Two different black activists were on air
They said any WHITE sports people refusing the knee are “racist”
but that people with a black SKIN COLOUR refusing the knee, are “misinformed”
… So treating people different cos of their SKIN COLOUR is OK ?
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!”[
Radio4 comedy yesterday has a seemingly black comedian, mocking “All lives matter” people, in the typical nasty sneering Radio4-comedy way “What are they doing ? we never said *ONLY black lives matter*, so they are dumb” blah blah
Well that is misrepresenting them.
Their point is that all lives matter EQUALLY and that one shouldn’t be elevating black lives, just cos of skin colour.
Fed, you do a fabulous job here, the few trolls are easily spotted (did you know that a ‘cony’ was a rabbit? It was a crossword clue a while back)!
“The mammalian cony is a small, guinea pig-like relative to the rabbit; it is more commonly known by the name pika (q.v.). The name cony was once applied to the rabbit and is still sometimes used in the fur business to indicate rabbit fur.”
Scrobie, I’d hate for you to get piku’d up by one of trolls but there should be an ‘e’ in coney. 😉 Actually, I’m told it is also used of the fur from a rabbit. Sort of after Fed has skinned it for the pot, what is left is a coney. I learn something new every day. 🙂
I wonder if it was an old, regional English/British name for a rabbit?
Have heard both Americans and Australians use it for rabbits, mostly along the lines of shooting a “coney for the pot”, and Tolkien used it for wild rabbits too, in a similar context – not sure if that’s relevant, but he was a Professor of English with a taste for Medieval Middle English.
Never heard of anyone calling Pikas ‘Coneys’, Pikas are little, hamster/marmot/hyrax like animals you find in the Canadian Rockies (and apparently other highlands in the Northern Hemisphere), survivors from the ice ages, although this wiki does say they’re closely related to rabbits
I do know rabbits aren’t native to the UK and were first introduced to this country (possibly by the Romans, possibly the Normans) for their skins, which make the finest, softest, whitest vellum for writing on (other than human skin… allegedly) – thus were kept in warrens, managed by professional warreners, for monasteries and the Royal Exchequer.
I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure ‘Maxicony’ was a brand name for a type of chunky choc-ice/ice cream with biscuit, covered in chocolate. I have to admit I’ve always pictured ‘our’ Maxicony as a rather well padded female (with purple hair)… no idea why.
TWatO Watch #2 – what a bunch of boozers or is it losers?
Biggest cheer of the day reserved for reforms to wine, beer and alcohol duties. What a bunch of boozers our MPs are! Some digs at Brussels but Rishi’s jokes are not as good as those of George Osborne. Disappointing that VAT wasn’t cut or even mentioned for future cuts: now that would have really helped motorists. At least there’s a fighting chance that the potholes in the UK’s roads will be filled in now. Back on the bike it is, then.
I wonder if the police’s pusillanimous response to the Insulate Britain terrorists is coming from the very top and has anything to do with BoJo’s conversion to the cult of environmentalism?
Police dragging the echo-terrorists away might not look good for his green credentials, especially just before COP 26.
I can’t imagine any other protestors getting such kid glove treatment, except perhaps the BLM terrorists.
“coming from the very top”?
Same for the Home Office’s ‘Border Farce’ .
Over Twenty Thousand criminals left to invade our shores without let or hindrance and housed in 4 Star hotels .
At the same time the people of Great Britain are subject to strict travel laws .
TWatO Watch #3 – who was that idiot who kept calling out “Rubbish!” during Rishi’s Budget speech today?
Quite clear on microphones from the House, I hope it wasn’t from the Conservative ranks. If it was, he must have been drunk already and it was only midday! The baying sheep were also a bit much to take. That polite, more considerate, more gentle politics didn’t last long then. 🙁
I was watching it on the parliament channel and I couldn’t hear that . The Ian blackford comedy hour which followed was preceded from an almost primeval collective groan … I bet the place emptied quicker than raw sewage in a swimming pool …
Brissles .I love blackford – that simple crofter act he does ( burying his real source of wealth as a banker ) – and eternal demand for Scottish independence from being funded by the English taxpayer – love him ….
As for the budget – disappointing . Except for the bit at the end where he claimed to be a conservative – which is a lie …
Now, now. Just because ‘zaman’ is an Arabic word and the name is popular in places such as Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. For all we know, the real name might be Smith or Jones and the BBC has just carelessly mis-spelled it.
My friend, lawyer Baroness Helena Kennedy has managed to evacuate 103 women judges, prosecuters, and activists with their families from Afghanistan. They're currently temporarily safe in Greece. She needs financial help & Governments to provide visas. Please help her to help them
Can you tell me why people have to “Suck It Up” regards immigration when your party leaders have said the following:
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition governme nt was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society…. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.” – Theresa May 2015
Yours sincerely
Video of Anna Soubry saying “Suck it up! Suck it up!” “Anna Soubry vs Caroline Flint on the Norway/EEA option.”
In her first television interview for @CBSSunday, Huma Abedin details an encounter where a Senator kissed her while she was an aide to then-Senator Hillary Clinton.
“I was in an uncomfortable situation with a Senator and I didn't know how to deal with it,” Abedin tells us.
Fedup2″This country must be made free of dependency on any power source – as a matter of national defence and not green nonsense ,”
Any government that does not adhere to that is not fit to govern this country. IMHO Its bordering on treason.
And therin lies the rub, because the Channel Islands are not ‘this country. They are a crown dependency with their own government known as the Balliwick, and different taxes, British people are not allowed to settle there without fulfilling the Balliwicks criteria (usually possesion of vast personal wealth).
We have two cables connecting us to France which has been flowing in a one way direction for decades because of the quality of people politics attracts they couldn’t see the dangers. Margaret Thatcher was one of the very few science graduates which is perhaps what made her so very different from the usual dross of lawyers, humanities grads and classicists who have no grasp of reality.
One of the cables to France caught fire this Autumn and although at first the damage was at first thought to be slight it will not be repaired until April – after Winter.
The knock on effect is our cable to Southern Ireland which flows to them because they don’t have sufficient generating capacity either, so if we go dark so do they ! Only it will take longer to get them back on line as they will be last in the queue.
This country is sat on vast reserves of coal which would perhaps still be being used but for the Marxists who destroyed the entire industry and put the miners out of work. What a great union for them to follow which destroyed everything they ever worked for and the futures of their kids.
A sometimes asked question about WWII was why the lights didn’t go out, and the answer is that there were very many localised power generators able to supply power into the grid, wheras now we have very few and they are vulnerable.
localised generation is an interesting possibility as small gas powered units can provide great efficiency if the waste heat is used for water or central heating and there are few transmission losses.
There’s Tons of coal beneath taffland and it does not need to be mined anymore to get the gas/energy out of it. In addition there are many old, disused coal mines that cold be harvested for coal gas .
Any government worth its salt should ensure that our energy supplies are secure. Our strategic industries rely on energy.
Gary Lineker agrees £400,000 BBC pay cut and to tweet more carefully
This article is more than 1 year old
All corporation staff to be bound by strict new social media guidelines within weeks
Are the BBC reporting the case of the American schoolgirl raped in the trans-friendly school toilet by a trans?
If they are, I haven’t seen it.
Nor the outrage of angry parents fed up with wokeism in schools.
Nor Biden calling them ‘terrorists’ for objecting to their daughters being raped, compulsory vaccination, CRT being taught and a host of other Big Brother initiatives by the Biden Socialist administration.
Radio 4 main news at 18:00. The last headline item at the start was that a 21 year old Australian professional footballer had come out as gay, the first such man to do so. I presume that the lovely Megan Rapinoe of the USA doesn’t count (if it’s the men’s game that they are focusing on here).
Seriously, has the BBC nothing more important to report?!
his tweet plugs another lecture show As part of @ITV’s Green Week I got to explore Orkney with
@JuliaBradbury this summer.
Amazing place and people stunningly leading the way to a greener future.
Tuesday 2nd November 8:30pm.
So honoured to receive “Broadcaster of the Year” from @londonpressclub . Journalism is never the work of one individual. That’s not being modest – it’s a fact. So was pleased @tonyprod77 & @DearZari could go in my place. This is what I sent .
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
We are pleased to announce Sally Nugent will permanently join #BBCBreakfast as a Presenter. Sally, an award winning journalist for 25 years, will join Dan, Naga & Charlie waking you up on the UK’s No. 1 morning show.
You'll recognise Sally from her brilliant journalistic work, including the Scoop of the Year award-winning story that followed @MarcusRashford on his quest to end child food poverty.
🔴Angela Rayner has been an alleged victim of a death threat campaign in the wake of the killing of Sir David Amess MP, it has emerged
Seems all the media are keeping quiet about the immenent gubernatorial race in Virginia which the Democrats won by 10 points last election and this time is apparantly neck neck if you are a believer in the accuracy of the polls.
The media in the US is presenting it as a bellweather election on Bidens Presidency and to be honest the voters of Virginia would have to be completly brain dead to give any support to Bidens ailing Democrats – but then Americans are a pretty stupid bunch of people.
Strange that the UK has been so reluctant to cover this, especially the comedy element of senior democrat people visiting to give support and their candidates polls slumping everytime they do!
They are taking a similar tack many Labour candidates took with Jeremy Corbyn, not mentioning him, and refusing to even put his picture on campaign literature – they know Biden is toxic.
It’s deadly serious stuff though because if the Dems lose then they lose the Senate, and it’s a signal of the likely boodbath to come at the midterms.
No wonder our biased media are so reluctant to report what could see Bidens grip loosening – you can bet if the Dems win though it will be headlines everywhere.
KIRK: I’m going to denounce that and I’m going to tell you why. Because you’re playing into all their plans and they’re trying to make you do this… They are trying to make you do something that will be violent that will justify a takeover of your freedoms and liberties, the likes of which we have never seen. We are close to have –
AUDIENCE MEMBER: They’re already doing it.
KIRK: Hold on. We are close to have momentum to be able to get this country back on a trajectory using the peaceful means that we have at us… They fear us holding the line with self-control and discipline, taking over school board meetings. They are the ones that are willing to use federal force against us.
And I know that people get fired up. We are living under fascism. We are living under this tyranny. But if you think for a second that they’re not wanting you to all of a sudden get that next level where they’re going to say, OK, we need Patriot Act 2.0. If you think that, you know, Waco is bad, wait until you see what they want to do next.
Mr Kirk is trying to thread a difficult needle here: “We are living under fascism” and “tyranny”, but it is not yet time for getting out the guns.
On the world stage, Joe Biden is the literal embodiment of America’s “twilight existence, arthritic and ineffectual, declining into a kind of societal dementia”. The favelas are here in many American cities, and I see that the citizens of what only a quarter-century ago alleged conservative David Brooks hailed as the future – Burlington, Vermont, the chichi post-political latte town of do-gooder liberalism – is now getting used to routine stabbings on Main Street.
I first went to Burlington in 1990….when I was stumbling round New England looking for my relatives. It was great. I’ve been a few times since…..and I had great craic there three years ago…..but I did notice how it had changed. There are a lot of drug problems now….and it’s less folksy.
I do need to return to carry on the laughs though….
I was really expecting to be told how hideously white this census was and how they had been working to achieve ‘diversity’, but then there is something about race-baiter David Olusoga that drives that feeling.
I have given up on Nadine, another Priti. Five years to go, during which time she can peddle making a few comments here and there and probably off to another Ministerial post if the Tories are still in power. Why upset the BBC and allow them to conduct a campaign against her?
Not the Bbbc, but anybody any ideas why this happened.
Today at 12.58 I received 2 emails, one addressed to me by name and another one for someone sharing my surname called Yvonne, which is not my wife’s name, confirmation of two appointments I’m supposed to have made for ‘Pfizer NBS’ Covid booster jabs.
At 13.00, 2 minutes later, I received two reminders, one for me, one for Yvonne, whoever the hell she is.
The appointment times were for 13.25 and 13.35 today at the Saddlers vaccination Centre in Walsall. I live in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. I don’t think I will be having the booster jab if I can get away with it and I certainly haven’t made any appointments or had any contact with a vaccination Centre closer to Birmingham than Belfast.
There are a couple of attachments to click on to, which of course I haven’t, one of which is a QR code. Anybody heard of this one? How many are being caught out in this way I wonder? Are the diverse demographics of Walsall of any relevance?
All they want is for you to click on the message, then they go for you, so kick them into touch! Even I (old, grey, no dosh) get a few each day, and also dud phone calls from Manchester, Liverpool, and Stoke!
All scams – report them online and the guys there deal with it!
Stay safe, eh?
And forget seeing anything on the rubbish BBC, spend some time with your family instead!
Clear the cookie thing and website record thing on your puter i reckon . Love to Yvonne .
Probably someone in the call centre selling personal data to islamabad .. or lagos
Cheers Scrobs, I never get them which is why I found this one so strange.
Perhaps Fed is on to something, although why go through all that third-party-insider nonsense when it seems you can get everybody’s personal details straight from the NHS anyway. Apparently.
Was watching 5usa channel tonight, Law and Order, anyway there was during one of the advert breaks an appeal by The Guide Dogs Charity, everyone of the dogs was a blonde coloured labrador, don’t they know Black Labs Matter.
8pm SkyArts #PortraitArtistOfTheYear airs tonight on
@JDBakewell hosts the third heat which sees contestants creating portraits of celebrity sitters
@alexa_chung *MrNishKumar* and Philip Glenister (actor plays a cop)
I spot only 1 BLM programme tonight
9pm BBC4 enslaved the last episode
Whilst he is visiting the Africans will he ask them about their ancestors enslaving people ?
Having discovered that he is descended from the Benga people, Samuel L Jackson travels to Gabon and is welcomed into the tribe by the king and the elders, who share their stories.
✊🏽 Oh Radio4 gives us another one
8:30pm One year on from the toppling of the Colston Statue in Bristol, Descendants asks… how close is each of us to the legacy of Britain’s role in slavery? And who does that mean our lives are connected to?
Yrsa Daley-Ward narrates seven episodes telling the stories of people whose lives today are all connected through this history and its legacy.
As a teenager growing up in South London, Marlon discovered steel pan and it changed his life. While grappling with the meaning of his own surname, and how it connects to the history of British slavery, he uncovers how the instrument he loves was also born out of the legacies of this history.
The heritage of carnival and steel pan leads us to Valerie, a white woman, born and raised in Trinidad, who seeks to understand how her family ended up on this isle – and discovers her ancestor’s role in the events which led to the creation of a cultural institution.
I wonder if Samuel expressed his shame and remorse at being a descendant of slavery or just maybe, perhaps, the people treated him as a demi-God because of the wealth he has accumulated because of it.
And will Samuel be moving back to live with his people ?. Perhaps he will build a big mansion for himself and look down on them living in poverty.
Or will he choose to stay in the lifestyle which being a descendant of slavery has brought him ?. And never go anywhere near those people again.
Chavs in my local supermarket usually buy 2 packs of 20 cigarettes for £18 something, that must be the cheapest now.
Except today when I was queuing behind an 80 year old man in his slippers buying £40 worth of scratch cards.
If you could buy every card in a series, you’d win all the prizes, naturally, but still lose 35% of your money..
You are reminding me of a trip to Asda where the woman in front waited until the very last minute to open her bag and pull out a thick wad of coupons which she went through, one by one, with the till operator.
Or the ones who wait until they know how much it is before rummaging through their bag, finding their purse then ferreting around in it for the right money.
Then they wait for the receipt and very slowly and carefully put the purse back in their bag, arrange it all on their person and then – and only then – move away from the till so someone else (ie me) can get started.
You lot have got me going now, just be grateful you’re not here in France on Thursday and Friday every week you can guarantee the long cheque book will come out of the pocket/handbag along with the ID to go with it followed by the long conversation and checking of the amount. Mr Kitty normally starts looking for a wall to hit at this point which is why we shop on Tuesday.
I am often amused by those people for which it comes as a complete surprise that they have to pay, and only go looking for their wallet/card/cash when asked to do so.
I’m cursed with noticing everything so have to force myself not to be amazed at human behaviour at the checkout .
I sometimes find it hard to believe that many people lack self awareness when it comes to making others wait whilst they organise themselves ….
Best to force distraction to see what the shop is trying to sell you at the till – overpriced sweets – ….
Thanks to @BRISSLES and @Scroblene, I too just watched “Margin Call” on Amazon Prime, and it was thoroughly enjoyable. Had never heard of it before. Good recommendation. Thank you.
The old argument about separating art and life rings true. Mind you, Spacey was close to Epstein and Bad Billy Clinton, so broad shoulders are required in this instance. His performance in American Beauty is still sublime, though.
Brian Cox’s script on “Universe” is annoying me. Clearly an atheist, he says that the gods have all been invented. But he is calling our sun the “god star”, the sole creator of life and meaning in our benighted universe. He is full of confident predictions about the end of the universe.
The thing I often notice about atheist boffins is that their expertise in their own discipline is balanced by an ignorance of and complete lack of feel for religious thought. Their thinking is at the level of ancient sun worshippers. They of course reject paganism but only because they are clever enough to know how things like stars actually work. They seem to be dazzled by their superior ability to understand science and their high regard for their own intellects seems to prevent them from considering any religious idea more sophisticated than a childish caricature.
The idea that God is outside of his creation and is not to be identified with anything to be found in it has been around since at least the time of Moses, but you would never know that if you only ever listened to people like Cox and Dawkins.
I honestly don’t think ‘Prof*’ Brian Cox is all that smart, but he certainly is annoyingly smug.
As an atheist myself I may not be the right person to speak on this, but in my younger, academic years I knew a number of young Physicists who I would class as far more intellectual than me – the kind of people who easily understood concepts I couldn’t even start to get my head around. I briefly dated one of them, an incredibly smart, sweet girl who was on a totally different wavelength to most of humanity.
Anyway, I was amazed how many of them (including my girlfriend) were devoutly religious, and had a quiet, but absolute belief in a ‘higher power’, which they didn’t see as at all contradictory with their research, or passion for Physics. In fact, they seemed to see the two as completely complimentary, the usual argument they used in support of their beliefs being “a deep study of the universe reveals far too many ‘perfect’ connections for it to ever possibly be ‘coincidental’, therefore it must be the result of a benevolent power”.
I didn’t agree, but it was all a bit beyond a simple, down to earth, practical minded Chemical Engineer** like me.
*Cox started out as a ‘musician’ in various second rate bands, only studying Physics initially as a hobby, and is really a scientifically qualified broadcaster, rather than a scientist turned broadcaster… you need to watch these sorts of things carefully, and recall the universities of the UK are businesses looking to attract ‘bums on seats’, so more than happy to work hand in hand with the BBC (and other media) to promote themselves, especially if there is someone ‘cool’ like Brian to help with marketing.
After Yuri Gagarin returned to Earth, the Soviets put out a poster saying “There is no God”. Gagarin hadn’t spotted an old man with a white beard up there beyond the clouds, you see. Proof that He didn’t exist and that the Communist Party was right!
It’s this simplistic caricaturing of religion, typical of the pronouncements of people like Cox and Dawkins, to which I object.
I agree with you that a lot of presenters on serious subjects tend to be amateurs with a professional interest rather than distinguished experts in their fields. Brian Cox seems to have started late but, fair play to him, he has got a doctorate, which is not unimpressive. I am only criticising him on this “god star” angle he was taking.
For most British people the BBC is finished!
The BBC is not British . IMHO it hates Great Britain and robs from the people of Great Britain that pay for it.
The problem is, its managers are so far up their @rses they cannot see it.
Where is Nadine Dorries, can she see it ? Is she brave enough to see it ?
The reason we don’t know about her is because at the time she was 15, unmarried and pregnant.
Also I discovered that all charges relating to her ‘protest’ were dropped. She was only charged for assaulting a police officer. The BBC don’t mention that.
Not quite the role model the BBC want – so they keep quite about the bits which don’t fit.
“Having my records expunged will mean something to my grandchildren and great grandchildren. And it will mean something for other black children.”
Yes : it’s OK to assault police officers if YOU think it’s justified.
The rights and wrongs of the story are not my issue : it’s the blatant and deliberate dishonesty of the BBC with their usual ‘lies by omission’ to fit their agenda which makes this article significant.
Best thing you'll see today 🤣Biden tries to rally for Terry Mcauliffe but fails bigly. Crowd starts chanting "WE WANT TRUMP" "WE WANT TRUMP" 😂 He thought that crowd was there for him BAHAHAHA
Fishing rights row: French threats disappointing, says Frost
Shabby treatment from a country that owes Great Britain a great debt .
Article 16 all the way now and get OUR FISH back on our tables !
The BBC is just relentless. I was just looking at Radio-2 and I discover:
Is standing in for:
The 2% of the population standing in for the 10%.
I have no issue with either of these men, but really BBC ?. Do you not even realise just how racist, sexist and heterophobic you are now ?. Is this what you call equality ?.
Let me explain : equality is 4 white males for every 4 white females for every 0.5 BAME males for every 0.5 BAME females for every 0.2 LGBTQ male OR female.
Perhaps you should justify why 20% of your staff are LGBTQ. Its heterophobic.
I have to say that I am enjoying watching the BBC squirming over the Alec Baldwin shooting. Karma has caught up with one of their own – a far-Left politcial activist luvvie who hates Trump and is quite prepared to use his position to push it.
Their big feature on prop-guns has turned out to be fake news. He had a real gun. Never mind BBC.
I do like this line though – absolutely typical BBC:
‘Prosecutors are refusing to rule out filing criminal charges over the case.’
Of course they are. It’s manslaughter due to negligence. Everyone knows it. Yet the BBC are phrasing it like the prosecutor SHOULD rule it out but won’t.
They are going full out to blame assistant director Dave Halls now.
‘the assistant director has admitted to investigators that he did not check the gun’s chamber for live rounds before handing it to Mr Baldwin.’
Neither did Baldwin BBC – and he pulled the trigger while pointing it at someone. Negligent manslaughter. Six months to two years in jail. Let’s see how corrupt the American system has become.
I suspect he will be charged (because the corruption will be too obvious if he isn’t) but doesn’t serve a day. The BBC will report every word he acts in court with utmost sympathy.
If he is charged, I suspect the BBC will give it a two sentence news item and say it is not a public interest story. Then see how quickly it will disappear from their narrative.
At the top witha big picture of Zoe Ball we get the caption ‘BBC Radio 2’s Zoe Ball still has the UK’s most popular breakfast show’.
Carefully chosen words because we later discover:
‘Zoe Ball attracted an audience of 7.2 million listeners – down from her last available ratings of 8.1 million’. ‘It does, however, remain the biggest breakfast show in the UK.’ That’s 2 million she has lost since she started. But we are reminded again that it is still the biggest in case you missed it earlier.
Of course it’s still the most popular given the vast amount of money spent to run it, advertise it and push it out for free on every media channel there is.
‘Some breakfast DJs, such as Radio X’s Chris Moyles, appear to have bucked the downward trend for breakfast shows.’
Oh dear. And it’s not ‘have’, it’s ‘appear’. Just a small element of doubt added.
The article has every excuse in the book why the BBC figures have dropped. However Zoe being a witless, unfunny, celebrity-obsessed narcissist is not one of them.
As I understand it Rajar is an outfit funded by those whom it monitors . And I bet the BBC pays most . So the ‘caution ‘ that rajar changed the way it measures is a sop to the BBC to mitigate the across the board reduction in listening numbers .
Does gladden the heart to see reduction in listening to ‘today ‘- which for anyone reading this site won’t come as a surprise .
One might have thought that listening numbers would have gone up due to home working and the ‘go to ‘ characteristic which the BBC always claims happens in bad times – seems not any more ….
I’m really surprised that the BBC isn’t deeply concerned that their political leaders – starmer and rayner – are both ‘excused boots ‘ because of ‘covid ‘ and ‘bereavement ‘ respectively .
So angie was unable to do PMQs . ….or the budget response.
Also – the party newspaper reports that angie ‘is in a bad place ‘because of abuse she has received . It seems -then – that she can dish it out but not take it ….
British voters should not be deprived of the talents of ms Angela Rayner.
Remember folks, it’s only wrong when White people do it!
Yet another ‘Asian’ read Pakistani Muslim Police officer, this time raping a White woman and the Left completely silent yet again, because it’s only wrong when Whitey does it.
Have you found yourself listening to the radio less in the mornings? If so, you’re not the only one. It appears many breakfast radio shows now have smaller audiences than before the pandemic. The drop’s in part down to fewer people commuting as many people still work from home, and popular shows are among those that have been hit. Shows by Zoe Ball, Greg James, Roman Kemp and Chris Evans as well as BBC Radio 4’s Today programme now have fewer listeners, according to the latest rating figures. But industry body Rajar urges caution because it’s also measuring audiences in new ways.
Try,, ‘at all’, bbc.
I have smooth chill on when working because Classic FM is now almost unlistenable.
Yes, ‘Smooth Chill’ is a pleasant alternative especially when chosen against the sqealing, yelling (c)rap and poor offerings squirted out by the BBC, especially at night, when kids and layabouts should be asleep, and ready to go to work the next morning!
I wonder what the lovely lady who does the links looks like…
The Indian government has yet to submit its latest plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions, ahead of the forthcoming United Nations climate summit in the UK. India is the world’s third largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2), after China and the US. With its rapidly growing population and an economy heavily dependent on coal and oil, its emissions are set on a steep upward trajectory unless radical action is taken to curb them.
India has resisted setting a target for an overall reduction, saying industrialised nations should bear a much greater share of the burden as they have contributed far more to emissions over time. An “emissions-intensity” target, which reflects a country’s economic growth, is a fairer way to compare it with other countries, it says. It has set a target of a 33-35% cut in its emissions intensity from the 2005 level by 2030. However, a fall in carbon intensity does not necessarily mean a reduction in overall emissions.
Read full article >
Shruti Menon
Reality Check
I wonder if Shruti is based there or simply another cubicle gardener in W1A?
And has the specialist expertise in matters climatic as the Springster?
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JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Nick Ferrari was talking about how a South African test cricketer has been forced out of the team for refusing to do the taking the knee gesture
(he seems mixed race with Afrikaan’s name)
Two different black activists were on air
They said any WHITE sports people refusing the knee are “racist”
but that people with a black SKIN COLOUR refusing the knee, are “misinformed”
… So treating people different cos of their SKIN COLOUR is OK ?
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!”[
Changes to the Register of Members’ Interests
Boris Johnson
Name of donor: Heathrow Airport Limited
Address of donor: The Compass Centre, Nelson Road, London Heathrow Airport, Hounslow TW6 2GW
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Use of the Windsor Suite at Heathrow Airport for three people; value £3,060
Date received: 16 August 2020
Date accepted: 16 August 2020
Donor status: company, registration 01991017
(Registered 04 September 2020)
Saving the planet with his wife ….
Name of donor: Mr David Ross
Address of donor: private
Nature and value of benefit in kind (or amount of any donation): accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000
Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Dates of visit: 26 December 2019 to 5 January 2020
Purpose of visit: private holiday.
(Registered 27 January 2020)
They definately need to be paid more !? Right ?
A £15k holiday – i wonder what he does in return ?
Radio4 comedy yesterday has a seemingly black comedian, mocking “All lives matter” people, in the typical nasty sneering Radio4-comedy way
“What are they doing ? we never said *ONLY black lives matter*, so they are dumb” blah blah
Well that is misrepresenting them.
Their point is that all lives matter EQUALLY and that one shouldn’t be elevating black lives, just cos of skin colour.
Fed, you do a fabulous job here, the few trolls are easily spotted (did you know that a ‘cony’ was a rabbit? It was a crossword clue a while back)!
“The mammalian cony is a small, guinea pig-like relative to the rabbit; it is more commonly known by the name pika (q.v.). The name cony was once applied to the rabbit and is still sometimes used in the fur business to indicate rabbit fur.”
Blimey, and there’s a ‘pika’ too!
These coded trolls get everywhere, don’t they!
Thank you – i notice themes from some posters which are outside the basic purpose of the site – but thats okay i guess.
Scrobie, I’d hate for you to get piku’d up by one of trolls but there should be an ‘e’ in coney. 😉 Actually, I’m told it is also used of the fur from a rabbit. Sort of after Fed has skinned it for the pot, what is left is a coney. I learn something new every day. 🙂
Coney fur coats were fashionable in the 1960s.
I know.
I wonder if it was an old, regional English/British name for a rabbit?
Have heard both Americans and Australians use it for rabbits, mostly along the lines of shooting a “coney for the pot”, and Tolkien used it for wild rabbits too, in a similar context – not sure if that’s relevant, but he was a Professor of English with a taste for Medieval Middle English.
Never heard of anyone calling Pikas ‘Coneys’, Pikas are little, hamster/marmot/hyrax like animals you find in the Canadian Rockies (and apparently other highlands in the Northern Hemisphere), survivors from the ice ages, although this wiki does say they’re closely related to rabbits
I do know rabbits aren’t native to the UK and were first introduced to this country (possibly by the Romans, possibly the Normans) for their skins, which make the finest, softest, whitest vellum for writing on (other than human skin… allegedly) – thus were kept in warrens, managed by professional warreners, for monasteries and the Royal Exchequer.
I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure ‘Maxicony’ was a brand name for a type of chunky choc-ice/ice cream with biscuit, covered in chocolate. I have to admit I’ve always pictured ‘our’ Maxicony as a rather well padded female (with purple hair)… no idea why.
All I did was make up a crossword clue for a troll, I didn’t expect there to be a debate about it.
Cryptic clue 2. What do you call a troll, that is a backwards defunct political party?
Latin for rabbit was ‘cuniculus’; modern Spanish is ‘conejo’.
I thought cunilingus was Irelands second airline, nothing to do with rabbits.
There was a Bond film once where a lady said something like, “you always were such a cunning linguist, James”.
“The stony rocks for the conies”; Psalm 104:18.
If I may call sunset on the conies
“The hedge is quick and green with briar
And from their sand the conies creep
And all the birds that fly in heaven
Flock singing home to sleep…”
Nod by Walter De La Mare
TWatO Watch #2 – what a bunch of boozers or is it losers?
Biggest cheer of the day reserved for reforms to wine, beer and alcohol duties. What a bunch of boozers our MPs are! Some digs at Brussels but Rishi’s jokes are not as good as those of George Osborne. Disappointing that VAT wasn’t cut or even mentioned for future cuts: now that would have really helped motorists. At least there’s a fighting chance that the potholes in the UK’s roads will be filled in now. Back on the bike it is, then.
Did Rishi hold a total of all this spending? GAZILLLLION.
I wonder if the police’s pusillanimous response to the Insulate Britain terrorists is coming from the very top and has anything to do with BoJo’s conversion to the cult of environmentalism?
Police dragging the echo-terrorists away might not look good for his green credentials, especially just before COP 26.
I can’t imagine any other protestors getting such kid glove treatment, except perhaps the BLM terrorists.
“coming from the very top”?
Same for the Home Office’s ‘Border Farce’ .
Over Twenty Thousand criminals left to invade our shores without let or hindrance and housed in 4 Star hotels .
At the same time the people of Great Britain are subject to strict travel laws .
Wow – met plod must be relieved that the latest plod to be charged with rape was off duty at the time of the alleged crime .
PC Zamab awaits trial …
TWatO Watch #3 – who was that idiot who kept calling out “Rubbish!” during Rishi’s Budget speech today?
Quite clear on microphones from the House, I hope it wasn’t from the Conservative ranks. If it was, he must have been drunk already and it was only midday! The baying sheep were also a bit much to take. That polite, more considerate, more gentle politics didn’t last long then. 🙁
I was watching it on the parliament channel and I couldn’t hear that . The Ian blackford comedy hour which followed was preceded from an almost primeval collective groan … I bet the place emptied quicker than raw sewage in a swimming pool …
Blackford and that other ‘camera shy’ bloke – Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth – a couple of school snitches if ever there was a pair.
Brissles .I love blackford – that simple crofter act he does ( burying his real source of wealth as a banker ) – and eternal demand for Scottish independence from being funded by the English taxpayer – love him ….
As for the budget – disappointing . Except for the bit at the end where he claimed to be a conservative – which is a lie …
Fed, it was quite clear on the radio broadcast. Every now and then “Rubbish!”
Rape charge for serving Metropolitan Police officer
Hmmm. No photos of PC Adam Zaman but the BBC show plenty of photos white PC Wayne Couzens who is also in todays news
Now, now. Just because ‘zaman’ is an Arabic word and the name is popular in places such as Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. For all we know, the real name might be Smith or Jones and the BBC has just carelessly mis-spelled it.
Court sketch here.
Philip Schofield to play him in the movie?
OT, but friends of friends of prosecuters…
Invade Afghan to provide a safe Country?
Keep em in Greece – never a shortage of lawyers –
Laura back to being paid a lot to announce Ed.
With tablet?
The Above Tablet.
“4 Controls on immigration”
Remind me, didn’t the Tory Government promise that one ?…………..
Perhaps Me Ed could be our next Home4 Secretary?
Dear Anna Soubry,
Can you tell me why people have to “Suck It Up” regards immigration when your party leaders have said the following:
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition governme nt was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society…. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.” – Theresa May 2015
Yours sincerely
Video of Anna Soubry saying “Suck it up! Suck it up!” “Anna Soubry vs Caroline Flint on the Norway/EEA option.”
Only Ed Miliband could arrange a colour clash. Eeek! Well, actually, only the Labour Party and Ed Miliband could arrange a colour clash.
Cloning AOC is a thing?
Clinton… kissing… Clinton… that name… rings a bell….
ummm… who was/is she married to?
The guy that liked to splash out on an intern’s dress after smoking a damp cigar?
huma Abedin , married to weiner, wasnt he the one sexting young girls?
That about covers it, as it were.
Lots of serious face nodding needed.
and “The Insurance Policy” files on his laptop?
Russia is cutting off moldova s gas supply and the country has declared a state of emergency. Nasty russia right ?
France is threatening to cut off the electricity supply to the channel islands .
France is a ‘friend ‘ right ?
This country must be made free of dependency on any power source – as a matter of national defence and not green nonsense ,
Fedup2″This country must be made free of dependency on any power source – as a matter of national defence and not green nonsense ,”
Any government that does not adhere to that is not fit to govern this country. IMHO Its bordering on treason.
And therin lies the rub, because the Channel Islands are not ‘this country. They are a crown dependency with their own government known as the Balliwick, and different taxes, British people are not allowed to settle there without fulfilling the Balliwicks criteria (usually possesion of vast personal wealth).
We have two cables connecting us to France which has been flowing in a one way direction for decades because of the quality of people politics attracts they couldn’t see the dangers. Margaret Thatcher was one of the very few science graduates which is perhaps what made her so very different from the usual dross of lawyers, humanities grads and classicists who have no grasp of reality.
One of the cables to France caught fire this Autumn and although at first the damage was at first thought to be slight it will not be repaired until April – after Winter.
The knock on effect is our cable to Southern Ireland which flows to them because they don’t have sufficient generating capacity either, so if we go dark so do they ! Only it will take longer to get them back on line as they will be last in the queue.
This country is sat on vast reserves of coal which would perhaps still be being used but for the Marxists who destroyed the entire industry and put the miners out of work. What a great union for them to follow which destroyed everything they ever worked for and the futures of their kids.
A sometimes asked question about WWII was why the lights didn’t go out, and the answer is that there were very many localised power generators able to supply power into the grid, wheras now we have very few and they are vulnerable.
localised generation is an interesting possibility as small gas powered units can provide great efficiency if the waste heat is used for water or central heating and there are few transmission losses.
There’s Tons of coal beneath taffland and it does not need to be mined anymore to get the gas/energy out of it. In addition there are many old, disused coal mines that cold be harvested for coal gas .
Any government worth its salt should ensure that our energy supplies are secure. Our strategic industries rely on energy.
Gary Lineker agrees £400,000 BBC pay cut and to tweet more carefully
This article is more than 1 year old
All corporation staff to be bound by strict new social media guidelines within weeks
Paris attacks: UK Bataclan victim’s sister tells accused ‘we don’t hate you’
Well, that’s alright then.
I will hate them on your behalf.
Are the BBC reporting the case of the American schoolgirl raped in the trans-friendly school toilet by a trans?
If they are, I haven’t seen it.
Nor the outrage of angry parents fed up with wokeism in schools.
Nor Biden calling them ‘terrorists’ for objecting to their daughters being raped, compulsory vaccination, CRT being taught and a host of other Big Brother initiatives by the Biden Socialist administration.
Hopefully not one of the defence team.
Radio 4 main news at 18:00. The last headline item at the start was that a 21 year old Australian professional footballer had come out as gay, the first such man to do so. I presume that the lovely Megan Rapinoe of the USA doesn’t count (if it’s the men’s game that they are focusing on here).
Seriously, has the BBC nothing more important to report?!
Andy a bbc go to stalwart no?
BBC [heart] Labour. And misses them sooo much.
ITV local news forces another long Alex Beresford COP26 Climate sermon at me
Series thread :
his tweet plugs another lecture show
As part of @ITV’s Green Week I got to explore Orkney with
@JuliaBradbury this summer.
Amazing place and people stunningly leading the way to a greener future.
Tuesday 2nd November 8:30pm.
The first mosque to be built in the Western Isles is beginning to take shape.
A semi-derelict store building in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis is being converted into the place of worship.
Aihsham Rashid, a mosque builder from Leeds, is leading the construction project.
Oooo, awards season.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
Good quote.
See, award winning.
Does she laugh at the Union jack as well?
She’s awful.
Oh… this award winning… um… story…
This is a new one. Still, full bbc coverage.
More of the same.
Seems all the media are keeping quiet about the immenent gubernatorial race in Virginia which the Democrats won by 10 points last election and this time is apparantly neck neck if you are a believer in the accuracy of the polls.
The media in the US is presenting it as a bellweather election on Bidens Presidency and to be honest the voters of Virginia would have to be completly brain dead to give any support to Bidens ailing Democrats – but then Americans are a pretty stupid bunch of people.
Strange that the UK has been so reluctant to cover this, especially the comedy element of senior democrat people visiting to give support and their candidates polls slumping everytime they do!
They are taking a similar tack many Labour candidates took with Jeremy Corbyn, not mentioning him, and refusing to even put his picture on campaign literature – they know Biden is toxic.
It’s deadly serious stuff though because if the Dems lose then they lose the Senate, and it’s a signal of the likely boodbath to come at the midterms.
No wonder our biased media are so reluctant to report what could see Bidens grip loosening – you can bet if the Dems win though it will be headlines everywhere.
Great resume, Thoughters!
The mid-terms will be a signal for all sorts of problems the Dems have brought upon themselves.
I here the crashing cymbals in Dominion’s office – a small lockup in Pecckham…
KIRK: I’m going to denounce that and I’m going to tell you why. Because you’re playing into all their plans and they’re trying to make you do this… They are trying to make you do something that will be violent that will justify a takeover of your freedoms and liberties, the likes of which we have never seen. We are close to have –
AUDIENCE MEMBER: They’re already doing it.
KIRK: Hold on. We are close to have momentum to be able to get this country back on a trajectory using the peaceful means that we have at us… They fear us holding the line with self-control and discipline, taking over school board meetings. They are the ones that are willing to use federal force against us.
And I know that people get fired up. We are living under fascism. We are living under this tyranny. But if you think for a second that they’re not wanting you to all of a sudden get that next level where they’re going to say, OK, we need Patriot Act 2.0. If you think that, you know, Waco is bad, wait until you see what they want to do next.
Mr Kirk is trying to thread a difficult needle here: “We are living under fascism” and “tyranny”, but it is not yet time for getting out the guns.
On the world stage, Joe Biden is the literal embodiment of America’s “twilight existence, arthritic and ineffectual, declining into a kind of societal dementia”. The favelas are here in many American cities, and I see that the citizens of what only a quarter-century ago alleged conservative David Brooks hailed as the future – Burlington, Vermont, the chichi post-political latte town of do-gooder liberalism – is now getting used to routine stabbings on Main Street.
I first went to Burlington in 1990….when I was stumbling round New England looking for my relatives. It was great. I’ve been a few times since…..and I had great craic there three years ago…..but I did notice how it had changed. There are a lot of drug problems now….and it’s less folksy.
I do need to return to carry on the laughs though….
How the 1921 English census was captured.
I was really expecting to be told how hideously white this census was and how they had been working to achieve ‘diversity’, but then there is something about race-baiter David Olusoga that drives that feeling.
How’s Nadine doing ?
One for you Telly Tax payers…………………………………………….
I have given up on Nadine, another Priti. Five years to go, during which time she can peddle making a few comments here and there and probably off to another Ministerial post if the Tories are still in power. Why upset the BBC and allow them to conduct a campaign against her?
Last night’s BBC local news
A man suffered a machete attack in Bridlington
… That is a new thing
Next item “Kesteven councillors are to receive diversity training after one used a racist slur in a meeting”
They never state his exact words
referring to a difficult issue “Well, that’s dealt with that little negro in the woodpile, so to speak.”
Next item The local enviro reporter and Chris Packham claiming substantial numbers of birds are no longer migrating cos of global warming.
I doubt the “substantial” bit
“A man suffered a machete attack in Bridlington”
Just a misunderstanding …
Unfortunately still alive
Is that like suffering a migraine?…..
Not the Bbbc, but anybody any ideas why this happened.
Today at 12.58 I received 2 emails, one addressed to me by name and another one for someone sharing my surname called Yvonne, which is not my wife’s name, confirmation of two appointments I’m supposed to have made for ‘Pfizer NBS’ Covid booster jabs.
At 13.00, 2 minutes later, I received two reminders, one for me, one for Yvonne, whoever the hell she is.
The appointment times were for 13.25 and 13.35 today at the Saddlers vaccination Centre in Walsall. I live in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. I don’t think I will be having the booster jab if I can get away with it and I certainly haven’t made any appointments or had any contact with a vaccination Centre closer to Birmingham than Belfast.
There are a couple of attachments to click on to, which of course I haven’t, one of which is a QR code. Anybody heard of this one? How many are being caught out in this way I wonder? Are the diverse demographics of Walsall of any relevance?
Loadsa these hanging around, Rich!
Just bin ’em, they’re scams!
All they want is for you to click on the message, then they go for you, so kick them into touch! Even I (old, grey, no dosh) get a few each day, and also dud phone calls from Manchester, Liverpool, and Stoke!
All scams – report them online and the guys there deal with it!
Stay safe, eh?
And forget seeing anything on the rubbish BBC, spend some time with your family instead!
Clear the cookie thing and website record thing on your puter i reckon . Love to Yvonne .
Probably someone in the call centre selling personal data to islamabad .. or lagos
Cheers Scrobs, I never get them which is why I found this one so strange.
Perhaps Fed is on to something, although why go through all that third-party-insider nonsense when it seems you can get everybody’s personal details straight from the NHS anyway. Apparently.
Was watching 5usa channel tonight, Law and Order, anyway there was during one of the advert breaks an appeal by The Guide Dogs Charity, everyone of the dogs was a blonde coloured labrador, don’t they know Black Labs Matter.
The RAF Museum shop has all sorts of aviation-related stuffed animals.
Strangely they dont have any black labs.
I didn’t dare ask why.
8pm SkyArts #PortraitArtistOfTheYear airs tonight on
@JDBakewell hosts the third heat which sees contestants creating portraits of celebrity sitters
@alexa_chung *MrNishKumar* and Philip Glenister (actor plays a cop)
“I want you to go home and kill your racist Brexit-voting parents.” It is a a MYSTERY why Nish Kumar is the favourite comedian at the BBC!!!
I spot only 1 BLM programme tonight
9pm BBC4 enslaved the last episode
Whilst he is visiting the Africans will he ask them about their ancestors enslaving people ?
✊🏽 Oh Radio4 gives us another one
8:30pm One year on from the toppling of the Colston Statue in Bristol, Descendants asks… how close is each of us to the legacy of Britain’s role in slavery? And who does that mean our lives are connected to?
Yrsa Daley-Ward narrates seven episodes telling the stories of people whose lives today are all connected through this history and its legacy.
As a teenager growing up in South London, Marlon discovered steel pan and it changed his life. While grappling with the meaning of his own surname, and how it connects to the history of British slavery, he uncovers how the instrument he loves was also born out of the legacies of this history.
The heritage of carnival and steel pan leads us to Valerie, a white woman, born and raised in Trinidad, who seeks to understand how her family ended up on this isle – and discovers her ancestor’s role in the events which led to the creation of a cultural institution.
🟢 Radio4 also had 3 green activism progs on today
I wonder if Samuel expressed his shame and remorse at being a descendant of slavery or just maybe, perhaps, the people treated him as a demi-God because of the wealth he has accumulated because of it.
And will Samuel be moving back to live with his people ?. Perhaps he will build a big mansion for himself and look down on them living in poverty.
Or will he choose to stay in the lifestyle which being a descendant of slavery has brought him ?. And never go anywhere near those people again.
I do hope the BBC keep us updated.
Long time no posts but I regularly keep up with you all.
Something of interest on the Eco God Attenborough.
No6, When I was a smoker I collected your coupons.
1/3 for ten – blue packet.
(That’s 7.5p in new money).
Now a single fag costs near enough 20p
(5/- for twenty in old money).
Chavs in my local supermarket usually buy 2 packs of 20 cigarettes for £18 something, that must be the cheapest now.
Except today when I was queuing behind an 80 year old man in his slippers buying £40 worth of scratch cards.
If you could buy every card in a series, you’d win all the prizes, naturally, but still lose 35% of your money..
You are reminding me of a trip to Asda where the woman in front waited until the very last minute to open her bag and pull out a thick wad of coupons which she went through, one by one, with the till operator.
My favourite at check out queues . There must be a science …. I like the people who pay in cash and can’t find the last 5p …
Ha – don’t get me going.
Or the ones who wait until they know how much it is before rummaging through their bag, finding their purse then ferreting around in it for the right money.
Then they wait for the receipt and very slowly and carefully put the purse back in their bag, arrange it all on their person and then – and only then – move away from the till so someone else (ie me) can get started.
You lot have got me going now, just be grateful you’re not here in France on Thursday and Friday every week you can guarantee the long cheque book will come out of the pocket/handbag along with the ID to go with it followed by the long conversation and checking of the amount. Mr Kitty normally starts looking for a wall to hit at this point which is why we shop on Tuesday.
I am often amused by those people for which it comes as a complete surprise that they have to pay, and only go looking for their wallet/card/cash when asked to do so.
I’m cursed with noticing everything so have to force myself not to be amazed at human behaviour at the checkout .
I sometimes find it hard to believe that many people lack self awareness when it comes to making others wait whilst they organise themselves ….
Best to force distraction to see what the shop is trying to sell you at the till – overpriced sweets – ….
1 and ten a packet! NV
Aaaah (cough), but they were the brown, untipped fags, weren’t they?
Thanks to @BRISSLES and @Scroblene, I too just watched “Margin Call” on Amazon Prime, and it was thoroughly enjoyable. Had never heard of it before. Good recommendation. Thank you.
Thanks, Frank!
I’ve got several friends and family on the case thanks to Brissles et al!
Might even watch it again…
If it’s good enough for people here, it’s good enough for me.
Good films are very, very rare these days.
It’s even got Kevin Spacey in it. Being cancelled is a badge of honour these days. Whatever his private life, his films are usually good.
The old argument about separating art and life rings true. Mind you, Spacey was close to Epstein and Bad Billy Clinton, so broad shoulders are required in this instance. His performance in American Beauty is still sublime, though.
Brian Cox’s script on “Universe” is annoying me. Clearly an atheist, he says that the gods have all been invented. But he is calling our sun the “god star”, the sole creator of life and meaning in our benighted universe. He is full of confident predictions about the end of the universe.
The thing I often notice about atheist boffins is that their expertise in their own discipline is balanced by an ignorance of and complete lack of feel for religious thought. Their thinking is at the level of ancient sun worshippers. They of course reject paganism but only because they are clever enough to know how things like stars actually work. They seem to be dazzled by their superior ability to understand science and their high regard for their own intellects seems to prevent them from considering any religious idea more sophisticated than a childish caricature.
The idea that God is outside of his creation and is not to be identified with anything to be found in it has been around since at least the time of Moses, but you would never know that if you only ever listened to people like Cox and Dawkins.
A Christian will always have the perfect boxed-in answer for any theory espoused by Cox and his ilk.
Comets? ‘God made that’
Solar flares? ‘God made that’
Supermassive black holes? ‘God made that’
It’s actually rather amusing. Cox is an insufferable twat nonetheless.
I honestly don’t think ‘Prof*’ Brian Cox is all that smart, but he certainly is annoyingly smug.
As an atheist myself I may not be the right person to speak on this, but in my younger, academic years I knew a number of young Physicists who I would class as far more intellectual than me – the kind of people who easily understood concepts I couldn’t even start to get my head around. I briefly dated one of them, an incredibly smart, sweet girl who was on a totally different wavelength to most of humanity.
Anyway, I was amazed how many of them (including my girlfriend) were devoutly religious, and had a quiet, but absolute belief in a ‘higher power’, which they didn’t see as at all contradictory with their research, or passion for Physics. In fact, they seemed to see the two as completely complimentary, the usual argument they used in support of their beliefs being “a deep study of the universe reveals far too many ‘perfect’ connections for it to ever possibly be ‘coincidental’, therefore it must be the result of a benevolent power”.
I didn’t agree, but it was all a bit beyond a simple, down to earth, practical minded Chemical Engineer** like me.
*Cox started out as a ‘musician’ in various second rate bands, only studying Physics initially as a hobby, and is really a scientifically qualified broadcaster, rather than a scientist turned broadcaster… you need to watch these sorts of things carefully, and recall the universities of the UK are businesses looking to attract ‘bums on seats’, so more than happy to work hand in hand with the BBC (and other media) to promote themselves, especially if there is someone ‘cool’ like Brian to help with marketing.
**Just a glorified plumber really.
Sick and BigBroCorp
After Yuri Gagarin returned to Earth, the Soviets put out a poster saying “There is no God”. Gagarin hadn’t spotted an old man with a white beard up there beyond the clouds, you see. Proof that He didn’t exist and that the Communist Party was right!
It’s this simplistic caricaturing of religion, typical of the pronouncements of people like Cox and Dawkins, to which I object.
I agree with you that a lot of presenters on serious subjects tend to be amateurs with a professional interest rather than distinguished experts in their fields. Brian Cox seems to have started late but, fair play to him, he has got a doctorate, which is not unimpressive. I am only criticising him on this “god star” angle he was taking.
The BBC tearing itself apart with its woke / diversity / race nonsense.
For most British people the BBC is finished!
The BBC is not British . IMHO it hates Great Britain and robs from the people of Great Britain that pay for it.
The problem is, its managers are so far up their @rses they cannot see it.
Where is Nadine Dorries, can she see it ? Is she brave enough to see it ?
The far-Left BBC champagne socialists regard the ‘British people’ as white racists. They despise them as inferior untermensch.
They hold their noses while they take their money and share it out.
Always interesting to research BBC articles elsewhere:
Claudette Colvin: US civil rights pioneer wants record cleared
The reason we don’t know about her is because at the time she was 15, unmarried and pregnant.
Also I discovered that all charges relating to her ‘protest’ were dropped. She was only charged for assaulting a police officer. The BBC don’t mention that.
Not quite the role model the BBC want – so they keep quite about the bits which don’t fit.
“Having my records expunged will mean something to my grandchildren and great grandchildren. And it will mean something for other black children.”
Yes : it’s OK to assault police officers if YOU think it’s justified.
The rights and wrongs of the story are not my issue : it’s the blatant and deliberate dishonesty of the BBC with their usual ‘lies by omission’ to fit their agenda which makes this article significant.
reckon… that qualifies as an ooops….
It’d be delicious if there was a live CNN feed
I think the ‘we want trump’ was dubbed onto the sound channel – what they were really shouting was ‘eff joe Biden ‘…
Biden just cannot appear before the unvented public .
Fishing rights row: French threats disappointing, says Frost
Shabby treatment from a country that owes Great Britain a great debt .
Article 16 all the way now and get OUR FISH back on our tables !
‘The Yangtze Incident…………..
The BBC is just relentless. I was just looking at Radio-2 and I discover:
Is standing in for:
The 2% of the population standing in for the 10%.
I have no issue with either of these men, but really BBC ?. Do you not even realise just how racist, sexist and heterophobic you are now ?. Is this what you call equality ?.
Let me explain : equality is 4 white males for every 4 white females for every 0.5 BAME males for every 0.5 BAME females for every 0.2 LGBTQ male OR female.
Perhaps you should justify why 20% of your staff are LGBTQ. Its heterophobic.
Alec Baldwin shooting: Sheriff describes film set ‘complacency’
I have to say that I am enjoying watching the BBC squirming over the Alec Baldwin shooting. Karma has caught up with one of their own – a far-Left politcial activist luvvie who hates Trump and is quite prepared to use his position to push it.
Their big feature on prop-guns has turned out to be fake news. He had a real gun. Never mind BBC.
I do like this line though – absolutely typical BBC:
‘Prosecutors are refusing to rule out filing criminal charges over the case.’
Of course they are. It’s manslaughter due to negligence. Everyone knows it. Yet the BBC are phrasing it like the prosecutor SHOULD rule it out but won’t.
They are going full out to blame assistant director Dave Halls now.
‘the assistant director has admitted to investigators that he did not check the gun’s chamber for live rounds before handing it to Mr Baldwin.’
Neither did Baldwin BBC – and he pulled the trigger while pointing it at someone. Negligent manslaughter. Six months to two years in jail. Let’s see how corrupt the American system has become.
I suspect he will be charged (because the corruption will be too obvious if he isn’t) but doesn’t serve a day. The BBC will report every word he acts in court with utmost sympathy.
If he is charged, I suspect the BBC will give it a two sentence news item and say it is not a public interest story. Then see how quickly it will disappear from their narrative.
Breakfast radio shows lost listeners during pandemic
I enjoyed reading this article.
At the top witha big picture of Zoe Ball we get the caption ‘BBC Radio 2’s Zoe Ball still has the UK’s most popular breakfast show’.
Carefully chosen words because we later discover:
‘Zoe Ball attracted an audience of 7.2 million listeners – down from her last available ratings of 8.1 million’. ‘It does, however, remain the biggest breakfast show in the UK.’ That’s 2 million she has lost since she started. But we are reminded again that it is still the biggest in case you missed it earlier.
Of course it’s still the most popular given the vast amount of money spent to run it, advertise it and push it out for free on every media channel there is.
‘Some breakfast DJs, such as Radio X’s Chris Moyles, appear to have bucked the downward trend for breakfast shows.’
Oh dear. And it’s not ‘have’, it’s ‘appear’. Just a small element of doubt added.
The article has every excuse in the book why the BBC figures have dropped. However Zoe being a witless, unfunny, celebrity-obsessed narcissist is not one of them.
As I understand it Rajar is an outfit funded by those whom it monitors . And I bet the BBC pays most . So the ‘caution ‘ that rajar changed the way it measures is a sop to the BBC to mitigate the across the board reduction in listening numbers .
Does gladden the heart to see reduction in listening to ‘today ‘- which for anyone reading this site won’t come as a surprise .
One might have thought that listening numbers would have gone up due to home working and the ‘go to ‘ characteristic which the BBC always claims happens in bad times – seems not any more ….
Talentless Market Rates not set to apply chez W1A?
I’m really surprised that the BBC isn’t deeply concerned that their political leaders – starmer and rayner – are both ‘excused boots ‘ because of ‘covid ‘ and ‘bereavement ‘ respectively .
So angie was unable to do PMQs . ….or the budget response.
Also – the party newspaper reports that angie ‘is in a bad place ‘because of abuse she has received . It seems -then – that she can dish it out but not take it ….
British voters should not be deprived of the talents of ms Angela Rayner.
Remember folks, it’s only wrong when White people do it!
Yet another ‘Asian’ read Pakistani Muslim Police officer, this time raping a White woman and the Left completely silent yet again, because it’s only wrong when Whitey does it.
Meanwhile, in another land….
Wow – a plod remanded in custody ! Did they think he would flee the country or interfere with the case ? Wow ….
The Moaning Emole…
How often do you listen to morning radio?
Have you found yourself listening to the radio less in the mornings? If so, you’re not the only one. It appears many breakfast radio shows now have smaller audiences than before the pandemic. The drop’s in part down to fewer people commuting as many people still work from home, and popular shows are among those that have been hit. Shows by Zoe Ball, Greg James, Roman Kemp and Chris Evans as well as BBC Radio 4’s Today programme now have fewer listeners, according to the latest rating figures. But industry body Rajar urges caution because it’s also measuring audiences in new ways.
Try,, ‘at all’, bbc.
I have smooth chill on when working because Classic FM is now almost unlistenable.
Yes, ‘Smooth Chill’ is a pleasant alternative especially when chosen against the sqealing, yelling (c)rap and poor offerings squirted out by the BBC, especially at night, when kids and layabouts should be asleep, and ready to go to work the next morning!
I wonder what the lovely lady who does the links looks like…
No news. Bliss. There is is also the genius media buying for the single ad break where they place that tool Schofield first.
If I forget his ‘Philip Schofield he…’ gets it muted for 5’.
How the other advertisers feel I do wonder.
Seems Wendy’s empire is extending.
Is India on track to meet its climate targets?
The Indian government has yet to submit its latest plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions, ahead of the forthcoming United Nations climate summit in the UK. India is the world’s third largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2), after China and the US. With its rapidly growing population and an economy heavily dependent on coal and oil, its emissions are set on a steep upward trajectory unless radical action is taken to curb them.
India has resisted setting a target for an overall reduction, saying industrialised nations should bear a much greater share of the burden as they have contributed far more to emissions over time. An “emissions-intensity” target, which reflects a country’s economic growth, is a fairer way to compare it with other countries, it says. It has set a target of a 33-35% cut in its emissions intensity from the 2005 level by 2030. However, a fall in carbon intensity does not necessarily mean a reduction in overall emissions.
Read full article >
Shruti Menon
Reality Check
I wonder if Shruti is based there or simply another cubicle gardener in W1A?
And has the specialist expertise in matters climatic as the Springster?