Today watch
I think I’m done with today for a while – and certainly whilst the cop thing is on. They are on a boat named after a senior BBC journalist which was meant to be called ‘boaty mcboatface ‘.
That sir paddy valance told us we need to change our behaviour to save the planet . Cycle to work like he does and eat less meat – like him .
If ever there was an incentive to do more of those things it is being lectured by him .
Meanwhile hundreds of millions of Chinese and Indians are busily consuming more of everything ( rightly ) as poverty reduces ….
Elsewhere …. The IFS and the various lefty think tanks the BBC depends on have concluded that the cost of living is going up along with taxes . And seem surprised !
When the Bank of England puts rates up by .25% next week I wonder if that will be a surprise too ?
Fed, the thing I enjoyed in that item by David Shukman, was it, that one of the scientists plainly said “We don’t know what is going on.”! Hilarious. Truly comic, if it wasn’t so serious and is going to end badly for so many people. Had Shukman not been biased like the rest of the BBC, he should have shot back: “If you don’t know what is going on in Antartica, why then are you creating all that CO2 to go there? Is it not better to leave well alone? And if you don’t really know about an area that has endless expeditions and studies done there, can we really expect scientists, including those on the UN’s IPCC, to make all these crazy yet specific claims about Anthropogenic Global Warming that are influencing some Governments around the world?”
But then Shukman is not a scientist and not a very good journalist.
The problem is that if clear overwhelming evidence came along which disproves the notion that humanity is affecting the global climate it would be surpressed.
The swamp has decided The Truth and no one can challenge it – echoes of a stolen US election really …same group think …
Plus of course if they did find out that nothing is going on they would all be out of a job so they have a big vested interest in promoting the idea that something is going on and needs looking at by experts such as themselves with loads-a-money spent looking|
I didn’t see the budget live yesterday, I was busy pruning a rather overgrown magnolia. It’s a brute of a tree and it was bloody hard graft, I’m getting muscles like Popeye…sorry, I’m digressing. I’m afraid my comments have nothing to do with Rishi’s fiscal competence…or otherwise, either.
However, I have seen snippets on You Tube and I’m rather more concerned that most of the cabinet seem to be back wearing the ridiculous face masks. Clearly we’re being primed!
We all know that the “opposition”…or opportunists, as they should be called, adopt them when in Parliament, but take them off if they’re at conference and they think there are no cameras about. Just bloody typical…
But yesterday I was startled to see Bunter with a black nappy hanging under his snout and most of his cronies were following suit. This is deeply worrying.
Jeff, just to put your mind at rest. It was purely political, the face mask thing, not personal. Labour Party has been playing political games with the Pandemic calling for facemasks to be made mandatory again. They have been whipped to wear them in the House. The MSM – basically the BBC, the Guardian & Daily Mirror newspapers – has been busy pointing out that the Government benches have had an absence of facemasks. The rejoinder has been “Most of the time people are socially distanced in the House because there are only thirty to fifty MPs present for some debates.
Crowded House (see what I did there?) and the whether to wear a facemask or not changes with you as an MP; hence the preponderance of facemasks on the Government benches.
TOADY Watch #1 – sshhhh! don’t mention the ‘s’ word . . . …..
‘A man’ has been arrested for making on-line threats against Angela Rayner MP, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. Justin Webb emotes on Angela’s behalf. “How terrible.” “Distressing” For Angela? Or ‘the man’? Or for the Prime Minister and the Conservative MPs who Angela Rayner MP called scum in her Labour Conference speech?
No mention of that by the BBC as a possible trigger for the online threats.
TOADY Watch #2 – in which the Bee Lady interviews the ‘C’ Man after his big day but cannot get a word in edgeways
It is obvious that the Beeboids are still smarting over the National Insurance increase announced some weeks ago as part of the Government’s plan for funding the NHS and reforms to elderly care. Now they are annoyed that flights to Antartica for work and New Zealand and Australia for holidays are going to cost a lot more. Oh, boo hoo. It was
Rishi could talk for Britain at the Olympics and win gold; he is unstoppable as Martha found out. Full credit to him. I hope he gets a chance to go up against Nick Robinson soon. Someone on here reckoned that Rishi sounds like Tony Blair. I agree – it’s the glottal stops that do it. C’mon, Rishi get back to talking, if not taxing, properly.
Some dismal navel reflection going on at the Beeb this morning: ‘Many breakfast radio shows now have smaller audiences than before the pandemic, according to new figures‘ – well, I suppose they’ve got to blame something.
Awkward BBC bedfellows Zoe Ball and the Today programme get lumped together among: ‘shows to have fewer listeners than the last time ratings were measured. The drop can be partly explained by lower commuter numbers as many people continue to work from home‘ – yeah, just keep telling yourselves that.
Zoe, dear, I suggest you spin youself that Fleetwood Mac track – you know the one: “Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies… Oh no-no, you can’t disguise”
Meanwhile, despite the failing Radio 4, it’s not all bad news for speech radio. Newcomers Times Radio and Talk Radio saw a bump in listener numbers. Perhaps the pandemic hasn’t affected the ears of a more conservative radio audience quite so badly?
What’s the Today programme to do? Come back to a more mainstream editorial stance? Perish the thought!
The BBC clutches at a straw or two: ‘BBC Radio 5 Live, for example, recorded a significant boost, probably helped by coverage of summer sport events such as the Euros and the Olympics‘
Perhaps our Justin Webb could try commentary on a bit of keepy uppy? On yer bald ‘ed, Nick, son. Can Nick Robinson still manage a hundred yard dash? How’s Mishal Husain’s backhand volley? We know she can keep scores, we recall the last Israel flare up.
The Mirror this morning best reflects the Left’s blind spots when it comes to the economy: ‘Champagne for rich… fear of fastest rise in household bills in 30 years‘ – it is always “fears” these days isn’t it? Anyway the Mirror is quite correct to point to inflation as a threat to household finances: ‘The Chancellor gave little support to families hit by soaring energy bills, tax rises and inflation‘ – Very true, but let’s break this down.
The tax rises are the result of big government spending which the Left always supports. Name a single benefit or public spending category the Left would dare suggest be cut.
On energy costs – just wait for the COP26 nonsense – as Al Jolson confided with his audience in his 1927 talkie “You ain’t heard nuttin’ yet”
Inflation – where do we imagine that’s been coming from? The Bank of England printing presses are going like the clappers – like one of those old time movie montages of rapid newspaper printing. Metaphorical printing of pounds that is – QE has ben the significant part of this QED equation swelling asset prices toward a dangerous point where the bubble might soon burst. But that’s a “fear”.
A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.
How lovely for the little petal. No word on how comfortable his team mates feel knowing he might be eyeing up their tackle in the showers after a match. One might say ignorance is bliss.
I have to say that having heard him talk he didn’t really need to announce he was gay, most people would have been able to work it out for themselves. Let’s just say he didn’t sound like Lee Marvin.
SIN! SIN! BBC Said it so we must listen to our high high priests! SIN!
“4. The cost of ‘sin’ – alcohol duty overhaul
Drinking is getting more expensive, with pub chains warning that higher wages and energy costs will mean much higher prices for a pint.”
ust before the chancellor got to his feet, one former minister on the right of the party said he hoped this would be a pivot moment: back to the kind of government action, where Conservatives were seeking to shrink the state, seeking to reduce taxes, seeking to pull back from some of the very big government moves they made because of the pandemic.
Rishi Sunak had a little bit of extra cash to play with, but instead of using that wriggle room he had, to signal the government was going to become smaller, in fact he staked his post out in a landscape where big government is here to stay, and eye-watering levels of tax are here to stay for the foreseeable future (although he seemed to dangle a promise of tax cuts before the next election).
HS2 cost overruns and a pandemic are not the best of friends. That black hole has to be filled somehow, even if it requires the smokescreen of some climate hoaxology to conceal it. Camera obscura.
Rajar Love – oh oh, the music has got hold of me again
Once upon a time the TOADY programme, upon which I comment regularly, used to have five million listeners a day. Now it has 6.5 (notice the point five) a week. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Over manned, over paid and under-performing, the TOADY programme.
That’s the BBC.
Perhaps if the TOADY programme was a little less … er …. toady?
“Weekly Reach” is a BS metric
you don’t need to know that X million dipped into the prog once for 5 minutes in a week
You need to count PROPER listeners and for how long they listened
eg a proper Radio4 listener is someone who listens 4 days out of 7 for 2 hours a day
If you had 20 million of them then that is a kind of universal service
If you have only 2 million then that’s 97% of the population not being served.
I had been a loyal Today listener for over thirty years, but I finally gave up on it some time back, as I could no longer stand its incessant leftism. Its treatment of Brexit and President Trump was the last straw.
It was no way to start the day. I feel so much better having given it up.
My average toleration time for most progs put out on any of the BBC stations is around 3 seconds now, thats usually all I need to realise that they are still banging some woke drum drum or other as hard as they can.
Don’t even start me on the heavily forced “melting pot” casting for every single broadcast they put out.
I do wonder if they even consider the reaction of the 90+ percent of their audience who fail to see things depicted how they are in their own lives rather than how the BBC wants them too.
I am even noticing raised and puzzled eyebrows amongst the wokest and most liberal of my friends and acquaintances.
A graphic based on weekly reach
BTW note that DAB is still less than 50%
yet the BBC had a pledge to switch off FM, that was supposed to have happened in 2015 or something
The RAJAR tables are here
So for Radio 5 they’ve got 35m hours spread through 5.9 millions listeners
So in theory about 6 hours each
However if you had a million van/truck drivers listening 30 hours /week each, that would make up almost all the listening hours
“told the BBC that the opposition should “not try to spin political capital out of a few sporadic incidents in reaction to the massive attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh””
Penultimate para seems… sparse in detail.
But there is a nice picture of The BBC Central Asia editor pointing at what remains of his solar distillery.
Still, tour of the Skye Malt trail soon? Before it is too late.
State and Tory supported eco vanguard cut electric protection fence and are demonstrating at Fawley Oil Refinery. Also supported by a couple of forgotten Olympic athletes.
Do not expect prosecutions. This is the work of Government approved vandals
10am LOCAL news
Attenborough has done announcements for new ship named after him
They used the opportunity to play a clip of a scientist “Southern oceans, CO2… Global Warming etc.”
That item is yet another Global Warming advert … not news
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
I was talking to a couple of building workers this morning. Their van had broken down.
They were delighted that Mark Carney has accepted the position of financial adviser for the COP, and expressed their wish that he will enjoy the work.
Their van broke down and we charged for polluting the street and had to pay Mark Carney £100 to talk about the evils of petrol which he has made a fortune from since birth.
Shaking hands, which is traditionally done with your right hand, became a friendly greeting because it was proof that you came in peace and weren’t holding a weapon.
It was also a sign of trust that you believed the other person wasn’t going to take their sword out to fight you either!
If coloured people want to be treated as equals, surely a handshake is enough? It’s personal, friendly, we all do it, but if they want to cavort around waving their arms in the air, a yelling some obscure noise, then they’re not really helping themselves.
I’ll never kneel down to anyone except in church, and Senora O’Blene can’t kneel down anyway, as her hip hurts.
Virtue signalling started by Ker Strummer and co and continued by the sad and lonely.
If you are going to refuse to take the knee, do so, but don’t fold after 24 hours and grovel for forgiveness.
If he’d taken the knee, no-one would have cared, By refusing to take the knee, he made a stand against it. By folding within the day and issuing a pathetic apology he just makes himself look like a dick.
The main local news this morning “A man has been fined after admitting a campaign of threatening behaviour against Great Grimsby *Conservative* MP Lia Nici.”
“he was fined £400 when he appeared before a district judge on 19 October.”
Hang on ..why have the BBC waited 8 days and suddenly report it now ?
Other media too also only report today
I guess cos everyone’s source is the “Local Democracy Reporter”
“He admitted offences between 30 July and 2 August this year, but Ms Nici claimed it had gone on for much longer.”
“pleaded guilty at Grimsby Magistrates’ Court to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour towards the MP.”
.. Well that’s a bit vague
The BBC must know the actual words
but doesn’t report them
FFS it makes a difference whether he has just called her “four eyes” or has he the been round her house 30 times waving a picture of his shotgun and saying he’s going to shoot her”
A one of £400 fine makes it look like fairly minor words
Ah, there seems to be a Twitter reply from the guy
I never made life miserable for them,
this is an ongoing problem due to a parking issues .
I was advised by my solicitor to pleade guilty due to the sad loss of am MP .·
i have not spoken the lia for approximately 4 years , i swore at her cttv camera calling he a name ,
i am not obsessed with her nor have i been harassing her , it was a one off occasion which i have been delt with.
Never did i state it was funny, i have my reasons .
Two weeks after the altercation, the guy tweeted that the MP’s husband was being vindictive by blocking someones car in
In October 2020 He tweeted to complain that the taxpayers had paid for the MP’s CCTV and garage doors whivh should have been replaced years ago
and named the suburb.
The MP’s mother in law then tweets against him saying she paid herself and the authorities should be knocking on his door for spreading lies.
What’s with the establishment’s attitude towards cross cultural migration ?
When I visited different places in Africa, you’d see that the countries could be made much better and you’d want to help
You’d get to know US peace Corps students and UN workers; and what you got from speaking to the old-timers was that these foreign aid workers got more out of the projects than the locals did. In that the projects just tended to fall apart afterwards.
We met locals and we’d say “It’s terrible that President Mobutu has stolen all the money”, and they’d say “I’d steal all the money too if I was president.
And we realised that you couldn’t just throw money at a country, you had to change the values.
But then telling everyone to become western is cultural imperialism.
Yet now the UK establishment expects migrants to come in from problem countries with different cultural values
and for it all to work fine.
It’s exactly the same here in Thailand. Once they are left to it, they scam and cheat until the whole thing is abandoned.
Everyone has a dream of a ‘get rich quick’ scam and admire all the politicians who manage to do it.
A poll showed that the majority of people agreed with corruption if they were getting a bit of it.
That’s why these countries haven’t changed for decades. And of course we just saw Afghanistan immediately revert to what it used to be once we pulled out.
We may as well not bother. The big mistake is letting them bring their ‘values’ en masse into the UK.
Perfectly put. If you add the proposed pauperisation of the country under the zero emissions strategy, we are seeing all the ingredients for major political instability being created within the next decade or so. A Huge drop in the standard of living and scarcity of resources which we have grown accustomed to taking for granted. Perhaps a nation of common heritage and values could survive this but a country with a wide range of people from different cultures with different values is likely to fall apart.
Yesterday I saw a clip where TalkRadio’s Mike Graham spoke with an Insulate Britain protester
He asked the guy what is job was
“I am a carpenter”
MG “So trees have to be killed for that”
guy snarky reply “You can GROW trees, but you can’t grow concrete”
MG just throws back “Yes you can grow concrete”
MG sometimes just throws out wind up lines at activists.
Was he doing that or something more ?
The first thing is that coral is like a concrete tree.
And some stone comes out of compressed fossil shells etc.
So actually grew.
A house made out of grown stone might be comparable to one made out of wood, except wood grows thousands of times faster.
But lefty Twitter just went crazy against Mike Graham “He’s the idiot that said you can grow concrete”
Then today I realise that although coral grows slowly the Great Barrier Reef is a grown limestone structure that’s so big it can be seen from space.
Concrete = sand, cement, aggregate etc ?
Sand comes from broken seashells . Seashells are ‘grown’ by numerous types of molluscs.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Taffman no, I think sand is mostly natural rock, it’s just silica rock
but fossilised sea shells get turned into limestone
“Chalk is a variety of limestone composed mainly of calcium carbonate derived from the shells of tiny marine animals known as foraminifera and from the calcareous remains of marine algae known as coccoliths.”
AFAIK coral doesn’t have much sand in , so it’s more like cement than concrete
Stew, quite right, you need sand for concrete for building. That comes from rocks (the right sort of rocks) which may be – over millions of years – a mix with compressed organic matter hence you can grow concrete. Same with glass. Concrete, and the components for concrete production, are trending right now for coming under fire from ‘climate activists’. It is because of the heat required to produce the components of concrete and to make bricks plus the heat released when the concrete is actually made up.
The problem is with these Climate Activists like Insulate Britain is their high level of ignorance. They think that blocking roads and stopping traffic helps, because it actually stops cars burning fossil fuel. That is only if the motorists are in the latest cars or, if not, think to turn the ignition key to off. In reality these protestors are the cause pumping out more and more CO2 into the atmosphere.
In the Bible, the Israelites as slaves in Egypt, were forced to make bricks without straw.
I see there is a Twitter account @back_the_BBC
I’ve never interacted with it , yet it blocks me anyway.
.. It’s tweets are typical leftyverse : hate towards Trump and the Tories etc.
Strange how many BBC fans are lefty activists not Tory activists.
TWatO Watch #1 – there is a difference, Faisal, and you should know it
Highly paid Faisal Islam actually turns up for work today having been absent from the R4 airwaves yesterday. However, he demonstrates that the BBC are wasting the money they pay him. The BBC’s Economics Editor does not know the difference between average pay and median pay! Incredible.
I switched on Radio4 this morning, expecting another COP26 Global Warming special
.. instead I got Steve Jones speaking calmly about coral
He wasn’t going “Global Warming, Global Warming it’s all dying”
Despite the tone Gareth Williams with the last word did use a scripted line
“We need global cooperation to reduce GHG”
.. “We are running out of time and we have to ask now !”
(That was the live version ending at minute 41,
the catch up version has a “bonus 10 minutes” longer )
Stew, Steve Jones – if it was Professor Steve Jones of slugs and snails fame is – if I recall correctly, something of a Global Warming and Climate Change sceptic. He used to be on BBC R4 regularly but I haven’t hear him on R4 in a very long time. I assumed it was that like David Bellamy before his death and others, he had become persona non grata as far as the BBC are concerned because of his AGW & CC views.
No, @Up2snuff Steve jones wife makes alarmist films for Horizon etc.
He was brought in by the BBC as a science voice when they brought in their policy of banning challenging of global warming alarmism
he signed off a report saying that Global warming science was basically all settled so the ban was OK
Ah, different Steve. Shame. Prof Jones is my favourite atheist. I was in a library a while back and his latest book caught my eye: just skimming through parts of it quite shocked me – a climate sceptic – I thought he might be ruled offside by the BBC and it appears he is.
“Africa explorer HM Stanley statue to stay in Denbigh”
Is this the taffmen’s pushback against the woke nutters with their nonsense ?
We voted to keep the statue but will the people of England grow some and follow us and keep their heritage ?
At least the nomenclature is well sorted, if confusing doubtless seeing a whole new outrage bus fire up.
Strangely, you forget to point out that the boat needs 4x DIESEL engines for propulsion, providing warmth to crew in cold climates, and generation of all dependable on-board electricity.
Coral grows like an underwater cement forest
then over thousands of years can become a rock “coral rag”
which can be used as a construction rock
eg St George’s Tower in Oxford
and a wing of the Barbados parliament building
A set of photos
Hopoe this makes the bbc headlines : soooo concerned about racial abuse: (black woman by the way ….)
Moment woman racially abuses Bolt driver calling him a ‘f***ing P**i’ after he asked her to wear a mask because he didn’t want to risk catching Covid and infect his pregnant wife
London Bolt driver Muhammad Usman, 37, asked a passenger to wear a mask
She claimed she ‘didn’t have one’, so he said he would have to cancel the trip
He did not want to risk catching Covid for the sake of his pregnant wife at home
The unknown passenger became irate and began to racially abuse him
Bolt gave Mr Usman no communication after sending generic apology email
The Met Police closed the case because they ‘couldn’t track down the girl’
Educashion, edgercashin, ejercashun is second subject of the day for the Montacutie. BBC go-to-good-guy, is Steve Chalke, founder of Oasis Trust which runs a whole bunch of Primary and Secondary Schools. For the programme, he mentioned – I think – a conversation he had had, maybe with a parent, about the absence of what Steve called a Learning Assistant or as they used to be called Teaching Assistants. Where had they all gone?
When I was at school: Primary and Secondary it was one teacher with a class of up to thirty pupils. No Learning Assistants, no Teaching Assistants to assist. The teacher had to maintain discipline and and teach all on their own.
It was a sign of austerity. Of Government cuts. Or as the Montacutie clearly implied, the PM saying one thing but not backing it up with action. Rishi Sunak should have dolled out even more money to education yesterday. Mean Conservative Government.
It is all very well bunging more and more money at the public sector (and in this case, the Charitable sector) but ever more imaginative ways will be found to spend it and then come back for more.
Struggling … Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
When I began secondary education in 1984, my first mathematics teacher used to throw chalk across the classroom at anyone talking when they shouldn’t. Repeat offenders would have to duck the textbook summarily launched in their direction. Nobody kicked off or went snitching to the year head, or encouraged their Dad to barge into the school and chin somebody. There was an element of fear involved which maintained order; adults held all the power and we children did not, and no pupil was treated like they were the friend of a teacher.
This began to disintegrate very quickly when corporal punishment within education was abolished two years later. By the time I was in my final year I was already hearing reports of staff being assaulted. The illogical extremes resulting from this change are what we contend with today, such as the extraordinarily entitled nonsense witnessed at the Pimlico Academy.
Many breakfast radio shows now have smaller audiences than before the pandemic, according to new figures.
Zoe Ball, Greg James, Roman Kemp, Chris Evans and the Today programme are among the shows to have fewer listeners than the last time ratings were measured.
The drop can be partly explained by lower commuter numbers as many people continue to work from home.
But industry body Rajar urged caution when making comparisons because it is also measuring audiences in new ways.
The latest radio listening figures are the first to be published since May 2020, and now incorporate smartphone data in the methodology.
Or this one, providing media with all they dream of.
A social media influencer is facing a backlash after she posted pictures of herself posing in front of her father's open casket
A friend of mine booked a hotel in Bucharest thinking they had booked one with the same name in Budapest …. Guess which one they turned up at – on a long long drive …..( during which their car broke down ) …
“Nicola Sturgeon has accused Scottish Labour leader Anas Sawar of talking down Glasgow “for political purposes” in Holyrood today, after Sawar claimed Sturgeon was “turning a blind eye to the environment Glaswegians are living in every single day” – with waste piling up on doorsteps and over a million rats scurrying around the streets. “
She is possibly the most tedious waste of space on media.
Thanks for the wonderful messages! The reporting I do is really important – this is part and parcel of it. Reveals more about how tactics spill offline.
For more on the online abuse I experience from these activists – catch this Panorama investigation.
EU referendum: Cameron defends £9m pro-EU leaflet campaign – as it happened
Rolling coverage of all the day’s political developments as they happen, including the ongoing controversy about David Cameron and offshore trusts, and the row about the government’s £9m pro-EU leaflet campaign
Gordon abused people all the way to his success … Gordon Ramsay has said he’s “proud” of his daughter Tilly’s response to a radio host who called her a “chubby little thing”.
“I think it was a breath of fresh air, that level of standing up and saying, ‘We’re not going to tolerate that,'” he said on an Instagram Live.
Tilly Ramsay criticised LBC host Steve Allen’s comments as a “step too far”.
roger harrabin
BBC Energy&Environment Analyst. Follows risk, transport, cities. Hon Fellow, Cath’s Cambs; Assoc Fellow, Wolfson, Cambs & Green, Oxon. Hon PhD. Own views.
Joined September 2011
436 Following
Measures introduced since Boris Johnson came to power, including Wednesday’s Budget, will increase the UK’s tax burden by £3,000 a year per household. according to the Resolution Foundation.
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
21 April 2021, received £1,468.23 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
28 October 2020, received £2,406.12 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 November 2020)
Just to cheer you up: this motorist got fed up with the eco-fascists at Insulate Britain and played his bagpipes right in their faces. Cruel, but fair.
(And, unlike the man who was charged with common assault for spraying ink onto the eco-loons, I don’t think playing the bagpipes counts as an offence.)
You didn’t get the pic where the Gestapo officers pushed him away from the terrorists in case he affected their delicate hearing. It’s pretty plain whose side the Gestapo and the government are on.
Watching the 6 pm BBC1 tv news for the first 2 minutes, before Mrs S beat me to the off switch…
I can’t help but deduce that the BBC ‘journalists’ pored over the budget fine print in desperate search of groups who might be considered to lose out because of the budget…..and then feature them as the first item.
Absolutely cretinous.
Very late on this one, apologies if covered already.
But oh the delicious irony.
The BBC’s new favourite, Alex Scott, (BAME tick, female tick) appears on ‘who do you think you are’ and guess what? Her black ancestor in Jamaica in the pre-abolition 1820s had 26 slaves !
Black people owning slaves! I bet someone is on the BBC naughty step for that one.
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JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Today watch
I think I’m done with today for a while – and certainly whilst the cop thing is on. They are on a boat named after a senior BBC journalist which was meant to be called ‘boaty mcboatface ‘.
That sir paddy valance told us we need to change our behaviour to save the planet . Cycle to work like he does and eat less meat – like him .
If ever there was an incentive to do more of those things it is being lectured by him .
Meanwhile hundreds of millions of Chinese and Indians are busily consuming more of everything ( rightly ) as poverty reduces ….
Elsewhere …. The IFS and the various lefty think tanks the BBC depends on have concluded that the cost of living is going up along with taxes . And seem surprised !
When the Bank of England puts rates up by .25% next week I wonder if that will be a surprise too ?
Fed, the thing I enjoyed in that item by David Shukman, was it, that one of the scientists plainly said “We don’t know what is going on.”! Hilarious. Truly comic, if it wasn’t so serious and is going to end badly for so many people. Had Shukman not been biased like the rest of the BBC, he should have shot back: “If you don’t know what is going on in Antartica, why then are you creating all that CO2 to go there? Is it not better to leave well alone? And if you don’t really know about an area that has endless expeditions and studies done there, can we really expect scientists, including those on the UN’s IPCC, to make all these crazy yet specific claims about Anthropogenic Global Warming that are influencing some Governments around the world?”
But then Shukman is not a scientist and not a very good journalist.
And the BBC are biased. Period.
The problem is that if clear overwhelming evidence came along which disproves the notion that humanity is affecting the global climate it would be surpressed.
The swamp has decided The Truth and no one can challenge it – echoes of a stolen US election really …same group think …
Plus of course if they did find out that nothing is going on they would all be out of a job so they have a big vested interest in promoting the idea that something is going on and needs looking at by experts such as themselves with loads-a-money spent looking|
Of course this may take time… loads of time!
I didn’t see the budget live yesterday, I was busy pruning a rather overgrown magnolia. It’s a brute of a tree and it was bloody hard graft, I’m getting muscles like Popeye…sorry, I’m digressing. I’m afraid my comments have nothing to do with Rishi’s fiscal competence…or otherwise, either.
However, I have seen snippets on You Tube and I’m rather more concerned that most of the cabinet seem to be back wearing the ridiculous face masks. Clearly we’re being primed!
We all know that the “opposition”…or opportunists, as they should be called, adopt them when in Parliament, but take them off if they’re at conference and they think there are no cameras about. Just bloody typical…
But yesterday I was startled to see Bunter with a black nappy hanging under his snout and most of his cronies were following suit. This is deeply worrying.
Come on folks, we all know what’s coming…
Jeff, just to put your mind at rest. It was purely political, the face mask thing, not personal. Labour Party has been playing political games with the Pandemic calling for facemasks to be made mandatory again. They have been whipped to wear them in the House. The MSM – basically the BBC, the Guardian & Daily Mirror newspapers – has been busy pointing out that the Government benches have had an absence of facemasks. The rejoinder has been “Most of the time people are socially distanced in the House because there are only thirty to fifty MPs present for some debates.
Crowded House (see what I did there?) and the whether to wear a facemask or not changes with you as an MP; hence the preponderance of facemasks on the Government benches.
Cheers Up2, now I get it!
TOADY Watch #1 – sshhhh! don’t mention the ‘s’ word . . . …..
‘A man’ has been arrested for making on-line threats against Angela Rayner MP, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. Justin Webb emotes on Angela’s behalf. “How terrible.” “Distressing” For Angela? Or ‘the man’? Or for the Prime Minister and the Conservative MPs who Angela Rayner MP called scum in her Labour Conference speech?
No mention of that by the BBC as a possible trigger for the online threats.
Clarifications and Corrections Dept. (Just like the Guardian. Hah!)
‘The man’ arrested for distressing Angela was making ‘phone calls, he was not on-line.
No news about whether Angela has been arrested for distressing Conservative MPs including the PM, who – like Angela – also has children.
The BBC has found weather influencers, in Kuwait, apparently.
Seems it’s hot there.
In a divine gesture, Hugh’s people give the bbc people a headline (not Brexit… sorry Femi).
“That’s 10 boilers for people with cancer. Ten boilers for people who are dying.”
TOADY Watch #2 – in which the Bee Lady interviews the ‘C’ Man after his big day but cannot get a word in edgeways
It is obvious that the Beeboids are still smarting over the National Insurance increase announced some weeks ago as part of the Government’s plan for funding the NHS and reforms to elderly care. Now they are annoyed that flights to Antartica for work and New Zealand and Australia for holidays are going to cost a lot more. Oh, boo hoo. It was
Rishi could talk for Britain at the Olympics and win gold; he is unstoppable as Martha found out. Full credit to him. I hope he gets a chance to go up against Nick Robinson soon. Someone on here reckoned that Rishi sounds like Tony Blair. I agree – it’s the glottal stops that do it. C’mon, Rishi get back to talking, if not taxing, properly.
Some dismal navel reflection going on at the Beeb this morning: ‘Many breakfast radio shows now have smaller audiences than before the pandemic, according to new figures‘ – well, I suppose they’ve got to blame something.
Awkward BBC bedfellows Zoe Ball and the Today programme get lumped together among: ‘shows to have fewer listeners than the last time ratings were measured. The drop can be partly explained by lower commuter numbers as many people continue to work from home‘ – yeah, just keep telling yourselves that.
Zoe, dear, I suggest you spin youself that Fleetwood Mac track – you know the one: “Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies… Oh no-no, you can’t disguise”
Meanwhile, despite the failing Radio 4, it’s not all bad news for speech radio. Newcomers Times Radio and Talk Radio saw a bump in listener numbers. Perhaps the pandemic hasn’t affected the ears of a more conservative radio audience quite so badly?
What’s the Today programme to do? Come back to a more mainstream editorial stance? Perish the thought!
The BBC clutches at a straw or two: ‘BBC Radio 5 Live, for example, recorded a significant boost, probably helped by coverage of summer sport events such as the Euros and the Olympics‘
Perhaps our Justin Webb could try commentary on a bit of keepy uppy? On yer bald ‘ed, Nick, son. Can Nick Robinson still manage a hundred yard dash? How’s Mishal Husain’s backhand volley? We know she can keep scores, we recall the last Israel flare up.
The Mirror this morning best reflects the Left’s blind spots when it comes to the economy: ‘Champagne for rich… fear of fastest rise in household bills in 30 years‘ – it is always “fears” these days isn’t it? Anyway the Mirror is quite correct to point to inflation as a threat to household finances: ‘The Chancellor gave little support to families hit by soaring energy bills, tax rises and inflation‘ – Very true, but let’s break this down.
The tax rises are the result of big government spending which the Left always supports. Name a single benefit or public spending category the Left would dare suggest be cut.
On energy costs – just wait for the COP26 nonsense – as Al Jolson confided with his audience in his 1927 talkie “You ain’t heard nuttin’ yet”
Inflation – where do we imagine that’s been coming from? The Bank of England printing presses are going like the clappers – like one of those old time movie montages of rapid newspaper printing. Metaphorical printing of pounds that is – QE has ben the significant part of this QED equation swelling asset prices toward a dangerous point where the bubble might soon burst. But that’s a “fear”.
Did Rishi mention getting back £300million from Blair?
Pandora Papers: Blairs saved £312,000 stamp duty in property deal
By Pandora Papers reporting team
BBC Panorama
Published3 October
All the pr that is fit to print, air…l
Any news of Gay people becoming heterosexual with a sign of relief?
A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.
A judge gave the go-ahead for a full hearing of the case against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust.
How lovely for the little petal. No word on how comfortable his team mates feel knowing he might be eyeing up their tackle in the showers after a match. One might say ignorance is bliss.
I have to say that having heard him talk he didn’t really need to announce he was gay, most people would have been able to work it out for themselves. Let’s just say he didn’t sound like Lee Marvin.
Lol ! Didn’t even need the voice, just look at them eyebrows !!
SIN! SIN! BBC Said it so we must listen to our high high priests! SIN!
“4. The cost of ‘sin’ – alcohol duty overhaul
Drinking is getting more expensive, with pub chains warning that higher wages and energy costs will mean much higher prices for a pint.”
Given the decoration of choice of BBc corridors, are the wages of sin based on falling audience?
The pub chain in question seems one the BBc has links to.
I read Wetherspoons is reducing the cost.
Meanwhile ‘experts’ suggest that scotch ‘could’ cease production in Scotland, currently flooding, due to lack of water.
Entire whisky distillery ships out to China
By Magnus Bennett
BBC Scotland News
Springster moonlighting at Getty?
ust before the chancellor got to his feet, one former minister on the right of the party said he hoped this would be a pivot moment: back to the kind of government action, where Conservatives were seeking to shrink the state, seeking to reduce taxes, seeking to pull back from some of the very big government moves they made because of the pandemic.
Rishi Sunak had a little bit of extra cash to play with, but instead of using that wriggle room he had, to signal the government was going to become smaller, in fact he staked his post out in a landscape where big government is here to stay, and eye-watering levels of tax are here to stay for the foreseeable future (although he seemed to dangle a promise of tax cuts before the next election).
That has created Conservative tensions but clearly it’s the political calculation of him and Boris Johnson that it’s the right thing to do.
HS2 cost overruns and a pandemic are not the best of friends. That black hole has to be filled somehow, even if it requires the smokescreen of some climate hoaxology to conceal it. Camera obscura.
Rajar Love – oh oh, the music has got hold of me again
Once upon a time the TOADY programme, upon which I comment regularly, used to have five million listeners a day. Now it has 6.5 (notice the point five) a week. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Over manned, over paid and under-performing, the TOADY programme.
That’s the BBC.
Perhaps if the TOADY programme was a little less … er …. toady?
The guardian gleefully claims ‘ times radio ‘ is losing money .. but leaves out the absence of accountability for the state broadcaster …
…. Also it excuses bad numbers by saying counting methods have changed .
One gets the feeling listening habits are changing too rapidly for that industry to measure
Ironically i think amazon alexa must know more about listening habits than anyone- paricularly music streaming .
Who wants to listen to some woke gormless lightweight at breakfast time when your favourite tunes are ready and waiting ?
Seems inevitable that amazon will launch a radio station using prime and alexa with loyalty points for listening …
“Weekly Reach” is a BS metric
you don’t need to know that X million dipped into the prog once for 5 minutes in a week
You need to count PROPER listeners and for how long they listened
eg a proper Radio4 listener is someone who listens 4 days out of 7 for 2 hours a day
If you had 20 million of them then that is a kind of universal service
If you have only 2 million then that’s 97% of the population not being served.
I had been a loyal Today listener for over thirty years, but I finally gave up on it some time back, as I could no longer stand its incessant leftism. Its treatment of Brexit and President Trump was the last straw.
It was no way to start the day. I feel so much better having given it up.
My average toleration time for most progs put out on any of the BBC stations is around 3 seconds now, thats usually all I need to realise that they are still banging some woke drum drum or other as hard as they can.
Don’t even start me on the heavily forced “melting pot” casting for every single broadcast they put out.
I do wonder if they even consider the reaction of the 90+ percent of their audience who fail to see things depicted how they are in their own lives rather than how the BBC wants them too.
I am even noticing raised and puzzled eyebrows amongst the wokest and most liberal of my friends and acquaintances.
A graphic based on weekly reach
BTW note that DAB is still less than 50%
yet the BBC had a pledge to switch off FM, that was supposed to have happened in 2015 or something
The RAJAR tables are here
So for Radio 5 they’ve got 35m hours spread through 5.9 millions listeners
So in theory about 6 hours each
However if you had a million van/truck drivers listening 30 hours /week each, that would make up almost all the listening hours
The Asian business news makes it clear that although BBC chases the Asian audience a sizable chunk is served by special Asian companies
In Lodon they beat the bBC
Meanwhile inanimate effigies’Rderigger in the church.
Tripura: Anti-Muslim violence flares up in Indian state
A headline which could so easily have been:
‘Violence flares up in protests after Muslims murder 7 Hindus and destroy hundreds of homes in Bangladesh.’
Depending on whose side you are on.
“told the BBC that the opposition should “not try to spin political capital out of a few sporadic incidents in reaction to the massive attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh””
Penultimate para seems… sparse in detail.
But there is a nice picture of The BBC Central Asia editor pointing at what remains of his solar distillery.
Still, tour of the Skye Malt trail soon? Before it is too late.
The ‘elsewhere on The BBC panels’ currently are… very BBC.
The journalist looks a bit iffy too.
View at
State and Tory supported eco vanguard cut electric protection fence and are demonstrating at Fawley Oil Refinery. Also supported by a couple of forgotten Olympic athletes.
Do not expect prosecutions. This is the work of Government approved vandals
Cannot protect 1400+ raped kids .. can protect a boat …
A peroxide blonde in office has said it is unacceptable.
10am LOCAL news
Attenborough has done announcements for new ship named after him
They used the opportunity to play a clip of a scientist “Southern oceans, CO2… Global Warming etc.”
That item is yet another Global Warming advert … not news
One door shuts .. another opens …
The Prime Minister has appointed the outgoing Bank of England Governor Mark Carney as a key adviser for the UN climate change conference, COP26.
Boris Johnson met today with Mr Carney in Downing Street where he confirmed his new role as the Prime Minister’s Finance Adviser for COP26.
Mr Carney will help the UK Government to mobilise ambitious action from across the financial system ahead of the UK summit in November.
“I am thrilled that Mark Carney has accepted the position as our Prime Minister’s Finance Adviser for COP26.”
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
I was talking to a couple of building workers this morning. Their van had broken down.
They were delighted that Mark Carney has accepted the position of financial adviser for the COP, and expressed their wish that he will enjoy the work.
Ooooh thank you, GWF!
That’s the funniest post I’ve seen for ages, and I’m still laughing inanely!
Bless your heart!
Their van broke down and we charged for polluting the street and had to pay Mark Carney £100 to talk about the evils of petrol which he has made a fortune from since birth.
Carney (with others) belongs in a dungeon.
YOU WILL BOW IN THE END .. you job and life depend on it …
“South Africa’s Quinton de Kock has apologised after refusing to take a knee and says he is “not a racist”.
The wicketkeeper-batsman made himself unavailable for the T20 World Cup win against West Indies because he did not want to make the gesture.
“I would like to start by saying sorry to my team-mates, and the fans back home,” he said.
“If me taking a knee helps to educate others, and makes the lives of others better, I am more than happy to do so.”
Shaking hands, which is traditionally done with your right hand, became a friendly greeting because it was proof that you came in peace and weren’t holding a weapon.
It was also a sign of trust that you believed the other person wasn’t going to take their sword out to fight you either!
If coloured people want to be treated as equals, surely a handshake is enough? It’s personal, friendly, we all do it, but if they want to cavort around waving their arms in the air, a yelling some obscure noise, then they’re not really helping themselves.
I’ll never kneel down to anyone except in church, and Senora O’Blene can’t kneel down anyway, as her hip hurts.
Virtue signalling started by Ker Strummer and co and continued by the sad and lonely.
‘coloured people’
Now, now.
Didn’t take him long to break.
If you are going to refuse to take the knee, do so, but don’t fold after 24 hours and grovel for forgiveness.
If he’d taken the knee, no-one would have cared, By refusing to take the knee, he made a stand against it. By folding within the day and issuing a pathetic apology he just makes himself look like a dick.
Best avoid footballing in Oz then.
The main local news this morning “A man has been fined after admitting a campaign of threatening behaviour against Great Grimsby *Conservative* MP Lia Nici.”
“he was fined £400 when he appeared before a district judge on 19 October.”
Hang on ..why have the BBC waited 8 days and suddenly report it now ?
Other media too also only report today
I guess cos everyone’s source is the “Local Democracy Reporter”
“He admitted offences between 30 July and 2 August this year, but Ms Nici claimed it had gone on for much longer.”
“pleaded guilty at Grimsby Magistrates’ Court to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour towards the MP.”
.. Well that’s a bit vague
The BBC must know the actual words
but doesn’t report them
FFS it makes a difference whether he has just called her “four eyes” or has he the been round her house 30 times waving a picture of his shotgun and saying he’s going to shoot her”
A one of £400 fine makes it look like fairly minor words
The local paper report is vague too
And includes a large picture of Jo Cox
Ah, there seems to be a Twitter reply from the guy
Two weeks after the altercation, the guy tweeted that the MP’s husband was being vindictive by blocking someones car in
In October 2020 He tweeted to complain that the taxpayers had paid for the MP’s CCTV and garage doors whivh should have been replaced years ago
and named the suburb.
The MP’s mother in law then tweets against him saying she paid herself and the authorities should be knocking on his door for spreading lies.
What’s with the establishment’s attitude towards cross cultural migration ?
When I visited different places in Africa, you’d see that the countries could be made much better and you’d want to help
You’d get to know US peace Corps students and UN workers; and what you got from speaking to the old-timers was that these foreign aid workers got more out of the projects than the locals did. In that the projects just tended to fall apart afterwards.
We met locals and we’d say “It’s terrible that President Mobutu has stolen all the money”, and they’d say “I’d steal all the money too if I was president.
And we realised that you couldn’t just throw money at a country, you had to change the values.
But then telling everyone to become western is cultural imperialism.
Yet now the UK establishment expects migrants to come in from problem countries with different cultural values
and for it all to work fine.
It’s exactly the same here in Thailand. Once they are left to it, they scam and cheat until the whole thing is abandoned.
Everyone has a dream of a ‘get rich quick’ scam and admire all the politicians who manage to do it.
A poll showed that the majority of people agreed with corruption if they were getting a bit of it.
That’s why these countries haven’t changed for decades. And of course we just saw Afghanistan immediately revert to what it used to be once we pulled out.
We may as well not bother. The big mistake is letting them bring their ‘values’ en masse into the UK.
A very good post which uncovers some uncomfortable truths.
Perfectly put. If you add the proposed pauperisation of the country under the zero emissions strategy, we are seeing all the ingredients for major political instability being created within the next decade or so. A Huge drop in the standard of living and scarcity of resources which we have grown accustomed to taking for granted. Perhaps a nation of common heritage and values could survive this but a country with a wide range of people from different cultures with different values is likely to fall apart.
Yesterday I saw a clip where TalkRadio’s Mike Graham spoke with an Insulate Britain protester
He asked the guy what is job was
“I am a carpenter”
MG “So trees have to be killed for that”
guy snarky reply “You can GROW trees, but you can’t grow concrete”
MG just throws back “Yes you can grow concrete”
MG sometimes just throws out wind up lines at activists.
Was he doing that or something more ?
The first thing is that coral is like a concrete tree.
And some stone comes out of compressed fossil shells etc.
So actually grew.
A house made out of grown stone might be comparable to one made out of wood, except wood grows thousands of times faster.
But lefty Twitter just went crazy against Mike Graham “He’s the idiot that said you can grow concrete”
Then today I realise that although coral grows slowly the Great Barrier Reef is a grown limestone structure that’s so big it can be seen from space.
Concrete = sand, cement, aggregate etc ?
Sand comes from broken seashells . Seashells are ‘grown’ by numerous types of molluscs.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Taffman no, I think sand is mostly natural rock, it’s just silica rock
but fossilised sea shells get turned into limestone
“Chalk is a variety of limestone composed mainly of calcium carbonate derived from the shells of tiny marine animals known as foraminifera and from the calcareous remains of marine algae known as coccoliths.”
AFAIK coral doesn’t have much sand in , so it’s more like cement than concrete
Can’t use sea sand for mortar and concrete. It’s fine stone particles….but with ground up shell particles….not strong enough.
Stew, quite right, you need sand for concrete for building. That comes from rocks (the right sort of rocks) which may be – over millions of years – a mix with compressed organic matter hence you can grow concrete. Same with glass. Concrete, and the components for concrete production, are trending right now for coming under fire from ‘climate activists’. It is because of the heat required to produce the components of concrete and to make bricks plus the heat released when the concrete is actually made up.
The problem is with these Climate Activists like Insulate Britain is their high level of ignorance. They think that blocking roads and stopping traffic helps, because it actually stops cars burning fossil fuel. That is only if the motorists are in the latest cars or, if not, think to turn the ignition key to off. In reality these protestors are the cause pumping out more and more CO2 into the atmosphere.
In the Bible, the Israelites as slaves in Egypt, were forced to make bricks without straw.
I see there is a Twitter account @back_the_BBC
I’ve never interacted with it , yet it blocks me anyway.
.. It’s tweets are typical leftyverse : hate towards Trump and the Tories etc.
Strange how many BBC fans are lefty activists not Tory activists.
TWatO Watch #1 – there is a difference, Faisal, and you should know it
Highly paid Faisal Islam actually turns up for work today having been absent from the R4 airwaves yesterday. However, he demonstrates that the BBC are wasting the money they pay him. The BBC’s Economics Editor does not know the difference between average pay and median pay! Incredible.
Makes you miss Paul Mason storming the barricades.
I switched on Radio4 this morning, expecting another COP26 Global Warming special
.. instead I got Steve Jones speaking calmly about coral
He wasn’t going “Global Warming, Global Warming it’s all dying”
Despite the tone Gareth Williams with the last word did use a scripted line
“We need global cooperation to reduce GHG”
.. “We are running out of time and we have to ask now !”
(That was the live version ending at minute 41,
the catch up version has a “bonus 10 minutes” longer )
‘Steve Jones speaking calmly about coral’
A far cry from the heady days of the Sex Pistols.
Stew, Steve Jones – if it was Professor Steve Jones of slugs and snails fame is – if I recall correctly, something of a Global Warming and Climate Change sceptic. He used to be on BBC R4 regularly but I haven’t hear him on R4 in a very long time. I assumed it was that like David Bellamy before his death and others, he had become persona non grata as far as the BBC are concerned because of his AGW & CC views.
No, @Up2snuff Steve jones wife makes alarmist films for Horizon etc.
He was brought in by the BBC as a science voice when they brought in their policy of banning challenging of global warming alarmism
he signed off a report saying that Global warming science was basically all settled so the ban was OK
Ah, different Steve. Shame. Prof Jones is my favourite atheist. I was in a library a while back and his latest book caught my eye: just skimming through parts of it quite shocked me – a climate sceptic – I thought he might be ruled offside by the BBC and it appears he is.
“Africa explorer HM Stanley statue to stay in Denbigh”
Is this the taffmen’s pushback against the woke nutters with their nonsense ?
We voted to keep the statue but will the people of England grow some and follow us and keep their heritage ?
At least the nomenclature is well sorted, if confusing doubtless seeing a whole new outrage bus fire up.
SS John Lewis is a Xe. Apparently.
Our Zoe Williams in the Guardian demonstrating how to throw spite when you have no sense of realism, sarcasm or humour to make your point.
So childishly Metro-Liberal!
“Grow concrete? Now we know the climate deniers nonsense can be debunked!”
Coral grows like an underwater cement forest
then over thousands of years can become a rock “coral rag”
which can be used as a construction rock
eg St George’s Tower in Oxford
and a wing of the Barbados parliament building
A set of photos
“then the next call will be these lazy politicians – and they need locking up too.”
The Dame Janet Smith review identified 72 victims of Savile – including eight who were raped – and 21 victims of Hall, over five decades from 1959.
She said BBC culture “was deeply deferential” and staff were reluctant to speak to managers about complaints.
Director general Lord Hall said the BBC had failed to protect the victims.
One for new specialist BBC climate expert Rabbit Rabbit Spring to debate with Sid the Slug in Glasgow?
Fact Checkers Fail To Refute Polar Bear Number Increases Despite Extensive ‘Expert’ Rhetoric
The BBC connection there is that is the Australian ABC that set up a rigged fact check
Their thread is rather hatey, but it’s what you expect from libmob
Hopoe this makes the bbc headlines : soooo concerned about racial abuse: (black woman by the way ….)
Moment woman racially abuses Bolt driver calling him a ‘f***ing P**i’ after he asked her to wear a mask because he didn’t want to risk catching Covid and infect his pregnant wife
London Bolt driver Muhammad Usman, 37, asked a passenger to wear a mask
She claimed she ‘didn’t have one’, so he said he would have to cancel the trip
He did not want to risk catching Covid for the sake of his pregnant wife at home
The unknown passenger became irate and began to racially abuse him
Bolt gave Mr Usman no communication after sending generic apology email
The Met Police closed the case because they ‘couldn’t track down the girl’
The Met Police closed the case because they ‘couldn’t track down the girl’
Presumably because they all look alike.
I wonder if the case was closed by DC olwage , 51 – currently on bail of child ( 13) sex offence allegations .
I wonder if the proportion of actual or suspected sex offenders in the police is above the national average ?
What a shame that Mr Biden isn’t subject to the same sort of a roasting (or even better Ms Harris)
Jeez ted – you’re gonna give the old yes man a heart attack – wonderful- worth the whole 9 minutes – I ran out of popcorn ….
Surely Knob should have that phone twirling on his crown, like a Jez bike drone?
That is the Manchester tram…..and it’s at Salford Quays in the photo.
Do passengers have to wear a mask ? Has he been reported for prosecution ? In a ‘Cummings ‘ way – should he be fired from the BBC ?
TWatO Watch #2 – aaw, that’s real tough ….
Educashion, edgercashin, ejercashun is second subject of the day for the Montacutie. BBC go-to-good-guy, is Steve Chalke, founder of Oasis Trust which runs a whole bunch of Primary and Secondary Schools. For the programme, he mentioned – I think – a conversation he had had, maybe with a parent, about the absence of what Steve called a Learning Assistant or as they used to be called Teaching Assistants. Where had they all gone?
When I was at school: Primary and Secondary it was one teacher with a class of up to thirty pupils. No Learning Assistants, no Teaching Assistants to assist. The teacher had to maintain discipline and and teach all on their own.
It was a sign of austerity. Of Government cuts. Or as the Montacutie clearly implied, the PM saying one thing but not backing it up with action. Rishi Sunak should have dolled out even more money to education yesterday. Mean Conservative Government.
It is all very well bunging more and more money at the public sector (and in this case, the Charitable sector) but ever more imaginative ways will be found to spend it and then come back for more.
Struggling … Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
You had thirty kids? We had forty-two.
The only auxiliary staff were the live-in caretaker, dinner ladies, cleaners and the headmaster’s secretary.
Some of us used to help out with prep. work and various tasks were delegated to ‘monitors’.
Child slavery!
When I began secondary education in 1984, my first mathematics teacher used to throw chalk across the classroom at anyone talking when they shouldn’t. Repeat offenders would have to duck the textbook summarily launched in their direction. Nobody kicked off or went snitching to the year head, or encouraged their Dad to barge into the school and chin somebody. There was an element of fear involved which maintained order; adults held all the power and we children did not, and no pupil was treated like they were the friend of a teacher.
This began to disintegrate very quickly when corporal punishment within education was abolished two years later. By the time I was in my final year I was already hearing reports of staff being assaulted. The illogical extremes resulting from this change are what we contend with today, such as the extraordinarily entitled nonsense witnessed at the Pimlico Academy.
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Many breakfast radio shows now have smaller audiences than before the pandemic, according to new figures.
Zoe Ball, Greg James, Roman Kemp, Chris Evans and the Today programme are among the shows to have fewer listeners than the last time ratings were measured.
The drop can be partly explained by lower commuter numbers as many people continue to work from home.
But industry body Rajar urged caution when making comparisons because it is also measuring audiences in new ways.
The latest radio listening figures are the first to be published since May 2020, and now incorporate smartphone data in the methodology.
Looks like a bbc photo ed did.
Ash will be livid.
I’m guessing that, out of many a person out there, she will turn out in some way to be an ‘influencer’, but not like Greta or Femi.
Or this one, providing media with all they dream of.
Stay classy ….
( when I saw this on the twitter my ‘disbelief ‘ muscle went off for the first time in a long time )
Dear god. They can’t stop posing. What have we come to?
Death becomes her… bet the grim reaper moved her up the list …
‘Ash will be livid’
Is that a he or a her?
When the opposition is the bbc, the bbc go gaffe hunting.
Sunak confuses Northern towns, Biden confuses Nations, (people, places and policies).
One is noteworthy, the other not.
I sent some one to Warsaw once when it was meant to be Walsall …
Kristiansand vs. Kristiansund
A friend of mine booked a hotel in Bucharest thinking they had booked one with the same name in Budapest …. Guess which one they turned up at – on a long long drive …..( during which their car broke down ) …
Your loss. It’s a proper, old fashioned market.
COP26 – Rat Burgers?
“Nicola Sturgeon has accused Scottish Labour leader Anas Sawar of talking down Glasgow “for political purposes” in Holyrood today, after Sawar claimed Sturgeon was “turning a blind eye to the environment Glaswegians are living in every single day” – with waste piling up on doorsteps and over a million rats scurrying around the streets. “
Champion pitching to get back on the Vile Show.
She’s shaved it again ….
She looks like the illegitimate love-child of Derek Smalls and an Oompa Loompa.
She is possibly the most tedious waste of space on media.
EU referendum: Cameron defends £9m pro-EU leaflet campaign – as it happened
Rolling coverage of all the day’s political developments as they happen, including the ongoing controversy about David Cameron and offshore trusts, and the row about the government’s £9m pro-EU leaflet campaign
She is a star …
New book out!
“Thanks for the wonderful messages! The reporting I do is really important – without it I wouldn’t have a salary”
BBC Newsbeat
“I think it was a breath of fresh air, that level of standing up and saying, ‘We’re not going to tolerate that,'” the celebrity chef said.
To be fair, he did better reducing subordinates to tears.
Gordon abused people all the way to his success … Gordon Ramsay has said he’s “proud” of his daughter Tilly’s response to a radio host who called her a “chubby little thing”.
“I think it was a breath of fresh air, that level of standing up and saying, ‘We’re not going to tolerate that,'” he said on an Instagram Live.
Tilly Ramsay criticised LBC host Steve Allen’s comments as a “step too far”.
Activist Rog at it again.
roger harrabin
BBC Energy&Environment Analyst. Follows risk, transport, cities. Hon Fellow, Cath’s Cambs; Assoc Fellow, Wolfson, Cambs & Green, Oxon. Hon PhD. Own views.
Joined September 2011
436 Following
Stone him! Tie him to the stake….
Vatican pulls the plug on Joe Biden
>>> fair amount of horsing about in the replies 🙂
False president soiled himself again ?
And Biden is pro abortion which is a mortal sin .
Tax burden to rise by £3,000 per family, warns think tank
Measures introduced since Boris Johnson came to power, including Wednesday’s Budget, will increase the UK’s tax burden by £3,000 a year per household. according to the Resolution Foundation.
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
21 April 2021, received £1,468.23 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
28 October 2020, received £2,406.12 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 November 2020)
Just to cheer you up: this motorist got fed up with the eco-fascists at Insulate Britain and played his bagpipes right in their faces. Cruel, but fair.
(And, unlike the man who was charged with common assault for spraying ink onto the eco-loons, I don’t think playing the bagpipes counts as an offence.)
As a ginger myself I know how hard it is to get people to take you seriously!
You didn’t get the pic where the Gestapo officers pushed him away from the terrorists in case he affected their delicate hearing. It’s pretty plain whose side the Gestapo and the government are on.
Watching the 6 pm BBC1 tv news for the first 2 minutes, before Mrs S beat me to the off switch…
I can’t help but deduce that the BBC ‘journalists’ pored over the budget fine print in desperate search of groups who might be considered to lose out because of the budget…..and then feature them as the first item.
Absolutely cretinous.
Lousy budget. Wrong story, BBC.
Very late on this one, apologies if covered already.
But oh the delicious irony.
The BBC’s new favourite, Alex Scott, (BAME tick, female tick) appears on ‘who do you think you are’ and guess what? Her black ancestor in Jamaica in the pre-abolition 1820s had 26 slaves !
Black people owning slaves! I bet someone is on the BBC naughty step for that one.
A man who sent deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner a threatening email telling her to “watch your back and your kids” has been sentenced.
Benjamin Iliffe, 36, admitted sending the email to the Ashton-under-Lyne MP from his personal account.
A spokesman for Ms Rayner said she had received several threatening and abusive communications in recent weeks.
Iliffe, of Cambridgeshire, was sentenced to 15 weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months.
Angela Rayner has stood by her description of the Conservatives as “homophobic, racist, misogynistic … scum” after the Labour leader distanced himself from her words.
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