President Biden: "Today, I was proud to announce […] another critical win both for American workers and the climate agenda. The United States and the European Union have agreed to negotiate the world's first trade agreement based on how much carbon is in a product."
China, Russia, India and Brazil have sense and know that CO2 is life enhancing. Without CO2 plants will die. Too, warmth is good for plants. Its also good for all living creatures.
All in all, the West has committed itself to destroy Life on Earth at the behest of Marxist agitators pretending to be environmentalists.
Without those big polluters, the whole junket is meaningless and any targets they agree upon will only serve to further hobble Western economies, while China, Russia, India, Brazil etc roar ahead and leave us in the dust.
so logically if China and Russia and Brazil won’t come to the table, no amount of economic self-flagellation by the UK or the West is going to achieve anything.
a boycott of Chinese goods is the logical answer but absolutely no-one will have the bottle for that. The alternative supply chains would take years – why, we even rely on them for Lateral Flow Tests!
Thank God China and India will continue to generate inexpensive electricity, and raise hundreds of millions from of poverty and hunger. In conjunction CO2 will continue to give rise to a greener and more pleasant earth worldwide.
Yes, just watched Ashish Joshi reporting on it. He seems to be the first on a plane anywhere to do a commentary – I see Mark Austin is now reporting from a plane over the Amazon. Really ???? I find Joshi’s voice depressing and droning. When he reported from the wards in hospitals during Covid lockdown, – not the sort of chap you’d want at a party.
Interestingly, their two roaming reporters Ramsay and Crawford seem to have both been grounded even though they spend most of their lives on an aeroplane.
… and they have someone specially placed in Kolkata too…
Seems bbc pr as news has a strong Francophile division.
In a nutshell. The price doubled within 3 years, then there was a 9 month delay and the icing on the cake was the French didn't bother to inform the aussies that somebody (China???) had hacked the computers at the company building the subs before the deal was signed
Remember that batty bird who told Harrabin what to write. Or not?
Please delete this tweet Robert.
If you can show me where the Castex lettre says PUNISH, I'll happily withdraw this request.
But stating that they want French citizens to see the UK as proof that leaving the EU is more damaging that staying, is NOT the same as punishing the UK.
I’m 100% certain he said Brexit would be bad for everything and is now cherry picking any which he can claim to be true while totally ignoring all the others.
Someone ought to tell the far-left idiot that Brexit is over and to stop whining like a little girl. No wonder Vile loves him.
Meanwhile an ex bbc editor gets excited about manifestos.
"We didn't vote for net zero" says S*n columnist… but here's the 2019 Tory manifesto 👇🏽 – the disinformation drive for COP26 in full swing
The red zone is where Paul can meet Roger to plot the downfall of the West, despite the politicians seem to be doing a bang up job themselves.
At COP26, Green Zone events are where the public can attend – vaccine passports are required. But COP26 Blue Zone events are where the world leaders and key corporate delegates will be congregating – and they are exempt from vaccine passports. Them and
Politicians have always been liars. Now they pretend to know about the dynamics of Climate change.
Even the government funded Climate Change scientists are faux scientists, as they are unable to do even basic physical maths to define a real heat exchange problem.
I was just reading that India has had a trial launch of its latest nuclear ballistic missile, designed to deter China, which is busy building hypersonic nuclear missiles. Good to see all that aid money being used wisely isn’t it?
The Moaning Emole is predictably Naff, so rather than the copy pasted quotes every media is churning out, let’s look at what we are all talking about.
Word of the year revealed
There are lots to choose from for this year’s word of the year but unsurprisingly it’s related to the coronavirus pandemic, and one you’ve probably used. Lexicographers at the Oxford English Dictionary have decided vax is the word of the year. It was an obvious choice, says senior editor Fiona McPherson, adding it had made “the most striking impact”. Vax – a vaccine or vaccination – is versatile in forming other words like vaxxie, vax-a-thon, vaxinista and “goes back at least to the 1980s, but it was rarely used until this year,” she says, “it became clear that vax was the standout in the crowd”. Vax or vaxx – the less common spelling – join previous winners including climate emergency, toxic and post-truth.
I consider myself fairly broadly read, but few ring any bells.
VAX for me will always be DEC’s range of virtual architecture computers, giving us corporate email for the first time, in the days when a 10 Mb hard drive ‘solved’ the company’s email problems.
Twenty years later we had clowns embedding 10 Mb logos into each email.
Now, once in a while, my trusty ‘vax power 6’ takes a trip around the house carpets.
It has become apparent why certain ideologies see humour as a threat.
Resistance Twitter's "Let's Go Brandon" commentary is violating two key rules of the internet: Godwin's Law about Nazi analogies and Dril's Law about handing it to ISIS.
It takes a lot to get me up at 5am but the chance to shoot in a closed-off Colosseum has been added to the very short list. Couple of grabs from yesterday’s incredible location.
The blessed jon snow virtual signaled his commitment to the green religion by saying we need to change because his train north was going slow because of tree branches on the line .
He missed out the bit about it being autumn and stormy and maybe more trees need to be cut down so that people can get to green bashes.
Wow green green green . They had an actress called Lily Collins ( no idea ) who did a full piece about eating vegan and buying used clothes and being green . When I heard it I thought it was a spoof . But she delivered her lines with actor level sincerity and probably passed the approved list green audition …..
This green thing really seems to be evolving quickly into a need for everyone to signal their compliance or be banished ….
….and everything which happened is an adverse effect caused by human emission of carbon dioxide . It’s like some primitive sun worship thing where we need to sacrifice someone to have a successful harvest … maybe that is the correct interpretation of nut nuts ‘ line about the ‘end of civilisation – whispered in his ear by his poisonous nutty current wife ….
2. Margaret Thatcher – they will burn her effigy alongside Guy Fawkes.
Bear in mind that this is not about Climate Change green agenda but the imposition of socialist top down states in the West.
That is why they don’t care about China, as China already have a real one. And Russia, as they had it for 70 years or more, and are now fully immunised.
The Western World will be obliged (forced) to put shoulders to the wheel and the resulting fairy dust will spread around the Globe and solve all our problems and we will live in a land of milk and honey thereafter.
COP 26 The Reality:
Ridiculous strictures will be placed on all successful economies leading to a drastic reduction in the standard of living and the impossibility of competing around the Globe. Meanwhile all those Countries who don’t/can’t/won’t make the grade, eg: India, China, Russia, South America, The Middle East, Africa etc. will be dropped from news reporting so that the MSM can concentrate on whipping the former as hard as possible.
End result… a shifting of wealth and productivity from the successful “green” nations to the underperforming “murky” nations.
Buying products made in the West will become an obscenity or impossibility while buying them from dirty unregulated sweat shops pumping out pollution in third World Countries will mushroom and the number of container ships ploughing to and fro will multiply but this will be swept under the carpet.
The inevitable expanding pollution kicked out by the third World will eclipse any savings made in the West but the UN Global “levelling up or rather dragging down the evil Western World ” dream will become a reality so that’s all right then!
Make no mistake, this is not about having a cleaner planet, it’s about hobbling and trashing the West.
The best way to hobble a country is to regulate its energy supply, and make it a tool of the government. That way one gets socialism, which then destroys the economy.
Socialism – the quickest way to poverty and hunger.
Of course our BBC goes all in, keen as mustard to report every wild claim uttered in the heat of the moment, without an iota of a journalistic editorial thought to question or to qualify:
‘The world is at “one minute to midnight”, having run down the clock on waiting to combat climate change, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said‘
‘The Prince of Wales will tell the COP26 summit that a “war-like footing” is needed to tackle the climate crisis‘
Since when did our national broadcaster become this deferential to the views of Prince Charles and the Tory PM? Does the BBC charter not insist they also represent the views of the plebs – endangered species like car drivers, or chilly hard up householders, how about represent us… just a bit, here and there?
It isn’t only the BBC: ‘Sumit to save the world‘ – exclaims the Daily Mirror above a frontpage pic of: ‘Inferno. Helpless local tries to tackle fire on Greek Island of Evia‘ – combined with the screamer headline: ‘Heat is on‘ – if that were true then they might as well take away our trusty gas boilers and we needn’t worry anymore about soaring energy bills.
Follow the logic – if the Maldives disappears beneath the waves of the melting ice caps then we can simply invite all the Madivians over here. Every refugee is welcome and every immigrant apparently brings a net boost to the economy. We’ll tell them they’re all very welcome and we’re pleased they brought their weather with them.
But we all know, deep down, in our her heart of hearts… to paraphrase less than 50% of former comedy double act diminiative moustachioed Bobby Ball’s catchphase retort to straight man Tommy Cannon: “Rock On, Tommy…”, no, no, not that one. Try: “Deep down, Tommy, you really hate me, Tommy!”
And that, I’m afraid, is a flavour of the distain in which us plebs are regarded. We’re the silly daft buggers who need to be nudged by the Nudge Units. Given tax disincentives to behave, while the elite cop (pun intended) the tax incentives. They are the straightmen who know best how to keep their show on the road.
‘Rolls-Royce in green venture with Qatar‘ (FT)
‘“He’s nothing to me but a dollar sign”: 15 comedy duos who secretly hated each other‘ (Telegraph, 2017): ‘“Deep down you really hate me, don’t yer?” Tommy Cannon and Bobby Ball’s catchphase had a grain of truth to it… from 1983-86, the pair never spoke to each other outside of performances and rehersals‘ – funnily enough, politicians rarely speak to us outside of their performances and elections.
The Sun in October 2020 tells us more: ‘As one of telly’s best-loved comedy duos they enjoyed a lavish lifestyle – from driving ‘his and his’ Rolls-Royces and performing to crowds of knicker-hurling fans to relaxing in beachfront mansions in Spain. But things weren’t always rosy for Cannon and Ball – with the former welders battling through a three-year feud and even bankruptcy during their nearly 60 years together’
Knicker-hurling…? Really…? Cannon and Ball…?
The Daily Mail today provides a possible explantion of this most unlikely phenomenon:
‘Menopause brought on brain fog that left me lost for words by Jo Whiley‘ – I think I know how you felt, luv.
‘Oh no, where’s Jeeves? The super-rich staffing crisis‘ – complains The Times.
‘Cowell quits telly role, Wants more family time. Out of the spotlight… Simon is stepping back‘ (The Sun) – let’s be thankful for small mercies.
There’s this massive Glasgow Cop jamboree, gang show, dib-dib-dib, but the not so Left-leaning popular tabloids are not doing their duty, no bob-a-jobbing for the cause, having none of it today on their frontpages.
Although the Daily Star often does tend to fret about the weather: ‘Bang goes bonfire night. Artic blast threatens a washout for fireworks‘ – I’ve said it before, but I would absolutely love it if there’s a bit of snow this week. By the way, what bright spark booked the Cop Global Warming show in Glasgow in November?
The Telegraph tackles the apparent conundrum: ‘Vaping – who is right? How Britain and America are divided on e-cigarettes?‘ – just a sec… I thought we had all those clever public health officials who tell us to follow the science and know exactly what is best for us?
With a bit of luck the eco warriors will continue alienating ordinary punters with their frankly mad actions – one will even manage to get themselves killed and become a ‘climate martyr’ ….. thereby damaging their cause to real people even more as politician try to outgreen each other as they disconnect further from ordinary punters / mugs / us …
Perhaps Mr Bezos might look at the carbon front print of his own business model which has dealt a death blow to any notion of shopping local which of course the POW espouses. Perhaps Mr Bezos could also stop selling anything made in China or India if they refuse to sign up for zero emissions. No I thought not. It’s one rule for us and one for them. Their dictionaries simple don’t have the word hypocrisy in them.
Even if it were possible for Scotland to make a decent fist of independence they could never do it with Nazi Nicola in charge. Despite claiming she is a Scottish Nationalist, she is actually a Nazi who HATES Scotland its culture and its people and who wants to wipe them from the face of the Earth.
She has stated publicly that she wants to flood scotland with migrants from all over the world in a bid to destroy Socttish culture and the countries economy.
If they ever did gain independence England would need to build a hard border as the only way of protecting the country against the wreckage of a neo Nazi government there.
I mean, from India’s point of view, a measly million quid doesn’t buy much of a nuclear ballistic missile does it? But I suppose a million quid does buy Krankie a headline, because she’s worth it.
The safety margin for the West that insulates it from hunger is thick. But not so for Africa. There the margin is thin. Just a 10% downturn in the West will lead to hunger.
On top of a reduced CO2 and huge oil prices, is sure recipe for the old days of viewing starving children.
Have we forgotten those pictures? We dont see tens of thousands starving children anymore. That is a direct consequence of oil powered engines – particularly diesel.
NCBBC, you make important points. “We dont see tens of thousands starving children anymore.”
Don’t forget that is down to increased CO2 – record breaking amounts – helping increase food production in Africa. And aircraft too, NCBBC. The children of a Ghana origin friend of mine, worked in various industries in the UK including tourism, airlines and commercial banking. Two out of four have gone back to their parents’ country of origin to start businesses there.
When the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano erupted in Iceland in 2010, it severely disrupted air traffic around Europe and the UK. There was a farming co-operative in Ghana that was selling surplus fruit and vegetables to the UK via aircraft to, iirc, a wholesaler in the Midlands who then distributed it to customers. That volcanic eruption north of the UK disrupted the income of farmers in Ghana, far south of the UK.
Thank you Up2snuff. The facts you bring up must be broadcast as wide as possible/
Now we have the Archbishop of Canterbury in hysterics over Climate Change. If nothing is done, he posits, then it will be worse then the Holocaust.
First the Archbishop better start to pray on the following issues
1. Long before the supposed predictions on Climate Change come about, UK will be an Islamic country.. His main concern should be that. A historic Christian nation will be no more
2. As the CoE is a leading proponent of homosexual bishops and heaven only knows on transgender issues, he should worry that homosexual bishops will be first for the chop in an Islamic sharia land.
And this is likely in a decade or less.
The AB of CoE seems to have little faith that God’s creation is good. Clearly he does not have faith.
I watch GBN on catch up but yesterday I noticed that the Neil Oliver show wasn’t available but I did eventually find it elsewhere. Mr Oliver has become something of a subversive and tribune of the people over his three month spell on GBN, he casts doubt on many of the establishment’s treasured narratives.
I watched his show and he was highly sceptical about the motivation behind COP 26 as were some of his guests. Whilst he did not directly declare that there was little evidence to support man made global warming he was scathing about the hypocrisy of the elite who preach at us to make do with less whilst continuing to ride high on the hog themselves.
I wonder if that was why his show didn’t appear on the GBN website. Are the GBN bosses afraid of the elite’s reaction at being called out by Mr Oliver?
On the whole the first three months of GBN has been good and they have pushed the boundary further than I expected but are they now approaching what Ofcom, a tool of suppression to be wielded by the liberal elite whenever they feel threatened, will tolerate?
It’s war !meeshal interviews Liz truss over the French enemy . Poor meeshal – working from French government press releases taking on plucky liz – but completely broad sided by our liz telling the French to withdraw threats to cut channel island power supplies and kill British fisherman .
Poor meeshal – when our liz fired here shot the editor shouted in meeshal ‘s ear ‘leave girl it ain’t worth it ‘.
I think the BBC is frightened of our Liz – who may not be a minister for shouty statements like so many others in that toxic red cabinet …
Time for Kate Hoey to ‘cross the floor of the House’ so to speak, Stew? Shame that she has ‘retired’ to the Lords. She seems to be one of the few sensible conservatives left in the UK.
I’ve detected a renewed BBC theme – get some ‘minister ‘ from the 3rd world on – today it was a paki and someone from some pacific islands which may be a fiction …
Anyway – the tactic is to let said minister rattle on about how terrible ‘climate change ‘ is affecting their country – how it is our fault – and give us more Money.
Apparently the pacific islands might disappear – oh well – there are plenty of dinghies ….
By the way – do you notice that the BBC doesn’t cover the use of the wealthy using private jets – which cause more pollution – in proportion to the number of people using them ..?
I really wonder why that might be ?
I wonder if the BBC have a lease on a private jet ?
I realised that all these applied to my ailing relationship with the bbc:
Is it time to call it quits on your marriage? Relationship experts reveal the questions to ask before getting a divorce – and the red flags that can’t be ignored:
You no longer feel the same about each other
You are making each other miserable. One or both parties is no longer willing to make it work or pull out all the stops to make it work
You are stifling each other, want different things. Different outlook on life
You are both pulling in different directions and are no longer willing to compromise or be there for each other
Unfaithfulness which the other party is unwilling to forgive
A member of the establishment insider crew reveals all inside the sausage factory…
Like sausages, the process of making a G20 communiqué isn't pretty. Here's how the wording changed from Fri until Sun on new domestic coal-fired stations, from an immediate stop, to one in the 2030s, to finally a vague voluntary commitment with not date |
Like sausages, the process of unmaking the BBC isn’t pretty. Here’s how the wording changed from Decriminalising non-payment of the Licence, to freezing the annual Fee, to finally a vague voluntary commitment with no date…
9am Radio4 will talk about repressive totalitarian socialist regimes
I wonder if they draw some allegories with modern Britain.
– Ai Weiwei is promoting his book about his father being expelled to remote Chinese exile
– Another guest was born in the Communist state of Albania
BBC don’t do adverts, but right after the prog we go into the first of 5 daily shows of excerpts from Ai Weiwei’s book.
If anyone can point me to a radio or Television station that is NOT obsessed with COP26 reporting I would be grateful #overthetop
TOADY Watch – #1 – who are you trying to kid, Mr Khan?
Imran Khan, flying all the way from Islamabad to Glasgow, talks to Mishal Husain about Global Warming and Climate Change. He says developed countries like the UK should pay money to undeveloped countries, such as his own Pakistan. Oh yeah? That claim was not in accord with what Snuffy knew of Pakistan. To be sure, I checked with Wiki (usual disclaimers, may not be accurate, etc., etc.,) before posting and what do I find?
I am correct: like India, Pakistan is a highly developed country.
They have more nuclear power generating stations than the UK. Pakistan has the world’s biggest dam and, I guess, the hydro-electricity plant to go with it. They are also covering their landscape with wind turbines. They seem to have a more comprehensive system of motorways linking their ports. I wonder if they have a shortage of HGV drivers, eh BBC?
The Prime Minister of Pakistan obviously does not know his own country. Maybe if you see him again while you are in Glasgow, Mishal, you could perhaps direct him to the Wiki page for Pakistan.
Looks like some at ComCastEU have wangled themselves a comfy early winter long haul break. Two weeks fully catered in the Maldives = nice work if you can get it.
We’re reporting live from The Maldives throughout the week on @SkyNews. This island nation faces not one but three existential threats from climate change.
I was enjoying one of my regular rambles through London yesterday. After a miserable morning the afternoon was glorious. Lovely autumn colours in the parks. Towards the latter stages I always cut through Covent Garden; there are number of decent hostelries in the vicinity and pounding the pavement is thirsty work…
Just opposite one of my favourite little pubs, The Coach and Horses (excellent Guiness) was a chap selling The big Issue. He’s often there, I guess this is his regular spot. He didn’t seem to be having much luck, so being in a charitable frame of mind, I coughed up the £3 and purchased a copy. Ye gods, it’s bloody awful!
Okay, I know we’re in thrall to Cop 26 and all things climactic at the moment, but this was completely OTT. It was three quids worth of unremitting green propaganda.
I’ll give you a few hi-lights…
“Young voices are vital right now”…encouraging juvenile neurotics, like Greta, to become even more hysterical.
Then there’s an appalling, dystopian story, set in 2050, warning of the perils of a burning planet. “Americans who once complained about masking up for coronavirus now cover their faces for fear of destroying their lungs.”
Then they give us a few pages dedicated to Insulate Britain and why it’s imperative that they have to be MORE disruptive. “The time for polite activism is over”.
A little later we’re informed “There is no planet B”.
On page 43 we have “climate change at the movies…” The sorts of films you’d pay not to see and on page 50 there is “an open letter to my supermarket”. This whinge piece is obviously written by some incredibly well heeled climate nut-job who is fretting about plastic wrapping and they’ve printed her letter. “So until you persuade your suppliers that they need to find bio-degradable packaging, I will no longer buy your strawberries, grapes, blueberries…” A typical, greenie, middle-class wally. There are people struggling to make ends meet, FFS get a bleedin’ life.
If you distribute your dodgy PR claims via a newspaper
someone might sue that newspaper.
If you distribute your dodgy PR claims via a The Big Issue
..who is going to sue it ?
I bet the Big Issue gets a lot of free content pushed at it
so it simply publishes it
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning they had a politician on called Ian Lavery.
The complete rubbish he was coming out with was unbelievable, egged on by eager bbbc presenters/disc jockeys.
Did you know that, according to Lavery, a rise of 2.5 degrees will mean that “the globe will no longer exist”
That if we don’t keep the temperature down it will “destroy the world”
This sort of wild over the top crap carried on for ages, the bbbc couldn’t get enough of it.
Many of us are wise to politicians and know that they lie all the time but there are plenty out there, the sort who wear face masks when alone in their cars, the gullible and the children who may well be terrified by all this fantastic exaggerated alarmism.
What does it do to their mental state when people who get over £80,000 (so are presumed to have some intelligence) are coming out with this utter crap.
“One minute to midnight” “Last chance to save the World” and all the other stuff they continuously keep coming out with.
These are supposed to be above normal people yet they spout this at every opportunity.
We never hear the other side though, except on GB News.
Ian Lavery is very lucky with money
He ran a very small union so got a salary
but somehow the union gave him a number of extraordinary transactions which netted him £165K
when had it been just normal redundancy he would have got £20-30K
The regulator wrote a report but declined to prosecute.
Brooklyn, New York City, U.S. David Stroh Buckel (June 13, 1957 – April 14, 2018) was an American LGBT rights lawyer and an environmental activist. He died on April 14, 2018, by self-immolation as a protest against the use of fossil fuels.
Exhausting to watch Justin. Shrieking emotion, hand-wringing, body sways, interruptions…. all abit OTT. Great questions, if only you could tone it down a bit?
But unleashing them in waves (first Matt McGrath, now Justin) to harangue a pol who has fallen over himself to deliver insane concessions, in this sector at least, seems the height of derangement up to Timmeh! and his wife above.
Guido update : Justin Rowlatt’s sister, Cordelia, is a twice-arrested Insulate Britain activist whose name even appears on a National Highways injunction for her repeated protests.
Surprise, surprise.
ClimatevEmergency …. “24 March 2007, All UK Tour Operators Travel Association, Poitiers, including private flight Biggin Hill to Nantes. (£10,001-£15,000) (Registered 14 March 2007)”
Climate Emergency … Nature and value of benefit in kind (or amount of any donation): accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000
Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Dates of visit: 26 December 2019 to 5 January 2020
When I watched kids under 12 being interviewed about their ‘thoughts’ on climate change, I turned over to the shopping channel !
Anybody on here had any idea what politics were, what sex was all about, or were bothered about the weather (unless it stopped us from playing outside), when we were under 12 ? because I sure as hell wasn’t. These kids seemed to be spouting stuff they heard what the grown ups were talking about, with no real concept, but it made good tele.
Briss, I wouldn’t have dreamt of ‘stealing’ my children’s childhoods by unloading my concerns onto them, or troubling them with ‘doomsday’ scenarios – what kind of a sick and twisted parent does that?
Well done Craig – more meat on the subject than my measly assessment ( see the separate thread ) but I like ‘lists ‘ and tried to condense the flannel down .
Essentially the brief was to demonstrate that the BBC is ‘doing something ‘ whilst never admitting to doing anything wrong yet alone bias .
I suppose I good way to test is to listen to the responses BBC droids give to their ‘feedback’ programme – which until I gave up bothering – thought was the nearest thing R4 got to comedy these days .
I fear that government dependency on the BBC will shroud any attempt at killing it – yet alone removing the compulsory taxation it inflicts on those who still pay for it. But never me
Nut nut bringing down expectations of his cop thing doing much – it can morph into crap and hopefully be the start of his political decline .
I heard that the Chinese boss isn’t even doing a pretence at being involved ‘live ‘. He ll be busy charging around china opening new cold fuelled power stations ….
Unfortunately nut nut still holds a residual affection amongst joe public – who think they know who he is and like the bumbling mr toad act …..
Sooner or later Blighty might get a PM who knows what they are doing ….
Talking of eating, MM, I get the Telegraph free in Waitrose if I spend amore than a tenner, (and I do like Banks’s Barley Gold), and use it to clean the windows, because it’s very good for that!
Now, I’m cooking for myself as Senora O’Blene is in hospital, and delving in the freezer, I found some nice lamb mince, so I thought of cooking that up!
When I opened the DT to get a double page, there was an ad for Sainsbury’s with a recipe for mince and lentils, and began to wonder, but then reading the splurge with it, with all their cringeing usual woke stuff like eating less meat, and using veg like lentils, I thought ‘Stuff this for a game of soldiers, I don’t need some blasted supermarket telling me what to do’, so it’s fabulous full-fat mince, with spuds etc, and s*d the lot of them!
Oh, and the BBC’s coverage of the Cod26 thing has now infected LBC – more’s the pity, I was just getting to like the night-time slots!
The antidote to BBC & LBC COP sycophancy was Mike Graham on TalkRadio , came out guns blazing
(sometimes he is acting )
Mike Graham: "How can you fly in a private jet to a climate conference? How can you bring 85 cars over to tell people to stop wasting energy?"@Iromg |
Green this, green that, green with added green bits. I’m hoping to take my grandson and his dad to Santa Pod raceway next year. As a seven year-old he needs to enjoy these things while we still have them. The conversation will go “Now then Edward, this is a top fuel dragster. It goes from 0 to 330 miles an hour in under four seconds. It’s not too economical though, it will burn around eight gallons of nitromethane in that time”. I wonder if Greta would turn up if I got an extra ticket?
Anyway, get to the point mick. Green matters, the latest star to hitch your wagon to. Here’s what is noticeable – when did you last hear about black lives matter on the BBC?
Excellent – bbc house print sheet reports ‘chaos ‘ at the cop thing with the false president turning up late ( soiled again ) meaning nut nuts ‘ opening speech delayed – keep it up chaps !
Next – a power failure ? …
I hope has they sit down to lunch after Prime Minister Bollocks Johnson has waffled through pages of weather forecasts the delegates and any day visitors will be served only vegan food. Definitely no excellent Scottish beef or lamb and no equally excellent Scottish salmon if wild or farmed.
Just neeps and tatties.
Same for supper tonight.
And the next lunch and dinner.
And for meals throughout the whole Cop conference: just neeps and tatties.
PS: I hope someone has put in a FoI Request for the menu both at Glasgow and also at Gleneagles.
Do you know about the following which will have a big impact on the World’s climate and our future planet?
China allows three children in major policy shift
Published 31 May (BBC)
– Large population growth China currently has 1.4 billion people at present.
China’s Monster Three Gorges Dam Is About To Slow The Rotation Of The Earth
Cutler Cleveland , The Energy Watch Jun 18, 2010, 2:23 PM (Business Insider)
– Rotation of the Earth can change weather patterns and climate.
China is the largest developing country in the world. China is still considered a developing country based on the criteria of the World Bank and the United Nations. (World Atlas)
– Thus China can get cheap loans and be exempt from impositions put on developed countries.
China has banned BBC World News from broadcasting in the country, its television and radio regulator announced on Thursday. 12 February (BBC)
– I guess you if you cannot report on a Country then it can do no wrong.
Did you know about the above and if not then what are you opinions on them and their impact on the World?
Internet trolls and abusers could face two years in jail, under proposed new laws. Cyberflashers and those who orchestrate online “pile ons” could face up to two years in prison, under new laws proposed by Law Commission.21 Jul 2021
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
Rather than glue your faces to the streets and waste glue here are two ideas you could promote at road sides … might be a more positive way to protest rather than jump in front of cars, yet possibly less thrilling.
An example is a wine bottle, rather than use it and then put it into a recycle bin where it is broken down and then reformed into another bottle (but less pure) why not send the bottle back to the original supplier who can reuse it?
For prisoners we have failed them, for society we have taxed them and for families we have removed hope from them.
A suggestion of what is needed:
* Gardening daily for all prisoners – life skills, manual labour, exercise, time to reflect
* Persistent weeding as an activity – no pesticides
* Vegan diet – waste into manure?
* Self sustaining where possible on all aspects
* Grow hemp to create own clothes
* Generate own electricity for needs
* Water wheel to bring in water – manual process
* Not much concept of leisure time – work/sleep/think during labour
* Work only in daylight – reduces power consumption
* Goods sold as money – for when released
* Food produced given to prisoners’ own family – a way to provide for them in a big way
* Prisoners given choice between Lazy Prison (current system) and Active Prison (garden, dynamo)
Hope you like them, other FREE ideas are available on the website.
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Even for the BBC, this one is quite special.
Laura K still waiting at the station for Ed to arrive with Streak off Piss Controller Tourette’s Snow?
Is everyone in politics and media plain dumb and senile now?
First footin’ to be banned.
Biden: I’m pleased to announce , along with the EU, an agreement by which we both will commit voluntary suicide, and thus end White hegemony for good.
BLM for ever.
What was that? Its not my fault. It was Trump who agreed to all this with the UN.
China, Russia, India and Brazil have sense and know that CO2 is life enhancing. Without CO2 plants will die. Too, warmth is good for plants. Its also good for all living creatures.
All in all, the West has committed itself to destroy Life on Earth at the behest of Marxist agitators pretending to be environmentalists.
Without those big polluters, the whole junket is meaningless and any targets they agree upon will only serve to further hobble Western economies, while China, Russia, India, Brazil etc roar ahead and leave us in the dust.
and that’s the key point.
so logically if China and Russia and Brazil won’t come to the table, no amount of economic self-flagellation by the UK or the West is going to achieve anything.
a boycott of Chinese goods is the logical answer but absolutely no-one will have the bottle for that. The alternative supply chains would take years – why, we even rely on them for Lateral Flow Tests!
Its ofcourse the point. To cripple and hobble the West saddled with a socialist economy, while taking on the burden of a dysfunctional Africa.
Too, let us not forget all Muslims that can manage to get here by hook or crook.
Thank God China and India will continue to generate inexpensive electricity, and raise hundreds of millions from of poverty and hunger. In conjunction CO2 will continue to give rise to a greener and more pleasant earth worldwide.
A CO2 starved earth will be a desert.
It’s also very, very good for Billy No Mates Gates. Plants die, crops die, people die. 500k population cap here we come.
Why should they when you are all giving them just what they want by hobbling the West Joe?
Thousands of words from media.
And a picture from one commenter.
That might be the private airstrip for the Sky CEO.
Yes, just watched Ashish Joshi reporting on it. He seems to be the first on a plane anywhere to do a commentary – I see Mark Austin is now reporting from a plane over the Amazon. Really ???? I find Joshi’s voice depressing and droning. When he reported from the wards in hospitals during Covid lockdown, – not the sort of chap you’d want at a party.
Sky are the main sponsors of this jamboree, all objective reporting has gone, its now full on campaigning and PR. That’s what matters for them.
Interestingly, their two roaming reporters Ramsay and Crawford seem to have both been grounded even though they spend most of their lives on an aeroplane.
… and they have someone specially placed in Kolkata too…
Sky are the main sponsors of this jamboree, all objective reporting has gone, its now full on campaigning and PR. That’s what matters for them.
Seems bbc pr as news has a strong Francophile division.
Remember that batty bird who told Harrabin what to write. Or not?
Femi has quite a Twitter fan club
2,500 likes there
… twice what Peston got.
Is Femi right ?
His tweet doesn’t contain the letter
but rather a French newspaper talking about some lines in the letter.
This is what Vile alternates with YAB, Champion, etc…
I’m 100% certain he said Brexit would be bad for everything and is now cherry picking any which he can claim to be true while totally ignoring all the others.
Someone ought to tell the far-left idiot that Brexit is over and to stop whining like a little girl. No wonder Vile loves him.
Why does he stay here if he’s so unhappy ?
Because they are the masters now.
A question seldom asked.
Not answered.
Meanwhile an ex bbc editor gets excited about manifestos.
The red zone is where Paul can meet Roger to plot the downfall of the West, despite the politicians seem to be doing a bang up job themselves.
and they are exempt from vaccine passports.
Hypocrites of the First order.
Politicians have always been liars. Now they pretend to know about the dynamics of Climate change.
Even the government funded Climate Change scientists are faux scientists, as they are unable to do even basic physical maths to define a real heat exchange problem.
Personally, I would totally support a countrywide referendum on what the Government decides to con us with.
I see Bottler has pledged £1 Billion to help, “Developing Countries” come to grips with Climate Change. Is China and India still in that category?
The madness is well past blatant: its now into ‘frenzy’ territory.
Its students in schools who have been totally brainwashed by science teachers, who would be hard put to do any real Physics.
I was just reading that India has had a trial launch of its latest nuclear ballistic missile, designed to deter China, which is busy building hypersonic nuclear missiles. Good to see all that aid money being used wisely isn’t it?
But can you trust socialists to run an honest referendum when they have the opportunity to bring the West to its knees.
Cheat they will. Postal ballots by the millions with who knows who is behind the veil.
The Moaning Emole is predictably Naff, so rather than the copy pasted quotes every media is churning out, let’s look at what we are all talking about.
Word of the year revealed
There are lots to choose from for this year’s word of the year but unsurprisingly it’s related to the coronavirus pandemic, and one you’ve probably used. Lexicographers at the Oxford English Dictionary have decided vax is the word of the year. It was an obvious choice, says senior editor Fiona McPherson, adding it had made “the most striking impact”. Vax – a vaccine or vaccination – is versatile in forming other words like vaxxie, vax-a-thon, vaxinista and “goes back at least to the 1980s, but it was rarely used until this year,” she says, “it became clear that vax was the standout in the crowd”. Vax or vaxx – the less common spelling – join previous winners including climate emergency, toxic and post-truth.
I consider myself fairly broadly read, but few ring any bells.
#prasnews however…
VAX for me will always be DEC’s range of virtual architecture computers, giving us corporate email for the first time, in the days when a 10 Mb hard drive ‘solved’ the company’s email problems.
Twenty years later we had clowns embedding 10 Mb logos into each email.
Now, once in a while, my trusty ‘vax power 6’ takes a trip around the house carpets.
It has become apparent why certain ideologies see humour as a threat.
And yes, I laughed.
But really, it is about reporting the news.
The blessed jon snow virtual signaled his commitment to the green religion by saying we need to change because his train north was going slow because of tree branches on the line .
He missed out the bit about it being autumn and stormy and maybe more trees need to be cut down so that people can get to green bashes.
Burn that carbon
Today watch
Wow green green green . They had an actress called Lily Collins ( no idea ) who did a full piece about eating vegan and buying used clothes and being green . When I heard it I thought it was a spoof . But she delivered her lines with actor level sincerity and probably passed the approved list green audition …..
This green thing really seems to be evolving quickly into a need for everyone to signal their compliance or be banished ….
….and everything which happened is an adverse effect caused by human emission of carbon dioxide . It’s like some primitive sun worship thing where we need to sacrifice someone to have a successful harvest … maybe that is the correct interpretation of nut nuts ‘ line about the ‘end of civilisation – whispered in his ear by his poisonous nutty current wife ….
I think I can guess who they want to sacrifice
1. Donald Trump
2. Margaret Thatcher – they will burn her effigy alongside Guy Fawkes.
Bear in mind that this is not about Climate Change green agenda but the imposition of socialist top down states in the West.
That is why they don’t care about China, as China already have a real one. And Russia, as they had it for 70 years or more, and are now fully immunised.
Lily Collins has recently come out as “gender fluid”, whatever that means. She is very on trend isn’t she?
COP 26 – The Dream:
The Western World will be obliged (forced) to put shoulders to the wheel and the resulting fairy dust will spread around the Globe and solve all our problems and we will live in a land of milk and honey thereafter.
COP 26 The Reality:
Ridiculous strictures will be placed on all successful economies leading to a drastic reduction in the standard of living and the impossibility of competing around the Globe. Meanwhile all those Countries who don’t/can’t/won’t make the grade, eg: India, China, Russia, South America, The Middle East, Africa etc. will be dropped from news reporting so that the MSM can concentrate on whipping the former as hard as possible.
End result… a shifting of wealth and productivity from the successful “green” nations to the underperforming “murky” nations.
Buying products made in the West will become an obscenity or impossibility while buying them from dirty unregulated sweat shops pumping out pollution in third World Countries will mushroom and the number of container ships ploughing to and fro will multiply but this will be swept under the carpet.
The inevitable expanding pollution kicked out by the third World will eclipse any savings made in the West but the UN Global “levelling up or rather dragging down the evil Western World ” dream will become a reality so that’s all right then!
Make no mistake, this is not about having a cleaner planet, it’s about hobbling and trashing the West.
The Chinese will be over the moon!
The best way to hobble a country is to regulate its energy supply, and make it a tool of the government. That way one gets socialism, which then destroys the economy.
Socialism – the quickest way to poverty and hunger.
The ooh, I could crush a grape edition
Of course our BBC goes all in, keen as mustard to report every wild claim uttered in the heat of the moment, without an iota of a journalistic editorial thought to question or to qualify:
‘The world is at “one minute to midnight”, having run down the clock on waiting to combat climate change, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said‘
‘The Prince of Wales will tell the COP26 summit that a “war-like footing” is needed to tackle the climate crisis‘
Since when did our national broadcaster become this deferential to the views of Prince Charles and the Tory PM? Does the BBC charter not insist they also represent the views of the plebs – endangered species like car drivers, or chilly hard up householders, how about represent us… just a bit, here and there?
It isn’t only the BBC: ‘Sumit to save the world‘ – exclaims the Daily Mirror above a frontpage pic of: ‘Inferno. Helpless local tries to tackle fire on Greek Island of Evia‘ – combined with the screamer headline: ‘Heat is on‘ – if that were true then they might as well take away our trusty gas boilers and we needn’t worry anymore about soaring energy bills.
Follow the logic – if the Maldives disappears beneath the waves of the melting ice caps then we can simply invite all the Madivians over here. Every refugee is welcome and every immigrant apparently brings a net boost to the economy. We’ll tell them they’re all very welcome and we’re pleased they brought their weather with them.
But we all know, deep down, in our her heart of hearts… to paraphrase less than 50% of former comedy double act diminiative moustachioed Bobby Ball’s catchphase retort to straight man Tommy Cannon: “Rock On, Tommy…”, no, no, not that one. Try: “Deep down, Tommy, you really hate me, Tommy!”
And that, I’m afraid, is a flavour of the distain in which us plebs are regarded. We’re the silly daft buggers who need to be nudged by the Nudge Units. Given tax disincentives to behave, while the elite cop (pun intended) the tax incentives. They are the straightmen who know best how to keep their show on the road.
‘Rolls-Royce in green venture with Qatar‘ (FT)
‘“He’s nothing to me but a dollar sign”: 15 comedy duos who secretly hated each other‘ (Telegraph, 2017): ‘“Deep down you really hate me, don’t yer?” Tommy Cannon and Bobby Ball’s catchphase had a grain of truth to it… from 1983-86, the pair never spoke to each other outside of performances and rehersals‘ – funnily enough, politicians rarely speak to us outside of their performances and elections.
The Sun in October 2020 tells us more: ‘As one of telly’s best-loved comedy duos they enjoyed a lavish lifestyle – from driving ‘his and his’ Rolls-Royces and performing to crowds of knicker-hurling fans to relaxing in beachfront mansions in Spain. But things weren’t always rosy for Cannon and Ball – with the former welders battling through a three-year feud and even bankruptcy during their nearly 60 years together’
Knicker-hurling…? Really…? Cannon and Ball…?
The Daily Mail today provides a possible explantion of this most unlikely phenomenon:
‘Menopause brought on brain fog that left me lost for words by Jo Whiley‘ – I think I know how you felt, luv.
‘Oh no, where’s Jeeves? The super-rich staffing crisis‘ – complains The Times.
‘Cowell quits telly role, Wants more family time. Out of the spotlight… Simon is stepping back‘ (The Sun) – let’s be thankful for small mercies.
There’s this massive Glasgow Cop jamboree, gang show, dib-dib-dib, but the not so Left-leaning popular tabloids are not doing their duty, no bob-a-jobbing for the cause, having none of it today on their frontpages.
Although the Daily Star often does tend to fret about the weather: ‘Bang goes bonfire night. Artic blast threatens a washout for fireworks‘ – I’ve said it before, but I would absolutely love it if there’s a bit of snow this week. By the way, what bright spark booked the Cop Global Warming show in Glasgow in November?
The Telegraph tackles the apparent conundrum: ‘Vaping – who is right? How Britain and America are divided on e-cigarettes?‘ – just a sec… I thought we had all those clever public health officials who tell us to follow the science and know exactly what is best for us?
With a bit of luck the eco warriors will continue alienating ordinary punters with their frankly mad actions – one will even manage to get themselves killed and become a ‘climate martyr’ ….. thereby damaging their cause to real people even more as politician try to outgreen each other as they disconnect further from ordinary punters / mugs / us …
Just watched slob Justin ‘interviewing’ slob Johnson in extra CU HD on FB, sound off.
It was like watching two tramps having a girlie fight in a lesser known end of Deadliest Warrior. Arms everywhere.
They will literally copy and paste anything that hits their desks currently if it has climate in it.
Jeff’s is bigger than Krankie’s.
But Chaz’ is royal.
Perhaps Mr Bezos might look at the carbon front print of his own business model which has dealt a death blow to any notion of shopping local which of course the POW espouses. Perhaps Mr Bezos could also stop selling anything made in China or India if they refuse to sign up for zero emissions. No I thought not. It’s one rule for us and one for them. Their dictionaries simple don’t have the word hypocrisy in them.
Perhaps he could also stop using private jets and a 450ft Yacht which emits ovber 19 tonnes of CO2 per day.
Do as I say not as I do.
Prince Numpty shows Mr. Bezos his newly completed tapestry of his mother…
It is past time that we let the SNP simply get on with it…
Even if it were possible for Scotland to make a decent fist of independence they could never do it with Nazi Nicola in charge. Despite claiming she is a Scottish Nationalist, she is actually a Nazi who HATES Scotland its culture and its people and who wants to wipe them from the face of the Earth.
She has stated publicly that she wants to flood scotland with migrants from all over the world in a bid to destroy Socttish culture and the countries economy.
If they ever did gain independence England would need to build a hard border as the only way of protecting the country against the wreckage of a neo Nazi government there.
Nichola Sturgeon £1m fund
FFS that’s a spec not even worth reporting.
The COP26 pledge is to give poor countries £100bn per year or something.
How many O₂ thieves are on Sturgeon’s personal PR team?
I’ll bet that’s one million out of the increased budget the Chancellor/Bottler has recently ‘donated’ to the SNP.
She sounds like Dr Evil:
“One million dollars!”
I mean, from India’s point of view, a measly million quid doesn’t buy much of a nuclear ballistic missile does it? But I suppose a million quid does buy Krankie a headline, because she’s worth it.
The safety margin for the West that insulates it from hunger is thick. But not so for Africa. There the margin is thin. Just a 10% downturn in the West will lead to hunger.
On top of a reduced CO2 and huge oil prices, is sure recipe for the old days of viewing starving children.
Have we forgotten those pictures? We dont see tens of thousands starving children anymore. That is a direct consequence of oil powered engines – particularly diesel.
NCBBC, you make important points. “We dont see tens of thousands starving children anymore.”
Don’t forget that is down to increased CO2 – record breaking amounts – helping increase food production in Africa. And aircraft too, NCBBC. The children of a Ghana origin friend of mine, worked in various industries in the UK including tourism, airlines and commercial banking. Two out of four have gone back to their parents’ country of origin to start businesses there.
When the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano erupted in Iceland in 2010, it severely disrupted air traffic around Europe and the UK. There was a farming co-operative in Ghana that was selling surplus fruit and vegetables to the UK via aircraft to, iirc, a wholesaler in the Midlands who then distributed it to customers. That volcanic eruption north of the UK disrupted the income of farmers in Ghana, far south of the UK.
Thank you Up2snuff. The facts you bring up must be broadcast as wide as possible/
Now we have the Archbishop of Canterbury in hysterics over Climate Change. If nothing is done, he posits, then it will be worse then the Holocaust.
First the Archbishop better start to pray on the following issues
1. Long before the supposed predictions on Climate Change come about, UK will be an Islamic country.. His main concern should be that. A historic Christian nation will be no more
2. As the CoE is a leading proponent of homosexual bishops and heaven only knows on transgender issues, he should worry that homosexual bishops will be first for the chop in an Islamic sharia land.
And this is likely in a decade or less.
The AB of CoE seems to have little faith that God’s creation is good. Clearly he does not have faith.
I watch GBN on catch up but yesterday I noticed that the Neil Oliver show wasn’t available but I did eventually find it elsewhere. Mr Oliver has become something of a subversive and tribune of the people over his three month spell on GBN, he casts doubt on many of the establishment’s treasured narratives.
I watched his show and he was highly sceptical about the motivation behind COP 26 as were some of his guests. Whilst he did not directly declare that there was little evidence to support man made global warming he was scathing about the hypocrisy of the elite who preach at us to make do with less whilst continuing to ride high on the hog themselves.
I wonder if that was why his show didn’t appear on the GBN website. Are the GBN bosses afraid of the elite’s reaction at being called out by Mr Oliver?
On the whole the first three months of GBN has been good and they have pushed the boundary further than I expected but are they now approaching what Ofcom, a tool of suppression to be wielded by the liberal elite whenever they feel threatened, will tolerate?
GBN is a mixed bag, but its climate copy paste on Twitter is risible.
I think they just copy the one the BBC run with their logo.
Today watch
It’s war !meeshal interviews Liz truss over the French enemy . Poor meeshal – working from French government press releases taking on plucky liz – but completely broad sided by our liz telling the French to withdraw threats to cut channel island power supplies and kill British fisherman .
Poor meeshal – when our liz fired here shot the editor shouted in meeshal ‘s ear ‘leave girl it ain’t worth it ‘.
I think the BBC is frightened of our Liz – who may not be a minister for shouty statements like so many others in that toxic red cabinet …
Liz Truss is #1 in the list to succeed Boris,
Rishi had that ambition, but has dropped down a bit.
Time for Kate Hoey to ‘cross the floor of the House’ so to speak, Stew? Shame that she has ‘retired’ to the Lords. She seems to be one of the few sensible conservatives left in the UK.
Today watch 2 or 3 –
I’ve detected a renewed BBC theme – get some ‘minister ‘ from the 3rd world on – today it was a paki and someone from some pacific islands which may be a fiction …
Anyway – the tactic is to let said minister rattle on about how terrible ‘climate change ‘ is affecting their country – how it is our fault – and give us more Money.
Apparently the pacific islands might disappear – oh well – there are plenty of dinghies ….
By the way – do you notice that the BBC doesn’t cover the use of the wealthy using private jets – which cause more pollution – in proportion to the number of people using them ..?
I really wonder why that might be ?
I wonder if the BBC have a lease on a private jet ?
Interesting to note that the IPCC report states that the rate of sea level rise has been no higher in the last 50 years than in the previous century!
The men seem to be scruffy and bearded, and the wimmin mostly blonde.
All share a very intense belief in their god given right to be right.
No matter what.
I think Justin Rowlatt needs some therapy by now.
Neil Oliver “COP26 : its not about, what they say it’s about”
Meaning they tell us : it’s about saving CO2, but betray this by their own actions.
I realised that all these applied to my ailing relationship with the bbc:
Is it time to call it quits on your marriage? Relationship experts reveal the questions to ask before getting a divorce – and the red flags that can’t be ignored:
You no longer feel the same about each other
You are making each other miserable. One or both parties is no longer willing to make it work or pull out all the stops to make it work
You are stifling each other, want different things. Different outlook on life
You are both pulling in different directions and are no longer willing to compromise or be there for each other
Unfaithfulness which the other party is unwilling to forgive
All I have to do now is get evidence of them in bed with Corbyn or Starmer and present it to Messrs Sue, Grabbit and Run for papers to be served.
Will not take a Sherlock for that, maybe just a computer and access to the interweb thing.
A member of the establishment insider crew reveals all inside the sausage factory…
Given the French efforts on Brexit in parallel, cheeky.
Like sausages, the process of unmaking the BBC isn’t pretty. Here’s how the wording changed from Decriminalising non-payment of the Licence, to freezing the annual Fee, to finally a vague voluntary commitment with no date…
That final draft is excellent – being totally meaningless – new coal power stations well into the 22nd century …
House Journal speaks for the world.
I lifted it from their FB post.
Early hours, but so far 1 engagement every 3 minutes.
Wait until the BBC picks it up.
OT, very sad but a tad Lynne Truss.
Seems clear the Today supposed Laura gig is for young Femi over Jon ‘Waterstones’ Sopes.
9am Radio4 will talk about repressive totalitarian socialist regimes
I wonder if they draw some allegories with modern Britain.
– Ai Weiwei is promoting his book about his father being expelled to remote Chinese exile
– Another guest was born in the Communist state of Albania
BBC don’t do adverts, but right after the prog we go into the first of 5 daily shows of excerpts from Ai Weiwei’s book.
Kiss Kate, Me.
TOADY Watch – #1 – who are you trying to kid, Mr Khan?
Imran Khan, flying all the way from Islamabad to Glasgow, talks to Mishal Husain about Global Warming and Climate Change. He says developed countries like the UK should pay money to undeveloped countries, such as his own Pakistan. Oh yeah? That claim was not in accord with what Snuffy knew of Pakistan. To be sure, I checked with Wiki (usual disclaimers, may not be accurate, etc., etc.,) before posting and what do I find?
I am correct: like India, Pakistan is a highly developed country.
They have more nuclear power generating stations than the UK. Pakistan has the world’s biggest dam and, I guess, the hydro-electricity plant to go with it. They are also covering their landscape with wind turbines. They seem to have a more comprehensive system of motorways linking their ports. I wonder if they have a shortage of HGV drivers, eh BBC?
The Prime Minister of Pakistan obviously does not know his own country. Maybe if you see him again while you are in Glasgow, Mishal, you could perhaps direct him to the Wiki page for Pakistan.
Not all “reporters” are headed for Glasgow
Looks like some at ComCastEU have wangled themselves a comfy early winter long haul break. Two weeks fully catered in the Maldives = nice work if you can get it.
I expect he got there by magic carpet.
I was enjoying one of my regular rambles through London yesterday. After a miserable morning the afternoon was glorious. Lovely autumn colours in the parks. Towards the latter stages I always cut through Covent Garden; there are number of decent hostelries in the vicinity and pounding the pavement is thirsty work…
Just opposite one of my favourite little pubs, The Coach and Horses (excellent Guiness) was a chap selling The big Issue. He’s often there, I guess this is his regular spot. He didn’t seem to be having much luck, so being in a charitable frame of mind, I coughed up the £3 and purchased a copy. Ye gods, it’s bloody awful!
Okay, I know we’re in thrall to Cop 26 and all things climactic at the moment, but this was completely OTT. It was three quids worth of unremitting green propaganda.
I’ll give you a few hi-lights…
“Young voices are vital right now”…encouraging juvenile neurotics, like Greta, to become even more hysterical.
Then there’s an appalling, dystopian story, set in 2050, warning of the perils of a burning planet. “Americans who once complained about masking up for coronavirus now cover their faces for fear of destroying their lungs.”
Then they give us a few pages dedicated to Insulate Britain and why it’s imperative that they have to be MORE disruptive. “The time for polite activism is over”.
A little later we’re informed “There is no planet B”.
On page 43 we have “climate change at the movies…” The sorts of films you’d pay not to see and on page 50 there is “an open letter to my supermarket”. This whinge piece is obviously written by some incredibly well heeled climate nut-job who is fretting about plastic wrapping and they’ve printed her letter. “So until you persuade your suppliers that they need to find bio-degradable packaging, I will no longer buy your strawberries, grapes, blueberries…” A typical, greenie, middle-class wally. There are people struggling to make ends meet, FFS get a bleedin’ life.
Still, the Guiness was nice…
Three quid for a Big Issue? Now that’s inflation for you.
I used to buy it when it was about 85p, gave the vendor a pound and let him keep the change.
But that was before it became the Beeg Ishoo sold by Roma. No thanks.
RiC, probably London (Covent Garden) prices – these folk catch on quick. 😉
If you distribute your dodgy PR claims via a newspaper
someone might sue that newspaper.
If you distribute your dodgy PR claims via a The Big Issue
..who is going to sue it ?
I bet the Big Issue gets a lot of free content pushed at it
so it simply publishes it
If true … the resulting video footage will be amusing no doubt as the Glaswegian dialect from the bouncers will be unintelligible without subtitles?
Excellent – more of the same please – is it cold and wet ?
I want to see photos of the rats running about in the uncollected garbage
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning they had a politician on called Ian Lavery.
The complete rubbish he was coming out with was unbelievable, egged on by eager bbbc presenters/disc jockeys.
Did you know that, according to Lavery, a rise of 2.5 degrees will mean that “the globe will no longer exist”
That if we don’t keep the temperature down it will “destroy the world”
This sort of wild over the top crap carried on for ages, the bbbc couldn’t get enough of it.
Many of us are wise to politicians and know that they lie all the time but there are plenty out there, the sort who wear face masks when alone in their cars, the gullible and the children who may well be terrified by all this fantastic exaggerated alarmism.
What does it do to their mental state when people who get over £80,000 (so are presumed to have some intelligence) are coming out with this utter crap.
“One minute to midnight” “Last chance to save the World” and all the other stuff they continuously keep coming out with.
These are supposed to be above normal people yet they spout this at every opportunity.
We never hear the other side though, except on GB News.
“One minute to midnight”
Guy Fawkes reminds us that if you TAKE ON the government you will be burnt for eternity on the 5th of November until you repent.
Ian Lavery is very lucky with money
He ran a very small union so got a salary
but somehow the union gave him a number of extraordinary transactions which netted him £165K
when had it been just normal redundancy he would have got £20-30K
The regulator wrote a report but declined to prosecute.
Brooklyn, New York City, U.S. David Stroh Buckel (June 13, 1957 – April 14, 2018) was an American LGBT rights lawyer and an environmental activist. He died on April 14, 2018, by self-immolation as a protest against the use of fossil fuels.
Mental issues are sad to hear about.
But links can often help understanding.
Though irony shortfalls must be hard to diagnose in advance.
Speaking of mental issues, what ever Justin had he lost long ago.
Seems… very BBC… that all their enviro editors seem certifiably Bonkers as well as science-illiterate hypocrites.
Comments have a lot of acolytes.
And a few not.
That the BBC hires nothing but hive whack job activists to ensure entire categories of story narrative are consistent is not news.
But unleashing them in waves (first Matt McGrath, now Justin) to harangue a pol who has fallen over himself to deliver insane concessions, in this sector at least, seems the height of derangement up to Timmeh! and his wife above.
Guido update : Justin Rowlatt’s sister, Cordelia, is a twice-arrested Insulate Britain activist whose name even appears on a National Highways injunction for her repeated protests.
Surprise, surprise.
That’s not very good mpg, nowhere on a gallon.
In reponse to a post made earlier, there’s no way he would get away with this on the BBC:
“’s all our fault, and now we are to marvel at those special people whom to rules do not apply, and have come to save use from ourselves.”
Keep going Neil.
ClimatevEmergency …. “24 March 2007, All UK Tour Operators Travel Association, Poitiers, including private flight Biggin Hill to Nantes. (£10,001-£15,000) (Registered 14 March 2007)”
Climate Emergency … Nature and value of benefit in kind (or amount of any donation): accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000
Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Dates of visit: 26 December 2019 to 5 January 2020
When I watched kids under 12 being interviewed about their ‘thoughts’ on climate change, I turned over to the shopping channel !
Anybody on here had any idea what politics were, what sex was all about, or were bothered about the weather (unless it stopped us from playing outside), when we were under 12 ? because I sure as hell wasn’t. These kids seemed to be spouting stuff they heard what the grown ups were talking about, with no real concept, but it made good tele.
Nobody shares thoughts via the bbc unless the bbc has first ensured those thoughts are to be shared.
Yep carefully cherrypicked youngsters groomed to perform for the camera
off-narrative one were get cut out in the edit.
Guest, I think that could be a banner header for this web-site.
Briss, I wouldn’t have dreamt of ‘stealing’ my children’s childhoods by unloading my concerns onto them, or troubling them with ‘doomsday’ scenarios – what kind of a sick and twisted parent does that?
Craig has done what he does.
Well done Craig – more meat on the subject than my measly assessment ( see the separate thread ) but I like ‘lists ‘ and tried to condense the flannel down .
Essentially the brief was to demonstrate that the BBC is ‘doing something ‘ whilst never admitting to doing anything wrong yet alone bias .
I suppose I good way to test is to listen to the responses BBC droids give to their ‘feedback’ programme – which until I gave up bothering – thought was the nearest thing R4 got to comedy these days .
I fear that government dependency on the BBC will shroud any attempt at killing it – yet alone removing the compulsory taxation it inflicts on those who still pay for it. But never me
Nut nut bringing down expectations of his cop thing doing much – it can morph into crap and hopefully be the start of his political decline .
I heard that the Chinese boss isn’t even doing a pretence at being involved ‘live ‘. He ll be busy charging around china opening new cold fuelled power stations ….
Unfortunately nut nut still holds a residual affection amongst joe public – who think they know who he is and like the bumbling mr toad act …..
Sooner or later Blighty might get a PM who knows what they are doing ….
Boris to eat Greta live at Cop26 to show that eating humans is the only way forward.
None of us could possibly be that lucky
Talking of eating, MM, I get the Telegraph free in Waitrose if I spend amore than a tenner, (and I do like Banks’s Barley Gold), and use it to clean the windows, because it’s very good for that!
Now, I’m cooking for myself as Senora O’Blene is in hospital, and delving in the freezer, I found some nice lamb mince, so I thought of cooking that up!
When I opened the DT to get a double page, there was an ad for Sainsbury’s with a recipe for mince and lentils, and began to wonder, but then reading the splurge with it, with all their cringeing usual woke stuff like eating less meat, and using veg like lentils, I thought ‘Stuff this for a game of soldiers, I don’t need some blasted supermarket telling me what to do’, so it’s fabulous full-fat mince, with spuds etc, and s*d the lot of them!
Oh, and the BBC’s coverage of the Cod26 thing has now infected LBC – more’s the pity, I was just getting to like the night-time slots!
The antidote to BBC & LBC COP sycophancy was Mike Graham on TalkRadio , came out guns blazing
(sometimes he is acting )
Micheal Gove impersonator?
Cannibal Heckler.
Funny how the media never call it the “CO2 Austerity plan”
Labour have spent the last 10 years saying it’s wrong to say a country has to live within its means,
but now it’s CO2 austerity the poor have to suck it up
whilst the elite write themselves Carbon Indulgence certificates.
What fun it would be if all the COP26 delegates put their muscles where their mouths are and returned home afterwards by cycling there.
Plenty of rubber boats in Dover, they could paddle home!
Green this, green that, green with added green bits. I’m hoping to take my grandson and his dad to Santa Pod raceway next year. As a seven year-old he needs to enjoy these things while we still have them. The conversation will go “Now then Edward, this is a top fuel dragster. It goes from 0 to 330 miles an hour in under four seconds. It’s not too economical though, it will burn around eight gallons of nitromethane in that time”. I wonder if Greta would turn up if I got an extra ticket?
Anyway, get to the point mick. Green matters, the latest star to hitch your wagon to. Here’s what is noticeable – when did you last hear about black lives matter on the BBC?
Excellent – bbc house print sheet reports ‘chaos ‘ at the cop thing with the false president turning up late ( soiled again ) meaning nut nuts ‘ opening speech delayed – keep it up chaps !
Next – a power failure ? …
I hope has they sit down to lunch after Prime Minister Bollocks Johnson has waffled through pages of weather forecasts the delegates and any day visitors will be served only vegan food. Definitely no excellent Scottish beef or lamb and no equally excellent Scottish salmon if wild or farmed.
Just neeps and tatties.
Same for supper tonight.
And the next lunch and dinner.
And for meals throughout the whole Cop conference: just neeps and tatties.
PS: I hope someone has put in a FoI Request for the menu both at Glasgow and also at Gleneagles.
Dear Darren Henry,
Do you know about the following which will have a big impact on the World’s climate and our future planet?
China allows three children in major policy shift
Published 31 May (BBC)
– Large population growth China currently has 1.4 billion people at present.
China’s Monster Three Gorges Dam Is About To Slow The Rotation Of The Earth
Cutler Cleveland , The Energy Watch Jun 18, 2010, 2:23 PM (Business Insider)
– Rotation of the Earth can change weather patterns and climate.
China is the largest developing country in the world. China is still considered a developing country based on the criteria of the World Bank and the United Nations. (World Atlas)
– Thus China can get cheap loans and be exempt from impositions put on developed countries.
China has banned BBC World News from broadcasting in the country, its television and radio regulator announced on Thursday. 12 February (BBC)
– I guess you if you cannot report on a Country then it can do no wrong.
Did you know about the above and if not then what are you opinions on them and their impact on the World?
Yours sincerely,
Mr H
Internet trolls and abusers could face two years in jail, under proposed new laws. Cyberflashers and those who orchestrate online “pile ons” could face up to two years in prison, under new laws proposed by Law Commission.21 Jul 2021
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
She said BBC culture “was deeply deferential” and staff were reluctant to speak to managers about complaints.
Rather than glue your faces to the streets and waste glue here are two ideas you could promote at road sides … might be a more positive way to protest rather than jump in front of cars, yet possibly less thrilling.
An example is a wine bottle, rather than use it and then put it into a recycle bin where it is broken down and then reformed into another bottle (but less pure) why not send the bottle back to the original supplier who can reuse it?
For prisoners we have failed them, for society we have taxed them and for families we have removed hope from them.
A suggestion of what is needed:
* Gardening daily for all prisoners – life skills, manual labour, exercise, time to reflect
* Persistent weeding as an activity – no pesticides
* Vegan diet – waste into manure?
* Self sustaining where possible on all aspects
* Grow hemp to create own clothes
* Generate own electricity for needs
* Water wheel to bring in water – manual process
* Not much concept of leisure time – work/sleep/think during labour
* Work only in daylight – reduces power consumption
* Goods sold as money – for when released
* Food produced given to prisoners’ own family – a way to provide for them in a big way
* Prisoners given choice between Lazy Prison (current system) and Active Prison (garden, dynamo)
Hope you like them, other FREE ideas are available on the website.
Mr H
Boris now copies Greta…… God help us.
Blah blah blah, say our betters. Can anyone see any difference between the position taken by the state and the position taken by the BBC?
Is it just or has the blending (or whatever it’s called) not diminished her looks?
Psaki, – “This is really becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated”
What can we call it then, when she (vaccinated) catches it?
Much hilarity……..
Those who are vaccinated become unvaccinated after 6months.
BBC sets them up…
I’m going with Justin Rowlatt if the press room has free espresso.
No XR biddies, oddly.